Set Goals Like a Rock Star

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Set goals like a rock star


A coaches guide to goalsetting —

Goals in the music industry? Say what? I know what you’re thinking. I don’t have time for goals. My goals never stick. I get excited at the beginning, then lose momentum fast (this is called ‘set and forget’). After being in my own cycle of goal-setting failure, I can totally relate to this thinking. I didn’t really care much for goals either, and tried to pin my lack of being able to pull off even the smallest goal on everything except me. I blamed my schedule. I blamed procrastination. I blamed other people. I even blamed the goal itself. The goal is boring AF. I started to resent the goal. Hate the goal. What a soulless, uncreative waste of my precious time! Does this sound familiar to you? But one day, I realised what was really going on. Suddenly the real reason I wasn’t making any headway became crystal clear. There were two reasons: 1. I was afraid of setting goals. 2. I didn’t connect with the goal – I realised the goal wasn’t so important to me.

Cue lightbulb. My goals were not aligned to what matters most to me. I was going through the motion setting goals I felt I had to set, rather than goals that had any real intrinsic purpose and meaning to me. My heart wasn’t ever really in it, and honestly, I couldn’t really remember why I had started it in the first place. I’d lost my WHY - aka my motivation.


The fears we have around goal setting —

Setting goals can be tough. We’re afraid that we won’t go through with them. We’re afraid of the outcome (fear of failure, fear of success). We set them way too big so they are almost impossible to reach. We become so attached to the outcome that we lose any sense of joy in the process of actually achieving them. Or we lose our connection to why we’re setting the goal in the first place. So, we give up. This is our brains’ very clever way of protecting us from making a change we subconsciously think we can’t handle. There’s an inherent danger that comes with meaningful and lasting change. And that can scare the shit out of us.

It is time to face your goal fears. What is the fear around your goal? That you won’t have time? That it might fail? Or that it might succeed? Other fears might be: Uncertainty: I don’t know how to get started. Perfectionism: No way I’m setting a goal unless I know I can execute it perfectly. Fear of change: I’m afraid of change and what that means for me. Resources: I don’t know what tools and resources I need to achieve my goal. Energy: This is mentally exhausting. I’m totally overwhelmed by the effort needed to plan my goals. Once you’ve identified any fears you about your goal, you’ve figured out what might stop you from achieving it. From there, work out the action needed to get over the fears.


Work out your WHY —

What’s actually at stake here? If you don’t sort this bit out, you will come up against some mighty resistance. Your WHY is your motivation. Without it, your goal is doomed. If you don’t figure out your why, your chances of success are pretty slim. Have a think about what’s gotten in your way of you reaching your goals before. Did you abandon your goal or was it never that important to you anyway? Or maybe the goal was too big or not clear enough? It’s definitely worth trying to figure out what happened so next time around is different. Spending a bit of time on the WHY gets to the heart of your motivation - why should I give a shit about this goal and bother to make the change?

Why do I want to do this?

How important is this goal to me personally?

How does this goal align with my values?


Work out your WHY —

Is it something I truly want, or is it something I think I SHOULD want?

Are other people influencing my goal?

Why is this goal worth my time and energy?


Work out your WHY —

Why do this one thing and not something else?

Imagine for a moment that you have already achieved your goal. What is it look like? What do you feel? What are you seeing, hearing and saying to yourself?


Goals. Why Bother? —

Seriously. What is the point? What will you do with the time you have on this awesome planet? Who will you become? What experiences will you have? Which people will you invite into your life? What will your legacy be? These are huge questions but when you start to find answers, you’ll know how to direct your energies toward the achievements that really matter most to you. Goals are like a roadmap to help you show up.

HOW TO SET GOALS THAT MATTER OK, you’ve worked out your WHY and are clear on your fears. Yay! What next?

STEP 1 Think small goals Ditch that list of 15 New Year’s resolutions and focus on 2 or 3 things you really want to achieve in your life or career (or both). Big sweeping goals are often so daunting they’re overwhelming. So, start small. Achieving those will give you momentum and confidence to tackle the big ones.

STEP 2 Write them down I don’t know who wrote this quote, but it’s perfect. Decide what it is you want. Write that shit down. Make a fucking plan. And work on it. Every. Single. Day. Yes. Write them down. Just saying it in your head will not be enough. Trust me on this.

STEP 3 Be (really, really) specific Large, vague goals usually backfire. Instead try and focus on a concrete goal and word it accordingly. The more detail, the better. Be clear on your timeframe. Check the SMART goal guide below for more info.


Goals. Why Bother? —

STEP 4 Make Lists This is critical. Make a list of everything that you can think of that you could possibly do and need to achieve your goal. What are the obstacles and difficulties (both external and internal)? List them. What additional skills and knowledge do you need? Write this down. Who do you need to enlist for support? List everything you believe you’ll have to do, then add to this list as new elements become obvious. Keep on writing.

STEP 5 Break your goal into small and manageable chunks Once you are clear on your specific goal, the next part of the process is to break it into actionable steps. This part of the process is really important for maintaining momentum and motivation. Avoid the de-motivation trap by being really clear on the sub-steps you’ll need to take to accomplish you goal. That way, you’ll be able to see and measure your progress which will motivate you to take the next step.

STEP 6 Have a goal reality check This is really simple. Is your goal attainable? Is it reasonable? Does it make sense? With smaller, more realistic goals, you’re more likely to succeed, so check that your goal isn’t completely over-the-top and unachievable. As you pull off your smaller goals, you’ll gain the motivation to keep going and will gain more confidence to attempt larger goals.

STEP 7 Be flexible and ready to adjust Ok, the wheels have fallen off. Now what? Reflect back on what got in the way. Is there anything you could have done to change the outcome so far? Perhaps the goal was too large.


Goals. Why Bother? —

STEP 8 Make them SMART. This step is really important. Next time you set a goal, consider if it’s SMART. And by that I don’t mean intelligent! Is your goal: Specific and Significant Is your goal specific or on the vague side? It’s all about the detail. Using stress management as an example a general goal would be, “I will stress less”. But a specific goal would might be “Starting today, I will practice one stress management technique a day for one month.” You can even get more specific and name your stress reduction technique (exercise, meditation, setting clear boundaries around being available at home after work and so on) and when you’ll practice (in the morning before work, before bed etc) Measurable and Meaningful Can you measure the outcome? How will you know when you’re less stressed? Will you measure your stress levels across days, weeks or months? Measure your progress (in a healthy way). Is it really the end of the world if you slip up one day? Look at your progress on balance or enlist a friend who can give you objective feedback. Achievable / Action Is your goal actually achievable? What specific actions do you need to take to make your goal happen? What support do you need? Relevant or Rewarding Is your goal actually relevant to you and your life or a projection of what someone else wants you to achieve? Make sure your goal is relevant to your life. Not somebody else’s. Timed or Trackable What is the timeframe and is it do-able with everything else you’re trying to juggle? Do you need to break the goal down into smaller goals? Setting a realistic, flexible and achievable timeframe that is not open-ended will help you reach your goal.


Totally lost your MOJO? —

Oh shit, I’m procrastinating (again). What can I do to break the cycle? It happens to the best of us. How can you stay loyal to your goal? Go back to first principles. What is your WHY? Why is this goal meaningful to you? Consider getting a pal on board to help you with accountability. If you’ve got serious time management issues, check out this exercise to understand how you’re managing your time. Coach Viv XO

Over to you... What are your goals for 2020? (Consider both personal and professional goals. Think small and medium goals).

Why are these goals so important to me?


Looking ahead —

What, if anything, I am afraid of with this goal?

What time-sucking behaviours do I need to deal with before I can tackle these goals?


Looking ahead —

What emotional and mental mindsets need a gear shift in order for me to tackle these goals?

What strengths, habits and processes do I need to put in place to support those goals? (Consider your personal strengths and new habits and also your assets such as your network, knowledge, experience and more).


Looking ahead —

In what ways will I take care of my personal wellbeing to maintain or boost my overall mojo in 2020? (Here’s a good opportunity to take time to reflect on your physical wellbeing as well as your mental and emotional wellbeing).

If I’m at my very best in 2020 what would that look like?


Looking ahead —

What do I need to do to bridge the gap from where I am to where I want to be?

Who or what do I need more of in 2020?


Looking ahead —

Who or what do I need less of?

What’s the smallest change I can make that will have the greatest impact on my life?


Looking ahead —

What is the personal cost of not achieving my goals?


About me

Hello! I’m an accredited personal coach and recovering perfectionist with over 25 years in the Australian music industry. I specialise in helping people in the music world set boundaries and manage self-doubt, self-care, perfectionism, procrastination and impostor syndrome. I help people uncover their strengths, skills and values and set realistic goals for life and work that are aligned with those values and strengths. I love chai tea, music, reading and sitting in a dark cinema on a hot day. I’m currently a Counsellor-in-training and plan to focus on helping people in the music industry manage their mental health. The people I work with: — Have a noisy inner critic — Have issues with boundaries (they say yes when they really mean no) — Are perfectionists — Are gold-medal people pleaser’s — Are serious procrastinators — Want more balance in their world - can’t switch off from work This has been me over the years. If this sounds like you too, I’d love to hear from you. Visit my website and sign up to my monthly newsletter for tips and coaching offers and follow my Facebook page for regular blogs.


Work with me —

Join me for a 3-session coaching program (Zoom or in person in Byron Bay area) that will help you: 1. Check your values and strengths, and how to put them to the best possible use. 2. Help you set goals that matter. 3. Sort clear and realistic steps for moving forward so you can make like a warrior in 2020. Sorted! Limited places available. Email me at for more info.

Some final tips. Make time to work on your goals. Check in with your goals weekly Be flexible with your plans. Know that you can change the scope of the goal.


Some very kind words. —

“I highly recommend Viv Fantin to anyone seeking to understand & work better with the ins and outs of this crazy and exciting business. It’s like having a super smart big sister that understands exactly what you’re going through and what you need to do next to get to where you want to be.” Gregg Donovan Co-owner & Director, Wonderlick Entertainment

“Viv is like a supportive and helpful stage mum for grown-ups. She has become the calm and wise voice in my head when it comes to employment decisions big and small. One who really gets what it means to be creative and also doesn’t mind the occasional swear. Through our chats Viv has helped me develop frameworks for analysing my job situation, and gently prodded me towards having the confidence to make some big, amazing and necessary changes” Jo Walker

“Viv was fantastic at providing me with a better understanding of my behaviour through a series of exercises and discussions that gave me insights into myself that I hadn’t realised after 45 years! The importance of my values in decision making will now become a strong reference in both my work and family life. I started my time with Viv in search of a balance between life and work and while that’s something that will take some time to finesse, there have been some great suggestions that has refreshed my approach to my hectic life with 3 children. I see this coaching as an ongoing part of my wellbeing and look forward to checking again with Viv on a regular basis. Jana Gibson Director Writer Services, APRA AMCOS

“Viv is amazing + I just love doing sessions with her. As a musician + creative who works in the music industry, Viv’s energy combined with her practical advice + huge knowledge + background of the industry makes sessions so rewarding + inspiring. I went to see Viv when I became conscious of being stuck in a few loops that I wanted to change + wanted to look at the industry realistically with someone who I respect + who knows it very well, who’d been out there on the frontline for more than 20years + worked with everyone + really knew their stuff. It’s so easy to become jaded + disillusioned or overwhelmed + confused as an artist or someone working in the creative industries + Viv has a wonderful way of offering support through ideas in a very grounded practical sense and personally in the space she provides. There’s also a lot of laughs in one of Viv’s sessions + she is genuinely a super lovely human! Melaine Knight Neon Rebel


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