VolumeMAX'D November 2010 Issue

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November 2010

The Official News-zine of Amplify Student Ministries

e g a t n i V

Sierra Steinhauer Writer Writer

Janessa Vorpahl


Rebecca Barneson

7 Blazin’ Bible Chapters 9 Is it Important? 9 10 A.F.L. 10

Look Who’s New


3 Vintage 4 Youth Weekend Pics 5  6 November Obser8 vances Don’t Sweat the McDonald’s Bag


Cortt Chavis Concert


November Calendar


Winter Youth Convention 12

T.J. Heidenreich Editor

Clinten Decker Writer


Amplify is the Student Ministry of Pentecostal Assembly Church 9 Ninth Ave Eau Claire, WI 54703

Amplify Student Ministries‘ purpose is for students to…


Mark 16:15



Mark 12:31


Luke 10:2


Don’t Sweat the McDonald’s Bag

By Janessa Vorpahl

In the middle of a wonderful early morning dream, my nose was suddenly assaulted with the smell of a McDonald’s breakfast burrito. “Want a bite?” I cracked

open one eye to see my cousin Samantha standing over me holding the burrito right up to my nose. (I took a lazy bite, of course!) It was Septem-

ber 23, 2010, and Sam had come to my house to squeeze a little nap in before she had to go back to work. I climbed out of bed to start my day, and Sam crawled in for a quick snooze. A couple of hours later Sam was back up and heading out to work again. My brother and I were doing schoolwork with my mom. As Sam breezed past us she mentioned that she’d be back later in the afternoon and would spend the evening with us. Since we planned on seeing her again in a few hours, we all just nodded or smiled and said “Ok”, but none of us really said a “good” goodbye. I had noticed that Sam had not brought her McDonald’s bag up with her to be put in the trash, and I knew this meant she’d forgotten it down in my bedroom, which irritated me. A few seconds after Sam left I said “Urrrrgggh! Sam forgot to take care of her stupid McDonald’s bag.” A short while later, smack dab in the middle of a morning that seemed totally normal to this point, my mom’s phone rang. I could tell something was wrong. She hung up a few seconds later and said “Grab shoes - quick! Sam’s been in an accident.” We threw our schoolwork aside, didn’t take the time to put our dog in her crate, and flew out the door. Four seconds later we were pulling out of the garage and were on our way to the scene. When we arrived we were told that the ambulance had just left with Sam. But there sat her car, across the lanes of traffic, surrounded by red and blue lights…totaled. I stared at it, very afraid, through the heavy rain on the windshield, and tried to hold in my tears. On our way to the hospital all I could think about was how I didn’t tell Sam goodbye or that I loved her that morning. Instead, I’d gotten frustrated over a dumb McDonald’s bag. I did a lot of thinking that day. I thought about family and friends. The people we love in life should never be taken for granted. They’re precious and should be cherished. I never ever again want to go a day without telling the important people in my life that I love and appreciate them. I thought about relationships. God wants us to love. There should be no hate. We should not have grudges, or hold things against our brothers or sisters in the Lord. He wants us to help, to encourage, and to give to each other. I want to start doing that now more than ever. I thought about life itself. Life is special. Life is a gift we need to appreciate. At any moment, our earthly life could be over. I want to start being grateful for my life and everything in it without needing something drastic to happen before doing so. I also thought a lot about that McDonald’s bag. I thought about how we all leave a little trash laying behind from time to time in life. I thought about how I wished I’d used the words I’d wasted complaining about it for a better purpose. I thought about how I didn’t care at all anymore that it had been left in my room. I was just thankful God had protected Sam. Thinking about her being alive and well enough to be able to leave something behind in my room again actually made me happy! That night when I went to my room to go to bed I was greeted by the crumpled bag. I picked it up and carried it upstairs. As I put it in the trash can I thought about how if things hadn’t turned out as well as they had that day - if Sam hadn’t been ok - I’d probably have clutched that McDonald’s bag desperately to my chest and laid on my bed and sobbed. I feel like God spoke to me a lot through all my thoughts that day, and I was motivated to create new rules for myself that I hope to stick to each day. Feel free to join me if you feel they might also make a difference in your life. My four rules for every new day I’m blessed enough to be given: Love; Forgive; Express Gratitude; and…Don’t Sweat the McDonald’s Bag. Now…do you want fries with that? NOVEMBER ‘10—VINTAGE



Vintage For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. Titus 1:7-9

In a world of new-fangled gadgets

and gizmos, finding a truly vintage video game in good shape is a major score. Sorry, I can‘t help what I

like. For you, maybe it‘s that style of clothing that was amazing decades ago that never has quite come back into fashion. Perhaps it‘s an old album, a ‗57 Chevy, or something else that is generally amazing yet completely elderly.

Some things we‘re happy to have let go, others we are ecstatic to find again. There are three places to go to grab the vintage goods: online, at eclectic stores, or good ol‘ garage sale I


grade them on a curve: the worse prices are usually in a store, you can usually get a decent deal online, but the absolute best place to find stuff is in someone‘s box of junk (best = lowest price, although not always the most sanitary…). At an old video game store, classic titles such as Secret of Mana or Final Fantasy 3 go for $60 a piece. On Ebay, with a little patience, you can snag a golden oldie for around $30. But if you find one while rummaging, woo boy! You‘re talking anywhere between $1 and $5!!!! Of course, your odds of finding what you‘re looking for while visiting yard sale after yard sale is relatively slim. In a similar way that we crave the vintage items of days gone by, there is a yearning in the hearts of

this generation for vintage integrity. They are looking for someone who is real. Someone who is not afraid to express what they believe, what they stand for, or who they are. Unfortunately, they most popular place that they find this is when they turn on the television and see the sad modern attempts at capturing the classic heroism of an authentic leader. They find people championing causes that don‘t match up with the Bible, promoting agendas that don‘t relate to the values they so wish to find inside of another. This is the easiest way for them to find role-models, but it is also the most expensive, for it will lead them down roads towards only emptiness and bitterness. Much rarer, but so much better, is for today‘s teenager to be in class and stumble upon an Apostolic student who has got a hold of the truth of God like the vintage saints of old! They understand that they *MUST* apply God‘s Word to their lives, even when they‘re young! They see the importance matching themselves up to scriptures like Titus 1:7-9, because they know that this world isn‘t looking for another plastic, Hollywood-made cheap alternative, they want something different and real! Be bold. Be Apostolic. Be a vintage man or woman of God. T.J. Heidenreich, Student Pastor




 College & Career Ministry

Saturday, November 20th 7:30PM-Late Join other Christian young adults for a time of fun & fellowship!



ll Name: Kayla Random Fact: Plays bask etba

Look Who’s New! Name: Colton Random Fact: Plays basketball, too

Name: Gabrielle Random Fact: PA Quiz Team Member

Name: Hannah A. Random Fact: Likes to sing

Name: Heather Random Fact: Members of 4-H Name: Josh Random Fact: From California NOVEMBER ‘10—VINTAGE

Name: Hannah B. Random Fact: Just got a new cell phone 07

50 pts

Megan, Kayla, John V., Janessa, Samuel, Kristen, Gabby, Ryan, Korey, Clinten, Kirstie, Alisha, Kajoua, Hannah B., Laura, Isaac

50 pts

Ella, Emily M., Nate, Angie, April, Becca, Matt P., Tucker, Morgan, Matthew H., Sierra, John P., Samantha A., Heather C., Logan, Jeremy, Bethany

25 pts

Dan, David, Hannah A., Trevor, Whisper, Michelle, Sabrina, Emily B., Abigail, Aaron, Nathan, Carissa, Lizz, Dillon, Olivia, Heather P., Michaela, Andrew, Colton


November, what does this month mean to you? Most people associate November solely with Thanksgiving, the beginning of gun deer hunting, and National Epilepsy Awareness Month. Oh wait, maybe not? Well if you didn‘t know that November is national Epilepsy Awareness Month then having it as a national observance has failed! In order to fight unawareness of other important observances in November I have decided to list a few that I felt were vital to our very existence. More monthly observances can be found by simply using Google and searching ―national days of the year.‖ Monthly Observances of November: - National American Indian Heritage Month - National Family Stories Month: Take this month to learn from the tremendous mistakes of your relatives. - National Inspirational Role Models Month - National Novel Writing Month: Get in touch with your creative side. - National Scholarship Month: Get some free moola and go to college! Weekly Observances of November: - Animal Shelter Appreciation Week: 1st- 7th –Hug a puppy or something… - Fraud Awareness Week: 7th-14th - Dear Santa Letter Week: 8th-14th –Fraud Awareness and Dear Santa Letter both fall on the same week. Take the hint. - World Kindness Week- 14th-20th - National Bible Week- 21st -28th – It‘s official, you need to read it more. - National Teens Don‘t Text and Drive Week- 21st-27th – It‘s only for one week, so I am sure you can make it. Daily Observances of November: - Cookie Monster Day – Nov. 2nd –I feel like this should be moved to the 7th or something. Didn‘t he defect to the vegetable side? - Use Your Common Sense Day – Nov. 4th - Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day – Nov. 8th - Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day- Nov. 14th - Have A Bad Day Day- Nov. 19th – Is this day even necessary?? - Children‘s Day – Nov. 20th – In the words of my mom, ―every day is children‘s day.‖ What!? - National Adoption Day – Nov. 20th - Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day – Nov. 24th - National Day of Listening- Nov. 27th – It‘s a good skill to work on. - Stay Home Because You‘re Well Day- Nov. 30th – Sounds like a good way to end the month to me! Well that‘s all for this month, also remember that EVERYDAY is Be A Christian Day! 08


Blazin Bible Lifestyle □

Joshua 24

October’s Focus Chapters Joshua 24, Matthew 10, Philippians 4

Matthew 10

Philippians 4

What is this chapter’s theme?

What verses inspired me in this chapter? What thoughts challenged me in this chapter? How can I apply a principle from this chapter to my life?

SETTING GOALS - THEY REALLY DO HELP Many people go through life without many major life goals. This is not always a bad thing, but everyone should have at least one goal they are living to attain. For some it may be to get rich, be famous, or to have a family. There are a wide variety of goals that one can choose from, and may are important goals to have. Yet, we must keep in mind that there is only one ultimate goal, and that goal is to reach heaven.

Throughout our lives we set goals. Most of them are small goals like getting all your homework done before a certain time, or getting employee of the month. Small goals are usually the building blocks for bigger goals. Like getting your homework done is part of passing a class, or being named employee of the month will be helpful for you to obtain an upcoming promotion opportunity. It is important to set a big goal for yourself and then set little goals that will help you reach where you want to go. It provides a structure, and checklist of sort, to help encourage yourself as you see your progress with the small goals and grow ever closer to your main goal. We need smaller goals in ministry as well. Goals that will help push us to grow towards God more and more. If you have a desire to do something for God, and you ,now what it is, you cannot just expect to one day become what you desire without work. If you don‘t have any specific direction that you are led toward in church ministry you should still set spiritual goals in your life to encourage spiritual growth in your life. Don‘t think that just because you haven‘t had an angel descend from heaven laying out a life-plan from God for you that you don‘t need to be preparing yourself. Remember, we must make it to heaven and there are things that we must prepare in our lives in order to reach that goal. If our goal in life is to reach heaven, then other goals, that lead us down a path of ministry, will come along as we grow towards God. So don‘t be afraid to set some spiritual goals in your life, hwoever big, or small, they may be. Definitely let succeeding in school or at your job be a goal, but don‘t put God, and your spiritual goals, behind those goals. Whatever you do, remember that 1 Corinthians 9:24 says, ―Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.‖ Make it your goal to receive the prize! -The Mysterious Flower



SEPTEMBER. We had an awesome youth revival weekend with Rev. Rob Jadrnicek! The Riot Night packed out the Amplify Youth Center wall to wall to wall to wall! We enjoyed an awesome bonfire at the Steinhauers’ the next night, and a great message from Rev. Rob again Sunday morning. Youth Service Lessons: “Depressing the Devil” - Key Point: Frustrate your enemies by getting up every time you fall down “Curious Case of Matthew Hastreiter” - Key Point: Forget fighting symptoms, cure the sickness: sin in our hearts! “Battle of the Bands” - Key Point: To defeat this world, we’re going to need to make some noise for Jesus Christ, remix our priorities, and stick to our old-school foundations. “Give, Forgiveness, & Getoverit” - Unforgiveness is like holding on to a ticking bomb—forgive it away before it goes off! OCTOBER. There was a lot of fun to be had in October at Amplify. We headed over to New Richmond for a Riot Night and heard some great preaching from Evangelist Tyler Bryant. We also enjoyed a great Harvest Party at the Sterneckers, where the gourd-chucking tradition of Amplify was upheld! Youth Service Lessons: “Delete or Duplicate” - Key Point: What we put in will eventually come out, so we either have to get rid of poisonous things in our lives or be prepared to see them multiplied in those around us. “The Bible” We took a Wednesday night to talk about the books of the Bible and challenge ourselves to learn them. “Bleacher Creatures” - Key Point: Fans go crazy for their teams; let’s get into church by being more passionate than ever!

Fantasy Football Reflections

As the weather starts getting cooler and the days start becoming shorter, summer‘s warm fleeting memories are replaced by fall‘s cool, frost bitten pinch. The despair of many greets this time of year with typical forlorn. Swimsuits and popsicles are replaced by backpacks and pencils as the only glimmer of happiness is yet many months away. For some, this is a time of sorrow and emptiness; for others, this is the spring of a new season that has nothing to do with the oceans tides or the moon‘s cycles. No longer must the nation maintain a cheap ficade of interest in an ancient European sport in which contact is penalized, and a man‘s stature is measured by the perfection of his hair dew. The fall season marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the young men of Pentecostal Assembly Church. A chapter in which twelve different journeys began long before Ryan Longwell‘s black leather Nike cleat ever touched the glorious pigskin that September night. The pre-writing for this epic novel began in a dark, secluded meeting room where the frantic turning of pages mixed with the quiet hum of those carefully calculating their next move. Destinies were determined with each passing round. Some stretched, some reached, some took chances, but those who were actually successful is a question that only time will tell. So as we embark on this journey together, we first, offer our sincerest of apologies to the women of the church, who for the next five months will at times feel like Ray Charles in a corn maze. Second, we apologize to those who we will face from week to week; for all is fair in love, war, and fantasy football. And finally, we thank our omniscient Creator who is aware of our likes and interests, a Creator who we will glorify and lift up above all else; including last minute Sunday morning roster changes. In closing, I promise to keep these weekly football updates short and concise with only a small percentage of the prepositions used here. So as we dive head first into the 2010 Amplify Fantasy Football League, I wish everyone the best of luck. I am glad to finally be able to say without exception, ―May the best man win.‖ -Young American / David

Rank Team Name


#1—Loners Micah #2—Footballseasonisover Alec #3—Divine Collusion T.J. #4—Black Hat Brigade Ron #5—Nico‘s back again Dane #6—Vorpinators Steve #7—Felis Domesticus Matthew #8—Here Comes Treble Levi #9—2wheelnutt Nick #10—Dan‘s Dads Dan #11—Big Wiggly Style Aaron #12—Young Americans Dave 10

W/L Total Points Streak


6-2 5-3 5-3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5

11 37 10 20 39 17 17 6 6 10 19 21

794 794 790 821 789 767 714 710 799 735 718 695

W-1 W-1 W-1 L-1 L-3 W-2 W-1 L-1 L-1 L-1 W-2 L-2 VOLUME MAX’D

November 2010 Calendar Sun

Mon 24



31 Breakfast Juice 10AM AMP-PAC 6:30PM

Nov. 1st




26 UWEC Bible Study 5:45PM 2 UWEC Bible Study 5:45PM 9 UWEC Bible Study 5:45PM


Thu 27








30 UWEC 5:45PM

Dec. 1st AMPLIFY, 7:30-8:30PM



RIOT NIGHT 7:30PM Elk Mound

AMPLIFY, 7:30-8:30PM

23 UWEC Bible Study 5:45PM



Necktie Revolution



28 Breakfast Juice 10AM


AMPLIFY, 7:30-8:30PM

16 UWEC Bible Study 5:45PM



AMPLIFY, 7:30-8:30PM

15 ASM Ldrshp Mtg 8:15PM






20 Necktie Revolution


AMPLIFY, 7:30-8:30PM 25





Happy Thanksgiving! 2

Necktie Revolution


December 12th—Amplify Christmas Program December 28-30th—Winter Youth Convention December 31st—New Year‘s Eve Party (following service) Get Amplify in surround sound!!! Fanatically follow AMPLIFY online :) Subscribe to VolumeMAX’D!

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