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Visit our website at womenworldleaders.com to find out how you can get involved!
Enjoy our daily devotionals shared by Kimberly on our Facebook page, website, and email list!
Instagram: @womenworldleaders
Facebook: @womenworldleaders
Website: womenworldleaders.com
Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences.
Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs
Teaching – Julie Jenkins
We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise and worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering.
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
As we approach summertime and all its beauty in the United States, the warmth of the sunshine and increased daylight can be felt throughout our souls. The joy I can share with you is that when we have summer in our souls, we can be content, no matter what season of life we are in. If the Son of God is radiating in us, we can experience the lengthy effects of summer exploding into our hearts daily.
May each of you draw close to God this summer. Let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord and pray that God will bless us and bless our families through this season. No matter what you are doing or where you travel, may the warmth of your soul bring awareness to God’s presence and light on your path. As you enjoy the great outdoors and all of God’s creation, may He create a pure heart and a hunger and thirst for Him in you.
As you vacation and travel, I pray that angels will guide and protect you. May Voice of Truth be with you—in your suitcase, on the plane, or in your car—refreshing you with God’s Word and His confirmations through the stories and special writings of sisters near and far. Whether rocking in a chair on your front porch with the gentle breeze sweeping over your face, walking about feeling all the expressions of creativity through the lazy days of summer, or sitting under a tree, let Voice of Truth bring the exuberance of God’s love to you.
You may look upon the perfection of a butterfly’s wing, see the grandeur of a mountain range, view the soaring eagle, or gaze upon the awe of a hummingbird as you quietly think of God through the upcoming months. I pray you are blessed beyond measure in each moment. As you allow God’s peace to settle over you in the incredibly quiet moments as sunshine glows, remember this scripture: “Be
still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10, NIV) and truly feel God’s loving presence. It is a rare treasure to find true inner peace.
No matter where you go or what you do, please remember always to keep your focus on Him. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
26:3 NLT)Be thankful for the “Son”shine in every season, which reminds us that our creative breath is still alive and active, and the warmth of God’s sustaining love in this world is with you in whatever you do or wherever you go. May you walk with God and talk to God this summer, every day, and in every situation.
Please allow me to encourage you to pray words of praise to God when you feel the fullness in your travels and view the beauty of His creation. Remember to thank Him for friends and good times, and do not forget to express sorrow in your confession when you fail God. Stay close to Him, and He will stay close to you.
Our prayer through this magazine is that you will be filled with extravagant love and unending joy from the Savior, who waits patiently to provide for you. May Jesus Christ establish His true and lasting peace as you seek His face and trust Him. And we pray that as a ministry, we can bring joy to your soul through the encouragement of others who share in Voice of Truth. To God be the glory forever.
Exceedingly, Abundantly, Beyond,
Kimberly HobbsEphesians 3:20
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 NLT)
Este es el día que hizo el Señor; nos regocijaremos y alegraremos en él.
(Salmo 118:24 NTV)
A medida que nos acercamos al verano y toda su belleza en los Estados Unidos, la calidez del sol y el aumento de la luz del día se pueden sentir en nuestras almas. El gozo que puedo compartir con ustedes es que cuando tenemos el verano en nuestras almas, podemos estar contentos, sin importar en qué época de la vida nos encontremos. Si el Hijo de Dios está irradiando en nosotros, podemos experimentar los efectos prolongados del verano. explotando en nuestros corazones diariamente.
Que cada una de ustedes se acerque a Dios este verano. Pongámonos en las manos del Señor y oremos para que Dios nos bendiga y bendiga a nuestras familias durante esta temporada. No importa lo que estés haciendo o a dónde viajes, que el calor de tu alma traiga conciencia de la presencia de Dios y luz en tu camino. Mientras disfrutas del aire libre y de toda la creación de Dios, que Él cree en ti un corazón puro y hambre y sed de Él.
Mientras se van de vacaciones y viajan, oro para que los ángeles las guíen y las protejan. Que este magazín la Voz de la Verdad (Voice of Truth) este con todas ustedes, en su maleta, en el avión o en el automóvil, refrescándoles con la Palabra de Dios y Sus confirmaciones a través de las historias y escritos especiales de hermanas cercanas y lejanas. Ya sea mecerse en una silla en su porche delantero con la suave brisa acariciando su rostro, caminar sintiendo todas las expresiones de creatividad durante los perezosos días de verano o sentarse debajo de un árbol, dejen que Voice of Truth traiga la exuberancia del amor de Dios en ti.
Puedes contemplar la perfección del ala de una mariposa, ver la grandeza de una cadena montañosa, contemplar el vuelo del águila o contemplar el asombro de un colibrí mientras piensa en silencio en Dios durante los próximos meses. Oro para que seas bendecida
más allá de toda medida en cada momento. Mientras permites que la paz de Dios se asiente sobre ti en los momentos increíblemente tranquilos mientras brilla el sol, recuerda esta escritura: “Estad quietos y sabed que yo soy Dios” (Salmo 46:10 NVI) y verdaderamente sentid la presencia amorosa de Dios. Es un tesoro raro encontrar la verdadera paz interior.
No importa a dónde vayas o lo que hagas, recuerda siempre mantener tu enfoque en Él. ¡Guardarás en perfecta paz a todos los que en ti confían, a todos aquellos cuyos pensamientos están puestos en ti! (Isaías 26:3 NTV)
Agradece el brillo del “Hijo” en cada estación, que nos recuerda que nuestro aliento creativo aún está vivo y activo, y que la calidez del amor sustentador de Dios en este mundo está contigo en todo lo que hagas o dondequiera que vayas. Que camines con Dios y hables con Dios este verano, todos los días y en cada situación.
Permítanme animarlas a orar palabras de alabanza a Dios cuando sientan la plenitud en sus viajes y vean la belleza de Su creación. Recuerda agradecerle por los amigos y los buenos momentos, y no olvides expresar tristeza en tu confesión cuando le fallas a Dios. Mantente cerca de Él, y Él permanecerá cerca de ti.
Nuestra oración a través de esta revista es que se llenen del amor extravagante y el gozo sin fin del Salvador, quien espera pacientemente para proveer para ustedes. Que Jesucristo establezca Su paz verdadera y duradera mientras buscas Su rostro y confías en Él. Y oramos para que, como ministerio, podamos traer alegría a sus alma a través del aliento de otros que comparten Voice of Truth
A Dios sea la gloria por siempre.
Extremadamente, Abundantemente, Más allá.
Kimberly Hobbskimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20
Gospel Grace
Writings from the Global Office
Biblical Profiles
Powerpoints: God at Work Through Women Leaders Yesterday and Today
Following the Son
Coffee Chats
Beside Still Waters
Sons of Kings
Ever Interceding
A Beautiful Mess
Through the Eyes of Merci
Faith and Family
Nonna’s kNOWledge
Living a Holyistic Life
Change Your Story with Kirstin Leigh
Chasing Butterflies Journals
A Focus on Him
Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future
Reheated Coffee
Through a Mother’s Eyes
El Roi... the God Who Sees Me
Songs from the Spirit
Red Carpet Ready
Journey with Jesus: Scandalous Grace
Dear Sister
I sat with friends discussing my artwork, wanting to try painting on surfaces other than canvas. I began thinking of trying something new and unique. Thoughts of brightness beaming through a clear window enveloped my mind at that particular moment as I daydreamed. There was a quietness as we sat around the fire. I wondered how I could capture God’s eternal light inside my painting. I was captivated in thought and began to align my soul with scripture and God’s eternal light shining in my life.
Then I vividly saw the cross!
I was immediately inspired to paint it!
With each stroke of paint, I thought of the lives that could be inspired by the significance of the cross. Would my painting be enough to lead someone to be captivated by what the cross represents in their own life? The more I painted, the more reality set in that this wasn’t about me or this painting. I reflected on Jesus, who died for me personally and set me free of my sin and shame with His shed blood on Calvary’s tree. Its meaning is vital to me, and painting it would be for God’s glory. He is the One who alone has the power to move and penetrate the heart of whoever looks at it.
Upon completing my project, it became clear that this painting did not have to be perfect to realize God’s unconditional love for all of us who look to the cross. God’s love should be shared with everyone, no matter our imperfections. That is what this painting is about! It is not flawless, but it represents God’s perfect plan for us—while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
If you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth to God that you are a sinner who believes Jesus had to die on the cross for your sin, then God says that confession is made to salvation because He forgives you. Romans 10:9-11 says it so succinctly. When we confess to God and profess our faith to Him in our heart, He seals our eternity with Him in heaven forever. May we each know the Son-light of His love is shining upon us as we see the cross of forgiveness over our life.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Artist: Anonymous. Cleveland, Ohio
(ROMANS 10:9-11)
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer
Johana Torres – Spanish Translator
Kelley Rene – Editor
Lisa Morrison – Editor
Kerri Bridges – Editor
Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader
Shelly Haas – Proofreader
Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO
Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance
Diana Brown – Prayer
Jessica Morneault – Events
Connie Van Horn –Encouragement Ambassador
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts
Sharinggospel grace is a lot like caring for people. The adage “sharing is caring” is true. Like someone once told me, “Share the gospel message of Jesus everywhere you go. And when you have to, use words.” That has been instilled in me over my lifetime.
Simple acts of kindness in caretaking will share God’s Word more than any sermon, podcast, or church service can. We can all be caregivers in our actions with others. Our Lord cared for the hopeless, provided healing for those crippled, and fed the hungry. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40 NIV)
In 1979 my father-in-law was killed in an auto accident. My husband Ken was an only child, leaving just us to care for his mom, Lois. She had many medical issues resulting from scarlet fever as a child, and through the years, became very unhealthy as she developed congestive heart failure. Her health deteriorated, and we moved her into our home to give her our full attention.
Ken was very close to his mom and, having lost his father at 33, we both did everything possible as a team to care for her needs. I remember one beautiful morning when Ken scooped up his mother in his arms and danced with her around the house. The strain of caretaking can be overwhelming to the best of us, but we had to find moments of joy to offset the hardship of reality. God grew me through these times of caregiving for Lois. Little did I know that my role as a caregiver was only beginning. God was preparing me for the most challenging trial of my life.
In 2014, my dear husband was diagnosed with white matter disease of the brain, or early onset Alzheimer’s disease. As Ken had been willing and present to care for his mother, God had prepared me to care for
Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
(Matthew 25:40 NIV)
him, which I did for eight years. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2 to be completely humble, gentle, and patient, bearing with one another in love. We must do everything in love.
God cares for us in every way possible. He provides for our every need. God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten son (such love) that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. The scripture verse John 3:16 is such a picture of love. Knowing how much God loves us, He gives and gives and cares for our every need. I had the most beautiful example of caretaking demonstrated to me in God’s Word as I walked through my season as a caretaker. Scripture was my anchor of hope and my rock of strength.
Jesus says in John 10:11 (NIV), “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
Could I lay down my life for another? Could I sacrifice my time to care for someone else mentally, emotionally, and physically? God’s Word continued to be a living example in my life. I could abandon what God called me to do or surrender my life because of
His example through His Word, looking for the joy in my caretaking calling.
From the moment I met my mother-in-law, Mom Hobbs, we began a love relationship. We were family, friends, confidants, and much more. I learned so much through her godly example that when the time came for her needs to be met, it was evident that God had been preparing me for what would become a lifetime of caregiving. Although I didn’t know it at the time, the act of caregiving is a beautiful illustration of God’s gospel grace offered to each of us. God’s love is so great that while we were sinners, Christ died for
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
(John 10:11 NIV)
us. Could I die for my mother-in-law? Could I die for the countless people I have been called to care for?
Could I die for my husband, the man I sacrificed and attended to when he couldn’t care for himself? It all comes back to the question of love. Do we offer love to others as God gives His love to us?
It is not always easy to sacrifice ourselves to love and care for others. The Bible tells us in James 1:2 (ESV), Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. I learned joy from the examples I had in my lifetime and from God’s Word. I learned perseverance to conquer those extremely difficult times.
God perfects us every day. God grows both you and the people you care for through your circumstances. We are not always perfect in how we meet adversity and trials, but we’ve been washed clean, and Jesus paid the price for our sins and the mistakes we make along the way. We still desperately need the Lord to sanctify us and purge our wicked ways. May we walk daily in holiness and live a life of forever confessions, not only when we are weak.
Pray for the one who needs to know Jesus. Pray that if you are ever called to care for someone, you will show the love that Jesus showed by dying on the cross for our sins.
To receive everlasting love in your heart and understand that you, too, can pour out that love on another, please consider praying this prayer to God.
Father God, I give You my life. I confess that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I can’t do this life on my own. Sin has been shackling me and has caused grief in my own life. The burden is too heavy to bear. I need you, Jesus, to forgive me of my sins, and come into my heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. Please help me follow you all the days of my life. I surrender all my life to YOU. Thank YOU, Father God, for loving me. Thank you for caring for me. It’s not because of my good works that I receive salvation, but it is because of YOUR perfect work of dying on the cross and rising from the dead to give me life. It is finished; it is complete. God, your grace has just begun!
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
May we each be mindful of our own salvation as we care for others. And let us also be mindful of the eternal security of those we care for. Caring for another human creation can become such a joyful experience as we recognize the tremendous love we were given poured out through our kind example over another. May your example have eternal weight in God’s kingdom.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.
(James 1:2 ESV)
Compartir la gracia del evangelio es muy parecido a preocuparse por las personas. El dicho “compartir es cuidar” es verdadero. Como alguien me dijo una vez: “Comparte el mensaje del evangelio de Jesús en todas partes. Y cuando tengas que hacerlo, usa palabras”. Eso ha sido inculcado a través de toda mi vida.
Simples actos de bondad en el cuidado compartirán la Palabra de Dios más que cualquier sermón, podcast o servicio que la iglesia pueda hacer. Todos podemos ser cuidadores en nuestras acciones con los demás. Nuestro Señor cuidó de los desesperanzados, proveyó sanidad a los lisiados, y dio de comer al hambriento. “Les aseguro que todo lo que hicieron por uno de mis hermanos, aún por el más pequeño, lo hicieron por mi.”
(Mateo 25:40 NVI)
En 1979, mi suegro murió en un accidente automovilístico. Mi esposo Ken era hijo único, dejándonos solo a nosotros para cuidar de su madre, Lois. Ella tenía muchos problemas médicos como resultado de la fiebre escarlata de cuando era niña, y a través de los años, se volvió muy poco saludable ya que
desarrolló insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva. Su salud se deterioró y la mudamos a nuestra casa para darle toda nuestra atención.
Ken era muy unido a su madre y habiendo perdido a su padre a los 33 años, ambos hicimos todo lo posible en equipo para atender sus necesidades. Recuerdo una hermosa mañana cuando Ken levantó a su madre en sus brazos y bailó con ella alrededor de la casa. La tensión de cuidar puede ser abrumadora, pero teníamos que encontrar momentos de alegría para compensar la dureza de la realidad. Dios me hizo crecer a través de estos tiempos de cuidado de Lois. No sabía que mi papel como cuidadora apenas estaba
El buen pastor pone su vida por las ovejas.
10:11 NVI)
comenzando. Dios me estaba preparando para la prueba más desafiante de mi vida.
En 2014, mi querido esposo le diagnosticaron una enfermedad de la sustancia blanca del cerebro o enfermedad de Alzheimer de aparición temprana. Como Ken había estado dispuesto y presente para cuidar a su madre, Dios me había preparado para cuidarlo, lo cual hice durante ocho años. Pablo nos recuerda en Efesios 2 que seamos completamente humildes, amables y pacientes,soportándoos unos a otros en amor. Debemos hacer todo con amor.
Dios se preocupa por nosotros en todas las formas posibles. Él provee todas nuestras necesidades. Dios amó tanto que dio a su Hijo unigénito (tanto amor) que todo el que cree en él no perecerá, sino que tendrá vida eterna. El versículo bíblico Juan 3:16 es tal imagen de amor. Sabiendo cuánto nos ama Dios, da y da y se preocupa por todas nuestras necesidades. Tuve el más hermoso ejemplo de cuidado me lo demostró en la Palabra de Dios mientras caminaba a través de mi temporada como cuidadora. Las Escrituras fueron mi ancla de esperanza y mi roca de fortaleza.
Jesús dice en Juan 10:11 (NVI), “Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor pone su vida por las ovejas.”
¿Podría dar mi vida por otro? ¿Podría sacrificar mi tiempo para cuidar a otra persona mental, emocional y físicamente? La Palabra de Dios continuó siendo un ejemplo vivo en mi vida. Podría abandonar lo que Dios me llamó a hacer o entregar mi vida a causa de su ejemplo a través de su Palabra, buscando el gozo en mi vocación como cuidadora.
Desde el momento en que conocí a mi suegra, mamá Hobbs, comenzamos una relación cariñosa. Éramos familia, amigas, confidentes y mucho más. Aprendí mucho a través de su ejemplo piadoso que cuando llegó el momento donde necesitaba ser cuidada, era evidente que Dios me había estado preparando para lo que se convertiría en toda una vida como cuidadora. Aunque en ese momento no lo sabía, el acto de cuidar es una hermosa ilustración de la gracia del evangelio de Dios ofrecida a cada uno de nosotros. El amor de Dios es tan grande que siendo pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. ¿Podría morir por mi suegra? ¿Podría morir por las innumerables personas a las que he sido llamada a cuidar? ¿Podría morir por mi esposo, el hombre por el que me sacrifiqué y al que atendí cuando no podía cuidarse por sí mismo? Todo vuelve a la pregunta del amor. ¿Ofrecemos amor a los demás como Dios nos da su amor?
No siempre es fácil sacrificarnos para amar y cuidar a los demás. La biblia nos dice en Santiago 1:2, Tened por sumo gozo, hermanos míos, cuando os halléis en pruebas de varios tipos. Aprendí gozo de los ejemplos que tuve en mi vida y de la palabra de Dios.
Aprendí la perseverancia para conquistar esos tiempos extremadamente difíciles.
Tened por sumo gozo, hermanos míos, cuando os halléis en pruebas de varios tipos.
(Santiago 1:2 ESV)
Dios nos perfecciona cada día. Dios te hace crecer a ti y a las personas que cuidas a través de tus circunstancias. No siempre somos perfectos en la forma en que enfrentamos la adversidad y pruebas, pero hemos sido lavados y limpios, y Jesús pagó el precio por nuestros pecados y los errores que cometemos en el camino. Todavía necesitamos desesperadamente del Señor para santificarnos y limpiar nuestros malos caminos. Que caminemos diariamente en santidad y vivamos una vida de confesiones para siempre, no sólo cuando somos débiles.
Oren por el que necesita conocer a Jesús. Ora para que si alguna vez te llaman para que cuides de alguien, que demuestres el amor que mostró Jesús al morir en la cruz por nuestros pecados.
Para recibir amor eterno en tu corazón y comprender que tú también puedes derramar ese amor en otro, por favor considere orar esta oración a Dios.
Padre Dios, te doy mi vida. Confieso que soy un pecador que necesita un Salvador. No puedo hacer esta vida por mi cuenta.
El pecado me ha estado encadenado y ha causado dolor en mi propia vida. La carga es demasiado pesada para llevar. Necesito de ti, Jesús, que perdones de mis pecados, y ven a mi corazón por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Por favor, ayúdame a seguirte todos los días de mi vida. Te entrego toda mi vida a TI. Gracias Padre Dios, por amarme. Gracias por cuidar de mí. No es por mis buenas obras que recibo la salvación, pero es por TU perfecta obra de morir en la cruz y resucitando de entre los muertos para darme vida. Está terminado; está completo. Dios, ¡tu gracia acaba de comenzar!
En el nombre de Jesús, oro. Amén.
Que cada una de nosotras sea consciente de nuestra propia salvación mientras cuidamos de los demás. y también que tengamos en cuenta la seguridad eterna de aquellos a quienes cuidamos. Cuidar a otro ser humano puede convertirse en una experiencia gozosa cuando reconocemos el tremendo amor que recibimos derramado a través de nuestro amable ejemplo sobre otro. Que tu ejemplo tenga un peso eterno en el reino de Dios.
Of all the magazines I get, this one is the only one I keep. Whenever I want to be encouraged or motivated with Jesus, I pick up one of my copies of the magazine that touches my heart every time Voice of Truth.
God gives me a wink and I know He is speaking in my life through these fantastic articles. He points me to His Word every time.
Thank you to each person who makes this read possible and for your efforts to continue to get this publication out there. Our world needs more of this type of messaging. I love the Voice of Truth.
Kristen • Palm Beach, FLWomen World Leaders and TriLight Pictures present:
Crowning Lori is a hilarious faith-based movie about two ex-beauty queens with a relationship as fake as a social media page. As they navigate sabotaged job interviews, a showdown with an eccentric therapist and desperate attempts to makeover themselves and their marriages, Victoria and Lori must learn to lift each other up rather than tear each other down and ultimately discover where their true worth lies.
Directed by Lisa Arnold
One Nation Under God and God’s Not Dead
Help bring this powerful film to the screen with your prayers and donations. Go to our website at www.crowninglorimovie.com to find out how to give. The first 500 to donate at the Blue Crown Level will be honored in the film credits.
“A fun ride that also has something meaningful and important to say along the way... A mix of comedy with drama and faith elements (that) really works... A brilliant idea.” ~ WeScreenplay
“What a wonderful story and so fun and funny at the same time!”
“Brilliantly funny!!! This story is both funny and heartwarming but its greatest value is its powerful message of faith.”
Karen Abercrombie War Room Candace Kirkpatrick VindicationWorld Publishing and Productions was birthed in obedience to a calling by God.
Our mission is to empower you — the writer and artist — to walk in your God-given purpose and to share your God-story with the world. We offer one-on-one coaching and a complete publishing experience. Each contract is tailored to fit your needs.
Empowering you to share your God-given story with the world.
As the current cover of Voice of Truth shares the cross of Jesus Christ, we remember the significance of what His shed blood on that cross did for us. Jesus did not come to reform our sinful flesh; He came to kill it. He ended death, sin, and the grave on that cross once and for all. Our old nature cannot peacefully coexist if we are a new creation in Him.
When I surrendered my life to Jesus in Israel in 2009 in the Garden Tomb area, I became a new creation in Christ. The old creature I was, who once looked inwardly toward myself each day, died. All of my old habits, my old lifestyle, and my past sin died; it was nailed to the cross and put to death forever. The cross of Christ brought death to my sinful nature. Because Jesus rose from the grave after three days, I can now live eternally with Him as a new creation. The confession of my sin and my faith to believe in Jesus brought about my new existence. My life now reflects outwardly a new life lived by the Word of God.
When you become a new creation in Christ Jesus, you begin living in the freedom of the Spirit, no longer entrapped in legalism and all the world throws upon you daily. You are recreated and transformed into the image of Christ. Your old life is gone, and your new life begins. We can look at this miracle as a complete gift from God.
We will live when we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior. God’s Word tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:15, He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. (NLT)
(2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV)
if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new
If we look at human birth, the baby—the new creation— is the evidence of live birth. Yet over time, the baby undergoes a transformation as she grows from infancy to maturity. Likewise, when we are born again in the Spirit, we who were dead in our trespasses and sin are brought to new life. We are a new creation—the evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. This is something to rejoice over! God changes our desires, outlook, and focus as we turn from being selfish in all our thinking and long to live for God and others. As a new creation, we worship God instead of ourselves, but still, we must continue to grow, undergoing a transformation as we become more like Him. We fight the battle of flesh with our God, who equips us and never leaves us. He enables us, by His power and might, to grow in holiness. As we focus on knowing God, reading His Word, and surrendering ourselves daily to the control of the Holy Spirit, we begin to make better choices. We begin to think and act differently as we more closely resemble our heavenly Father, who created us, forgave us, and gave us life.
If you are a new creation in Christ, you can be assured you belong to Christ! The moment you became saved by the power of Jesus, the process of transformation began. You have been saved by His power, and you are united with Him for eternity. You are now positioned to accomplish what God has created you to do.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
(Ephesians 2:10 NIV)
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & co-CEOkimberly@womenworldleaders.com
Ephesians 3:20
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
(Ephesians 2:10 NIV)
I am writing this note to express how happy I am that this incredible magazine has blessed our happy home. I have 3 daughters who are being impacted by the content. It creates some “table talk” for our conversation at the dinner table lately, which I never anticipated.
It’s been a blessing to receive your publication. Thank you, Women World Leaders.
Francine Yokem | Denver, Colorado
A s leaders, Being loyal in both good and troubling times takes intentionality, love, and perseverance. If you have ever walked with a friend through an illness, divorce, or even a financial crisis, you recognize the dedication and resolve it takes to meet someone else’s needs. We see this in the New Testament with Mary Magdalene. She understood all that was necessary to support her friend and rabbi, Jesus, in both triumphant and devastating circumstances. And the love that she poured out was multiplied and lavished back on her.
We don’t know much about Mary Magdalene before she met Jesus. What we do know, however, is that she was broken without Him—just like the rest of us. Mary from Magdala—a small fishing town on the west shore of the Sea of Galilee—was blessed by Jesus when He exorcised seven demons from her. We can imagine the freedom she received drew her to remain by Jesus’ side. Luke tells us that as Jesus and His disciples went from one town to another teaching, Mary and several other women traveled with them and helped support them out of their own means. (Luke
8:3 NIV)It seems that Mary gave up everything for Jesus, including her time, her home, and her money. She spent her days caring for Jesus and His disciples and working with other women to provide what she could. Yet, her sacrifice was met with blessings! Mary’s life of loyalty led to her own spiritual growth. And serving her Lord in obedience alongside other women provided a sisterhood with strong bonds and, no doubt, deep friendships.
Mary grew as she spent her days tending to Jesus’ needs and sitting at His feet. And the strength our Lord equipped her with allowed her to serve Him during His most difficult season.
Most of what we read about Mary Magdalene in the Bible comes toward the end of each gospel. We witness her presence in Matthew 27-28, Mark 15-16, Luke 23-24, and John 19-20 – in the heart-wrenching recounting of Jesus’ crucifixion. When Jesus needed the most love, many ran away and denied Him. But Mary remained faithfully attentive.
Matthew 27:55 tells us that as Jesus hung painfully on the cross, Mary was there among the other women, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. (NIV)
In times of difficulty, the nearness of a friend or loved one can make all the difference. Mary Magdalene had spent much time caring for Jesus and the disciples’ physical needs—preparing food, making sure they had a place to rest, and maybe even washing their clothing. In Jesus’ last days, there was little left to do. That is when Mary learned that her presence was enough.
You may understand if you have sat by the bedside of a dying loved one. In those moments, the touch of a hand, a gentle voice, and the display of love are precious gifts that outweigh any grand gesture.
“There is no magic in small plans. When I consider my ministry, I think of the world. Anything less than that would not be worthy of Christ nor of His will for my life.” 1
Growing up during the turn of the twentieth century in Minneapolis, Henrietta Mears committed herself to missionary service in Asia in her senior year of high school. Maybe she made this commitment because her good friend, Evalyn Camp, had made the same pledge—Evalyn doggedly pursued her calling to Japan, but Henrietta felt unsure about her calling to China. She later reflected that she believed God wanted her to go to China because “China was the only place that the Lord did call anyone into full-time missionary work.”2 But God had a totally unexpected way planned to use Henrietta to change the world.
When Henrietta’s mother died during her first year in college, she sunk into a deep depression. At her mother’s funeral service, her pastor encouraged her to carry on the legacy of her mother’s Christian service. This expectation overwhelmed Henrietta:
I [had] felt absolutely powerless from the thought that I could possibly live up to what my mother had been and had done, and I prayed that if God had anything for me to do that He would supply the power. I read my Bible for every reference to the Holy Spirit and His power. The greatest realization came to me when I saw there was nothing I had do to receive His power but to submit to Christ, to allow Him to control me. I had been trying to do everything myself now I let Christ take me completely. I said to Christ that if He wanted anything from me He would have to do it Himself. My life was changed from that moment on.
After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1913, Henrietta spent the next 15 years as a high school chemistry and math teacher and principal. During that time, she started a young adult Sunday
I had been trying to do everything myself now I let Christ take me completely.
school class for girls that grew to a study of more than 500 women. On a Sabbatical trip to Southern California in 1928, Henrietta visited the pastor of the First Presbyterian of Hollywood, who repeatedly offered her the position of director of education programs at the church. Little could Henrietta envision how her move to tinsel town would be the way in which God would fulfill her call to the world.
Besides overseeing the phenomenal growth of the overall Sunday School department, Mears’ biggest impact was in the college class which she personally taught. From this class, Henrietta saw the need for a space for a deeper conference venue and, in 1937, turned it into a Christian retreat. Retreats at Forest Home influenced many leaders of the post-war evangelical movement, including Billy Graham, future U.S. Senate chaplain Richard Halverson, Young Life founder Jim Rayburn, and Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) founder Bill Bright. Additionally, Mears discipled both Bright and his wife Vonette and was a launching pad for their ministry. Bill and Vonette Bright lived in Mears’ home near the UCLA campus for the first ten years of their campus ministry. “Bright would also credit Mears’ clear and powerful teaching with helping him develop Cru’s Four Spiritual Laws.” (Author’s note: I consider Mears a spiritual ancestor, as I came to Jesus after reading those Spiritual Laws.)
But wait, there’s more! Mears also influenced the world through writing. In 1933 she founded Gospel Light Publications. Her book What the Bible is All About, published in 1953, became the world’s best-selling Bible handbook and is still in print today.
I can think of no one who better exemplifies the mission of Women World Leaders by “Globally investing in the lives of women [and in Mear’s case, men as well] discovering their lifework and purpose within God’s design.” When she heard God’s call as a teenager, Henrietta had no idea what God had in store for her. With all who have been influenced by her life, we can say:
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV)
The greatest realization came to me when I saw there was nothing I had do to receive His power but to submit to Christ, to allow Him to control me.
1 Gospel Light. (n.d.). Woman of vision. https://www.gospellight.com/henrietta-mears/ para. 16.
3 Ibid., pp. 30-31.
4 Batura, P. (2022, August 19). Remembering the one woman whose ministry helped lead countless millions to Jesus Christ. Daily Citizen. https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/remembering-the-one-woman-whose-ministry-helped-lead-countless-millions-to-jesus-christ/
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APretty In Pink sunrise swooped in overhead one morning on the Alabama Coast off the Gulf of Mexico. My husband and I drove up from Florida to check on our rental property repairs after a devastating hurricane followed by a hailstorm. The damage was significant, but it could have been much worse. Many people had lost their homes, and even cars sustained broken windshields and sunroofs.
No one is exempt from the storms of life. Maybe you are going through a storm right now. Loss of a loved one. Illness. Addiction or despair. Does it feel too heavy to bear? Do you wonder how you’ll get through it?
We can look to the Scriptures. In the Bible, feathers symbolize protection, holiness, purity, and God’s loving care. Psalm 91:4 (NIV) says He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Oh, how he loves you and me! He never promises the storms will not come, but He does promise to carry us through the storm. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Psalm 57:1 (NIV) Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
(PSALM 91:4 NIV)
Maybe you’ve heard the saying Feathers appear when angels are near. Angels are known for comfort and support. They are often seen as carriers of the message they wish us to receive. Listen for the message. Be encouraged. For Native Americans, feathers are reminders to thank God for blessings, representing happiness, joy, knowledge, breath, and immortality.
As we stood there on the beach looking at our condo, we felt surrounded by angels. When you see a feather, pause, and give thanks. Be reminded of God’s love. Be reminded He is near. Receive His message and take it to heart.
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor.
Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/ sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
(ROMANS 12:12 NIV)
I started leading mission trips in 2000 when God clearly spoke to me that this is what He wanted me to do. My first trip was to the Navajo Nation in June 2000. I brought a team from our church, all our youth, and some brave adults (I say “brave” because this was my first time leading a trip). I learned so much on that first trip, things that remain with me still today. There is a lot I could share, but today I want to share just one story.
On that first trip, I met a beautiful Navajo woman named Margaret. She was a sweet lady who didn’t speak English and lived alone as her husband of 54 years had passed a few years back. She lived way out
in the middle of nowhere with no running water or electricity and had to go into town about 30 miles away to haul water for her sheep and herself. She and her husband had raised sheep their whole marriage, and she continued to do so, as it was part of her heritage—her family had always had sheep.
We fell in love with this incredible lady and the stories she shared through a translator. Margaret had become a Christian at a youthful age. In the Navajo Nation, there were not many Christians, especially at that time. Still today, only about 3% are Christian. She was persecuted for following “the white man’s religion,” as her own people called it. Still, she
remained faithful, understanding that Christianity isn’t a white man’s religion but that Jesus is the Savior for all people. When I met her, Margaret told me she was 89 years old. Then for the next ten years, as our friendship grew, she continued to say she was 89 years old. It was so funny for her to claim to be 89, year after year. So she very well could have been a 100 or more. What a remarkable woman who kept her faith no matter her circumstances. And trust me, she had some difficult circumstances. She truly was an inspiration to those blessed to know her.
I share this story of my sweet friend Margaret because she showed me the real-life lesson of Jesus leaving the 99 for the one.
Each year we came to minister, we visited Margaret to see how we could help her. Usually, we cleaned her outdoor kitchen or swept her dirt floor or any other job that would benefit her, as she was alone. Our assistance was the only help she got, and that was only once a year.
The pens were side by side. It seemed so easy to open one pen door and then open the other pen door and then just let the sheep walk nicely to the pen where their food and water were. Seems simple. But oh no, it was not simple.
We opened the door to the food pen and then opened the door where the sheep were. But not one of the sheep went where they were supposed to. Instead, they all ran out and into the desert field. They ran, and they ran. They ran until we couldn’t see them anymore. What was meant to be a blessing quickly turned into a bad situation. The youth ran after the sheep, still trying to help. And then, little elderly Margaret set out on foot to get her sheep. It was a total mess.
Our translator told us coyotes were in the open field, and they were dangerous. Soon, I could no longer see my youth, Margaret, or the sheep. It was getting dark, and fear was starting to set in. Those of us who were still standing there began to pray. We then got in the van and began to search for everyone.
In the desert, everything looks the same. It’s miles and miles of the same thing. In that area, there are not even roads. But we searched. Finally, far in the distance, we could see the kids. So, I headed that way. We found the kids, praise God, but no sheep and no Margaret. So, we got the youth in the van and went to find Margaret and the sheep.
We didn’t have any luck, so our translator told us to go back to the house. That didn’t make me feel good to leave an 89-plus-year-old lady wandering in the desert alone. The translator assured me that this was Margaret’s life and she would be ok. It still didn’t sit well. But we headed back.
One year when we arrived, she was getting ready to move her sheep from one pen to another, where she put the food and water for them to eat. We told her we would love to help her—that is where the chaos began. What were we thinking? None of us were sheepherders. She had done this for years, and I’m sure she didn’t need our help. Moreover, she knew way better than us how to move sheep.
When we arrived, Margaret was there, and her sheep were in their pen.
What? How did that happen? Well, the sheep knew their shepherd. The sheep knew the shepherd’s voice. Once they heard her call, they came home with her. While we were out in the wilderness, running in all
the sheep knew their shepherd. The sheep knew the shepherd’s voice.
directions, the sheep were following their shepherd
right back home. This became a beautiful lesson for our young people. They saw the words of Jesus in action. But it didn’t stop there.
Margaret told us that one sheep was missing. She had about 75 sheep, and it was dark by this time. How could she be certain one was missing? The translator, Miss Betty, told us, “She just knows.”
Then she told us that Margaret would walk the desert night and day to find a missing lamb. I couldn’t wrap my mind around that. This little elderly lady would walk the desert night and day in danger of wild animals to find one little lamb? Why? It’s just one lamb; she has 74 others. Why risk her life?
Betty said that the sheep are her life, and she loves them with everything she is.
her—such a tearful, sweet sight. We wanted to put her and the lamb in the van, but Margaret refused. She walked with the lamb beside her all the way back to her house as we drove slowly behind, lighting the way.
We did help this time, but she really didn’t need us. You see, she had complete faith Jesus would guide her. He had before, and she believed He would again.
Margaret put her lamb back in the pen, safe and sound. We learned a lot that night.
What a powerful, exhausting day we had. But we celebrated with Margaret that the little lamb had been found. We all had never felt more energized and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Sweet Margaret taught us all so much over the ten years we were blessed to have her in our lives. She is now with her Jesus—I’m sure loving her Shepherd and living in a huge mansion with lots of sheep.
Wow. Do you see the picture here? What an amazing example of Jesus this beautiful soul was.
So, now one sheep was out there in the dark, and Margaret started out on foot to find it. We asked if we could help. I’m sure that was a hard decision for her after our last “help.” But she got in the van, we turned the headlights and flashlights on, and we searched for the lost sheep. We drove for a while with Margaret pointing out which way to go, which way to turn. And then she yelled, “Assay!”—“Stop!” There was the lamb all alone in the dark. Margaret knew where to find him. She got out, and the lamb ran to
She’s been gone many years now. I still miss my time with her and the lesson she taught us. I always tell the new teams about the lessons we learned. I’m so thankful I will get to see her again one day in heaven.
Luke 15:4-6“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’”
Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.
(Luke 15:6 NIV)
The lesson we learn from Jesus in this verse and from Maragaret’s actions is simple but profound: We are lost people, just like the sheep. We need a loving, caring Shepherd who will search the desert for us. We, like sheep, tend to wander off, even when our needs are met right in front of us, searching for greener grass. Usually, that greener grass isn’t what we thought it was and we can be lost in the desert–when Jesus is all we ever needed. Jesus taught this lesson three times in succession because He knew we needed to hear it again and again to absorb it. Our Shepherd deeply loves us and cares for us. We are valuable to Him, Just like Margaret showed us how valuable her sheep were to her. She was even willing to risk her life for them. Jesus DID give up His life for us. Jesus will seek far and wide to bring us back home to Him. When the one who was lost returns,
the Good Shepherd receives him back with joy and celebrates his return.
Don’t be a silly sheep. Stay in the arms of your Shepherd, who loves you deeply. He is all you need.
Isaiah 40:11 (ESV):
He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.
LORD, I went for a walk on Your planet this morning
Things seemed different –I noticed the shape of the clouds I noticed the shade of blue in the sky
The birds were singing The colors of the flowers were ever so vibrant
Yet violence is raging
Children are hurting and being hurt
Families are torn apart
Wars are continuing for wrong reasons and for way too long PANDEMICS, DISEASE, AND DEVASTATION ALL AROUND
Some may say we hope to get back to life again But my heart yearns that life will be different
I pray we embrace the lessons we are destined to learn this time around Holy Spirit, let your wind of truth and change be swift and stupendous
Angels, dancing and swirling, celebrating all who are waking up to the truth of our loving Saviour!
The truth that brings new life.
Risen from the ashes of old
Our days are numbered
Let us be the people You desire us to be, You created us to be!
Let us smile more
Let us serve You more
Let us pray more!
Let us surrender to Your Word, Your way, and Your purposes
Let us truly know You more!
Help us to take care of ourselves and each other more
I look with anticipated expectation that we’ll be a kinder, more compassionate, and loving race, no matter where we’re physically placed on this planet we call home for a time
Bring Your people into their Promised Land
Bring Your people into the Promised Land that only You can deliver them to
You are the light – even in this darkness that seeks to surround us and take us down
Bring Your kingdom to earth, Father!
Light it afire with the love of You and all You are!
A revival never seen before, Lord
That our generation will be lit with the flames of regeneration and renewal God, we are here!
Open our ears and our hearts to hear You and continue pursuing YOU
We are Yours, here and forevermore.
These four were descendants of Rapha in Gath, and they fell at the hands of David and his men.
(2 Samuel21:22
NIV)The “Giants” in your life will either build or break you. They come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and they bully against what appears weak. Sons of the King, you cannot be afraid to confront the “Giants” you are facing. Goliath appeared mighty because he believed in his strength–and his power was undefeated. This was the very reason for his downfall.
You have a power and strength rooted in the power of the almighty, all-knowing, all-powering God. He knows you intimately. His knowledge of you is precise, deliberate, and intentional. You are “The Giant of a Generation,” a legacy builder, because your past victories have laid a path of winning over wailing, fighting over failure, and preserving dignity over defeat.
You can do it! Victory belongs to God! He is calling out His sons to be giant slayers! Slay the giants of oppression, depression, doubt, hopelessness, and addiction. They won’t move until you move; the fight to save you and your legacy is great! Move! It’s time to fight and slay the giant. Your fight will inspire, encourage, empower, and produce a legacy of a lifetime. Your fight will cause everything around you to live, breathe, and survive. Your fight produces endurance.
You are the giant of a generation to come, paving the path to the kingdom. Your faithfulness will bring an impact that touches and reaches far beyond your present. Come forth as the descendants of David; make room for the new sons to rise up and conquer because your giants did not BREAK YOU, but they instead BUILT YOU!
You are “The Giant of A Generation!”
Have you ever found yourself not knowing how to pray? Sitting down to pray only to find you have no words coming out of your mouth? As you pray, tears flow instead of words? I think we all have had experiences like that. I found myself recently in that very position. I did not know what or how to pray. Thankfully, we have Scripture to help and guide us.
Praying Scripture is taking God’s Word and turning it into prayer. You may take a verse or even a passage and pray it back to the Lord.
Three reasons to pray Scripture:
1. The Holy Spirit intervenes in our groanings.
Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27 ESV)
2. The Word of God does not return void.
So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11 ESV)
3. Praying Scripture speaks truth.
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17 ESV)
To pray Scripture, first read and understand the context in which it was written and then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into applying the Scripture to your life. Here are some examples:
When you read Colossians 3:15 (ESV), And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
You may pray,
Lord, I thank you that your peace rules in my heart. Lord, I never wish to take for granted all you have done in my life
When you read Psalm 24:1 (ESV),
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.
You may pray, Lord, everything is yours in this whole world, including those who dwell in it. When we base our prayers on Scripture, we have a solid foundation because we are using the perfect Word of God. We aren’t depending on our own words but on GOD’s Word, which intervenes on our behalf through the Holy Spirit, doing what it needs to do. Scripture does not return void (empty) but speaks truth.
And even when our words feel feeble, we can come with CONFIDENCE before God’s throne! Because, as Christians, we have Jesus intervening on our behalf. He is our great high priest who can truly understand what it is to be human.
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
(Hebrews 4:16 ESV)
If you do not know where to begin in
praying Scripture, I suggest starting with Psalms. The book of Psalms has so many wonderful passages to use to pray that will help you in praying Scripture.
For instance, let’s practice with the first two verses of Psalm 23 (ESV)
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
Lord because you are my shepherd, I lack or want nothing. Lord, you give me a place to lie down. You guide me beside still or peaceful waters.
Your turn. Read Psalm 23 (ESV) TWICE slowly, prayerfully, and meditatively. Underline words or phrases that speak to your heart.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Now, pray these verses back to the Lord. Write out your prayer below.
Jesus knows our heart and the intent of it. I love how Jesus encourages us to connect with Him deeply and to be ever interceding through prayer. It is powerful when we use His Word in prayer!
We have only scratched the surface in this article. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to pray the Scriptures daily and that it will help grow you in your prayer life. I pray it will make you thirsty to know more. Psalm 42:1 (ESV) says, As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. May we pant as deer for the Lord always!
How has your prayer life been affected as you pray the Word? Share with us the new things Jesus is showing you by praying Scripture. I love hearing your God stories and how the Lord is using the Ever Interceding column in your life! Reach out via email: Diana@womenworldleaders.com
This world needs more men to step up, step out, and be Men of Honor. We need men who will boldly claim their stance as warriors for their family, community, faith, and country.
Over twenty authors in this book share their accounts of God’s provision, care, and power as they proclaim His Word. Through these real-life stories, may the Holy Spirit impact your heart and the hearts of men around the world, giving life-sustaining hope and encouragement.
As the enemy does his best to take men out and off their mission, the war he instigates rages on within men’s lives. Wherever you may be on your journey, be assured you can be a victorious overcomer in whatever situation life brings your way.
God is awakening warriors to step up and be heard as they live with valiant and courageous faith. With its stories and teachings, United Men of Honor: Overcoming Adversity Through Faith will help you armor up, become fit to fight, and move forward with what it takes to be an honorable leader.
Life is filled with a bunch of different choices. The great John Maxwell put it best when he said, “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” 1 Every day we wake up, we have the ability and gift to choose.
The world we live in today offers us a plethora of options, including when it comes to education and home education. God has given us the beautiful gift of children, and we are responsible for the choices we make as we help raise them in the way they should go. We also individually have choices that directly affect our lives while impacting our children. For instance, I chose to be a stay-at-home mom and dedicate my life to teaching and raising my kids. I made a decision not to advance my career and, instead, make raising world changers my
priority and purpose. That choice has determined the outcome of the past decade of my life.
I have also had to make many decisions for my children, leaning on their father’s wisdom and God’s direction accessed in prayer. Each one of my three children has a different personality and different strengths and gifts as well as weaknesses and challenges. Every year–sometimes a few times a year–I need to evaluate the best choices for them. Sometimes these choices are as simple as changing a math curriculum. Other times it may involve hiring a tutor. And sometimes it can be as drastic as looking for an alternative school direction.
Choices can sometimes feel like heavy burdens as we try our best to make the ‘right’ choice. We can feel
I have learned to want less of me and more of Him.
like we do when we try to select a movie but spend so much time scrolling through the options that we tire or run out of time to watch the movie.
I have learned through the years that God is faithful even when I feel clueless. I have seen God time and time again direct me to the right place and the right choice for each of my children in all areas of their lives. The road of decision-making has been filled with dead ends, u-turns, twists and turns, turbulent terrains, and sometimes roundabouts that I didn’t know how to exit appropriately, but so far, we have ended up exactly where each child needs to be.
My oldest daughter is a perfect example. She has been homeschooling with me since first grade. I have enjoyed watching her grow, learn, and explore over the past decade, but in the last year, as she entered the teen world, we struggled. And I noticed she seemed to be struggling alone. She is very social, loves people and interaction and needed more than my home environment was able to give her.
We were fighting a lot–having difficulties with the student/teacher/mom/daughter relationship. I kept praying. We kept trying different curriculums and options online, but we knew none were the right choice for her. The peace wasn’t there; I just knew it in my gut. This wasn’t how the next and last four years of her education and home life were supposed to be like.
God started directing the paths and lining up the right people at the right time. She had a mentor who heard she had just gotten a volleyball court at our home. As this mentor was the coach at this little school, she invited my daughter to a school volleyball camp last summer. I sent her to the camp, figuring the socialization and exercise couldn’t hurt
as she learned some new volleyball skills.
She went that week and fell in love with the school, students, and coaches. They invited her back for basketball camp the next month. She had never played basketball, but I figured the second week in this environment would help determine if she really loved it or if it was just a nice week away. After the second week, she was sold on how much she wanted to attend this school.
I was very hesitant. I had to let go of some of my own issues. Feeling like a bit of a homeschool mom failure, I agreed to meet with the pastor and teacher. To my surprise, this school was the perfect mix of a homeschool Christian curriculum that supported our lifestyle of travel and our learning and education beliefs. So I enrolled her. We are now near the end of the year, and God has been so good.
This school has been the best thing that could have happened to my daughter. We have grown in our relationship as mother/daughter and she has drawn closer to God, learned amazing life responsibilities, and obtained some awesome Christian friends. She is excelling in her education and helping others around her.
God knows best. All we have to do is seek Him and give our worries and desires for our children to Him. I have learned to want less of me and more of Him. I have learned to be still and let Him. I have learned to trust in Him with all my heart. Mom, Dad, God’s got your children, and He knows what’s best. Look to Him; He will help you make the best, Godordained choices for them. I have accepted that I’m not that so big or powerful that I can mess up what the Almighty God has in store for my children. And oh, what a place of peace and relief that is for me.
“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.”
John Maxwell
1Talent is Never Enough Wrokbook: Art, Imagination and Spirit: A Reflections on Creativity and Faith, by John C. Maxwell (ed. Thomas Nelson Inc, 2007)
Women World Leaders presents “Through the Eyes of Merci,” written by award-winning author Kelley Rene. Kelley writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life.
“Through the Eyes of Merci” follows the fictional character, Merci Rivers, a third-year transfer student navigating the challenges of university life. In the last issue, God provided an answer to Merci’s prayer for friendship through a stranger who invited her to a student Bible study. Her faith was bolstered, and now she looks forward to every meeting. In this edition, unexpected attention forces her to choose between what feels right and what the Bible says is right. There isn’t always a clear distinction. Or is there?
draws in the fresh, buttery scent of popcorn and falls into a chair on the third row of the Campus Life Fellowship basement. Several months have passed since she received the flyer from Karis, and Merci has attended every meeting. Both love soccer and studying arduously and are bonding through their faith in God.
Karis steps up to a makeshift podium to kick off the Bible lesson. “Welcome, everyone.”
Random “Heys!,” “Thanks,” and a “Woot” echo around the room.
Karis’ teaching captivates Merci until a warm hand brushes hers, stirring butterflies in her belly. Clive leans in to whisper hello, and the butterflies swirl into her chest. She shushes him with a giggle, secretly pleased he’s finally shown up after numerous invitations.
“Tonight’s theme is Ears that Hear,” Karis circles the sides of her face with open palms. “You can read the parable of the sower along with me in Matthew 13.”
Merci pulls a thick Bible from her backpack.
“Whoa,” Clive scoffs, “that looks straight off my Grandpa’s coffee table.”
Merci shushes him again.
Clive points to a guy sitting two rows ahead. “He’s got to be a great hearer with those ears.” Clive’s laugh is infectious, and several attendees snicker along.
Merci shoots him a shy glance then attempts to shush him once more.
Karis continues, explaining the parable of the sower highlights the importance of nurturing the seeds of one’s faith by studying and obeying God’s Word. She explains that following the world is often easier and more satisfying than drawing a line in the sand and choosing not to cross over, even in the most subtle of circumstances.
Karis pauses before finalizing her sermonette. “The takeaway? Those with ears that hear allow the Word to bear fruit in their lives for God’s glory.” A quick prayer ends the Bible study.
Merci whispers her own prayer, Lord, help my roots to grow deep. Help me to choose Your way above all else.
She opens her eyes just as someone yells, “Dodgeball!” As suddenly as he arrived, Clive leaves her side and moves to the center of the room with the others, ready to get in on the fun.
“Can I speak with you?” Karis asks as she grabs Merci’s hand and, without waiting for a response, leads her to a corner. “What are you doing?”
A guy yells, “Watch out!” just as the ball slams against the wall above their heads.
Following Christ comes at a price, but one that will pay dividends...— future dividends.
Merci grabs the ball and hurls it back toward the heart of the crowd. She laughs, her attention drawn to Clive as he bobs back and forth to avoid elimination.
“Don’t get mixed up with him,” Karis warns as the ball hits her on the butt, her gaze on Merci. Merci swats the ball back toward the few remaining in the game.
Spectators line the walls, talking and munching popcorn. Suddenly, shoes screech, and a thud of bodies fall onto the tile floor, drawing ire from the onlookers.
“He’s gonna need ice.” A girl calls out.
Clive humps over in the middle of the floor, cradling his knee with a look of agony. Merci, happy for the distraction, busies herself caring for Clive.
earlier prayer. Lord, it’s okay if I just hang out for a little while, right?
Clive scoots closer as she settles next to him.
The blaring alarm in her spirit reaches deafening levels. Merci hops out of reach and runs for the door without a second glance behind her.
Merci finally feels accepted at her new school—like she belongs. She’s so thankful for Karis. Through their friendship, they are both strengthening their faith in God.
Although she is unashamedly studying God’s Word, the world still comes against her. Clive’s attention feels so special, it almost causes her to ignore numerous warnings.
Back at the apartment complex, Clive leans against Merci as they hobble up the stairs together. The scent of his soft musk captivates her senses. She tamps down giddiness.
Once inside, Clive drops the bag of melting ice into the kitchen sink and guides them toward a back bedroom. Easing onto a bare mattress, he motions for her to join him.
Excitement mixes with trepidation, a mild warning alighting in Merci’s mind. He will think I’m foolish if I don’t stay and hang out.
“Relax.” He pats the mattress again, then reaches his arms out to her. “We’re just talking.”
His soft eyes and gentle smile make her forget her
Being disciplined in reading your Bible, going to church, and defending and living out your faith can be challenging. But through obedience, prayer, and perseverance, it becomes easier. God wants to transform our lives. Don’t let the world seduce you into its pleasures and comforts. As we read in Psalm 92:12-14, The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. (NIV)
Stand firm in your faith, and don’t let the temptations of this life draw you away.
Merci ultimately chose the wise counsel of her godly friend and listened to the Spirit within her. Following Christ comes at a price, but one that will pay dividends—future dividends.
Along with her chapter in Embrace the Journey, Kelley Rene has published three novellas, Saving Sabine, Romanian Runaway, and Kamilah. She is thrilled to be a contributor in the Women World Leaders’ Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos, releasing in summer 2023. When she’s not scribbling out stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying a good book and cappuccino, or cuddling her precious grandbabies. Read more at kelleyrene.com.
How can you have joy when it seems like the wheels are coming off at every turn, and you’re holding on for dear life?
There’s good news! You can be unhappy, even devastated, and still have Joy Unspeakable, Regardless of Your Circumstances! Yes, joy and sorrow can dance together during adversity. That’s because true joy comes from a relationshipwith Jesus Christ.
The authors of this book have suffered heart-wrenching tragedies and tribulations that everyone can relate to. Still, they celebrate that the Lord is their shield, refuge, strength, peace, hope, and JOY—despite the storms of life—because God has given us the final victory and bestowed upon us undefeatable joy.
Joy Unspeakable: Regardless of Your Circumstances presents expository teaching coupled with individual stories that testify to the joy of the Lord and the strength He provides amid trials and heartaches. The words in this book will encourage, inspire, motivate, and give you hope, joy, and peace as God unleashes His Joy Unspeakable into your life, regardless of your circumstances. worldpublishingandproductions.com
The Bible presents many women with important roles in God’s plan. Ordinary women full of courage, thirsty to know more about God, and full of faith in Him, ready to see what only He could do through their obedience. God called these women with His precise timing.
Four hundred years before Jesus’ birth, the Old Testament describes Esther as an ordinary, young, orphaned Hebrew woman. Her cousin, Mordecai, nurtured her during their captivity in Persia. He instructed her to hide her identity because of the discrimination against the Jews. King Xerxes found favor with Esther and crowned her queen. God called Esther to exercise her royal influence and save the nation of Israel from annihilation.
Rahab was a prostitute—a harlot—in the city of Jericho. God chose her to help the Israelites prepare for the battle of Jericho (Joshua 2, 5:13- 6:27). This ordinary woman knew of the powerful God of heaven and earth and risked everything to protect two Israelite spies (Joshua 2:8-14). Rahab skillfully helped God’s people while simultaneously protecting her family from His judgment by hiding them in her home built into the city wall. Her faith and relationship with God flourished. He redeemed her past sins and blessed her with grace to live a new life in Him.
An unnamed, ordinary Samaritan woman met Jesus one day on her daily visit to the well (John 4:4-42). As a lonely social outcast, she provided a drink for Jesus. He spoke of His knowledge about her sinful lifestyle of living with various men, none of whom were her husband. Jesus disclosed his identity as the Messiah for the first time to her. She longed to learn more about His living water that provided eternal life. Her belief in Him prompted her to tell the villagers about this extraordinary encounter. Her testimony led many to put their faith in Jesus. (John 4:39-41).
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was an ordinary, young Jewish virgin who lived in the rural city of Nazareth in Galilee. While engaged to be married to Joseph, she received a visit from the archangel Gabriel. God’s messenger told Mary she was “highly favored” and chosen by God; she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit and name him Jesus (Luke 1:26-35). God called Mary because of her humble faith. Mary loved Jesus, took Him to the temple in Jerusalem, witnessed his first miracle at a wedding, and stood nearby as He died on the cross. Our Savior.
We are God’s creations. When we believe in God’s sacrifice, we join His plan for eternity. We are made in His image (Genesis 1:26). Psalm 139:14 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He designed us to be set apart. He entrusts us to be His ambassadors
(PSALM 139:14 NIV)
(2 Corinthians 5:20). He created us to have courage and compassion. He gives us a thirst to learn more about Him through His Word, His love, and His promises. He gives us the strength to protect our family and loved ones, love and provide for those entrusted to us, celebrate the joys of life, and trust Him in times of hardship. He loves us and forgives our sins when we confess, turn away from them, and put our trust and faith in Him.
Expect God to do amazing things in your life as He did with these ordinary women. Maybe He already has. Seek His guidance and study His Word daily. Pray for courage to do His will. Discover what God has planned for you. Are you ready to follow His lead in extraordinary ways? Let Him know you are ready and trust His precise timing.
Donna grew up in a Christian home and attended church weekly with her family. She and her husband, Keith, have been married for 39 years and have a son. Donna loves singing, traveling, and spending vacations and holidays with her three grandchildren. She is passionate about teaching and facilitates small group Bible studies. Family is important to her, which is why Donna is delighted to write this Faith and Family column for Voice of Truth magazine.
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Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
Do you ever stop to think that you are presently living your legacy? In everything you do, everything you say, and with every day that passes, how you are living can lead to how people talk about you and what people think of you. You are currently living what people will remember about you and say about you when you’re gone. Why not live an intentional legacy today?
When someone passes away, we memorialize their life with their name, the day they were born, and the day they died. In between those two dates, we place a dash. That small, inconsequential line between two former dates on a calendar represents an entire life— as short or long as that life may have been. The look of the dash does not change, whether the person was well known or not known at all. The look of the dash does not change if the person was good or bad. The dash doesn’t change if the person was a king, a president, or a homeless person.
What changes is what people will say about the person and what kind of a legacy they’ve left behind. That dash is your legacy!
My three children are now grown and have families of their own. While I’ve taught them many things, the greatest legacy I will leave them is having a relationship with the Lord. From an early age, I took them to church, taught them childhood Christian songs, and read them the
Why not live an intentional legacy today?
Bible. Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) promises, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. I know this to be true. We went through some pretty tough times when my kids were younger. Parenting is challenging. However, God is faithful. I now have three married children, two amazing sons-in-law, one awesome daughter-inlaw, and eleven grandchildren (ten on earth, one in heaven) who all love Jesus! I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4 (KJV) I know that joy to be true!
As Christian adults, we have to return to the basics of teaching our children the Word of God. The Godfearing people in the Old Testament not only taught their children about God, but their children also memorized God’s Word. The children who walked the desert with Moses knew how to pray, worship, and recite Scripture. The godly parents of long ago did not have the Bible, colorful books, dramatic shows, and cute dancing videos to entertain and teach their children about the ways of the Lord.
We have become a world of instant gratification, leaning into social media, TV shows, and computer games. How much time do we devote to sitting down and teaching our children Scriptures and Bible stories? Christians have become somewhat desensitized to the value of the Bible. Most families have more than one Bible in their home or could purchase one at any time. What would happen if
we didn’t have the Word of God so readily available? Would your younger family members know how to recite Scripture or repeat their favorite Bible stories? Do your little ones know how to recite the books of the Bible, the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), or Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd)? Are your children comfortable with praying?
I encourage you to pass down a legacy of Scripture reading and memorization. Sing praise songs to your children, read them bible stories, and teach them to pray. Our lost and perverse culture depends on the legacy that God-fearing people today will leave behind. There is no time like the present to step up to the plate. Do it now, and let your dash leave a legacy of holiness.
And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. (Genesis 17:7 KJV)
Carolyn Joy is a Southwest Florida Real Estate Agent, mother of three married children and Nonna to eleven grandchildren. She serves in her church and helps lead a women’s Bible study in her community.
My 6-year-old granddaughter told me with great excitement that she was now the official rider of her two-wheel bicycle. Her mommy—my daughter—taught her how to ride it. I informed her that, just like her mommy, I also taught my daughter how to ride a two-wheeler.
My 8-year-old granddaughter chimed in, “That’s teaching bike riding generation to generation!”
Whether big or small, like it or not, we are always teaching the next generation. What are you passing along “generation to generation”?
Time and time again, I’ve seen meditation get a bad rap. It’s unfortunate that a buddha sitting in a meditation stance with palms up on its lap is the first thought that comes to mind when people think of meditation. I do get where the bad rap comes from, but I want to take your mind and belief in another direction.
Before we go any further, try this. Sit still in a quiet space. Close your eyes. And repeat this verse a few times: Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10 NIV)
Feel your heartbeat slow down, release the tension in your neck, shoulders, and back, and let go of the to-do list running through your mind. Let peace come over you and relieve any worries and anxiety that may be weighing on you.
Take a deep breath before opening your eyes again.
Guess what? You just completed a meditation —a Christian meditation. And did you feel the
peace that came over you? Indeed, Christians should meditate; it is even commanded in the Bible.
Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:8-9 NLT)
As this verse states, when you meditate on God’s Word day and night, you will be given the tools to obey it. And then you will prosper and succeed in all you do. This leads me to share some benefits that engaging in regular meditative practices can bring, including:
• calm an anxious mind
• open up new pathways for creative thinking
• increase focus
• reduce stress levels
• provide greater insight into our daily experiences
• improve the overall quality of life
• lead us toward a greater understanding of our purpose on earth
• help us respond more effectively when faced with difficult situations
• bring clarity around complex concepts or ideas we’re trying to understand better
• encourage spiritual growth through deepening our relationship with God—allowing us to experience Him more fully in each moment
What if we stopped being afraid of things the world has decided to recreate in its own way and for its own purposes and instead become educated on the origins of those things God created and intended for good? Meditation traces back thousands of years to Christianity and can be instrumental in drawing us into a deeper connection with God. Allowing God to direct us, we can discover the truth of this amazing gift. And when we do, we will begin to find the peace God has for us in the midst of any storm,
which can be ushered in through meditation as God commanded. Meditation is spoken of in the Bible nearly twenty-five times. There are even many times we see Jesus praying alone. As He did, there is no doubt that He focused on His Father’s goodness, provision, protection, and peace. This is meditation.
The definition of meditation is a continued or extended thought, reflection, contemplation, devout religious contemplation, or spiritual introspection. The purpose of meditation is to ponder, create inner peace and calmness and connect with God. You can practice meditation during any circumstance or situation and find a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Below are some of my favorite verses to meditate on:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)
My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises. (Psalm 119:148 NIV)
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, oh LORD, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NLT)
(PSALM 46:10 NIV)
Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. (Psalm 119:97-98 NIV)
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:1-3 NIV)
Now that you have learned what an important practice meditation is for a Christian, I want to leave you with a comforting scripture that will help you understand what meditation can really do for you.
My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. (Proverbs 4:2022 NIV)
Meditating on His words gives life and health to one’s whole body. I just love how God’s Word gives us direction for every part of our lives.
We all need to take moments throughout each day to slow down enough so we can really listen—listen not just with our ears but also through our hearts— for what God wants us to hear most clearly. By being intentional and creating time for meditation each
day, we open ourselves up more fully to experiencing whatever amazing transformation He desires for us!
Melissa is a wife and mom of tween and teen boys who are a huge inspiration in her life. She is a bestselling author and now leads retreats to help women find rest and stillness amidst the busy lives they live so they can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) She has been a holistic wellness entrepreneur for about ten years, practices and teaches Christian meditation, and has been following the plans God has laid out for her over the years. Learn more from Melissa on all social media platforms @stillwellnessmeditation
Women World Leaders is providing a blueprint to follow as they blaze trails in excellence and faithfulness. I love the way they use various forms of media to bring God glory, broadcasting encouragement, prayer, and hope to every corner of God’s green earth! I appreciate the way they provide opportunities for ladies in waiting to activate and express their gifts and talents. Women World Leaders is not only what we are but who we are becoming.
Keily J. Denny | Murfreesboro, TennesseeHow you perceive things can be the bridge or the barrier to everything you want in life. The great thing about perspective is that it’s yours. You can change it anytime. Because it can be easy to allow our vision to become narrow, it is important to examine our viewpoint from time to time. Today, I want to encourage you to ask God with an open mind if your perspective is holding you back from all He has for you.
1. Believing that this is how it’s always been and this is how it will always be.
“Another day, another dollar.”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
“This is as good as it gets.”
I’m not sure who came up with those slogans. But I do know that God says in Proverbs 29 that where there is no vision, the people perish. (v 18 KJV)
Cures for diseases don’t just appear. All the technology we take for granted didn’t create itself.
The millions of organizations that help feed, clothe, and rescue people started with an idea.
When we take action on an idea God has given us—it doesn’t just change our story. It can change the world!
We’re told to “put ourselves in the other person’s shoes.” This is good advice, but here is something to think about: Even when we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, it’s still US in THEIR shoes.
We can never truly see things from someone else’s perspective, but by trying, we can broaden our own view. We can challenge ourselves to think outside the box, befriend people who aren’t like us, and get outside our comfort zone. We can get to know ourselves— especially the self we don’t want to know.
We can study the beauty of the human mind, spirit, and soul. We can read. Reading allows us to experience lives we will never know, do things we’d never do, ponder others’ thoughts, and travel the world. And reading is free.
At the height of romance and in the throes of trials, tragedies, and triumphs, our emotions can take over. We can become consumed, confused, in love, in denial, and even devastated. Succumbing to the intensity of the moment threatens to make it nearly impossible to see anything other than the moment we are in.
As hard as it is, take a step back. Take a breath. Take a walk. Pause and pray. Ask God for His clarity before you move forward. The decisions you make in these moments will forever affect your life.
It doesn’t matter if a given circumstance IS all about you. Focusing on only yourself puts you on an island, keeping you from recognizing that others are affected, too. And the repercussion is that when someone tells you about their problem, you’re still thinking about yours.
Not being able to see past ourselves doesn’t always mean we’re selfish or small-minded. It can mean we have an unwarranted or unrealistic sense of responsibility. We see a situation and immediately think, “How can I fix this?” or “What should I have done?” (Totally guilty, by the way.)
Regardless of our good intentions, something about the word “I” takes us away from the moment, and pretty soon, our mind is consumed with “us.”
Being selfish is exhausting, time-consuming, and distorts our vision. Carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders… not our responsibility.
When we get out of our own way, life becomes much clearer.
5. Lacking Faith.
Until we truly know God, with whom all things are possible, our perception will be limited. Understanding this opens our eyes and draws us closer to our Maker.
God wants you to walk through life with nothing holding you back. Ask Him to give you the strength and discipline to keep your eyes wide open so you see the opportunities in front of you. With God’s clarity, as well as self-awareness, we begin to see things as they truly are.
Only God’s vision is perfect. But the more we walk in faith and spend time with Him, the clearer ours becomes!
Seeking God’s perspective will Change Your Story.
After running away from her dreams and battling addictions for over a decade, Kirstin Leigh is now a best-selling author, speaker, actress, and the founder of The Change Your Story Workshop. She is passionate about empowering others to break free from strongholds and discover the masterpiece that lives within. To find out more about Kirstin or to purchase her books, you can visit: www.Kirstinleigh.com
For information or to enroll in The Change Your Story Workshop: www. thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:8-9 NIV)Joshua was a man after God’s own heart. He was given a huge responsibility and desired to follow God wholeheartedly. He was a true warrior for God. Joshua was to guide the Israelites into the promised land. Nothing about this battle was going to be easy for him. Joshua had a fearful heart, yet he followed God’s call to walk the path He commanded instead of his own.
God has given us great responsibilities. Whether you are a wife, mother, or church or business leader, God has entrusted you with much. He has specifically positioned you to oversee your household or work environment or lead your children. And He has definitely tasked you with chasing after Him. Sometimes, it can feel like we carry the weight and responsibility of a thousand tons.
After becoming a Christian, I quickly learned that
life wouldn’t be all roses. Previously, I had viewed Christianity as a weightless existence. With my newfound faith, I thought I would finally feel good enough. But this was not the case, and I soon realized that I was about to hit some rough seas. God would take me on a journey of self-discovery through the waves of life, but He would be there with me. He never promised it would be easy or pain-free. I didn’t feel equal to others, good enough for the task, or perfectly put together instantly. It’s quite the opposite. But God was working to squeeze out all those icky feelings and parts of me that serve no purpose for His kingdom. He was preparing me for the fight of my life.
I learned about the battle between good and evil. I wasn’t quietly dancing through life anymore. As a Christian, I realized that I had become a target and must lift my shield and be ready for the arrows.
Be brave. You are enough, and God is with you.
God is training up warrior women. We can look at some of Joshua’s battles to find courage. Joshua was told to care for God’s people, go into battle and face giants, defeat enemies, and conquer the land. This life is not easy, but there’s a greater battle going on. Like Joshua, we need God’s constant encouragement as we wonder, “Can I live up to God’s expectations? Am I enough? Can I do what God has called me to do?”
Success starts with following God’s Word— knowing and living by it. Sketch it into your heart and mind every day. Let your eyes see with an eternal perspective. When I first got saved, I carried my Bible constantly. I even had someone refer to me as a “Bible thumper.” I wrote scripture on sticky notes and left them all over my house and in my purse. I even drew a cross on my wrist. God was sketching His Word into my heart and mind, allowing me to see with kingdom perspective as He prepared me to face battles. Those sketches of His Word and love for me sustain me now. If we walk obediently to His calling, God will prepare us to be warriors and take on the darkness of this world.
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. (Proverbs 31:10 NIV)
God thinks you are worth more than rubies. We need to see ourselves this way. We can use God’s Word as our greatest weapon for survival.
I love looking at the examples in the Bible of women who were God’s ideal warriors.
Mary gave up everything to follow God’s will. And despite how she may have been looked down upon initially, she was successful and blessed. Mary was chosen by God, but she still had to walk through opposition, holding her head high and trusting God.
My first test with opposition was early in my walk with God. I enrolled my children in the school where we were going to church. I was involved in the women’s ministry and, for the first time in my life, I believed I was good enough to be in God’s family.
When it came time to enroll my youngest son in the kindergarten program at the church, I was elated. He had been attending a public school program, and I would finally have all my children in one school in God’s house. The church gave me the paperwork to fill out and have the pre-k teacher at the public school sign the forms that showed he was kindergarten-ready.
I thought I did everything right, but I inadvertently signed where the teacher should have. A few days later, the church called me into the school office for a meeting. I thought it was to congratulate me on my son’s placement.
The head of school and the kindergarten teacher were sitting across from me. The headmaster explained they do not tolerate forging. They went on to say that my son would not be granted entrance into the kindergarten program. I was shocked, embarrassed, and very confused. I didn’t forge anything. I asked to see the paperwork and explained that it was only a mistake; I would never intentionally sign for another person.
They wouldn’t hear my pleas of innocence, and I was humiliated. The teacher was the beloved kindergartner teacher, and she was also in my Bible class. It destroyed my credibility as a Christian and caused me so much shame.
I wanted to run away. I wanted to leave the church and start over. That’s what the enemy wants, right? The enemy wants to take us away from things that lead us to God. He wants to kill, steal, and destroy our view of ourselves.
This was my first experience with the bullseye on my back. Through this experience, I realized the enemy would try to destroy my purpose in God’s kingdom.
I refused to be chased away from my church family, but this wasn’t easy. I tried so hard to walk with my chin up, like Mary. I felt so shameful and unworthy, but the beauty is that God was changing me. We change in our suffering. We change in and through opposition.
I eventually went to the pastor about the forging issue and pleaded my case of innocence. As it turns out, the form was not written clearly, so
they changed it completely. And my son was enrolled and joined his siblings at church school.
God loves us deeply, but that doesn’t mean life will not hurt.
Through obedience. If God tells you to walk on fire, trust His direction. You are God’s prized possession, and He wants you to look up at Him with your whole heart. He is not looking for your perfection but is only after your willing heart. Seek God first in all you do, and let everything else fall into place. God will qualify and propel you into position.
You are enough. You are made in God’s image; He created a purpose just for you. Like Joshua and Mary, you can change the world by following God. God is calling you to walk into your calling with courage.
Be brave. You are a warrior for God’s kingdom, and He calls you to live extraordinarily. You are far more precious than rubies, and He will be with you wherever you go.
God created every living creature, and He provides for each one. They, in turn, serve a God-given purpose. Bees are a perfect example of this process. God provides them with nectar and pollen from plants and flowers that they feed on for energy, protein, and other nutrients to survive. Pollen is also used as food for larvae. Bees are then responsible for transferring pollen from plant to plant, providing fertilization needed by the plants. Flowers and plants depend on bees for pollination to create offspring. It is a symbiotic relationship between bees and plants that continues the life cycle of both.
In this photo of the pollen-laden bee hovering over the yellow flower, we see that this is a busy bee. It has been spending time collecting pollen for nourishment for itself and future bees (larvae) and then spreading that nourishment to other plants and flowers to help them grow and reproduce. This bee is doing its job and being all that it can be!
We can learn a lesson from the busy bee. It is actively doing the work it is purposed to do. For the bee, gathering nectar and pollen is the same as us spending time in the Word of God for our daily nourishment. We need the Word as sustenance to carry us through the daily rigors of life, develop a relationship with God, and be effective children of God. Just as the bees share the pollen with their offspring for growth and survival, we must share the Word with those we come in contact
God created every living creature, and He provides for each one.
with for their nourishment and growth in their God-given purpose. If we are to “pollinate” to help others grow, we must continue collecting the sweet nectar we gather from the Word and then share it with others. In other words, we are to bee all that we can bee!
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation.
Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail. com.
I asked this question recently in my private Facebook group, Sisters Who Shine, and received quite a bit of feedback. The comments ranged from those hoping their prodigal children would re-embrace the Lord to those who simply hoped to make decisions that would glorify God.
Jeremiah 29:11 tell us that God knows the plans He has for us, plans not to harm us but for abundance, hope, and a future.
Hope, for me, is expectation. It’s a lot like faith— believing in something we haven’t yet seen but trusting that it will come to pass.
God says He has a plan for us. How that looks for each of us is as unique as we are. The future He has planned will look different for everybody. And hope is the bridge taking us from where we are today to that future God has prepared.
Years ago, God planted a desire in my heart to speak. I was spending a lot of time reading the Bible and slowly but surely began to know Jesus. The words were popping off the page like popcorn, directly into my broken heart. You see, I was recently divorced— for the second time—and felt like I was damaged
goods. How could God use me? I was a single mom (again) with two young children when the idea of hope and a future began to stir in my spirit.
I couldn’t stop thinking about this idea of speaking and encouraging other single moms. As I dug into God’s Word, I began to believe I am who He says I am. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). My thirsty soul soaked up every word. As my faith grew, so did hope. And soon, I realized my heart was healing.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. (Psalm 20:4 NIV)
Over the years, my relationship with God continued to grow. Oh, I experienced the ups and downs that life inevitably brings, but I was steadfast. And the Lord was faithful. And my desire to speak and
As my faith grew, so did hope.
And soon, I realized my heart was healing.
encourage women never faded. In fact, it became stronger. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Could this be part of the plans He had for me?, I would think. Sweet sister, has God planted a desire in your heart? Is there something you can’t stop thinking about?
If there is something you dream about, something you almost obsess about, it is quite possibly from the Lord. Ask God for His wisdom to fulfill your dream or, if it is not from Him, to take the desire from you. This is where faith and hope are activated.
I know it sounds cliché, but when He calls you to it, He will get you through it.
For me, the hope I had in my heart carried me through the hard times. When I faced obstacles, I was reminded of God’s promise (Jeremiah 29:11) and trusted His plan. Yet, there were still lessons I had to learn. As much as I trusted God, He wanted to build my resilience so that I would remain steadfast no matter what was to come.
God was preparing me for my future, and it was in the preparation that I found healing. Hope allowed me to recognize opportunities. When preparation meets opportunity, our destiny can unfold, and our future is revealed.
There will be pain in our life. During those times, we might find it difficult to hope. In fact, we may fall into hopelessness. But we can trust God to keep His promise. We can also trust Him for healing.
But the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing. (Luke 9:11 NIV)
God wants us to be whole, healthy, and full of hope for the future He has planned. Allow Him to work in you as you commit your dreams to Him.
Kelly Williams Hale is an author, speaker, and coach. Through inner healing and intimacy work, Kelly teaches women how to get past proving their worth and how to fall in love with God. You are invited to download her free guide: You are enough. 5 steps to slay self-doubt and start living your best life at www. thebebravelife.com.
When I faced obstacles, I was reminded of God’s promise (Jeremiah 29:11) and trusted His plan.
The testimony we don’t want to share is usually the one God will change lives with. Life has thrown me a lot of curveballs over the last few years, and I’ve had the opportunity to share three big testimonies. If I had gotten the chance to pick, I would have chosen some other type of testimony, but these were the ones that God called me to.
As Christians, we are not called to an easy life. Instead, we are promised struggles, pain, and suffering. And we are to reach up to God to help us in the valley.
James 1:12 says Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. (NIV)
I’ve been leaning into this verse for comfort.
Sometimes, we can look at seemingly struggle-free people and wonder why they have it easy while others endure so much. But I believe people with testimonies of hardship, pain, and resilience have
the blessing of being able to share their testimony with the world to point to God’s goodness.
If I could go back 15 years, I would tell my teenage self that God has so much more planned for my life than the “in-the-moment” irrational decisions I had made. I would describe our five beautiful childrento-be and instruct my younger self to quit rushing through life trying to be an adult, proclaiming that she would have plenty of time to “adult” in the future. See, I rushed a few relationships in my youth. I was engaged a few times; I never truly waited on the Lord. But this misstep became a testimony I shared with our youth group about the importance of purity and waiting for God’s will in your life.
Then, when my third-born had a tragic accident, I initially fought shame, guilt, grief, and trauma. Our son drowned. But to God’s glory, he was resuscitated and spent two weeks recovering in the hospital. Thankfully by God’s grace, he was able to run down the halls before we left. This heart-wrenching trial
allowed me to shout of the goodness of God and that He still performs miracles. He still answers prayer. I know this beyond the shadow of a doubt because He did for us.
I’ve also endured the pain of being a mom who lost her child before birth—more than once. I never thought miscarriage would be part of my story. But, after four consecutive miscarriages in the span of 10 months, God put it on my heart to share that testimony, too. This opened the door to share in Joy Unspeakable: Regardless of Your Circumstances. After I started writing the chapter, God showed up, and now I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby.
Processing through our trials allows us to see God’s provision and love in all its
rawness and, if we let it, can bring us closer to Him. And that testimony that hurts— the one you have to dig deep before opening up to someone about—is the very testimony that could lead someone else to Jesus. We don’t endure struggles only to get through them and keep the God story to ourselves. We weather, and indeed thrive, only through God’s love, mercy, and grace, and then we are given the precious gift and honor of being able to lead others to Christ by sharing what He has done in our lives.
If you are wrestling with or have bravely endured a trial, my prayer is that you will allow God to move through your toughest testimony. Commit to processing how God showed up in your life and sharing it with someone this week. And just watch how He will use it for good.
(JAMES 1:12 NIV)
Lifeis constantly changing, something we may or may not be fond of. We can be floating serenely when we suddenly find our peaceful coasting rush into the unknown territory of crazy rapids. On the other hand, we may be fully aware that change is necessary, so we endeavor to make a course correction, only to slip back into our comfort zone. Or, feeling the need to control the current, we may ignore God’s promptings for change altogether and press through with our own agenda and desires, missing out on His plans.
Change is inevitable. The flow of our lives can fluctuate depending on many factors. But although change can be difficult, it is not always bad. And we shouldn’t miss our Godordained opportunities just to stay in our comfort zone. As Christians, we can trust God and always look for His guidance and blessings through the changes in our lives.
Currently, my personal life has so many moving parts that it’s hard to look beyond the moment at hand. But through the rapids, my husband and I are paddling in unison as we try to maintain our outlook of “deal with one day at a time.” The many changes in our lives remind me of something we’ve taught our girls from childhood into adulthood: The choices you make always impact and affect more than yourself. No one exists on an island. Recently, I’ve been reminded of that constantly. The decisions my husband and I make
As I write this, part of our present change is moving from the home we raised our girls in. The memories and simple things we minimized along the way are now presenting themselves in full force as the time has come to pack up and let go. Even simple things cause a rush of emotions for both our children and us. Recently, one daughter was home helping us pack up and get the house ready to sell. She was preparing the bedroom they all loved, which had a small loft, more of a hang-out place, where many friends had signed their wall. In the process of taking down the pictures and repairing the holes, my daughter also repainted the loft wall, ultimately washing away all those memories from her childhood. I already knew it was hard for her to let go of the home, and this difficult task truly broke my heart and reminded me of the reality of our upcoming move and how it was affecting her. Our choices affect others. And we shouldn’t minimize that. Despite the fact that everyone in my family has recognized, through many confirmations, that this particular change is God-ordained, we’ve all also seen the importance of handling each other’s emotions and memories with care.
And just like our choices affect our children, their choices also affect us. As parents, it is difficult to
(PSALM 46:1-2 NASB)The flow of our lives can fluctuate depending on many factors.
watch your children make what you consider the wrong decision. That is because it is natural to want to protect our children from difficulties, especially when we recognize that their own actions may lead them into rough waters. It’s normal to feel the urge to yell out warnings or do everything we can to avert them from repeating past actions that have derailed them. But as parents of older children, we can learn and grow and change even as we allow our children to learn and grow and change. We can do that by pressing into God in prayer, who will often lead us to listen to our children as we work carefully to guide them without shutting them down. The change in our children’s lives can change us, bringing us to an even more dependent walk with God.
us. (NLT) And as Psalm 46:1-2 says, God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth should change. (NASB) As we think of God as our refuge, consider that He is our protection, strength, and power.
Life is constantly changing. Whether hitting us directly or indirectly, its impact still affects each of us in many ways. Just as my husband and I have taught our girls to listen to the Holy Spirit, we recognize that we, too, need to remember to listen to Him. Let us all lean into these Scriptures by thinking deeper, asking for specific answers in our prayers, and KNOWING that God IS with us. And He cares about all the changes we are going through. He is our refuge and strength—our protection and power. Even in our ever-changing lives and world, He will never change!
Whether it is our children or us in a whirlwind of change, we need to recognize the only thing that doesn’t change is God and His Word. As Scripture says in Hebrews 6:18, So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before
Diane is a professional meeting planner with over 40 years of experience in the hospitality industry - planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com) She and her husband, Les, have been married for over 31 years and have three beautiful adult girls. Doing life together is important to Diane as she supports his pastoral role and enjoys helping others have a healthy marriage. As AACC certified coaches, they specialize in pre-marriage, marriage fundamentals, and threatened marriages through Breakwater Coaching and in their ministry, HALO Highway, Healing Arts Life’s Oxygen. (www.HALOHighway.com) She can be reached at Diane@ExecutiveDiamond.com
Women World Leaders has been a very instrumental part of my ability to serve God.
Through your encouraging words, devotionals on your website, and some of your leadership team, I have been doing more serving in my church and in various volunteer opportunities that come up. God is using your ministry, and it’s very appreciated.
I love Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth magazine.
What would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose? For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong.
We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him — from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions.
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We can choose how we walk each moment of our waiting periods.
I often hear people say, “Why are periods of waiting so difficult?” or “Why do we feel like God has abandoned us in seasons of waiting?”
When God has us in a holding pattern, He has a purpose. These times can make us feel forgotten and cause us to ask God, “Do you see me?” But if we let them, they can teach us so much about life and ourselves, including patience and the ability to rely wholeheartedly on God and what He has for us. We can choose how we walk each moment of our waiting periods.
Next time you visit an airport, notice the airplanes waiting on the runway for take off. The organization
is amazing as planes taxi to the runway even as others are landing. But as onlookers, we can rest easy in the process, knowing the air traffic controllers are in charge. No matter the designated arrival or departure time, the pilot of each plane must wait until they get the go-ahead. It’s critical for each of them to follow the lead and the direction of those
who can see the bigger picture. If they don’t, there will be disasters all the way around, with airplanes crashing into each other, passengers being injured, and many not reaching their desired destinations.
In life, we can be in a holding pattern that we don’t understand. But God is the air traffic controller of our lives. Our holding patterns can be a season of preparation, signifying that the runway or path isn’t clear. Sometimes, God allows us to wait in a holding pattern so He can continue His work, clearing the path for His plan. He sees us—our wants, desires, and passions—and He knows the depths of who we are because He created us so intricately. We just have to release the control and wait on Him. Psalm 62:5-6 says, Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. (NLT)
them in our lives to strengthen us for the next thing He has called us to do. The season of waiting aids us in seeing Him more clearly. James 1:2-4 (NLT) states, Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Holding patterns can also protect us by keeping us from jumping ahead of what God has for us. Even what we see as the world’s rejection can be His protection. I have had experiences that have left me confused and wondering why God allowed something to happen, feeling it was hard and hurtful. But later, it became clear that God was protecting me from what I thought was right. His will is perfect. We must trust Jesus as He looks through a lens we don’t have. He sees the end from the beginning. He knows the direction our lives will go. We can choose to see Him in ALL things. No matter big or small, His hand is present.
Holding patterns and seasons of waiting are not designed to hurt us. On the contrary, God places
God’s sovereignty is so great. When you are in a holding pattern, sit back, relax, and know it won’t last forever. God has orchestrated this season of waiting so you can trust Him even more. It’s so sweet to know that the God of the universe cares enough about you to be with you even in the holding patterns of life. So, embrace each place in your life as a season that will strengthen you and allow you to see God shine even brighter.
Lisa Hathaway resides in Lexington, NC, with her husband, Everett, and their three children. As a special needs mom, breast cancer survivor, and survivor of a tragic car accident, suffering has been intertwined in her story, and she yearns for others to experience God’s sweetness through their difficulties. Lisa has an MBA and is pursuing her Clinical and Mental Health Counseling degree. She works at The Oaks Therapeutic Community and is an integral part of the WWL leadership team.
We can choose to see Him in ALL things.
I A menudo escucho a la gente decir: “¿Por qué los períodos de espera son tan difíciles?” o “¿Por qué sentimos que Dios nos ha abandonado en tiempos de espera?”
Cuando Dios nos tiene en un patrón de espera, Él tiene un propósito. Estos tiempos pueden hacernos sentir olvidados y hacer que le preguntemos a Dios: “¿Me ves?” Pero si les permitimos, pueden enseñarnos mucho sobre la vida y sobre nosotros mismos, incluida la paciencia y la capacidad de confiar de todo corazón en Dios y en lo que Él tiene para nosotros. Podemos elegir cómo andamos en cada momento de nuestros periodos de espera.
La próxima vez que visites un aeropuerto, observa los aviones esperando en la pista para despegar. La organización es increíble, ya que los aviones se dirigen a la pista mientras otros aterrizan. Pero como espectadores, podemos estar tranquilos en el proceso, sabiendo que los controladores de tráfico aéreo están a cargo. No importa la hora designada de llegada o salida, el piloto de cada avión debe esperar hasta obtener el visto bueno. Es fundamental que cada uno de ellos siga el ejemplo y la dirección de aquellos que pueden ver el panorama general. Si no lo hacen, habrá desastres en todos los sentidos, con aviones chocando entre
sí, pasajeros heridos y muchos no llegando a sus destinos deseados.
En la vida, podemos estar en un patrón de espera que no entendemos. Pero Dios es el controlador de tráfico aéreo de nuestras vidas. Nuestros patrones de espera pueden ser una temporada de preparación, lo que significa que la pista o el camino no están despejados. A veces, Dios nos permite esperar en un patrón de espera para que Él pueda continuar Su obra, despejando el camino para Su plan. Él nos ve, ve nuestras necesidades, deseos y pasiones, y conoce la profundidad de quiénes somos porque nos creó de manera tan intrincada. Solo tenemos que soltar el control y esperar en Él. El Salmo 62:5-6 dice: Que todo mi ser espere en silencio delante de Dios, porque en él está mi esperanza. Solo él es mi roca y mi salvación, mi fortaleza donde no seré sacudido. (NTV)
We can choose to see Him in ALL things.
Mantener patrones también puede protegernos al evitar que saltemos por delante de lo que Dios tiene para nosotros. Incluso lo que vemos como el rechazo del mundo puede ser Su protección. He tenido experiencias que me han dejado confundido y preguntándome por qué Dios permitió que sucediera algo, sintiendo que era difícil y doloroso. Pero más tarde, quedó claro que Dios me estaba protegiendo de lo que pensaba que era correcto. Su voluntad es perfecta. Debemos confiar en Jesús mientras mira a través de una lente que no tenemos. Él ve el final desde el principio. Él sabe la dirección que tomarán nuestras vidas. Podemos elegir verlo en TODAS las cosas. No importa si es grande o pequeño, Su mano está presente.
Los patrones de contención y las temporadas de espera no están diseñados para lastimarnos. Al contrario, Dios las pone en nuestras vidas para fortalecernos para lo próximo que nos ha llamado a hacer. La temporada de espera nos ayuda a verlo
más claramente. Santiago 1:2-4 (NTV) dice: Amados hermanos, cuando tengan que enfrentar cualquier tipo de problemas, considérenlo como un tiempo para alegrarse mucho. Porque ustedes saben que, siempre que se pone a prueba la fe, la constancia tiene una oportunidad para desarrollarse. Así que dejen que crezca, pues una vez que su constancia se haya desarrollado plenamente, serán perfectos y completos, y no les faltará nada
We can choose how we walk each moment of our waiting periods.
La soberanía de Dios es tan grande. Cuando estés en un patrón de espera, siéntate, relájate y entiende que no durará para siempre. Dios ha orquestado esta temporada de espera para que puedas confiar en Él aún más. Es tan dulce saber que el Dios del universo se preocupa lo suficiente por ti como para estar contigo incluso en los patrones de espera de la vida. Por lo tanto, acepta cada lugar de tu vida como una estación que te fortalecerá y te permitirá ver a Dios brillar aún más.
Lisa Hathaway reside en Lexington, NC, con su esposo, Everett, y sus tres hijos. Como madre con necesidades especiales, sobreviviente de cáncer de mama y sobreviviente de un trágico accidente automovilístico, el sufrimiento se ha entrelazado en su historia y anhela que otros experimenten la dulzura de Dios a través de sus dificultades. Lisa tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas (MBA) y está cursando un título en Consejería Clínica y de Salud Mental. Trabaja en The Oaks Therapeutic Community y es una parte integral del equipo de liderazgo de WWL.
Do you remember the first time you were on a plane and looked out of the window? As the plane took off, elevating higher, the buildings on the ground seemed to shrink, changing your perspective on life. Perhaps you did not have the spiritual insight you may possess now, but maybe something inside made you wonder, “Where does this world come from, and how do I claim my place in it?”
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Years ago, I had a record deal. I was chasing what I thought was success and fulfillment. But after many years of pain and self-induced heartache, I found myself vowing to never sing again. It wasn’t until six years ago that I picked up my guitar and began to sing again. This time was different. Even though my family and friends all pushed me to return to singing country, I knew my music was to be used only for the Lord.
One of the first songs I wrote was My Worship Song. remember waking up feeling irritated with God for prompting me to write again. As I sat cross-legged on the floor arguing with the Lord about not being “good enough,” He showed me that He was good enough and that was enough. I saw that it wasn’t the words I wrote or the melody I came up with that made the best worship song; it was His spirit working through my life.
As a worship leader, I sometimes find myself carrying the burden of people’s expectations. If I’m leading worship, I may become anxious
All of life can be worship if we keep our eyes on the Lord and let Him use us.
over what to say or how to say it. It is easy to feel like it’s my responsibility to make people “feel” something. This thinking is a trap of lies and all about me, me, me! I felt God was trying to guide me away from this damaged thinking. As the song took shape, God revealed to me that a life lived for Him is the most precious gift I could ever offer.
I kept searching for more. What else was worship? I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to dig deeper. I came upon Mark 12:30-31, which tells us to love God and love others as ourselves. When we love someone or forgive or help someone in need, we honor God. Love is worship! All of life can be worship if we keep our eyes on the Lord and let Him use us. When you feel you have nothing to give, remember the Lord’s definition of true and proper worship and let that be enough.
Maybe you feel like you don’t have anything to offer in worship because you don’t sing or have musical talents. That is what is so beautiful about God. His only expectation for worship is that we
bring our hearts and offer what we have. It’s the Holy Spirit who interoperates for us. He does all the work. As we live with our gaze set on things above, the light of the Lord shines through us. It shines THROUGH us, not BECAUSE of us.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1 NIV)
Sara Sahm is a musician and songwriter. She recently became the worship leader for Woman
World Leaders. Sara serves on the prayer team in her church and leads worship at local gatherings. She resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband and two young girls. She is a busy mom but tries to find a balance between home and ministry. You can download her songs for free at sarasahmmusic.com or watch videos on YouTube @sarasahm5437
Chuck had been sitting on a car lot for some time “on sale” since he has a manual transmission. Chuck is ten years old now, nearing 100,000 miles. Sometimes I feel like I’m nearing 100,000 miles! He’s good at getting me from point A to B; I’m not sure if he could get me to point Z, though.
Recently Chuck’s fan stopped spinning. This is an issue because when the fan stops, the heat from living in Orlando, Florida, becomes very relevant! One of the fan’s jobs is to blow the cool air from the air conditioner inside the car. If the fan isn’t working, the car can overheat! I probably shouldn’t say I know how to beguile this debacle, but I’ve worked out a system. I slyly turn off the
But I’ve learned that asking the Lord to counsel me through transition is always the best way to proceed.
car and coast to a red light. That’s a skill I’ve got in MY toolbox…impressive, I know. Next, I put down the windows and don’t turn Chuck back on until the light turns green. Then I buoy my ride, saying, “Chuck, good boy. Thanks for starting right up, buddy. I’ll get you fixed soon; I promise.”
I understand Chuck because I have just graduated to the 50s club, although my internal fan is still working in full force. Most of the time, I am grateful for that. But I have noticed subtle changes about myself. I feel as if my body is slowly downgrading from a Rolls Royce Drophead coupe to a Mini Coop—still cute, but with a little less giddy-up and a lot less class. Is it just me, or have you noticed that when one thing starts to go a little off-kilter, it is soon followed by a torrential downpour of a psycho season we try to dress up and call “transition”? That season makes me want to turn off the cruise control and switch to manual transmission so I can be in control!
You know what that’s like! When one reasonable situation comes up in life that is a little uncomfortable, then suddenly, you feel the mild heat that turns into a fiery furnace!!! This situation isn’t anything new. King Darius and Daniel have an awesome relationship at first, in Daniel 6, and then later in the same chapter, Daniel is in a den full of starving lions, sent there by his own friend and king! What a transition of events! There are lots of transition stories in the Bible; some take very quick turns, while others take 40 years to play out!
Even now I’m thinking about the widow at Zarephath and her son in 1 Kings 17:12, who were about to transition from life to death because they only had one meal left. And here comes Elijah saying, “Hey, can I have dinner?” (paraphrase version). I know in my own flesh I would have told him, “Well sure, then after
you eat, we’ll all go up the STREET TO TACO BELL!!!” (Yes, I have a thing for Taco Bell! It’s that Mexican pizza!!!) Anyway, I’m so glad that widow didn’t act like ME!
How do I act around my family and friends when I am in a season of transition? YIKES—that’s a rough thought!!!! I have been known to treat my seasons of transition like Peter did. From, ‘Cut off his ear!’ to ‘No, I have nooo idea who that man is!!!’
But I’ve learned that asking the Lord to counsel me through transition is always the best way to proceed.
When my mind is kept or “stayed” on Him, my mouth is more prone to stay shut during transition and will protect my relationships ‘cause I won’t be barfing out whatever my emotions dictate to me! Self-control is a skill that can be best learned in transition! Trusting Him while He wants me in cruise control will help keep me from my own manual transition. He will protect me His way, which is far better than my own way of protecting myself by building up walls of fake protection, which the enemy loves!
Transition, whether long or short, is painful. It’s costly. But it has the potential to yield some of
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
the best fruit that can stay at work within us for the rest of our lives. Surrender to the Counselor! His counsel is always 100% right. When the Lord calls me to a season of transition, He’s really saying, “DeAnn Alaine, YOU need to go to the mechanic, because your transmission is shot.”
Will the work take too long, in my opinion? YEP.
Will it cost more than what I want to pay? YEP.
Is the price I pay more than the price that Jesus paid?
NOPE. Not even close.
And, by staying surrendered to the Mechanic, not only will He repair me, but I’ll probably get some cool upgrades like a lift kit and a supercharger!!! Then when the Mechanic Stylist says I’m ready, you might see this upgraded mini coop rollin’ down the red carpet.
Dual Tailpipes and Blessings, DeAnn Alaine
DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world through stand-up comedy. She is the CEO of ComeeDeAnn Productions LLC and host of the award-winning carwash comedy show, Modwash Moments with DeAnn Alaine on SOLWIN TV. Visit www.deannalaine.com today!
Surrender to the Counselor! His counsel is always 100% right.
God is awakening warriors within the body of Christ to step up and be heard. As overcomers in Christ Jesus live their lives with boldness and courage, God unleashes freedom and power to defeat the enemy, and the devil is reminded over and over that Jesus has victoriously conquered death.
We need not worry or be anxious in any of our trials or tragedies in life because God’s Word is clear that He will give us the victory.
“Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything.” (Romans 8:37 TPT)
Victories, Claiming Freedom in Christ presents expository teaching coupled with individual stories that testify to battles conquered victoriously through the power of Jesus Christ. The words in this book will motivate and inspire you and give you hope as God awakens you to your victory!
First-century Christians faced a difficult dilemma: Who is Jesus? Is He a prophet? God’s Son sent to save us? Or a false prophet? The religious leaders saw Him as a threat to their belief system since He continuously broke their man-made rules. Because of this, they sought to get rid of Him.
Why did the religious leaders see Jesus as a fake? In Mark 2:13-17, Jesus calls Levi (Matthew), the tax collector, to come and follow Him as one of His disciples. This was scandalous! A Jewish tax collector was considered a traitor, a disgrace to his family, and expelled from the synagogue. They fell in the same category as thieves and murderers, unclean as they were in cahoots with the Roman Gentiles (non-Jews).
Scandalous grace prompts Jesus to call a corrupted undesirable to be one of His disciples. Rather than Levi contaminating Jesus and the other disciples, Jesus decontaminates him.
If this is not shocking enough, Jesus has dinner at Levi’s house with many tax collectors and sinners. (v 15) Such a scandalous reversal of Jewish expectations! Good Jews didn’t go into a ritually unclean house, deeming them unclean. Religious leaders of the day found this offensive. In their eyes, Jesus couldn’t be the Messiah since he spent His time with disreputable people who were irreligious and impure. If He were the Messiah, He would spend His time with the religiously pure.
Those who believe Jesus is Messiah recognize His scandalous grace to tax collectors and sinners. Jesus’ mission is to redeem those who are sinners. For Him to shun sinners is as thoughtless as a doctor shunning the sick for He has not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
(v 17)
Not only did those in the first century need to decide who Jesus is, but so do we. Is Jesus a prophet, God’s Son sent to save us, or is He a fake? He lives a life of scandalous grace, seeking to lead sinners of all kinds to a personal relationship with Him. I was one of those sinners who needed His scandalous grace–just like Levi. Maybe you are too.
He is calling each of us to come follow Him. He desires to dine at our tables, to extend His hospitality and intimacy to us.
Lisa Morrison holds two master’s degrees and a postgraduate degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She’s an ordained minister who has served as pastor and staff pastor in several positions in the local church, as well as in district ministerial and educational leadership positions. She’s also served as Adjunct Instructor in the Religion Department at various educational institutions of higher learning.
He lives a life of scandalous grace, seeking to lead sinners of all kinds to a personal relationship with Him.
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
(Psalm 139:8 KJV)
Dear sister,
There is something so heartwarming and refreshing in knowing that God is always present. You no longer have to feel as if you are wandering alone and abandoned. You no longer have to believe in the plans or works of the enemy because he is powerless over the power and authority of God.
The hell of what you thought would defeat you only empowered you. Where life has led you has only continued to show you the grace of God that keeps you and covers you no matter where you are and where you make your bed.
Sister, you are the epitome of a woman, and she is phenomenal. There is no place that you have been or will go that the Almighty God will not raise you up from the ashes and cause you to prosper. You are no longer a victim but a victor. You are a champion with unwavering faith in what God has already ordained for you. No more settling. No more compromise. God’s waiting, and so is the best version of who you are.
Show Up, Sister! Rise Up!
Love You, Dr. Jia
We are committed to bringing in a harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free digitally and in the printed version to our donors.
The Lord is our provider, and as this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest.
Your partnership with us in prayer and giving is a seed blossoming in the hearts of women around the globe.
As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and meet your needs according to His riches in glory.
We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your obedience and generosity.
Give on our website at womenworldleaders.com
OR mail a check to:
Women World Leaders PO Box 210895 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 (Check payable to Women World Leaders)
Women World Leaders is a registered 501(c)3 non profit. EIN: 85-4351245
It was a Sunday at my home church, Bow Down Church, in West Palm Beach. It was an exciting Sunday because it was the week my video testimony was being shared with my church family. It was an unusual Sunday as we had a guest speaker—the church was buzzing with curiosity about what our service would hold.
My testimony was shared, a beautiful message was preached, and I rushed to the bathroom after conversing with many about my testimony. As I walked into the bathroom, a woman ran out of one of the stalls and exclaimed, “Brandie!” This woman, whom I now know as Kimberly Hobbs, had been impacted by my story and wanted to connect!
I didn’t know it then, but Kenny and Kimberly Hobbs were part of the “Special Guest” team. Kimberly gave me her card and a copy of Voice of Truth and asked me to pray about some ministry opportunities with her.
I took the magazine with me and was so amazed by such a beautiful magazine and its quality! When I was ready to reach out to Mrs. Hobbs, I couldn’t find the card she had given me. Not too long after, a coworker brought a book into my workplace after hearing my testimony. The book was Tears to Triumph, by none other than Kimberly Hobbs! There was no doubt in my mind that God wanted me to connect with this ministry and this woman! Through this connection, I have had amazing opportunities with Women World Leaders to share my God story and encourage others with the hope and healing found in God. God has birthed so much from that bathroom encounter, and I now know this is just the beginning.
I believe Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders create opportunities for the Gospel to be shared while giving women the opportunity to lock arms with other women of faith and walk through life together! It’s a family! An army of women joined together to bring the kingdom of heaven down to earth. I am so thankful to now be a part of it.
Shalom, y’all, I had the wonderful privilege of meeting Kimberly Hobbs through a mutual connection. Then we found out it was truly a Divine Connection! I had been given the book Surrendered from WWL as a Christmas gift from First Care Women’s Clinic. I have the privilege of ministering for this life-affirming ministry as a Client Advocate, where I help women in the throes of deciding what to do about their unplanned pregnancies. It is such a miracle and blessing when women choose life for their babies.
Kimberly offered to send me a copy of Voice of Truth, and I was very grateful to receive it! I must admit that many magazines overwhelm me with very small print and extremely long articles. Well, as soon as I opened this beautiful magazine, I was delighted to see the gorgeous artwork and so many deeply moving and inspiring articles which were short and easy to read. I read through the magazine and thoroughly enjoyed it! I will be praying about who to pass it on to and can’t wait for the next edition!
As the Lord would have it, Kimberly and I spoke about my personal life story, and it just so happened there was one opening for an author for the book Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos. When she asked me to pray about writing a chapter, it seemed like a “no-brainer” and very quickly, I gave her my “yes!”
I published my life story, Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption, in December 2019, just before COVID-19 broke out in America. It took me 20 years to complete my book as there was much healing needed in my life before it could be published. I wrote my story with transparency and vulnerability, sharing about an abusive childhood, my chaotic hippie lifestyle, a traumatic 2nd-trimester abortion, and loss of hopes and dreams. Thankfully I was able to surrender it all to the Lord, and now I can offer hope and encouragement wherever the Lord leads me to speak. The most exciting news is that my story has been made into a narrative documentary movie! It was recently nominated for the Best Short Film Category at the International Christian Film Festival!
Jane “Goldie” Winn has been happily married to her soulmate Dave since 1974. Goldie is a Messianic Jew, and she and her husband worship and entertain in senior facilities. Goldie can be reached at: goldalah@icloud.com Website: rainbowinthenightmovie.com
know each other a little after a beautiful conversation, and then she sent me a copy of Voice of Truth. I could not put it down. The stories of so many beautiful women— their testimonies of God’s intervention, grace, mercy, and goodness—touched my heart and soul to its core. I knew I needed to learn more about WWL’s mission to help women find and use their voices for God’s kingdom.
Hi Friends!
Who would have known that God would use a very special young teen, Brandie Reader, whom I had met six years ago on a school trip with my daughter, to bring me to this wonderful community of Women World Leaders so many years later?
See, God has a divine destiny for us all, and He sets things in motion way before we even know anything about what He has planned.
Six years after I met Brandie, I reconnected with this beautiful soul through another ladies’ group she helps with, and I heard her testimony and journey for the first time. I can relate to quite a bit of her story, and we connected as adult women with a lot in common. She heard my journey full of God’s miracles and promises kept. I had almost died but was healed from COVID, and I knew I was called to share with anyone who would listen to my story—specifically women. While lying in the hospital bed for 92 days, God revealed to me that I needed to journal my experience and write a book so I could share His promises and miracles and give Him all the glory.
Brandie believed in this prophetic word so much that she introduced me to Kimberly Hobbs. Kimberly and I got to
Brandie was giving her testimony at the Women World Leaders conference and invited me to come to hear her. I went and will forever be changed. I was so touched by the spirit of the women there. The speakers were real women with beautiful testimonies of redemption, healing, and God’s grace. I met some special ladies who were also attending and felt so much community with like-minded women who just love each other and God. Through Brandie listening to the prompting of the Lord to introduce me to Kimberly and this community, I now have many opportunities to grow in Christ and share my journey of God’s goodness, miracles, and promises with many others to glorify Him and further His kingdom!
God is good all the time and shows up right on time!
Instagram: @lynnstrickland88
Tik tok : @mamalynn50
I connected to Women World Leaders through Kimberly’s brother-in-law, Kevin Hobbs. He encouraged me to connect with Kimberly right away once he heard of my passion for the Lord and doing work to help people all over the world find Jesus. The moment I spoke to Kimberly on the phone and heard her testimony, I immediately fell in love with her! All I knew was I wanted to be connected to her and to know all about what she was doing.
Her passion and zeal to help women all over the world was felt immediately and apparent in all the projects she’s worked on. I shared my story of my long hiatus away from the Lord and how He had miraculously brought me back to Him.
She shared with me about Voice of Truth, and I immediately got excited to read it. Looking through it and reading the stories and wisdom from women is deeply inspiring and uplifting! The stories are so relatable, and the knowledge and godly wisdom in this magazine is wonderful! I love reading the stories and also enjoying the beauty of how artistically designed this magazine is. You feel the love of God in the pages. What an awesome way to reach women globally. I am excited personally to see the expansion of the ministry and to see women all over the world united and touched through these writings!
We are producing global shows to help show the transformation through Christ and save souls into the kingdom. I have a passion for helping expand the kingdom and sharing the good news worldwide. That is why I love and support Women World Leaders as they strive to bring women from all over the world together!
I love reading the stories and also enjoying the beauty of how artistically designed this magazine is.
You feel the love of God in the pages. What an awesome way to reach women globally.
Looking back on my life forty years ago when I first arrived in America, I am struck by how much everything has changed. While some changes have been good, most have been for the worse. One example is cell phones, which no one had back then. Now, people all over the world have cell phones, even in remote areas like the jungles of Africa and the mountains of Nepal. I know this because I have been to these places. However, one thing that will never change is my faith in Jesus Christ.
My story begins in 1971, growing up in a poor family in the Cambodian countryside. Despite our circumstances, I was surrounded by loving family members. When I was about eight years old, my father decided to go to the capital to trade goods at the store and bring home enough money to send me and my brother to school. It was then that he heard the beautiful name of Jesus. He learned so much from the people who told him stories about Jesus, and he believed. He came home so happy
and shared the good news with our family, and we all believed it.
But then, in an instant, my life turned 180 degrees. The horror began on April 16, 1975, a day I will never forget. My brother and I were playing in an alley when we were startled by the sounds of bombs, guns, and sirens. In the chaos and mass of people, my brother and I were taken to a work camp. We were forced to work all day in the rice fields without food or water, and sometimes workers would be beaten until they passed out or died. Starvation became more and more common, and some children died while working
in the fields. Each time I was able to visit my family, one by one, I found out they had been beaten, starved, or thrown into a large hole to die.
Despite all of this, I was able to hold onto the faith that my father had shared with me. So many times, my father would say, “Believe, and you will go to a place called America.” He would recite John 3:16 to me. Even though he didn’t have a Bible, he knew that verse by heart.
Eventually, the soldiers came to me and told me I could go see my father in the next village. I was overjoyed, but when I arrived, my father seemed worried and tired. Flies were eating the flesh on his wounded leg. He whispered, telling me I needed to prepare to escape soon and take my brother with me.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5 NIV)
We tried to escape, but we were captured and stuck on top of each other inside an army truck. They drove us
to a wooded area that I had never seen before, where there was a small wooden house surrounded by soldiers. This is where they began the punishment. One at a time, they made us watch as each man was drilled through his eye. We, the children, could not even scream because we were in such a state of shock. My father died about eight months after the first escape attempt. I wasn’t there to see the torment my father took from the soldiers, but to see his body in a prison cell locked up. I tried to hold back the tears so the soldiers wouldn’t see me cry. Now what? I was angry, mad, sad, and helpless, but I thought of my brother. He was still alive. Psalm 71:4-6 (KJV) comes to mind: “Deliver me, O my God, out of the land of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.”
Little did I know that the soldiers had put my brother in a different place, which they called better but was actually worse. It was a dead place where they laid each of the
Though my life has been marked by incredible hardship and loss, my faith in Christ has sustained me and given me the strength to keep going.
kids, the elderly, and the injured on a grass bed to die. Some were already gone, their faces covered with flies. Overwhelmed with pain and sadness, I knew I had to fight for my survival. My brother’s condition worsened, and I knew that if I didn’t act soon, he would die there. By word of mouth, I learned of plans for a second escape, so I hurried to my brother’s sick camp. But when I arrived at the grass beds, his body wasn’t there. A tingle ran down my spine, and I knew the worst had happened. An old lady came close to me, held my cheek in her hand, and said gently, “I’m sorry, but he has passed.” She grabbed my shoulders and urgently said, “Go, and go now.” Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
asleep from exhaustion. When I woke up, he was gone, and I knew I was in a safe place. They weren’t beating me, and they were giving me food. In the USA, in a town called Jefferson, North Carolina, Jefferson United Methodist Church was preparing to sponsor an adoption. They adopted me. It was there, in that church, that I first heard the Gospel preached and felt the love of Jesus in my heart. I found hope and healing in His Word, especially in Psalm 34:18 (NIV), which says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
In a few moments, I ran through the forest with the others. As one of the smallest, I had to be quick to keep up. My lack of food had left me weak and feeble. We raced past the banana and coconut trees, which had once meant food and playtime but now filled my heart with devastation. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise that made me think the explosions had deafened me. It was the grenades thrown at us by the red soldier. I fell to my knees and cried. I looked up at the sky and remembered my father’s words: “Believe in God, and one day, you will go to a place called America.” I began to pray. In my frozen state, I watched as a man in uniform appeared and snatched me up. We ran wildly through the brush, shooting his gun toward the red soldiers. He managed to take out several of them. All I remember is I was with someone I’d never seen before. He was different, with a kind and gentle voice. Though I couldn’t understand his English, I could tell he was being kind. I will never forget the red, white, and blue flag with stars on his uniform. He brought me to Thailand to a refugee camp, and I fell
Though my life has been marked by incredible hardship and loss, my faith in Christ has sustained me and given me the strength to keep going. Now, after 32 years of marriage, I have two wonderful children and a daughter-in-law. I travel all over the world to tell others about Jesus. As my father would say, Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. That’s the faith my father taught me about. I thank God every day for my life. Because of Him, the blessings outweigh the pain. Thank you for allowing me to share my brief life story. If you’d like to purchase my book, it is on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and on my website: www.sivashley.com.
To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!
A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders.
Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ.
Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God's design. By developing their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God's grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God's glorious work.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my
PSALM 25:5 (NIV)
hope is in you all day long.