Katalog - Ala ma font(a)

Page 132

Arleta Sternal


For people who learn by watching This font is created for people whose right hemisphere is dominant over the left in performing daily tasks. I was inspired by the book “How to learn anything quickly” by Ricki Linksmann. In this book, Linksmann devides people into four groups: kinaesthetic, tactile, visual and auditory. During my research I found that everyone has his or her own learning style. I conducted a small tests amongst my friends to check how specific learning styles influence their perception of a typeface. Most of my observers chose extended serif and regular sans serif typefaces. Taking the results of the test into account, I tried to create the best typeface for the needs of my observers. My typeface is a combination of two styles; it is both strong and wide. The graphic form of the face is intended to stimulate the left side of the brain.

Arleta Sternal – comes from Żory. She has completed a postsecondary School of Advertisement in Katowice and graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Katowice, branch in Cieszyn. She was awarded a diploma in design graphics in 2009, having studied under the tutelage of prof. Józef Hołard. She does diverse advertising. She’s fascinated by mountains and yoga. • arlste1@wp.pl


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