The Driftwood

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R O B E R T H. D ENTEL C hairm an of G uidance D epartm ent


1 9



LEST E R M. ED D IN G E R V ice-P rincipal H A R R Y D. R ISER V ice-P rincipal

BARTHO LOM EW SIC ILIA N O A ttendance Officer

H O W A RD R. RICHM ON D C o o rd in ato r of In stru ctio n al M aterials

JEAN REDDEN Secretary to S u p erintendent of School mmam


GRACE BACH Secretary to A dm inistrative Assistant

S E C R E T A R IE S: left to right, H elen F erris, E thel B ar足 nett, Agnes Craig, G race W althers, Betty Scherer.

JA N E R IC H A R D S Secretary to the H igh School P rincipal

B O O K K E EPE R S: left to right, E thel M organ, D oris L ittell.

W right, M uriel

Jean E. A ngersbach

C laire K . A n grist

Jo h n H . B ru n n e r

R o b ert H . A rents

W illiam B. B ru n o

Stanley E. B aston

F ra n k A. B ry an

N o rm an M. B rosniak

M ary I. B ryan

A. B ruce C am eron

FACULTY K en n eth R. Cassie

E dgar B. Coffey

M ichael F. D el Pozzo

Jan e H . G ard n er

F ra n k C. D istasio

M arylou C. G iunco

D avid W. E gbert

Lewis P. G ivle

Jo sep h W . F erris

M ichael L. G orra

A ngela T. Flynn

S tep h en B. Gust

A nna M. H ahn

G erald W. H iginbotham

E dw ard K. H ansell

A lfred H . H yatt

R o b ert 0 . H art

H en ry C. Jo h n so n

G eorge R. H artm an

Isabelle S. Jones

M arie W. Hayes

R u th S. Jones

19 6 2 W illiam Ju n d a

P au l T . K ran ick

R ussell C. L eidy

N orm an L inck

Ju n e B. Letsche

D onald B. L loyd

D orothy G. L ib erm an

D olores A. Lynch

W illiam G. K ern

A nna L. L ieberm an

P e te r J. M aher

Avis T. Marcy

K ath erin e M. M assey

R o b ert W. M cG urrin

R u th B. M orano

P au l S. Massie

N icholas J. M erli

C. R o b ert M ount

M ary L. M atthew s

R u th D. M eserve

L u th er S. D. M oyer

Scuddie E. McGee

R u th H. M in er

L aurence R. O sgoodby

Law rence V. M ione

Jo h n P andolfe

iM i

D orothy S. P earce

D onna L. R ennew anz

E m anuela P. P eluso

Sergio R ey

Jo seph V. P eluso

D oris R. R in eh art

W illiam G. P h illip s

F. Lachm an R in eh art

G erard J. P iserchia

R ichard E. R itten b erg

E velyn H. Ross

H elen D. Shaw

D onald J. Sm ith

R o b ert C. S prin ger

G eorge L. T hom pson

E sther F. R oyster

Joseph G. W alsh

E laine K. Sm ith

G ilb ert B. Stew art

B eatrice V an C am pen

P au l B. Saylor

E th elb ert W anner

R ichard C. Sm ith

L eonard S. Stout

R achel S. V ecchione

R u th C. Schnell

G eorge A. Snow

A nthony W. Talocci

A ugustus V illapiano

A llen B. W eissberger

Edw ard B. Shaw

E sth er L. T hom pson

M arie Vogel

T hom as D. W illiam s

Jam es P. Zucaro

C 1a s s

o f

19 6 2

GLENN ABELLO Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 2; Spanish Club Treasurer 3, President 4; Homeroom Vice President 2; Gym Monitor 2, 3, 4 ; Canteen Commit­ tee 3, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Megaphone 4; Track Club 3, 4: Booster Club 3, 4; Student Varieties 3; Intra­ mural Basketball 1, 2, 3; Hall Monitor 1, 2; Banking Representative 1; Glee Club 4. AM BITION: To become an Electrical Engineer. COLLEGE: Georgia Tech. STEPH EN BRIAN ADLER “Steve” Homeroom President 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Honor Society 4; Varsity Scholar 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Mega­ phone Sports W riter 3, 4; Student Varieties 3; Indoor Track 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Track Club 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Monitor 4 ; Bowling 1, 2; Booster Club 3, 4; Teens for Safe Driving 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Successful Doctor. COLLEGE. Tufts Medical School. PAUL AGRIS Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar; Band 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Cross Country 1, 2, 3; Indoor Track 1, 2 ; Outdoor Track 1, 2; W restling 1, 2; Megaphone Photographer 1, 2, 3; Driftwood Photograper 3. AM BITION: To enter Bio-Chemical Research. COLLEGE: Bucknell, University of Delaware, or Le­ high University. FU TU RE PLANS: To have a good freshman year at college. VALERIE ELIZABETH AIELLO “Lizzy” Homeroom Vice President 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 3; Intram ural Sports 1, 2, 3; Track Club 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Nurses Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Secretary. COLLEGE: Berkeley. FU TU RE PLANS: To take a trip with Chetta to Malibu, Florida.

BRUCE ALLSTON C afeteria M onitor 2, 3; Gym M onitor 4. AM BITION: To buy a Corvette. FU TU RE PLAN S: To install Car Interiors.

DONNA KARR AMBLER “Don” Future Nurses Club 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2 ; Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; U sherette 4 ; Blue A’s 2, 3, 4; Gym Leader 3; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4 ; German Club 4. A M B ITIO N : To become a Nurse. COLLEGE: Skidmore. FU TU RE PLA N S: To find a Good Doctor.

DORIS H ARRIET ANDERSEN “H arriet” Bowling 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3; Girls’ Basketball 1; Latin Club 1, 2 ; Secretary of Homeroom 3. AM BITION: To make Larry happy. FU TU RE PLANS: To work and then to get married.

EMANUEL A PPEL French Club 3, 4 ; T rack Team 2 ; Science Club 1, 2; Chess Club 1; W restling 2. AM BITION: To be a Philanthropist. COLLEGE: New York University.

TOBY ANITA A PPEL Megaphone Newswriter 1, 2, E x ch an g e Editor 3, Business M anager '4; Swing-Flags 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 2, 3; German Club 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Senior P lay; Student V arieties 3; Booster Club 3; Instructional M aterials Staff 1; Banking Representative 2; Freshm an Drama C lub; Hockey Team 3 ; Junior Prom Committee. COLLEGE: Cornell or Douglass. FU TU R E PLA N S: To study Chem istry and M ath and to become a Good Artist. W ILLIAM D. ARLINGTON “Bill” W restling Team 1, 2; Bowling 4 ; Student V arieties 3. A M BITION ; To be a M echanical Engineer. COLLEGE: University of Miami. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college.

ROBERT S. ARM STRONG “Army” T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster C lub; Indoor and Outdoor , T racks 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basket- IJ ball 1, 3, 4; Student V arieties 3 ; H all M onitor 3, 4; Span­ ish Club 3, 4; Teen Age Book Club; Junior Prom Commit­ tee; Glee Club 4. A M B IT IO N : To make good in the Hotel Business. COLLEGE: A lbright. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to A frica with Bill and Nick. CAROLLEE E. ASAY Homeroom Secretary 1, Vice President 3, 4; Junior C sical League 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Senior Play Student D irector; Honor Society 3, 4 ; Va: sity Scholar ,2; U sherette 4; Student V arieties 2 ; T rac Club 3 ,y 8 ^ Canteen Committee 4 ; Booster Club 3, 4. . A M jjlT IO N : To become an A ccountant. CO L L EG E : N ortheastern or M ary W ashington. \iF U X U IJE PLA^JS: Devise a way to beat Income Tax. V M K L l A f f i ' “Syl" n Representative to Girls Ci Citizenship 'institute for Girls S tate; S Student V;arieties 2, ,3YjSiei tudent V 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Banking Bankii R epresentative' Club 3, 4; Future Teachers Freshman Girls Basketball 1 Boosters Club 3; Dramkj 101 4; Press Club 1. h y atia succes^

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ift^IA N S Student itft^C au A cf^ TT'2; Homeroom Presid 2, 3, 4; FppthaU .Ieo h 'S , Co-Captain 4; Basetjul)("DoJli^£k 2, 3, 4; H alH M anitor 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 3, "Student V arieties 3 ; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Teenage Book Club; Span­ ish Club 3, 4 ; Junior Prom Committee; Intram ural Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 4. A M BITION : To be a Football Coach.

SHERYN EDITH BARTHELEMY “K lunk” Instructional M aterials Graphics Crew 3, Student Leader 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ger­ man Club 3; Blue A’s 3. AM BITION: To specialize in the Audio-Visual Field. COLLEGE: Trenton State Teachers College. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Teacher.

FRED BATES “Freddie” M anager; Intram ural

Varsity Baseball Baseball; Intra­ m ural Basketball. AM BITION: To have a M ilitary Career. COLLEGE: Undecided. FU TU RE PLANS: To be Successful.

PA TRICIA BATES French Club 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 2, 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To become an Interior Decorator. FU TU R E PLANS: To attend Presbyterian School of Nursing. TED BATSIS Latin Club 1, 2 ; Spanish Club 3; Track 1. 2; Booster Club 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4. F U T U R E 'P L A N S : To go to college. COLLEGE: N.C.L.A. A M B ITIO N : To become a Lawyer.

JO SEPH BELLISSIMO “Joe” Homeroom President 1, 2; Vice President 3; T rack Clu] 2, 3; Freshman Football; J. V. Football; Freshman Bast b a ll; J. V. B aseball; Intram ural Baseball 1, 2; Intramura Basketball 1. AM BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: Trenton. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become an Interior Decorator. LUCILLE BELLUCCI “Cial” Blue A’s 3, 4.. A M BITION: To be successful in whatever plans that make. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a

CAROLYN GRACE BENNETT “Carol” Bowling 3; Spanish Club 4; Blue A’s 3, 4. FU TU R E PLA N S: To study Art and to become a Good Artist.

DAVID N. BENNETT “Dave” Football 2, 3, 4; T rack 3, 4 ; T rack Club 3, 4 ; Teens for Safe Driving 4; W restling 2 ; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4 ; Booster Club 3. A M BITION : To be a Success. COLLEG E: Miami U. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college or into the Service.

DONALD G. BENNETT “Don” M anager of Freshm an Basketball Team ; Freshm an M ana­ ger of the Stockroom. A M BITION : To own a Sporting Goods Store. FU TU R E PLAN S: Get through the Army and to get a Store started. ROBERT PAUL BENNETT ‘Bob” Varsity Scholar 1 ,3 ; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 3, 4 ; J. V. Baseball; Megaphone Sports W riter 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Driftwood Homeroom R epresentative; Freshm an B asketball; In tra ­ m ural Bowling 1, 2, 3. A M BITION : To become a Lawyer or an Engineer. COLLEGE: Lehigh, University of Pennsylvania or R ut­ gers University. FU TU R E PLAN S: To attend college. Lf ROBERT BENSON “Bob” Honor Society; J. V. Baseball 2 ; J. V. Basketball 2; Int mural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 3, German Club 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3. A M BITION: To be successful. COLLEGE: Penn State. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college. SALVATORE BERARDESCO “Butch” Homeroom President 3, 4 ; Hall M onitor: Freshm an Fo hall; Freshman B asketball; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; J. and Varsity Basketball 2; J. V. Baseball 2; Varsity Ba ball 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4 ; Track Club Junior Prom Committee. A M BITION: To be a Sprinter. COLLEGE: Maryland. FU TU R E PLA N S: To attend college.

ROBERT BERKOWITZ “Bob” FU TU RE PLANS: To go into the Navy.

ALVIN BERNARD “Al” Band 1, 2, 4; Student V arieties 2 ; Student V arieties Band 1, 2, 4; Shore Conference Band 2, 4 ; J. V. Baseball 1; Radio Club T reasurer 4; Intram ural Bowling 1. COLLEGE: Nichols College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

M ICHAEL W ILLIAM BIANCHINI “Mickey” AM BITION: To become a S tructural Engineer. COLLEGE. Villanova. FU TU RE PLAN S: To join the Navy after School.

BRUCE MARTIN BIESKY “Slim” Cafeteria M onitor 1, 2; Hall Monitor 3; Gym Monitor 4; Debating Club 1, 2; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2; Press Club 3; Megaphone Selling Staff 2 ; English Book Committee 3, Chairm an 4; Booster Club 3. A M BITION: To become a Successful Businessman. COLLEGE: Nichols College.

STEPH EN ROBERT BOGAN “Steve” Intram ural Bowling 3, 4 ; Booster Club 4; Teenage Book Club 2. 3. AM BITION: To go to college and to study Business. COLLEGE: Rider. FU TU R E PLANS: To be a Success in life. PATRICIA ANNE BOHLMANN “P a t”’ Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3 ; English Book Club 3; German Club 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Staff 1. AM BITION: To be crowned a ‘King’. COLLEGE: Trenton State. FU TU R E PLAN S: To be a Teacher.

ELLIOT BORIN “O lliet” French Club 3, 4; Canteen Committee 3. 4 ; Athletic Staff 3, 4 ; Chess Club 2, 3; Sound Crew 1 ,2 . AM BITION: To loaf through life. COLLEGE: Brown University or Glassboro State. FU TU R E PLA N S: To become a History Teacher or to continue in the Audio Field. RUTH BOUIE “Bridgette” Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2; T rack Club 1, 2; Blue A’s 3, 4 ; Twirling Squad 3; Student V arieties 3. A M B ITIO N : To finish High School. COLLEGE: A. and T. College in Greensboro, North Carolina. FU TU R E PLANS: To become a Nurse.


BLAIR JOAN BOYD Group Picture Editor of Driftwood; J. V. Cheerleader; Homeroom Secretary 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 3, 4; T rack Club 2; Booster Club 3, 4; Varsity Hockey lj 2, 3, 4 ; Senior Play Prom oter. COLLEGE: I hope to go to Bucknell University.

PATRICIA A. BOYD “Trish” Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Teen Age Book Club 2; Volleyball 3, 4; Basket­ ball 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a Certified Public Accountant. COLLEGE: Monmouth College. FU TU RE PLANS: To tour the world.

M CAROL L. BRAND “Car” Teenage Book Club 2, 3, President 4 ; Senior P lay; In ­ structional M aterial Center Staff 2, 3, 4 ; A lternate Student A nnouncer 2; Future Teachers Club 2, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Meg Advertising Staff 3; Intram ural Bowling League 2, 3, 4; Freshm an Drama Club. A M BITION : To get a MRS. Degree. COLLEGE: Glassboro, Paterson, or Newark State. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college. PEGGY JEA N BREMBOS “Flea” French Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; B anking R epresenta­ tive 2; Freshm an Drama Club 1. A M BITION : To strike oil in my back yard. COLLEGE: M ontclair State Teacher’s. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

K EN NETH H. BROCKEL “K en” Outdoor T rack 3, 4; Indoor T rack 3, 4 ; Basketball M ana­ ger 2, 3; Science Club 1, 2, 3 ; Intram ural Bowling 4 ; Vice President Radio Club 4. A M BITION : To be an Engineer. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college. BONITA L. BROM BERGER “Bonnie” Student V arieties 1, 3; J. V. C heerleader; Varsity Cheer­ leader' 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; A thletic Staff 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Junior Prom Com­ m ittee 3; German Club 4 ; Girls Baseball 1, 3 ; Hockey 1; Latin Club 1, 2; F uture T eachers Club 3, 4 ; Canteen Com­ mittee 4; T rack Club 1, 2. A M BITION : To study for one year in Europe. COLLEGE: University of Vermont or New Hampshire. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college.

LEONARD BROVERMAN “Brove” Latin Club; Intram ural Bowling 1, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Booster Club 3, 4 ; T rack Club 3, 4 ; Science Club 1. AM BITION: To study Medicine. COLLEGE: Tufts. FU TU R E PLAN S: To make Money. ELIZABETH ARLETTA BUDD “Diddle” L ibrary Staff 2. AM BITION: To be a Beautician. FU TU R E PLA N S: To be Successful.


RONALD SCOTT BUIS t \ “Fox” Latin Club 1, 2; Track Club 2, 3, 4; 1, 2; Varsity Swimming 1, 2, 3, 3 ; T rack 2, 3; Junior Prom Commi S tate; Chess Club 1, 3; Gym Monitor eties 3; Booster Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a COLLEGE: Dickinson or Lehigh. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college Swimming Team. M ARILYNNE AUDREY “Mac” Future Teachers Club 3, 4; Spanish Club Play 4; Glee Club 4. AM BITION: To be a Math Teacher. COLLEGE: M ontclair State. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to Israel.

SUZANN MAE CARRICK “Sue” Bowling 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Latin Club 1. AM BITION: To go to college. FU TU RE PLAN S: To get married.

MILTON HARWEL CARSON “Kit” Freshman Basketball M anager 1; Athletic Stock Room M anager 1.' AM BITION: To become an Electronic Engineer. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend R.C.A. Electronic Insti­ tute.

LOUIS J. CASAGRANDE “Lou” Italian Club 3, 4; German Club 3; Track Club 3; Varsity Football 4 ; J. V. Football 3; Chess Club 3; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; W restling 2; Homeroom Vice Presi­ dent 3. AM BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: Lycoming. FU TU R E PLAN S: T o become Wealthy and Successful. GLORIA MAE CASEY Blue A’s 1, 2; T rack Club 2, 3; Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3, 4. A M BITION: To travel. FU TU R E PLAN S: To marry William Burnette.

STEPH EN CASTELLO “Steve” Intram ural Basketball 3; H all M onitor 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3; Varsity Golf 1; Bowling 4. AM BITION: To become a Professional Golfer. FU TU R E PLA N S: To travel. GENE P H IL IP CATALANO “Felix” Homeroom President 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Vice President 4; Freshm an Basketball; J. V. Basketball 2; Freshm an Base­ ball; T rack Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2 ; Golf Team 2. 3, Co-captain 4; Student Varieties 3; Boys State 3; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Cafeteria M onitor 3 ; Junior Prom Committee; Intram ural Basketball 1, 3, 4 ; Gym M onitor 4. AM BITION: To become a Golf H ustler with Vogel. COLLEGE: M arietta. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college. 23

ROBERT NEAL CERNY Driftwood Assistant Business M anager 4 ; Senior Play Ticket Committee 4; Student Varieties Ticket Committee 4; German Club 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Mix­ ed Bowling 3; Service Crew 1, Crew Chief 2: Track Club 4. A M B ITIO N : To become a Certified Public Accountant. COLLEGE: Lehigh. DAVID ALLEN CHARP “Dave” Varsity Scholar 2; Honor Society 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Student Varieties Band 2 ; Freshman Drama. C lub; Science Club 2; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. A M BITION: To become a Doctor. COLLEGE: Rutgers. FU TU R E PLANS: To study Pre-Med.

SHARON CHIBNIK “C hipper” Booster C lub; Girls Bowling; Blue A’s; Future Nurses Club. A M BITION : To be a Nurse. COLLEGE: Beth Israel School of Nursing. FU TU R E PLAN S: To attend the school and to transfer to Fitkin. JE F F R E Y K. CHILD “J.C .” Astronomy Club 2, 3; Science Club 2, 3; T rack Club 1, 2; Monitor 2, 3; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3; Intram ural Baseball 1, 2; Spanish Club 2, 3. A M BITION : To win the 1969 Indianapolis Race.

DANIEL CHISOLM “Chismo” A M BITION : To join the U. S. Army. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a M ilitary Policeman.

BARBARA YVONNE CLAYTON “Von” T rack Club 3, 4 ; Booster Club 4 ; M egaphone Selling Staff 4; Student V arieties 3; French Club 3, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 2, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Chorus 1, 2. A M BITION : To become a Child Psychologist. COLLEGE: Butler University. FU TU R E PLA N S: To open my own office, and to raise a family.

GEORGE F. COMBER AM BITION: To be an Electronic Technician. COLLEGE: R.C.A. Institute.

JOHN COMBER Intram ural Basketball 3, 4 ; Intram ural Tennis 4. A M BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: Monmouth College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To be a Success.


JAM ES CONNELLY Transfer from St. Rose High School.

JOAN M ARIE CONOVER “Joanie” Senior Personal Editor of the Driftwood; Homeroom Sec­ retary 1, 2, 3; Student Varieties 2, 3; Banking Representa­ tive 1, 4; French Club 3; Teenage Book Club 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Leader 4; Track Club 4; Bowling 3, 4; Mixed League 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Flag Twirlers A lternate 4. AM BITION: To become an Elementary School Teacher. COLLEGE: Moravian or Muhlenberg. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college.

BARBARA JANE COOK “Cookie” Twirling Squad 3, Co-Capt. 3, 4; Blue A’s 2, 4; Athletic Director’s Staff 4 ; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 3, 4; Press Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Staff 2; Student Varieties 3; Teenage Book Club 4 ; Tennis 4; Bowling 3, 4 ; Nurses Staff 4; Driftwood Staff Typist 4. A M BITION: To attend a good southern college. COLLEGE: Mary Washington College. FU TU RE PLANS: To go into Medical Technology. ARNOLD COOPER “Coop” Homeroom President 4 ; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Teen for Safe Driving 3, 4; English Book Committee 3, 4; Mega­ phone Selling Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4; Booster Club 3. 4. AM BITION: To be a Successful Businessman. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.


JAM ES CORRUBIA “Little Caesar” Hall M onitor; Baseball 1: Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3: Booster Club 4: Intram ural Bowling 1, 2. A AM BITION: To be on time. FUTJJRE PLANS: To attend college. JU D ITH ANN COTTON “Judy” Driftwood Senior Picture Editor 4; Track Club 2, 3, 4; flice Staff 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Bowling 1, 2 ; Spanish Club 3. 4 ; Future Nurses Club 2, 3: Freshman Drama Club 1: Teenage Book Club 3: Student Varieties 2, 3, 4 : Canteen Committee 3, 4 ; Press Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 4. AM BITION: To be a success in the field of Psychology. COLLEGE: W ashington College or Antioch College. FU TU RE PLAN S: To attend college.

HAROLD FRANCIS CRENSHAW “Little Bull” T rack Cluh 3, 4; Cross Country, J. V. 1; Booster Club 3, 4; Hall Monitor 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: Intram ural Bas­ ketball 1; Football 2, 3, 4; T rack 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a success in life. COLLEGE: M aryland State College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Teacher in Athletics. ANNE CROWELL “Annie” Banking Representative 1; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Baseball 2, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; French Club T rack Club 3; Gym Leader 3; G irl’s Sports 1, 2, 3, Citizenship Week 3. AM BITION: To make Dickie happy. COLLEGE: Berkeley Secretarial School. FU TU R E PLAN S: To be a Medical Secretary and m arry Dickie.

1, 3: 4;

to 25

GAIL P. CUSH “Gail” Homeroom Secretary 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3; Booster Club; T rack Club; Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3. A M B ITIO N : To walk down two aisles. COLLEGE: K atherine Gibbs Secretarial School. FU TU R E PLANS: To become a Professional Secretary. HOWARD E. DANIEL “How” Megaphone Editor-in-Chief 4 ; News Editor 3; Freshman Editor 2 ; R eporter 1; M erit Schloarship Semifinalist 4; Honor Society 2, 3, Vice-President 4 ; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1. 2. A M BITION: To decide on a career. COLLEGE: Tufts. FU TU R E PLAN S: To lead a Productive

RONALD DANIELSON “Ronnie” Megaphone News W riter 3, 4 ; Megaphone Columnist 4; Latin Cluub 1, 2; French Club 3, 4. A M B IT IO N : To become a T eacher. COLLEGE: M ontclair State Teachers College. FU TU R E PLA N S: To teach Social Studies in Junior H igh School. HENRY DARLING “D arling” T rack Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Science Club 1; Student Varieties 2 ; Cafeteria M onitor 2; French Club 4 ; Glee Club 2; Chorus 1. A M BITION : To go into Business. COLLEGE: Penn State. FU TU R E PLA N S: To become a W ealthy Man.

ROBERT C. DAVIDSON “Clay” W restling 2, 3, 4. A M BITION : To make good. FU TU R E PLA N S: To enter the Navy.

BETH ANN DAVIS T ransfer from Middlesex High School 1, 2 ; Future Nurses Club 3, 4; Nursing Staff 4; Glee Club. A M BITION : To become a Nurse. COLLEGE: M ount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Pediatric Nurse.

SAMUEL ALLEN DAVIS “Eye Ya” J. V. Football 1, 2 ; Homeroom Vice President 2; Hall M onitor 3. AM BITION: To be a success in life. FU TU R E PLAN S: To make up for lost time. BARBARA LEE DE SARNO “Bobbie” Representative to Girls State 3; Blue A’s 1, 2. 3, 4; Track Club 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Gym Leader 2; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Junior Prom Committee 3; Athletic Director’s Staff 4; Intram ural Sports 1, 2. COLLEGE: Penn Hall. FU TU R E PLAN S: To attend college.


ROGER DEY C afeteria Monitor 4; Track Club 4; Booster Club 4. AM BITION: To be a Success. FU TU RE PLANS: To live happily ever after.

DOUGLAS S. DICKINSON “Doug” Varsity Swimming 3, 4; Varsity W restling 1, 2 ; J. V. Track 3; German Club 3, 4 ; Band 1, 2. AM BITION: To go to college and study Science and Math. COLLEGE: M.I.T. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become an Engineer.

LAW RENCE J. DIGLIO “Dig’s” T ransfer from St. Rose High School 1, 2; Golf Team 3, 4; Booster Club 4; Golf Coach, J. V. Team. A M B ITIO N : To become a successful Bachelor. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FU TU RE PLANS: To stay out of trouble. . CLARENCE H. DIZARD, II “Dizzy” Homeroom Vice President 4; Track Club 4 ; Booster Club 4 ; Cross Country 1; Baseball 1, 3. AM BITION: To be a High School History Teacher. COLLEGE: Union College.

E DRAKKEEK , _ “ButiJi G la^C lub 1, 2; Tewis fo rtu n e Driving 4. A M B IT IO N /'T o have/ a career in Human Relations. COLLEGE: CentrWVJBible Institute. F U T jy w : PLA ,£ijL/T^\eoom e a Clergyman. AINE C tA R E JD U N L O P d o o m vice President 2,^H om eroom Secretary 1. 4; J .N Y ./W e rle a d e r; Alternate^Tor Girls State: Blue A’s 1, 2,Y3jrJ4; Future Nursea*T)rab 2: German Club 3, 4: Office S u n 2, 3; Student %jyreties 2: Basketball Team 1; Hock­ ey Team 1, 2, A? Driftwood Representative: Booster Ciub 2, 3, 4 ; /Track Clun 3, 4; Gym Leader. A M B ITIO N : To be a success in whatever I choose to nd jci be happy. O L L E ^E : Russel Sage College. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Nurse.

LOIS M. DUVAL “Lo” Glee Club 1, 2; Blue A’s 4; Bowling 4; Athletic Director’s Staff 4; T rack Club 4. AM BITION: To be happily married. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be an Office Worker. MAUREEN EDGLER Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3; T rack Club 4; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Italian Club 3: Nurses Club 1, 2.

JAM ES R. EDWARDS “Ed” Football 1, 2, 3, 4; W restling 2, 3, 4 ; Track Team 2: Cafe­ teria Monitor 4 ; French Club 4 ; Track Club 3, 4; Intra­ mural Softball 2; Physical Fitness Team 3. AM BITION: To be a Success at whatever I do. COLLEGE: Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college, and to enter the Field of Agriculture.

RICHARD M. EDWARDS “Richie” Member Instructional M aterials Center 1, 2; Booster Club 4. A M B ITIO N : To attend college. COLLEGE: Monmoutl^. titm im i' m [jg. a Building Contractor.

JO HN EICKHORN “J o n ” A M BITION: To drive in Le Mans. COLLEGE: P ratt Institute. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college and to try to learn something.

JO SE PH ERCOLINO “E rk” Chess Club 2, 3, 4; Teens for Safe Driving 4 ; R epresenta­ tive to Monmouth Safety Council 4 ; Audio-Visual Crew 1; M egaphone Selling Staff 4. AM BITION: To get through College. FU TU R E PLANS: To become a Good Teacher.

JA N E LYNN FARY Student V arieties 1, 3; Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4 ; T rack Club 1; Homeroom Vice President 1; Bowling 1, 2; Freshm an Drama Club 1. AM BITION : To become an Executive Secretary. COLLEGE: Berkeley. FU TU R E PLAN S: To attend college. JEROLD L. FE IN STEIN “Jerry” Megaphone W riter 1, Business Staff 2, Photography Editor 3; Asst. Advertising M anager 4 ; Senior Play Stage Man­ ager 4; Junior Prom Committee 3 ; Senior Prom Commit­ tee 4; Homeroom President 3; Student Varieties 1, 2, Ticket Committee 3, 4: Spanish Club 3, 4 : English Book Committee 4: Freshm an Drama Club 1; Band 1; Press Club 1, 2; T rack Club 1, 2. A M BITION: To return in four years to teach at A.P.H.S. COLLEGE: Newark State T eacher’s College. FU TU R E PLA N S: To obtain my M aster’s Degree in Education. SUSAN 8E TH FEIN STEIN “Sui The Q” Twirling 2, 3, 4: Nurses Club 2, 3, 4: Glee Club 1, 2, 3; T rack C lub 1, 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Nurses Staff 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Blue A's 1, 2, 3, 4: Banking R epresenta­ tive 3, 4 ; Senior Play Committee 4; Student Varieties 2, 3. AMBITION :To be a Happy, Healthy and Interesting Person. COLLEGE: Monmouth Medical Center School of N urs­ ing. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go on to college for a Bachelor of Science Degree. JU LIU S FELDER, II “Julie” Book Club 3, 4 ; Booster Club 4: Baseball 1, Freshman M anager; J. V. Baseball 2 ; Varsity 3, 4 ; Indoor Track 3; T rack Club 4. A M BITION : To be a Success in life. COLLEGE: M aryland State. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become an Auditor.

DIANE ILENE FISCHER “Misch” F uture Teachers 1, Librarian 2, Vice President 3. Presi­ dent 4; Megaphone News W riter 1, 2, Assistant Advertis­ ing M anager 3, Advertising M anager 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 3, 4 ; Tennis 2, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 3, 4: Teenage Book Club 3, 4; Freshman Drama Club; Booster Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Special Education Teacher. COLLEGE: Boston University. FU TU RE PLANS: To teach Special Education in New England. DOROTHY ANNE FISCH ER “Bobbie” Frenfch Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 3, 4 ; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Tennis 4. AM BITION: To take a cruise around the world. COLLEGE: Colby Junior College or Newcomb College. FU TU RE PLAN S: To become an Interior Decorator.

M ICHAEL G. FOW LER “Mike” Intram ural Bowling 3; Science Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Spanish Club 3; Track Club 4. AM BITION: To attend College. COLLEGE: Villanova or Seton Hall. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college.

VINCENT FRANCESE “Vince” Intram ural Bowling 1, 4; J. V. Baseball 2; Intram ural Basketball 2. A M B ITIO N : To be a Success.

DAVID JAY FRANKLIN “Dave” Radio Club 4; Track Team 3; Driftwood Staff; Science Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Press Club 1; Astronomy Club 1; Service Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To see the World at Peace. COLLEGE: Rutgers. FUTURE PLANS: To make a Detailed Study of Sound. KAREN J. FREEDMAN Teenage Book Club 1: Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To become a Secretary. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FUTURE PLANS: To he the best I can in any business I may want to go

M A RTIN L. FRIED “M arty” Band 1, 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Science Club 1, 4; Stu­ dent Varieties 3; Boys State 3; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; J. V. Football 3; Senior P lay; Varsity Scholar 1; Fresh­ man Dram a Club, Vice President. AM BITION: To be a Success in whatever I do. COLLEGE: Bucknell. FU TU RE PLAN S: To go to college. JOAN FRIEDLAND “Joanie” M egaphone Newswriter 1, 2 ; Feature W riter 3, 4; Student Disc Jockey for W.J.L.K. 3; Student Announcer Alternate 3, Regular 4; Student Varieties 1, 2, 3; Canteen Commit­ tee 4; Freshman Drama Club, T reasurer; Student Youth Forum ; T rark Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 2, 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 3; Spanish Club 4; Booster Club 3, 4; English Club 3. AM BITION: To marry a College Professor. COLLEGE: State Teachers. FUTURE PLAN S: To room with Judy at Trenton.

VICTOR FRIEDRICH “Vic” Debating Club 2, T reasurer 3, President 4; Columnist 3, Copy Editor 4 ; Latin Club 1, 2 ; German Club 3, 4; Honor Society 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 2, 3, 4; Wrestling Team 3; Basketball M anager 2. AM BITION: To be a Physicist. COLLEGE: Princeton.

STEPH EN FROMHOLD “Steve” W restling 4 ; T rack Club 4; Track 3. AM BITION: To become a Millionaire. FU TU RE PLANS: To work as a lineman for Jersey Central.

LOIS FRUEH LING “Lo” Homeroom President 1; M egaphone 1, 2, 3; Track Club 4 ; F uture Teachers Club 4 ; F uture Nurses Club 2, 3, 4; Information Staff 4; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club 2 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 4: Candidate for Girls State 3. A M BITION : To become a Teacher. ROSLYN FURMAN “Roz” Executive Board of Student Council 3; Secretary of Mon­ mouth County Student Council 3; Honor Society 2, 3, Sec­ retary 4; Latin Club 1, Consul 2 ; Homeroom President 2; Varsity Scholar 1, 2; Girls State A lternate 3; Spanish Club 3, Secretary 4 ; Megaphone Feature W riter 3, 4 ; Usherettes 3, 4; Senior P lay; Student V arieties 1, 2, 3; English Book Committee 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Drama Club; Junior Prom Comm ittee; I.M.C. Staff. JED DONALD GAINES Homeroom President 4; Varsity Swimming Team 1, 2, 4; Student Varieties 3; A lternate Representative to Boy State 3; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Spanish Club T reasurer 4 Intram ural Basketball 2, 3; Cross Country 2; Sports W riter 2, 3, 4; Varsity Tennis Team 4 ; Int Bowling 1; Teens for Safe Driving 3, 4 ; Booster Club 4 ; Homeroom Vice President 3; D ebating Club 3; Senior Prom Committee. A M BITION : To attend college and to become the Lari est Share Holder in the New York Stock Exchange. COLLEGE: Rutgers or W harton. K ATHLEEN GALFI “K athy” Future Nurses 2, 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2; Volleyball 2; Tennis 2, 3 ; German Club 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 1; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2. A M B ITIO N : To become a Certified Public Accountant. COLLEGE: Florida State University. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to Summerhill, England. JOHN RANDALL GALLOWAY “Johnny” W restling 3; Science Club 3: Gym M onitor 4: Shop Fore­ man 1, 2. AM BITION: To be happy. COLLEGE: University of Honolulu. FU TU R E PLANS: To be a C. P.A. RICHARD GREGORY GASPARIAN “Gassy” Football 1; Latin Club 1, 2; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall M onitor 1, 2, 3; Gym Monitor 4; Stamp and Cbin Club 2; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating Club 3; Megaphone Selling Staff 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To enter Medicine. COLLEGE: Seton Hall. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college.


MARY G ELSLEICHTER “Gilly” I.M.C. Staff 2; Athletic Director’s Staff 4 Blue A’s 2, 3, 4 ; Bowling 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3; Banking Representative 3: T rack Club 4. A M B ITIO N : To be a Secretary. FU TU R E PLANS: To get m arried and to raise a Large Family. MYRA GENDEL “M ike” Varsity Scholar; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Usherette 3, 4: Megaphone Feature W riter 3, 4; Student Varieties 2, 3: Homeroom Secretary 3; Latin Club 1, 2; English Book Committee 3, Chairm an 4; Spanish Club 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Freshman Drama Club; Track Club 2, 4; IMC Staff 4. AM BITION: To travel through Europe. COLLEGE: University of Michigan. FU TU R X PLANS: To be a High School Teacher.

DIANE GENOLA Student Executive Council 1; Homeroom Vice President 1; Homeroom Secretary 4: Latin Club 1, 2: Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Office Staff 2, 3, 4: Track Club 3, 4; Color Guard 3, Captain 4; Spanish Club 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2. AM BITION: To be a Nursery School Teacher. COLLEGE: Endicolt Junior College or Harcum Junior College. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college. PETRA GIESSELMANN Drama Club 1; Nurses Staff 2; Basketball 1, 4; Blue A’s 4. AM BITION: To be Happy, and Healthy with Lots and Lots of Money. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Nurse.

WILLIAM FLOYD G ILLESPIE “ Buzzy” Homeroom President 1: Homeroom Vice President 4 ; Freshman Drama Club: French Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2, Secretary 1; Driftwood Homeroom Representative 4: Track Club 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Foreign Exchange Teacher. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college and to obtain my M aster’s Degree in Education. PAMELA GILSON “Pam ” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 1, 3; Homeroom Vice President 2: Latin Club 1, 2; Freshman Drama Club; Track Club 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3; Information Desk 4; Canteen Committee 3: Junior Prom Decorating Committee. A M B ITIO N : To become an Executive Secretary. COLLEGE : LaSalle Junior College. FUTURE PLANS: To attend college. LINDA MARIA GLASER “Scamp” Flag Tw irler Alternate 4: T rack Club 4; Future Teachers Club 4: Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 4; Drama Club I ; Nurses Staff 4. AM BITION: To become a Commercial Artist. COLLEGE: Douglass. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college and to receive an A rt Degree for Teaching. ETHAN DAVID GLUCK “E th” Megaphone Feature Staff 2, 3, 4 : French Club 3, 4; De­ bating Club 3, 4: I.M.C. Staff 2, 3; Press Club 1; Stamp and Coin Club. AM BITION: To be a success in whatever I’m going to be. COLLEGE: Rutgers. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college and then to marry. 31

PAULA JEAN GOLDBERG “P aul” Future Nurses Club 2, 3, 4 ; Student Varieties 3; Track Club 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 4; Blue A’s I, 2, 3, 4 ; Nurse’s Staff 4 ; Megaphone Advertising Staff 3; Booster Club 3, 4; Senior Play Make-up Committee. AM BITION: To get into Nursing School. COLLEGE: University of Pennsylvania. FU TU RE PLANS: To finish Nursing School and to become a Nurse. SUSAN MARSHA GOLDBERG “Sue” Future Teachers Club 2, 3, 4 ; Library Staff 1, 3, 4; Library Staff Broadcast 2; Teenage Book Club 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 4; Bowling 1, 3, 4; Press Club 2; Student Varieties 2 ; Driftwood Typist 4 ; Senior Play Committee. A M B ITIO N : To be a Commercial A rtist or an Interior Decorator. University. EDWARD L. GOLDEN “Eddie” T rack Club 4; Spanish Club 3; New York Times R epre­ sentative 3; Chess Club 2; Intram ural Bowling 3, 4; Booster Club 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4. A M BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: New York University. FU TU R E PLA N S: To study Law. BARBARA GOLDSTEIN “Bobbi” Homeroom Secretary 1; Guidance Staff 4 ; Senior Play; Blue A’s 1, 3, 4; Banking R epresentative 4; Megaphone 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; T rack Club 4 ; Booster Club 4; Intram ural Bowling 2, 4; Freshm an Drama Club. A M BITION : To become a New York Executive. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college. MARCIA GORDON “Tex” Glee Club t 2, 4; Blue A’s 1; Senior Play 4; Freshman Dram a Club 1; G irls Chorus 1, 2. A M BITION : To take up V eterinary Work. COLLEGE: Rutgers N.C.A.S. or Cornell. FU TU R E PLAN S: To finish college and run a Breeding Farm for H orses. VINCENT J. GORMAN “Vinnie” Vice P resident of Student Council 3: T reasurer of Student Council 4; R epresentative to Student Council 2; Varsity Baseball 1, 2, 3, Co-captain 4 ; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, President 1; Vice President of Canteen Committee 3; Homeroom Vice President 1. Homeroom President 2, 3; Student V arieties 3; Spanish Club 3, 4; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys State 4 ; English Book Com­ m ittee 2. A M BITION: To become a Successful Lawyer and have a Family. COLLEGE: Dartm outh. FU TU R E PLANS: To study Law.

W ILLIAM L. GRAHAM “Bill” Homeroom President 1: Homeroom Vice President 2, 4: Latin Club 1, 2: Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4: Intram ural Basketball 1. 2. 3, 4: Vice President of the Chess Club 4; Megaphone Selling Staff 4. AM BITION: To enter the field of Real Estate. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college. HAZEL LEE GRANT “Penny” Blue A’s 1, 2; Track Club 4: Booster Club 4 : Glee Club 4. AM BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FU TU R E PLANS: To become an I.B.M. Keypunch Operator.


CHARLES GREENBERG. JR. “Chuck” Science Club 3, 4; W restling 1. 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3; Teen Age Book Club 3. AM BITION: To go into Science. FU TU R E PLAN S: To make a comfortable living and to enjoy life.

BETH SHEILA GREENHILL “Bethie” Student Varieties 2, 3; Senior Plav 4: Booster Club T reasurer 4'; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling Latin Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 3: Track Club 2, 3, Freshm an Drama Club 1; Guidance Staff 4. AM BITION: To become a Clinical Psychologist. COLLEGE: University of Michigan.

MARTIN GREENSPAN “M arty” ub 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowl11 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3; Teenage Book Club 1, 4; J. V. Football 2; Hall ing Club 3, 4. Field of Medicine, rsinus or Citadel. : To make Money. -J T H O N Y M. GRIECO, JR. “Tony” 0Smd 1, 2; Track Club 1, 2, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 4; Service Crew 1; Track Team 2; Megaphone Selling Staff _ o go to college. NS: To go into Business.

GWEN GUNTER “Iodine” Blue A’s; Chorus; Track Club. AM BITION: To be Successful in life. COLLEGE: Business College. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Secretary.

MARY ELLEN HABERSHAW Twirling Squad 1, 2, 3;-*Homeroom Vice President 2, 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Track' Club 2, 3. 4: Booster Club 2, 3; Intram ural Bowling 2, 3. . AM BITION: To go to college.

SUSIE HAMPTON “Sue” Booster Club: Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4: Future Nurses Club; Library Staff; Teenage Book Club. A M BITION : To live in New York City. COLLEGE: Apex Beauty College. FU TU RE PLA N S: To become a Beautician. W ILLIE JA M ES HAMPTON “P eter” Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Student V arieties 3; Track Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2 : W restling 1, C afeteria Monitor 1, 2; Booster Club 1, 2, 3: Chess 1, 2; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2. 3: Tennis 1, 2 ; M onitor 1, 2. AM BITION: To become a Calypso Dancer. COLLEGE: School of Dancing. FU TU R E PLAN S: To dance in Cuba.

1, 2, 2. 3: Club Hall

PATRICIA ANN HARTMANN “Pat” Future Nurses Club 2, President 3, Secretary 4 ; Track Club 4 ; Booster Club 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Baseball 1, 3, 4 ; Nurses Health Office Staff 3; Senior Play 4; Girls Intram ural Bowling 2, 4. AM BITION: To become a Nurse. COLLEGE: New England Deaconess Hospital. FU TU R E PLANS: To aid doctors in curing as many sick people as possible. GLORIA HARTWELL “Gidget” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Girls Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3 ; Twirling 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2 : Track Club 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 2, 3. AM BITION: To trgvfej and to be a good Fashion De­ signer or COLLEGE: (J^ p d g T ^ g ai^ S ch o o l of Fashion Designing

CAROL A. HERBISON “Herby” Secretary of Student Council 4; Junior Miss 3; Delegate to Girls State 3; Representative to Executive Student Council 3; Varsity Cheerleader 4 ; J. V. Cheerleader ‘1, C aptain; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; U sher 3, Head U sher 4; Homeroom President 2; Home­ room Secretary 1; Homeroom Vice President 3; Student V arieties 1, 2; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Leader 3, 4: Hockey Team 1, 2, 3; Basketball Team 2( 3; Latin Club 2, 3, Co-Consul 1; Booster Club 2, 3. FU TU RE PLA N S: To go to college. M IRIAM ELAINE HERSHM AN “M ir” Future Teachers Club 4; Teenage Book Club 4; Science Book Club 4; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 3; Track Club 4 ; Bowling 4. A M BITION: To become a Teacher. COLLEGE: University of Toledo.

DAVID H IERS “Dave” AM BITION: To become an Electrical Engineer. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

EDRIN E AUDREY HINTON Glee Club 1, 4; Blue ik; lErlglis $ M u b 3; Banking Representative 2. g Ij «JT AM BITION: TcgXecome^a figrber own a Racing Stable. \L I LV ■ > BaAw-r School.

CHARLES HONEKER “Charlie” Senior Class T reasurer: Latin Club 1, 2: T rack Club 2, 3: Booster Club President 4: Spanish Club 3: Freshman Baseball: Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4: Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hall M onitor 4: Intram ural Bowling L, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To go to college. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Physical Education Teacher. JAM ES R. HOWARD “Ronnie" Band 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Professional Musician. COLLEGE: Music Conservatory. FU TU RE PLAN S: To study in a Music School.


MARY LOU HUIE “You-E” FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Medical Secretary.

EILEEN HURLEY “H url” Blue A's 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2. AM BITION: To become a Photographic Model. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Modeling School.

ALFRED H. HYATT "Al” Band 1, 2, .3, Student Director 4: Student Varieties Band 1, 2, 3: Driftwood Lay Out Editor 4, Freshman Picture Editor 3; Varsity Scholar 1, 2: Honor Society 2, 3, 4: Senior Play 4; French Cluh 3, 4: Junior Prom Committee 3: Megaphone Cai;tponist 3, 4: Freshman Drama Club 1; English Book Club 3., A M B ITIO N : To become an Architect. COLLEGE: Cornell or Carnegie Tech. NICHOLAS IRONS "N ick” Football 1, 2, 3, 4: Track 3, 4: Indoor Track 4; Intra­ mural Basketball 2, 4: Booster Club 4; Track Club 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4: Student Varieties 3: Hall Moni­ tor 2, 3; Teens for Safe Driving 4: Weight Lifting Club 2. AM BITION: To attend college. FUTURE PLANS: To go to Africa with Bill and Bob.

EVEI.YN ISACSON "Ev” Future Nurses Club 2, 4, Treasurer 3: French Club 3, 4: Booster Club 4: Track Club 4: Blue A’s 3, 4: Homeroom Secretary 4. FUTURE PLANS: To become- a Good Nurse, and then a Good Wife. THOMAS IZZO "Izz” German Club 3: Track Club 4; Booster Club 4: Science Club 3, 4 ; Track 1: Football 1, 2, 3: W restling 4. AM BITION: To be the best in whatever profession I enter. COLLEGE: Rutgers. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college.

SHARON BARBARA JA BRO FF Transfer from Long Branch High School. AM BITION: To be a success. FUTURE PLANS: To get married.

ANGELA R. JACOBSON “Angie” Blue A’s 4; German Club 4 ; Teenage Book Club 3. AMBITION: To learn Languages and to travel. COLLEGE: University of California. FUTURE PLANS: To work in the State Department.


JU D ITH ANN JECK “Judy” Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; Usherette 3, 4 ; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Cheering 1: Girls Sports 1; Blue A’s; Spanish Club Secretary 3; Athletic Director’s Staff 4 ; Megaphone Advertising Staff 3 ; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Senior Play 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a Teacher. COLLEGE: Trenton State. FU TU RE PLANS: To marry and to raise a Baseball Team. KAREN MARY JERVIS Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 3, 4 ;. French Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Library Staff 4. AM BITION: To grow taller. COLLEGE: Glassboro State College. FU TU R E PLANS: To graduate from college and to teach School.

P E T E R JOHNSON “P ete” Intram ural Basketball 1, 2 ; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Teenage Book Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a M echanical Engineer. COLLEGE: R.C.A. Technical Institute. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college. STEPH EN JOHNSON “Steve” Homeroom Vice-President 1; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 3. A M BITION: To be successful in Business. COLLEGE: R ider College. FU TU R E P L A N S : To attend Rider.

MARY ANN JO NES “Foxy” Spanish Club 4: Blue A’s 2, 3, 4 ; Bowling 3, 4 ; Track Club 4. A M BITION: To enjoy life to the fullest extent. COLLEGE: University of San Diego. FU TU R E PLAN S: To study N utrition,

JAM ES JO NES “J. J .” Service Crew 2, co-captain 1: T rack M anager 2 ; D rift­ wood Representative 4. A M BITION: To live life. COLLEGE: I FU TU RE PI

OLIVER JONES “Oscar” Football 1, 2, 3, 4 : Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 : Homeroom President 4; Athletic Stockroom 3, 4: Track Club 4 ; Band 1, 2, 3, 4 : Student Varieties Band 3, 4; Good Grooming Movie 3; Hall Monitor 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a Professional Golfer. FU TU R E PLANS: To play Golf. VERENA JONES “Pookie” Blue A's 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Future Nurses Club 1, 2: Booster Club 1, 2 : T rack Club 1, 2, 3; Student Varieties 1, 2, 3. AM BITION: To become a Successful Technician. COLLEGE: Montclair. FU TU RE PLANS: To go into Medical Technology.


BARBARA JA NE KALLINI Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 1. 2 ; Guidance Stall 4. AM BITION: To become an Opera Singer. FU TU RE PLANS: To continue my Vocal Studies.


BARBARA L. KANTER \c F “Bonnie” ' Homeroom President 1; Student Council 1; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2; Honor Society Usherette 3, 4; Megaphone W riter 1, 2; Megaphone Selling Staff 2; Student Varieties 1, 2, 3; Track Club 1, 2, Secretary 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 3: Freshman Drama Club; Health Office Staff 2; I.M.C. Staff 4; Senior Prom Usher 1. AM BITION: To find a cure for cancer. COLLEGE: Boston University. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Medical Technologist.

CHERYL KANTOR Homeroom Secretary 1; Blue A’s.

H. ROY KAPLAN “Kappy” Homeroom President 2 ; Student Council 2; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Prom Committee; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; German Club 3; Megaphone 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 3, 4; Varsity Football 4; Varsity Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Swim­ ming 2 ; Cross Country 1, 2; Hall Monitor 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4. AM BITION: To go to college.

DONNA L. KEELER “Lil” Freshman Drama Club; Track Club 2, 3; Homeroom VicePresident 1, 2, 3; Banking Representative 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 4: Megaphone Selling Staff 2; Future Teachers Club 3. AM BITION: To take a trip to Russia and to view the sights. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend Business College.

MARY JANE KELLERS Blue A’s 2, 3, 4: Track Club 3. 4: Drama Club 1: Home­ room Secretary 2: I.M.C. S taff: Booster Club 3. AM BITION: To do something right. COLLEGE: W ilfred Academy.

BARBARA A. KELLEY “Rusty” Future Nurses Club 4; Office Staff 4 ; German Club 3: Blue A’s 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a Nurse to an Old Rich Doctor. COLLEGE: Monmouth School of Nursing. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Nurse. JAM ES KENARNEY Latin Club 2, 4: Intram ural Basketball 2, 3, 4: Spanish Club 2; Track Club 4; Intram ural Bowling 2. AM BITION: To make lots of Money. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college.


EDWARD KENNEDY “Verde” Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4; W restling 3, 4 ; Homeroom President 3; Prom Committee 3. AM BITION: To be a Success. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. WFNDY F KESSLER Future Nurses Club 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 2; Freshman Drama Club 1; Student Varieties 2, 3; Nurses Staff 4; Megaphone Advertising Staff 3; Homeroom Secretary 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Visual Aid Staff 1; Intram ural Bowling 4. COLLEGE: A lbert Einstein School of Medicine. FU TU R E PLANS: To become a Nurse.

EDWARD KING “Ed” AM BITION: To become an Auto Mechanic. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go into one of the Armed Services. W ILLIAM GORDON KING “Willy” Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3; Homeroom V ice-President 4; Driftwood R epresenta­ tive; Cafeteria M onitor 4; Honor Society 3, 4. A M B ITIO N : To make a worthy contribution to society through my chosen profession. COLLEGE: U. S. Air Force Academy. FU TU R E PLAN S: To stay on the ground.

ALAN R. KLAYTON “Al” Baseball 1; Band 2, 3, 4; Radio Club 4 ; German Club 3; Intram ural Basketball 2. A M BITION: To become an Electronic Engineer. COLLEGE: Lowell Technological Institute. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college. P E T E R ALAN KLEIN (f “Pete” Varsity T rack 1, 2, 3: Chess Club 4 ; Intram ural Baske 3, 4; M egaphone 1, 2. A M BITION : To drive in the Italian G rand Prix. s FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

DAVID KLINGER “Kling” 2, 3; W restling 2, 4; Megaphone 2 ; Intram ural 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1: Track Club 2, 3; Baseball 1, 4; Booster Club 1, 2; Gym Monitor 3. AM BITION: To become a Success. E PLANS: To attend college.

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STEVE KLITZMAN “Klitz” News W riter 1, Feature W riter 2, Feature Editor 3, M anaging Editor 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Play: Student Disc Jockey 3; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2: Student Varieties 3; Debating Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Press Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Drama Cluh 1. AM BITION: To write a Best Seller. COLLEGE: Tufts or Columbia. FU TU R E PLAN S: To study the Humanities.

RICHARD SLOCUM KNIGHT “Judge” Attended Cheshire Academy; Attended Pennington School. FU TU RE PLAN S: To go to college, and then to live a life out of school.

RAYMOND KOENIG Football M anager 2; W restling 1, 2; Intram ural Basket­ ball 1. 2. AM BITION: To go into the Navy. FUTURE PLANS: To make a career out of the Navy.

RENA SUSAN KRUGER “Renie” Transfer from Hightstown High School 1, 2; Spanish Club 3; Teenage Book Club 3; Blue A’s 4; Booster Club 4; Senior Play Committee. AM BITION: To become a Millionairess. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college. JEAN E. KRUKOVSKY “K ruk” Bowling 2. AM BITION: To be a Secretary for a Politician. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Business School.

RICHARD G. KUCHEN “Kuch” Track Club 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 4; Intram ural Basketball 2 ; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2 ; Hall Monitor 2. AM BITION: To be a Success. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college. CHARLES L. KUTRUMBOS “Deno” Freshman Football: J. V. Football; Varsity Football 3, 4; T rack 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Home­ room Vice President 4 ; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Hall Monitor 2, 3; In tra­ mural Bowling 2; Teenage Book Club 4. A M BITION: To become a Success. COLLEGE: M ontclair State. FUTURE PLANS: To be a Head Football or Track


FRED LA RUE “King Fish” Varsity Swimming 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Booster Club 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2. A M B ITIO N : To become a Teacher. FU TU RE PLAN S: To go to a Teacher’s College.


R. BRITT LAYTON “B ritt” Homeroom President 1, 2 ; T rack Club 2, 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4 ; Student Council 1, 2. A M B ITIO N : To meet lots of people and to travel. COLLEGE: Bucknell University. FU TU R E: To be an English Teacher.

MARILYN ANN LEBEDOFF Future Nurses Club 4; Teenage Book Club 4. AM BITION: To become a Medical Secretary. COLLEGE: Fairleigh Dickinson.

C. RODNEY LEFFER SO N , JR. AM BITION: To be a success in whatever I do. FU TU R E PLAN S: To join the Navy.

SALLY LEM|M|ERMAN “Sally” A lternate to Girls S tate; Homeroom Vice President 1; Homeroom Secretary 2 ; Gym Leader 4 ; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 4 ; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 4 ; Banking Representative 1, 2; I.M.C. Staff 1. AM BITION: To become a Secretary.

P H IL LEUNG Chess Club; Intram ural Bowling.

STEVEN E. LIEBERM AN “Dorper” Homeroom President 4 ; Baseball 1, 3, 4 ; Football 2 ; Bas­ ketball 2 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 4, Capt. 3 ; Student V arieties 3, 4 ; T rack Club 1, 3, 4; | Cheslsi C lub! 2, ]3; Spanish Club 4; Teens for Safe Driving 3. A M BITION : To do well in whatever work I choose.COLLEGE: University of Buffalo or Syracuse.

MARIANNE LILLIS Transfer from Im m aculata High School 1, 2; M ount St. U rsula 3 ; T rack Club 4; Bowling 4; Blue A’s 4. A M BITION: To become an Executive Secretary. COLLEGE: Penn Hall. FU TU R E PLAN S: To have a career and then to marry. MARTIN LILLY “Tiger” T ransferred fom Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Ohio. AM BITION: To become a Draftsman. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become an A rchitectural Drafts­ man.


JOHN LOUTRARIS “The Greek” Bowling 1, 2; Science Club 1. A M B ITIO N : To be my own boss. FU TU RE PLANS: To work hard for my position. DEM ETRA LYNARDAKIS “Dee” Homeroom Vice President 2 : Homeroom Secretary 4 ; Stu­ dent Varieties 2; French Club 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 2, 4: Track Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 2; Booster Club 3, 4; Of­ fice Staff 3; Bowling 2; Hockey 2, 4. AM BITION: To .go to college. COLLEGE: Trenton State Teachers College. FUTURE PLAN S: To teach Elem entary School;

DOROTHY A NN E1 LYNCH “Dottie” Science Club 2, Secretary 3, 4; T rack Club 2, 3, 4; Office Staff. 4; Blue A's 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 4; Chorus 2; Future Teachers Club 4; Science Book Club 4; English Book Club 4. A M BITION: To teach at A.P.H.S. COLLEG E: Monmouth. RONALD LYONS “Ron” Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cross Country 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; 1'rack Club 3, 4; Boost­ er Club 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3: Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3. AM BITION: To go to Business School. FU TU R E PLAN S: To graduate from college.

ELAINE M. MACALUSO “Reindeer” J. V. Cheerleader; Varsity Cheerleader 4; Nurses Club 3, 4; T rack Club 4; Booster Club 4; Office Staff 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3. A M B ITIO N : To be a “Stormerette.” COLLEGE: Monmouth. FU TU R E PLANS: To be a Private Secretary. GUY W ILLIAM MacDONALD • “Mac” Glee Club 1, 2 ; Service Crew 1, Crew Chief 2 ; Hall Mon­ itor 4 ; Student V arieties 1. AM BITION: To become a Certified Public Accountant. COLLEGE: Rider.

LA R R Y MACE ‘Moose” Track 1, 2-; Shop Forem an 1. A M B ITIO N : To be a Happy Man. FU TU RE PLA N S: To go into the Air Force and then to go into A rt School. M AUREEN LOUISE MACK “Olley” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 2, 3, 4 ; Booster Club 4; Future Nurses Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To graduate. COLLEGE: Asbury P ark Business College. FU TU RE PLAN S: To m arry Olley.


BARBARA J. MACKEY “Bobbi” Blue A’s 3, 4; Booster Club. AM BITION: To be a success. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be a Secretary, and married.

to get

RICHARD B. MAESTRELLI “Rich” Sound Crew 1; J. V. Baseball M anager 1; German Club 3; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4; Track Club 4; Bowling 1; Science Club 3. AM BITION: To be Rich and Successful. COLLEGE: Ursinus. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college.

ROSE M ARIE MAGGIO “Roe” Student V arieties 2; Homeroom Secretary 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; T rack Club 2; Latin Club 1; Italian Club 2,- 3, 4. A M BITION: To go to Europe with Eva. COLLEGE: Douglass. FU TU R E PLAN S: To teach Elem entary School. JO H N C. MAHAN “Big John” Varsity Football 3, 4 ; Student Varieties 3; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homerorfm T reasurer 4: T rack Club 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 3; Indoor Track 3, 4; Outdoor T rack 4; Freshman Football 1: J. V. Foot­ ball 2; Intram ural Bowling 3; Teenage Book Club 3. A M BITION : To be a Success. COLLEGE: University of Florida or Springfield College. FU TU R E PLA N S: To be a History and Physical E du­ cation Teacher.

GARY W. MAJOR “W illie” AM BITION: To go to college and have fun. COLLEGE: University of Hawaii. FU TU R E PLA N S: To ride a Surf Board. P E TE R DENNIS M ANSFIELD “The Machine” Homeroom Vice President 2; Swimming Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4. A M B IT IO N : To write a book before Mr. Gorra does. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to Hawaii with Dave.

GLORIA MANUEL “ Peewie” Basketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2; Track Club 2, 3, 4: Sci­ ence Club 1; Booster Club 2, 3: Debating Club 3: Teen­ age Book Club 3 : Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4. A M B ITIO N : To be a Nurse. COLLEGE: Philadelphia School of Nursing. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be a Success.

PH YLLIS MARCIANO “Phyl” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Italian Club 2; Bowling 2; Basketball 3, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 3; Volleyball 4. AM BITION: To find True Happiness. FU TU RE PLANS: To travel.


CHARLES JO SE PH MARTINO “Charlie” Baseball 1, 2, 3; Intram ural Basketball 2; Banking Rep­ resentative 2. AM BITION: To get out of school. COLLEGE: M urray State. FU TU R E PLANS: To go into the Service. MARTHA MATTINGLEY “M arta” Megaphone Feature W riter 3, 4; French Club 3; Latin Club 1; Teenage Book Club 4 ; Booster Club 4. AM BITION: To be a Successful Artist. COLLEG E: Cooper-Union. FU TU RE PLANS: To get through Art School.

LEONARD MAYERSOHN “Lenny” Science Club 2; Stamp and Coin Club 2; Gym Monitor 2; T rack Club 1. AM BITION: To be a Success in life. COLLEGE: Monmouth or Rider. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college. LINDA MAZZA “Dee” Volleyball 1, 2; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 4; Banking Representative 2; Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Driftwood Representative; Representative to Monmouth County Teenage Safety Council 4 ; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Honor Society 4 ; Senior Play Make-up Commit­ tee 4. A M B ITIO N : To be happy in whatever I do. COLLEGE: N ortheastern University, Mary Washington or Glassboro. FU TU RE PLANS: To be an Elementary School Teacher.

J. DAVID McFADDEN “Dave” Sound Crew 1; W restling 2, 3; Science Club 3; Gym Monitor 4. AM BITION: To be a Happy Man. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Hawaii with Pete.

DOROTHY McMILLIAN “P eanut” French Club 2; Track Club 1, 2; Booster Club 2, 3; Sci­ ence Club 2, 3; Teenage Book Club 2, 3; Blue A’s 1, 2. A M BITION: To become a Teacher. COLLEGE: Newark Teachers College. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Success.

— IR EN E MEGILL Athletic Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Twirling 2, 3, Co-captain 4 ; Girls Citizenship Institute 3; Homeroom Secretary 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Leader 2, 3, 4 ; Girls Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 3; Track Club 2, 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 2. AM BITION: To be a success and have fun in life. COLLEGE: Moravian or Lebanon Valley. FUTURE PLAN S: To attend college and to study M ed­ ical Technology.

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VICTOR MERCOGLIANO “Vic” Italian Club 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 3, 4; Booster Club 2; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Debating Club 3; Gym Monitor 3, 4. AM BITION: To be successful. COLLEGE: University of Maryland. FUTURE PLANS: To become a Dentist. 43

REGINA H ARRIET MICHELSON “Ginny” Future Nurses Club 4 ; Band 1, 2 ; Bowling 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 2, 3 ; Track Club 4; Teenage Book Club 2, 3, 4 ; Booster Club 3. 4. AM BITION: To be a Commercial A rtist or a Nurse. COLLEGE: New York School of Fashion Design. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Israel. JO HN ROLLINS MIKKELSEN “Big John” A M B ITIO N : To succeed. COLLEGE: Tulsa University. FU TU RE PLANS: To work for Uncle.

DAVID M ILLER “Bucky” Student Varieties Band 2, 3, 4 ; Shore Conference Band 2, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 3. A M B ITIO N : To receive an education in Music.

JEA N N E M A RIE M ILLER “Jean ” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3; Bowling 2 ; Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Hockey 2, 3; Tennis 3, 4 ; Volley­ ball 3, 4. AM BITION: To become successful at my job. FU TU R E PLA N S: To be successful and happy.

KATHLEEN M. M ILLER “Kathy” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Banking Staff 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Homeroom Vice President 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 1; Bowling 3, 4; Dram a Club 1. A M BITION : To be a Good Teacher, and to live to be 125. COLLEGE: Rider. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Teacher. EDDIE M ISH LIN SK I “Pinky” AM BITION: To become a Mechanic. COLLEGE: T rade School. FU TU R E PLA N S: To own a Gas Station with Stan Swist.


CAMILLE MONTROSE Blue A’s 1, 2. AM BITION: To be a'Secretary. FU TU R E PLANS: To get married.

ELIZABETH ANN MOORE “Betty .A nn” Executive Student Council 4 ; Driftwood Group Write-Up Editor 4 ; Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; Delegate to Citizenship Week 3; Varsity Scholar 1; Homeroom President 1, 2, Homeroom Secretary 4; Drum M ajorette 4 ; Megaphone Feature W riter 3, 4; Student Varieties 1, 2, 3; Office Staff 4 ; Gym Leader 4 ; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Club; Booster Club; Girls Hockey 1, 2; Girls Ten­ nis 2, 3, 4. COLLEGE: Skidmore. FU TU R E PLAN S: To attend college. 44

NEDRA RAYNETTE MOORE French Club 4; T rack Club 4; Booster Club 4; Canteen Committee 4; Blue A’s 1, 4. A M B ITIO N : To be a Psychologist. COLLEGE: Seton Hall. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be a Success in my chosen field.

HERM ANITA VALORIE MORRIS “Toolie” Band 1, 2, 3; Blue A’s 3, 4; Track Club 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 4. AM BITION: To become a Secretary or Air Hostess. COLLEGE:. I.B.M. School — Philadelphia. FU TU RE PLAN S: To obtain more schooling and to travel to foreign countries.

ROBERT A. MORRISSEY “Bob” Track 2; Intram ural Basketball 4; Intram ural Bowling 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 4; Science Club 4; Cafe­ teria Monitor 2. AM BITION: To graduate from college and to be suc­ cessful in life. COLLEGE: Boston College or Seton Hall University. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college. JANE MORSE “Penny” Track Club 1, 2; Varsity Scholar; Honor Society 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be happy always. COLLEGE: Endicott Junior College. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college and to major in M erchandising.

LOUIS H. MUELLER “King” Hall M onitor 2; Gym Monitor 3, 4; Homeroom President 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Booster Club 4; Baseball 1; Basket­ ball 1; Football 1, 2; Track 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be a Success. COLLEGE: Seton Hall. SANDRA JANE MYERS “Sandi” Future Nurses Club 2, 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Book Club 3, 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Track Club 4. AM BITION: To be a Nurse. COLLEGE: Nursing School. FUTURE PLANS: To go to Nursing School.

WILMA ANN NAHRWOLD “Willy” Astronomy Club 1; Science Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1; F u­ ture Teachers Club 3. 4. AM BITION: To become a Teacher. COLLEGE: Monmouth or Glassboro. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to College. 45

ANGELO A. NAPOLITANO “Nap” Intram ural Basketball. AM BITION: To become an Electrician. FUTURE PLAN S: To graduate from High School.

IR EN E NARIS “Rene” Club 1, 2 ; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Banking Representa­ tive 1, 2, 3; Bowling Club 4; Teenage Book Club 4. AM BITION: To become a Good Hair-dresser. FU TU R E PLANS: To be a Success.

PEGGY NADINE NEWMAN “Peg” Homeroom Secretary 1, 2 ; Flag Tw irler 3; Guidance Staff 3; Student Varieties 1, 3; T rack Club 1; Blue A’s 1, 2. AM BITION: To be happy always. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college and to m ajor in Elem entary Education. HENRY JA M ES NONNENBERG “H ank’ Student Council President 4 ; Student Executive Council Representative 3; Track 1, Varsity T rack 2, Co-Captain 3; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Varsity Football 2, 3; Junior Mis­ ter; Italian Club 2, 3, 4 ; Homeroom Secretary 1, Home­ room Vice President 2, Homeroom President 3; Stock Room Committee 3, 4: Intram ural Basketball 1; R epre­ sentative to Boys State. 3. FU TU R E PLA N S: To become a Teacher.

THOMAS D. O’DONNELL “ K iller” Cafeteria Monitor 1, 2, 3, 4 : English Book Club 3: Bank­ ing Representative 1: Soccer Team 1: Science Club 1: Intram ural Baseball 1. 2: Intram ural Basketball 1; Booster Club 1. AM BITION: To be a Police Officer. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FU TU R E PLANS: To drive “Car 54.” CAROL O’DOWD Blue A’s 1; Teenage Book Club 3. A M BITION: To be a Good Secretary. FU TU R E PLANS: To attend a Secretarial School.

JAMES CHARLES O 'K EEFE “Oaf” Freshman Football 1: J. V. Basketball 1: Varsity Football 4; Varsity Basketball 3, 4: Intram ural Basketball 2: Stu­ dent Council Representative 1; Homeroom Secretary 3: Hall M onitor 1; Booster Club 4: Cafeteria Monitor 4. AM BITION: To attend college. COLLEGE: Villanova. FU TU R E PLANS: To get into a college. WILLIAM OLSEN “ Bill” Football 1. AM BITION: To become Somebody. FU TU R E PLAN S: To get a job with a Future.


MICHAEL .O'NEILL “Mike” Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2 ; Football 1, 2; Cross Country 3; Junior Prom Committee 3; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 3, 4: Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym M onitor; Megaphone Advertising Staff 2; Spanish Club 4; Booster Club 3, 4. A M B ITIO N : To be happy in life. COLLEGE: Rider College or Kings College. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college and to study Law. LEO U. OZOLINS “C herub” Cafeteria M onitor 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Stamp and Coin Club 1. AM BITION: To join the Foreign Service. COLLEGE: Monmouth or Rider.

HARRY PACKWOOD "Dec” Spanish Club 3, 4; Student Varieties 2, 3; Senior Play 4; Glee Club 4: Track Club 3; English Book Club 3; Bowl­ ing 4 ; Hall Monitor 3, 4 ; Freshman Drama Club 1; Honor Society 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 3; Debating Club 2, 3, 4; Teens for Safe Driving 3, 4. AM BITION: To have a happy, healthy, and successful life. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Success in Show Business.

GEORGE C. PAGNONI “Pag” Shop Foreman 1, 2. AM BITION: To own a New Convertible. FU TU RE PLANS: To join the Air Force.

ANTHONY PALM ERI “Butch” Teenage Book Club 2, 3: Intram ural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 2, 3, 4. AMBITION: To graduate from college. COLLEGE: Murray State College. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be a Success in life. JOHN PAOLANTONIO, JR. “Jr. Bean” Booster Club 3, 4 ; Italian Club 3; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Cafeteria Monitor 3: English Club 2. AM BITION: To graduate from High School. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be a Success in the Business World.

JAM ES PARKER “ J immie” Book Club 3; Intram ural Basketball 2. AM BITION: To be a Success. STEPH EN PARKS “Steve” Varsity Swimming Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2 ; T rack 1, 2, 3; Baseball 2; T rack Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Boosters 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Debating Club 1, 2 ; 'T e e n ­ age Book Club 3; Megaphone Selling Staff 2 ; Hall Mon­ itor 2, 3. AM BITION: To get into college. COLLEGE: Bowling Green University. FU TU R E PLANS: To graduate from college.

P H IL IP EDWARD PARRATT “” Transfer from St. Rose High School; Intram ural Basket­ ball 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be associated with the Department of the Interior. FU TU RE PLANS: To go north to Alaska as a Govern­ ment H unter. CLAUDIA FAYE PEEK “Bo-Peek” Blue A’s 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 2; Track Club 2, 3; Teenage Book Club 3 ; Booster Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Very Good Journalist. COLLEGE: Long Island University. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Journalist first, then a Good Wife.

VALERIE BETTY PEK U R I “Val” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4 ; Twirlers 3, 4; Gym Leader 2, 4; Hockey Team I, 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Volley Ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 4 ; Intram ural Bowling 4; T rack Club 2; Freshm an Drama Club 1. AM BITION: To become an Airline Hostess. FU TU RE PLAN S: To attend an A irline Hostess School. LINDA JA YN E PELES “Lin” T wirling 4: Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3; Blue A’s 1; F u ­ ture Teachers Club 2, 3; Megaphone A rtist 4; Press Club 1; Booster Club 3; Banking Representative 1; Teenage Book Club 3; Library Staff. A M BITION: To become a Fashion Designer. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

ANNA M ARIE PERRO TTO “A nn” Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2. A M BITION: To be a Secretary.

JO HN D. PERRO TTO , JR. “W op” Intram ural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Hall M onitor 4. A M BITION: To be a Certified Public Accountant. FU TU RE PLAN S: To attend college.

JOHN PETERSON “John” V Homeroom Vice p re sid e n t 4: Intram ural Bas3, 4; a Busmess. of FMmnaa. att<yjn college.

PETER JAM ES PETERSON “ Arch” Freshman Football; J. V. Football 2. 3: Varsity Manager 4; Intram ural Bowling 3; Freshman Track. AM BITION: To become an Accountant. COLLEGE: University of Florida. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college. 48

ROBERT A. PETRERO “Bob" Driftwood Editor-in-Chief; Honor Society 2, 3, President 4 ; Varsity Scholar 1, 2 ; Homeroom Vice President 1, 2, Homeroom Secretary 3: Freshman Representative— WJLK Youth Forum : Football 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sci­ ence Club 2, 3, 4; Debating Club 2, 3, 4 ; German Club 3, Vice President 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Student Varieties T ick­ et Committee 3; Junior Prom Committee; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 3, 4; Banking Representative 1, 2; Mixed Bowling League 3. AM BITION: To realize my ambition through college. COLLEGE: Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania or Boston College. FUTURE PLAN S: To attend one of the above colleges. FRANCES ANNE PETROW “F ran ” Glee Club 1, 2; Blue A’s 2, 4; Homeroom Vice President 3; Teenage Book Club 3; Honor Society. AM BITION: To be a Legal Secretary. FU TU R E PLANS: To get married.

LAURA ANN PETROW Homeroom President 1; Glee Club 1, 2; Blue A’s 2, 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 3; Honor Society 4. AM BITION: To be a Good Secretary. FUTURE PLANS: To get married.

JOYCE PETRUSKY Blue A’s 1, 2. AM BITION: To be a Secretary. FUTURE PLANS: To go to Berkeley Secretarial School.

CHERYL ANN PEZZELLA "Cherie” Secretary of Homeroom 1; Blue A’s 1, 4; Freshman Drama Club 1; Banking Representative 1; Future Teachers Club 2; Track Club 3, 4; Bowling 4. AM BITION: To be a Nurse. COLLEGE: Monmouth Medical Center. FUTURE PLANS: To be a success as a Nurse. DIANE PH ILLIPS “Dee” Senior Play 4; Track Club 2, 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Megaphone Selling Staff 2; Banking Representative 2; Freshman Drama Club 1; Freshman Basketball Team ; .Freshman Baseball Team: Student Varieties 2, 3; Varsity Scholar 1; Honor Society 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 3; Bowling 1; Gym Leader 4. AM BITION: To be happy. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Business School.

JE F F R E Y M. P H IL L IP S “P h il” Spanish Club 3; T rack Club 3, 4 ; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Booster Club 3: Honor Society 3, 4 ; Varsity Scholar 2; Megaphone Staff 2; Driftwood Homeroom Representative 4; Student Varieties 3; Science Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To go into some field of Medicine or En­ gineering. COLLEGE: Cornell. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. CHARLES JO SE PH P IE P E R L “Charlie!’ r i i 3, f j Spanish Club 3, 4; Intrap jwling 3 Science |?B| g Staff 4 .1 / A M B m ffM COLL k We : FUTURE P:

:high/ <rr beorgia ech, NS: To attend college.


JU LES L. PLANGERE “P lan” French Club 3, 4 ; Senior P lay; Sound Crew 1, Crew Chief 2, 3 ; Intram ural Bowling 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 3; Honor Society 3, 4; Junior Prom Committee; Canteen Committee 4 ; T rack Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3. AM BITION: To become an Electronics Engineer. COLLEGE: M.I.T. FU TU RE PLAN S: To attend college. GEORGE JA M ES PLASTERAS “Greek” Senior Class President; Junior Class President; Home­ room President 1, 2, 4 ; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student Varieties 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Boys State 3; Hall Monitor 2 ,3 ,4 ; Track Club 2, 3; Megaphone Selling Staff 2 ; Spanish Club 3, 4. A M B ITIO N : To be a Lawyer. COLLEGE: Albright. FU TU RE PLAN S: To join in a partnership with Mole.

ART PLUM M ER Intram ural B asketball; J. V. Baseball; Varsity Baseball; Bowling.

DAVID POE “Dave” Transferred from Lakewood High School; French Club 1, 2; Chess Club 1; Intram ural Bowling 2, 4 ; T rack Club 4. AM BITION : To survive. COLLEGE: Tulane or University of Rochester. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to M edical School or into Chemical Engineering after college.

CRAIG W R IG H T POLLARD “W itey” Sound Crew 1, 2, 3; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3 ; Canteen Committee 1, 2; Hall M onitor 2; Coin Club 2, 3. A M B IT IO N : To go to college and to become a Success. EUNICE H. POLLOWAY “Eun” Representative to Girls State 3 ; Honor Society 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Office Staff 4; Gym Leader 3, 4: Student V arieties 2 ; T rack Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4: Softball 1, 2, 4. AM BITION: To be a Legal Secretary. COLLEGE: Wilkes. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college.

“R ick” Football 1; Swimming 1, 2. FU TU R E PLAN S: To go to college.

RICHARD J. PUORRO “Rick” Intram ural Bowling 4; Freshman Basketball; Baseball 4; Tennis 4. AM BITION: To remain a Happy Bachelor. COLLEGE: R utgers or Monmouth. FU TU R E PLANS: To be an Electronic Engineer for the U. S. Government. 50

JO SEPH ALOYIOUS QUIGLEY, III “Aloyious” Manager of Freshman Football Team 1; Wrestling 2; In­ tram ural Bowling 4; Tennis 4. AM BITION: To join the Navy or Air Force. FU TU R E PLANS: To buy the Burger Chef. JOY ETHEL REDIKER “Joyous” Homeroom Vice President 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Color Guard 4; Canteen Committee 4; Student Varieties 1, 2, 3; Banking Representative 3, 4 ; Latin Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; Track Club 2, 3, 4 ; Booster Club 3, 4; Blue A’s 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Bowling 1, 4. AM BITION: To become a Doctor. COLLEGE: University of Vermont. FU TU RE PLAN S: To help find the cure for cancer.

“The Dipper” Track Club 4; Hall Monitor 4; Band 1,- 2; B asketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Track 1, 2 ; Varsity Track 4. AM BITION: To occupy the upper ehelons of society. COLLEGE: Providence, Albright or Temple. FUTURE PLANS: To attend and graduate from college.

JOHN E. REID “Foxy” Varsity Bowling 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 2, 3, 4; Fresh­ man Bowling 1; Teenage Book Club 3; Intram ural Bowl­ ing Secretary 4; Service Crew 1; Band 1. 2. AM B ITIO N : To reach my twenties, and then to become successful. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college.

PA ULETTE NADINE REITER “Mickie” Blue A’s 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Softball 1, 2; Hockey 2. A M BITION: To live, learn, love, laugh and always be happy. FUTURE PLANS: To be a happy Wife and Mother someday.

RUTH ANN REMLEY “R uthie” F uture Nurses Club. AM BITION: To be a Secretary. FU TU RE PLANS: To do Secretarial Work.

A RLEE T. RENO Latin Club 1, Consul 2 ; Megaphone 3, Circulation M ana­ ger 4; Homeroom President 2; Science Club 1, 2, 3, T reasurer 4; German Club 3, President 4; Honor Society; D ebating Club 3, Vice President 4; Varsity Basketball M anager 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To get a good education. CO LLEG E: Stevens. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Scientist or an Engin­ eer. TONI RICCARDELLA “Tee” Student Executive Council 1; Homeroom President 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 1, 2; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Bowling 1; Track Club 4; Italian Club 3, 4; Boostef Club 4; Guidance Staff 4. AM BITION: To become a Laboratory Technologist. COLLEGE: Keystone Junior College. FU TU RE PLANS: To marry George.


SUSAN ELLEN RICHARDS “Sue” A M B ITIO N : To revisit Summer Hill, England. COLLEGE: Lyons Institute of Technology. FU TU RE PLANS: To become a Medical Secretary or Assistant. JAM ES M. RITTER “Tex” Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Homeroom Sec­ retary 4; Mixed League Bowling 3; Varsity Tennis Mana­ ger 1; Intram ural Basketball 1, 4. AM BITION: To be successful in life. FUTURE PLANS: To go into Business.

LENORA ROBINSON “Skippy” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 1, 2, 4 ; Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2, 4; Library Staff 1, 3, 4; Banking Representative 1. AM BITION: To become a Secretary. COLLEGE: Mary Byers Business College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To marry Irwin Robinson. LINDA ARLINE RODDY “Linda” Transferred fom Lower Merion H. S.; Secretary-Treasurer of Blue A’s 4; French Club 3, 4 ; M egaphone Staff 4; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4 ; Volleyball 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 4. AM BITION: To become a Language . Interpreter. COLLEGE: U psala, Douglass or M ontclair. FU TU RE PLA N S: To attend college.

RICHARD M. ROSASCO “R ick” Intram ural Basketball 2, 3; Booster Club 2 ; M anager Baseball Team 2; Italian Club 3 ; T rack Club 2 ; D ebating Club 1; Tennis 4. AM BITION: To do whatever I please. FU TU R E PLAN S: To enter college. BARBARA ANN ROSENHEIM “Bobbie” Secretary of the Junior Class 3; Varsity Scholar 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Homeroom Vice President 3, Secretary 1; Latin Club 1, Secretary 2, 3; Office Staff 4; Student Varieties 1, 3; Junior Prom Commit­ tee 3; Gym Leader 4; Megaphone Feature W riter 3; Ush­ erette 3; Track Club 2, 3; National Latin Award 1.

" T‘P e t e TtcgJ*resident Monmouth County -fllent Executive Cou ncil 4 x-'Jjjepchj Vaysity, S w i m 4 p J . V. Baseball 2, 3,-jVarsitjyfl iJBifferopm P resid en t/^, 3; Varsity sch o lar L ^ + 3 ; jfonpr .^Society 3j>4; Juftm M R ^suM ^om pw teeffr Latin Club / l , fow am frraP Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4i Varsity BasketbWll ^Mayageiy 1; V2rslty B ^ b a lk lV tsn Jg E y i. —A y * /^ ^ I tf f lW I O N 'r ^ f o find out what my ambition is) I") COLSLEGE: Williams. ^ IR EN E ANN R U B I N , ^ “Rene” Transferred from M assapequa High School 1, 2; Home­ room Secretary 3; Student Varieties 3; .Senior Play 4; Italian Club 4 ; French Club 3. AM BITION: To marry a Baseball Player. COLLEGE: Upsala. FU TU R E PLANS: To ultim ately satiate the quest for knowledge.

STEVEN C. RUBIN ‘Rube” Press Club 1; Megaphone Advertising Staff 2; Spanish Club 3; Track Club 4; Booster Club 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2. AM BITION: To be come a Successful Lawyer. COLLEGE: University of Virginia. ELLEN PAULA RUBOVITZ “El” Glee Club 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To go to school and finish my Education. COLLEGE: Tobi Coburn. FU TU RE PLAN S: To have a career in the Business World.

DAVID A. RUSSELL “Russ” Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; In tra­ mural Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Latin Club 1, 2: Homeroom President 4; Band 1; Hall Monitor 2, 3; Track Club 2, 3, 4; W restling 4 ; Gym Monitor 2, 3, 4; Cafeteria Monitor 2, 3. AM BITION: To "have a happy.” COLLEGE: University of Pennsylvania or West Point. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college. JOAN MARIE SAKELARIS “Sak” Homeroom Vice President 3; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Boost­ er Club 3, 4; Freshman Drama Club; Megaphone Staff 2; Blue A’s L 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; Intram ural Bowling 3; Spanish Club 3; Freshman Hockey; Teenage Book Club 3; Gym Leader 2, 3, 4; Canteen Committee 3; Teens for Safe Driving 3, 4; Banking Representative 1; Student Varieties 2, 3. AM BITION: To be “Little Egypt” number two. COLLEGE: University of Vermont.

JAM ES C. SAMPSON “Jim ” Science Club 1, 2; Vice President 3, President 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 4; Astronomy Club 1; Science Club Broadcast 2, 3. AM BITION: To be a Real Estate Agent. COLLEGE: University of Connecticut. MICHAEL J. SANGIORGIO “Mike” Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 3; Football 1; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Science Club 4. AM BITION: To succeed in life. COLLEGE: Boston College. FUTURE PLAN S: T o attend college.

CLAIRE BARBARA SASSO Science Club 2; Chorus 1, 2; Banking Representative 3; Blue A’s 2. AM BITION: To be a good Secretary.

CICELY BARBARA SAUNDERS “Sissy” Glee Club 1, 2; T rack Club 4; Blue A’s 1, 3, 4; Booster Club 4; Chorus 1; Nursing Staff 4. A M B ITIO N : To go to college.


KENNETH EDWARD SAUNDERS “Butch” T rack Club 1, 2; Booster Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; T rack 1, 2; Hall Monitor 4: Cafeteria Monitor 3; Intram ural Basketball; W restling 3, 4; Gym Monitor 1, 3, 4. AM BITION: To be happy. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college.

PA U LETTE SAUNDERS “Polli” Blue A’s 1, 4; Track Club 4; Booster Club 4: Science Club 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To attend Business School. FU TU RE PLANS: To be the world’s greatest Private Secretary.

LOUIS SCALPATI “Seal” Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice Presi­ dent 4. AM BITION: To sing with a Singing Group. FU TU R E PLAN S: To be Successful.

DONA SCHANTZ “Schantzy” Latin Club 1; Booster Club 3, 4 ; Track Club 4; Office Staff 4; Megaphone Selling Staff 2; Blue A’s 4. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to college.

MICHAEL A. SC H ELPF ‘Schlep” Track Club 4. AM BITION: To go into Aeronautical Designing. COLLEGE: Emporia. FU TU RE PLAN S: To have a Naval Career.

CYNTHIA SCHENCK “Kate” Library Staff 2; Teens for Safe Driving Club 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 3, 4; Booster Club 4. AM BITION: To be successful in all my endeavors. FU TU R E PLA N S: To become a Beautician.

HARRY SC H IFF “Hank” k 2; Track Club 1, 2. : To be a Lawyer. : Murray State. E PLANS: To go to college. DAVID A. SCHLISSERMAN “Schliss” Club 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4; Stamp and Coin 1. : To become a Medical Doctor. : University of Pittsburgh or Union College. RE PLANS: To go to college and to study.


MYRON B. SCHREIBER “Mickey” Latin Club 1, 2; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Presi­ dent 1, 2, 3; Treasurer Junior Class; Cross Country 1, 2; Basketball 1; Hall Monitor 2, 3, 4; Gym Monitor 4; Mega­ phone Selling Staff 1, 2, 3 ; President Freshman Drama Club; Student Varieties 3; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a C.P.A. COLLEGE: Rider. DENNIS SCHULTZ “Schultzy” Latin Clut) L 2; Spanish Club 3; Science Club 3, 4; ■ Booster Club 3, 4; Driftwood Homeroom Representative 4; Swimming Team 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 2. 3. AM B ITIO N : To become a Pharm acist. COLLEGE: University of Florida. BRUCE S. SCHWARTZ Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 2, 3; Student Varieties Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 2; Shore Conference Band 2. A M BITION : To go to college. SUSAN JE N N IFE R SCURA “Sue” Academy of Saint Aloysius I, 2; Homeroom President 3; Junior Prom Committee; Future Nurses Club 3, 4; Glee Club Vice President 3; Booster Club 3; Flag Twirler 4; Blue A’s 3, 4; T rack Club 4. AM BITION: To be the first woman on the moon. COLLEGE: Asbury Park Business College. FUTURE PLANS: To become a good Italian Wife.

KARIN PAULINE SEABERG Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 3, 4; Cheerleading 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2; Booster Club 3, 4; Home­ room Secretary 2, 3; Banking Representative 3; Freshman Drama Club 1. AM BITION: To become an Interior Decorator. COLLEGE: Beaver. FU TU RE PLAN S: To go to college. ALAN D. SEGARS “Booker T.” Senior Representative to Student Executive Council; Rep­ resentative to Boy’s S tate; Megaphone Photographer and Cartoon Editor 4.; Latin Club 1, 2, Treasurer 3 ; French Club Vice President 4 ; Honor Society 4; Student. Varieties 3; Glee Club 2, 4; Varsity Cross Country 3, 4; Track 2, 3; J. V. Basketball 2; Intram ural Basketball 1, 3 ; Track Club 3, 4; Megaphone Sports W riter 3; Hall Monitor 4; Homeroom President 1. AM BITION: To gain Financial Independence and Emo­ tional Stability. , COLLEGE: New York University. 'c ?

DOROTHY ANNA SEIDEL “Dor” Transfer from Manasquan 1; Nurses Club 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 4; T rack Club 4; Basketball 3, 4 ; Baseball 4. AM BITION: To become a Secretary. COLLEGE: Asbury P ark Business College. FU TU R E PLANS: To take a trip and to get married. SUSAN R. SHAW “Sue” Student Varieties 2; Office Staff 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2 ; French Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To become a Teacher. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college.


RAYMOND SHEA “Reb” T rack 1, 2; Gym M onitor 4; Cafeteria Monitor 2, 3. A M B ITIO N : To race Stock Cars. FUTURE PLAN S: To win the Daytona 500. MARY ELIZABETH SHEBELL Latin Club 1, 2; Homeroom Secretary 2; T rack Club 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3; Citizenship Week Delegate 3; Senior P lay; Italian Club 2, 3; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 3; Blue A’s 1, 2, 4; Megaphone Staff 1, 2, 3; Banking Representative 1, 2; Color Guard A lternate 4; Freshman Drama Club. AM BITION: To go to college and to become a Soci­ ology Teacher. FU TU RE PLANS: To travel and later to get married.

HAROLD SHULMAN Megaphone 1, 2, 3, Sports Editor 4; Honor Society 1, 2, 3, T reasurer 4; Freshman Baseball; J. V. Baseball; Varsity Baseball 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 3, T reasurer 2 ; Homeroom Vice President 2, Secretary 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2; Senior Play; New Jersey Boy’s State 3; In tra­ mural Basketball 2, 3; Student Varieties 3; Debating Club 1, 3. A M B ITIO N : To save someone’s life-—socially or medic­ ally. COLLEGE: Lafayette, Brown, or Dartmouth. FU TU R E PLA N S; To become a Doctor or Lawyer. MARSHA LINDA SHULMAN Pt. Pleasant Beach High School 1; Girls Intram ural Bowl­ ing 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 3; Spanish Club 3; Blue A’s 4 ; T rack Club 4; A lter­ nate to Girls Citizenship Week 3; Varsity Scholar 2; D rift­ wood Staff 4. AM BITION : To be a success at whatever I attempt. COLLEGE: Trenton State Teachers College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Teacher. JUDY ANN SHURE Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 3, 4 ; Student Vari­ eties 3; T rack Club 2, 3; Megaphone R eporter 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Vice President 1, 2; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Hock­ ey 1, 2; Girls Scholastic Bowling 1, 4 ; Freshman Drama Club 1. AM BITION: To be happy and successful. COLLEGE: A lbright or Douglass. FU TU R E PLANS: To be a Teacher and to get married. CONCETTA M ARIE SICILIANO “Chetta” Homeroom Secretary 1, 2 ; Booster 3, ; Blue A’s 4; In tra­ m ural Basketball 2; Bowling 3, 4; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; F uture Nurses Club 3, 4; Teenage Book Club 2, 3. A M BITION: To become a Legal Secretary. COLLEGE: Berkeley. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go to M alibu with Valerie. SAMUEL W. SICILIANO, JR . “Sammy” Basketball 1, 2; Intram ural Basket.ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4 ; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Indoor Track 4; Track Club 3, 4; Italian Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To become an Accountant. COLLEGE: Rutgers or Rider. FU TU R E PLANS: To graduate and to attend college. GLORIA KATE SILVERSTEIN “Glory” Teenage Book Club 1, 2, President 3; Alternate for Citi­ zenship W eek; Usherette 4; Homeroom Driftwood Repre­ sentative 4 ; Future Teachers Club 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity Scholar 1, 2 ; Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; Guidance Staff 4: Track Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 4; Booster Club 3. AM BITION: To become a Teacher. COLLEGE: Newark State College. FU TU RE PLANS: To teach Handicapped Children. 56

MICHAEL KENT SILVERSTEIN “Mike” Business M anager of Driftwood — Senior Play — Student V arieties; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3; Intram ural Bowling 2; Track Club 2, 3, 4; Press Club 1; Spanish Club 3, 4; Red Cross Club 2; Teenage Book Club 1, 2. 3, 4. AM BITION: To become a Medical Doctor and to spe­ cialize in Surgery and Research. COLLEGE: Rutgers University. FUTURE PLANS: To find a cure for cancer. RICHARD LESTER SMALLWOOD “The Flip” Track Club 1, 3, 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4 ; Football 1, 3; Latin Club; Booster Club; Glee Club. AM BITION: To go to Hawaii and marry a Hawaiian girl. COLLEGE: North Carolina State College. FU TU RE PLANS: To join the U. S. Marines.

BEVERLEY JANE SMITH “Bev” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1; Track Club Secretary 4; A lternate to Citizenship Week 3; Girls Basketball 4; Girls Softball 4. AM BITION: To teach Kindergarten. COLLEGE: Southern Seminary and Junior College. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. CHARLES H. SMITH “Smitty” Varsity Track 2; Teens for Safe Driving 4; Chairman of Monmouth County Safety Council 4; Banking Representa­ tive 4 ; Italian Club 3, 4; Megaphone Staff 4. AM BITION: To be a success. COLLEGE: Monmouth or Rider. FU TU RE PLANS: To go into Social Work.

RICHARD H. SMITH “Richie” Varsity Bowling 3, 4; Intram ural Bowling 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4 ; Freshman Track. AM BITION: To succeed in college. FUTURE PLANS: To teach. CLIFFORD SOFIELD “Cliff” Senior Class Vice President; Junior Class Vice President; Monmouth County Association of High School Student Councils T reasurer 4; Executive Committee of Student Council 4 ; Homeroom President 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3; Boys S tate; Varsity Swimming 3, 4; J. V. Swimming 2: Freshman Football; Intram ural Basketball; Latin Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 4. AM BITION: To become an Engineer. COLLEGE: Tufts or Stevens. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college.

JEROM E WAYNE SPECHLER “Specks” Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2; Swimming Team 2, 3, 4; T rack 1, 2, 4; Cross Country 1: German Club 3, 4; Chess Club 2, 3. A M BITION: To become a Dentist. COLLEGE: Rutgers University. FU TU RE PLAN S: W hatever fate brings. ROBERT STACK “Stackie” Freshm an F ootball: Hall Monitor 2, 3; Cafeteria Monitor 4. AM BITION: To live a happy life and to have a big family. FU TU RE PLANS: To go into the field of Jet Mech­ anics.


DENNIS S. STANLEY “Denny” Band 1, 2, 3; Track Club 3, 4; W restling 2; Science Club 1, 2, 3; Debating Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To enter the Medical Profession. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. RALPH N. STARK, JR. “Butch” Varsity Tennis 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Sci­ ence Club 2 ; English Club 2 ; Teenage Book Club 3; Freshman Track. AMBI-TION: To enter the Teaching Profession. COLLEGE: Monmouth or Glassboro State. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college.

MARTHA STAROBIN “M arti” Future Nurses Club 3, 4; Girls Intram ural Bowling 3; Booster Club 4; Track Club 4; H ealth Office Staff 4; Blue A’s 1, 2. A M B ITIO N : To become a Teacher. COLLEGE: University of Pennsylvania. FU TU RE PLAN S: To teach Kindergarten. BARBARA EVE STEINBERG “Boo” Blue A’s 2, 3; Teenage Book Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2; T rack Club 3; Booster Club 3, 4. A M B ITIO N : To be a Private Secretary to Mr. Roumanis. COLLEGE: Monmouth College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To m arry Art.

JAM ES WAYNE STETTER “Jim ” Cafeteria M onitor 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To get m arried and to live an exciting and happy life. FU TU RE PLANS: To join the Navy and to become an Automotive Engineer. DAVID STONAKER “Goliath” Outdoor T rack 2; Indoor Track 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 4. AM BITION: To enter the field of Electronics. COLLEGE: R.C.A. Electronics School.

STANLEY SWIST “Swisty” Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3: Cafeteria Monitor 3: Canteen Committee 4. A M BITION: To go into Business owning a Custom Car Shop with Ed. FU TU R E PLANS: To go into the Navy with Mike, and to go to Hawaii. RONALD STEVEN TAFT “Ronnie” M erit Scholarship Semi-Finalist 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2 Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity Swimming Team 3, 4 Spanish Club 3, Vice President 4; Student Varieties 3 Megaphone Feature W riter 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 2, 4 ; Intram ural Bowling 1, 2; Gym Monitor 4; Latin Club 1, 2 ; Debating Club 1, 2; Track Club 1, 2, 3; Press Club 1, 2; Teenage Book Club 1, 2. AM BITION: To be a Multi-billionaire. COLLEGE: Princeton University. FUTURE PLANS: To work on Wall Street.

EDWARD PETER TAMBACK “Pete” Golf 3. A M BITION : To become a Millionaire. COLLEGE: My own. FUTURE PLANS: To work my way into Building Con­ tracting. BEVERLY TAYLOR “Bev” Blue A’s 3, 4; Track Club 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4; Girls Sports 3, 4; Debating Club 4. AM BITION: To be a Secretary. COLLEGE: Eastern School for Physicians Aides. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a Medical Secretary.




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m i r f W J JmBm DONNA LYNN TETTEM ER Future Teachers Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Booster Club 3; Megaphone Staff 1; Homeroom President 1, 2. AM BITION: To get into Wilson. COLLEGE: Wilson. FUTURE PLANS: To teach History in a high school.

RICHARD K. THEUNE “Itchie” Football 1; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3; Intram ural Volley­ ball 2, 3. AMBITION: To own Carvel. COLLEGE: University of Honolulu. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Honolulu.

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MARK H. TOBACK } “Toge” Sports E ditor; Homeroom Secretary 3, Vice 1 4 ; Megaphone Sports W riter 1, 2, 3; Track Club 1, 2, Vice President 3, President 4; Canteen Committee 3, 4; Booster Club 3, 4; Hall Monitor 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, Captain 4; Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2 3, 4 ; Basketball 1; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Stu dent Varieties 3, 4; W JLK Football Reporter 3, 4; Alter nate to Boys State 3. AM BITION: To be successful. COLLEGE: Villanova or Albright. FU TU RE PLANS: To run in the 1964 Olympics.

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WILLIAM TODD ‘Bill” Glee Club 1, 2; French Club 3, 4 ; Service Crew 3; Teens for Safe Driving Club 4. AM BITION: To get through college. COLLEGE: Rider or Monmouth. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. ANN SUE TRESTON “Angel” Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 2, 3, Vice President 4; Megaphone R eporter 2, 3; French Club Sec­ retary 4; Teenage Book Club 3, 4 ; Blue A’s 1, 2; Girls Scholastic Bowling 2, 4; Varsity Scholar 1, 2, 3: Usherette 4: Student Varieties 3: Freshman Drama Club 1. AM BITION: To become a good Teacher. COLLEGE: Bucknell or M ontclair State College. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to college. 59

WILLIAM F. TW EEDIE “Bill” AM BITION: To retire. FUTURE PLANS: To join the Marines. SUSAN REBECCA UMSTEAD “Sue” Twirlers 2, Captain 3, 4 ; Swing Flags Captain 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, President 4; Hockey Team 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball Team 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4 ; Gym Leader 2, 3, 4; Varsity Scholar 1; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Span­ ish Club 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 2, 3; Student Varieties 2, 3; Glee Club Accompanist 1, 3, 4: Banking R epre­ sentative 2, 3, 4. AMBITION: To attend Springfield Coll ege and to major in Physical Education. COLLEGE: Springfield College.

LUCILLE VACCARO “Loco” Latin Club 1; Blue A’s 3, 4 ; Italian Club 3. AM BITION: To own a Red Thunderbird. FU TU R E PLA N S: To get maried.

MARTIN J. VACCARO “Buster” Science Club 3, Lab Assistant 3; Track Club 2, 3. A M B ITIO N : To be a Physician. COLLEGE: Rutgers University. FU TU R E PLANS: To go to college and Medical School.

VICTOR ANTHONY VALENTE “Vic’ Shop Forem an 2; C afeteria M onitor 3. AM BITION: To try to graduate from A.P.H.S, LYNN C. VAN ATTA “Vannie” Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Homeroom President 2: Homeroom Vice President 3: Student Executive Council 1, 2; T rack Club 1, 3, 4, Secretary 2: Athletic Staff I, 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom Comm ittee; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 : Canteen Committee 1, 2, 3: Student Varieties 1, 3; Gym Leader 4; Bowling 1, 2. AM BITION: To be happy. COLLEGE: Endicott.

ROBERT VILLAPIANO “Vill” Homeroom Secretary: Intram ural Basketball; Hall Mon­ itor. AM BITION: To graduate in four years. FUTTIRF. PLANS: To ioin the Navv. ROY VOGEL “Smiley” Varsity Football 2, 3, 4 ; Varsitv Golf 2, 3, co-captain 4: Latin Club 1, 2; Track Club 2, 3; Teens for Safe Driving Club 2, 3; Homeroom Vice President 2, 3; Mixed Bowling League; Student Varieties 3; Freshman Football; Booster Club 3, 4; Cafe Monitor 3; Junior Prom Committee: Hall M onitor 2: Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Monitor ■ 2, 3. AM BITION: To have an apartm ent with Gene in Cali­ fornia. COLLEGE: Villanova. FU TU RE PLAN S: To go to college. 60

THOMAS C. VOGEL “Tom” Hall Monitor 3; French Club 4. AMBITION: To go into Business Administration. C O LLEG E: Monmouth. FU TU RE PLANS: To graduate from college. RONALD BRUCE WATT “Little Corker” Cross Country 1, Varsity 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, Varsity 3, 4; Track 1, Varsity 2, 3, 4; Hall Monitor 2, 4; J. V. Football 2: Track Club 3, 4; Booster Club 4; In­ tram ural Basketball 1. AM BITION: To be a History or Physical Education Teacher. COLLEGE: Lincoln University. FU TU RE PLANS: To finish college and to enter one of the Armed Services.

MARY GRACE WEATHERSPOON “Tiny” Chorus 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Blue A's 2; Booster O ub 3; Twirling 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 2, 3; Track Club 4; Banking Representative 3. AM BITION: To become Successful. FUTURE PLANS: To become a Barber.


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DOROTHY LOUISE WEBER "D ottie” Blue A’s 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Glee Club 4. AM BITION: To be successful in whatever I do, and to move to California to live. COLLEGE: Mandle Medical School of Office Assistants. FUTURE PLANS: To finish school and to marry Mr. Wonderful. RICHARD W EINSTEIN “Rich” Track Club 3, 4. AM BITION: To go into Business. COLLEGE: Monmouth. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college.

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Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Secretary of the Senior Class 4; Honor Society 3. 4: Varsity Scholar 1; Student Council 2; Homeroom President 2; Homeroom Vice Presi­ dent 1: Gym Leader 2, 3, 4: Student Varieties 1, 3; Ath­ letic Staff 2, 3, 4; A lternate to Student Council Leadership Conference: Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4: T rack Club 1, 2, 3; Junior Prom Committee; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4. AM BITION: To teach Elem entary Education. COLLEGE: Beaver. FUTURE PLANS: To go to college and to learn to be a good teacher.

A H. Chess Club*T, 2^; Stamp and Student Varieties Band 3; Spifoish Club 4 ; Teenage Club 4 ; Track Club 4 ; Booster Club 4. A M BITION: To be one of Mitch M iller’s Boys. FUTURE PLANS: To go into Advertising. DAVID P. W HITAKER “Dave” Football 1; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Track Club 4. AM BITION: To get into college. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a success.

CAROLE JEAN W H ITE “Carole” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1. AM BITION: To be successful in all that I do. COLLEGE: Beautician School. FU TU R E PLAN S: To be a Beautician. NANCY LINA W HITEHEAD “Nance” Homeroom President 1 ; T rack Club 1, 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Blue A’s 1, 2 ; Homeroom Vice President 3; French Club 3, 4; Homeroom President 4; Freshm an Drama C lub; Booster Club 3. AM BITION: To help others. COLLEGE: Endicott.

LAW RENCE J. WIGDORTZ “Wiggie” Intram ural Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 1; T rack Club 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 3; Chess Club 1. 2. AM BITION: To become rich and famous. FU TU R E PLANS: To attend college. BEATRICE L. W ILE “Bea” Blue A’s 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 3, 4 ; Booster Club 3, 4; T rack Club 4. A M BITION: To become a Private Secretary.

FUTURE PLANS: To become a Secretary.

SANDRA W ILLETT “Sandy” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Track Club 1, 2 ; Homeroom Secretary 3; Booster Club 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Fresh'tnan Drama Club. A M B ITIO N : To enter the Merchandising Field. COLLEGE: Bennett Junior College. FU TU RE PLANS: To attend college and to study Mer­ chandising. IR IS MAE WILLIAMS “Dimples” Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Club 3, 4; English Club 3; Blue A’s 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 3, 4; Softball 2; Student Varieties 3. A M BITION: To go to college. COLLEGE: Bridgeport University. FU TU RE PLANS: To become an Accountant.


ROSALYN W ILLIAMS “Rozzie” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; T rack Club 2, 4; Softball 1, 2. 3; Ten­ nis 3; Future Teachers Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; English Club 1; Boosters Club 4 ; Student Varieties 3. A M B ITIO N : To be a success in life. COLLEGE: Bloomsburg State or Trenton State. FUTURE PLAN S: To go to college. WILLIAM W ILLIAMS “Troy” Cross Country 1, 2, 3; Basketball I, 2; Indoor Track Outdoor Track 2, 3; Baseball. AM BITION: To become cultured. COLLEGE: Winston Salem. FU TU RE PLANS: To go to Barbering School.


RICHARD A. WILLS “Ricky” Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 4; Teenage Book Club 4; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3; Track Club 2, 3, 4. AMBITION: To own my own Business. COLLEGE: Rutgers. FUTURE PLANS: To take a trip around the world. NESTOR A. W INTERS “Nes” Homeroom President 3; Track Club 1, 2, 3, 4; In tra­ m ural Bowling 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 3, 4; Span­ ish Club 3, 4; Debating Club 2, 3, 4; Freshman Drama Cluh; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3, 4; Hall Monitor 2, 3; Booster Club 3. 4. AM BITION: To double-talk as well as A1 Kelly. COLLEGE: Rider College. FU TU RE PLANS: To be a rich Certified Public Ac­ countant.

RAYMOND A. WOJCIECHOWICZ “Wojie” Football I. 2, 3: Track 1, 2: Cross Country 2, 3; Booster Club 3, 4; Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Base­ ball 1; Gym Monitor 2; Track Club 1, 2; Teenage Book Club 1; Student Varieties 3; Teens for Safe Driving Club 3. AM BITION: To be a success in later life. COLLEGE: Princeton University. FUTURE PLANS: To become a Veterinarian. ALAN DOUGLAS WOODFIELD “Woody” Homeroom Vice President 1, 2, 4; Treasurer of Homeroom 3; T rack Club 1, 2 ; Teenage Book Club 1; Booster Club 3: Intram ural Basketball 1, 2, 3; Intram ural Baseball 1; Cafeteria Monitor 1: Gym Monitor 4. COLLEGE: Ursinus. FUTURE PLANS: To become a Biological Lab Techni-

JEAN-ELLEN W RIGHT “Nicki” Honor Society 3, 4; U sherette 4; Homeroom Vice Presi­ dent 2 ; Homeroom Secretary 1: Junior Prom Committee: Sophomore-Junior Driftwood Representative: Booster Club 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Junior Classical League 1, 2: Track Club 2, 3, 4; Student Varieties 2 : Freshman Drama Club; Megaphone Newswriter 2, 3: Future Nurses Club 3, 4 ; Basketball Team 1; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4. COLLEGE: Hood College. FU TU R E PLAN S: To become a Doctor. JA N ET LYNNE WRONCY “ J an” Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 3; Track Club 4; Banking Representative 1; Student Varieties 2, 3: Booster Club 3, 4; Library Staff 3; English Book Club 4. AM BITION: To become a Medical Secretary. COLLEGE: Lasell College. 63

STUART WYZELL Intram ural Track 3.

PETER Y OPP “Pete” A M B ITIO N : To break the bank at Monte Carlo. FU TU RE PLAN S: To be successful and happy.

BARBARA SHARYN ZANE “Barbie” Teeange Book Club 1, 2, Secretary 3, Vice President 4: Future Teachers Club 2 ; F uture Nurses Club 4 ; Booster Club 4; Spanish Club 3 ; Blue A’s 4. A M BITION : To m arry a millionaire. COLLEGE: Boston University. FU TU R E PLA N S: To be a Physical Therapist.

BONNA DIANNA ZINDLER “Bon Bon” Band 1, 2, Section leader 3, 4 ; Student V arieties Band 2. j .A 3, 4; Shore Conference Band 2, 4 ; Choir 2, 3, 4 ; F u tu r e s ' Nurses Club 2, 3, 4; Blue A’s 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Science Club 1; ' Teenage Book Club 1; T rack Club 4. AM BITION: To serve humanity. COLLEGE: University of Hawaii. FU TU R E PLA N S: To go into medicine. DEBORAH J. ZYVITH “Debbie” Banking Representative 3; Homeroom Vice President 2, Flag Twirler 4; F uture Nurses Club 3 ; Booster Club Student V arieties 3; Blue A’s 2, 3, 4 ; T rack Club 4. A M BITION : To become an A irline Hostess. COLLEGE: Monmouth for two years. FU TU R E PL A N S: To fly for a couple of years and then to marry.


CAFETERIA STAFF: L. to R., Clifford Cason, Elizabeth Dickerson, Carmella Sellitto, Gladys Feddeler, Howard Carpenter, Evelyn Goldfarb.

MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: Back Row L. to R., Latie Nealy, Taft Robinson, John Ferguson, William Dickerson. Front Row. Harry Lake, John Stewart, Nick Sasso, Gene Podgorski, Joseph West.

CUSTODIAL STAFF: L. to R., Richard Hart, Robert Williams, Katherine Woodle, Henry Patterson, Leonard Dowling, John Volek.


HONOR SOCIETY OFFICERS: L. to R.: RosIyn Furman, Secretary; Robert Petrero, President; Howard Daniel, Vice President; Harold Schulman, Treasurer.

The Honor Society is the only organization in the school which bases its membership on scholastic ability alone. The Society was or­ ganized in Asbury Park High School in 1928 and is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Asbury Park. A student must earn six points before he is eligible for membership. These may be earned at the rate of one point for each semester a pupil is on the honor roll and two points a semester when a student is on the high honor roll. The highlight of the year is the induction of new members. In this impressive ceremony, the officers present Honor Society pins to the new members. The Honor Society also presents annual awards for academic achievement. The officers for this year are: Robert Petrero, President; Howard Daniel, V ice President; Roz Furman, Secretary; and Harold Shulman, Treasurer. The advisor of the Honor Society is Mr. Peter J. Maher,

HONOR SOCIETY: BACK ROW L. to R.: Peter Ross, Robert Petrero, Jan Vandersloot, Mike Silverstein, Vic­ tor Friedrich, Ronald Taft, Charles Pieper, David Charp, Cliff Sofield, Harold Shulman, Steve Abramson. NEXT ROW: Arlee Reno, Toby Appel, Ann Sue Treston, Donna Ambler, Roslyn Furman, Barbara Kanter, Florence Craw­ ford, Diane Sharenow, Gloria Silverstein, Marsha Mc­ Afee, Joan Samra, Carol Herbison, Myra Gendel. FRONT ROW: Pam Rubin, Connie Wetzler, Andy Barcan, How­ ard Daniel, Glenn Abello, Jerry Spechler, Alfred Hyatt, Steve Klitzman, Bruce Nadelson, Bob Bernstein.

H O N O R SO C IE TY MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SEMI-FINALISTS: L. to R .: Victor Friedrich, Ronald Taft, Arlee Reno, Howard Daniel.

USHERS: BACK ROW L. to R.: Judy Jeck, Marsha McAfee, Carol Gunther, Mary Shebell, FRONT ROW: Judy Pines, Bonnie Kantor, Carol Herbison, Myra Gendel, Donna Ambler.


VARSITY SCHOLARS: Back Row L. to R .: Michael Silverstein, Stephen Klitzman, Ronald Taft, Peter Ross, Glenn Abello, Alfred Hyatt, Linda Roddy, Susan Umstead, Marcia Shulman, Toby Appel, Mary Shebell, Jules Plangere, Victor Friedrich, Arlee Reno, Howard Daniel, Steve Adler, Harold Shulman. FRONT ROW: Ann Sue Treston, Judy Shure, Myra Gendel, Roslyn Furman, Barbara Rosenheim, Donna Ambler, Gloria Silverstein, Judy Jeck, Carol Herbison, Elizabeth Moore.

The ushers have been a familiar sight to us throughout our four years. This year, fourteen girls were chosen to serve as ushers. These girls were selected from the Honor Society for their scholastic ability and dependability. They are on duty at all assemblies, pep rallies, the Senior Play, Student Varieties and Parent’s Nights. This year Carol Herbison is our head usher. Mr. Peter J. Maher supervises the activities of the ushers.

This spring the scholars of Asbury High School will re­ ceive varsity “A ’s.” The students who attain a yearly aver­ age of 90% or more will be allowed to wear the Varsity Scholar “A ” . The blue “A” will be the same size and have the same importance as the letters given to varsity athletes. It is bordered with white and has a gold lamp of knowledge on the crossbar. If a student has received a Varsity Scholar “A ” in one year, and during the next year he attains an average of ninety or better, he will receive a certificate showing that he deserved the letter for that year. He will not get two letters. At the end of the Senior year if the student has received one Varsity “A ” and three certificates, he will be awarded with a trophy inscribed: Senior Varsity Scholar. The Scholars are honored at a special program at Conven­ tion Hall. The school and students are congratulated for their part taken in showing the importance of scholastic achieve­ ment.

C O LO R G UA RD The function of the Colorguard is to guard the American and School flags whenever the colors are presented. The girls are selected on the basis of their appear­ ance, stature, and ability to march. The captain this year is Diane Genola. Mr. Frank Bryan is the Colorguard’s ad­ visor.


COLOR GUARD; L. to R.: Diane Genola, Barbara Alli­ son, Ruth Nonnenberg, Valerie Whiting, Phyllis Whiting, Wendy Sager, Jackie Levinsohn, Ellensue Conners.

BAND: BACK ROW L. to R.: Donald Haight, Martin Mott, Stephen Westmore­ land, Morris McGowan, Ed­ ward Gildner. NEXT ROW: Lawrence Glover, Janice Jones, Gretchen Long, Bar­ bara Jacquot, Alice Kauf­ man, Wendy Sachs, Harold Phillips, Stephen Schmidt, Charles Fischer, Bruce Gass, man, Alfred Hyatt, Alan Rosen, Judson Haviland, Al­ vin Bernard, Bruce Schwartz, James Rubin, Marsha Mc­ Afee, Glenn Noland, Law­ rence Gruenwald, Robert Greenberg, David Brown. NEXT ROW: Bonnie Tay­ lor, Stanley Johnson, Har­ vey Mayerowitz, Ethan Bortman, Raymond Risner, Da­ vid Miller, Warren Trested, Richard Huss, Stephen Klitz72

B A ND Asbury’s large and colorful band is as popular and out­ standing a concert band as it is as an accompnist to athletic events. Captained by Frank Bryan, the noted Shore conduc­ tor, this group has been instrumental in building school spirit. The familiar Marching or Cadet Band plays for football and basketball games, assembly programs, the Columbus Day Parade and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Its drum majorette this year is Betty Ann Moore, who leads the band at many events. Also familiar is the Concert Band, which gives a concert annually, and plays for W. J. L. K. radio broadcasts, the Christmas Program, Spring Concert, Music Festival and assembly programs. A special Student Varieties Band, com­ posed of the best musicians in the regular band, plays for Student Varieties.

Asbury’s finest.

The Present and the Future.

Blue Bishop’s Stage and Dance Band.

man, Gary Puro, Henry Uin­ stead, Richard Peiper, Paul Glasser, Leonard Jacobs, Su­ san Kaufki, Ronald How­ ard, Chad Haitsma. NEXT ROW: Robert Apicelli, Keith Hicks, Diane Edinger, Bernice Bach, Patricia Saun­ ders, Mark Cohn, Diane Griffin, Kenneth Mahler, Harvey Berge, Stanley Doremus, Dean Lager, Dwight Cass, Daniel Speck, Leslie Heyman, Andrew Ferguson, Joseph Bruno. F R O N T ROW: Gail Shiftman, Gail Silverstein, Lauren Ewing, Fredrick Richardson, Mich­ ael Feinberg, David Gor­ don, Betty Ann Moore, Da­ vid Walsh, Ronald Scauron, Matthew Klein, Jane God­ dard, Holly Trested, Sheryn Barthelemy.

One of the most important and best known group of girls is the cheerleaders. Their duty is to stimulate school spirit in all varsity athletics. The squad consists of twelve girls who are chosen for their cheering ability, scholastic achievement and co-operation. Under the direction of Mr. Robert H. Arents, the girls prac­ tice three days a week, learning new techniques and perfect­ ing cheers. On December 2, 1961, five members of the squad attended the Annual Cheerleading Clinic at the Edison High School, Edison, New Jersey. They represented Asbury Park High School in various discussion groups and presented two cheers. The girls receive recognition as well as a varsity letter for their activities. Lynn Van Atta and Constance Wetzler, this year’s co­ captains, have produced an outstanding squad and all the girls deserve a few cheers themselves.

CHEERLEADERS CHEERLEADERS: L. to R., Donna Schwartz, Kelly Coutros, Carol Herbison, Linda Bowne, Lynn Van Atta, Barbara Rosenheim, Janet Daley, Bonnie Bromberger, Connie Wetzler, Elaine Macaluso.

SWING FLAGS: Back Row L. to R.: Cathy Bruno, Don­ na Schain, Sue Bander, Paulette Carter, Sue Schneider, Carol Buren, Carol Woodruff. Front Row: L. to R.: Lynn Wenger, Pat Gorman, Daphne Peterson, Debby Zyvith, Marlene Dixon, Sue Scura.

Here is a talented group which spends much time during the football and basketball seasons working out intricate routines. These hardworking girls add much color to the excitement of a school game. They also march in the Colum­ bus Day Parade in Asbury Park and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City. The Swing Flag Squad consists of fourteen girls who are chosen in the spring on their ability to march and twirl the flags. Each member must attend all practices and maintain a passing grade in all subjects. The routines used are com­ posed by the captain, Carol Woodruff. After twirling a complete season, the girls are awarded varsity letters and certificates. The Seniors are given troph ies. Mr. Frank Bryan is the advisor for this group.


TWIRLERS: Back Row L. to R.: Bonnie Carmichael, Peggy Ross, Mary Weatherspoon, Valerie Pekuri, Berna­ dette Krug, Irene Megill, Susan Umstead. Front Row: Candy Friedman, Peggy Free, Lucille Peluso, Carol Delhagen, Sue Feinstein, Connie Stein.

Whether it be a crisp autumn Saturday in the stadium, a cold winter night in the auditorium or an early morning pep rally, you will find our twirlers on the job. Under the direction of Susan Umstead, the captain, these sixteen girls practice every day after school. They prepare routines for local parades as well as the games and pep ral­ lies. This year they marched in the Columbus Day Parade and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The girls are chosen in the spring on the basis of their marching and twirling ability. Each member must attend all practices and maintain a passing grade in all subjects. After twirling a complete season, the girls receive varsity letters and certificates. Seniors receive trophies. The twirling squad is under the supervision of Mr. Frank Bryan.


BOOSTER C LUB The Booster Club of Asbury Park High School was organized two years ago to encourage school spirit at all athletic events. This year the group sold A.P.H.S. buttons and shakers to stimulate support of the football team. They also held a dance on March 17, 1962. This year’s officers are: Charles Honeker, Presi­ dent; Steve Ehrlich, Vice President; Beth Greenhill, Treasurer; Leslie Davidson, Secretary. Coach Villapiano is the faculty advisor.

BOOSTER CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: Elaine Furman, Sue Lieberman, Buddy Carter, Richard Edwards, Robert Deutsch, Steve Shapiro, Dino Kutrumbos, Elaine Macaluso, Jim Edwards, Harry Starrett, Tom Clark, Lenora Robinson. Next Row: Arlene Schmaier, Barbara Cook, Verena Jones, Cynthia Schenck, Judy Isen, Donna Ep­ stein, Jane Hara, Judy Cotton, Sandy Hildesheim, Andrea Hale, Barbara Sotnick, Joan Levy, Karen Clausen, Eve. lyn Isacson, Lois Fruehling, Miriam Hershman, Joan Conover. Front Row: Linda Harsin, Sonia Lipetz, Janice Greb, Myra Gendel, Pat Strano, Charles Honeker, Beth Greenhill, Steve Ehrlich, Leslie Davidson, Sharon Chibnik, Karen Freedman, Peggy Todd, Ginni Michaelson, Blair Boyd.

STUDE NT C O U N C IL The Student Council is made up of the Executive Council and the Home­ room Presidents and represents the entire student body. The Executive Coun­ cil is composed of four officers and a boy and a girl representative from each class. All members of the Student Council are elected by their fellow class­ mates. Council activities include: manning the parking lot for football games, sell­ ing candy at basketball games, appointing hall monitors, presenting Thanks­ giving and Christmas baskets to needy families, sponsoring Dress-up Days, and participating in Exchange Program with several local high schools. Miss Katherine Massey is the faculty advisor. This year’s officers are Hank Nonnenberg. president; Angelo Napolitano, vice-president; Carol Herbison. secretary; and V innie Gorman, treasurer.


HOMEROOM PRESIDENTS: Back Row L. to R.: Cliff Sofield, Jed Gaines, Ollie Jones, George Plasteras, Steve Ehrlich, Stan Parratt. Front Row L to R .: Charles Honeker, Douglas Woodfield, Steve Lieberman, Arnold Coop足 er, Larry Scorben.

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Bark Row L. to R.: Frank Dunst, Thomas Forker, Alan Segars, Betty Ann Moore, Diana Vandersloot, Alegra Johnson, Marsh McAfee, Janet Daley, Susan Lillow, Frank Vecchione, Jan Van足 dersloot. Front Row: Cliff Sofield, Vincent Gorman, An足 gelo Napolitano, Henry Nonnenberg, Carol Herbison, Peter Ross, Miss Katherine Massey.


G E RMA N C LUB The aim of the German Club is to acquaint the students with the culture of Germany, thereby stimulating interest in the German language and promoting better relations be足 tween the United States and Germany. This is accomplished through meetings where slides and films of Germany are shown. During the school year, funds are raised for the annual banquet which is held at the end of the year. The German Club, under the direction of Mr. John Brun足 ner, is composed of intermediate and advanced students. The officers are: Arlee Reno, President; Robert Petrero, Vice President; Nicki Wright, Secretary; Carollee Asay, Treasuer.

GERMAN CLUB: Back Row L. to R .: Jan Vandersloot, Bill Wrubel, Dave Franklin, David Hiers, Philip Lip. man, Jim Haddock, Jerry Spechler, Bob Benson, Paul Agris, Neal Cerny, Donald Lindy, David Schlisserman, Leo Ozlins, Walter Alton, Herr Brunner. Front Row L. to R .: Toby Appel, Richard Smith, Donna Ambler, Elaine Dunlop, Arlee Reno, Carollee Asay, Robert Pet足 rero, Bonnie Bromberger, Angela Jacobson, Sandy Hildeschein.

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FRENCH CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: A1 Hyatt, William Gillespie, Bob Bennett, Dave Peskowitz, Gary Hersch, Paul Kelner, Kris Bertelsen, Rita Smith, Georgette Keen, Victoria Morano, Patt Purrinson, Evelyn Isacson, Bar­ bara Fischer, Linda Roddy, Karin Jervis, Eileen Hurley. Next Row: Bill Todd, Sue Shaw, Richard Kuhn, Jim Ed­ wards, Harry Slarrett, Jules Plangere, Peter Ross, Alan Segars, Ann Sue Treston, Eunice Polloway, Dee Lynardakis, Nedra Moore, Yvonne Clayton. Front Row: L. to R.: Thomas Vogel, Ronnie Danielson, Ethan Gluck, Sue Rosenthal, Donna Tettemer, Susan Lubell, Roslyn Alt­ man, Rita Canino, Diane Sharenow, Sylvia Ascher, Mar­ garet Seidler, Gretchen Long, Blair Boyd, Peggy Brembos.

“Le Cercle Francais” is one of the oldest organizations in Asbury Park High School. Once a month the members meet to converse in French and to learn more about the French civilization and culture. The members, who must have completed one year of French with an average of 80 per cent or better, often see French films and slides of France. T his year the club and Asbury Park High School Dance Band sponsored a Canteen Dance on January 6, 1961. The highlights of the year are the annual French Club Banquet and the presentation of the French award to the student with the highest average in French for three years. Peter Ross, President; Alan Segars, Vice President; Ann Sue Treston, Secretary, and Jules Plangere, Treasurer, pre­ side over the meetings. Mrs. Mary Bryan is the club’s ad­ visor.


SPANISH CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: Ira Wexler, Fran­ cisco Quinones, Ray Risner, Alex Kristowicz. Next Row L. to R.: Carol Woodruff, Jerry Feinstein, Mike Ripps, Steve Shapiro, Florence Crawford, Paula Goldberg, Vinnie Gorman, George Plasteras, Steve Adler. Next Row L to R.: Judi Isen, Heather Ferguson, Carol Becker, Valerie Lane, Leslie Davidson, Judy Shoenholz, Gloria Silverstein, Judy Shure, Jeanne Becker, Mary Jones, Jackie Levinsohn. Front Row L. to R.: Harry Packwood, Myra Gendel, Donna Epstein, Ronald Taft, Roz Furman, Jed Gaines, Glenn Abello, Diane Genola.

The Spanish Club, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Liberman, provides an opportunity for the students to ex­ tend their interest in Spanish beyond the classroom. The members are planning, researching, and producing a tape recording in Spanish to be used by the Elementary Spanish classes. The recording will consist of Spanish songs, orchestra music, riddles, poems, anecdotes, playlets and nar­ rations. The club sold Asbury Park High School corsages and pen­ nants during the fall and winter to finance the events of the year. They sponsored a dance on April 7, 1962. The meetings are presided over by: Glenn Abello, Presi­ dent; Ronnie Taft, Vice President; Roz Furman, Secretary, and Jed Gaines, Treasurer.


RA DIO C LUB The aims of the Radio Club of Asbury Park High School are to further interest in Amateur Radio, and to assist in the event of natural or military disaster. The faculty advisor is Mr. A. Talocci. The officers are: Elliot Belasco, President; Ken Brockel, Vice-President; Dave Franklin, Secretary; and Alvin Bernard, Treasurer.

RADIO CLUB: L. to R., Mr. Talocci, Stanley Hersch, Alan Clayton, Ira Goldman, Ken Brockel, Alvin Ber足 nard, Lewis Kirschner, Dave Franklin.

LATIN CLUB: Back Row L. to R .: Jeff Westerberg, Marie Joste, Eileen Cornell, Anne Calagori, Alice Kauf, man, Carl Pisano, Ted Rose,. Steve Bernstein, Bob Deutsch, Stuart Wenger. Next Row L. to R.: Diana Vandersloot, Gayle Pappaylion, Bonnie Carmichael, Su­ san Schulman, Irene Philip, Edith Casey, Susan Schnei­ der, Susan Lieberman. Front Row L. to R.: Karen Klang, Claudia Koeger, Carol Seelig, Joan Levy, Arlene Sehmaier, Harry Giberson, Nancy Weiser.

The Junior Classical League, better known as the Latin Club, is an organization which promotes a better under­ standing of Roman culture and an appreciation for the Latin language. The annual Roman Banquet, held in March, is the big event to which all the members eagerly look forward. This year the club sold Asbury Park High School decals during September and October to procure funds for the banquet. The Irene Taylor award is presented to the Senior with the highest four year average in Latin. The Junior Classical League, under the guidance of Mr. L. Mione, meets once a month. The officers are: Harry Gib­ erson, Consul (P resid en t); Paula Freedman, Pro-Consul (V ice P resid en t); Arlene Sehmaier, Quaestor (T reasurer); and Joan Levy, Aedulis Tabolorum (Secretary).


HALL MONITORS: Back Row L. to R .: Ronald Watt, Sam Siciliano, William Athans, Robert Armstrong, Bill McDonald, Joe Reed. Next Row L. to R.: Charles Gershon, Steve Castello, Sal Berardesco, Ken Saunders, Neal Cerny, Ollie Jones. Front Row L. to R.: Alan Segars, Harold Crenshaw, George Plasteras, Dave Russell, Charles Honeker.

The Hall Monitors are members of an organization, spon­ sored by the Student Council, which stations members in the halls during each period. Their purpose is to control traffic in the halls, and to make sure that all lockers have been closed and locked. A person is appointed monitor only if he has a study pe­ riod. No member may join if he has a disciplinary record. Meetings are not regularly scheduled, but are called when­ ever necessary. The faculty advisor to this group is Miss Katherine Massey.


The purpose of the Chess Club of Asbury Park High School is to provide enjoyment and competition in chess among fellow students and students of other schools. Weekly meets are held between the members to determine their rank in the club. The Chess Club is a member of the Shore Conference of Chess Clubs. An annual dues of fifty cents is used for refreshments at home tournaments, and at chosen meetings. This year’s offi­ cers are: James Haddock, President; Lee Kiersted, Vice President; William Graham, Secretary, and Elliot Belasco, Treasurer. Mrs. Hayes is the advisor for the Chess Club.

CHESS CLUB: Back Row L. to R. Arthur Crosshandler, Herbert Kingsland, Arthur Brawer, Myles Sandburg, Eve McCuiness, Mrs. Hayes. Front Row: Jim Haddock, Bill Graham, Lee Kiersted.

DEBATING CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: Mr. Hart, Bobby Deutsch, Beverly Taylor, Joe Miller, Larry Nussdorf, Bobby Stiber, Richard Dengrove. Front Row: Rob* erta Morris, Cheryl Herbert, Irene Philips, Victor Fried­ rich, Elliot Belasco, Steve Abramson, Arlee Reno, Joel Marcus.

The purpose of the Debating Club Club is to give each of its members confidence and poise when speaking in public. Each one is encouraged to participate in intra and inter­ scholastic debates which are held at weekly meetings and competitive events between schools. The Debating Club was organized many years ago. An active member must work hard to prepare himself for the many varied events. The climax of the year is a trip to Philadelphia for the Temple University Speech Festival. Under the guidance of Mr. Robert Hart, the meetings are presided over by Victor Friedrich, President; Arlee Reno, Vice President; Elliot Belasco, Treasurer, and Stephan Ab­ ramson, Secretary.


SCIENCE CLUB: Back Row L. to R .: Tim Sullivan, Robert Petrero, Dave Franklin, Steve Schor, Jim Rubin, Ed Linky, Doug Crawford. Front Row: Robert Deutsch, Alan Zuckerman, Paul Magerowitz, Stewart Serine, Mich­ ael Scharf, Richard Kelly.

The purpose of the Science Club of Asbury Park High School is to increase the interest and knowledge of science for students. The club meets every second Thursday of the month. The group was very active this year. It visited the Frank­ lin Institute, the Esso refinery, and underground caverns in Pennsylvania. They viewed a demonstration of electronics by Bell Telephone and sponsored a dance on December 7, 1961. The meetings are presided over by James Sampson, Presi­ dent; Edward Linky, Vice President; Dottie Lynch, Secre­ tary; Arlee Reno, Treasurer. The Science Club is under the guidance of Mrs. D. Lynch.


GLEE C LUB The students who are members of the Chorus and Glee Club are selected from the vocal music classes. The purpose of these classes is to teach students vocal techniques, theory, harmony, ear training and music appreciation. Most of the time in class is devoted to rehearsal of the music for the various programs that are produced during the year. This year the Chorus presented a wonderful Christ足 mas Program which was well received by all. T he music program is open to all students. It offers to the student interested in music, wonderful opportunities; they gain valuable experience in solo and group singing. The vocal music classes are conducted by Miss Angela Flynn.

GLEE CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: Loretta Robinson, Sally Hutzley, Melvin Thompson, Gloria Willis, Connie Britt, Diane Wran, Sandy Wilson, Colette Thompson, Cora Pines, Susan Kaufi, Cecily Saunders, Hazel Grant, Johnny Dickerson. Next Row: Gilbert Reed, Charles Bradberry, Beth Davis, Carol Levers, Karen Clausen, Karen Jordan. Iris Williams, Rita Smith, Carol Flynn. Next Row: Lillian Berry. Debbie Child, Christine Mallue, Geraldine McDonald, Marilynne Kantor, Margaret Sidler, Sylvia Ascher, Adrian Hinton, Jo Francis Miller. Front Row: Barbara Kalini, Edith Hines, Barbara Taylor, San足 dra White, Sylvia Robinson, Enid Smith, Beverly Glover, Beatrice Sanders, Gail Williamson.

CANTEEN COMMITTEE: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Villapiano, Angelo Napolitano, Pete Smith, Alex Peters, Mark Toback, Steve Ehrlich, Glenn Abello, Stan Swist, Jules Plangere, Pat Barrett, Front Row L. to R.: Judy Cotton, Lucille Peluso, Mrs. Marx, Jackie Easu, Bonnie Bromberger, Judy Corcione, Gail Marx.

The Canteen Committee was organized to provide Satur­ day night dances for the high school and eighth grade stu­ dents. The Committee sponsored eight dances and a special Christmas dance this year. The canteens offered free re­ freshments and prizes for dance contests. Its members sell tickets, take care of the refreshments, and in general, run the canteen. At the end of the year, the Committee awards two schol­ arships and presents a gift to the school. The Committee consists of Student Representatives, faculty advisor Coach A. E. Villapiano, and several parents.


TEEN-AGE BOOK CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: Margaret Flood, Lenora Robinson, Steve Shapiro, Nancy Argeris. Next Row L. to R.: Gretchen Long, Linda Epstein, Bev­ erly Taylor, Barbara Steinberg, Miriam Hershman, Lois Fruehling, Martha Mattingly, Linda Silverstein, Judy Pines. Front Row L. to R.: Christine Bertelsen, Carol Brand, Regina Michelson, Marilyn Lebedoff, Susan Ros­ enthal, Mrs. Angrist.

All students who enjoy reading are welcome to join the Teen-Age Book Club. The Club was organized to stimulate student reading and to make available an excellent selection of inexpensive paperback books. Each member is required to purchase, for his own library, four paperbound books a year. These are chosen from a carefully selected list of classic and contemporary literature offered by the Scholastic Magazines in their Teen-Age and Campus Book Clubs. A bonus book is given with each set of four books purchased. Informal meetings are held to order books, discuss them and distribute the new lists and books received. The officers for this year are: Carol Brand, president; Barbara Zane, Vice President; Kristan Bertelsen, Secre­ tary, and Bruce Binder, Treasurer. Mrs. C. Angrist is the advisor to the Teen-Age Book Club.


TRA C K C LUB The Track Club was formed in 1950 as an organization whose main project was to support the Track team. Through the years, however, the club’s activities have been extended, and they now boost all sports. Meetings are held once a month in the auditorium. During the year the Track Club sells blotters containing the Basketball and Track teams’ schedules. They also spon­ sor buses to many athletic events, and two picnics, one in the fall, and one in the spring. During the Track season, the Track Club sponsors the Central Jersey Track Meet. This year’s officers are: Mark Toback, President; Pete Smith, Vice President; Jane Goddard, Treasurer; Beverly Smith, Secretary.

TRACK CLUB: Back Row L. to R.: John Burke, Marty Greenspan, Peter Smith, Arnold Cooper, Jed Gaines, Dave Bachner, Tom Clark, Nestor Winters, Ron Watt Mike Silverstein, Steve Lieberman, Mike Ripps, Marty Adler, Bill Wrubel. Next Row L. to R.: Patricia Fowler, Karen Clausen, Joan McMahon, Janice Greb, Kathy Rup. pel, Colette Thompson, Linda Boehme, Bev Taylor, Sandy Holland, Pat Strano, Paula Engel, Yvonne Clay.' ton, Dee Lyndakis, Carol Woodruff, Elaine Dunlop, Mar­ tha Peterson, Sandy Hildesheim, Marsha Shulman, Linda Silverstein, Rita Canino, Colleen Ward, Sandy Wilson, Gloria Manuel, Judy Jeck, Coach Villapiano, Pat Denby, Eunice Polioway, Judy Isen, Joan Levy. Next Row L. to R.: Alan Segars, Marlene Dixon, Harry Feinhals, Ollie Jones, Harold Crenshaw, Ken Saunders, Joe Reed, Paul­ ette Carter, Mark Toback, Steve Ehrlich. Front Row L. to R .: Maryanne Lillis, Milton Carter, Sam Siciliano, Su­ san Goldberg, Curtis Crystal, Gail Sopko, Paul Glasser, Dino Kutrumbos, Pat Gorman, Ellen Marx, Jane God­ dard, Alex Peters.

ATHLETIC STAFF: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Villapiano, Irene Megill, Janice Whiting, Barbara Cook, Lynn Van Atta, Judy Jeck, Mary Celsleichter, Bonnie Brom. berger. Front Row L. to R.: Lucille Peluso, Jackie Easu, Shirley Slott, Vicki Cohen.

The purpose of the Athletic Staff is to assist the athletic department in typing, filing, and distributing notices. The staff is composed of twelve girls whose main projects are making schedule cards for the different sports, typing out information, and selling tickets to athletic events. They are very helpful to both Coach Villapiano and the Athletic Department. This year, Coach Villapiano appointed Lynn Van Atta and Connie Wetzler as co-chairmen of the staff. A member receives a certificate for one year of service, and a service medal for two years.


LIBRARY STAFF: Back Row L. to R.: Rose Marie Maggio, Karen Clausen, Susan Goldberg, Carol Latham. Front Row L. to R.: Miss Schnell, Karen Jervis, Peggy Todd, Lenora Robinson.

This year, Miss Ruth Schnell, the Asbury Park High School librarian, has chosen 16 girls from the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes to assist her in the li足 brary. Day after day, these girls can be seen delivering slips, checking out books, or acquainting a new student with our library system. The valuable service rendered by the girls is greatly ap足 preciated by the students and teachers alike. At the end of each year the Sue Kraybill Award is presented to the most deserving girl.


“Someone once said to a g i r l ...............”

SENIOR PLAY This year the Senior Class presented a sophisticated com­ edy called “Ask Any Girl.” The story was centered around a small town girl, Meg Wheeler, who came to New York City and obtained a position with a prominent advertising re­ search company, Doughton and Doughton. All who saw the show especially enjoyed the comedy por­ trayed by Meg’s roommates in the Madison Avenue Girls’ Hotel. The roommates’ beaux also added to the light air of the play. They all deserved high praise. Many thanks must be given to Miss M. Matthews for her splendid direction and to Carollee Asay and Jerry Feinstein as Student Directors. “Ah, brother . . . Oh bro­ ther . . . . BROTHER!”

“You’re Looking at Vincent Shmidlap’s ‘The View of the Bronx.” ’

“What do you mean? You’re in love with Alvin Schnerd?”

“Gee! You mean that no men are allowed?”

SENIOR PLAY CAST: Back Row L. to R.: Bobbi Goldstein, Toby Appel, Roz Furman, Marcia Gordon, Harold Shulman, Judy Jeck, Mary Shebell, Diane Phillips, Alfred Hyatt, Pat Hartman, Marilynne Canter. Front Row L. to R.: Beth Greenhill, Harry Packwood, Irene Rubin, Steve Klitzman, Carol Brand, Jules Plangere.

DID MOST FOR A.P.H.S. Hank Nonnenberg Carol Herbison

BEST DRESSED Vincent Gorman Peggy Newman

MOST TALKATIVE Judy Jeck Nestor Winters

BEST DANCER Ken Saunders Betty Ann Moore

BEST ACTOR Harry Packwood Irene Rubin

MOST STUDIOUS Toby Appel Victor Friedrich

SENIOR MO ST MOST ATHLETIC Sue Umstead Harold Crenshaw

WITTIEST Bob Armstrong Joan Sakelaris

MOST MUSICAL Barbara Kalline Bruce Schwartz

BEST LOOKING CUTEST Vincent Gorman Connie Wetzler

MOST DIGNIFIED Clifford Sofield Diane Genola

BEST NATURED Clifford Sofield Joan Sakelaris


MOST VERSATILE MOST POPULAR George Plasteras Carol Herbison

TEENS FOR SAFE DR IV ING The “Teens for Safe Driving” Club of Asbury Park High School aims to promote safe driving on the part of teen-age drivers. The club was very active this year. The members attended several county Safe Driving meetings, and sponsored a safety slogan contest and an assembly program. The meetings are presided over by: Linda Mazza, President; Donna Ambler, Vice President; Pat Boyd, Secretary; and Charles Smith, Treasurer. Mr. John Pandolfe is the club’s advisor. TEENS FOR SAFE DRIVING: L. to R.: Linda Mazza, Bruce Dravneek, Patricia Bates, Donna Ambler, Karen Jervis, Mr. Pandolfe.

STO C K R O O M C O MMIT T E E The Stock Room Staff, under the supervision of Mr. Donald Smith, is responsible for the proper storage and distribution of school supplies. The members of the committee relinquish their activity period in order to carry out their duties.

STOCKROOM COMMITTEE: Jim Haddock, Lou Gorra, Hank Nonnenberg, John McNamara.

E NG LISH B O O K C O MMIT T E E The English Book Committee is composed of stu­ dents who distribute, collect, store, and file books and mimeographed material used by the English Department. The Committee is very helpful to the English Department. They work during their free periods and do much to save the time and effort of the English teachers. Mrs. Van Campen is the advisor to the group.

ENGLISH BOOK COMMITTEE: Back Row L. to R.: Bruce Biesky, Jerry Feinstein, Arnold Cooper. Front Row: Myra Gendel, Mrs. Van Campen, Roslyn Furman.

MR. R O U MA N IS ' STAFF Mr. Roumanis’ staff consists of eleven girls who work in his office during one of their study periods. They answer the telephone, keep records of tardi­ ness, cutting, and excuses, sign admittance slips and call students who are wanted in the office. These girls are selected on the basis of their scholastic and disciplinary records. For one year of assistance, they receive a certificate, and for two years, a ser­ vice medal.

MR. ROUM ANIS’ S T A F F : Back Row L. to R .: D iane G enola, E unice Pollow ay, Susan Shaw. F ro n t Row L. to R .: Rusty K elly, R ose M arie V accaro, A nita G arrity.

G U ID A N C E STAFF The Guidance Staff is a volunteer group of girls who act as messengers and clerical assistants for the Guidance Counselors. The girls on this staff have many duties including typing, filing, and making appointments. Files with information on many col­ leges are kept to aid seniors in seeking the college of their choice. All girls are required to be accurate and display a good sense of responsibility at all times.

G UID AN CE ST A FF: Back Row L. to R .: Sylvia Ascher, L inda Spontak, Lynn Pezzella, G loria Silverstein, H eath, er Fergeson. F ro n t Row L. to R .: W endy Sachs, Carol B uren, B obbi G oldstein, B eth G reenhill, Lynn W enger.

S T U D E N T A NNO UNC E RS Joan Friedland and Lynn Wenger are the student radio announcers for the 1961-62 school year. The girls were selected at try-outs held in October. They are completely responsible for the planning and operation of the weekly Student Activities Broadcast which is presented each Tuesday evening over radio station W.J.L.K.

STU D EN T W enger.


Jo an

F ried lan d ,






The purpose of the Main Office Staff at the As­ bury Park High School is to' assist with the clerical work in the office. This includes answering the tele­ phone, collecting attendance slips and delivering messages. The staff is made up of Honor Roll students and, unlike a club, does not hold meetings or select offi­ cers. The girls are in the office during their free periods, and are under the supervision of Mrs. Richards. The girls are rewarded for their hard work with a certificate for one year’s service, and a service medal for two.

MAIN OFFICE STAFF: L. to R.: Carol Visone, Carol Becker, Dorothy Lynch, Ruth Nonnenberg, Betty Ann Moore, Judy Cotton.

ATHLETIC STOCKROOM STAFF: L. to R.: Roger Bennett, Mr. Higinbotham, Ronald Bennett.

A T HLE T IC S T O C K R O O M STAFF The boys on the Athletic Stockroom Staff aid in the distribution and cleaning of all athletic equip­ ment. They take care of the uniforms after all games. These boys give at least an hour of their time each day. Mr. Gerald Higinbotham is the advisor of the staff.

I. M . C. SECRETARIES The Office Staff of the Instructional Materials Center is a part of the Audio Visual Service Crew. Members do secretarial work such as filing, typing, and duplicating. The staff also processes instruction­ al materials, provides aid to teachers, and assists in the general operation of the Instructional Materials Center.

I.M.C. SECRETARIES: L. to R.: Judy MeKasin, Kathy Farrell, Gloria Silverstein, Wendy Brown, Sharyn Barthlemy.

I.M.C. SERVICE CREW: L. to R .: John Brow­ er, Robert Juska, Robert Schmidt.

I. M . C. SERVICE C RE W The Audio Visual Service Crew was organized to assist teachers with audio visual instructional ma­ terials. Crew members operate audio visual equip­ ment, assist in dramatic and musical production, and have the responsibility of moving equipment and instructional materials to classrooms where they are to be used. Good attendance at the monthly meetings and a scholastic average of 80 or better are requirements for active membership. An Awards Banquet is held each year. Crew chiefs are Stanley Johnson and John Brow­ er. Mr. Richmond is the advisor to the Service Crew.


At the outset of the 1961 season, the football fortunes of Asbury Park High School looked quite hopeless. We had only two regular offensive players and three defensive players returning from last year’s team which lost only one game. Our schedule is a very difficult one every football season and a successful team demands a great deal of desire and hard work from our boys. This attitude prevailed throughout the season. The boys gave everything they possessed: physical stamina, mental development and great school spirit. These are the requirements to success, not only in athletics, but in life’s pursuits as well. Our boys met the difficult challenge in every game and performed admirably. The Blue Bishops had another successful season, winning eight and losing only to our arch rival, Long Branch who had. for the first time in its school’s history, an undefeated team. The Newark Star Ledger, one of New Jersey’s leading newspapers, gave Asbury Park a sixth place ranking for the 1961 season. AllState notices were awarded to Harold Crenshaw and George Plasteras. Naturally, these two boys were on all the All-Shore teams, along with Sal Berardesco, Dave Russell, Captains Bill Athans and Kenny Saunders, Nick Irons, and Paul Chaiet. Coaches Bruno and Rinehart decided on Deno Kutrumbos as the recipient of the Denegar Award, which is given to the member of the team who plays outstanding ball, but receives few of the plaudits. The 1962 season presents a task similar to that of the past year, since we only have a few returning lettermen, but we are sure the boys playing for us, next fall, will show the old Asbury desire and drive to give a good account of themselves. The Junior Varsity and Freshman squads had unsuccessful seasons, but they learned the fundamentals of football and sportsmanship.


VARSITY TEAM: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Rinehart, Ed Kennedy, Jim Haddock, Bob Ed­ wards, Jan Vandersloot, Dave Bennett, Harry Starrett, George Stetter, Lou Casagrande, Jim Busch, Ted Rose, John Mahan, Roy Vogel, Jim Edwards, Paul Chaiet, Coach Bruno. Next row: Jerry Rosenberg, Deno Kutrumbos, Bill Athans, Ken Saunders, Dave Russell, Bob Armstrong, Lenny Bacote, Lou Gorra, Basil Plasteras, Vin Gorman, Pete Tomaino, Nick Irons, Harold Crenshaw, George Plasteras. Front row: Jesse Kindall, Angelo Napolitano, Roy Kaplan, Rog­ er Brozozowski, Sal Berardesco, Lee Kiersted, Oliver Jones, Mike Ripps, Tom Jones, Alan Aronchuk.



FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 1961 Asbury Park 34 Perth Amboy 7 Trenton 13 Union 47 Neptune 26 Red Bank 41 New Brunswick 14 Freehold 12 Long Branch 33 Middletown



The Bishop’s starting offensive team.

Pete Tomaino and Nubby Napolitano move in on Freehold’s Larry Brown.

Go! Go! Go!


Harold Crenshaw stopped for one of the few times during the season.

Harold Crenshaw led by Sal Berar. desco and Harry Starrett around Mid­ dletown’s end.

Co-Captain Bill Athans scants left end for a large gain against Neptune. The boys singing Three”.


Quarter to

JAY VEE TEAM: Back Row L. to R .: Roger King, Don Linky, Richard Bisbee, Neal Krasner, Alex Knistowicz, Jeff Westerberg, Alan Cass, Frank Dunst, Harry Giberson, Dave Neville, Larry Lynch. Next Row: Bill Loboda, Frank Cimino, Steve Kiley, Steve Schorr, Bob Stiber, John Galeani, Harold Robinson, Richard Taggert, Stan Parratt, Drew Bunnell. Front Row: Eugene Hartwell, Bill Palmer, John Marron, Joel Kreizman, Gary Puro, Gilbert Reed, Charles Bradbury, Harold Michaels.


JA Y VEE T E A M FRESHMAN TEAM: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Richard Smith, George Sofield, Tom Irving, Jerry Donovan, Glen Garcia, David Rokeach, Mike Corcione, John Hayes, Barry Antone, Joe Jackson, Keith Wells, Gerard Bad足 ger, Frank DeHaut,, Frank Saunders, Jan Kirsted. Middle Row L. to R.: Mike Hodnett, Paul Rowett, Danny Rob足 erts, Tony Gradone, Dave Warlick, Jud Haviland, Norris McGowan, Dave Phillips, John Pittenger, Larry Schulman, John Carter. Front Row L. to R.: Robert Seelig, Dennis Bolden, Rick Steelman, Carney Petillo, Phillip Reilly, Bobby Busch, Edward McCuff, George Lippstone, Gary Burton, Philip Hanapole, Brian Battjer.


Crenshaw wins the battle.

The 1962 Varsity basketball team finished out the season with a 13 and 11 record. For the second year in a row Mr. Bruce Cameron’s Blue Bishops finished in a tie in the Shore Round Robin. The Bishops finished second in the Shore Conference Class A with a record of 8 wins and 2 losses. The two losses were to arch rival Neptune before 4,000 people. The Bishops led the Shore in defense. In 10 games they held 7 of their foes to 50 points or less. The Bishops finished fourth in the Shore Conference Playoffs being beaten by Neptune and Lakewood. Co-captain, Joe Reed, a 6 foot 3 inch senior, paced the team in scoring with a 10.9 average. Joe finished ninth in the Shore Conference. Hal Crenshaw helped the team considerably under the boards and often emerged as the team’s high scorer. Hal scored 22 points against Middletown in one game. Co-captain, Hank Nonnenberg, was the work horse of the team and led in rebounds. Rich Kuchen aided in rebounds and was the team’s second highest scorer. Angelo Napolitano, a Junior, was the fourth highest scorer, and should pace the team next year. Asbury had one of the best benches in the Shore paced by seniors Ron Watt, Bill Schmitt, and George Plasteras; and juniors Harry Starrett and Pete Tomaino; and the only sophomore on the team, Mike Gallagher. Ron Watt received the Denegar Award. The J.V.’s and the Freshman had very successful seasons with 15-4 and 17-2 records, respectively.

VARSITY TEAM: L. to R.: Coach Cameron, Richard Kuchen, Mike Gal­ lagher, William Schmidt, Hank Nonnenberg, Joe Reed, Ronald Watt, George Plasteras, Harry Starrett, Harold Crenshaw, Pete Tomaino, Ted Belasco, Mgr. Absent: Vin Gorman.

1962 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Asbury Park 39 54 52 75 59 41 69 62 42 45 45 73 54 49 48 50 70 78 64 50 87 60 56 64

St. Rose Perth Amboy Long Branch Middletown Red Bank Linden Freehold Red Bank Neptune New Brunswick Trenton Long Branch Freehold Trenton New Brunswick Neptune Middletown Long Branch Red Bank Emerson Union Hill Neptune Lakewood Union

Opp. 41 60 36 47 51 42 40 46 48 44 49 41 33 52 42 60 48 66 58 62 52 69 59 65

FRESHMAN BASKETBALL: Back Row L. to R.: Gil Nehman (Mgr.), Louis Bell, John Hayes, Ronald Lane, Uwe Scheel, Paul Kranick (Coach). Next Row L. to R.: A1 Bornstein (Mgr.), Charles Sandifer, Phil Siciliano, Mike Gilvary, Ed Smith, Dave Warlick, George Sofield, Alan Ross (Mgr.). Front Row L. to R .: Frank Vecchione, Dan Wishnatsky, Jim Johnson, Gus Villapiano, Ron Stephens, Paul Rowett.

JAY VEE TEAM: L. to R.: Roger Bennett, Emmet Creel, Charles Stansbury, Leonard Epstein, Alan Norby, Alex Kristowitz, Jeff Westerberg, Jos­ eph Kershaw, Thomas O’Dell, Ira Goldberg, Michael Abarbanel, Jack Ansell. Kneeling: Ronald Bennett, Gerald Higinbotham.

VARSITY BASEBALL: Back Row L. to R.: Ted Belasco, Manager; Roy Kaplan, Don Pitcher, Dean Vegosen, Bill Savage, Glenn Abello, Pete Tomaino, Ralph Vandersloot, Charles Honeker, Sal Berardesco, Coach George Snow. Next Row L. to R.: Bill Gilman, Angelo Napolitano, Skip Laufer, George Plasteras, Harold Shulman, Vin Gorman, David Russell, Julius Felder, Edgar Harrington.

» f r~TY A


K A \ r K AI

With a thrilling 3 to 1 defeat of Middletown Township the 1961 Asbury Park High School Baseball Team won the Shore Conference Class A Crown. Their record in the Shore Conference was 9 wins and 2 losses. It was the first championship for Mr. George Snow in his three years as head coach. Other highlights of the season were victories over: New Brunswick, the first in six years; three victories over Middletown; and clutch 9 inning triumphs over Long Branch and Red Bank. These games were instrumental in giving the Bishops a record of 10 and 8 for the year. Asbury fielded a fine defensive team this year and won many of their games by close margins. Heading the mound corps was a trio of experienced mdta: Dean Vego­ sen, Ralph Vandersloot and Bill Savage. Glenn Abello 4n“ I?on Pitches aided the pitching staff with crucial victories over Red Bank and W>ne Branch, respfectively. Harold Shulman led the team with a .321 battinga average and was trailed by Vir Gorman who connected for a .295 percentage. GeoiWl^ rTasteras, and Buddy Harrjrjig ton, who received the Denegar Award and on-hase percentage trophfiA also aided the team at the plate. Harold Shulman also receivep j^ e medal for the(q\ghest scholastt average on the team. Also sparking the team were Sam Laufer, Char ius Felder,\Bi man and sophomores Nubby Napolitano and Pete J omai Hopes for next year are high, as Ashjiry loses twt expeneritei corps. If the Bishops can get i£lgf>od pitchi )r a varyre 1962 season will be bright. The J.V. record this year wks\ tceptionally good

l i V to R JAY VEE BASEBALL TEAM: Bad liAYC. fed Peyse&JLei Vandersloot, Dave Peskowitz, Stan Kiersted, Richard Huss, Joe Bailey, all I ^CpaidtJ VDav Fawcett, Coach John Rodgers. Fro: RojwJ RM. Stetter, Jack McGee, Mickey Aharbanel,» Mik>> Ripp*/, Steve Lieberman, Marty Greenspan, Dennis H#rtz

ASEBALL: Bark Row L. to R.: Don Seka, Mark Falker, Mike Gallagher, Allen Westerberg, Len Epstein, Charles Bradberry. L. to R.: Gary Puro, Bruce Greenspan, Bill Loboda^ Bill Moses, Bill Larkin, Robert Adams, Barry Gramrner. Front Row: Ira Grodberg, Vic Gerard, Larry Cross, Joe Wilmore.

TENNIS TEAM: Back Row L. to R.: Robert Braka, Richard Rediker, Eric Fagans, Coach Leo Catcher. Front Row L. to R .: Paul Weinberg, Jack Simons, Ralph Stark.

The Asbury Park High School Tennis Team, un­ der the coaching of Mr. Leo Galcher, finished sixth in the Central Jersey Tennis League with three wins and nine losses. The team participated in the State Tennis Tour­ nament held at Princeton University. The team was led by co-captains Eric Fagans and Bob Braka, both Seniors. Jack Simon, also a Senior, received the Denegar Award and the Scholastic Award. Next year’s prospects look hopeful with Ralph Stark, a Junior, and Paul W einberg, a Sophomore,



GOLF TEAM: L. to R.: Coach Robert Osgoodby, Gene Catalano, Roy Vogel, Terry Cuccurullo, William Graham, Larry Diglio.

G O LF During the 1961 season the Asbury Park Golf Team finished second in the Shore Conference with a record of 13 wins and only 1 loss. Gene Catalano, a Junior, won second low gross in the Shore Conference Tournament. Bill Graham, also a Junior, had a low gross of 76 for the year. The team finished sixth in the State Tourney with Bill Graham finishing eighteenth in the state. With all Juniors on the team, next year should be a very successful one.

The 1961-1962 Track Team had one of the most varied and interesting schedules it has ever had. The “Merli-men” took part in such meets as the Bridgeton Relays, Penn Relays, Shore Conference, Central Jersey, Central Jersey Group 4 Conference, Newark Board of Education, State Conference and the State Meet. Asbury also had seven dual meets, winning five of them. Asbury won the Newark Board of Education Meet, beating Mont­ clair, one of the best teams in the state, by Vst of a point. Asbury also won the Shore Conference for the fourth straight time. With boys like Caleb Morris, state champ in the 220. the season proved highly suc­ cessful. Other stellar performers were, Ron Lyons— 440; Mark Toback and Ron Wilt­ shire— 880; Rusty McLoughlin and Sam Siciliano— mile; Ron Watt— hurdles; Jim Busch— broad jump; Hal Crenshaw— pole vault; and Hank Nonnenberg and Bob Arm­ strong— shot and discus. Much credit is deserved by Mr. Nick Merli, the team’s head coach, and his capable weight coach. Mr. Don Smith. VARSITY TRACK TEAM: Back Row L. to R .: Coach Nicholas Merli, Ollie Jones, Ronald Wiltshire, John Burke, Robert Armstrong, Henry Nonnenberg, James Sheridan, John Mc­ Namara, Harold Crenshaw, Peter Clark, Ronny Watt, Caleb Morris, Coach Donald Smith. Next Row: Pete Klein, Manager; Sam Siciliano, Ken Brocket, Ralph Apicelli, Jim Busch, Gary Abrams, Ronny Lyons, Rusty McLoughlin, Alan Segars, Mark Toback.


INDOOR TRACK: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Merli, Steve Kiely, Tom Clark, John Burke, David Stonnaker, Dino Kutrumbos, John McNamara, A1 Cass, George Stetter, Pete Smith. Next Row L. to R.: Ed Robinson, Bob Epstein, Len Bacote, Mark Toback, Oliver Jones, Sam Siciliano, Chris Sortino, Angelo Napolitano, Cliff Bering, David Nash. Front Row L. to R .: Gilbert Reed, Jim Le Blanc, Ken Brocket, George Solomon, Richard Smallwood, Ralph Apirelli, Jim Bush, Alan Segars.

The 1962 Indoor Track Team had a very successful season. The purpose of Indoor Track is to get the boys in shape for Outdoor Track. The schedule was very interesting and con­ sisted of ten meets, including the State Meet in Jersey City, the National Championships at Madison Square Garden, the C. Y. 0 . Meet in Newark, and the Spiked Shoe Meet in Philadelphia. The boys practiced at the Convention Hall and on the days that it was warm they ran up and down the boardwalk. Mr. Merli is the head coach, and Mr. Don Smith, the weight coach. The 1961 Varsity Cross Country Team, under the guid­ ance of Coach Villapiano, compiled a record of 3 wins and 7 losses. The 17 man squad was divided into two teams, the Varsity, and J.V. CROSS COUNTRY TEAM: L. to R.: Coach Villapiano, Asbury competed against St. Rose and Brick Township, Cliff Bering, Jim Blank, Scott Wilder, Ira Goldman, two of the best teams both at the Shore and in the State. David Nash, Charles Stansbury, Buddy Carter. Next The harriers placed fourth in the Monmouth County Meet Row: L. to R .: David Lyons, Tom Clark, Sam Sicialiand eighth in.the Shore Conference. ano, Ed Robinson, Mark Toback, Alan Segars, David Outstanding runners for the Varsity were Mark Toback Charp, Ronny Watt, Tom O’Dell. Front Row: L. to R.: and Ron Watt, co-captains; Sam Siciliano, Alan Segars, Paul Mayerowitz, John Gagan, Chris Sortino, Dick Tom O’Dell, Tom Clark, and Ed Robinson. Mearns, Eugene McDermott. With three returning lettermen, Coach Villapiano’s boys should have an outstanding season next fall.


WRESTLING TEAM: Back Row L. to R.: Coach Rey, Basil Plasteras, Steven Fromhold, Jim Edwards, Bob Edwards, Frank Dunst, Jeff Cerny, Bob Davidson, David Peskowitz, Ken Brennan. Next Row L. to R.: Gary Fagans, Roger Van Note, Harry Giberson, Roy Kaplan, Howard Collins, Joe Mott, Bob Adams, Jack McGee, Ted Bradshaw, Terry Schechterle. Front Row L. to R.: John Rawlings, Bill Petrero, John Beverett, Charles Greenberg, Edward McCuff, Tom Wells, Harry Skouras, Thomas Gerard.


BOWLING: Back Row L. to R.: Robert Petrero, John Reid, Neal Cerny, Richard Smith, Coach Merli. Front Row L. to R.: Howard Kuker, Dave Fawcett, Paul Kelner, Tim Johnson.

Asbury Park High School established its first varsity wres­ tling team of modern times this year. Mr. Sergio Rey is the coach of the team. Roy Kaplan was appointed captain. The team had eleven dual meets against such foes as Toms River, This year’s Varsity Bowling Team was one of the Southern Regional, Long Branch, and Neptune. best in Asbury Park’s history. The boys were chosen from among the best bowlers in the Intramural Wrestling is an individual sport in which members of the League. The team’s coach, Mr. Nick Merli, said that team wrestle in different weight classes ranging from the 97 there were many bright prospects on the team and pound class to the unlimited weight class. This is a sport in which all .boys have an equal opportunity to participate, re­ that he expected great things from them in the fu­ gardless of their physical size. ture. The Asbury “Keglers” bowled at the Red Bank Recreation Center in the Northern Division of the The Bishop matmen sent a twelve man team to the Dis­ Shore Conference. trict Championships at Wall High School. Winners in the various weight classes have an opportunity to compete in the Regional Championships, and the winners of the Regions, from the various parts of the state, meet at Rutgers Univer­ sity to decide who brings home the State Championship honors. The 1962 Swimming Team of Asbury Park High School opened it season in fine style with successive wins over Ferris High School and Dickinson High School of Jer­ sey City. Later meets found Asbury meeting some of the most powerful teams in the state and enjoying a successful season as was shown by a winning record. Mr. William Kern was the coach of the team for the first year and led the team to a successful season. Outstanding swimmers for the year were: Fred La Rue, state champ in two events; Jack Wright, highly promising freshman; Steve Parks and Pete Ross, freestyle; Larry Cross, breaststroke, and Doug Dickenson, backstroke. Graduating seniors who have been members of the swimming team for four years are: Scott Buist, captain; Dennis Schultz. Jerry Spechler, Jed Gaines and Cliff Sofield. With a nucleus of seasoned veterans and many outstanding underclassmen returning next year, Asbury can look forward to a rewarding future and to maintaining its posi­ tion as one of the outstanding teams in Monmouth County.



SWIMMING TEAM: Back Row L. to R.: Peter Ross, Jed Gaines, Douglas Dicken­ son, Harry Feinhals, Frank Kelly, Coach Kern. Next Row L. to R .: Alan Plotkin, Ed Peyser, Paul Boyd, Lar­ ry Lynch, Mark Laifer, Cliff Sofield, David Van Note, Larry Cross, Scott Buist. Front Row L. to R.: Mike Ripps, Pete Gordon, Bob Steele, Dave Gordon, Dennis Schultz, Steve Lammann, Jerry Spechler, Paul Chaiet.

BLUE A’S: Back Row L. to R.: Elaine Dunlop, Dee Lynardakis, Verena Jones, Ruth Bouie, Diane Fischer, Dorothy Fischer, Barbara Zane, Judy Cotton, Joan Conover, Barbara Cook, Irene Megill, Rena Kruger, Marsha Shulman, Evelyn Isacson, Miriam Hershman, Lynn Wenger. Next Row L. to R .: Marilyn Lebedoff, Anne Crowell, Lynn Van Atta, Dorothy Lynch, Judy Shure, Rose Marie Maggio, Sandra Myers, Rose Petrusky, Dorothy Webler, Blair Boyd, Carol Herbison, Valerie Pekuri, Beverley Taylor, Lois Fruehling, Linda Glasser, Sue Umstead. Next Row L. to R.: Maryanne Lillis, Beverly Smith, Petra Giesselman, Sally Lemmerman, Camille Mont­ rose, Regina Michelson, Karen Freedman, Sharon Chibnik, Jeanne Becker, Donna Ambler, Carole White, Barbara Rosenheim, Linda Roddy. Front Row L. to R.: Eunice Polloway, Bon­ nie Bromberger, Carol Brand, Toby Appel, Debbie Zyvith, Sylvia Ascher, Cetta Siciliano, Joan Sakelaris, Dorothy Seidel, Pat Hartman, Sue Seura, Valerie Aiello, Kathy Miller.

BLUE A'S The Blue A ’s, the girls athletic organization, is a very active organization. From hockey in the fall to softball in the spring it provides “A sport for every girl, a girl for every sport.” They have athletics of all kinds, from mild recreation to active par­ ticipation. Awards are given to outstanding girls for sportsmanship, participation and ability. Other awards are distributed through the point system. This year’s officers are: Susan Umstead, President; Valerie Pekuri, Vice President; and Lindy Roddy, Secretary-Treasurer. The gym leaders are chosen by Mrs. Helen Shaw and Mrs. Doris Rinehart. There is a definite criteria set up which each girl must pass. Included are the following: good health, interest in sports, scholarship, leadership qualities, sportsmanship, cooperation and a pleasing personality. These girls perform many valuable functions such as check­ ing attendance, taking care of equipment, officiating all sports and assisting the gym teachers in every possible way. To many girls at A.P.H.S., the fall means hockey practice. Despite bruises and cold weather, the girls come out for practice regularly. They gain more than practical play­ ing experience. Body coordination, quick thinking, teamwork and sportsmanship may be obtained from this enjoyable game. The hockey teams are supervised by Mrs. Helen Shaw. Girls’ basketball at Asbury Park High School is geared for both skilled and unskilled players. Varsity squads are chosen from each class to compete in interscholastic games. The remaining players form teams which take part in intramural programs. All the games, both intramural and interscholastic, are officiated by the girls them­ selves. This year the A.P.H.S. girls’ basketball teams competed against teams reprerepresenting Middletown, Neptune and Rumson. The teams are coached by Mrs. Helen Shaw and Mrs. Donna Rennewanz.

Time-out for a rest Mrs. Shaw.

Catch it Hank.

BLUE A OFFICERS: L. to R.: Valerie Pekuri, Vice President; Susan Umstead, President; Linda Roddy, Secretary-Treasurer.

G Y M LEADERS GYM LEADERS: Back Row L. to R .: Linda Nolan, Susan Um足 stead, Sally Lemmerman, Carolee Dworzak, Gloria Zakerowski, Carol Miller, Gretchen Long. Next Row L. to R.: Betty Ann Moore Chris Bertelsen, Irene Megill, Eunice Polloway, Bev Siegal, Valerie Pekuri, Bobbie Rosenheim. Front Row L. to R. Lucille Peluso, Joan Conover, Lynn Van Atta, Diane Phillips, Linda Harsin, Kathy Osborn, Diana Vandersloot.

TENNIS GROUP: Back Row L. to R.: Linda Grasser, Donna Varnum, Susan Pieper, Nancy Webb, Linda Quarnstrom, Karen Bernard, Diane Marcanthony, Sandra Fischback, Rosalyn Williams. Front Row L. to R .: Doris Gregory, Ann Reed, Janice Greb, Elea足 nor Rand, Paula Engel, Jane Goddard, Judi Steinmetz.



SOFTBALL: Back Row L. to R .: Rosalyn Williams, Doris Greg足 ory, Jacket Jackson, Linda Harsin, Louise Amadruto, Maureen Burgess, Ann Reed, Andrea Hale, Karlyn Miller, Barbara Allison, Leslie Davidson, Patty Dangler, Phyllis Tralka, Ruth Throckmor足 ton. Front Row L. to R.: Sally Jacoby, Sandy Hildesheim, Terry Kleiber, Betsy Katski, Valerie Pekuri, Mary Gelsleichter, Sue Umpstead, Hermanita Morris, Beverly Taylor, Bonnie Bromberger, Carol Herbison, Nancy Williams.


HOCKEY TEAM: L. to R.: Beverly Taylor, Blair Boyd, Carol Herbison, Mary Jones, Betty McMillian, Linda Harsin, Donna Ambler, Karen Jervis, Sue Umstead, Elaine Dunlop, Valerie Pekuri, Angela Jacobson, Linda Roddy, Bobby Fischer, Diane Fischer.

JUNIOR-SENIOR BASKETBALL GROUP: Back Row L. to R.: Susan Umstead, Jeannie Miller, Lucille Peluso, Beverly Glover, Nancy Williams, Carol Gatta, Mary Cuddeback, Kathy Galfi, Linda Harsin, Phyllis Marciano, Dorothy Weber, Mildred Sulli足 van, Maureen Burgess. Front Row L. to R .: Sally Lemmerman, Valerie Pekuri, Betty McMillian, Andrea Hale, Donna Ambler, Karen Jervis, Gigi Keen, Louise Amadruto.


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