2 minute read

1.5.3 Evaluate and reflect

Be constructively critical: propose alternatives!

Being critical is very important, but the way in which you do that makes a big difference. It’s easy to criticize (just think of internet forums or comments). The difficulty is often in being constructive as well as critical. If you criticize something, you can, but also explain what would you change. Suggest alternatives yourself. This is really the core of a creative process.


Example 1. Put team goal first: “Our goal as a team is to make customers happy.” 2. Involve feedback on yourself and the basis: “I don’t think this is the best way to do that because I think that not everyone in our target group would like something like that ” 3. Suggest an alternative: “But maybe it is possible if we add a game element to it. “

In short, you do not have to agree with all ideas in your team. You don’t have to say “yes” to every idea. You can also respond to an idea with a “No, but only if ...” You only have to ensure that this happens in a safe environment, that you frame your feedback in the larger whole of the team and that you have really considered the idea and therefore your feedback can substantiate from your perspective and that you try to propose alternatives.

Evaluating and reflecting should never be a goal in itself. On the contrary, they are ultimate learning moments that you build on. It helps to get better, to to pick up new opportunities. Reflecting and evaluating are two different things.

If you evaluate:

Š Check whether you have achieved the intended objectives / goals. Š Is it right or is it wrong?

Evaluation is recommended at these moments:

Mid-term evaluation of the company

Š Look at the target list, the goals you wanted to achieve. Š What goals have you achieved? (And how do you reward the team?) Š Which were too easy? (Can you achieve additional challenges before the end of year?) Š Which have not been realized? And how is that possible? (Which adjustment must be made?)

Final evaluation company

Start with the target list at the end of the year and go over it. Then also evaluate the collaboration and personal growth.

When you reflect:

Š It is important not to judge right or wrong. Š Create a safe space in which you can systematically ask questions. Š Is there space and time to grow.
