Veff 1 2015

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Experience by the past – living of the future Interview








Fremtid og samhold Remi Eriksen rykker opp når Henrik O. Madsen nå velger å tre av som CEO. 2



LEDER Fremtid og samhold INTERVJU Hans Tormod Hansen, Area Manager Energy Advisory Scandinavia



EDITORIAL The future and solidarity INTERVIEW Hans Tormod Hansen, Area Manager Energy Advisory Scandinavia INTERVIEW Torolf Aadnesen, DNV GL’s Finance Director READ ALSO: 7 HSE challenges in the Veritas 3 construction work 10 The Norwegian IA Agreement – what does it mean for DNV GL? 12 Unions in DNV GL securing jobs in 2015 by settling for 2.6% salary growth 24 First step towards a DNV GL European Works Council (EWC) 24 Where is the oil price going? 25 Young at heart in DNV GL? 26 Global Employee Forum (GEF) 27 Unions and the Norwegian model 29 New Working Environment Act in Norway 31 Membership benefits 31 Wanted: an upper age limit of 72 32 What if we can be as productive at work as we are at home? 35 Meeting our Chinese colleagues 35 VEFF’s mentor programme

Redaktør/editor: Nina Ivarsen


VEFF ser frem til et godt samarbeid med Eriksen, og vil samtidig benytte muligheten til å takke Madsen for innsatsen han har gjort for bedriften og ikke minst den gode kontakten han har hatt med oss tillitsvalgte. Madsen har vært konsernsjef siden 2006, men begynte sin karrière i selskapet i 1982.

INTERVJU Torolf Aadnesen, finansdirektør i DNV GL LES OGSÅ: 6 HMS-utfordringer ved Veritas 3-utbyggingen 8 IA-avtalen – hva betyr den for DNV GL? 28 Ny Arbeidsmiljølov 30 Medlemsfordeler 30 Ønsket aldersgrense: 72 34 Rightsizing 34 VEFFs mentorprogram



Nina Ivarsen, leder av VEFF

MADSEN VIDEREFØRER DNV GLs VERDIER Han er nylig utnevnt til å sitte i styret til United Nations Global Compact av FNs general­sekretær, Ban Ki-moon. Madsen blir representant for Norden og skal arbeide


for å fremme en bærekraftig global økonomi. Mer enn 8500 selskaper og 4000 andre deltagere i over 160 land deltar i FNs Global Compact. Madsen har selv uttalt i forbindelse med utnevnelsen at arbeidet DNV GL gjør for å integrere bærekraft i organisasjonen, har blitt lagt merke til internasjonalt. Vi er også glad for at Kongen i statsråd har valgt Madsen som leder av styret i Norsk Forskningsråd fra januar i år. Arbeidet med forskning og innovasjon er et viktig samfunnsoppdrag, og vi er overbevist om at Madsens erfaring gjør at han har alle forutsetninger for å lykkes.

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150-ÅRIG KULTURARV VEFF er opptatt av at Eriksen som ny konsernsjef i DNV GL bærer vår kulturarv videre. Vi har hatt suksess i 150 år som en bærekraftig, mangfoldig, global bedrift med en anseelig størrelse i norsk sammenheng. Et konsern som er bygget på den norske modellen, der samhandling og likeverd danner grunnlag for tillit og lojalitet. Vi vil fortsette å være tro mot vår visjon under den nye konsernsjefen, og vi skal sikre at liv, verdier og miljø blir ivaretatt med integritet og kvalitet. Alt til en riktig pris, med riktige rammevilkår for alle ansatte, uansett hvor i verden vi holder til.

Faksimile fra



Vi ønsker at Remi Eriksen skal bringe oss sammen og vise veien til suksess som ikke bare måles i penger og driftsresultat, men gjennom å lykkes overfor kunder og markeder der vi skal ta en fortjent posisjon blant konkurrenter og partnere. FUSJONSPROSESS OG OMSTILLINGER Vi er fortsatt midt i en fusjonsprosess som kombinert med fallende oljepriser er krevende for oss ansatte og ledelsen i DNV GL. Vi må være forberedt på nye omstillinger, og det skal tas ut flere synergieffekter av fusjonen. Det betyr ikke at vi skal gjennom drastiske nedbemanninger, men vi må være for­ beredt på at DNV GL vil endre seg i tiden fremover. Omstillinger skaper også muligheter for den enkelte ansatte og det enkelte forretningsområde. Ansatte i DNV GL er høyt kvalifiserte, og mer enn noen gang er det viktig at vi har medbestemmelse, slik at vi kan være med på å forvalte bedriftens strategi, ressurser og verdier. VEFF vil benytte sin posisjon,


i form av medbestemmelse og forhandlingsrett, til å ivareta medlemmenes interesser og sikre mulighetene for nye relevante oppgaver i omorganiseringsarbeidet. STOLTHET, LOJALITET OG INTEGRITET Hver enkelt av oss må tenke på hvorfor vi jobber i DNV GL. Vi har alle et ansvar for oss selv og bedriften vi jobber i. Like­ gyldighet dreper ethvert initiativ, så vi må aldri tillate oss å bli likegyldige. Vi må bry oss om hverandre og ha tålmodighet slik at vi sammen kan lykkes som et team. VEFF BISTÅR ALLE SOM ØNSKER HJELP Vi er mange som jobber sammen i VEFF, og vi er der for deg uansett hvor i Norge du arbeider. Som leder av foreningen ønsker jeg å være til stede for hvert eneste medlem, og vi sitter på betydelige ressurser i form av forhandlere og advokater som er beredt til å bistå ved små og store utfordringer.


THE FUTURE AND SOLIDARITY Remi Eriksen moves up one step now that Henrik O. Madsen has chosen to step down as CEO. Group CEO since 2006, but started his career with the company in 1982.

NINA IVARSEN, CHAIRPERSON VEFF We look forward to a good cooperation with Eriksen, and on behalf of the employees I would like to thank Madsen for his efforts for the company and the good relationship he has had with us employee representatives. Madsen has been the

Madsen will uphold DNV GL’s values He was recently appointed to the board of the United Nations Global Compact by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. Madsen will represent the Nordic region and make efforts to promote a sustainable global economy. More than 8,500 companies and 4,000 other participants in over 160 countries are members of the UN Global Compact. In connection with the appointment, Madsen stated that DNV GL’s work to integrate sustainability in its organisation has been noticed internationally. We are also pleased that Norway’s King in Council has appointed Madsen as chairman of the board of the Research Council of Norway in January of this year. Research and innovation work is an important task for society, and we are convinced that Madsen’s experience provides all the prerequisites for success.

The merger process and reorganisations We are still in the middle of a demanding merger process that, combined with falling oil prices, is challenging for us employees and the management of DNV GL. We must be prepared for new reorganisations, and several synergy effects are to be extracted from the merger. That does not mean we will see drastic downsizing measures, but we must be prepared for DNV GL changing in the future. Reorganisations also create opportunities for both employees and business areas. DNV GL’s employees are highly qualified and now, more than ever, it is important that we can participate and be involved in decisions, to help carry out the company’s strategy and manage our resources and values. VEFF will use its right to participate, negotiate and be involved in decisions to safeguard its members’ interests and ensure opportunities for new relevant tasks in the reorganisation.

Pride, loyalty and integrity

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150 years’ cultural heritage VEFF wants the new Group CEO of DNV GL to sustain our cultural heritage. For 150 years we have been successful through sustainable global operations that are quite large and diverse in a Norwegian context. Our group is built on the Norwegian model, where interaction and equality form the basis for trust and loyalty. We will continue to live our vision under the new Group CEO, to ensure that life, property and the environment are safeguarded with integrity and quality. All at the right price and with the right framework conditions for all employees, wherever we are located. We want the new CEO to bring us together and show us a road to success that is measured not just in money and operating profit, but also in success with customers and markets, and where we will take a well-deserved position among our competitors and partners.

We must all take responsibility for ourselves and our company. Indifference smothers initiative, so we must never allow ourselves to become indifferent. We must care about each other and be patient, so that we can together succeed as a team.

VEFF assists anyone who wants help Many of us work together in VEFF, and we are there for you wherever you work in Norway. As the head of the trade union, I want to be there for every single member. We have considerable resources in the form of negotiators and lawyers who are ready to help with small and large difficulties or enquiries.



HMS-utfordringer ved Veritas 3-utbyggingen Veritas 3-utbyggingen er godt i gang, og HMS-utfordringene står i kø både på byggeplassen og for oss som jobber på Veritas-senteret. ØYVIND BØGH Som HVO er jeg i første rekke opptatt av å bidra til at helse, miljø sikkerhet for de ansatte ivaretas på en best mulig måte, og at risiko i størst mulig grad reduseres. Med den relativt store utbyggingen, både med nytt kontorbygg og parkeringshus under parken, er dette en utfordring. Selv følger jeg byggeprosessen tett med deltagelse i ulike byggemøter, og det er etablert en brukergruppe der verneorganisasjonen og de ansatte er godt representert. Her kan vi komme med innspill til planer og tiltak i forbindelse med utbyggingen. LOGISTIKK Med den store masseforflyttingen utbyggingen medfører – hvor mer enn 200.000 kubikkmeter masse skal transporteres bort, og bygningsmaterialer og maskiner skal transporteres ut og inn – skaper dette betydelig mer trafikk på området, spesielt av tunge kjøretøyer. Det gjør også at noen parkeringsplasser for biler stenges midlertidig, og gang- og sykkelveier legges om. For Veritas 3 er anleggstrafikken dirigert inn på den nye veien bak V2 og ned til anleggsområdet. Bygge­plassen for det nye underjordiske parkeringshuset er avstengt, og nye adkomstveier for fotgjengere og syklister er skiltet og merket. Ved inn- og utkjørsel fra anleggsområdene er det etablert manuell dirigering av anleggsbiler. For å unngå alvorlige hendelser er det imidlertid viktig at ansatte er ekstra på vakt i byggeperioden, og følger skiltingen og informasjonen som blir gitt. Færre parkeringsplasser medfører også at flere må belage seg på å ta matebuss, gå eller sykle til jobben. STØY Byggearbeidene medfører nødvendigvis en del støy. Boring, sprengning og støy fra anleggsmaskiner kan være forstyrrende i enkelte områder. Støy- og vibrasjonsmåleutstyr skal overvåke at gitte grenseverdier ikke overskrides. Kontorlandskapene i A1 ned mot V3-utbyggingen er delvis tømt for å skåne ansatte mot støy og uhell ved eventuelle sprengningsarbeider. Likevel vil det bli noen forstyrrelser i kontorlandskap som ligger


tett inntil byggeplassene. Dersom det skulle bli uholdbart for enkelte må det gjøres interne tiltak, som intern flytting, bruk av hørselvern eller utvidet adgang til å jobbe hjemmefra i perioder. BEREDSKAP På grunn av byggearbeidene har det vært nødvendig å legge om rømningsveier, og nye møteplasser er etablert både for Veritas 1 og Veritas 2. Angjeldende områdebrannvakter og verne­ombud er informert, revidert nødinstruks er utarbeidet, og ny rømningsvei for A- og B-blokkene er etablert og merket. Sprengning innebærer alltid en risiko, selv om det gjøres tiltak med tildekking, skjerming og mindre ladninger. Internt oppfordres de ansatte som sitter i tilstøtende landskap (A, B og Z) om å trekke seg tilbake fra vindusfasader ved sprengning. KONTORLOKALENE OG PARKEN Et ”hot” tema for de ansatte er utforming og møblering av nye kontorlokaler. Etter min mening blir V3 et fantastisk kontorbygg, som vil ha en unik beliggenhet ut mot fjorden, og hvor det er lagt vekt på energi- og miljøvennlige løsninger etter Breeam-standarden med score «Excellent». Et viktig prinsipp for de ansatte er at hver enkelt skal ha sin egen kontorplass. Det har vært diskutert ulike møblerings­ løsninger hvor avskjerming, tilstrekkelig bord- og hylleplass og ergonomiske kontorstoler er viktige kriterier. Foreløpig er det satt opp et pilotlandskap med foreslått møblering i W3. Ellers blir det landskapskjøkken, stillerom og møterom som vi er vant til. I tillegg får vi en stor møtesal som vil romme nærmere 300 mennesker. Det blir også ny resepsjon og kantine som skal betjene både V2 og V3. For de som er bekymret for parken, kan jeg trøste med at den vil bli reetablert med gress og beplantning etter at det nye parkeringshuset er ferdigstilt, selv om noen gamle, flotte trær er gått tapt. Ta gjerne kontakt dersom dere har spørsmål eller innspill i forbindelse med utbyggingen. Dersom dere har klager, eller observerer farlige hendelser eller forhold, skal dette meldes inn i Synergi Life.


HSE CHALLENGES IN THE VERITAS 3 CONSTRUCTION WORK The construction of Veritas 3 is well under way – with plenty of HSE challenges, both at the construction site and for those who work in the Veritas Centre.

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road behind V2 down to the building site. The construction site for the underground multi-storey car park is closed off, and new access roads for pedestrians and cyclists are signposted and marked. Construction vehicles are manually directed to and from the construction site. To avoid serious incidents, it is important that employees are extra careful during the construction period, complying with the signs and the information given. Fewer parking spaces also mean that more people must take the feeder bus, walk or ride a bike to work.

As the Head Safety Delegate I’m primarily interested in ensuring that the health, safety and environment of the employees are safeguarded in the best possible way, and that the risk level is as low as it can be. The relatively large scope of the construction work, involving both a new office building and a multi-storey underground car park, makes this challenging. I’m closely monitoring the building process by attending various construction meetings, and a user group has been established in which the safety organisation and employees are well represented. This group can make suggestions about plans and measures related to the building work.

Logistics More than 200,000 tonnes of earth have to be removed during the construction work, and building materials and machinery must be transported in and out of the construction site. This means much more traffic in the area, especially by heavy vehicles. Some parking spaces are temporarily closed, and pedestrian and cyclist paths have been rerouted. The V3 construction traffic is directed into the new

Noise The construction work necessarily entails some noise. Drilling, blasting and noise from other building activities may cause disturbance in some areas. Noise- and vibration-measurement machinery has been set up to monitor that given limits are not exceeded. The open-plan offices in A1 and A2 adjacent to the V3 construction site have been provisionally emptied to shield employees from noise and possible accidents. There may nevertheless be some disturbance to open-plan offices located close to the building sites. If conditions should become unbearable for some people, internal measures must be implemented, such as internal transfers, the use of hearing protection, or the opportunity to work from home.

Emergency preparedness Due to the construction work it has been necessary to alter evacuation routes, and new muster points have been established

for both Veritas 1 and 2. The area fire guards and safety delegates in question have been informed, revised emergency instructions have been prepared, and new evacuation routes for the A and B blocks have been established and marked. Blasting always entails some risk, even though measures such as covering, shielding and smaller charges are implemented. Employees sitting in adjacent open-plan offices (A, B and Z) are urged to move away from the windows when blasting is taking place.

The office premises and park One hot topic among the employees is the design and furnishing of the new office premises. In my opinion, V3 will be a fantastic office building with a unique view of the fjord, and with energy- and eco-friendly solutions that have achieved a Breeam standard score of Excellent. An important office-furnishing principle is that each employee must have his or her own office space. Various furnishing solutions have been discussed, and screening, sufficient desk and shelf space and ergonomically sound office chairs are important criteria. So far, a pilot open-plan office with proposed furnishings has been created in W3. Otherwise, there will be an open-plan office kitchen, quiet rooms and meeting rooms like we are used to. In addition, we will have a large meeting hall that can hold more than 200 people. There will also be a new reception area and canteen serving both V2 and V3. For those concerned about the park, I can reassure them that it will be re-established with grass and other plants after the multi-storey car park has been completed, although some lovely old trees will be lost. Please contact me if you have any questions or proposals regarding the building work. If you have any complaints, or have observed dangerous incidents or circumstances, these must be reported in Synergi Life.



IA-avtalen – hva betyr den for DNV GL? ”Intensjonsavtalen om et mer inkluderende arbeidsliv”. DNV GL er en IA-bedrift, og avtalen som regulerer dette er inngått mellom partene, dvs. hovedorganisasjonene på arbeidstakerog arbeidsgiversiden, og regjeringen ved arbeidsministeren. DNV GL var tidlig med på ordningen, og har et tett samarbeid med NAV. NINA IVARSEN

Reduksjon av sykefraværet er et av de tre delmålene i avtalen. De to andre er å få flere med nedsatt funksjonsevne i arbeid, og øke yrkesaktiviteten for de over 50 år. I avtalen vi nå har er det tydeliggjort at innsatsen for å nå de tre delmålene må forankres ned på den enkelte arbeidsplass. Her er samarbeidet mellom arbeidsgiver, tillitsvalgt og verne­ombud sentralt. En av konklusjonene i evalueringen av forrige IA-avtale er at insentivene som ligger i systemet i liten grad bidrar til økt inkludering. Systemet bidrar heller ikke til at færre faller ut av arbeidslivet, snarere det motsatte. Den nye avtalen er enklere å forholde seg til, og mye mindre byråkratisk. Samtidig er det viktig at ledere og ansatte holder en tett og god dialog under sykefravær eller permitteringer. Gjennom god dialog kan tilretteleggelsestiltak iverksettes og følges opp. DNV GL er ikke svært fleksible når det gjelder hjemmekontorløsning som et tilretteleggingstiltak. Begrunnelsen er at det blir vanskeligere å inkludere den langtidssykemeldte i et arbeidsmiljø. Et annet interessant resultat fra evalueringen pekte i retning av at IA-virksomheter er mer bevisste på ikke å miste seniorer i omstillingsprosesser. Ved omstillingsprosesser er vi bevisste på at det ikke skal forekomme aldersdiskriminering. Hvis det tilbys førtidspensjonspakker er dette en frivillig ordning. Vi vet også at IA-virksomheter er flinkere enn andre virksomheter til å følge opp sykmeldte. I DNV GL har vi et allerede lavt sykefravær, hvor 3,5% er snittet over de siste 12 månedene. DETTE BØR DU VITE OM KORTTIDSFRAVÆR Private ærender (bank, post o.l.) skal, i så stor grad som mulig, finne sted utenom arbeidstiden. Korttidsfravær i forbindelse med nødvendige private ærender innenfor ordinær arbeidstid skal avklares med linjeleder på forhånd. Fraværet skal enten innarbeides eller trekkes i lønn. Det gis arbeidsfri med lønn


ved innkalling til bedriftslege eller lege-/tannlegespesialist som krever henvisning fra fastlege. Vanlig behandling/kontroll hos lege/tannlege gir ikke rett til arbeidsfri med lønn. Ved behandling hos fysioterapeut/kiropraktor hvor skaden skyldes arbeidsulykke, og dette er meldt inn til Synergi Life, gis fri med lønn. Ansatte som er gravide har rett til fri fra arbeid med lønn i forbindelse med svangerskapskontroll, når slik undersøkelse ikke med rimelighet kan finne sted utenfor arbeidstiden. SYKDOM UNDER FERIE Arbeidstaker som har vært helt arbeidsufør i én dag eller mer i ferien, kan kreve at ferie tilsvarende antall arbeidsdager utsettes til senere i ferieåret. Krav om fornyet ferie skal dokumenteres med sykmelding fra lege. Det har også blitt strammet inn på muligheten til å få utbetalt ferie som på grunn av sykdom ikke har blitt avviklet. I DNV GL kan vi maksimalt få utbetalt ni dager. Overføring og salg av feriedager praktiseres etter følgende regler: • Forskuddsferie på inntil ti feriedager. • Overføre ti feriedager, selge ni (fire avtalefestede feriedager pluss fem tariffdager). • Overføre 14 feriedager, selge fem (tariffdager). • Honnørferie (fem dager) som ikke benyttes kan ikke selges. • Ingen feriedager blir «borte». Ferie som ikke er avviklet ved ferieårets utløp overføres til det påfølgende ferieår. Det er ikke adgang til å selge disse dagene. PRAKSISKANDIDATER FRA NAV Ikke alle arbeidsplasser egner seg for praksisplass, men VEFF er av den mening at DNV GL i større grad bør kunne tilby praksisplasser. VEFF hadde en praksiskandidat i 2014/2015 og var svært fornøyd. Det krever oppfølging, men det gir også mye godt arbeid tilbake. Praksis-kandidaten er finansiert gjennom NAV, og det er mange med relevant bakgrunn som kan passe hos oss. Listene med kandidater sirkuleres til HR-ledere en

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gang i måneden. Har du behov eller ønske, husk å melde din interesse. For å finne en egnet praksiskandidat bør en sjekke hva som er deltakerens fortrinn, både når det gjelder personlige kvali­ teter og faglige ferdigheter. Enkelte deltakere er flinke til å markedsføre seg selv, men ikke alle liker å innta en offensiv holdning. Mange kan ha lav selvtillit i forhold til egne muligheter. Det er viktig å formidle at positiv atferd og godt humør i

enkelte jobber kan være like viktige egenskaper som formelle kvalifikasjoner. Hvis du har spørsmål relatert til noen av temaene over, ta kontakt med GSS HR som kan gi deg god veiledning. REFERANSE Hans-Erik Skjæggerud Leder Parat – En arbeidstakerorganisasjon i YS



THE NORWEGIAN INCLUSIVE WORKING LIFE (IA) AGREEMENT – WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR DNV GL? ”The Letter of Intent regarding a More Inclusive Working Life” (IA Agreement). DNV GL is an IA company, and the agreement has been entered into between the main organisations representing employees and employers and the government, represented by the Norwegian Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. DNV GL joined this scheme early on and cooperates closely with the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV).

NINA IVARSEN, CHAIRPERSON VEFF Reducing the sickness-absence rate is one of the agreement’s three subgoals. The other two are increasing participation in the workplace for those with disabilities and for those over 50. The current agreement emphasises that the efforts to achieve the three subgoals must be anchored in the individual workplace. Cooperation between the employer, employee representatives and safety representatives plays an extremely important role. When evaluating the previous IA agreement, one of the conclusions was that the incentives in the system provide little help in achieving greater inclusion. Nor did the system contribute to fewer people dropping out of working life, rather the opposite. The new agreement is simpler to relate to and much less bureaucratic. At the same time, it is important that managers and employees maintain a good and close dialogue during sickness absences and layoff periods so that adaptation measures can be implemented and followed up. DNV GL is not very flexible about homeoffice solutions as an adaptation measure. The reason given is that it makes it more difficult to include a person on long-term sick leave in the working environment. Another interesting result of the evaluation indicated that IA companies have a greater focus on keeping older employees in reorganisation processes. In such processes, we are very aware that no one should be discriminated against on the basis of age. If early retirement pension packages are offered, they are part of a voluntary scheme. We also know that IA companies are better than other companies at following


up those on sick leave. In DNV GL, we already have a low sickness-absence rate of 3.5% on average over the past twelve months.

What you should know about short‑term absences Private errands (to the bank, post office, etc) must, in so far as possible, take place outside working hours. Short-term absences in connection with necessary private errands during ordinary working hours must be authorised in advance by the line manager. The employee must either work extra to make up the absence or be deducted in pay. If an employee is summoned to the company doctor or to a medical/dental specialist that requires a referral from the employee’s general practitioner, the employee is given time off work with pay. Normal treatment/a checkup by a doctor/dentist does not entitle the employee to time off work with pay. Employees are given time off work with pay for physiotherapy/chiropractor treatment of an injury caused by an accident at work that has been reported in Synergi Life. Pregnant employees are entitled to time off work with pay in connection with ante-natal check-ups when such checkups cannot reasonably take place outside working hours.

If you are ill while on holiday Employees who have been completely unable to work on one day or more in their holiday may demand that vacation days equivalent to the number of working days are to be postponed and taken as a new holiday period later in the holiday year. The demand for a new holiday period must be documented by a medical certificate from a physician.

The rules governing the opportunity to be paid for vacation days that have not been taken because of illness have also been tightened up. In DNV GL, we can be paid for a maximum of nine days, and the transfer and sale of vacation days must comply with the following rules: • Advance holiday of up to ten vacation days. • Transfer ten vacation days, sell nine (four contractual vacation days plus five collective agreement days). • Transfer 14 vacation days, sell five (collective agreement days). • Holiday for older employees (five days) that is not taken may not be sold. • No vacation days are ”lost”. Holiday that, in contravention of the Holidays Act’s provisions, has not been taken by the end of the holiday year is transferred to the subsequent holiday year. These days may not be sold.

Work-experience candidates from the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) Not all workplaces are suitable for workexperience candidates, but VEFF believes that DNV GL should absolutely be able to offer more work-experience places. VEFF had work-experience candidates in 2014/2015 and were very pleased with them. These candidates require follow-up, but also do a lot of good work for the company. Work-experience candidates are financed by the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV), and there are many people with a relevant background that may fit into our company. Lists of candidates are circulated to HR managers once a month. If you need such a candidate, remember to report your interest.

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Before choosing a suitable workexperience candidate, you should find out what each candidate’s good points are, both personal qualities and professional skills. Some people are good at marketing themselves but not everyone likes to do so. Many people have low self-confidence about their own opportunities.

It is important to let them know that positive conduct and good humour may in some jobs be just as important as formal qualifications. If you have any questions relating to any of the above topics, contact GSS HR who will give you good guidance.

Reference Hans-Erik Skjæggerud Chairman Parat – an employee organisation in the Norwegian Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS)



UNIONS IN DNV GL SECURING JOBS IN 2015 BY SETTLING FOR 2.6% SALARY GROWTH The salary negotiation settlement is important in order to secure a correct salary increase for all DNV GL employees in 2015. NINA IVARSEN, ANGELA MILLER, GRETHE VALDØ VEFF, Tekna and NITO negotiated together this year. This enabled us to use all statistic data available early in the year. Negotiations have now been concluded and the salary has been distributed. This article shows the unions’ calculations, figures and statistics, which you can use to benchmark your salary in line with your colleagues’ salaries and your expectations. You can also read the unions’ comments to the negotiations in this article.

DNV GL’s policy DNV GL distributes the negotiated salary increase, but the unions argue strongly that this must be experienced as fair for all parties. Unions take care of the interests of all members, and believe we are all part of our knowledge-based society and the services we provide for our customers. We have different categories and a differentiated basis, but your salary increase should be reasonable compared to the increases allocated to your peers. Salary developments in DNV GL are to be based on four known criteria, negotiated in central agreements between the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the main unions YS/Parat (VEFF), Tekna and NITO. The four criteria are: • Economy • Productivity • Outlook • Competitive ability

formula. This is based on a norm used by DNV GL during the past few years – refer to the matrix below. DNV GL is a knowledge-based company whose main focus is on engineering assignments relating to oil, shipping and energy. If you are in the first ten years of your career and have a master’s degree or the equivalent, you will receive the largest share of the ”salary pot”. The older you are, the smaller your salary growth percentage will be. This year’s distribution framework is 2.0%. In addition to the framework, 0.6% was distributed for promotions and appointments as of 1 April 2015. The


Tekna’s comments Many of our members are concerned about how their own individual compensation compares to Tekna statistics. The DNV GL Tekna group has not come significantly closer to the Tekna average after the salary negotiations these past few years, and we will follow this trend carefully when Tekna statistics for 2015 are made available to us.

Adjustment Salary adjustment

2.0% Total adjustment

Salary adjustment and promotion*


Distribution of promotions – 0.6% Promoted to grade

Verification report for the pay settlement 2015 In principle it is DNV GL that allocates salary on the individual level. DNV GL practises individual remuneration, but fundamentally complies with a distribution

percentage rate per category is average for all employees in that category and can only be used as a guide. Note that the trade unions only negotiate a percentage framework; unions do not allocate the percentages.

Grand total

No. of employees 4

















14 427


Civil engineer – DNV GL in Norway vs Hewitt 1,100,000

2,3% 1,000,000 900,000




700,000 600,000 2.0%



400,000 2014














DNV GL average salary + SUS Hewitt average salary

During this year’s negotiations, we feel we got the best settlement possible and at the same time helped secure a sustainable business development for 2015, as we saw the forecast was unpredictable. Going into Q2, we see that our business is not as robust as earlier years, and holding a moderate line was important.

NITO’s comments It is in general a great uncertainty about the developments in the labour market in Norway for 2015. Factors in the macro economy – such as oil prices, investment levels, exchange rates and other international matters – give concern, and an increase in the unemployment level is expected. The achieved salary increase is a moderate settlement, and would give us the possibility to stay strong in the increasingly competitive market. We hope this will make it possible for DNV GL to avoid the massive lay-offs we see especially in the O&G market. NITO in DNV GL is satisfied with the cooperation with the other unions during the salary negotiations, and we believe that we together have more impact when we agree on the arguments to use. One of NITO’s goals in salary negotiations is that we should all have a fair increase in

salary compared with the increase in cost (KPI). We also strive for a more equal pay for equal work, even if the basic education may be different.

VEFF’s comments As we all know, the forecast for 2015 is unpredictable, so this year’s negotiation was all about securing a sustainable business and holding a moderate line. VEFF therefore believes that the negotiated frame of 2.6% is fairly good. VEFF experienced that the cooperation with Tekna and NITO was valuable. VEFF wants to safeguard diversity among the employees and ensure that we all are paid according to effort and knowledge, gained by academic education or by experience. VEFF’s slogan is “equal payment for equal effort and equal payment for equal knowledge, regardless of gender and age”. We have reviewed the distribution of the negotiated frame and concludes that our slogan is fulfilled.

AON Hewitt companies Aibel Aker Solutions DNV GL Elopak Esso ExxonMobil E & P Norway FMC Kongsberg Subsea Gassco GE Healthcare GE Oil & Gas INEOS ChlorVinyls Norway Kongsberg Maritime Kværner Norconsult Norsk Hydro Roxar

AON Hewitt’s civil engineers These statistics are based on salary data reported by the companies themselves as of November 2014. Statistics population: 5,500 graduate engineers (not including DNV GL).

DNV GL’s Norwegian civil engineers


DNV GL’s salary statistics are based on data from Partner (salary with SUS included), including only permanent employees in category A (Norway) in salary groups 1–13. Statistics population: 1,407 employees.



Comparison of salaries for DNV GL Tekna and Tekna private in 2014 Tekna smoothed

DNV GL Tekna with bonus and SUS

1,200,000 1,100,000 1,000,000


900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000




























Graduation year The graph shows a comparison of arithmetic mean for DNV GL Tekna and Tekna private for different graduation years. The FIGURES for DNV GL Tekna include both SUS and bonus. On average, DNV GL Tekna is at a level 97.19% of Tekna arithmetic mean.

Historic salary gap to Tekna 101% 100% 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91%









The graph shows the historic difference between arithmetic mean for DNV Tekna and Tekna. Figures pre-2011 are based on VEFF’s historical figures for category A. The figures include bonus and SUS.
















Average base salaries



Hans Tormod Hansen

Area Manager Energy Advisory Scandinavia LIN BEATE KARSTEN

Privat foto

Litt personlig om deg selv, hva gjør du når du ikke er på jobb? Jeg er opprinnelig fra Steinkjer, men har hatt en slags nomadeoppvekst ettersom jeg er sønn av en offiser i Hæren. Derfor har jeg bodd rundt omkring i hele landet. Jeg vil anta at jeg har bodd 10–11 steder i Norge, alt fra Tana, Mosjøen og Sætermoen til Porsgrunn. I løpet av barne- og ungdomstiden gikk jeg på seks forskjellige skoler. Dette medførte at jeg kanskje mangler litt røtter, men jeg vil si at jeg lærte utrolig mye. Blant annet har jeg blitt veldig glad i Nord-Norge. Ellers har jeg fire barn og to bonusbarn – den eldste er 38 og den yngste 18, og bonusbarna er 15 og 17. Det er veldig moro. Jeg har også tre barnebarn som jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde mer tid til. Det går nok på bekostning av barnebarna at vi har mange tenåringer og fortsatt «barn» hjemme. Jeg er samboer med Kristin som er administrerende direktør i ­HonningCentralen, så jeg kaller henne bidronninga.

Vi elsker å være ute i naturen og har en fjellgård i Femundsmarka (som for øvrig har vært med på «Der ingen skulle tru at nokon kunne bu» i 2002). Kjell og Eva som eide gården skulle selge og ville at vi skulle kjøpe. De bor der og forvalter det mens vi eier stedet, perfekt løsning! Det er ikke vei dit, og man må enten kjøre snøscooter over isen eller båt over et vann som er halvt norsk og halvt svensk. Jeg kaller dette stedet «livets kilde». Vi tilbringer mye av fritiden vår her. Ellers elsker jeg rypejakt, fiske og natur, dette har jeg fått fra Nord-Norge og


spesielt fra min far. Jeg liker også å være sammen med familie og venner. Elsker jordnære, ekte mennesker som er seg selv. Blant mine beste venner har jeg en tømmermåler, en vakt­ mester og en som driver en fjellgård. Når jeg har tid til overs leser jeg også mye, vil anslå mellom 50 og 80 bøker i året. Fikk for noen år siden et Kindle lesebrett som jeg ikke hadde så stor tro på i starten, men nå elsker jeg det. Hva slags faglig kompetanse og arbeidserfaring har du? Jeg er sivilingeniør og Dr. Ing. fra NTNU. Doktorgraden min ble finansiert av DNV, og den var jeg ferdig med i 1987. Doktor­graden skrev jeg om offshore konstruksjoner. Jeg begynte i DNV i 1980 i Forskningsdivisjonen, FDIV. Jobbet da med «Joint Industry Projects» innenfor olje og gass. Så sluttet jeg i DNV i 1989. Da ble jeg headhuntet til McKinsey, som noe de kalte «Experience Hire». Jeg jobbet mye med olje og gass mot Statoil, så gikk jeg etter hvert over til kraft i 1990. Jobbet i McKinsey til 1996, og da mye i Sverige med det som var en deregulering av kraftmarkedet. Så ble jeg spurt om å starte hos det som den gang het Nycomed-Hafslund, som ny konsernsjef for Hafslund i 1996. På det tidspunktet var det syv ansatte i Oslo, resten i Sarpsborg. Var med på å bygge det til Norges største nett- og sluttbrukerselskap, med over 200 ansatte i Oslo da jeg sluttet der i 2000. På det tidspunktet skulle Hafslund overta energivirksomheten til Elkem til en verdi av rundt tre milliarder kroner. Største eier i Hafslund var Oslo Energi som stemte nei til overtagelsen på generalforsamlingen. Jeg hadde sagt på forhånd at jeg skulle slutte hvis det ble nei. Da sluttet også mange andre i konsernledelsen og styret. Etter dette startet jeg med Management Consulting og holdt på med det til 2011. Så begynte jeg i Pöyry, som er et finsk konsulentselskap, her var jeg ansvarlig for Norden. Etter at jeg sluttet der tenkte jeg, hva skal jeg gjøre nå? Jobbet litt for Thorvald Klaveness og traff Henrik Madsen på en konferanse i Stockholm (vi jobbet sammen i forskningsdivisjonen i DNV på 80-tallet) hvor vi snakket litt spøkefullt om det ikke var på tide for meg å slutte sirkelen, og komme tilbake til DNV GL. Denne muligheten kom kort tid etterpå, og jeg vendte tilbake hit i september 2014. Hva er din rolle i DNV GL? Jeg kom inn som ansvarlig for Energy Advisory Scandinavia, men det er jo egentlig Norge, siden vi pr. nå ikke har noe business i Sverige eller Danmark. Men vi ansetter nå i Sverige


© VEFF Privat foto

etter at jeg har blitt eldre. Det å legge til rette for at de skal lykkes og ha en morsom hverdag er veldig givende, samt å målrettet få være med og bygge Energy, som er et utfordrende marked for DNV GL. Vi har et fantastisk merkenavn, men for energi er vi ikke så kjent ennå, det vi er kjent for er det ­maritime og olje/gass. Likevel har jeg tro på at dette skal vi få til. Vi må være tydelige på at det er kraft vi driver med, og vi merker at det er en mer positiv holdning nå i hele enheten jeg leder.

og har ambisjoner om å bygge opp der. Ellers har vi akkurat hatt en omorganisering i DNV GL Energy hvor Renewables Advisory ble en del av oss. Til sammen er vi ca. 60 personer her på Høvik. Samtidig har vi også full støtte fra Henrik Madsen via David Walker på at vi skal vokse i Norge. Med KEMA og Garrad Hassan sammen med DNV har vi nå på sett og vis tre forskjellige kulturer, på godt og vondt. DNV GL har tenkt helt riktig i forhold til å satse på det som er fornybar energi. Vi jobber blant annet også med «Frem­ tidens Nettselskap», «Smart Energy» og «Risk Management», og mener det er en helt riktig satsning for fremtiden. Enheten jeg leder har vært en enhet med mye uro og ustabilitet. Mitt hovedmål er å få stabilisert det og å få en retning på det vi skal gjøre. De ansatte følte nok at vi i alt for stor grad «pusha» tjenester istedenfor å lytte mer på kundene. Her har vi en prosess på gang som vi jobber mye med. Hvis ikke tjenesten er viktig for kunden er det vanskelig å få suksess – det bør være stort, vanskelig og viktig. Der har olje og gass lykkes med sine megaprosjekter. Jeg synes det er veldig moro å jobbe med mennesker, og det er enda morsommere nå å jobbe med mennesker

Jeg har en veldig åpen lederstil. Jeg har ingen skjulte agendaer. Har ingen annen agenda enn at vi skal lykkes.

Hvordan er det å jobbe i DNV GL? DNV GL har en unik kultur i norsk sammenheng. Det som var fascinerende var at jeg kjente igjen kulturen da jeg kom tilbake etter mange år i andre bedrifter. Det ser jeg på som veldig positivt. Det at et selskap har en identitet, er noe som jeg tror bidrar til at man overlever på sikt. Det tenkte jeg mye på da jeg kom tilbake, at DNV GL alltid har hatt en fantastisk merkevare og en unik kultur. Det ene er at vi står for ting som vi også er tro mot, samtidig som jeg får jobbe innenfor et om­råde som jeg synes er utrolig spennende. Det at kraftmarkedet nå er inne i en stor forandring er veldig tiltrekkende. Det tredje aspektet som gjorde at jeg ønsket denne jobben, var at det var en enhet som hadde utfordringer. Det må være noen nye utfordringer i ting, det skal være litt vanskelig og noe å bryne seg på. På en måte føler jeg at denne jobben er med på å slutte ringen; hadde det ikke vært for den gode erfaringen jeg hadde med DNV GL fra tidligere, så hadde jeg nok ikke vært så klar på at jeg ville komme tilbake. Hva med samarbeidsforhold og ledelseskultur? I DNV GL får jeg jobbe med mennesker og bidra til å finne ut hva som gjør at folk lykkes. Jeg har en veldig åpen lederstil. Jeg har ingen skjulte agendaer, og har ingen annen agenda enn at vi skal lykkes, ingen hemmeligheter. Det er klart at ved oppkjøpsmuligheter må man være tydelig på at dette kan vi ikke snakke om, men ellers er det lite vi ikke kan snakke om. Folk i min enhet må selv oppleve at jeg ikke har noen skjult agenda, jeg sitter i åpent landskap og føler at jeg er tilgjengelig. Jeg føler at DNV GL har en ledelseskultur som jeg brenner for. Ellers prøver jeg å være tydelig på strategi, for det er viktig at folk forstår og kan relatere seg til hva som er våre mål og vår strategi. Det er essensielt å få en kultur der vi er proaktive og klarer å se det som er viktig for kunden. Hele vår omsetning er koblet til kunder, det tror jeg er en litt ny måte å tenke på. Viktige saker du brenner for? Da vil jeg bare si at jeg brenner for kraftbransjen! En utrolig kompleks og spennende industri. Noen avsluttende ord? Det har vært åtte utrolig spennende måneder her i DNV GL. Jeg ser at vi har mye å bygge på som selskap, og det at vi er tro mot våre verdier er ekstremt viktig når vi går fremover. Vi må bruke dette for å differensiere oss fra våre konkurrenter. Bygge videre på det som DNV GL har stått for i alle år. Vi har store muligheter som det bare er opp til oss å gripe tak i!




A little bit about yourself, what do you do when you’re not at work? I’m originally from Steinkjer in mid-Norway, but had a kind of nomadic upbringing since I’m the son of an army officer. So I’ve lived all over Norway, I think in 10–11 places – ranging from Tana to Mosjøen, Sætermoen and Porsgrunn. I attended six different primary and lower secondary schools. That led to perhaps not having many roots, but I must say I learned an incredible amount. Among other things, I’ve become very fond of North Norway. Otherwise, I have four children and two step-children. My oldest is 38 and youngest is 18, while my stepchildren are 15 and 17. They’re a lot of fun. I also have three grandchildren whom I wish I had more time for. I probably don’t have enough time for my grandchildren because we have a lot of teenagers still at home. I live with Kristin, who is the CEO of HonningCentralen, a processor and distributor of honey, so I call her the queen bee. We love being outdoors and have a mountain smallholding at Femundsmarka (which featured in a TV programme in 2002). Kjell and Eva who owned it wanted to sell and wanted us to buy it. They live there and manage it while we own the place – a perfect solution! There is no road to the smallholding, and you have to either drive a snowscooter over the ice or take a boat over a lake that is half in Norway and half in Sweden. I call this place the ”source of life”. We spend a lot of our leisure time here. Otherwise, I love hunting grouse, fishing and being outdoors – something I learned in North Norway and especially from my father. I also like being with my family and friends. I like down-to-earth genuine people who are themselves. My best friends include a timber measurer, a caretaker and someone who runs a mountain smallholding. When I have any spare time, I also read a lot – I’d estimate around 50 to 80 books a year. A few years ago, I was given a Kindle


e-reader that I did not have much faith in to start with, but now I love it.

What kind of professional expertise and work experience do you have? I have a master’s degree and PhD in engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. DNV financed my doctorate, which I completed in 1987. My doctoral thesis was on offshore structures. I started to work for DNV in 1980, when I joined the Research Division (FDIV). After that, I worked on Joint Industry Projects in the oil and gas sector Then I left DNV in 1989. At that time, I was headhunted by McKinsey in what they called Experience Hire. I worked a lot with Statoil on oil and gas issues, and then I gradually moved over to electricity in 1990. I worked for McKinsey until 1996 – often in Sweden on the deregulation of the power market at that time. In 1996, I was asked to join what was then called Nycomed-Hafslund – as the new Group CEO of Hafslund. At that time, the company had seven employees in Oslo and the rest in Sarpsborg. I helped build this into Norway’s biggest grid and end-user company, with more than 200 employees in Oslo when I left in 2000. At that time, Hafslund was going to take over Elkem’s energy operations, which were worth around NOK 3bn. The biggest owner in Hafslund was Oslo Energi, who voted no to the takeover at the general meeting. I said in advance that I would quit if the vote was a no. A lot of others in the group management and board also left at that time. After that, I started doing management consulting until 2011, when I joined Pöyry, a Finnish consulting firm, where I was responsible for the Nordic region. After leaving that company, I thought – what should I do now? I did some work for Thorvald Klaveness and met Henrik Madsen at a conference in Stockholm (we had worked together in DNV’s

research division in the 1980s) and we joked a bit about whether it was time for me to close the circle and return to DNV GL. The opportunity to do so arose shortly afterwards and I returned here in September 2014.

What is your role in DNV GL? I joined as the person responsible for Energy Advisory Scandinavia, but that’s really Norway, since we currently have no business in Sweden or Denmark. However, we are hiring people in Sweden now and aim to build up our operations there. Otherwise, we have just reorganised DNV GL – Energy, and Renewables Advisory became a part of us. In total, we are around 60 members of staff here at Høvik. At the same time, we also have the full support of Henrik Madsen, via David Walker, to grow in Norway. With KEMA and Garrad Hassan together with DNV, we really have three different cultures, which is both good and bad. DNV GL has correctly decided to focus on renewable energy. We are also working on the ”Grid Company of the Future”,”Smart Energy” and ”Risk Management”, and believe this is the entirely correct focus for the future. The unit I lead has experienced a lot of unrest and instability. My main goal is to stabilise it and find a direction for the work we are to do. I think the employees felt that we were ”pushing” our services far too much, instead of listening more to our customers. Here, we have an ongoing process that we are working hard on. If the service is not important to the customer, it is difficult to achieve success – it should be large, difficult and important. The oil and gas department has succeeded in this with its mega projects. I think it’s great fun working with people, and this is even more fun now that I’m older. Making arrangements so that people will succeed and have fun in their work gives me a lot, as is being allowed to build Energy in DNV GL. The company

Private photo


Private photo

I have a very open leadership style. I don’t have any hidden agendas. I don’t have any agenda other than that we must succeed.

is facing a challenging market. We have a fantastic brand, but we are not that well-known for energy yet – what we are known for is maritime and oil/gas services. However, I believe we will manage to achieve this. We must be clear that our business is electricity – we now notice a more positive attitude throughout the unit I’m in charge of.

was a unit facing challenges. There has to be some new challenges in things – they must be a bit difficult and challenging. In a way, I feel that this job helps me close the circle. If it had not been for my good early experiences in DNV GL, I would probably not have been so willing to return.

What it is like to work in DNV GL?

In DNV GL, I get to work with people and help find out what makes them succeed. I have a very open leadership style. I don’t have any hidden agendas. I don’t have any agenda other than that we must succeed – no secrets. It’s clear that when it comes to a possible acquisition, obviously we can’t talk freely about it – but otherwise there is little that we can’t talk about. I want people in my unit to know that I don’t have any hidden agenda – I sit in an open-plan office and feel that I’m available. DNV GL has a management culture that I really like. Otherwise, I try to be clear about strategy. It is important that people understand and can relate to our goals and strategy. It is essential to build a culture in which

DNV GL’s culture is unique in a Norwegian context. What was fascinating was that I recognised the culture when I returned after many years in other companies. I regard that as very positive. The fact that a company has an identity is something that I think helps it survive in the long term. I thought a lot about that when I returned. DNV GL has always had a fantastic brand and a unique culture. One thing is that we represent things that we are also faithful to, another is that I’m allowed to work in an area that I think is incredibly exciting. The fact that the power market is also changing a lot is very attractive. The third aspect for wanting this job was that it

What about cooperation and management culture?

we are proactive and manage to see what is important for the customer. All of our revenue is linked to customers – I think that’s quite a new way of thinking.

Important issues you are very interested in? I would say that I’m very interested in the power industry! It’s an incredibly complex and exciting industry.

Any final words? I’ve had eight incredibly exciting months here in DNV GL. I see that we have a lot to build on, and that being faithful to our values is extremely important as we now go forward. We must use this to differentiate ourselves from our competitors. To build further on what DNV GL has stood for all the time. We have a lot of opportunities that we simply have to grab!



Torolf Aadnesen Finansdirektør i DNV GL LIN BEATE KARSTEN

LITT PERSONLIG OM DEG SELV, HVA GJØR DU NÅR DU IKKE ER PÅ JOBB? Jeg vil si at jeg er en familiemann. Vi har tre døtre, hvor de to eldste er ganske selvgående mens den yngste på 15 fremdeles krever en del oppfølgning. Hun driver med håndball og fotball, og jeg pleier å si at jeg er veldig sportsinteressert om det er noen i min egen familie som deltar. Ellers har vi en hytte, og driver skogbruk på Sørlandet i nærheten av Tvedestrand, samt at mye av fritiden tilbringes i Oslo. Vi prøver å holde oss i bevegelse, og bruker tid på å stelle hus og hage. HVA SLAGS FAGLIG KOMPETANSE OG ARBEIDSERFARING HAR DU? Jeg er utdannet siviløkonom fra Handelshøyskolen i Bergen. Begynte i DNV i 1982, og jobbet de første ti årene som økonomi­konsulent, økonomisjef og økonomidirektør innenfor DNVs olje- og gassvirksomhet. Etter det var det noen år som økonomidirektør for både olje/gass og landbasert industri, og fra 1998 til 2006 som CFO for konsernet, under tre forskjellige konsernledere. I 2006 gikk jeg av som CFO og har siden hatt ansvaret for konsernets finansfunksjon med finansiering, finansinvesteringer, eiendomsinvesteringer og pensjonsordninger, samt vært prosjektleder eller innehatt sentrale roller i store prosjekter som Intertek-forhandlingene, KEMA-oppkjøpet og GL-fusjonen. Den første store transaksjonen jeg var med på var i 1988 da vi fusjonerte Veritas olje- og gassvirksomhet, Veritec, med Brown & Root Norge Engineering AS, og vi fikk syv års erfaring med Brown & Root Ltd som minoritetseier i Veritec. Det er betydelige forskjeller, men også klare paralleller til det samarbeidet vi nå har med Mayfair etter DNV GL-fusjonen. HVA ER DIN ROLLE I DNV GL? Fra 1. januar 2014 har jeg jobbet tilnærmet full tid for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas med oppgaven å ivareta dens aksjonær­ interesser i datterselskapet DNV GL. I tillegg har jeg ansvaret for den delen av Det Norske Veritas-konsernets virksomhet som ikke er en del av DNV GL. Det er de to eiendomsselskapene Det Norske Veritas Eiendom AS og Rosenberggata 101 AS, samt en portefølje av finansinvesteringer. Rosenberggata 101 AS er en ren finansplassering hvor vi bygger et kontorbygg


på nabotomten til DNV GL-bygget i Stavanger, leier bygget ut for en lang periode og deretter selger det. Bygget var ferdig 12. mars i år og Centrica Norway Ltd. har leid det i ti år med opsjoner på forlengelse. Vi har nå lagt bygget og/eller selskapet Rosenberggata 101 AS ut for salg, så får vi se hvordan det går. Det er generelt sett et gunstig tidspunkt å selge eiendom, men usikkerheten knyttet til oljeindustrien i Stavanger trekker i negativ retning. I tillegg til ca. tre milliarder kroner i finansinvesteringer for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas, forvalter finansavdelingen 5.9 milliarder kroner på vegne av DNV GL Pensjonskasse. VERITAS 3 – UTFORDRINGER OG ERFARINGER? Veritas 3-prosjektet startet allerede i 2007, da det begynte å bli trangt her. Siden har det vært en omfattende prosess for å få regulert området og få byggetillatelse. Det ledet frem til en endelig reguleringsplan i mars 2014, som er grunnlaget for den utbyggingen som nå er i gang. I reguleringsplanen er det åpnet for å bygge ut 30.000 kvadratmeter med kontorer. I utgangspunktet ønsket vi å bygge alt i en omgang slik at det bare ble én byggeprosess, med alle de forstyrrelser og ulemper det medfører, men vi er gått bort fra den planen. I denne omgangen blir det kun bygget for DNV GLs behov i de nærmeste årene – 10.000 kvadratmeter til 470 arbeidsplasser og et konferansesenter, og et nytt underjordisk parkeringsanlegg med plass til 200 biler. Graving, boring, sprengning og mye transport inn og ut av byggeområdet er negativt for de 2400 som har sitt daglige arbeid i senteret. For å begrense ­plagene for ansatte og andre brukere av senteret er det derfor viktig at byggeprosessen blir så kortvarig som mulig. I den grad det er mulig skal den ikke være til hinder for turveier, bading og annen bruk av området. Når vi er ferdige med utbyggingen til jul 2016 skal området bli enda finere enn tidligere. Noen resultater ser vi allerede. Den nye veien på nordsiden av Veritas 2 krevde at tennisbanene måtte flyttes, og den nye plasseringen på taket til P-hus 1 har gitt oss førsteklasses tennis­baner med en spektakulær utsikt. Den nye glassgangen fra konsernresepsjonen i Veritas 2 har gitt en god kommunikasjon gjennom Veritas 2 og mellom de to resepsjonene. Konsernresepsjonen vil også kunne benyttes som hovedinngang når sydveggen i Veritas 2 må rives for å koble Veritas 2 og Veritas 3 sammen. Ellers vil jeg si at samarbeidet med velforeningene og naboene på nedre Høvik har vært i fokus hele tiden. Vi har hatt en


Samtidig brenner jeg for at Veritas 3 skal bli et fremragende bygg, både for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas som eier og for DNV GL som leietaker.

© Budstikka/Knut Bjerke

god dialog og fokusert på å ivareta deres interesser. De er til gjengjeld veldig positive til at DNV GL holder til på Høvik, og ønsker at området skal videreutvikles slik at vi fortsatt kan ha hovedkontoret her. Vi har også hatt en god dialog med administrasjonen og ikke minst politikerne i Bærum kommune. At vi har klart å få til dette gode samarbeidet er vi veldig glade for. HVORDAN ER DET Å JOBBE I DNV GL? Jeg jobber her fordi jeg trives godt. Det er en bedrift på størrelse med en middels stor norsk by, og jobbtilbudet er omtrent det samme og med stor variasjon. Vi har også en spennende faglig og sosial kulturmiks, med et stort antall forskjellige nasjonaliteter, religioner og etniske grupper representert. Det som er spennende er at vi får det til å fungere sammen. HVA MED SAMARBEIDSFORHOLD, MØTEPLASSER OG LEDELSESKULTUR? Den åpne, enkle kommunikasjonen har alltid tiltalt meg. En kultur hvor det er lov å være uenige og å ha forskjellige meninger i forkant av at beslutninger fattes. Den høye kompetansen i DNV GL, og organisasjonens forkjærlighet for grundig analyse og gode logiske resonnementer, gjør at man kan få gjennomslag for det meste hvis argumentene er gode nok. På den annen side er man sjanseløs dersom resonnementet halter. Min observasjon fra fusjonen mellom DNV og GL er at menneskene er veldig like, og vi har fått en masse fantastisk kompetente og hyggelige nye kolleger, mens den store forskjellen mellom DNV og GL er knyttet til ledelseskultur. Dette visste vi, men forskjellene var nok større enn vi trodde. Det er farlig å si at den ene er bedre enn den andre, så vi får håpe vi klarer å ta vare på det beste fra begge kulturer. Selv har jeg stor tro på styrken i den nordiske uformelle ledelsesmodellen, samtidig som jeg tror den tyske kulturen kan bidra til noe bedre struktur og fjerning av ukultur. I en av mine diskusjoner med våre

Finansdirektør Torolf Aadnesen i DNV GL har satt i gang utbygging av 10.000 kvadratmeter med kontorbygg på Veritas-senteret. Bygget skal etter planen stå klart til jul 2016.

nye tyske kollegaer fikk jeg høre at de nå hadde skjønt at det var en del av den norske kulturen å møte uforberedt til møter! Å møte uforberedt er selvsagt ikke norsk kultur, men en ikke uvanlig norsk forsømmelse og uvane. VIKTIGE SAKER DU BRENNER FOR? Min jobb nå er å ivareta Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas’ interesser i aksjonærsamarbeidet med Mayfair, samt eiendoms­ utvikling og finansforvaltning. Jeg rapporterer til styreformann Leif-Arne Langøy. For Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas er det en stor endring fra å være eneeier til å være dominerende majoritetseier. Prioriteringene og ønskene til de to aksjonærene er ikke alltid sammenfallende. Mye er regulert i en aksjonæravtale, men det er også en god del som må avklares underveis. I tillegg har selve fusjonsavtalen bestemmelser knyttet til garantier og håndtering av forhold som kan henføres til perioden før fusjonen ble gjennomført. Samtidig brenner jeg for at Veritas 3 skal bli et fremragende bygg, både for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas som eier og for DNV GL som leietaker. Bygget skal ferdigstilles uten ulykker og innenfor godkjente økonomiske rammer, samt nå de forutsatte målene knyttet til miljø og energiforbruk. Det skal bli et så godt bygg å arbeide i at vi kan se effekten i høy trivsel og redusert sykefravær, og brukerne av Veritas-parken skal oppleve at den er blitt enda flottere. NOEN AVSLUTTENDE ORD? Fusjonen mellom DNV og GL er det største løftet vi noen gang har påtatt oss. Det industrielle rasjonale er åpenbart og mange tidligere forsøk har mislykkes. Jeg var med i fusjonsforhandlingene i 1999/2000 der vi nesten kom i mål, og også i anbudsprosessen i 2006 da GL ble solgt til Mayfair. Nå har vi lykkes, men samtidig fått en stor utfordring i å realisere potensialet i fusjonen. Vi kommer til å få det til, men enkelt blir det ikke.




Tell us a little bit about yourself, what do you do when you’re not at work? I’d say I’m a family man. We have three daughters; the two oldest are quite independent, while we still have to follow up the youngest, who is 15. She plays handball and football, and I usually say that I’m very interested in sport if someone in my own family is taking part. Otherwise, we have a cabin and some forestry in the south of Norway, near to Tvedestrand, and we spend a lot of our leisure time in Oslo. We try to keep in shape, and we spend time looking after our house and garden.

What kind of professional expertise and work experience do you have? I have a master’s degree in economics from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen. I joined DNV in 1982 and spent the first ten years as a finance consultant, finance manager and then finance director in DNV’s oil and gas operations. After that, I was finance director for both the oil & gas and land-based industrial operations for a few years, and then Group CFO from 1998 to 2006. During this period, I worked with three different Group CEOs. I resigned as CFO in 2006 to become responsible for the Group’s finance function – involving financing, financial investments, real estate investments and pension schemes – and I have been a project manager or held key roles in major projects, such as the Intertek and KEMA negotiations and the GL merger. The first large transaction I was involved in was in 1988, when we merged DNV’s oil and gas operations, Veritec, with Brown & Root Norge Engineering AS, and had seven years’ experience of Brown & Root Ltd as a minority owner of Veritec. There are considerable differences, but also clear parallels, with the collaboration we now have with Mayfair following the DNV GL merger.


What is your role in DNV GL? Since 1 January 2014, I have more or less worked full time for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas, safeguarding this foundation’s shareholder interests in its subsidiary, DNV GL. In addition, I’m responsible for that part of the Det Norske Veritas Group’s operations that are not part of DNV GL. That is two property companies – Det Norske Veritas Eiendom AS and Rosenberggata 101 AS – as well as a portfolio of financial investments. Rosenberggata 101 AS is purely a financial investment; we built an office on the site next to the DNV GL offices in Stavanger, in order to lease it out for a long time and then sell it. The building was completed on 12 March of this year, and Centrica Norway Ltd has leased it for ten years with renewal options. We have now put the building and/or the company Rosenberggata 101 AS up for sale, so we’ll see how that goes. This is generally a favourable time to sell property, but the uncertainty relating to the oil industry in Stavanger is slightly negative. In addition to financial investments of around NOK 3bn for Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas, the finance department manages NOK 5.9bn on behalf of DNV GL’s Pension Fund.

Veritas 3 – challenges and experiences? The Veritas 3 project started back in 2007, when these offices started to become too small for us. Since then, there has been an extensive process to have this area regulated and obtain a building permit. This led to a final zoning plan in March 2014, which is the basis for the current construction work. The zoning plan allows 30,000 square metres of offices to be built. We basically wanted to build everything in one go, so that there would only be one construction process – with all the disturbances and drawbacks this entails – but we have departed from that plan now.

This time, we are only building to meet DNV GL’s needs over the next few years – 10,000 square metres for 470 workstations and a conference centre, as well as a new underground car park with room for 200 cars. The excavation work, drilling, blasting and transport into and out of the construction site are negative for the 2,400 people who work at the centre. In order to limit the problems for users and visitors, it is important that the building process is as short as possible. Once construction work is completed by Christmas 2016, the area will be even nicer than before. We can see some results already. The new road on the northern side of Veritas 2 meant that the tennis courts had to be moved, and their new location on the roof of Car Park 1 has given us first-class tennis courts with a spectacular view. The new glass corridor from Veritas 2’s Group reception area has led to good communication through Veritas 2 and between the two reception desks. The Group reception area may also be used as a main entrance when the southern wall of Veritas 2 has to be demolished to link Veritas 2 with Veritas 3. Otherwise, I would say that we have had a continuous focus on collaborating with the residents’ associations and neighbours at Høvik. We’ve had a good dialogue and focused on safeguarding their interests. In return, they are very positive to DNV GL being at Høvik, and want the area to be further developed so that we can still have our head office here. We have also had a very good dialogue with the administration and, not least, politicians in Bærum municipality. We’re very pleased that we’ve managed to achieve this good cooperation.

What it is like to work in DNV GL? I work here because I like it a lot. It’s a company the size of a medium-sized Norwegian town; the number of jobs are about the same as they would be in such a town, and are very varied. We also have


I am very focused on Veritas 3 becoming an excellent building for both Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas as the owner and DNV GL as the tenant.

© Budstikka/Knut Bjerke

a stimulating professional and social mix of cultures, with a large number of different nationalities, religions and ethnic groups represented. What’s exciting is the fact that we together manage to make it work.

What about cooperation, meeting places and management culture? Open, simple communication has always appealed to me – having a culture where it is all right to disagree and have different opinions before decisions are made. The high level of competence in DNV GL, and the organisation’s liking for thorough analyses and good logical reasoning, mean that most ideas can win through provided the arguments for them are good enough. On the other hand, you don’t have a chance if your arguments are faulty. The merger between DNV and GL has shown me that the employees are very similar and we have gained a lot of fantastically competent and nice new colleagues, while the big difference between DNV and GL is linked to the management culture. We knew this, but the differences are probably greater than we thought. It’s dangerous to say that one is better than the other, so we can hope that we manage to keep the best of both cultures. I have great faith in the strength of the Nordic informal

DNV GL’s finance director Torolf Aadnesen has started the construction of 10,000 square metres of office space at the Veritas Centre, Høvik. The building will be completed by Christmas 2016.

management model, but I think the German culture can contribute to a slightly better structure and removal of bad habits. In one of my discussions with our new German colleagues, I was told that they had now understood that it was part of the Norwegian culture to come to meetings unprepared! Of course, coming to meetings unprepared is not part of the Norwegian culture, but it is a not uncommon Norwegian failing and bad habit.

Important issues you are very focused on? My job now is to safeguard the interests of Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas (the foundation) in the shareholder collaboration with Mayfair, as well as real-estate development and financial management. I report to chairman of the board Leif-Arne Langøy. For Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas, going from sole owner to the dominant majority owner is a huge change. The two shareholders’ priorities and wishes are not always the same. A lot of this is regulated in a shareholders’ agreement, but quite a lot also has to be clarified along the way. In addition, the actual merger agreement contains provisions relating to guarantees and the handling of issues that can be attributed to the period before the merger took place.

At the same time, I am very focused on Veritas 3 becoming an excellent building for both Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas as the owner and DNV GL as the tenant. The building has to be completed without any accidents and within the approved financial frameworks, and it must reach the stated environmental and energy-consumption goals. It must be such a good building to work in that we can see the effect in high levels of job satisfaction and a reduction in the sickness absence rate, and users of the Veritas Park must experience that it has become even lovelier.

Any final words? The merger between DNV and GL is the biggest effort we have ever undertaken. The industrial rationale is obvious and many former attempts have failed. I was involved in the merger negotiations in 1999/2000, when we almost succeeded, and also in the tender process in 2006 when GL was sold to Mayfair. Now we have succeeded, but at the same time we now face the difficult challenge of realising the merger’s potential. We will manage to do so, but it won’t be easy.



FIRST STEP TOWARDS A DNV GL EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCIL (EWC) Before the merger of DNV and GL, the legacy organizations had their respective European Works Councils. The DNV EWC goes back to before the EU directive, and the GL EWC was formed as a consequence of the registration as an SE company. SUE LONG AND ANNA BERGLUND

The merger has created an opportunity to negotiate a new agreement, during this stage the legacy works councils are kept. The first meeting of the DNV GL Special Negotiating Body (SNB) took place at Høvik, Norway 13–14 April. Being the first step in the creation of an agreement to form a European Works Council (EWC), the SNB is composed of one representative in ten of the employees in a member state or EES country. There were additional

representatives of the legacy works councils working committees (40 in total). Following presentations from the management and a legal expert, Tanja Haak, the delegates were left to their own devices. With so many representatives and so many nationalities present, the meeting needed a facilitator. Anthony O’Reilly, the representative for Ireland, was elected and threw himself into the task with gusto. The purpose of this first meeting was to see if a 2/3 majority of the attendees were in favour of creating a European Works Council. A vote was taken, resulting in an overwhelming majority to create an EWC – so the challenge was on. The next items to consider were a smaller working committee, Chair and deputy Chair. The SNB agreed that a forum of about 40 people would not be effective in negotiating any agreement. The SNB elected a working committee of nine, a Chair (Sue Long) and a deputy Chair (Anna Berglund).

WHERE IS THE OIL PRICE GOING? Quite a lot of DNV GL’s business relies on the oil industry. We want to secure as many employees as possible; then we need sustainable business partners. Here is one prediction made by Harald Magnus Andreassen, Chief economist in Swedbank. His prediction is that 100 USD per barley is too high, but 50 are too low. We in VEFF are optimistic, as Reim recently said in the news articles, and believe that the oil prices will be in line with the IEA predictions.


Why is an EWC important? The EWC is not in any way replacing the national unions or works councils. It has no negotiation rights; it is a formal information and consultation body. Apart from the formalities, the EWC is an excellent arena for cooperation and exchange of best practices and good ideas amongst the national works councils representatives. As DNV GL is registered in Norway, the new agreement will be based on the EU directive and the Norwegian national requirements interpretations. The next meeting of the negotiation committee will take place in Oslo in the beginning of June.

Chair of the Special Negotiating Body (SNB) Sue Long E-mail Mobile +44 7972 187172 Direct +44 1509 282094


YOUNG AT HEART? ”Young in DNV GL” is a forum where young professionals in DNV GL at Høvik can build a social and professional network across the organization, have fun and be inspired to have a long career in DNV GL.

SONDRE HENNINGSGÅRD Young in DNV GL is based on voluntary work and aims to be an informal, additional association to what DNV GL currently offers to employees. As we are expanding, it has become an initiative by young professionals in many locations – open for anyone to join. Young in DNV GL is not linked to any other organisation within DNV GL; it is simply a network for young professionals and those feeling young at heart. If you think the topics or events sound interesting, then you are more than welcome. The purpose of Young in DNV GL is to create informal arenas where we can interact, expand our network and broaden our knowledge across DNV GL. In the context of a roughly 150-year-young

organization, this initiative is a bit more recent. Yet its relevance is only growing as two companies are moving forward as one, and as employees increasingly work across regions and business areas. The network started as an initiative targeting young professionals; however, as the initiative expanded the term ”young professionals” to include those feeling young at heart, most events are open for all. 2014 stands out as a year when more local groups decided to get started than ever before, and when already established groups arranged events all the way up to Group CEO level. And it stands out as an exciting continuation of past efforts, with lots of future potential. Currently Young in DNV GL has local chapters all over the world, with more being established every year. • Would you like to participate in our events? • Are you not on our mailing list? • Would you like to be a member of the professional or social events team?

Contact your local Young in DNV GL chapter You can find more information about the forum on the various Young in DNV GL sharepoint sites. Contact info for Young in DNV GL Oslo: Leader Martin Lågstad E-mail Mobile +47 938 67 104



GLOBAL EMPLOYEE FORUM (GEF) The last GEF meeting was held at Høvik on 3 December 2014. Some of the topics discussed were market status; challenges and opportunities. The information and update was given to the members of GEF by our CEO Henrik O. Madsen. After each session, GEF members give feedback on the topics discussed, representing employees from all corners of the DNV GL world. Integration, HR topics and the global results from the PEP survey 2014 were discussed with the Group CHRO Cecilie B. Heuch, which also gave us updates and information related to the latest findings and trends. A presentation on future company culture, HSE and safety culture of DNV GL was discussed. Then we had a workshop on these topics, as a contribution to the project. The GEF was established to ensure

input to major cross-border processes – in particular the strategy process in DNV GL – through consultations with a body with worldwide representation of employees. Representatives are appointed by and amongst the representatives in the regional forums: • AmEF (Employee Forum for Americas and Africa) • AsEF (Employee Forum for Asia, Pacific and Middle East) • EWC (European Works Councils – Europe) • NW (Norwegian Works Councils – Norway). The topics for information and consultation shall be of cross-border concern for at

least two countries and contribute to the enhancement of employees’ understanding of and commitment to global/regional processes, and provide the DNV GL Executive Committee with employee input to such processes. The following elements may be relevant to address: • Strategy input • The corporate structure and substantial changes concerning the organisation • The market and financial situation • Employment situation and probable trends including significant redundancies • HR corporate policies and procedures regarding staffing and rewarding.

Attending the annual GEF meeting at Høvik in December 2014 together with management. From left: Eng Cheow Ang, Krzysztof Krolak, Nina Ivarsen, Group CEO & President Henrik O. Madsen, Malcolm P. Beere, Richard Fletcher, Vassilis Stavridis, Group CHRO Cecilie B. Heuch, and Camilla Wiik.



UNIONS AND THE NORWEGIAN MODEL Unions are known to most people, but what do they actually do, and how do they affect you and your working life? These and other questions were answered for the approximately 80 people present during the breakfast with the ”Young in DNV GL” event at Høvik on 23 April. ”The Norwegian model” is a concept that is applied to describe the distinguishing features in the organisation of working life in Norway. The concept is used to illustrate the relationship between employer and employee, the employer organisations and the unions and their relationship to the Norwegian state. How the relationship between the parties in working life is regulated is the responsibility of the employers and the employees. However, this takes place within a statutory framework which is additional to the negotiated agreements. The Norwegian Working Environment Act and other Acts regulate agreements between employers and employees.

Recognition of elected union representatives Employers acknowledge that employees have legitimate common interests. This is dependent on recognition of the employees’ right of representation at all levels in the organisation of the enterprise.

A representative system The employees must have the opportunity of establishing a representative system, in other words they must be able to elect their own representatives and safety officer. Employees shall not only have the opportunity to influence their worksite as individuals, but also to act collectively.

Acceptance of disputes Management and employees share common interests – and have differing interests. Even if both parties have a common interest in the further

Representing the Norwegian Work Council, Nina Ivarsen (chairperson VEFF and head of Global Employee Forum), Angela Miller (head of the Tekna group in DNV GL), and Grethe Valdø (head of the NITO group in DNV GL) – here in negotiations with Labour Law and Labour Relations, Nina Rivelsrød Aalborg and Hanne Lyngstad Solberg.

development of the enterprise, there can be very differing interests on issues such as wages, employment and who is to perform certain types of assignment. Disputes may also arise on the issue of how work is to be performed when there are limited resources, for example time. In order to ensure good cooperation, it is important to accept that on some issues there must be a conflict of interests. Guidelines on how such conflicts are to be handled, whether it is purely a question

of wages or, for example, redundancies, are therefore an important part of “the Norwegian model”. Another important element is acceptance of the right to strike and the right to lockout in certain circumstances. You can find all our tariff agreements on the new intranet.

Tariff agreements Norway Two DNV union members and one employee-elected EWC member were invited to a special negotiation body, just weeks after the first contact was made with GL. All our opinions were validated, and one important part of the prediscussions of a merger was the unions’ input on company cultures. Union members were involved when DNV acquired KEMA. We were also able to make an agreement with the Country Chair to not sell the Norwegian part of the transportation department.



Ny Arbeidsmiljølov Nylig ble det kjent at de omfattende endringene i Arbeidsmiljøloven (AML) vil tre i kraft 1. juli 2015. I samhandling med DNV GL skal vi drøfte endringer og hvordan dette vil påvirke våre avtaler. NINA IVARSEN I en del av endringene er det lagt inn overgangsregler, slik at de nye reglene ikke får fullt utslag fra første dag. Særlig gjelder det regelverket knyttet til aldersgrenser og midlertidige ansattes rett til fast stilling etter tre år. ETT ÅRS OVERGANGSREGLER En av de viktigste endringene som nå gjøres i arbeidsmiljøloven, er at aldersgrensen økes fra 70 til 72 år. Samtidig blir det ikke anledning til å avtale lavere bedriftsintern aldersgrense enn 70 år, med mindre det er godt begrunnet i helse og sikkerhet. – Det betyr at mange arbeidsgivere, også DNV GL, som har gjort avtale om 67 års intern aldersgrense, må endre eller av­vikle denne. De kan imidlertid beholde den avtalte grensen i inntil ett år etter at loven har trådt i kraft. Dersom aldersgrensen er avtalt gjennom tariffavtale, kan grensen beholdes frem til første gang tariffavtalen utløper, sier Infotjenesters arbeidsrettsjurist Hans Gjermund Gauslaa.

Du kan fremdeles starte ditt pensjonsuttak fra 62 år som før, i avtale med NAV IKKE KRAV OM Å JOBBE LENGER At aldersgrensene nå økes, innebærer imidlertid ikke at arbeidstakerne vil bli tvunget til å stå lenger i jobb. – Mange blander denne lovendringen med retten til å motta pensjon. Det er viktig å ha klart for seg at dette ikke handler om pengene knyttet til pensjon, men om arbeidsgivers mulighet til å si opp arbeidstakere på grunn av alder. Arbeidstakere kan som før velge å gå av med pensjon helt eller delvis før de fyller 70 eller 72 år, understreker Gauslaa. FIREÅRSREGELEN BLIR DELVIS TREÅRSREGEL Når det gjelder midlertidige ansettelser, vil fireårsregelen fra 1. juli delvis gjøres om til en treårsregel. Samtidig får arbeidsgiver mulighet til å ansette arbeidstakere midlertidig uten vilkår for inntil tolv måneder.


– Det som gjør endringen av fireårsregelen komplisert, er at det nå vil være ulike regler for ulike typer midlertidige ansettelser. Hvis arbeidstaker er ansatt midlertidig med bakgrunn i at arbeidet er av midlertidig karakter, vil fireårsregelen fortsatt gjelde. Ved vikariater og midlertidige avtaler uten vilkår, vil arbeidstakeren nå bli fast ansatt etter tre år sammenhengende. Treårsregelen gjelder også hvis man kombinerer arbeid av midlertidig karakter med andre typer midlertidige stillinger, sier Gauslaa. TREÅRSREGELEN GJELDER VED FORLENGELSE Når det gjelder overgangen til nytt regelverk, er det bare nye midlertidige avtaler som inngås fra og med 1. juli som omfattes av treårsregelen. – Hvis disse nye avtalene inngås som direkte forlengelse av tidligere midlertidige avtaler, vil man imidlertid være å se på som fast ansatt etter tre år selv om det ikke har gått tre år siden lovendringen trådte i kraft, sier Gauslaa. ENDREDE ARBEIDSTIDSREGLER Den tredje store endringen i arbeidsmiljøloven handler om arbeidstid. Her blir overgangen mellom nytt og gammelt regelverk enklere. Fra 1. juli blir det blant annet en økning av de timegrensene som gjelder ved gjennomsnittsberegning av arbeidstid etter avtale med arbeidstaker. Det kan da avtales inntil 10 timer om dagen og inntil 50 timer i løpet uka, så lenge gjennomsnittet over åtte uker maksimalt blir 48 timer i uka. – Ellers er det bare gjort små justeringer i arbeidstidsreglene, i hovedsak knyttet til gjennomsnittsberegning og overtid. Alle disse endringene vil gjelde fra 1. juli, sier Gauslaa.

Hovedregelen er fast ansettelse

Referanse: Infotjenesters arbeidsrettsjurist Hans Gjermund Gauslaa og journalist Arild Vold


NEW WORKING ENVIRONMENT ACT IN NORWAY It was recently announced that the extensive changes to the Norwegian Working Environment Act will enter into force on 1 July 2015. We will hold discussions with DNV GL on these changes and how they will affect our agreements. Transitional legislation applies to some of the changes, so the new rules will not take full effect from day one. This especially applies to the legislation concerning age limits and the right of temporary employees to a permanent job after three years.


© iStock

One of the most important changes to the Working Environment Act is that the age limit is being increased from 70 to 72 years. At the same time, it will not be possible to agree on a lower age limit than 70 within the company unless there are very good health and safety reasons for this. ”This means that many employers, including DNV GL, that have agreed on 67 years as the internal age limit, must change or do away with this. However, they can retain the agreed limit for up to one year after the Act enters into force. If the age limit has been agreed on in a collective agreement, it may be retained until the first time the collective agreement expires,” says Infotjenester’s labour-legislation expert Hans Gjermund Gauslaa.

Will the new rules regarding new pension age affect you? Not a requirement that the employee must work longer

The three-year rule applies to extensions

The fact that the age limit is now being increased does not, however, mean that employees will be forced to work longer. ”Many people mix up this change to legislation with the right to receive a pension. It’s important to be aware that this is not about the money linked to a pension, it’s about the employer’s opportunity to dismiss employees due to their age. Employees can, as before, choose to retire on a full or partial pension before they are 70 or 72 years of age,” underlines Gauslaa.

As regards the transition to the new regulations, only new temporary contracts entered into on or after 1 July are covered by the three-year rule. ”If these new contracts are entered into as a direct extension of previous temporary contracts, however, the employee will be regarded as a permanent employee after three years even if it has not been three years since the change to legislation entered into force,” says Gauslaa.

The four-year rule will partly become a three-year rule As regards temporary appointments, the four-year rule will partly be turned into a three-year rule on 1 July. At the same time, the employer will be given the right to hire employees on a temporary basis and not subject to conditions for up to twelve months. ”What makes the change to the fouryear rule complicated is that there will now be different rules for different types of temporary appointments. If an employee is temporarily employed because the work is of a temporary nature, the four-year rule will continue to apply. In the case of temporary appointments and temporary contracts not subject to conditions, the employee will now become a permanent employee after a continuous period of three years. The three-year rule also applies if work of a temporary nature is combined with other types of temporary jobs,” says Gauslaa.

New working hour rules The third major change to the Working Environment Act relates to working hours. Here, the transition from the old regulations to the new will be easier. As from 1 July, there will among other things be an increase in the hourly limits that apply when calculating the average working hours pursuant to agreement with the employee. It will in such case be possible to agree on working hours of up to ten hours a day and up to 50 hours a week as long as the average over eight weeks is a maximum of 48 hours a week. ”Otherwise, only slight adjustments have been made to the working hour rules, mainly linked to the calculation of the average and overtime hours. All these changes will apply as from 1 July,” says Gauslaa.

Reference Infotjenester’s labour-legislation expert Hans Gjermund Gauslaa and journalist Arild Vold



Medlemsfordeler VEFF ble etablert for over 35 år siden. Vi er en fagforening kun for arbeidstakere i DNV GL, og vi har nesten 1200 medlemmer i Norge. CAMILLA WIIK VEFFs MEDLEMSFORDELER • VEFF organiserer alle profesjoner og fagområder i DNV GL Norge – også ledere. Vi arbeider for et ikke-diskriminerende arbeidsmiljø. • VEFF organiserer nesten halvparten av sivilingeniørene i DNV GL i Norge. • VEFFs medlemmer er sikret medbestemmelse og påvirkning. • VEFFs kontor ligger sentralt på Høvik, med lokal representasjon på alle DNV GLs 19 kontorer i Norge. • VEFF er en kunnskaps- og læringsorganisasjon som tilpasser seg endringer og utviklingen i fremtiden. • VEFF ser på alle medlemmer som kunnskapsmedarbeidere og har som mål å støtte dem lokalt.


• VEFF skal være talerør for de ansatte og beskytte deres interesser. • VEFFs leder er også medlem av EWC (European Works Concil) og leder i tillegg GEF (Global Employee Forum). • VEFFs leder er også medlem av CR (Corporate Responsibility) Board. • VEFF organiserer også nesten 200 medlemmer fra DNV GL i Danmark. GODE FORSIKRINGSBETINGELSER Visste du at Gjensidige har fått bedre betingelser fra 1. januar i år? Som medlem i VEFF er det mye å spare på avtalen vi har med dem. Ring Gjensidige på telefon 03100, eller gå til Kontakt VEFF-kontoret hvis du ønsker å få en brosjyre tilsendt.

Visste du? AML § 12-11: At rett til utdannelsespermisjon også gjelder for utdannelse som ikke bare er relevant for din arbeidsgiver, men til arbeidslivet generelt. Rettspraksis har flere eksempler på dette. Etter gitte kriterier i loven kan man få rett til utdannelsespermisjon i inntil tre år uten lønn.

Dødsfallsforsikring – ny av året og gir utbetaling helt til du er 75.

Ønsket aldersgrense: 72 VEFF ønsket en øvre aldersgrense på 72 år. Beklageligvis, og stikk i strid med fagforeningene, bestemte lederforum seg for en aldersbestemt pensjon på 70 år. Stillingsvernet i Arbeidsmiljøloven har til nå gitt arbeidsgiver mulighet til å si opp ansatte over 67 år. For bedrifter som ikke har avtalt noe annet, har arbeidstakere som selv har ønsket det kunnet jobbe til de er 70 år. Dette heves nå til 72 år. Til tross for denne aldersgrensen i loven er det svært mange bedrifter som praktiserer en lavere bedriftsintern grense, som oftest på 67 år som vi har i DNV GL, men dette har ikke vært konsekvent praktisert. Slike bedriftsinterne aldersgrenser har vært omstridt i lang tid. I lovforslaget som nå er vedtatt av Stortinget er det imidlertid satt en nedre grense for adgangen til bedriftsinterne grenser på 70 år. Med det nye lovverket vil det store flertallet av arbeidsgivere ikke kunne kreve at arbeids­


takere slutter før de er 70. Det gjøres riktignok et unntak der den bedriftsinterne aldersgrensen er godt begrunnet i helseeller sikkerhetsrisiko på arbeidsplassen. I slike tilfeller er det ingen nedre grense for hva som kan avtales. Unntaket er ment å være en ren sikkerhetsventil. Samtidig som retten til å ha en lavere aldersgrense på 70 år nå blir lovfestet, blir de tre kriteriene som til nå ikke har vært lovfestet også tatt inn i arbeidsmiljøloven. Det vil nå stilles krav i loven til at: • den bedriftsinterne grensen er kjent i bedriften • den er konsekvent praktisert • bedriften har en tilfredsstillende tjenestepensjonsordning.



The VEFF Board, from left: Nina Ivarsen, Camilla Wiik, Lin Beate Karsten, Eirik Edland Pedersen, Pia Fagernes, Hilde Sofie Hustad, Marit Cruickshanks.

VEFF was established more than 35 years ago. We are an employee organization only for employees in DNV GL, with almost 1,200 members in Norway. • VEFF offers membership to workers in all groups in DNV GL – also management. We work for a non-discriminatory workplace. • VEFF organizes some 50% of the civil engineers and engineers in DNV GL in Norway. • VEFF members are ensured participation and influence in their own work. • VEFF is headquartered at Høvik, with representatives in all the 19 DNV GL offices in Norway. • VEFF is a knowledgeable and learning organization that is adapted to future challenges in the workplace. • VEFF sees all its members as knowledge workers, and aims to protect each member locally. • VEFF will in the coming period be a clear voice for members’ interests, enabling all members to experience a sense of belonging in a common culture.

• The chairperson in VEFF is a member of EWC (European Works Council) and GEF (Global Employee Forum). • The chairperson in GEF is also a member of the CR (Social Responsibility) Board. • VEFF organizes some 200 employees in DNV GL in Denmark.

Insurance benefits Death insurance – new this year and give payments until you’re 75.

Did you know that the conditions from the insurance company Gjensidige have improved as of 1 January this year? As a VEFF member you can save a lot on our benefits. Have you checked out what’s relevant for you? You can call Gjensidige on phone 03100 or visit Please contact the VEFF office if you want a brochure.

Did you know? The Norwegian Working Environment Act (AML) § 12-11: The right to education leave also applies to education that is not only relevant for your employer, but to employment in general. There are several examples of this. Certain criteria in the legislation can give a right to education leave of up to three years without pay.



An upper age limit is currently being discussed with DNV GL. All the unions in DNV GL want an age limit of 72 years and no restrictions. Employment protection in the Norwegian Working Environment Act (AML) has given employers the opportunity to terminate employees at 67 years. For companies that have not agreed otherwise, this has meant that workers could work until they are 70. This is now lifted to 72 years. Despite this age limit in the Act, many enterprises have a lower-house limit, usually 67 years as in DNV GL, but this has not been consistently practised. Such internal

company age limits have long been controversial. In the legislation now passed by Parliament, a lower limit for access to corporate limits is 70 years. With the new legislation, the vast majority of employers could require employees to stop until they are 70. There is an exception, though, where the company’s internal age limit is well justified in the health or safety in the workplace. In such cases there is no lower limit for what

can be agreed. The exception is supposed to be a clean safety valve. While a lower age limit of 70 is now being statutory, three criteria that until now have been non-statutory are also included in the Working Environment Act. There will now be a requirement in the Act that: • the company’s internal border is known • it is consistently practiced • the company has a satisfactory occupational ”tjenestepensjonsordning”.



WHAT IF WE CAN BE AS PRODUCTIVE AT WORK AS WE ARE AT HOME? As knowledge workers we are all a part of “the new digital age” – an age that is naturally mobile, connected and collaborative. An age where we can read the news, set up a dinner party and buy an plane ticket on our smartphone before we get out of bed. To date, most organizations – businesses large and small, schools and government agencies – have begun to adopt the “work the way you live” mindset. The results have been impressive. We need to be competitive, and attract and keep the best talent among the digital generations of employees who make up 100% of DNV GL today, and who will make up 60% of the European workforce by 2020. Developing the right “human capital” is

the single greatest challenge facing DNV GL after the merger. This is even more critical than customer relationships, operational excellence or brand and reputation.

We now expect to be constantly connected In our private lives, we communicate instantly with friends and family on our smartphone, tablet or laptop. But if we think about our company, employees aren’t truly digitally connected with their

employer or their co-workers. We don’t have company-issued devices except smartphones and computers. Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets appear on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year. More than four billion YouTube videos are uploaded every day. And 500 million “snaps” are shared by Snapchat users daily. Openness and sharing are hallmarks

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Connectivity Yammer, Group sites, SharePoint



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The world is changing, technology is changing, people are changing

Partner II – when and what – earliest summer 2016? Performance support? of life in the new digital age, so we need to be updated all the time on Internet-age knowledge sharing and collaboration tools.

User experience foremost Our work tools should be as easy and intuitive to use as today’s consumer apps. We have come to expect such simplicity as the norm. Work tools should be designed with user experience foremost in mind: fast, simple and easy to use.

Make work connected The phenomenal global embrace of social media shows that people want to be connected. They want to share. They want relevance and context. What are the implications for businesses? Make it easier for our people to connect, collaborate and share with co-workers. Make it drop-dead simple to find and access information that’s relevant to their job. Then give us context: communicate daily to show people how they and their

team fit with DNV GL’s overall strategy and goals.

References • Jerker Lindsten, HiQ – Sweden’s leading developer of transformative digital innovation • Anne Skare Nielsen, Future Navigator • Christopher Conradi, Google Enterprise Norway



Rightsizing 18. mai kunne en lese i Dagens Næringsliv: «Reduserer med 500». ELLEN MARGRETHE PIHL KONSTAD I et intervju med Remi Eriksen regner han med at den nye organisasjonen DNV GL vil bli kuttet med ca 500 ansatte fra dagens 15.700. Reduksjonen i Norge er beregnet til ca. 50 medarbeidere. Til tross for at nettoresultatet for 2014 var på 1007 millioner kroner, med et driftsresultat på 21,6 milliarder, arbeider vi i et marked i endring. Kostnadskutt i oljeindustrien og fall i oljeprisen gir, sammen med en langvarig nedtur for tørrlast, utfordringer for oss i årene som kommer. Så selv om 2015 er et hektisk år, blir det tøft for oss i 2016. Videre kunne en lese: Reduksjonen med 500 medarbeidere må ikke løses ved omfattende ­oppsigelser av ansatte. – Erfaringsmessig har vi en årlig «turnover» på syv prosent i arbeidsstokken, sier Remi Eriksen. – I realiteten har vi hatt en tilnærmet full ansettelsesstopp i en periode allerede, sier finansdirektør Thomas Vogth-Eriksen. Dette er ikke første gang DNV har måttet ta grep grunnet endringer i markedet.

Under krigen ble reduksjon i lønn benyttet som et verktøy for å kunne opprettholde antall ansatte til tross for en drastisk reduksjon i arbeidsmengden «lokalt i Norge». De med «høyere gasje» – det vil si en årslønn over 10.500 kroner – fikk lønnen redusert med 25% allerede i 1940. Den mest alvorlige nedbemanningen i selskapets historie kom i 1986. Da ble også staben redusert med 500 ansatte, men siden DNVs totale antall ansatte var 3100 som skulle bli 2600, var dette en mye mer omfattende nedbemanning enn den vi opplever nå. Mens vi nå reduseres med 3,2% var reduksjonen den gang på 16%! VEFF, både sentralt og lokalt, var sterkt involvert i denne prosessen. Et godt og tillitsfullt forhold mellom VEFF og ledelsen var med på å bidra til at det ble en god prosess for alle involverte. Sekretariatet mottok rosende ord og takk – også fra de som måtte slutte – for hjelpen som ble gitt. På tross av krevende tider klarte VEFF å opprettholde sitt tillitsmannsapparat, i tillegg til at både kasserer og generalsekretær ble skiftet ut det året. Kilde: Shipping/reduserer-med-500 / Veritas Funksjonærforening, En 50 årig historie

VEFFs mentorprogram Vårt mentorprogram skal bygge morgendagens tillitsvalgte. Ved å bygge bro mellom unge og erfarne tillitsvalgte vil programmet bidra til karrièremessig og personlig utvikling for den enkelte deltaker. SØKER DU EN MENTOR? VEFFs mentorprogram gir deg en profesjonell samtalepartner som kan gi deg innspill om rollen som tillitsvalgt. På denne måten får du verdifulle innspill om hvordan du kan utøve rollen på best mulig måte.

ER DU EN MENTOR? Rollen som mentor gjør at du blir bevisst egen rolle og kompetanse som tillitsvalgt. Å være mentor gir deg en unik mulighet til å bli kjent med yngre tillitsvalgte og deres tanker. OPPSTART Mentorprogrammet 2015/2016 har oppstart 24. september. Send inn din søknad i dag til



MEETING OUR CHINESE COLLEAGUES Would you like to get in touch with other Chinese in DNV GL? Are you in need of help and advice from our Chinese VEFF representative? Or would you like to join VEFF and become a member?

DNV GL employees at a networking meeting in VEFF’s Høvik office.

Whether you have settled as an expat in Norway or are still living in China and planning your upcoming foreign assignment, VEFF in Norway offers valuable

information you need in order to protect your rights at work. VEFF was established in 1978, and our trusted community soon became the leading platform for

international networking among expatriates and global minds in the DNV GL world.

VEFF’s MENTOR PROGRAMME Our mentor programme will build tomorrow’s VEFF representatives. Building a bridge between young and experienced representatives, the programme will enhance career opportunities and personal development. Commencement

VEFF’s mentor programme provides a professional mentor who will give you valuable input on the role and work as a representative.

The mentor programme for 2015/2016 will commence on 24 September. Send your application today to

Are you a mentor?

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Seeking a mentor?

The role of mentor will make you aware of your own representative role and expertise. Being a mentor gives you a unique opportunity to get to know the younger representatives and their thoughts.





VEFF’s slogan: Equal payment for equal effort and equal payment for equal knowledge, regardless of gender and age



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• Contact the VEFF office:

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© VEFF 6-2015. Front cover photo: iStock. Editor: Nina Ivarsen. Design and layout: 1504-001


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