5 minute read

1.5.4 Meetings

Efficient meetings

Meeting makes sense, but it is rarely dealt with properly. In this part we give substantiated tips to increase the chance of efficient meetings.


1 Individual preparation

For decades, research has shown that people come up with more and better ideas when they first work alone and then work in group. When you start working in a group right away, you influence each other too much and participants are less responsible for their input or work. Research has shown that the combination of working individually first and then in a group, produces the best results. Not only for brainstorming, but also for meetings in general. By first working individually, more and more unique knowledge is shared and participants are held more responsible (they will need to present some ideas or proposals), which leads to better information processing. So when you are in a group that is going to hold a meeting, make it a habit to first let the participants prepare individually and also share their preparation during the meeting. This will drastically increase efficiency.

2 Accountability

Individual preparation is very efficient, but only if the participants will be held accountable for it. In other words, they must also explain their preparation to the group. When they don’t have to do that, they quickly learn that they get away with not being prepared. That is at the expense of the whole team. So make sure that you ask every team meeting at everyone to share their preparation with the rest.

3 Alternate team / individual

When a new agenda item appears on the table during the meeting, it makes sense to first ask everyone to briefly (just 5 minutes is enough) check and think about the point. Then you ask what everyone has written down, even if they are themselves not convinced of what they written down. This is much more efficient than throwing the subject in the group and wait for a proposal from someone in the group.

4 Breaks

People only have a limited concentration span. It is important to take an occasional break take in long meetings. This is necessary to properly process the shared information. Taking a break also improves creativity, especially when the break is active. Activating states of mind also stimulate creativity. You can activate your mind in a positive or negative way. Frustration is, for example, is a negative mood, but it is activating and in that way good for creativity (e.g. a lot of comedy is based on frustration). Being enthusiastic is a positive, activating mood. But after a meal, for example, you are satisfied, that’s one deactivating mood and bad for creativity. So don’t immediately expect creativity after a good meal, first take an activating break.

5 Incubation

During activating pauses, your unconscious also gets the chance to process all of the information and to incubate it, which leads to more creativity after the break. The break should not be too activating or intense, because it requires too much effort from it conscious thinking to give the unconscious the chance to process information. Playing a friendly match of table tennis, going for a walk or a - not too intensive - workout is ideal to stimulate creativity. Sleep is good too. A sleep cycle of 1.5 hours that contains a REM phase is good for incubation, but the recovery time to wake up is long. During recovery you are still tired, which is not very good for creativity. But a power nap from 10 to 30 minutes can actually reduce fatigue quickly, which is good for creativity. Not that you have to sleep during a meeting, but for complex decisions it may be useful to literally sleep on it first.


6 “After drink”

Now that you are together with the whole team, you may be able to take the opportunity to also provide an informal moment. The fifth factor of team climate (see 1.5.1) is frequency of communication. The informal moment and also increase the chance of a better one psychological safety. It is at those times that you make it easier for others to tell their story or to get the chance to tell something more about yourself and that is where the trust band can do benefit. Note: do not force such moments. Keep it spontaneous and leave the choice with the people. But by making a fine proposal yourself, you can increase the chance that everyone will stay a little longer and talk.

Meetings and reporting

In a company it is necessary to consult regularly. You plan structured meetings with your team. It goes without saying that many decisions are preferably supported by the entire group. Meeting = a necessary evil? Not at all! Below you will find the importance of meetings and tips to make everything run as efficiently as possible.

Why do you have a meeting?

Š Brainstorming: together you have more ideas, Š Conference: agree on crucial points Š Giving information, Š Prepare an event, Š Resolve problems, Š Evaluate, Involvement: everyone is involved in the story.

Involved parties

Š Initiator / organizer of the meeting. This is often the CEO of the SBP Š Reporter / secretary Š Members of the SBP. Please note: not every member of the SBP must always be present. This depends on the type or nature of the meeting. What is the purpose of the meeting? It could be useful to meet by department, e.g. the executive committee, the commercial department, etc.

Tips for the organiser of the meeting

Š Careful for ‘meetingitis’! Is the meeting really necessary? Or do we meet because meeting once a week / month is the habit? Š You can cancel a meeting with a reason! Š Prepare well! Consider, for example, the preparation of the agenda items including timing, the inviting of the other members, reserve the location, ... Š Stick to the timing as well as possible. Š Less is more. Keep the meeting under control. Do not deviate. Š Create a good atmosphere in advance! Š Send out the invitation and the agenda items in advance. Š Create a good atmosphere during the meeting. Š Neutral, appropriate, pleasant location. Š Look for a drink, snacks, etc. if necessary Š Use tools (projector, board, flipchart, large sheets, post it, laptop, etc.) Š As leader of the meeting you are enthusiastic and relaxed. Chances are that the meeting participants attend to copy this behaviour. Š As a leader you make the final decission.
