vérité holiday 2013

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holidays c some better choreographed than others. Hosting, guest-ing, driving, flying, gorging (pie after pie, meats galore, casseroles, hopefully green bean - cheese and more cheese), and let’s not forget cleaning, cooking, organizing, planning, decorating, restocking… you know what I mean. All the while, trying to stay calm, cool and collected so you don’t miss out on the best part of the holiday season– relaxing, celebrating, laughing and catching up with family and friends. Making the most of some “downtime” and a break from your regular routine. I can’t tell you how to get to your “special place” over the holidays. I think as we get older, we all have our tricks which, hopefully, we are mastering with age (yet another benefit of getting older – wisdom). You may say wine; someone else may say walking; you may say cooking is therapeutic; someone else says a caterer saved her marriage; fewer parties, or fewer opinions solicited. Whatever your path, hopefully

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