Wake Forest School of Business Faculty Focus 2024; Carousel Features

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FACULTY FOCUS pro humanitate 2024

Dear Wake Forest School of Business Supporters,

At the heart of our vision and mission of helping businesses and organizations create a better world, you’ll find the tremendously talented and dedicated faculty of the Wake Forest University School of Business. Our faculty are not just educators; they are visionaries, thought leaders, and experts in their respective fields. Their knowledge, experience, and passion elevate the learning environment, nurturing students into the ethical business leaders and innovative problem solvers they aspire to be.

From groundbreaking research into the interplay between work life and personal life to using information technology to combat the horrors of human trafficking, our esteemed faculty members are renowned for their impactful research, innovative teaching methodologies, and unwavering commitment to enhancing our scholarship and creative work in the spirit of Pro Humanitate – for humanity – that will help guide the next generation of ethical, globally-minded business leaders to address the challenges facing humanity and our world. Hailing from diverse backgrounds and possessing a rich blend of academic credentials, industry experience, and real-world insights, I am honored to serve alongside these trailblazers on a daily basis.

This faculty showcase serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts and achievements of just a few of the many brilliant individuals who call Wake Forest University home. Their dedication to scholarship, experiential learning, and meaningful partnership as part of our global business community should serve as an inspiration to us all, and I look forward to their continued efforts in educating our next generation of leaders and in helping to build a brighter future for businesses and organizations everywhere.


F.M. Kirby

New Faculty Norma Montague Jeff Camm Tom Canace Jia Li Rob Nash Stacie Petter Julie Wayne Lauren Reid Tilan Tang Amol Joshi

data scientist decision scientist

As a decision scientist, Jeff Camm approaches his research with pragmatism. “I always start with a problem that industry has a hard time solving, and I help them solve those business problems by making better-informed decisions using data and mathematical models,” says Camm, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and the Inmar Presidential Chair of Analytics at the Wake Forest School of Business.


“Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Optimization at Procter & Gamble.”

INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 149-157, March-April, (2022) with J., Christman and A. Naraynan.

“I’m focused on impact,” he continues. “I don’t want to spend time on problems that very few people care about. I want to see and understand how my research is implemented and leads to better decisions out there in the marketplace.”

For Camm, the distinction between data scientist and decision scientist is a significant one, with both playing vital roles in advancing research. In short, he says, “data scientists model data and decision scientists model decisions that have to be made.”

“Data Science Quarantined.”

MIT Sloan Management Review. (Online) (2020) with T.H. Davenport.

002 8912 9 1 7 2 6 8 0 4 6 2 830 5617

“The Recession's Impact on Analytics and Data Science.”

MIT Sloan Management Review. (Online) (2020) with M.R. Bowers and T.H. Davenport.

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research, Professor, Inmar Presidential Chair in Analytics, Academic Director of the Center for Analytics Impact

PhD, Clemson University (Management Science) BS, Xavier University (Mathematics)


Optimization modeling and algorithms POSITION BACKGROUND


Business Analytics, Optimization

5 3067
NAME Jeff Camm

Camm’s scholarship, which has been featured in Management Science and Operations Research, as well as Science and other journals, is focused on optimization, modeling and algorithms. He has tackled problems ranging from how companies optimize product lines and supply chains to how governments should purchase lands to maximize biodiversity. “Data Science Quarantined,” a 2020 MIT Sloan Management Review article he co-authored, delved into how companies began to adjust their machine learning and predictive analytics models following the global COVID-19 pandemic. “As one manager said, ‘Our machine learning model did not adapt very well to six straight weeks of zero demand,” Camm says. “We wanted to learn from that experience for the future.” In keeping with that line of inquiry, one of Camm’s current research projects is focused on the analytics of resiliency. “Typically, companies want to maximize profits or minimize costs,” he says, “but the objective of a lot of companies now is to have a supply chain that can withstand the shocks that come from a recession or a pandemic or the outbreak of war, so that no matter what happens, they know their supply chain won’t break.”

As a decision scientist, it “pays to be humble,” Camm says. “I’ve worked on projects where people might traditionally say, ‘Here’s the answer.’ I’ve learned to say, ‘Here are the top choices’ and let the client or manager decide. My work is helping companies make informed decisions, as opposed to providing one answer.”

Camm, who was a math major as an undergraduate and earned a Ph.D. in management science, spent more than three decades at the University of Cincinnati. He joined the Wake Forest University faculty in 2015 for the opportunity to help craft and launch the MS in Business Analytics program. He especially appreciated the agility of the University,

which welcomed its first students in the program just a year after his arrival. “We had the support and resources to move quickly, and now it’s about 130-135 full-time students a year,” he says.

Wake Forest has been a good fit for Camm, his teaching and his scholarship in other ways, too. He is appreciative of the endowed Inmar Presidential Chair in Analytics that helps to support his research. “We follow the teacher-scholar model so teaching is mission critical,” he says, “but we also want to be scholars and thought leaders in our areas.”

And he believes his research goal of helping people to make better decisions aligns well philosophically with Wake Forest University’s motto, Pro Humanitate, or “for humanity.” “You have to define what ‘better’ means, but the whole point is to ease the pain of tough decisions and to make the world better by making better decisions.”


• INFORMS Fellow

• Fellow of the Graduate School: University of Cincinnati

• Contributing Editor: INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics

• Editorial Oversight Board Member: Operations Management Research

Business Analytics, 5th Edition with J. Cochran, M. Fry, J. Ohlmann, Cengage Learning, Cincinnati, Ohio, ©2024.

Data Duped: How to Avoid Being Hoodwinked by Misinformation, with D. Gibson, Rowman & Littlefield, ©2023.

Data Visualization: Exploring and Explaining with Data, 1st Edition with J. Cochran, M. Fry, and J. Ohlmann, Cengage Learning, Cincinnati, Ohio, published 2021, ©2022.


committed to the classroom

Dr. Norma R. Montague loves being in the classroom. Though she began her career specializing in auditing at an accounting firm, she felt a calling to teach almost immediately.

“Within a year, I realized that I really enjoyed teaching at the firm,” she says. “We had lunch-and-learns, and I was often the one raising my hand to teach those sessions. I realized teaching accounting was my passion.”

Montague, who now serves as Senior Associate Dean of Academic Programs and John B. McKinnon Professor and Associate Professor of Accounting, began teaching accounting at Central Carolina Community College in Sanford, North Carolina. During her near decade at the school, she rose through the ranks and found herself in line for an administrative position. But she realized that trajectory would take her further from the place she loved most—the classroom.

“I thought, ‘I like advancing in my career, but I’m not quite ready to step out of the classroom,’” she says.

So Montague left the community college to pursue a Ph.D. in business administration at the University of South Florida. And in 2010, she came to Wake Forest to teach accounting.


“The Millennial Internship Experience.” The CPA Journal. (Forthcoming) with G. Violette.

“The Unintended Consequences of Uncertainty Disclosures Made by Auditors and Managers on Nonprofessional Investor Judgments.” Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS). (Forthcoming) with A. Kelton.

"Becoming a trusted business partner." Strategic Finance, 50-56. (2022) with R. G. Fay, J. Lobs, and K.C. Herbst.


Norma Montague


Senior Associate Dean of Academic Programs, John B. McKinnon Professor, Associate Professor of Accounting


Ph D, University of South Florida (Auditing Research) MBA, North Carolina State University (Accounting) BA, North Carolina State University (Accounting)


Auditing with a behavioral and decision making focus


Auditing and Financial Accounting

In the years since, Montague has taken on administrative roles that include Associate Dean of the Master of Science in Management Program, and currently, Senior Associate Dean of Academic Programs. That role allows Montague to help shape the curriculum offered to students in a range of programs, from undergraduate to MBA, in-person and online.

“I work with the different programs to help them evaluate their curricula,” Montague says. “The idea is to make sure that we are delivering relevant content in accessible ways to our students, whether that content is online, hybrid, Saturday, face-to-face, etc.”

To help ensure curriculum relevance in the marketplace, Montague works alongside colleagues at the Center for Market Readiness and Employment, which provides career and life-planning strategies for business students and alumni. She also contributes to enrollment management, making certain that admissions criteria remain rigorous while also readily attainable to students across diverse backgrounds.

While Montague enjoys those administrative opportunities, the work she does in the classroom continues to fulfill her passion for working directly with students.

“I just really love working with students to help them reach their potential,” she says. “A lot of students take accounting because they have to, because they're going into other majors. I love to make it understandable and meaningful to them and help students achieve their potential in whatever career path they choose.”

Montague teaches a class called Professional Life Skills, which offers students fundamental skills to be successful in their personal and professional pursuits. While these types of courses are taught at many schools, Montague wanted to take hers further, exploring the psychology behind the choices we make concerning money, risk and planning for the future.

“It was really important that they understand the psychology behind the things that keep us from achieving our goals,” she says. “They understand that it's not just, ‘Set a budget,’ or ‘Go invest.’ There are barriers that are very real for students. So I want them to know who they are before they get to that point so they can successfully implement the financial wellness best practices.”

Montague’s mission in this class corresponds with her work in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through the American Accounting Association. She serves on their Board of Directors as the Vice President of DEI, where she is part of a group working on creating an inclusive classroom learning series.

“We have a group working on understanding how teaching evaluations are used for performance reviews and promotion and how they may be misused, particularly with faculty from underrepresented or historically marginalized backgrounds,” Montague says. “We have another group working on the publications process and how we can make that more inclusive, not only in how the process unfolds when faculty submit papers to be published in journals, but also the nature of the research that is published.”

Montague says Wake Forest provides the ideal setting for exploring those concepts of equity and diversity. And whether she’s working with colleagues or guiding students in the classroom, there’s a shared sense of camaraderie and a dedication for equipping graduates to be as successful as possible once they leave campus.

“There's something really special about Wake Forest,” she says. “I work with great people who are all aligned on our mission, our vision and our values. And the interaction between faculty and students is so genuine and meaningful.”


• Board of Directors, VP of DEI: American Accounting Association (AAA) Introduction to Managerial Accounting, with Peter Brewer, Ray Garrison, and Eric Noreen, McGraw Hill Education, ©2024


managing innovation


"Minding the Communications Gap: How Can Universities Signal the Availability and Value of their Scientific Knowledge to Commercial Organizations?" Research Policy. (2023)

with S. Nasirov.

Each year, NASA allocates millions of dollars in grant funding to small businesses across the United States that supply the agency with innovative technology. These partnerships—which are supported by the federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs—allow agencies such as NASA to tap into cutting-edge innovations that drive programs such as the Mars Rover, the International Space Station, and the James Webb Telescope.

Congress requires these agencies to conduct periodic independent reviews of small business partnerships and how research and development (R&D) grant money is used to ensure the funds are providing the greatest impact. And as NASA embarks on its latest review, the agency tapped Dr. Amol M. Joshi, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Bern Beatty Fellow, to join a team of 15 experts to analyze the efficacy of NASA's small business R&D programs and partnerships.

“We will take an objective look, and then the chairs of our committee will present our findings and recommendations to Congress,” Joshi says. “This enables me to widely share the research I do on innovation and directly apply it to national economic development policies and priorities.”

This isn’t the first time the federal government has asked Joshi to lend his expertise to this type of

"Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Science Foundation."

National Academies Press. Consensus Study Report (Ed.), (pp.142). (2023)




Ph D, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School (Business Administration [Strategy and Entrepreneurship])

MBA, Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business

MS, Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering (Computer Architecture)

BS, Georgia Institute of Technology (Electrical Engineering [with Highest Honor])


Technology Entrepreneurship, Innovation Policy, Intellectual Property (IP), Inclusive Innovation, Global Strategy

"How Everything-as-a-Service Enabled Judo to Become a Billion-Dollar Bank Without Owning IT." MIS Quarterly Executive. (2022) with C.F. Breidbach, F. von Briel, P. P. Maglio, G. Dickens, A. Twigg, and N. Wünderlich.


Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Global Strategy

Amol M. Joshi Associate Thomas H. Davis Professor in Business

analysis. He has also served on review committees for similar evaluations of small business R&D grants and technology programs for the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Joshi is a natural fit for this role. He spent a significant portion of his career in Silicon Valley as an engineer, entrepreneur and inventor, co-inventing two patented technologies for voice products. During that time he founded Be Vocal, a speech-recognition software startup that was an early pioneer in technology that enables voice recognition products like Siri and Alexa.

Though originally from India, Joshi grew up in the Carolinas and earned his Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill. He came to Wake Forest in 2020, where he saw opportunity to collaborate across disciplines.

“One of the unique things about Wake Forest is that though we are perhaps a smaller institution, we have a lot under one roof,” he says. “I have a joint appointment on the faculty in the School of Medicine, and just yesterday I was on a call with folks from the School of Law and Engineering Department. We're all working on the regulation of software as a medical device, which intersects all our areas of expertise.”

And his experience as an inventor and entrepreneur informs his work with students and faculty creating new technologies and products, as well. He lends his knowledge of invention and entrepreneurship to help creators at Wake translate their ideas beyond campus.

“I see myself as a resource for guiding our students and aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as scientists and technologists at Wake Forest, who want to bring their ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace,” he says.

Joshi also designed strategy courses for the MBA program, which task students with operating a


• Member, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Study Committees

• Editorial Board Member: Organization Science, Strategic Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

• Strategic Advisory Board Member: Approve AI Technologies

simulated medical device company as teams, running their businesses for eight weeks before presenting to a “board of directors” made up of Wake Forest alumni who are local C-level executives and leaders.

“I give them a realistic and interactive experience, learning how to actually manage a business,” he says.

Joshi also brings the work he does outside Wake Forest into the classroom, giving his students an insider look at public and private-sector partnerships not only through his work with the federal government, but also the State of North Carolina. He conducts nonpartisan economic analysis of innovation policies for the State legislature and Executive branch agencies.

“They want to have someone take an independent look at the data who won’t go into it trying to prove one point of view or another,” he says. “This is the objective evidence for what happens, and this is what's best for North Carolina.”

Joshi says he follows that same approach to his work with NASA and other federal government agencies. And whether he’s working with students on campus or consulting for NASA, he believes championing innovation and entrepreneurship transcends political differences and presents an opportunity to contribute to the greater good in the spirit of Pro Humanitate.

“The nice thing about it is this is a nonpartisan issue,” he says. “Most people, regardless of their political beliefs, are generally in support of helping small business in the United States. And for me, that work is very important because it has an impact far beyond Wake Forest in creating shared prosperity.”


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Study Report, by A. M. Joshi, Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the Department of Energy, National Academies Press. ©2020

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Study Report, by A. M. Joshi, Assessment of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Institutes of Health, National Academies Press. ©2022

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Study Report, by A. M. Joshi, Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Science Foundation, National Academies Press. ©2023


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of e-commerce within the retail marketplace dramatically expanded. Consumers confined to their homes turned to their computers, tablets, and smartphones to purchase everything from fitness equipment to office furniture, encompassing items traditionally not bought online, such as groceries. This surge in online grocery shopping particularly intrigued Dr. Li, Associate Professor.

As a marketing researcher, Li specializes in utilizing data to examine contemporary marketing issues. With a background in computer science, he frequently employs advanced technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), to sift through massive data sets and unearth valuable business insights.

Case in point: with his intrigued interest in online grocery shopping, Li and his co-author have been developing a comprehensive and rigorous geo-spatial model. This model aims to delineate the geographic reach of grocery stores that provide e-commerce services, as well as to identify the distinct behaviors of grocery shoppers when they choose online versus in-store shopping. Despite the technical challenges and time-consuming nature of this work, Li says this study is crucial for understanding the role of e-commerce in grocery retail, particularly in the postCOVID new era.

"The complexity of the model, coupled with the vast datasets required to estimate it, precludes the use of a personal computer. Fortunately, Wake Forest University is equipped with an exceptional high-performance

Jia Li


Associate Professor of Marketing, Robinson-Lightcap Faculty Fellow


Ph D, Washington University in St. Louis


Social and Peer Influence in Marketing, E-Commerce, Retailing, Sales Management, Quantitative Marketing, Econometric Modeling, Empirical Industrial Organization, Field Experiment, Machine Learning for Marketing



"Disruptions to In-Person Medical Visits Across the U.S. during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evolving Disparities by Medical Specialty and Socioeconomic Status."

Public Health 221: 116-123. (2023)

with Weixing Liu and Tina Dalton.

"Potential Value of Air: Effect of Air Pollution on Retail Store Performance and Customer Behavior."

Naval Research Logistics

70(6): 507-636. (2023)

with Weixing Liu, Siming Huang, and Yitong Wang.

"Expectation-Based Consumer Purchase Decisions: Behavioral Modeling and Observations."

Marketing Letters 34(3): 397-413. (2023) with Justin Jia and Weixing Liu.

Marketing Analytics, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Research


computing facility, the DEAC Cluster, dedicated to research. High-Performance Computing (HPC) utilizes a network of computer systems, configuring them to operate in parallel to solve large, complex problems at very high speeds. With the support of our DEAC Cluster colleagues, we have successfully completed over 1.16 million tasks to date, utilizing nearly 1 million compute-hours and exceeding 300 TB of memory. To put this in context, these tasks would take 109 years to complete without the use of parallelization."

Multidisciplinary studies also play a significant role in Li's research. Many of his earlier publications in marketing have found strong resonance across various fields, including operations management, economics, organizational behavior, human resources, and strategy. Recently, he has grown increasingly interested in investigating the connections between marketing and critical societal issues. For example, one of his newly published papers examines how environmental factors, such as air pollution, influence consumer behavior. Another working paper explores the identification of new forms of stigma or biases based on geographic origin.

"Discrimination or stigma related to race, gender, and age is well-documented. In this study, we investigate another potential source of stigma: geographic region. Our preliminary results not only confirm the existence of this new type of stigma but also suggest that it can influence how employees are evaluated by their supervisors in the workplace."

Whenever possible, Li incorporates students in his research through assistantships. He currently mentors a group of Wake students from different programs who assist in research projects. Last year, he published a paper in the Journal of Marketing Analytics, coauthored with Rachel McCrary, who was a Wake Forest School of Business undergraduate student at the time. The paper outlines a project Li and McCrary did during

the summer of 2020, when her scheduled internship was canceled due to the pandemic.

“Rachel and I used machine learning approaches to understand how a current event such as COVID could influence consumer perception of a company’s marketing communications messages,” he says. “This paper is one that I am most proud of because it perfectly embodies what I aim to achieve in our teacher-scholar model.”

Li applies his expertise beyond the campus community, as well. He has conducted several studies for local companies and brands such as Lowes Foods, Texas Pete, and West Rock, all through partnerships with the Wake Forest University Retail Learning Labs.

“These company engagement projects are all voluntarily initiated by me,” Li says. “The purpose is to engage our school’s partner and hope to make them even stronger partners of our school in the future.”

Li also has relationships with companies in China, such as retail giant Alibaba. He says these business relationships not only benefit the companies he works with, but they also give him greater insight into the actual needs of the marketplace. That insight allows his work to go beyond the theoretical to have a real-world impact on retail marketing around the globe.

“My goal is to make my research more industryrelevant,” he says. “So that's why I try to always start a new project by talking to those in industry or at least have a good observation about what’s happening there. That allows me to be able to answer questions in a way that has a meaningful impact.”



• Editorial Board Member:

Journal of Marketing Analytics

balancing work & life

Julie Wayne’s groundbreaking research into the interplay between work life and personal life helped define the idea of work-family enrichment, where multiple roles can enhance both realms.

The throughline of her work is trying to look at things from a different perspective and give voice to groups who might not otherwise have that voice,” says Wayne, Professor and David C. Darnell Presidential Chair in Principled Leadership.

“I tend to focus on the underdog,” she continues. “I have, for example, studied workplace biases against women. I've studied biases against men who took time off to care for family. I've studied underrepresented gender and racial groups and their experiences at work. I've studied workplace biases against people with disabilities.”

Her current research focuses on work and neurodiversity, including how a child’s neurodiversity impacts a parent's ability to work, and how the workplace experiences of neurodiverse individuals differ from those neurotypical individuals. She also has


“Boundary theory: Modeling longitudinal effects of role overload, inter-domain transitions, and work-family conflict.”

Journal of Organizational Behavior. (Forthcoming)

with R. Matthews and D. Winkel

“Meta-analytic review of Workfamily balance and its antecedents, consequences, and processes.”

Journal of Organizational Behavior.


with W.J. Casper, J. Greenhaus, L. Lapierre, H. Vaziri.

"A Theory of Stability and Change of Work-Family Conflict: A multi-study, longitudinal investigation." Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology. (2021)

with R. Matthews, C. Lance, T. Griggs, and M. Pattie.


Julie Wayne

MS & Ph D, The University of Georgia (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) BA, Furman University (Psychology)


Work-family interface, sexual harassment, work group diversity


Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Work-Family

David C. Darnell Presidential Chair in Principled Leadership, Professor

recently published research on the “invisible family load” that people, particularly women, carry at home and how it affects them at work, positively and negatively.

Wayne, who has an undergraduate degree in psychology, has long had an interest in improving people’s day-to-day lives.

“Most people spend more time at work than they spend anywhere else, and what happens at work affects people outside of work — their health, their families, their quality of life and well-being,” she says. “If I can make work better, I can make their lives better.” That thinking led her to earn a Ph. D. in industrial and organizational psychology, embarking on what is now a 26-year career at Wake Forest University.

Her research into work-life balance began in the early 2000s, a time when the relationship between work and family was presented as a conflict. “When I started the work, the paradigm was that if you invest in your personal life, then you’re stealing from and harming work,” she says.

Some considered research into the entire topic to be anti-business, she recalls.

But Wayne suspected each realm could benefit the other. An initial project studied students and residents at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

“It doesn’t take very long to figure out that doctors’ work can be all-consuming, 80 to 100 hours a week,” Wayne says. “And that can negatively impact personal lives — missing a holiday, not being there for their spouses.”

Yet the medical students and residents found great value in their work, a sense of identity, purpose and fulfillment. They also noted ways that their work as, say, a pediatrician made them a better parent. “We found that if you have multiple roles, it’s not inherently bad. So, we started talking about this concept called work-family enrichment. We defined it; we developed a scale to measure it. That’s exciting to me — to look at what’s missing from the conversation about a topic.”

Her findings led to further research, including the various ways that individuals define “balance” in their own lives. “We found that people who reported more balance performed better at work. They were more engaged at work,” Wayne says.

Although work-life balance has become common parlance, Wayne is not fond of the phrase’s evocation of a scale. “I don’t think of ‘balance’ as a noun. I think of it as a verb,” she says. “It’s a constant process of shifting and adjusting to integrate how your work roles and personal roles fit together. And that comes from being able to meet realistic expectations and experiencing satisfaction in your most valued roles.”

Recognized as an international expert on the intersection of people’s work and nonwork lives, Wayne’s research has made its way beyond the realm of academia, appearing in popular media and cited in congressional testimony. Yet, as a teacher-scholar, it’s just as important to Wayne that she impart to her students “evidence-based business practices that are not only good for people but good for business.”

And Wayne still has that goal of making a difference in people’s day-to-day lives. “There’s nothing more rewarding and gratifying than that.”


• Society for I/O Psychology (SIOP) Fellow

• Editorial Board Member: Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business & Psychology

Work-nonwork balance and Employee WellBeing, with W. Casper, F. Rice, and H. Vaziri, Featured in Organisational Stress and Well-Being, by L.M. Lapierre and C. Cooper, Cambridge University Press, ©2023

Shaping Organizational Climates to Develop and Leverage Workforce Neurodiversity, with S. Valpone and D. Avery, Featured in Neurodiversity in the Workplace,1st Edition, Edited By S. M. Bruyère and A. Colella Routledge, ©2023


As an undergrad at Wake Forest, Dr. Lauren Reid never intended to pursue business. She had aspirations to study medicine or perhaps law, but her father encouraged her to take some prerequisite courses for the School of Business, just to explore her options.

“I took my first accounting class, and I just got it,” she says. “It was a new language, and it just clicked.”


“The Spillover Effect of Government Audits on Private Sector Companies.” (Working Paper)

with Chan Li, Guoqian Tu, and Weihong Zheng

Reid decided to major in accountancy, as well as pursue a master’s degree in the discipline at Wake. After graduation, she took a job as an external auditor at Ernst & Young, and after a couple of years, Reid decided to pursue a Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Tennessee, where she immersed herself in auditing research.

Following a three-year stint as an accounting professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Reid returned to Wake in 2018, where she now serves as Associate Professor

Lauren Reid

At Wake, Reid has continued her focus on auditing research, specifically the effects of audit regulation, as well as the influence of corporate governance on financial reporting. She prefers research with realworld implications versus theoretical projects. Associate Professor, Lambert Family Accounting Faculty Fellow

D, University of Tennessee (Business Administration)

“Does Reporting Risks of Material Misstatement in the Audit Report Impact Audit Adjustments?

Experimental Evidence from U.K. Audit Partners and Senior Managers.”

(Working Paper)

with Joe Carcello and Mark Nelson

"Effects of Work Location, Interruptions and Breaks on Performance and Well-Being in Accounting." (Working Paper)

with Devon Jefferson, Russell Matthews, Norma Montague, and Julie Wayne

Effects of current and proposed audit regulation, Constraints on audit quality, The influence of corporate governance on financial reporting

Accounting and Reporting

Wake Forest University (Accountancy) Wake Forest University (Accountancy)

“I can have an academically rigorous project that also has impact,” Reid says. "It can have a direct impact on regulators, especially if the regulatory change is still in the proposal phase.”

For instance, Reid focused her dissertation on changes to audit reporting implemented in the United Kingdom. Similar regulations were enacted several years later in the United States under the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

“At the time of my research, the change had been made in the U.K., and it was being considered in the U.S.,” she says. “The two countries aren’t identical, but we have enough similarities that analyzing what happened in the U.K. could give insight on how those changes might look in our country.”

Governmental oversight isn’t the only regulatory aspect Reid studies. Her research also looks at corporate governance in auditing, particularly the relationship between the auditor and a company’s leadership.

“Part of my interest is just trying to see how it’s functioning,” she says. “The auditor is supposed to monitor management, but who pays the auditor? The auditor is usually employed by the audit committee, and a lot of times they defer to management. So there’s a natural tension created by the way that relationship is set up.”

Reid also looks at the impact of other relationships on audit quality. She currently has a working paper that evaluates the influence of school ties in the auditing process. (“Partner-Client School Ties and Audit Quality after U.S. Partner Identification” with Feng Guo, Nam Ho, and Chan Li)

“If the audit partner went to the same university as someone in management or on the audit committee,

does that impact audit quality?” she says. “Because there are two sides, they're either going to provide higher quality because they have easier knowledge transfer, or it could be, ‘Oh, I'm just going to turn a blind eye because I trust this person who also went to my school.’”

Reid says that while accounting may seem black-andwhite, her research often incorporates sociological approaches to gain a deeper understanding of auditing issues.

“I tend to use archival methodology because that's how I was trained, but I've also realized that sometimes you have to actually run an experiment and use more behavioral methods to figure out answers to some questions,” she says.

That research approach also translates to the work Reid does with students in the classroom. She says understanding these relationships allows students to navigate the auditing process more successfully, whether they're the auditor, a company manager or an individual investor.

“They have to understand some of the nuances of those relationships and how they impact the end product,” she says. “Showing our students those nuances and having deeper discussions about what's really behind the numbers is important.”

Sharing these insights with students feels full-circle for Reid, who credits her experience as an undergraduate and master’s student at Wake Forest with setting the standard for her career.

“The professors I had as a student here are the reason I ended up pursuing this career,” she says. “The highquality experience I had at Wake made me want to provide that same future to students.”


• Editorial Board Member;

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory


the government of business

As global economic shifts continue to impact everything from the stock market to the supermarket, the role governments play in business and finance can change drastically. For Dr. Rob Nash, that intersection between government and private sector has fueled his research for nearly three decades.

Nash, who came to Wake Forest in 1997 and currently serves as Thomas K. Hearn, Jr., Professor in Finance, has focused much of his work examining the role of governments in the global economy.

“I look at different countries and how they decide the optimal role of the government in their economy,” Nash says. “And it's fascinating because different countries have different cultures and institutional settings and ways of thinking about the proper role of the government.”

Nash studies these approaches to governmental involvement in the economy not only across the globe, but also through time. He points to major events such as World War II and the financial crisis of 2008, not to mention the COVID-19 pandemic, as instances where


“International Evidence on State Ownership and Trade Credit: Opportunities and Motivations” Journal of International Business Studies. Vol.52, Issue 6, pp. 1121-1158. (2021)

with Ryan Chen, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, and Chuck Kwok.

Rob Nash

“State Ownership and Stock Liquidity: Evidence from Privatization” Journal of Corporate Finance. pp. 1-28. (Dec 2020) with Narjess Boubakri, Ryan Chen, Sadok El Ghoul, and Omrane Guedhami. "State Ownership and Corporate Cash Holdings" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. pp. 2293-2334. (Oct 2018) with Ryan Chen, Sadok El Ghoul, and Omrane Guedhami.

NAME Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. Professor in Finance
Privatization, Contracting, International Financial Markets Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions & Markets POSITION BACKGROUND RESEARCH INTERESTS TEACHING INTERESTS
Ph D, University of Georgia (Finance) MBA, University of South Carolina (Finance) BS, The Citadel (Business Administration)

greater governmental intervention was beneficial. But he says that circumstances change, and that evolution of the government’s role figures prominently in his research.

“We're kind of swinging back and forth around the world in terms of how involved the government is in business,” he says. “It's clearly not a one-size-fits-all circumstance— the role of government in different countries is contingent on the conditions in that country, the culture and its specific economy.”

Nash translates that research to the classroom in a course that focuses on capitalism and how the government interacts with the economy in a capitalist society.

“I'm able to draw directly from my research over the last 30 years in that class to talk about the role of the government within an economy, be it a capitalist economy or a less-capitalist one,” he says. “We look at how that is determined and the effect of the government’s role in the economy, both the good and bad.”

Nash says one of the benefits of being at Wake Forest is the interconnectivity between disciplines and fellow faculty in the School of Business, who he has collaborated with on several papers. And in the classroom, that synergy creates a richer, more beneficial experience for students.

“I want students to be aware that what they're learning in my class is not just finance,” Nash says. “You can apply these concepts in any area of business—we want to make sure students see the interconnections between finance and accounting and economics and marketing.”

Nash says one of the most universal of those concepts is financial literacy. And he sees financial literacy as the bedrock of success for his students, no matter their major.

Editorial Board Member: Journal of Marketing Analytics

“There are so many ways that we can make people's lives better when we help them to better understand finance,” he says. “To demystify the idea of finance in my class, I try to boil it down to a few basic concepts that are very intuitive. I tell my students that they already know a lot about finance, they just don't realize it because they don't know the frameworks or the vocabulary.”

Nash and his students take those lessons beyond campus, too. For nearly two decades, he and his students have provided financial literacy training for youth in foster care in Forsyth County. The workshops prepare these young people to be successful once they age out of the foster system. Nash says he’s grateful to Wake Forest for the support to continue doing this important work.

“One of the things that I found most rewarding about being here, one of the reasons why I'm still here, is that the university supported me in doing financial literacy work within the community,” he says. “We live the Pro Humanitate motto, and contributing to that has been a fantastic opportunity for me and something that I feel really blessed to be able to do.”


Stacie Petter voice to the voiceless


“Is it Your Fault?: Framing Social Media

Inclusion and Exclusion

Using Just World Theory.”

Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 24:5, 1248-1270. (2023) with L. Giddens.

From using information technology to combat the horrors of human trafficking to creating a framework for understanding why some groups are targeted on social media, Stacie Petter studies how people use and manage IT in organizational settings or in broader society.

If the particulars of the research sound beyond the bounds of typical business school scholarship, Petter agrees. But they are not beyond the scope of Wake Forest University, whose motto is Pro Humanitate (“for humanity”).

“I think because Pro Humanitate is so much of what we talk about here and what the university embodies, no one questions the research I’m doing or why it belongs in the business school. I’m focusing on the impact of technology, and we have a shared language across the school of business, across the entire University: Let’s do things for the greater good and leave the world better than we found it,” says Petter, who is the Citibank/Calloway Fellow and Professor of Management Information Systems at the Wake Forest School of Business.

“Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling within and across Business Disciplines.”

Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. (2nd edition), H. Latan, J. F. Hair, R. Noonan, (Editors). Springer International Publishing, 55-79. (2023) with Y. Hadavi.

"Information Technology as a Resource to Counter Domestic Sex Trafficking in the United States."

Information Systems Journal. 33:1, 8-33. (2023) with L. Giddens and M. H. Fullilove.


Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Professor, Peter C. Brockway Chair of Strategic Management


Ph D, Georgia State University (Computer Information Systems)

MBA, Georgia State University (Concentration: Computer Information Systems)

BS, Berry College (Computer Science)


Impacts of information systems to individuals, organizations, and society


Management Information Systems, Business Analytics


Petter’s research, including early work in more traditional IT subjects, has been published in the European Journal of Information Systems, MIS Quarterly and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Much of her current research is funded by National Science Foundation grants.

Petter was drawn to her research into how IT could be used to fight human trafficking through a series of encounters beginning several years ago. Before joining the Wake Forest faculty in 2022, she met a librarian who was trying to map and understand human trafficking on a global scale. Later, she learned of a trafficking victim at a local high school. She started getting involved in local organizations that combat the problem and help victims. There were other connections, as well.

“So, I started working on human trafficking from a service perspective, as a concerned community member. It took some time to figure out that there was a way to approach it from a research perspective,” she says.

Her scholarship has focused on how law enforcement can use IT to stop human trafficking — and also the impediments officers encounter in continuing to use the technology beyond initial training sessions.

“It goes back to the quintessential issue of what we study in our field of information systems: how and why people use technology, but also what creates resistance to using technology — even when they see the value — and how we overcome that,” she says. “Technology can be a piece of the solution. But there's a lot of other institutional issues that create these barriers for why people aren't using technology effectively.”

Another line of Petter’s inquiry looks at indicators or patterns in online commercial sex advertisements that could potentially identify human trafficking victims.

Yet another realm focuses on how technology is used to channel and share information, such as a report of possible human trafficking. “Often the problem is not that we necessarily need better technology,” Petter says. “It’s usually more about needing better processes about how technology is being used.”

Petter has always enjoyed technology, playing video games as a kid and appreciating when her parents bought her the latest computer. She worked in the IT department at Berry College while earning her undergraduate degree, and after a few post-graduate corporate jobs, earned an MBA with a concentration in Computer Information Systems and a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in Computer Information Systems.

She still occasionally plays video games, but now also studies them to research how gaming is tied to workplace skills and how gamification can be used to encourage people to perform certain tasks or meet goals. “But how do we do that in a process that is fair and not manipulative?” she asks.

“If I look at my current research,” Petter says, “it’s about trying to find ways to make an impact, to try to give a voice to the voiceless. I want to try to find better ways to empower people with technology and find ways to minimize the harm that happens to people through its use.”


• Senior Editor:

AIS Transactions on Replication Research, Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction

• Editorial Review Board Member: Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling within and across Business Disciplines, with Y. Hadavi, Featured in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, 2nd Edition, Edited by H. Latan, J. F. Hair, and R. Noonan, Springer International Publishing, 55-79. ©2023


investing early

As part of her email signature, Tilan Tang includes a quote from Miguel de Cervantes’s “Adventures of Don Quixote.” It reads: “To be prepared is half the victory.”

As an associate teaching professor of finance, Tilan thinks the quote speaks to an underlying principle of finance — “the time value of money”. It also serves as a subtle message to her students.

“In the principle of the time value of money, the No. 1 rule is to invest early,” Tilan explains. “That’s on the money front. But I always tell my students that we also need to invest in our own talent, our own abilities early in our college life. It works for money, and it works for careers.”

A commitment to investing early in her career certainly worked for Tilan, who discovered her passion for finance in high school. A one-week internship shadowing a financial manager at a large public company led her on an efficient journey to earn undergraduate degrees in business administration and computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a master’s degree in economics from Florida State University and a Ph.D. in finance from Michigan State University.

“After that week, I felt pretty determined that finance was a career I wanted to pursue, and I knew I would apply to a college that specialized in business education,” Tang says. “That early idea took me on a path that led me to where I am today.”

"Mission-Driven Lenders.” (Working Paper) (2024) with Samuel Rosen and Yaming Gong.

"Where to Find Value on the Balance Sheet." Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. 23:5. (2021) with Peter Chinloy and Matthew Imes.

“Effects of Managerial Labor Market on Executive Compensation: Evidence from Job-hopping.” Journal of Accounting and Economics. 59, 203-220. (2015) with Huasheng Gao and Juan Luo.

Tilan Tang

Ph D, Michigan State

MS, Florida State University (Economics) BA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Business Administration)

BS, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Computer Science) BACKGROUND

Corporate finance & governance, including mergers & acquisitions, executive compensation, firm valuation, BOD networks, financial policy, and customer-supplier relationships

Associate Teaching Professor of Finance, Nunnenkamp-Cinelli Faculty Fellow POSITION University (Finance)
RESEARCH INTERESTS Finance and the time value of money TEACHING INTERESTS

After earning her Ph.D., Tang was courted by academia and the private sector. Offers from leading financial firms were attractive, but she felt called to continue her rigorous academic research and to educate the next generation of students in the classroom. That blend of teaching and scholarship later attracted her to Wake Forest University.

“I was not actually looking for a new position when Wake approached me, but they thought I was a good fit based on my research and teaching performance,” she says, “and I was highly impressed by their teacherscholar model.”

Tang’s research focuses on empirical corporate finance and corporate governance, including mergers and acquisitions, executive compensation, firm valuation, board of director networks, financial policy and customer-supplier relationships.

Her work, “Effects of Managerial Labor Market on Executive Compensation: Evidence from Jobhopping,” was published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics and also picked up by the popular press, including The Wall Street Journal. That line of inquiry started from a simple observation: executive compensation has been on the rise, even during challenging periods for a company. Tang’s research found that when top talent leaves a company (a “job-hopper”), the company tends to respond to the perceived increased labor market competition

by boosting compensation packages for remaining C-suite executives and by making stock options a larger part of their package. “The competition becomes much more severe when the whole industry is feeling the pressures of performance and companies see qualified talent as scarcer,” Tang says. “So, companies keep ratcheting up pay.”

Tang’s most recent work examines the role of small business funding in community development. Specifically, she and colleagues studied the Community Development Financial Institutions Program, which invests federal resources (matched by private funds) to serve low-income and underserved people and communities. According to the Treasury Department, in 2023, the CDFI Program financed more than 126,000 businesses and originated more than $57 billion in loans and investments. Such stats are available but, Tang says, there had been little academic research into the program’s systemic impact, even though it’s existed since 1994.

“What we’ve found is quite interesting,” she says. “In terms of the geographic expansion of the program, those participating CDFIs tended to enter counties with much higher unemployment rates and a larger minority population. So, that verifies that the CDFIs were meeting their original mission of serving and providing more funding flows to underbanked areas.”

“Further, we found that looking at the counties where CDFI entered, the small business lendings from participating CDFIs grew more, relative to the traditional small business lendings provided by other banks,” she continues. “So, that made us very excited.”


When Tom Canace interviewed to join the faculty at Wake Forest School of Business 15 years ago, he was asked about his teaching and research philosophies. Canace’s answer: “Going above and beyond the textbook.”

For Canace, that means drawing on his research findings and his professional experiences in the business world when he’s in the classroom. The three realms are inextricably linked.

“I don’t just come in and teach out of the textbook. I bring my experiences to the students, and that adds to their education. My courses become a professional business lab, with my students going well beyond what they could learn in the book,” says Canace, who is associate professor of accounting and PwC Fellow for Teaching Excellence.

Canace’s career began as an auditor for PwC. He later earned an MBA and then worked in corporate finance for three Fortune 500 companies, including time as a division chief financial officer. Stints as an adjunct professor drew him back to academia for his Ph.D. in finance and accounting.

“As an adjunct, I realized I could make a big impact in the classroom, showing students what it’s really like to work in accounting and finance,” he says. “And, on the research side, I wanted to use my professional experience to generate questions for exploration. experience research teaching


“Analyst Following and R&D Investment” Review of Accounting Studies. (Forthcoming) with T. Ma and J. Li.

“Accounting for R&D: Evidence and Implications”

Contemporary Accounting Research.

39 (3): 2212-2233. (2022) with S. Jackson, T. Ma, and A. Zimbelman.


Tom Canace

Associate Professor of Accounting, PWC Faculty Fellow for Teaching Excellence

Ph D, University of South Carolina (Moore School) (Accounting/Finance)

MBA, Duke University (Fuqua School) (Finance)

BS, St. Joseph's University (Accounting)

Capital Markets, Corporate Ownership/ Investments, Financial Disclosure, Regulation, Analysts' Forecasts

“The CFO as Supply Chain Manager” Strategic Finance.

104 (12) (Cover Article): 27-33. (2023) with A. Jaffer and P. Juras.

Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Controllership


Almost every research project that I’ve worked on, in some way, leans on my professional experience.”

Canace’s research delves into markets, mergers and acquisitions, corporate ownership and investments, financial disclosure, regulation, analysts’ forecasts — and the intersections and connections among those areas.

His current inquiries focus on companies’ R&D efforts and their investments, both in terms of human capital (such as salaries for scientists and researchers) and traditional capital (such as facilities and equipment).

“We’ve been studying how firms might switch between the two types of investments for particular reasons, for instance whether they may be trying to manage their earnings or might be fueling innovation,” Canace says. “And now we’re digging even further into the integration of capital expenditures and R&D and how that impacts a firm’s innovation. We surveyed CFOs to better understand the magnitude and the importance of these capital investments.”

“What really excites me about it is that it's novel — these are areas that have been untapped by academics, but they become very important in practice,” Canace says. “By studying this, it gives academics a better window into what practitioners and professionals are doing to fuel their businesses. And, as we do this research, we get insights that we hope will also help companies to learn what other companies are doing. So, it helps business practices, as well.”

With his “going above and beyond the textbook” philosophy, Canace has tied his research and professional experiences back into his classroom instruction by writing vigorous case studies based on his work.

But not all of Canace’s research fits neatly into the curriculum. To expose students to more work that might be useful to them in their future careers, a few years ago he created a four-part coffee talk series. “For instance, two of those sessions are on mergers and acquisitions from my work experience and my research,” he says. “I find a lot of my students are very interested and they find this to be useful. They respond well because it’s recent and it’s relevant for them.”

This interplay between academic research, professional experience and teaching keeps Canace energized and engaged.

“I knew early on that Wake was a perfect institution for my background because of its mix of high-quality research and high-quality teaching,” Canace says. “To be at Wake, you have to want to teach, and because the students are so bright, you have to bring your A game. But there are also demands for high-caliber research and, as much as I enjoy teaching, it’s not enough to fulfill me professionally. Wake affords me the opportunity to develop my research, expertise and specialization. It’s a high-caliber institution that really demands high quality on both the teaching and research side.”


• Editorial Board Member:

Issues in Accounting Education


featured faculty research

Julie Wayne, Ph.D., Professor and David C. Darnell Presidential Chair in Principled Leadership

Balancing work and family: A theoretical explanation and longitudinal examination of its relation to spillover and role functioning Journal of Applied Psychology

This research establishes a model that serves to explain the relations among work-family spillover (conflict and enrichment), work-family balance, and role satisfaction and performance over time.

Wayne, J. H., Michel, J. & Matthews, R. A. (2022). Balancing Work and Family: A theoretical explanation and longitudinal examination of its relation to spillover and role functioning. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(9), 1094.

Stacie Petter, Ph.D., Professor, Area Chair, Citibank/Calloway Fellow

Information Technology as a Resource to Counter Domestic Sex Trafficking in the United States Information Systems Journal

This research explores the training and technology employed by law enforcement to counter sex trafficking, including how perceptions of organizational and technology resources affect information technology usage patterns and outcomes.

Giddens. L., Petter, S., and Fullilove, M.H. (2023) “Information Technology as a Resource to Counter Domestic Sex Trafficking in the United States,” Information Systems Journal, 33:1, 8-33.

Amol Joshi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Bern Beatty Fellow

Minding the Communications Gap: How Can Universities Signal the Availability and Value of their Scientific Knowledge to Commercial Organizations? Research Policy

Recognizing that a communications gap exists between universities and commercial organizations, this research identifies the need for universities to leverage observable differences in the strength of signals and the width of channels used to disseminate their scientific knowledge externally.

Nasirov, S. & Joshi A.M. (2023). Minding the Communications Gap: How Can Universities Signal the Availability and Value of their Scientific Knowledge to Commercial Organizations?, Research Policy.

Jeff Camm, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean for Faculty, Professor, Inmar Presidential Chair in Analytics, Academic Director of the Center for Analytics Impact

Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Optimization at Procter & Gamble INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics

This study examines the analytical approach for managing a product line that helped P&G achieve higher utilization of its system, improvements to existing products, and more thorough analyses for product line planning and other applications.

“Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Optimization at Procter & Gamble,” with Christman, J. and A. Narayanan, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 149-157, March-April, 2022.

Rob Nash, Ph.D., Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. Professor in Finance

The Equity Mix in Executive Compensation: An Investigation of Cross-Country Differences Journal of Insurance & Financial Management

Investigating compensation data from 317 firms in 43 countries, this study indicates that firms from countries with equity-oriented capital markets, and from countries where shareholder rights are strong, tend to use more equity in the compensation mix.

Bryan, S., Nash, R. C., Patel, A. (2022). The Equity Mix in Executive Compensation: An Investigation of Cross-Country Differences. Journal of Insurance and Financial Management, 6 (4), 41-78.

John Sumanth, Ph.D., James Farr Fellow in Leadership & Organizational Development, Associate, ACLC, Associate Professor of Management

Enhancing employees’ duty orientation and moral potency: Dual mechanisms linking ethical psychological climate to ethically focused proactive behaviors Journal of Organizational Behavior

Developing and testing a model that links environment to action, this research suggests that ethical psychological climate is an important antecedent of ethically focused proactive behavior by stimulating individuals’ sense of duty and enhancing their moral potency.

Gok, K., Babalola, M. T., Lakshman, C., Sumanth, J. J., Vo, L. C., Decoster, S., Bansal, A., & Coşkun, A. (2023). Enhancing employees' duty orientation and moral potency: Dual mechanisms linking ethical psychological climate to ethically focused proactive behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(1), 157–175

Journal Articles

Sherry Moss, Ph.D. , Associate Dean of MBA Programs, Benson Pruitt Professor in Business, Professor of Organizational Studies

STEM the bullying: An empirical investigation of abusive supervision in academic science


The survey documents the nature and extent of academic bullying behaviors, examining who are the primary targets and perpetrators as well as the responses to and outcomes of bullying.

Moss, Sherry & Mahmoudi, Morteza. (2021). STEM the bullying: An empirical investigation of abusive supervision in academic science. EClinicalMedicine. 40. 101121.

Pat Sweeney, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice of Management & Executive Director, Allegacy Center for Leadership and Character

Understanding the Change and Development of Trust and the Implications for New Leaders

Journal of Business Ethics

This study reinforces the importance of ethical leadership to earning trust in both leader and team performance, also examining how trust changes and develops for leaders in a new role and the implications of that change.

Dirks, Kurt & Sweeney, Patrick & Dimotakis, Nikolaos & Woodruff, Todd. (2021). Understanding the Change and Development of Trust and the Implications for New Leaders. Journal of Business Ethics. 180.

Bingxuan Guo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Will Online or Offline Shopping Lead to More Customer Loyalty?

The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance

Journal of Marketing Research

Drawing on the distinctions between online and offline shopping, this research develops a theoretical framework that focuses on the role of uncertainty avoidance (UA) in customer shopping habits and the effects of online shopping on brand loyalty.

Guo, Bingxuan and Dian Wang (2024), “Will Online or Offline Shopping Lead to More Customer Loyalty? The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance,”, Journal of Marketing Research, 61(1), 92-109.

Pelin Pekgun, Ph.D., Professor of Analytics

The balancing role of distribution speed against varying efficacy levels of COVID-19 vaccines under variants Scientific Reports

This study evaluated the interactions between the speed of distribution and efficacy against infection of multiple vaccines when variants emerge by utilizing a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Deceased model and assessing the level of infection attack rate.

Kim, Daniel & Keskinocak, Pinar & Pekgun, Pelin & Yildirim, İnci. (2022). The balancing role of distribution speed against varying efficacy levels of COVID-19 vaccines under variants. Scientific Reports. 12.

Jennifer Claggett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Coordinating Knowledge: A New Lens to Understanding the Role of Technology in Episodic Coordination

Oxford Encyclopedia of Business & Management

This research examines the interdependencies of healthcare treatment delivery and presents coordinating knowledge as a new lens in understanding coordination that brings together insights from multiple coordination research streams.

Karahanna, E. & Claggett, J. (2023) "Coordinating Knowledge: A New Lens to Understanding the Role of Technology in Episodic Coordination." Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management

Sean Hannah, Ph.D., J. Tylee Wilson Chair in Business Ethics, Professor of Management, Senior Research Associate, ACLC

Fueling the Creative Spark: How Authentic Leadership and LMX Foster Employees’ Proactive Orientation and Creativity

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

This research shows how authentic leadership fuels employees’ creative performance through a proactive orientation and introduces leader–member exchange (LMX) as an important moderator of this mediated relationship.

Sumanth, John & Černe, Matej & Hannah, Sean & Skerlavaj, Miha. (2023). Fueling the Creative Spark: How Authentic Leadership and LMX Foster Employees’ Proactive Orientation and Creativity. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 30.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


new faces

Andrew Collins

Associate Teaching Professor, Accounting

With a primary research focus that centers on judgment and decision making in financial accounting, Andrew Collins brings a meaningful mix of corporate and academic experience to the Wake Forest University School of Business that will help his students succeed inside and outside the classroom.

After earning his B.S. in MIS and Finance from Iowa State University and Master of Accountancy with Distinction from Texas State University, Collins served as a Federal Tax Intern (and later a Federal Tax Associate) with KPMG LLP, one of the Big Four accounting organizations along with Ernst & Young, Deloitte, and PwC. He then taught Introduction to Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting at the

University of Oklahoma, where he also earned his Ph.D. in Accounting in 2014.

Before joining the faculty at Wake Forest, Collins worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina, where he taught Intermediate Financial Accounting I. Now, having joined the School as a fulltime faculty member for the 2023-2024 academic year, he is currently teaching Intermediate Accounting I, Professional & Ethical Responsibilities of Accountants, and Financial Accounting.

Judgment and decision making in financial accounting


“Hypocrisy and Earnings Management” (Working Paper) with Ling Harris and Scott Jackson

“Return Measures as a Link between Financial Statements.” The International Journal of Accounting. (2022).

"The Effects of Client Status and the Auditors’ Presentation of Multiple Estimation Alternatives on Client Financial Reporting Aggressiveness.”

Behavioral Research in Accounting. (2020). with Sanaz Aghazadeh and Chad Stefaniak.



Bingxuan Guo


Assistant Professor, Marketing

Digital marketing, customer relationship management, cross-cultural marketing, and sustainable marketing RESEARCH INTERESTS

An established researcher and innovator in the digital marketing field, Bingxuan Guo holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from the Carlos Alvarez College of Business at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She also holds a Master of Science (M.S.) in Marketing from The City University of New York-Baruch College and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Economics from Fudan University.

Having joined Wake Forest University in 2023 as an Assistant Professor in Marketing, Guo’s research interests include digital marketing, customer relationship management, cross-cultural marketing, and sustainable marketing. Utilizing field studies, lab experiments, and secondary data to study consumer behavior, her papers have been published in the Journal

of Marketing Research and have covered a range of topics including customer loyalty, online vs. offline shopping behaviors, cultural orientation of uncertainty avoidance, and food waste.

Before joining Wake Forest, Guo served as an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the School of Business at Indiana University Kokomo. Now, driven by teaching interests including principles of marketing, digital marketing, and marketing analytics, Guo will continue to explore trends in the digital era that will shape the consumer experience for years to come. From uncertainty avoidance and brand loyalty to the tactics behind these marketing apparatuses, Guo is helping equip students to better engage with the global marketplace and navigate our roles as consumers within it.


“Will Online or Offline Shopping Lead to More Customer Loyalty? The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance.”

Journal of Marketing Research. 61(1), 92-109. (2024) with Dian Wang

“Factors that Affect Food Waste Behaviors.”

Journal of Marketing Research. (Forthcoming) with Huachao Gao and He Jia

"How Power Distance Belief Changes the Role of Physical Distance in Consumer Evaluations of the Salesperson and Purchase Decisions.” Journal of Marketing Research. (Resubmission invited) with Chia-Wei (Joy) Lin and Saerom Lee


Teaching Professor, Management


Career success, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and business education

A multifaceted scholar and practitioner, Dr. C. Douglas Johnson joins the Wake Forest University School of Business faculty as a Teaching Professor in Management. Prior to joining Wake Forest, Johnson served as a Professor of Leadership and Management at Georgia Gwinnett College and held various administrative roles during his 16 years with the institution. Aspiring to shape the next generation of leaders, his research interests encompass career success, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and business education.

As a first-generation college student, Johnson received his B.S. in accounting from Clemson University, an MBA in human resources from the University of Connecticut, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Georgia. Across varied experiences in academia, consulting and corporate America, Johnson has found


" From BINGO to LEADO: Remixing to teach leadership.” Management Teaching Review. (In process for submission)

that he’s happiest on a college campus, working directly with students to assist in their holistic development. Now, in the true spirit of Pro Humanitate, he aims to develop a curriculum that revolves around a complete approach to human leadership, incorporating elements of psychology, ethics, and organizational behavior to prepare his students to be positive agents of change in a diverse and ever-changing marketplace.

Looking ahead, Johnson will continue to lean on his educational, applied, and lived experiences to facilitate experiential learning for his students that serves to enhance their personal and professional development, helping them to better understand and engage with the intersection between individual and organizational perspectives in meaningful, human-centric ways.

"Who feels taught to lead? Assessing collegiate leadership skill development.” Journal of Leadership Education. (Forthcoming) with P. W. Routon.

"Stages of change in physical exercise and social support: An integrated socio-psychoeconomic approach.”

Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 42, 646-668. (2012) with G. A. Gibbison.

NAME C. Douglas Johnson

new faces


Eric Park


Assistant Professor, Operations Management


Healthcare, public policy, emergency medical services, and service operations

Holding a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University, a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in Operations from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Eric Park’s work helps to analyze how policy designs affect the operations of healthcare systems and how to improve the delivery of care.

Before joining Wake Forest as an Assistant Professor in Operations Management, Park served as an Assistant Professor at HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong. His research interests include healthcare, public policy, emergency medical services, and service operations, where he investigates public health policies from an operational perspective.

With a diverse range of teaching interests including operations management, econometrics, quantitative methods, health care operations, service operations, and data analytics, Park is a collaborative and innovative researcher that brings passion and expertise to the classroom. Over the course of his early yet esteemed career, he has collaborated with numerous prestigious organizations in either a research or teaching capacity, including Accenture, HSBC, Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, and Hong Kong’s Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth hospitals.


"Patient Sensitivity to Emergency Department Waiting Time Announcements.”

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. (Online) (2023) with H. Ouyang, J. Wang, S. Savin, S.C. Leung*, and T. Rainer.

" Association of intensive care unit occupancy during admission and inpatient mortality: a retrospective cohort study.”

Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 67(2):213-224. (2020)

with N. A. Fergusson, S. Ahkioon, M. Nagarajan, Y. Ding, N. Ayas, V. K. Dhingra, D. R. Chittock, and D. E. G. Griesdale

"Patient prioritization in emergency department triage systems: An empirical study of the Canadian triage and acuity scale (CTAS).”

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 21(4):723-741. (2019)

with Y. Ding, M. Nagarajan, and E. Grafstein.

new faces

NAME Stephen Smulowitz


Assistant Professor, Strategic Management


Corporate governance, diversity, corporate social responsibility, wrongdoing, and executive compensation

Stephen J. Smulowitz joins the Wake Forest University School of Business as an Assistant Professor in Strategic Management. Having published extensively in leading international academic journals including the Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Relations, the Journal of Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Smulowitz has expertise in the areas of Strategy, Executive Compensation, Organizational Wrongdoing, and Stakeholder Management.

Teaching in the areas of strategy, stakeholder management, and risk management to executives, board members, master's students and undergraduates in custom and degree programs, Smulowitz holds a JD from the University of

Pennsylvania Law School, an MSc from IE Business School, and a Ph.D. from IESE Business School. Prior to joining Wake Forest, Smulowitz served as a Term Research Professor at the IMD Global Board Center.

Driven by research interests including Corporate Governance, Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility, Smulowitz embodies the Wake Forest mission of developing the next generation of globallyminded, ethical business leaders who are ready to make a difference everywhere they go. By equipping his students with a foundation of technical learning that has real-world application, Smulowitz joins a faculty committed to empowering students to bring about better business practices and outcomes wherever their careers take them.


"Managerial Short-Termism and Corporate Social Performance: The Moderating Role of External Monitoring.” Journal of Business Ethics. (in press). (2023) with D. Cossin and A. Lu.

" Wrongdoing in Publicly Listed Family and Non-Family Owned Firms: A Behavioral Perspective.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 47(4), 1233–1264. (2023) with D. Cossin, A. De Massis, and A. Lu.

"Predicting Employee Wrongdoing: The Complementary Effect of CEO Option Pay and The Pay Gap.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 162, 123-135. (2021) with J. Almandoz.

named professorships & honorary titles


F.M. Kirby Foundation Chair in Business Excellence

Inmar Presidential Chair in Analytics

J. Tylee Wilson Chair in Business Ethics

Thomas S. Goho Chair in Finance

Peter C. Brockway Chair of Strategic Management

David C. Darnell Presidential Chair in Principled Leadership

Dale and Karen Sisel Professor

Delmer P. Hylton Accounting Professor

Dale K. Cline Associate Dean of Accounting

Kemper Professor of Business

Thomas H. Davis Professor in Business

John B. McKinnon Professor

Benson Pruitt Professor in Business

Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. Professor in Finance

Thomas H. Davis Professor in Business

Citibank/Calloway Faculty Fellow

T. B. Rose, Jr. Faculty Fellow

PWC Faculty Fellow for Teaching Excellence

Thomas C. Taylor Faculty Fellow

AT&T Faculty Fellow

Board of Visitors Faculty Fellow in Marketing

Joseph M. Bryan, Jr. Faculty Fellow in Banking and Finance

Faculty Fellow in Investiments and Portfolio Management

Robinson-Lightcap Faculty Fellow

Wall Street Partners Faculty Fellow

Coca-Cola Faculty Fellow

Exxon-Calloway Faculty Fellow

Lambert Family Accounting Faculty Fellow

Caron-Lightcap Faculty Fellow

Hendley-Lightcap Faculty Fellow in Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

L. Glenn Orr Faculty Fellow of Financial Services

James Farr Faculty Fellow in Leadership and Organizational Development

Nunnenkamp-Cinelli Faculty Fellow

Dr. Dale Martin Faculty Fellow

Thomas C. Taylor Faculty Fellow

Iglehart-Lightcap Faculty Fellow

Annette Ranft

Jeff Camm

Sean Hannah

Ajay Patel

Stacie Petter

Julie Wayne

Pat Dickson

Jon Duchac

Mark Evans

Kline Harrison

Amol Joshi

Norma Montague

Sherry Moss

Rob Nash

Pelin Pekgun

Phil Anderson

Tonya Balan

Tom Canace

Anna Cianci

Jennifer Claggett

Kenny Herbst

Philip Howard

Mark Johnson

Jia Li

Bill Marcum

Justin Martin

Matthew Phillips

Lauren Reid

Stephan Shipe

Michelle Steward

Deon Strickland

John Sumanth

Tilan Tang

Jim Willis

Ya-wen Yang

Ali Zeytoon-Nejad

Helping businesses and organizations create a better world through developing analytical, ethical business leaders driven to achieve results. We do so through a dynamic combination of rigorous academic preparation, thought leadership and research, and an unrivaled connection to the market.

Wake Forest University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Wake Forest University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Wake Forest University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org).
to Advance Collegiate Schools
School of Business is accredited by the Association

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