Encounters Spring 2016

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ENCOUNTERS Spring 2016

WIN: A Meaningful Partnership with Venice Family Clinic Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships Through the Westside Infant Family Network Baby Maria* began Venice Family Clinic’s Early Head Start (EHS)

Thanks to Venice Family Clinic’s EHS team, Maria’s mother slowly

program when she was a few months old. At weekly visits, the

began to admit that maybe she needed WIN’s support. She agreed

EHS home visitor noticed that the house was dark and quiet.

to a WIN referral and together, mother and the WIN therapist worked

Maria slept a lot—more than typical, for her age. When she was

on the following treatment goals:

awake, she was not very alert. The home visitor encouraged her mother to take baby Maria out for walks, but later learned that they mainly stayed inside. By 8 months old, Maria began showing gross motor delays and her mother was worried that she was not very expressive. Our Early Head Start team was worried too. Soon, the home visitor asked Maria’s mother if she would be open to a referral to the Westside Infant-Family Network, or “WIN”.

• Foster a healthy nurturing relationship between Maria and her

mother. • Increase Maria’s capacity to experience, regulate, and express

emotions. • Help her mother to develop insight regarding how her affect

might impact Maria’s mood and behavior. • Enhance Maria’s social-emotional development.

Born out of an identified

A young Early Head Start participant explores her reflection

need for infant mental health

Slowly, the mother began to better understand her own depression

services on the Westside, WIN

and how it was affecting Maria. Her child had always been more

has grown into a collaboration

animated with her father, but Maria’s mother didn’t realize why until

among four agencies—two

the therapist engaged her in an exercise using a mirror. Seeing how

primary care partners and two

she appeared to her daughter was a breakthrough. They began

community partners—designed

exploring a range of interventions including sensory activities,

to provide mental health care and

modeling and prompting, strength-based reflection, and exploration

comprehensive support services

and normalization, and over time, mother and daughter began

to families in need with young

developing a stronger, more mutually enjoyable relationship. By

children. Venice Family Clinic

the end of her WIN treatment, Maria developed age-appropriate

(VFC) is proud to have been one

curiosity and social behaviors, while mother became more socially

of WIN’s original partners, and a

and emotionally responsive.

Clinic representative continues to serve on WIN’s program committee. As partner agencies, Westside

Meanwhile, the family continued with our Early Head Start program.

Infant Family Network and VFC EHS staff members attend case

We worked with Maria’s VFC pediatrician to refer her for physical

reviews together, and our physicians and Early Head Start home

therapy, and the home visitor helped the family plan to transition to

visitors actively refer a steady stream of families. On their end, WIN

preschool. By the time she

responds to our referrals by assigning each family a case manager

turned three-years-old,

and a therapist to complete assessments and provide treatment.

Maria and her mother were both ready for this next

Maria’s story is not uncommon, and many of us can empathize


with the multiple pressures families with young children often face. However, prior to WIN, it was difficult to find mental health services

Maria and her mother

for very young children and parents. Existing services were offered

are a great example of

in traditional office settings, but the stress of parenting an infant or toddler, combined with limited financial resources, made the

Early Head Start teammates share resources with local parents.

prospect of getting out the house—let alone to a mental health appointment—seem insurmountable.

how Venice Family Clinic and our EHS team works closely together with

partner agencies like WIN to support young families beyond primary care services. By combining our organizations’ strengths, we can

To overcome this barrier, the organizations behind WIN decided

model successful partnerships and strengthen the health of our

to bring their services directly to a family’s home to focus on the

community, one family at a time.

parent-child relationship. Literally meeting people where they are has made mental health treatment more accessible and less stigmatizing.

* To protect patient confidentiality, “Maria” is a composite of cases WIN and Children First EHS have shared together.

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