Verse Magazine Edition 31

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VERSE MAGAZINE Edition 31 2019


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Edition 31 2019

CONTENTS Edition 31 | October - November 2019

04 Imagine: Christina Massolino 10 Fig Leaves 12 The Quest to Cum 16 Crimson love 17 A woman’s mark 18 Playlist: Songs to celebrate Aboriginal artists 20 Cafeteria 21 What it all comes down to 23 Interview: Shalina Furtado 28 Humans of UniSA: Edition 31 32 Home 38 Neon Nights in Hong Kong 42 Why India gives me hope for the world 48 Match Studio: Let’s talk about the taboo 52 Let’s talk politics 56 Review: Existential Threats 58 The Signs as Game Changers 60 USASA Club Feature: AYCC 62 USASA Calendar 63 USASA President’s Letter

Above Image Enrico Becker Cover Image Lily Roberts We respectfully acknowledge the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla First Nations Peoples and their Elders past, present, and emerging, who are the First Nations’ traditional owners of the land that are now home to the University of South Australia’s campuses in Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Whyalla.

Edition 31 2019


EDITOR'S LETTER Edition 31 Head Editor | Annabel Bowles

Recently, a woman I had just met told me something that’s stuck with me ever since: ‘There shouldn’t be anything that you can’t have a conversation about. You can be respectful, you can be mindful, you can be tactful, and you should be allowed to talk about anything. You should also be given an answer that’s truthful. It may not have all the knowledge, but you should be given an answer.’ With that idea in mind, we called out for submissions on any topic that you think needs to be talked about more, or in a different way. More than anything, our contributors spoke about abuse, assault, and objectification of women. Some of these pieces aren’t easy to read. They can be ugly and uncomfortable conversations, but they’re so important to have. I’ll let this edition tell you why. Then these pages will take you from Hong Kong to Delhi; two places where humanity seems to be at the core of both chaos and community. Between the words you’ll also find some of this year’s best artist features; from glassmakers to illustrators, and embroiderers to photographers. It’s been an immense joy to put together Verse this year. On behalf of Tanner, Oliver, Geena, Ryan and myself, I would also like to say thank you; to our storytellers, artists, and to you, our readers. Verse Magazine has always been for, and about, you. We hope you’ve soaked up just as much from these pages as we have.

Head Editor A nnabel Bowles | Co-Head Editor Tanner Muller | Co-Head Editor Ryan Colsey Communications & Digital Editor Geena Ho | Graphic Designer Oliver White | Printer Newst yle Print Design & Production Consultant Jack son Polley | Design & Production Consultant Rachael Sharman The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily representative of the views of USASA or the editors.


Edition 31 2019

WANTED Head Editor Comms & Digital Editor Graphic Designer for the 2020 Verse Magazine Editorial Team

If you no, you know.

Verse is recruiting driven, organised, innovative & charismatic students to be apart of the 2020 team! This is an opportunity to gain experience creating printed publications from start to finish, collect a wide variety of content, put your problem solving skills to the test and make some awesome connections. This role is high pressure but high reward! Verse is recruiting Head Editor, Comms & Digital Editor and a Graphic Designer. Applications close 4 November 2019. Find out more and how to apply below.

Apply now Edition 31 2019


Christina Massolino

Imagine: Christina Massolino Interview by Oliver White Artwork by Christina Massolino

Oliver White, our graphic designer turned interviewer, sat down with third-year contemporary art student

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’re studying? I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Contemporary Art. I’m also a part of the

Christina Massolino for this

Emerging Curators Program, which is a City

edition’s Imagine. Alongside

of Adelaide initiative supported by Carclew*.

curating for the City of Adelaide council, she creates emotive mixed-method portraits in her disorderly home studio. Her final year has seen her explore sexual

That’s for this whole year and I‘m doing it with two other people as well, Chiranjika Grasby and Jack McBride. So at the moment I’m practicing in art and also doing a bit of curating. What inspires the subject matter behind your paintings?

assault and its resulting

Mostly women, and the personal struggle with

impact on female and

identity as a woman – as well as people, faces

female-identifying victims.

and feelings. Is there a particular direction you’re focused in for your third year? Yes, the final year of a Bachelor of Contemporary Art is essentially a year-long project. This year I’ve been exploring ideals of purity and impurity within women and people who identify as women. It started that way, but as the year went on I’ve focused more towards sexual assault and how those who have experienced sexual assault can feel purity and impurity. It’s a very strongly held belief in Western societies and other societies that women have to be pure, such as the concept of virginity, and I find it really interesting

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(especially in my own experience) when that

What age did you begin drawing? Did you begin

choice is taken away from you. Say if you were

with drawing?

abused as a child or as a teenager, how then growing up as an adult you might feel impure

Yes, I’d say so, more so in high school. In Years 7

because you weren’t given that choice, and

and 8 I began drawing more. I definitely feel as

because people have wronged you. But, you’re

though my creative process really stems from

also supposed to feel pure because you didn’t

my childhood. We had a ‘useful cupboard’ where

make that decision yourself.

Mum would place recycled objects and items

I’ve also been talking to some other people

we weren’t going to throw away, and she would

who have experienced sexual assault; getting

say ‘If you’re bored, do something in the useful

their stories and seeing what this grey area is

cupboard, make something!’ I feel as if that was

that we don’t really talk about much. They often

more important to me than techniques I learnt

reflect on how horrible they feel after being

from drawing and lessons in high school.

assaulted, but we don’t talk about how a lot of that has to do with feeling dirty or unclean. My third year started very broad, but it’s

Do you think your decision to study an art degree was inevitable?

now heading in the direction of exploring those themes in my painting. I do portrait painting,

No, I had originally chosen to do journalism,

however, I also combine traditional painting

thinking that was what I wanted to do, but I

methods with textile work and thread.

started and didn’t like it. So, art wasn’t always

Having previously undertaken an exploration of

what I wanted to study.

different methods in past years, I have all that experience behind me too.

How has your experience with Carclew been this year?

What are your initial thought processes when you’re starting a new work?

Working with Carlew this year doing curating has been really good, as it’s something I’ve

Usually when I start a new work it’s come after

never done before. I had a curating subject last

a lot of thought and consideration. I will have

year as part of my degree, which inspired me

an idea in my head – a feeling, an emotion, that

to pursue this route. They’ve enabled me to do

I’ve been feeling for a couple of weeks, such as

so many things – curating two exhibitions,

guilt or disgust – and then I will start creating

working with two other people, and finding a

that. It happens very rapidly after a long time

clearer career direction – that I wouldn’t have

of consideration.

done otherwise.


Edition 31 2019

Christina Massolino

Christina Massolino

How would you describe the perfect working studio space? I’m a very messy person, so it’s hard when I work in my studio on Level 7 because I have to keep it clean due to it being a shared space. But my studio at home is very messy and I kind of like to work that way. A bit disorganised, but a bit of order to it. I’d love a big warehouse where I could just make massive works. I also definitely prefer to work alone. I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing but prefer to be alone. What future endeavours are you hoping for in the coming years? Next year, I’m hoping to get into some more curating work, and I want to work on my own artwork and see where that takes me. After that, I would like to pursue an Honours in Art and Design through UniSA. ◼ *Carclew is South Australia’s only multi-art form and cultural organisation dedicated to people under the age of 27. It supports emerging artists with workshops, events, arts projects, funding programs, and skill development opportunities.

Fig Leaves Ella-Maude Wilson


Edition 31 2019


These pieces are inspired by the sculptural work in the Accademia Gallery (home of Michelangelo’s David) in Florence, Italy. When I entered the gallery, the first work I saw was Jean de Boulogne’s Rape of the Sabines, which depicts the struggles of a woman being assaulted by a man. As I walked through the Accademia, I found that the only representations of women were focused on their sexuality or gender. While we all marvelled at the perfection of David in the heart of the Gallery, it struck me how imbalanced the representations of women were to men in these classical sculptures, and how little has really changed today. In an age of mass accessibility to data, explicit material is instantaneously accessible through our fingertips; yet what does this mean for artistic expression and visualisations of the nude form in the online realm? As the variety of pictorial representations of the nude changes, at what point does photography stop being art and start becoming self-documentation? Is there a place for photographic nudity in contemporary society that isn’t within the pornographic or sexting scope? Or will our dutiful modesty simply adorn fig leaves to genitalia in the hopes of attaining perceivably innocuous art?

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The Quest to Cum Words by Jemah Finn Illustrations by Lucinda Penn


*Warning: this is a true story containing explicit language on sexual assault and rape.

want you to come a journey with me. Nope, I’m

I’ve tried different people. I’ve tried different

not trying to ‘find myself’. Nor am I heading

locations. I’ve also tried myself. But nope, no

on the trip of a lifetime. I am on a quest.

toe-curling, body-convulsing, scream-inducing

A quest to cum.

pleasure. I’ve even had a man stop mid-thrust and belt out the drum solo to Phil Collins’

That’s right, I’m sharing my journey to orgasm

In the Air Tonight on my thighs before

with the world. Why? Because this journey is

continuing to penetrate me to the beat … but

so much more than a desire to feel good in the

still, astoundingly, no orgasm.

bedroom. I’m reclaiming the power that was taken from me when I was sexually assaulted

Throughout all these trials and tribulations,

four years ago.

I started to think it was me. I must have been

doing something wrong. Still not acknowledging I was just shy of 19 when a ‘friend’ tore away my

my assault and the impact it had on me,

innocence. In an act I repeatedly said ‘no’ to,

I listened to misguided voices telling me it

he penetrated me with his penis and said 'It’s

wasn’t normal to dislike sex. I assumed I was

already in. You may as well let me finish.’

asexual or gay or that my vagina was simply

His dick did not give me the pleasure he thought

broken. The pressure and desire to orgasm

it would, but I don’t think that bothered him

only made me drier than the Sahara Desert and

anyway. That night, his force and his words took

pushed the all-glorious orgasm even further out

many things from me; confidence, trust, and

of reach.

the ability to find pleasure in sex. I was left with only a brave face to mask the crippling shame

I’m fed up. I just want to feel what you see in the

and confusion.

movies; that moment of relinquishing pleasure, where the girl throws her head back and bites

For those reasons, I didn’t acknowledge my

her lip in utter indulgence.

assault until this year, four years after it happened. A lack of visibility on these issues

Now, I’m on a mission to make it happen.

lead me to suppress the damage it caused. I always believed it wasn’t assault if I agreed to

The journey began, as all journeys do, with

leave the party with him. It couldn’t have been

searching the depths of the internet. I googled

rape if my vagina tingled with satisfaction. I may

the shit out of broken vaginas. I watched how-

have said no with my mouth, but my wet pussy

to videos on orgasms, and my browser history

was screaming yes.

resembled that of a teenage boy who had just discovered porn.

The circumstances of the first and last time I was close to orgasming are the primary reason

Eventually, I found a Ted Talk that linked

why, at 23-years-old, I have barely felt any

shame to pleasure, explaining how it can be

genital arousal since. And yes, my assault was

hard to feel good if your brain feels any sense

the closest I have ever been to an orgasm.

of embarrassment. A few more articles soon

Weird, right? Don’t worry, I’ve heard it all

surfaced, and sure enough, they filled the

before. It’s not rape if you like it.

missing gaps. One told of how the body must be

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relaxed to orgasm, which it cannot do if your subconscious is preoccupied. Another article explained that an orgasm is a learned response, like a dog sitting for a treat. Then I found a video discussing the shame women often feel after being assaulted, and their struggle to admit they’d been through a traumatic experience. This puzzle was putting itself together before my eyes, and after some time, it all made sense. I eventually admitted to myself that I had been assaulted. Because I felt some pleasure at the

The first time was when I was just 13 and I was pressured into many sexual acts by someone. Then they got angry at me when I stopped them from having sex with me, just as they were about to

time, I’d always neglected to recognise it was assault. But it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t want any of it. I now continue to remind myself of the research: genital arousal is a learned response, and never a form of consent. I was also left wondering how the sticky link between shame and pleasure wasn’t talked about more. Why were there seemingly so little

I was then 15 and my boyfriend was 19 and I said no ... and then I felt defeated and just let it happen every other time

resources for girls like me to access, leaving us (well, me anyway) feeling like I was just overthinking it all? But, according to a 2016-17

Australian Bureau of Statistics report, one in three women experience sexual assault. I couldn’t believe I had to search long and hard for information on something so prevalent.

find some manage to n, I When I did the situatio in re u s a le sick. sort of p guilty and d n a d e m a me by felt ash y betrayed d o b y m e I felt lik me of it. enjoying so

All of the research on sexual assault also repeated that the perpetrator is most often someone known to the victim. My ‘friend’ was not just being a boy. He was a rapist. I refuse to feel guilty and ashamed now that I see the event for what it really was. Being unable to orgasm doesn’t mean I’m fucked up. I’m not damaged goods, and I won’t settle for a mediocre sex life. I’m taking back the power of my mind, body and vagina. Reclaiming this power begins with having conversations. This year I stopped viewing my history as shameful and dirty and began to speak out about my experience. The more I did,


Edition 31 2019

Jemah Finn

the more I realised just how often shame gets in the way of pleasure (even if someone hasn’t been assaulted). Countless girls have messaged me with similar stories, and the outcome has been astounding. For so long, I thought I was

I love him and I know he wants me. But a t the same ti m enjoying it e I’m not and he kn ows that, it makes h so im not enjo y it either.

alone. But we’re not alone. I will continue to be a loud voice in this quiet conversation, in the hope that girls like me may not have to carry their shame for years on end. Female sexual pleasure isn’t gross or embarrassing, in fact it’s the opposite. All of it – vaginas, orgasms, masturbation – is fucking beautiful. If I had the courage to say this sooner, I may have been much further in my journey to orgasming. Since my assault, I’ve slept with people I care about in safe environments, and it used to shock me that I could never cum. I was attracted to these people, they were doing all the right things. Everything else was working just fine, so why wasn’t my pussy cooperating? But even though my brain might not have been focused on my traumatic past, my vagina sure was. My clit still identifies feelings of pleasure as feelings of harm. In a subconscious act of selfprotection, my body puts up imaginary walls

no idea that this As a man I had ct of sexual could be an impa e t begin to imagin assault. I can no r a woman to what it is like fo a traumatic go through such have it imprint on experience and terwards. her body long af

and cuts off any feeling of arousal from vaginal stimulation. All because of the pain my assaulter once inflicted on me, and the challenges of emotionally processing the assault. But, I’m tired of the foreplay, and I’m close to combusting. This girl needs to orgasm. The pleasure at the end of the tunnel is still some distance away, but every conversation brings it closer. With any luck, the next piece I write will be a how-to guide for orgasming. In the meantime, have the conversation with your loved ones and be conscious of your actions. Happy orgasms to all, Jemah xx

*The text bubbles contain real messages Jemah received from people who have had similar experiences, or who wanted to respond to her story.

Edition 31 2019



Crimson love

the glitter on my face

Words by Zoe Kassiotis

from a drunken day of dancing glimmers in trust as I welcome him in to my sacred home where others only made lust look above my loving bed and you’ll find littered clues of me the tales of my mystic mind: books, unfinished poems, crawling ivy, fallen leaves, day-old tea of some kind and a light that turns from jade to sapphire and ruby red inside my belly ruby glows too not even the crimson tide can part the sea of us for I am a woman now more than ever and he wants me now more than ever stargazing he groans into the maroon towel that declares itself a sheet under my naked bones damp with his sweat, my blood and the pink milk of our love his aquamarine gaze wraps around me like a satin glove I am a river and he is the waves into each other we crash and flow for he knows when I’m bleeding to take me slow one body and two breathless heartbeats tangled beneath the sheets he pours himself into me and a bloody question sneaks is that love swimming in my soft tummy?


Edition 31 2019


A woman’s mark Words by Stephanie Montatore Illustration by Tiana Belperio

When you see

For in a world which so often shames

a woman’s lipstick

the boldness she was built to exude,

marked on her glass,

the kisses she bares

know that it sinks deeper

should remind you that

than the superficial sheen

her voice is here

she wears so proudly.

to stay.

Edition 31 2019


Songs to CELEBRATE ABORIGINAL ARTISTS Words and photography by Annabel Bowles

@VerseMag Listen to the playlist through our Spotify!

2019 is the International Year of Indigenous Languages. In Australia, there are an estimated 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, but only about 120 are still spoken. Of these languages, around 90 per cent are endangered. This playlist celebrates Australian Aboriginal artists, both passed and living, and their preservation of language, stories and culture through music.

Annabel Bowles

1 Indigenous Land Drmngnow, River Boy 2 Blackfellas Nooky 3 Pukulpa Electric Fields 4 Ngarrikwujeyinama Emily Wurramara 5 Yil Lull Philly 6 January 26 A.B. Original, Dan Sultan 7 Cool As Hell Baker Boy 8 Thulumaay Gii Thelma Plum 9 move up Tasman Keith 10 Black Child Birdz, Mojo Juju 11 The Children Came Back Briggs, Gurrumul, Dewayne Everettsmith 12 Giants Tia Gostelow 13 Guwak (Little Black Bird) Gawurra 14 Black Thoughts Ziggy Ramo 15 Spirit Bird Xavier Rudd

Edition 31 2019



CAFETERIA Words by Kate Newman Illustration by Pippin Ellis


he morning sun beams down on the

Instead the space is filled with obnoxious

sterile white floors. Tired students scatter

laughter over inside jokes and weekend

themselves across hard benches and tables,

shenanigans. There’s games of table tennis and

engrossed in morning coffees and Facebook feeds. Everyone is conscious of the steady echo

pool, and moaning over assignment stress. I try to find peace in the noise, drown it out

of the space. It amplifies every scuff of sneakers

to find other details. I notice no two people are

against tile, every patter upon a keyboard, every

the same here. Different ethnicities, religions,

crunch of breakfast wrappers.

and backgrounds eat together. Some are dressed

The girl across from me opens her paper

in suits, while others look just as comfortable

bag painfully slow, almost making the sound

in gym gear. Some students relax in jeans and

worse. There’s a slurp of coffee, a suppressed

t-shirts while others wear coordinated skirts

cough, the quiet hum of fridges, and too-loud

and sundresses.

cafe music. Humans are creatures of noise, I notice.

We share things though, the little signifiers of our own culture. Whether it's

We’re always making sound, even in some

the branded sneakers or the ever-present

small way, constantly. And in a space like this,

smartphones. We share the way we plop down

where the smallest sounds amplify, everyone

our backpacks first before we sit, leaning

turns stiff. They’re sitting too still, moving

forward as the straps slide off our shoulders,

too carefully.

eager to take the weight off.

There’s an unspoken rule to all cafeterias.

We share the way we avoid eye contact

One that is completely arbitrary in that you have

across the room. As if we're not all just people,

to break the rule eventually, but it holds true all

here for the same reason. ◼

the same. The rule is as follows: Sit at least one seat away, and never directly across from anyone you don’t know, until all ‘appropriate’ seats are taken. Just now a student hesitates at the threshold of the seating area. There are vacant seats everywhere, and yet the place is at capacity; he has to break the rule. He searches for the best option. Scanning eyes roam over tired students. He settles next to a girl scrolling through her feed, carefully resting his backpack down. It’s different during the lunch time rush, there’s no space for the rule to exist. Groups of friends crowd around tables, busy students rush to grab their coffees and head to their next class. The long cafe lines twist around packed tables. And just like the rule, those small noises don’t exist here anymore. The suppressed coughs, crunching wrappers, scuffing sneakers and pattering keyboards are drowned out.


Edition 31 2019


WHAT IT ALL COMES DOWN TO Words by Poppy Fitzpatrick


y commute to Magill takes almost one

But recently, upon the thousandth revisit

and a half hours each way – a three-hour

of my personal inadequacies and fear of the

round trip. Three years, six semesters,

post-graduation abyss, I heard a voice. As I

three hours, twice a week. That’s approximately

stared vacantly at the grey sky looming above

432 hours (or 18 days) spent with my arse

the southern expressway, still unable to come to

squished against the driver’s seat of my car.

any decisions regarding my life’s path, a slight

I would like to say I spent this portion of my life wisely, but for the most part, it was

break in the cloud cover allowed a tiny ray of sunshine to caress my pasty white forearm.

occupied by: laughing shamelessly at My Dad

I'm broke but I'm happy

Wrote a Porno while stopped at traffic lights;


discussing the evening’s dinner menu with my

I'm poor but I'm kind

mum on speaker phone; finding short-lived

I like to think so.

inspiration through TED Talks (see: How to

The clouds continued to separate as I edged

Tame Your Wandering Mind and other things

my window down. A cool breeze swept away

that I Will Never Do); and enduring abominable

the stuffy air inside my car and sent a wave of

pop hits on commercial radio (I will drive my

goosebumps over my skin. I turned the little

car into said Castle on said Hill).

grey knob clockwise.

But of course, in between such futile attempts at distraction, everyone knows that long drives are the perfect place to think

... I’m young and I’m underpaid I’m tired but I’m working, yeah The bloke in a car to my right seemed

yourself into oblivion. The theme of this year’s

to be tapping his steering wheel to the same

obsessive thought pattern has been fixated on

beat. Was he hearing this too? His lips moved

a scary reality I’ve been forced to acknowledge:

to summarise the exact sentiment of my final

graduation. Because, once you’ve thrown that

university semester:

overpriced square headpiece into the air and people ask, ‘What are you up to these days?’

I'm lost but I'm hopeful, baby. Although I’d like to boast that this spiritual

you’re suddenly unable to rely on the default

experience was delivered personally by the

answer of ‘studying’. What the heck will I do

hand of God – and that the tradie sitting in the

with that parchment? What even is a ‘career’?

overtaking lane understood me on a strangely

How do I pick one? I don’t even know what I

intimate level – we may have to acknowledge

want for lunch.

the power of the crackling radio in my purple

The once comfortable, coddling arms of your tutors will push you out into a world of uncertainty, overwhelming choice and ultimately, unemployment. By now it must seem that my view of the future is somewhat pessimistic. This outlook is strongly encouraged by a number of world issues; rapidly increasing greenhouse gases, microplastics, ongoing armed conflicts, large areas of burning forests, raids on

Fiesta, a long-overdue hit of vitamin D, and the lyrical genius of our beloved Alanis Morissette. Because, folks, that beautiful bitch is right:

What it all boils down to, is that no one’s really got it figured out just yet. ‘Cause I’ve got one hand in my pocket, and the other one’s holding a whopper of a HECS debt. But who the heck cares?

‘Cause everything’s gonna be fine, fine, fine. ◼

journalists, et cetera.

Edition 31 2019


Shalina Furtado

Interview: Shalina Furtado Interview by Annabel Bowles

Rather than Verse’s traditional graduate Interview, Annabel Bowles chatted to someone who’s found their calling without that piece of parchment. In fact, embroidery unexpectedly came

When did you first start stitching? I started just after Year 12, so about four years ago now. At Spotlight one day I saw a hoop and all this fabric and said to mum ‘What’s this?’ and she’s like ‘Oh you can stitch stuff’, so I was

to Shalina Furtado on a Spotlight trip

like ‘Whatever, I’ll try it.’ The first thing I made

with her mum; now four years later, it’s

was this really dodgy hoop of plants, but I liked

knitted into her busy life as a third-year clinical exercise physiology student.

it. It was therapeutic. Have you always been interested in art? Yeah, but when I was in Year 11 and 12 I didn’t really know what I wanted to do at uni. I thought I wanted to do graphic design or something to do with art, because I used to really like doing watercolour portraiture – like realism more than anything. I’ve always liked painting. At what point did embroidery turn from a hobby into a side-gig? Well I did media in my first year of uni, but stopped because it wasn’t really for me. Then I had a semester off and started sewing a bit more. I sold a few earrings and there were bits and pieces between now and then, but this year it took off after someone I hadn’t met asked me for a commissioned shirt. I’m now taking it a bit more seriously, not to make money but to motivate me to make more things. What do you love about stitching? It’s really therapeutic for me, and to be honest, I haven’t painted or drawn since I started embroidering. I don’t really know why. I think there’s more you can do with stitching, and I’m actually not very creative in the sense that I can’t really think of my own designs. When I was painting and drawing all I would do was look at a photo and paint it, as it was. But I can do more with embroidery; like hoops, clothes and bags, as well as make earrings.

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What do you normally like to stitch? I do a lot of animals and nature, but I try not to do the same thing all the time; like I always just want to do a snake or a tiger. I try not to do too many floral embroideries too, because there’s just hundreds and hundreds of those on Pinterest. But it’s usually animals, nature, and lately, plants; the perfect thing for those who can’t keep their real plants alive, like me. Is it quite refreshing to do something completely different to your studies? Yeah it’s good, because I didn’t want to lose that creative side I had from school, and I’m glad I’ve continued with it throughout uni. After a full day at uni (and if I’ve done all my uni work) I’ll come home and just relax by doing some embroidery. I can be doing it for three or four hours and the time will just fly; and it feels more productive than just watching a series or something, although sometimes I’ll watch a series while I’m embroidering. The other day I was watching The Handmaid’s Tale while I was stitching and I felt like I was Serena Joy – it can seem pretty domestic sometimes.


Edition 31 2019

Shalina Furtado

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Edition 31 2019

Shalina Furtado

What kind of clothes do you like to embroider on?

Well you’re obviously quite talented if you’re

Hopefully nothing like the handmaid’s robes …

featuring in RAW. Can you tell us about that?

I really like op shopping and I always find

It’s a showcase of all different independent

second-hand things to embroider on, mostly

artists; musicians, make-up artists, painters,

shirts. A while ago I bought these hot pink pants

photographers, and other people who make

and thought they would be so cool to use, but at

handmade things. It’s a one-night exhibition/

the moment they’re just folded away – they’re

market in the beginning of November. One of

pretty obnoxious. So if you know anyone that

my friends who’s a photographer got asked to do

needs some festival pants, let me know. I can’t

it last year, but he said no because you have to

really be bothered with hyped-up festival

sell 20 tickets, and he didn’t think he knew that

outfits; I always just end up wearing the

many people who would go. I was like ‘Hmm I

same thing.

don’t know if I can either,’ but I’m giving it a go. My boyfriend’s really excited about it at least. ◼

Oh me too! And my clothes are so worn out, can I start sending them to you to fix?

RAW is on November 1st at Burnside Ballroom, 6.30pm. For more details go to

I’m actually like a really bad stitcher in general,

restitched, or check out Shalina’s work at @_restitched

like if I had a hole in something, I wouldn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t do a proper nice neat sew, I’d just do whatever. I have a sewing machine but I’ve never learnt to use it properly. I actually only know two stitching techniques, normal stitching and French knots. But I don’t really think you need to know a lot, it’s more about the blending.

Edition 31 2019


Humans of UniSA: Edition 31 Everyone has a story. A defining moment of their existence that makes them the person they are today. For Humans of UniSA, we delve into the depths of human nature and speak with some students to discover a slice of their personal history.


Edition 31 2019

Humans of UniSA

I find that it’s easier to project a message through my art when the face has been concealed. Sometimes I’ll have other components that are a bit obscured too,

Frances Cohen

Bachelor of Contemporary Art

but overall I tend to bring the attention away from a person’s identity. This aspect wasn’t something I was necessarily conscious of initially. It just started to naturally happen. There’s a lot of subtleties and nods to transgenderism in my work. I actually created a

Interview and photography by Tanner Muller

piece recently that depicted this muscular body, with the words ‘she/her’ beside it. I really try to highlight that no matter how you identify, or present yourself, people should be accepting of that. These sorts of bodies actually exist, and no one should make you feel ashamed of who you are. For me, the best way to communicate ideas is to not immediately hit someone in the face with it. You have to be more delicate and allow them to figure it out for themselves. I guess that’s how I’ve been able to make my own work more accessible. Funnily enough, this sort of relates to how I came out to some of the closest people in my life. I never actually admitted anything to them. Over time, I just eased everyone into who I was. Art has become a way of cultivating my own feelings and opinions on the world. It’s become an outlet for me to process something that might be bubbling under the surface. The subtle detailing in my work plays into this a lot, because I might write something controversial across my artwork when I feel as though something needs to be said, or I’ll rip the edges of the paper when I’m feeling angry. It’s the closest thing I have to a journal. Frances is the cover artist of our last magazine, the Sex Edition (#30)

Edition 31 2019


Humans of UniSA

I’ve always had an affinity with animals, but I didn’t want to be a vet. Fortunately for me, an opportunity came up in commercial operations at the RSPCA, and that’s where I’m at now. On average, every year, about 10,000 animals go through the shelter. My main role is making sure we can fund that.

Ben Dawson

Master of Business Administration

Both my grandfathers were notorious for rescuing animals. My paternal grandfather had pigeons, dogs, and cats. My maternal grandfather was probably even worse with pigs, ducks and sheep, plus all the other normal animals. My sales and business side certainly

Interview and photography by Geena Ho

came from him because he’d always be haggling on prices. But he also had that care for animals, so I think that’s where the worlds collided for him. Growing up, I loved dogs and cats. We had both – budgies as well. Our first pet was a little black cat called Sammy that nobody seemed to want. My grandfather took him in and my mother had an affinity with him. When she moved out of home, Sammy became sad and stopped eating, so my grandfather said ‘You have to take him.’ Mum then took him in and I was born not long after. Sammy lived for about twenty years. My other half is really passionate about animals as well. That’s sort of how we met – at an animal event through my work. We’ve now got three rescue cats and a dog, which our kids have grown up with. There’s also a little rescue farm not far from where we live and we often go down there to visit the goats, horses, pigs, chickens and cats. So our children have sort of picked up on the animal responsibility and compassion as well. At wildlife parks little kids are usually scared of emus, kangaroos and other things, but my little boy is happy for them to walk right up to him (of course with close parental supervision!) I think, from that aspect, he’s definitely got that ‘wildlife warrior’ in him.


Edition 31 2019

Humans of UniSA

I'm Shamsiya Mohammadi, I’m 22 and I came to Australia as an Afghan refugee at the age of nine. Due to war, my family initially moved to Pakistan, however we still weren’t safe there because we come from a persecuted ethnic minority in both countries. When I arrived here I didn’t know any English. Settling in a new

Shamsiya Mohammadi

country and culture is difficult on its own, and on top of that, a language barrier is one of the most difficult things. Over time, there’s been a

Bachelor of Laws (Honours),

growth in the amount of services available for

Bachelor of Journalism and Professional Writing

migrants and people of non-English speaking backgrounds compared to a decade ago, which

Interview by Ryan Colsey

is great to see. However, there’s still a long way

Photography by Annabel Bowles

to go in terms of policy-making and adopting an inclusive culture across all platforms. The migration and refugee discourse is inherently complex but at its core, it comes down to one simple fact: no one chooses where they’re born, what political system or era they were born in, or the faith they were born into. We don’t get to choose any of that. Some of us get lucky, but unfortunately some of us don’t. The only way to tackle the issue on a human level is to move away from ideologies of fear, and towards the idea of unity. There is more that unites us than what divides us. At the end of the day, to lead good lives for ourselves and pave the way for the generations after us, we all need to and deserve to be safe. What led me into studying law and journalism is the lack of diversity and representation. There are lower numbers of women in both fields and in particular, women of colour. I grew up hardly seeing any Afghan women reading the news, or appearing on TV in general. Media and the law are some of the most influential platforms, and in order for all voices to be heard, it’s important that our media and our laws are representative of the diversity in our nation.

Edition 31 2019


Photo Essay

Home Words and photography by Lok


ong Kong is full of buildings, traffic, food

Other people may have three meals a day,

and people. It’s a densely populated city

but in Hong Kong, we have six – breakfast,

with over seven million people on a small

morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and

peninsula. I was born and raised there, and

late-night food (as well as street food 24/7).

although I came to Australia in 2013, Hong Kong

Food is paramount, no matter your lifestyle.

is of utmost importance to me. There is no other

Fusing cuisines from different cultures and

place like it.

making them our own is Hong Kong’s special forte (pineapple buns and milk tea FTW). All

Although it’s one of the busiest cities in the

meals are placed in the middle of the group

world, Hong Kong is full of compassion and

you’re sharing it with, and food is forced into

humanity. We may be ‘physically’ close in the

one another’s bowls, even if you don’t want it.

city’s crowded streets, but we’re also connected

Food is the source of love and hate, especially

in care and support for each other – even if

in families. The bill at the end is always a cause

we’re not all originally from Hong Kong, or no

of ‘polite’ conflict, in which the loser may cut

longer live there.

off the rest of the family and refuse to eat with them again. I’m not joking; it’s all out of love.

In English, the word ‘neighbour’ applies only to people who live near you. But the word

Such is the simple and humble everyday lives

‘neighbour’ (gai fong) in Cantonese applies

of Hong Kongers. At the end of the day, our only

to everyone you see on the street, and I mean

desire is to live the most ordinary life in its

anyone, from the security to the lady at the fish

fullest – work to raise our families, and come

market. My mom loves to bake and often offers

home to food and time with loved ones.

some of her homemade bread to the guards. She sometimes carries a few extra sweets in

Hong Kong will always have a special place in

case she bumps into someone she knows on the

my heart. Please don’t take this special place

street. It’s so easy to have a conversation with

from us before its expiry date.

the vendors in the market; you feel like they’re part of your family, and you even know some of their family secrets.


Edition 31 2019


Edition 31 2019


Photo Essay


Edition 31 2019


Everything has its own expiry date: food, tools,

We’re under threat of losing our language,

life and even freedom.

culture, human rights and freedom of

What’s guaranteed isn’t guaranteed forever.

Since June 2019, we Hong Kongers

What can you do before these things expire?

have been fighting for what is right. We have

If you’re sick, you can visit the doctor.

cried and suffered, stuck in frustration as our

If your tools become worn or rusty, you can

government’s promises have been broken over

sharpen or oil them.

and over again.

But what can you do when it comes to democracy and freedom?

During this period, we have seen different

When you are facing someone who refuses to

roles in society transform.

listen or respond?

From protectors to attackers. From authorities to subdued followers.

We speak up, we stand strong, support one

From high school and university students

another, hold our brothers and sisters tight, and

to defenders of the city.

keep our heads held high. We maintain hope

From everyday citizens to new leaders of

that justice will finally prevail.

our home.

The 50-year promise. One country, two systems

We’re left to suffer ruthless attacks from the

– that Hong Kong will maintain its own law

white T-shirt gang – a group of thugs who

system, financial and trade agreements, and

indiscriminately attack protestors and civilians

relations with foreign countries. However, the

– and policemen who storm the streets. They

One country has broken this promise, and our

keep their identity hidden with reflective masks

leader is no longer a leader.

and no numbers or badges. You can’t even see the eyes of your attacker.

Edition 31 2019


Photo Essay


Edition 31 2019

From citizen vs citizen, to citizens vs the state.

This community doesn’t just include the people in Hong Kong, but Hong Kongers all around the

But even in moments of crisis, the people of

globe. We are all united together. We keep on

Hong Kong still hold onto their character. They

fighting and utilising every possibility to stand

still love and care for one another.

in solidarity for Hong Kong, because we love and care for our home, our brothers and sisters,

A sense of community is maintained by small

and our family. We are all connected and we will

generous gestures. People leave free tickets

never lose the spirit of what makes us

and coins next to the subway ticket machines

Hong Kongers.

to ensure others have a safe passage home. They buy meal credits for the next person and

I am proud to be a Hong Konger.

volunteer to clean the streets after protests.

#standwithHK #香港人加油


Edition 31 2019


Neon Nights in Hong Kong Enrico Becker

Capturing this vertical city’s vibrant ambience, intimate spaces, and constant feeling of restlessness on Cinestill 800T film.

Edition 31 2019




Edition 31 2019

Why India gives me hope for the world Words by Thomas Kelsall Photography by Connor Foley

Thomas Kelsall


nyone with even a cursory knowledge of my

living in extreme poverty (218 million) – would

personality would know I have difficulty

do little to cure my existential frustrations.

finding reasons for optimism about the

To be clear, the human hardship you observe

current state of the world. Perhaps it’s because our society is defined

is confronting and hard to escape, and a visit to some of the worst-hit regions can elicit

by economic inequalities so large in scale that

feelings of shock, helplessness, even anger.

they are almost impossible to conceptualise.

However, what you also observe is the enormous

In 2018, 26 people owned as much wealth as the

resilience of the human spirit, an ability to

bottom half of the world’s population. Or maybe

rebound from circumstances that are beyond

it’s something to do with the deteriorating state

our worst imagination.

of democracy worldwide; over the last 15 years,

Take Matea, a tour guide who works for

the number of people living under dictatorship

the Salaam Baalak Trust in Delhi. Before the

rose to 3.3 billion, an increase of over a billion

age of 15, both of Matea’s parents had died from

people. A further 24.9 million people are the

drug overdoses, and she had her leg broken after

voiceless victims of human trafficking;

being run over by a car. When all seemed lost,

a $150 billion industry which demonstrates the

the Salaam Baalak Trust gave Matea access to

persistence of modern-day slavery.

a shelter home and a safe bed at night. She now

Sri Lanka and Christchurch reminded us

works for the trust, relentlessly striving to give

that we’re still in a seemingly never-ending

a new generation of disadvantaged children a

terrorism cycle, inflamed by demagogues who

pathway out of poverty. Still only 17, Matea told

stoke fears about migration from the Middle

us of her dreams to become a flight attendant,

East; a region currently ravaged by two horrific

and those of us who had the pleasure of meeting

civil wars in Syria and Yemen. The latter

her will never forget her story.

involves atrocious Saudi Arabian war crimes

The kids who live at the centre also

that the governments of the US, the UK and

displayed an infectious level of happiness that

Australia continue to supply weapons for.

was in stark contrast to the horrific situation

Oh, and those last three governments I mentioned, how are they all going? Donald Trump’s erratic first term as

they came from. The joy they greeted us into their classroom with and their untempered excitement to defeat us in a thumb war or show

President, the utter mess of Brexit and the

off their dance moves was humbling: enough to

relentless backstabbing of Australian PMs has

take my mind off the visible marks of abuse on

reassured us that the ‘civilised’ democracies of

their body.

the West have got it all under control. To top it

This kind of hospitality is par for the

all off, we have less than 11 years to take action

course and perhaps best summed up by an

on climate change before its catastrophic effects

anecdote from Dr Prince Solomon, a social work

become irreversible.

professor who oversaw a student placement

I could pursue this demoralising

project to build houses for a tribal community in

tangent for countless paragraphs, but I would

rural Chennai. While the students were building

rather discuss how an unlikely trip to the

the houses with the locals, the community

subcontinent has given me some much-

genuinely questioned why the makeshift huts

needed hope for the future.

included doors, as ‘why would I need a door

One would think that travelling to India –

when I want everyone to feel welcome?’

the country with the highest number of people

Edition 31 2019


In this sense, Rita is the true essence of the India I saw: a country of herculean individual efforts in the face of overwhelming structural problems. It’s the university student bizarrely trying to sell you children’s books to fund their education; it’s the rickshaw driver working all day for less than $10 pay while having his market undercut by Uber; it’s the small business owner who has come from war-torn Kashmir to sell scarves at a Delhi market. Sometimes it can be hard to imagine It was in moments like these where you

any of these problems improving, especially

realised whatever you were stressing about was

when 26 million babies are added to India’s

pretty insignificant. As Connor Foley, another

population each year. But the more people you

student on the study tour, said later that night,

talk to, the more you get the impression that the

‘if they can smile, so can we.’ When you observe

young people are going to drive India towards

the lengths some Indians go to help each other

progressive change.

and their community, it gives you a certain level

The sense of optimism you gain from

of reassurance about what’s actually at the core

speaking to India’s youth is hard to put into

of human nature.

words, so I defer to former New York Times

Ms Rita Panicker, the founder of Butterflies

columnist and second-generation American

India, is another person who embodies the

immigrant Anand Giridharadas, who penned

kindness of Indian culture. Since its inception

this description of his return to India.

in 1989, Butterflies has helped Indian kids find

‘As I travelled the land, the data did not

their voice through various outreach programs,

fit the framework. The children of the lower

including floating schools, street education,

castes were hoisting themselves up one

resilience centres, sports programs and a

diploma and training program at a time,’

children-run development bank which teaches

Mr Giridharadas wrote.

financial management skills. Rita gained inspiration for Butterflies

‘The young people were finding in their cell phones a first zone of individual identity. The

while talking to abandoned children on the

couples were ending marriages no matter what

streets of Mumbai. Since then, over 70,000

‘society’ thinks, then finding love again.

children have been supported thanks to her

‘The vegetarians were embracing meat and

imagination and desire to make a difference.

meat-eaters were turning vegetarian, defining

Rita’s story epitomises everything that is

themselves by taste and faith, not caste … it is

so hard to grapple about India. Making a

a shift in psychologies, and you rarely meet an

difference in the lives of 70,000 people is a truly

Indian untouched by it.’

superhuman effort, but the scale of the problem

One can sense a younger generation

is so enormous it hardly bears thinking about –

finding their own way and slowly breaking free

there are nearly 30 million abandoned children

from old cultural rigidities.

in India.

Every month, a million people turn 18 in


Edition 31 2019

Thomas Kelsall

India, and the country is home to more than 420 million people aged between 15 and 34. Unfortunately, the three-week glimpse I had can only be described as a surface-level view, and it’s something I’ve had to grapple with constantly while reflecting on my time over there. Extrapolating from anecdotal experience can only take you so far, particularly in a country with 29 states, seven territories, 22 official languages, 1.3 billion people and a seemingly infinite number of cultures. And it must be said that the political landscape of India remains incredibly grim. With this year’s re-election of Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, the Indian people chose to continue down the path of far-right Hindu nationalism; and the issues of corruption, press freedom and Kashmir persist. In terms of the depressing global trends I mentioned earlier, India fares much worse than most other countries. A staggering 73 per cent of India’s wealth is in the hands of the country’s top one per cent of earners, and their tense political climate means they continue to slip down the world democracy index. Estimates for the number of Indian human trafficking victims range in the tens of millions, and the country ranks third for global C02 emissions with 22 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities. But what gives me hope for the future is the resilience, optimism and vigour those I met in India took towards solving these problems. It gives you a new outlook on the type of attitude needed to tackle the enormous structural inequalities we face in society. For that alone, I owe India a huge debt of gratitude. ◼

* This is an adaptation of a story that was originally published by On The Record, UniSA’s student-run news site, on May 12th 2019. * All sources are hyperlinked within this story’s online version on

Edition 31 2019


Ask your Candidates

Stephanie Montatore

USASA Elections are here & it’s time to Ask Your Candidates about the issues that matter to you. Magill Reps & Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Rep Wednesday 9 October, 12 - 1 pm Magill Student Lounge (A Building)

Mawson Lakes Reps & Postgraduate Student Rep Thursday 10 October, 12 - 1 pm Mawson Lakes (the Hive)

City East Reps & International Student Rep Wednesday 16 October, 12 - 1 pm City East Student Lounge (A Building)

City West Rep & President Thursday 17 October, 12 - 1 pm City West Student Lounge (CS Building)

Ask a question or just listen. All students welcome. Find out more at


Words by Emily Draper Illustrations by Deana Bogojevic


Edition 31 2019

The social stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health is one of the main reasons people struggle to speak out about their issues. This stigma leaves many reluctant to reveal their problems and ultimately reject

According to the

Black Dog Institute, almost half of all Australians will experience a mental illness at some point in their life. However, mass media remains one of the public’s primary sources of mental health awareness, and often, it

the idea of seeking help and treatment.

portrays homogenised stereotypes of these

But with the emergence of modern disciplines

illnesses. For instance, films, TV shows

like Communication Design, both designers

and commercial news stories often portray

and mental health practitioners are able

mental illness sufferers as volatile, cowardly,

to uniquely educate and challenge public

or attention-seeking. These inaccurate

perception on aspects of mental health.

representations may strengthen someone’s

While still not widely recognised by many in

fear to speak out; which, in a society that has a

the psychological field, design campaigns have

limited understanding of mental health, can be

been increasingly successful in destigmatising

a reasonable concern. On the other hand, there

the topic, demonstrating how mental health

is nearly no apprehension in speaking openly

is just as important and prevalent as other

about physical illnesses. Physical illnesses

physical disorders and illnesses.

are inherently easy to identify, whereas ideas

Match Studio’s Visualising Mental Health has

on mental illnesses, such as anxiety and

helped to demonstrate the importance of a

depression, have only been recognised in recent

design approach to mental health through its

decades. These differences underpin the stigma

various student-led projects. The program

of mental health; to the point where many

partners third-year Communication Design

people, still to this day, simply do not believe

students with professional psychologists

these illnesses exist. This taboo ultimately leads

to design concepts that encourage open

people to internalise their struggles, which in

conversation on mental health.

many cases can be particularly harmful.

Edition 31 2019


Match Studio

Match Studio is actively breaking

concept created by Sarah Fazzini, Ethan

down stereotypes and stigma of mental

Haylock, Sarae Morella and Isabella Whittaker

health through its Visualising Mental Health

(which you can read about in Edition 27).

initiative, which encourages students to design

Both designs invite people to not only open

conversation-prompting products. Tok Tea,

up to others, but to themselves, which can

created by Adam Lockier, Chloe Grimes, Leigh

help them evaluate and make better sense of

Down and Olivia Hill in collaboration with

scenarios where mental health challenges may

Match Studio, is one such project. Tok Tea is

arise. Speaking openly about these issues, even

a packaged tea product that is designed to

in subtle ways, also helps to normalise the

facilitate conversation about uncomfortable

language of mental health and demonstrate just

feelings and emotions. Each tea bag’s tag has

how common these difficulties are.

a question on it that elicits a conversation

Breaking down the stigma of mental

about one of four emotions – joy, anger, fear,

health is something society desperately needs

and sadness – in a friendly and non-invasive

to address. As Communication Design and

way. With open questions such as 'What always

other areas of visual communication play

cheers you up when you’re upset?' and 'What’s

pivotal roles in society’s perceptions of mental

the silliest thing you’ve gotten angry about?'

health, it’s through such disciplines that we can

individuals have the ability to decide how much

illustrate different realities of mental health,

or how little they want to share, and this sense

as well as demonstrate how common these

of control over the conversation can feel very

struggles are. The projects involved in Match

empowering. The product also helps introduce

Studio’s Visualising Mental Health initiative are

conversation on mental health in a casual,

great examples of how design can challenge

intimate setting – which may be preferred over

society’s norms and normalise mental health

a clinical setting.

in everyday settings.

Tok Tea is just one example in Match

The 2019 Visualising Mental Health projects

Studio’s Visualising Mental Health initiative that

will be on display from October 8th to 23rd, in

challenges the stigma of mental health.

the Samstag Museum of Art, Hawke Building. ◼

Another is the Let's Deal With It game; a product


Edition 31 2019

Edition 31 2019



Edition 31 2019

Let’s talk politics

Artwork by Lily Roberts

1) What are the most important issues to your Club? 2) What's your club's view on free speech at University campuses? 3) Why does your club think it's important to be politically engaged in 2019?

University of South Australia Liberal Club 1.


We are devoted to ensuring the efficient running

With the outstanding re-election of the

of USASA to make sure that it finally operates as

Morrison Coalition Government this year and

a service for all students at UniSA. The same can

the election of the Marshall Liberal Government

be said for the NUS (National Union of Students)

last year, Liberal students are in an excellent

which, rather than looking after the interests

position to help fundamentally transform

of students, pursues a radical political agenda.

our Nation and State for the betterment of all

Responsible use of resources, such as the SSAF,

Australians. This can only be achieved through

which is paid by every student (and all too often

Liberal policies. By working with the Liberal

wasted), is something we are also passionate

Club, students can gain first-hand political

about as a club. Finally, freedom – such as the

experience which can allow them to have their

freedom to join or to not join a student union/

say in how this miraculous transformation

association – is something that generations

takes place. Being the Party of Government at

of Liberal Students have stood up for and is a

both levels, it is only through the Liberal Club

tradition that we are proud to uphold.

that politically minded students can have their


views represented and heard by those in the highest levels of office in our great Country.

As a young University Club representing Liberal students on campus, we consider freedom of speech and open discussion to be of utmost importance in creating a healthy university environment, considering that university is the birthplace of many different economic, social and philosophical points of view. Students should not be made to feel scared or intimidated by radical leftists for voicing an opinion or view that is considered to be right-wing. Therefore, as a Club, we provide Liberal Students a platform and a safe space to voice and debate their opinions and views.

Edition 31 2019


UniSA Labor Club 1.


We strive for a fair and equitable Australia

It sounds cliché, but be the change you want to

by supporting issues which affect the daily

see in the world. Young people are increasingly

lives of students. Most students, regardless of

disillusioned with politics because their views

whether they have paid work or not, are often

aren’t reflected by those in power. Being

reliant on payments from Centrelink; but Youth

politically engaged makes your voice heard, and

Allowance, Austudy and Newstart are severely

there are so many ways to achieve that in your

below the poverty line. We're a highly educated

own way: vote for candidates who share your

generation being exploited through underpaid

beliefs and have kept their promises; sit down

insecure employment. It's no surprise that

and talk to people in power by lobbying them;

youth mental health issues are on the rise.

be an activist who puts up posters and goes to

This is why people should join their relevant

protests. Every decision made by our lawmakers

union. We also advocate a return to free higher

affects everyone – it's no accident that wages

education so young people start their careers

are low, employment is unstable, and the gap

debt-free. Overall, we want students to be

between rich and poor is growing.

safe and feel supported on campus regardless of their backgrounds, and be given equitable opportunities for success.

2. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence. Allowing opinions which promote division based on misinformation only makes such views more acceptable, and gradually they become normalised. History has repeatedly shown that preying on people’s fears can result in mass brutality and oppression. One skill we can all learn from uni is that research and critical thinking are applicable beyond assignments; back up your facts with peerreviewed studies, not tweets. We’re all here to learn, and universities have a responsibility to ensure that students feel safe enough to study. Racism, sexism, queerphobia and all forms of hatred must be always be condemned. Stand up to people who want to restrict rights and opportunities to those who have historically been denied them.


Edition 31 2019

Let's talk politics

Socialist Alternative UniSA 1.


As socialists we want to overthrow the whole

The world has never been more unequal; the

rotten system of Capitalism! This insane world

racist attacks on migrants and refugees are

based on profit over human life. A particularly

accelerating and Australia is leading the way.

pressing issue today is the impending

The racists are politically engaged. The coal

environmental catastrophe. Greta Thunberg –

bosses and politicians who are destroying our

the 16-year-old who sparked the global Climate

planet are politically engaged. Our side needs to

Strike movement – was right when she said we

be too, in order to fight them. One step towards

should act like our house is on fire. She was also

that is taking a leaf out of Extinction Rebellion

right when she placed the blame of this crisis

and the School Strike for Climate’s book. Beyond

firmly in the hands of the rich and powerful, the

that, if you want to get involved, check out

coal bosses and politicians. Today in Australia,

our paper at and message us on

we’re seeing not the desperately needed halt

Facebook @SocialistAlternativeAdelaide.

to coal and oil, but an expansion of fossil fuels with the Adani coal mine. We’re seeing the Labor government in Queensland shamefully penalising Extinction Rebellion protesters for fighting for the planet.

2. We are for free speech, standing in the long socialist tradition of defending democratic rights against authoritarians and bureaucrats. Universities are increasingly authoritarian, so it’s important to fight their repressive powers. On campus there are powerful institutions that restrict opinions expressed at Uni. Protests on campus can be forcefully stopped. Posters or leaflets can be banned. Academic departments can be defunded based on the whims of Uni management. Staff members can be dismissed from their jobs, or prevented from expressing their political opinions (like we’ve seen in the racist Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation). Standing for free speech means defending the existence of student/staff organisations, the right to protest on campus without being fined/ punished, and the rights of staff to express political opinion.

Edition 31 2019


Review: Existential Threats Words by Ryan Colsey Illustrations by Oliver White


Uber Eats

Impact: Destructive

Impact: Calamitous

If that Facebook post your

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

auntie shared is anything

No, it’s your Macca's meal

to go by, Afterpay will bring

deal being transported via an

about the demise of us all.

Uber Elevate hovercraft!

Thanks to this capitalist trap,

As technology evolves, people

our generation can now spend

devolve; a point highlighted

even more on material goods

by the fact that we’re now not

without actually earning the

only too lazy to cook food, but

money to afford them. This

too lazy to go get it. The faster

could end up leaving every

Uber Eats expands, the faster

young person vulnerable to

we will forget how the human

debt and stern judgement from

body is even supposed to move.

their multiple-home-owning

Eventually we will spend our

parents. Whether it’s a dress,

remaining days bedridden,

a drink bottle, or the sovereign

reduced to washing our

territory of Greenland,

800-pound whale-like bodies

humans will start buying

with a rag on a stick.

anything and everything with Afterpay, and consumerism will go into overdrive.

Ryan Colsey


Instagram hiding likes

Verse Magazine

Impact: Disastrous

Impact: Cataclysmic

Impact: Apocalyptic

The year is 2030 and the

Earlier this year, Instagram

We’re breaking the fourth wall

market has crashed so badly

decided it would hide the

for this one. Students have

that houses are now valued

number of likes visible

reportedly become so hooked

at merely two thirds of the

on people’s posts, leaving

on reading Verse that the

average smashed avo on rye.

thousands of ‘influencers’

magazine has been classified

There are millions of empty

without … influence? With

by ASIO as more addictive

affordable houses available

people now not knowing which

than heroin, morphine and

just waiting to be occupied,

European model to vicariously

listening to ABBA combined.

but every millennial still

‘live through’, panic will ensue

Reports have emerged

alive refuses to live in them.

and before we know it, society

revealing that readers are

Instead, brunch has become

as a whole will descend into

dying of starvation as they’re

the epitome of wealth, and the

total anarchy. It’s projected

refusing to eat or do anything

millennial is dedicating their

that if Instagram doesn’t stop

other than read Verse.

entire income to consuming

hiding like figures, users will

No aviation students have

as much avocado as humanly

start using Myspace again –

been affected though, owing

possible. In the process, the

a truly cataclysmic outcome.

to their inability to read. May

entire global economy is

those that have passed due

brought to a grinding halt.

to excessive reading rest in peace; but at least they died knowing which obscure sex position their star sign represents.

Edition 31 2019





Edition 31 2019

Geena Ho




Vincent van Gogh

Mark Zuckerberg

Marilyn Monroe

Exclusively uses colour-coded

Posts ambiguous

Will take a Netflix date over a

Mismatched socks all

Goes on Macca’s run just for

Excited by stickers

21 Mar – 19 Apr

sticky notes party any day a McFlurry

20 Apr – 20 May

Facebook statuses the time

21 May – 20 Jun

• •

Signature is just writing their name Always taking photos Actually believes in horoscopes




23 Jul – 22 Aug

23 Aug – 22 Sep

Shane Dawson

Neil Armstrong


Has conspiracy theories

‘Nah we don’t need to ask

• •

Snoozes alarm ten times

21 Jun – 22 Jul

about everything for directions’

• •

Won’t stop talking about the one time they went overseas Has extremely high standards Scared of heights

Good taste in fashion *Adds $100 worth of clothes to cart* *Refuses to pay $4.95 for shipping* ‘I only drink soy lattes’




Kim Kardashian

Captain James Cook

Bruce Lee

• •

• • •

23 Sep – 22 Oct

Replies to texts by calling you Serial ‘feeling cute, might delete later’ Never reads instructions

23 Oct – 21 Nov

• •

Travel wishlist: High. Travel funds: Low. Loves museum dates Picnic aesthetic is on-point

22 Nov – 21 Dec

Acts tough but is a big sweetheart Actually likes the beep test Has to have the last word




LeBron James

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Albert Einstein

Won’t let you forget they were

Makes a point of reversing

• • •

Always in shorts

22 Dec – 19 Jan

on TV once into car parks

20 Jan – 18 Feb

Sings in the shower Bakes in spare time Spends ten minutes curating

the perfect playlist for a five

minute drive

19 Feb – 20 Mar

• •

Actually measures ingredients when cooking Loves a good meat pie Almost failed maths

Edition 31 2019



USASA Club Feature: AYCC


Edition 31 2019



he Australian Youth Climate Coalition

would be illegal in their home country.

(AYCC) is Australia’s largest youth-run

Why should they be allowed to do it in

organisation. Our mission is to build a

our backyards?!

movement of young people leading solutions to the climate crisis!

Stop Adani: Adani is a mining company that’s set to

Our vision is for a just and sustainable world,

build the Carmichael coal mine in the north

with a safe climate for our generation and future

of the Galilee Basin, Central Queensland.

generations to come.

Ensuring that the coal mine does not go ahead is absolutely critical in order to ensure that we

We believe the only way to solve the climate

have a clean climate future, as not only would

crisis is through a social movement led by young

it contribute to global warming – which in turn

people; standing in solidarity with those on the

contributes to the ill health of our wonderful

frontlines of climate change; empowering our

ecosystems, including the Great Barrier Reef

community; inspiring change; and holding the

– it will also draw water from Queensland’s

decision makers of our community to account.

water reserves. This would have a direct impact on local farmers, as well as Australian flora

We work side by side with our sister

and fauna. Through grassroot campaigns and

organisation, Seed, which is Australia’s first

empowering youth, we are striving to stop

Indigenous youth climate network. Together,

Adani from going ahead with the Carmichael

we run grassroot campaigns that fight for

coal mine.

climate justice. Origin Energy Campaign: Whilst AYCC has been around for about a

Fracking in the Northern Territory goes beyond

decade, AYCC at UniSA was only established

being an environmental concern, as it is first

in 2017, but already it’s an integral part of the

and foremost a land rights issue. We stand in

South Australian branch of the Australian

solidarity with First Nations People and Seed

Youth Climate Coalition. While we operate at

to let Origin Energy know that we’re calling for

a university level, all of our campaign efforts

a total ban on fracked shale gas. Dirty energy

are carried out as a close-knit team with the

and dirty money do not take priority over the

rest of the state’s branch, which includes the

protection of country and thousands of years of

AYCC clubs from the University of Adelaide and

vibrant culture.

Flinders University. We also work with other AYCC branches from all over Australia.

How you can get involved with fighting the good fight alongside other wholesome youth?


Find us on social media! Give our Facebook page

Fight for the Bight:

@AYCCatUniSA a like, follow the sign-up link

Despite the Great Australian Bight being a

and watch that space for new upcoming events!

vital part of our ecosystem that we absolutely

Or simply come say hi to either any of our AYCC

cannot afford to lose, Equinor (a Norwegian

team if you see them around campus! ◼

energy company) is trying to receive approval to drill for oil in the Bight. Along with the Great Australian Bight Alliance, we’re fighting to ensure that Equinor knows young people in South Australia do not see a future for big oil in the Great Australian Bight. And here’s the catch – Equinor’s scheme to drill for oil in the Bight

Edition 31 2019


October & November

What’s On October 8 UniTopia - City West 9 UniTopia - City East 11 Showpony Open Mic - Showpony 11 Industrial Design Quiz Night 15 UniTopia - Mawson Lakes 16 UniTopia - Magill 18 Halloween Spooktacular - UniSA Rainbow Club 18 UniSA Business Ball 2019 - Business Schools 18 Just ‘PLANE’ Drunk - ASO Pub Crawl SP5 18 Reasons to Date a Med Rad Student - Med Rad Pubcrawl 26 Psychology Ball - UniSA Psychology Society 31 Stigma Smashing Spook-tacular - batyr Ambassadors Self Care Society

November 2 UniSA Clinical Exercise Physiology Industry Conference 2019 5 Let’s Talk About Sex at Magill - UniSA Rainbow Club 20 Raves Before Raids Pubcrawl 22 2019 PSS Grad Ball @ Adelaide Zoo 29 The Annual Exhibition - Architecture & Interior Architecture Club 30 2019 Medical Radiation Sciences Ball - Med Radical Club

Recurring Events Monthly UniSA Art Club Weekly Magill Lunch Project Weekly Bible Talks - UniSA City Evangelical Students Weekly Music Lovers Rehearsals Weekly Overseas Christian Fellowship Weekly Sessions Weekly SP5 UniSA Ballet Classes Beginners to Advanced Intermediate to Advanced Beginners

Check out these events and more at

USASA PRESIDENT'S LETTER Thank you and good luck!

By the time you’re reading this, your exams are most likely around the corner – so good luck to everyone, you’re so close! This is my last President’s Letter, and I would like to thank anyone who has spent some time throughout their hectic year to flick through an edition. It’s been such an amazing experience and a privilege to serve the UniSA student cohort as your USASA President for 2019. I’m so proud to have seen our pilot financial counselling service roll-out successfully, and awareness of our academic advocacy team increase. I’m also proud to say that we can now support clubs more than ever with the new tiered-

representative, Kate Riggall. She has greatly

funding initiative.

supported me in my role and has worked extensively with the University over the last

Whether you’re aware of USASA or not, we

two years in advocating for improved policy

engage with thousands of students across all

and procedures in the area of sexual assault

of our campuses to ensure that everyone’s

and harassment. There is no stronger advocate

experience at UniSA is that bit more enjoyable.

on this important issue and I appreciate all the

Hopefully, some of you have interacted with

time she has taken out of her own study to ensure

our amazing staff and volunteers at a number

a safer university community for everyone.

of our events, such as; the infamous Pac Crawl Pub Crawl earlier in the year; our bi-annual

It has been such a rewarding year in my role

UniTopia event on all four metro campuses; and

as the President of USASA and I hope that my

more recently, the unveiling of student art at

position has played some part in bettering

City West (which you can find if you walk from

experiences for our students. Thank you to all of

the pedestrian crossing towards the Sir Hans

the fantastic USASA staff who work tirelessly to

Heysen Building).

keep this organisation delivering for students, and a big, big thank you to everyone who has

I would also like to thank all of the other USASA

supported me throughout the year! It has been

board representatives who put up their hand

an experience I won’t ever forget.

to become actively involved as a student leader this year. They’ve ensured that more students

With love,

like you have a say in what USASA can do as a

Grace Dixon

student-run association for our fellow cohorts. I must also specially acknowledge the ongoing commitment and hard work of former PostGraduate representative and current Magill

Edition 31 2019


Along with our media mates, UniCast Radio and On The Record, we’re throwing a pub crawl! Come and loosen up your 'duttons' with us on Wednesday 20th November. Head to @VerseMagazine to find all the deets (and maybe even a special discount code)!

Edition 31 2019

The Cumby West Oak The Austral Sugar

USASA Academic Advocacy

Free, confidential & independent advice. Advocates help you to pursue your rights on a wide range of academic troubles & can increase your chances of receiving a positive outcome. To book an appointment visit













ANNABEL BOWLES........................................ @ANNABEL_JANE CHRISTINA MASSOLINO........@CHRISTINA.MASSOLINO.ART CONNOR FOLEY........................................................... @C_FOLES DEANA BOGOJEVIC.......................................................................... ELLA-MAUDE WILSON.................................. @ELLA_MAUDE_ EMILY DRAPER................................................................................ ENRICO BECKER...............................................@ENRICOBECKER GEENA HO................................................................... @GEENAHO GRACE DIXON.......................................................... @AUNTIEGI_ JEMAH FINN........................................................ @JEMAH_FINN KATE NEWMAN...................................... @THEFELTTIPSWORD LILY ROBERTS.................................................................................. LOK............................................................................. @SILLYPOON LUCINDA PENN............................................................... @LCND_ OLIVER WHITE............................................................ @OJ.WHITE PIPPIN ELLIS.......................................@PIPPINELLISCREATIVE POPPY FITZPATRICK............................... @POPPYFITZPATRICK RYAN COLSEY............................................................ @RYANCOLZ SHALINA FURTADO...........................................@_RESTITCHED STEPHANIE MONTATORE.................. @STEPHANIE_EMMA_ TANNER MULLER......................................@TANNERMULLER_ THOMAS KELSALL.................................. @THOMAS_KELSALL TIANA BELPERIO..................................@SOMETHINGBYTIANA ZOE KASSIOTIS...................................................@ZOEKASSIOTIS Verse Magazine is brought to you by


Edition 31 2019

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