VEFF Magasin 1-2018

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VA LUECR E ATION Curious and Creative MEET








No matter how successful you are in your role, you can start to feel bored if you don’t take care of your own development. If you’re bored or uninspired, it’s usually a sign that you’re ready for something new. Then it’s time to challenge your comfort zone. It’s only then we grow and develop. If not, your creativity will decrease and you will lose interest in your work. Eventually it will Nina Ivarsen, chairperson VEFF also become very clear to everyone else – both colleagues and management. This can be very unfortunate, and in these times we must all find inspiration and motivation to perform in the best possible way. If you want to build a career, you must be willing to acknowledge when it’s time to do something new and develop. Ask your manager about support for courses and self-development. Your business area may not have a good economy now, but one has to plan for better times.

The VEFF magazine is produced by employees in DNV GL and sponsored by VEFF union, which is a union only for DNV GL employees. © VEFF 09-2018 Editor: Nina Ivarsen Front cover photo: ©iStock Back cover photo: ©iStock Design and print: Bodoni, 1808-005


From this autumn, VEFF will offer professional competence mapping, optimizing and professionalizing CV and application documents, mapping the job market internally or externally, and assistance with interview training. By thoroughly mapping your expertise with proven tools, our partner will provide better insight into the attitudes, interests and skills that characterize you. A solid overview of your professional and experience-based skills will provide better self-awareness on the road to new jobs or new tasks.



Bad relationship If you find that you don’t have a good relationship with your manager, there may be several reasons for this: personality, ­working method, or leadership style. It is possible to solve most of this with some patience and assistance from us. But some­ times a bad relationship with the boss can hurt your career and ruin your business at work. One rarely quits because a job is bad; the reason usually is that it doesn’t work out with one or more ­colleagues or managers. If something isn’t right, find out what the problem is and make a plan. It may be that the plan should be to change jobs. Here we can contribute, and we have long experience in finding good solutions.

Do you dread going to work every morning? You cannot live with this in the long run. Dreading your work situation is devastating to your career and can affect your personal life. Ask yourself what you need to thrive in the job you have. How can you influence your work situation in a positive direction? Keep in mind that it may take some time to adjust, get into the routine and get comfortable with new work tasks. If possible, try to hold out for one or two years before deciding to do something new. If you don’t get to use your expertise or experience, or satisfy your interests, you will probably not be happy at work. Then there’s no reason to stay, there are many tasks to be solved and we need to be better at job rotation.

EDITORIAL No matter how successful you are or how well you like your job, it may be time to update yourself professionally and refresh your CV with something new 08

Interview with Gro Gotteberg


Employer Branding Championships


Energy transition brain power


Meet Arve Johan Kalleklev


The Next Generation Summit


Sigma – becoming a gründer


HVO – Knowledge is power




DNV GL Harstad






Electrification of the ferry fleet


Resilience framework


Personal data principles

Salary strategy According to our job change survey, 50 percent say that they want more interesting challenges at work, and that this is the reason they quit their jobs. We believe that a higher salary will be one of the most important aspects for them in a new job. If you feel you’re not earning enough, you will start wondering what the company really thinks about you. This can be demotivating. If you think your salary doesn’t reflect your worth to the company, you should first do some research, and here we can help. What is the salary level for similar positions in your industry? VEFF has salary data from all members, as we negotiate almost 900 employees’ salaries. We also have statistics from 40 years back, so we can analyze trends and developments that the company has gone through in different market situations.

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Then you can request a meeting with your manager to discuss your salary. Contact us first, so that you are well prepared with argumentation and statistics that are only for our employees and thus very relevant. Loyalty is something all managers appreciate. It’s better to be open about your intentions than to suddenly quit your job and blame the poor pay or low-level work tasks.

Poor working environment No one thrives in a negative working environment. It is stressful and devastating for your well-being and career. The signs of a bad working environment are many. Is it too much gossip about colleagues? Is there bad management and a failing administration? It can also be an overly aggressive and competitive work culture. At worst, there may be inappropriate or harassing behaviour ­between colleagues. If one or more of these things apply to your workplace and it adversely affects you, we hope you will contact us for getting assistance and good legal assessments. Remember, even if you love your position, life is too short to be unhappy at work – every day.

Some jobs can be extremely demanding They take a lot of time and capacity. If you spend your entire time at work, you must sacrifice something. It can ruin your working life in the long run. Think about what matters to you outside of work. Is it to be with family or friends? Or relax with a favourite hobby or two? Or something else? If your everyday ­ life do not accommodate one or more of the things that are important to you outside of work, we can assist with coaching that will make your life a little easier.

The best organizations have the best talents • More intelligent strategies – by identifying strategic priorities and ­agreeing to your real information needs • More intelligent data – by creating relevant and meaningful performance indicators and qualitative management information linked back to your strategic information needs • More intelligent insights – by using good evidence to test and prove ideas and by analysing the data to gain robust and reliable insights • More intelligent communication – by creating informative and engaging management information packages and dashboards that provide the essential information, presented in an easy-to-read way • More intelligent decision making – by fostering an evidence-based culture of turning information into actionable knowledge and real decisions References: Bernard Marr, 2017





Leading Digital Transformation Programme

How can DNV GL create a digital, agile and efficient future? The leading digital transformation program introduces us to the fundamentals of digital transformation and innovation to achieve these goals. In May and June, the top three levels of DNV GL’s management went through an 8-weeks online digital transformation program developed by the INSEAD business school. “As Chair of the Global Employee Forum, I was invited to take the program” stated Nina Ivarsen. “The programme is designed to provide all of DNV GL’s senior managers with an overview of selected digital technologies and their relevance to DNV GL. Equally important, our senior leaders will also learn to lead and engage the right skills, behaviours and competencies to deliver better results for customers, employees and partners during our transformation,” says Group President and CEO Remi Eriksen. ”Already, many of our employees have innovative and digital business ideas, and our senior managers can help turn these ideas into reality more quickly. This is critical, as I want DNV GL to be a disruptor in our chosen markets, and not be disrupted by our traditional competitors or new entrants,” says Remi Eriksen.

This is a truly digital course where we are expected to complete a virtual training module every week. At the same time, it is a program where we are across all business areas following the same learning journey, and I would like us to use that opportunity to meet across business areas to discuss throughout our journey. Every week the course included about one hour of video content (ranging from two minutes to ten minutes pr. video). VEFF hope the program will be open to all employees, and my experience is that this way of learning is inspiring and gives good results. I hope the final action plans will be used and that many of the good ideas that was created will be cheered. ”The need for more general courses and programs on digitalization for all employees is currently being assessed, but for now the majority of competence development offerings is addressing specific topics. I recommend everyone to use our 70-20-10 learning philosophy and keep their individual development plan sharp, and actively look for opportunities to learn more about digitalization topics relevant for their work!” says Chief Group HR Officer Gro Gotteberg. References are taken from

The objectives of the program was to establish a common language and get a more in-depth understanding of: 1. the digital elements of our 2020 Strategy 2. relevant digital technologies and digital ways of working 3. the need for transformation and being open to the opportunities that come with it 4. how to apply the right digital technologies, skills, attitudes, and behaviors towards customers and teams. References: Bernard Marr, 2017

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“If managers faced the same demands for professional legitimacy as doctors, they would have ended up in prison,” says Professor Jeff Pfeffer of Stanford University. “And do not be tempted to believe that doctors are exemplary,” he continues. Much of today’s leadership is based on dangerous half-truths. Lack of fact-based management can lead to wastes resources and creates bad and insecure jobs.

Another alternative to facts is to build on what you already are good at. This problem often applies to specialists, who prefer to use methodology they already master. HR challenges quickly become law to a lawyer, economics to an economist, while the engineer solves the challenge using the X and Y axis. The old statement “He who only has a hammer for a tool will tend to define all problems as nails” still applies.

New research shows that doctors base only about 15 percent of their decisions on factual knowledge. The rest is based on outdated knowledge from their student days, traditions, habits that have been established through long-term practice, things they believe in and are good at performing, as well as information from hordes of salesmen in the pharmaceutical industry. That’s also the case with management, says Pfeffer – except that we are even worse.

There are many good consultants and other service providers ­within HR and management. However, many have found that things quickly get consultant-driven. Suppliers tend to highlight the benefits of what they sell, while risks and disadvantages are largely swept under the carpet. The simplest is still often the best – even here.

Almost everyone can claim to be a management expert, and sources of authority range from Shakespeare through Jack Welch to Santa Claus. Experience is transmitted uncritically, completely out of context in terms of situation, industry, size, life cycle, culture and more. This makes transfers within management even more questionable than those haunting the medical profession. Yes, even Pfeffer agrees that you can learn a lot about management through experience. But as for doctors, quality will improve if you routinely get updated on knowledge established through research. But the fact remains that what your own experience often feels like a richer knowledge base than what you’ve learned from macro studies. The problem of depending too much on own experiences is that they are usually acquired in another business or in a different role or situation than the present. Board members bring experience from their own business, ­consultants deliver the same method in various businesses, and new managers bring their “best practices” – best practices for the company they just left. Performance assessment and reward systems are good examples of solutions that move between ­organizations without being subjected to either critical pre-­ evaluation or post-evaluation.

Dogmas, ideology and “faith” are also enemies of fact-based management. For example, there are myths that options are ­suitable for promoting achievements and managing behaviour in a positive way. Research shows, however, that there is much greater likelihood that options will lead to false valuations than to increased performance and good results. Last but not least, there is a problem with random benchmarking. Many are those who try to copy the best. The problem is that the copy rarely gets better than the original, and what made the original what it is, usually is a close interaction between culture and another context.

In any case, “storytelling” is more convincing Einstein said that “not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted”. Quantitative data is not the only way to build knowledge, and few things are better suited to making good hypotheses and outlining relationships than good stories that capture and inspire people. Source: Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton

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Interview with Gro Gotteberg Meet our CHRO Gro Gotteberg. She is passionated about diversity and how we can collaborate to create synergies, perform tasks in a ”new” and simpler way. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN

My name is Gro. I am married, and we have a little girl of almost six. We live at Torshov in Oslo and enjoy our life there. Since we moved back to Norway in January, after nearly six and a half years in Houston and Singapore, we are still getting to know our city and district again. Our daughter has never lived in Norway before, so this is very ‘new and exciting’. Originally, I’m from Ålesund, but I have lived longer in other parts of the world – yet I’m still an ‘Ålesunder’! My family lived in Trinidad and Tobago for three years, then three years in Germany. When we returned to Norway, I went to school in Ålesund, after that I studied at the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen, with a break as an exchange student in Missouri, USA. WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE? I started my education with Basic Law School and Ex.phil. at the University of Bergen, but chose to study at the Norwegian School of Economics. My first meeting with DNV GL was, like many others here, through my thesis ‘South Korea as a market for fire extinguishing systems for Norwegian ship-owners’. I was welcomed by a leader in Maritime, who guided me through how involved Norwegian ship-owners were with fire extinguishing systems and whether ­special manufacturers were on the requirement list, as well as introducing me to fire and extinguishing onboard ships. I felt well educated after this.


Then I got a traineeship in Ghana, ‘Bibiani Logging and Lumber Company’. To me, Africa – despite all the challenges and tragedies – is a magical continent! Ever since I visited Nigeria for the first time in 1987, Africa has been ‘my heart’, and I have a special relation to Westand East Africa. We even got married in Africa! I eventually began working for “Kirkens Nødhjelp”, since I have always been interested in and studied aid as one of my major subjects. All the roles I had in the Church Aid were on the organizational side, and I was involved in the organizational and strategic assistance. I worked there for seven years, based in Norway, but with assignments in East Africa and South

East Asia. Major themes in those days were partnership, recipient responsibility, decentralization and empowerment, development and sustainability. So, I got to develop and work a lot with organizational development, which is one of my professional passions and interests. The most of my career, I have worked with management, competence and organizational development. Prior to joining DNV GL, I worked in Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) as Global Vice President Competence Development, responsible for global business and competency development, as well as management and team building. Before joining WWL, I was in the consulting industry, in Mercuri International.


Being a regional HR manager is the best way to learn your organization and business. You are in the middle of everything and learn so much all the time!



In both roles, I worked with ‘people engagement’ and organizational development and the whole change process needed to achieve this, including strategic skills needed in the future. Previously I have also worked a lot with team coaching and facilitation. I joined DNV GL in 2008, and I have been so lucky with my roles and experiences since I came here! I started as an organizational consultant and trainer in ‘The Journey’. Then I had an opportunity to be HR Director in the Americas, and that’s the role I’ve had in different variants for the past six and a half years in Houston and Singapore. Being a regional HR manager is the best way to learn your organization and business. You are in the middle of everything and learn so much all the time! And I’ve always had amazing, knowledgeable, committed and profes-

cottage in the mountains, or travelling or diving, makes us happy. After the years abroad, it’s very nice to stay at our cottage. I’m probably especially addicted to Norway right now. What we spend time on now is to become ‘Norwegians again’. If you ask me whether I like refurbishment projects, I will probably say ‘not really’, but we still have some projects on our house and our cottage, and we miss it when there aren’t any. We are refurbishing something at all times. When it comes to reading, I like all kinds of books, but mostly psych thrillers with disgusting, bloody murders. I can also be really hooked on TV series. When I get the opportunity, I can go through 12 episodes of a TV series in short time. It’s not often I get

I have lived longer in other parts of the world – yet I’m still an ‘Ålesunder’! . sional colleagues. In the regions, I had the opportunity to be part of the whole process at all times. I’ve experienced so much, learned so much, and fell flat on my face sometimes, but maybe that’s what really educates you! WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU’RE OFF WORK? Right now, it’s either work or family. We have a lot of fun together as a family, whether we are riding our bikes, driving a jeep in the woods, making stash for a holiday, boating, collecting shells on the beach, or preferably staying at our summer cottage, surrounded by sheep in a wonderful Norwegian mountain area. Over the past years, we have experienced incredibly much! One of the greatest experiences in my life was when we went on a trip and our little girl of five years snorkeled for the first time. To hear her singing, and seeing her point to fishes and sea creatures she recognized – that was great! Staying at our


the chance, but I can get completely hooked. The last series that caught me was ‘Black List’. I like James Spader! Otherwise, I travel a bit related to work, but not so much. I’ve travelled some in the start of my new role to get to know the organization – mostly small trips, once or twice a month. In the fall, it will be a bit different, with longer travels. What I think is nice and important is to get the chance to meet people in the organization. I think it’s very interesting and educational to hear about colleague’s interests, and to learn more about our business and customers. YOUR ROLE IN DNV GL? We’re going through a digital transformation. Regardless of this or other major changes, there will be new learning and new ways to perform tasks and processes. We must use systems that can support us in a smart way. We need competence, existing and new, to build this together. As mentioned earlier, I

think it’s important and exciting with business models and the development of organizations in this perspective. We must think about how to organize our work, and develop our skills so that we are ‘fit for future’. In change processes, not everything is easy, and some things can be difficult and challenging. But, more importantly, there will be many new opportunities to learn, and much of it will also be fun! That’s how it will be for every one of us. I have several focus areas I’m committed to and will work for: Making us ‘fit for the future,’ and continuing to develop into a ‘digital, agile and efficient future’. It requires good, proper and diverse leadership, but also self-development, active ­participation and contributions from all of us. It’s important to have the ability to embrace new things, which could be anything. Today it is very important to ‘embrace the technology’. We need digital competence at all levels of the organization. That’s what I’m concerned about in my role. DNV GL, AND WHAT IT’S LIKE WORKING HERE? It’s great to work here! We have so many skilled, committed and competent employees! There has been a lot of tough processes going in recent years. I am very impressed with how people affected by tough decisions and changes have handled this. So, that we actually talk about and pursue ‘purpose, vision and values’ is important, and I really mean that. “Now we’ve lost it,” someone says – yes, something has changed and there are challenging markets, but I still think purpose, vision and values stand very strong in the organization, as do ‘Respect and care’ in my view. I’m not naïve, and I know that there can be different views here, so it’s also important to use the channels you have – whether it’s the line management, HR or the Ombudsman – if there’s something you want to address. IMPORTANT THINGS YOU’RE ­PASSIONATE ABOUT? Diversity is something I’m passionate about. We need diversity in all areas to


Gro is very fan of diving with her husband and love to spend the time with her family when she is off.

become our best selves. I am thinking of diversity in the broadest sense, but also gender, nationality, geography, experience and competence. On the organizational side, it’s about how we can collaborate to achieve synergies, perform tasks and processes in a ‘new’ and ­simpler way, and how we can best organize ­ourselves to achieve the strategy. CEO Remi Eriksen often says, “be passionate, be curious, be patient and never

give up”. This is something I’m burning for. Not all of us can be super creative, but we can all do things in a slightly ‘smarter’ way and ‘embrace the technology’. Resilience is also important to me. We have people who are incredibly skilled, and I find that people are passionate, they are proud, and they believe in what they do. It’s so great. And I’m allowed to be HR manager for all this – I feel very privileged and lucky!

SOME FINAL WORDS? I would like to conclude by saying that I am so proud and humble to be allowed to have the role I have and to work with so many skilled colleagues. And I take this opportunity to wish everyone a great autumn!



2 x Bronze to DNV GL at the Norwegian Employer Branding Championships TEXST: KRISTINA DAHLBERG AND HÅKON R. SVEBAK.

A great honor for DNV GL to be awarded Bronze in two categories at Magnet Awards, also known as the Norwegian Employer Branding Championship: “Best Campaign towards Students” and “Best Comprehensive Employer Branding”.

”While we can’t outspend our competitors, our insight based approach to employer branding is a clever tool to outsmart them. Big thanks to our friends and colleagues in DNV GL who have made this accomplishment possible. It is you who make our employer brand distinct and it is with humbleness we serve our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment,” says Kristina Dahlberg and Håkon R. Svebak in DNV GL’s Employer Branding team. The Jury remarked that DNV GL has a long-term focus when it comes to employer branding and that we manage to keep up the good work even during challenging market conditions, which again makes us best practice. At Magnet Awards, gold, silver and bronze were awarded in five different categories: The campaign of the year towards students, The campaign of the year towards experienced professionals, The campaign of the year towards own employees, Open class and The best comprehensive employer branding of the year. While this competition first of all is a competition where the quality of our different employer branding initiatives


is measured, and compared with other companies and organizations, the more well-known Universum surveys measures the attractiveness based on our perception in different target groups. Of course, we are happy to see that we are climbing six positions on the Universum Technology Student Survey as well. High Quality on DNV GL’s employer branding initiatives resulted in two bronze medals in the Norwegian Employer Branding Championships! DNV GL has a long-term approach to employer branding. Due to a demanding market situation in our core industries, recruitment needs have been relatively low for several years. History has shown that this can change quickly when the wind turns. It has therefore been a stated ambition from DNV GL’s management in Norway to maintain a healthy employer brand, to ensure we are well positioned when the market situation improves and our recruitment need increases. While we were previously more focused in our commitment to people with background in traditional technology and engineering, the company’s strategy has turned towards digitalization. New to

us is therefore also to include profiling aimed at potential employees with IT backgrounds. To accommodate future competence needs and new market opportunities, we have emphasized positioning DNV GL as an attractive employer, in which the company’s branding activities contribute consistently and cost-effectively to engaging the target groups, attracting top candidates and retaining key competencies in Norway. Following the implementation of DNV GL as a new company name and profile in 2014, for several years we have been working hard to rebuild the awareness to DNV GL. That awareness is now regarded as recovered, and so we have prioritized activities that also increase the knowledge of what we actually do and the job opportunities we can offer. Central to this work has been to entice professional interest through content marketing in e.g. E24, Teknisk Ukeblad and social media, where customers and own employees share their stories on our projects, how we create value for our customers, and how this builds up under DNV GL’s goal of ensuring life, property and the environment.



All reason to be prowd: Kristina and HÃ¥kon with the award.



Our ambitions • Be one of Norway’s most attractive workplaces for own employees, professionals and students with technology, engineering and IT competence. • Communicate to own and potential employees why it makes sense to work in DNV GL, using employees as trusted and trustworthy ambassadors for the business. • Be visible in the media and professional environments through physical presence, targeted digital advertising and relevant PR activities throughout the year. THIS IS HOW WE TRY TO DIFFERENTIATE OURSELVES FROM OTHER COMPANIES DNV GL’s overall strategy sets the premises for how we work with employer branding. For the company to achieve its goals, we must use insights into the target groups’ preferences (backgrounds, interests, and media habits) to attract, retain and develop the best talent base within our industries. We will therefore continue to strengthen our employer brand. • Use DNV GL’s Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to differentiate us from other employers. Our promise is that we offer opportunities beyond a regular job – in DNV GL we call this ”opportunities beyond business”. The promise implies opportunities for personal and professional development for our employees through meaningful and educational work. This is made visible in the activities. • Communicate this with credibility and conviction by using our own employees as carriers of communication, regardless of channel or format. • Give life to our communication concept ”Why do you get up in the morning?” with our employees explaining in their own words why it makes sense to work in DNV GL, what types of work tasks, customers and projects they are involved in, and what they mean by “opportunities beyond business”.


• All content in DNV GL’s employer branding will be adapted to appeal to the target groups, with the purpose of enticing the professional interest of a career in DNV GL and the opportunities we can offer. • We will leave it to the target group to draw the final conclusion – that DNV GL is an attractive employer they will have on their radar screen at the next opportunity. How to engage the target groups In Norway, DNV GL uses a combination of physical and digital initiatives that ­create good meeting places and engage the target groups throughout the year. Some examples of this are: • Main sponsor for E24 leadership talents, building awareness of DNV GL from technologists, economists and others. • In the past year, we have had success with native advertising in E24 and TU, with subsequent 2–3 months’ targeted social media campaigns.

• External activities are used in internal communication to build internal pride. Campaigns in social media are often aimed at their own employees. Main sponsor of NTNU’s car in the Shell Eco Marathon, DNV GL Fuel Fighter. Our employees provide courses in technology qualification for the students, the 10th year as the main sponsor. • Participation in 14 career days with professionals/specialists on stand, a significant number of curriculumbased lectures and a comprehensive number of corporate presentations, as well as workshops that our academic communities coordinate through their networks. • Production and distribution of films with own employees telling us how it is to work in DNV GL and what kind of competence is needed. For use on career sites on the internet, in job advertisements and in social media.


• General sponsor (exclusive) for the student union at NTNU “Teknologiporten”. The annual summer project, which is our flagship for Master students, where CEO Remi Eriksen is a key supporter. Eight students with interdisciplinary backgrounds solve a real problem, which is presented to customers, corporate management and the media after six weeks of intensive project work. • Consistent use of own employees in films, advertising and content marketing in social media. • DNV GL Opportunity Day; where 40 students participated with us on a case day, which theme is taken from the Global Opportunity Report. And the results can be summarized as follows: • A sustainable employer brand that also stands in recession times: • We hold No. 7 at Universum Technology Professionals 2017

• We climb six places on Technology Students 2018 and are now No. 13 in total • We are No. 8 at NTNU and No. 2 at Marinteknikk • We are this year’s climber at Universum IT Professionals 2017 • We are this year’s climber at Universum Finance Professionals 2017 • Results from the E24 campaign in January 2018: • 43,222 clicks, cost-per-click (CPC) 5.32 • Average readers per article 10,805 • Total reading time on DNV GL branded content 575 hours. Results from the E24 campaign in June 2017: • 52,280 clicks, CPC (cost per click) 3.82 • Average readers per article 8,713 (benchmark 4,200 on corresponding in E24) • Total reading time on DNV GL branded content 679 hours. • DNV GL was exposed six million times on E24’s front page.

• Results from TU campaign in January 2018: • Two native ads, each with a week on the front page • Number of clicks: 4,883 • Reading time: three minutes on both (!). TU benchmark 2.30 min = good E24 Management tallents: • Views of the DNV GL logo in E24: 1,285,918. • Promotion period: 1 June to 30 November 2017 • According to “Karrierebarometeret” technology students has chosen us as the employer with the most attractive trainee program for technologists in Norway. • DNV GL is a popular employer among students, with over 900 applicants in total for our summer jobs and the Summer Project.



The energy transition brain power in Norway




Last year DNV GL published the first Energy Transition Outlook stating that most of DNV GL’s activities relate to energy. However, there is only one business area that carry the Energy name, and it generates about a fifth of DNV GL’s revenues. With the rapid growth in wind and solar power, accelerating electrification of transport and increasing complexity of energy markets, there is more to come. While DNV GL Energy Transition Outlook predicts a stabilisation of energy demand in about 10 years, the growth in renewables and electricity is set to double from now to 2050. In the Høvik office you will meet about 50 colleagues that enthusiastically deliver advisory services for renewable energy, energy markets and emerging technologies. This is topped up by several colleagues from Digital Solution, laboratories and other business areas that also deliver services to our Energy customers in Norway and the Nordics. Currently there are three departments within the NEMEA (North Europe, Middle East and Africa) region of Energy that has personnel in Norway. The departments are: Renewable Projects Offshore and Nordics & Baltics; Energy Markets & Technology; and Power System Analysis. The latter has much stronger presence in Sweden, but luckily it is only some three hours’ drive from Gothenburg to Oslo when the expertise in power electronics and dynamic power system analysis is required by key customers like Statnett or Norsk Hydro. Earlier this spring Statkraft, the ­Norwegian hydro power champion, told investors that wind power was the

Signing of the MoU with Department of informatics at the University of Oslo in DNV GL offices in January 2018. Erik Dugstad, Market Area Manager for Energy Advisory Nordics & Baltics (and also Service Line Leader for Energy Markets & Technology) driving energy business and electric vehicle.



­ ominant low cost investment option d within Norway and the Nordics. Statkraft is also one of the key owners of the largest onshore wind power development in Europe; the Fosen wind power project. Last year we saw a 20% increase in wind power generation in Norway, and over the last five years we have seen close to a double. The growth in wind power and the influx of new players, as well as international investors, drives a good activity level for the renewables team. DNV GL help investors reduce the risk in their projects, and we are recognised as the main provider of technical due-diligence services wind projects in the Nordics. If you see slick bankers and lawyers in Veritas 1, it may well be some of our partners within assessment of renewable projects. DNV GL is a key expert advisor for offshore wind projects. We also bring renewables to the oil and gas industry, like in the WIN-WIN JIP working on wind-powered water injection in oil and gas production. The requirements to expertise in the wind


projects grow alongside the size of the turbine generators. The latest offshore wind generator has a rotor diameter of 220 meters and a total height of 260 meters. With continued reduction in wind power costs and access to hydro power that can act as batteries to balance the market, Norway and the N ­ ordics look set to have continued investments in wind power. New technologies drive changes to the energy market, and changes means work for the energy markets team. The number of Tesla’s in the parking building in Høvik is just one sign of the electrification of transport, while Oslo municipality ordering 70 electric articulated buses is another. DNV GL Energy and Maritime advise the regional transport companies on the transition to electric ferries and buses. We have also helped the building industry in writing a guide for further electrification and emission reduction on building sites. Electrification does also increase dependency on uninterrupted power supply. It is reas-

suring to have DNV GL as an important advisor to central grid operator Statnett, or it may be Norsk Hydro entrusting us to help to increase reliability of supply for their aluminium smelters. For new large investment projects, whether it be new national laboratories, roads, railways or electric infrastructure, there is a need for project risk advisory, including economic evaluations, uncertainty analysis or quality assurance. 2018 is the final year of roll out of smart meters in Norwegian homes. It gives both you, the power supplier and your distribution grid company more data on your electricity use and potential disturbances to the system. Digitalization of the power sector continue to drive opportunities in improved analytics and new services. The energy markets team joined forces with University of Oslo department of energy informatics in a recent study on BlockChain for the energy sector, while we work alongside Microsoft on potential new market platform for electricity and flexibility. As


you understand, the work of the energy markets team is diverse across the techno-economic challenges for the power sector. Continued electrification, digitalization and innovation are key drivers for energy transition, and for the market for DNV GL Energy’s advisory services.

There is a positive breeze and bright sun over the Nordic energy advisory market outlook, and our concern is how to further strengthen and improve to continue to stay ahead of competition. For 2018 the NEMEA region of Energy reorganized to bring down barriers for efficient use of competence across borders, while we at Høvik can work efficiently across

all business areas. The energy transition continues, and in this it is exciting to work among smart and eagerly learning colleagues in DNV GL.



Meet Arve Johan Kalleklev – From Country Chair to Regional Manager Oil & Gas, Region Norway

There are many exiting elements in the role as Country Chair



Get to know our Country chair and Regional Manager Oil & Gas, Region Norway. He has held many different possitions in DNV GL over the past sixteen years. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN

PLEASE TELL US A FEW WORDS ABOUT YOURSELF I am 40 years old. I am married to Stine, who also works in DNV GL, and we have three children – a boy of seven and two girls of five and two. I’m originally from an island outside of Bergen called Osterøy. Now we live at Slependen, not far from Tanum. It´s fantastic to live there, with a short distance to both school and sports. My closest family lives in Bergen, and I have two sisters who still live there. In addition, I have several cousins in the Oslo area, which is nice. To choose a maritime education was completely natural to me. I have a father and a grandfather who have had occupations close to the sea. Both of them were sailors. WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE? I studied to be an engineer in shipbuilding in Bergen. After that, I studied in Trondheim and got a master’s degree in marine technology. After the studies, I got a job in DNV GL. Before I joined the company permanently, I had a summer job here in 2001. I became a permanent employee in 2002. I joined the “Risers, Mooring and Foundations” section in Technology and Services (TS). I worked mainly with hydrodynamics, risers and umbilicals. I did this for four years. A little later I got the opportunity to work on subsea projects. I was doing that for two years. During that period, there was a lot of travelling, and I worked on projects at our customers’ premises – primarily in Kongsberg at FMC, but I also travelled a lot to Stavanger and Aberdeen.

After that, in 2006, I became the head of my section. I took over a section with 28 employees. I led this section until 2010, when Maritime and Oil & Gas were merged. Then I became Head of Department Marine Structures. At that time, it boiled with project opportunities for us in marine structures! When I took over that department, we were 70 employees. In a very short period of time, we grew to around 130, divided in six sections. In 2014, I became Regional Manager for Oil & Gas in Singapore. In the region, we were about 400 employees. The first year went well, even though we had stopped growing. The real downturn happened in 2016. Then we had to reduce more than 40% in the region. We went from 400 to 220 employees in just over six months. In addition to the position as Regional Manager, I also had the role as Country Chair in Singapore the last two years. It is a large organization in Singapore with over 400 employees, and all Regional Managers in Southeast Asia are based in Singapore. The role as Country Chair in Singapore is a part-time job that came in addition to the job as Regional Manager. I would estimate that I used 10–20 percent of my time at the role as Country Chair. Personally, it was a great opportunity to get to know the other business areas of DNV GL, as well as to be able to influence our common development in the region. After returning to Norway in the autumn 2017, I started working in Kjell Erikson’s management team in Oil & Gas. I had the role of “Efficiency and Change Manager”.

spending time with them, everything from football and summer sports to winter sports, yes, anything. If I have time for myself, I’m most fond of running. I’ve previously run the New York marathon. I did that together with good colleagues. It was a wonderful experience. When I started in DNV GL, I was responsible for the athletics group for several years. In addition, I was a for a period the chair of VBIL. VBIL was incredibly important to me when I started here, and I used it actively to establish my own network across our organization here at Høvik. Through VBIL I have met likeminded people from other academic communities – people I have good contact with today, and also people I work with. Otherwise, there are several from my class at NTNU who work here, which is very nice. In addition, I think it’s stimulating to do gardening, especially to weed in the flower bed gives me peace. We have an easily maintained garden with flowers and other plants. Working there gives me a lot of energy. This summer I’m have painted our house and built a playhouse for my kids, and with three small children, that means many long, great evenings outside. I also get a lot of energy from spending time with friends and family. Running also gives me plenty of energy, as mentioned earlier. When I have the time, I like reading books. Then I read “light” literature, such as the books about Harry Hole. I need ­l­­iterature that I can read without thinking too much. It’s primarily on holidays and in the winter, I find the time and peace to read books.



What gives me the most pleasure when I’m off work is to be with my kids. I love

There are many exciting elements in my role as County Chair. It is, first of all, the



Arve Johan and his wife Stine who also works in DNV GL.

cooperation across business areas, that we do not lose opportunities because a specific BA does not pick up that “here is an opportunity”. This is something that is complicated to manage, but in that area, I have high expectations to myself. I want to go ahead as a good example when it comes to sharing and thinking that we are one DNV GL. At the same time, we must have a balance in relation to what is happening in the BAs and what must be controlled. The role as Country Chair has given me the opportunity to work with things that are important to me. As mentioned above, cooperation across our business areas is important. Another important area for me is to create opportunities for developing our employees – to create an attractive workplace. The opportunity to


Our three children

contribute to this was my motivation for taking on this role. In addition to what’s about business, I think it’s inspiring with initiatives such as the “Bike to Work” campaign and the profiling around it. This has been very well received. Many have said that it was a good initiative, getting the opportunity

to check the bike at the start of the season. It was so popular that we had to set up several days. I am very motivated for my job. Careerwise, I have never said that “I’ll do this and that”. But I usually manage to motivate myself to what I’m going to do in the role I have. It has been amazing to


be in all the jobs and roles I have had – engineer, Head of Section, Head of Department, Regional Manager, Country Chair and now soon Regional Manager again. As long as there are challenges where I can learn something new and I get to work with people, I am and will be motivated. DNV GL AND WHAT IT’S LIKE WORKING HERE? What’s most amazing about working here are all the good colleagues. That’s the main reason I’m here! There are so amazingly many competent people here. I get impressed again and again how skilled, purposeful and dedicated the staff here are, doing a good job and solving complex tasks. Another thing that matters to me is our purpose. «Purpose, Vision and Values» is unique to me. That’s also one of the reasons I’m working here. When things get tough, it’s good colleagues, friendships and our purpose and values I’m thinking about. The values we have are extremely important. When I think back to the process we had in Asia, this was also incredibly important, we make the difficult choices and take the heavy decisions with integrity and show dignity. Our values are something I do not shy away from as a manager in DNV GL. IMPORTANT ISSUES YOU BURN FOR? An important challenge I am concerned with is employee attraction and retention. In Norway, we have a retention challenge, given change processes and recruitment restrictions. However, I strongly believe that we can do a lot of things together in this area, within the limits we have. The Advisory Pilot Project (a resource pool across fields) is an important initiative there. Although the main objective is efficiency and profit, a clear side effect is increased employee engagement. I also spend a lot of my time with the “Employer Branding” team in Norway. Kristina Dahlberg and Håkon Svebak are doing a great job, using our organization in their work. Even though we have not recruited so much in recent years, and although we will not recruit a

A small cabin I have built in my garden this summer.

lot going forward, we need to be visible and present. Therefore, it is very nice to hear that we climb on the statistics as an attractive workplace. Another important topic for me is Health, Environment and Safety. The term “Our work is never so important that it cannot be done safely” is well incorporated with our employees and management. However, a challenge we have in Norway is that the absence due to illness is increasing. We see another effect of the change processes we have had, beginning to affect people’s work situation. We must all face this challenge, I as the Country Chair on behalf of management, but also all of you as good colleagues. We need to talk about the challenges we have, and we must put health, safety and environment on the agenda. In my opinion, the small things

must also be put on the agenda. We must prepare ourselves to take on the big and difficult issues, and then it will be good to have experience from talking about minor issues. This openness and clarity, which concerns everyone, are what I burn for. SOME FINAL WORDS? I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues for a good effort so far in 2018. I hope everyone will have a pleasant and great autumn. The most important thing we have is motivated and committed coworkers and coworkers. Take care of each other and enjoy the autumn!



The Next Generation Summit The third annual Next Generation Summit took place from 20-22nd August 2018 in Høvik. The Next Generation Summit is the must-attend event for up-and-comers in DNV GL who want to make an impact. It is an opportunity to present a customer problem or internal business challenge that teams will work on intensively, ‘start-up’ style. The event culminates with teams pithing their ideas to Remi Eriksen and the EC for seed funding and the chance to continue working as ­ a ‘start-in’. As well as getting the opportunity to launch a business idea, summit delegates build a global network of peers, meet the EC, and learn new ways of working in an exciting environment. How did the summit come about? The idea for the summit was sparked when Group President and CEO, Remi Eriksen, realized there was a portion of the company he never met in his travels around our global offices. He was ­missing the voices of DNV GL’s up-and-comers.


“I wanted to create an arena where I and the rest of the Executive Committee could engage directly with the next ­generation,” Remi says.

All delegates take home a ‘toolbox’ of new, agile ways of working; a network of likeminded peers; and a mentor relationship with a senior manager.

What happens at the summit?

Who is the summit for?

Delegates from around the world come together in Høvik to work on real customer problems or business challenges that they’ve identified themselves. Delegates self-select into teams around the problems they find most interesting. Across a two-day sprint they use innovation tools to develop and refine a solution to the problem, before pitching to the EC for funding. Each team is guided by an expert DNV GL mentor, with the overall summit­ agenda driven by an experienced innovation facilitator from the start-up world. At the 2017 summit, four of the eight ideas pitched won funding to continue working on their ideas. You can read more about the winning ideas and watch all the pitches here (DNV GL intranet).

The summit brings together motivated self-starters who are genuinely excited about our digital transformation, and want to be at its fore. They come from across DNV GL world-wide, representing all business areas. Delegates aren’t nominated to attend – they must apply with a customer ­challenge they’ve identified, and express their ‘NextGen’ motivation as creatively as they wish. Over the past three years we’ve seen applications in poetry, videos, sketches, songs and more! Stay tuned for more information in the lead-up to the summit in August, including a problem competition where you can have your say on the challenges delegates will tackle.


Should I stay or should I go? The dream of becoming a gründer Signe-Marie Hernes Bjerke, also known as Sigma, left DNV GL in December 2016 and started up on her own in Teambyggerne AS. It was strange to leave DNV GL after 16 years, but she brought the DNV GL values with her and still keeps in touch with former colleagues and friends. In this article she share her story and provides some key learnings and good advice. TEXT: SIGNE-MARIE HERNES BJERKE

General meeting, September 2016. It felt unreal. We had just learned that DNV GL Energy Advisory no longer needed Management Consulting. They would focus on technical advice to help the power industry. Thus, they shut down our department of risk management, process improvement, quality and management experts. After 16 years at Veritas, I had 14 days to find a new job internally or leave DNV GL. THE FIRST FEW DAYS OF CONVERSION I had just worked a year in the HR department, seeing how downsizing affects both those who have to go and those who remain. I had also seen how fast 14 days can go. Several colleagues had their self-esteem tested trying to find a job. Suddenly I realised that it was my turn. I went for a long walk along the beach. My mind struggled with many thoughts. Long ago, I had dreamed of starting my own business, but a busy ­family life and the need for a secure income had kept me back. In addition, I was so incredibly fond of my workplace. Of the vision, the values, the location and the great colleagues. But, now what? Isn’t it too late to start again when you have turned 50?

Gründer rule number 1: ”Get out there!” As soon as I had decided to venture into the unknown, I got a whole new energy. Now I was just going for it! Fulfil the dream. I knew nothing about starting my own business, but it helped to join the entrepreneur program for AS3. I also learned rule number 1 as a newbie entrepreneur: ”Get out there!” If you have nothing else on the agenda, invite an old friend to lunch or have a coffee with a former colleague. Have a chat, ask questions and find out: What do they need out there? What do they need help with? In this way I learned a lot. Gründer rule number 2: ”Network is all!” I got a lot of energy from contacting friends I had not really talked with for many years. With my family and a full consultancy job, I had spent too little time with

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The dream was still there, along with a real ”now or never” feeling. But my inner voice was merciless: ”Who do you think you are? It will never work! You, an introvert! You, who hate sales! How will you manage to get customers? Why not just apply for the ­available information security job? You must be mad to leave Veritas! ”

MY BEST ADVICE IF YOU LOSE YOUR JOB If you end up in a similar situation, my best advice is: Find someone to chat with! Yes, find many to chat with! For me, this was absolutely crucial. Those who mattered most in those turbulent days were my HR consultant, my wonderful coach at the corporate health service, a number of good colleagues and, not least, the good support from VEFF. Instead of going around looking for jobs and losing my self-esteem, it was boosted by all the great people who gave me support. To me, this was crucial for daring to step out. Nina at VEFF also advised me on free legal assistance, which would never have occurred to me. This was worth gold, in order to get an overview of the situation.



It’s about getting aware what’s going on in the mind. Most of us have an inner critic who is “a world champion” in holding us down.

friends. It was good to realise that I actually had a large network, and not least how positive they all were. I also discovered how important networks are for getting assignments. A pleasant lunch often resulted in a referral: I know someone you should talk to! This led to new connections and often a concrete assignment. And that one assignment often led to others. One of my most enjoyable assignments came about after a nice lunch with a former colleague, who introduced me to a manager needing help at the motivation workshop for his department. One month later, I went to the Czech Republic to facilitate a strategy and leader­ ship gathering. Another customer wanted a workshop


about Lean and process improvement, which became so successful that several other departments wanted it too. Gründer rule 3: ”Be aware of your superpowers” At the entrepreneurial course we were challenged: What are my services? What do I want to focus on? As consultants, we had taken on every possible assignment, everything our customers asked for. My supervisor persisted: But, what are you really good at? What gives you energy? What are your superpowers? Superpowers, me … that was a novel idea. But after some intense sessions, I was no longer in doubt. My superpowers arose from the unique combination of consultant, teacher and facilitator. As a consultant, I was used to involving


VEFF members in a full day workshop with Sigma in May, with lots of inspiration, energy and action.

myself in many different issues, having tools and methods for most of them. As a teacher, I can easily communicate complicated things. As a facilitator, I get help from both the teacher and the consultant when I help customers tailor workshops and gatherings. My supervisor made me see that this combination is not very common. Getting this awareness was important for my self-esteem. Being able to facilitate good courses and gatherings had become a matter of course, something I did in addition to my ”real job” just because it was fun. But when I became aware how much I enjoyed inspiring and engaging people, it became much eas-

ier to focus. Everyone has superpowers, but it’s not so easy to be aware of them. You think nothing of it because it’s so easy to do, you’re in a flow and it’s just fun. For others, achieving the same thing can be difficult. Gründer rule 4: ”Kill the inner critic” ”All good things come in threes. On the fourth, it will happen.” That’s why I include one more rule. This rule requires that you make a deliberate effort. ­Without it, you will not get ahead. It’s about getting aware what’s going on in the mind. Most of us have an inner critic who is “a world cham© iShutterstock



Sketches and ”tools” from the workshop.

pion” in holding us down: ”This will never succeed! Who do you think you are? Get real! Now you have messed it up again!” Sounds familiar? One of the most important things I did when I left DNV GL was to sign up for a coach and executive education at Coach Team – House of Leadership. We worked a lot with self-management. We learned to use tools for recognizing inappropriate patterns of thinking and exercises for changing them. With a solid coach education, I’m looking forward to helping others. Some of the people I’ve coached feel that I helped them get their lives on the right track and improve their everyday life. That is awe-inspiring. To me, it’s about helping a person getting a new and better self-view.


SO, WHAT ARE THE TEAM BUILDERS ACTUALLY DOING? The company name I chose reflects my focus: I want to work with people. I’m burning for the employees to have fun at work, mastering and enjoying their part in a well-functioning team. But, as most of us know: Good teams do not happen by themselves. Sometimes we have to work with basic aspects such as communication, cooperation, trust and respect. For example, Team Management Profile (TMP) is a great tool that gives participants knowledge about themselves and others and making each other improve. For teams having the basic collaboration in place, it can still be useful to get external input. For sports clubs, it is a matter of course to hire an external


coach to refill knowledge, methods and cooperation. Even at the national team level, a skilled team captain is not enough. There are essentially three areas where I can help: 1. Team development – as a basis for trust, respect and good communication 2. Facilitation – where I set up a good process to help the team achieve a goal 3. Training – for example, an “inspiration day” in Lean and process improvement, knowledge of or training in a common method of risk management Many managers find it helpful to get an external instructor or facilitator to assist with such things. Then the manager can focus on managing – setting direction and removing obstacles. For a manager, it is difficult to facilitate one’s own workshop, not only because it’s challenging to lead a process while contributing yourself, but because a contributing manager loses neutrality. The manager’s words will be emphasized so much that the group becomes passive and the process stagnates. By hiring an external facilitator, the manager can easily participate in professional matters. I also coach managers on how to address typical team challenges in the best way. LIFE AS A FREELANCE Starting as a freelance proved to be much more enjoyable than I imagined. I thought it would take a long time to get customers, and that the first step would be to define services and establish a website. I have not yet had time for the website. And I have not had a single sales meeting, just nice lunches and coffee chats. I don’t have any clear strategy, but I have a very clear rule: to have fun. If an assignment sounds exciting, I say yes. If not, I say no, regardless of profit. The variation in assignments is what makes it exciting. Not long ago, I helped VEFF with a recruitment workshop. The next workshop is for a department that needs to be better at stress management. It gives a sense of mastery to see all the different things I can help improve. And a very big “thank you” to DNV GL for this. In my 16 years at Veritas, I got to use myself

in so many ways. I gained experience as a manager, a project manager and a consultant, and not least as a course instructor. I gained experience with every facilitation course I held. And my educational platform comes not only from my teacher education at the university, but from being an instructor at countless Train the Trainer courses. The courses in Lean, process improvement and risk management gave me professional experience with methods and tools, which I use at courses in information security and GDPR. VISION AND DRIVING FORCE During your working life, you may be part of an incredible number of teams. Nevertheless, most of us can count on one hand the teams that worked optimally – where everybody thrived and working was like playing! You can still remember how you looked forward to going to work. Many have also experienced the opposite; teams that did not function at all. When cooperation fails and problems are not addressed, people’s good health can be at stake. Working life is changing, not just technologically – with digitization, automation, AI, Big Data, new systems and features. It also moves toward flatter structures, where employees have to take responsibility for their own development and be forward-looking in change processes. Teams are assembled to solve complex tasks, and are expected to work optimally from day one. Therefore, I think that facilitating teams and coaching employees will be increasingly important to succeed at work. My dream is that it will be just as natural for a team to summon a team builder, as it now is for individuals to seek out a coach. I predict a growing need for professional team builders, helping teams and individuals with exactly what they need, when they need it. My vision is also to help managers, project managers and consultants becoming skilled team builders. equipped with people skills, facilitation tools and awareness of team dynamics. When human aspects get greater focus, companies will create even better results. © iShutterstock



Knowledge is power The way we work are in constant change, some say that we are heading for the 4th industrial revolution. All of which may have an impact on the physical and emotional work environment. TEXT: ELLEN MARGRETHE PIHL KONSTAD

son if we should get the best out of it. The “request” from the VOs to me as HVO was tailored training with focus on internal challenges and enhancing our skills on work environment matters. VO GATHERING AT HØVIK In DNV GL we have a very diverse group of VOs. Some of them has been re-appointed 10 times, while others have just weeks and months experience. It consists of 44 local safety representatives 24 are located at Høvik, the rest is at a station. The meeting structure for the VO organisation used to be 6 meetings a year on Skype.

Ellen Konstad, the HVO at DNV GL

Did you know that our safety representatives all have a minimum of 40-hour mandatory training as part of the introduction as a safety representative (VO). This is warranted in the “Work Environment Act” (AML). The challenge is that the AML is constantly being updated. A VO period lasts for two years, and it is highly recommended that VO are re-appointed. On the job experience is very valuable. SO HOW TO STAY UP TO DATE? At the first VO meeting this year – we had focus on psychosocial work environment. Glenn Rolfsen from Stamina gave us a lecture on Stress. The experience gained was that this is a very relevant topic, but it is difficult to have good discussions with half the meeting on skype. Training needs to be in per-


MEETING LIVE Assuming the position as main safety representative (Hovedvernombud /

challenge, especially if you want to have a discussion. After addressing the issue with country chair, and discussing it with the VO, the meeting schedule was revised to fuor meetings a year with all VO, but where two was to be at Høvik. This would give the VOs a chance to meet each other, exchange experience and network. In March, we therefor had a two-day VO gathering at Høvik. This was the first time in years that the VOs all meet each other live. AGENDA The goal for the first day was to create a common platform for the safety organisation. Kari Witsø, Senior Executive Officer at Arbeidsmiljøsenteret gave a

The way we work are in constant change, some say that we are heading for the 4th industrial revolution. All of which may have an impact on the physical and emotional work environment. HVO) it was important for me to meet our VOs in person to get a better understanding of local challenges. As HVO my job is to support them in their task and to act as local VO if needed. I have so far visited Bergen, Ålesund and Ulsteinvik station. With representatives in ten different locations, having meetings on Skype is a

lecture on the latest updates on both AML and other relevant laws and regulations, that you as a VO may encounter. Then she challenged us on a number of tasks. The first was to analyse 8 different typical cases; is this a work environment matter or should the case be referred to another role in the DNV GL system. The “eight different scenario case” cre-


ated some good discussions in addition to show the importance of knowing the organisation. If a case is not a “work environment case”, who should we advise out colleague to take it to? That led us to day two, where we had an ordinary VO meeting before meeting the management and roles that we discussed on the first day. In addition to meet out brand new country chair Arve Johan Kalleklev, we also meet: • Ombudsmann Helene Berge Holm • Chair of the three unions represented at DNV GL; NITO, Tekna and VEFF • Local HR represented by Pål Børresen • AKAN • BHT • Security Officer

All of whom talked on how can we cooperate and complement each other to make DNV GL an even better place to work. The chance to meet in person showed immediate results. After the second day was officially ended, several VO had set up internal meeting to discuss common topics. The VO for the lab in Bergen and the VOs from the material lab at Høvik was last seen in deep discussions on their way to WU (where the lab is located at Høvik)

high work load or a difficult colleague / customer. I strongly believe in knowledge, in having tools to meet such cases. If you have discussed a case with someone who has experienced it, you are a lot more prepared if you yourself should come to be in a similar situation – knowledge is truly power.

FUTURE PLANS The next chance to meet up is at the VO meeting in September. This time the focus is the “difficult conversation”. How to meet people dealing with a crisis or in a difficult situation; a conflict with the boss, the feeling of not coping with




HOW CAN AKAN CONTRIBUTE? There will be a major renewal of the AKAN committee now. It consists of the company doctor, the company nurse, the employer’s representative and the employees’ representative. “We in DNV GL at Høvik have got a new company doctor from Stamina, Hilde Heiro. She is very interested in the AKAN work and also a very nice person,” says Terje Ingebriktsen, who has been the employees’ representative for 18 years. “Torill Callesen, our good company nurse, will step down in a few months and is transferring experience to a new and quite young company nurse. In addition, I stepped down in June after 18 years in the committee. The only continuity will be the employer’s repre-


sentative, Håkon Rosario Svebak, who is also the leader of the AKAN committee. “Each fall, the AKAN conference is organized, which can certainly be something to attend with so many new members in our committee. Otherwise, AKAN is also centrally located (they have headquarters in Oslo) and offers various courses. They can also come to DNV GL to hold classes or lectures. “The AKAN committee sorts under AMU, but is independent in its work. “The AKAN committee also has AKAN contacts in Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim, to be kept in contact with. At DNV GL offices where we don’t have AKAN contacts, there will be cooperation with local safety representatives. “How much the committee accomplishes depends a lot on the commit-

ment of each individual member and the available time. I think it is time to take the pulse of the employees in ­Norway with an anonymous survey, to get a better picture of attitudes to ­gaming, drug and alcohol abuse, work hours and health.” About 90 percent of the adult Nor­ wegian population drinks alcohol. Studies show that 10–15 percent of employees in Norway are drinking with health risk. Workplaces can, through their other health-promoting work, increase the competence on alcohol consumption, thus preventing health consequences. More information can be found on


Visiting Harstad – interviewing Frank Mikalsen At the end of April, I was privileged to come and visit our DNV GL office in Harstad. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN



Tjelsundbrua mellom Narvik og Harstad.



en, Jeanette Heggen, Martin Høegh, and the Colleagues in the Harstad office: Frank Mikals Olsen. r Oddva Jan er station manag

Principal surveyor Frank Mikalsen picked us up at the hotel and gave us an early morning tour of Harstad. He told us some great stories, and we visited the Trondenes Church and saw the Hurtigruten ship in the port. Then we went to the office, which has eight employees in Maritime, two in Oil & Gas and two in Business Assurance. We met nice colleagues and got to know how things work in an office far from the head office. The office is very nice, located a few kilometres outside the Harstad city centre. We participated in planning a survey of two tugboats located at LKAB in Narvik. We went to Narvik on Wednesday morning. Narvik got status as a city in 1902, and has since been the most important port for the disposal of iron ore from LKAB’s mines in Swedish Kiruna. Narvik is Norway’s third largest port when it comes to tonnage. At LKAB’s plant in Narvik, CEO Jacob Steinmo gave me a tour of the premises. LKAB in Narvik has 150 employees and

disposes of approx. 22 million tonnes of iron ore from the mines in Kiruna. The ore is transported by trains from Kiruna to Narvik, where each year some 200 ships arrive to load iron ore. The trains have 68 wagons and are 750 metres long. The ships come from all over the world, shipping iron ore to Europe, Asia and the USA. In connection with docking, three DNV GL-classed tugboats are ready to assist. We were allowed to join a survey on two of them. They are owned and operated by “Buksér og Berging”, headquartered at Lysaker. They are manned by a seaman, a captain and a chief engineer 365 days a year, 24/7. We met the “guard teams” on both boats. It was very nice, and we had many interesting conversations on how it is to work and live on a tugboat. It was incredibly homely on board the boats, with living rooms, cabins and ­galley. When I told them how nice it was, they replied that “this is our home for 2–3 weeks at a time, so we must make it a little enjoyable”.



Frank Mikalsen in the engine room with the captain on Barents. Christian Hamborg in the engine room.

Unfortunately, we were not so lucky with the weather, but a revisit is absolutely tempting. Many thanks to Frank, who arranged for an incredibly exciting and educational stay in Harstad! FRANK MIKALSEN Something personal? I am 62 years old and come from Harstad, where I live with my partner Trude. We have two children each from previous relationships. My two “children” are 35 and 37 years old, where did the time go? I have four grandchildren of six, eight, eight and ten years. My daughter still lives in Harstad with her


husband and two of my grandchildren, while my son lives in Tromsø. What do you like doing when you’re off work? I like many different activities. I love to spend time with my grandchildren. Otherwise, I’m fond of playing various instruments, such as the piano and the guitar. In addition, I try using my cracked voice from time to time. Hiking is also something I like. If I have time, I also read books. I like to read crime, travelogues and factual literature, but I can read anything. I also read many articles on the web. I usually listen to an audiobook in my car when going to an assignment. When it comes to music,

I listen to blues, rhythm and blues, rock, hard rock, jazz rock, and different ­genres of jazz. My uncle was a professional musician, dividing music into good and bad, claiming that this was independent of genre. I have adopted this view. Good music excites and engages me, and I enjoy listening to it. In addition, I like driving a motor­ cycle, being a member of an MC club here in Harstad. What is your professional competence and work experience? I am a graduate in electrical engineering from NTH. In addition, I have an education in management and organization


at Harstad University College (now the Harstad branch of the Norwegian Arctic University). After graduating, I worked for three years at the Electrical Inspectorate’s 6th district/the Energy Directorate, now DSB, before joining DNV. DNV GL, and what it’s like working here? I joined DNV in Stavanger at the turn of 1984/85, and came to Harstad in the summer of 1986. Then I worked on projects for DNV Stavanger until 1992/1993. At that time, electronics engineers were rare, so in addition to Northern Norway, I had to follow up newbuilding’s and CMC for DNV Trondheim in the Trøndelag counties until 2003. That period I was travelling a lot. Eventually I have become a “potato”, being useful in many contexts. This is how it works at a “small office”, one must be able to take care of everything and we must help each other. I like to be a generalist with my electronics, automation and instrumentation specialties. Fortunately, at the office we have skilled generalists with each of their specialties complementing each other. Interaction is good and very educational. And no one ever gets fully experienced, and that’s fine! Northern Norway covers a lot of ground, and all of us in Harstad, Bodø and Tromsø travel a lot. This generates much overtime and travelling time outside of normal working hours, but that’s how it is with our distances: Harstad– Tromsø/Bodø 300km, Harstad–Hammerfest 700km, Harstad–Kirkenes 1,150km, and from Harstad to the south part of Lofoten, 320km. DNV/DNV GL has been an interesting, good and pleasant workplace, but unfortunately, we have lagged in wage development! Important things you are passionate about? 1. Safety at sea: A large part of my family comes from Bjarkøy. At the start of my career, I read in Bjarkøy’s local history books about

the “fishing farmers” in the 1700–1800s. It documents that every third male in the area at that time perished at sea. The sea gave, and the sea really took! It triggered my interest in working with safety at sea, especially for those working there. Activities at sea – fisheries, oil/ gas and transport – is the foundation of Norway’s wealth. We see that sewage and pollution create big problems. DNV GL’s commitment to solving them is also my commitment. The safety and working conditions for the DNV GL employees. Without us, no DNV GL. Therefore, I have always been an engaged, and at times possibly a troublesome, VEFF representative and safety delegate. I think that you should be engaged, but you must also be loyal! I have a few examples. Many of us are relatives of elderly and disabled persons, I have my 94-year-old mother living at home. Many of us make a great effort, beneficial to society – but some of us get exhausted. Fortunately, we’re made to care and stand firm, so it’s not an argument that this is not necessary. The society at large cannot supply all care. Fortunately, we have schemes for parents and children. Unfortunately, we have few or no schemes for those looking after their aged relatives. We must rely on individual line managers’ understanding. I have received a lot of understanding from my line manager, and that’s good. I think many of us in DNV GL receive great understanding in such situations. For that reason, maybe we should set up guidelines/rights in the OPs so that we don’t have to “make this up” each time someone needs support? The content may include: Assistance going to a doctor, dentist or optician, and other service needs, need for help at acute illness, sickness visit, terminal phase. Can DNV GL be an example to follow? The “pick of the basket” is that this does not have to generate extra costs, as we already receive understanding, and the individual and DNV GL will both benefit from this already being negotiated.

Any final words? For the individual in the community! VEFF’s motto will never go out of style. By ourselves we are alone. In recent years, we have received competition from Tekna and NITO, and that may be healthy. I’m not going to talk down these associations. But the difference is that while VEFF is an in-house association working for the benefit of our members and our joint workplace DNV GL, Tekna and NITO are external associations with members from many companies. VEFF has its loyalty to DNV GL and its employees, but NITO and Tekna as external associations don’t necessarily have loyalty to DNV GL. VEFF is a negotiating partner, while the traditional employee organizations are companies’ negotiating counterparts. Perhaps DNV GL and each individual employee should think about these relationships before choosing a preference? History also shows that VEFF is important for DNV GL. Without the employees, no DNV GL. VEFF has been a major contributor to work agreements and frameworks that have provided good conditions for DNV/DNV GL to become the institution/company we are all proud of and happy to work for. But – here is even more work to do, working conditions, security, pay and rights and duties (!) Travel time, overtime, working hours, vacation/leisure. Work tools, software and systems, buildings and offices, not to mention everything about Oracle Finance. (I hope Oracle Finance will be the great tool we were promised and need, we have to make an effort together and make it work! But some people joke that the person who sold us this system, we should have employed!) History shows us that DNV GL and VEFF make it happen, whatever the challenges - we are problem solvers! A nice autumn to everyone!





HOTPLAY It’s the end of another working day at the picturesque DNV GL Høvik campus, with most colleagues retiring for the day, eager to start their evening routines. A few others are staying on campus as they make their way to their music den for the fortnightly jam session they have keenly looked forward to. TEXT: ARUN SETHUMADHAVAN

Introducing the DNV GL house band “Hotplay”. The band has been invited to play at multiple events on the Høvik campus over the past couple of years, covering songs from a variety of genres and decades. Hotplay comprises of eight members with unique talents and roles in the band. “We are an enterprising group of music lovers from Norway, France, Poland, Australia and India,” says drummer and band mentor Hans Petter Loose. “We have built up a steady repertoire of 20–25 songs over the past two years, and we will continue to add more,” says Loose, who is also a professional drummer with a Norwegian band in his spare time. “Our first performance was for an Offshore department ­Christmas gathering in 2015, and we have since performed at a dozen events,” reflects Truls Richardsen, the band’s bass guitarist. “Some of the same groups continue to invite us to perform for them, which gives us energy and confidence that we’re ‘hitting the right note’ if you’ll pardon the pun,” says Richardsen. Multi-instrumentalist Patrice Massicard plays saxophone and keyboard for the band, as well as assuming the demanding role of organizing and managing the jam sessions. The band is also lucky to have two lead guitarists, Erlend Moe and Mads Dalane, who add richness and depth to the sound. Arun Sethumadhavan, Martyna Orzechowska and Amila Bojadzic are the band’s vocalists. “It’s an incredible feeling, being on stage and entertaining the audience,” Arun and Amila share



CONNECT WITH HOTPLAY Want to connect with Hotplay events? Contact or visit our Yammer page.

the experience enthusiastically. “We put a lot of our spare time into the rehearsals and the performances, but we get something very special out of it as well. It’s difficult to describe the energy when you’re on stage – it makes you feel alive,” adds Martyna. Although he isn’t in the limelight, Alexander Krisak regularly supports the band by taking on the challenge of regulating the sound quality at each event to ensure the best possible outcome. His role since inception has been integral to the successful gigs. The band’s most memorable performance to date was the was the 2018 back to work party at Høvik, with an audience, with an audience of close to a thousand colleagues. Some of the band’s signature covers include songs such as Long Train Running (Doobie Brothers), Sultans of Swing (Dire Straits), Sweet Child of Mine (Guns N’ Roses), Kokken Tor (deLillos), Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd), One (U2), Proud Mary (Tina Turner) … and the list goes on with more being added.


Says Cecilie Ihlebæk, who proposed the name of the band and frequents Hotplay events, “I am thrilled to be part of the shows that Hotplay puts up in various parties or events, and one of the highlights was the big Summer Party at Høvik last year! Having played in a band myself in the past, and also following this band from its birth, I must say that Hotplay has had a fantastic development both in terms of sound and music repertoire. The effect of having our own in-house DNV GL band is just so valuable to all of us – also because of the great atmosphere they create wherever they play!” Says another Hotplay connection, Lene Vik Olsen, who enthusiastically joined the band chorus onstage during a recent gig, “I love that the tradition of having our own in-house band is carried on. Like other in-house bands we have been lucky to have, Hotplay not only raises the roof at our parties, but adds something positive and unifying to the work environment. People loosen up, dance and sing along to ‘Kokken Tor’ and other hits. I hope they keep us dancing for many years to come!”




Career Counselling TEXT: BARBRO MOSSENG

Need help to move on in your career? Do you want new opportunities where you already are, or do you consider ­finding a new job with DNV GL or another employer? Then career counseling and sparring with a professional counselor can be a valuable offer for you and VEFF have a special offer to our members, says Nina Ivarsen Chair of VEFF. Mobility in the Norwegian job market has risen steadily over the past ten years. There are many reasons why we change employers more often than before. A large percentage of our candidates seeking career counselling come to us because of a conversion at the current workplace, and they seek help to ensure a fast way into a new working environment. Others want to move on in their careers and change jobs, roles or industry, and need help to shape a new career strategy. Several of our candidates also want a combination of education and career counselling to look at how we can strengthen their skills in relation to the job market. Others again want a professional sparring partner to look at opportunities at their current workplace.

Common to most is a desire to find a job to enjoy, a job that matches their competence and provides personal and career development. Getting help to manage the personal brand and appear as attractive as possible for future employers is central to any career counseling process. Everyone wants career counseling that increases the range of opportunities and promotes active and well-considered choices for their further careers. Career counselling is suitable for you those have clear ambitions and know where they want to go, as well as those who want help finding the right career path. A certified career counselor will, together with you, map and raise awareness of your competence, experience and skills to meet the right challenges in the right environment. Career counselling can reduce the risk of a wrong career choice, increase job opportunities, and raise awareness of your opportunities in the present and future job market, says Barbro Mosseng Partner in Karrierehuset. If you are interested, contact us at



Electrification of the ferry fleet Times are busy at Havyard Ship Technology in Leirvik in Sogn. From now until December 2019, a total of 13 fully electrically powered ferries will be delivered to the shipping company Fjord1 in connection with new tender rounds on the national and county roads. At most, a ferry will be delivered every three weeks from the yard. TEXT: IVAR AREKLETT GARMANN AND ARNE HOPLAND

Tender contracts from the authorities have had stringent environmental requirements of zero- or low-emission solutions. This requires a massive renewal of the ferry fleet. Fjord1 has ordered all-electric ferries, although requirements did not indicate that this was absolutely necessary on all connections. It is pleasing that the most environmentally friendly option is also the most profitable. Ferries are in many ways ideal for electrification. Money can be well spent to build the necessary infrastructure at ports, frequent loading and unloading is required which provides the necessary battery charging time, and short voyages ensure an acceptable balance between


operating time and charging time. At the time of writing, the first of the 13 ferries has been delivered from the yard, and two more will be delivered in October. For the yard, these projects are beneficial because the offshore market, which has kept them busy in recent years, has had a sudden drop in activity. Also for DNV GL, this means more activity. We have won a contract for class follow-up of the newbuildings, all of which will be built according to DNV GL’s regulations for battery propulsion. They will all be delivered with the class notation (Power), which is mandatory if the ferries are powered by batteries. DNV GL’s regulations for battery propulsion systems are central to finding safe and

sensible solutions. DNV GL in Bergen follows up the shipyard in Leirvik, while approval is being carried out from the approval centre at Høvik. Electro surveyor and project manager Arne Hopland has a lot of experience with battery propulsion plants. He was involved in the class follow-up of the first all-electric ferry, Ampere, which was ready for operation in 2015. He was also involved in the construction of Vision of the Fjords and the all-electric Future of the Fjords, both operating in Nærøyfjorden in Sogn. These experiences are valuable in his work as an electro surveyor on the ferries under construction. Arne has been with DNV GL for 19


years, working on a number of projects within NB, CMC and MOU, to name a few. He has a certain ability to end up in projects that are a bit on the side of the usual work, and often interesting and slightly odd. Or the ability to “end up in the mire”, as Arne himself puts it. In the mire you have to tread carefully, but using tall boots is equally important. Arne has the ability to do both, and usually knows the answers to his own questions. So: Can you briefly explain our tasks and the progress of a new construction project from drawing board to finished vessel? In short, the job is threefold: −− Our approval centre will review a set of documentation to verify that the vessel is constructed according to DNV GL’s regulations. −− Important components and systems are certified by DNV GL. −− The construction follow-up at the newbuilding yard verifies that the vessel is built according to approved documentation and tested according to regulations. What is, in your opinion, DNV GL’s most important role in such projects? Our main role is to verify that the vessel is built according to class rules and international regulations. The latter is

mainly published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), such as the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Marine Pollution Prevention (MARPOL). Li-Ion battery systems are still relatively new to many shipyards and shipping companies, but DNV GL can provide advice to both yards and companies. Can you briefly explain the principle of electric propulsion, from the mains on shore to propulsion in the fjord? Today, diesel-electric propulsion is common on many types of vessels, where generating sets deliver power to the propulsion plant. Instead of the propeller getting its power directly from a diesel engine, it’s an electric motor that drives the propeller. What is new is that large battery systems come in addition to, or replace, diesel engines as power sources on board. If the battery systems are disconnected from the mains, you won’t need a diesel engine to operate. This is very environmentally friendly, especially in Norway where we use pure hydropower. In countries where there is a mix in power generation, battery powered vessels also do good by the environment. In addition, local pollution is eliminated.

Are there special things that are more safety-critical on a battery propulsion plant versus a conventional one? The new Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery systems being used have a lot of energy, and special measures must be taken to prevent an event in a Li-Ion battery from getting out of control. DNV GL’s regulations for such battery systems set requirements to both the battery systems and the onboard installation. Some general advice for new employees in DNV GL? The most important thing is, probably, to be open to change and to learn something new when there is an opportunity. I joined DNV GL over 19 years ago, and it has never been boring! Exciting and interesting assignments are rare, but if you are available and active, there are lots of opportunities in this company. And if you “end up in the mire”, it’s important to know that you’re not the first one. There is always someone who can help you out!



A clear need for DNV GL’s resilience framework Many in DNV GL struggle to cope with stress caused by work. To address this on a more fundamental level, we must take actions to be more resilient in the first place, both as individuals and as teams. TEXT: SARAH DANIELSSON, HEAD OF GROUP HSE

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a year ago. The framework consists of many different toolboxes and techniques for managing resilience, including a global Health hour to be run in teams, and coaching guides on resilience for managers.

Sarah Danielsson, Head of Group HSE

The health and safety culture survey earlier this year confirmed that stress is a problem: 22% of employees mentioned unrealistic time pressures at work, a 7% increase from a similar survey in 2015. 40% of the employees reported that “In my unit, we struggle to cope with the level of stress caused by work”. The most positive scores in the survey are related to health and safety competence and compliance. The weakest scores are within employee resilience and managing conflicting goals. This is further emphasized in the significantly increased number of comments in the survey (more than 7000 comments were submitted), with high work load and work-life balance as the key themes.

We as an employer obviously must do what we can to manage work, deadlines and resource allocation. Yet, many employees also tell me directly that what they do themselves to strengthen their own resilience is at least as important as anything the company can do. This is a crucial insight, and I strongly believe that we as an employer must do what we can to facilitate stronger resilience in individuals and teams. The role of managers and DNV GL as employer is important in this, but in a high-performance culture, we as individuals also have to do what we can to be more resilient. Looking after our own health and wellbeing is always vital, and even more so now that we face an increasing risk for negative stress. The resilience algorithm The framework is based on the premise that you can build your own resilience by managing your health, wellbeing and your motivation according to this formula:

Group President and CEO Remi Eriksen commented regarding the survey results: “2018, and the past few years, have been among the most demanding years in DNV GL’s history. Tough market conditions, sharp declines in revenue and profitability, and reductions in manning have taken their toll on all of us. (…) There are no easy solutions to this, but we have to acknowledge it and work at all levels of the organization to organize our work better, prioritize tasks, and build resilience.” A MORE FUNDAMENTAL AND PREVENTION-ORIENTED APPROACH Following the previous health and safety survey, in 2015, we quickly launched the stress management framework. It addressed a clear need and was well received, but we also knew we had to initiate actions that more fundamentally dealt with the problems leading to negative stress. We therefore continued to expand our health and safety efforts to explore and understand how to proactively strengthen and build the resilience and well-being of managers, teams and employees through a resilience framework, which we launched



Physical wellbeing Researchers have found that people with greater physical wellbeing not only have higher energy levels and greater capacity for memory – but also display greater resilience. In our framework, there are four components of physical well-being: Nutrition, exercise, breathing and sleep. Mental wellbeing Your mindset matters. Mindset shapes your responses to every life situation, whether at work or at home. In today’s volatile and complex environment, mental health is essential to your resilience. The framework lets you explore how to support your mental agility and focus while you’re challenged by different stimuli. Think of your brain as a powerful and subtle machinery that needs four types of fuel to run smoothly: Focus time, Play time, Time in, and Down time. Social wellbeing In empirical psychology, social well-­ being is a well-known ingredient to a healthy and resilient lifestyle. The best place to start in strengthening your social well-being is establishing a better connection with yourself, then with others. The framework suggests how you can do that and it also provides some guidance on how to manage disagreements in pragmatic ways. Motivation Your motivation is the driving force behind your personal and professional fulfilment. When you feel that you have choice in your work (autonomy), that you’re learning and growing from it (mastery), and that you’re contributing to something meaningful (purpose), you will grow resilient to persevere through tough times. Autonomy How does it feel when you can take charge of work and do tasks the way you think is best? Motivating, says behavioural science. The framework will guide you through the four of the things you can manage yourself at work: task, team, time, and technique.


Mastery Mastery is the extent to which you feel you’re progressing or growing personally and professionally with a growth mindset. When you see yourself getting better, you gain a sense of accomplishment and become even more driven to progress further. Purpose What keeps you going when you could stop? How do you remind yourself of that when you want to give up? Knowing your purpose is equal to having the wind in your back. The framework will help you to reflect on and figure out your purpose in what you do.

Get in touch Both the business areas and we at Group HR and HSE keep working hard to address the findings from the health and safety culture survey. One of the ways we do this is through workshops with teams experiencing problems. The insights and understanding of the team members, and their constructive and engineer-like approach to solving this problem always impresses me. I also get valuable first-hand information about what works and what does not. I welcome input and suggestions so please feel free to email me at We in Group HR and HSE will do what we can to share more updates, tips and techniques, so stay tuned for more on this topic throughout the autumn. Search the intranet for “resilience” to find out more! Take care!


Personal data principles To access any one personal data, you need to get consensus from the owner, this is important says Nina Ivarsen Chair of VEFF What are the requirements of accessing personal data? Releasing personal data is not the only situation that might pose a challenge. Several scenarios are possible when you are working in HR or IT and might be requested to grant access to e-mails or files that belong to former or existing colleagues. Here is the general principle: “Basically, e-mail accounts or other files shall not be accessed without explicit written consent of the respective employee. This basic principle is also applicable to employees who have left the company.”

The consent has to be unambiguously. What shall I do when written consent cannot be obtained? There might be situations where it is not possible to obtain written consent. This could be the case when an employee had an accident or any other unplanned absence. If it is not possible to obtain written consent, Line Manager needs to get verbal consent. This has to be documented. Approval Request for access to e-mail accounts or files when consent is not in place DMSG-17-4-A4-a2.

• Get HR-approval for using personal data outside DNV GL. Have Global Data Protection Officer/Local Data Protection Officer assess how personal data will be processed by a third party. • Get HR-approval for using personal data outside DNV GL. Get approval from the Global Data Protection Officer/Local Data Protection Officer for processing personal data by a third party. • Assessment by Global Data Protection Officer/Local Data Protection Officer can only be performed based on the information gathered from the project manager and, when appropriate, contractual terms safeguarding personal data protection law are in place.


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