Brite Star, It's a Small World, “World Holidays in Brite Star”

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World Holidays in Brite Star: A Celebration of Cultures

Brite Star It’s A Small World Series

Copyright 2024 by the Brite Star Foundation, Inc, a 501 (c) 3

Published by The Brite Star Foundation, Inc.

11411 Southern Highlands Parkway Suite 338

Las Vegas Nevada, 89141 Vincent

W Goett, Publisher ISBN Paperback. 978-1-62718-064-1 Digital 978-1-62718-072-6
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"In the Brite Star Community Center, children are buzzing with excitement. ‘What holiday are we celebrating today?’ asks Emma. ‘Today, we explore holidays from around the world,’ explains Professor Jones."

"First stop: Lunar New Year! ‘Look

at the red lanterns and dragons!’ exclaims Max. ‘This holiday is about new beginnings and honoring ancestors,’ Professor Jones shares."


they learn about Diwali. ‘Why are there so many lights?’ Sara wonders. ‘Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of light over darkness,’ Professor Jones answers."

"‘What’s Kwanzaa about?’ Leo inquires,

observing the African-inspired decorations.


celebrates African heritage and values,’ Professor Jones explains."

"The children create an altar for Day of the Dead. ‘Is this a sad holiday?’ Ken asks. ‘No, Ken, it’s a joyful remembrance of loved ones,’ replies Professor Jones."

about Hanukkah, the children light a menorah. ‘What does Hanukkah commemorate?’ Brooke asks. ‘It celebrates a miracle and religious freedom,’ says Professor Jones."

"‘Holi looks so fun with all these colors!’ Hudson exclaims. ‘Holi, the festival of colors, celebrates spring and love,’ Professor Jones tells the children."

the Christmas display, they reenact the nativity. ‘Why do we give gifts?’ Ivy asks. ‘To emulate the giving spirit of the holiday,’ answers Professor Jones."

"Learning about Eid al-Fitr, the children prepare a feast. ‘What does this celebration mark?’ Stella asks.
‘It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting,’ Professor Jones responds."

the Japanese Children's Day exhibit, they admire carp kites. ‘What do these kites represent?’ Liam asks. ‘Strength and happiness for children,’ Professor Jones explains."


day ends with each child holding a small globe. ‘Each holiday teaches us about the beauty of our world,’ reflects Anita. ‘And the importance of understanding each other,’ Professor Jones adds."

Benefits of the Book's Lesson

"Exploring World Holidays teaches children about cultural diversity and the shared human values celebrated through different traditions. It fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of global cultures."

Think About:

1. What did you learn about different world holidays?

2. How can understanding global holidays foster respect for other cultures?

3. What are the common values shared in these celebrations?

4. Why is it important to learn about holidays from other parts of the world?

5. How can celebrating diverse holidays enrich our community?

Let's Work Together: Embracing and learning about different world holidays helps us appreciate the diversity and richness of our global community. Let's celebrate and share in each other's traditions and cultures.

I Will: I will actively learn about and participate in different cultural celebrations, recognizing their importance in our diverse world.

The Importance of Knowing: Gaining knowledge about world holidays is essential in building a respectful and inclusive global society. It helps us understand and connect with people from different backgrounds, creating a tapestry of rich cultural experiences.

Brite Star It’s A Small World A magical place to learn.

The Brite Star It’s A Small World series is an enlightening series brought to life by Vincent William Goett, dedicated to broadening the horizons of young minds. Each book, led by the insightful Professor Jones, delves into different aspects of global understanding, from world affairs and historical events to diverse cultures and traditions. This series not only educates but also inspires empathy, awareness, and a deep respect for the rich tapestry of our global community. As we journey with Professor Jones, we learn that despite our differences, we all share a common home in this small world.

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