Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 13, March 26, 2021

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on its website. ot that this is the first time we ve e perienced racism, se ism and homophobia, the statement says. It s ust the first time on this medium. F$$9.#73&9#7/*#/37#<*3("*9#$5#9&7(8',&$"7#$5#$,/*(#Z$$4#*;*",7#&"#3#7&4&<3(#G3.#,/3,#3(*# -*&"%#(*5*((*9#,$#37#QZ$$4#-$4-&"%R#&"+&9*",71# ac o said the D.C. police officer who interviewed her for the police report said the hac er s action fit the criteria for a hate bias incident. But it did not appear to violate any local law she recalled the officer as saying. ccording to ac o, fficer nthony Walsh as ed her if anyone was specifically threatened, if a ransom was demanded, or if any hostage was ta en. I told him no, said ac o, who noted fficer Walsh told her this meant it was unli ely the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ary rump oins board of C see ing %#'+:+4%'Q,++$';#*+. ary rump, who needled former resident rump during his re election bid with allegations of racist, anti Semitic and homophobic remar s in his family, has oined a political action committee that wor s to elect ueer women to public office. C, a political organi ation dedicated to electing ueer women to public office, on riday announced ary rump, the niece of former resident rump and a lesbian, would N#0.'0%&'3#)$/'#"'/0$+4%#$&@ GB+';0::'#.:='4$+)%+':)&%0.1')./'&=&%+*04'42).1+'"#$'($#1$+&&0<+'<):,+&'0"';+'0.4$+)&+'%2+' number of diverse players in power, and that includes B women, ary rump said in a statement. I am so e cited to wor with C to create more opportunity for these new leaders and to build alliances with other progressives across the country. ounded in as a political action committee intended to give ueer women a greater voice in politics, C endorses and supports candidates through direct investments and independent investment campaigns. C has raised more than . million and endorsed more than candidates, according to a statement. C supported Democratic Sens. ammy Baldwin and yrsten Sinema in recent election cycles as well as Chicago ayor ori ightfoot. s of now, there are openly B members of Congress, including Baldwin and Sinema. aura ic etts, a member contributor to the Democratic arty and C board chair, credited ary rump with having demonstrated thought ful leadership, media and political savvy over the last year as she has stormed the country with her insights and opinions. GB+'4#,:/.I%'3+'*#$+'+-40%+/'%#'2)<+'2+$'N#0.',&'0.'3,0:/0.1'%2+'(#;+$'#"'#,$'(#:0%04):' action community and developing the ne t generation of B women leaders, ic etts. ary rump and aura ic etts, co owner of the Chicago Cubs, have something else in ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$31&!456!4 7 4 8 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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common aside from now both being board members of C hey stand out as supporters of Democratic candidates in families that are overwhelmingly bac ers of the epublican arty. ccording to an article in olitico, ary rump oins C as part of a broader effort to stay +.1)1+/'0.'(#:0%04&')./'$+4#1.0%0#.'#"'%2+'0*(#$%).4+'#"'56789'<#04+&@ If it s only men ma ing decisions about women s issues or straight people ma ing decisions about B issues, then that s where we run into problems and we ve seen this, P)$='8$,*('0&'Q,#%+/')&'&)=0.1@ ary rump is also wor ing on a new boo that would build on the success of an earlier tell all boo about the rump family. he second boo , he ec oning, is set to e amine merica s national trauma, rooted in our history but dramatically e acerbated by the impact of current events and the rump administration s corrupt and immoral policies, olitico $+(#$%+/@ !"#$%&'(")%()

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Strong headwinds against scrapping filibuster to pass E uality ct Sinema critici ed for selling out her own community !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

Despite renewed tal of ending the legislative filibuster in the Senate, proponents of the E uality ct appear to be relying on the challenge of finding votes to advance the legislation as surprising figures li e Sen. yrsten Sinema D ri have dug in on support for Senate rules. Ending the filibuster, which critics have decried as a relic of structural racism, has been a pursuit of progressive activists for some time, but hopes were pi ued last wee when resident Biden in an interview with BC ews s eorge Stephanopoulos said he d be open to filibuster reform. !I don t thin that you have to eliminate the filibuster, you have to do it what it used to be when I first got to the Senate bac in the old days, Biden said. ! ou had to stand up and command the oor, you had to eep tal ing. s ed whether that means he supports filibuster reform, Biden replied, !I am. hat s what it was supposed to be. !It s getting to the point where, you now, democracy is having a hard time functioning, Biden added. nder the idea of going bac to a !tal ing filibuster as articulated by Biden, senators would actually have to continue to tal on the Senate oor to prevent the chamber from moving to the ne t agenda item if votes aren t present to invo e, as opposed to simply signaling they would continue to tal as they do in the current system. hin of the iconic film, ! r. Smith oes to Washington, where immy Stewart as fictional Sen. efferson Smith filibustered to stop appropriations legislation that amounted to a dam scheme benefiting the political machine in his state. Biden s comments appear to echo statements from Sen. oe anchin D W. a. , who has previously signaled he opposes ending the legislative filibuster, made recently when he suggested the filibuster should be more !painful for senators to use. Sen. Eli abeth Warren D ass. added fuel to the fire last wee when she at out called the filibuster !racist. Warren is on solid ground for her characteri ation of the filibuster, which appears nowhere in the Constitution or in documents of the ounders. Instead, the filibuster was adopted over time in the Senate and made a regular tool in the th century. he late Sen. Strom hurmond still holds the record for the longest single person filibuster in the .S Senate for spea ing for hours and minutes straight in an effort to thwart the Civil ights ct of . But the reality of eliminating the filibuster is complicated. Biden as president is chief legislator, but has no direct say on whether or not the Senate will eep the filibuster, nor do any individual senators. he filibuster as part of Senate rules would re uire a simple ma ority in the Senate to abolish. Sen. eff er ley D re. , the chief sponsor of the E uality ct, told the Washington Blade he s open to filibuster reform to passing the legislation, but signaled through a spo esperson this wee the plan for the time being is to find votes. !Sen. er ley has long ta en the position that we need to fi the bro en Senate and restore its ability to pass important legislation by simple ma ority including legislation li e the E uality ct, artina c ennan, a er ley spo esperson said. ! iven the urgency of the E uality ct, the fact that conversations within the caucus about filibuster reform are still ongoing, and the past epublican support for bills li e the Employment on Discrimination ct, Sen. er ley is focused right now on meeting with his epublican colleagues and pushing to find votes to get full e uality into law as soon as possible. What does this mean for the E uality ct, which would e pand the prohibition on discrimination against B people under federal law Supporters are going to have to find epublicans who d be willing to bac the legislation to reach the votes to invo e cloture and end a filibuster. hat means negotiations with epublicans li e Susan Collins and hom illis who have said they were open to the bill. But that could also mean concessions, li e an e panded religious e emption or carve outs from non discrimination principles for transgender ids in school sports. er ley s view may be a re ection of reality on the ground. In an article this wee , olitico uoted multiple Democratic senators as being uncomfortable with the idea of eliminating the filibuster, although some were open to reform. Senate a ority Whip Dic Durbin D Ill. is uoted as saying !there are several senators who have e pressed concerns within the Democratic caucus about a change with respect to the filibuster. Senate inority eader itch cConnell y. has already made threats to ma e life in the Senate a living hell for Democrats if they end the filibuster. In a chamber that ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$31&!456!4 7 4 8 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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re uires unanimous consent to do anything, that could mean needing a ma ority vote to do something as simple as turning the lights on. But the senator most infuriating progressive activists who want to see the E uality ct passed is Sinema, who in her latest incarnation as a conservative Democrat has opposed ending the legislative filibuster. Critics have said Sinema s opposition constitutes the only out bise ual in the Senate essentially bloc ing B rights legislation after having won endorsements from B political groups for her election. either Sinema nor anchin have responded to repeated re uests from the Blade in recent wee s to comment on whether they re with eeping the filibuster even if it means a continued hold on the E uality ct. anchin has been reluctant to support the E uality ct in any event, having stated concerns two years ago about schools having to implement policies to accommodate transgender students. B organi ations see ing to pass the E uality ct, which are reluctant to discuss openly their strategy on the legislation, are eeping silent on the issue of the filibuster as it pertains to the legislation. he uman ights Campaign declined to comment for this article. he B ictory Institute also signaled through a spo esperson no comment on the basis the organi ation doesn t ta e policy positions. But not all negotiators are being as uiet. ne B policy advocate who s part of negotiations on the E uality ct and spo e to the Washington Blade on condition of anonymity for greater candor urged supporters to consider filibuster reform as a way to get B civil right legislation to Biden s des . ! his is the best opportunity we have ever had to pass the E uality ct, but we don t now how long it is going to last, the advocate said. !We cannot let this moment slip away. ll options to pass the E uality ct in this current Congress must be on the table, including changing the vote, superma ority re uirement in the Senate. Students of B history remember the filibuster has been an obstruction to advancing B rights years before. t the start of the bama administration, the late Sen. ohn cCain successfully filibustered efforts to repeal !"#$ t s , Don t ell in the military before it was decoupled from a defense policy pac age and passed after year long debate in the lame duc session of Congress. eanwhile, progressive activists continue to champion the idea of ending the filibuster as the only means to ensure B civil rights legislation, and other items Biden promised as part of his agenda, reach the president s des . ichelangelo Signorile, a progressive activist who has championed the idea of ending the filibuster, said Sinema and B organi ations would be to blame if the E uality ct doesn t pass as a result of a refusal to end a filibuster. ! here is no way the E uality ct is getting votes, Signorile said. !Some epublicans are ma ing noise now about compromises, particularly around trans girls and sports or religious e emptions both of which are unacceptable. But these senators are stal ing horses to stall things because even if those unacceptable modifications were made it s hard to see how it gets votes. he filibuster must be reformed or ended, and yrsten Sinema, if she doesn t change her position, will have sold out her own people and will have harmed us enormously. roups li e the ictory und and C must publicly demand she change her position or publicly pull all support of her.

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tlanta shootings leave


I community reeling

unman ills in rampage that many call hate crime !"#$%&'()*#+,#*(-)./#0#12345678937:;23<5,=>1

!"#$ %"&&'()*%$ +'$ '",##$ -'.+)'+/+,#+$ %0+%$ +)1$ 2+%%+*#$ 0+,.&,%$ &)$ 3+,4"$ 56$ "+7#$ .#8'$ members of the B sian merican and acific Islander community deeply sha en and angry. gunman illed eight people when he opened fire at oung s sian assage in cworth in suburban Chero ee County and at the old assage and romatherapy Spas in tlanta. Si of the victims were women of sian descent. eorgia state ep. Sam ar , a gay man of orean descent who represents suburban winnett County in the eorgia ouse of epresentatives, is among the local I community leaders who met with resident Biden and ice resident arris on riday in tlanta. ar spo e with the Washington Blade a couple of hours before the meeting. It s been tough, said ar when as ed about his reaction to the shootings. s an elected representative, as someone who wants to serve and be a voice for the sian merican community, to stand and be with them during this difficult period of time, it s challenging. ar also noted the vast ma ority of sian mericans who live in eorgia live in winnett County, which is northeast of tlanta. here s a lot of grief and outrage, he said. ndrea arra, a transgender woman of orean descent who is the e ecutive director of the ransgender egal Defense and Education und, described the shootings as gut wrenching in a message she wrote on her aceboo page. I wo e up to the news of si sian women gunned down by a year old white man in tlanta, said arra. nd this only follows the growing coverage of hate violence targeting sian women and elders nationwide. sian communities across the country are right now grappling with overwhelming amounts of grief, despair and outrage, she added. We are mourning for our dead, fearing for our lives, and finding ways to protect loved ones while attempting to organi e against the rising and unchec ed tides of anti sian violence. nd all during an ongoing global pandemic that was used by rump to further demoni e sian people. sian and acific Islander ueers nited for ction DC co organi ed a vigil for the victims that too place on Wednesday in D.C.s Chinatown. DC olitical Chair icholas . atcher told the Blade the B I community really needs time to mourn and grieve, not ust for these women who did not as for their deaths and their lives to be thrust into the national spotlight, but also for the many of us who are and now sian merican women and femmes who have e perienced assault and violence. he shootings too place against the bac drop of an increase in violence against I people. ctivists in the B I community with whom the Blade spo e say former resident rump bears some responsibility because of the anti I rhetoric and slurs he used in his comments about the pandemic. Sammie bla a Wills, e ecutive director of IE C, a San rancisco based B I group, on riday told the Blade that rump has continued a long standing rhetoric of sian merican communities as perpetual foreigners, and as the harbingers of disease. When the C ID pandemic hit, he capitali ed upon an already standing narrative that has been ba ed into the D of the nited States, said Wills. e has pushed it to a new degree in the modern age, saying things at the federal level, li e the China virus, or the ung u, which only allows people s minds to hoo on to those ideas, and furthers the belief that sian fol s deserve to be targeted, deserve to be other eyes, and deserve to be attac ed, because of some ind of washed out tired idea for who sian people are and what they bring. edia reports indicate a spo esperson for the Chero ee County Sheriff s ffice, who said the shooter had a really bad day when he spo e at a Wednesday press conference ! "& , &-" .%/0 123 0 45"678$3!&,&!"#$% &'()&' * ' + & , & 0"2 / 3 0" 5& 07 -.

with tlanta ayor eisha ance Bottoms and other local officials, previously sold shirts with anti I slogans about the coronavirus. C reported that Ba er is no longer a spo esperson for the case. he San rancisco based rism oundation advocates for the B I community. Its board of directors in a statement to the Blade said ur community has repeatedly been sub ected to anti sian rhetoric and brutality toward our elderly. he statement adds recent events, including the premeditated murders in tlanta, ma es it evidently clear the refusal to recogni e the atrocities for what they are hate and racism. hese events perpetuate the model minority myth that anti sian racism isn t real, it reads. We must ma e it plainly clear the hate and violence on the I community must stop. ur community will be seen and heard. uam t. ov. osh enorio, who is gay, said elected and religious leaders can no longer remain silent about racism. What bothers me most about the shootings in tlanta, the violent attac s on sians, especially the elderly, and the insurrection at the Capitol is the silence and indifference of so many leaders, both elected and religious, he told the Blade. We cannot allow these acts to go unpunished and must hold these leaders accountable for their roles in sowing division. Wills said the shootings raise larger uestions about the treatment of I people in the .S. here s a few different things that come to mind, and some of it is deeply systemic, they told the Blade. uestion that comes to mind for me very, very, very easily is why was the massage parlor even open during a pandemic Why did these fol s have to wor in the middle of a global crisis that necessitates people not touching Why were they not cared for by society and the state more deeply, to the point at which they had to do this labor added Wills. I even thin about the ind of broader things about it, about how legacies of war and imperialism made it so that sian women, sian trans fol s, sian se wor ers are overly fetishi ed and thought of as ust bodies for pleasure and not humans, not full humans, they told the Blade. here s things li e that when it when I thin of this as a preventable violence, I m li e, these fol s should not have had to wor in the ways that they had not had that, that they had to wor and show up and earn money to live and survive. nd these fol s as humans should not have had to e ist in the society in which they were dehumani ed from so many different angles. reporter during Wednesday s press conference as ed Bottoms whether the three spas were places where somebody could have had se ual encounters. We are not about to get into victim blaming, victim shaming here, said Bottoms. uthorities have not charged the shooter under eorgia s hate crimes law, which too effect last summer. ar told the Blade he would categori e the shootings as a hate crime. ichael . guyen, chair of the B sian acific lliance, a San rancisco based B I advocacy group, agreed. he shooter hit up three different massage parlors, guyen told the Blade. It s very intentional. ou don t ust go drive, par , ill, go bac , drive, par and ill. o me, it s clearly a hate crime. Wills said the shootings were percent motivated by race and gender and hate, but was hesitant to describe them as a hate crime. I don t li e the framing of hate crime because it doesn t matter, they said. he legality of it is not the focus to me the criminali ation part is not the focus. he sheriff of the county is rushing to humani e the assailant, while people continue to dehumani e those of those who have been lost, added Wills. his is an act of raciali ed and gendered violence, fueled by hate and vitriolic belief.

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ews airs

segments containing lies about trans athletes

anuary the day resident oe Biden edia atters for merica s B was sworn in and arch rogram released a new study onday here were segments that mentioned analy ing how o ews has covered trans the Biden administration s pro trans actions, issues and found that during the first two the ma ority of which framed support for months of oe Biden s presidency, the trans e uality as an e treme position. networ aired segments, the ma ority of o anchors, hosts, and guests which included fear mongering about trans mentioned trans athletes in segments, ),/#&,&0")2+"#$&+")3-(,"3&0,"1*)4,$4&"/&)#,/" often falsely claiming that allowing trans care for trans youth. girls and women to participate in athletic o ews anchors, hosts, and guests also competitions will destroy women s sports. cited trans issues in passing mentions, o personalities repeatedly misgendered often describing them critically or listing those athletes as biological males. them among e amples of supposedly here were segments that mentioned e treme Democratic policies. Biden s e ecutive order protecting B ight wing media attac s on trans people from discrimination. early all of people are not new conservative these segments misleadingly characteri ed outlets, particularly o ews, have spent J%BE@@>KC<:!<=!L<P!(@HK!B<Q@EA?@!Q9A!R<G*GI@O the order as being solely focused on trans years targeting the trans community and athletes, completely ignoring its broader opposing nondiscrimination protections for nondiscrimination protections. them, le aterson, edia atters B o hosted e treme anti B group lliance Defending reedom D lawyers rogram researcher and author of this study said in an emailed statement. But media and clients separate times. ine of the appearances specifically focused on D s outlets and advocates have ta en note that these attac s have increased as the lost lawsuits see ing to ban trans athletes in Connecticut and Idaho from competing on teams the Senate and White ouse and now see s to ma e up that ground in the election, that match their gender identity. he added. !"#$%&'(!!%")*#"'& he study specifically found that out of the segments aired on o ews between

Casa uby brings its mission to El Salvador

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S S D , El Salvador Salvadoran woman who ed the civil war arrived in D.C. full of dreams and challenges, and after years of effort she and a group of friends founded Casa uby in order to provide services and social programs to vulnerable B people. his is part of the story of uby Corado, a transgender woman and human rights activist who has underta en the challenge of bringing Casa uby to the country in which she was born. Corado, in her words, is a Salvadoran who migrated, but a part of her stayed here. She, upon hearing the stories of many B people who migrated and others she has met who still live in El Salvador, said she felt the desire to fight for bringing those dreams and

challenges to her homeland. ur wor at Casa uby is to avoid suffering and to offer support through alliances, that is why we aim to share the programs for migrants that wor in Washington because we have seen that they wor , Corado told the Blade on arch during an interview from Casa uby s new office in San Salvador, the Salvadoran capital. We will do a little more wor here ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!2$31& !456!4 7 4 8 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

in El Salvador so that the B community has greater access to these opportunities. he commitment to solidarity that she has shown over the years is Corado s best letter of introduction, which has led her to support global B rights group that include the atin merican and Caribbean etwor of rans eople ED C S . Corado, through this wor , has also reali ed the B community needs a platform with programs that meet e isting needs. I want to ensure that this new administration in the nited States has a direct lin from Washington to the global B movement and as a trans woman, migrant, living with I and living in vulnerability, I want to be that voice with those international organi ations that are disconnected from this reality, says Corado, referring to international organi ations based in El Salvador. Casa uby s main goals in El Salvador are to wor for the B community and support B activists. y great pro ect in El Salvador is a home to support displaced people, Corado told the Blade as she smiled. It will be a space for people to start with. Casa uby in El Salvador will not only benefit vulnerable B people, but B people from other countries who need help. he pportunity ro ect will provide vulnerable B people with access to a scholarship for two years, a stipend and access to resources that will give them the tools they can use to build a better future. )"+)&'#%,(--)

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is a D.C. based writer. e contributes regularly to the Blade.

ANTHONY MUSA is a vice president of the Capital ride lliance.

he Birdcage turns

op a pirin tablet, pierce your toast, and en oy this gay classic a e your pic . he movie is infinitely uotable. It s li e riding a psychotic horse toward a burning stable. h, what interesting china. It loo s li e young men playing leap frog. ou re going to the cemetery with your toothbrush. ow Egyptian. here are do ens more. nd if you re gay and have been to a dinner party over the years, you ve probably heard them. his year mar s the th anniversary of i e ichols s now gay classic he Birdcage, itself a rema e of the ranco Italian film a Cage au olles. he film is sort of a powerhouse of acting, with ene ac man, two time cademy ward winner Dianne Wiest, and anchored by one of the biggest bo office stars of the time, obin Williams. he movie in a nutshell is a new ta e on the uess Who s Coming to Dinner model, offering a situational comedy li e no other. he cold, grey, conservative eeley s of hio visit the colorful, vibrant oldmans or is it Coleman of iami Beach, all for dinner and to meet the parents of the boy their daughter is wanting to marry. f course there are more layers to it all. he head of the eeley clan is a conservative senator in the age of family values, rmand oldman owns a drag club where his partner is the star. So you can see how it goes more or less. Simply, the film is a celebration of gay life, and at a time when that was needed badly. nd couple it with hiladelphia the film that was released two years prior starring om an s, still now and then one of merica s biggest stars. or so long, gay men in film were suffering creatures. ame any film featuring a gay character prior to he Birdcage and the chances of the gay character ma ing it to the end of the film alive were not great. he Birdcage turns this all on its head. or gays in the audience we saw happy, healthy, thriving gay men in loving a relationship and owners of successful business. or the straight people in the audience, they saw all that, too. But for many, I m guessing the vast ma ority, they had never seen the inside of a gay bar before, not to mention a loving gay home. It was a pee into a world that they would never really be a part of. But again, bac to the gays in the audience, we new who the o e really was on, and which family in the movie you would rather be a part of. It s no wonder the film begins and ends with Sister Sledge s gay anthem We are amily. nd in the film, ust when everything seems hopeless, Barbara eeley, played here by Calista loc hart, turns to the oldmans and says that, I would have loved to have been part of your family. he choice for everyone was obvious. he Birdcage might not be the perfect gay film, but it s a perfect little gay film. It s hard to call the movie seminal when it should be, because so little mainstream gay cinema came along after. Sure, we had s ove Simon, but that was more a less a teen romantic comedy. Important, sure, but I d venture to say it didn t have the mainstream appeal, much less success, he Birdcage en oyed. hen of course there was s Bro ebac ountain, both a mainstream and critical success. But it s not a film you revisit time and time again, stream on rainy ehoboth days, throwing around uotations and impressions. Why ollywood hasn t produced much mainstream gay cinema since he Birdcage is certainly up for debate. aybe he Birdcage ust set the bar too high. So pop a pirin tablet, pierce your toast, and en oy.

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DC B Budget Coalition s priorities must be addressed Balancing city budget on bac s of the most vulnerable is unacceptable

Since the start of the C ID pandemic, nonprofit entities have played a pivotal role in supporting the most vulnerable Washingtonians, especially B and trans non binary individuals in the region. ccording to the CDC, B people have higher rates of underlying health conditions associated with a more severe C ID response, which are especially prevalent among our Blac and Brown communities. urthermore, the transgender and non binary community has faced uni uely disproportionate vulnerability to severe short and long term health ris s associated with C ID . Beyond C ID , of the District s homeless youth identify as B , and we have the highest per capita hate crime rate of any ma or city in the country. B seniors are two times more li ely to face social isolation and of trans seniors are reported to have attempted suicide. ocal non profits, I S, S , the Wanda lston oundation, Casa uby, and many other organi ations, provide critical resources to support at ris individuals to ensure they have basic human resources to navigate the C ID pandemic. hese non profits also provide essential services throughout the year to uplift individuals at all stages of life, and fight to combat hate crime rates in the District. eadership from ayor uriel Bowser would be a proposed budget that leaves no federal dollar off the table to enhance and e pand critical services. ny funding cuts will disproportionately impact B people, especially our Blac and Brown trans non binary community. he D.C. government is in a uni ue position regarding the upcoming budget in the government ran a surplus of million, resulting from the fiscal conservativeness of the previously approved budget. he government has opportunities to ta e advantage of new or underutili ed revenue streams or review different areas of the budget that are over utili ed, such as the budget for the etropolitan olice Department. While the decisions in front of ayor Bowser and the D.C. Council are undoubtedly difficult, the budget priorities proposed by the DC B Budget Coalition are long overdue and balancing the budget on the bac s of the most vulnerable during this crisis is unacceptable. hese proposed budget re uests will uplift thousands of B people in our great city. s we enter the spring, we enter the time of the budget process. lease contact your local D.C. Council member and urge them to support a sustainable and e uitable budget for the most at ris in our community.


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he Washington Blade, in partnership with the ayor s ffice of B ffairs and the ffice of Women s olicies and Initiatives, is proud to present our annual ueer Women of Washington. >"%"+7"+."#"$%&'"+/-;"+-0+'1"+.('8?/+;&)8+()/<(%()*+@A""%+7-;")+71-+&%"+'1"+,-(."/+-0+.1&)*"+0%-;+&+5(,"%/"+*%-A<+-0+ industries. ominations came from our readers that list was then trimmed to the ueer women profiled here.





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";;<=>?@ABC)$RE)9!)!EB?EF #$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!2(&<!L #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ I am a proud Blac combat service disabled veteran lesbian professional committed 50!54'!MN)DO!?011.+*5>!(+<!:(33*0+(5'!(90.5!%==!D4*+,3!M'39*(+7!A!35&*@'!50!&':&'3'+56! '<.?(5'6!'+?0.&(,'6!(+<!'1:0/'&!1'19'&3!0;!54'!?011.+*5>!*+!(+>!/(>!+'?'33(&>7! )'*+,!(!-.''&!/01(+!*+!2(34*+,50+6!"787!1'(+3!54(5!A!4(@'!(!,&'(5'&!0::0&5.+*5>!50! (;;'?5!?4(+,'!0+!(!1*?&0!(+<!(!1(?&0!='@'=7!A5!1'(+3!54(5!A!(1!*+!(!:03*5*0+!50!4(@'! my finger on the pulse of transformation in policy. It also means that I am a part of the <0:'35!?011.+*5>!*+!54'!?0.+5&>P

";;<=>?@ABC)!ALMA<BNEF)O)9@FE;?AF2),AP!AB?F>;?*FAJ2)88! #$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!2(&<!J #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ )'*+,!(!-.''&!/01(+!*+!2(34*+,50+!*3!(!;(9.=0.3!'B:'&*'+?'!/4'&'!A!?(+!=*@'!1>!=*;'! out and proud while wor ing, advocating, playing, and loving. DC has been the best :=(?'!;0&!1'!50!9.*=<!(!9.3*+'336!(!;(1*=>6!(+<!(+!*+?&'<*9='!?011.+*5>!0;!3.::0&57!A5!*3! (+!40+0&!50!&'?'*@'!54*3!&'?0,+*5*0+!(3!(+!'B(1:='!0;!40/!"8!@(=.'3!*53!<*@'&3*5>K!A!40:'! to continue to give bac to this wonderful city.

!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-. ) / + 0 ! 1 ) - . 2) - 3 - 4 ) 5 )6+ ( 1 % # ,$" # 7 8 + 9 ':!" /) 5 )! "






+==>?@ABCDE!1/+6!:FCDAGBDH!%CG>ABCDI #$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!"#$%!& #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ '()*+!#!',#-.!/0(($!123#*!)*!"#45)*+62*7!89:9!3(#*4!65#6!;!,)<(!)*!65(!)*6($4(-6)2*! 2=! $#-(! #*%! )%(*6)6>9! ?>! 12$.7! 3>! @2,)6)-47! 3>! ,)=(! )4! #A206! B046)-(! #*%! %)43#*6,)*+! 4>46(34!2=!2@@$(44)2*9

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





+==>?@ABCDE!'+($6!##&6!2@FJKI!&C>IH!LCF!+GMHF!$M>GAI6!.$1-6!%H@N>FJ! 3HIC>F=HI!LCF!$OBDO #$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!"#$%!C! #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ '()*+!#!/0(($!123#*!)*!89:9!3(#*4!65#6!;!-#*!#%<2-#6(!=2$!#,,!123(*D4!$)+564!*2! 3#66($!15#6!65()$!4(E0#,!2$)(*6#6)2*!3#>!A(9

#$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!"#$%!L #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ '()*+! #! /0(($! 123#*! )*! 89:9! 3(#*4! A()*+! #! @#$6! 2=! $)-5! ,(+#->! M! +(*($#6)2*4! 2=! ',#-.! ,(4A)#*4! )*! "#45)*+62*! 5#<(! 3#%(! 65)4! -)6>! #! 4#=(7! )*-,04)<(! #*%! -(,(A$#62$>! place. I grew up here, had my first iss on a front porch off annie elen. y first ride before I was out , I wore a different rainbow color every day of the wee . y first party e periences were at the Edge and the Delta. y first time on a board was with Women in the ife ssociation. I screened my first film at C head uarters. I hope to -2*6)*0(!62!52*2$!#!6$#%)6)2*!2=!42!30-5!4(,=N,2<(!65#6!)6!(==2$6,(44,>!@20$4!)*62!65(!GH'I! -2330*)6>!#*%!#,,)(4!#,).(9

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+99:;<=>?@A!%2B$-!C!DE?FE<GH!.>EI9=?E6!*JI!1?GG:@>=K!1J:E9J!?L!#<HJ>@F=?@! .1!M11!C!$HH>H=0!D<H=?E6!2N0!,?HH!-<OK!/@=IE;E>HIH!C!P?:@OIEQ1?@H:R=<@= #$%&%'()'*)+',-.%/!"#$%!& #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ '()*+!#!,-(($!"./0*!)*!12(!345!1.!/(!/(#*67!2#8)*+!12(!9*.:;(%+(7!<.-$#+(7! #*%!#=);)1>!1.!=(!#*%!<$(#1(!#+(*16!.?!<2#*+(!)*!12(!<.//-*)1>!)*!#;;!.?!/>!@-(($*(66A! B6!#!';#<97!@-(($!:./#*7!/.12($7!:)?(7!;(#%($7!#*%!C#61.$!D!$(<.+*)E(!/#*>!6C#<(6!#$(! not affirming of my identities. In nowing that, it is my responsibility to be unapologetic #=.-1! />! )%(*1)1)(6! :2);(! 6C(#9)*+! 1$-12! 1.! C.:($! #*%! (/C.:($)*+! .12($6! 1.! ;)8(! )*! 12()$! #-12(*1)<! 1$-12A! '()*+! #! @-(($! :./0*! /(#*6! C(*(1$#1)*+! 6C#<(67! #*%! 2.;%)*+! leadership positions that historically have been held by male identified persons while #;6.!<#$8)*+!6C#<(6!.?!.-$!.:*A!D1!)6!.-$!$(6C.*6)=);)1>!1.!=(!8)6)=;(!)*!$(6C.*%)*+!1.!12(! )*F-61)<(6!12#1!C;#+-(!.-$!<.//-*)1)(6!)*!#*!(??.$1!1.!=-);%!#!=(11($!C$(6(*1!#*%!?-1-$(A! '()*+!#!,-(($!"./0*!)*!12(!345!/(#*6!1.!=(!C$.-%7!C#66).*#1(7!<#$)*+7!-*#C.;.+(1)<7! fierce, and in the words of the beloved udrey orde, deliberate and afraid of nothing.

+99:;<=>?@A!-<V!%=:OI@= #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ Being a ueer non binary person in Washington, D.C. has been an incredible and enlightening e perience. he protections and opportunities afforded to me as a ueer C($6.*!)*!12)6!<)1>!2#8(!#;;.:(%!/(!1.!;)8(!/.$(!.C(*;>!12#*!D!(8($!#*1)<)C#1(%7!#*%!1.!=(! a fierce advocate for people in the B community. rom interning with the ictory Institute to serving as the president of oward niversity s C SC DE, my interactions with our community here have been overwhelmingly meaningful and positive. he C$.1(<1).*6!#*%!6-CC.$1!?.$!@-(($!C(.C;(7!C#$1)<-;#$;>!:./(*!#*%!*.*G=)*#$>!C(.C;(! of color, are a large part of the reason I have chosen to ma e Washington, D.C. my C($/#*(*1! 2./(A! D! #/! 6.! +$#1(?-;! 1.! =(! <.*6)%($(%! #/.*+! 12(! :./(*! #*%! @-(($! C(.C;(! :2.! 2#8(! /#%(! )1! C.66)=;(! ?.$! /(! 1.! 6-$8)8(! #*%! 12$)8(A! '()*+! #! @-(($! *.*G binary person in Washington, D.C. means being a step closer to freedom and being :$#CC(%!)*!12(!6-CC.$1!.?!/>!<.//-*)1>!#1!#;;!1)/(6A





+99:;<=>?@A!SD!1,3/!<@O!1/+!/R>T<UI=J!,>E9J!1?G;<@K #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ Being a lesbian or anyone on the B spectrum in Washington, D.C. is a gift. It +)8(6!>.-!#!C($6C(<1)8(!.*!2-/#*)1>!12#1!/)+21!(;-%(!>.-!)*!#!C-$(;>!61$#)+21!:.$;%A

+99:;<=>?@A!.>H<U>R>=K!<@O!2I@=<R!&I<R=J!$OW?9<=I #$01'()%2'3%-45'0'6+%%&'7)804'-4'#02$-451)49':;<;'8%04'1)'*)+/ Being an out ueer woman in D.C. allows me a amount of personal and emotional ?$((%./A!B;12.-+2!)1H6!=((*!%(<#%(6!6)*<(!D!.C(*(%!12.6(!<;.6(1!%..$6!)1H6!61);;!$(?$(62)*+! not to be anything other than who I am. he Washington region is best place to wor or play for any age of ueer women. lthough it still has some significant challenges that I wor on through many B organi ations as well as disability organi ations in the city D!2#8(!*(8($!2#%!1.!2)%(!:2.!D!#/!.$!*.1!#%8.<#1(!?.$!#;;!6(+/(*16!.?!12(!<.//-*)1>!D! #/!#!C#$1!.?7!)*<;-%)*+!12(!,-(($!<.//-*)1>A

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!"#$% !"#$%&'($!&#$%)*+,!"#$%&%'(%)"*+"(,%"-.(/0'.1"2,%$$+"310&&04"5%&(/6.1".')"#.$('%$" 0$7.'/8.(/0'"(,%"9.#.':;4%$/<."=0</%(+"0>"?.&,/'7(0'!"@A2A!"/&"(0).+".("B"#A4A"C/<D%(&" &(.$(".("EFG">0$"(,/&".''H.1"%6%'(!"I,/<,"/&"6/$(H.1"(,/&"+%.$")H%"(0"(,%"0'70/'7"#.')%4/<A" irtual participants dress in their finest pin attire and mingle online with partygoers >$04".$0H')"(,%"I0$1)A";"#0$(/0'"0>"(/<D%("&.1%&"I/11"#.+">0$")/''%$".')"&H##0$("10<.1" $%&(.H$.'(&A"50$"40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'!"6/&/("'.(/0'.1<,%$$+*10&&04>%&(/6.1A0$7A"

&$'()#$%*+,$)-.+/0 !"#$-&.+"$/$0$"&1+2*&3$1,')4245#$#$%&%'(&"J/*%$.(%)K";"L.&&06%$"=%)%$"(0'/7,(".("B" p.m. abbi Shira and abbi aron host this virtual seder filled with insightful re ections 0'"(,%",01/).+"I/(,"<0'6%$&.(/0'&".$0H')"/(&"$%1%6.'("(,%4%&A"C,%"&%)%$"I/11"*%">0110I%)" *+")/''%$".')"*$%.D0H("$004&A"M/&/("&/N(,.')/A0$7">0$"40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'".')"(/<D%("#$/<%&A"

&(1#$%*+,$)-.+/2 !"#$6)1"&'4+2'$7)+&2')8$9)+"#:*)8$0>>%$&"."6/$(H.1"L.14"=H').+"&%$6/<%"(0).+".(" OOKOP".A4A";((%')%%&"<.'"I.(<,"0'"(,%"<.(,%)$.1Q&"R0HCH*%"0$"5.<%*00D"#.7%&A"S0$%" /'>0$4.(/0'"/&".6./1.*1%".("<.(,%)$.1A0$7T1%'(A ;,)++1+2<'$ 9"*&1+&)'$ 9"5*3"" UFVGOF" 5$%)%$/<D" W)A!" X+.((&(0I'!" S)AY" 0>>%$&" B affirming services this enten and Easter season. heir outreach services /'<1H)%" #$06/)/'7" 2,$/&(4.&" 7/>(&" (0" '%%)+" <,/1)$%'" /'" S0'(704%$+" .')" 5$%)%$/<D" 20H'(/%&!" )/&($/*H(/'7" $./'*0I" *$.<%1%(&" .(" 5$%)%$/<D" L$/)%!" .')" 4.D/'7" (,%/$" $H&(/<" <,H$<,".6./1.*1%">0$".11"I%))/'7&"%ZH.11+A";">H(H$%"#$0[%<("/'<1H)%&".">$%%"<044H'/(+" food pantry available the first wee of pril. or more information on religious and <044H'/(+"&%$6/<%&!"6/&/(",+.((&(0I'<,$/&(/.'<,H$<,A0$7".')"(,%/$"5.<%*00D"#.7%A"" =25':*,$ >'&+#:$ ?#+"2:&1+$ 9"5*3"" ,0&(&" /(&" L.14" =H').+" M/$(H.1" L.14" L.$.)%" (0).+" .&" #.$(" 0>" /(&" &%$6/<%&" *%7/''/'7" .(" OOKOP" .A4A" ;((%')%%&" <.'" #.$(/</#.(%" *+" &H*4/((/'7"6/)%0&"0>"(,%/$"<%1%*$.(/0'&"I/(,"#.14&!",0H&%"#1.'(&".')"40$%A"50$"40$%" /'>0$4.(/0'".')"&H*4/&&/0'")/$%<(/0'&!"%4./1"<044H'/<.(/0'&\>0H')$+H4<A0$7"0$"6/&/(" >0H')$+H4<A0$7A"

,"1#$%*+,$)-.+/3 %/%$@&A#B presents nthea Butler to discuss White Evangelical acism tonight at #A4A"@H$/'7"(,/&">$%%"%6%'(!"3H(1%$")/&<H&&%&",0I"%6.'7%1/<.1&",.6%"H&%)"$.</&4".')"(,%" benefits of whiteness to fracture the electorate since the nation s founding, through the 2/6/1"?.$".')"0'"(0"(,%"<H$$%'("/&&H%&"&H$$0H')/'7"(,%"SH&1/4"($.6%1"*.'".')"(,%"<$/&/&" .("(,%"&0H(,%$'"]A=A"*0$)%$A"50$"40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'!"6/&/("#01/(/<&:#$0&%A<04A"

!(45#$%*+,$)-.+67 C9$ D),E#*1" ,0&(&" ." L0D%40'" SH1(/*.((1%" (0).+" .(" B" #A4A" L.$(/</#.'(&" /'" (,/&" >$%%" 6/$(H.1"%6%'("<.'"#1.+"I/(,".">$/%')"0$"(%.4"H#"I/(,"0(,%$&"/'"(,/&"<0'(%&("(0"*%"(,%"'%N(" @2^R"L0D%40'"S.&(%$A";"-/'(%')0"=I/(<,".')"."-/'(%')0"_'1/'%".<<0H'(".$%"'%%)%)" (0"#.$(/</#.(%A"50$"40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'!"6/&/("(,%"@2"^.+4%$&"0'"5.<%*00DA

84#145#$%*+,$)-.+69 F-+&886#@#):!" ." 40'(,1+" 6/$(H.1" <044H'/(+" .')" #$0>%&&/0'.1" )%6%10#4%'(" )/&<H&&/0'"#$%&%'(%)"*+"2.#/(.1"L$/)%!"*%7/'&"(0).+".("B"#A4A"=%&&/0'&"(.D%"#1.<%"(,%" last Wednesday of each month. his first session topic is Cultivating the oices of our ovement ast, resent and uture and B guest panelists include Senior ;)60<.(%" 2%)$/<" 3H$7%&&!" 6%(%$.'" .')" >0$4%$" S.$+1.')" 20'7$%&&/0'.1" 2.')/).(%" S/." S.&0'" .')" 2011%7%" L.$D" S.+0$" L.($/<D" ?0[.,'A" M/&/(" <.#/(.1#$/)%A0$7" >0$" 40$%" /'>0$4.(/0'A"

!.()5#$%*+:;)<=+9 The Asian Pacific Islander Queer Support Group",0&(%)"*+"(,%"@2"2%'(%$"/&"(0).+" at p.m. via oom. his group meets the first hursday of every month and is sponsored by the sian acific Islander ueer Society DC and sian ueers nited for ction. or 40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'!"6/&/("(,%)<<%'(%$A0$7A

G H+ > +8: &?@A B!C A DE:FGHIC,+>+,:JI? +/K*+/ 7 / 9

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789&2%+.(:%5;%'%&(0*#+#(6%5+9&2(3*44*'<"&2+0(=%''"5( E uality irginia s th nnual irtual Commonwealth Dinner is hursday, pril at PKdG"#A4A W%7/&($.(/0'" /&" $%ZH/$%)" >0$" (,/&" >$%%" %6%'(" .')" (.N:)%)H<(/*1%" <0'($/*H(/0'&" .$%" %'<0H$.7%)A" ;((%')%%&" <.'" ,0&(" ." 6/$(H.1" (.*1%" .')" %'[0+" (,%" '/7,(" I/(," >$/%')&" .')" >.4/1+"I,/1%"<%1%*$.(/'7",0'0$%%&"I,0",.6%"4.)%"."#0&/(/6%"/4#.<("0'"M/$7/'/.Q&"J^3Ca" <044H'/(+A" C,%"%6%'/'7Q&"/'(%$.<(/6%"%6%'(&"/'<1H)%"."<0<D(./1T40<D(./1".')".##%(/8%$"<$.>(/'7"#$%: &,0I!"."(0.&("(0"J^3Ca"1.I4.D%$&"I,0",.6%",%1#%)".)6.'<%"%ZH.1/(+"(,/&"&%&&/0'!"$%4.$D&" from E uality irginia s e ecutive director about recently passed bills and the road ahead, .')"4H<,"40$%!"/'<1H)/'7"."6/$(H.1").'<%".>(%$:#.$(+A" C,/&"+%.$Q&",0'0$%%&"/'<1H)%"(,%";1#,."_4%7."c.##."5$.(%$'/(+">0$")/6%$&%"4%'"0>"($.'&" e perience Evelyn Bru ar, the Casa Bru ar oundation founder and the first atin lesbian to serve as a uman ights Commissioner in the region Blac ransmen Inc. founding *0.$)"4%4*%$".')"2M/11%"L$/)%"*0.$)"4%4*%$"2,.$1%+"3H$(0'e""31.<D"($.'&7%')%$"I04%'" advocate and inority IDS Support Services I Educator yonna Byers Shenandoah B Center E ecutive Director Emily Sproul and dam rimmer, whose wor has been critical in banning the use of conversion therapy on minors in irginia. M/&/("%ZH.1/(+6/$7/'/.A0$7">0$"40$%"/'>0$4.(/0'".')"(0"W=ML">0$"(,/&"<044H'/(+"%6%'(A"

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high five for Singled


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We need to create boundaries and return to offices 0/(!5;42:8()2<176=1>

Bac in the late s when I was a young financial analyst at a ew or ban , I d leave the office at five and go home to my little pper West Side studio. With no cable, internet, 10)?'&&>/1$'F)<)&<$(&#$'):<=)C2)1$&2)?1$$'?,#1$),1),/')1+,=#('):10(),#&&)U):'$,)8<?6),1):106) ,/')$'R,)(<2D ^/<,):<=)#,)&#6'd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hat s going on I hear a few ustifications. W#0=,F)C<$2)>'1>&'),'&&)C'),/<,),/'2)(1$@,)3''&),/'2)/<A')<$)'R?+=')$1,),1)0'>&2):/'$),/'2) %',)<),'R,)10)'C<#&)301C)<)81==)10)?1&&'<%+')<3,'0)$10C<&):106)/1+0=D)93,'0)<&&F):/<,)'&=') :1+&(),/'2)8')(1#$%d)./#=)#=)'=>'?#<&&2),0+')13)C2)=#$%&')?&#'$,=):/1)(1$@,)/<A')?/#&(0'$D) fA'$)(#$$'0,#C')#=$@,)133)&#C#,=D "'?1$(F) <=) ,/') ><$('C#?) (0<%=) 1$) <$() C1=,) 13) +=) /<A') =1) 3':) =1+0?'=) 13) 3+$) <$() =,#C+&<,#1$F)>'1>&')<0'),+0$#$%)C10')<$()C10'),1),/'#0)B18=)310)=1C',/#$%)g)<$2,/#$%)g),1) 6''>),/'C)1??+>#'(D)) 9$(F)13)?1+0='F),/'0'@=),/')0'<&#,2),/<,):'@0'):106#$%)301C)1+0)/1C'=D)./'0'@=)$1)>/2=#?<&) 81+$(<02)6''>#$%):106)<,):106D "1):/#&')#,@=)%0'<,)$1,),1)/<A'),1)?1CC+,')10):'<0)><$,=F):106#$%)301C)/1C')#=)C<6#$%)#,) 'A'$)'<=#'0)310)1+0)B18=),1),<6')1A'0)1+0)&#A'=),/<$),/'2)<&0'<(2):'0'D)Y+,)8&+$,&2F),/#=)=+?6=D We all need a brea from wor . Every day. our ob li ely isn t paying you for hour (<2=D)fA'$)#3)#,)#=F)21+)$''(),1)/<A')=1C')3+$F)0'=,F)<$()0'?/<0%')21+0)80<#$D *3)?1+0='):')?<$@,)=/+,)1+0='&A'=)133)301C),/'):10&()<=)?1C>&','&2)<=)U)(#()#$),/1=')>0'T #$,'0$',h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d7)) .<6#$%)<?,#1$)1$)21+0)1:$)8'/<&3)#=)<&=1)<)=6#&&)21+):<$,),1)('A'&1>F)8'?<+=')#,):#&&)/'&>) 21+)#$)<&&)<0'<=)13)21+0)&#3'D)U3)21+)?<$@,)=<2)!$17)#$)10('0),1)'<,)(#$$'0)+$#$,'00+>,'(F):<,?/) <)C1A#')21+@()&#6'),1)=''F)=>'$(),#C'):#,/)=1C'1$')21+)&1A')10)%',)<)%11()$#%/,@=)=&''>F) 21+@0')%1#$%),1)%',)?/':'()+>)<$()=>#,)1+,)82)1,/'0=F)E+#,')<)&1,D ecently, I ve been reading that D.C.s downtown is in danger of financial ruin. s many people may not be be returning to the office after the pandemic, some believe that the :/1&'):'8)13)='0A#?')8+=#$'=='=)C<2)?1&&<>='D)) I m hoping that the doomsdayers oating this theory are wrong, and that as the pandemic ends many of us will head bac to the office, at least much of the time. We need to get bac ,1)=',,#$%)<)=,01$%'0)81+$(<02)8',:''$):106)<$(),/')0'=,)13)1+0)&#A'=D) es, we ll be helping our city rebound. nd we ll also be ma ing a big step toward ta ing ?<0')13)1+0='&A'=F)82)0'T?1$=,0+?,#$%)<)&#3'),/<,@=)<81+,):<2)C10'),/<$):106D !"#$%&'()%*+,-.+/!"#$%&'&"($")"*(+,-$,."/$%+01*12($3"401"4156$"4(30"2)%"+17/*,$" )-."(-.(8(.7)*$"(-"'&9&":,"+)-";,"<17-."1-*(-,")3"=(+0),*5).614$6%&+1=&"

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R E S I D E N C E S P O T L I G H T: U NIT 107 | 1 B D | 1 B A | $349,000 U NIT 108 | 1 B D | 1 B A | $349,000 U NIT 205 | 2 B D | 1.5 B A | $375,000

50% of Phase I SOLD! Why Rent When You Can Own?! Experience the convergence of style and sophistication from development Eight 39. With 31 residences set in the sought-after Petworth neighborhood, this one-of-a-kind collection is designed to impress even the most discerning homebuyers. Filled with bright spaces complemented by premium finishes, each home exudes elegance and comfort at every turn. All 31 units are outfitted with stunning details found throughout from the Porcelanosa bathroom tiles, to the modern two-tone cabinetry, and the exotic quartz kitchen countertops. Beyond the allure of each individual unit, the building itself offers up a slew of high-end amenities for residents to enjoy. Unwind from any one of the common outdoor spaces at your fingertips, sweat it out in your very own fitness studio that’s complete with a separate Yoga area, take in iconic city views from your lofty rooftop deck, and treat your favorite furry friend to a bath in the doggy wash station. Nestled on vibrant Kennedy Street, Eight 39 is within minutes of many prominent transit routes that facilitate easy access to uptown, downtown, Silver Spring, Fort Totten and Chevy Chase to name just a few. And when you don’t feel like venturing out, this neighborhood is home to an eclectic array of dining, shopping, nightlife, and cultural destinations that are only a short walk away. The can’t miss opportunity of the fall season, Eight 39 makes it easier than ever to reimagine city living your way.

U NIT 302 | 2 B D | 2 B A | $445,000 U NIT 401 | 2 B D | 2 B A | $615,000 U NIT 404 | 1 B D | 2 B A | $525,000

For More Information Contact us to learn more about all 31 available units! jsmira@compass.com greg.schneider@compass.com info@eight39dc.com | 202.967.0039 eight39dc.com

Jennifer Smira

Greg Schneider


R E A LT O R ® D C

J S M I R A @ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.340.7675

GREG.SCHNEIDER@ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.480.7927



Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1313 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 | 202.386.6330 Pursuant to the District of Columbia Inclusionary Zoning program, income restricted units are available at this development. Please contact the Department of Housing and Community Development at http://www.dhcd.dc.gov regarding the availability of such units and requirements for registration in the Inclusionary Zoning program.

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!"#$%&#' (&)*#"%+,' -"."+/' #$0%&/$' 1%0)' #$2+' 2' 3)20' %4' 2' worldwide pandemic has been difficult for many. he year "*'+%#'-"5)-3'#%'/%'6%7+'"+'$"*#%03'2*'%+)'$288"-3'0)1)19)0)6' 93'12+3'8)%8-),'2+6'2-#$%&/$'#$"+/*'20)'9)/"++"+/'#%'-%%5'&8' in , many are still under a considerable amount of stress and strain. :+' #"1)*' -"5)' #$)*),' 1%*#' %4' &*' 72+#' #%' 5+%7' 7$2#' 7)' ;2+' do to feel happier, more at peace, and more content. hese are important uestions to as . lthough it s certainly not 2' ;%18-)#)' *%-&#"%+' #%' 2--' %4' #$)' 80%9-)1*' 80)*)+#)6' 93' 2' 82+6)1";,' #$)0)' "*' *%1)' #0&#$' #%' #$)' *23"+/,' <=288"+)**' begins at home. While we may not be able to control the 7%0-6' 20%&+6' &*,' #$)' /%%6' +)7*' "*' #$2#' 7)' ;2+' #25)' *#)8*' #%' 125)'#$)'2#1%*8$)0)'"+'%&0'$%1)'1%0)'8)2;)4&-,'$2883,'2+6' *%%#$"+/' #%' %&0' *8"0"#*,' 2+6' "+' 6%"+/' *%,' 7)' ;2+' "+;0)2*)' %&0' overall feelings of well being. !$"-)'#$)0)'20)'12+3'723*'#%'6%'#$"*,'2+6'7$"-)'"#'123'-%%5' 6"44)0)+#'4%0').)03%+),'2'4)7'$)-84&-'*&//)*#"%+*'4%0'"+;0)2*"+/' $288"+)**'"+'3%&0'$%1)'"+;-&6)>


Especially if you live in an area where the weather is favorable, there s certainly something to be said for see ing out a bit of sunshine. Scientific research has shown #$2#'?"#21"+'@'"*'.)03'"18%0#2+#'#%')+$2+;"+/'1%%6'2+6'80%1%#"+/'%.)02--'$)2-#$,'*%' 8&--'&8'#$)'*$26)*,'%8)+'#$)'7"+6%7*,'%0'$)26'%&#'#%'3%&0'92;53206'2+6')+A%3'*%1)' fresh air and sunshine when possible.


here are a variety of ways to do this in your home. Each of us is different, and what may be soothing to one person will not be to another. enerally, however, the goal is to create a place where you can feel uiet, at peace, and at ease. or some people, this means creating a designated meditation space or a co y reading noo . or others, it may mean simply ma ing some changes to your bedroom space. erhaps a new, 1%0)';%14%0#29-)'12##0)**,'*%%#$"+/'-"/$#*,'%0'2';$2+/)'"+'82"+#';%-%0*';2+'125)'#$)' space more welcoming and calming. Whatever it is for your preferences and taste, little changes can go far.

Make room for hobbies:

It s no secret that having an activity we en oy to distract us from the stress we may otherwise feel can be helpful. Whatever your hobbies and interests are, consider ma ing changes in your home to facilitate those hobbies. his may mean designating a large coffee table space to wor on pu les. It may mean turning part of the guest bedroom into a crafting area. aybe it means setting aside a space and time in your 5"#;$)+'%+;)'2'7))5'#%'#03'+)7'0);"8)*'%0')2#'2';2+6-)-"#'6"++)0'7"#$'3%&0'820#+)0'%0'2' friend. It could be building raised garden beds outside if you have a green thumb and en oy watching things grow. Whatever it is, ma e space and time to en oy activities you love. t www. ay ealEstate.com, it is our mission to connect the B community with real estate agents across the country who can help you find the perfect home but it is also our mission to help you feel happy in the home that you are in. We are all going through these difficult times together, and as always, we remain here for you in support and solidarity. Whatever part of the real estate e perience we can help you with, we are here and would consider it a privilege to do so. lease feel free to contact us at any time.

Jeff Hammerberg

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2 0 2 . 74 4 . 6 4 6 3

202. 263.9200

Notable Listings

1942 Calvert Street NW 3 Units - 5 Bedrooms / 4.5 Bathrooms

1449 S Street NW 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms

1830 Jefferson Place NW Unit #23 3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms

3579 13th Street NW PH1 2 Bedrooms + Den / 2 Bathrooms

322 I Street SE 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms

1700 Kalorama Road NW Unit #301 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms

2120 Vermont Avenue NW Unit #216 2

2404 19th Street NW Unit #65 2 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms

Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms


1330 New Hampshire AveNW Unit #213 1 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom


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See website for NPR story on my work

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