Voice of Truth: 16th Edition, Quarter 2 2024

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16th edition



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Daily Devotionals

Enjoy our daily devotionals shared by Kimberly on our Facebook page, website, and email list!

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Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Ann Hobbs Teaching – Julie Jenkins

Website: womenworldleaders.com

We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.

Seasonal Events

Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise and worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering.

Listen to the weekly podcast!

Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.

Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!



Letter from the Founder

Dear sisters from around the world,

Whatever passion or skills God has gifted you, may you embrace the meaning and purpose of accomplishing what He has set before you in a manner that has the power to point people to God. At Women World Leaders, it is our hope that whatever God has called you to do, you will do it with joy in the name of Jesus.

As you flip through the pages of Voice of Truth, may the power of God’s Spirit that has called you out of spiritual darkness into a relationship with Him prompt you to transform areas of your life into service for God. Whether He is calling you to testify of your faith, change your attitude, or joyfully work at home, may God’s believers from every people and every nation worship together in unity and be an example of love to a hopeless world.

Can you pause briefly and reflect on when you first heard God’s voice of truth? That moment likely made an indelible mark on your life; if it were not so, you would not have recalled it. In fact, remembering that life-changing event likely makes you want to share how God has spoken to you—that is the call of the Holy Spirit to share your testimony. My prayer today is that you would allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow through you, empowering you to share your story so others can understand and follow the assured path that leads them to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

“The narrow gate and the difficult way lead to eternal life—so few even find it!”


It’s sad to think that so many people are on the wide pathway of life that leads to destruction. Our faithful God wants us to live out our faith in obedience to Jesus and serve others in a way that would honor Him and help others find their way to Jesus. God is ready to show you new and fantastic things about yourself as you read the Bible and ask Him to teach you His ways. In turn, He will guide and give you instructions so you can lead others to find the right path. The prophet Jeremiah consistently sought answers in scripture, and God directed his way.

When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, oh Lord God of Heaven's Armies.


Just as Jeremiah followed and testified of the Lord by bearing His name, we, too, can shape our lives through the wisdom of scripture despite our struggles. We can keep studying and, by faith, look for the ways God encourages us through various means, such as supportive friends. As your sisters in Christ, we are here to spur you on while you help yourself and others. Our desire is to hold each other up in the name of Christ in both good and challenging times. We can all thank God that He does not leave us alone to face the storms of life or reach others for His kingdom alone. Our powerful God and Savior created a community for us. He hears and responds to our cries and comforts us amid our storms, even bringing us closer to Him as we endure our trials.

No matter what kind of situations we find ourselves in, God sees us. He is waiting for every one of us to turn to Him, seeking guidance. And even though our circumstances may not always change or prompt others to change, when we turn to Him, He promises us His peace.

As you read the various articles inside this magazine, may God ignite a power within you to answer His call. May you be willing to turn to Him and respond with a willing yes, whether He is calling you to His side for the first time or you are being summoned to reach others with the Gospel truth. Let us all look to heaven together and be encouraged as we recognize where our help comes from. We are an army gathered for God’s eternal purposes and able to do all we are called to by God’s power. May you walk faithfully in God’s light and love.

I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realized that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth.

(PSALM 121:1-2 TPT)

As the founder of this ministry, my prayer as you read on is that you steadfastly study the Word of God and allow it to release and reflect God’s beauty in your life. May you be empowered as you read and glean truths for your life that are lasting and fulfilling.

Exceedingly, Abundantly Beyond,




Carta de Fundadora

Queridas hermanas de todo el mundo,

Cualquiera que sea la pasión o las habilidades que Dios te haya regalado, puedes abrazar el significado y el propósito de lograr lo que Él ha puesto ante ti de una manera que tenga el poder de dirigir a las personas hacia Dios. En Women World Leaders, tenemos la esperanza de que cualquier cosa que Dios te haya llamado a hacer, lo hagas con alegría en el nombre de Jesús.

Mientras hojeas las páginas de La Voz de la Verdad (Voice of Truth), que el poder del Espíritu de Dios que te ha llamado a salir de la oscuridad espiritual a una relación con Él te impulse a transformar áreas de tu vida en servicio a Dios. Ya sea que te esté llamando a testificar de tu fe, a cambiar tu actitud o a trabajar con alegría en casa, que los creyentes de Dios de cada pueblo y de cada nación adoren juntos en unidad y sean un ejemplo de amor para un mundo sin esperanza.

¿Puedes hacer una breve pausa y reflexionar sobre cuándo escuchaste por primera vez la voz de la verdad de Dios? Ese momento probablemente dejó una huella imborrable en tu vida; si no fuera así, no lo habrías recordado. De hecho, recordar ese acontecimiento que cambió tu vida probablemente te haga querer compartir cómo Dios te ha hablado: ese es el llamado del Espíritu Santo a compartir tu testimonio. Mi oración hoy es que permitas que el poder del Espíritu Santo fluya a través de ti, capacitándote para compartir tu historia para que otros puedan entender y seguir el camino seguro que los lleva a nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo.

“La puerta estrecha y el camino

difícil conducen a la vida eterna; ¡tan pocos la encuentran!”

(MATEO 7:14 TPT)

Es triste pensar que tanta gente está en el amplio camino de la vida que conduce a la destrucción. Nuestro Dios fiel quiere que vivamos nuestra fe en obediencia a Jesús y sirvamos a los demás de una manera que lo honre y ayude a otros a encontrar el camino hacia Jesús. Dios está listo para mostrarte cosas nuevas y fantásticas sobre ti mientras lees la Biblia y le pides que te enseñe Sus caminos. A su vez, Él te guiará y te dará instrucciones para que puedas guiar a otros a encontrar el camino correcto. El profeta Jeremías buscó constantemente respuestas en las Escrituras y Dios dirigió su camino.


Cuando descubrí tus palabras, las devoré. Son mi gozo y el deleite de mi corazón, porque llevo tu nombre, oh Señor Dios de los Ejércitos Celestiales.


Así como Jeremías siguió y testificó del Señor al llevar Su nombre, nosotros también podemos moldear nuestras vidas a través de la sabiduría de las Escrituras a pesar de nuestras luchas. Podemos seguir estudiando y por fe, buscar las formas en que Dios nos alienta a través de diversos medios, como el apoyo de amigos. Como tus hermanas en Cristo, estamos aquí para animarte mientras te ayudas a ti mismo y a los demás. Nuestro deseo es sostenernos unas a otras en el nombre de Cristo, tanto en tiempos buenos como difíciles. Todas podemos agradecer a Dios que no nos deja solas para enfrentar las tormentas de la vida o alcanzar a otros solo para Su reino. Nuestro poderoso Dios y Salvador creó una comunidad para nosotras. Él escucha y responde a nuestros clamores y nos consuela en medio de nuestras tormentas, incluso acercándonos a Él mientras soportamos nuestras pruebas.

No importa en qué tipo de situaciones nos encontremos, Dios nos ve. Él está esperando que cada uno de nosotros recurramos a Él en busca de guía. Y aunque nuestras circunstancias no siempre cambien o no impulsen a otros a cambiar, cuando acudimos a Él, Él nos promete Su paz.

a Su llamado. Que estés dispuesta a acudir a Él y responder con un sí dispuesta, ya sea que te esté llamando a Su lado por primera vez o que estés siendo convocada a alcanzar a otros con la verdad del Evangelio. Miremos todos juntos al cielo y animémonos a reconocer de dónde viene nuestra ayuda. Somos un ejército reunido para los propósitos eternos de Dios y capaces de hacer todo lo que el poder de Dios nos llama. Que camines fielmente en la luz y el amor de Dios.

Miro hacia las montañas y colinas, anhelando la ayuda de Dios. Pero luego me di cuenta de que nuestra verdadera ayuda y protección es sólo del Señor, nuestro Creador que hizo los cielos y la tierra.

(SALMO 121:1-2 TPT)

Como fundadora de este ministerio, mi oración mientras sigues leyendo es que estudies firmemente la Palabra de Dios y permitas que libere y refleje la belleza de Dios en tu vida. Que puedas sentirte empoderada al leer y recoger verdades duraderas y satisfactorias para tu vida.

Extremadamente, abundantemente y más allá,


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.


Gospel Grace



Empowering Lives with Purpose


Biblical Profiles


Following the Son


Sons of Kings



Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future


Faith and Family


Nonna’s kNOWledge


A Focus on Him


Through the Eyes of Merci


Holy Wellness


Through a Mother’s Eyes DIANE CHEVELDAYOFF

El Roi...the God who Sees Me
11 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 38 40 44 46 50 52





Interceding DIANA BROWN
of Truth Cover Story
on the Book of John
Heart and Soul
from the Spirit
Chasing Butterflies Journals CONNIE VANHORN
Carpet Ready DEANN ALAINE VOT Stories Global Connections 55 56 60 64 68 72 74 76 80 82 84 90 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (EPHESIANS 3:20 NIV)


Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO

Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO

Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer

Johana Torres – Spanish Translator

Kelley Rene – Editor

Lisa Morrison – Editor

Kerri Bridges – Editor

Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader

Shelly Haas – Proofreader

Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments

WWL Ministry Coordinators

Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO

Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO

Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance

Diana Brown – Prayer

Janet Berrong – Connection Coordinator

Jessica Morneault – Events

Connie Van Horn – Encouragement Ambassador

Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts


How Shall We Pray?

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

(LUKE 11:1 NIV)

Two of the most common questions I have come across when speaking with people about recovering from addiction to drugs and alcohol have been: “How do I pray?” and “How do I recognize the voice of God?”

You would think with all the information I have learned in more than ten years of recovery, people would want to ask me questions related to addiction, and most often, they do. But nothing is as frequent as those two questions I just mentioned.

In my ministry of bringing hope that addicts can and do recover to others, I share time and time again how God saved me from my desperate suicide attempt on my basement floor at the rock bottom of my disease of addiction. I was a woman who, for decades, turned her back on God. If I did ever go to Him or acknowledge Him, it was more of a desperate plea to get me out of a situation mixed with empty promises—like if He did rescue me, I would be better or do better next time.

Along my journey in recovery, I came to understand that God was there all along, and I was the one denying Him. Shortly after getting sober and working through a twelve-step recovery program, I realized the need


to make a drastic change in my life spiritually. I needed to pursue a relationship with the higher power I now know as God and accept Jesus into my heart.


But that didn’t come easily. When you run in a lifestyle that has nothing to do with God’s will for you for so many years, turning your will over seems almost impossible. In fact, we, as Christians, will struggle with this throughout our entire lives. Maybe your experience isn’t addiction. Perhaps you have experienced other scenarios where you have gotten off course and tried to make things go in the direction you wanted, forgetting that God laid out your ultimate plan before you were ever conceived. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).

It is never too late to recognize you have fallen into the trap of trying to take life by the reins, following your ego-driven will over what God has ordained. And prayer is exactly what can get us back on track, keeping us connected with our Creator so we can stay on the path that was divinely planned for us. Prayer armors us and offers protection not only for ourselves, but for the entire world. We can pray: “Protect me with every piece of Your armor. Father, help me fasten Your belt of truth around my waist.” (See Ephesians 6:14).

Prayer is where my newfound relationship with God began in my early recovery. I was quite wobbly at it, too. I would hide in my bedroom closet and whisper, “God, can you hear me? It’s Melissa. I don’t know what I am doing, but I’m coming to you. I don’t know how to talk to you like others do, so I’m just going to read a prayer out loud and hope you receive my effort to communicate.”

I began doing this morning and night. The same prayer was also said at both my recovery meetings and the church I started attending. At every turn, this small prayer was beginning to appear right in front of me.

I felt awkward each time I prayed, much like a newborn fawn whose legs are wobbly when they first stand. But I committed to it. In fact, I started looking forward to it as if it were a dessert after dinner. I couldn’t wait to get to my bedroom closet, say my prayer, and share about my day. The relationship I desired was starting to form. The more I talked with God about my fears, desires, and sorrow for the sin and hurt I had caused, the more I could feel His presence. And when I began to acknowledge His will over mine, a floodgate of opportunities opened for me to dive deeper spiritually.



The prayer I rigorously committed to is known as The Lord’s Prayer. To this day, it is the most powerful prayer in my life because it encourages us to cling to God’s will, seek His forgiveness and help in avoiding temptation, and ask for protection against Satan.

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:9-13 NIV).

God knows there will be times when we are weary, tired, angry, sad, disappointed, lost, broken, restless, and complacent. But He had His only Son, Christ Jesus, offer instructions on how to pray. When Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “How shall we pray?” our Father delivered four powerful sentences that take us from our worldly selves and bring us closer to Him. He knows the flesh complicates things, and the accuser tries relentlessly to distract us from communicating with our Father. If you dissect the prayer into sections, you can see how Jesus lays out a perfect model for the things believers should pray about and for:

n Hallowed be Your name: God’s name (and therefore, God Himself) is to be the most uniquely valued one in all creation.

n Your kingdom come: You are to invite the King, Jesus Christ, to move into your life and the lives of others, breathing His Holy Spirit into you and them with loyalty toward the coming of His kingdom.

n Your will be done: Pray that God’s will be accomplished within our circles of influence. His will, not ours, is the truth and light for our existence.

n Our daily bread: Acknowledge our needs and God’s abundant provisions.

n Forgive us our debts: Confession is a critical element of prayer life. Talking to God about our shortcomings and seeking His forgiveness shows humility.

n As we have forgiven our debtors: Be proactive about forgiving others. Prayer is an important time to ask God to give us the ability to show grace and mercy the same way He has shown it to us.

n Lead us not into temptation: Ask God to intervene in our lives to help us avoid situations where we might be tempted.

n Deliver us from evil: A prayerful plea to avoid the enemy’s schemes. We can’t always see the traps laid out for us, but God can. And we can pray for deliverance from them.


Isn’t it beautiful to know that right there, in the pages of the written Word, are instructions on how to pray? It’s a direct line of communication spoken by our Lord and Savior on how to call out to God. Of course, there are so many places and ways to pray. And your relationship with our Creator is unique. Just as He has designed each of us differently, He knows we will all communicate with Him differently. The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:11-12 NIV).

Do not be so focused on the human thoughts of, “Am I praying correctly?” or “Am I pious enough?” Call to God through prayer, whether you are writing, singing, in silent thought, sitting in your pew at church, walking beside a flowing stream, or hiking a mountain ridge. Even if you’re standing with your toes in His giant ocean, riding in your car, gathered with others, or like me, sitting “criss-cross, applesauce” on your bedroom closet floor, leap into action by praying! Call to the Lord; He is waiting for you! With consistency and practice, one day at a time, you will recognize the voice of God. And the Holy Spirit’s hope, love, and promises will be engrained in your heart forever. Amen!

If you need prayer, please email us at prayer@womenworldleaders.com so we can encourage you further.

We love that God has called us, as a ministry, to love and empower women who desire to love God, come closer to Him, and serve Him with their whole hearts.


Gracia del Evangelio



Un día Jesús estaba orando en cierto lugar. Cuando terminó, uno de sus discípulos le dijo: “Señor, enséñanos a orar, como Juan enseñó a sus discípulos.”

(LUCAS 11:1 NVI )

Dos de las preguntas más comunes con las que me he encontrado al hablar con personas sobre la recuperación de la adicción a las drogas y al alcohol han sido: “¿Cómo oro?” y “¿Cómo reconozco la voz de Dios?”

Uno pensaría que con toda la información que he aprendido en más de diez años de recuperación, la gente querría hacerme preguntas relacionadas con la adicción y, en la mayoría de los casos, lo hacen. Pero nada es tan frecuente como esas dos preguntas que acabo de mencionar.

En mi ministerio de llevar a otros la esperanza de que los adictos puedan recuperarse y si se recuperan, comparto una y otra vez cómo Dios me salvó de mi desesperado intento de suicidio en el piso de mi sótano, en el fondo de mi enfermedad de adicción. Fui una mujer que, durante décadas, le dio la espalda a Dios. Si alguna vez acudí a Él o lo reconocí, fue más bien una súplica desesperada para sacarme de una situación mezclada con promesas vacías, como si Él me rescatara, estaría mejor o lo haría mejor la próxima vez.

A lo largo de mi viaje de recuperación, llegué a comprender que Dios estuvo allí todo el tiempo y que yo era quien lo negaba. Poco después de estar sobrio y seguir un

programa de recuperación de doce pasos, me di cuenta de la necesidad de hacer un cambio espiritual drástico en mi vida. Necesitaba buscar una relación con el poder superior que ahora conozco como Dios y aceptar a Jesús en mi corazón.

Pero eso no fue fácil. Cuando llevas un estilo de vida que no tiene nada que ver con la voluntad de Dios para ti durante tantos años, cambiar tu voluntad parece casi imposible. De hecho, nosotros, como cristianos, lucharemos con esto durante toda nuestra vida. Quizás tu experiencia no sea una adicción. Quizás hayas experimentado otros escenarios en los que te has desviado del rumbo y has tratado de hacer que las cosas vayan en la dirección que deseabas, olvidando que Dios trazó su plan final antes de que fueras concebida. “Porque yo conozco los planes que tengo para ustedes —afirma el SEÑOR—, planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, a fin de darles un futuro y una esperanza”, (Jeremías 29:11 NVI).


Nunca es demasiado tarde para reconocer que has caído en la trampa de intentar tomar la vida por las riendas, siguiendo tu voluntad impulsada por el ego sobre lo que Dios ha ordenado. Y la oración es exactamente lo que puede hacernos volver al camino correcto, manteniéndonos conectadas con nuestro Creador para que podamos permanecer en el camino que fue divinamente planeado para nosotros. La oración nos protege y ofrece protección no sólo para nosotros, sino para el mundo entero. Podemos orar: “Protégeme con cada pieza de tu armadura. Padre, ayúdame a ajustar tu cinturón de verdad alrededor de mi cintura”. (Ver Efesios 6:14).

La oración es donde comenzó mi nueva relación con Dios en mi temprana recuperación. Yo también estaba bastante tambaleante. Me escondía en el armario de mi habitación y susurraba: “Dios, ¿puedes oírme? Es Melissa. No sé lo que estoy haciendo, pero voy hacia ti. No sé cómo hablar contigo como lo hacen los demás, así que simplemente voy a leer una oración en voz alta y espero que recibas mi esfuerzo por comunicarme”.

Empecé a hacer esto mañana y noche. También oré la misma oración tanto en mis reuniones de recuperación como en la iglesia a la que comencé a asistir. A cada paso, esta pequeña oración comenzaba a aparecer justo frente a mí.

Me sentía incómoda cada vez que oraba, como un cervatillo recién nacido cuyas patas tiemblan cuando se pone de pie por primera vez. Pero me comprometí con ello. De hecho, comencé a esperarlo con ansias como si fuera un postre después de cenar. No podía esperar para llegar al armario de mi habitación, decir mi oración y compartir sobre mi día. La relación que deseaba estaba empezando a formarse. Cuanto más hablaba con Dios sobre mis miedos, deseos y tristeza por el pecado y el dolor que había causado, más podía sentir Su presencia. Y cuando comencé a reconocer Su voluntad sobre la mía, se abrió una avalancha de oportunidades para profundizar espiritualmente.

La oración a la que me comprometí rigurosamente se conoce como El Padrenuestro. Hasta el día de hoy, es la oración más poderosa de mi vida porque nos anima a aferrarnos a la voluntad de Dios, buscar Su perdón y ayuda para evitar la tentación y pedir protección contra Satanás.

Entonces, así es como debes orar: “Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre.Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan cotidiano. Perdónanos nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros hemos perdonado a nuestros ofensores.Y no nos dejes caer en tentación, sino líbranos del maligno” (Mateo 6:9-13 NVI).

Dios sabe que habrá momentos en los que estemos cansados, enojados, tristes, decepcionados, perdidos, destrozados, inquietos y complacientes. Pero hizo que su único Hijo, Cristo Jesús, ofreciera instrucciones sobre cómo orar. Cuando los discípulos de Jesús le preguntaron: "¿Cómo oraremos?" Nuestro Padre pronunció cuatro poderosas frases que nos alejan de nuestro yo mundano y nos acercan a Él. Él sabe que la carne complica las cosas y el acusador intenta incansablemente distraernos de comunicarnos con nuestro Padre. Si analizas la oración en secciones, puedes ver cómo Jesús presenta un modelo perfecto para las cosas por las que los creyentes deben orar:

n Santificado sea tu nombre: el nombre de Dios (y por lo tanto, Dios mismo) debe ser el más valorado en toda la creación.

n Venga tu reino: Debes invitar al Rey, Jesucristo, a entrar en tu vida y en la vida de los demás, infundiendo Su Espíritu Santo en ti y en ellos con lealtad hacia la venida de Su reino.

n Hágase tu voluntad: Ora para que la voluntad de Dios se cumpla dentro de nuestros círculos de influencia. Su voluntad, no la nuestra, es la verdad y la luz de nuestra existencia.

n Nuestro pan de cada día: Reconocer nuestras necesidades y las abundantes provisiones de Dios.


n Perdónanos nuestras ofensas: La confesión es un elemento crítico de la vida de oración. Hablar con Dios sobre nuestros defectos y buscar su perdón demuestra humildad.

n Como hemos perdonado a nuestros ofensores: sea proactivo a la hora de perdonar a los demás. La oración es un momento importante para pedirle a Dios que nos dé la capacidad de mostrar gracia y misericordia de la misma manera que Él nos la ha mostrado.

n No nos dejes caer en la tentación: Pídele a Dios que intervenga en nuestras vidas para ayudarnos a evitar situaciones en las que podamos ser tentados.

n Líbranos del mal: una súplica de oración para evitar los planes del enemigo. No siempre podemos ver las trampas que nos han tendido, pero Dios sí. Y podemos orar por la liberación de ellos.

¿No es hermoso saber que ahí mismo, en las páginas de la Palabra escrita, hay instrucciones sobre cómo orar? Es una línea directa de comunicación hablada por nuestro Señor y Salvador sobre cómo invocar a Dios. Por supuesto, hay muchísimos lugares y formas de orar. Y tu relación con

nuestro Creador es única. Así como Él nos ha diseñado a cada uno de manera diferente, Él sabe que todos nos comunicaremos con Él de manera diferente. El Señor le dijo: “¿Y quién le puso la boca al hombre? —respondió el SEÑOR—. ¿Acaso no soy yo, el SEÑOR, quien lo hace sordo o mudo, quien le da la vista o se la quita? Anda, ponte en marcha, que yo te ayudaré a hablar y te diré lo que debas decir. (Éxodo 4:11-12 NVI).

No te concentres tanto en los pensamientos humanos de “¿Estoy orando correctamente?” o "¿Soy lo suficientemente piadosa?" Llama a Dios a través de la oración, ya sea que esté escribiendo, cantando, pensando en silencio, sentado en su banco de la iglesia, caminando junto a un arroyo o caminando por la cresta de una montaña. Incluso si estás parada con los dedos de los pies en Su océano gigante, viajando en tu auto, reunida con otras personas o como yo, sentada con las piernas cruzadas en el piso del armario de tu habitación, ¡entra en acción orando! Llama al Señor; ¡Está esperándote! Con constancia y práctica, un día a la vez, reconocerás la voz de Dios. Y la esperanza, el amor y las promesas del Espíritu Santo quedarán grabados en tu corazón para siempre. ¡Amén!

Si has hecho esta oración, envíanos un correo electrónico a Prayer@womenworldleaders.com para que podamos alentarte aún más. Nos encanta que Dios nos haya llamado, como ministerio, a amar y empoderar a las mujeres que desean amar a Dios, acercarse a Él y servirle con todo su corazón.


Have you heard?

Listen to Women World Leaders podcast—every Monday!

Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ Podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.

Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!

Visit: womenworldleaders.com/learn-with-us/podcasts/ Or scan code to listen now!

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.


Empowering Lives with Purpose

I love empowering my sisters in faith to live the good life that humans have forever been searching for. From finding the fountain of youth to achieving health, wellness, and supernatural ecstasy that we all wish to obtain, I believe with God, all things are most certainly possible.

God has a divine plan of redemption for all of us, and, most importantly, He does not want us to be separated from Himself. If we can, instead, separate ourselves from the world and its gateway, which continuously tries to bring us into captivity, then we can live in the abundance of this life God created us for. Living our lives with God allows us to obtain tremendous wellness in every area.

Although it is not easy to walk away from worldly things we may have become accustomed to, God’s Word shows us we will live more peacefully when we do. The world has a way of drawing us in and persuading us to believe everything it has for us is acceptable and good. Throughout scripture, God called various leaders out from pagan customs and away from living lives laced with sin and shame. God continually offered His leaders and His children a newness of life that would come by following Him. As we read the Bible, we can learn from their examples as we, too, are called to declare the goodness of God.

Every day, we are tempted with forbidden fruit threatening to lure us away from our blessings. God wants us to have

a separation from the world. He says we are to be in the world but not of the world.

“For anyone who has left behind their home and property, leaving family—brothers or sisters, mothers, or fathers, or children—for my sake, they will be repaid one hundred times over and will inherit eternal life. But many who push themselves to be first will find themselves last. And those who are willing to be last will find themselves to be first.”

(MATTHEW 19:29-30 TPT)

Just as we can learn from the example of those who declared the goodness of God, we can also learn from the example of those who made wrong choices that led to death. Samson did not walk away from Delilah, who seductively lured him to reveal the secret of the anointing God had given him—and he lost his life. Likewise, Judas did not walk away from thirty pieces of silver; he lost his soul.

When we say no to the world and place ourselves under the spiritual authority of Jesus Christ, He begins to sculpt our future. When we walk away from worldly things that tempt us, we will see the goodness God can bring us to.


In my own life, I had everything a woman could want— jewels, exotic cars, designer clothes, world travels, and mansions in various places. But I still lacked a peaceful spirit. I was not obediently surrendered to God. I maintained everything of my own accord and made choices that I felt would keep me in a lifestyle to satisfy a need. But I was deceived. My flesh was never satisfied. It was not God’s plan for me to have all the riches of this world. Because I focused my striving on maintaining my earthly desires, I remained separated from my Savior and lived with a man I was not married to. My peace was gone. When redemption took place in my life, the peace of God flooded my soul. I walked away from a life of sin and chose a life with my Savior. It was the best decision I ever made. When a believer is in the middle of God’s will, he has perfect peace even if he faces some of life’s most difficult challenges. We face tests of accepting what the world offers us or following God’s heart. God will evaluate the righteous.

The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked… For the righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.

(PSALM 11:5-7 NLT)

If you have been searching for a good life—the kind of life filled with perfect peace—there is only one source: God!

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act?


God had a conversation with me one night at the garden tomb area in the country of Israel. I had a choice—I could either believe His promises for me were true or not. I could have stayed in the opulent lifestyle and luxury of having everything this world had to offer, or I could have surrendered my life completely to God that night. I chose God! And my life changed! I chose to believe that with God, all things are possible—even a better life than I had when I thought I had it all. And because I trusted in Him and walked away from my sin, God provided all I would ever need. I am happy to say I chose well.

As taught in God’s Word, His blessings are available to all of us. He is waiting to shower you, your children, and your grandchildren with His blessings. Don’t allow your past to control your future, and don’t allow the world’s temptations to lead you away from God’s will for your life.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.





you are reading this magazine, God is calling you to be a leader for Christ—to boldly embrace the strengths He has given you without bowing to society’s norms or other people’s prejudice.

One of my strengths is that I power through situations, sometimes against all odds. But it isn’t always pretty. I have often thought of myself as a “bulldozer” and have had to work to understand this character trait and, at times, learn to temper it. Since I was a child, I’ve been fiercely independent, not afraid to do or say what I thought was right. As a Christian who is always growing, however, I’ve learned to go to God to make sure my direction, stance, and strength are in alignment with what He has called me to do and be. After all, if I’m going to “bulldoze,” I want

When we operate in God’s power, nothing can derail us.

to make sure I’m on target—and I’m certainly not wise enough without God’s input to determine that!

Many women in the Bible provide excellent examples of embracing their God-given strengths. When we read their stories, we can be encouraged and empowered to accomplish all God asks of us. Deborah and Jael are two of those extraordinary women.

Deborah was a prophet and judge—a gifted leader. If you think the cards are stacked against you, imagine being called to be a leader in Old Testament times when being a woman leader was nearly unheard of. And yet, when we read about Deborah, we are amazed at the respect and honor she had gained for herself. The Israelites went up to her to have their disputes settled (Judges 4:5 NIV).


Embracing the strengths and wisdom God gave her, Deborah didn’t turn away from her calling to tell others what God commanded them to do. The time was fraught with wars and battles, and in chapter four of Judges, we read that God gave Deborah a message to order Barak, a Jewish general, to lead ten thousand men against a formidable army led by Sisera, saying to Barak that if he did, God would give the enemy forces over to the hands of His people.

Deborah was so revered, or Barak was so reluctant, that he responded to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go” (Judges 4:8 NIV).

Deborah agreed to accompany Barak, but she continued to follow God’s lead, supporting him but later commanding him, “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” (Judges 4:14 NIV).

Do you see what she did there? Not only was Deborah, through the wisdom God imparted, helping Israel win a battle against their earthly enemy, but by boldly proclaiming that the Lord was in complete control, she was leading Barak and his soldiers, which we later find had grown to 40,000 in number (Judges 5:8), to put their full trust in the Lord! What a lesson! Maybe God has called you to lead—or even bulldoze—so you can highlight to others that the Lord’s direction and wisdom can always be trusted. Deborah was not concerned about what Barak or anyone else thought of her; she just wanted to be sure God got the glory.

Well, when Barak and his soldiers went up against Sisera’s army, with God’s help, Sisera’s army fell. God had sent a torrential rainstorm that caused the enemy’s chariots to be trapped in the mud. And Sisera, their nolonger-fearless leader, ran. He ran all the way to the tent of Jael, the wife of a Jewish man who was on his side.

Jael invited Sisera into her tent, gave him some milk, and covered him so he could rest. When Sisera fell asleep, Jael picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died (Judges 4:21 NIV).

The Bible doesn’t succinctly tell us that Jael was following the Lord’s command, but I can’t imagine her strength came from anywhere other than the Lord. Furthermore, Sisera had been terrorizing the Jewish

people for years, and it is clear from God’s directions to take down Sisera, as spoken by Deborah, that it was God’s plan to deliver the Jewish people from the hands of their oppressor. Deborah praised Jael for her actions in her song of celebration: “Most blessed of women be Jael” (Judges 5:24 NIV).

We can learn several things from these two women who led courageously to free the Israelites from oppression:

• God calls women (yes, women!) to lead, speak, and act for Him. God called Deborah and positioned Jael to release the Israelites from bondage. And God is calling you to work for Him, too.

• When we operate in God’s power, nothing can derail us. Deborah and Jael stood firm for God and His people. They trusted Him, as we should— because nothing is more potent than God’s power.

• Operating by God’s power enables us to shine a light for Him and give Him all the glory. When we become leaders for Christ, some of the honor and praise may fall on us. Or it may not. Whichever happens, I pray we always remember to put the glory where it belongs—on God alone.

As you strive to lead for Christ, listen to Him! Ask Him to tune the frequency of your heart to His. And whether He calls you to “bulldoze” or “be still,” trust His Word, embrace the gifts He has given you, and strive to keep the focus—yours and those you lead—on Him alone.


Following the Son

Wait For It

It was a rare morning to find the Atlantic Ocean so smooth and calm. I decided to take advantage of the moment and set out on my paddle board to wait and watch for the sunrise on my board instead of on the beach. I soon discovered the view would not be the best as a big cloud was in the way. However, I waited, and the sun came through briefly.

Imagine for a moment. You are living back in the times of Jesus. He’s just been crucified and buried. However, you’re told He’d rise in three days. What time would you get up on that third day? Would you go to work as usual? Would you be the first one in line at the tomb? Or perhaps you wouldn’t even sleep. What would you be willing to sacrifice to catch a glimpse?

I like to linger in the morning. Getting ready to head to the beach for sunrise requires a change in my routine. But no matter when, where, how much, or how little the sun appears, it’s always worth it!

Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.


Be sure to soak up all the blessings in the waiting.

I imagine the day we see Jesus will be like that. Whatever changes we make in life or necessities we think we give up will be worth it! I’m certain nothing on this side of heaven will come close to being as awesome as what He has in store for us.

Whether I see Him face to face, between a cloud, or briefly from a distance, it will be enough!

While waiting for His return, we may encounter serious health issues, financial struggles, loss, pain, or other unpleasant situations. But comparatively, our trials here will be brief, and it will all be worth it. Our time on earth is but a vapor. Eternity is waiting, and in eternity with God, there will be no more tears.

He is waiting for us!

In the waiting, Jesus is interceding on our behalf. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them (Hebrews 7:25 NIV).

Jesus is preparing a place for us to live forever with Him. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:1-3 NIV).

He’s also waiting for the command of the Father to come and get His bride. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36 NIV).

Let me encourage you: whenever things are calm and smooth, take the time to position yourself to wait Wait to hear what He wants to speak to you. Wait to see what He wants to show you. Wait to be led to a friend in need. Wait and just be. Be in His presence and praise Him. Too often, we only seek Him when we are in need or in crisis. But I promise you, He wants to meet with us daily!

As I sat there on my paddle board waiting, it was so peaceful. Quiet. Still. His beauty and creation surrounded me. A new day had begun.

Be sure to soak up all the blessings in the waiting.

Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida,with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.


Sons ofKings A NEW THING




Can we drive forward while looking in the rear-view mirror? What is the gain of living in the past as opposed to visiting the past for the gain of what should have been learned and not lived? The Word of God reminds us not only to forget the former things but that we are to not even consider the old things because they can cause us to miss what He is doing new.

Focusing on what was can be a holding pattern for what we miss or even what we thought we had lost. Whereas there may be some truth to your past of loss over gain, I want to encourage you, Sons, to not stay parked in the former things. Glean from your lean into the past, but don’t let it become a place of permanence that you actively participate in.

The more time you spend in the former of what was and is now considered to be old, the longer you rob yourself of what God is manifesting in your now. There is “A New Thing” that God is birthing right in front of you,

ISAIAH 43:18-19 RSV

but because your image is reflective of the former, you have not perceived what God is springing forth NEW. If you are going to move forward, you must be willing to forget what used to be, and even the way God used to do things, because He is doing something different RIGHT NOW!

God is the God of the present and the future, and He is not looking back at what was, as He is in forward motion to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask or imagine. Position yourselves, Sons of the King, and assume a posture of gratitude for the new thing that God is springing forth. In the new of God, you are strong, you have a sound mind, you are healthier, you have joy and peace, and you are being restored to the place where now is better than the latter.

Sons of a King, God is doing a new thing, and it is springing forth now; do you not perceive it?



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A Beautiful Mess

Each child reacts differently, processes and sees the world through their own lens, and experiences.

Our family lives in sunny Florida, where the wonderful warm sun shines almost daily. In the winter, our beautiful island brings thousands of “snowbirds”—people who live in the north during the summer and in the south during the winter— and spring break visitors, making the traffic similar to New York City. So as a family with a flexible homeschooling schedule, we decided to leave the wonderful sun and beautiful palm trees for a little while and head to snowy Utah so the kids could enjoy the winter sports activities they loved back when they grew up in Michigan. Off we went with great anticipation for winter fun, our bags packed full of warm winter gear: snow pants, gloves, hats, boots, and multiple layers.

Our family friend in Utah loves to take the kids skiing, and together, they headed to Park City to enjoy the slopes while my husband and I shopped at the stores—trekking the streets in the snow and ice and getting drenched by snowflakes while waiting in the area as they skied all day. It was a great day; everyone had a wonderful time.

We planned to take the second day off from skiing and try snowmobiling. Our family had never snowmobiled before, but we had done many other activities that seemed similar, like four-wheeling, ATVing, and jet skiing. We drove two hours into the mountains to an absolutely breathtaking scenic tour area. We got fitted in our gear and partnered up for the adventure. Just as we were about to go out, we were given a quick tutorial and kindly reminded how easily these machines can flip. That had me a little concerned, but we have done far crazier things. As we left, I had some caution in the back of my mind.

Homeschooling isn’t about just the education; it’s about the daily opportunities to learn about our kids.

We zipped through some of the most gorgeous trails that looked like they came right out of the Narnia movies. I couldn’t believe the beauty that was all around me. We enjoyed ourselves racing through leafless white birch trees and gigantic pine trees. The smells of evergreen were amazing; we were having the time of our lives. About an hour into the tour, we reached the top of the mountain, where the guide had us take our group photos. It was epic—everything I had expected the day to be. We were then told to drive down a little hill and pull off to the side to wait for the remaining groups to take their photos.

My husband went down first and parked. I followed next. Then, our friend who was driving our son followed; he decided to do a slow turnaround before parking. Unfortunately, that turnaround was on a three-foot snow embankment, which, because they were going at such a slow speed, caused the snowmobile to flip over. Seeing this coming, the driver jumped off, but my son was unaware of what was happening and stayed on for the four-second time frame, which ended with the snowmobile landing on my son’s right leg.

Sheer terror came to us all as we watched the huge machine land on our son. My husband and I got off our snowmobiles and attempted to run through three feet of snow as fast as we could, falling and tripping continuously. My oldest daughter ran up the hill for help, unaware of her brother’s condition. Thankfully, when we reached our son, he was alive and conscious but screaming in pain.

We quickly checked him out and saw that his injuries were not life-threatening. My oldest daughter was completely freaking out trying to reach help, while my youngest daughter was sitting on the snowmobile in silence. Once we got help for our son, we surveyed the situation and got him back on his snowmobile for the rough ride back to camp. Then, I immediately went to help my daughters. My youngest was still calm on

the snowmobile, but my oldest daughter needed help calming down. I laid her in the snow and had her take deep breaths until she was able to speak, assuring her all was ok.

Once she was under control, we were all able to make the twenty-minute ride back to camp to survey the real damage. In those twenty minutes, I had so many motherly emotions and feelings to process. First, I had total gratitude and thanksgiving to God that our son was alright and was not injured more seriously. I was also thankful that when he picked his gear, the flimsy snow boot he wanted was wet inside, leading him to pick the only dry boot left, which was a ski boot! I know God had protected him from a more serious injury to his ankle by having that flimsy boot be wet and providing the ski boot instead. While we traveled, I was still so in awe of the nature and creation that God created all around me. My oldest daughter was riding behind me, thanking me in tears for being able to show up for her in that scary time of trauma.

I was still so in awe of the nature and creation that God created all around me.

There were almost too many different emotions happening all at the same time as I processed the reality of life being both good and bad, sometimes in the same moment. Being with my kids these past years on a daily and hourly basis has allowed me the extra time to see their personality types and learn how they are each unique and different. Clearly, this is still possible for the parents who send their kids to school. But as I drove 40 mph through the snowy trees, I was thankful that through the homeschooling path we chose, God provided a way for me to understand my kids in such


different and unique ways and allowed me to show up for each of them in this scary, tragic time. It has always boggled my mind how my husband and I raised three kids in a 39-month age gap in all the same ways, but somehow, they each turned out so completely different. I have learned that just as their education learning styles are different, so are their personalities and needs.

Don’t take your time with your kids for granted.

Each child reacts differently, processes and sees the world through their own lens, and experiences things uniquely, too. One of our jobs as parents is to learn these differences so we are able to love and parent our kids the way they need according to how God created them. In that horrifying moment, there was no greater joy as a mom to know that I did just that. After all the years of trying to understand and know my kids so I could be a better teacher, as a mom, I was able to be what each of my kids needed. I don’t tell this story to boast but to open your eyes to the daily opportunity God has given each one of us to not just exist in our sometimes mundane days but to explore, examine, and be curious about these beautiful, unique, special gifts God has given us to care for and love. Homeschooling isn’t about just the education; it’s about the daily opportunities to learn about our kids—how they work, how they learn, how they love, how they hurt, how they celebrate, and how they grieve; and then to be the one to support and champion them in their lives as they grow from little children to adults.

Sadly, my son’s ankle was broken, and his knee had an MCL sprain, but those things will heal, and the memory of that day will become a core memory for us all. Thankfully, it’s a core memory we can look back on and see God’s miracle hand of protection at work and the love and support from each other that our family needed during a scary time. Don’t take your time with your kids for granted; use it to master the ability to be the best you can be for each one of them. I promise you the day will come when your children will need you to show up for them like I was able to out in those snowy Utah woods.


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El Roi…the God Who Sees Me


As a therapist, I have the privilege and honor of sitting with those who are walking through tremendous hurt, trauma, anxiety, and other challenges. I consider this a gift. Sitting with others in their brokenness brings a new perspective. We all need to be “seen” in our brokenness. Yet, there can be a stigma when we go to therapy or seek help from others. Know that this is a trick of the devil. When we go through hard times, it is good for us to reach out and be “seen.”

Clients often come into my office emotionally hurt and feeling alone. Most of us go through times when we feel like no one “gets” us or our feelings. As a clinician, I have been taught to hold in my emotions and feelings as I listen to others’ stories, but my heart still hurts for my clients. I feel the pain, sorrow, and rejection others walk through, and I constantly ask for God’s guidance and wisdom when in session. Sometimes, there are no magic words to say. Sometimes, presence is the best thing for a situation.

You don’t need to be certified to be a friend and meet someone with God’s grace. Sitting with, walking with, talking with, and offering someone else the same compassion God gives US every minute of the day is a gift.

Even in the midst of relationship challenges, looking at someone through the lens of God’s grace can bring peace to both the giver and the receiver. There will be obstacles in life and times when we may disagree and not be on the same page as another. But when we allow ourselves to be led by God, His grace will abide in all our relationships. Grace is a beautiful, undeserved gift from God. He died on the cross for our sins so we may have grace and mercy and live with Him forever. Grace is the unmerited favor from the Lord. As sinners, we don’t deserve the grace God gives us, and it is this grace that we are called to shower on others.

But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.



We are nothing without God’s grace. But the beauty is that we do not have to strive for His love. He sees all of us through His grace lenses. God fully knows us and yet still offers us His grace. When I think about the gift of grace, I can’t fathom that the God of the universe loves me and chooses to give me complete grace that can only come from Him.

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.


When we meet others with grace, lives are changed. No matter what has been done to us or how badly we have been hurt, God calls us to offer grace to others. The grace that covers you and me also covers those who have wronged us. This can be difficult to comprehend at times. But the lens of grace God gives us continually guides us to be more like Him.

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.


I love this scripture. May our conversations be full of grace. Ponder of those words. The more we can walk in the steps of Jesus, the more we will have the lenses of grace to see others as He does.

Lisa Hathaway resides in Lexington, NC, with her husband, Everett, and their children. As a special needs mom, breast cancer survivor, and survivor of a tragic car accident, suffering has been intertwined in her story, and she yearns for others to experience God’s sweetness through their difficulties.

Lisa has an MBA and is pursuing her Clinical and Mental Health Counseling degree. She works at The Oaks Therapeutic Community and is an integral part of the WWL leadership team.


L ve Cards


We invite you to join us as we hand out these beautiful LOVE cards that are the actual size and feel of a credit card. By simply sharing with whomever God places on your heart, you can impact a life for eternity.

While out and about in your day-to-day routine, hand a card to someone on the street and watch them smile. Give one to your waitress at your favorite restaurant with her monetary tip, and she will light up. Share with a friend, a co-worker, or someone you meet as you stand in line or in a waiting room. Women are being blessed everywhere by receiving these lovely cards.




Go to womenworldleaders.com, click the “ Donate” tab, and designate your gift of $25.00 or more to “ WWL LOVE CARDS” via the dropdown menu. We will send you 50 of these lovely cards, and you can begin sharing the gospel message in such a beautiful way, with the love of Jesus Christ boldly proclaimed by each card. This offer is available in the USA and internationally. Scan the QR code on the picture of the Love Card above to watch the video in any of the provided six languages now

Then visit us at womenworldleaders.com to begin your mission of sharing the gospel—one card at a time!

When you share one, be sure to instruct the recipient to scan the QR code on the back with their phone. When they do, they will be taken to the Women World Leaders landing page and given the opportunity to watch a life-changing 6-minute video provided by our friends, The Heaven Guy Team. Available in six languages, the video shares true love—the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

As a ministry, we can track how many people open the page, watch the video, and check the box proclaiming they have accepted Christ. We can also contact and disciple anyone who chooses to leave their information in the provided section.

Abundance, AND A Hope, Future

“If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”

Maybe, like me, you’ve heard this saying. Or perhaps—again, like me—this is a mantra in your life.

I remember when I would ask my kids to help around the house— giving them chores to empty the dishwasher or fold the laundry. Like obedient children, they would complete the task, but it would be (in my opinion!) not done “right.” Inevitably, I would re-fold the clothes or re-load the dishwasher! All the while muttering under my breath, “I should’ve just done it myself.”

If we want something done right, we need to do it ourselves. Right?

I’ve discovered this is a common mindset for women—particularly women who struggle with control. Unfortunately, many of us wouldn’t view ourselves as “control freaks,” yet we find it difficult to trust handing off tasks to others. It’s not that we think they’re incapable; we just want things done “right.” In other words, done “my way.” In fact, we will often reassign our commitments and priorities so we can personally take care of the very thing we asked someone else to help us with!

I have been so guilty of this. That’s another side of the coin, by the way: guilt. It doesn’t take much for us to feel the need to control a situation and, conversely, feel guilty for not trusting someone else to handle it. This paradigm also keeps us from asking for the help we sometimes desperately need.

The looping thought in our mind is I’ve got this. I don’t need any help. I’m a strong, independent women. I’ve got this.

If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.

But God says: Trust Me Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).

We were not created to operate independently of others. We were designed for community. We are told in scripture to serve others (1 Peter 4:10-11). The world, however, seeks to exalt “self.” Self-sufficiency is the name of the game. I willingly participated in this game until fairly recently. I’ve been the queen of personal development, devouring every self-help book I could find. All in the pursuit of growing. Which is not a bad thing. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as we are instructed in 2 Peter 3:18 (NIV), we are meant to change. God

And without faith, it’s impossible to please God.

loves us too much to allow us to stay the same. Sanctification is part of working out our salvation (Philippians 2:12) and is a lifelong pursuit.

However, if we are to become who God created us to be, we must relinquish the need for control. The process begins with trusting who God is and includes surrender—surrendering our will to His plan. This is where the rubber meets the road. Surrender is essentially the highest expression of faith. And without faith, it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

God showed me that in my quest for personal growth, I had succumbed to the worldview of self-sufficiency. Slowly—and unintentionally—I had put more value on my own will and strength than on what God says.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what

God’s will is—his

good, pleasing and perfect will.


I look back on my journey and can clearly see I was conforming to the world. I was trying to construct a path to abundance, hope, and a future without fully surrendering to God’s will for my life.

God has shown me that fear is the root of our need to control. There are many definitions of fear, but this one is most accurate as it relates to control: a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something. There’s safety—or at least reassurance—when I am the one responsible for a task or situation. But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

Letting go and letting God takes practice, for sure! But what a sense of relief that we can trust the One who created the heavens and the earth. He literally has the whole world in His hands. And we get to breathe a cleansing sigh of relief knowing He is faithful and just to keep His promises (Hebrews 10:23). Whew!

We can truly say, “Jesus, take the wheel,” knowing we are safe and secure with HIM in the driver’s seat. Surrender is the path to freedom.

Here’s a simple four-step formula for when (not if!) you feel

compelled to snatch back what you’ve handed over to God, based on Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV).

n STEP 1

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trust is built on relationship. We cultivate relationship with God when we spend time in the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate scripture that strengthens your trust in Him.

n STEP 2

Lean not on your own understanding. Oh, this one is tough! Our human self wants all the answers… and we want them now! This is difficult when we are dealing with disappointment, an unexpected diagnosis, or a prodigal child. But we can lean on the Lord and ask Him for wisdom in any circumstance (James 1:5-8).

n STEP 3

In all your ways submit to him. We are commanded to submit ALL our ways to the Lord. Not just what’s easy or the things we’re comfortable with handing over. This verse says we are to submit ALL our ways. Our thoughts, our plans, our family, our work, our desires, our heart, our hurt, our fear, our hopes, our SELF. What we don’t want to deal with and what we want to CONTROL. Everything. Give it all to Jesus.

n STEP 4

And he will make your paths straight. This is the promise we receive when we follow Steps 1 through 3. God will direct our steps. When you don’t know which way to go, surrender. When you don’t have the answers, surrender. When you are trying to control outcomes, surrender.

Surrender is simply another word for having faith. Learning how to lean on the Lord fully will test our faith. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4 NIV).

The Holy Spirit will empower you to release your need for control. Ask Him to show you what His will is.

What a relief to know we don’t have to do life in OUR own power, but we get to co-labor with Jesus on our journey of faith!


FaithFamily and



hopping is a visceral experience for me. I need to touch the merchandise before I buy. I run my fingers over the fabric of the clothes on the rack to feel the softness and durability. I gently touch the produce to inspect for ripeness. God created us with wonderful senses, such as touch, to enjoy this world, and He gives us the power to use touch to minister to others.

Think about a newborn’s grip on his mama’s finger, the soft touch of a loving kiss, the tickles of joy and laughter as feeling explodes through the body. You can see the look of fear morph into calming comfort as a child is cuddled after a bad dream. I’m sure you’ve experienced a sturdy handshake that solidifies a commitment or a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. I love the tender touch of holding hands while on a nature walk, guiding me step-by-step through rough terrain, or just letting me know I’m not alone. There are “it’s been too long” hugs and “I love you” embraces that release feelings of tenderness and care. I love hugs, whether they are embraces of hello, goodbye, or farewell.

There’s also the abusive touch of a slap, a push from a bully, or a hurtful punch that emanates a power of affliction. This kind of touch comes from evil bombardments of darkness that we must daily protect ourselves and our children from by asking for God’s protection.

The Bible teaches us how one touch from Jesus restored an unclean and untouchable leper to complete healing (Mark 1:40-45). Jesus showed loving kindness and gentleness to nearby children (Matthew 19:13-14) when He placed His hands on them and prayed. Jarius’ miraculous faith resulted in his twelve-year-old daughter being revived from death by the healing touch of Jesus (Mark 5:35-43). Mark tells us how Jesus made a blind man see again (Mark 8:22-25). A woman, sick for twelve years, touched Jesus’ cloak in a crowded street. Her unwavering faith in Him prompted instant healing (Luke 8:43-48).


The power of touch converts into kindness, gentleness, safety, security, comfort, commitment, pleasure, compassion, joy, love, and so much more. God, the Father and Creator of the heavens and earth gave Jesus this power and authority. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hands (John 3:35 CSB). Hebrews 1:3 (ESV) tells us, He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. This God-given power and authority allowed Jesus to heal the sick, restore life, and offer the promise of eternal assurance. Jesus did not have to touch anyone. He had the authority to speak miracles into being, just as God the Father spoke creation into existence. For he spoke, and it came into being; he commanded, and it came into existence (Psalm 33:9 CSB). The power of touch is wonderful, miraculous, and lifechanging.

Jesus passed that authority to his disciples and believers by saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 18:18-19 ESV).

We, as believers in Jesus Christ, have the power of touch: kindness, gentleness, safety, security, comfort, commitment, pleasure, compassion, joy, love, and so much more.

Your touch has mighty power to change the life of a child, spouse, family member, co-worker, sick person, or someone in need of help. Teach your children and grandchildren that they have power in their touch to change someone’s life.

Freely use your God-given power of touch.

With her degree in Education, Donna taught public school, facilitated corporate education, and developed curricula for personal and professional development. Now retired, she teaches Bible studies, serves as church administrator, and is the co-coordinator of Women Encouraging Women, a ministry to encourage women in their walk with Jesus. Donna also sings in the choir and praise team, and plays the piano.

Donna lives in South Florida with her loving husband, Keith, of over 40 years. They have a son, Bill, who with his wife blessed them with three wonderful grandchildren. They love family vacations to discover God’s creation wherever they go. Donna loves writing for Voice of Truth.


Nonna’s k NOW ledge


Whata comfort scripture can be to our hearts and souls during stressful and burdensome experiences. Those are often the times when we see God’s faithfulness revealed. No matter the circumstances, King Solomon admonishes to Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). I pray this scripture over my heart daily, for I know that what is in my heart will show in my life and on my face. Does your face show pain, hurt, suffering, and despair, or does it show the supernatural peace of God? Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV).

While stress can come from all areas of life and attack us at any point, three scenarios come to mind that invigorate us to press into scripture and search for the peace that only God can give—His supernatural peace.

Stress can come from things we are waiting for and want the most. It can enter our lives gently over the course of time, even while bringing excitement. Planning a wedding, anticipating the birth of a child, deciding where to move, or coordinating a family gathering are all wonderful events, but they can also bring out the worst in us. When planning for or reaching a new milestone, we have the opportunity to lean into the Lord and believe He has a plan for the details. We can trust Him to bless our efforts and guide all the specifics according to His will. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV).



Sometimes, stress sneaks into our lives as a result of our own bad choices. We can get all out of sorts, even though we created the chaos. Guarding our hearts includes keeping ourselves clear of sin. You can choose your sin, but you cannot choose your consequences. The Bible gives us guidelines to live by. When we do not follow them, sin can wreak so much havoc and lead to the need for extensive periods of healing. This is when scriptures are of utmost importance. Psalm 119:105 says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (ESV).

Stress often accompanies a sudden life-changing crisis, such as a major illness, death of a loved one, or a serious accident. The way we handle such matters flows from the condition of our heart.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, you are a child of The Most High God and, despite the circumstances, you can keep your eyes on God. When stress shows up in your life, how do you handle it?

• Do you still believe God is in control?

• Do you believe God can heal?

• Do you still believe He has a perfect plan?

• Do you place your faith in Jesus?

• What do people see when they look at you?

As a believer in Christ, our face should reflect God’s peace and love even when we are troubled. Isaiah 40:31 says, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (NIV).

Journaling scriptures and prayers is a great way to remain focused on the Lord and can be done anywhere. Simply write a scripture that speaks to your heart at the top of a page. You can


I was talking with my nine-year-old granddaughter about God’s faithfulness and trusting God in all situations.

It was a tricky conversation until she said, “Oh, I get it.

You mean like when I did not want to go on a roller coaster, but my dad forced me.

He knows me better than I know myself, and he knew I’d love it.

He came on with me and held my hand. He was right, it was really fun, and I loved it.”

Sometimes, God has to nudge us to do something He knows will be good for us.

When He does, He is always by our side, holding our hand!


write it over and over or just once. But keep reading it. Then, write out a prayer to go with the scripture and date it. This will become a record of your daily prayers and will eventually be a reminder of how God answered. Praying and even listening to Christian music while writing will help keep your heart focused. Choose a place you love, such as a park or beach, or a place with your favorite view, a sunset or mountain view, and seek the Lord. Reading the Bible, writing scripture, praying, and being out in nature can make us feel closer to God and remind us of His magnificence.

Sometimes, just getting out into nature and walking and talking with the Lord will bring you peace to protect your heart, your mind, and your life.

God’s love endures forever. He will never let us down. God is our provider, comforter, Savior, lover, and friend. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Press into God.

He is faithful NOW and forever.

Carolyn Joy is a Southwest Florida Real Estate Agent, mother of three married children and Nonna to eleven grandchildren. She serves in her church and helps lead a women’s Bible study in her community. She’s the author of two devotional journals, The Overflow of the Heart and Let Your Heart Overflow with Joy, which encourage scripture memorization and writing prayers. Her novel, Out of the Grey Zone, demonstrates God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Love Note

I just wanted to say how much I love Women World Leaders' daily devotions.

They bring joy to my heart and a daily direction to ponder on as I begin my day. Thank you, ladies, for the amazing work you do in this ministry for the Kingdom.


about women.
our movie fund
They may have been beauty queens, but it’s about to get ugly.
Crowning Lori is a
for women, by women,
Karen Abercrombie War Room Candace Kirkpatrick Vindication Tina Gallo General Hospital
Director: Lisa Arnold God’s Not Dead

A Focus On Him WHERE IS GOD?

photo and writing by Lillian Cucuzza

Recently, I went on a photo jaunt with a group of friends to St. Petersburg, Florida, to shoot the full moon rising with the pier in the foreground. Many people arrived to witness the moonrise, and some were only there because the fishing would be great in the bright moonlight. I was awestruck at the first sight of the moon rising above the bay. It was huge and pink. Using a 500mm telephoto lens on my camera made the moon appear much larger.

As I edited my photos, I couldn’t help but notice the three fishermen who were completely oblivious to the lunar event happening to their left. I wondered how anyone could be blind to something so massive and obvious. They were focused on one thing—fishing—just as I was focused on one thing—photographing the moonrise!

Mother’s 44


The difference was that I saw the moonrise as more evidence of the existence and presence of God and His hand in all of creation. I witnessed the truth of Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV) just as the writer, David, wrote, The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

God speaks to us through nature and His creation! As a nature photographer, I am always amazed at the creativity, intricacies, and intelligent design by our Creator of birds, wildlife, plants, flowers, landscapes, the sun, moon, stars, and even humans. He created it all, as declared in Colossians 1:16 (NIV), For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Nature reveals the greatness, goodness, beauty, love, and character of God. Even more beautiful is that He offers all those characteristics and more in love toward you and me.

Have you ever wondered Where is God?, or Does He even exist? All we have to do is open

our eyes and look around. We cannot deny the existence of God or His character, as Paul wrote in Romans 1:20 (NIV), For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

The fact that we have light and darkness, the sky, sea and land, the sun and the moon, birds, fish, animals, man and woman, is amazing enough. Think about this for a moment. It is no accident that earth hangs in the perfect position in our solar system. One degree closer to the sun and we would all burn to a crisp. One degree farther away, and we would all freeze to death instantly. Only a loving Almighty God could plan and create that perfectly! Look at the birds as another example. The reason most people hear them but don’t see them is because God dressed them in the perfect camouflage so they could blend in with their surroundings. If He cares that much for the birds, how much more does He care for you and me? More than we could ever imagine! He loves us so much.

The next time you go outside, take the time to look around. You will be in awe and wonder at what you see and discover. Then give thanks and praise to the Lord, the Almighty, for His wondrous works and great love.

Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation. Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail. com.

reveals the greatness, goodness, beauty, love, and character of God.



Merci Rivers is a college senior navigating the challenges of university life. No matter how hard she tries, life seems to derail her plans. A scar underlining her left eye and another semester of college are not what she calls blessings. And yet, when she encountered Belinda waiting in Clive’s vehicle, bemoaning her obligations to him, something in Merci took action. She didn’t know why. Or even how. But she knew it was a divine appointment. She would’ve loved to have had a friend—a mentor—as a young freshman. Being one to Belinda was the least she could do. If nothing more than to steer the young girl clear of Prince Charming. That chance encounter blossomed into a weekly coffee date with Belinda and three of her friends.

Read “Through the Eyes of Merci” from the beginning. The first episode is printed in Voice of Truth: 11th Edition, Quarter I, 2023. All episodes are available www.womenworldleaders.com.


Merci’s heart is heavy as she gently lays yet another you’re-not-the-one response atop the growing pile of internship rejections on her desk. She isn’t really sure why she’s saving them, aside from the record that she’s definitely not slacking off on her attempts. It’s been many months since she started applying. Most of her friends have completed their internships and graduated. And yet, here she is. Her mind jockeys between the intentional refusal to let rejection steal her joy and literally wallowing in a swamp of sorrow. In less than fifteen minutes, her living room will buzz with the energy of four overzealous girls, the group organically growing from her offer to meet Belinda regularly for coffee. She squares her shoulders and chooses joy.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

(ISAIAH 40:31 ESV)

The timer on the microwave buzzes, urging Merci out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. She pulls a batch of sausage-stuffed croissants from the oven and sets them on the stove. Blueberry muffins, sliced cherry streusel, and an array of freshly cut berries, melons, and grapes create a colorful spread across the bar-high counter. She arranges the cooling pastries in a sunny yellow bowl and snaps a couple of photos. It’s almost too beautiful to eat. Her mom would be proud.

A knock at the door prompts her to yell, “Door’s open!” And her guests pile in.

Early on, Girl Talk was code for coffee dates with Belinda. As their numbers grew, it became a Saturday morning ritual. The first of two summer mini-mesters will start this week, and all but one of the girls are enrolled.

“Dig in while it’s hot,” Merci instructs. “Who wants a latte?”

Her current prized possession is the espresso machine she’d received for her birthday. Why spend money at the coffee shop when you can make your favorite hot beverage at home?

A round of “Me!” crosses the room, and Merci laughs. She’s in her element, and she loves it.

Giggles and light banter prance from one to another as the girls get cozy around a repurposed ottoman now serving as a table for the various delectables. Seconds and even thirds—albeit on small dessert-sized plates—vanish, and the room turns quiet.

From her place on the sofa, Merci draws a long sip of coffee and pauses as the warmth travels through her body. She reaches into the pillows and pulls out a well-used Bible.

“I was reading something this week that really stuck out to me, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts.” She’s been looking for the right opportunity to share her faith, and now is as good as any. Lord, give me the right words.

Merci slowly runs an index finger over a yellow stickie, marking the text, then reads, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:26-27 NIV). She pauses momentarily, waiting for a reaction. When no one speaks, she adds, “My favorite season is spring. I love to watch the birds flit from tree to tree. They’re so delicate. Almost helpless if preyed upon. And yet, according to this,” Merci raises the leather-bound book as if expecting it to speak directly to them, but hearing nothing, continues, “God feeds the birds. He takes care of them. And He says we’re even more valuable to Him.”

A door opens down the hall. BeBe, her roommate from the Czech Republic, steps into view. Merci smiles, but her heartbeat heightens. Despite BeBe’s quiet demeanor, she had increasingly challenged Merci’s faith recently. This was the worst time for her to appear. She pauses and curiously studies the group before rounding the bar-high counter into the kitchen.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
(PSALM 34:8 NIV)

Merci closes the Bible and silently asks for strength. “The God of the universe knows me and cares about me.


I don’t have to worry about things of this life.” Even an internship that seems unobtainable. “I trust my Heavenly Father to provide for my needs, and He is with me in the waiting.” She glances around the room, sensing BeBe watching from her place at the sink. “And you can do the same.”

“I had a parakeet once,” Mel bubbles. “My baby brother bonked it on the head, and it went to birdie heaven.” A moan forms and dissipates, overtaken by the clinking of glasses and clanging of pots. Why would BeBe choose to unload the dishwasher now?

“Some of you are starting classes this week.” Merci pulls her knees into her chest and cradles them in her arms. “I’d love to pray for you. It can be about anything.”

“Pray for Mel’s parakeet.” Chuckles popcorn from a couple of the girls among more banging of kitchen cabinets.

“You can pray for me.” Maddox presses her hands into the plush throw carpet. “I failed Intermediate Accounting and am retaking it this summer. But honestly, I’m doubting my whole college experience right now.” Her hands circle the air, making fun of her concern.

“I can do that.” Merci pencils into a notepad. “Anyone else?”

“I don’t believe any of it.”

All heads swivel toward the kitchen, where BeBe prepares a plate of leftovers. “Americans love to talk about God, but I’ve seen no evidence He exists.” Her thick accent gives her words an added air of authority.

Merci’s heart bangs against her ribs, but she shakes off the surprise and quiets her spirit before speaking. “I can understand that. I encourage you to look for the miracles of life all around you: the sun that rises each day, the air that sustains us, gravity, the incredible intricacies of our bodies. All are specially designed to fit together in the beauty that is our world. A world

created by God for us.”

BeBe steps around the counter, cradling a plate of fruit. “All that can be explained without saying there is a god who created it. There’s no way you will convince me.” Without waiting for a response, two long strides carry her down the hall, and a door slams.

Merci turns back to her guests. “It’s true. It takes faith the size of a mustard seed to believe. But if we just turn to God—even with our doubts and questions—He will reveal Himself to us.”

Silence settles over the room.

“I have a prayer need,” Merci says as she arranges the notebook and pen beside her cell phone on the ottoman and leans back. “I need an internship to graduate. I trust God has something perfectly designed for me.” She shrugs and rubs her thighs with both palms. “But I need continued patience—and peace—while I wait on Him.”

“Something will work out.” Belinda leans into Merci and drapes an arm across her in a gentle hug as a sly grin stretches across her face. “Although I secretly don’t want you to graduate.”

Laughter mixed with emotion gurgles in Merci’s throat, but she doesn’t want to miss the moment. “Do you mind if I pray?” With no objections, Merci reaches for Belinda’s hand on her left and Mel’s on the right. The other girls follow along.

Merci’s cell phone dings. Without a thought, she glances down at the screen to read the text. It’s from Pastor Dan at church.

Hi Merci. You keep coming to mind as I pray. I’d like to talk with you about a possible internship opportunity at the church.

Tears fill Merci’s eyes. God’s up to something, and Merci is excited to see it unfold.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


Have you ever walked through a situation that seemed impossible? A period filled with uncertainty, doubts, and even discouragement? Maybe you’ve prayed and prayed about it, yet nothing moved in your favor.

The Bible says, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV). We can trust that even though we haven’t yet seen a breakthrough, God is behind the scenes, working the details according to His will.

Joseph was jailed for three years before being freed and promoted to Pharoah’s court. Laban worked seven years for his future father-in-law to earn Rachel’s hand in marriage. David suffered under King Saul’s rule for forty years before receiving the promised crown. Isaiah 40:31 tells us, But they who

wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (ESV).

Waiting for our circumstances to change can feel painful. It can feel as if things will never improve. But hold on to the promises of God, precious one. Do not grow weary. Do not grow faint. Keep your eyes fixed on the One who has a plan—a good plan—for your life. God is multifaceted and works to do good in your life and to grow your faith, often while using you to pour into others.

Next quarter, Merci will begin to understand the beauty of obedience in the waiting and how important it is to keep our eyes focused on the One who holds the universe in His hands. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him (Psalm 34:8 NIV).

Kelley Rene is an award-winning author who writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life. She is the co-author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos. When she’s not scribbling insightful stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com or on socials @imkelleyrene.


HOLY Wellness

Well With My Soul

In holistic wellness, I’ve had the privilege of journeying alongside many women as they navigate the complexities of well-being. In our pursuit of wellness, we often prioritize physical health through nutrition and exercise. However, true wellness encompasses much more than just the body; it includes the mind and soul as well.

In our quest for wellness, we must acknowledge the profound interconnection between these three dimensions of being: body, mind, and soul. Neglecting one aspect can lead to an imbalance that affects our overall well-being. While caring for our physical health is crucial, achieving true wellness requires nurturing our souls and tending to our spiritual health.

For many, the journey towards achieving wellness in the soul begins with healing from past traumas. Unresolved wounds and emotional baggage can weigh heavily on the soul, hindering our ability to experience true peace and fulfillment. As we confront and process painful experiences, we pave the way for healing and restoration. While the journey may be challenging, it is essential to unlock the fullness of life God intends for us.

Central to the journey of healing is our relationship with Christ. As believers in Christ, we should understand that true wholeness and wellness can only be found in Him. He invites us to come as we are, broken and imperfect, to receive His love and

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.



grace. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He offers us forgiveness, redemption, and the promise of eternal life. Our relationship with Christ is the cornerstone of our spiritual well-being, providing us with strength, comfort, and hope in the midst of life’s trials.

We are reminded of the importance of holistic wellbeing in Psalm 23:1-3 (ESV) as it declares, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. These verses remind us that God cares for us deeply and desires to restore and refresh our souls.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.

(PSALM 23:1-3 ESV)

Spending time with Christ is essential for nurturing our souls and cultivating a deeper intimacy with Him. Just as we prioritize physical exercise to strengthen our bodies, we must prioritize spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and studying scripture to nourish our souls. These practices not only deepen our relationship with Christ but also provide us with guidance, wisdom, and discernment as we navigate life’s challenges.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

Incorporating soul-nourishing activities into our daily routines is key to achieving holistic well-being. Whether it’s starting the day with quiet time spent in prayer and reflection, meditating on God’s Word, or journaling to process your thoughts and emotions, these practices help to replenish and rejuvenate our souls.

Community also plays a vital role in our journey toward wellness in the soul. Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can offer support, encouragement, and accountability strengthens our faith and gives us a

sense of belonging. Whether participating in a small group, attending church services, or joining a Bible study, sharing our faith journey with others enriches our spiritual lives and fosters deeper connections within the body of Christ.

This following verse is one I often share to remind others as well as myself of the importance of being well with our souls and its connection to our overall well-being. Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well (3 John 1:2 NIV).

Self-care is also essential for nurturing our souls and maintaining overall well-being. In the busyness of life, it is easy to neglect our own needs and prioritize the needs of others. However, taking time to rest, recharge, and care for ourselves is necessary for sustainable growth and flourishing. Whether indulging in a favorite hobby, spending time in nature, or simply practicing solitude and silence, self-care enables us to refuel our spirits and be fully present in every area of our lives.

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well

(3 JOHN 1:2 NIV)

As I continue this journey of leading women toward wellness in their body, mind, and soul, I pray that each one of us will experience the fullness of life God desires for us and walk in the freedom and wholeness that comes from being well with our souls.

Melissa is a wife and mom of tween and teen boys who are a huge inspiration in her life. She is a best-selling author who leads workshops and retreats to help women encounter a wellness journey and find rest and stillness amidst the busy lives they live so they can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). She has been practicing holistic wellness as an entrepreneur for over ten years. Learn more from Melissa on all social media platforms @melissakesslerwellness or focus on wellness in the home @kesslerhomeanddesigns




fifth commandment is often referred to as the first commandment with a promise: Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you (Exodus 20:12 NLT, emphasis added). In Deuteronomy 5:16, God reminds us again of this same commandment and promise. In our current world, some believe that without adherence to the fifth commandment, the family unit and civilized society are in danger of collapsing. Although that is a very strong statement, it should make us all think long and hard.

Let’s face it: as parents, we’ve all experienced moments when our kids haven’t abided by this commandment. We’ve all been there, but it’s not just our kids who have dropped the ball. Haven’t we ourselves neglected to show honor to our parents at times? It was much later in my own life before I realized how my words and actions did not honor my mom and dad. I was well into my late forties when, after a conversation with my mom, God convicted me of how I had spoken to her. I didn’t say anything crude or harsh, but I certainly did not give her the honor she deserved. At that moment of realization, I thought of this scripture and understood I had been sinning and not applying this specific commandment.

When I became aware of this, I not only knew my actions were wrong but also that my kids were watching, listening, and seeing me as a role model. Is that how I wanted them to treat me? Just as my last article in Voice of Truth titled “Role Reversal” pointed out that we are always role models for our kids no matter their age, it hit home that I wasn’t setting the tone for the positive role reversal I would want from our girls. It dawned on me that even though I now had kids who were under this commandment, it still applied to me as I related to my parents. For whatever reason, somewhere along the line, I had determined that the fifth commandment


we ourselves neglected to show honor to our parents at times?

now applied more to my girls than it did to me. But the Bible doesn’t say the commandments expire or that we ever grow out of them. Specifically, regarding the fifth commandment, the Bible doesn’t even say that we are to show honor only if our parents deserve it or when we agree with them. There is no qualification to this commandment. And what’s more, it is the only commandment with a promise. It is relevant and inclusive to us all, at all times and all ages.

Let’s look at eight ways that we, as adult children, can honor our fathers and mothers:

1. Be thankful for our parents.

2. Be patient with our parents.

3. Listen to our parents.

4. Encourage our parents; don’t seek to control them.

5. Care for our parents.

6. Pray for our parents.

7. Forgive our parents.

8. Model Jesus to our parents.

We recently took our first family vacation since my husband and I became true empty nesters. Our kids are not just off to college and back and forth; they are now out of the home and living legitimately independent lives. In their younger years, when they were home, we always tried to intentionally take a one-week vacation with only the five of us—without even extended family or friends. Now that the girls are all in their late twenties and each works a different schedule and has unique priorities, it took great effort on everyone’s part to orchestrate this vacation. We all had to travel great distances—from Hawaii, Illinois, Virginia, and Florida—to be together. We all flew in to have some good ol’ family fun in a beautiful remote setting in Washington State.

Overall, it was a very special and memorable time. The added bonus, however, was that my husband’s parents joined us for several days from

Vancouver Island, Canada. This was specifically arranged as my daughters, wanting to honor their grandparents, requested a location that would allow them to join us. My daughters recognized that the years are passing and wanted to create an atmosphere to show their grandparents how special they are. I was so grateful and full of joy knowing the girls wanted to be with us and their grandparents so much that they put forth immense effort—the logistics, the cost, and the sacrifice of time all speak volumes.

Despite great intentions, every family can have moments when things get a little tense and complicated. Reflecting on a specific scene from our trip, I had to turn to God to overcome the feeling of disrespect and lack of honor I felt at that moment. In the big picture, this was just a short amount of time, yet the harsh impact made it difficult for me to let it go. Once I recognized the struggle and saw the cause and effect, only then was healing possible. In doing so, I was reminded that it is necessary at every stage of parenting to show grace and forgiveness. And God also reminded me again of just how much


grace and forgiveness my parents offered me when I did not honor them.

When we go to God seeking direction, He often makes scriptures come alive for us and reminds us that His instructions, such as Honor your father and mother, are not just for others but are also for us. I pray for my kids and others that the depth of this particular scripture will take root quicker than it did for me—applying scripture to our lives is far different than just hearing it. And when we apply the full reality of the commandment, we can unlock the promise that goes with it.

I know our girls do honor and respect us. But when they fail to show it, we are called to show grace and forgiveness, loving them where they are in their journey of life lessons.

When I succeed in offering grace, forgiveness, and honor to all those in my family, I am following Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:19, which says, “Honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself” (NIV). By following Jesus’ teaching and God’s commands, I know I have a fighting chance to keep my family and our society intact and whole, as God created us to be. Will you join me?

Diane has 40+ years in the hospitality industry - planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. She and her husband Les, married over 31 years, have three beautiful adult girls. She supports his pastoral role and as AACC certified coaches they enjoy helping others have healthy relationships. Diane at Diane@ExecutiveDiamond.com • (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com)

Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

(EXODUS 20:12 NLT)

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
(PSALM 139:13 NKJV)

Dear Sister

Dear sister,

You do belong, and you do matter. Who you are is not a reflection of the possessions of this world nor your trials and tribulations. You are not shattered, broken, or desperate. You are not the residue of all the things that you have had to overcome. The key word here is OVERCOME.

You are the daughter of a King who has always valued you. You are protected, loved, and adored by God. God has always held you close to Himself. God has always shielded you and guarded you as one of His most valued. You are who God says you are. Shaped, formed, and fashioned from the time of conception to formation in the womb, created for a purpose. God sees you as unique. God sees you as one of His most valued treasures that He has always kept near to Him. You are vital to God. You are His possession.

So, my sister, know that you never have to feel alone, neglected, or abandoned. Fear not, and know that just as God protected you in the womb, He is still protecting you now. My sister, you are safe. My sister, you belong, and there is no place where you will go that God will not keep you. Move forward in your purpose, and let God lead you. There’s no looking back. God will reveal Himself to you in ways that you never thought were possible. He still has the reins!

Love you,

Dr. Jia Conway



Like a tree with deep roots embedded in You

Your Word

Your Love

Your Ways

Not immune from failures, challenges, or difficulties living in this world can bring forth

Whether they appear as sprinkles or massive storms

You are my shelter and my salvation

Protecting me

Teaching me

I become planted with deep roots in You

The more time I spend with You

Meditating in Your Word

Ready and willing to hear and respond to Your still, small voice

The water that nourishes my body and my soul

This is Your Word, beautiful and true

Let it permeate every cell as it enters, flowing freely at my will

Let it saturate my mind and come to my remembrance all the days of my life

Guide me, strengthen me, hold me tight as I become like a tree in Your divine garden


Producing luscious fruit for all to see For then, Father, they will see You living within me! Your Word in action through the deep roots being continually nourished by the rivers of water only You can provide

I am planted I am deeply planted

By You For You In You

Let my actions, my attitudes honour You To You be all the glory!

Planted and pruned Knowing and trusting the Gardener

Who cares for me

Who knows me oh so well and Who never leaves me

I surrender daily to grow and to become

After all, I’m His little seed growing into the tree it’s destined to be


Voice of Truth

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1 quarter IV 2022
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Ever Interceding

Cellby Diana Brown

phones have become such a part of our daily lives that, at times, we can’t fully function without them. Cell phones, if not charged, are of no value; they need a power source. The same is true for us in our walk with the Lord. If we are connected to the Lord, we have power; when we are not connected to the Lord, we lack power.

John 15 tells us that we must abide in Him, our power source:

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing… If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you (John 15:4-5, 7 ESV).

In Paul’s prayer for the Colossians, we see the importance of being plugged into the power source:

We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him:


bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light (Colossians 1:9b-12 ESV, emphasis added).

I love this Ephesians 6 passage in The Message:

Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. (Ephesians 6 :13-18 MSG, emphasis added).

1. Pray hard and long.

2. Keep your eyes open.

3. Keep others’ spirits up.


So that no one falls behind or drops out (we all must stay plugged into the POWER).

The best way to access the power of God is to have your mind stayed upon Him.

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) says: You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

When your mind is stayed and plugged into God, you shall, as Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) says, mount up with wings like eagles… run and not be weary… walk and not faint.

This journey is not possible with just our own power; we need to access the power that only comes from our ALMIGHTY, POWERFUL Father God.

Some suggestions for staying plugged into the POWER source:

n Follow Women World Leaders on Facebook.


n Follow Women World Leaders on our website, womenworldleaders.com, where you can find devotions, teachings, podcasts, and more.

n Join us on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of each month for Leaders Connect.

n Stay in the Word daily through a Bible app or devotional. Stay connected. Plugged in.

Abiding in Him.

Your turn:

Are you plugged into our Almighty Powerful Father, the ultimate power source? How do you plan to stay connected?

Share with us how God guided you in a decision in your life. How did you pray?

What verse or verses ministered to you? Send an email to Diana@womenworldleaders.com.

We love hearing your God stories!


Love Note

I am new to Women World Leaders but have to say that the Lord has been moving me to get more involved.

I see God offering His help to me through the books I've read through your ministry.

First Miracle Mindset, then the most recent, Hope Alive. Thank you for sharing all you do to help others on their journey.




you ever heard the saying, “May you be as wise as an owl”? There is a reason for that. Owls are a symbol of wisdom because they have exceptional sensory ability, which has led to the belief that owls possess great insight and perception. Another reason owls are seen as wise is their ability to navigate through the dark. Owls are nocturnal hunters; they fly and hunt in complete darkness. We all need extra wisdom as we navigate through the darkness of the world we live in. We are faced with choices every day and can choose wisely only when we ask for God’s help.

Years ago, an anonymous writer penned a short poem about a wise old owl:

“A wise old owl sat in an oak; the more he saw, the less he spoke; the less he spoke, the more he heard; why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?”

The Bible has much to say about wisdom and how vital wisdom is in our lives. I am the first to say I lacked wisdom for a considerable number of years. I made one wrong choice after another, resulting in the ruins of my past life. One day, as I sat on my bed crying out to God over my mistakes, I stared out the window and asked Him for help. My Bible was open as it lay on the bed next to me. When I looked down, the beaming light from the window seemed to laser directly onto a verse. My eyes left the window and went to the Word. This is what I read:

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James 1:5 NIV).

From the moment I read this verse, my life changed forever. I believed God’s promise that He would deliver wisdom to my heart if I just asked for it. And so that began my journey of daily asking God for His wisdom. I no longer wanted the wisdom of the world which I knew so well; I wanted God’s wisdom! I desire it every day I live; God wholeheartedly fulfills His promise to me each day I ask Him for it. He gives me the ability to be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, as James 1:19 (KJV) says. Choosing to speak less allows us to hear more—just like the poem says about the wise old owl.

May God give you wisdom. And may His creation, the owl, serve as a reminder for you to ask Him for His wisdom each day. Ask God to allow you to know when to speak and when to listen. Ask Him for wisdom to be a vessel of His kindness and love in every situation. Ask Him for guidance in every daily decision—whether big or small. When we ask, He provides generously.

We’d like to extend a special thank you to one of our regular Voice of Truth contributors, Lillian Cucuzza, founder of His Creations, for graciously sharing her photograph of this beautiful owl taken in the wilderness of God’s creation. See and purchase Lillian’s stunning artwork at HisCreationsLLC.com



La Promesa de Diosa

¿Alguna vez has escuchado el dicho: "Que seas tan sabio como un búho"? Hay una razón para eso. Los búhos son un símbolo de sabiduría porque tienen una capacidad sensorial excepcional, lo que ha llevado a la creencia de que los búhos poseen una gran perspicacia y percepción. Otra razón por la que los búhos son considerados sabios es su capacidad para navegar en la oscuridad. Los búhos son cazadores nocturnos; vuelan y cazan en completa oscuridad. Todos necesitamos sabiduría extra mientras navegamos a través de la oscuridad del mundo en el que vivimos. Nos enfrentamos a opciones todos los días y podemos elegir sabiamente sólo cuando pedimos la ayuda de Dios.

Hace años, un escritor anónimo escribió un breve poema sobre un viejo búho sabio:

“Un viejo búho sabio estaba sentado en un roble; cuanto más veía, menos hablaba; cuanto menos hablaba, más oía;

¿Por qué no podemos ser todos como ese viejo pájaro sabio?

La Biblia tiene mucho que decir sobre la sabiduría y cuán vital es la sabiduría en nuestras vidas. Soy la primera en decir que me faltó sabiduría durante un número considerable de años. Tomé una decisión equivocada una tras otra, lo que resultó en las ruinas de mi vida pasada. Un día, mientras estaba sentada en mi cama clamando a Dios por mis errores, miré por la ventana y le pedí ayuda. Mi Biblia estaba abierta mientras yacía en la cama a mi lado. Cuando miré hacia abajo, la luz radiante de la ventana pareció impactar directamente con un láser un verso. Mis ojos abandonaron la ventana

y se dirigieron a la Palabra. Esto es lo que leí:

Si a alguno de ustedes le falta sabiduría, pídasela a Dios y él se la dará, pues Dios da a todos generosamente sin menospreciar a nadie. (Santiago 1:5 NVI).

Desde el momento en que leí este versículo, mi vida cambió para siempre. Creí en la promesa de Dios de que Él daría sabiduría a mi corazón si simplemente la pedía.

Y así comenzó mi viaje de pedirle a Dios diariamente su sabiduría. Ya no quería la sabiduría del mundo que conocía tan bien; ¡Quería la sabiduría de Dios! Lo deseo cada día que vivo; Dios cumple de todo corazón su promesa cada día que se la pido. Él me da la capacidad de ser pronto para oír, tardo para hablar, tardo para enojarme, como dice Santiago 1:19 (RVR1960). Elegir hablar menos nos permite escuchar más, tal como dice el poema sobre el viejo búho sabio.

Que Dios te dé sabiduría. Y que Su creación, el búho, te sirva como recordatorio para que le pidas Su sabiduría cada día. Pídele a Dios que te permita saber cuándo hablar y cuándo escuchar. Pídele sabiduría para ser vaso de Su bondad y amor en cada situación. Pídele que te guíe en cada decisión diaria, ya sea grande o pequeña. Cuando le pedimos, Él nos provee generosamente.

Nos gustaría extender un agradecimiento especial a una de nuestras colaboradoras habituales de Voice of Truth, Lillian Cucuzza, fundadora de His Creations, por compartir amablemente su fotografía de este hermoso búho tomada en el desierto de la creación de Dios. Vea y compre la impresionante obra de arte de Lillian en HisCreationsLLC.com






Musings Book of John on the

• Water of Life

• Jesus Is Truth Spoken in Love


John 4:7-26 NIV

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

“I have no husband,” she replied.

Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.”

“Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.”

Water of Life

How does Jesus respond to the question of an ignorant woman? Respectfully, lovingly, generously, graciously. With no condemnation, no shame. Rather, with the offer of the gift of life, real life, eternal life. He has a water to offer her which she cannot see. A water greater than the water she now depends on to survive in this not-so-nice life of hers. There is a new water, one that brings a change to her from the inside, not the outside (v. 14). She wants this! Water is given to quench our bodily thirst. Jesus is given to quench our spiritual thirst in our hearts. Jesus’ words cast a vision of hope eternal. Her heart is stirred to action.

Deep in every person is a longing for rescue from this life. Every cell of our being is made in His image, and while sin may blind our eyes, our hearts cry out in longing for restoration. It is THE story waiting to be told into each heart. Jesus lovingly offers her living water. Does she fully understand what He is offering? Of course not. Just like us, her world is full of daily care and survival. In answer to the need, Jesus is tilling the soil and planting the seed. Her first reaction and most visible desire is to avoid the painful and shameful yet necessary trips to the well (v. 15). Jesus is not done. He has brought forth into the light the pain she suffers from sin. She has spoken of her need—to not have a thirst that makes her come to this place of confrontation and shame.


n Like the woman, am I willing to speak my desires to avoid pain?

n Do I love like Jesus loved this cultural outcast?

n Do I seek to inspire a longing for truth?

n Am I gracious, generous, and respectful as He is?

n Lord, help me be like you today!

Jesus Is Truth Spoken in Love

This next passage brings a change in perspective. There has been a progression in how the woman is thinking about Jesus.

First, she sees Him simply as a Jew who has broken one of His cultural traditions by both being there and speaking to her, even requesting help from her. This got her attention.

Second, she calls Him “Sir,” respecting Him—an out-of-place Jew without resources to meet His own needs, let alone provide whatever “living water” is.

Third, she calls Him “Sir” again, this time seeing Him as one who might make her life a little easier by providing a way for her to no longer need to go to this well. Perhaps in this challenge, she is showing her openness to having a better life as she is not happy with the current life she is stuck in.

That is all the opening Jesus needs, and now He confronts her with truth. After He tells her she has had five husbands, she calls Him a prophet. Lord. Her opinion is greatly elevated. Why? Because He spoke truth to her in love. She asked Him for His water provision, perhaps with only a sliver of hope. Now the door cracked open, and His light rushes in like a gust of wind blowing the door wide open in the light of truth! A command. Go, call your husband, and come here. She can go, but she cannot lie about

her life, not at this level and not to this ‘man?’. She speaks truth back to truth. No husband. She admits it. What rush of shame is she feeling, thinking that what He has to offer her cannot be given to her, a woman who is so lowly as to be used by men in her town? Yet Jesus does not condemn her. He instead commends her (v. 17) because she has indeed admitted her sin. Jesus reveals He knows the entire truth about her: she has had five husbands and is not currently in a proper relationship—she is not married but living with, or being kept by, a man. The amplified Bible gives us a note on the word husband in v.18, saying, “God does not regard cohabitation as marriage. Marriage is a binding, legal covenant between a man and a woman.”

How does Jesus know these things? He must be a prophet, and so she surrenders.

May we follow her lead...

Lord, Prophet, Jesus. You see inside hearts and minds. You test our willingness to admit our sin and trust You with truth about ourselves. You ask us for help; then You offer us more than we can imagine, knowing we are undeserving. I admit to You now those things in my life that I am ashamed of, but You already know. I do not even know my own neediness, Lord, yet I desire Your lifegiving water. I, too, am thirsty as situations in my life trap me. Release me, Lord, with Your truth. Blow open the hidden doors of my heart with your gentle, warm, life-giving truth drawn from Your Living Waters. Let me stand in your presence, accepted and washed clean.

Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer recently retired from teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design. Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family. Her “third” was as a professor. Now, she is looking forward to what God has in store as her “fourth”.



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Healing Heart and Soul

The Promise Keeper

you ever noticed that promises don’t hold the same weight as they used to? It seems like promises are broken more than they are kept. I remember when it meant something to "pinky promise" or "shake hands and agree." I grew up believing you shouldn’t make a promise you did not intend to keep. However, as time passed, I realized that despite the best intentions, promises are sometimes broken.

As time went by, I learned not to take promises too seriously, but this wasn’t solely because people are imperfect and fall short. Experience taught me that not every request can be fulfilled. And my main reason for not taking promises too seriously was that I didn’t want to set myself up to get hurt.

One of the hardest things for me to accept is being vulnerable and in need and expecting someone to be there, and then they are not. Those times are such a letdown, and it hurts. So, I developed a solution to prevent myself from getting hurt by broken promises again—I learned not to believe entirely in any promise. That seemed like a good solution for not diving off the deep end and trusting people.

Being let down is tough to deal with, especially when you’ve experienced rejection or abandonment. Fully trusting someone to take care of you or step in during your time of need requires you to


be fully exposed and open to something out of your control. I decided I wasn’t going to do it anymore. That was until I really needed someone to be there for me.

I came to a point when I really needed someone in my corner to lighten the load on my shoulders, someone I could call and depend on. I needed someone to say, “No worries, you can count on me. I’ll be there to help!” I needed someone who would allow me to take off my superwoman cape for a moment so I could rest. In that moment of assessing my needs, I realized I didn’t have that someone, which made sadness and anger begin to set in as I thought about all those who had not shown up for me.

In my moment of grieving what I didn’t have, I began to wonder when or if I would have a stable figure in my life who would not disappoint me and make every effort to keep their promises to me. Amid my sadness, I began to recount the times I had to navigate situations on my own anyway, and then it hit me—I had started alone, but God had always gotten me through!

As I took a trip down memory lane, I realized that although I was often left to figure out my path for myself, I was never really alone because God was walking with me each step of the way. He was actually steps ahead of me, making provisions and sending resources. In that instance, I realized that I had it all wrong. I’d placed my hope in people and not entirely in the hands of God. How could I have forgotten who the ultimate promise keeper was? It was Jesus!

The Bible provides many treasures and reassurances to let us know that we are not alone and can trust God with all our hearts. Unlike people, the Bible says that the Lord will never leave nor forsake us ( Hebrews 13:5 NKJV). Even when you’ve been let down by broken promises, don’t forget that God never breaks His promises.

If you need some reminders of God’s promises, here are a few that you can hold near and dear to your heart:

n Philippians 4:19 NKJV: And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

n Ephesians 3:20 NIV: Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

n John 14:27 NKJV: Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

We worry less when we shift our expectations from people to the Lord. Trusting the Lord gives us the freedom to accept help from others when it is available and still be at peace, knowing that even when "pinky promises" and handshakes fail, we will be okay. You can’t fail when you relinquish your personal control and place your faith in the great Promise Keeper. He will never let you down.

Alicia Renee’ is a resilient woman who has triumphed over heartbreak and life’s challenges. She is a best-selling author, speaker, and certified inner-healing and confidence coach committed to empowering women and helping them get unstuck. She is also the founder of The Confident Lily. Connect with her at www.confidentlily.com

Songsfrom the Spirit

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away behold, the new has come.



I have a stack of old journals I have held onto for years. They are filled with memories, most of which I don’t really want to remember. Still, I’ve never been able to toss them out because they remind me not to forget who I was and to give thanks to God for who I am today. Without Jesus’ grace, I imagine I’d look at those journals and feel shame. With Jesus, I can look at those journals and feel freedom. Every time I open them, I’m amazed at how different I am today. And that is not my doing; it is Christ’s alone! Ephesians 2:4-5 (NIV) says, But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

The truth is that I’ve known the Lord since I was a little girl. Some people have a 180-degree turn-around salvation story, but it’s been more of a journey for me. My relationship with Christ developed over the course of my life. We have lots of history! If Jesus were a human, we would have what I’d call baggage. But because He is Jesus, instead of having a relationship filled with past resentments, He looks at me every day and calls me new! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) tells us, Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away: behold, the new has come.

When we hold onto shame and don’t claim our identity in Christ, it’s like saying His sacrifice wasn’t enough. I imagine that hurts God’s heart. He sent His Son, the ultimate sacrifice for any father, to die for us! When we don’t embrace our identity and live under past shame and guilt, we must break God’s heart. I do want to clarify this does not mean we have the freedom to do whatever we want—like sin just because we know God will forgive us. But it does mean we can genuinely lay any shame or guilt from the past at the cross every morning and live this life renewed!

The song below, RENEWED, was written for a Women World Leaders Conference. Be encouraged to live every day new in Christ.


From a very young age, Sara dreamed of sharing God’s word through music and word. As a child, her favorite quote was, “I love Jesus, and the devil is an idiotic brat.” Through many ups and downs, that dream has become a reality. To write for WWL and have an online ministry is a dream come true for her. Sara enjoys writing not for the million readers, but for the one in a million that needs to hear what she wrote. Sara’s favorite part of ministry is coordinating worship nights and making space for women to come lay their burdens at Jesus’ feet. She is a published author with WWL and sings with her church along with other women’s ministry teams. She credits God’s never ending relentless love for all she has today. Sara resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her family. When she isn’t writing, she can be found scrapbooking and paddle boarding. Her music is available on her website, sarasahmmusic.com.


Hope Alive

Debilitated to Exhilarated with God

Hope is more than thoughts of something you want to happen. Hope is an assurance, a steadfast and most certain anchor in your soul that solidifies the reality that God is your refuge. God is the source of our hope.

As you read the pages of this book, you will see firsthand how God brings Hope Alive to every person who is yearning for a reason to go on.

The stories and teachings in this book will empower you to cling to God and His promises, allowing you to spring into the light of hope. You will see the Sonshine of light beckoning as you burst from the same soil that once gripped you and hear God’s voice that will bring Hope Alive to your soul.

GET YOUR COPY TODAY! Available through World Publishing and Productions, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
9x Best-Seller! worldpublishingandproductions.com

Chasing Butterflies JOURNALS

Learning to Fly with Cracked Wings

I was chasing my new life, and I wanted the whole world to know about my amazing and loving God.

Did you know that butterflies can fly with cracked wings?

Butterflies are beautiful creatures with the remarkable ability to continue flying even with cracked wings. Despite their delicate appearance, butterflies have evolved to adapt and survive in the face of adversity. When a butterfly’s wings become damaged, it doesn’t give up or lose hope. It finds ways to compensate for the cracks and take its flight through the beautiful skies.

In many ways, the resilience and determination shown by butterflies can serve as a powerful example for our own lives. Like butterflies, we will have struggles that can leave us feeling broken, damaged, and left with cracks. However, it is important to remember that these setbacks do not define who we are in God’s eyes. God sees through the cracks, and we are called to see


As a young daydreamer, I often envisioned a future where I would soar to great heights. I would daydream about being a star one day. At a young age, I believed my purpose was to become a country singer, but as time passed, I realized that my true calling was yet to be revealed. At the young age of 18, I set out for Los Angeles, fueled by my desire to shine bright as a star but without a clear vision of the path ahead. I just wanted to “be someone special.”

The constant inner pull to be something significant

stemmed from a deep-seated place within me that was rooted in my trauma-filled childhood. I had never felt good enough, and I thought I had to be something great to be liked. That is where my worth settled for many years, and as I carried the weight of my past into adulthood, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, but I had to go through some hard things first.


It was during one of the most difficult seasons of my life that I encountered an intervention that would change the course of my life forever. In August 2014, I surrendered my heart to Jesus, paving the way for a transformation and a newfound sense of purpose. God rescued me from my past and the pain that had weighed me down for so many years. God was fixing my cracks and gradually unraveling the layers of pain and insecurity that had stolen my sense of worth. He showed me that my worth and value are in Him alone, and if I were to be anything, it would be for Him.

Through journaling, I began to document my journey with God, capturing everything I was learning and the miracles I witnessed along the way. I titled everything “Chasing Butterflies.” I was chasing my new life, and I wanted the whole world to know about my amazing and loving God.

Despite all my doubts and insecurities, a vision began to grow within me—a dream to share God’s love and grace through writing! While lacking formal education and a writing community and resources, I found hope in the realization that God equips those He calls, regardless of their perceived shortcomings—and I had plenty of shortcomings. I didn’t know how He would


do it, but I never lost faith that He could. I believed in Him, and I wrote my vision in my journal every day.

The turning point came the day I witnessed the launch of Women World Leaders’ book titled Courageous Steps of Faith, which ignited a spark of courage within me. Encouraged by a deep burning desire to write a vision of purpose, I bravely submitted my testimony, “Chasing Butterflies,” to Kimberly Hobbs and Julie Jenkins, never expecting the response that awaited me. They invited me to be part of their next book, Victories. It was a dream come true—I could hardly believe it.



I recognized that pinch-me moment as an affirmation—a sprinkle of hope from God, guiding me toward a path of service and storytelling. It was a reminder that God’s plans for our lives exceed our own limited perceptions and that, through faith and perseverance, we can transcend our fears and embrace the journey God has called us to with open arms and bold faith.

Beginning my journey with Women World Leaders was a dream come true. However, my personal life was a mess at the time, and as hard as I tried to separate the two worlds, it was difficult. I encountered numerous obstacles and faced adversity in all areas of my life, so I had to be open and honest with what I was going through. This was hard for me because I had become so good at hiding all my cracks.

I knew my life looked different. Messy. Despite my brokenness, Kimberly and Julie looked beyond my flaws and circumstances and saw the light shining through the cracks of my wings. They viewed me through an

eternal lens and instilled belief in my abilities. Their faith in me empowered self-belief, even when others doubted my ability to soar. It has been a few years since then, and I am still evolving, but their love and support, along with that of the other women within this amazing ministry, were the slingshot in my taking flight. I can only hope I can pass along this same lifechanging love to others.

God is still working on me, and He’s working on you too. Ironing out the wrinkles takes a lifetime, but God still allows us to fly—even with cracks!

Let us strive to see the goodness in others, to look beyond imperfections, chaos, and brokenness. By doing so, we may witness extraordinary transformations and miracles.

Just as with a butterfly, we can look beyond an individual’s cracks and observe her beauty as she rises to her God-given purpose. And by drawing inspiration from the resilience of butterflies, we can learn to embrace our own imperfections and find new ways to soar through this life. By drawing on God’s strength and seeing ourselves as He sees us, we can ascend above our past and adversities and continue moving toward the visions and the purpose God has called us to. Fly high!

See past messy.

See past broken.

You might just see a miracle.




A CALL TO Writers

Do you have a God story you've always wanted to share with the world? Or maybe you know someone who's story must be told. If so, here is your opportunity. We are looking for authors to participate in an upcoming book.

FAITH UNCHAINED Climbing to Freedom by God's Grace

Do you—or someone you know—relate to the message of faith and freedom by God's grace? We'd love to chat with you about this new book launching in 2025. We encourage writers to travel a journey with us and invite women to share their faith story in a way that inspires the reader with hope, inspiration, and God's love.

Do you have a story of how God broke chains of addiction, depression, or any type of stronghold over your life?

Did you get through your brokenness by God's grace?

Did He bring you from the pit of despair to true freedom in Him by His abounding love, mercy, and grace?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, we want to hear from you about possibly writing in our upcoming book beginning this fall and completing early next year. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. JUST A HEART THAT IS WILLING TO SHARE WHAT GOD HAS MIRACULOUSLY DONE IN AND THROUGH YOUR LIFE.

For details, please reach out to us at: Kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Connie@womenworldleaders.com Melissa.womenworldleaders@gmail.com

Beautiful in Time Reheated Coffee by Amanda Jackman

It was mid-afternoon, and I grabbed my half-full coffee cup out of the microwave. The remnants of the morning coffee were cold after sitting in the microwave for who knows how long. It was an incredible spring break with my kids. We mostly stayed home. I caught up on some cleaning, and we spent some much-needed quality time together.

My heart has been heavy, weighing on a decision that would change everything we have done for years. The weight of the decision has left me praying daily for wisdom but doubting God when He tells me that I am capable. I have known what I needed to do. I have known what God was calling me to do, but I was too stubborn to believe in myself for this big life change.

I’m a big fan of coffee cups with Scripture on them (shameless plug for feeding my love language of gifts). We have Scripture hanging up on the walls all over our home. I’ve seen all of these scriptures hundreds, thousands of times, but today, I really understood what this particular coffee cup scripture meant for me. He has made everything beautiful in its time…. (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

Part of my issue with decision-making and starting new things is that I’m a control freak and perfectionist. I want it done right. So, starting out as a novice is excruciating to me. Today, on the front of my coffee cup, I am reminded that He has made EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL in its TIME. If God is calling me to it, He will make it beautiful in my time, too.

For the majority of this school year, I have felt like I’m getting the worst of my children, exhausted from school and extracurricular activities. We drive 25 minutes one way to a private school that we pay for every month. We sacrifice a lot for our children to have a Christian education. For the entirety of this school year, I have felt like God wanted me to take the reins on our family life and bring the kids home and homeschool. I have many friends and resources to help, but I have lacked the confidence to really feel like I

He has made everything beautiful in its time.


can do it. It is a limiting belief that has crippled me and robbed me of time that I’m desperately craving with my children. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5 NIV).

I need to trust the Lord with ALL of my heart, not just some of it. Maybe the Lord is nudging on your heart to follow Him to a place He will make beautiful just for you. I cannot wait to see where this next path takes us. While it might not be as perfect immediately as I would like it to be, I know that God will make it beautiful just for me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Amanda Jackman is from the small town of Imlay City, Michigan. She and her husband, Brad, have five children ages 7 and under (Bradley 7, Juliet 6, Walter 5, Arthur 3, and Arlington, 1). S

he has a Paralegal Studies Degree and enjoys reading and writing. She loves the busy life of being a wife and mother of five.



Too Many Options!

We have officially started the film festival season. Say that ten times fast, “Film festival season, film festival season, film fest…”! There are so many categories that one person with one film or TV show can enter, such as best feature film, best musical score, best TV series, best actor, best actress, best animated film—the list goes on and on.

With all the choices, it’s difficult to consider which one I should choose. It’s kind of obvious that Fade Away, my sitcom, isn’t going to be entered for best feature film. But when it comes to the rest of the options, it can be a bit daunting, not to mention expensive.

Sometimes, having too many options can slow me down or even stop me from choosing something I know I’ll appreciate or enjoy. Like pudding. Should I choose warm, chilled, homemade, store-bought, vanilla, butterscotch, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or layered pudding? There are so many options. So if I’m at the store, I walk away (okay, rarely) without any pudding in my basket just to avoid standing for ten more minutes in the aisle. That’s just sad!

Life happens to all of us. How long has it been since you went through a situation with so many emotions going on at the same time that all you could do was just cry or even the laugh/cry combo? When I was a teenager, we were living in Seoul, South Korea, and our family adopted two more teenagers. Several years later, my younger brother died. One of his wishes was to have his ashes returned to Korea.

So, there was my mama at the post office with my brother in a small box. The man at the counter started asking, “Ma’am, would you like to insure the contents of your package”? As my mama nodded her head yes, the assistant continued, “Can you tell me the contents of your package?”

Where can I go for the answer to so many options? The Bible! It has every perfect answer.

Now tears were streaming down my mother’s face as she was trying to say, “My son.”

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


Then, a gentle game of tug-o-war started between them. With my brother in her hands, the assistant started to tug on the package; then Mama would tug back; then he would tug again; then she pulled even harder until he realized she wasn’t ready to let my little bro go! I’d never seen a Korean tug-o-war before! They both ended up laughing and crying hysterically seeing the sobering reality of what onlookers were observing.

Can you imagine when my mama tells this very nice guy, “My son is really in the box,” and that guy looking over his shoulder at an America’s Most Wanted poster with my beautiful mom’s face on it? I digress.

Too many options for emotions. Too many options for food. Too many options of streaming platforms. TOO MANY OPTIONS!!!

Where can I go for the answer to so many options? The Bible! It has every perfect answer. For instance,

what if I need to know the signs and symptoms of menopause? My strength has dried up like sunbaked clay. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You have laid me in the dust and left me for dead (Psalm 22:15 NLT). Just kidding!!!

Seriously, though. What to do when my emotions want to run amuck? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV). What about when my mind wants to trouble me? And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8 NLT).

Reading and memorizing the Word of God provides answers when we have too many options. Get in it, eat it, hmmm, I’m hungry! I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world (John 6:51 NIV).

Don’t let “too many options” keep you from taking the next step. Go to His Word, stay in His Word. He will settle the “too many” by being the “one and only.”

DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world through stand-up comedy. She is the CEO of ComeeDeAnn Productions LLC and host of the award-winning carwash comedy show, Modwash Moments with DeAnn Alaine on SOLWIN TV. Visit www.deannalaine.com today!


TOGETHER WE ARE WORLD CHANGERS How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your joy of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.

Meet Samara Jules-Robinson

from Orlando, Florida

In the pages of Voice of Truth (14th Edition), I discovered a source of inspiration that resonated deeply within me— Ephesians 3:20. The Bible is not a book of words but a living guide shaping my journey with courage and compassion. As I delved into the verses that spoke to my soul, Isaiah 6:8 became my heartfelt prayer: Here I am! Send me (NKJV). It symbolized my readiness to answer the divine call and positively impact the lives of those in need.

Growing up, Isaiah 41:10 became my refuge during life’s storms. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand (NLT). Beyond assurance, this verse became a personal anchor, a reminder that fear had no place in my journey when guided by the Almighty.

These verses weren’t just words; they laid the foundation for my mission. In 2021, I founded Mentors for Fatherless Children and Abused Families Corporation, not as a career move but as a spiritual response to a call to serve families in crisis. Leading troubled youth through tough times wasn’t a project; it was a purposeful endeavor to strengthen family bonds and bring them closer to God.

Galatians emerged as a guiding principle, offering wisdom on the fruitage of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. These virtues weren’t lofty ideals; they became practical tools in our work.


In every interaction with the families we support, we aim to embody these qualities, creating an environment reflecting the compassion outlined in Galatians 5:22.

Our journey with Mentors for Fatherless Children transcended mere programs; it became a spiritual journey. Starting with a limited budget and self-funded events and services, the organization became a beacon of hope in the community. The impact of small, positive actions, akin to leaven, transformed the lives of over 1,500 individuals, emphasizing the ripple effect of goodness within the community.

This journey is about reaching out to families in crisis, offering them support and understanding that transcends mere assistance. It’s about making a tangible difference in their lives, guided by the principles that have been my personal rock.

On this spiritual journey, every act of kindness becomes a testament to my faith, every moment of compassion echoes the call to serve, and every positive change reflects a higher purpose.

I invite others to join me on this spiritual journey, where scriptures are not distant references but intimate companions, guiding us to uplift, educate, and motivate those in need through peace, love, and unity. Let’s weave a story of courage, compassion, and transformative love together.

Thank you again,



Meet Sarah Frazer from Charleston, West Virginia VOT STORY

Struggling with feelings of rejection, I opened my email one day to find a note from a woman named Diana. She had come across my ministry and wanted to connect with me.

The week prior, I had received some hard news about my writing journey and was feeling very discouraged. Did God want me to quit? Was this His way of shutting the door?

Suddenly, I found myself reading an email from a woman who “happened” on my website! She wanted to connect and hear more of my story. After a couple of Zoom calls, one with another wonderful woman named Kimberly, I was invited to share my story with Women World Leaders on their podcast.

My journey with God hasn’t been a straight line. I grew up going to church and came to Christ at a young age. As a young girl and into my teenage years, I always tried to do the “right” thing. But as I grew in my faith, I realized I was trying to earn God’s favor. When I became a mother, especially after we adopted our youngest two children, I realized I didn’t have to earn God’s love at all.

God loves me completely and wholly. Psalm 136:1 says, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever (ESV). The powerful message of the Gospel was applied to my daily life. I found that I could freely give thanks to God because His steadfast love wasn’t dependent on me being a good person. It was found in God’s goodness and His own character.

Over the years, I’ve had one story change after another. Our family has faced many unexpected disappointments. From job loss to health issues to having a daughter with special needs, I have often questioned God’s goodness in my life. Although not-so-good things have happened, I am constantly reminded of God’s unfailing goodness—no matter what my life looks like.

Reading through Voice of Truth, I found story after story of

encouragement for my heart. What I love about each article is the amount of scripture included. These are not selfhelp stories written to make us feel better. There are real, authentic, Bible-based truths to drive us to go deeper into God’s Word.

One of my passions is to encourage women to start today with their Bible reading and prayer habits. If you are like me and want to add a special type of devotional and inspiration to your time with God in the morning, I highly recommend Voice of Truth. Each article is like a short devotional, beautifully written, based on biblical truth, and will encourage you for your day.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
(PSALM 136:1 ESV)

VOT STORY Meet Pamela Saieg from Jupiter, Florida

My journey to bring the Gospel to the little ones in a public school art class started by not hindering God from coming in! I quickly realized that allowing Holy Spirit to give me wisdom to present the Gospel to the children during the day in “parable form” would be the best action plan. The results were astounding!

My friends and I also offered after-school Bible Clubs, where we presented a full gospel approach with Bible reading, games, songs, plays, and even communion. Amazingly enough, this is how I met Kimberly Hobbs, the founder of Women World Leaders.

Kimberly’s brother-in-law was my financial advisor, and his children went to the school where I taught and attended the after-school Bible Club. When I contacted him after I retired, he asked, “What are you doing now that you are retired?”

I responded, “I am an author of multiple books, a speaker, trainer and conference host, and creator of prophetic visionary art.”

He responded, “You need to meet my sister-in-law!”

There was an immediate connection when Kimberly and I spoke…and here we are today! When I was asked to write a chapter in the latest Women World Leaders’ book, Hope Alive, I was deeply honored. Collaborating with these amazing women of Women World Leaders has brought me to a deeper understanding of how God is connecting women regionally, state-wide, and worldwide… all by His grace and sovereignty and all for His glory alone. When I received Voice of Truth for the first time, I was in awe of its beauty and the women’s love for Jesus and each other. The profound impact the incredible testimonies and the beautiful presentation of the Gospel through artistic renderings had on me was extraordinary.

After reading the amazing stories of women from around the world in Voice of Truth, I began to realize how small I am but how we all have a bigger voice when we come together in unity! This is exactly what Women World Leaders is doing through the many ministries and resources they offer. I am sure countless women are meeting Jesus through this ministry. There are so many women hurting worldwide, and we know God is meeting them right where they are! Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders is impacting women across the globe just as it impacted me! I am so humbled to be a small part of this amazing ministry.

The genuine love the ladies of Women World Leaders have for Jesus, each other, and those they haven’t even met is extraordinary. Thank you, Women World Leaders, for encouraging me in my gifting and allowing me to be a part of what God is doing globally!


Meet Stacy Jo Coffee-Thorne from Stuart, Florida

God has a way of bringing people who help you define your purpose into your life when you least expect it. In 2021, God led me to start the Association of Christian Business Women (ACBW). In the process of chasing me down, as I ran from the idea of starting anything new, God began bringing women into my life who spoke life into me and allowed me to encourage them in their entrepreneurial journeys and their walk with the Lord. Using Romans 12:8, If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly (NLT), God confirmed my purpose and where He was calling me.

Although I had known about Women World Leaders for a couple of years, it was through the conduit of ACBW that God graciously introduced me to Kimberly Hobbs. And what an undeniable blessing it has been! Kimberly and Julie, alongside their dedicated team, are such a gift. I am in awe at how God is using them through Voice of Truth to reach women in all corners of the world with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. The encouraging words of the women within these pages uplift and feed the souls of those who choose to embrace them, and lives are being transformed as a result!

Each quarter, ACBW chooses an organization to be their “Nonprofit of the Quarter.” The purpose of this is to draw attention to the organization’s mission and raise funds to further their vision. As we selected WWL to be one of our

beneficiaries last year, I read and listened to stories of lives that had been forever changed for God’s kingdom through WWL. My heart overflowed with admiration and excitement at what the Lord was orchestrating through their obedience. God gently reminded me in that moment that we ALL have a story and that He will use each one of our stories to reach others where they are, instilling hope and truth and encouraging them in their journey with Jesus Christ. I came to fully recognize, through WWL, that sharing my story is an integral part of my purpose.

I am extremely grateful to WWL for giving women of faith a platform to share and uplift other women across the globe. Thank you for making that possible, and may God continue to bless WWL’s ministry in their endeavors to enrich countless lives for many years to come!!

God confirmed my purpose and where He was calling me.

Meet Tewannah Aman from Fort Lauderdale, FL

Whatan answer to prayer when God opened the most incredible door for me to become part of Women World Leaders. I am so thankful to be part of this amazingly talented and Spirit-filled team of women whom I am excited to work alongside. They aligned with the ministry God gave me to expand the Kingdom of Christ.

Years ago, I founded a ministry for women and teens called Guard Your Heart Ministries. My passion is to help individuals understand how to put Jesus first in every area of their lives.

In my younger years, I didn’t know how to do that; I spent too much time seeking others to make me feel complete, which left me feeling more broken and alone. The rejection left deep feelings of insecurity in my soul.

But God! Only God! I cried out, and He heard me. He revealed Himself to me; it was nothing short of miraculous. He empowered me to break free of the cycle of unhealthy behavioral patterns and enabled me to walk away from an individual who wasn’t putting Jesus first in his life.

God put the broken pieces of my heart back together again and did a mighty work to heal the deeply rooted insecurities that caused me to make foolish, sinful choices. What has happened in the past no longer defines me. I am a child of God.

When I say that I am a daughter of the King, my heart truly does believe it. I want individuals to understand how the Word of God heals the broken places and fills the empty spaces of their hearts. I want them to be confident that God has a plan, and He is doing a new thing ( Isaiah 43:18-19). He is a God who creates beauty out of the ashes.

Over the years, I believed God wanted me to reach more women. There were countless times when individuals would tell me that the Guard Your Heart teachings needed to reach a broader audience. I would pray and ask God to show me how this could be done and when. I continued working for Jesus and trusting in His Word and perfect timing. I was confident that, one day, His plan would unfold. A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9 NKJV). But when, Lord?

One of my dear friends, who went through Guard Your Heart, told me about Women World Leaders and a woman named Kimberly Hobbs. I couldn’t wait to connect with her. I can’t tell you what a blessing our first conversation was. We both have a passion to

share the love of Jesus and the truths of His Word. We began to get to know one another, and she asked if I would pray about doing a podcast interview with Women World Leaders. My immediate response was a resounding Yes! I knew God was fulfilling a desire that was planted in my heart so many years ago. I was in awe! I was moved to tears, knowing that He truly does give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4).

I was honored to be a guest on the Women World Leaders’ Podcast. I so enjoyed my time fellowshipping with Kimberly, and the story continues. As God had it, she asked if I’d be willing to do a monthly podcast on my own for the ministry. I didn’ t hesitate. This was a dream come true. Only God can orchestrate events in the way that He does. It leaves me in awe.

My interview with Kimberly was released on WWL’s YouTube channel and across other podcast outlets, and soon after that, we began talking and praying about my becoming a podcaster for WWL.

There have been so many God confirmations that let us know it would be a “good fit.” I love how God puts a bow on things. No one else can get the glory for this story but God. We give Him all the praise.

As I learned of Voice of Truth and read it, I was impressed with the magazine. It is so beautifully and professionally put together. I am so encouraged by all of the heartfelt stories and beautiful articles. I love hearing how God has brought different women from many different walks of life to serve Him through this ministry. How humbling it is to be able to work with so many wonderfully gifted women of God.

The future looks bright, believing that, together, we will reach many more people for Jesus Christ.

Tewannah Aman is the director of Broward Right to Life. She is the founder of the Guard Your Heart ministries for women and teens. You can check out her YouTube channel and website at www.guardyourheart.net.


Global Connections


Winn and

My name is Jane “Goldie” Winn. I was brought up in a Conservative Jewish home and mostly grew up in a small town in Iowa where we were the only Jewish people. My parents were very concerned that we maintain our Jewish identity, so almost every Sabbath, they drove our family 45 minutes away to a larger city where we could attend a Shabbat (Sabbath) service in a Conservative Synagogue. I remember wondering why we were different and didn’t believe in Jesus like everyone else in our town. I was taught that it is “we, the Jews” and “they, the Gentiles,” given the persecution of the Jewish people with the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.


I was searching for meaning and began the quest to fill the hole in my heart during the hippie movement in the late 60s and 70s. In 1972, my husband and I became professional musicians. During that time, I remember wondering where my life was headed and became very depressed. Thankfully, a non-Jewish person shared with me that she had also been depressed while growing up in the Catholic church, but when she was introduced to Jesus, her depression lifted. She explained that she learned

She explained that she learned that God wants us to have a relationship with Him and not just practice a religion.

that God wants us to have a relationship with Him and not just practice a religion. She shared Isaiah 53 from the Old Testament with me, which was never read in my conservative synagogue. I thought she was reading from the New Testament; I was shocked to read in the Old Testament about the suffering Messiah who was wounded for our transgressions.

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

(PSALM 133:1 NKJV)

When my husband Dave and I were invited to pray and ask Jesus into our lives at a Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting, we were both filled with peace. And I was immediately filled with joy. Someone prophesied that joy was my gift and sign from the Lord. All my depression left, and the joy of the Lord flooded my soul. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV).

It’s interesting that during the time of Constantine and the destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 AD, Jewish traditions were no longer a part of the early Christian church. That is when the separation between the Jews and non-Jews took place in the church. Thankfully, today, there is renewed interest in many churches to learn more about the Jewish roots of the faith. Many churches host Passover Seders to teach about all the symbolism in the Seder that points to Yeshua (Jesus) as the Passover Lamb. The story of Abraham and Isaac is a wonderful precursor to God sacrificing His only begotten Son for the atonement of the sins of those who know Him. Many Jewish people have come to believe in Yeshua as Messiah after attending one of these Passover Seders.

Many have come to know there is no longer a middle wall of partition, and we are one in the Lord. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1 NKJV).


My name is Cindy Rosenthal. My parents were raised as Orthodox Jews, but I had very little Jewish upbringing and knew very little of what it meant to be Jewish. I knew a bit about a few Jewish holidays: the importance of eating matzoh on Passover, Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year, fasting is called for on Yom Kippur, and lighting the candles and giving gifts is traditional on Hanukkah. That was the extent of my Jewish identity. I didn’t understand my Jewishness even when my mother took me to a conservative synagogue on the Shabbat.

My real journey in finding my Jewish identity began when I walked into a Messianic Synagogue in September 1989. I was shocked and amazed as I experienced a “religious concert” with tambourines, upbeat music, and dancing. People were having the best time celebrating this “Yeshua” person, but I had no idea who He was. I only knew I felt drawn to learn more about Him.

Two weeks later, I went to another service and began learning about my Jewish identity. I learned that Yeshua was the Hebrew name for Jesus and the name that was used when He walked this earth. I continued attending the Messianic Sabbath services and learned more about Yeshua.

“Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.”

Not long after that, I visited some family members who noticed a difference in me. After listening to them tell me they enjoyed having me at a dinner party with their friends, I realized the Lord Yeshua had changed me, and I accepted Him into my heart later that night. The first year was difficult, especially as I began sharing about my newfound faith with family members. My mother had a negative reaction and was not open to hearing that I was now believing in Yeshua (Jesus) as a Jewish person. But all glory to God, one year later, on Yom Kippur, my mother accepted Yeshua into her heart and received the gift of salvation. She came to understand her Jewish identity in a whole new way.

Learning the Bible and what it means to be Jewish is an amazing journey. In the book of Genesis, it says: Now the Lord had said to Abram, “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3 NKJV). The Lord was talking to Abram about the Jewish people.

I learned that Yeshua Jesus is for all people—both Jews and non-Jews. Everyone who accepts Yeshua is a child of God. In the book of Romans, Paul


mother accepted Yeshua into her heart and received the gift of

salvation. She came to understand her Jewish identity in a whole new way.

addresses the Jewish roots of our faith and God’s love for all people.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1: 16-17 NKJV).

Over the past thirty-four years since I accepted Yeshua as my Jewish Messiah, celebrating and worshiping Him has been my greatest joy. Whether in music, service, or writing, I now know my true identity as a Jewish woman.

For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.” (Romans 11:16-19 NKJV).

These scriptures show all who believe in Yeshua Jesus are one in Messiah, whether they were born Jewish or non-Jewish. As Jewish women in Messiah, Goldie and I have learned through our faith that we are loved and blessed as believers in Messiah and are all part of that same olive tree.


Women World leaders and Voice of Truth were the catalyst for me to write in their book, Hope Alive. Who knew I would need this book right when it came out as much as anyone else!

This community of women and their multiple avenues to reach others is life-saving!


PSALM 25:5 (NIV)

A Heartfelt Thank You

To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!

A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders.

Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.

Our Pure Devotion

As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.

Praying for you, Daughter of Zion

Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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Articles inside


pages 56-57

Global Connections

pages 90-93

Voice of Truth Stories

pages 89-90

Voice of Truth Stories

page 88

Voice of Truth Stories

page 87

Voice of Truth Stories

page 86

Voice of Truth Stories

page 85


pages 82-84

Reheated Coffee

pages 80-81

Chasing Butterflies Journals

pages 76-78

Songs from the Spirit

page 74

Healing Heart and Soul

pages 72-73

Musings on the Book of John

pages 68-71


pages 66-68

Voice of Truth Cover Story

pages 64-65

Ever Interceding

pages 60-63

Dear Sister

pages 55-56


pages 52-55


pages 50-51


pages 46-49

A Focus On Him

pages 44-45

Nonna’s kNOWledge

pages 40-42

Faith and Family

pages 38-39

Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future

pages 36-37

El Roi…the God Who Sees Me

pages 32-33

A Beautiful Mess

pages 28-31

Sons of Kings

page 26

Following the Son

pages 24-25

Biblical Profiles

pages 22-23

Empowering Lives with Purpose

pages 20-21

Gracia del Evangelio

pages 15-17

Gospel Grace

pages 11-14

Carta de Nuestra Fundadora

pages 5-9

Letter from the Founder

pages 3-4
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