Virunga Post e-Paper —Issue 042

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Your source for credible news Issue no 042

November, 2021

Samputu openly exposes his links with anti-Rwanda terrorist groups


Uganda murders Rwandan national, dumps him at border environs Page 2 NEWS

“Nyamwasa, and his brother in law Ntwari, they are all killers!” cries Adeline Rwigara in eulogy to her brother Rutabana who disappeared in Uganda Page 4 OP - ED

CMI wheels out RCA thief Mupende to add to their frenzy of anti-Rwanda propaganda after president’s speech at Teta Gisa’s wedding Page 7

Jean-Paul Samputu, the Canada-based singer turned into another pseudo politician has publicly admitted being an active supporter of dissidents and terrorist groups; the very ones bent Page 3 on destabilizing the security of Rwandans. Get a free copy of our e-paper

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Kampala regime caught pants down lying about origin of ex-M23 rebel attack

Page 8


Issue no 042 November 2021


Uganda murders Rwandan national, dumps him at border environs By Patience Kirabo On the morning of Tuesday 16 November, Ugandan authorities dumped Rwandan national Cyprien Serugendo’s lifeless body at the Rwanda-Uganda borderline. Residents in Kanyenzuzi village of Kivuye sector in Burera district found the victim’s body lying motionless, with deep cuts and bruises before contacting authorities who took his body for a postmortem at a nearby hospital. Serugendo’s assailants murdered him and dumped his lifeless body 10 meters away from the Rwanda demarcation.

According to the family and neighbors of the deceased, he had previously gone to visit his younger brother Justin Habakurama in Kabale District for some time. Reports coming from the community where Serugendo’s body was discovered say that the body was dumped by a group of men who used the cover of the night to toss the corpse into Rwanda and ran away. In recent months, Ugandan authorities have graduated from harassing innocent Rwandans in Uganda, and now dump their dead bodies into Rwanda after

remorselessly murdering them. Serugendo’s murder is the latest in a series of cases of harassment, persecution, torturing, and murder of Banyarwanda by either Ugandan security forces or armed mobs. Rwandans, in thousands, have suffered abuse and harassment at the hands of the Kampala regime’s security organs and forces, which is being emulated by ordinary Ugandans who are empowered by the actions of their government with total impunity. However, these barbaric acts have spiraled this year, with ever

more innocent Rwandans victimized with no accountability.

Abel Kandiho the notorious mastermind in the harassment, torture and murder of innocent Rwandans in Uganda.

Another Rwandan severely assaulted in Uganda, dumped at the border By Patience Kirabo Last Sunday, 31 October, Rwandan national David Habineza, 26, was brutally assaulted by armed men in Uganda and later dumped at the Rwandan border. Habineza was nearly breathing his last. The incident took place in the Ntungamo District of western Uganda, and the assailants, who beat Habineza almost to a pulp, brought him in an unconscious state and threw him near the border, leaving him for dead. Security authorities on the Rwan-

dan side of the border found him nearly dead, with deep bruises and torture marks all over his body, and took him to the nearby Ntoma Health Center for emergency care.

ers found me and helped me get emergency medical care. But the last thing I remember in Uganda was when I was being beaten by these men with guns,” Habineza narrates in a faint voice.

The grievous assault of Habineza is the latest in a spat of increased harassments, persecution, and torturing of Rwandans by Ugandan security forces. Rwandans in thousands have suffered abuse simply because of their nationality. However, the violent cases have escalated this year with ever more innocent Rwandans sufferingbrutal beatings. One was even burnt to death.

He goes on to say that Rwandans in Uganda currently live in fear for their lives. “There is too much hatred for Banyarwanda and it is mostly among security personnel,” he said.“It appears they have orders to hunt down Rwandans irrespective of whether you have done nothing wrong,” he adds.

Speaking from his sickbed where he is currently under intensive medical care in Rwanda, Habineza says that he had studied, lived, and worked in the Nakasongola District of Uganda for years without any problem. However, on the fateful nightof his assault, while returning from work several armed men followed him, stopped him, and proceeded to beat him. “I woke up in a medical facility bed and was told that border security authorities and well-wish-

In June this year, another Rwandan man, Bazambanza Munyemana was gruesomely killed in Uganda and his body was

retrieved at the environs of the Uganda-Rwanda border, dumped by his assailants who had beaten and burnt him to death. It is common knowledge that security officials in Uganda, especially the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) harass, arbitrarily arrest, and torture Rwandans, with utmost impunity. The persecution of Rwandan nationals in Uganda has become a decentralized approach now, where any security official or ordinary Uganda who feels empowered to do so can mistreat or even kill any Rwandan national.

David Habineza a Rwandan national assaulted in Ntungamo District in Uganda lay unconscious, after border authorities retrieved him where his assailants dumped him.

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Issue no 042 November 2021


Samputu openly exposes his links with anti-Rwanda terrorist groups By Fred Gashema Jean-Paul Samputu, the Canada-based singer turned into another pseudo politician has publicly admitted being an active supporter of dissidents and terrorist groups; the very ones bent on destabilizing the security of Rwandans. Samputu made his revelation last Sunday, November 7, 2021, while addressing family members of Ben Rutabana, the former RNC commissioner of mobilization during a night vigil held virtually on the zoom application and streamed live on “Radio Iteme”, a YouTube-based channel owned by another member of anti-Rwanda groups, Jean-Paul Turayishimiye. They were paying tributes to Ben Rutabana whom they believe was killed by RNC head Kayumba Nyamwasa and his brother-in-law Frank Ntwali. Rutabana has been missing for almost three years now, after he fell into the hands of RNC and CMI agents in Uganda.

While eulogizing Rutabana, among other things Samputu referred to him as “a hero whose deeds shall be remembered forevermore.” This eulogy is at odds with Samputu’s stance that he “has never been an enemy of Rwanda.” When it was pointed out in the past that he was already in bed with terrorists, the musician strenuously protested and tried to deny it. “But how can someone that claims he isn’t an enemy of Rwanda go on to praise Rutabana, a member of a terrorist organization that among other things perpetrated grenade attacks that killed innocent Rwandans,” a social media observer asked. “How can he call Rutabana’s deeds that they shall be remembered forever? Samputu can fool no one!” Another Kigali-based observer who watched the night vigil on YouTube, added: “there can be

no doubt what Samputu is, a person whose acts show that he indeed is an enemy of Banyarwanda.” While Rutabana’s family, friends and relatives leveraged the night vigil into pinning his death to Nyamwasa and Museveni’s government, Samputu however tried to downplay the relationship in his eighteen-minute eulogy. Showing what a double-tongued operator he is, the musician openly praised Uganda for how “it has been a haven” for him. The disgraced musician was dishonestly trying to absolve Kampala from blame – yet it is the very regime that Rutabana’s family was pinning for killing Ben Rutabana, working with Nyamwasa, which they did through CMI. It is an open secret that Samputu was the mentorship of Museveni’s younger brother, Gen. Salim Saleh and officials in Uganda’s security organs, who guided Samputu to form a political party

that claims to speak for genocide survivors. Samputu has a long-standing relationship with the top authorities in Uganda that dates back to the late 1990s when the crisis between Uganda and Rwanda reached a boiling point following the Uganda-provoked Kisangani clashes, which saw UPDF clobbered three times. Among the people Museveni recruited to Uganda in his anti-Rwanda plots at the time was Samputu who lived in Kampala under Museveni’s upkeep. Samputu would even frequent Museveni’s village home, Rwakitura. He spent close to four years there, during which he composed and sang a song he dedicated to Museveni in which he showers him with praise. “Samputu therefore can in no way pretend that he isn’t in the camp of enemies of Rwanda,” said a Kigali source familiar with his workings.

Jean Paul Samputu is squarely in the camp of those who want to destabilize Rwanda, and has revealed himself most recently

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Issue no 042 November 2021


“Nyamwasa, and his brother in law Ntwari, they are all killers!” cries Adeline Rwigara in eulogy to her brother Rutabana who disappeared in Uganda Nyamwasa, and Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, CMI, headed by Abel Kandiho, just ignored the letter.

By Fred Gashema The family of Ben Rutabana, the former RNC commissioner of mobilization who went missing in Uganda two years ago, has come out to say that Rutabana was indeed “killed” under a plot involving RNC head Kayumba Nyamwasa, and his brother-in-law Frank Ntwali, as a result of feuds that ravaged the anti-Rwanda terrorist group. The family, especially his sister Adeline Rwigara, let the cat out of the bag last Sunday, November 7, 2021, during a night vigil held virtually on the zoom application and streamed live on “Radio Iteme” a YouTube based channel owned by one of their own Jean Paul Turayishimiye. They were paying tribute to Rutabana whom they openly believe “is currently in heaven”, with the mood being more of people mourning someone that lost his life, with not a single hope that the man is still alive. Adeline Rwigara in a crying voice said that Rutabana whom she considers “her child” used to tell her that Ntwali was on his neck and that the latter was particular-

On the other hand, an investigation conducted by an American NGO, Relief and Human Rights Initiative (IRHRI), late June last year revealed that the vanished RNC high-ranking official Rutabana was in detention in CMI Mbuya dungeons. Observers are certain that CMI, in connivance with Nyamwasa who is holed up in South Africa, eventually tortured Rutabana to death – to settle scores with him.

Ben Rutabana

ly conniving with Nyamwasa to finish him off. “Before Ben flew to Uganda he would mostly ask me to pray for him as he knew he would die any time, and I would ask, but why, why talk of dying?” Rwigara said almost sobbing, adding: “Ben said, ‘Frank Ntwali will kill me one day!’ I was unaware of that name initially but he (Rutabana) would keep saying that that name, asking me to remember it.” Adeline Rwigara went on to

disclose that she heard from Rutabana that Ntwali was “jealous” of him, and that all efforts to resolve the problem with the intervention of Kayumba Nyamwasa were futile since they (Kayumba and Ntwali) were all together in the plot to kill Rutabana. “They are all killers!” Adeline cried. “I never knew that they (Ntwali and Kayumba) would hurt us this way; Ben went missing, and we just saw how they reacted, they are just killers!” she repeated in tears. “I urge the traitors especially you Kayumba Nyamwasa and your brother-in-law to bring back Ben from where you put him the same way you took him there,” she sobbed.

Greg Smith Heavens, the president of IRHRI, had been telling journalists that, “the people that were handling Rutabana were very powerful, to the extent that they threatened my organization.” Rutabana was known for challenging the corruption of Nyamwasa in running their RNC terror organization, especially questioning Nyamwasa’s usage of funds, his nepotism in entrusting most important tasks to Ntwari, and other practices. “They had to finish Rutabana because he had become a real thorn for their cabal,” said a source familiar with the workings of the group.

Tabitha Gwiza, another sister of Rutabana who was a co-host of the online night vigil, echoed several times Rwigara’s sentiments, stressing, “it is now an open secret that Rutabana was betrayed by Kayumba Nyamwasa.”

Kayumba Nyamwasa is pinned for the murder of Benjamin Rutabana

Ben Rutabana went missing in Uganda on 8 September 2019. After he had been missing for over a month it was his family that raised the alarm. In a letter signed 02 October 2019 they indeed took the RNC leadership – and by implication RNC’s partner, the Ugandan regime – to produce Rutabana in an open letter that they published online.

CMI head Kandiho

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Issue no 042 November 2021


Ugandan military again targets, illegally detains innocent Rwandans returning home dan nationals going back home to Rwanda. They stop every bus to single out Rwandan nationals. They force them off the vehicles, and detain them in the nearby police stations – or in Mbarara’s Makenke Barracks for torture on trumped up accusations of “espionage”. Currently the whereabouts of Mukashyaka, her daughter, and fourteen other Rwandans are not known (amongst those most recently abducted). They were bundled into “drone” vehicles and driven to unknown locations, and as usual with no communication to the Rwanda High Commission in Kampala – as required by

international law in such cases. Information reaching this website is that the group is being illegally detained at Makenke Barracks, where many innocent Rwandans have been languishing since the systematic operations of hunting down Banyarwanda in southwestern Uganda commenced. The government of Rwanda, through its High Commission in Kampala has sent a note verbal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uganda to notify them, and protest the continued illegal arrests and persecution of Rwandan nationals.

Cpy of Solange Mukashyaka travel documents.

By Patience Kirabo In its never-ending targeting of Rwandan nationals for harassment, soldiers of the Ugandan military, UPDF have illegally detained a Rwandan national, Solange Mukashyaka and her four-year-old daughter Angela Kayitesi. In such matters, the soldiers work on instructions from the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, CMI, headed by Maj. Gen. Abel Kandiho. The mother and daughter had with them their valid travel documents when they were arbitrarily arrested alongside ten other Rwandans along the Kabale-Katuna road last Wednesday, Octo-

ber 27. The incident happened a few meters to the Katuna border, when the Rwandan were brutally thrown out of their bus at a roadblock. While being dragged out of the bus, Mukashyaka tried to show the security operatives her travel documents while trying to explain that the two were only returning home. The soldiers, whose instructions are to harass innocent Rwandans, did not want to hear any of it, nor look at the papers. It has been established that the CMI has mounted checkpoints along Mbarara-Ntungamo-Kabale road, specifically to target Rwan-

Copy of Angela Kayitesi’s travel documents.

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Issue no 042 November 2021


Rwandan woman victimized in Kisoro over false HIV accusations, languishes in illegal detention By Patience Kirabo Rwandan national Diana Nyirantezimana, who narrowly survived death by an angry mob in Kisoro, is the latest victim of Uganda’s hostility towards Rwandans. The 25-year-old was picked on and beaten gruesomely for no reason. However, when a few passers-by asked why she was inhumanely pounced on in such a manner, the culprits blurted out that Nyirantezimana had infected young boys with HIV/AIDS- a preposterous allegation that was proven false by medical reports.

tion despite her innocence, abuse, and human rights violations. Victimization of Rwandan nationals in Uganda has taken a sharp turn this year, where ordinary Ugandans have persecuted innocent Rwandans with total impunity. In addition to the belligerent

treatment that Banyarwanda suffer in Uganda, the total disregard of the law when it comes to handling their cases is agonizing. In Nyirantezimana’s case, even when she was found to be the victim, her ordeal is still ongoing as she is languishing in the Kisoro police cell, illegally. And her assaulters walked freely without a reprimand.

Many Rwandans have been victimized in Uganda, their only crime being Banyarwanda. And today, ordinary Ugandans randomly gang up on innocent Rwandans, beat them or burn them, then leave them for dead, or dump them at Rwandan borders as corpses. This criminality has gone on for four years with no follow-up, investigations, or holding assailants to account.

Nyirantezimana was immediately arrested by the police on hearing the mob’s allegations before they could even hear any of her victims’ testimony. At the police station, an HIV test was carried out and the results came out negative, even after nobody formally turned up at the police to accuse her of infecting them with HIV. According to Elly Maate, the Kigezi regional police spokesperson who confirmed the negative results, the victim is still in deten-

Diana Nyirantezimana clobbered by an angry mob and later arrested by the Uganda Police.

Another Rwandan abducted and illegally detained in Mbarara Makenke Barracks By Patience Kirabo

once he was well established.

Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), late last month, on October 29 arbitrarily arrested Moses Hakizimana in Ishaka, Bushenyi District, southwestern Uganda.

Until towards the end of the preceding month when the businessman was arbitrarily arrested by agents of Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI). They abducted Hakizimana, strong-arm style, with no arrest warrant, and neither did they inform him what he was supposed to have done. Hakizimana’s only offense apparently is that he is a Rwandan national.

The Rwandan man, a former student of Kampala International University (KIU) at the Bushenyi Campus, had been living in Uganda since 2012, violating no laws. In the nine years of his stay in the neighboring country, he completed his studies, worked legally, and opened up his business: Zilla Garbon Bar in Bushenyi. Hakizimana also married and had two children

The CMI agents drove him, handcuffed and blindfolded, to Makenke Military Barracks, home to the Ugandan Military’s 2nd Division – which is run by CMI. According to reliable sources, the

CMI interrogators in Makenke have subjected him to draconian mistreatment that includes beatings; questioning him about “where he gets his money from.” Yet this is a man that has conducted his business openly and legally in Uganda for years, according to sources that know Hakizimana well.

Abel Kandiho, head of Uganda’s i ntelligence and overall instructor in the harassment and torture of innocent Rwandans at CMI.

Ugandan security authorities have been exploiting their regime’s hostile policy against Rwandans – mostly concocted accusations of “spying” – to rob their Rwandan victims of money and property. Usually after they have tortured and robbed them, they dump them at the borders.

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Issue no 042 November 2021


CMI wheels out RCA thief Mupende to add to their frenzy of anti-Rwanda propaganda after president’s speech at Teta Gisa’s wedding By Alex Muhumuza Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, CMI, in its latest round of anti-Rwanda propaganda has once again wheeled out one “Maj.” Michael Mupende, to throw their mud at President Kagame. Mupende’s most recent smear, published last Sunday on the Commandonepost website – one of the dozens of blogs and social media accounts run by CMI – was prompted by President Kagame’s speech at the wedding of Teta Gisa, daughter of the late first commander of the RPF Fred Gisa Rwigema. In his speech President Kagame exposed, at length, the duplicity of the Museveni regime, and its long-time attempts at meddling into the affairs of Rwanda – including trying to alienate Rwigema’s family against its own country. After the President’s speech, Museveni’s people went berserk, dredging up every conceivable lie. They were stung by the truth. Now they have dictated to Mupende a load of fabrications to try to give all credit for Rwanda’s liberation to Uganda, as they always do. Their modus operandi, every time, is to try to cancel the role of Banyarwanda fighters in making Museveni who he is. They try to cancel the history of how it actually was Banyarwanda that put Museveni in power. Museveni’s NRA would never have dislodged Obote’s forces even one inch had it not been for the sacrifices of Banyarwanda fighters – including the late Fred, and of course President Kagame who had some very dangerous roles walking endless nights on operations to gather intelligence for the NRA. The majority of the time Museveni – a person that habitually ascribes upon himself feats of bravery that never hold up to scrutiny – would be in Sweden having a very nice time with his wife. The interesting thing about

Michael Mupende a deserter from RDF that escaped after stealing RCA soldier funds ended up in Uganda with the help of that country’s security agencies.

Mupende’s most recent article is that this isn’t the first time the Uganda propaganda machine is using him as a tool to smear the Rwandan head of state. In October 2019 Uganda’s state newspaper, the New Vision, published a hit job by Mupende to peddle the lie that “Kagame killed Rwigema.” Museveni and his CMI have long hit on the strategy to character-assassinate President Kagame with attempts to tie him to Rwigema’s demise, though at the time it happened Kagame was thousands of kilometres away, as a major attending a military course in America. “Museveni and his cabal are shameless, and clownish enough to try to foist such an unlikely rumor upon the public,” a knowledgeable source in Kigali said when he read Mupende’s article. Their shamelessness is manifested in other ways such as their claim in Commandonepost that “Mupende is a bush war hero”, probably thinking that will lend further credibility to their fabrications. Those that have worked with Mupende in Rwanda laugh loudly, knowing the fellow as an “igisambo” that fled to Uganda after getting implicated in theft of soldiers’ Rations and Cash Allowances (RCA), ending up on the payroll of Museveni’s security agencies to spin lies against Rwanda. Mupende was a midlevel officer in the Rwandan military during the war against the Interahamwe, Ex-FAR in DRC where he was deployed in Kabinda, Kasai

Orientale Province, in 2000 to 2001. Around that time, his dubious character began to reveal itself. During administration and policy meeting, subordinates had begun to question him on management of RCA funds. According to his colleagues at the time, he failed to account for funds amounting to US$ 18,000. It was later established Mupende had given the money to his wife to run their personal businesses in Kigali. Subsequently the issue was reported to army headquarters. When the soldiers were being recalled to Rwanda, Mupende developed cold feet, fearing that if he stepped back in Kigali he would be questioned and made to account for the money he had embezzled.

One of Mupende’s frequent lies is that he knows how Rwigema died. But no one even knew Mupende except fellow junior soldiers. He wasn’t even an escort of one of the senior officers. Even in his fabricated stories he invokes second hand sources. In the New Vision article in 2019 for instance he says: “I personally did not see the person who pulled the trigger, but from what Fred’s bodyguards shared with me later, the suspects were among them (bodyguards).” This childish lie was the basis for the New Vision’s hatchet job, and subsequent repeated CMI smears against President Kagame. Elsewhere in the Commandonepost piece Mupende’s fictions dwell at length on Uganda’s self-serving propaganda that “UPDF was the liberator of Rwanda”, trying to claim credit for a victory that entirely was the RPA’s. This propaganda easily falls apart with a simple recollection of a few facts. One is that even after the Banyarwanda fighters had left Uganda and liberated their own country, Museveni would urgently call for their help, to help secure his country against possible foreign attacks.

That’s when he escaped to the Ugandan border, where Ugandan Intelligence people were waiting for him across.

But the simplest question is this: faced by the RPA in Kisangani in what happened to Museveni’s UPDF in 2000? On three occasions moreover?

“Mupende can only be a hero in Ugandan regime circles where all sorts of thieves, right from the top, think they are heroes,” snorted a former colleague of his.

Museveni’s propagandists seem to never be aware when they are publicly shooting themselves in the feet.

Abel Kandiho

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Issue no 042 November 2021


Kampala regime caught pants down lying about origin of ex-M23 rebel attack As usual Museveni planned to use Rwanda as a convenient scapegoat, by causing chaos to distract the world’s attention and then, if they succeeded, sending UPDF into the neighboring country on looting sprees. But they have been repulsed, according to the latest news.

By Alex Muhumuza Several websites and social media accounts run by Ugandan Military Intelligence (CMI) have gone into a frenzy of manufacturing stories, alleging that “M23 attacked DRC from Rwanda”, after gunmen said to belong to the group seized at least two Congolese villages – Tshanzu and Runyoni – in the evening of last Sunday. Chimpreports, one of the major outlets of CMI misinformation has since this Monday published at least three stories in quick succession disseminating the fictitious story. “The M23, who are said to be supported by the Rwandan government, were part of the DRC army who broke ranks in 2012 to start an armed rebellion in Eastern Congo,” Chimpreports writes in one of its articles. But Bertrand Bisimwa, current President of the M23 has denied that the group was responsible for the attack, which raises two questions: how did Kampala propagandists reach their conclusion? What was the source of their story? Chimpreports’ article, in its trademark style of just inventing stuff as they go along, also claims that “M23 was an extension of Rwanda Defence Force,” allegedly created to counter Rwandan rebel movements in North Kivu. This is another lie, just like the claim that the attackers (of the two Congolese villages) originated from Rwanda. They were from Uganda, and when Congolese forces repulsed them, they fled back to Uganda. Rwanda has nothing to do with the creation of M23, as facts show. M23 was a Congolese military splinter group that turned its guns on the government of former DRC president Joseph Kabila after the latter reneged on key parts of agreements on integration of forces representing the east in their country’s army. After their rebellion was defeated in 2013, the M23 fighters and

By Tuesday morning, yesterday, the Rwanda Defense Forces had come out with a statement to set the record straight. “The Rwanda Defense Force is neither involved in, nor supports any activities of the ex-M23 armed group,” said the RDF statement. Ugandan president Museveni

their leaders including its commander Sultan Makenga retreated to Uganda. However as is always the case with Uganda’s president Museveni, other than have the men disarmed and put in refugee camps – as international convention demands – he instead saw an opportunity, long term, to put them to his own use. Museveni put CMI in charge of the 1377 M23 fighters, who were installed in Uganda’s Bihanga Military Camp. Uganda claimed that they “would be repatriated from there”, but security analysts were already questioning: why put these men up in a military camp, for what purpose?”

resources of the DRC that is like a raging addiction. “Even in his sleep Museveni dreams Congolese gold and timber!” laughed a Kampala-based observer. Uganda in 2005 was slapped with a US$ 10 billion in damages by the International Court of Justice, awarded to DRC as a victim of Museveni’s military, UPDF’s looting of Congolese resources, as well as human rights abuses against civilians. With the M23, Museveni’s sinister motive in keeping them in military camps was to use them – at a time of his own choosing – to attack in DRC. Which they did Sunday evening.

It continued: “the ex-M23 group in question did not seek refuge in Rwanda during their retreat from DRC in 2013, but has been based in Uganda, from where their attack originated, and to where the armed group originated.” The statement concluded that any allegations that the attack came from Rwanda, “is just propaganda aimed at undermining the good relations between Rwanda and DRC.” Apparently Kampala thought they could kill two birds with one stone: instigate an attack that would create a means to enter Congo, while disrupting Kigali and Kinshasa’s peaceful co-existence. It is turning out to be just another of Museveni’s blunders.

Uganda even claimed, in 2014, that it was “working closely with Congolese authorities on the return of the M23 fighters.” But Kampala did not repatriate even one fighter. Rather, in 2017 Uganda claimed that “M23 fighters had escaped”, something that caused serious tensions with DRC. The Congolese were right to be concerned with Kampala’s dubious story that a group of men it supposedly had in safe keeping somehow had broken loose and fled. Museveni is well known to have a thirst for the minerals and other

Ex-M23 group

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