Roskilde Turistmagasin 2017

Page 67


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LATEST NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD At the library you can get digital access to read newspapers and magazines from around the world, use one of the free computers or access free WIFI. Roskilde Bibliotek / Roskilde Library, Dr. Margrethes Vej 14, Roskilde

AFSLAPPEDE CAFÉKONCERTER På Roskildes førende musiksted Gimle kan du fra september til juni måned nyde gratis cafékoncerter. RELAXING CAFÉ CONCERTS At Gimle, Roskilde’s leading music venue, you can enjoy free concerts in the café from September to June. Gimle, Helligkorsvej 2, Roskilde,

OPDAG SCT. HANS’ SKJULTE OASER De færreste forbinder et psykiatrisk hospital med et populært udflugtsmål, men det er faktisk tilfældet i Roskilde. Her er det naturskønne område omkring Sct. Hans – Danmarks ældste psykiatriske hospital – ét af de lokales favoritsteder, når turen går ud i det blå.


DISCOVER THE HIDDEN OASES OF ST. HANS Most people would not believe that a psychiatric hospital could be a popular destination for outings, but that is actually the case in Roskilde. The oldest psychiatric hospital in Denmark, St. Hans, is set in a scenic area that is one of the favourites for local citizens on a day out. Sct. Hans hospital / St. Hans Hospital, Kurhusvænge, Roskilde

MIDGÅRDSORMEN I Boserup Skov, snor og bugter Midgårdsormen sig som en anden orm godt 300 meter gennem skoven. Midgårdsormen er en balancesti lavet af træstammer og andre naturmaterialer, som vi lover nok skal udfordre både store og små.


THE MIDGARD SERPENT In Boserup Forest, the Midgard Serpent twists and bends like a worm a good 300 metres through the forest. The Midgard Serpent is a balance path made of tree trunks and other natural materials. It is a challenge for both adults and children. Stien starter ved p-pladsen ved Boserupvej 100, Roskilde / The path starts at the car park next to Boserupvej 100, Roskilde


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