Wanted in Rome

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ISTITUTO PONTIFICIO S. APOLLINARE LICEO SCIENTIFICO WITH ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROJECT: BILINGUALISM Sant’Apollinare Institute offers an advanced English course to students attending the first year of Liceo Scientifico, who have an intermediate level of English, who have attended English Schools, courses of bilingualism (English – Italian), who are native English speakers or are strongly motivated. From the beginning of the School year 2010/2011 English will be used as a vehicle for teaching the following subjects: Science, Geography, Computer Science, Anglo-American Literature, Arts and Religion, in order to give a high formative studying program, essential today for our multi-ethnic society. English as a vehicle language will allow students to improve their own language level, with the purpose of appreciating the authenticity of the language in order to stimulate greater satisfaction, a “Deeper processing” of learning and a “greater match between learning to use language and using language to learn”. (Coyle: Plurilingual Education across Europe, 1999).

Viale Vaticano, 42 - 00165 ROMA - Tel. 0669871265 - Fax 0639367700 XXV° Distretto Scolastico segreteria@istitutoapollinare.org - www.istitutoapollinare.org

no. 6 wednesday 31 March 2010


Via dei Falegnami 79, 00186 Roma Tel. 066867967 Fax 066872996 advertising@wantedinrome.com editorial@wantedinrome.com

Direttore responsabile: Franco Venturini Executive editor: Mary Wilsey Editrice: Società della Rotonda Srl Via delle Coppelle 9 Progetto grafico: Marco Viola e David Irwin Impaginazione: Giovanni Salerno Realizzazione grafica: IGEI Srl Stampa: Beta Tipografica Via Casilina Vecchia 119a/b Diffusione: Emilianpress Scrl Via delle Messi d’Oro 212, tel. 0641734425 Registrazione al Trib. di Roma numero 118 del 30/3/2009 già iscritta con il numero 131 del 6/3/1985 Finito di stampare il 29/3/2010

Copies are on sale at: Newsstands in Rome Feltrinelli International, Via V.E. Orlando 84 Messaggerie Musicali, Via del Corso 473

Early copies (after 14.00 on the day before official publication): Wanted in Rome, Via dei Falegnami 79 The Anglo American Bookshop, Via della Vite 102 The Almost Corner Bookshop, Via del Moro 45



Felt Flowers by Josephine Horgan.


3 4 7 9 21 22 23

Taking a ride in a taxi Mary Wilsey

The wheelbarrows of Abruzzo Fabrizio G. Scalabrino

On the agenda Classified columns Ischia. The island of the eternal sun Jessica Talton

Rome’s ancient cuisine Helene Pizzi

Useful numbers and museums



Publication dates

Classified deadlines

Wed 14 April

Wed 7 April

Wed 28 April

Wed 21 April

Paid classified ads must be submitted before 13.00 on the deadline date. Free ads must be submitted by 13.30 on the day before the classified deadline.

31 March 2010



17 What’s on and where to go in Italy

Linda Bordoni

Wanted in Rome



Wanted in Rome

31 March 2010

editorial Taking a ride in a taxi Mary Wilsey

Taxi ranks in the city are full to overflowing.

Taxi facts Increases in taxi fares are in the pipeline but at the time of going to press they had NOT been approved by the city council, whatever unscrupulous taxi drivers may tell their passengers. We have been told by a spokesperson at the city’s mobility department that when (if) they are agreed the new fares will be clearly publicised through the city and in taxis. The most likely increase concerns the fare between Fiumicino airport and the historic centre, which could go up from €40 to €45, and between Ciampino and the centre, from €30 to €35. Other changes may be made to how the fares in the city are calculated (now basic rate, plus time and distance). If you want to make a protest about a taxi, make sure you have plenty of time, patience and a computer to hand. Go to the city’s website, comune.roma.it, then to dipartimenti e altri uffici under Sezioni del portale in the left-hand column. After that go to Dipartimento VII, politiche della mobilità, and in the right-hand column under Subito a … (not much subito about all this…) you will find TAXI. When the taxi page appears keep going down the long list of everything you would ever want to know about taxis and you will find Reclami. Here at last you will find a form, also in English, on which you can make your protest. But you have not finished yet. When you have filled in the form there is no indication of where you should send it. Would you believe it? However we have hunted down the magic fax number, 06671070214. If you would like more guidance the number of the city taxi office is 06671070761. The Ufficio Relazione con Il Pubblico is in the Ostiense area, the address is Via Capitan Bevastro 94, Scala A, second floor, room 210. It’s not a process for the faint-hearted. Research by Jessica Talton

31 March 2010


magine being a Rome taxi driver. You sit around in taxi ranks, sometimes for an hour or two, trying to keep your place in a nonexistent line.* At last someone jumps into your vehicle, certainly in a hurry. You are told to go as fast as you can to an address that seems familiar, but which takes you a moment to pinpoint. You ask politely for hints, and suddenly all hell lets loose. You are told that you should know where you are going, that you are driving too slowly (or too fast), that you should have known better than to get stuck in traffic, that you are taking the longest rather than the shortest route. At the end of the ride you are told that the fare is too high and that you are dishonest. In a rage the passenger pays, slams the door and leaves. Exhausted, you look behind to find that a cell phone, or maybe a computer case, has been left on the back seat. Now you have to deal with that too. The life of a Rome taxi driver can’t be easy. How many taxi drivers get passengers who are not in a hurry, don’t assume they know the best way, are polite, don’t talk too much and give a decent tip at the end of the drive? If proof were needed of what passengers can be like, the driver of Brescia 21 (taxis are identified by a city name and number) summed it up in the forum on taxis on the website of the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera. So did Black Eye – as he signed himself – whose tales of what passengers have done to him are as bad as those told by passengers about scheming, crooked taxi drivers. However finding people in Rome who have a good word for its taxis is about as rare as finding a leprechaun under a four-leafed clover. But before you inundate us with emails (please send to editorial@wantedinrome.com), here is my “terrible taxi” tale. I tell it not because I think all taxi drivers are dishonest (I don’t, as this is the only bad experience I have ever had), but because it could be helpful. It happened before the days of the fixed-price fare between the airports and the city centre. I was coming back from Ciampino, that notorious den of Rome’s worst taxi drivers, late at night. All the available cab drivers refused my fare, as most of them lived out of town and didn’t want to drive back into the city at the end of their shift. Eventually a policeman ordered a driver to take my ride. The bad tempered man, made even more bad tempered because he had been ordered to do his job, got me home in double quick time and charged me twice what I had paid for a similar ride only a few weeks previously at about the same time of night. I argued my case very forcefully but got nowhere. So I paid, got a receipt with the date, time and fare and, before the taxi screeched away, I managed to write down the name and number of the cab. The next day I started the protest procedure (see box). This is not for the faint-hearted. I had to send a fax outlining the complaint, a copy of my air ticket to prove when I had arrived, the receipt for the journey and the number of the cab. I waited several months before I received an acknowledgment, saying that my case was being examined. Several more months went by before I was told that my case had now been heard, that the taxi driver in question had a long record of such cases and that he had been fined €200. Only €200! He had taken at least €30 from me and had obviously been doing the same from others for some time. Why not suspend his licence for a year, and what about a refund for me? And what happens to the tourist who doesn’t know what to do? Perhaps the city should come up with a streamlined system for reporting abuse. How about an SMS number for complaints? But before you punch in your complaint, spare a thought for the taxi driver too. * There are now about 7,800 taxis in the city compared with about 5,000 four years ago when the previous mayor, Walter Veltroni, agreed to increase the number of licences. Consequently taxi ranks in the city are full to overflowing. Note: There is talk of an increase in taxi fares but they have not been approved yet. See Box. Wanted in Rome



The wheelbarrows of Abruzzo Fabrizio G. Scalabrino Listen to nature. Italy’s Abruzzo region a year ago; Haiti, Chile yesterday; and Turkey, Greece today. The geological survey of the United States government reports 3,000 earthquakes daily. So earthquakes are natural, but they do not have to kill. It is mankind’s speculation and incapacity to listen to nature more carefully, to learn and be prepared, that causes deaths. After the 2002 earthquake in Puglia and Molise the region of Abruzzo and the civil protection department conducted a detailed technical study, classifying potentially dangerous public and private buildings in the event of an earthquake. However there was no follow up or action taken on this study, allegedly due to lack of funds. On the night of 6 April 2009 many of those buildings came down and killed.

Empty promise. Berlusconi said that by the end of 2009 all the homeless would have a home. After a year there are about 16,000 people who have been given a home, either in new anti-seismic apartment blocks or in temporary colourful 50 sqm wooden huts. A further 40,000 are still being assisted by the government. There are those still in army barracks or one-room residences along the coast. The elderly are parked in hotels; they are not a priority as they do not have children needing to go to school. They have no idea when they will be able to return to their homes, if ever given their old age. The remainder are with friends and relatives or are paying rent in the area.

No reconstruction. The reconstruction of the historic centre of L’Aquila has remained an announcement during the year. The government has shown little interest in removing the 4.5 million tonnes of Rule one: to save lives. The main and only effective defence against rubble still lying in the streets and until this happens rebuilding canearthquakes is to build new buildings and restructure old ones using not start as there is no room for equipment to pass. As time passes the anti-seismic techniques. The comparison can be made between Haiti gaps and cracks worsen as rain and snow seep in to complete the and Chile; in the latter the loss of life was relatively low considering destruction of important buildings. The residents of this area now live the force of the earthquake (8.8 on the Richter scale elsewhere, patiently waiting to return. There are according to the US geological survey, up to 1,000 around 15,000 less damaged homes which could be All is not well people feared dead) because Chile built following repaired in just a few weeks, allowing their inhabithe rules, whereas Haiti (7.0 on the Richter scale, for the earthquake tants to resume life in the city centre. confirmed death toll “more than 217,000” on 10 February) did not. victims in Abruzzo G8/New Towns. Top priority was given first to the G8 summit in July 2009 and then to what one year on Horror film. The earthquake that hit Abruzzo at Berlusconi called his “New Towns”. These modern, 03.32 on 6 April killed 308 people of all ages. They sterile anti-seismic residential complexes have were trapped in their homes as the power of the earthquake – measurbeen built on agricultural land far from the centre of L’Aquila, some ing 5.8 on the Richter scale according to the Italian government, 6.3 without any respect for the beautiful natural environment of according to the US geological survey – blocked many of their doors. Abruzzo; in one case untreated sewage has reportedly been disThe majority were buried alive and screamed to be dug out and freed charged directly into the river Aterno. There was no study or debate of their suffering. Dust in their mouths was suffocating them to death. to evaluate the impact of these towns on the environment and everyA father was relieved when he found that his dead son’s chest had been thing was imposed from above with very few rules. Furthermore, completely crushed: he had died immediately. L’Aquila took centuries these new towns do not yet have a budget for maintenance, services to grow and only 20 seconds to fall apart, damaging over 110,000 or transport. Of the original €1.5 billion allocated by the government monuments and artefacts. In addition to the dead, 16,000 people were wounded and close The New Towns around on 70,000 were left without a home. L’Aquila are out of place in The cover of Wanted in Rome after the earthquake. Photo by Francesco Fornaciari.

the natural environment.

All is well. The majority of Italians perceive that all is now well in Abruzzo; that the earthquake victims are all now cosy in their newly furnished homes. Prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has been brilliant in creating a lie which has literally substituted the reality of the situation in Abruzzo. Berlusconi knows no limits in using his personal TV empire to achieve his political objectives and he has the Italian state TV under his influence as well. He did an excellent job in communicating his visits to Abruzzo all through the year. Busloads of his supporters accompanied him and were placed at strategic points. Those not fitting his cast were not allowed anywhere near him. It is reported he handed over the same small brightly coloured wooden homes twice to the homeless, as others were late in being completed. The cost of these visits came to over €300,000. 4

Wanted in Rome

31 March 2010

to tackle the post-earthquake emergency, €700 million has been spent on housing about 16,000 people. Over this year no help whatsoever has been given to small businesses to get started again. The anti-seismic apartments are reported to have cost between €2,500 and €2,800 per sqm and the wooden huts around €800 per sqm; this compares with €3,000 per sqm for a five-star hotel built for the G8 summit in La Maddalena before this was moved to L’Aquila. Unfortunately, earthquakes and natural disasters have always been a huge business opportunity for constructors and politicians and probably always will be. Moral capital. L’Aquila has become the moral capital for those demanding justice and truth for the victims. Uncertainty has prompted the population to start demonstrating. Four thousand people who have lost loved ones in recent natural disasters in Italy came to L’Aquila from all over Italy on 6 March and walked silently through the streets carrying torches. Their banners read “Il terremoto non uccide – l’uomo SI! On 6 April 2009 at 03.32 …who killed our children?” Keys. On 21 February this year the population of L’Aquila marched to the barriers surrounding the historic centre, which has been declared off-limits, and hung their house keys on the fence as a sign that they want to return home.

Local residents display their house keys in a sign they want to go home.

The wheelbarrow people. The following Sunday, thousands of people gathered in L’Aquila, many with wheelbarrows and buckets, and marched towards the off-limits area in the historic centre. Shouting loudly and angrily “Open… open…!” they pulled down the fence barriers as the police and the army quietly pulled back, allowing them in. They headed to the heaps of rubble and started wheeling it away. Old tiles and pieces which might be needed for restoration were put aside and washed. People formed columns on both sides of the road, allowing the wheelbarrows to come and go, and rubble was passed by hand. The oldest participant was a 93-year-old grandmother in a wheelchair. They called this action the revolt of the wheelbarrows and it was repeated on 7 and 14 March. It seems these symbolic demonstrations have prompted the authorities to take action and in mid-March firefighters and soldiers moved in to start clearing the rubble. Pro Berlusconi. A few hundred metres away from the wheelbarrow people a couple of hundred people, elegantly dressed and probably with seaside villas as alternative accommodation along the Adriatic coast, were gathered to thank Berlusconi and the civil protection chief Guido Bertolaso for what they have done for L’Aquila.

Residents of L'Aquila are using wheelbarrows to remove the rubble themselves. Photos by Fabrizio G. Scalabrino.

Under investigation Soon after the 6 April 2009 earthquake the public prosecutor in L’Aquila, Alfredo Rossini, opened an investigation into the collapse of buildings on the grounds that in some cases poor construction may have been to blame. In October 2009 his office announced that 26 people were under investigation in connection with the collapse of the Casa dello Studente, which killed eight young people, the Convitto Nazionale, which killed three people, as well as the engineering faculty of the university of L’Aquila in Roio. They include engineers, constructors, public officials and a local politician. In March the prosecutor said that ten more people were under investigation for the collapse of two private residential apartment blocks, killing 22. Meanwhile civil protection chief Guido Bertolaso, who led emergency relief operations in Abruzzo after the earthquake, has found himself at the centre of a corruption scandal involving his department and its handling of contracts for socalled Grandi Eventi (Big Events), particularly the G8 summit in La Maddalena. Bertolaso is under investigation for corruption but has so far remained in his post; four people – three public officials and one constructor – have been arrested in connection with the inquiry and around 40 people are involved. Recently the prosecutor’s office in L’Aquila announced that it had extended the scope of its investigations to include contracts awarded for post-earthquake reconstruction and in connection with the organisation of the G8 summit in L’Aquila.

In early March the historic centre of L’Aquila was still buried under rubble.

31 March 2010

Wanted in Rome


On the agenda Easter church services Easter dates this year are as follows: 1 April Maundy Thursday; 2 April Good Friday; 3 April Holy Saturday; and 4 April Easter Sunday. Services are held in English at all of the following churches. For information on the Pope’s programme of services go to www.vatican.va or call the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household on tel. 0669884857. All Saints’ Anglican Church Maundy Thursday. 17.00 evening prayer Good Friday. 15.00-18.00 devotion with music and meditation, the Stations of the Cross, the liturgy of Good Friday Easter Sunday. 06.00 vigil and first Mass of Easter, 10.30 sung festal Eucharist with procession and blessing of the Easter garden, 17.00 choral evensong Visitors to the spring show at La Landriana can enjoy the gardens laid out by Russell Page.

Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church Easter Sunday. 10.30 Holy Communion

Spring gardens The start of spring sees the opening of some of Italy’s most beautiful private gardens to the public. Most magical by far are the gardens of Ninfa, once a haven for writers such as Evelyn Waugh and now only open to the public on a handful of days every year. Once a mediaeval village belonging to the Caetani family, Ninfa is now a stunning informal garden run by the Fondazione Roffredo Caetani that winds through the old ruins. Ninfa opens this year on 3 and 4 April, on the first Saturday and Sunday of each month thereafter until October and on the third Sunday of the month in April, May and June. Open from 09.00 to 12.00 and 14.30 to 18.00; a contribution of €10 is requested while children under 11 enter free. For more information visit www.fondazionecaetani.org. Via della Fortezza, Sermoneta (LT). Forty kilometres south of Rome are the gardens of Landriana, designed by the famous British landscape architect Russell Page. Landriana opens for its spring show – a good chance to buy plants including some rare varieties, trees, containers and garden furniture, as well as visit the ten hectares of gardens – on 23, 24 and 25 April from 10.00 to 19.00. For more information go to www.landriana.com. Via Campo di Carne 51, Tor S. Lorenzo.

31 March 2010

St Patrick’s Church (RC) Holy Thursday. 19.00 celebration of the Last Supper Good Friday. 15.00 celebration of the Passion Holy Saturday. 19.00 Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday. 10.00 celebration of the Resurrection

ANZAC Day On 25 April Australians and New Zealanders pay tribute to all members of their armed forces who died in the two world wars and in action since. In Rome there will be a memorial service at the Rome War Cemetery in Via Nicola Zabaglia (near Piramide) at 11.00, followed by light refreshments at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission depot next to the cemetery. For information contact the Australian embassy, tel. 06852721, or the New Zealand embassy, tel. 068537501.

All Saints’ fundraising Rome Baptist Church Maundy Thursday. 19.00 service Easter Sunday. 07.00 sunrise service and Resurrection breakfast on the Pincio, 10.30 worship service St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Maundy Thursday. 18.30 Communion service and supper Easter Sunday. 11.00 morning worship with celebration of the Lord’s Supper St Francis Xavier del Caravita (RC) Maundy Thursday. 19.00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday. 15.00 solemn liturgy of the Lord’s Passion and veneration of the Cross Holy Saturday. 21.30 Great Vigil of Easter Easter Sunday. 11.00 solemn Eucharist St Paul’s Within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal) Good Friday. 13.00 Stations of the Cross, 19.00 Good Friday liturgy Holy Saturday. 20.00 Great Vigil of Easter Easter Sunday. 08.30 Holy Eucharist, 10.30 sung festival Eucharist

British consular services Prices for all consular services, including passport fees, at the British embassy have risen sharply in recent weeks. The biggest hikes are in the cost of new passports; a standard 32-page passport has risen by over 13 per cent to €144 and an under-16s passport by over 14 per cent to €92. For information on all fees go to http://ukinitaly.fco.gov.uk. Note that UK passport services in Italy are now provided by the Western Union Passport Service based at the British Consulate General in Paris. For details see the Help for British Nationals/Passports pages on the embassy website.

by Linda Hampshire

S. Susanna Church (RC) Holy Thursday. 18.00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday. 18.00 liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday. 20.00 Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday. 09.00 and 10.30 Mass Easter Monday. 10.30 Mass S. Silvestro in Capite (RC) Holy Thursday. 17.00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday. 15.00 Stations of the Cross, 17.00 liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday. 20.00 Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday. 10.00 and 17.30 Mass

All Saints’ Anglican Church in Via del Babuino is organising a series of events to raise money for building maintenance and repairs to the roof and boiler system. On 22 April there will be a women’s fashion show followed by refreshments to mark the feast of St George, patron saint of England, on 23 April (17.30, €15 per person). On 21 May there is a traditional English tea party in the garden of the British ambassador’s residence at Villa Wolkonsky, followed by a tour of the gardens (16,00, €25 per person). And on 26 June at the church Alex Richardson, wife of the former British ambassador Sir Tom Richardson, will present her new book, Passionate Patron: the life of Alexander Hardcastle and the Greek temples of Agrigento, on the work of the retired British army captain who settled in Sicily and set about financing the excavation and restoration of the Valley of the Temples in the 1920s and early 1930s (16.00, €15 per person). All Saints’ was built from 1882 to a design by the English architect George Edmund Street, who also drew up the plans for St Paul’s Within-the-Walls American Episcopal church on Via Nazionale. The new church was inaugurated on Easter Day 1887 as the centre of the English Christian community in Rome. All Saints’ Anglican Church, Via del Babuino 153, tel. 0636001881, www.allsaintsrome.org.

Public holidays There are three public holidays over the next few weeks, starting with Easter Monday on 5 April. This is followed by Liberation Day on 25 April, which marks the liberation of Italy from Nazi occupation, and Labour Day on 1 May. In Rome 21 April marks the legendary founding of the city in 753 BC, but it is not a public holiday. This year Rome turns 2,763. Wanted in Rome


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31 March 2010

classified columns L o o k fo r m o r e c l a s s i f i e d a d s o n w w w. w a n t e d i n r o m e . c o m Book Bin. Give and Take. Feel free to come to our office and drop off your used books and help yourself to anything that interests you in the book bin. Wanted in Rome office, Via dei Falegnami 79.

Accommodation Vacant in Town APPIA ANTICA. Beautiful, charming, semi-furnished villa, 300 sqm on 2 levels, completely restored, living room, dining room, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, hobby room with fireplace, terrace, 5.000-sqm garden, parking, service area. Ref 65. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. ARDEATINA. Very special property, country house overlooking Fioranello golf course, 160 sqm, 3 bedrooms, Tuscan views. €1.900. Also lovely cottages, 2/3 bedrooms, private gardens. €1.100. Easy to reach FAO and WFP. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. AT HOME. Visit our website www.athome-italy.com or contact us directly. Tel. At Home 0632120102, 328 / 6942691 Katia Bosco, 349 / 5907149 Sabrina Cosi, info@at-home-italy.com, located on Via Margutta 13, Rome. ATTIC - TRIESTE. Spacious, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, balconies, bright and silent. Ref 1082. Tel. 063212341. AURELIA - PICCOLOMINI. Restored apartment with beautiful view of St Peter’s, 200 sqm, large living room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, storage, parking. Ref 12. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. AURELIA PICCOLOMINI. 2nd floor with view over St. Peter’s, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maid’s room with bathroom, balcony, carport, cellar. €3.600. Tel. 068419827, for photos www.casaitaly.it. AVENTINO. Fully-furnished apartment, 2nd floor, 50 sqm, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. €1.500. Ref 1. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. AVENTINO. 200 sqm, top floor with terrace, semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maid’s room and bathroom, furnished eat-in kitchen, garage. Tel. Property International 0657284503, property.rm@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. AVENTINO. Prestigious apartment, in small 1960s villa, on 2 levels, 210 sqm, restored, double living room, furnished kitchen, 4 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, 4 bathrooms, laundry room, nicely finished, air conditioning, doorman, security. €5.000. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

Free Classified Advertisements All classified advertisements in the free categories (see page 16) must be submitted via our website at wantedinrome.com. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices in Via dei Falegnami 79. BABUINO (932). Beautiful, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, living room, dining room, beatiful views, fully equipped kitchen. €4.500 monthly. At Home 0632120102, 328 / 6942691 Katia Bosco, 349 / 5907149 Sabrina Cosi, info@at-home-italy.com. BOLOGNA. 100 sqm, renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, doorman, parking. Ref 115. Tel. 063212341. BRIGHT QUIET FLAT. Monti / Cavour metro bright quiet flat 2nd floor (17th century building), no lift - view on gardens, living room (sofa-bed), bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, fully furnished, dishwasher, washing machine, internet. monthly €1.350 + charges (available from May 1st). Tel. +39335 / 6326980, gianieri48@libero.it. CAMILLUCCIA. Restored 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, spacious living room, large terrace, parking. Ref 1117. Tel. 063212341. CAMPO DE’ FIORI. Beautiful, 2 bedrooms, 2 renovated bathrooms, spacious living room, ample kitchen, high ceilings. Refs 1030, 74. Tel. 063212341. CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. Beautiful 220 sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, fireplace, terrace, condominium swimming pool, tennis court. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. CASSIA - GIUSTINIANA. Villa with garden, living room, study, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, 3 bedrooms with ensuite bathroom, A/C. €3.800 negotiable. Tel. 068419827, for photos www.casaitaly.it. CASSIA. 110 sqm, 2nd floor, semi-furnished apartment in compound with pool, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished eat-in kitchen, nice terrace. Tel. Property International 0657284503, property.rom@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. CASSIA. Renovated and furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, large terrace, swimming pool. Near Intl. Schools. Ref 60. Tel. 063212341. CASSIA. Elegantly furnished, living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, study, 3 bathrooms, terrace, garage, swimming pool. €2.800. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it.

CASTRO PRETORIO - ENGEL & VOELKERS Office of 180 sqm, composed of reception, 2 meeting rooms with video conferencing system equipment, 2 rooms with 6/8 workstations equipped with protected cables, internet and phone, and executive office. €6.500. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com. CENTRE - PIAZZA DEL POPOLO. Elegant, 2 bedrooms, double living room, high ceilings, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, parquet. Ref 1014, 1065, 636. Tel. 063212341. CENTRE - S. GIOVANNI. Near basilica S. Giovanni, panoramic view, nicely furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. €1.300. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. CENTRE CORONARI. Semi-furnished apartment, 50 sqm, 3rd floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. Ref. 26. Tel. 0654211074, info@interationalpointgroup.com. CENTRE CORONARI. Semi-furnished apartment, 50 sqm, 3rd floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. Ref 26. Tel. 0654211074, into@internationalpointgroup.com. CHARMING APARTMENT. 1920’s building, close to Contemporary Art Museum, Auditorium. High ceilings, wooden floor. 100 sqm, living room, bedroom, eat-in kitchen, 2 bathrooms. Four big windows facing green inner courtyards, very quiet. Furnished, washing machine, television, independent heating. €1.300 per month. Roberta: 333 / 2334812. COLOMBO - NAVIGATORI. Furnished / semi-furnished, 120 sqm, built live-in-kitchen, garage, cleaning on request. €1.500. Tel. 0683054764 (office), 328 / 4547592. COLOSSEUM. Splendid, architect’s home, terrace, living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, quiet, internet. Max one year. €1.700. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. COLOSSEUM. Lovely top floor modern apartment, sunny, fully-furnished, one bedroom, living / dining area, kitchen, bathroom, shared terrace. €1.700. Tel. 335 / 8123428.

COLOSSEUM. Restored and furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, A/C, internet, satellite TV. Ref 295. Tel. 063212341. CORSO FRANCIA - PONTE MILVIO. Short, medium, or long term. Sunny, fully furnished apartment, living room/kitchen, bathroom, large bedroom, 60 sqm, 4th floor, lift, good bus service, English landlady. €1.200 monthly, visible now, free from 22 Feb. Tel. Mrs Pasqua 063332557, 338 / 3606849, email: terrypeppiatt@alice.it. CORTINA D’AMPEZZO. Renovated, bright, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, panoramic terrace, doorman, garage. Refs 774, 678. Tel. 063212341. CRISTOFORO COLOMBO GARBATELLA. Living room, 2 bedrooms, guest room, furnished, balconies. €1.500. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. EUR - CENTRE VIA DEGLI URALI. Elegant, condominium, view of lake, living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, roof garden, completely furnished, autonomous heat, A/C. €1.800. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - CLOSE TO PALASPORT. Semi-furnished apartment, 160 sqm, large living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, service area, bathroom, 300 sqm garden, parking place. Ref 71. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. EUR - INFERNETTO - PARCHI DELLA COLOMBO. 4 family villa, 180 sqm, 3 levels, residential complex, living room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, hobby room with fireplace, garden patio, 2 parking places, unfurnished. €2.000. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - LAURENTINA. Close to metro, semi-furnished and restored apartment, second floor, large sitting room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, terraces. Ref 35. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. EUR - MONTAGNOLA - GUIDO DA RUGGERO. Elegant condominium, doorman, furnished, living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large terrace, garage. €1.700. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - MOSTACCIANO - VIVANTI. Attic and super-attic, living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terraces, garage, unfurnished. €2.000. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

cont. page 10

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31 March 2010

Wanted in Rome


wantedineurope.com Do you want to advertise your apartment in Paris, Berlin, London or Madrid? Do you have a job to offer in Dublin, Bracelona, Brussels or Amsterdam? Then go to wantedineurope.com and place your ad directly online. Or come to our office at Via dei Falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. Tel. 06.6867967 or email us at advertising@wantedinrome.com

EUR - PAVESE. Well furnished apartment, 2 large bedrooms, maid’s room, 2 bathrooms, living room, fitted closets, balcony. €1.500. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR - PAVESE. Overlooking greenery, living room, 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large terraces, furnished, autonomous heating, A/C, garage. €1.700. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - SS. PIETRO E PAOLO. Prestigious super-attic, living room, bedroom, small study, bathroom, equipped kitchen, completely restored, large terrace, 200 sqm, unfurnished. To highly referenced renters. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - SS. PIETRO E PAOLO. Prestigious, condominium, entrance, living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, live-in kitchen, small garden, unfurnished, garage. Short contract, foreigners only. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - TINTORETTO / VIA ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO. Prestigious compound, swimming pool, tennis, club house, living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, den, 3 bathrooms, furnished, garage. €1.900. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - TINTORETTO. Finished, new, condominium, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, nicely furnished, terrace, garage. €1.250. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - TORRINO. Semi-furnished restored apartment, 90 sqm, ground floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, furnished kitchen, garden, parking places, storage. Ref 19. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. EUR - VIA BOMBAY. 5th floor, elegant condominium, doorman, 60 sqm apartment, living room, kitchen corner, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, balcony, garage. €1.200. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - VIA DEL GIORDANO. Prestigious, restored, refined, living room, study, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, large terrace, balcony, 2 parking places, furnished kitchen and furnished bathrooms, built-in closets. €4.000. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.


Wanted in Rome

EUR - VIALE AMERICA. Prestigious, condominium, doorman, panoramic view overlooking lake, restored, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, nicely furnished, A/C. €1.600. English spoken and personalized client assistance. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. EUR - VILLA. 350 sqm, spacious, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, living room, dining room, terrace, large private garden, parking. Ref 395. Tel. 063212341. EUR NEAR METRO. Beautiful mansard, semi-furnished, suitable for single or couple, 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, fitted closets, A/C, perfect condition. €1.400. Tel. 339 / 3421012, 065037468. EUR NEAR METRO. Comfortable apartment, 4 bedrooms, living room, 3 bathrooms, perfect condition, private garden, storage room, garage. €2.500. Tel. 065037468, 339 / 3421012. EUR. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, 2 terraces, parking. Ref 962/670/562/168. Tel. 063212341. EUR. Close to metro station, semi-furnished apartment, last floor, 150 sqm, sitting room with beautiful view, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, terrace, parking. Ref. 23. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. EUR. 120 sqm, living room, study, 2 bedrooms, large terrace, views, A/C, parking, doorman, tree-lined street. Ref 168. Tel. 063212341. EUR. Prestigious, semi-furnished villa, 400 sqm on 3 levels, sitting room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, walk-in closet, kitchen, 4 bathroom, patio, 1.000 sqm garden. Ref 57. Tel. 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com. EUR. Mostacciano, Torrino, Laurentina, elegant apartments, furnished or unfurnished, nice compounds. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. FLAMINIO. 60 sqm, furnished, 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, high sunny floor, quiet, near centre. Ref 882. Tel. 063212341. FLAMINIO. Spacious, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living / dining room, balcony, study, elevator. Refs 1098. Tel. 063212341. FLEMING LOVELY UNFURNISHED ATTIC. Lovely unfurnished attic 1 large bedroom etc terraces fireplace portiere lots fitted cupboards 80 sq mt. €1.500 pm. Mob. 333 / 3230485. FORUM. Newly restored, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, fireplace, doorman building, common garden, safe silent, near metro. Ref 1098. Tel. 063212341. GARBATELLA. 110 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, separate dining room, parking, parquet, bright. Ref 549. Tel. 063212341. HISTORIC CENTRE - CAMPO DE’ FIORI. Elegantly furnished apartment, 80 sqm, 1 double bedroom, other smaller bedroom, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room. €1.700 monthly. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. HISTORIC CENTRE - MARGUTTA. Charming apartment, 2 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, living room, 2 bathrooms, unfurnished. €4.500. Tel. 0668135740, info@liveinit.com. HISTORIC CENTRE. Characteristic, 140 sqm, vast living / dining room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished kitchen. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

HISTORIC CENTRE. Penthouse apartment with panoramic balcony, 140 sqm, design furniture, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lift. €5.000. Tel. 0668135740, info@liveinit.com. INFERNETTO / AXA / CASAL PALOCCO. Various villas, furnished or unfurnished, garden, swimming pool. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. INFERNETTO. Semi-furnished new villa, 160 sqm on 2 levels, living room with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, study, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, patio, garden, parking, air conditioning. €1.500. Ref 20. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. INTERNATIONAL POINT. In all areas of Rome we offer you many different size apartments and villas, furnished and unfurnished, short and long rental period, our assistance and our professional service for duration of your contract. Tel. 0654211074, 0659299101, info@internationalpointgroup.com. LARGO ARGENTINA. Renovated, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, study, high ceilings. Ref 1092. Tel. 063212341. MANZONI - VIA CONTE VERDE. Furnished apartment, 100 sqm, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, 10 sqm terrace, storage. Ref 20. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. MLD - EUR - TORRINO - CALCUTTA. In elegant complex with pool, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, terrace, parking box, partially furnished. €1.300. Other, P.le Cina, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large terrace, furnished, garage. €1.500. Other, living room, 1 bedroom, large garden, garage. €1.000. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - HISTORIC CENTRE - MONTI. Very nicely restored, living room, large hall, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, finely and elegantly furnished, autonomous heating, air conditioning. €1.600. Tel. 345 / 8426096, mld.customercare@gmail.com.

Your Real Estate Service in Rome Assistance in English and German Tel. 068419827 www.casaitaly.it associati@casaitaly.it MLD - NUOVO SALARIO. Elegant, condominium, swimming pool, nicely restored, large living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, balconies, unfurnished, parking box. €2.200. Other, living room, 3 bedrooms, balconies, unfurnished. €1.500. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - TORRINO - SABATINI. Very nicely finished, newly restored, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, A/C, alarm, autonomous heating, semi-furnished. €1.200. Other, living room, bedroom, terrace. €900. Tel. 345 / 8426096, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - APPIA NUOVA - PONTE LUNGO. Near metro, top floor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, completely unfurnished. €950. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - CASSIA. Overseas school, elegant complex, condominium, 24 hour guard, immersed in greenery, completely restored, large entrance, double living room, 3 bedrooms, small bedroom, 3 bathrooms, live-in kitchen, large terraces, parking box, semi-furnished. €2.300. Other, living room, bedroom, large terrace. €850. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - CORTINA D’AMPEZZO. Very prestigious apartment, double entrance, triple living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, study, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, equipped terraces, 2 annexed studio apartments, double garage box. €4.000. Tel. 345 / 8426096, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - INFERNETTO. Villa on 3 levels, new construction, 200 sqm, large patio + 200 sqm garden. €1.700, semi-furnished. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MLD - MONTAGNOLA - VIA FONTANELLATO. Top floor, large entrance, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, 2 balconies, furnished. €1.300. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com.

We select furnished and unfurnished apartments and villas for rent and sale.

Professional service. Tel. 0654211074 - 0654649582. Tel./fax 0659299101 info@internationalpointgroup.com www.internationalpointgroup.com

31 March 2010

MLD - TRASTEVERE - ADJACENT TO VIALE TRASTEVERE. In period building, lift, upper floor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom, unfurnished. €1.300. Tel. 345 / 8426096, mld.customercare@gmail.com. MONTE SACRO. A comfortable miniattic in the green area of Montesacro. 20 minutes from Termini station by buses 36 and 90. The apartment is elegantly furnished, with a double bedroom, a large bathroom, and a small kitchen. In addition, there is a marvellous view of Rome because the loft opens on to a spacious terrace transformed into a lovely garden with an additional outside kitchen and barbecue, which can be used as an extra dining room during spring time. The rent starts from a minimum of 3 days (€100 per day) to a maximum of 3 months (€1.500 per month, the price includes all the bills and all facilities from towels to plates. If you are interested contact (0039) 348 / 3820867, for photos of apartment email giorgiagiglioni@virgilio.it. MONTEVERDE - GIANICOLENSE. 3rd floor, unfurnished, panoramic, bright, quiet, 3 bedrooms, large living room, 2 bathrooms, semi-equipped kitchen, 2 balconies, small garden, motorcycle parking. Tel. 065882886, agenziaselecta@libero.it. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO / SCIARRA PARK. Newly restored garden apartment, well furnished, living room, 1 bedroom, shower, bathroom, terrace. €950. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. MONTEVERDE VECCHIO. Close to Trastevere, very nice studio apartment with terrace, bathroom, kitchen. €1.000. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. MONTEVERDE. Furnished and restored apartment, 65 sqm, 3rd floor, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balconies. €1.200, Ref 59. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. MONTEVERDE. 80 sqm, top floor with terrace, bright, semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, furnished kitchen. Tel. Property International 0657284503, property.rm@gmail.com, www.propertyint.net. MONTEVERDE. In quiet and nice location, semi-furnished penthouse, 85 sqm, large living room with fireplace, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, 35 sqm terrace, good condition. Ref 6. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. MONTI - NEAR VIA NAZIONALE. Modern apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, living room, comfortable bathroom with shower, equipped kitchen, A/C, dishwasher and washing machine. Max 5 people. Tel. 339 / 5381750, monti35@fastwebnet.it. MONTI. Furnished studio apartment, bathroom, kitchen, living room, parquet flooring, A/C. Refs 803/1085. Tel. 063212341. MONTI. Building with concierge and lift, well furnished, 2 bedrooms, maid’s bedroom and bathroom. €4.500. Tel. 0668135740, info@liveinit.com. NAVONA - ATTIC. Modern, 2 bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, panoramic terrace, parquet flooring, quiet, sunny, lift. Ref 1134. Tel. 063212341. NAVONA - VIA CORONARI. 1st floor, living room, kitchen corner, sofa bed, bedroom, bathroom, furnished, available immediately. €1.300. Tel. 065809433, 347 / 4565686, tevere12@tiscali.it. NAVONA. Very nice penthouse, one large room, double bed, small living room, beautiful terrace, A/C, internet, TV. Tel. 339 / 3998083. NAVONA. Charming, split level, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, parquet flooring, sunny, quiet. Ref 198. Tel. 063212341. NEMORENSE. 150 sqm, large living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, elevator, small balcony, equipped kitchen. Ref 685. Tel. 063212341. NOMENTANA - ATTIC. 280 sqm 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, new kitchen, 2 panoramic terraces, garage, doorman. Refs 1127, 420. Tel. 063212341.

31 March 2010

NOMENTANA - TORLONIA. In period building, unfurnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, small bedroom with bathroom. €2.600. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. OLGIATA. Not Semi-detached villa, 500 sqm, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, vast living / dining room, fireplace, furnished kitchen, den, vast hobby room, 1.200 sqm park, double box. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. OLGIATA. Beautifully refurbished villa with park, swimming pool, 5 bedrooms, salon, dining room, family room, large beautiful kitchen, semi-furnished. €7.000. Also for other vacancies. Tel. Genesi 0637517066, www.immobiliaregenesi.it. PANTHEON (964). Beautiful penthouse with terraces, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms + study, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, parking. €8.000 monthly. At Home 0632120102, 328 / 6942691 Katia Bosco, 349 / 5907149 Sabrina Cosi, info@at-home-italy.com. PANTHEON. Furnished, 1 bedroom, in historic building, living room, kitchenette, bathroom. Ref 190. Tel. 063212341. PANTHEON. Spacious, beautifully furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, quiet. €2.200. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PARIOLI. Beautifully renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, parquet floors, kitchen, quiet, sunny, parking. Refs 1071, 664. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI. 220 sqm, spacious, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, study, maid’s room, parquet floors, doorman, garage. Ref 1073. Tel. 063212341. PARIOLI. Elegant, 160 sqm apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, small terrace, maid’s quarters, furnished kitchen, car-port. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. PARIOLI. Spacious, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, study, dining room, new kitchen, doorman, A/C, parking, near park. Ref 1135. Tel. 063212341. PIAZZA NAVONA - ENGEL & VOELKERS. Prestigious and representative apartment of 350 sqm, finely furnished with 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, just a few steps from Piazza Navona with the availability of a garage box. Private negotiations. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com. PONTE MILVIO. Ground floor with garden, private street, quiet, 2 bedrooms, double living room, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, garage, storage. €1.900. Tel. Genesi 0637517066, www.immobiliaregenesi.it. POPOLO. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, private terrace. Refs 1110, 861. Tel. 063212341. PORTA LATINA - NEAR FAO. In small building with garden, living room with kitchen corner, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony overlooking greenery and old Roman walls, very new, 2nd floor, never been lived in. Tel. 338 / 5347733, pieronda@tiscali.it. PORTA MAGGIORE. Little furnished attic. Available from April, €600 monthly all included. Tel. 349 / 0861468, 3939112757, cavallaro_andrea70@hotmail.com. PRATI - NEAR ANGELICO. Furnished and semi-furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, balcony. €1.600. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. PRATI - NEAR VATICAN. Unfurnished, very nice attic, restored, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace. €2.300. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. PRATI. 120 sqm furnished 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom. High, sunny floor with elevator. Ref 212. Tel. 063212341. PRATI. Fully furnished, refurbished, 2 bedrooms, living room, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, 100 sqm. €1.600. Tel. 335 / 8123428. PRATI. Furnished and renovated apartment, 100 sqm, 4th floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room. €1.800. Tel. 0668135740, info@liveinit.com.

PRATI. Penthouse apartment, panoramic terraces, 2 bedrooms, kitchen / dining room, bathrooms, lift. €2.500. Tel. 0668135740, info@liveinit.com. QUIRINALE - VIMINALE (624). Renovated, 95 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, open fully equipped kitchen, terrace. €2.800 monthly. Tel. At Home 0632120102, 328 / 6942691 Katia Bosco, 349 / 5907149 Sabrina Cosi, info@at-home-italy.com. ROME CENTRE. Monteverde, Trastevere, Parioli, Aventino, various apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. 0652205391, immobiliare@eurocenterweb.it. ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.romesweethome.com, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0669924833. S. GIOVANNI. Renovated, furnished, 2 bedroosm, living room, bathroom, spacious kitchen, bright, near metro, FAO. Ref 912. Tel. 063212341. S. GIOVANNI. Via Monza, 6th floor, modern, sunny, entirely remodeled, entrance, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large kitchen, long balcony. €1.600. Tel. 335 / 8123428. SPAGNA - MARGUTTA. 160 sqm, entrance, living room, dining room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parquet floors. Ref 154. Tel. 063212341. SPAGNA. Spacious, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, high ceilings, small terrace, bright, air conditioning. Ref 1116. Tel. 063212341. SPAGNA. Beautifully furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, parquet floors, views of piazza. Ref 1074. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE - NEAR GARIBALDI. Characteristic, small flats, furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 living room, services. Other S. Cosimato on 1st floor, furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, possible condominium terrace. Tel. 065881548, agenziaselecta@libero.it. TRASTEVERE - PIAZZA TRILUSSA. Studio apartment, 35 sqm, furnished, kitchen, balcony, max 2 people, bathroom with bathtub, TV, A/C, washing machine. €1.100. Tel. 339 / 7907305, agp@assinfort.com. TRASTEVERE - PISCINULA. Elegant, unfurnished penthouse, living room, 1 bedroom, equipped kitchen, bathroom, balcony and terrace, possibility for garage. Tel. 065882886, agenziaselecta@libero.it.

Specialty Relocation and Real Estate Services

Via Margutta 13 (Piazza di Spagna) tel. Sabrina 349.590.7149 Katia 328.69.42.691 www.at-home-italy.com

TRASTEVERE. Charming townhouse, furnished or unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, private garden, country atmosphere. €1.900. Also Trastevere Trilussa, living room, 1 bedroom, terrace, old Rome charm. €1.400. Also Monteverde Vecchio / Via Poerio, penthouse, terrace, marvellous view over Rome, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms. €2.200. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. TRASTEVERE. 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, high ceilings, bright. Ref 1106, 883, 802. Tel. 063212341. TRASTEVERE. 45 sqm, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, terrace, doorman. Refs 692, 1103, 1058, 476. Tel. 063212341. TREVI - ENGEL & VOELKERS. Just a few steps from the Trevi fountain, apartment of 65 sqm, on 2 floors, in building with service porter, double lift and air conditioning. Central heating included in the monthly maintenance fees. €2.500. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com. TRIESTE - COPPEDE. Quiet, 3rd floor with lift, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, small bedroom, terrace, condominium. €2.600. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. TRIESTE - VIA RENO. Unfurnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, live-in kitchen. €1.800. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. VATICAN. Spacious, furnished, 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, terrace, sunny, quiet. Refs 143. Tel. 063212341. VATICAN. Furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, spacious kitchen, balconies, A/C, parking. Ref 600. Tel. 063212341. VIA FRATTINA - ENGEL & VOELKERS. On the 3rd and top floor of a XIX century building, apartment of 130 sqm, very close to the most famous highlights of Rome. Can be rented furnished or unfurnished. €3.000. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com.

cont. page 12

Wanted in Rome


VIGNA CLARA - NEAR MARYMOUNT SCHOOL. Elegant, air conditioned, 120-sqm apartment, living / dining room, large balcony, 2 bedrooms, main bathroom, maid’s quarters, furnished kitchen. €2.200 monthly. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. VIGNA CLARA. 250 sqm, bright, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining room, terrace, quiet, swimming pool. Refs 653. Tel. 063212341. VIGNA CLARA. Beautiful apartment, large bedroom with private bathroom and wardrobe, 2 other bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, small terrace with lovely view, furnished kitchen, car-port, condominium swimming pool Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com. VILLA BORGHESE - PAISIELLO. Elegant, semi-furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living / dining room, maid’s room, kitchen. €1.800 monthly. Tel. Edwards 068610871, imm.edwards@gmail.com.

TRASTEVERE - ENGEL & VOELKERS. Located in the heart of Trastevere, charming, ground floor apartment, 50 sqm, represents a small area of peace and tranquility in the middle of the city. €520.000. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com. VIA DEL GESÙ - ENGEL & VOELKERS. In the heart of Rione Pigna, on the 2nd floor of an historic building, this apartment of 35 sqm is an ideal pied à terre for artists, businessmen or investment. €500.000. Tel. 066798810, romacentrostorico@engelvoelkers.com.

Property for Sale out of Town LAGO DI BOLSENA. Montefiascone, apartment with beautiful view on the lake, 200 sqm on 2 levels, living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, studio, large kitchen, 3 bathrooms, garage, garden. Ref 22. Tel. 0654649582, info@internationalpointgroup.com.

TALENTI - TILLI. Single / double room for 1 / 2 girls / students in top floor sunny spacious quiet elegant apartment. 2 bathrooms, large living room, live-in kitchen, laundry room, 2 terraces, internet. Available April-May 2010. Metro B, buses. Price €300/500. Contact 339 / 6302340, silvestra.dellungo@fastwebnet.it. TRASTEVERE. Room for rent in a double room apartment, 3rd floor, bright, shared bathroom and kitchen, internet, preferably male student. €600 all inclusive, available from July 1st. Tel. 335 / 404945. TRASTEVERE. Room for rent in an apartment in the heart of Trastevere, wooden-beam ceilings, quiet, residential, ADSL, kitchen, bathroom. €450 monthly. Tel. 340 / 0593593, 340 / 5354493. TRASTEVEVE LUNGARA. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen in private apartment, every comfort. €900 including bills. Tel. 338 / 4186328.

Accommodation Vacant out of Town BADOLATO S. (CZ). Ionian sea, traditional 2-level house in old village, 4 / 6 beds, 15 days rent available. Tel. 339 / 6149317, risvil@mclink.net. CASTEL GANDOLFO - GOLF. 2 apartments in panoramic villa with garden, for sale €295.000,00 - for rent €1.200,00. Tel. 06 / 9312162. SUBIACO. Panoramic position, independent, semi-furnished, living room, dining room, 9 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, park/uliveto. Tel. Fidia immobiliare 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. TIVOLI - MANDELA. 50 km from Rome, apartment in old Castle, bedroom, living room, unfurnished. €250 + €40 condominium. Tel. 066786400.

SPERLONGA. Small studio flat, ground floor, quiet street, centro storico Fondi, 12 km Sperlonga, restructured, furnished, complete kitchen. €75.000. Tel. 069368304, mstenhouse@libero.it.

Bed & Breakfast NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@hotmail.com, www.navonaloft.com.

Holiday Accommodation SABAUDIA PARK. August, elegant location, furnished villa near sea / lake, ideal for 1-2 families. 2.000-sqm garden. €5.000. Tel. or leave message 065115158 - 328 / 5766170. SPERLONGA. Old square, typical 1 bedroom, ground floor, nicely restored and furnished, fully equipped for 3+2, fireplace. €200 for week-end, €400 per week in June, €450 July, €500 August, all included. Pictures via email. Tel. 349 / 3858052, eandalvi@tin.it. TODI - UMBRIA - MORRE COUNTRYSIDE. Loft in XII century mansion, breathtaking location, nicely restored and furnished, for 4 people. Weekly €300, June / September. Tel. 348 / 3858052, eandalvi@tin.it.

Property for Sale in Town CASSIA - VIA QUADRONI. Elegant, in beautiful complex with swimming pool, living room, 3 bedrooms, study, 3 bathrooms, terrace, garage, cantina. €1.100.000. Tel. Fidia Immobiliare 0639736426. PORTO TURISTICO DI ROMA. 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, hallway, surrounded by balconies, sea view, furnishings included, very interesting. €410.000. Tel. 349 / 8514436. RIANO - VERY CLOSE TO ROME, along Via Flaminia, beautiful villa on 3 floors, 350 sqm + porches + terraces, luxury systems and finishes, garden and courtyard 500 sqm, soundproofed recording studio, private negotiations, no agencies. Tel. 338 / 1993834. Only Italian spoken. TESTACCIO. 1 bedroom, 60 sqm, New York-style, restored, special for single. Tel. 340 / 9140656.


Wanted in Rome

Rooms and Flat Shares FLATSHARE COLOSSEUM. Big top floor apartment with fantastic terrace overlooking Colosseum. Very central location: walking distance to FAO, Metro B, tram, buses. Big and bright living room / dining room overlooking park of Traiano, 2 big bedrooms + one smaller for guests, 2 bathrooms, kitchen. €1,000 + bills. Tel. 331 / 2490406, nathalielambert@hotmail.com. HISTORIC CENTRE - VIA VENETO. Furnished, nice room, use of kitchen, bathroom, working women. €450 (utilities included) + deposit. Reference needed. Tel. 0642743129. NICE ROOM IN TRASTEVERE (CENTER) only ladies/students from Euro community-USA-Australia-Japan. Nice single room well furnished including weekly washing & drying machine. €140 x week - Monthly €400 - deposit: €50. Tel. 065819697, http://www.deposit313.altervista.org/roo m.html. PANTHEON ZONE. Historic centre, Pantheon, monthly or annually, 3th floor, elevator, elegant apartment, large sitting room, TV, telephone, ADSL, live-in kitchen with all amenities, microwave, 2 double bedrooms with independent bathroom. Monthly cost for each double room is €850. Cleaning service and all utility bills included in the price. Contact: +39328 / 8610013, greentree@libero.it.

Short Lets APARTMENTS, HOUSES. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours, info@flatinrome.com, www.flatinrome.com. CAMPO DE’ FIORI - SPAGNA NAVONA. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possiblities. Tel. / fax 0648905897, info@shortletsassistance.com, www.shortletsassistance.com.

NAVONA. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people, A/C, wireless internet. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@hotmail.com, www.navonaloft.com. NAVONA. Very nice penthouse, one large room, double bed, small living room, beautiful terrace, A/C, internet, TV. Tel. 339 / 3998083. PANTHEON - PONTE MILVIO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped, kitchen corner, double bedroom, bathroom, air conditioning or fan, internet, TV. Long term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, inroma@libero.it. PRATI. Lovely apartment, 2 large bedrooms, 3rd floor with lift, eat-in kitchen, spacious hallway, balcony overlooking inner courtyard. Renovated and furnished. €1.200 a month, maximum stay of 18 months. Photos available upon request. Tel. 0639731333, evenings.

ROME SWEET HOME - HISTORIC CENTRE. Short lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.romesweethome.com, info@romesweethome.it. Tel./fax 0669924833.

Jobs Vacant DRIVER NEEDED URGENTLY. I need 2 drivers for my wife and kids. with accommodation, feeding if you want. Please reply to this ad or email me at michaelhewman@yahoo.com. ENGLISH TEACHERS. Mother tongue required all year, Rome. Apply at www.eilschool.com Jobs page or tel. 0643419069 only if no internet. ESTABLISHED LANGUAGE SCHOOL in Rome seeks mother tongue, certified EFL instructors for part-time / full-time positions teaching English to adults and children. Send CV to teachers@angloamerican.it. EUR - SCUOLA DELL’INFANZIA is looking for an experienced English teacher - children from 3 to 5 years old. Please send CV to 4464848@gmail.com FREELANCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS required, general English, business English and legal English courses, applicants must have working papers, relevant qualifications and experience. Send CV to info@trainingclub.com. Tel. 0669792112, 348 / 8876577. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHERS required to work as Head Teachers at our UK Study International Summer Camps in the UK. Candidates should be Mother Tongue English speakers holding a recognised teaching qualification with previous experience in Summer Camps. Knowledge of the Trinity Exam preparation is desirable but not essential. To apply please send C.V. to tuition@ukstudy.eu or call Sarah on 064881800. QUALIFIED ITALIAN SUPPLY TEACHER. Southlands English School seeks Qualified Elementare and Media supply Teachers. Casalpalocco Area. Please send your CV to: human_resources@southlands.it. QUALIFIED, NATIVE, ROME-BASED EFL TEACHER. With experience, urgently required for kids and adult courses. Good pay rate. Tel. 0633220960, fleming@britishschoolroma.it. RELO & IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATE. Principal Relocation Company, Italy’s premier relocation company, seeks a motivated, focused and goal/detail oriented individual to work as a Relocation & Immigration Associate. Experience in the field of relocation, immigration and/or real estate is an advantage. Fluent Italian and English are essential. Please send your CV and photo to cv@reloprc.com with reference RIA-RM as the subject. Place of work: Mentana. Only applicants already resident in Rome will be considered. ROMA CITY PUB CRAWL STAFF WANTED. Young, energetic people, English speaking, for pub crawl guide and experienced bar tender staff. Good salary and accommodation. Tel. 340 / 9080450, CV and photo to: tomjerry2009@hotmail.it or come to Travel Cafe, Via Marsala 56, Rome, evenings. SEEKING UE NATIONALS for part-time job selling tours. Must be completely fluent in English, self-motivated and energetic, native English speakers preferred. Please send resume with phone number to Palbrix@gmail.com. TEAM ASSISTANT ENGEL & VOELKERS. We offer a full-time STAGE for our shop in Roma Centro Storico. The ideal candidate should be Italian mother tongue with fluency in a second language, graduated, client-orientated, enjoy office administration, well-presented, team spirit, 30 years max. A knowledge of German would be an advantage. Please send CV and cover letter to Francesca.Cerisano@engelvoelkers.com.

31 March 2010

THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME. Department of Arts and Humanities seeks part-time instructors to teach in the following subject areas: Art History - Ancient History - Archaeology Classics - Cultural Heritage Conservation. Qualifications: University level teaching experience, terminal degree and excellent English. Previous experience in the American system preferable. Eligibility to work in Italy is required. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact details of three references to: facultyrecruitment@aur.edu putting ARTS&HUM and the full name in the subject field of the e-mail. AUR is an equal opportunity employer and processes personal information according to Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. For further information on data treatment, please visit our website at www.aur.edu. THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME. Department of Business Studies seeks part-time instructors to create and teach either one or both of the following, to be launched in academic year 2010-11. Computer Applications for Business - e.g. ranging from the Office suite to STATA, SPSS, database management, datamining software etc. (Spring semester) Quantitative Methods for Business - an upper level exploration of commonly used quantitative techniques for business solutions, including statistics / probability, forecasting, queuing, decision analysis, risk & sensitivity analysis, regression, game theory, CPM and PERT. (Fall semester) Qualifications: University level teaching experience, passion for teaching quantitative material, PhD or equivalent, or extensive work experience. Interested candidates should contact Professor Kathleen Fitzsimmons, Chair of the Department of Business Studies, and send a CV and the names and contact details of three references to k.fitzsimmons@aur.edu. putting BUS and the applicant’s full name in the subject field of the e-mail. AUR is an equal opportunity employer and processes personal information according to Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. For further information on data treatment, please visit our website at www.aur.edu.

FREE ADS ADS IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES ARE FREE. 20 words maximum. Free ads must be submitted through our website at wantedinrome.com. Jobs Wanted ads may no longer be submitted through our offices. Space permitting free classified advertisements placed on our website will be downloaded and published in the magazine, but only if they include contact details. Gli annunci nelle seguenti rubriche sono gratuiti. Non devono superare le 20 parole. Gli annunci gratuiti dovranno essere trasmessi esclusivamente tramite il sito wantedinrome.com. Non si accettano più quelli della categoria Jobs Wanted nei nostri uffici. Gli annunci gratuiti verranno pubblicati nella rivista solo se completi di contatti e secondo lo spazio disponibile.

Events ABOUT CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. It’s time to Champions League. Barcelona or Inter. What a fatigue. Truly, Marco. ENGLISH-SPEAKING ACTORS IN ROME. Feature Film - Open Casting & Development Workshops. 5-9 APRIL 2010. Send C.V. & Headshot: bill.lazario@cinetica.eu. Synopsis & full cast list: http://sexdeathandmanholesthefilm.blogs pot.com.

Exchanges EXTREME LANGUAGE EXCHANGE. Practice your Italian every week at mateBar. See http://www.extremelanguage.net for more details. MY ITALIAN FOR YOUR ENGLISH. I can help you improve Italian in exchange for conversation in English. Francesco, fdimario@hotmail.it.

Health / Fitness 121 YOGA. Personalised Yoga Practice to suit your needs. Tel. 339 / 1237179 www.ilcentro.li. AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST. Individual psychotherapy for all mental health issues. 20 years clinical practice. Offices: Metro Cipro / Metro Manzoni. Rose Kazma 0639742957 or 333 / 5822808. AYURVEDA-YOGA MASSAGE. Eliminates joint and muscle tensions. Realigns posture. Helps body mind Harmony. At your home hotel or studio. Paolo 340 / 2749091, paolocri@libero.it. BIG SAVINGS ON ACAI LIQUID. Acai Liquid is most beneficial, compare and buy products at discounted price at TheNutri.com. BOWEN THERAPIST. UK Bowen Therapist, for injuries, back pain, headaches, joint pain, IBS, asthma etc. Tel. 339 / 1237179. CORE-BASED PERSONAL TRAINING. Improve strength, posture, flexibility, coordination, breathing. Dance degree, massage license & years’ teaching experience. myers.jenifer@gmail.com 339 / 5399550. MAKEUP ARTIST. Italian makeup artist, good English, available for weddings, evenings, special occasions. Please call Roberta at 328 / 8148949. MALE MASSAGE, MASSEUR ISTANBUL. www.istanbulmasseur.com Please visit for MORE details and my aesthetical photos. MASSAGE AT YOUR HOME HOTEL. Oriental masseur 7/24 www.abcdservizi.com Expert Cellulitis Total Relax, women: 30/H. men: 60/H. Tel. 347 / 7244003.

NY-LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Professional Deep Tissue / Swedish Massage. Reduce pain / tension. Improve posture / flexibility. myers.jenifer@gmail.com 339 / 5399550. PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINER. International Sports Sciences Assn. certified. Physical assessments, exercise programming and lifestyle counselling. Varied stimulating techniques to guide you to optimal health by losing weight and gaining lean mass. To arrange free consultation tel. 338 / 3543539. POWER LIVES COACHING. Create a life plan and achieve your goals with a renowned life-coach. Tel. 339 / 3332547, www.damienofarrell.com for information. PSYCHOLOGIST AND PSYCHOTHERAPIST. Bilingual Psychologist and Psychotherapist (English-Italian) Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Counselling and Cultural adjustment Dr. Sara Mirabelli Tel. 339 / 3681493 Viale Libia 4 00199 Rome. THAI HERBAL MASSAGE COURSE. Learn massage with heated herbal compress from the Thai tradition. Sat /Sun 20-21 March. Lara 333 / 3326396, Nemir 339 / 1237179. THAI MASSAGE TRADITIONAL from man with studies and certificate in Thailand. At your home. Cell. 338 / 7967377.

Household Sales AIR CONDITIONERS. 2 bought in June 2010 10-year guarantee. Selling €180 each. Samsung. 0686324664. ART BOOKS AND OLDSMOBILE91. Excellent selection Art & Literature books must leave. Can e-mail list. Best offer. Also Oldsmobile91 US plates fifteenhundred euros tel. 338 / 4474955. BABY BOX. Bebe comfort foldable, excellent condition. €50 Prati area. Call 340 / 0500825.

ANZAC DAY 2010 Australians and New Zealanders in Rome will be commemorating ANZAC Day 2010 with a memorial service.

Accommodation Wanted LOOKING FOR A ROOM with kitchen, for 2 people, zones AXA, Acilia, Infernetto, Casalpalocco, or EUR. Can afford €600. Tel. 327 / 3568453. STUDIO-FLAT OR SMALL APARTMENT. Looking for a studio-flat for few months, for about 500€. In centre or near to: S. Lorenzo, S. Giovanni. hellyshs@libero.it.

Animals DESPERATE DOGS NEED ADOPTION! http://tinyurl.com/adoptanolddog Most have been in a concrete cell for 10+ years

31 March 2010

The Service will take place at the Rome War Cemetery - Via Nicola Zabaglia (Piramide) on Sunday 25 April 2010 at 11.00 a.m. Following the service, light refreshments will be provided at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission depot (adjacent to the cemetery). Further information on the Rome War Cemetery, including its location, can be found at: http://www.ww1cemeteries.com/othercemeteries/rome_war_cemetery.htm

BEST OFFERS for plak control machine, never used, and an old printer in good condition. Tel. 065884011 or email chorton30@hotmail.com. GARAGE SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO. 28/03/2010. 12:00-16:00 Clothes, crockery, heaps of photo frames and LOADS of English books. For address michaelbirdinrome@hotmail.com. IGNIS DRYER 6 KG CAPACITY. Rarely used so it is in excellent condition asking 150 euro if interested call 334 / 2782076. JACKSON 5 2LP COLLECTION bought in Canada in the late 70s, pickwick edition for collectors. This edition is very hard 2 find. 10.000 euro tel. 333 / 3593523. LEONARDO MEMO SMS FAX. Never used asking 50 euro if interested call 334 / 2782076. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. National Geographic Magazine in perfect condition, 131 issues from January 1992 to December 2002. Contact Claudia 347 / 7020772. OLD AMERICA. Original (bought in USA) table with 4 chairs sell for Euro 600. Pictures available on request. fotocopia@hotmail.com. S. SUSANNA LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE. Via XX Settembre 15. Great books left, Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30; Tues 10-1pm; Wed 3-4pm; & Fri 1-4pm! NB: Library not open if Transport Strike is on! WASHING MACHINE. Zerowatt Hoover, bought in 2004. In perfect working order. €100. Tel. 0686324664.

IT and Computers APPLE IPHONE3G 32GB @CHEAP PRICE. Brand New Factory Unlocked 3GS 32gb Apple Iphone For Inquiry: +44 7024063011 phonesdirect@mail2Customs.com. HP SCANNER. HP Scanjet Flatbed Scanner for sale - Euro 40 e-mail: joanne.boty@fao.org. LEXMARK PROFESSIONAL WIRLESS. I am selling a brand new lexmark (X6575) 4 in 1. Euro 60. Call me on 338 / 4984249.

Jobs Wanted A YOUNG MAN looking for job in Roma as cleaner or any job assistance. Tel. 327 / 1785054. A YOUNG MAN looking for job in Roma as cleaner or any job assistance. Tel. 329 / 1671985. AMERICAN / ITALIAN MOTHER TONGUE. Former airline supervisor, seeks job. See CV posted at www.mccaincv.blogspot.com. or write at: fotocopia@hotmail.com. BABYSITTER / CAREGIVER. Live-in babysitter, caregiver for elderly, hourly job. Tel. 320 / 7108461. BABYSITTER. Live-in babysitter, caregiver for elderly, long hours. Tel. 320 / 4453482. BILINGUAL ITALIAN / ENGLISH with long work experience in Marketing, Sales, Communication, Interpreting and Teaching in both UK and Italy, seeks job. Tel. 347 / 8403801. CAREGIVER. Young man looking for job in Rome as caregiver for the elderly or job assistance. Tel. 327 / 0091394.

cont. page 14

Wanted in Rome


DOMESTIC HELPER / BAR PERSON. Young (24 years) Romanian girl with experience and references available immediately. No time wasters. Tel. 389 / 9966519. DOMESTIC WORK. Looking for domestic work preferably living in province of Rome. Tel. 0088 01678116062. DRIVER / DOMESTIC CLEANER. Well experienced person looking for a job in a private family. Well experienced, with reference. Tel. 328 / 7870716. ENGLISH GRADUATE SEEKS WORK. Qualified, fluent TEFL teacher with degree, seeks work in Rome. Also a professional journalist, waitress and qualified tour guide. Laura.Rainbow1@gmail.com. ENGLISH LESSONS. Secondary school English qualified teacher offers English lessons to all levels! Marta honeytwilight@gmail.com. ENGLISH MOTHER-TONGUE AMERICAN. Lady available to help children with English homework and/or converse in English at your home Roma Nord. Call 328 / 8827033. ENGLISH SPEAKING AFRICAN LADY looking for job housekeeping or babysitting. Speaks Italian, live in or long hours. Tel. 320 / 4168011. ENGLISH TEACHER IN ROME. University student, mother tongue english, offering private English lessons. Speaks Italian and some Spanish. Organised, friendly. 10euro p/h. gal_mufc_2003@hotmail.com. ENGLISH TEACHING / BABYSITTING JOB. Seeking part-time work as babysitter / English teacher. Speak a little Italian. Tel. 393 / 707129425 or aprilhorsman@hotmail.co.uk. EXPERIENCED NURSE, SECRETARY... filipina, speaks Italian and English, looking for work as badante, babysitter, dogsitter, secretary, sales lady, hotel, restaurant and bar work. Tel. 388 / 9393170. GHANA LADY SEEKING JOB. Looking for domestic work, babysitting, ironing clothes, or other cleaning duties. Tel. 389 / 1235535, 327 / 0091394. GHANA MAN LOOKING FOR JOB. Gardening, hard work, mason, house boy, cleaning, restaurant, and any kind of work, speaks English. Tel. 327 / 2433590. GHANAIAN LADY looking for a job as cleaner, babysitter, house help, or English teacher. Tel. 328 / 7385282, 329 / 1671985. GHANAIAN LADY looking for job baby sitter, cleaner etc. Tel. 340 / 9946008, 328 / 6883495. GHANAIAN MAN SEEKING any kind of job as housekeeper, grounds keeper, hotels and restaurants, or other, speaks English. Tel. 327 / 7446202. GIRL OF 26 YEARS seeking job as babysitter or any domestic work. Tel. 327 / 2898248. GIRL OF 27 YEARS seeking job as babysitter or any domestic work. Tel. 329 / 6739610. HANDSOME MAN LOOKING FOR JOB. Highly referenced, fluent in English and Italian, experienced in hotel reception and house keeping. Tel. 320 / 9462874. HOUSE KEEPER / OLD AGE CARE available immediately for any job with room and board anywhere in Italy and / or abroad. Tel. 339 / 7762166.

I LOOK AS BABY SITTER - PARIOLI 33 years, Moroccan woman, married to Italian, looks for job as baby sitter. Experiences and she loves children. Tel. 347 / 8873752. ITALIAN / ENGLISH BILINGUAL available for translation work from home to collaborate with companies. Long experience with psychology and literary texts. Tel. 340 / 2358749. JOB SEARCH. Guy 35 educate speaks English and Italian looking for work as receptionist or any suitable job. Pls call. 389 / 9818703. KENYAN LADY LOOKING FOR A JOB. In housekeeping, babysitting, taking care of the elderly and disabled, part or full time, speaks English and Italian. Tel. 345 / 6239368. KENYAN LADY LOOKING FOR A JOB. In or out of Rome, as a babysitter, domestic worker, or helping the elderly. Speaks English and Italian, with documents. Tel. 348 / 4279840. LADY SEEKING JOB as babysitter, caregiver, cleaner, full or part time. Speaks English and some Italian, with documents. Tel. 327 / 0590334. LEGAL TRANSLATIONS ITA / ENG. Italian young lawyer for legal translations ENG/ITA of company minutes, contracts, reports and other. Call Simone +39 328 / 4587604 or email simone.caruso@yahoo.it. LOOKING FOR A JOB cleaning or babysitting. Speaks English and Italian. Available in the morning or afternoon. 15 Years experience. Tel. 333 / 3022843. LOOKING FOR A JOB. Babysitting, caring for seniors, housekeeping, or other domestic work. Tel. 388 / 1467498. LOOKING FOR A JOB. Babysitting, taking care of the elderly, hotel services, domestic or restaurant work. Tel. 345 / 5886324. LOOKING FOR A JOB. Any job is acceptable. I speak perfect English. Tel. 327 / 9448798. LOOKING FOR A JOB. Full-time or part-time cleaning or domestic work. Speaks English. Tel. 338 / 3189832. LOOKING FOR JOB. Young man looking for job in Rome as caretaker for the elderly or job assistance. Tel. 328 / 8023522. LOOKING FOR WORK. As babysitter or caretaker. Tel. 328 / 717474. MAN FROM GHANA looking for cleaning job, with legal permit, experienced and referenced. Tel. 345 / 3424670. MAN, PART-TIME OR LUNG’ORARIO. Man seeks part-time or lung’orario jobs. Domestic helper, gardening, driving, mainetenance and repair. Character reference available. Tel. 338 / 7481648. MOTHER-TONGUE ENGLISH TEACHER. Qualified English teacher available for private lessons in Trastevere / city centre area. Email han_mckenna@yahoo.com. MULTI-LINGUAL DRIVER. Hardworking, serious driver, speaks English, French, Arabic, Italian, seeks jobs with embassies, schools, companies, families etc. Please call: 338 / 1276448. Thanks. NIGERIAN LADY looking for full-time job. Tel. 331 / 4085457. NIGERIAN WOMAN SEEKING WORK. Domestic work, long hours, babysitter, part time. Speaks English and Italian. Tel. 329 / 8284581.

PROFESSIONAL MOROCCAN COOK. English, French, Italian, Arabic speaking cook seeks employment. Specializes in delicious Moroccan and local cuisine, catering services available. Tel. 338 / 1276448. SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK. Looking for job like babysitting or cleaning house. Tel. 327 / 8461402, 334 / 7966573. SEEKING JOB AS badante, household help, cleaner, or gardener. Restaurant or bar work sought as well, speaks English and a little Italian. Tel. 327 / 2595513. SEEKING JOB IN PRODUCTION. Experienced musician in recording and producing company, perfectly trilingual in English, Italian, German, seeking employment in Rome. Tel. 347 / 5618423. SERIOUS HARD WORKER. Seeking job as caretaker, dogsitter, gardner, helper at home, dishwasher, even outside of Rome, with good references. Tel. 388 / 9393170. TEACHER FOR DISABLED AND GYM. Qualified teacher in physical education, with degree, abilitation also for disablities, is looking for serious job in school. Tel. 347 / 8873752. TEFL TUTOR. TEFL-qualified tutor available for English lessons at your home. Area Prati, Balduina NW-Rome. Tel. 340 / 0734911. TOUR DIRECTOR /TRANSFERS. Very exp Brit TD. Vast knowledge Italy / Greece / cruises. Email gordongspicer@yahoo.it. Tel. 339 / 4787834. TRANSLATOR MOTHER TONGUE ENG-ITA. Qualified freelance translator (Perito). Numerous years experience in Admin-Mgt-Accts. Looking for part-time or work from home in above-mentioned categories. Tel. 345 / 4230786. URGENTLY LOOKING FOR JOB. Looking for full or part-time job as babysitter, or domestic work indoors, English and some Italian spoken. Tel. 327 / 3568453. WEB DESIGNER + PC ASSISTANCE. Build Your WebSite, euro 20/page, other service do your PC home assistance. Tel. 327 / 0610447. WOMAN SEEKING JOB. Live-in, babysitter, speaks English and Italian. Tel. 339 / 8486567. WORK IN ROME. UK university graduate, looking for work in tourism, hospitality etc. Fluent English, Italian, good French, some Spanish. Tel. 347 / 8164132 frances_alderson@hotmail.com. YOUNG MAN looking for job in Rome as care taker for older men or job assistance. Tel. 380 / 4713687. YOUNG MAN FROM GHANA. Looking for domestic work in hotel or any other type of work. Tel. 327 / 0091394, 389 / 1977560.

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Lessons ITALIAN LESSONS. Private Italian lessons for foreigners. Qualified Teacher. Flexitime! 20 euro per hour. Tel. 340 / 2489413. ADVANCE YOUR ENGLISH. Qualified, experienced (Finmeccanica, EssoItaliano, S.I.A.E.) mothertongue teacher gives lessons, Conversation / Grammar / Business English. 30 euros per hour. Tel. 334 / 3834309. ART THERAPY. Bernadita Norese - Art therapist - only Spanish and Italian spoken. Cell 329 / 6157777. AU PAIRS WANTED. July / August for Italian families. Contact info@hoursinmotion.it or visit www.hoursinmotion.it. BABY MOVES. On natural movement development. Informative and inspiring! How to help babies’ digestion and sleep, crawling, walking, communication. Angelica: 380 / 7911803 - Psychologist / Movement Educator. BUSINESS ENGLISH TEACHER. Professional & Experienced Mother Tongue teacher, TEFL-Certified. Travel to your office or home. Presentations, test preparation. Tel. 340 / 0774397. CHILDREN’S LESSONS, ROMA NORD. Young, qualified, experienced teacher (British mother tongue) offers lessons in Parioli and North Rome. Call 328 / 9017835. CHINESE FOR BEGINNERS. Individual or group lessons 15€ per hour. Call 340 / 9452434. COOKING LESSONS. Specialised pizza chef offers complete course in pizza making at your own home or work place. Tel. 338 / 5697501, lsn530@libero.it. ENGLISH LADY, OXFORD GRADUATE. English lady, Oxford University graduate, long experience, offers English lessons / conversation (adults only) and translations. Tel. 068105213 / 340 / 5161007. ENGLISH LESSONS. UK qualified English teacher teaches individually or groups. Hourly euro 25. villa ada, center of rome trieste zones tel 339 / 6675270.

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TEFL INTERNATIONAL Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language Next course dates: 12 April – 7 May 10 May – 4 June

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Wanted in Rome

unt isco 0 D l 01 cia Spe pring 2 off S 0


31 March 2010

Renting a flat? Selling a car? Seeking a job?

No problem. Log on to www.wantedinrome.com and subscribe directly online. And remember… you can consult all classified adverts free of charge on our website. For more information contact

tel. 066867967, fax 066872996 e-mail: advertising@wantedinrome.com ENGLISH LESSONS. Experienced, mothertongue English teacher offers lessons at 20 euros an hour. Centro Storico. Call 349 / 8193265 or email thomasbevan62@yahoo.com. ENGLISH SPEAKING BABYSITTTER for 2 Italian families Mon-Fri 4-8 pm contact info@hoursinmotion.it. ENGLISH TEACHER FROM US. Experienced, CELTA-certified teacher. Adults, teenagers, exam preparation, business, legal. Individual and group lessons throughout Rome; your apartment or mine. Tel. 348 / 9966075; edfeldman@gmail.com. ENGLISH TEACHER. Mother tongue, very experienced, gives lessons in your home, office. Also translations. Children 9+, adults. Area North Rome. Tel. 338 / 9810612. ENGLISH TEACHERS mother tongue give lessons to children and adults 338 / 1506620, 340 / 8589249. FORMER TEACHER. UC Berkeley graduate, provides expert tutoring in mathematics and English conversation. 20 euros/hour. Tel. 067803157 cell 333 / 3725713 johnburke@libero.it. GERMAN FOR ADULTS AND KIDS. German university docent offers lessons for Italians or English! Contact Pia piakehl@gmail.com. GUITAR LESSONS. Blues guitarist. Good teacher with youngsters too. Call Luca 349 / 3152290. IMPROVE YOUR ITALIAN EUR / S. PAOLO. Mother tongue teacher who also speaks advanced English. Italian private lessons. Eur / S. Paolo area €15/hr 347 / 4900597 antonellaficor@libero.it.

ITALIAN CHEAP LESSONS. Italian mother tongue offfers Italian lessons for strangers all levels and all ages (15 Euro per hour). Contact Marco 347 / 6404059. ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS. Learn Italian with fun! Little groups, intermediate or advanced. 3 euros/h, 6 hours the week. casaitaliana.tk; crimilapo@libero.it; 0678344197; 338 / 8590485. ITALIAN GRADUATE STUDENT in European languages offers Italian one on one lessons basic. €15 per hour. Tel. Elisabeth 333 / 6969170. ITALIAN LESSONS. Qualified, experienced teacher - English and American Universities - gives Italian lessons (conversation, grammar, exam preparation). Friendly and professional. Cell. 334 / 8630795. ITALIAN LESSONS by native teacher €15 per hour CV at www.sergioserra.com Sergio 338 / 9686830 e-mail: snamja72@yahoo.it. ITALIAN LESSONS (EUR / S. PAOLO). Mother tongue teacher who also speaks advanced English. Improve your italian level. Eur / S. Paolo area €15/hr 347 / 4900597 antonellaficor@libero.it. ITALIAN LESSONS (ROME CENTER). Italian Mother tongue Tutor with teaching experience abroad, available for cheap Private Lessons (grammar / conversation / speaking / writing / reading / listening). Call 328 / 3756855. LEARN ITALIAN SUCCESSFULLY. Italian teacher gives lessons in Rome centre with the new comunicative method. Good prices. Call Francesca 333 / 9634729. LEARN ITALIAN WITH LATTE&CAFFE’. Private lessons of Italian language (20 euro), total immersion courses, weekend excursions, your event in Rome www.latteecaffe.com 340 / 2346832. LEARNING SPECIALIST helps with SAT, GMAT, GRE, GCSE, TOEFL, FCE IELTS, Proficiency, IB exams 20 euros/hour. Tel. 067803157 cell 333 / 3725713 johnburke@libero.it. LEGAL ENGLISH - PROFESSIONALS ONLY. American lawyer, 20 yrs experience, mothertongue, TOEFL certified-also in Business English. (+39) 366 / 3986309 arochlin@yahoo.com. LEZIONI IN INGLESE. Lezioni di inglese a domicilio. faccio tutti i livelli, individuali, gruppi, bambini a domicilo 347 / 4536421. LEZIONI INGLESE. Insegnante Madrelingua Inglese, 5 anni di esperienza. Conversazione, grammatica, Business English. mectapod@yahoo.com. MARKET VISIT AND COOKING LESSONS. Learn handmade pasta dishes and seasonal Roman vegetables in a private home. English spoken. Email.2friendscooking@gmail.com. MODERN GUITAR LESSONS ROME. Canadian Professional Musician and songwriter offers lessons in the comfort of your own home. Tel. 392 / 7388608 or 333 / 3593523. MOTHER TONGUE ENGLISH LESSONS. American girl offering private or group lessons. Conversation, grammar, etc. Zone Trieste / S. Lorenzo. Flexible hours, creative methods. Tel. 388 / 8961502. PIANO, VIOLIN LESSONS. Piano, violin lessons given by Royal Academy of Music professor and Leader of Rome orchestra, 35 euro hour. Tel. 347 / 3391235.

PRIVATE LESSON FROM ENGLISH GIRL. English Lessons from well spoken girl with qualification from Cambridge University. €20 p/hr. Tel. +39 345 / 8810714. SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE. Coaching Skills International Communication Leadership. Rome Center 2°,3°, 4° Friday, 17.30 - 20. coachingcounselling@hotmail.co.uk. Tel. 340 / 7760020. STUDENT HELP. English speaking experienced teacher for Italian and French lessons any level. Grammar and conversation. Tel. 338 / 6314646 mailto pel.pession@tin.it. TEACHING ENGLISH IN ITALY. Sign up for an affordable online TEFL/TESOL course and receive certification to teach English today! www.teachingenglishinitaly.com or sheila@teachingenglishinitaly.com. TEFL-CERTIFIED PRIVATE TUTOR from California, graduate of Stanford University, offers private tutoring in math and English. TEFL-certified. Contact Vlad 392 / 9262715, vbeffa@stanfordalumni.org.

Personal A GIRL Nice, tall and graduate Looking a age 35 - 40 sincerly, honest serious partner to be married. Foriegners prefered. villagioazzuro@hotmail.co.uk. CANADIAN MUSICIAN SEEKS. Canadian singer, guitarist songwriter seeks English mother tongue musicians in Rome. Tel. 392 / 7388608. MUSIC INVESTMENT PARTNER WANTED. Music Production seeks investment partner please view www.myspace.com/reymore and call 389 / 1886618. PHOTOGRAPHER. Your private or commercial photos. www.abcdservizi.com at YOUR Home Office Company 333 / 1953311. TRAINING & LANGUAGE ROME EN/IT. GET fit for the SUMMER, lose weight & get back in shape, training outdoor 340 / 6642909 (LEO). NO boring sessions. TRI-LINGUAL DICTIONARY. Almost completed international tri-lingual dictionary (Sinhaleese - Italiano - English), consulting sponsor needed for final stages. Tel. 338 / 5697901, lsn530@libero.it.

Schools and Colleges SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE. Coaching Skills International Communication Leadership. Rome Center 2°,3°, 4° Friday, 17.30 - 20. coachingcounselling@hotmail.co.uk. Tel. 340 / 7760020.

NO TIME TO COOK? Call the Cook Brigade! Home cooking at your home Italian International Cuisine Wine list cookbrigade@gmail.com. PLANNING PROFESSIONAL. Seasoned professional with extensive communications, marketing and organisational planning background. Available to assist both private and business clients on a variety of levels. Dual US and Italian citizen, mother tongue English, fluent Italian. Contact 346 / 1311643. PROFESSIONAL MOROCCAN COOK. English, French, Italian, Arabic provides exquisite Moroccan catering services for private parties, highly referenced. Tel. 338 / 1276448. Thank you. TOTAL EXPAT COACHING. The ultimate coaching program for living and working lucratively and effectively in Italy. www.damienofarrell.com or 339 / 3332547 for info. TOUR GUIDE FOR GOOD DEALS. For good shopping deals in Rome, I would be happy to be your personal shopper. Write to: miralookgo@gmail.com. WE DESIGN AND DEVELOP. Professional web designing company Thanks & Regards, www.rciwebs.com. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER. Professional American photographer spends half the year in Rome and half the year in California. Friendly, professional, affordable. www.fotonix.net. Email: justinbancroft@gmail.com. WWW.BHARUCHFLOWERSHOP.COM. Send your good taste to celebration by delivering our mouthwatering cakes to Bharuch and exotic flowers to Bharuch. WWW.BHUBANESWARFLOWERSHOP .COM. Send your good taste to celebration by delivering our mouthwatering cakes to Bhubaneswar. WWW.FLOWERSPUNE.COM. You may send flowers, cakes, chocolates, sweets & more gifts to Pune and over 12 locations across Maharashtra. WWW.GIFTBASKETSITALY.IT. We deliver flowers, fruits, chocolates, wines, gift hampers and more gifts on same day all over Italy. Please visit: www.giftbasketsitaly.it.

Transport 2 CARS FOR SALE. 2006 C1 Citroen, 2 doors, automatic, CD plates, 36,000km, blue, €5.700. 2002 Zafira Elegance 1.8, 4 doors, manual shift, CD plates, 71.000km, blue, €3.700. Tel. 065010991, 0657053926.

Travel Services PIANO TUNING and other instruments, tuning and restoration by expert exHarrods. Tel. 320 / 7488811, 0670451050, eiretom@yahoo.com. CHILD AND NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHY. elena k photography maternity, newborn, child and family photography sessions in Rome. Elena 333 / 5866278, info@elenakphotography.com, www.elenakphotography.com. COMPUTER REPAIR. Young Filipino computer engineer helps to repair your computer at home or office. Tel. 328 / 88126754.

ALL-DAY-TAKE-AROUND. I can help you translate from English to Italian. For more info call: +39 366 / 4452946. HALF-DAY TOUR OF ROME. We do half day, from 3pm till 6pm all in English. For more info call: +39 366 / 4452946. PLAN YOUR HOLIDAYS WITH US NOW! Travel agent specialized in individual and group travel, excursions, study abroad programms and much more. www.beyondtravelservices.com, info@beyondtravelservices.com. WALKING TOURS LED BY ART HISTORIAN. You need a guide to visit Rome from Antiquity to Baroque? Contact Pia 348 / 3432272 or piakehl@gmail.com.

Handle with care the heart of Jesus! The Holy Bible is for every man, woman, and young person. Jesus cares ministries. Rev. Martin and Catherine Lombardo Via dei Mille, 38 00185 Email: jesus.cares@usa.net

31 March 2010

Wanted in Rome


classified advertising - annunci economici For further information tel. 066867967, fax 066872996, e-mail: advertising@wantedinrome.com, www.wantedinrome.com Via dei Falegnami 79 (opposite the Turtle Fountain in Piazza Mattei)

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Wanted in Rome

For office use only

31 March 2010

What’s on and... ...where to go by Linda Bordoni




m u s i c




f e s t i va l s Rome

Steve Reich is considered one of America’s greatest living composers. Photo by Jeffrey Herman.

Rome Musica Per Roma. 8 April. For the cycle of events entitled Contemporanea, a concert featuring contemporary guitar with sound direction by the pioneer of minimalist music Steve Reich (21.00). Reich is one of America’s greatest living composers and one of the major influences on the development of contemporary music. There is an African inspiration in his earlier work, which developed out of a journey to study music in Ghana in the 1970s. In the 1980s his compositions took on historical themes, influenced by his Jewish background. Then in the 1990s came two operas, Three Tales and The Cave, as well as a number of instrumental works for quartets and orchestra. Last year he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Music for Double Sextet composed in 2007. Reich is no stranger to the Auditorium Parco della Musica and in this programme there is a performance of his latest work, 2x5, as well as one of his masterpieces, City Life (1994). Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com.

ex h i b i t i o n s

Divinamente Roma 2010. 27 March-5 April. Subtitled International Festival of Spirituality, this event is at its third edition and features a programme of dance, theatre and music that unfolds during the week leading up to Easter. The theme this year is “Fear of the Lord” – one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, a gift that “fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread, above all things, to offend Him”. Meaningful venues throughout the city have been chosen to host the events, which include a performance entitled Bhavana by Indian Kuchipudi dancer Shantala Shivalingappa at the Aranciera di S. Sisto near Porta Metronia (31 March). Next is a music event by Valeria Moretti with Federica Bern entitled Stellarum Opifice, a tribute to Sister Maria Celeste Galilei, the illegitimate daughter of astronomer Galileo Galilei who, at the age of 13, entered a convent where she remained for the rest of her short life. This performance, at the Planetarium, is loosely based on the daughter’s letters to her father and tells of the genuine bond between them (1 April). Then choreographer Micha Van Hoecke’s contemporary dance ensemble performs a work entitled Baccanti, an elaboration of Euripides’ The Bacchae, by Chiara Muti with the participation of Muti herself and actress Pamela Villoresi at the Auditorium Parco della Musica (2 April). A concert by Teresa De Sio entitled Amén features folk musicians and their traditional instruments at Teatro Valle (3 April). Then the Filarmonica Mediterranea conducted by Paolo Lepore with Silvia Budri Da Maren performs Passion, a concert in which western tradition and the vocal heritage of Africa come together. The evening starts with the concerto Passion and culminates in the celebration of the liturgy, enriched with the traditional Congolese songs typical of the Missa Luba. At the church of S. Maria in Trastevere (4 April). Finally, there is an evening of sacred Sufi music and poetry by the Ahura Project at the Aranciera di S. Sisto (5 April). For information tel. 0644013292, www.divinamente.info.



Portrait of Luigi Pirandello by his son Fausto.

Greta Zamparini and Federico Manfredi in Strindberg’s Easter.



Fausto Pirandello alle Quadriennali del 1935 e del 1939. 18 March-2 May. This exhibition, organised in conjunction with the Rome Quadriennale, celebrates one of the most significant Italian painters of the 20th century. It also pays tribute to the art expert, collector and dealer Claudia Gian Ferrari, who curated Pirandello’s work including this exhibition shortly before she died in January this year. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed.

Easter. 7-11 April. By August Strindberg, directed by Monica Conti, with Michela Martini, Federico Manfredi, Silvia Ajelli, Greta Zamparini, Alessandro Lussiana, Nicola Stravalaci. In the 1901 play Easter, Strindberg deals with the theme of death and resurrection. The play tells the story of a woman who lives with her children in fear of the coming of the creditor who, in fact, brings reconciliation and the remission of debt. In Italian. Teatro India, Lungotevere dei Papareschi, tel. 0668400311/346, www.teatrodiroma.net.

31 March 2010

Indian Kuchipudi dancer Shantala Shivalingappa performs at the International Festival of Spirituality.

An illustration by Quentin Blake from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Rome Il mondo di Quentin Blake. 11 March-6 June. About 100 works illustrate the fantastic world of Quentin Blake, the illustrator of – amongst many other endeavours – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The exhibition is divided into various sections, one of which shows the works created by Blake for hospital waiting rooms. There are guided tours for children, readings and several workshops. Casina di Raffaello, Viale della Casina di Raffaello, Villa Borghese, tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Sat, Sun and holidays 10.00-19.00. Mon closed.

Wanted in Rome


What’s on & where to go by Linda Bordoni

For up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com exhibitions Rome

NEW. Antonis Donef. 19 March-30 April. The title of this collection of works by Donef is War, Fishing, Sex. Valentina Bonomo Roma, Via del Portico d’Ottavia 13, tel. 066832766. 11.00-13.00, 15.00-19.00. Sun and Mon closed. NEW. Daniel Buren. Danza tra triangoli e losanghe per tre colori. Lavoro in Situ. From 10 March. Daniel Buren has created his first important permanent work in Rome especially for the central hall of Macro, the city’s collection of contemporary art. In a few months time the installation, situated on what is known as the “belvedere” of the building, will be part of the new wing designed by Odile Decq for the museum. Macro, Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 06671070400. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.

Biographical Landscape. 26 Feb-25 April. Photographs by Stephen Shore from 1969 to 1979. 164 photographs illustrate Shore’s pioneering use of colour in art photography and his vision of American cities and culture. Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Piazza S. Egidio 1B, tel. 060608. 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. Caravaggio. 20 Feb-13 June. This project marks the 400th anniversary of Caravaggio’s death. Curators have focused only on paintings known to be by Caravaggio and the end result is a consistent and stringent exhibition that sheds new light on the various stages in Caravaggio’s tortured artistic career. Scuderie del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500. 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Mon closed. Da Corot a Monet. La sinfonia della natura. 6 March-29 June. Some 150 works by French Impressionists focus on the theme of nature. Complesso del Vittoriano, Via di S. Pietro in Carcere, tel. 066780664, 060608. 09.30-18.30. Fri, Sat, Sun 09.30-19.30.

Machina. Tecnologia dell’Antica Roma. 23 Dec-5 April. This scientific/didactic exhibition reveals the secrets of the technology that underpinned Roman civilisation and made the expansion of Roman commerce and military power possible. There are over 100 examples of Roman technology on show, including archaeological remains, virtual reconstructions, machines and plastic models. Museo della Civiltà Romana, Piazza G. Agnelli 10, tel. 060608. 09.00-14.00. Sat and Sun 09.00-14.00. Mon closed. Mirabili Disinganni. 5 March-2 May. Works by the Jesuit architect and painter Andrea Pozzo to mark the third centenary of his death. Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Palazzo Poli, Via Poli 54, tel. 060608. 10.00-19.00. Mon closed. Non Angli sed Angeli: a Pilgrimage, a Mission. 21 Oct31 July. The Venerable English College opens its subterranean spaces to the public for the first time for an exhibition on England’s religious relationship with Rome. Venerable English College, Via di Monserrato 43. TuesThurs 10.00-18.00, Sat 10.00-14.00. Tracey Emin. Why be afraid… 19 Feb-4 April. Tiny works on cotton and monoprints on paper by the British artist. Galleria Lorcan O’Neill. In two locations on Via Orti D’Alibert, tel. 0668892980. Mon-Fri 12.00-20.00, Sat 14.00-20.00. Venezia e il secolo della Biennale. Dipinti, vetri e fotografie dalla Collezione della Fondazione di Venezia. 10 March-9 May. The exhibition shows part of a major collection belonging to the Fondazione di Venezia with paintings, glass works and photographs illustrating the relationship between Venice and the Biennale since its beginnings. There are paintings by Boccioni, Casorati, Depero and others, as well as works by master glass blowers and designers from Murano and photographs of some of the most important protagonists of 20th-century art. Museo Carlo Bilotti, Aranciera di Villa Borghese, Viale Fiorello La Guardia, tel. 060608. 9.00-19.00. Mon closed. For a more comprehensive list of exhibitions in Rome and in other Italian cities see the What’s on section on our website www.wantedinrome.com.


Site-specific work by Daniel Buren on permanent display at Macro. Photo by Matteo Crosera. NEW. Il circuito dell’arte. Artisti, gallerie, musei, collezionisti. 8 March-24 April. This show is the result of a collaboration between Rome’s galleries of modern and contemporary art, art collectors and the city authorities. It presents a number of works that have never before been shown in public and includes artists such as Jannis Kounellis, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Giancarlo Savino, Hans Hartung and many others. Museo Pietro Canonica, Villa Borghese, tel. 060608. 09.00-19.00. Holidays 09.00-13.30. Mon closed. NEW. Martina Riescher. Eyes to touch hands to see. 17 March-17 April. The gallery is covered with images of saints and ex-votos of eastern and western female divinities which are transformed in unusual ways, some taking on the attributes of the artist herself. In the centre of the gallery are Buddhist prayer rolls, open to a variety of interpretations. Martina Riescher lives and works in Rome, where she graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1994. Galleria Giulia, Via della Barchetta 13, tel. 066861443. 10.00-13.00, 16.00-19.30. Sun and Mon closed. NEW. The Saints are Coming - Last Act. 11 March-30 April. This work by Matteo Basilè is described as the final act of the digital representation narrating the “New World”. Emmeotto, Via Margutta 8, tel. 063216540. 11.00-14.00, 15.00-20.00. Sun, Mon and holidays closed. NEW. Venetian Red. 2 April-2 May. Watercolours of Venetian architecture by Emma Turton, a British artist who lives and works in Rome. Caffetteria Chiostro del Bramante, Via della Pace, tel. 0668809035. Tues-Sun 10.00-19.30. NEW. Violazione di domicilio. 8 April-6 May. This is the first in a series of collaborations between the Changing Role Gallery and Sala 1. It presents works by four young Italian artists focusing on the theme of “dimora” (dwelling). The artists are Jacopo Benassi, Arianna Carossa, Matteo Sanna and Nero. Sala 1 Centro Internazionale Arte Contemporanea, Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10, tel. 067008691. 16.30-19.30. Sun and Mon closed.


Wanted in Rome

Digital Life. 3 March-2 May. This multidisciplinary exhibition focusing on digital technology and the crossover between new media and contemporary artistic expression inaugurates a new space for exhibitions and cultural production, La Pelanda, at Rome’s Macro Future at the ex slaughterhouse in Testaccio. Featured artists include Ryuichi Sakamoto, Shiro Takatani, Jeffrey Shaw, Ulf Langheinrich, Michel Bruyère, Erwin Redl, Thomas McIntosh, Emmanuel Madan, Mikko Hynninen, Julien Maire, Christian Partos, Li Hui. Macro Future, Mattatoio di Testaccio, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Tues-Fri 16.00-24.00, Sat and Sun 12.00-24.00. Donna: Avanguardia Femminista negli anni ’70 dalla Sammlung Verbund di Vienna. 19 Feb-16 May. Over 200 works by 17 artists who were considered feminist pioneers during the 1970s. The exhibition focuses mainly on different facets of female identity, but it also highlights the important role played by women in art and the socio-political field during that period. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. Edward Hopper. 16 Feb-13 June. More than 160 works cover Hopper’s entire oeuvre, from his education to his years as a student in Paris, up to his “classic” and bestknown period of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, closing with the large images of his later years. Most of the works belong to the Whitney Museum but also to other important American museums. Museo Fondazione Roma, Via del Corso 320, tel. 066786209. 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. L’Età della Conquista. Il fascino dell’arte greca a Roma. 5 March-5 Sept. The works on show have been selected to represent one of the most significant eras for the development of all western art: the period following the Greek campaigns at the end of the third century BC until the first half of the first century AD. The exhibition features imposing marble, bronze and terracotta statues including cycles and friezes as well as domestic decorative elements. Capitoline Museums, Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608. 09.00-20.00.

Festival di Pasqua. 28 March-4 April. Rome’s annual Easter Festival is, as always, organised by Enrico Castiglione. The programme unfolds during Holy Week and ends on Easter Monday with concerts in some of the city’s most beautiful churches. Celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Luigi Cherubini and Alessandro Scarlatti, as well as the 300th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, there is much baroque music to look forward to. Concerts are free of charge but must be booked well in advance. For information tel. 0664829220, www.festivaldipasqua.org. Here are the dates of some of the concerts, the full programme being unavailable at press time. 31 March. Concert by the Coro e Orchestra Luigi Cherubini di Firenze conducted by Paolo Ponziano Ciardi. Music by Pergolesi, Cherubini, Paisiello (20.30). Basilica di S. Andrea della Valle. 1 April. Chamber music concert by the Camerata Artemisia Gentileschi, with Cecilia Montanaro harpsichord, Arianna Venditelli soprano, Gabriele Politi violin, Barbara Ferrara oboe and Andrea Fossà cello. Sacred music programme (20.30). Basilica di S. Marcello al Corso. 3 April. Gregorian chant and polyphonic music by the Schola Romana Ensemble conducted by Stefano Sabene. Music by Palestrina (20.00). Basilica di S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura. Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia Concerts at Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 068082058, www.santacecilia.it. 31 March. For the cycle of events entitled It’s Wonderful, concert by Woody Allen and his New Orleans Jazz Band (21.00). 31 March. Chamber music concert by the Concerto Italiano conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini. Music by Melani, Fabri, A. Scarlatti, D. Scarlatti (20.30). 1 April. Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese conducted by Giancarlo De Lorenzo, with Fabrizio Meloni clarinet. Music by Mozart, Copland, Schubert (21.00). Proceeds from this event will support reconstruction efforts following last year’s earthquake in Abruzzo. 9 April. Violin and piano recital by Leonidas Kavakos and Enrico Pace. Music by Szymanowsky, Prokofiev, Dvorak, Schubert (20.30).

31 March 2010

What’s on & where to go by Linda Bordoni

For up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com 1 April. Easter Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia. Programme unavailable at press time (17.30). Repeated 2 April (20.30). 11 April. Concert conducted by Rui Massena, with Anita Selvaggio soprano. Music by Cimarosa, Mozart, Schubert (17.30). Repeated 12 April (20.30). Teatro Palladium Largo Bartolomeo Romano 8, tel. 0657067761, www.teatro-palladium.it. 31 March. Concert conducted by Bruno Weinmeister, with Marco Fiorentini violin. Music by Widman, Mendelssohn, Beethoven (20.30).

festivals Rome

Russian conductor Yuri Temirkanov, musical director at the Teatro Regio in Parma, directs Mozart’s Requiem at S. Cecilia. 10 April. Concert by the Orchestra and Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia conducted by Yuri Temirkanov. Requiem by Mozart and Symphony n. 101 “The Clock” by Haydn (18.00). Repeated 12 April (21.00), 13 April (19.30). See Opera Notes. 11 April. Family Concert conducted by Yuri Temirkanov. Music by Mozart (12.00). 11 April. Voce di donna… o di mamma…A concert dedicated to the female voice and to music as an element in the growth of babies (17.30). Repeated 12 April (10.30), 13 April (10.30). Associazione Internazionale Amici della Musica Sacra Concerts in the basilica of S. Ignazio, Piazza S. Ignazio. For booking and information tel. 0668805816, www.amicimusicasacra.com. 31 March. Concert by the Chorgemeinschaft Germania Siegburg from Switzerland. Sacred music programme (21.00). Associazione Roma Sinfonietta Concerts at the Università di Tor Vergata, Auditorium E. Morricone. For booking and information tel. 063236104, 0632111712, www.romasinfonietta.com. 31 March. Concert by the ensemble Il Quintetto. Programme of music from Mozart to rock (18.00). I Musici Veneziani Concerts in the church of St Paul’s Within-the-Walls, Via Nazionale 16a, tel. 064883339, www.stpaulsrome.it. 3 April. Lyrical concert. Excerpts and arias from well-known operas (20.30). Repeated 6, 9, 10, 13 April (20.30).

4 Notti inseguendo la Luna. 9-30 April. This is a new event which the organisers describe as a mini-festival marked by the phases of the moon. It features some of the most significant protagonists of Italian ethnic music, including Daniele Sepe, Raffaello Simeoni, Massimo Giuntini, Magnacharta, Circo Diatonico, Banda di Testaccio, Alla bua e Malicanti. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30. For booking and information tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com. M.I.T. Meet in Town. 11 April. This project, organised by Music per Roma and Snob Production, focuses on electronic music and the experimentation of new and contemporary sound. The programme features an impressive lineup of international artists representing a range of genres and trends. Concerts and events take place throughout the Auditorium from early afternoon well into the night. Big names to look out for include the former Velvet Undergound member, John Cale, and his Tribute to Nico with the participation of Lisa Gerrard of the Dead Can Dance, Laetitia Sadier of the Stereolab and Nick Franglen. The section dedicated to the dancefloor features legends of disco, as well as new talent, audiovisual installations and other experimental works. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30. For booking and information tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com. Fluxus Biennale. 2010-2011. This two-year project put together by Achille Bonito Oliva is dedicated to Fluxus, the international collective of artists that formed in the 1960s and blended different artistic disciplines and media. The project is presented by Fondazione Musica per Roma and events take place at Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com.


Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti Concerts in the Aula Magna of the Università La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. For booking and information tel. 063610051, www.concertiiuc.it. 10 April. Recital by Sonia Ganassi mezzosoprano. Music by Rossini, Donizetti, Berlioz, Gounod, Massenet (17.30). 13 April. Piano recital by Maurizio Baglini. Music by Chopin and Liszt (20.30).

Milan National Ballet of Moldova. 7-9 April. In La Sylphide, choreography by August Bournonville. It is usual to call La Sylphide the prototype of romantic ballet, but no other surviving example ends with such amazing bleakness: James, the hero of this Scottish story, sees his fiancée, Effie, walking through a glen in a bridal procession with his rival, Gurn. Then he sees the Sylphide (or sylph), for whom he recklessly deserted Effie and whose death he has just unwittingly caused, floating up to a sylph heaven. He falls unconscious, and some interpreters of the role imply that he dies. Certainly he has nothing left to live for. However La Sylphide changed ballet at its Parisian première in 1832. The music is by the Danish composer Hermann von Lovenskjold and contains quotations from Auld Lang Syne and Scottish reels. Teatro Arcimboldi, tel. 02641142212214, www.teatoarcimboldi.it.

Rome Balletto del Teatro dell’Opera. 26 March-1 April. In Chopin racconta Chopin, choreography by Paul Chalmer. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Chopin, this work is based on a book by music critic Piero Rattalino. In it, the main narrator is Chopin himself who, with the help of a handful of people who knew him, tells the story of his brief life. Highlighted are his engagement with a Polish girl and the “scandalous” and dramatic relationship with George Sand. Teatro Nazionale, Via del Viminale 51, tel. 0648160255, 064817003, www.operaroma.it. Pupils of the Ballet School of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. 13-18 April. In Coppelia, choreography by Alicia Alonso. Teatro Nazionale, Via del Viminale 51, tel. 0648160255, 064817003, www.operaroma.it.

Bologna L’Elisir d’Amore by Donizetti. 27 March-8 April. Conducted by Daniele Rustioni, directed by Rosetta Cucchi, with Anna Corvino, Atalla Ayan, Davide Bartolucci, Michele Pertusi. Teatro Comunale, tel. 199107070, www.tcbo.it.

Genoa Tristan und Isolde by Wagner. 10-30 April. Conducted by Gianluigi Gelmetti, directed by Giancarlo Cobelli, with Ian Storey, Frode Olsen, Jayne Casselman, Jukka Rasilainen. Teatro Carlo Felice, tel. 01053811, www.carlofelice.it.

Oratorio del Gonfalone Via del Gonfalone 32, tel. 066875952. 31 March. Easter concert by the Ensemble InCanto conducted by Fabio Maestri, with Elisabetta Pallucchi mezzosoprano and Carlo Putelli tenor. Music by Part and Boccherini (21.00). 8 April. Chamber music concert by the Meccorre Quartet, with Wojchiech Koprowski and Aleksandra Tomasinka violins, Michal Bryla viola and Karol Marianowski cello. Music by Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Ravel (21.00).

31 March 2010

Cremona Nederlands Dans Theater II. 15 April. In Sleepless, choreography by Jiri Kylián, and Minus 16, choreography by Ohad Naharin. This super company was founded in 1978, and has developed into a top-quality, internationally recognised company performing in theatres all over the world. It’s made up of 16 talented dancers between the age of 17 and 22, all of whom have a classical ballet training. The company works with established choreographers such as Kylián, Hans van Manen, Naharin, Paul Lightfoot/Sol León and Johan Inger, but also with young and upcoming choreographers. In Sleepless there are three male-female couples, although the ballet begins and ends with a female dancer doing a pas de deux with her shadow, and there are important solo variations as well. Sleepless has been described as a tense, enigmatic work, softened by the physical beauty of the dancers themselves, and by the perfection of Kylián’s constructions. In Minus 16 the company doubles its stage presence by enticing 20 adventurous audience members to become part of Naharin’s marvelously manic, musically varied (cha-cha, mambo, techno and traditional Israeli) choreographic masterpiece. Teatro Ponchielli, tel. 0472022001, www.teatroponchielli.it.


La Stravaganza Concerts at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305. For booking and information tel. 0677072842, www.lastravaganzamusica.it. 10 April. Chamber music concert by Alessandro Palmeri cello, Luca Marconato theorbo and Salvatore Carchiolo harpsichord. Music by Scarlatti (18.00).

Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma Concerts at Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4. Information tel. 800904560, www.orchestrasinfonicadiroma.it.


Nederlands Dans Theater II performs in Sleepless by Jiri Kylián in Cremona.

Tannhauser by Wagner. 17 March-2 April. Conducted by Zubin Mehta, directed by Carlus Pedrissa, with Georg Zeppenfeld, Robert Dean Smith, Roman Trekel, Martin Hommrich, Anja Harteros, Julia Gertseva. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744, www.teatroallascala.org. Lulu by Alban Berg. 6-30 April. Conducted by Daniele Gatti, directed by Peter Stein, with Laura Aikin, Natascha Petrinsky, Magadalena Anna Hoffmann, Roman Sadnik. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 027203744, www.teatroallascala.org. See Opera Notes.

Wanted in Rome


What’s on & where to go by Linda Bordoni

For up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

Alban Berg’s Lulu directed by Peter Stein. Photo © Stofleth.

Palermo Die Gezeichneten by Franz Schreker. 14-21 April. Conducted by Philippe Auguin, directed by Graham Vick, with Robert Hale, Scott Hendriks, Franz Hawlata, Angeles Blanca Gulin, Peter Hoare. Teatro Massimo, tel. 0916053111, www.teatromassimo.it.

Rome Tosca by Puccini. 1-11 April. Conducted by Fabrizio Maria Carminati, directed by Andrejs Zagars, with Svetla Vassileva, Anda-Louise Bogza, Nadia Vezzù, Salvatore Licitra, Carlo Guelfi, Franco Giovine. Teatro Costanzi, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160255, 064817003, www.operaroma.it.

Turin Luisa Miller by Verdi. 14-27 April. Conducted by Donato Renzetti, directed by Denis Krief, with Fiorenza Cedolins, Roberto Frontali, Roberto Aronica, Orlin Anastassov, Barbara Di Castri, Enrico Iori. Teatro Regio, tel. 0118815241, www.teatroregio.torino.it.


Opera Notes La Scala stages the production of Alban Berg’s Lulu directed by Peter Stein at the Opéra di Lyon last year, with the additional third act that was not in the Berg original. In Milan it will be conducted by Daniele Gatti. In Rome S. Cecilia presents Mozart’s Requiem conducted by Yuri Temirkanov. Alla Scala di Milano arriva Lulu di Alban Berg (6-30 aprile); un capolavoro dodecafonico della prima metà del Novecento, rimasto però incompiuto al secondo atto e così sempre rappresentato, fino al 1979 quando a Parigi fu presentata la versione completata del terzo atto da Friedrich Cerha, sugli appunti originali lasciati dall’autore. A Milano sarà presentata in questa revisione, proposta con un allestimento già visto all’Opéra de Lyon un anno fa e che approderà nel giugno prossimo al Wiener Festwochen. Si è rivelata interessante la regia di Peter Stein, che si muove in “ambienti luminosissimi disegnati con estrema eleganza e arredati con gusto art déco, tra grandi vetrate e pareti immacolate”. Così come ha suscitato ampi consensi l’interpretazione della protagonista da parte di Laura Aikin che “ha sfoderato acuti smaglianti, coloratura nitidissima e anche peso vocale” oltre a una seducente ed esuberante presenza scenica. A Milano (come a Vienna) la direzione d’orchestra sarà di Daniele Gatti, che offrirà un’interpretazione da ricordare se eseguirà Lulu con la stessa intensità e preparazione con cui ha affrontato Wozzek, sempre di Alban Berg. Al Parco della Musica di Roma, per la Stagione Sinfonica dell’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia sarà presentato il Requiem per soli, coro e orchestra di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (10, 12 e 13 aprile). Un altro capolavoro, rimasto anch’esso incompiuto per il sopraggiungere della morte; fu terminato da Franz Xaver Süssmayer (il fedele discepolo di Mozart che ben conoscendo lo stile del maestro era capace di imitarlo nella melodia e nell’armonia), fu terminato su indicazioni della vedova del compositore, che ne sollecitò il completamento per incassare il compenso pattuito. Questo Requiem, nonostante si ascoltino pagine vigorose e di forte impatto emotivo, non ispira sentimenti di terrore o di angoscia, bensì di sublimata serenità e di pietosa consolazione. Per vivere queste emozioni e per confermare che Mozart non è il frivolo ed elegante musicista settecentesco che i più s’immaginano, è stato chiamato un grande direttore, sensibile e raffinato:Yuri Temirkanov, che si avvarrà delle voci di Ekaterina Sadovnikova, Marina Comparato, Paolo Fanale e Luca Pisaroni oltre all’Orchestra e al Coro dell’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Paolo Di Nicola


Wanted in Rome

Istituto Giapponese di Cultura. 5 March-17 April: exhibition entitled La poesia della porcellana, anima del vetro by Iko Itsuki and Izumi Oki. 09.00-12.30, 13.30-18.30. Wed until 17.30. Sat 09.30-13.00. Sun closed. Via Antonio Gramsci 74, tel. 063224794, www.jfroma.it.

theatre Danza di Morte. 8-30 April. By August Strindberg, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Lavia and Monica Guerritore. This play has been described as an extraordinary portrait of the hell that resides in marriage. Dance of Death, written in 1900, is echoed vividly in so much of modern drama. It is clearly a proto-version of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. In Italian. Teatro Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina 54, tel. 0668400311/346, www.teatrodiroma.net. Il Piacere dell’Onestà. 6-18 April. Directed by Fabio Grossi, with Leo Gullotta. This play belongs to the period in which Pirandello created his acclaimed theatrical masterpieces, Così è Se Vi Pare, Sei Personaggi in Cerca d’Autore and Enrico IV, all of them reflecting his particular vision of life. The Pleasure of Honesty, written in 1917, is based on an apparently insignificant plot: a man has to find

American Academy in Rome. 12 March-23 April: exhibition by Stephen Westfall entitled Pavimentazione sul Muro. Westfall, a current fellow in visual arts at the academy, has been exploring and reacting to the intricate designs of the mediaeval cosmatesque floors that decorate many Roman churches and which make extensive use of triangles of coloured marble. This show is his most completely integrated exhibition of paintings on canvas, wall paintings, and works on paper. Open by appointment, tel. 065846459. Via Angelo Masina 5. For information tel. 0658461, www.aarome.org. Casa di Goethe. 17 Feb-17 April. Piranesi, il Rembrandt delle rovine: a selection of about 30 etchings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, all of them depicting ancient and classical monuments in the city of Rome. Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France. 18 Feb-20 May: lectures featuring and dedicated to 20th-century French theologians. Every Thursday at 17.00. These lectures take place Leo Gullotta stars in Pirandello’s Il Piacere dell’Onestà at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Largo at the Teatro Eliseo. Toniolo 20/22, tel. 066802626, www.saintlouisdefrance.it. a husband for his pregnant lover so that she may give a name to the child. Baldovino, an impoverished aristocrat French Academy. I Mutanti. 30 March-6 June. This exhiwho has gambled away his wealth, is chosen for the purbition brings together five monographic shows curated by pose. But the play is really about the way people live their the director of the French Academy at Villa Medici, Eric de lives following abstract concepts. Baldovino accepts the Chassey. The five artists are the “mutants” of the title as marriage but then takes his righteous behaviour to they illustrate a world that we still do not know much about, extremes. In Italian. Teatro Eliseo, Via Nazionale 183, tel. except that identity is perhaps not definitive. They are Adel 0648919372, www.teatroeliseo.it. Abdessemed, Stephen Dean, Ellen Gallagher, Adrian Paci and Djamel Tatah, all of whom explore contemporary plurality, not only from a sociological point of view but also in their use of hybrid techniques. Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1/a, tel. 0667611. 11.00-19.00. Mon closed.


Osedax by Ellen Gallagher, one of the “mutant” artists featured at the French Academy in Rome.

NEW. Storie dal fantabosco. 3-24 April. Salamandra the witch wants to destroy all the fairy tales and rewrite them to become rich and famous. Will the friends of fantabosco be able to stop her (17.30)? Teatro 7, Via Benevento 23, tel. 0644236382, www.teatro7.it. NEW. Caccia all’uovo. 5 April. Easter event. Children and adults together try to solve the mystery of hidden eggs. Museo Civico di Zoologia, Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 18, tel. 0667109270, www.museodizoologia.it. 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, 17.00. NEW. Tea with Mozart. Until 30 June. A gradual approach to music for children aged 5 to 9 with fairy tales, games and Mozart’s music in an environment where they can express themselves freely. At the end of each meeting, parents and children have a cup of tea, different every time (16.3018.00). Caffè Freud, Via Angelo Poliziano 78/A tel. 0648930113, www.caffefreud.it. Lights on show. 20 Feb-13 June. Art workshop for children aged 7 to 11 focusing on the atmosphere created by Caravaggio in his paintings. Sat-Sun 16.00-18.00. Scuderie del Quirinale, Via XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500, www.scuderiequirinale.it. Camilla Van Staaden

31 March 2010


The island of the eternal sun Jessica Talton

Looking along the north coast of Ischia. Photo by Jackie Talton.


ome places are so beautiful that they can only be described by a sea, but it is now in ruins. The main thermal bath park in Casamicciola story. The island of Ischia is one of those places. Legend has it is currently Castiglione. that after creating the universe, in a moment of passion God creTravelling west along the coast from Casamicciola is the small town ated Ischia, the island of the eternal sun. of Lacco Ameno with its luxurious hotels, and the bay of S. Montano People of Greek origin, being the first known inhabitants of the lying between two rocky mountainsides. island in the eighth century BC, passed down another tale – that Continuing west is Forio, which still has its original historic centre Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, formed Ischia in her likemade of tiny streets, monuments and the quaint church of Soccorso ness. The result was a marvellous woman reclining in the middle of the built in a square overlooking the sea. It also has the exotic Mortella garsea, shapely, inviting and a captor of man’s sentiments. This likeness dens, which were designed by landscape architect Russell Page for can be seen in the rolling hills that create the panorama of the island. Susana Walton and her late husband, the English composer William Continuing the Greek legend, it is said that Typhon, a rebellious giant Walton. Another major attraction in Forio is Poseidon, the largest therwith a fiery temperament, was condemned by Zeus to mal park and garden on the island. live under Ischia. This gave the island its volcanic charFurther to the south is the area of Serrara Fontana, Ischia in the bay acteristics. But, to console Typhon, Aphrodite turned which includes the peninsula of S. Angelo, a tiny his tears and anger into healthy water, thus creating the fishing village with a unique beach flanked by the sea of Naples makes island’s abundance of warm thermal springs. Today on both sides that can only be explored on foot. This an ideal summer Ischia is still sought after for its thermal baths with district is also a good place to start your hike on the their supposed healing powers. island’s dormant volcano, Mount Epomeo. It is ideal Aphrodite had not yet finished with her work. get-away from Rome to start early on a cool summer morning and reach the Lastly, she created a “bed” of perfumed herbs to top in time to watch the sunrise and have a plate of reward a cricket for keeping the plants safe from ants all summer. This bruschetta and a glass of local wine. The name Epomeo actually means “bed”, made of flowers and a large number of pine trees, is what takes “to view the panorama from on high”. your breath away when you look at the island from any view point, and Finishing off our tour of the island, there is the Barano district on why it is also called the Isola Verde (green island). Even today with its the southern side. It is known for its lush valleys, clear air, hills and modern buildings, boats and cars, the island’s natural colours and beaulovely views. But most importantly here is the island’s largest beach, ty are overpowering. Maronti, a three-kilometre stretch of sand. Although Ischia is less well known than its island friend Capri, at Ischia is an ideal summer get-away. It has always been known for its 46.4 sqkm it is more than four times its size, and offers about that much mild climate and long sunny days. Located in the bay of Naples, it is also more in activities too. The island is made up of six separate districts, a convenient launch pad to places such as Capri, the Almafi coast, Pompei each with its own attractions and geographical landscape. and Naples itself, with short boat trips going out and coming back daily. Ischia town on the northeast coast is usually the place where visiBut as it goes with all things in life, any paradise is not free from tors from the mainland arrive because it has the largest port. This distroubles. Ischia is slowly sinking into the sea. It suffers from occasiontrict includes the unique Aragonese castle, which was built in 1438 on al landslides and numerous small earthquakes. However, this should a high rock surrounded by water, connected to Ischia mainland by only not deter visitors from going to the island, but is rather a reason to go a bridge. to see its beauty – before it goes down in history. Running along to the west of Ischia town is Casamicciola, from where there is an amazing view of the coast of Naples and Mount Ischia’s tourist season begins the weekend of Easter and ends at the beginning Vesuvius. There is also an enjoyable walk with both trendy and tradiof October (depending on the weather), with the month of August being the tional shops on one side and the sea on the other. Casamicciola is known most crowded and hot. as the place where Giuseppe Garibaldi came to heal his war-wounds, For Romans it is only about 75 minutes on the high-speed train to Naples, and for being the home of the famous thermal bathhouse Pio Monte and then about 1 hour by boat from Naples’ harbour to Ischia. della Misericordia, where rich and poor came for healing during the For more travel information see www.ischia.it or www.ischiaonline.it. 17th century. The bathhouse structure still exists and is visible from the 31 March 2010

Wanted in Rome



Rome’s ancient cuisine Helene Pizzi


o matter where you stop to eat in Rome, you will find wonderful food. And the small, often family-run trattoria may be serving dishes that are not all that different to what was in vogue 2,000 years ago. You can find hints about what was served then in Roman frescos or mosaics. Tables were laden with fresh fruit such as pears, apples, figs and grapes. Wine was served everywhere, and seafood and meats were also much appreciated. The art of bread-making was introduced from Greece by slaves. The Romans improved the milling of grain and bread became an integral part of the diet. Public ovens were busy places for the bakers, or pistores. At the excavations at Ostia Antica south of Rome we can see large millstones that were turned by mules hitched to poles inserted in the stones. In about 23 BC Vitruvio in his De Architectura describes a water mill that also used the force of the wind to allow flour to be ground much more finely, improving the quality of the bread. Such mills were used until the Middle Ages. The Romans, like the Greeks and the Etruscans, Mosaics can provide a useful insight into what the ancient Romans liked to eat. also made a sort of pasta. It had the form of a thin The most famous Roman cookbook, De re coquinaria, was written sheet (known as laganum in Latin and lagnon in Greek), similar to by Marcus Gavius Apicius, who lived at the time of the Emperor modern-day focaccia, which was baked or fried then cut into strips and Tiberius (14-37 AD). There are no measurements given, so each cook added to legumes and vegetables as they finished cooking. It is thought had to create his own unique dish, some using a lot of an ingredient, that the laganum was also used to layer up a dish with vegetables, perothers a little. Many of the recipes call for ingredients that are no longer haps a forerunner of today’s lasagne. available or are difficult to find, or have combinations that would not Graters for hard cheese have been found at Ostia Antica, along with appeal to our palates today. However here is a sauce for roasted fish colanders, slotted spoons, ladles and other utensils similar to those we that is quite delicious. Apicius tells us to prepare a mixture of chopped use today. pepper, onion, cumin, marjoram and celery seeds and then add chopped Just like modern Romans, the ancient Romans ate three meals a dried plums, a little wine, some vinegar, garum (a popular Roman day. Breakfast, called jentaculum, was a quick, frugal meal, usually of condiment made from blue fish such as sardines or anchovies maceratbread eaten with oil, cheese, dried fruit, wine or milk and honey. Poorer ed in herbs and salt) and oil. This should be cooked slowly and the people simply had bread dipped in milk or wine. School children sauce can be used over any type of cooked fish. bought snacks at pastry shops called pistor dulcarius on their way to Sometimes roasts were prepared by first boiling the meat (any kind) classes. The noon meal, or in salted water and then roasting it. They could then be served with a prandium, was a quick light Romans have sauce made of chopped myrtle berries (remove seeds), cumin, pepper, lunch of fish, fruit and vegetahoney, cooked must and garum, which was boiled and thickened with bles that was often eaten standalways enjoyed flour. Another method was simply to sprinkle the meat with salt, roast ing up, a pause from work in the the good things it and then serve it with honey to bring out the flavour. bustling city. Street vendors Seasonal fruit was eaten fresh, but pears were sometimes prepared competed with the many therof life – and still do according to a recipe by Apicius: clean and remove the cores, chop the mopolium or popina, “fast food” pulp with pepper and cumin, mix with sweet wine, honey, a little oil places (rather like today’s bar and a drop of garum and cook, adding an egg to bind, then serve with and tavola calda) open to the street selling hot, freshly cooked food as a sprinkle of pepper. well as fruit and wine. Customers could eat standing, sit in enclosed Two thousand years ago artichokes were eaten with hardboiled courtyards or buy food to take away. eggs. The Romans have always enjoyed this healthy vegetable and Cena, the evening meal, was a relaxed meal when family and guests today it is served (in season) everywhere in Rome, from humble tratgathered to eat and talk. Humble families would eat a flour pasta dish torie to elegant restaurants. Endive has also been popular with with vegetables and legumes. Well-off families had their cena served in Romans for over two millennia, dressed with liquamen (similar to dining rooms where they reclined on triclinium. A fancy meal would garum - substitute with lemon juice or vinegar), a little oil and begin with a starter or gustatio including eggs, olives, snails and oysters. chopped onion; or cover leeks with cabbage leaves and roast for Next came the prima cena with meats, fish and vegetables, followed by another delicious combination. If you have the money, try fixing trufthe altera cena of roasted meats and game. The tablecloths would then fles as the Romans did by scraping them clean and then boiling them, be changed and the floor cleaned before the secundae mensae was sprinkling them with salt and putting them on skewers to be grilled served. This was the dessert course of sweets, seasonal fresh fruit and lightly and served with a sauce of wine, pepper and honey. The dried fruits. Wine was the favourite drink and it was customary for Romans cooked mushrooms with a bouquet of fresh coriander guests to take a “doggy bag” home with the food they had not eaten, and (remove bouquet before serving) and this is also worth a try. often the host sent them off with a small gift (apophoreta) as well. 22

Wanted in Rome

31 March 2010

USEFUL NUMBERS associations American International Club of Rome


St Francis Xavier del Caravita (Roman Catholic) Via del Caravita 7 - www.caravita.org

S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic) Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121, Sunday Service 10.00 and 17.30

S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic) Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30

American Women’s Association of Rome

The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.

tel. 064825268 - www.awar.org


Association of Malaysians in Italy

Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627, Sunday service 11.00

tel. 389/1162161 malaysiansinitaly@gmail.com

Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099. In original language on Mon

Caledonian Society

Cineclub Detour

tel. 0645447625 - www.aicrome.org


Via Urbana 47/a, tel. 0645490845

Canadian Women’s Association


St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church St Patrick’s Church (Roman Catholic) Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121, Sunday service 10.00

St Paul’s within-the-Walls (Anglican Episcopal)


Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987

Circolo di Cultura Mario Mieli


Gay and lesbian international contact group, tel. 065413985 - fax 065413971

Via del Corso 7, tel. 0632600500

Nuovo Olimpia

Daughters of the American Revolution

Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068


Nuovo Sacher

International Women’s Club of Rome tel. 0633267490 - www.pwarome.org

Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116. In original language on Mon when available

Alcoholics Anonymous

Irish Club of Rome

Warner Village Moderno

tel. 064742913 - www.aarome.imfo

Piazza della Repubblica 44, tel. 0647779111


irishclubofrome@gmail.com - www.irishclubofrome.it

Professional Women’s Association info@pwarome.org

United Nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628, unwg@fao.org www.unwgrome.multiply.com

Welcome Neighbor tel. 3479313040 dearprome@tele2.it www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

books The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.

Bibliothèque Centre Culturel Saint-Louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20/22, tel. 066802637 www.saintlouisdefrance.it

emergency numbers • Ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • Electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Forestry corps (forest fires) tel. 1515 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • Rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355

religious All Saints’ Anglican Church Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881, Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 nd th Kids Rock children’s service every 2 and 4 Sunday of the month at midday.

Herder International Book Center (German)

Christian Science Services

Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 bookcentre@herder.it - www.herder.it

Church of All Nations

La Librairie Française de Rome La Procure (French) Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 - www.librairiefrancaiserome.com

Libreria Feltrinelli International Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878 www.lafeltrinelli.it

support groups

HIV+ children and their families. tel. 0677250350 www.arche.it

Luncheon Club of Rome tel. 0636307249

Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339, Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)

Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425 Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464

Church of Sweden Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474, Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)

Footsteps Inter-Denominational Christian South Rome, tel. 0650917621 - 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371 akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it

Associazione Centro Astalli (Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306

Associazione Ryder Italia Support for cancer patients and their families, tel. 065349622/0658204580 www.ryderitalia.it

Astra (Anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 - www.differenzadonna.it

Caritas soup kitchen (Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30, tel. 0647821098 11.00-13.30 daily

Caritas foreigners’ support centre Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 - 066861554

Caritas hostel Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235

Caritas legal assistance Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369

Celebrate Recovery Christian group tel. 338 / 1675680

Comunità di S. Egidio Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234

Comunità di S. Egidio soup kitchen Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat

Disabled information line tel. 800271027

Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre

Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484

International Central Gospel Church

St Paul’s within-the-Walls, Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339

Libreria Spagnola Sorgente (Spanish)

Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695

Mason Perkins Deafness Fund

International Christian Fellowship Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266, Sunday service 11.00

Support for deaf and deaf-blind children, tel. 0644234511, masonperkins@gmail.com www.mpds.it

Jesus Cares Ministries

Overeaters Anonymous

Libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950 www.libreriaspagnola.it

S. Susanna Lending Library Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00

The Almost Corner Bookshop


tel. 064743772

Jewish Community,

Salvation Army (Esercito della Salvezza)

Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061

Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942

Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas

The Anglo American Bookshop

Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761

Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222

Lutheran Church

The Lion Bookshop & Café

Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70, tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)

Via dei Greci 33/36, tel. 0632654007 www.thelionbookshop.com

Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church

The Open Door Bookshop (second hand books) (English, French, German, Italian)

Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314, Sunday service 10.30

Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478 www.books-in-italy.com

Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 - 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)

chiamaroma 24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council. Tel. 060606

31 March 2010

Rome Baptist Church

Rome Buddhist Centre Vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091

Rome Mosque (Centro Islamico) Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 - 068082258

Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri”, Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351

Support for elderly victims of crime (Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104

The Samaritans Onlus Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed, tel. 800860022

transport • Atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, www.atac.roma.it • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, www.adr.it • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, www.adr.it • Taxi tel. 060609 - 065551 - 063570 - 068822 064157 - 066645 - 064994 • Traffic info tel. 1518 • Trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021, www.trenitalia.it

Wanted in Rome


ROME’S MUSEUMS Below is a list of the major museums and archaeological sites in Rome; in general, ticket offices shut approximately one hour before final closing time. In most cases admission is free for EU citizens under 18 and over 65 and reduced for those aged 18-25. Three-day tickets costing €9 will give entry to the museums/archaeological sites marked #, while seven-day tickets costing €20 give entry to the museums/archaeological sites marked *. Book tickets for many Rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at www.060608.it. Book tickets for the Borghese Museum, Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at www.beniculturali.it. For full details see www.museiincomuneroma.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/roma-in-scena/. Updated 16 October 2009.

ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre

Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia

Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €4.50, reduced €2.50. Guided tours in English for groups, reserve 15 days in advance. Seven-day Capitolinicard includes entry to Capitoline Museums, €8.50 + exhibition supplement.

Piazza Villa Giulia 9, tel. 063226571. National Etruscan collection. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. €4. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking, tel. 0644239949.

Baths of Caracalla * Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, tel. 0639967700. The third-century AD bath complex that remained in use until the Goths cut its water supply in the sixth century AD. 09.00-19.15. Mon 09.00-14.00. €6.

Baths of Diocletian # * Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. Three-day pass combining Crypta Balbi, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme and Palazzo Altemps, €7. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (12.00).

Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 1700. €8.50. Guided tours in English and Italian €6.

Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350. Private collection of works by Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Open Sat 09.0013.00 only. €10 €8 reduction. Private group tours of the collection are available seven days a week on request. For visitors with special needs such as wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance.

Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English. €3.

Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.00-14.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. €6, €3 reduction. Free guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00).

Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285. Residence of Pope Paul II Barbo in the 15th century, it was the embassy of the Republic of Venice and then of the Austrian Empire. Houses paintings, sculptures, bronzes by Pisanello and Bernini. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed. €4.

Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €6.50. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127.

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna

Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini

Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981. National collection of modern art. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. €9.00. Guided tours in English (on prior booking) and Italian.

Piazza G. Marconi 14, EUR, tel. 06549521. Prehistoric Italian artifacts and ethnological material from various cultures. Autumn-Winter season 10.00-18.00. €6.

Keats-Shelley Memorial House

Palazzo Altemps # *

Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00; Sat 11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00. €4. Guided tours on prior booking. www.keats-shelley-house.org

Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848. A collection of mainly pre-Roman art. Tues-Sun 09.0019.00. Mon closed. €3. 1.50 reduction.

Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700. Ancient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. Three-day pass combining Crypta Balbi, Baths of Diocletian and Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, €7.

Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.3019.30. Mon closed. €5.00 + booking fee.

Capitoline Museums

Museo Canonica

Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. €6.50 + exhibition supplement. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun. Seven-day Capitolinicard includes entry to ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre.

Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €3. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance).

Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets

Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500. Huge exhibition space offering 10,000 sqm on three floors reopened to the public in 2007 after five years of restoration work. Tues, Wed, Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.0022.30. Sun 10.00-20.00. Mon closed. €10 or €12.50, including entry to Scuderie del Quirinale.

Castel S. Angelo Museum

Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €6.50.

Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111. The Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum, then used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €5.

Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum * Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700. 08.30-19.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). €9. Admission to the Roman Forum is free. Guided tours in English and Italian.

Crypta Balbi # * Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the portico of the Imperial Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Three-day pass combining Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Baths of Diocletian and Palazzo Altemps, €7. Guided tours in Italian.

Domus Aurea Via della Domus Aurea, tel. 0639967700. The Emperor Nero’s Domus Aurea is currently closed for restoration.

Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 10.00-17.00. €9.


Wanted in Rome

Museo della Civiltà Romana and Planetarium Piazza G. Agnelli 10, EUR, tel. 060608. Replicas of ancient Roman artifacts, plus the new planetarium and astronomy museum. 09.00-14.00. Mon closed. Planetarium Tues-Fri 20.30-23.30, Sat and Sun 16.3023.30. €6.50 for either the museum or planetarium, €8.50 for both.

Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608. Home of the Roman altar to peace commissioned by Emperor Caesar Augustus in the 1st century AD. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. €6.50.

Palazzo Corsini Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica Via della Lungara 10, tel. 0668802323. National collection of 16th- and 17th-century paintings. 09.00-14.00. Mon closed. €4.

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme # * Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and antiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. Three-day pass combining Crypta Balbi, Baths of Diocletian and Palazzo Altemps, €7. Guided tours in Italian.

Roman Domus on the Celio Clivo di Scauro, tel. 0670454544. Ancient Roman buildings reopened to the public after extensive restoration. 10.00-13.00, 15.00-18.00. Tues-Wed closed. €6.

Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari

Vatican Museums

Piazza G. Marconi 10, EUR, tel. 060608.Traditional Italian tools, crafts, clothing, furniture, musical instruments, jewellery. Tues-Fri 09.00-18.00, Sat-Sun 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. €4. Guided tours in Italian on prior booking.

Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. Mon-Sat 09.00-18.00. Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry, closure 2 hours later. €14. For group tours of the museums and Vatican gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January.

Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Roma (MACRO) Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608. The city’s collection of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. Via Reggio Emilia 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Free entry MACRO Future, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions only 16.0024.00. Mon closed. Free entry for under 18s and over 65s, normal ticket €4.50. Ticket valid for 7 days.

Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Italian unity. Also Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. 10.00-16.00. Mon closed. Free entry.

31 March 2010



BOOKSHOP via del Moro, 45 Trastevere

Tel. 06.583.6942

OPEN SUNDAYS almostcorner@libero.it

Britannia International School of Rome • • • •

Age range 3-11 Bus Transport Extra-curricular activities The school opens at 8.30 am in the morning and closes at 3.15 pm. Lessons start at 9.15 a.m.

Situated in the south of Rome in a modern villa. Small classes ensure that children receive the help and stimulation needed to achieve their maximum potential. A carefully structured Kindergarten provides a varied programme, including the preparation for learning basic skills, in a happy family atmosphere. Via E. Parisi 11 - Rome - Tel. 0671354252 www.britanniainternationalschool.it

GCSE Courses now available!

Language Schools

THE CULTURAL CONNECTION IS LANGUAGE Learn the Italian you need and want to know ITALIAIDEA: information@italiaidea.com www.italiaidea.com - Via dei Due Macelli 47, 00187 Roma, tel. 0669941314 (Metro Spagna)

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