Vero's Voice Magazine Issue 122 March 2021

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March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

New Year

Lifted in

2 0 2 0



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We now offer Saturday and Evening a oi ntments. Call 772.299.1404 to schedule an a ointment. March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice



6 A Fond Farewell - Deputy Teddy Floyd Happy Retirement!

95 Royal Palm Pointe, Vero Beach, Fl 32960 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Barbara Freund 772-538-2718

10 Visiting Black Point Wildlife Drive 14 Voices of Vero: What’s on your bucket list?


18 Travels by Steven: River Cruising



MARCH 2021


20 Reviews: Marshall Frank – Nomadland Chuck Cannon – Vikings

Laura Steward


23 Recipe: Jack Piemonte’s Chicken Cacciatore


25 Treasure Coast Stylist: Get Outside

Ron Ellingsworth

27 Tech Insights: Use Your Voice


QUOTES ON THE OUTDOORS Colors are the smiles of nature. – Leigh Hunt

Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise. – Carrie Latet

And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. – John Muir

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao-Tzu

Hiking is not for everyone. Notice the wilderness is mostly empty. – Sonja Yoerg

Hiking and happiness go hand in hand or foot in boot. – Diane Spicer

If the winter is too cold and the summer is If you are seeking creative ideas, go out too hot, you are not a hiker. – Unknown walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. – Raymond Inmon We don’t stop hiking because we grow old. We grow old because we stop hiking. – Finis Mitchell

Between every two pines, there is a doorway to a new world. – John Muir

Backpacking: An extended form of hiking in which people carry double the amount of gear they need for half the distance they planned to go in twice the time it should take. – Unknown

Mountains have a way of dealing with overconfidence. – Hermann Buhl

Walking is a man’s best medicine. – Hippocrates

There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. – Sir Rannulph Fiennes

Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. – John Muir

It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out; it’s the grain of sand in your shoe. – Robert W. Service

You’re off to great places, today is your day. An early-morning walk is a blessing for the Your mountain is waiting, so get on your whole day. – Henry David Thoreau way. – Dr. Seuss Sources:,,


March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice





Rhett Palmer 772-473-7777

The friendly publication where friendly people advertise! To Advertise Please call Rhett Palmer at

772.473.7777 or email us at advertising@verosvoice. com. Space deadline is the 1st of each month. Camera Ready deadline is the 10th. Number of copies printed varies with time of year.

Like us on Facebook Vero's Voice Magazine is published monthly. Copyright © Vero's Voice Magazine 2010 - 2021, all rights reserved. Reproduction of contents in print or electronic transmission in whole or in part in any language or format must be by express written permission of the publisher. All articles, descriptions and suggestions in this magazine are merely expression of opinions from contributors and advertisers and do not constitute the opinion of the publisher, editor or staff of Vero's Voice Magazine, and under no circumstances constitutes assurances or guarantees concerning the quality of any service or product. Vero's Voice Magazine specifically disclaims any liability related to these expressions and opinions. The advertiser agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the publishers from all liability.

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice


Q&A Deputy Teddy Floyd A FOND FAREWELL,


eputy Teddy Floyd, the most famous sheriff in town. You are all over the news, you’re on magazine covers, you’re everywhere: “Teddy Floyd is going to retire.” Yes. When is this happening? April 30th. So are you going have like a big celebration or something? I’m not ... yes, we got something going at LaPorte Farms. Let’s talk about Deputy Teddy Floyd. Where are you from originally? Orange Park, Florida. Jacksonville. How did you find Vero Beach? Well, let me tell you. I was in college, Florida A&M University. I was up there playing football. I met a young lady and we later became husband and wife. She was from here, Wabasso, and her mom was a teacher, Miss Whitfield. And I came down and looked around Vero Beach, and because I’m from Jacksonville I had never seen so many orange trees in my life. I was like “Wow!” And people were just eating oranges off the tree. Eating is one of my favorite things. I was like, “Okay, I could deal with it.” So your wife brought you to Vero and you decided to stay. My ex-wife, yes. Does she still live here? She’s the principal of Sebastian Elementary School, Miss Hart. Interview by Kids who have parents that are educators end up being very successful. Yes. And your mom taught you the love Rhett Palmer of learning. Yes. And I’ll tell you that education was the key. She said if you can receive it, you can

Photo Barbara Freund


March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

achieve it, but you got to receive it up on top. She was a great mentor. Being a police officer, you get to thinking that you own the world, and I spent more time in the community than I did at home. And one day she came home, she said, “Hey, we just can’t do this anymore,” and we got a divorce because I spent so much time…I fell in love with Vero Beach. There are so many facets to law enforcement, like writing tickets, taking people to jail … but that’s not the highlight of my career. A highlight is being able to help someone and see someone smile, and give somebody hope. That’s what drove me to try to be the best deputy sheriff in Indian River County.

Michael Jackson’s song came on, “Dangerous,” and I was thinking about it, and I was moving and getting the cars moving, and someone caught that on video and sent it to TC Palm. And bam, it blew up. Everybody liked the humor, just having a good time. Hard Copy, Inside Edition, so it went nationwide.

What were your job duties as deputy? Well, one of my favorite sheriffs came in, Sheriff Gary Wheeler, he initiated a COPE unit, Community Oriented Police Enforcement. It was headed at the What did you study in college? time by Lieutenant Leroy Smith. Criminal Justice. Sheriff Wheeler had two other officers in there, Donald Hart, So you decided long ago you wanted Wilfred’s brother. to be a cop? I did, because someone in So Gary Wheeler got to talking Orange Park, Florida, this guy named Mr. about how we could bridge the gap Padgett was a police officer. He was very in the community, especially in the influential in my life growing up. I played college black community. There was stuff football, high school football, little league, so happening all over the country, as there was always someone in authority in a always, and people had a bad taste badge always close to me. in their mouth for law enforcement. So Gary came up with the concept How many years have you been a of COPE, saying let’s bridge this gap. deputy? Thirty-one years. Gary was like, “Teddy, I think Photo Bixby Harrison you’ve got a personality,” because Teddy and his wife Terri Twenty-seven years ago, you were one every day somebody is calling and of my first guests on my radio show. saying something nice about me. So he put me and Jake was my running back. And you know Yes, sir. what? Jake is a heck of a running back and in COPE. And when he did, that was just my Mardy is a heck of a quarterback. And you became famous. You were on forte. the David Letterman Show and on TV o you knew these people before shows across the nation because you What was your job? How did you – they became famous. Yes. You My job was to get out there. I got on a bicycle and were known as “the dancing traffic know, I love Indian River County Sheriff’s I took to the streets where there was the most cop.” Tell us about that. Because it’s office. I remember one time Sheriff Deryl crime, which was in the Gifford area at the time. hot out there and I was standing out there and Loar, the former sheriff now, told me, people in Indian River County were moving And so the kids would see … a cop on “You can go home any time you want to, Teddy. and so I started moving. I love music, music a bike. Every time I come to work, you’re here; when I is everything to me. Besides being a cop. So leave, you’re here.” He said, “You can go home And they’d realize he was a friend and to your wife sometime, Teddy.” And I was like, not an enemy. That’s it, he was a friend. We “Yeah, Sheriff, but there’s so much to do.” would do things with the kids, getting involved. I’ve taken something from every one of my I coached football, basketball, going to schools, sheriffs and tried to put it in my life. mentoring, all of that, we put it all together, Tim Dobeck was fair but firm. Gary, I learned and “Teddy Floyd” became a first name basis in so much from him. He taught me a lot about their household. communicating. Gary Wheeler has been such a great inspiration. How old were you when you started


Teddy enjoying a Dodgertown event

with the sheriff’s department? About 22, 23 years old. I was a young buck. Not big … skinny. So I ended up influencing a lot of people’s kids. And Jake Owens, the country singer, was one. Mardy Fish, the tennis pro, was also one of my kids. Mardy was my quarterback

He started the Youth Ranch program, didn’t he? The Youth Ranch and the Explorer Program. So your mom and dad were teachers? My mom is a pastor now, Pastor Teresa Floyd. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice



What does your dad do? My dad is a contractor. He lives in Jacksonville.

several. I think the best thing was when we built this lady a home. This lady was hurting. The storms of yesteryear destroyed her home. ou’re eleven years younger than We called her Big Mama. She didn’t have me, yet you’re going to retire. anybody. FEMA wasn’t getting the money. Yes. I’m going to work on my degree. I One thing I love about Indian River County: was nine hours short, Rhett. I’ve got to they will heed the call. So we put together a get caught up. team and we built this woman’s house in one day. That was one of the highlights of my life. What kind of degree? Criminal Justice.


Why do you want to get that now? You’ve already been a deputy for 31 years. What do you want to get out of it? I want to finish. I don’t like to start something I can’t finish. I made a promise to my mom that I was going to finish, and I made a promise to my former sheriff, Gary Wheeler, to get that degree and I’m going to do it. Where are you going to get it? Florida A&M. I’m going to go online. Have you ever been shot at? No. Have I had to draw my gun, yes. Did you ever shoot anybody? No. I have the gift of gab. I’m able to talk to them, talk them down. Do you have one favorite memory of being a cop all these years? I got

Wow! To be able to give someone the key, and hand it to them and say, “Hey, you got your house back.” You’re so well-loved in the community. How do you want people to remember you? I love my community. I want people to remember me as the one deputy that would give anything and everything for his community, you know what I mean? I haven’t met a stranger I wouldn’t call a friend. Thanks for coming on my radio show. Thank you, sir. You’ve been so much to our community. You are the pulse of the community. You care about people. You’re a straight shooter, you tell the truth. It’s nice to have your endorsement. I appreciate you from my heart. Thank you, Teddy Floyd.


took office in January of 1992. Teddy Floyd was one of the very first deputies I met. I soon learned that Teddy was a genuine, caring man with a very big heart and a love for humanity, particularly kids. He coached different sports to support the kids in his community and Indian River County. He even used his own money to buy shoes for a young man that couldn’t afford to buy his own. Teddy truly was my favorite deputy and I have the deepest respect for him because he really cared about what he did and the countless community activities and projects he has been involved in. I am blessed to know Teddy and call him a friend. I recall the time he became a national or even international celebrity while directing traffic at 27th Avenue and Oslo Road mimicking the way they direct traffic in Bermuda. People would bring him a rose, water, or soft drinks. I am blessed to know Teddy. May God bless him in his retirement as he has blessed others.

– Former Sheriff Gary Wheeler 8

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

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March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice


DAY TRIP Black Point Wildlife Drive

Roseate Spoonbill

By Barbara Freund


Photos by JR Williams Unless othewise noted

grew up in Titusville and spent many days with my girlfriends at Playalinda Beach watching our boyfriends surf. Back before we knew the dangers of baking in the sun. In the early space years NASA acquired 140,000 acres of land - much of it swampy marshland - and in the middle built the Kennedy Space Center Complex. The property became the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge and includes Canaveral National Seashore, one of the longest stretches of pristine coastline left in the United States. No houses, no high-rises, hotels or restaurants - nothing but sand and the ocean, wooden walkways over the dunes and portable bathrooms. Back in the early 70s security wasn’t the concern it is now and many dirt roads off the “beach road” were open to the public. We had fun exploring these roads with our older friends who had a driver’s license…and a car. We saw many alligators and wild hog families as we jostled down the bumpy roads in our overcrowded car.

Photo by Barbara Freund

10 March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

Today we limit our “off road” adventures out there to Black Point Wildlife Drive. It’s a seven-mile scenic one-way dike road through pine trees and saltwater marsh impoundments which were originally created for mosquito control. Pick up a self-guiding pamphlet at the entrance, roll your windows down, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy Mother Nature. lack Point is a birdwatcher’s paradise, one of the top birdwatching habitats in Florida. Traffic moves slowly, and people are generally courteous and pull off to the side of the narrow road to allow others to pass. Part way through the drive is a parking area for the observation deck and the portable restroom. (um, not recommended) There are footpaths that go deeper into the marshes if you’re feeling adventurous – which I suppose we’re not because aside from stretching our legs to the observation deck, we stay in the car. Black Point Wildlife Drive is a diverse wildlife area and home to one of the largest numbers of endangered species in the country. There are birds of prey – including bald eagles – shorebirds, wading birds, migratory birds, and waterfowl. On the last stretch of road before you exit, alligators hang out in the canal on the right side of the road. I’m sure there were others along the way we missed. And there are snakes, but surprisingly (and happily) we don’t see many. If you like old-time Florida wetlands, it’s worth the 1 hour 20 minute drive (from the VB Cracker Barrel at I-95; ignore the 2 hr 34 min on google). Take I-95 north to Titusville, Exit 220, SR-406/ Titusville/Historic District. Head east. Travel over the A. Max Brewer Bridge, over the Indian River, and continue east to the fork in the road. Go left and look for the signs … turn will be to the left. Peak season is October thru March. Open sunrise to sundown. There’s more wildlife activity early in the morning and evenings. $10 fee per vehicle payable where you pick up the pamphlet.


Northern Shovler

American Alligator

NOTE: No trip to Titusville is complete without a stop at the Village Inn for a slice of the best French Silk pie ever. They’ve been serving it for the last 30 years. Village Inn is located on the east side of US 1 in Titusville.

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge 1989 Scrub Jay Way Titusville, Florida

White Ibis photo by Barbara Freund March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice



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772-337-1127 March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 13


by Doolin Dalton

What’s on Your

Bucket List ? I would love to travel to Alaska and enjoy the Northern Lights and go whale watching. -Rachael Pollack, MARKETING DIRECTOR AT HAMILTON HOME LOANS

I’d love to go skydiving and see the world. Bora Bora and Beijing are on my list of places to visit. -Ingrid Hernandez, ARY KAY SALES DIRECTOR

I’d love to buy a Dukati and drive it down the coast of Italy. -Chris Nolan, ASSISTANT BROKER AT REMAX

What I’d really like to do is travel to Norway with my children and explore my heritage with them. -Jason Patzer, HOME INSPECTOR

My passion in life is to help teenagers and to help motivate them with financial and life goals. -Liz Montalvo, WARRANTY ANALYST


I’d like to see myself become one of the biggest family-owned A/C Companies in Vero Beach. -Steven Bates,

I was in the military so I’ve already seen much of the world. At this point, I’m just interested in keeping a successful business and ensuring that my family stays involved. -James Melton,

To take a three- or four-day trip down the Amazon River. -Jordan Lulich,



I have a deposit down for a seven-day yoga retreat in Costa Rica, so you could say I’m living it! -Pamela Parris, REALTOR

I’d just love to see my poems published. -David Kimball, CHAPLAIN

14 March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

I want to go to Hawaii on a family vacation and learn to surf. -Tabitha Tuccillo,


I’d love to buy 100 acres of land and build a self-sustaining forest. Everything in the forest would be edible, and I would open it to the public. I’d allow people to bring backpacks to gather all the food they want, and take it with them, and perhaps leave a small donation on their way out. -Anthony Castaldi, MSMD PERCEPTION

Jason Patzer Chris Nolan


Pollock James Melton Ingrid Hernandez

Liz Montalvo




tabitha Tuccillo


Steven Bates

Jordan Lulich

Anthony Castaldi

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 15

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2020 Tax Season is Winding Down! Carole Jean Jordan – IRC Tax Collector’s Office | Visit


ax bill reminder notices for Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property will be mailed on March 15, 2021. All taxes become delinquent on April 1 each year at which time Florida law requires interest to be added to the tax amount. Property owners must pay their taxes no later than March 31, 2021, in order to avoid paying interest. Taxpayers are encouraged to pay by mail or online at www. You may pay online using an E-Check (bank account) for FREE! A convenience fee charged by a third party will apply if paying by credit/debit cards in our offices or online. Payments can also be made in person, or by using one of the drop boxes located outside each of our offices. If you would like to make an appointment, you can visit our website and choose from any of our four office locations below.

A quarterly installment plan is available to you if you are interested in paying your 2021 (next year’s) real estate or tangible personal property taxes quarterly. To participate in the program, property owners must complete, sign and return the installment application to the Tax Collector’s office no later than April 30, 2021. The estimated 2021 taxes must exceed $100 to participate in the installment program. Applications are available on the Tax Collector’s website or customers may call 772.226.1343 to receive an application via mail, fax or email. uarterly tax bills will be issued to participants in June and September with the amount based on the prior year’s tax bill. December and March bills will be recalculated based on the actual tax amount due. The following discount schedule will be applied: 6% in June, 4.5% in September, 3% in December, and 0% in March.


Main Office

West Office

Sebastian Office

Oceanside Office

County Admin. Complex 1800 27th St – Bldg B Vero Beach, FL

Vero West Commercial Ctr. 1860 82nd Ave, Suite 102 Vero Beach, FL

Sebastian Corners 1921 US Hwy 1 Sebastian, FL

Oceanside County Complex 3003 Cardinal Dr, Suite C Vero Beach, FL

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 17


American Empress in Lewis and Clark Oregon


by Steven Eidelberg

a River Through It

American Queen on Mississippi at Night. Abvove: American Queen Grand Saloon


March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice


t wasn’t that long ago that rivers were only used for transport. Whether it be cargo or people, it wasn’t until 1992 with the completion of the Rhine-Main-Danube canal that river cruising as a vacation emerged. When the canal was finally completed in Europe, you could take a European tour and not have to take a bus from place to place, pack and unpack to stay in different hotels but could unpack once, relax in a cabin and watch the scenery go by as you traveled from city to city. Today, there are over 250 river cruise ships spanning many rivers around the world, and cruising in Europe for Europeans has actually returned with Covid-safety protocols in place. But don’t think of this Summer; plan for the Fall or Spring 2021 and beyond since river cruising is quite popular and, believe it or not, is selling out. New ships and itineraries are becoming much more innovative with what they offer including entertainment, and cabins also have evolved. Many new ships offer “infinite balconies” where the top of the wall of windows lowers to match the bottom and your cabin becomes one large “balcony”. It is a great way to expand the size of the cabin and give a balcony feel while meandering down a river. While there are now hundreds of different itineraries around the world, I thought I would take you to the most popular rivers and the rivers close to home you probably never thought about cruising:

EUROPE Where river cruising began, some popular routes are The Seine, The Rhine and The Danube. All cruising will go either upriver or downriver, so the choice is yours where you begin or end. On the Seine cruise, you can have a wonderful time in Paris, then hop on your ship and go past Giverny for an excursion to visit Monet’s House and famous Water Lily Garden before ending in Normandy and taking an excursion to see the famous beaches. AMA Waterways docks right near the Eiffel Tower and includes a night prior to the cruise nearby. Rhine cruises typically travel from Basel via Cologne to Amsterdam. I prefer this trip downriver to end in Amsterdam and spend a few days, but some like to kick off the party in Amsterdam and then recover with a relaxing trip upriver to Switzerland. One great themed cruise by Viking Cruises is during Christmas which stops at

several quaint towns along the Rhine for their famous Christmas Markets…a truly German experience. Finally, the longest river in Europe made popular by Strauss, The Danube. You can either make the trip long or short but the most popular is from Regensburg outside of Munich via Vienna to Budapest. In 2022 several cruise lines include the famous Oberammergau Passion Play either before or after the cruise, but it is selling out fast. Excursions from Regent Luxury Cruises or Tauck will include private concerts in Vienna and experiences you couldn’t get when traveling on your own. Of course, if you have a month, you could travel from Amsterdam all the way down to Bucharest…the choice with European River cruising is yours, whether long or short, active or serene, the variety abounds. THE USA River Cruising in the USA? Absolutely. For an amazing experience from the past, you can feel like Mark Twain on the American Queen Steamboat Company. Cruise the lower Mississippi from New Orleans to Memphis or the upper Mississippi from Minneapolis to St. Louis, or connect it all. This is a great way to visit the heart of the United States from the luxury of your own cabin and taste a bit of history with fantastic excursions. Thinking of something a bit different, travel with the superb American Cruise Lines along the route Lewis and Clark did while discovering the Pacific Northwest. You’ll take in amazing scenery, have expert guides and lecturers and enjoy a true getaway.


y other favorites are to head to Southeast Asia and head upriver on the Mekong or head to Egypt and cruise the Nile from Cairo to Luxor and Aswan, but that would take another article. For now, think of traveling to great cities and small villages in a very civilized way, without traveling on a bus or car, and think about true leisure by seeing the world via the globe’s finest rivers.

The Well at The Collector

Top: AMA Sonata on the Danube Center left: Viking River Cruises Paris Center right: Avalon Waterways Infinity Balcony Bottom: Cologne Christmas Market Ice Skating

Steven Eidelberg

Steve Eidelberg is the owner of Cousu Main Travel, an affiliate of Cruise Brothers Travel 401-369-8477 •,

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice



Streaming on Amazon Prime


by Chuck Cannon

by Marshall Frank


In a word: Depressing


es, depressing, but also riveting. One of the great acting lessons offered by Frances McDormand, who’s already won two Academy Awards, and now maybe a third. If you’re a of violence, action, foul language, hatred, death, destruction, guns, sex, drugs and speed, don’t see this movie. What’s left? Drama. This is a great film if you’re interested in seeing/feeling life in the depths of loneliness, despair and struggles, yet still managing a positive attitude day after day, relocating often amid the mountains and prairies of north and west America, desperate to get through days and nights of loneliness and need. Fern, the character played by Frances McDormand, lost her husband many years back, yet still feels married to him for life as signified by wearing the wedding band. She works at jobs now and then, but manages to make friends and acquaintances amid the “nomads,” folks like her who manage to live in their cars and vans and get by with menial jobs now and then. This isn’t really about camping; it’s about survival. Fern makes many caring acquaintances during her travels, but when relationships seem to intensify, she’s back on the road again. The movie is an exercise for thespians who should study this work of art, not only crediting McDormand, but also the brilliant director, Chinese born Chloé Zhao. The movie is already on the list for many awards, as are these two women. It is interesting to note that a significant number of the actors playing smaller roles are actually nomads themselves with no background in acting. They are

20 March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

the real people in the real places, in the prairies and mountains, a tribute to the director and Frances McDormand. Yes, the movie is slow in spots, but that’s part of the story. It’s also why I don’t give it a 5. For the most part, I found it powerfully engaging. Some interesting trivia attached to this movie. It was filmed in seven states over the course of four months, during which Frances McDormand herself performed several of the jobs done by people who do nomadic work, such as harvesting beets and packaging Amazon orders. There’s a fascinating world out there in the unknown. This film brings that out. Look for Oscar nominations for McDormand and Zhao.


ith the release of the last half of the 6th season, we finish the epic seven-year saga of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. Whilst I am not sure I’d consider Vikings to be amongst the very top tier of shows I’ve watched in my lifetime, I’ve certainly enjoyed my time with the Norsemen. Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel) is a farmer and raider who becomes a legendary figure among the Viking people by establishing consistent navigation techniques and leading successful raids on the various kingdoms that would become Britain. Rising to become King, his legacy is cemented by the actions of his sons, particularly Bjorn Ironside (Alexander Ludwig) and Ivar the Boneless (Alex Hogh Andersen) who would rule countries and influence politics far from their homelands. The first few episodes don’t really convey the scale of the ones that would eventually follow. There are lots of great characters that appear across the run, but at the start the show rests on the Alpha Viking Ragnar’s shoulders and he’s really good. Ragnar is not a good man, or father or husband, and the danger of the character always is present in Fimmel’s wild eyes, but you still understand why his men fought for him and elevated him so highly that his sons could trade off his name.

His sons each derive some aspect of him: Ubbe played by Jordan Patrick Smith is the explorer he wanted to be; Bjorn the noble King, Hvitserk, played by Marco Ilso, is the sufferer and addict; and Ivar the vicious warlord. I don’t really think any of the characters across the run were poorly performed, and it’s interesting to look back now and remember some of those characters and the stories that only played for a while. A look at the enormous cast on the show will tell you how massive and disposable they were throughout this epic story. The story of Ragnar, his men, and family span through several decades as you get to watch the characters age from young warriors to older adults and their importance grows and wanes throughout the series. The scale of the show gets bigger and bigger and the battle scenes more and more expansive. I don’t feel as strongly as others that the show drops off as it refocuses on the sons of Ragnar, but I would accept that some of the stories don’t quite end at their natural point, or have deviations that don’t go anywhere. The show reflects that regardless if you are Ragnar the Conqueror, J.R. Ewing or Kim Kardashian, families have power struggles, drama, and touching moments regardless of the era you are in. I’m happy to have visited Kattegat for these last few months. It was an exciting, educational, violent, gut-wrenching ride...Skol!






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March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 21

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Chicken Cacciatore


ack was the owner and chef of the popular Monte’s Italian Restaurant on South Ocean Drive. It closed a number of years ago, but I remember to this day his delicious chicken cacciatore, seasoned just right and falling off the bone – perhaps the best I’ve ever tasted. He was kind enough to share his recipe with us – and suggested enjoying a nice Chianti or dolcetto wine while it simmers would be wonderful. Grazie! – Rhett SERVES 2-3

INGREDIENTS 1 whole chicken, cut into serving pieces Salt, pepper, granulated garlic, dried oregano, dried parsley Olive oil More dried oregano, and fresh chopped parsley 4-5 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 cup onions, diced 1 green bell pepper, cut into 1/2 inch strips 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/2 inch strips 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 1 cup cooking sherry 3-4 cups marinara sauce (The less sauce you use, the more concentrated your flavors will be.) DIRECTIONS • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. • Cut the chicken into serving pieces, cutting each breast in half crosswise (4 breast pieces total), keeping the skin and bones. • Combine the seasonings in a large bowl and coat the chicken as evenly as possible. • Place chicken on a sheet pan and roast until internal temperature reaches 155 degrees, approximately 45 minutes. (Chicken is done at 165 degrees). Let it cool if you like, but save the juices. • In a large skillet, start with a little olive oil, the finely chopped fresh garlic, another little pinch of dried oregano and fresh parsley. Let the garlic lightly brown and then add onions, julienned red and green bell peppers, and sliced mushrooms. Cook for a couple of minutes, softening the vegetables, and then deglaze with cooking sherry. • Add the chicken, the juice, and marinara sauce; toss to coat. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook until chicken is super tender and almost falling off the bone. • Uncover and reduce the sauce and juices until thickened to taste.

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 23

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Marianne Howell is a wardrobe consultant & personal stylist based on the Treasure Coast. She is drawn to simplicity and believes that less is more. Her goal is to help clients love their wardrobes and achieve an effortlessly stylish look that suits them best. You can see more of her current fashion finds at Find her online:; instagram, facebook, pinterest @treasurecoaststylist March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice


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by Laura Steward

Use Your Voice W ithout the use of my right hand for the last five weeks, I’ve had to rethink how I do things since I spend most of my days in front of a keyboard writing, posting on social media, interviewing people, and taking notes. To say that writing with my left hand is tedious and virtually illegible is an understatement! For the record, brushing my teeth and eating left-handed are also quite funny to watch. I’m lucky. I’ll regain the use of my hand. There are many in the world, however, who will never be able to use both their hands. So that got me thinking: what tools are available if you have limited mobility? I had an ear injury a couple years ago where sound causes vertigo, and it’s still a problem. Closed captioning has since become my friend. Putting devices on the lowest volume level when no closed captioning is available enables me to stay connected, and I carry earplugs everywhere. There are still things I can’t do because even with an earplug the sounds can still trigger vertigo. To help, I’d like to share with you some tools that I’ve learned about that have enabled me to stay connected to the outside world while I don’t have use of both my hands. The first thing I realized is that using an iPhone or an iPad definitely makes it easier to voice to text. It just seems as if they built it into the platform to inherently make it easier to use your voice to write something or to go online to search. Windows, for some reason, is not as easy or intuitive. I’ve found I’m using my phone way more than my computer now, but not everything can be done on my phone, at least for me. If you have some other thoughts, I’m open to suggestions.

On Windows, all of my office applications are the latest versions and have a dictate function built into them. It is on the main toolbar for your Office application and looks like a microphone and it says Dictate. Turning that on is how I’m writing this article for you. It’s not perfect and editing has to be done by hand at some point. I’ve found that part very difficult because “cut and paste” and moving things around cannot be done verbally. If you know how to do that, please let me know! I use that dictate function to draft emails, to write, and do a few other things. But I was still struggling when it came to using Chrome or another browser. Then I discovered the Windows dictate function. If you press the Windows command key that has the four squares on it and the H key at the same time, that will activate the dictate function and allow you to enter things into a web browser or forms. Google Chrome has a built-in search function that you can do by voice, but not to fill in web forms or things like that. That’s where the Windows dictate function comes in handy. one of the dictation apps are perfect as you’ve probably realized if you try to use Alexa, SIRI, or one of the other voice-activated devices. But if you are patient – which I am not always, with the frustration of having to meet a deadline and not being able to type the way I used to – you will find that this can get you through most everything. And keep in mind when using dictation apps to write, you’ll need to enter your punctuation, tell it when you want a new paragraph or line, and speak at a different pace than you normally would so it picks up what you’re saying. The clearer you speak and the more you add punctuation, the less you’ll need to edit!


Laura Steward is a certified geek, business strategist, international speaker, award-winning author and beach lover. She lives in Sebastian, FL and can be reached at or via phone at 772-202-2138.

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 27

Vero’s Voice

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Abusive Relationship with Myself

Tara could not believe it. This situation had blown up into so much drama, and she just wanted it to end. Differences at work were stressful because it was her job to keep productivity high. Let’s face it: when gossip and judgment rule the office, nothing gets done. Luanne always seemed to be in the center of things, but she was the best producer on the team. Tara watched the clock to punch out. She planned to stop at ABC for a couple bottles of wine on the way home. She was sure it was going to be a two-bottle night.

S Reach out for help today. Here are some websites that may help you consider the solutions available. – Alcoholics Anonymous – for habitual drinkers who want to stop, but cannot seem to make that happen – Al Anon – for family and friends of heavy drinkers who affect their lives – Codependents Anonymous – for those enmeshed in relationship dysfunction – Narcotics Anonymous – for those misusing drugs, both prescribed and illegal

elf-sabotage is a subtle foe. Often, it masquerades as comfort. Many of us struggle with an extreme in our life. Looking for relief when feelings are intense, we overeat, smoke weed, spend money, or create a romantic relationship with someone we don’t even like. The list of inappropriate responses to life’s situations could go on and on, but all share a common thread. Their purpose is to instantly change the way we feel. We know that long-term change takes time, but when uncomfortable emotions erupt, we want to feel different at once. The feisty three-yearold in our head is having a fit, and we give into her demands to make her shut up. Speed of results replaces big-picture planning, and we opt for immediacy instead of quality. This is the cunning way that addictive behaviors begin. To quiet heavy emotions, we give in to compulsive behaviors that are not in our best interest. Before we know it, numbness replaces peace of mind, and what started as a fun distraction has become a merciless obsession. Robbed of free will, we fall in step with the demands for more of the numbing agent. Self-sabotage sneaks in like an old friend. We must not be fooled. An easy way to discover if we have fallen prey to its lies is to ask ourselves,“What are we hiding?” Self-sabotaging behaviors like the shadows. They push for isolation with whispers like “if no one knows, it didn’t happen,” or “you’re not hurting anyone.” Sadly, someone does know the truth and we are hurting someone. That someone is us! It is time to bring the lie to the light. Let’s tell someone and become free. We do not have to do this alone. There are those that want us to know the real comfort that comes from positive self-care coupled with communal support. They have walked a mile in our shoes, and they have come out the other side. The first step is to see the compulsion and to admit it has become a dominant drive in our decision-making process. Then, we can come to believe there is a better way and accept help. Beth Walsh Stewart

Beth Walsh Stewart is Cofounder of BethWe, a nonprofit dedicated to rescuing the stragglers lost in the shadows of the road of life. Best-known for her weekly blogs, regular articles in Vero’s Voice, and workshops aimed to help people live their priorities, Beth is a Biblical Counselor and Professor at New Covenant Bible College in Vero Beach, FL. You can find more of her work at March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 29

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March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice

Rhett Palmer Live

United We Stand With Jim Fini

WED. 11 - 11:30

The David Walsh Show


With IRC Sheriff’s Office Major Eric Flowers

People of Interest


The SuperNatural Today!

Finding the Faith & the Strength

WED. 11:30 - NOON

With Pastor Alex Oceans Unite Christian Centre


With Pastor Joe Moore Living Waters Rhema Word Ministries

SAT. 9:30 - 10

We Should Approach God Like Little Children


REV’S VERSES by Pastor Rich Ienuso

THE LOST SHEEP In Luke 15:1-7 Jesus tells the parable of a lost sheep.

This sheep went astray; was missing; it went off- Pastor Rich Ienuso course; went off-track and was absent from the fold. Jesus stated that the shepherd went looking for it. And he found it.

by Pastor Alex Pappas


hen the disciples came to Jesus, they came with quite an interesting question, wanting to know who the greatest in the kingdom of God was. Jesus answered them in a very profound way saying “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” The Bible is clear that we have to have faith to move mountains, and that without faith it is impossible to please God. We can therefore come to the conclusion that the Lord wants us to have an unashamed bold faith towards Him. There is such a great story in the Bible that depicts this so beautifully.

Luke 19:1–10 (NLT) 1

Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town.


There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich.

The Bible says that we are like sheep which have “gone astray” (Isaiah 53:6). But Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). He is our great Chief Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4). Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus wants to bring all people to Himself. He wants to bring us out of our sins. He died for our sins on the cross.


He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowd.


So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree beside the road, for Jesus was going to pass that way.


When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”


Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.


But the people were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.

Return to your shepherd (Psalm 23:1). Blessings, Pastor Rich

Pastor Alex Pappas

It amazes me how we, as people, are more concerned about what others think of us when we approach God in worship, or even just talking about God, than what God thinks of us.” 8

Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!”


Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”


The above story portrays an incredible picture of a person who is not worried about what anyone thinks of his actions, an adult man, making a decision to climb up a tree. The reality of the situation is that he was determined in his heart to see Jesus no matter what it took. His heart’s approach is precisely a reflection of how our hearts and attitudes towards God should be on a daily basis. It amazes me how we, as people, are more concerned about what others think of us when we approach God in worship, or even just talking about God, than what God thinks of us. od is wanting us to have a desire for Him that does not get hindered by other’s opinion of us. We need to have a desire to go after Him with everything, no matter what the world or anyone else might think.


Pastor Alex Pappas is Senior Pastor at Oceans Unite Christian Center located in the Indian River Mall. Live broadcasts and podcasts are available at Tune in Fridays 11 AM to hear The Supernatural Today on

March 2021 / ISSUE 122 / Vero’s Voice 31

LOOKING FOR RHETT PALMER? Broadcasting mornings on...

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In Vero Beach people listen to The Mayor of the Airwaves

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