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Wellness and Beauty Magazine

A More Beautiful



Wellness and Beauty Magazine

Spring is a very special season because it invites us to reinvent ourselves, to get rid of everything we no longer need and to start doing new things with the best attitude. If you feel you are not keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions or have forgotten some of the goals you had set; now it’s the perfect time to take them up! Whether it’s remodeling your room, practicing meditation, start exercising, travelling, or whatever thing you have in mind, it’s time to set your goals again. If you aspire to a new look, improve any aspect of your body or enhance your beauty, now is an excellent time to begin! At VIDA Magazine we always want to honor the woman, that’s why this month is even perfect because we are celebrating international woman’s day! And we know we play different roles as mother, wife, daughter, entrepreneur, professional, philanthropist, etcetera. There is anything we can’t do right? For this reason we are bringing up topics that help us to enjoy more our bodies and feel better with articles like: “No Knife Facelift”, “From AM to PM”, “Fitness Trends”, “How to Look Fabulous at 50”, and much more! Also you would find new and interesting tips to detox your body and organs, as well as reviews of the more advanced cosmetic procedures to improve your appearance. I wish that you enjoy this month’s issue and that it inspires to keep on celebrating every day how wonderful and exciting is to be a woman. Congratulations to you all!

Lisette Quiroz

Contents Short Notes


Bariatric Surgery:


A more radiant you


Fifty and fabulous!


A more powerful, beautiful You


Medical CheckUps:


Lisette’s Tip:

How to get Red Carpet Ready


The No Knife Face Lift


The Doctor’s Trivia dr fuentes interview


B i o i d e n t i ca l Hormonal Therapy


Calle Brasilia #1 Fracc. el Paraíso Tijuana, BC, Mexico. Zip 22106

From AM to Pm


(664) 608 6461

Fitness Trends 2016


Can it help you?

The key to prevention!

Lisette Quiroz

Directora Vida Wellness and Beauty

Erick Alvarado Diseño

Maite Soleno Olivia Ceballos Rocío del Río Artículos

with you every step of the way

Male patients are increasingly opting for plastic surgery. According to studies, men

accounted for 10 % of all cosmetic patients in 2014 . Hair and beard transplants, rhinoplasties, liposuction, eyelid surgery and otoplasty procedures are the most common requests and the coming in surgery trends for men in 2016.

Natural breast augmentation is possible, and it’s called fat transplantation! What fat

transplantation does is mainly change the shape of the breasts, and it’s very useful for correcting asymmetries like tuberous breast. Fat is mostly retrieved from the hips, flanes and abdomen area, and is injected into the gland for more volume and a fuller shape.

ASclepion Juliet ™ is a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment that is performed in a physician’s office. It does not use incisions or stitches, and requires no more than an hour of time for each session. The laser stimulating action on collagen improves the state of the lining of the walls of the vagina and facilitates rehydration and functional recovery of the vaginal tissues.

Sh o r t


Bariatric S u r g e ry Can it help you?

Bariatric surgery has proved effective in the loss of 40-75% of excess weight. According to multiple studies it is the only real solution to achieve long term weight-loss.


nyone who has lived with obesity for some period of time is well aware that the negative effects of being overweight are not limited to physical appearance. Obesity can affect all systems of the body, leading to a series of health problems that limit the quality of life and expectancy. The social stigma that haunts obesity can have a significant detrimental effect on self-esteem and psychological well-being, whereas the physiological changes associated with this disease can lead to multiple co-morbidities dangerous for life, including cancer, strokes and heart disease. Bariatric surgery helps people lose weight and improve their health. Most weight -loss operations limit the amount of food that fits in your stomach (restriction) , which makes the person feel full after eating very little, and sometimes they also limit the calories and nutrients your body can absorb (called malabsorption) . Studies show that bariatric surgery also changes the action of certain hormones, such as ghrelin , also known as the “hunger hormone.� While the techniques continue to evolve, the most common types of bariatric surgery today are: Adjustable Gastric Band: I In AGB surgery, a band is placed in the upper stomach to create a small pouch that can hold only a mall quantity

of food. After surgery, doctors can adjust the size of the opening that let food pass the rest of the stomach.

particularly those with polycystic ovarian syndrome. This common condition can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure and an unhealthy level of fat in the blood. Gastric Roux-en-Y Bypass: Increase the testosterone GBP shrinks the stomach and production in men. causes hormonal changes. It Improve or eliminate high blood can also reduce the amount of pressure. nutrients that are absorbed from food. The digestive tract is diverted Many of the negative health so that this does not go through effects associated with obesity can most of the stomach and small intestine. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy: In this procedure a large part of the stomach is removed and creates a small stomach tube-shaped (called vertical gastric sleeve). It reduces the amount of food that fits in the stomach and causes the stomach to empty more slowly. It also causes hormonal changes. What are the benefits of bariatric surgery in the endocrine system?

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.

be avoided with weight reduction, either through changes in diet and Bariatric surgery and resulting lifestyle, or in combination with weight loss can: bariatric surgery. Multiple studies have found that severely obese Improve or eliminate type 2 patients who undergo bariatric diabetes. procedures often show a rapid and Help the level of fat in the blood sustained improvement in many return to normal, which reduces comorbidities, leading to a better low-density cholesterol. life, an increased life expectancy Increase the fertility of women, and greatly reduced health care costs, compared with morbidly obese individuals who did not undergo surgery. Since many serious health problems related to obesity take time to develop, it is important to seek help early to ensure the best results, but even those who have been overweight for many years can get important physiological and psychological benefits from

bariatric surgery. Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with obesity. Without intervention, the weight gain can lead to diabetes relatively quickly, but weight loss and other lifestyle changes can help keep the disease under control, avoiding or minimizing the need for medication. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious complications such as strokes, blindness and kidney failure. A diagnosis of diabetes is made

when sugar levels found in the blood are considerately elevated . This indicates that the body is having problems with the production or processing of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating glucose levels in the blood. When sugar levels in the blood are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes, you can establish a diagnosis of pre-diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes may include fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, however, prediabetes is often asymptomatic, but can be evaluated by a blood test in high-risk individuals. Prediabetes does not inevitably lead to type 2 diabetes; with weight loss, improved diet and increased exercise levels, this condition can be avoided completely. Bariatric surgery has proven effective in the treatment of diabetes in obese people, particularly those who have been diabetic for less than five years. Weight loss surgery is increasingly known as metabolic surgery because of the very high cure rate of type 2 diabetes. At present, bariatric surgery is offered to people with type 2 diabetes w h o have a

BMI over 35 and are unable to lose weight through diet changes and lifestyle. Heart Disease Heart disease encompasses a range of conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, including stroke, angina, coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathy. There is a direct relationship between obesity and heart disease, a high body mass index (BMI) can aggravate other conditions linked to an increased risk of heart diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels. In addition, lack of physical activity can often be a contributing factor. Hypertension and Diabetes It is known that bariatric procedures have a positive impact on cardiovascular risk; A recent study reported a significant reduction in the number and severity of cardiovascular events experienced by obese individuals undergoing bariatric surgery compared with obese individuals who did not undergo such surgery.

worse for those who are morbidly obese.

Cholesterol and obesity related Hypercholesterolemia Cholesterol is a form of fat essential to the well, but when present in inappropriate levels is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Along with lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and a diet high in saturated fat, metabolic impact of obesity has a direct detrimental effect on cholesterol levels in the blood. This can cause fat deposits that accumulate in the lining of arterial walls, making them narrower and therefore reducing blood flow through the artery over time. This process, known as atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, can ultimately lead to cardiovascular problems such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease and stroke. Reducing the amount of fat stored in the body by losing weight can improve metabolic function, helping to keep cholesterol levels under control. Sleep Apnea Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease in which airflow or breathing is restricted or stops completely for a period of time during sleep. These respiratory problems, which can last from a few seconds to several minutes, often result in sleep disturbances

leading to increased sleepiness or fatigue during the day, and therefore can have a significant impact on life quality. During an episode of OSA, the lack of oxygen causes blood vessels to constrict and produces stress on the heart to pump harder to keep blood oxygen supply to vital organs. This is known to create a higher risk of heart disease and hypertension,

Depression can also lead some people to develop or maintain a dysfunctional relationship with food. and may also be an exacerbating factor if those diseases are already present. OSA is particularly common in individuals with obesity and weight loss usually be an effective treatment in such cases. Cancer Obesity is strongly associated with an increased risk of developing certain forms of cancer, including colon, kidney and esophagus cancer and endometrial and breast cancer in women. Moreover, the outlook for developing cancer is

Although unexplained weight loss may be an early indicator of some cancers, and always worth a careful investigation, intentional weight loss can have a significant positive impact, reducing the risk of cancer and improving life expectancy in developing this disease. Depression There is a complex relationship of interdependence between obesity and depression. Obese people are subject to particular stresses and social pressures as a result of their condition, which can have a significant effect on their psychological well-being. Depression can also lead some people to develop or maintain a dysfunctional relationship with food. Moreover, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and lack of energy associated with depression can make it very difficult for an obese person with depression to keep the changes in diet and lifestyle needed to stabilize weight loss . Bariatric surgery may be particularly beneficial in these cases, giving significant levels of improvement in both diseases.

futility. When weight loss occurs, less pressure on the joints, lungs and heart is exercised. All these positive changes cand make of exercise something enjoyable.

Osteoarthritis An excessive high body weight increases the mechanical stress on the musculoskeletal system. Over time this can cause permanent damage to the joints and surrounding muscles and ligaments. The hip and knee osteoarthritis is particularly common in obese people. This condition can cause pain, swelling and stiffness of the joint, affecting mobility. Overweight and obesity are also associated with lower back pain, and medical imaging studies have shown that individuals with higher BMI showed a significant increase in lumbar disc degeneration of the spine. Exercise Intolerance Excess weight affects the ability of your lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles and breathlessness occurs. This disorder of exertional dyspnea is common among people with severe obesity. This issue is important because the exercise is needed to lose weight. Bariatric surgery can help break this cycle of

Women’s Health and Fertility It is thought that polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes in reducing fertility and menstrual dysfunction in women of reproductive age. Although there is good evidence to support a genetic origin for the disease, the severity of symptoms is strongly influenced by body weight, obesity known risk factor for PCOS, related to menstrual irregularities and infertility, as well as symptoms such as excess body hair and acne, which are linked to high levels of androgens. Weight loss can help control the levels of androgens and restore regular menstruation, which reduces the risk of developing endometrial cancer and other associated diseases. For those struggling to achieve or maintain a significant weight loss, bariatric surgery is a viable treatment option.

A more radiant you

Whether we are laughing at a good joke or daydreaming about a happy memory, it seems that the best moments of our lives are spent smiling! Here are three easy ways to improve your smile.



Whitening If you need your morning coffee as you need air your teeth can be a little bit stained, but with this procedure you will have a brighter and lovelier smile in only 60 minutes! In your visit, the specialist will apply a bleaching agent to lighten your teeth and make them brighter than ever. Warning: expect dramatic results and people turning their heads just to get a glimpse of that smile.

Veneers For people who want to change the appearance of their teeth without the fuss of a surgical procedure, veneers are the way to go. Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic that are bonded to the front of the teeth. This procedure needs little to no anesthesia at all and has long-lasting effects! The patient, together with the specialist, plans her/his new smile design until they feel comfortable with the results. Veneers are ideal for patients who wish to give their smile a makeover since they can change the teeth’s color, shape and size, giving you an enhanced and even more beautiful smile! Implants For those who need a little extra help or miss some teeth, dental implants are a great solution. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into your jaw. But what’s so great about them? Well to start with, they are permanent and stable so


you can forget a b out removable d e n t u re s. Second, they make eating much easier and improve your oral health. And last, they look and feel real just like natural teeth so you don’t have to worry about them and can focus on your next big challenge!


Better, less toxic dentistry. In the past century, the only restorative materials were amalgam or gold, and the only esthetic material was denture teeth. Today, you can access a better dentistry, less toxic (no amalgams, mercury or silver), more individualized, and more environmentally friendly than ever. At VIDA Wellness and Beauty you can find Biological Dentistry, which is more focused on biocompatible (non-toxic) restorative materials, eliminating infections, and promoting optimal teeth / jaw / head / neck structural relationships.

50 And




hen you reach fifty a lot of changes take place in your life and not always for the better! Sometimes, when you look at yourself in the mirror you don’t like what you see; you realize that you keep worrying about everybody’s life but yours. Aging is making you feel sad and exhausted and these feelings may harm you both emotionally and physically. There’s always something you can do. Start planning! Yes we know you plan, but this time you’re planning for YOU. A confident and even more fabulous you! Make time for yourself, find a hobby that interests you, meet your friends for lunch, go and do a little shopping, take a cooking class; you name it! The important thing is that you enjoy it and because those are your moments. Not everyone else’s moments. They are YOURS!

Try yoga, Pilates or Barre. Keep moving! That’s what really matters. Undoubtedly, exercise has been proven to help your body and mind. It’s a fact! Endorphins make you happy and healthy. You can try our check-up plan to see your fitness level and then our experts will give you professional advice on the best exercise routines to follow.


Pamper yourself. Join Hollywood’s A-list and enjoy the benefits of our treatments which combine powerful anti-aging ingredients, Forget about society’s vitamins, antioxidants and oxygen stereotypes! to give you younger and fresher Don’t worry about the so looking skin. called “age appropriate” clothes. Whether you want to dress in At the end of the day, being happy yoga pants and sneakers or you with yourself is the most important are more of a high heels and dress thing you can do. So yes, you could kind of girl, be true to yourself and call it aging or you could call it feel comfortable in your shoes. three kids, two promotions and a OK, you know you have to plan for Our Cool Shaping treatments will whole lot of exciting and healthy you, but you’re not sure how you tighten your skin and enhance life ahead. What are you waiting can start and what you have to do. your silhouette to look your best for? Book your appointment today Take a look at these tips to get you with any outfit you choose. and make your fifties the best time started: of your life! Think berries, oatmeal, leafy greens and chia for you morning smoothie. These superfoods will detox your body, reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol and much more. Our experts will create customized diet plans while teaching you tasty recipes to try at home. You can also give your new lifestyle a boost with (IV) Therapy, an effective way to introduce vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the blood stream; this will make you healthier and less vulnerable to disease.



A More Powerful, Beautiful


International Woman’s Day, again we celebrate the women’s movement for equal rights and gender equity. 39 years later, we are still here wondering what does it mean to be a woman.


e relate being a What is the key to being happy? b) I get worried but try to find a woman with concepts solution a) Achieve more goals in life such as love, instinct, c) All problems have a solution, b) Value what you have and be strength, safety, passion, but also so I think the best way is to face thankful uncertainty. Every day I read in them and act c) Firmly want to be happy social media how we try to define ourselves as women, our behavior, Would you feel happy with some Do you believe you still have a lot our shopping habits and our more money? to live and discover? a) I think I’ve done everything concept of being beautiful. a) Sure, because I could buy a that I was supposed to do in life lot of things that I want Being beautiful is being who we are. b) Sometimes I feel something is b) Maybe not, but it would help Love ourselves, accept imperfection missing in my life, an experience, c) Absolutely not, it has nothing as natural and beautiful, because a new discovery to do with happiness c) To me, life has new and being pretty is feeling good from the inside out. fantastic things to discover, we What you do on your free time? never know enough a) I use the little free time i have Feel or look beautiful, is a spiritual to rest and relax state of mind and is connected with b) Depends on my mood, but I Do you feel loved? a) Sometimes I think that people our inner light. Feminine beauty try to treat myself relates to having interior balance only value me based on interest c) I use my free time doing with ourselves and with life, the b) I feel loved, but sometimes I what I like feel miss understood right mind-body conexion, as well c) Of course and I do whatever as a healthy and joyful sexuality. A How do you react to problems? is in my hands to make others woman has to be physically well, a) I get overwhelmed easily, happier with her energy on healthy levels, don’t resist much pressure sexually satisfied and spiritually alive. Only then, beauty can be something more holistic and deeper. How happy and balanced do you feel? Have you ever wonder that? We have created this small test that can help you get an idea!

How happy and satisfied do I feel? Answer the test! Happiness is: a) A thing that you can get b) A mood c) An attitude in life

So what are you waiting for? Contact us TOLL FREE at +1 (877) 211 8529 to get more info on how we can help you keep your resolutions.

At Vida, we’re with you every step of the way!

I feel that my sex life has the potential for improvement. a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree c) Strongly disagree RESULTS:

Majority of A: You need a change of attitude immediately. You feel that happiness is something impossible to get and you get stuck with every problem life brings you. Definitely you are not happy, but only you can change that. Stop seeing happiness as something exterior to yourself and act. Majority of B: Your mood changes through the day. You are happy, but sometimes you feel a sense of emptiness. You know how to enjoy and appreciate small things in life, which are not always enough. We recommend you to meditate with these questions and be aware that happiness depends on yourself. Majority of C: Hurray! You know that happiness depends on you, you feel happy and enjoy life at the top. Congratulations! You have discovered the secret of life, because to you, happiness is an attitude. Share with the people you love this light and good energy. Share happiness!

We hope this test has been useful . At VIDA Wellness and Beauty we want you to celebrate this month doing activities that fulfill your body and spirit, and make you feel beautiful and happy. Do some hiking, go camping with your friends, practice something new with your daughters, buy something nice, experiment in sexuality, do yoga or meditation, give yourself an unexpected trip, take a volunteer day helping other women, climb a mountain! You

decide how to celebrate! just celebrate yourself!

Medical Check-Ups The key to prevention!


any people can feel good but in reality be suffering from a chronic disease; for example, most people who have hypertension have no idea! Similarly, high levels of cholesterol and blood sugar levels often produce no symptoms until the disease is advanced and causes heart damage. Having a regular medical check-up doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get sick, but thanks to the information doctors get from check-ups, they can give you the best advice to prevent any future diseases, AKA staying healthy; or in any case give you the necessary treatment to reduce any complications. Remember! The early detection of diseases allows an efficient control, offering a better life quality for us and those around us. Doctors recommend getting a check-up once a year. Check-ups include the following tests: • Complete blood count • Hemoglobin • Lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides) • Glycemia • Uric acid • Creatinine • VDRL serology • Urinalysis • Chest radiography • Electrocardiogram

Whether you are feeling well or not, it is truly important to have a medical checkup periodically in order to detect any potential problems.


Measurement of Blood Pressure Have your blood pressure checked every year. If your pressure is between 120-139 / 80-89 mmHg or higher, it should be evaluated by a doctor, preferably an internist.


Cholesterol Men over 34 and women over 44 should get tested every 3 years. If the parameters are higher than normal, they should be evaluated.


Dental Examination Don’t wait for cavities to hurt, we know that dentists can be scary but be sure to go every year for an examination and a cleaning.


Eye Examination If you have eye problems, you should get an examination every 2 years. After the age of 45, everyone, with or without vision impairment, should have a general examination and a tonometry test to check for glaucoma.


Vaccines Remember! A tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. A flu vaccine every year after age 50. A vaccine for pneumonia after 65 years.


Osteoporosis. All postmenopausal women with fractures should have a bone density test. Women under 65 who have risk factors and men over 65 should also be examined.


Breast Self-Examination Every woman should do monthly breast self-examinations, if you are not sure how to do one, just ask your doctor. Contact your gynecologist immediately if you notice any changes in your breasts. If

you are between 20 and 40 years old, your physician will make a full breast exam every three years. Women over 40 should have a mammogram every year, depending on risk factors. Taking proper control of your health can provide the necessary knowledge to improve your habits and establish a healthy lifestyle that allows you to live longer and better.

At VIDA our integral medicine doctors and healthcare specialists strive to provide you with the big picture to have a long and healthy life. Come get your medical checkup and design your health plan in order to enjoy the pleasures of life and family with the best care quality. At Vida, we’re with you every step of the way!


Ti p

How to Get Red Carpet Ready!

Gone are the days when getting ready for your big event meant the same old routine: Beauty salon, nails, hair, makeup and looking for a cute dress in a boutique. Things have changed a little bit since then. Nevertheless today we want to shine and glow like a red carpet celebrity, doing it without spending thousands of dollars is an issue! Well good news, it is possible! Let me share with you this little tips to look fabulous on your big day!


ight up your face: The amount of toxins in our body reflects in our face on several forms like acne, dryness, etcetera. Fortunately you can detox your body from the inside out with these simple steps:

1. Lemon water. Lemon water. Along with your daily 8 glasses of water, start the day with a glass of tepid water with half a lemon juice. 2. More fiber! This can have tremendous results on your skin. Start the day with oatmeal, change white bread for multigrain, include carrots and spinach to your daily diet and you would start noticing the change! 3. Avoid sugar. Refined sugar contributes to organs and body oxidation as well as premature aging causing damage to collagen and elastin on skin. Instead, try using Stevia or other natural sweeteners; you can also obtain the necessary suger by eating some fruit in the morning. 4. Do Juicing for a Week: Chop, blend and press. I personally like my Juice freshly pressed vs blended. There are plenty of juice recipes that help to clean up the organs and restore the skin. A common and delicious combination can contain cucumber, kale, ginger, parsley and green apple for more sweetness. Remember that you must drink them before breakfast so your stomach can fully absorb nutrients. During the days of juicing try avoiding alcohol, coffee, white flour and nicotine. 5. Avoid Bad Carbs AAvoiding regular sugar for 3 days will help you accelerate the detox process and obtain a skin much cleaner and brighter. Instead try eating good carbs like sweet potatoes, squash and rice. 6. Get an Oxygen Facial. This wonderful treatment will leave

your skin hydrated, glowing and with a younger look and feel. It works infusioning nutrients and oxygen directly to your skin; the result will be a rejuvenated face, with a more uniform tone and reduced expression lines. It will also help your makeup blend in perfectly. No wonder it’s Madonna’s favorite!


culpt your body: Already on a diet and nutritional regimen but cant get rid of those little love handles and stubborn fat? Well, I have a solution for you: Coolshaping. This amazing system freezes and destroys fat, allowing your body to naturally eliminate the unwanted fat in a few weeks after the

session. With Coolshaping you can get rid up to 25% of unwanted fat per area like lower abs, love handles, arms, thighs and back. It also has a led light that will tighten your skin giving a soft touch and a better appearance.


amper your skin: My favorite ever. Chocolate body scrub. This treatment will leave an irresistible chocolate sent on your skin, smooth feel and shining appearance.

Choose the right makeup: Knowing whether your undertone is warm, cool or neutral is the key to ensuring that the makeup products you apply look natural. Are you winter, fall, spring or summer tone? How does the make up will work with your outfit? You can get help from an image consultant or personal stylist.


et everything ready. Feeling comfortable with your look is important but is not all. The main idea is that you laugh and enjoy, as you deserve. So take a day off, a relaxing bath and massage before your event, and get the right amount of sleep on the previous week to your big day.

At VIDA Wellness and Beauty you can find amazing cosmetic treatments like the oxygen facial and cool shaping, all performed by a board certified dermatologist at a 50% less cost tan United States. If you need more information or would like to schedule a session, please call us toll free 1-877211-8529 or learn more at www.


K NIFE Facelift

Are you thinking about rejuvenation treatments, but are just not ready to go under the knife? We have your solution right here.


he aging process affects us: physically, emotionally and psychologically; how we look, how we feel, and how we act has everything to do with how much care we’re putting into ourselves. Much is said about non-invasive treatments that hide the passage of time or stylize the silhouette, and with the advent of new products and technologies that offer these types of treatments, the concept has changed: unlike surgery, non-invasive procedures don’t involve cutting, raising skin or muscle lifting. ”No pain, no gain”? Think again! There are four elements of our aging process that can be improved with minimally invasive methods:

• Wrinkles • Expression lines • Loss of volume • Texture/quality of skin Among the most noticeable changes, is the volume loss that occurs after age 40 and is mostly perceived in the nasolabial folds, cheeks and around the eyes. Moreover, changes in skin texture cause pores to look bigger. Spots appear and skin also loses its brightness, which results in an older look. It’s also that time when wrinkles and lines around are starting to show more specifically in the mouth, eye or forehead area. Wrinkles



combined with volume loss and skin changes are some of the reasons why we try to correct the effects of aging. Today, there is much emphasis on these minimally invasive treatments because some people simply don’t like the idea of undergoing surgery but want all the benefits! These procedures may be as effective as surgery in the right patient at the appropriate age. The only difference is the shelf life of the effect that the patient gets. These processes achieve a temporary Botox: Muscle relaxing injections to smooth out lines and effect, whilst plastic surgery is a permanent balance the features. Botox is a protein that has been used alternative. Non-invasive procedures are for decades both for medical and cosmetic uses. It inhibits temporary aids that complement surgical muscle response, slowing down the wrinkling process. Following treatments. treatment, results are usually seen within 3–5 days, and will last A no-knife facelift performed by our in- up to 6 months. house, excellent Vida surgeons usually Juvederm: Dermal fillers to enhance the cheeks and includes: restore facial contours, replace lost volume in areas beneath the eyes, gently restore volume in the lips and enhance the shape. This injectable hyaluronic acid replenishes muscle volume, softening features and giving you back that youthful glow for up to a year!




Fraxel: Laser resurfacing to improve the complexion and repair sun damage whilst tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Fraxel is an advanced treatment that coaxes the collagen in your skin to reactivate, stimulating a natural rejuvenation process that is at the same time safe and effective.


Thermage: A unique radiofrequency treatment that improves the appearance of sagging skin, leaving you with a refreshed, younger feel. With this treatment, radiofrequency penetrates your skin in order to remodel the collage, and cryogen is delivered so as to cool the epidermis and seal the process, revealing smoother, sleeker skin!

So what are you waiting for? Contact us TOLL FREE at +1 (877) 211 8529 and speak to one of our caring surgeons about all the possibilities a no knife face lift can offer you. At Vida, we’re with you every step of the way!

“A happy patient makes me happy”, its the phrase that’s Dr. Fuentes always keeps in mind when he’s working. In this interview Dr. Fuentes talks about the latest trends in facial rejuvenation and he gives us useful tips to look OUR BEST AT ANY AGE!



Q: How did you get interested in Plastic Surgery? A: In my 3rd year of medical school I was taking the surgery class, the subject was of a harelip reconstructive surgery and it really got my attention, that’s when my interest for the plastic and reconstructive surgery started. To me, aesthetic surgery its like a piece of art that carries the signature of his author, the plastic surgeon. Q: What is your favorite type of procedure? A: I like all kinds of surgery, some are more challenging than others, but one of the most complex procedures is rhinoplasty, because it has a focal point in the appearance of the patient. Plus, every patient it’s so different and every nose so unique, this is why every rhinoplasty (nose job) is a challenge and one of my favorites. Q: What is the factor that distinguishes you as a plastic surgeon? A: I’m honest. I like to give quality to my patients. I give them perspectives and real digital projections of what can be achieved. The patients come because they want to enhance their beauty and they feel confident when they see the final results before the surgery is done. Certainly, there are patients who want to change their appearance in a very drastic way, and in some cases they will lose their natural appearance, other times this is impossible because their natural structure wont allow it.

The Doctor recommendations according to your age!


¡Start preventing young! Woman in their 20’s should start taking care of their skin, go to a licensed dermatologist and keep healthy to slow down the effects of aging.


N o n - i n va s i v e treatments. Botox, Juvederm, Thermage and Fraxel are ideal for woman in there 30’s; those are perfect solutions that help to keep a healthy skin with younger appearance. They can shave up to 3 years less from your face.

TIPS 1 2 3

Before you get a Soft lift, search for a doctor that has wide experience on the application of Botox and fillers.

Verify that the specialist is well trained in the application of Botox and Fillers like Juvederm. If you are going to mix botox with another treatment like Thermage or Fraxel, ask to the doctor what is the right sequence to do it, so you can get optimal results.


For woman in their 40’s The combination of Botox and Juvederm can deliver amazing results, because they can often have deeper wrinkles and a tired skin. These treatments can reduce till 5 years the age from the face.


Plastic Surgery Woman in their 50’s can require plastic surgery; this can help them to keep a natural and fresh appearance.

If you want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Fuentes or learn more, call us toll free at 1877 211 8529 get more info in

Bioidentical Hormonal Therapy: Everything you need to know!

It’s no secret that 50 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 30. In the last 50 years, we have reclaimed our right to age as we damn well please, and this new generation of women is coming on strong with innovative new treatments to do so gracefully. One of the most exciting ones is bioidentical hormonal therapy.


t used to be that women would fear and almost avoid talking and preparing for menopause, viewing it as the beginning of the end and something to be dreaded and hidden. Celebrities like Oprah have discovered the pro’s of hormone replacement therapy, and are huge advocates for women of all ages to open up a conversation about their health and specially to avoid stigmas. At Vida Wellness and Beauty & Longevity

many women undergoing menopause go through physical and emotional changes

Center, our experts encourage women to take charge of their hormonal cycles and make the most of what nature’s powers bestowed upon us. As a result of these natural cycles, many women undergoing menopause go through physical and emotional changes such as hot flashes, night sweats or irritability symptoms, and bioidentical hormonal therapy can be the answer. But …let’s start at the beginning.

WHAT IS MENOPAUSE? Menopause is the period of a woman’s life in which The most common and effective way to menstruation ceases and decreases the production treat the menopause is to replace the of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Symptoms of menopause can vary from mild to severe, estrogen that the body no longer produces and include hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. The most common and effective way to treat the symptoms is to replace the estrogen that the body hormones produced by the female body. (Other types no longer produces. Hormone therapy can be estrogen of hormonal therapy, as used in the WHI study are alone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone. slightly different to the hormones produced by the body). Bioidentical hormones are sometimes called DID YOU KNOW? “natural” hormones, despite being synthesized in Menopause is a natural stage in the life of the woman. the laboratory, because they come from vegetable Some symptoms such as hot flashes disappear in a few sources before being modified to resemble human years. On the other hand, symptoms such as vaginal hormones. Not all hormones produced by natural dryness often do not disappear. sources are bioidentical, but bioidentical hormones are molecularly engineered to be exactly the same as A large study of women 50 to 79 years called the Program the hormones our body produces, and are effectively for Women’s Health (Women’s Health Initiative, or WHI) used to balance out the different cycles in our systems. examined the effect of taking hormones in various aspects of women’s health. In 2002, the study found How do you know which treatment is best that the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke for you? and blood clots increased slightly in postmenopausal women receiving estrogen and progesterone therapy. Your doctor can help you choose the best treatment for you. The treatment is based on your medical history As a result, many women stopped taking these and your risk for health problems such as breast cancer, hormones and began looking for other treatments stroke, heart disease and blood clots. It also depends such as bioidentical hormones. on the symptoms to be treated, such as vaginal dryness only, or symptoms with effect on the entire body. What are bioidentical hormones? Bioidentical hormones hormones are exactly like If your doctor prescribes hormone therapy, the FDA recommends using the lowest possible dose for the shortest time necessary to relieve symptoms. The idea is to avoid taking the drug for excessive periods and amounts to reduce potential risks of hormone therapy. You may also want to consider the variety of nonhormonal options as a complement for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Finding the right kind of treatment for you can take time. Whatever you choose, your doctor will monitor your treatment frequently. Benefits of HRT • It reduces hot flashes and sleep disturbances that often accompany menopause. • Vaginal discomfort decreases with increasing thickness, elasticity and lubricity of the vaginal tissue.

• Urinary tract tissue becomes thicker and more elastic,

reducing the incidence of stress incontinence and urinary tract infections. • It may be useful in relieving depression and mood swings that can occur during hormonal cycles and can produce a general sense of well being and increase energy. • Increases the thickness and elasticity of the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. • Prevents osteoporosis; also used in the treatment of bone loss when it has already begun. • Prevents deterioration of bone density and can reduce the incidence of hip fractures. • It improves concentration of lipids in the blood and low levels of fibrinogen. • Some studies suggest that taking estrogen may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, scientists warn that further research is needed to explore this possibility. This new approach to women’s health calls for a much needed conversation. What are we so afraid of? The ongoing process of a woman’s body is something to be celebrated and cared for. Bioidentical hormonal replacement can provide the expert care and necessary bosta to make the most of our health. Call us TOLL FREE at 1-877-211-8529 to talk about how Vida Wellness and Beauty can help you make the most of life!




Want to make the most of your day? Read on for the best tips to maximize your energy!


xercise in the morning Easier said than done, but it’s really worth it. There’s strong evidence that exercise increases your levels of attention and alertness for up to 10 hours, and also releases endorphins to get you ready for an energized day! So, what are you waiting for? -Mark Parker, CEO of Nike, who exercises two hours in the morning every other day. Are you still not convinced? Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are more successful in making it a habit. Try it! Sacrifice 15 minutes of sleep for a little exercise routine or trade the car for a bike a few days a week and jumpstart your day!


old shower One of the classic ways to jumpstart you day! A cold shower stimulates the nerve endings in your skin, makes your heart race and increases your breathing. A “high” only comparable to that of a cup of coffee.


good Breakfast “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is a phrase that we inherited from the era of Mad Men tape advertisers, and no lie, it’s 100% correct. Let’s start with the basics: Don’t skip or delay it too much. It is a very common habit to put off breakfast and turn it into a kind of half-day brunch, much too late to take advantage of its energy properties. Which brings us to the next point in which is, what exactly is a good breakfast? According to a study published by the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, it’s rich in carbohydrates and fiber, this gives us greater focus on our daily chores. Oatmeal, brown bread, Greek yogurt and bananas are some of the ideal foods to start the day!


glasses of water a day Easy, cheap and effective. Start the day with two glasses of water to prevent morning dehydration that is often overlooked and can be the reason of premature fatigue. How do I know if I’m dehydrated? Dark yellow urine is


Minutes to Meditate A quick daily meditation can be extremely beneficial. Numerous studies have shown that people who meditate often reduce their stress levels and increase their levels of concentration. In this type of meditation it’s not about attaining nirvana or leaving our earthly body, it’s more about taking a moment to “be present” before joining the endless stream of daily activities.


nergy Shot We all need a little push sometimes, and our expert medical specialists can help you with IV Therapy. Our special Energy Boost Shot supports adrenal gland function, replenishes B vitamins that are depleted during times of stress, provides essential amino acids that are the building blocks for energy production and increases physical and mental energy alertness.


et There Be Light! Within all of us there is an internal clock called the circadian rhythm, a little watch even more delicate than the most whimsical swiss clock. A circadian rhythm of adjustment will keep you awake at night and will prevent you from waking up in the morning similar to a mini jetlag. In order to resynchronize your clock, start the day by opening the curtains and turning on lights. The stimulus will tell your body to increase the secretion of hormones that keep you active.


top and Smell the Lemons Roses may be romantic, but if there is one thing you can sniff to keep your focus on it’s lemons. A 2008 study comparing the effects of the scent of lavender and lemon in people under stress concluded that the latter group maintained their levels of norepinephrine (the hormone that increases wakefulness) after the experiment, in comparisson to those who were exposed to lavender and placebos.


ood Posture Poor posture can be one of those vicious circles that not only generate fatigue, but also pain that can become chronic. If your job keeps you in a chair for hours, follow these easy tips: A) Keep your head straight, without tilting it up or down. B) Keep your shoulders relaxed and back. C) Keep your knees lower than your hips D) Keep your feet straight to the ground without hiding them under the chair. E) Use bare hands instead of leaning on your arms.


he Sound of Music! Music can be a great ally not only against boredom, but also against fatigue. A 2008 study that measured the effects of various musical tasks of medium difficulty (singing and playing a rhythm at the same time) said that these activities increased their energy, eased tensions and decreased fatigue. Are you one of those who spends the day with headphones on? The same study indicated that those who listened to music also lowered their stress levels.


void “Energy” Beverages Low on Caffeine Many “energy” drinks are sold as the solution against fatigue, but in reality can be quite counterproductive. A 2006 study measured the effects of a 250 ml “energy” drink high in sugar (42g) and low in caffeine (30g) in cases of fatigue, and determined that not only did not help, but even worsened reaction times in those who drank it. Our advice: If you do go for a drink sold as “energy”, make sure it has a good amount of caffeine to balance it out.




T r i ck s


EREABLE TECHNOLOGY This year we will have access to many sophisticated gadgets to measure your athletic performance and vital signs. You can quantify and account for every meter you run and each single heartbeat. “Fitness’ without data (calories, time, intensity...) will have no room anymore. The latest trends are the tattoo ‘trackers’, a tattoo that has the ability to collect data and transmit or upload it to Internet. No more excuses! Your goals will be literally etched onto your skin.


trength Training Strong is sexy! The emaciated, languid look is long forgotten. Healthy and physically fit bodies are in, and to get there you have to take the weights. The benefits of weight lifting on the female body include strengthening bones and muscles, reducing the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

IIT (High Intensity Interval Training) HIIT was a big hit last year (haha, pardon the pun) but it seems that it’s here to stay in 2016 as well. It consists on short training sessions that elevate heart rate to very high levels, and always works at intervals. It’s been popular for years with top athletes. It’s still relevant because of it’s versatility: it can be adapted to all schedules, agendas, ages and physical conditions, and as well as it’s effectiveness in increasing strength and muscle mass.


rain With Your Own Body Weight It’s quite a convenient technique because you can practice anytime, anywhere and no special equipment is needed. In addition, you learn to train your body to move in all directions and you’ll adjust to the workout as you wo Words: Personal improve performance. trainer Customization is another basic concept for these days. And look at it this way! Exercising your body with a personal trainer can be the equivalent of exercising your mind with a life coach or therapist. Experts believe that more and more people will hire highly professional trainers this year, focusing on knowledge of the human body and the sophisticated machinery.




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