The lost sol keys' mystery

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

eTwinning Project "Deep to the roots of the world's fairy tales..." CEIP NTRA. SRA. DE ORETO Y ZUQUECA, Granátula de Calatrava, Spain SCOALA GIMNAZIALA, ZAHARIA STANCU, Rosiorii de Vede, Romania ICS DI CADEO E PONTENURE, Cadeo (PC), Italy LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC "OCTAVIAN GOGA",JIBOU, Jibou, Romania KOZAYAĞI İLKOKULU, Akyurt, Turkey UKMERGĖS VAIKŲ LOPŠELIS-DARŽELIS "BURATINAS", Ukmergė, Lithuania 11TH PRIMARY SCHOOL OF KATERINI, Katerini, Greece 11TH PRIMARY SCHOOL OF ELEFSINA, Elefsina, Greece REGENT'S PARK CHILDREN'S CENTRE, London, United Kingdom ОДЗ "Пчелица, Shumen, Bulgaria Page 2/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

It was a typical day at the island "Emerald days". Nobody would disturb the quiet on it apart from seagulls You could always listen to a magical music coming from the skies! Nine Sol musical keys flied in the sky and played music. They had a mission! On the island there was nothing else apart from a chest with a treasure. Nobody could steal the chest as long as the Sol keys were there.

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

However, one day a ship passed very close to the island "Emerald Days". On the ship there was a small sack. A seagull flying over the ship, saw the sack and thought there was food. The seagull flied very close to the ship's deck and grasped the sack. But unfortunately the sack was opened. A scary sound was heard and wind started to blow. In that sack somebody had prisoned all the winds. It started to blow so much that all the Sol keys were disappeared! Where had they gone? Treasure was in danger. The keys had to be found!!!

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Even the ship was drawn away by the strong winds. It got dark. Captain had lost his maps .He had no idea where they were going. Only stars and Moon showed him the way. In the darkness a young sailor named Yannis was trying to orientate according to the stars like the ancient Greeks used to do in their very first trips. Suddenly, he saw light comming from the bottom of the sea. He thought he should mention this to the captain. Captain dropped the ship's anchor and got to the deck. He looked carefully and said -It's a shiny rock .Something very important must be there. Sailor, go to see! The sailor had no other option. He took a deep breath and dived.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis swam under the water for a lot of time but when he arrived at the bottom he couldn't believe his eyes. Little fishes sang. Colorful snails danced, a turtle was the conductor and somewhere there a Sol key was playing music. In a corner a beautiful blond mermaid was sitting on her throne. It seemed as if there was a party for her honor. The sailor got dizzy by all these colors and captured by the mermaid's beauty. He walked straight to the mermaid, he bowed and said: - I am so glad to meet you, your majesty! Would you offer me this dance? But the mermaid didn't seem to enjoy the party. She was thoughtfull. So, she turned her head to the sailor's side and asked him: - Is Alexander the great alive or dead? Page 7/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

He had heard this before... Alexander the Great! Yes!!! Mermaid was a woman. She was Alexander the Great's sister. Alexander was the great king of Macedonia. When his sister learnt that he died she became a mermaid. She travels all the time and when she finds a sailor she asks him: - Is Alexander the Great alive or dead? If somebody makes the mistake to tell her that her brother has died, she sinks the ship... - He is alive! He is alive and reigns and conquers the world! Yannis said...

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Mermaid, got so happy that not only she danced with Yannis but she also gave him the sol key. -Take it and go to find the other 8 Sol keys. Your mission is very important! You will need to travel a lot and cooperate with many people.. Yannis swam back but when he came on the sea's surface the ship had already left. Hopefully, land wasn't too far. But when he arrived he saw a place he had never met before!

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

The whole area was covered by sand. He didn't know where to go. He decided to set off wherever his fate would take him. He walked and walked until he saw a cottage. He respectfully knocked on the door. There lived a very old lady who was as old as the roads. -Good afternoon, old lady! -You're lucky that you told me "old lady". What are you doing here where not even the birds fly? Yannis told her about the difficulties he had gone through, until he found the first Sol-key, and now he is searching for the second one. -My dear son, if you listen to me, you'll find the second key, too. Go to the North, across the Southern Carpathians. Then go to the Western Carpathians, look for the bears' grave. If you behave well, everything and everybody will help you.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis has gone to find the way, which the old lady told him about. He walked and walked for 3 days and 3 nights, until he heard a noise. It was the water of Maros River. -Yannis you are close to the bears' grave. The Bear-Cave is in the Transylvanian Mid-Mountains. There you can find what you are looking for. - whispered the water of Maros River

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Hearing these, he had gained some new strength. He soon arrived to Bear-Cave. The stalactites guided his steps. -Come, this way! Go further! Here, here! Thus, soon in the depth of the Cave, beyond the Candle Hall, he found the grave of the prehistorical bear. And as a miracle: there shined the Sol-key.

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

The sailor continued his way happily. Soon, he arrived to a three-way road. There he saw a chest. As he didn't know which way to choose, he thought he would go the chest; maybe it will help him in the decision. But he didn't know, that in this chest was nothing else, but sleeping powder. When he opened it, Yannis fell asleep deeply. When he woke up...

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

In the second day, when Yannis woke up, borely had the sun risen. - Where should I go? He asked himself and set off to the Sunrise. He had walked and walked until he found, on the roadside a sick puppy. He took care of it, he soaked bread in water and he fed it. And what to see? Magically, the puppy has recovered. - Good man, for sure you aren't from this region. Who are you and where are you going? -I'm Yannis and I'm looking the lost Sol-keys. I don't know where I should go. -Because you have a good heart and you have taken care of me I will help you. I'll guide you to the home of Saint Sunday. Follow me!

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

After they had walked for 3 days they saw a cottage. -Here it is! Nobody is at home but I'll let you to choose one of the chests. Yannis had picked a chest and, curiously, he opened it. What do you think he found in the chest? There was an old map and under it was shinning Sol-key, green as emerald. He thanked the puppy and he set off to find the other keys, but he didn't walk a lot because a deep sleep look over him. He had stopped and he felt asleep...

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis woke up. When he opened his eyes he saw a big grey wolf and said: - I've lost my way. Could you help me please? - Where do you want to go?the wolf answered. - I am looking for the sol key.. Wolf suggested him to go to Galata Tower where she has friends who would help them to find the sol-key. They took the road to go to Galata Tower but there were sharp mountains on the road. Wolf had an idea. They lighted a huge fire and melted all the mountains. It was easier for them now. They arrived to Galata Tower after 3 days.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

They met Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi there. Yannis asked where the sol-key is and he was given the answer: - There is a big and red river in the east. It's called Kızılırmak (Turkish for Red River). There are plenty of treasures inside of it. It should be there. Yannis decided to go to Kızılırmak. But there were sharp mountains again. He asked how to go there. It was too far away. Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi had long wings like bird wings. He gave them to Yannis. Yannis was so happy. He said goodbye to wolf and Hezarfen and began to fly from Galata Tower to Kızılırmak. He came to the riverside.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

There was a huge tunnel near the river that goes down under it. Yannis went into the tunnel and saw an enormous snake that was half human being. She had beautiful long hair and black eyes. Yannis asked; - Who are you? - I'm Şahmeran the queen of the snakes. What about you? What are you doing here? - I'm looking for the sol-key. Could you help me please? Şahmeran opened the Turkish calendar with twelve animals and said: - According to the calendar, the big door of Kızılırmak River will open very soon. When the day and the night will be equal that is the beginning of the spring called Nevruz feast. While the sun goes down the door is going to be open. She showed the way and Yannis went to the big door of Kızılırmak. The door opened during the sundown. The water of the river filled in.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis swam to deep and met a man playing bağlama (Turkish musical instrument) He was Âşık Veysel and was playing well at the bottom of the river. Yannis went to him and asked for the sol-key. The man didn't listen him and sang: - I'm on a long, narrow path./ I'm walking on, day and night./ I've lost my sense of self./ I'm walking on, day and night. Yannis began to sing with him. When the song finished Âşık Veysel gave his bağlama to Yannis and said: - It's here what you are looking for son. It's inside the music! When he took it he saw a glare in the hole of bağlama. He put his hand inside and the golden sol-key came to his hand. He was so happy that the golden sol-key was in his hands. He turned back to thank to Âşık Veysel but he and his bağlama disappeared. There was only the sol-key. He felt so cold and tired inside the river. He swam and got in the land and felt asleep in the riverside. Page 19/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis kept riding until he was tired and hungry, and saw in a far distance a lit house. He got off his horse and knocked at the door. A beautiful lady with long torquoise hair opened. Although Yannis didn't say a word, she offered him water and food. Then she started speaking. - I'm a fairy and I'm well aware of your mission. - How come? - said Yannis to his surprise. - I'm aware of everything because I know what kids think. Your story has been spreading among children of all Europe and even further. That is why I want to help you. I'll show you the way to the sol-keys. Follow the road towards the South, the journey will be long and difficult, you'll have to cross the Alps and the River Po. You'll get to Pianura Padana and there you'll find what you're looking for. But beware of whom you meet along your journey! Page 20/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis left on foot as his horse wouldn't have been able to cross the mountains. During his difficult journey he met a nice and kind boy. Yannis told him his story and the boy told him he knew a secret place where a sol key was kept and he'd have helped him to reach it. So the two boys travelled together, crossed the Alps and reached Pianura Padana. One day, however, Yannis noticed that his new friend was talking in suspicious manners with a stranger. He approached them without being seen and listened to their dialogue. He understood that the two wanted to steal the sol keys from him and leave the treasure of Emerald Days Island unprotected so that they could steal it. In that moment Yannis realised that the fairy had warned him against false friends, and silently he ran away as fast as he could.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis reached the River Po, crossed it and continued his journey. A thick fog prevented him from seeing the landscape clearly but he was reached by a sublime music. He followed the sound and got to a theatre. The show was already finished, on the stage there were the composer Giuseppe Verdi and his mother, Luigia Uttini, who were recollecting the scores before going home. Yannis realised that the great composer was looking for something. So he approached Mrs Luigia and asked: - can I help you? The woman replied: - Go backstage, there you'll find the score my son is looking for. Grab it and bring it here.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

In the backstage there were musical instruments, scores, chairs and strangely enough an old loom. There he could see a special score, the silver notes were shining and in between them a beautiful night-blue sol key stood out. Giuseppe Verdi kept the precious score and left the sol key to Yannis wishing him good luck. Yannis thanked him and returned back on his way, reached the River Po, boarded on a boat and let himself carry away by the current of the river towards the point where the wide river flows into the Adriatic Sea...

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis woke up and opposite him saw beautiful forests with wild animals and birds. Three days and nights he went through the forests, when one morning he saw a hill. On the top of the hill stood a fabulous castle. Yannis started to climb on the hill. During that time he heard horses'neigh, swords' tang. He realized, that somebody lived in the castle. When he get in it, Yannis met the priest Lizdeika.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis asked: - Where I am? - Near the castle Gediminas, in the capital of Lithuania, the priest answered. The priest Lizdeika told him about Grand Duke Gediminas , who dreamed a miracable dream: there was a big hill near the riverside Neris. A big howling wolf was on the top of the hill. Duke Gediminas had dreamed of the castle, which would be built and around a city would be founded, the capital of our country . When Yannis listened to the story, he asked the priest ...the Sol key. The priest said, that when they built the castle, he dig up a chest. Nobody could open it, because they needed to wait for a full-moon night and the chests' owner. The chest was kept in the castle and only a smart person could open it. The priest suggested Yannis to stay in the castle untill a full-moon night. Yannis located in the castle. Living there he saw full-moon and tried to open the chest, eventually it unlocked. There was the Sol musical key. Page 25/43

Saying goodbuy to the priest, Yannis hop on the horse and moved towards the Baltic sea...

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis was so tired that he fell asleep for a while. His little sailing boat was leaded only by the wind which blew on the Mediterranean sea. Before realising, this wind was sent his boat staright to the Iberian Peninsula, Spain. Suddenly a voice from the distance woke up him: - Ey, young man! Where is your ship going driven by the wind? - I don´t know Mr. Fisherman.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

The Fisherman got close to his boat and told him that he could help him. This fisherman was looking for a huge Golden Fish which was able to speak and that amazed Yannis. Yannis told the fisherman about searching for a special Sol Key which had been taken by the wind from the "Emerald Days" island and that, amazed the fisherman. In the moment they were willing to continue sailing, an enormous golden fish that spoke with a weird English accent, arose from the bottom of the sea. -I will tell you where you can find that Sol Key. When you arrive at the port, you should take the fastest horse you can find and go to the center of Spain. In that place, all of the winds use to stop and have a rest before going on to the North. Both of them were astonished and the big fish submerged to get lost deeper in the sea.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

When they arrived at the port, the fisherman helped Yannis to get the best of the horses to travel to the center of Spain. - Look, Yannis! The land where you should go is called "La Mancha"! You will know that you have arrived because this land is so flat and yellowish. There you can find giants with four arms! Yannis couldn´t hear the last part of the message because his horse started to ride as a crazy one.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

But, by mistake, Yannis appeared in Valencia. In the east of the Iberian Peninsula, near the Mediterranean Sea. He was tired, hungry and thirsty, but he hadn´t so much time to rest, because he had to continue the way that the fisherman had told him if he wanted to find the Sol Key as soon as possible. He decided to stop for some minutes, in the shade of an orange tree and accidentally, he fell asleep ... and had a dream. In his dream, a white castle appeared. It was made of teeth and there was a small mouse next to it. - You mustn't be afraid. I am Perez the Mouse. I am a friend of the Golden fish. He has visited me and he has told me that you need to get well and for that reason, I invite you to my castle.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis came into the castle and there he had good paella and some orange juice from Valencia. He had never tasted something like that! But when he bit a mussel a tooth fell down! Then, PÊrez the Mouse was so pleased because he already had another tooth to build his castle. Yannis gave him his tooth and in return, Perez gave him a box with a message: "When you wake up, you will remember nothing. But next to you, a box you will find and it isn't disgusting. You must continue towards the centre of Spain, where there is no rain. Get your horse and the wind will guide you. If The Sol key, you want to find, something green will help you". ... In that moment, Yannis woke up and there the box was! He didn´t know what had happened, but he felt strong. He mounted on his horse and began his way towards the center of Spain. Page 30/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis, riding his horse again, arrived in the center of Spain. The horse was thirsty and wanted to drink some water so Yannis stopped in a beautiful place next to the Guadiana River in La Mancha. He was in the famous "Lagunas de Ruidera" Natural Park, a group of small lakes interconnected one by one with small waterfalls. The boy liked this place very much and he decided to rest there. While he was eating his lunch, Yannis saw a strange animal playing with butterflies and flowers. It was Pistachio, the green dog.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis went towards him and shared his lunch with the dog. Then they both played together and they were very happy of being good friends. Pistachio told him that near the lakes a tall man was in a cave having a rest. In that moment, he remembered Pérez the Mouse´s words :" You have to find something green and then you´ll be lucky..." So he decided to meet this man of La Mancha... perhaps he could help him to find a new Sol Key. Later, it started to rain and the boy followed Pistachio to the Montesinos´ Cave, a big hole in the ground... And can you guess who was there? ....

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

... and there he was, Yannis arrived at the Montesinos' Cave in Ruidera. It was so dark inside and it seemed to be nobody in that cave. Suddenly, Yannis saw a light and he said in a loud voice: - Don Quixote? - Stop!! Who are you? Are you some kind of wizard? - No, I'm not! Good morning! My name's Yannis. The green dog told me that I could find you here. - The green dog? So, you need the help of this knight-errant. - Yes, sir. I'm looking for a Sol Key that wind blew up from the "Emerald days" island. It is very important that I find it. I know that it is here, in La Mancha. But this is a very large area and I don't know where starting to look for it. - Don't worry, Sir Yannis. I'm going to help you but, in turn, you must help me to beat my worst enemies. They are giants with four arms that inhabit this land. Take your horse and come with me! Page 33/43

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis rode his horse and followed Don Quixote in what he predicted was going to be an interesting adventure... They rode for two days and two nights through the variety of green and brown colours of fields in La Mancha morning, they arrived in a small town called Campo de Criptana. Don Quixote seemed to have become completely crazy. - Here you are, terrible giants! - shouted Don Quixote- But this time you are not going to beat me! This time, Sir Yannis and I are going to give you a lesson that you won't forget! - But they aren't giants, Don Quixote but windmills! - warned Yannis. - Windmills... -Don Quixote whispered - They are windmills! Yes, they are windmills! And you will find your Sol Key during the sunset! Both men waited until the sunset and amazed they watched that wonderful show. But Yannis could see something even more amazing: his Sol Key was on a windmill next to the sunset, hanging by one of the blades. Don Quixote took his lance and picked it up very carefully. Page 34/43

Yannis smiled joyfully...

The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis walked happily along the way, to seek the next Sol key, but he had no idea that there were new unexpected trials. Black Sea spread out in front of him. He decided to swim. When he got out he saw Stara Planina mountain which hides all the ancient secrets. A small bee buzzed around him and said: - Yannis, in the Balkans there is a magic forest. You must cross it and defeat evil, but remember: Do not stop or talk to anyone. If you do so you will get sick and lose your power. Follow the pollen, which strew and it will lead you along the right path.

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The lost Sol keys mystery

By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis followed the path of pollen and suddenly he saw a caterpillar. The caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly, and then a lovely girl. Yannis forgotten the advice of the bee and followed the girl. That girl was a fairy and she took the force of young men who were crossing the magic forest. Yannis soon fell tired... But bee watched over Yannis, poured honey in his mouth, then flipped a ball of yarn and told him: - Catch the red yarn to give you strength, catch the white yarn to give you knowledge. Only then you will find a healer who can cure you.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis came to the home of the healer and waited to see him. Healer prepared tortillas for them to eat. - Yannis you brave boy, to recover you must must indicate which of the tortillas is salt. Yiannis saw that all tortillas are the same! Then the little bee flew by and dropped his magic dust on one of the tortillas. Yannis boldly said which tortilla was salty. When the healer cut it in pieces Yannis saw a Sol key into it! - This is the key of health that will protect you and will help you to cure diseases, everywhere you go. That was the power of honey and pollen! They poured honey on the remaining tortilla and Yannis brought all his friends to eat and be healthy. Filled with power and wisdom, Yiannis continued his way forward.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis travelled from place to place. Finally he came to England, London city. He saw a marching soldier, Royal Guard, who was looking after the Queen. Yannis asked him: 'Where is the sol key?' The guard said: 'Go to the clock Big Ben.'

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis was walking and he came to Big Ben. He was looking for a sol key there

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

He met the Queen by Big Ben. He was talking to the Queen and she told him where to go find a sol key. She said: 'Go inside Big Ben. You will see the crown there.'

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Yannis came inside and saw a beautiful crown and a red sol key was next to it. He took the sol key and went to find his boat.

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

After all these journeys and adventures Yannis felt tired but also happy, because he managed to find all the lost sol keys and make new friends. Before he returned the keys to the island of 'Emerald Days', Yannis decided to invite all the friends he had met around Europe and helped him, for a joyful feast ! Just to make sure they would have a safe journey, Yannis asked from Poseidon , the great God of the sea, to calm the waves and offer them a pleasant journey!

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By Deep to the roots of the world's fairytales

Finally Yannis and his friends managed to set the sol keys back on the sky of the island of the 'Emerald Days' and the chest with the treasure was safe again! Surely Yannis couldn't have done it without the help of his valuable friends! Everybody had realized that the most important thing in life is to have friends that you could rely on them!! But now it was time for them to celebrate their victory! The party started and everyone was happy. They were all dancing around 'yaitanaki' and their laughter could be heard miles away and ...they lived happily ever after...

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