1 minute read

1.6 Advise and help from a dreamcoach

Tips for the secretary

Š Report fast, work in dots, avoid phrases. Š Ensure that the following 3 Ws are covered: WHO does WHAT to WHEN? Š A report can also be an action list:


What? Who? When?

Š Do not wait too long to finalize the report. Do this when it is still fresh in your memory. Š Forward the report to all attendees + the apologies. Unless you agreed that the report is first sent to the organizer.

Tips for the attendees

When you are invited to a meeting, you behave respectfully: Š You go through the agenda items. Š You confirm your presence and suggest any additional agenda items. Š You arrive on time (or apologize in advance!). Š Your body language radiates interest. Š You do not deviate too far from the planned agenda items. Š You listen respectfully = let the others say something. Š You actively think along.

A dreamcoach is an enthusiastic and inspiring volunteer from the business world commits to guide the project to a successful result. His or her experience will take your company to a higher level and help you realize your idea. Tip: As an SBP, look for one or more of your own dreamcoach(es) that will really help you.

A Dreamcoach can:

Š open new doors for you, Š motivate and encourage, Š offer practical help in very different areas, Š offer expertise so that you get the most out of your project.

Some teams have multiple dream coaches throughout the year. This is of course permitted. From Vlajo we fully encourage this extra help!
