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About Vlajo VZW

Vlajo is an organization that, thanks to government and business support, has a clear mission to accomplish in Flemish schools, colleges and universities.

Vlajo wants to develop creative talent. From a very young age you recognize talents and everyone owns at least one. Talent must be given the opportunity to be discovered and even more: to grow. And that is what Vlajo wants to encourage. Allow students, as young as possible, to look for their own talents is not only an important basis for making better and more accurate choices in terms of work or study, it also means an important boost for their self-confidence and youth self-esteem. After all, talents go much further than just the scores on the average school subjects.


Vlajo is a bridge builder between education and business. By familiarizing students with entrepreneurship and learning them to use their entrepreneurial skills the Vlajo-programs try to get studetns ready for a better entry into the labor market. Because entrepreneurial skills are required, whether you start a business yourself or you start working as an employee.

In addition, Vlajo encourages contact between schools and companies, which makes for an important knowledge exchange whereby both parties learn from each other and, as a result, find more connection.

How does Vlajo do that?

Through practical and experiential programs, from kindergarten to university, Vlajo stimulates the entrepreneurial spirit among young people and gives them the opportunity to identify en develop competencies. A pedagogical plan, based on the foundation of the 4 pillars of entrepreneurship (Dreaming, Doing, Daring, Continuing), forms the foundation of this highly developed learning line.

In addition, Vlajo wants to anchor entrepreneurial education in a sustainable way through the formation of entrepreneurial teachers through Train-the-Teacher programs and supportive service to teachers.

Competencies in function of the workfield

Thanks to participation in the Vlajo-programs, young people have a better view of their own knowledge and abilities, they will feel more confident and will become more successful. Their competencies are, after all, geared towards moving in a faster world filled with small and big challenges.

Stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit

Vlajo is present in 1 out of 2 schools today and is therefore the absolute market leader in the support for entrepreneurial education. Schools want to give opportunities to entrepreneurship and all accompanying competencies. And that is a smart choice, because today we have to prepare our young generation for the challenging world of tomorrow.


European Network

Vlajo is the Flemish representation of JA Europe, the dynamic European network that gives students and teachers the opportunity to participate in international trade fairs, competitions, exchange of experiences and many other activities. JA Europe reaches 4 million students annually in 39 countries.

The Vlajo-team

The Vlajo employees work throughout Flanders. Vlajo is currently counting on a team of 28 dynamic employees who follow the Vlajo programs closely and guide them. And they do that with a lot of enthusiasm! They also organize (regional and national) activities and events for students and learning coaches. Our employees are the first point of contact for the schools. Every day they strive for more entrepreneurship at the school desks and in that way they stimulate the potential of every student.

The Vlajo headquarters

The Vlajo secretariat is located at the headquarters, together with the director and some employees.

Vlaamse Jonge Ondernemingen vzw | Vlajo Innovatie en Incubatiecentrum Kapeldreef 60 3001 Heverlee Tel. 016 29 84 01

Our office is open every business day from 8 am to 4 pm.

Small Business Project with Vlajo
