Virunga Post e-Paper Issue 015

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Your source for credible news Issue no 015

October, 2020

Analysis: Facebook’s selective ban policy rekindles memories of abandonment among genocide survivors


Ingabire perpetrates a coordinated propaganda stunt in attempt to retain some relevance Page 4


Rwandan family of murder victim in Uganda calls for Justice, and repatriation of his remains. Page 5


At the beginning of last week, the news that Facebook had reversed course and finally decided to remove content on Holocaust denial from its platform was received with hope and relief. However, it was disappointment for survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi, after Facebook made it categorically clear that its decision was only for the Holocaust. Page 2 Murder and purges within terrorist group; FDLR’s “Gen” Hatanguramye killed

Operatives of Ugandan Military Intelligence, CMI, abduct Rwandan national in Entebbe area

News coming in from the hideout of FDLR, indicates that one “Brig. Gen.” Vedaste Hatanguramye aka Kalebu was killed last week on the orders of “Gen.” Pacifique Ntawunguka alias Omega, the terror outfit’s chief of staff.

A recent abduction by Ugandan Military Intelligence (CMI) of a Rwandan national once again has underscored the persecution of Rwandans that continues unabated in Uganda, observers say.

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Using a dead man’s alleged letter, Ugandan outlets smear Ambassador Karega Page 6


Edgar Tabaro, counsel for RNC terror group recycles old smears to tarnish Rwanda Page 8


Issue no 015 October 2020


Analysis: Facebook’s selective ban policy rekindles memories of abandonment among genocide survivors

By Robert Rutoma At the beginning of last week, the news that Facebook had reversed course and finally decided to remove content on Holocaust denial from its platform was received with hope and relief. However, it was disappointment for survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi, after Facebook made it categorically clear that its decision was only for the Holocaust. Survivors of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi were justifiably disappointed because genocide deniers and revisionists have been growing bolder and their numbers have been multiplying over the years. Among reasons for their growing confidence is the fact that in social media platforms they have found fertile ground to sow seeds for human destruction. It is not clear why this selective policy by Facebook, which ignores the fact that the last stage of genocide is denial. Perpetrators and their allies have embarked on campaigns that trivialize the impact of their heinous crime, aiming to cause further harm to their victims as well as evade justice. Revisionism of the 1994 Geno-

cide Against the Tutsi is very real on a number of Facebook accounts or pages. One then wonders whether the company has merely shrugged that off as ‘freedom of speech’ instead of hate speech. In its explanation about its stance on the Jewish Holocaust, Facebook management said that their decision was premised on fighting increasing Holocaust denialism and anti-Semitism violence. This selective policy, however, has attracted a global online backlash. “Our decision is supported by the well-documented rise in anti-Semitism globally and the alarming level of ignorance about the Holocaust, especially among young people,” said Facebook’s vice president of content policy, Monika Bickert, in a statement. To the survivors of the Genocide Against the Tutsi, this statement implies that Facebook’s documentation is disproportionately concerned with one segment of the users of its platform. This also infers that the growing denial and revision of the Genocide Against the Tutsi on Facebook and other social media platforms has gone unnoticed despite frequent complaints and red flagging by global scholars and civil society organizations.

In case of the Genocide against the Tutsi, like in a relay race, the old generation of perpetrators, or suspect genocidaires is passing the denialist, or revisionist hate baton to its offspring, and allies in the ideology. The perpetrators of the genocide and their offspring have long been adept at blaming the victim for the crimes they themselves (or their parents in the case of the offspring) committed. One of the most unapologetic is Jambo asbl, an organization that brings together sons and daughters of convicted genocide perpetrators. This group’s mission is to absolve their parents of wrongdoing, and in so doing, negate the Genocide Against the Tutsi. Others the likes of Charles Kambanda have been known to hide behind their professional disguises, prominently using Facebook for their hate speech. The Genocide deniers and their allies in the revisionist game – the likes of Human Rights Watch, or “journalists” like Judi Rever and those of her ilk such as Ann Garrison, and infamous names like Filip Reyntjens, Peter Verlinden and others – have done their best to whitewash the genocidaires. They fight tooth and nail to revise the facts of the Genocide Against the Tutsi.

These individuals and groups are very active on Facebook. And they have allies very skilled in the manipulation of messages. They are as much a danger to Rwanda as Holocaust deniers are a danger to Jews. Organizations representing survivors of the Genocide Against the Tutsi may not be as powerful and globally placed as the Jewish civil societies, but this does not take away Facebook’s responsibility to all humanity. Facebook is the global highway for billions of diversified information and data. This calls for very diligent regulation. To survivors of the Genocide Against the Tutsi, Facebook’s omission has rekindled memories of 1994 when troops under United Nations folded up and left them to the mercy of marauding Interahamwe militia. There is justification to these sentiments. “Never Again” should not be a mere slogan. By enacting a selective ban that only considers deniers of the Jewish Holocaust, Rwandan genocide survivors see Facebook’s decision as literally telling them: “look, you are on your own!”

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Issue no 015 October 2020


Murder and purges within terrorist group; FDLR’s “Gen” Hatanguramye killed By Moses Gisa News coming in from the hideout of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, FDLR, in the jungles of the Rutshuru Territory of Northern Kivu in DRC indicates that one “Brig. Gen.” Vedaste Hatanguramye aka Kalebu was killed last week on the orders of “Gen.” Pacifique Ntawunguka alias Omega, the terror outfit’s chief of staff. According to reliable sources within the FDLR camp, the murder of Kalebu, who was the

kill list survived the assassination and fled to Bunagana, at the border with Uganda.

terror outfit’s head of “military court”, was the result of power struggles characterized by betrayal and accusations that have engulfed the top leadership of FDLR – the offshoot of the ex-FAR and Interahamwe. The same sources indicate that FDLR president “Lt. Gen.” Iyamuremye Gaston alias Rumuri convened a secret meeting behind Ntawunguka’s back, with the main agenda being to dismiss the latter as chief of staff. “Our President Gen. Byiringiro chaired the senior cadres’ meet-

According to reliable sources, the deceased “Gen.” Kalebu was the cousin of “Gen.” Omega on whose orders he died.

Gen. Ntawunguka aka Omega

ing and among the issues discussed was the imminent sacking of Gen. Ntawunguka as FDLR-FOCA’s head,” an inside source told Rwanda Tribune, a local online news outlet. According to the source, the plot was to replace Ntawunguka “Omega” with the little known “Maj. Gen.” Kolomboka who was set to be deputized by Hatanguramye before the latter was killed. The source further disclosed that one of Gen. Ntawunguka’s confidantes known as Henganze leaked the meeting’s resolutions to Omega whose reaction was to swiftly issue a shoot to kill order to “Maj.” Kalenga, head of the FDRL’s assassin squad, CRAP, who then eliminated Hatunguramye “Kalebu”.

Internal wrangles between FDLR president “Lt. Gen.” Iyamuremye Gaston alias Rumuri (Pictured) and his Chief of Staff Gen. Ntawunguka aka Omega are the symptoms of a terminally ill FDLR.

“Col.” Blaise Murwanashyaka who was also on Ntawunguka’s

There have been fierce power struggles within the cutthroat organization following the death of FDLR-FOCA’s former leader Gen. Sylvestre Mudacumura. His death ignited supremacy battles, betrayals, as well as accusations and counteraccusations within the terrorist outfit. “This is unbelievable, we never saw this coming. If Ntawunguka can kill his own brother then none is safe in FDLR,” a family member of Kalebu was quoted saying. According to watchers of eastern DRC-based illegal armed groups, the recent turn of events within FDLR signal the impending implosion of the genocidal group. The endless infighting, coup schemes, and mutual suspicion among its leaders, are symptomatic of a badly weakened outfit that’s also very demoralized following heavy defeats on the battlefield that almost annihilated the terror group. “FDLR is done and it’s only a matter of time before it completely disintegrates,” said a social media commentator.

FDU-Inkingi disseminates hoax list in futile effort to avert the justice that will find its leaders By Joan Karera The United Democratic Forces (FDU-Inkingi) a terrorist group has issued a press release alleging that, “Rwanda is conducting a census to identify Rwandans who left the country and are currently living in Uganda or in other parts of the world, for the government ‘to hunt and kill them.’” In its press release, FDU-Inkingi claimed that it was “denouncing” and “condemning” what it

claimed are “Nazi-style methods” that consist of hunting down people that have been driven into exile “in search of peace, respect for human rights and better living conditions”. But, observers say, “such anti-Rwanda smears are very characteristic of this criminal group, FDU-Inkingi of notorious genocidaires and their sympathisers.” Everyone that lives in Rwanda knows there is no such thing as “lists” to fill in the details of people who left the country, an informed

reader said. If you have committed a crime Rwanda will not “list you to kill you” as the FDU criminals absurdly claim. “Rwanda will issue an international arrest warrant for you, and you will find yourself in court to answer to your atrocities.” FDU-Inkingi is circulating this fake document because most of its members and leaders are known genocidaires like Marcel Sebatware, Ndereyehe Charles, among others, observers point out. “The fact is they are fright-

ened since they are aware that anytime they can be arrested to face justice for their genocidal crimes. Rwanda cannot hunt and kill Rwandans that live abroad. Even those who committed crimes among them will be hunted down by the law itself,” he continued. Among other propaganda in the “press release” are false calls on the government “to stop its policy of terror”, and to the international

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Issue no 015 October 2020


to their senses to stop those atrocities?, laughed an official that read the communiqué. FDU-Inkingi is the former Rwandan Democratic Forces Union (UFDR) that was created in DR Congo right after the genocide. The facts show that its most prominent members are wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity, and they are feeling the squeeze as they sense the protection they’ve long enjoyed in Europe unravelling.

As major genocide suspects Charles Ndereyehe (left) Marcel Sebatware, and others like them feel the heat of justice closing in on them, their organization FDU-Inkingi has stepped up its lies against the Rwandan government.

>> From page 3 community to put pressure on the RPF regime “to come to its

senses, stop violating the rights of its citizens and implement a policy of protection for all Rwandans.”

This is a very good sign these terrorists are losing their mind; when they were massacring Rwandans why didn’t they come

This terror outfit also belongs to P5, a coalition of anti-Rwanda rebel groups that primarily operated in the South Kivu Province of DRC, and it was confirmed as a terror organization by the UN midterm report on the DR Congo that was published on December 31, 2018.

Ingabire perpetrates a coordinated propaganda stunt in attempt to retain some relevance By Fred Gashema Europe-based members of groups bent on sowing instability in Rwanda have come up with something they’ve dubbed “Ingabire Day” which seeks to glorify Victoire Ingabire as “an icon of democracy and rule of law in Rwanda.” “It is a shameless whitewashing that these groups, such as Jambo asbl, have embarked on,” said a Rwandan Facebook account. Ingabire is best known as someone that was convicted of crimi-

nal offences, sentenced to prison, but later benefited from presidential clemency. The so-called Ingabire day, according to organizers, will be marked on 31 this month, and Ingabire will be rewarded virtually for, as they claim, “being an advocate of democracy and peace.” The new drive is currently being promoted by prominent genocide denialist, or revisionist elements that work tirelessly to falsify the facts of the 1994 Genocide

Against the Tutsi, and to try to sow discord among Rwandans. These include the Brussels-based Jambo ASBL, an association of Europe-based sons and daughters of major perpetrators of the genocide, genocide revisionist Judi Rever, as well as several members of FDU-Inkingi who are partnering with a group that calls itself “Fondation Victoire Pour la Paix.” Their strategy is to keep falsely pushing the claim that Ingabire was “a political prisoner and prisoner of conscience for 8 years.” Ingabire was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in 2013 by the Kigali High Court after she was convicted of inciting the masses to revolt against the government, forming armed groups to destabilize the country, and minimizing the genocide.

An online propaganda stunt is cooking: to whitewash Victoire Ingabire

“It is all propaganda; the woman knew she was guilty of the crimes for which she was locked up and kept sending letters to President Kagame requesting to be pardoned,” said a Kigali-based political commentator. “But they try to downplay this fact because it doesn’t fit their narrative of a

‘brave prisoner of conscience!’” The President did grant her clemency in 2018, which she began abusing only a few months later, among other things, lying that “she never asked for mercy”, other observers point out. In a videotaped statement shared by Ingabire on social media platforms, she welcomed the narrative that her sympathizers are pushing and echoed their rhetoric, claiming that “Rwanda still has a long way to go in terms of human rights, democracy and establishment of rule of law.” Social media users were quick to mock her, saying she obviously was “participating in a coordinated propaganda stunt in a futile effort to retain relevance,” commented a twitter user, adding: “if Rwanda was the kind of country that Ingabire and her friends claim it to be she never would have walked out of jail before her 15 years were up.” Ingabire’s history ranges from denying the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi to participating in the forming of, sponsoring, and heading terrorist groups.

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Issue no 015 October 2020


Rwandan family of murder victim in Uganda calls for Justice, and repatriation of his remains.

The family of Felicien Mbonabaheka seeks justice, and requests Uganda to repatriate his remains for decent burial. He was murdered in Kisoro in December last year.

By Patience Kirabo The family of Rwandan murder victim Felicien Mbonabaheka is seeking justice following his demise in Kisoro District, Uganda, in December last year. Mbonabaheka was murdered by a machete-wielding gang “in a very premeditated way”, according to eyewitnesses. He was then hastily buried by Uganda Police, without the authorities even notifying the Rwandan High Commission in Uganda. The deceased’s family too only learnt of his fate after he had been buried. Since then they have been calling for repatriation of his remains to give him a decent burial back home. The slain Rwandan national was an interior decorator in Kisoro for more than eight years, traveling back and forth to visit his family who lived in Burera District.

But his life was brutally terminated when he was attacked and hacked to death in the night of 31 December 2019. “It was beyond shocking when we learnt he had been murdered in cold blood, when I and the children expected him to be with us shortly after New Year’s Day,” said Beatrice Mukamazera, the deceased’s widow. “Why did my husband deserve such a bad end?” sobs the widow, adding that her only prayer is that those who took away her husband face justice, and that the Government of Uganda repatriate his remains for burial and closure. Kisoro District is the stronghold of Philemon Mateke, Uganda’s Minister of Regional Cooperation. Several reports have implicated Mateke as a major actor in the Ugandan regime’s plot to destabilize Rwanda, which included facilitating, recruiting for, and partnering in all kinds of ways with anti-Rwanda terrorist groups like RNC, FDLR, RUD and

others. Mateke, as the most influential man in Kisoro, has also turned the district into one of the most hostile places against Rwandan nationals. But Mbonabaheka in fact wasn’t even the one originally targetted by the gang. According to a former neighbor of his, the gang was after another Rwandan called Denys Bayavuge. When Bayavuge cried out for help, Mbonabaheka came to his rescue, leading the gang to divert its wrath upon him. He was hacked to death and his body was taken away by the assailants, to be later covertly buried by the police in a very lawless way. “It is extremely painful for one to lose a child, and it is even more agonizing to be denied the chance to bury them,” said Simon Hitimana, the deceased’s father said.

The victim left behind a wife and four young children, who depended on him for a living. Both Rwanda and Uganda signed a Memorandum of Understanding last year in Angola as the result of an initiative by Angola to mend relations between Kampala and Kigali. One major understanding was that there be a halt to the harassment, illegal detentions, torture and all kinds of mistreatment of Rwandans by her neighbor’s security organs – most notably the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, CMI. “But how can there be normalcy if the Ugandan authorities up to now can’t even muster the simple decency to give mourning Rwandans like Mbonabaheka’s family his remains?” asked a Rwandan border official that requested anonymity. Kampala will have to fundamentally change its attitude before anyone can talk of normalcy, he added.

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Issue no 015 October 2020


Using a dead man’s alleged letter, Ugandan outlets smear Ambassador Karega By Jean Gatera Chimpreports, a website that has long become notorious as an outlet for Uganda Military Intelligence (CMI) propaganda, has come out with yet another anti-Rwanda piece – this one targeting the good bilateral relations between Rwanda and DR Congo. The article, run under a headline with the website’s usual hyperbolic, sensationalism claims: “Former DRC Congo Intel chief warned of Rwanda’s Amb. Karega before he was found dead.” The game this website is playing at is obvious: amplify the propaganda of certain elements in DRC, and assist in their smears of Kigali. But it doesn’t take any amount of brains to see that this is fake news. Chimpreports makes its claims based on a letter attributed to the deceased Gen. Delphin Kahimbi, former head of Congolese Military Intelligence, saying that “he opposed the accreditation of Vincent Karega as Rwandan ambassador to Kinshasa.” But this in itself is a dubious letter. In what capacity would someone in military intelligence “object” to the accreditation of a diplomat?, observers ask. There is none.

The propaganda machine of Ugandan intelligence, run by CMI director Abel Kandiho (pictured) is smearing Rwanda’s Ambassador to Kinshasa using completely discredited allegations. Yet it is Uganda that actually has been implicated by international organizations in crimes of looting and human rights atrocities all over eastern DRC

Chimpreports and its bosses obviously rely on its readers being uninformed to hoodwink them with such misinformation.

scheduled to face the courts of law when he is reported to have committed suicide on 20th February this year. His own government was preparing charges against him of trying to destabilize state security.

To weaponize the alleged letter, Chimpreports falsely claims “it was confidentially addressed to the DR Congo President.” According to a copy of the letter, it was addressed to a special adviser but not to the president. Chimpreports deliberately misleads. Also the letters has no markings or stamps that it is “confidential”.

Also by then Kahimbi was under international sanctions by the US and EU for human rights violation and undermining peace and security in DR Congo and in the region. Only Chimpreports can dredge up a letter written by a man that was facing such problems, falsify particulars such as who it was addressed to, and weaponize it against Rwanda.

The “letter” is copied to six other people, prompting a regional analyst to note: “there are so many false things about this so-called letter. How does someone copy other parties in private correspondences to a head of state?” Kahimbi was a man with his own problems. He was

In its desperation to make its fake story stick, Chimpreports then alleges that Ambassador Karega was “given 72 hours to leave South Africa in 2014, following a tense diplomatic standoff between Kigali and Pretoria.” This is a falsehood that also was contained in Kahimbi’s so-called

letter, to imply that the ambassador was involved in the demise of Patrick Karegeya in a Johannesburg hotel. To see Ugandan propaganda trying to amplify the smears against Amb. Karega on the basis of such provably false claims is further proof that to the Ugandan regime, the good relations between Kigali and Kinshasa are a threat. And everything must be done to try to undermine them. Pretoria never “expelled” Karega. Ambassador Karega was in South Africa from 2011 to 2019, and deployed to DR Congo after a successful mission in Pretoria. He bid his farewell to South African authorities and presented his credentials to Kinshasa. Undeterred by any ethical constraints, however, Chimpreports fails to mention that after thorough investigations by South African authorities, nothing linked

Karegeya’s demise to Rwanda. But in its eagerness to tarnish Rwanda, the CMI-sponsored website in its article also targets the government of Congo. It uses the pronouncements of Martin Fayulu, a defeated presidential candidate in DRC, who is also on the bandwagon of “pushing the government” to withdraw recognition of Karega and expel the diplomat. That Kampala misinformation media keeps parroting these things is constant reminder of one fact: the rapprochement between Kigali and Kinshasa that has yielded cooperation has seriously hurt Uganda’s interests in DRC which are served by criminal, illegal terrorist groups propped up by Kampala. Groups like RNC, FDLR, RUD and others, all proxies of the Museveni regime have been hit and dislodged from their bases in

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Issue no 015 October 2020

>> From page 6

eastern Congo where they were long-entrenched.

All operated in Congo but with Kampala as a logistical base. The UN interviewed FDLR terrorist arrested and facing trial in Rwanda, they revealed that they held meetings with RNC terrorist in Kampala with the facilitation of Philemon Mateke, the Uganda’s Minister of State for cooperation With Kampala increasingly desperate that its anti-Rwanda proxies will be completely driven out, and also that the illegal businesses senior Kampala regime officials enormously profit from could end they are looking for any stone to throw at

Rwanda. “As if Rwanda controls what happens in Congo,” laughed a Kigali official that preferred anonymity. In the same article Chimpreports dredges up the completely discredited, decade-old “mapping report” which was shelved after it was exposed to have targeted the Rwandan government with allegations collected from genocidaires, perpetrators of the 94 Genocide Against the Tutsi. It was a document commissioned by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) supposedly on crimes that occurred on Congolese territory between 1993 to 2013 that ended up pushing the genocidaires’ claims that “RPF army

committed genocide.” This so-called mapping report was shelved in its draft form, and never saw the light of day, except in genocide revisionist circles. Apparently Ugandan propaganda is very glad to join those circles. Laughably, Chimpreports cannot conclude without the usual projections upon Rwanda of crimes committed by its very bosses. The website claims “about 500 people were massacred at Kasika during New Year’s Eve in 1998 in South Kivu by militia and rebel groups affiliated to Rwanda.” Ugandan misinforma-


tion, in tandem with a slew of other anti-Rwanda groups are always trying to indict Rwanda in the court of public opinion. They have nothing to back their claims. On the other hand, perhaps Chimp and others think that people forget it actually is “Uganda that has been convicted of atrocities and looting in DRC, and fined over $10 Billion for the crimes of UPDF. The International Court of Justice did so. Ugandan crimes are not mere hearsay or mere allegations. They are proven, and that will not change, however hard Chimpreports projects.

Operatives of Ugandan Military Intelligence, CMI, abduct Rwandan national in Entebbe area By Jean Gatera A recent abduction by Ugandan Military Intelligence (CMI) of a Rwandan national once again has underscored the persecution of Rwandans that continues unabated in Uganda, observers say. News reaching our desk is that on 24th last September CMI agents in civilian attire accosted Olivier Bikino in the Entebbe area, and forcefully dragged the Rwandan away. As usual the CMI agents produced no arrest warrant and showed no legal basis to arrest Bikino. They are holding him without charges in an unknown place, with no communication either to his family or the Rwanda High Commission in Kampala. The Rwandan national has been working legally for a company called African Gold Refineries in Entebbe since 2018 until recently in September when he was abducted. His company car was later retrieved by company officials, at the CMI-affiliated Kireka Police Station, who also used the opportunity to give him medication. When Bikino’s very worried family was informed by his employers where he was, they rushed to visit him, only to find out that he had been moved to another, undisclosed, location.

CMI has added Bikino to the long list of innocent Rwandans arbitrarily detained incommunicado. His story is similar to that of hundreds of innocent Rwandans’ story, victims of a CMI orchestrated persecution. They are abducted either with no charge, or with wild accusations, the most common of which is “espionage”, “illegal weapons possession” and the like, for which the victims are

never given a chance to defend themselves in courts of law. There is never any time when Ugandan security agents have proven their accusations against abducted Rwandans many of whom they subject to severe torture that leaves the victims traumatized, and a few dead. Bikino’s family, who have contacted the Rwandan embassy in Kampala, are on a frantic search,

going to every known place of detention. The Rwandan embassy has written a note verbale to the Ugandan Foreign Affairs Ministry seeking its intervention. Rwanda’s diplomatic representation in Uganda has for the past three years issued several notes for hundreds of innocent Rwandans illegally detained by Ugandan security services. The persecution of innocent Rwandans in Uganda is usually carried out by CMI in collaboration with agents of Kayumba Nyamwasa’s RNC that operate freely and with all facilitation in the Ugandan capital. A regional initiative by Angola saw the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Rwanda and Uganda in August last year in. The Luanda MoU states in 1 (c) that both countries would “protect and respect the rights and freedoms of nationals of the other Party residing or transiting in their national territories, in accordance with the law of that country”,

Ugandan Military Intelligence (CMI) chief Maj. Gen. Abel Kandiho. Yet another Rwandan has been abducted by his agents.

Uganda, however, has again and again demonstrated it is not ready to abide either by the letter, or spirit of the agreement as numerous observers have pointed out. The case of Bikino is the latest example.

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Issue no 015 October 2020


Edgar Tabaro, counsel for RNC terror group recycles old smears to tarnish Rwanda Kabuleta almost lost his life when SFC goons roughed him up. The public widely got to know of that attempt on the man’s life (who was later tortured). But Tabaro wants to tell the public there were “three assassination attempts” against a well-known personality like him in Kampala, but only him got to know about it? The fact is if someone even threw a stone at Tabaro and ran away, it would make news. These people and their propaganda websites must have a very low opinion of the Ugandan public to try to feed it stories like thes. The claim that Tabaro and officials of the RNC Uganda Province executive committee like Sulah Nuwamanya and Prossy Bonabaana, Rukundo Rugari are on a hit list is not new. Tabaro’s latest story is a piece of circular propaganda by him and RPF Gakwerere to attract attention and, and to keep enjoying Ugandan-taxpayer paid security details.

To spice up the hoax Tabaro story, the website writes: “If I live long, I will write the story and the details.”

The RNC agents have gotten addicted to these security details provided by Museveni, but more than anything else use them to intimidate, and even extort money from members of the public. RNC’s Sulah Nuwamanya and Prossy Bonabaana have been caught in criminal acts during which the woman openly intimidated one of their victims: “look at this policeman; the President of Uganda gave me this policeman!”

But then, when assassination attempts happen the public gets to know. The media makes sure to give the story prominence.

The two, Nuwamanya and Bonabaana, live in a CMI house in Mutungo (Kampala) and have escort cars.

A man like Bobi Wine almost had his life taken in an assassination attempt. His driver Yassin Kawuma instead died; killed by bullets meant for the youthful MP. Everyone got to know there had been an assassination attempt on Wine. Prominent regime critic Joseph

Tabaro enjoys even more privileges. reveals that he is “one of the most well protected civilians in Kampala” – putting to rest the lie to his claims of assassination attempts on his life.

Lawyer for RNC. Edgar Tabaro has been peddling imaginary Rwandan assassination attempts on his life

By Jvean Gatera A Kampala-based lawyer for Kayumba Nyamwasa’s RNC, Edgar Tabaro Muvunyi, has claimed that his life is in danger “due to threats from Rwanda.” These allegations have been carried on a website called whereby Tabaro plays the RNC’s usual games of accusing Rwanda, out of the blue, of anything, but with nothing to support the accusations. It is part on their continuous campaign to smear Rwanda with falsehoods to fuel anti-Rwanda sentiments. Tabaro’s claims were first run on a Facebook account called “RPF Gakwerere”, notorious for churn-

ing out anti-Rwanda smears. “I’ve survived three attempts on my life,” Tabaro claims. The website claims that this is because “he has offered legal services to some Rwandan dissidents.” On the other hand, these kinds of claims have become very useful as a tactic by anyone in anti-Rwanda negativist circles in Kampala as a device to remind Museveni they still are around. Fake claims that one is targeted for assassination also are known to be useful ways to draw Museveni’s attention, and to attempt to remain relevant. “All these elements, the Tabaros, Nuwamanyas, Bonabaanas, and all others that work with RNC feed off Museveni and his regime’s anti-Rwanda hostility,

and to them it is part of life to keep feeding Museveni with these fictions about Rwanda,” said a Kigali security analyst.

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