Get inspired for biking trips on your vacation and discover cycling routes in the beautiful landscape along the coast of Little Belt. With signposted cycling routes, stunning viewpoints, excellent accommodations, ferries, and friendly locals, Assens and all of Funen is a fantastic place to vacation on your bike.
• Signposted cycling routes with stunning viewpoints
• Excellent accommodation
• Friendly locals from Funen
All this makes Assens a fantastic place for a holiday on your bike. It’s easy to get around, and most of the routes are on smaller roads with little traffic.
If you have your bike on the back of your car or on a boat, we have suggestions for half-day or full-day trips that will take you out into nature to some of our most beautiful spots. Of course, you can also rent bikes here.
We have everything in Assens;
• Beautiful child-friendly beaches
• Hills
• Deep forests
• Unique attractions
• Cosy towns with proud traditions
• Activities and cultural experiences
Here, you can find peace and time for togetherness, as well as enjoy an active holiday on land and water.
Assens is located on West Funen in the middle of Denmark. You can reach everything in a couple of hours.
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
The mountain bike trail in Trunderup Forest, Haarby: 6 ½ km.
Assens Municipality, in collaboration with Haarby Bicycle Club (HBC), has established the MTB trail.
Trunderup Forest in Haarby is hilly with varied plantations of both deciduous and coniferous trees. There are open slopes and areas with forest, lake, and heathland, offering ample opportunity for enjoyment. The marked trail alternates between riding on gravel, forest floor, and grass. There are winding sections through dense forest, more open sections on wider paths, hairpin turns, and many steep climbs.
The trail is open to everyone and is free of charge.
Address: Akkerupvej 38, 5683 Haarby, by the dog forest.
The mountain bike trail around Brunebjerg, Assens: 4 ½ km.
Assens Municipality, in collaboration with MTB Assens, has constructed the MTB track.
The forests around Brunebjerg are hilly with varied planting of both deciduous and coniferous trees. There are open slopes and wooded areas, a stream and heathlands, offering plenty of opportunities for exploration. The route is clearly marked with white/red reflective arrows and alternates between riding on gravel, forest floor, and grass. There are winding stretches (single track) through dense forest, more open sections on wider paths, hairpin bends, and several steep ascents.
The trail is open to everyone and is free of charge.
Adress: Solsikkevej, 5610 Assens, by the dog forest.
Category green: Very easy (suitable for all on MTBs)
Category blue: Easy (MTB riders with basic skills)
Category red: Intermediate (The experienced MTB rider)
The mountain bike trail at Glamsbjerg: A technically challenging 3 km trail.
Glamsdalens Sports Boarding School, local volunteers, and the Assens Municipality have collaboratively developed the MTB trail.
The trail is marked with MTB signs and offers challenges for the advanced and experienced rider. The first section of the trail is laid out on a grassy area and constructed with natural materials featuring many ascents, turns, and descents. After navigating the numerous sharp bends, you will continue down into the forest, which offers single tracks, hairpin bends, steep climbs/ descents, and bridges. There are alternative routes along the way for the less experienced MTB rider.
The trail is open to everyone and is free of charge.
– White arrow: Main track – Red arrow: Advanced – Black arrow: Extreme
Adress: Langbygårdsvej 12, 5620 Glamsbjerg
Photo: Kasper O. Andersen
1. Start - Assens Harbour: Follow Sdr. Ringvej past Assens Town Hall and the large chimney to Thorøhuse, an old fishing village.
2. Thorø: Thorø is renowned for its stunning and pristine nature. There are parking facilities at Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus. Consider taking a walk on Thorø, which, despite its name, is no longer an island but now connected to Funen due to sanding. A small bridge crosses a drainage canal from Noret, further south. The island offers an exciting history, charming buildings, and three colonies available for rent for school camps, family parties, or similar events. Guided walks are organized on Thorø, but the island is not suitable for cycling due to its sandy paths. Continue along the cycle route and enjoy the fantastic views and winding roads. On the other side of the Little Belt, you can see Aarø at the entrance to Haderslev Fjord, Aabenraa further south, and Als and the Helnæs peninsula even further south.
3. Saltofte: Along Strandvejen, there are many excellent viewpoints over the Little Belt and many opportunities to wander along the beach.
4. Sønderby Klint: Sønderby Klint is a true paradise for stone collectors. The cliff is nearly 30 metres high and formed by glacial deposits. Here, you can see numerous springs, steep and bare walls, eroding slopes, and more or less stable grass- and herbcovered or bush-clad slopes and valleys.
5. Hagenskov Slot, former Frederiksgave: Take a detour through the impressive castle complex with Hagenskov Castle from 1775, designed by the architect Rosenberg. The castle is considered
one of the country’s finest examples of classicist architecture. To the left, you can see the large farm complex with a riding arena in the middle. Several scenes from the Danish film and TV series ”1864” were shot here, so it may look familiar.
Return by the same route to avoid the main road.
6. Slots Alle: Here, you pass the old castle bank and the old thatched water mill. You can visit the dungeon, the only remaining part from the old medieval castle that burned down in 1741. On Helnæsvej, you pass the half-timbered farm ”Flenstofte”, built in 1746. A bit further on, you will pass Gl. Brydegaard and Sinatur Gl. Avernæs where you have the opportunity to have lunch, enjoy a delicious dinner, or stay overnight.
7. Helnæs: Just after the causeway to Helnæs, Bobakkerne appears as a huge mound, covered in a colourful array of flowers in the summer. Helnæs is an incredibly exciting peninsula with impressive nature, an active cultural and artistic life, and a fascinating history. For example, visit Galleri Langager in the old dairy at Ryet 13 and Helnæs Church. West of Helnæs town lies the enormous meadow area Maden, where almost 300 hectares of meadows and fields stretch behind the beach dikes towards the Little Belt. There is an opportunity to stay overnight at Helnæs Camping or in the beautiful holiday homes by Helnæs Mølle, where there is also a restaurant.
Lenght: Approx. 47 km.
Photo: Destination Fyn
Raahaven vBækagerej
Grøfte -bjergvej
313 323 323 168 323 307 307 329 329 329 168 168 313 168 307 313 Lindhovedvej Ry e t Mullerødvej Slot s Al l é Vesemosegyden Thinggyden Skovvej Eg erupvej J o h a n R a n t z a u s V e j T r o l l e s ø v e j SøSøbyvej
LangeGyde S kårupvej Hesselbjergvej
lo mvej Gudøgyden Ræveskoven Sjodvangen Bjergegyden Springenbjergv
Thorøhusevej Herredsbjerg Snaven M a r i e n d a lsve j Søren Nordb ys V e j Sme d e g y d e n Alleen L an geg yd e Langegyd e S ø vangen
Voldtof Søbrovej B j ørnemosevej Strærupvej Ruerne Dæru Kildensmindevej NørreAllé Høedvej R avnek ærve j Saltoftevej Gam to
G a m to ft jeve
ÅStrandvej L an gel øk ek A l l é P R I N S EVEJ BOGENSEVEJ ODENSEVEJ FÅBORGVEJ HELNÆSVEJ S Ø NDRE RINGVEJ HÅRBYVEJ Midter g yd e n Halstedvej Dyrhøjvej Nyrupvej
V o n e bj e r g v e j Jesgyden
Lang s t e d g dy e n Baunevej B l a ngstrupvej Barlø
TURUPVEJ S t r an d heg n e t Bøgeskovsvej Stævneve j Hegningen Illum ø H E L N ÆS B Y V E J Kovejen
N y m a k r v s j e K ra ge mo se ve j Brovej Ørbækvej Søbrovej G l S k ol e v e j B
Vo l d t o f t e V æ n g e T
Langemosevej Vedtoftevej
Barløsevej Møllegyden
runsmose Ruegyde
ømmer -
Kirkeve j
Mosemarksvej Nyvej EBBERUPVEJ B l e s v e j
Øxnebjergvej Johan HøyasVej KirkeSøbyvej
Næsvej Flædekærvej
Å S t r a n d v e j Krogen Ryberg svej Eg ema r k sv e j Lerbjergvej EgeAllé FÅBORGVEJ ø S - a m k r s v e jKle l ing e toftevej
Lundbankevej yB s t æ vnevej
v huse
Lang s te dgy den
Koppenbjergvej S t æ n g e l r is v e j Søllestedvej S o ng e v e j Søvej D ærup Grave B OG ENS E VE J Nårupvej Hest eh a ven Bryllegyden Nørrem arks-gyden bUglevjergsej S k o v s b j e r g v e j Gamto fte jev VandværksvejgMosevårdsej D r e s e t t ev e j Ly e s m o e s y g e d n ASS ENSVE den u p v e j Bregneb jergvej Heslevej Kildevej Aborg mind e v e j He l e g å r d sve j S ko v ha v e v e j Aborgvej K ors - gad e Egebjergvej
rMulleødvej Kalle ha vegy den Tag e bæksgy den Nellemosevej Aborg Strandvej Dy b v a dsgy den Karupvej Stum pen Smejrupvej Rørmosevej Kærumvej Stimosen Karlemosevej s æ r e ty g e d n Ungersbjerg e SøbyvængetLangg a de Smejrupgyden sen N ø r r e u n d s v. Brydegaardsvej Trolle-sø-vej r B s u h oy g d e n Assens-Bågø (29 min)
gø (29 min) Ulvemosevej Bæringvej Markgy den Thorø Drejet Hårbyvej yTll evej E n g e l sv e j N ygårdsvejKærsmindevej Jesgyden grøJ ne B r ah esVej Kærmarksvej Fo l les led Torupvej Kdagerirkevej S a l brovad VedtoftevejRybjergvej Højdalsvej V i e s ø vej Saltofte
Sog neve j Strandd ybet Overdrevet HELNÆSBYVE J Bogyden Lundagervej Brahes borgvej ØSTRE R I N G V E J FÅBORGVEJ EBBERUPV EJ ÅStrandvej Snavevej Sk æ - rend svej B i kr eland S k o vk r o g e n L ø gismosesk ov Nellemosevej KærumÅ Puge Mølleå PungemølleÅ Stigmosen ÅÅ THORØ VIG THORØ SUND ÅKROG BUGT NØRREFJORD HE LNÆS AGERNÆS THORØ LILLEB ÆLT BÅGØ HELNÆS Møllerhuse Ma riendal Enemærket Sønderby Klint Nyhuse Melby Huse Lundager Lindehoved He lnæs By Sarup Nellem Dreslette Strærup Buk kerup Søllested Vedtofte Sø Søby Gamtofte Dærup Kærum Hagenskov Smejrup Bæring Snave Turup Sand ager Fl emløse Ebb er up Melby Å Aborg Thorøhuse Brydegård Un gersbjerge Saltofte Sønd erby Aborg Strand Voldbro Kirk e Søby Glam sbjerg Lille Heste hav ULVEMOSEHULE SKOV VOESBJERG SKOV BUKKERUP KOHAVE G ASSE NS Salbrovad Mullerød He lnæs Strand Skovk rogen Bru nshuse Teglsk ov Sk årup KOBBERSKOV Vold toft Nordby Sø Vistorp Dam Sarup Sø Hagenskov Herregå rd Brahesborg Gods Gl Avernæs Løgis m START 3 4 6 7 5 1 2 5
Photo: Destination Fyn
The ”Herregårdsruten” Route is a journey through the Funen landscape spanning 660 km, divided into 14 stages. The two stages passing through Assens are a combined 82 km in length.
1. Billeskov Herregård: The route begins in the north at Favrskov, where you pass through Ørsbjerg Forest/Brænde Ådal and close by Billeskov Herregård (manor) and Barløseborg Golf Club, which also features a small restaurant.
2. Erholm Gods: Next, you travel through Kerte, and further along the winding roads, you come across Erholm Gods. Every Saturday, there is a food market with local products. From Erholm Gods, Herregårdsruten continues south towards Frøbjerg, where a short detour allows a visit to Frøbjerg Bavnehøj, the highest point in Funen offering stunning panoramic views. During the summer, Frøbjerg Festspil fills the hill with talented actors and happy guests.
3. Kengerup Gods: Further along Herregårdsruten, you reach Krengerup Gods, where you can admire the beautiful buildings and garden, and take a walk along one of the trails in the surrounding forests. There is free access to the park, where you must follow the marked trails. Adjacent to Krengerup Gods are The Flax Weaving Museum and the Skoda Museum.
4. Brahesborg Gods: In the Middle Ages, there was a small manor called Bispbo here, which was rebuilt between 1638-1656 into the present Brahesborg. Jørgen Steensen Brahe, owner of Brahesborg in the 17th century, was nicknamed ”The Little King of Funen” for his extensive estate holdings. The name Brahesborg originates from his tenure as owner of the manor. In 1828, Brahesborg was purchased
by Supreme Court attorney F.W. Treschow and has since remained in the family.
5. Hagenskov Gods: From Brahesborg, you drive to Assens and south towards Thorøhuse and to Hagenskov Gods. The grounds of Hagenskov, the buildings, and the farm complex were a central part of the Danish TV series ”1864” and the later film of the same name. Filming for the series and movie took place at Hagenskov during the summer/ autumn of 2013. The castle can be viewed from the public road passing through the estate, but otherwise does not offer public access. The tour continues past Dreslette Church and further south past Løgismose.
6. Løgismose Gods: Here you arrive at Løgismose Gods, which dates back to the 14th century, when it was then referred to as ”Løuitz mosze”. Since 1965, Løgismose has been owned by the Grønlykke family, and the place has become a symbol of the good life, particularly when it comes to the many joys of dining. There is no public access, but the estate is also beautiful to look at from a distance. You will get close to Løgismose Forest, and here you can find Kafé Kammas, which is open over the summer.
7. Damsbo Gods: Continue along Strandbyvej, where you pass by Damsbo Gods. Damsbo Gods is beautifully located in the Funen countryside, with views over Helnæs Bugt. The estate is surrounded by forest, field, and beach, and your soul is enriched by the historic atmosphere. The estate is privately inhabited. Continue on to Jordløse Bakker. From here, the route enters Faaborg-Midtfyn municipality.
Lenght: Approx. 82 km.
Sand - marksvej Tybrindvej S
Rævebjerg by Strandvej Skræppedalsvej Høstmarksvej
Mygind-Glundalleløkkevej TURUPVEJ
Gamto fte jev
Bryllegyden Nørremarksgyden bUglevjergsej
Hille up vej Skovgyden
Højrupvej Vøjstrupvej K a bækvej
Akkeru pvej
L i nd eb jerg G ave g yd
Hattebæksvej Roarsbjerggyden Hestehaveve Tørvegyden Toftevej
B i k Tre
Å sbo Nord 313 313 313 329 E20 329 303 329 323 323 168 323 307 307 329 329 323 329 329 168 329 168 168 335 323 307 329 168 313 E20 E20 161 335 53 329 161 335 307 E20 54 323 168 313 329 161 161 E20 313 55 329 335 335 335 307 313 3 Østerby ve j Lindhovedvej Bøn Kukkenbjerg Ry e t H O R N EGYDEN ASSENSVEJ Amerikavej Nabben Kronborg v e j Halsmose Langerod Mullerødvej Hedek o ge n Slot s Al l é Vesemosegyden Thinggyden Filstruplund OldGyde Skovvej Pa l lesgy den Eg erupvej o h a n R a n t z a u s V e j T r o l l e s ø v e SøSøbyvej Bjerget Dyndbjergvej Østrup T a p p e rnøje Østru pvej Roveltsgyden LangeGyde S kårupvej Skovgyden Højbjergvej Hesselbjergvej Højstræde Hesth lo mvej Gudøgyden Fladmosevej Kastebovej Ræveskoven Sjodvangen Bjergegyden Springenbjergvej Trunderupvej Boelsbjergvej Thorøhusevej Herredsbjerg Odensevej Lan g s te dve Snaven Holtegårdsvej SøboLøkker M a r e n d a sve Jordløsevej Skelbanke Krogen Trunderupvej Stensbjergvej Søren Nordb ys V e j Sme d e g y d e n Alleen L an geg yd e Langegyd e Stenlund S ø vangen Vistorpvej Voldtoftevej Søbrovej Fuglekildevej B j ørnemosevej Strærupvej Enghavevej Jordløse Møllevej H o t e v e Vestergade Præstevænget Ruerne Dærupvej Stenbækvej Kildensmindevej Kohavegyden Bodebjergvej Kirkemarken Langstedvej NørreAllé Høedvej R avnek ærve j Hjelmer Saltoftevej Gam to ftevej G a m to ft jeve Søllestedvej Lilletoftevej Holmevej ÅStrandvej Bregnemosevej Præsteskovve L an ge øk ek A l é Søbovej Radb yvej H ø r u p gyden S t ubb ed am VERN N G E V E J P R I N S EVEJ L N E N BOGENSEVEJ ASSENSVEJ ODENSEVEJ ASSENSVEJ FÅBORGVEJ FAABORGVEJ LUNDEGÅRDSVEJ ALGADE HELNÆSVEJ ASSENSVEJ ODENSEVEJ S Ø NDRE RINGVEJ SKALLEBJERGVEJ L A N D E V E J E N LANDEVEJEN HÅRBYVEJ ODENSEVEJ L i mk i l d e Ortevej Paddesøvej E n g v e Hovløkk evej Nø r r e m a r k s v e Skalbjergvej Mos Ladegårdssko v Orte Byvej Nederma r ken F r bø j e rg V æ n ge G ad sbøl l evej Kron b o r g Kaslundvej Rue avej S t o r s kov ve j T e v r ngeve Mosegår dvej Ladegård Mark Tårup Udlod Grø jbet e r gvej Tvæ Appevej Hestehavevej Skovløkkevej Gl Fønsvej L i l lemarksgyd en Dyrehavelund GammeSkolevej Trydenvej Fjællebjerg Travnskov Midter g yd e n Bakken Aulbjergvej Sa ltmosegyden Kolleshusv Orte Vejsmark Have lundvej Jarlebjergg dyne Dyrhøjevej Lergyden Hjortegyden Halstedve Åløkkevej Eskørgyden Skovmøllevej Skovmøllevej Fugl emos ge yd e n Lerbæk Dyrhøjvej Nymarken yllerup Hol m e ahev gyd e n E Gmtekær ade Elverodvej Elver doev Hjerupgyde Skovbovej Balslevvej Sivkærvej Degnegyden Kådekildevej Koelbjergvej Hårevej Hårevej N yrupvej Nyrupvej Møllegårdsvej V o n e bj e r g v e j Jesgyden Hønnerupvej Hønne rup ve j K o h a v ebakken Bjergevej V n d e b e r e V t s e r g u a v s e Tellerup Bjerge Brændholtvej A ssenbøllevej Ludvigsgårdevej N dyamsvej j b yvej Orelundvej Orelund ve j Langemosevej Vædevej Vædevej ve Limosevej Vedtoftevej Lang s t e d g dy e n Baunevej P e r upve Pejrupvej B a ngstrupvej Ty br n dvej Rydskovvej Frøbjergvej Lung es ko v v e j Ejbyvej Ejbyvej Jægersmindev Barløsevej Barløsevej Agerstien Grønnegade Wedellsborgvej Wedellsborgvej rkegyden Bredbjergvej Lung h ø j ve j E jbykrog Brunsegyden Hovvej Hovvej L a ngesøvej L na gesøvej Hjerupvej Maevej Bøllemosegyden Skovv e j Skovvej Sletterødvej Grambovej Krengerupvej Krengerupvej Ålsbovej vløkken Andebøllevej Andebøllevej R o l d v e j Roldvej Skovstrupvej Skovstrupvej Ub Nårupvej Nårupvej Stærmosevej Stærmosevej Tobovej Tobovej Blæsbjergvej Sasse r o d Sk ovvan g s v e j Tanderupvej Møllegyden H ol tevej K I RKEVE J MIDDELFARTVEJ ASSENSVEJ ASSENS V E J SORTEBROVEJ HYLKEDAMVEJ TOMMER U P V EJ SKOLEVEJ ØRSLEVVEJ TURUPVEJ N Ø R R E GAD E MIDD B OGEN S E VE J G L ASSENSVEJ E HR O L MVEJ SØNDE RSØVEJ SØNDERSØVEJ K R K EHELLE KNAR R E B O R GVEJ STORELANDEVEJ GELSTED V E J NØRREGADE ÅRUPVEJ Nydamsvej S r an d heg n e t A S S E N S L AN RueHed B yh o l m v e j Jue sbergvej RUGÅRDSVEJ rodvej B l æ s bjerg v e Langesøvej Pederstrupve RUGÅRDSV Nyfæste Mosevej A S S E N S V E J Basselundvej Kildemosevej Lyhol m v e Attebove Dyredvej ODENSEVEJ bRendejergvej Sletterødvej BOGENSEVEJ F J E L L E R U P V E J Bøgeskovsvej Stævneve j Hegn ngen lumø l lemark s v e Strandholmen Egenskrog ASSENSVEJ El l e gyd en emø l leen AS V æ n geg y d Østerbyvej Nygyde Nørremarken Nørre Steensgaard B Svann H E L N ÆS B Y V E J Kovejen Elmebjergvej N y m a k r v s e K ra ge mo se ve j Brovej Ørbækvej Søbrovej G S k o e v e j Brunsmose Ruegyde Vo d t o e V æ n g e Tømmergyden Kirkeve Høedvej Vintergårdsvej Mosemarksvej Nyvej EBBERUPVEJ B e v e Øxnebje gvej Johan HøyasVej KirkeSøbyvej bGrøftejergvej ODENSEVEJ V o dbrovej Næsvej Flædekærvej ODENSEVEJ Å Strandvej Å S t r a n d v e Krogen Ryberg svej Eg ema r
a m k s v e jKle l ing e toftevej
kv e Lerbjergvej
S -
Bogyden Kirketoften Raahaven vBækagerej
kk e b æ
g dey n
N yhuseve j Lø s Gy
de Præstebuen
Lundbankeve yB s t æ vnevej S ko v huseMygindvej Lang s te dgy den
ergvej S t æ n g e is v e Søllestedvej S o ng e v e j Søvej D ærup Grave B OG ENS E VE J Nårupvej Hest eh a ven
S k o v s b j e r g v e j
ej D e s e t ev e Ly e s m o e s y g e d n Bynkeslette Tøjstedvej
Banke Stran dg a de S t randb y Skov B æ k
e v Breme hol
Strandbyvej Grave
m gyd en
e n Neversvej
K re n g e r u p v e Krengerupvej Hj o
t o h me v Hjort-
L Øs Lykkehøjsgyden Kalovn B ru s b e r gvej Hellen Dorth eal und sve j Bobjergvej Præst e - vænget Karendalsvej hSilkeus-vej Sydmarksvej ASSENVEJ Kry b Gundestrupvej Maevej Brændholtvej K v s m o s e v e Nyrupvej Sædholmvej Degnegyden gHavrebjergyden Sø n de rma k E lemosehave hTemmesave K i r keg dy e n Maltebjerggyden Blangst r u p v e Myllerupgyden Bregneb jergvej Heslevej Skovgyden bTvingsjerg-gyden Filshuse M I D D E L F A R T V E J Grindsmosevej Kildevej Barløsevej Aborgmind e v e He e g r d sve S ko v ha v e v e j Aborgvej K ors - gad e Egebjergvej MIDDELFARTVEJ Strandgårdsvej Hulvejen Gartner - gyden Mariendalsvej rMulleødvej Kalle ha vegy den Haastr u p Bjerg ve Jordløsevej H å s t r u pv e j N ymark svej Billeskovvej L ågevej Skovvej Skovjor d e n Teglværksvej Højbje Troelsevej Gundersøvej Troelsevej S o marken g Å l e m o s e v e j Ande bø l emosevej gEtterupårdsvej K n ab o sho lm v e Billesbøll e Mark Hønneruplun d v e Langholmv e Smedsholmvej NrÅbyvej Lun demosevej Rund ngen Rosen-lundv Fluebjergvej GEllesø ad e Gelstedskovvej Bøgebjergvej Tybrindvej Fuglemosegyden Kertevej mBakkeose Ørsbjerg Skovvej Skelsager Hønnerupvej vHørkærej F a u rs kovAllé Ravnholmvej S k e huseb a k k e Skelhusevej VISSENBJERGVEJ EStore Vrnebjerg ej Ly s b e r g v e Tommerupvej H e bjergvej Bred gy Korsebjergvej Spedsb jergvej mVejrølle-vej Rønholtvej FYNSKE MOTORVEJ GL HOVEDVEJ Østerskovvej Gammellundvej L i l le Ro dvej lBrændeøkken Kielshøjvej Kræm-merled Tag e bækgy den Neverkær Mose
Nellemosevej Mindevej Fønsvej Faldsledvej Aborg Strandvej Dy b v a dsgy den Karupvej Stumpen Smejrupvej Rørmosevej Bøgebjerglund Brønse ud - vænget Langesøve DyregravVæd eVej Dyregravvædevej seH bjergvokS vej yDb mo s egå d s v e j Kærumvej Hygindvej S enk s tevejVBrændekilde æde Vej Vose-mosevej Stimosen Karlemosevej Himmelstrupvej Trekantvej s æ P e ty g e d n Ungersbjerg e SøbyvængetLangg a de Blåkildevej Smejrupgyden Pindsende
F e lemoseve UTårup dlod pKirkeladsen N ø r e u n d s v V ædehave Sprattenborg Ålsbovej Spedsb ergvænget Aarupvej Brydegaardsvej Troldemoseled Trolle-sø-vej Hestbjerglund O n e b e gu n d Kelstrupvej LADEGÅRDE T ALL E R U P V EJ D y r e h avegå r dsvej Møllergyden Dilshøj r B s u h oy g d e n ssens-Bågø (29 min) Assens-Bågø (29 min) U vemosevej Akkerupv Bæringvej Ma kgy den Luh ø jvej Hanover
Bakkevej Skovmarken Ag e r s t ien Lindebjerg T ok esk ovvej Hes b j eokSgr vvej Enggårdsvej Kobbermosevej Mosevej H o n S tran Søbovej Mellemvej Thorø Drejet Hedestedvej Hårbyvej Mosegyd e n Husemosevej Mølleknappe Kaslundvej Stadsbjergvej Bøgholmvej Vestermosevej yT evej E n g e sv e Indre Ringvej S dnø erg a de N ygårdsvejKærsmindevej M nendalshuse FYNSKEMOTORVEJ Jesgyden grøJ ne B r ah esVej Kærmarksvej Fo l les e d S k ånemosegyden Kelstrupskovvej Skovsbyvej Kongsbjergvej Klintebakkevej Torupvej SandagerKirkevej S a brovad VedtoftevejRybjergvej M agtenbøllevej Højdalsvej V e s ø vej Saltofte Strandvej Høj s ho m v e j ASSENSVEJ L le Lundager Dam m e n Rødstenvej ASSENSVEJ Storegade Gran ly ve j Gremmeløkkevej ORELANDEVEJ H ov gå r dsvej KINGSTRUPVEJ Tellerupvej S ønd er gå rdevej Hønnerupvej Hækkebøllevej Ejbyvej R i dd ersti en B llesbøllevej dsbjergvej R ø r u pgyden Rørup Mark ODENSEVEJ Dyregårdsvej GELSTEDVEJ BOGENSEVEJ F a dbjergvej G elsted M o es Ørsbjergvej Hjerupvej MOSELUNDVEJ Sog neve j Aug ustenbo g Frøbjergvej Skovhusevej Lilleskovvej RYTTERGADE MØLLEBAKKEN Kirkebj e r g N e v e sv e OVERGADE Magtenbøllevej ASSEN S EV J ØSTERGADE GVESTERADE Øghavehusvej Fladbjerggård Sortenkærvej UGÅRVEJ Strandd ybet Overdrevet HELNÆSBYVE J Bogyden Lundagervej Brahesborgvej ØSTRE R I N G V E J FÅBORGVEJ EBBERUPVEJ ÅStrandvej Snavevej Sk æ - rend svej B kr eland S k o vk r o g e n L ø gismosesk ov Nellemosevej ASSENSVEJ Haastru p v e j Strandbyvej AKKERUPVEJ FÅBORGVEJ ASSENSVEJ Vøjstrupvej PileAvej l e r u pg yd en ALLERUPVEJ FÅ VB EJ Skovsbovej H oltev e j Bankevej en Bavneh ø j Alenbæk HaarbyÅ Hattebæk KærumÅ Puge Mølleå PungemølleÅ Skelbæk Ålebæk Hybækken Hyg nd Bæk Laven Bæk Stigmosen ÅÅ eå Ladegårds Å Od e n s e Å HorneMølleÅ MSværup ølleå Brændeå Brændeå NordfynsKommun Ode Kom AssensKommune FaaborgMidtfynKommune MiddelfartKommune AssensKommune Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune Assens Kommune MiddelfartKommune AssensKommune AssensKommuOdenseKomm KNordfyns Aommune ssens Kommune SØNDERFJORD THORØ VIG THORØ SUND ÅKROG BUGT SØNDERFJORD NØRREFJORD ILLUM HELNÆS BUGT HORSEH OVED V GØ AGERNÆS THORØ LILLEB ÆLT BÅGØ EMTEKÆR HELNÆS Magtenb ølle Mark Søbo Møllerhuse Mariendal Tallerup Huse Skovstrup Nakke Sibir en Rydskov Enemærket Radby Eskør Sønderby K int Nabben Nyhuse Melby Huse Lundager Rold Blæsbjerg Kådek de Gundestrup Damsbo Strand DYRED BANKE Haastrup Lindehoved He lnæs By Sva Millinge Mosegård Lunge Håre Ørslev Stubberup Allerup Ker te Langsted Akkerup Sarup Nellemose Dres ette Strærup Glamsda Højrup Bukkerup Søllested Vedtofte Sø Søby Gamtofte Kaslunde Etterup Ålsbo Dærup Kærum Bregnemose Trunderup Hagenskov Smejrup Bær ng Myllerup Hjorte Favrskov Assenbølle Kelstrup Gadsbølle Ellesø Væde Gadstrup Vest Hæs Jordløse Snave Turup Sandager Fjelste d Verninge Bryll Flemløse Ebberup Haarby Melby Stærmose ns Udby Ro und Å Aborg Radby Aarup Gummerup Gelsted Bred Sønder Åby Koe bjerg Thorøhuse Orte Strandby Brydegård Ungersbjerge Saltofte Sønderby Skallebjerg Aborg Strand Voldbro Barløse Lunghøj Nedermark Tanderup rup Grøn nemose Kirke Søby Glam sbjerg Højbjerg Huse Andebø e Ornebjerg Sprattenborghuse Brønserod Skovsby Bred bjer Kelstrupskov Tom merup Stationsby Tom merup Nr Broby Ørsted Erholm Kirkeskov Himmelstrup Skov Traun Skov Farbjerg Skov Ravnebanke Sko Rønnemose Duered Posen Al erup Have S gnekær Præsteskov Bøgho m Røverskov Husemose S etterød Skov E ve od Skov L l efald Heste have TJÆREHAVER SMUT TEHAVER BLÆSBJERG SKOV ÅRL GMARK SKOV KATSHEGNE HØGSHOLT HANNESLUND BROBY SKOV ULVEMOSEHULE SKOV SØLUNG GRØFTEN LUNGE BJERGE SØNDEGÅRDE SKOV ÅLSBO BANKER GREVINDE SKOV FREDSKOV FJÆLLEBRO HOLT VOESBJERG SKOV BUKKERUP KOHAVE SK ANNESHAVE BILLESKOV SKOV L LLESKOV GRØNNEFALD BILLESKOV FAURSKOV BJERGE ØGHAVEN NÅRUPSKOV DYREHAVEN ØRSBJERG SKOV HÅRE BJERGE ØRSLEV BJERGE Skallebølle ASSENS Skalbjerg Render Hygind Falden Sandager Næs Salbrovad Ladegård GLAMSBJERG HEG N Mullerød løkke Troelse He lnæs Strand Skovkrogen Højbolund Brunshuse HESBJERG SKOV Holte SJORMARKEN RUEHEDE SKOV Magtenbø e ØSTERSKOV Rud Husby Balslev Ejby Hønnerup Tellerup Kingstrup Hækkebølle Sletterød Rørup Ørsbjerg Skyd ebjerg Hjerup Emtekær Frøbjerg Grøftebjerg Vissenbjerg Ubb r Morud Teg skov Skårup KOBBERSKOV Faldsled Voldtofte Køng Vøjstrup Broby Hesselhoved Nårup NÅRUP BJERGE Langesø Nordby Sø Vistorp Dam Sarup Sø Søbo Sø Søholm Sø Hagenskov Herregå rd Damsbo Herregå rd S eensgaa rd Herregå d Brahesborg Gods Grubb e Mø e Gl Avernæs Løg s mose 3 4 5 7 2 6 1 7
Photo: Kasper O. Andersen
Start at Assens Harbour and head south to Thorøhuse.
1. Thorøhuse: Follow Sdr. Ringvej from Assens towards Thorøhuse, a small, old fishing hamlet with narrow alleys best explored on foot. There are toilet facilities and parking at Thorøhuse Forsamlingshus.
2. Thorø: Consider taking a walk on Thorø. A small bridge crosses a drainage canal from Noret, located further south. The island has an intriguing history, quirky buildings, and houses three colonies that can be rented. There is a lot of sand on the paths, making the island unsuitable for cycling. Continue on the route and enjoy the fantastic views and winding roads. On the other side of the Little Belt, Aarø is visible at the entrance to Haderslev fjord, further south you can glimpse Aabenraa and even further south, Als.
3. Å Strandvej: Leads to a beautiful bathing beach opposite the campsite.
4. The dungeon at Slot’s Banke: Further ahead, the route turns right through Slots Alle. Consider taking a detour to the large castle mound and see the old dungeon at the top of the mound. Here, Bishop Jacob Erlandsen was imprisoned in 1259.
5. Hagenskov Castle, former Frederiksgave: Continue through the splendid castle estate with Hagenskov Castle from 1775. The castle is considered one of the country’s finest neoclassical buildings. To the left, you see the large farmstead complex with a riding arena in the centre. Turn left onto Prinsevej, named after Prince Frederik VII, who was governor of Funen before becoming king. He used Hagenskov as his summer residence.
6. Spinderhuset: On the route to Ebberup you’ll find Spinderhuset, originally the gatehouse in the alley to Hagenskov. From Prinsevej, turn left and
shortly after, right over the railway tracks from the former railway between Assens and Tommerup.
7. The spinning school: The road takes you along Ravnekærvej. At No. 48 was the old spinning school from the time when hemp production was in its heyday on Funen in the early 1800s. Consider visiting The Flax Weaving Museum at Krengerup to learn more.
8. Gamtofte Church: Cross the junction at Odensevej and continue through Voldbro to Gamtofte Church, a 12th-century church with fine details. Inside, you can see the beautiful and modern church windows by Peter Brandes, which give the church space a special light.
9. Memorial: Opposite the church is a memorial stone for a crew of eight who were killed in a plane crash in May 1944. The propeller from the aircraft is positioned next to the stone. The Lancaster aircraft had not laid mines near Kiel as planned but was shot down by the Luftwaffe and crashed in the vicarage garden - the crater is still visible. The vicarage burned down along with two thatched cottages in the town, and the church’s roof was severely damaged. Continue towards Assens along Brahesborgvej.
10. Brahesborg: To your right, you pass the manor house Brahesborg, built as a Renaissance castle in 1656 and rebuilt in a neoclassical style in 1756. Take a detour through the breeding facility and note the stripes in the paving near the main building. These are serfdom stalls. Each leasehold farm had its slot on the paving, so the steward could easily oversee whether everyone had arrived for serfdom labour.
11. Sulegården: In Lundager lies Gallery Sulegården. The farm is a fine representative of the Funen sulegårds. A sulegård has a special construction of timber, suler, which supports the roof structure. Follow the route back to Assens.
Lenght: Approx.
26,5 km.
313 323 323 307 307 168 313 168 307 313 y e t Slot s Al l é Thinggyden Skovvej Eg erupvej J o h a n R a n t z a u s V e j T r o l l e s ø v e j SøSøbyvej Roveltsgyden LangeGyde Hesth lo mvej Gudøgyden Ræveskoven
Bjergegyden Boelsbjerg Thorøhusevej Herredsbjerg Snaven M a r i e n d a lsve j Søren Nordb ys V e j Sme d e g y d e n L an geg yd e Langegyd e S ø vangen Vistorpvej B j ørnemosevej Ruerne Kildensmindevej NørreAllé R avnek ærve j Saltoftevej Gam to ftevej G a m to ft jeve Sølle Lilletoftevej ÅStrandvej L an gel øk ek A l l é P R I N S EVEJ ODENSEVEJ FÅBORGVEJ HELNÆSVEJ S Ø NDRE RINGVEJ Klintende S o mmerodden Midter g yd e n øjevej Halsted Dyrhø Møllegårdsvej V o n e bj e r g v e j undvej Langemosevej Vedtoftevej Lang s t e d g dy e n Baunevej B l a ngstrupvej Barløsevej Barløsevej Møllegyden TU S t r an d heg n e t Stævne Hegningen H E L N ÆS B Y V E J Kovejen Elmebjergvej Brunsmose Ruegyde Høedvej Vintergårds vej Mosemarksvej Nyvej EBBERUP B i l l e s v e j Øxnebjergvej Johan HøyasVej K Grøfte -bjergvej Voldbrovej Næsvej Flædekærvej ODENSEVEJ Å Strandvej Å S t r a n d v e j Krogen Ryberg svej Eg ema r k sv e j Lerbjergvej EgeAllé FÅBORGVEJ ø S - a m k r s v j e jKle l ing e toftevej Bogyden
Noret P r i n s e h ø j sv e j Lundbankevej yB s t æ vnevej S ko v huseMygindvej Lang s te dgy den Mygind-Glundalleløkkevej TURU PVEJ TURUPVEJ Søvej
S k o v s b j e r g v e j Gamto fte jev V v gMose vårdsej Maltebjerggyden Blangst r u p v e j Myllerup gyden bB jergv
Filshuse V E J Kildevej Aborg mind e v e j He l e g å r d sve j S ko v ha v e v e j
K ors - gad e Egebjergvej
Strandgårdsvej Hulvejen er - yden Mariendalsvej Kalle h Tag e bæksgy den Aborg Strandvej Dy b v a dsgy den Karupvej Stum pen Smejrupvej Rørmosevej Kærumvej
Ungersbj Smejrupgyden pKirkeladsen N ø r r e l u n d s v. Brydegaardsvej Trolle-sø-vej r B s u h oy g d e n Assens-Bågø (29 min) Assens-Bågø (29 min) Ulvemosevej Bæringvej Markgy den Thorø Drejet yTll evej E n g e sv e j
N ygårdsvejKærsmindevej grøJ ne B r ah esVej
Fo l les led Torup
vej SandagerKirkevej S a l brovad Vedto Rybjergvej Højdalsvej V i e s ø vej Saltofte Strandvej Lille Lundager Overdrevet HELNÆSBYVE J Bogyden Lundagervej Brahes borgvej ØSTRE R I N G V E J FÅBORGVEJ EBBERUPV EJ ÅStrandvej Snavevej Sk æ - rend svej B i kr eland KærumÅ Puge Mølleå ÅÅ THORØ VIG THORØ SUND ÅKROG BUGT AGERNÆS THORØ LILLEB ÆLT BÅGØ HEL NÆ Møllerhuse Ma riendal Enemærket Sønd erby Klint Nyhuse Melby Huse Lundager Fiskerhusene He lnæs By Bågø B y Sø Søby Gamtofte Kærum Hagenskov Smejrup Bæring Myllerup Sn Turup Sand ager Ebb er up Melby Å Aborg Thorøhuse Brydegård Un gersbjerge Saltofte Sønd erby Aborg Strand Voldbro Barløse Kirk e Søby ULVEMOSEHULE SKOV ASS E N S Salbrovad Skovk Bru nshuse Teglsk ov KOBBERSKOV Nordby Sø Vistorp Dam Hagenskov Herregå rd Brahesborg Gods Gl Avernæs START 2 3 1 7 8 11 4 5 6 9 10 9
Raahaven vBækagerej
Bryllegyden Nørrem arks-gyden
Start at Assens Harbour.
1. Mariendal Beach: Just past the harbour lies Mariendal Beach with bathing jetties. Continue on Mariendalsvej to the residential area with views of Bågø.
2. Aborg: Aborg has long been a large and significant village with many farms and houses. Consider taking a detour to Aborg Strand (beach), which has a nice bathing jetty. The route continues towards Tvingsbjerg Lighthouse. Initially, you may not see a lighthouse, as the light consists of a leading light in a private residence at Aborg Minde (memorial) and a rear light at Baunet further inland.
3. Aborg Nor (bicycle path only): Further on, you’ll pass the dam and pump station at Aborg Nor. Puge Mølle Å flows here into the Little Belt. In The Viking Age, it was possible to sail up Puge Mølle Å, and the name Aborg suggests there was a castle at least on the south side, but ruins have also been found on the north side. The dam was established in 1913 to prevent flooding with salt water from the Little Belt. The wetland has a rich bird life, for example, sea eagles, snipes, redshanks, and various ducks and geese.
4. Baunet: Turn right onto Baunevej. On the left hand, you’ll find ”Baunet,” a mound hill with a shelter and fire pit. At the foot of the hill, there is a picnic area and a playground. On the other side of the road lies Tvingsbjerg rear light, a black-painted tower. Throughout the area around the valley, various vegetables are grown - asparagus, onions, strawberries, peas, potatoes, cabbage, corn, which are sold in season from the farm shop at Torup Bakkegård.
5. Sandager Church: From the hilltop on the road, you can see the entire Puge Mølle Å with
both Sandager and Barløse Churches. The spire of Sandager Church is set up as a seamark by the Lighthouse and Buoy Service. Drive along Langemosevej and Barløsevej. Inside Sandager Church, there is a Madonna statue carved by Claus Berg in the early 16th century. Turn right onto Sandager kirkevej and straight over Middelfartvej to Barløse Church.
6. Barløse Church: High above the landscape, the church, dating from the 12th century and one of the first Romanesque churches, sits atop its hill and is also an official seamark. From the church, you can make a detour to Barløseborg Golf Club. From Barløse Church, drive along Langstedgyden. Turn right onto Bæringvej and then left onto Barløsevej.
7. Puge Mølle (mill): Just before you reach the old ford Salbrovad, Puge Mølle Farm lies at Barløsevej 2. From the road, you can glimpse the old timberframed building that houses the water mill. Puge Mølle has existed at this location since the 16th century. Continue to Salbrovad and turn left onto Middelfartvej towards Assens.
8. Holevad Church: On the left hand lies Holevad Church. From Middelfartvej, drive along Bækagervej and Jørgen Brahesvej to Brahesborg.
9. Brahesborg: The road passes through the breeding farm, and from the courtyard, there is a fine view of the main building. The Renaissance house was rebuilt in Classical style in 1756. Turn left onto Brahesborgvej and note the impressive drawbridge over the moat.
10. Sulegården: In Lundager lies Gallery Sulegården. The farm is a fine representative of the Funen sulegårds. A sulegård has a special construction of timber, suler, which supports the roof structure. Follow the route back to Assens.
Lenght: Approx. 26,7 km.
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
Torupvej SandagerKirkevej
Markgy den
Bryllegyden Nørrem arks-gyden bUglevjergsej Gamto fte jev
Johan HøyasVej Voldbrovej
313 313 323 323 307 168 313 168 307 313 Slot s Al l é Thinggyden Skovvej Eg erupvej Roveltsgy Gudøgyden Rævesko Sjodvangen Bjergegyden Thorøhusevej Snaven M a r i e n d a lsve j Søren Nordb ys V e j L an geg yd e Langegyd e S ø vangen B j ørnemosevej Kildensmindevej NørreAllé R avnek ærve j Saltoftevej Gam to ftevej G a m to ft jeve Lilletoftevej ÅStrandvej L an gel øk ek A l l é P R I N S EVEJ ODE FÅBORG EJ S Ø NDRE RINGVEJ Klintende E n g v e j dden Midter g yd e n Kolleshu Jarlebjergg dyne Hjortegyden E Gmtekær ade Hjerupgyde Møllegårdsvej Orelundvej Orelund ve j Langemosevej Holmemarksvej Lang s t e d g dy e n
B l a ngstrupvej
Hjerupvej Sk ovvan g s v e j
S t r an d heg n e t Vint M
Wedellsborgvej Wedellsborgvej
Tanderupvej Møllegyden
Å S t r a n d v e j Krogen Ryberg svej Eg ema r k sv e j LerbjergvejFÅBORGVEJ ø S - a m k r s v j e jKle l ing e toftevej
Flædekærvej ODENSEVEJ Å St randvej
vBækagerej Noret P r i n s e h ø j sv e j Høstmarksvej yhuseve j Rørdamsvej Lø s Gy de Præstebuen Lundbankevej yB s t æ vnevej S ko v huse
Lang s te dgy den
Kirketoften Raahaven
Aborg mind e v e j He l e g å r d sve j S ko v ha v e v e j Ab orgve j K ors - gad e Egebjergvej
Hulvejen Gartner - gyden Mariendalsvej N ymark svej Billeskovvej Kertevej mBakke-
Tag e bæksgy den Aborg Strand vej Dy b v a dsgy den Karupvej Stum pe n Smejrupvej Rør mosevej Kærumvej
Blåkildevej Smejrupgyden Pindsende
(29 min) Assens-Bågø (29 min) Ulvemo se
Kirkepladsen Assens-Bågø
Enggårdsvej Thorø Drejet Mø Prinse-N ygård
r ah
svejKærsmindevej grøJ
esVej Kærmarksvej Fo l les led
S a
V i
Saltofte Strandvej Lille Lundager Hjerupvej Bogyden Lundagervej Brahes borgvej ØSTRE R I N G V E J FÅBORGVEJ EBBERUPV EJ ÅStrandvej KærumÅ Puge Mølleå Ålebæk ÅÅ Brændeå MiddelfartKommune AssensKommune THORØ VIG THORØ SUND THORØ BÅGØ EMTEK ÆR Møllerhuse Ma rie ndal Nak ke Sønd erby Klint Nyhus e Me lby Huse Lundager Fiske rhuse ne Stu bberup Ker te B y Gamtofte Kas lunde Kærum Hagenskov Sm ejrup Bæring Myllerup Tur Sand ager Ebb er up Me lby Å Aborg Sønd er Åby Thorøhuse Brydegård Salt oft e Sønd erby Aborg Strand Voldbro Bar løse ULV O V BIL LESKO V SKOV BIL LESKO V ASS E N S San dag er Næs Salbrovad Husby Hjerup Emt ek ær Teglsk ov K Nordby Sø Hagenskov Her r egå rd Br ahe sborg Gods borg START 2 1 10 7 6 4 3 9 5 8 11
l brovad Højdalsvej
e s ø vej
1. Start - Vissenbjerg Storkro: Turn right onto Søndersøvej and continue straight ahead. Then you will find the parking area for Terrariet Reptile Zoo and Vissenbjerg Bakker on your right hand side.
2. Terrariet Reptile Zoo: Terrariet is a specialist zoo boasting one of Scandinavia’s largest collections of reptiles, amphibians, scorpions, spiders, insects, and more.
3. Vissenbjerg Bakker (hills): Embark on a Funen mountain tour. Here, at the top of Funen, glaciers have left behind a large area with mighty hills, steep slopes, and deep gorges. At “Udsigten”, you have reached 129 metres above sea level, where a magnificent view towards Brændholt Bjerg and Frøbjerg Bavnehøj opens up.
4. Lilleskov Teglværk (brickworks): Continue the trip towards Tommerup Stationsby. Take a short detour along Lilleskovvej to visit Lilleskov Teglværk. The museum was founded in 1985 to preserve and operate Lilleskov Teglværk. It is only open a few days a year, but you can visit by special arrangement.
5. Galaksen nature playground in Nårup: The journey continues to the village of Nårup, which features the distinguished village Galaksen - a nature playground created through a large volunteer effort, and truly worth a visit. Along with the village hall, it now forms Nårup’s absolute communal hub, where both locals and visitors can frolic. There are football fields, a zip line, a playground, two pétanque courts, a fire pit, and tables/benches. It’s a cosy place to eat your packed lunch.
6. Denmarks Bird Zoo: From Nårup, continue along Skovvej. Here, you will pass the bird park. In the park, you can experience about 800 different birds from around the world - including storks, ostriches,
parrots, waterfowl, and owls.
7. Frøbjerg Bavnehøj - Funen’s highest point: Continue to Frøbjerg and climb Frøbjerg Bavnehøj, which is Funen’s highest point at 131 metres. From the top of the Bavnehøj, there is a fantastic view across Funen. The landscape was formed during the ice age. In ancient times, fires (beacons) were lit on these hills around the country to communicate with each other. The Bavnehøj is part of a characteristic dead ice landscape. The hills are flat at the top with very steep sides and distinctive meltwater gorges. The 12-hectare area around Frøbjerg Bavnehøj is owned by the Danish Nature Agency and was protected in 1947. The area comprises two hills, the main Bavnehøj at 131 metres and the smaller hill at 122 metres.
At Frøbjerg, there is also a memorial grove for the victims of the occupation period and several other memorials. In the old icehouse at the base of Frøbjerg Bavnehøj, there is a small summer-open exhibition that tells the history of the Bavnehøj. Frøbjerg was named after the god of fertility, Frø or Freyr. In ancient times, Frøbjerg was a sacred place where a sacrificial feast was held before spring arrived. Near the smaller hill is the festival site, where Frøbjerg Festspil has been hosting open-air theatre since 1986. Each year, the festival attracts up to 25,000 people to nature. Until 1910, the hills were grass-covered without trees and were used for grazing sheep and cattle. The Bavnehøj Society planted many of the existing trees in 1911-1912, but many more trees and bushes have been added since then, which have been pruned to preserve the unique view. Today, the hills are grazed by sheep, which help keep trees and bushes at bay.
Lenght: Approx. 35 km.
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
Grøn nemose
S ønd er gårdevej Hækkebøllevej
Lindebjerg T ok esk ovvej
Neverkær Mose VestergadeBREDGADE
Indre Ringvej
ej jergvej
La degård
Skyd ebj erg
Sogn eve j
Sp rattenborg huse
An debølle
Elverod Sk ov
Højbje rg Huse
Grøf tebj erg
Fa rbjerg Sk ov
Traun Sk ov
Himmelstrup Sk ov
Skovsby Kelstrupskov
Sk allebø ll e
Ma gte nbølle
Sk albjerg
Augu stenborg Frøbjergvej Skovhusevej
Tommerup St atio nsby
bjergvokS vej
hove d
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• About Bågø: There are 25 residents on this small island in the Little Belt, about a half-hour ferry ride from Assens.
Bågø can be windswept and at times has a harsh climate during the winter, but it is an idyllic island when spring arrives. There is plenty of nature that can provide peace and harmony for nature lovers, who can easily spend several days exploring Bågø.
Bågø is located in a Bird Protection Area, so there are excellent opportunities for bird watching, for example, from the two bird hides.
Bågø offers, among other things, flat stretches with views of the Little Belt, Funen, and Jutland. The cycling route leads through the island’s village with its well-preserved farms and out to beautiful natural areas and bird sanctuaries. There are several trails that invite you to let your bike rest while you explore the island on foot. Inside Bågø town, there is a small local history museum.
• Bågø town: In the middle of the island lies the cosy and well-maintained Bågø town, which can be traced back to the 13th century. The original “town plan” is preserved with large farms on both sides of the wide village street. No formal land redistribution has been carried out, but five of the farms have been
relocated due to fire or lack of space. Over time, various service functions have wedged themselves among the farms: a grocer, dairy, and smithy, which are now gone, but the buildings can still be located.
• Bågø church: The church was built in 1861 and positioned so that the Count of Wedellsborg, who had made a significant financial contribution, could have a clear view of it. The furnishings and decorations are simple, but a couple of items stand out, including the richly ornamented chandeliers and the church ship ”Fredericus Quartus”, which was donated to the church by a Copenhagen resident as a token of gratitude for the Bågø girl he had ”abducted” from the island.
• Bicycle rental: Bicycles are available for self-service hire at the harbour. There are 30 bicycles for adults and 20 for children. Put the money in the box, take a bicycle, and return it to the same place.
Price: 20 DKK per bicycle, trailer 5 DKK Phone: +45 6471 2527
• Transport to Bågø: You can reach Bågø by ferry from Assens, and the journey takes half an hour.
The ferry can carry about 50 passengers and a small number of cars.
Lenght: Approx. 35 km.
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
From April to October, you can ride rail bikes from Tommerup Station to Assens—a stretch of about 29 km.
You can start the journey from Assens, Glamsbjerg, or Tommerup. Along the way, you might enjoy views of Dreslette Church, Helnæs Bay, and the old fishing village of Thorøhuse.
Rail bikes are easy to pedal. There is room for three or four on the bike, and there’s even space for luggage and provisions. You can also pick up supplies along the way. Along the track, there are picnic areas with tables and benches.
To ride a rail bike, you must be at least 15 years old, and to hire one, you need to be at least 18 years old. There are specific rules for ”crossings” which you will receive when you hire the bike.
Rail bikes must always be returned to the starting point.
The lush landscape can be enjoyed peacefully from the rail bike, without any traffic issues. If you feel like taking a break during the ride, just stop and take a pause. The route goes through the most beautiful Funen countryside with open fields and forests..
The route has 6 stages:
1. Tommerup St. – Tommerup: 3,3 km
2. Tommerup – Nårup: 3,7 km
3. Nårup – Glamsbjerg: 4,2 km
4. Glamsbjerg – Flemløse: 4,6 km
5. Flemløse – Ebberup: 6,1 km
6. Ebberup – Assens: 7,2 km
Turning the rail bike: The bike can always be turned, but as it weighs about 120 kg, it requires 3-4 people. There are also two turntables along the route, which can assist. They are located here:
• Nårup (Galaksen)
• Ebberup
Lenght: Approx. 29 km.
Photo: Destination Fyn
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
Bed + Bike is a quality label for accommodation providers that offer special facilities for cyclists. The certification scheme ensures you the best cyclistfriendly places to stay.
Along the way, you can encounter Bike Friends, where at every location there is at least the possibility to:
• Pump your bike
• Fill your water bottle
• Use the toilet or get information about the nearest toilet
You can recognize the helpful Bike Friends by the green signs on your route. Also note the yellow markers for Hike Friends – there you can also get water and find a toilet.
One of the North’s best cycling destinations – BIKE ISLAND.
In the heart of Denmark lies the green and cyclefriendly Funen, waiting to be explored. Funen and the Archipelago are BIKE ISLAND because the area, with its 1,200 km of signposted cycling routes, offers both young and seasoned cyclists the opportunity to discover a widely branching terrain of cycling. It varies from flat stretches close to the coast to hilly country roads winding through fields, forests, idyllic villages, and market towns.
Take your bike on island hopping and experience island life on the many small islands surrounding Funen or discover cycle-friendly Odense, which boasts a 1000year history and modern city life in rapid development.
Furthermore, Funen and the Archipelago have been awarded the UCI Bike Region designation. This is an award that the UCI (International Cycling Union) gives to cities or destinations that have particularly good conditions for cycle tourism.
Funen and the Archipelago are perfect for you –whether you’re up for a family ride, mountain biking, or speeding on a racing bike.
For further information about cycle routes, bike rental, attractions, activities, and events, contact the tourist office:
• Willemoes’ Plads 3, 5610 Assens
• (+45) 2337 8466