Vida Wellness and Beauty Magazine 05

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Freeze the stubborn fat away RELATIONSHIPS AND BARIATRIC SURGERY 101




he whole team got together and we couldn’t be happier to be back with a new issue of VIDA Magazine. This has been a month of milestones for us, as well as new additions to the ‘family’. As you are about to read, we are celebrating the new addition of some revolutionary treatments that will help us in our mission to better serve our patients and help them be the best version of themselves. From Dermablate changing the world of dermatology, to Vectra, allowing patients to basically look into the future, we’re rolling out the best of the best in the world of health. All of the articles you will find have been carefully selected to help you! We sat down with Dr. Fuentes and interviewed him on everything nose jobs, with Dr. Ruben Medina who shared with us medical tips to better deal with Low-T, and we also touched on one of the hardest topics: how relationships change after bariatric surgery. Our staff of dedicated physicians shared all of their experiences, tips and tricks! This issue was possible thanks to all the valuable people, the human factor, that make Vida Wellness and Beauty what it is: our Plastic Surgeons, who bring out the best in every patient they see, the staff members at the MediSpa who work to complete everyone’s wellness experience, our wonderful Bariatric Surgeons and Hormone Replacement experts. Last but not least, the wonderful staff of nurses who work around the clock in making our patients feel right at home. Special thanks to Dr. Alejandro Quiroz, our Chief Surgeon and Facelift expert, for rocking his patients’ worlds and providing such an amazing experience, that patients just have to share it with everyone. You can read more about our dear Dr.Quiroz in our cover story, “The Man Behind the Facelift”. And, if it helps you in your medical journey, that’s a bonus for us! But the biggest thanks of all goes to you - our past or future patient, for reading what we have for you! So, cheers - to you, to all the things you are about to conquer, and to the ways we can help you live your best life! Sincerely, LISETTE QUIROZ



CONTENTS 03 Short Notes • Dermablate, the Cool Kid of Dermatology • What the HAIR? / The Fab Four of Hair Restoration • Have you met Juliet? 08 Our Gift to You: Introducing Vecta 11 Medical Tourism: Why TJ is at the top 13 Dr. Quiroz: The Man Behind the Facelift 17 6 Reasons Women Experience Pain During Sex 19 Cool It! Freeze The Stubborn Fat Away 21 Nose News: A Moment with Dr. Fuentes on Rhinoplasty 24 Beating Low-T, Aging, and Turning Back the Clock 28 Best Foods To Fight Excessive Hunger 31 Relationships and Bariatric Surgery 34 Keep Calm and Go to the MediSpa 36 Tips and Tricks

VIDA WELLNESS AND BEAUTY CEO • Alex W. Quiroz ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER • Lisette Quiroz EXECUTIVE EDITOR • Magda Olivia Duenas CONTENT • Karla Orduña, Christina Suchon DESIGN • Maria Marquina COPY EDITOR • Carina Otero 2



ith millions of men and women worldwide suffering from hair loss, we can attest that the struggle is real! Thinning hair, slow hair growth and flat out hair loss are something we strongly believe you shouldn’t have to live with. Guys: why settle? Hear us out: there are many hair restoration options available. Yes, options. Because no two heads think (and look) alike, there are various hair restoration treatments to help you.


follicles and improving hair re-growth. Second, on men, mesotherapy neutralizes the effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the testosterone derivative that shrinks hair follicles. Without hair follicles, healthy hair can’t survive- but Mesotherapy has you covered!

Pinkies up with the most sophisticated hair transplantation technique: Micro Hair Transplantation. Also known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), this technique allows for strong natural hair growth in areas of the scalp with balding or thinning hair. It is a sophisticated technique where a VIDA hair restoration specialist takes a follicular unit of hair from an area of your scalp where hair still grows and transplants it. It does sound like magic, huh?


The stimulating approach: Mesotherapy. With Mesotherapy, a specialized cocktail of vitamins and nutrients are injected with very fine needles into the scalp region. This boost of essential nutrients improves blood circulation in the area, pumping your




The ideal companion approach with Capillus Laser Hair Restoration Therapy. A low-level laser that infuses your scalp with energy is sometimes what’s needed to improve hair growth. This option stimulates blood vessels in the treatment area as well as cell metabolism. The results? Thicker, more durable hair! The most exciting part is that Capillus laser therapy can be combined with other hair restoration treatments.

cates the natural look of hair follicles and hair strands. VIDA’s hair restoration experts treat your scalp like a work of art, getting a result so natural that no one will know you got the treatment, but everyone will notice the difference. The natural pigments are applied following your natural hair-growth patterns.

The masterpiece approach: Scalp MicroPigmentation. Men and women can explore scalp micropigmentation if they are not ready or able to get hair transplant surgery. This is a medical hairline tattoo that repli-

If you are losing hair and thought you were out of options, these 4 treatments mentioned above are here to save the day! After your restoration treatment, what are you going to do with all that hair? We’ve got an idea: enjoy it!



Have you met Juliet? Expect to be amazed

Dr. Javier Saldaña Jasso (left), pictured with Beverly Hills vaginal rejuvenation expert, Dr. David Matlock


comfortable ailments; such as loss of vaginal tightness, vaginal dryness or itching, painful intercourse and urinary incontinence. How does it work? Unlike any other non-surgical treatment available, Juliet’s technology can actually change your life risk and pain free. Through its revolutionary laser, women who have used Juliet have rediscovered their intimacy and substantially improved their quality of life without discomfort, anesthesia or visiting an operating room. Too good to be true? You’ll be happy to know that it’s actually not! The handheld device, Juliet, is inserted in the vagina and reaches the cervix, treating the entire area thanks to a 360 degree rotation. The laser generates a controlled burn inside the vagina- no, it doesn’t hurt! In fact, you probably won’t feel a thing. This causes an inflammation that stimulates the vaginal walls to produce new collagen. By using Juliet, the


et us tell you about the newest, safest, most effective technology that is changing the lives of women: Juliet, the feminine laser. Fact: We still haven’t met a patient who hasn’t fallen in love with Juliet and all of its amazing benefits! Nothing short of extraordinary, Juliet has revolutionized the way women care for their intimacy. Juliet is an effective yet extremely gentle laser treatment designed to improve some of a woman’s most un4

connective tissue inside the vagina is restored to its original metabolism, improving lubrication, elasticity and softness. The increase in collagen production also improves the tone of the pelvic muscles, decreasing the symptoms of urinary incontinence. So, with the help of Juliet, it is possible to: • Decrease and even eliminate vaginal dryness, improving painful intercourse. • Improve vaginal sensitivity- a healthy vagina can improve your overall health. • Significantly reduce urinary leakage and urgency, with improvement noticeable from the first session. VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center is the only medical provider in Mexico certified to offer Juliet. Dr. Javier Saldaña Jasso is the leading national expert in Juliet and has helped hundreds of women get their confidence and intimacy back. What are you waiting for?


Dermablate, the cool kid of Dermatology



e’ve all been there: one morning, you look at yourself in the mirror and your reflection is not what you were hoping to see. Discouraging, to say the least. With such hectic lives, pollution, dehydration, acne... every scar and wrinkle tells a story, but being honest, who wants that on their face? And having to put on unnecessary layers of makeup? Yeah, no thanks. And there is only so much creams can do to help improve the skin’s condition. But, we have great news: a method that is both gentle and effective, that can make a remarkable difference in the way your skin looks and feels: Dermablate. Dermablate is a safe and gentle erbium laser treatment that can give you fresh, baby soft skin without visiting an OR. Why do we call Dermablate the cool kid of Dermatology? Easy: Dermablate has revolutionized the results a laser treatment can give to a patient. Looking to remove sun spots? Dermablate. Tired of having to cover age spots with makeup? Dermablate. Fine wrinkles stealing your thunder? Dermablate. Effectively diminish acne scars and stretch marks? Dermablate. Effective way to combat Melasma and hyperpigmentation? Dermablate! Yep. It really is capable of all that and more!

So... how does Dermablate do it? Dermablate is a laser so incredibly precise that it is measured in microns. The precision of this laser makes it super safe and gentle to remove lesions from the skin both at the surface level (epidermis) and below the surface (dermis). Fractional laser therapy, such as the one found in Dermablate, treats tiny fractions of the skin, ablating the upper skin layer. While your skin heals from the tiny laser beams it received, each layer is stimulated to renew itself. After a couple of days, redness and scabbing will disappear, revealing gorgeousness. It is indeed very cool! This degree of effectiveness with so little risks is something that did not exist before in the world of dermatology. Now, we say hello to younger looking skin in a safe and effective manner. At VIDA we always celebrate finding new ways to help our patients achieve their best selves. And at this moment, we are celebrating with Dermablate. 6





ere at CosMed we are dedicated to using the most innovative and up-to-date services and products to maximize your beauty and wellness experience. And we mean it! There are so many technological resources that have improved the process of getting cosmetic surgery, that we can’t not share them with our patients. We are ecstatic to announce the arrival of Vectra 3D Imaging to enhance the process of your cosmetic procedure! Thanks to Vectra 3D Imaging, you can preview what you will look like after a procedure BEFORE you have it.


Many times, patients come to a consultation with a photo of a celebrity and ask their surgeons to replicate it. And while Kim Kardashian’s nose, Scarlett Johansson’s lips and Rihanna’s cheekbones are beautiful all on their own, the most important thing to remember is that your procedure is about you - and to be realistic. This is where Vectra comes in. You can see a 3D image of your aesthetic desires before you get any procedure done and the surgeon will then advise you on the best way to achieve your appearance enhancement goals. The process is simple: Our surgeons measure your features with Vectra, recommend the best way to achieve your desired result and give you a preview. So, how would Kim K’s nose look on you? Love it? Not feeling it? Whether it’s rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, facelift, or any other procedure, Vectra enhances the consultation process and gives you peace of mind. Having some anxiety or uncertainty about your nose job, facelift, or breast augmentation? Vectra is here to put your mind at ease and give you the confidence to move forward with your cosmetic enhancement plans. Vectra is a completely painless, quick and easy process and I had the privilege to sit down yesterday for a session to see how it’s all done. 9


VECTRA 3D IMAGING HAS REVOLUTIONIZED THE WORLD OF COSMETIC SURGERY: PATIENTS CAN PREVIEW WHAT THE PROCEDURE WILL LOOK LIKE BEFORE HAVING IT. top? Check. View from the right? Check. View from the bottom. Check. The best thing is, the system also takes accurate measurements picking up on the slightest asymmetries within the body area being photographed. This makes the surgeon’s recommendations for your plastic surgery much more efficient and precise. The image produced is so high definition even the smallest freckle can be seen just by zooming in. Vectra is so exact when measuring your features that the camera also takes into account the pull of gravity. This is especially helpful for breast augmentation surgery

First, you are positioned in front of the camera, which resembles some sort of hyper-futuristic time machine, either sitting or standing depending on which area of the body is being focused on. Next, six cameras simultaneously take two-dimensional photographs, transforming the area into a 180-degree three-dimensional image. This is where the magic happens: the photo is then brought up on a computer software system stacked with high tech tools to tweak and adjust the appearance of the area being treated. The 180-degree image can then be toggled to any direction. View from the 10

where the surgeon can bring up your image to “try on” different sizes of implants or accurately produce how the breasts will appear even after a reduction or a lift. Cosmetic surgery shouldn’t be a game of chance. Vectra makes us feel as confident as ever, and we are eager to give all of our clients exactly what they want. So, whether you choose to make Vectra your stepping stone into your cosmetic procedure or if you currently have an appointment for surgery, call us or contact us today at 877-211-8529 or at to step into the future with Vectra 3D!




n Tijuana, for a long time, we’ve known what Medical Tourism can be: great value, experienced surgeons and world-class medical care. And at VIDA Wellness and Beauty we have made that vision a reality. Tijuana, located in the idyllic Baja Peninsula, has made its way to the top of Medical Tourism destinations. And this time, for all the right reasons! THIS IS WHY WE ARE FAVORED BY THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS. Patients have been choosing Tijuana for decades because here clinics, doctors, and hospitals are taking extremely cautious and detailed steps to ensure their practice is up to par with the highest known standards in medicine worldwide. Take our VIDA doctors for example: all of them are board certified, having been trained in the best

hospitals in the world (including the best facilities in the US) and led by a doctor with decades of experience who is licensed to practice in TWO countries (US and Mexico). So, next time people wonder “why Tijuana” as your choice to receive medical care, have them think about the quality of medical care you find here. With surgeons that have

received the highest levels of graduate medical education, certifications, and accreditations from two or more countries, these physicians are more likely to be not only culturally well-rounded but also aware of the best medical practices and guidelines available. Our facilities, surgeons, and their techniques are always up to international standards. 11

Tijuana has become the second most popular destination in the world for medical tourism, and this is because of the doctors and level of care available. Dedicated doctors here always perform surgeries exceeding international standards, to ensure the safety of their patients and make sure they achieve the best results and will refer their friends and loved ones. While patients are the top priority, doctors also do their best in an effort to maintain the high standards that will have their patients returning should they choose to undergo other elective procedures. As leaders in the region, all of us here at CosMed and VIDA, encourage all of our patients to do their homework when it comes to researching treatment anywhere in the world. It is understandable for patients to become skeptical and scared when tragedies are


reported from people who traveled to a foreign destination for medical care. It is unfortunate and disheartening when socalled doctors profit from patient’s diseases and insecurities, over-promising results at hardto-believe low costs. But, as we said at the beginning, Medical Tourism can be your best healthcare experience. Most of the patients who have chosen Tijuana and have gone back home feeling fabulously healthy, follow some simple steps. Here is the checklist we invite every patient to follow, regardless of where they choose to go: 1. A lways ask for credentials, both from the doctor and the facility.

Double check the license numbers on the country’s board website. Check for any suspensions against the doctor.

2. If you’re undergoing surgery, check the anesthesiologist’s license and board certification too. This is as important as

the main surgeon!

3. Unsure about anything?

Call the facility or doctor again. Any clinic, hospital or practice worth their salt will have knowledgeable staff that will be able to assist you in any way you need. And if they don’t know the answer they will have no problem finding it for you. 4. Heads up! Botched oper-

ations can and do happen everywhere and anywhere. Don’t assume a place is safe based on its location alone. If possible, visit the location or at least take a virtual tour.

5. Preparing for emergencies is just as important.

Make sure your emergency contacts are in place, someone to help you in case of an emergency or even if a flight gets canceled, if a driver doesn’t show up or if important documentation was forgotten at home.

vide lodging on site or work closely with lodging nearby, ensuring your comfort.

to make sure that the place you are staying is within a short distance from the clinic or hospital you’ll be visiting. The best clinics pro-

Again, why Tijuana? Apart from the sunny days and the convenient location for North American patients, Tijuana opens a world of possibilities for patients. As the first

6. Is there adequate lodging nearby? You’ll want


AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) certified clinic in Mexico, we also believe that in Tijuana patients can be empowered. Empowered to research their doctors, obtain world-class medical care and take charge of their health.



nce I decided I was ready to come to Mexico for a facelift, the feeling of confusion came upon me: how do I choose the right surgeon? That was, of course, #1 on my list. Why? Choosing a physician that is experienced in this particular procedure is vital and will determine a positive outcome! It is hard not to make it a priority when you are going in for a surgical procedure, especially on your face. It’s safe to say that I was aware that the plastic surgeon you choose is a decision you will live with for the rest of your life...and it will show on your face (for real)! 13


that way! The most talented surgeons, the ones that are worthy of working on your face must be easy to find and check all the right boxes. For me, that doctor was Dr. Alejandro Quiroz. Before getting a facelift, I had the opportunity to have a chat with him, which helped me make my decision. Let me tell you more about the man behind my facelift, Dr. Quiroz. First things first, I decided to get a facelift in order to improve my appearance, boost my confidence (who’s that gorgeous face I see in the mirror?) and get rid of those annoying wrinkles and sagging lines that I couldn’t stand anymore. I looked older than I felt, and I decided not to settle for that feeling! I chose Dr. Quiroz because my main concern was my safety and retaining a natural look. If I were to rush into



this decision and not do proper research, I could be put at risk: looking like a stretched hag and what is worse, the very real danger of losing my life or getting injured. A failed surgery can turn into additional operations, added costs, time and frustration. Nobody wants that! I had the best experience. There is nothing else I could have asked for when I was in Tijuana...well, perhaps a couple of extra days to go to the beach would have been nice! Regardless, I went back home looking and feeling better than ever! But not without having sat down with Dr. Quiroz and chatting with him, asking him endless questions that I want to share. These were some of the main points I got from talking to Dr. Quiroz. (And if I’m being honest, doing a security clearance the FBI would be proud of on the man. Thanks internet!) Do go to a plastic surgeon! The kind of doctors who have been trained and have experience in facial rejuvenation surgeries are plastic and reconstructive surgeons, so, here is where I started my search. I know - sounds obvious! But from doing extensive research on real patients, it was scary to see that everywhere in the world there is no shortage of doctors who want to jump in the plastic surgery bandwagon in order to make more money and attempt to perform this procedure without having trained specifically for this. Better safe than sorry: look for a highly experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Alejandro Quiroz, who has more than 30 years of plastic and reconstructive surgery with special expertise in facelifts!

Don’t go to a different type

of doctor. Even if you are seeing a medical professional, remember that medicine is a very complex science. Going to any other specialist, even if there is a med school diploma in their office, or they tell you that they also perform plastic surgeries, does not mean that he/she is qualified to perform it. Remember: do not settle... take care of that beautiful face of yours.

Do check your doctor’s cer-

tifications, medical societies memberships and license. I cannot stress this enough: always check if the plastic surgeon performing your facelift is board certified and if he/ she has a current license. In Mexico, you can also check if your doctor is a member of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (AMCPER) or the Mexican Council for Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (CMCPER). When going to a different country, anywhere in the world, also check if they are internationally accredited by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), such as Dr. Quiroz, who is also licensed to practice in the US and Mexico and an active member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

Do verify that the hospital or clinic you are going to is safe and complies with national and international standards. As Dr. Quiroz shared with me, any serious plastic surgeon would never endanger their patients by operating out of a place with unsanitary or unsafe practices. A good pointer is to check if the facility has been accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), an accreditation you should look for to ensure the highest standards in healthcare! Don’t hold back on questions. I always go with my instinct, so my advice to you is: trust your gut! You need to feel 100% comfortable with your surgeon. Something I really came to admire about Dr. Quiroz is how he basically is an open book. And he is so patient with his patients. I asked, emailed, called, etc to verify even the tiniest details: whether I wanted to know more about his technique, his medical license, years of experience and the plan he had for my aftercare. Dr. Q solved all of my doubts before going into my facial rejuvenation surgery. Any doctor that refuses to hear you out is a major red flag! Do ask to see the surgeon’s past facelift experience. A doctor you can trust with your face should be an absolute ex15


pert, nothing less than that! So, go beyond any plastic surgeon and interview someone who is an expert in facelifts, such as I did with Dr. Alejandro Quiroz. Some of the things you can consider asking are: -How often does he perform this procedure? How long has he been doing facelifts and on average, how many does he perform every year? -Which are the risks from undergoing this procedure?

-Have you had patients that needed a second surgery? How many and why?

sive factors of why I looked into Dr. Quiroz: I definitely wanted a surgery performed by an expert and a natural look. I wanted all my friends to whisper, “What the hell did she do? She looks amazing!”. Plus, patients all over the world have chosen him to perform their facelift and the great work he does is reflected in all of the positive feedback he has received. You can even find it online. As transparent as it gets!

Do ask to see facelift patients before and after photos. You need to verify that you like the plastic surgeon’s work. Do you like how other patients turned out? Are the doctor’s after photos consistent? For me, something extremely important was to check for natural looking results. In the end, this was one the deci16

A thing I personally loved about Dr. Quiroz is that not only does he have a record of natural looking facelifts but he has a very comprehensive approach when treating patients. Dr. Quiroz definitely goes above and beyond to make sure that the patients are happy and satisfied with their choice. He is a legendary doctor, the best at what he does, and when I was his patient I also saw how down to earth and approachable he is.


hile women experiencing pain during sex may be common, it is definitely not something you need to live with. According to a study performed in 2009 by the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior concluded that 30% of the women they questioned said their last sexual experience was physically painful. When I read that I did wonder, how could this be? One would hope that in the 21st century pain during sex, known as dyspareunia, would stop being a “reality we have to live with”. Being the natural caregivers and peacekeepers that we are as the female gender (not to mention higher physical pain tolerance, sorry gentlemen, it’s true!) we often try to ratio-


WOMEN EXPERIENCE PAIN DURING SEX nalize our way through pain. I know that there have been times where I told myself, “it’s all in your head”, “maybe I’m not doing it right”, or “it’s really not that bad”, etcetera. It also doesn’t help when this topic is treated as taboo or dismissed as unimportant. Women want and deserve a fulfilling, pain-free experience! The truth is your pain IS real

and there are real health reasons behind the discomfort. Take a look at some of the different reasons many women have experienced pain during intercourse and see if you can identify. (I know I do!) LACK OF FOREPLAY Ok, I mention this one first because I feel, through my own personal experience, that this 17

is way more common than we all realize. And sadly, it is a topic that even some gynecologists don’t feel comfortable discussing. What women and men alike need to realize is that women get aroused more slowly than men do. Also, the type of foreplay has to feel good. No matter how many articles you read, what works for one woman may not work for you. So don’t feel bad for asking for what you want and need! Rushing into sex happens sometimes, but not being aroused most of the time may explain why you feel pain or discomfort. VAGINISMUS This is a spasm of the vaginal muscles that happens when something is being inserted into the vagina, be it a tampon, penis or finger. Not every


woman has this happen but those that do can describe it as being mildly uncomfortable to very painful. Often times it can be attributed to fear or anxiety of insertion or sexual intercourse. Kegel exercises are one of the best treatments for this type of disorder. This can be done by squeezing your vaginal muscles much in the same way you would trying to stop the flow of urine. Do about 20 Kegels at a time as often as you wish throughout the day. The best part? No one will know you are doing them. While in private, it may also help to insert a finger while you are doing the Kegels and working your way up to two and then three fingers to help ease the spasm of muscles during insertion. LABIAL HYPERTROPHY Vaginas come in all different shapes and sizes and this is no exception when we consider the outer skin folds known as the labia minora and the labia majora. Hypertrophy is common and isn’t a health risk unless it causes you pain. For many women that have hypertrophy, pain can usually manifest itself during intercourse.

For cases of severe hypertrophy that cause complications such as pain during sexual intercourse, a labiaplasty can be performed to remove excess tissue and reshape the outside of the vagina, getting rid of what causes you pain. Surgeons usually perform the surgery under general anesthesia although the procedure can also be done with local anesthesia.


MENOPAUSE The main cause of pain during sex in menopausal women is the lack of natural vaginal lubrication. When a woman is going through menopause the production of estrogen will start to slow down and then stop completely. This hormone is very important to the production of vaginal lubrication and the lack of it is the main reason why you are experiencing dryness. Note that estrogen levels can also drop because of childbirth, breastfeeding and also from radiation therapy or chemotherapy for treatment of cancer. Topical estrogen therapy that comes in cream form and directly applied to the vagina is one of the most popular therapies. However, new

innovations such as vaginal laser therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (hormones that are plant derived) have become more readily available and affordable as a long term solution in recent years. If an estrogen cream or lubricant is not working for you, definitely look in to the other options we mentioned! VAGINAL INFECTIONS If it just doesn’t feel right and pain continues without any noticeable medical or physical changes, then it’s time to

get tested for sexually transmitted infections. The most common infections occurring in women that can make sex painful are yeast infections, genital herpes or trichomoniasis (a parasite). Understandably getting tested for STI’s can inspire a certain amount of fear and anxiety. However, most of the tests and treatments for these types of diseases are very quick and easy nowadays. The earlier you get tested and treated, the better. PELVIC PROLAPSE This happens when the uterus, bladder or both start to sag downward because of wear and tear on the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. These muscles and ligaments are like a “hammock” that holds each the uterus and bladder in place. Since these organs become less supported with such weakening of ligaments and muscles, sex can sometimes irritate the displaced structures. The most common reason why this happens in the first place is due to multiple childbirths or having an unusually large newborn. Other causes are having a chronic cough, persistent strain with constipation or even obesity. Depending on the severity of the situation, vaginal laser therapy can also be an option to help tighten and support the vaginal tissue around the bladder and uterus. In much more severe cases a surgeon may need to correct it with surgery, which can be done through the vagina, an incision in the abdomen, or by laparoscopy.

VIDA’s on staff gynecologist Dr. Saldaña has experience and specialty in both surgical and non-invasive procedures to assist you in remedying vaginal discomfort. He can provide you with a consultation and tailor a solution based on your sexual and feminine health needs. For more information call 619-610-1668 or email directly at




es, I’m that person: no matter how many carbs I cut or how many hours I spend at the gym (hint: a lot!) I can’t get rid of that problem area that just doesn’t go away! (Or two, or three…) These areas can vary between men and women but most often include the abdomen and hips for both. And as we age, those problem areas get even more resistant. Hormones, stress, diet, inactive lifestyle and even genetics are all contributors in these annoying areas. For me, there are two areas that I’ve always struggled with: my abdomen and inner thighs. I think most of us can relate, right? Seems to be the top two most problematic areas, at least for women. It’s not even just the fact that I don’t like the way they look, I don’t like the way those areas FEEL. It is pretty damn frustrating sometimes. It seems like every situation presents its own annoying discomfort because of the extra padding. Sit-


ting down is uncomfortable. Wrestling with the position of the top of my pants as they coincide with my stomach pooch (let’s see, over the pooch? No, now I can’t breathe…ugh). Or just standing up and having to adjust every area of my ill-fitting jeans before making a move. Even just walking to the store, always trying to discreetly pull my shorts down every ten steps because they have ever so nicely wedged themselves up into my lady parts. What.The.Heck. Not nice, body! I have been a runner, hiker, dancer, snowboarder, weightlifter, and kayaker for most of my life. Even as a child I basically lived outside, not even the frigid winter months stopped me from moving around. (Of course my mother made me come inside as soon as she noticed my lips were blue, on more than one occasion). So, it’s a sure thing to say I have led an active life. No, my problem seems to be



more of a genetic issue with those two areas as it is also a noticeable complaint among the women on both sides of my family as well. We stand in solidarity: whatever may be the underlying cause for our exercise-resistant areas, it all starts with a certain type of fat. Well, the culprit is ectopic fat, the annoying, stubborn pockets of fat that we find surrounding our abdomens causing that extra pooch or love handles. It’s also really important to note that having a high level of ectopic fat specifically is a major contributing factor to metabolic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Also, women genetically will always have a higher level of fat than men, specifically because we have a greater distribution of adipose tissue. This fat is more stubborn in women because it is essential for reproduction and hormone health. Since we are the sex responsible for providing nutrition to our children by way of our bodies during pregnan-

cy and breastfeeding, our bodies readily store more fat than men. However, adipose can also build up in annoying and unattractive amounts around our arms, thighs and buttocks. What is the good news?

Well, here at VIDA we now have a great solution to help you improve your health while sculpting your body with a non-invasive method known as CoolShaping. Trust me, if it has helped this athletic healthy



girl who just couldn’t get rid of her belly, it can definitely help you. CoolShaping offers the most advanced, non-invasive body slimming and fat loss solution that employs the use of cryolipolisis (fancy word for fat freezing), vacuum, and LED light therapy. This particular system differs from other fat freezing systems in that it is the only one to use LED therapy to promote collagen production. While the fat cells freeze away under the skin, the LED works to improve skin texture leaving a tighter, smoother appearance. Here at VIDA our CosMed plastic surgeon, Dr. Carlos Castañeda, can help reshape your body in just one hour a session. The recommended treatment is 1-3 sessions every 2-3 months to achieve maximum results. Sculpt your body and improve your health! Contact us today at 1-877211-8529 or with questions or for an appointment.





have never been 100% happy with my nose, which is why I decided to look more into nose jobs. Recently, I sat down with Dr. Juan Carlos Fuentes of VIDA Wellness and Beauty to chat with him and ask, patient to doctor, some of my main concerns before getting my rhinoplasty done.

Q: What is the difference between a reconstructive nose job and a cosmetic nose job?

Dr. Fuentes: Reconstructive rhinoplasty is necessary when a person has been in some type of accident or has a congenital birth defect like a cleft palate. A cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure that people do for themselves, based on wanting a different shape and/ or profile to the nose. There is another category for medical reasons and the most common factor for this is a deviated septum. We can repair functionality to the nose and improve the way it works. Q: What is a non-invasive rhinoplasty procedure?

Dr. Fuentes: Non-invasive means that we use hyaluronic fillers to reshape the nose. This is useful when someone isn’t looking for a reduction in size of the nose but rather an improvement in its shape or profile. Not everyone will be a candidate for this, but it is most helpful in making the nose more lifted, which can actually make you look younger. It is also a great technique to straighten out a crooked bridge, which is the top part of the nose.




Q: How has rhinoplasty changed over the past 20 years?

Q: What needs to be done in preparation for either a non-invasive or surgical nose job?

Q: Is it true that our noses continue to grow as we age?

Dr. Fuentes: I have been well trained in the art of aesthetic surgery as well as plastic surgery. The difference between the two is that aesthetic deals with beauty and appearance whereas plastic surgery deals mainly with medical and reconstructive issues. I also belong to the Rhinoplasty Society, which is based in the United States and I have performed about 1,200 nose jobs in my 23 years of medical practice.

Dr. Fuentes: First is the evaluation, where we can sit down and establish your goals and figure out the best method to achieve what you desire. Next would be performing a Vectra (see our article in this issue), which will take a 180-degree picture of your face in which we can digitally manipulate your appearance and come to an agreement of what will work and look best. If you are a smoker, it is important that you go through cessation for at least one month prior and one month after (although, we hope you quit for good). Also, a lab panel is required prior to your surgery to make sure you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure. 22

Dr. Fuentes: Open surgery is much more common because it is much more predictable regarding the functionality of the nose and its production of natural results. Recovery is much faster nowadays, about 2 weeks, and discomfort is not as bad as everyone thinks. The discomfort is similar to having a head cold and being congested, and for about one week, not being able to breathe through your nose.

Dr. Fuentes: Yes, in the way that the skin continues to grow and thicken called rhinophyma. This is caused from the onset of rosacea, which is the swelling and redness of blood vessels in the face. Also, as we age our skin becomes less elastic so the skin sags and this can also cause our noses to droop which is another feature that makes you look older. Q: Are there any health benefits to having a nose job?

Dr. Fuentes: The most common benefit is the function of the nose and the person’s ability to inhale and exhale. Also, it has emotional health benefits in that it can improve a person’s confidence and abil-

ity to be more outgoing. Some people that have nose jobs have also reported a reduction or disappearance of migraines. Q: How popular has rhinoplasty become over the past 20 years?

Dr. Fuentes: It has been very popular for many decades but it is more popular now because of all the wonderful new techniques that get people the results they want more easily. It has been in the top three surgeries for some time now. Q: How do I know if rhinoplasty is right for me?

Dr. Fuentes: Make sure that you have your initial consul-

tation with a board certified plastic surgeon. They will be the only ones to evaluate effectively if it is a good procedure for you or not. Make your expectations realistic: this means having the awareness of the limits and boundaries of your own current physical attributes. Make sure the appearance you are looking for goes in harmony with all of your other facial attributes.

Q: Can I see some of your before and after photos for rhinoplasty?

Dr. Fuentes: Absolutely! Please visit vidawellnessnadbeauty. com or or and search for Juan Carlos Fuentes MD.

Q: How can a patient make an appointment with you?

Dr. Fuentes: You can visit and click on the virtual consultation tab. Or you may call toll free at 1-877-211-8529.






id you know that VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center is a leader in anti-aging treatments and procedures for men? Aging can result in changes both on the inside and outside of your body. We have the experts and the resources available to you, so aging does not interfere with your life. First, let’s talk hormones and aging! Usually, when talking about hormones, most people tend to think that this is a topic that concerns women, or women and menopause. When talking about aging, men need to be concerned about their hormones too, since they play a major role in men’s bodies and functions. Men with low testosterone levels can experience a range of symptoms that go from “barely noticeable” to those that downright affect their quality of life. Men who have “Low-T” can benefit greatly from Male Hormone Replacement Therapy, and go back to living their life just the way they intend to. Have you heard about this revolutionary treatment and all of its benefits? Well, we sat down with our very own Dr. Ruben Medina, for a conversation about Low-T and Male Hormone Replacement therapy.


Dr. Medina is our in-house expert in Hormone Replacement Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, specializing in the application of bio-identical hormone treatments for both men and women. “Hormone Replacement Therapy for men is about enabling them to achieve their ultimate potential, gaining their life back and stopping their body’s natural aging process. We can now help our body by supplementing and replacing hormones”, said Dr. Medina. Testosterone, a hormone produced primarily in the testicles, is responsible for helping maintain a man’s sex drive, sperm production, hair growth, bone density and muscle mass, among other things. While testosterone levels reach a peak during adolescence, it is natural for these levels to decline with age. However, if you are experiencing symptoms that are bothering you, you should not settle for annoying discomfort. Male Hormone Replacement Therapy may be just what your body needs. Some of the symptoms of Low-T in men can include excessive fatigue, physical changes such as hair loss and loss of muscle mass, erectile dysfunc-



tion, irritability, depression, and low sex drive. Testosterone replacement therapy helps your body go back to balance by replacing hormones and significantly decreasing symptoms. A benefit that most of our patients appreciate is feeling younger and more vigorous, even as they continue to age. “Years ago, it was unthinkable to have a treatment that would allow men to feel younger and

energized after turning 40, 50, or 60 years old. Then, hormone therapy became available, revolutionizing the way we age. I always let my patients know that things don’t have to be like this. We can explore and design the hormone replacement therapy that will help them. Don’t ignore your body, particularly now that you have the option to get specific treatment for your individual needs. Bio-identical treatments have no side effects and are risk free. Men deserve to age without suffering from hormone imbalances, no more losing sex drive or dealing with erectile dysfunction due to Low-T!” comments Dr. Medina. If you are experiencing any of these annoying symptoms, we have good news for you: you have the power to do

something about it! After a one on one consultation with Dr. Medina, where he’ll design a plan for you, you can get your life (and energy, plans or adventures) back on track. We think that there’s no better day than today for men to take care of themselves, and beat the signs of aging once and for all. At VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center we offer a wide range of anti-aging procedures that we have tailored specifically for male needs. Botox, one of the most popular anti-aging treatments available can do wonders for men, temporarily suspending muscle movement and smoothing wrinkles. For those who are looking to take their rejuve26

nation journey up a notch, exploring a facelift is a great option. We work with some of the most talented plastic surgeons in the region, who specialize in performing natural looking facelifts. Our talented surgeons will tailor the procedure to your liking, making sure that your features retain their natural appearance. If you are actively looking to find a better way of dealing with the symptoms of aging, feel free to give us a call or contact us, and explore what options are best for you. It’s time to beat your biological clock and go back to living life to the fullest. You can visit our website or contact us via phone, email or Facebook.



y weight has fluctuated for most of my adult life. The range has been quite dramatic too: about 40 pounds. I’ve realized over the years of being a fitness AND food junkie that there are particular times in my life I seem to eat more (a lot more, tbh) and other times when I seem to eat much less. But you know what else I realized? That some of the biggest factors that influence my yoyo weight gain-loss dynamic are: my environment (and not always colder temperatures and inactivity), the people I am around (if they’re eating, I probably will be too. I’m only human...), and the level of stress in my life at the moment (moving to a different country that is completely unfamiliar in every way is enough to

BEST FOODS TO FIGHT EXCESSIVE HUNGER make you drop a size or two). But all of these things have never really stopped the one thing I always seem to struggle with: excessive hunger. And boy, is it excessive! I’m talking like, “I just ate a full breakfast with a three-egg western omelette, four pieces of toast, heaps of homefries and it’s only been two hours and I’m starving again”- excessive hunger. Maybe it’s

my metabolism, but keep in mind that I’m a relatively tiny person who only stands about 5’2”. So yeah, that’s quite a bit of food for me. That might be different for say, someone who is much taller and has more muscle mass than me. So, with all of that in mind what’s the real culprit at hand? Why am I so so hungry? The answer: ghrelin and leptin and no, those aren’t names of gar28

den trolls. They are the two hormones responsible for your hunger sensation. Ghrelin is responsible for making you hungry and leptin is responsible for decreasing your hunger sensation when you’ve had enough. Like many other hormones these can sometimes get out of whack due to a few things I’ve listed above (stress and environment) and also due to illness, which includes obesity. So, what can you do if you always find yourself ravenous? What if I said “eat more”? Would you think I was insane? I’m not insane: eat more, but don’t just eat more of everything. Instead, eat more of certain foods. HYDROPHILIC FOODS

You may have heard the expression, “fiber fills you up”, and that is actually the truth.

EATING MORE, NOT LESS, MAY BE THE SECRET TO LOSE WEIGHT AND FIGHT EXCESSIVE HUNGER. Also known as “hydrophilic” or water-loving foods, these types of substances dissolve in your gut into a gel-like substance that decreases insulin production, slowing down the rate at which your body burns carbohydrates. Therefore, it keeps your blood sugar level balanced and puts a halt to the sensation of ravenous hunger. Here are some of my favorites listed below:

Chia Seeds

These seeds are so full of fiber they can absorb up to twelve times their individual seed weight in water. They also contain an incredible amount of omega-3 fatty acids and 30 percent more antioxidants than blueberries. Since chia seeds

don’t really have any sort of discernable flavor they are a great additive to anything from yogurt to dressings, dips and even stir-fry’s. If you’re a sushi lover they also make a great substitute for sesame seeds. Brussel Sprouts

Ok, ok...I know a lot of people have an aversion to these little guys, probably from traumatic childhood experience of eating them steamed to death rendering them completely tasteless. But honestly, there’s a couple

different ways to prepare brussel sprouts including roasting them in a pan or, for maximum fiber benefit, chopping them up as a salad base. After all they contain so much fiber you will be satiated for hours. Not to mention the American Cancer Society includes them as a key dietary component. The cancer preventative substance in brussel sprouts are from four different types of glucosinolates, which is the building block for an entire slew of cancer-protective substances. Pears

These are hands-down one of my favorite fruits ever and it’s because they are so versatile. I put them on everything from sandwiches to salads and even use them in sweeter stirfry’s. Not to mention they are an excellent supplement for breakfast and lunch. Pears actually have more pectin, which is a type of hydrophilic fiber found in fruits, than apples do. Added bonus, their skin contains the antioxidant quercetin, which prevents cancer and artery damage. 29


Kidney Beans

While all beans are hydrophilic, kidney beans are absolutely great in just about everything as well. I love putting beans in my soups, stews and of course chili. You can even put them on salads as a substitute for meat protein if you’re on a meat-free diet. Edamame

Edamame is the proper name for immature soybeans still in

their pod. A popular side dish in Japan, it is usually prepared steamed in their pods and sprinkled with some sea salt, soy sauce or lemon juice. You can also buy them shelled and add to virtually any dish you can imagine. They contain high levels of not only fiber but also plant protein, which helps ward off hunger. There are so many health benefits to consuming edamame including strengthening your im-

mune system, improving the health of your skin, better digestive tract function, and improving lung function and health. Oatmeal

This hydrophilic food is the number one choice for many people and nutritionists alike, particularly for breakfast. Why? Well, not only does oatmeal contain soluble fiber but it also packs 6 grams of protein per serving, which increases prolonged satiety throughout the day and gives you energy (a nice bonus if you ask me). It also contains vital minerals such as manganese, potassium, selenium, phosphorus and iron. These are all essential for everything such as bone, blood, and nerve tissue health. 30

Little warning: beware of what type of oatmeal you are buying. There are traditionally three types of oatmeal: steel-cut, old fashioned, and instant. While each of these have the same amount of quality nutrition, the more processed (i.e. instant oatmeal) the oats are, the faster your body will break them down which will not keep you full for long. When it comes to oatmeal, go the traditional old-fashioned way instead!



erhaps one of the hardest things to talk about with bariatric surgery patients is the way it will impact their relationships. And of course, while bariatric surgery is going to change your life, the adjustments with your loved ones might seem challenging at first. Something to remember is that there is no judgement from us, ever! And we understand you, we’ve seen many people go through what you are about to: the wonderful journey of bariatric surgery. Going through a bariatric procedure, such as a Gastric Sleeve, a Lap Band or a Gastric Bypass means that your body will go through major chang-


es. But as we always point out, changes aren’t purely physical. Your life will go through major adjustments as well! This is not an “expect the unexpected” article, at all. But what we want is to help you understand how the changes in your body, lifestyle and body may impact your relationships. Plus, some tips from people who have gone through the same journey you are about to take! We are, after all, your support team, and as such we are looking forward to guiding and helping you make the most out of your weight loss surgery. You’ve probably browsed online about bariatric surgery: eligibility, pros, cons, recovery, lifestyle changes,


GOING THROUGH A BARIATRIC PROCEDURE MEANS THAT YOUR BODY WILL GO THROUGH MAJOR CHANGES. BUT AS WE ALWAYS POINT OUT, CHANGES AREN’T PURELY PHYSICAL. YOUR RELATIONSHIP WILL GO THROUGH MAJOR ADJUSTMENTS AS WELL! etc. And yes, the information available is overwhelming. But we want to be real with you, most doctors don’t discuss enough how relationships can be affected by a bariatric surgery. The topic could be “too personal” or “not medical enough”. Wrong! We like to do things differently. After years of working alongside patients who have taken the decision to change their lives, we are 100% convinced that when the medical team is willing to help you manage those changes and address your concerns from the start, your overall life will improve. VIDA doctors shared with us some of the information they feel any patient who is considering bariatric surgery needs to think about.


HONEST AND CONSTANT COMMUNICATION. A major challenge is feeling heard and understood. You are the one going through changes, your friends and family are not. It can be a time of adjustment in how you feel, your routine, your self-esteem, how others treat you, etc. The best way to handle this is constant, honest communication. Don’t be afraid to let your partner and close family members know how you feel. Our doctors know how important it is for patients to feel heard and understood. Effective communication is a vital part of this. Talk about what you like, dislike, and new challenges that may have arisen after losing weight from the surgery, etc.


GET YOUR LOVED ONES INVOLVED. Another good strategy to deal with the procedure is to make your family an active part of the process. Try to include your partner and close family members in everything you feel comfortable sharing. Once you communicate you are getting bariatric surgery, they will likely be prepared for you to experience major weight loss. It is unlikely, however, that they will be expecting you to go through mental and emotional changes alongside the physical ones. Keep the communication channels open and let them know how you feel. Mental health is important too! Making them part of this evolution in your life will also let them know how important they are for you. Your loved ones will feel like

part of your new, post-bariatric surgery life, instead of feeling left behind.


YOUR HABITS AND ROUTINE WILL CHANGE, YOUR PARTNER’S MIGHT NOT. And this is OK! After weight loss surgery, the team at VIDA encourages you to make use of all the resources we have available: from expert nutritionists to plastic surgeons. So, change is in the horizon...


for you. However, unless your family members are having bariatric surgery too, it is not reasonable to expect them to change their lifestyle at the same speed as you. Our advice goes again to communication. Ask for support in these areas, but be understanding if maybe your partner is not keen on the idea of going on power walks every morning, or following your diet plan. Your new lifestyle involves an adaptation process. The best idea is to in-

the surgery specifically for you, remember that the before and after process will also be unique to you. Spend quality time with your family, share your fears and your gratitude too! Remember that your body will change and your life too. This sounds redundant, but sometimes, a simple reminder can help you and your family cope with the changes ahead. Get ready to live a healthier life!

volve your family in this process, see what changes you can share with them and what changes will work only for you.


ASK FOR HELP IF YOU NEED IT. From professional counseling, to an honest conversation, it is okay to ask for your family’s support throughout this process. As you prepare to undergo surgery or get ready to go back home and live with your new body, it is normal

to feel scared or unsure about what to expect. Apart from discussing it with your surgeon, share your feelings with your loved ones. As we like to say: help them help you! Your loved ones won’t always be able to tell when you need help, so share this with them. There will be times in your weight loss journey when you will need help, be it physical or emotional. You are not weak for needing help, it is a normal part of the process.


DON’T BE HARD ON YOURSELF OR YOUR PARTNER. Always remember that you are doing this for all the benefits bariatric surgery can offer, to beat obesity and live a better, healthier life. The weight loss process may be challenging sometimes, for you and those around you. This is normal! Our doctors always remind us that no two patients are the same. Just like they take the time to discuss and plan


Don’t feel like you have to go through this process alone, it is better to feel prepared and involve your family. This is your journey, your body - it’s okay to have moments of weakness and doubt, and it’s ok to rely on others too. The journey of a better you is full of wonderful moments and yes- challenges. But by keeping in mind these simple tips, your relationships can change for the better. At VIDA, we strive for patient satisfaction and wellbeing, for the long term! We’re in it with you! Our staff of bariatric surgeons, nutritionists and plastic surgeons are more than happy to help you make the most out of your bariatric procedure. Let us help you conquer obesity and improve your life for good!



KEEP CALM AND GO TO THE MEDISPA R ecently, I made it a priority to make myself a priority. Looking back on the first half of the year I had a couple of thoughts. One, how are we down to the last third of the year already, where did time go? No wonder I’m feeling and looking exhausted! Two: What have I’ve been doing the past few months? If you’re anything like me the answer to the second question is probably similar to: keeping my life in order, my family taken care of, my house clean, half-read a book, keep my career on track and trying (oh so hard!) to keep my cactus alive. I’m sure you can even make a list of all the things you’ve done during this year! My question to you: did you write down ‘me time’? Be honest. Have you dedicated any time to yourself? ...Thought so. Well, I am changing that and you should too. And no, not in a throw-everythingout-the-window way, but in a I-foundthe-most-relaxing-place-ever kind of way. Meet MediSpa: the place where you can go and get taken care of for a change. Being 100% honest, “keeping calm” is not always easy. Life happens! Are you a parent, a full-time worker, a student or a momtrepreneur...? It doesn’t make a difference when it comes to stress: it is a part of our day to day lives. And what is even worse is how sometimes, everything seems to take priority over you and your well-being. Let’s change that, shall we? Go to the spa! Have a day (or two) for yourself. And you see, to go somewhere and to leave feeling like a refreshed, new person is the reason why I love MediSpa. And you will too. Oh, and the convenience! To start, they offer an expertly curated menu of signature facials and massages: anti-aging, deep cleansing and oxygen facials are some (but not all) of the choices 35


here. If you are looking for some body pampering, you can pick the kind of massage your body is craving for or indulge in one of the signature Body Scrubs and Wraps available. While you’re at it, look at the laser hair removal packages or finish the day with a permanent cosmetic application. Time invested in you will also mean less prep-time every morning. The staff at MediSpa makes it so easy and convenient! They offer a variety of packages if you are preparing for a big moment in your life - like the day where you get to say ‘I do’- or if you want to pamper yourself after surgery. The ‘medi’ at MediSpa is an all time favorite! There is a full menu of non-invasive treatments designed to treat you from head to toe. You can get rid of the fine wrinkles in your forehead, your saggy cheeks, vaginal dryness, melasma, and even stubborn fat. MediSpa has the best staff offering revolutionary non-invasive treatments such as Thermage, Dermablate, Fraxel, IPL, Cool Shaping and Juliet (yes, the feminine laser *wink wink*). If turning back the clock is what you are after, at MediSpa you can get your Botox and filler needs taken care of too. Are you thinking about getting some well-deserved me time?


Buttery, soft lips every time

Upgrade your lip balm game and try a lip oil. These tubes of nourishing goodness combine the moisturizing benefits of a lip balm with the shine of a gloss. We love to apply it first thing in the morning, so when you apply your regular lipstick, your lips are already hydrated and kissable. Smooching perfection!

KEEP THAT COMPLEXION HEALTHY cleaning your makeup brushes regularly. Do you let more than one week go by without cleaning your brushes? Have you never cleaned your makeup brushes? GASP! Just kidding. By keeping a simple cleansing routine for your brushes, your face won’t break out as much. Doing it on the regular will also allow you to reduce the not-so-fun-brush-cleaning time, while maintaining them in shape. Wet the bristles, swipe in some liquid face soap, rinse, squeeze, let dry and repeat (after 7 to 10 days, you’re good!).

Swap out dairy for healthy fats While there is nothing better than a well-balanced diet that includes different foods, a culprit of bloating and gas is sometimes dairy. And while there is no reason to avoid it completely unless you have a dairy intolerance, controlling the amount and portion size of dairy you eat can help you feel better and de-bloat. A great alternative? Healthy fats! Avocado toast instead of grilled cheese, nut butter or ghee instead of butter and some coconut milk to thicken sauces instead of cream cheese can go a long way. They have the same dense, creamy-delicious texture you love from dairy!


Email yourself before going to bed

While it is not realistic to expect to have 2 hours every day, completely free, to workout, don’t deprive yourself from all the health benefits a sweat session can give you. Our favorites are: set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and squeeze in a 12 minute HIIT session, your metabolism will get a boost and your mood will instantly improve. Not a morning person? Take a fast-paced walk around the block after dinner. Chances are you are not going to miss that time, and instead of going to the couch, a power-walk will burn some extra calories.

If you’re anything like us, some days end up with a to-do list for the following day. And while it is perfectly normal, having my brain going at 1000 rpm because there are things unsolved before going to bed is not fun. A simple, yet effective technique is sending myself, right before going to bed. I email a simple list of things I need to get done ASATDS (as soon as the day starts) and voilà!, I can relax. This way I stop worrying about forgetting anything important, and there is a reminder, waiting for me in the morning. 36

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