The Vigan Chronicle - February 2020

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The Vigan Chronicle ISSUE NO. XXIII



The Crown Remains in Vigan The Vigan Chronicle | 1


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The Vigan Chronicle

Official Publication of the City Government of Vigan

The Crown Remains in Vigan Bigueño Children Celebrates National Children’s Oral Health Month Bigueños Continue to Receive Livelihood Assistance and ESA Road Safety for Young Bigueños


Labelle T. Medina


Jay Leonard C. Roldan Ema Tiburcio

STAC Vigan: Love Has No Disability

Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Visits Vigan City

Business Owners Flock to the BOSS 2020


Abbygale A. Ilaban Haziel Joy B. Alviar Peter Scott Nolasco


Mayor Juan Carlo Medina

DOT-LGU-Vigan City Holds Training on Filipino Brand of Excellence Service for Tricycle Drivers Vigan City Council is Siglat Sangguinian Hall of Famer in the Province of Ilocos Sur Vigan City, Ilocos Hosted LCPng Gumagalaw Caravan Cabaroan Daya Holds the First Barangay Evacuation Center City Employees Trained as City Nutrition Committee and Barangay Evaluations VSTI Awards 176 Graduates Under its Livelihood Training Program News Bits

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The Crown Remains in Vigan Among 23 young, talented and beautiful candidates coming from the different towns of the province, Vigan City’s Saniata Ti Agtutubo Cela Shantell Aldos was hailed as the Saniata ti Agtutubo 2020 last January 31 at Tamag Grounds, Vigan City. She was also awarded as the Best in Creative Costume, Best in Gown, Miss Photogenic and Gandang Villareal during the coronation night. This year’s Saniata ti Agtutubo was jungle inspired theme in which the candidates showcased their queen jungle inspired costumes and gowns using Abel Iloco fabric. Top five finalists were Bantay, Santa, Sinait, Suyo and Vigan City. They were asked one common question for the final round: “Kung ipapasyal mo ako sa iyong bayan, saan ito at bakit?” (If you are going to tour me in your hometown, where would it be and why?) “There are so many beautiful places in Vigan but i definitely take you to Calle Crisologo to see and experience what I am proud of living in Vigan!” is Cela Shantell’s winning answer during the final Q and A portion. Governor Ryan Luis Singson, Vigan City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina, SPM Janina Tabios and Saniata ti Agtutubo 2019

Brianah Lea Adela who also represented Vigan, crowned the new queen. Meanwhile, Miss Bantay was hailed as the 1st Runner Up while Miss Santa as 2nd Runner Up, Miss Suyo as 3rd Runner Up and Miss Sinait as the 4th Runner Up. Aldos is a nine year old daughter of Ms. Lovey Sizzle Aldos and grand daugther of Mrs. Cecilia Aldos from Tamag, Vigan City. She is currently studying at St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur as Grade IV student. Saniata Ti Agtutubo 2020 Cela Shantell Aldos gratified the City Government of Vigan for its endless support as well as her coach Ms. Zyna Balgos for her guidance and perseverance during her entire journey in the said pageant. The Pre-Pageant was held at Safari Hotel in Brgy. Bulala, Vigan City.

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Bigueno Children Celebrates National Children's Oral Health Month The Vigan City Health Office in partnership with the Philippines Dental Association, Inc – Ilocos Sur Chapter kicks off this year’s National Children’s Oral Health Month through free lectures on proper tooth-brushing, distribution of toothbrush, toothpaste and application of fluoride among the pupils of the City’s Child Development Centers started last February 4, 2020 at Brgy. VIII CDC.

Dr. Pascua gratified the PDSIIlocos Sur and to all the participants for joining the City in celebrating the National Oral Health Month.

City Dentist Lymuel Pascua together with the PDAI-Ilocos Sur representatives and CDC workers led the said activity.

He also added that the City Government through the City Health Office will continue to give quality service to every bigueño. The Philippine Dental Health Month is observed in February. This annual observance started in 1951 as National Dental Health Week but in February 24, 2004, it was expanded into a monthlong celebration, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 559 signed by then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Led by the Philippine Dental Association, the observance aims to strengthen public awareness on the importance of the good oral health. It encourages dentists, students, relevant government agencies, and professional organizations to reach out to more people with no access to dental services, especially those who are in countryside.

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“This kind of activity is an effective way to promote oral health particularly to the children for them to make it as a daily habit while they are young.” Dr. Pascua said.


Bigueños Continue to Receive Livelihood Assistance and ESA As the City Government of Vigan strives to eradicate the City’s Poverty Incidence from 1.93% as of December 2019, three Bigueno families received Pagsapulan: Raniag Ti Masakbayan and Emergency Shelter Assistance last February 17 in front of the City Hall. City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina together with Vice Mayor Lourdes Baquiran, Sangguniang Panluungsod Members and CSWD Officer Ma. Celerina Agcamaran granted a Sari-Sari Store Showcase to Mrs. Femarie Redondo from Brgy. IV while Emergency Shelter Assistance worth P30,330.00 and P16,400.00 were handed to Mr. Uldarico Dingcol of Brgy. Paratong and Mr. Fortunata Raboy from Brgy. Ayusan Norte respectively. ESA Beneficiary Mr. Uldarico Dingcol a senior citizen expressed that his family

needed to ask the City’s Assistance due to urgent construction of some parts of their house to prevent it from total destruction. “I’m very thankful to the City Government led by Mayor Juan Carlo Medina for their immediate action towards the needs of their constituents and I’ll work hard to make this livelihood assistance to prosper.” Pagsapulan: Raniag ti Masakbayan Beneficiary Femarie Redondo said. The City Government of Vigan successfully helped 953 families under its Pagsapulan: Raniag Ti Masakbayan program. Meanwhile CSWD Officer Ma. Celerina Agcamaran assured that the City Government will continue its programs and projects that will develop every Bigueño family.

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Road Safety Lecture for Young Bigueños

The City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office and the Traffic Management Division launched its Road Safety Lecture among the public and private pre-schoolers last February 10 at Burgos Memorial School East as its pilot site. Traffic Management Division Chief Jennifer Racsa personally discussed to the pre-schoolers the different road safety measures, road signs and the importance of using helmet. Instructional materials and actual demonstration on proper way of crossing the pedestrian lane were done. CDRRM Officer Milagros Alquiza highlighted on interview that aside from educating the young Biguenos about disaster preparedness, the said lecture about road safety will create awareness to them at early age.

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“We must look at both sides before crossing the road and everyone should always wear their helmet while driving.” Bryan Indoc, six year old student said. BMSE Principal Raquel Follante gratified the City Government for gracing such event because this activity will help us teachers and parents to teach road safety easier to the students. According to MMDA’s latest Metro Manila Accident Reporting and Analysis System report showed that from 167 pedestrian deaths of 2017 and 141 in 2018 it went down into 117 last year. These figures shows the importance of knowing and doing what is a must when driving and crossing streets.


STAC Vigan: Love Has No Disability Last February 14, the Vigan Stimulation and Therapeutic Center celebrates the Valentine’s Day at Vigan Culture and Trade Center entitled Love Has No Disabilty in which STAC students and Parents were actively participated the different games and coronation of STAC King and Queen of Hearts. “You can’t control love, everybody can give love whether you’re special, regular, old or young. Everyone is capable of giving love. So we call it giving love has no disability because we want to let our STAC students to feel that they ‘re also loved and cared by the society.” STAC- Vigan Chief Frances Advincula said. STAC Parent Mrs. Rowena Santiago thanked the City Government as well as the STAC Teachers for gracing the said event. She also added that the STAC students learned a lot and they were avail to developed in terms of their mental ability and socialization. The Vigan Stimulation and Therapeutic Center continously giving love and care to every special children of the city through everyday sessions, programs and activities.

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Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Visits Vigan City Vigan City, Ilocos Sur - The City Government of Vigan led by City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina welcomes Australian Ambassador to the Phlippines, Steven J. Robinson AO together with his wife and staff last February 28, 2020 at Vigan City Hall. “My purpose is to go around the country and visit many provinces as many as I can for me to really understand the Philippines. And every province is different and has different sets of issues and so I’m trying to build links between Australia and Philippines. And by meeting all the Governors and City Mayors, it will give me insights to what we could do with them in the future.” Ambassador Robinson said. The ambassador also added that they choose to visit the heritage C ity of Vigan because of its history, culture and native products such as the Abel Iloco and Burnay.

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Mr. Robinson is a senior career officer (Deputy Secretary level) in the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio. Over his extensive career, he has developed and expanded Australia’s relationships with a broad range of countries, with a particular focus on the South East Asian region. He has served in Australia’s embassies in Jakarta, Yangon and Bangkok and has held a range of senior positions in Canberra across operational and corporate areas. Mr. Robinson is a Deputy Secretarylevel officer from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who presented his credentials to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on 15 January 2019. In 2009, Mr Robinson was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) “for service to Australia’s international interests through a significant and sustained contribution”.


Business Owners Flock to the BOSS 2020 Vigan City, Ilocos Sur- The Vigan City Government through the City Business Permit and Licensing Office, City Treasurer’s Office, City Assessors Office, City Engineering Office, City Health Office together with the Philippine National Police and Bureau of Fire Protection steered the annual Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) at Vigan Culture and Trade Center slated last February 2-29, 2020. This year, the CBPLO recorded 3,500 renewed permits and 202 new permits for the total of 3,702 higher than last 2019: 3,580 and 2018: 3,443. “Every year we recorded greater number compared to the previous years, it is very significant because this shows that the city’s economy is growing yearly.” City Licensing Officer IV Elpidio Palapala said. The Business One Stop Shop is part of the government’s initiative to streamline the processing of business permits and licenses and improve this will benefit the

owners in saving time and efforts in doing business. BOSS is usually steered every January to February yearly as mandated in RA 7160 also known as the Local Government Code of 1991 which directs the Department of Trade and Industry to lead in the implementing and monitoring the ease of doing business and efficient delivery of Government Service Act. (RA 11032), this law aims to expedite the sending of government services by simplifying the issuance of business permits and licenses. City Ordinance No. 18 series of 2016 which was promulgated to amend the Revenue Code of 2006 increased the taxes of the city. The implementation of the said Revised Revenue Code started last 2018 and expect its full implementation on 2023. Due to the public’s demand, the City Business Permit and Licensing Office together with their partnered agencies extended their service for one day just to cater the city’s business owners.

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DOT, LGU-Vigan City holds training on Filipino Brand of Excellence Service for Tricycle Drivers

A hundred and twenty City tricycle drivers from the different TODA participated the Filipino Brand of Service Excellence Training sponsored by the Department of Tourism Region I and the City Government of Vigan through the City Cultural Affairs and Tourism Office happened last February 10-19 at Vigan Coservation Complex. The said training aims to further enhance the tourguiding service of the tricycle drivers of the city for they are considered as one of the frontliners in the tourism industry. It was composed of discussion and demonstration on the proper way of accomodating a tourist as well as on how to give the excellent service and how to recover if problem occurs. Also, the Seven Filipino Core Values were highlighted in the discussions: Maka-Maylikha (Respect for Divine Providence); Makatao 10 | The Vigan Chronicle

(Hospitality, Family-oriented, interpersonal relations and sense of belongingness); Maka-Kalikasan (Stewards of the environment); Makabansa (Nation building); Masayahin (Fun loving); May Bayanihan (working hand in hand); and May Pag-asa (we never give-up). And the use of “Mabuhay” gesture in greeting the tourists was practiced. “We’re very glad that City Government of Vigan included our tricycle drivers to undetake such seminars espcially that tourists here in Vigan City uses tricycles in visiting its different sites.” Lorie Jane V. Rosales of DOT-Region I said. The said training is as a project under the Industry and Empowered Development of DOT which is intended for all the frontliners of the tourism industry to improve its service to all tourist both from local and international.


Vigan City Council is Siglat Sanggunian Hall of Famer in the Province of Ilocos Sur by: Ema Tiburcio The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Vigan reigns as the Champion in the Province of Ilocos Sur as the 2020 Siglat Sanggunian Awardee, elevating them as a Hall of Famer, being the winner for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod headed by Vice Mayor Lourdes Baquiran and the SP staff received the award during the “Kakibin ti Balligi� Awarding held last February 4, 2020 at the Vigan Convention Center. The Siglat Sanggunian Award is divided into two (2) categories. Category I which include the component cities and first and second class municipalities, while Category II include the third and sixth class municipalities. The competing sanggunians were evaluated based on six (6) different criteria: (1) legislative agenda effectiveness; (2) legislative documents; (3) efficient performance of the sanggunian; (4) office set-up; (5) legislative measures; and (6) capacity development for legislators and staff. The Vigan City Council was evaluated last January 31, 2020 by a

team from the Office of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur. They scrutinized the different legislative documents covering the year 2019, such as ordinances and resolutions duly indexed by year, subject and sponsor, committee reports, minutes and journal of sessions, awards received for 2019, the seminars and trainings attended by the legislators and staff, among others. With great work and effort exerted in the preparation of supporting documents by the members and staff, the Vigan City Council defeated once again its opponent, the City of Candon. The three-peat Siglat Sangguniang Award of the Vigan City Council is an attestation that the policy making body of the City Government never fails in continuing to improve and implement innovations. The Vice Mayor and the City Councilors are not only enacting ordinances and resolutions that have positive impact, but also dedicated in involving the stakeholders in the proves and in raising awareness on the importance of the role of legislators for community development.

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Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Hosted the LCPng Gumagalaw Caravan The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC), as the focal government interagency body for children, is mandated to coordinate the implementation and enforcement of all laws, formulate, monitor, and evaluate policies, programs, and measures for children, which includes the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) as established by RA 4881 or an Act Creating a Council for the Protection of Children in Every City and Municipality in the Philippines and for other purposes, and PD 603 or the Child and Youth Welfare Code.

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Last February 27, 2020 the officials and representatives from province of Ilocos Norte, Abra and Ilocos Sur congregated at Vigan Convention Center for the launching of the LCPng Gumagalaw Caravan. The said event aims to strengthen the LCPC’s and further discuss its LCPC Functionality and Accomplishments; to update the local chief executives on their performances towards BCPC functionality assessment and 2019 Child Friendly Local Governance Audit; to discuss possible actions to address the issue of violence against children


based on 3rd National Plan Action for Children (NPAC) and the Philippine Plan Action to End Violence Against Children (PPA EVAC); and to identify areas of technical assistance from the RC/ SCWC and the members of the LCPC Consortium. As a host province, Ilocos Sur Governor Ryan Luis Singson welcomed the different delegates and highlighted the Province Actions and Policies in protecting the children. Meanwhile 2019 Student City Mayor Alliah Nicole Sayo of Vigan City presented the different projects, programs and activities of the city along child protection and their welfare. The participants were expected to have their list of technical assistance

needed by province and municipality as well as to have commitment on the localization of the 3rd NPAC and PPA EVAC. The LCPC Consortium, is composed of 23 government agencies and non-government organizations with CWC as the Chairperson and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and ERDA Foundation as Co-chairs, has come up with the initiative of LCPCng Gumagalaw Caravan as one strategy in strengthening the LCPC at the sub-national levels. The said strategy will be a venue in identifying and discussing issues affecting children and to come up with tangible programs and interventions that will protect their rights. The Caravan is in partnership with the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines.

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Cabaroan Daya Holds the First Barangay Evacuation Center Vigan City, Ilocos Sur - City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina, Former Mayor Eva Marie Medina, SPM Ramil Arce, CDRRM Officer Milagrous Alquiza and ABC Vice President Edmund Supnet led the Inauguration of the Evacuation Center and Child Development Center at Barangay Cabaroan Daya last February 18, 2020. “In 2016, I asked all our Barangay Captains to present to me an area in their respective barangays for us to establish their own Evacuation Center. And I’m very glad that Cabaraoan Daya Officials headed by its Captain Edmund Supnet were the first to pursue this project.” City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina said. He also added that the newly build two-storey building is modernized and has a good location for the people

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of Cabaroan Daya to go in times of calamities. The said building was funded by the City Government of Vigan and will also serve as their Child Development Center. ABC Vice President Edmund Supnet said that this Evacuation Center and CDC is a big help for every people of Cabaroan Daya especially when rainy season comes. He also gratified the City Government and former Mayor Eva Marie Medina for their endless support to their Barangay. After the ribbon cutting was the a raffle draw sponsored by former Mayor Eva Marie Medina wherein appliances and gift packs were given to the people of Cabaroan as she give back the overflowing support of the bigueños to the City Government.


City Employees Trained as City Nutrition Committee and Barangay Evaluators As the Heritage City of Vigan consistently recieving various awards along health, last February 10-14 the City Health Office through its City Nutrition Officer Jeno Joseph Figuracion trained 16 City Employees including some NGO’s as City Nutrition Committee and Barangay Evaluators of the 39 Barangays of the city along their nutrition projects and program implementations.

The trained evaluators used a software to record and indicate every barangays strenghts and weakness areas. Mission and Vission; Nutrition Policies; Barangay Governance; Baranagay Nutrition Committee Management; Nutrition Service Implementation; and Changes in Nutrition Status in the last 3 years were the main focus of the evaluation.

On the first three days of the event was the seminar-workshop for the evaluators and afterwards was two-day actual site evaluation of every barangays wherein Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) together with the Barangay Nutrition Committee (BNC) presented their updated datas, accomplishments and project plans in their respective barangays.

“I’m very glad that all of our Barangays improved their management and programs as well as in establishing policies and strict implementation of these health policies in their barangays.” City Nutrition Officer I said. He also added that the result of their evaluation will be forwarded to the Region for the Best Barangay Nutrition Committee Award.

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VSTI Awards 176 Graduates Under its Livelihood Training Program

Hon. Francisco Arturo Raches III higlighted on his speech the VSTI’s impact towards its graduates for the past years. He also mentioned some graduates working abroad and in the country.

To further give its fullest support to improve lives of every Biguenos, the Vigan Skills Training Institute (VSTI) in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Department of Education-Vigan City Division hold its Commencemnet Exercises last February 7, 2020 at Vigan Conservation Complex among 176 graduates of Macrame Making, Event Management Services NC II, Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II, Cookery with COC on Hot Meals, Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II, Bread and Pastry Production NC II, Food and Beverages NC II, and Slaugthering Operations (Swine) NC II.

“Were very thankful to the City Government of Vigan especially to our dear Mayor Carlo Medina and to our VSTI family for letting us to improve ourselves through this Livelihood Training. It will be a big stepping stone for us when we go out and search for a job.” Electrical Installation and Miantenance NC II Finisher Lourvein Acidera said.

VSTI Chief Manpower Ronilda Aninag, SPM Liborio Arca, SPM Francisco Arturo Ranches III, ABC Vice President Edmund Supnet, CPD Officer I Victor Fieldad, DepEd-Vigan representatives and trainers handled the certificates to the graduates. Committee on Cooperative and Livelihood Development Chairperson 16 | The Vigan Chronicle

Meanwhile, VSTI Manpower Ronilda Aninag gratified the City Officials and its partnered agencies for their endless support to the VSTI in giving free quality trainings for the betterment of every bigueños.

Also, the City Government handled Free electrical installation tools to the EIM graduates as a starting kit for their chosen field.


NEWS BITS The Vigan City Health Office together with the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office conducts orientation on COVID-19 Prevention to barangay officials and representatives from the academe at the Vigan Culture and Trade Center.

The City Government of Vigan in partnership with the Ilocos Sur Provincial Hospital Blood Bank conducted a Blood Letting Activity at Vigan Culture and Trade Center. City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina and the City Employees participated the event.

DSWD-RFO 1 Director Jun Castillo and City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina signed the Memorandum of Agreement on Core Shelter Assistance last February 19 at Vigan City Hall. Witnessed the said event were City Administrator Atty. Joanne Janice QuodalaFormoso, CSWD Officer Ma. Celerina Agcamaran, CSWD staff and DSWD-RFO personnel.

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NEWS BITS City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina together with Vigan and Candon City’s Schools Division Superintendents Gemma Tacuycuy and Anselmo Aludino, VC Chief Education Supervisor Marie Christine Reyes and VC Education Program Supervisor-ALS Elsie Amorin joined the 1st Quarter North Luzon Regional Education Council Meeting at Vigan Convention Center last February 21,2020

The North Central Negros Inter-Local Health Zone visited the Heritage City of Vigan to benchmark the City’s best practices along Mental Health Program and STD-HIV AIDS. City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina, SPM Kristen Benedict Figuerres, SPM Ramil Arce, City Health Officer II Loida Ranches and Vigan City’s HIV Councilor Swil Ann Baniaga welcomed the said guests.

Deputy Regional Director for Operation- PRO 1 Col. Ysmael Yu made a courtesy call to Mayor Juan Carlo Medina last February 12 at Vigan City Hall.

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Congratulations Vigan passing the Good Housekeeping for 2019!

City for Financial

This is a proof of the City Government’s outstanding efforts in ensuring transparency and honesty in spending public funds.

Mayor Juan Carlo Medina Medina and Vice Mayor Lourdes Baquiran welcomed the visitors from Manila Central University, College of Nursing’72 during their tour in heritage city last February 17,2020

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Articles inside

News Bits

pages 17-20

VSTI Awards 176 Graduates Under its Livelihood Training Program

page 16

Cabaroan Daya Holds the First Barangay Evacuation Center

page 14

Vigan City, Ilocos Hosted LCPng Gumagalaw Caravan

pages 12-13

City Employees Trained as City Nutrition Committee and Barangay Evaluations

page 15

Vigan City Council is Siglat Sangguinian Hall of Famer in the Province of Ilocos Sur

page 11

STAC Vigan: Love Has No Disability

page 7

Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Visits Vigan City

page 8

DOT-LGU-Vigan City Holds Training on Filipino Brand of Excellence Service for Tricycle Drivers

page 10

Bigueños Continue to Receive Livelihood Assistance and ESA

page 5

Bigueño Children Celebrates National Children’s Oral Health Month

page 4

Business Owners Flock to the BOSS 2020

page 9

The Crown Remains in Vigan

page 3

Road Safety for Young Bigueños

page 6
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