DIGITA LIZ ATION – OUR HOLY GR A IL »»We will make it great together
THORMOD FJELL Global Shared Services Officer
GEIR DUGSTAD Senior Vice President
Nina Ivarsen, chairperson VEFF
I am passionate about cross border cooperation and innovation. I want GSS IT to be at the forefront when it comes to adopting new ways of working, so that we can be a showcase for the rest of DNV GL.
So far in 2017, DNV GL has launched thousands of times more new digital tools and solutions than in any other year. We have taken blockchain with transparent databases into our business, and offered updated information real-time to our customers. It was a bold move to take all of Business Assurance’s management systems, products and supply chain certificates to blockchain with a more effective administration system.
Fear value on internet of things
The VEFF magazine is produced by employees in DNV GL and sponsored by VEFF union, which is a union only for DNV GL employees. © VEFF 12-2017 Editor: Nina Ivarsen Front cover photo: ©iStock Back cover photo: Nina Ivarsen Design and print: 07 Media, 1712-001
Everything currently on internet or in a cloud should have a fair value. No business is giving away things or services for free. Free means things are not worth anything, so we must be good at trading smart and exchanging values, and our employees must be excellent traders. Changes will be implemented, and we have no
doubt that the new technology will lead to sustainable value for DNV GL. For our business model and in all segments, the new technology is not a “slogan” but an enabler that provides smarter and safer solutions to us and our customers. The Holy Grail in our business is to find markets that are in hyperinflation and be the trusted partner in safe digital transactions.
We are all innovative by nature, or maybe just curious We need something new to think creatively, we need treadmills in our offices so we can work and walk at the same time, and daylight that makes us feel good. We want to feel free and have a life and a work pattern that gives us freedom. With freedom comes responsibility and creativity, control and micro management is demotivation and old.
EDITORIAL The year when it took off, and digitalization become our Holy Grail
GSS INTERVIEWS READ ALSO 04 #METOO 05 Networking 06 Interview with Liv Astri Hovem 11
On 1 December 2017, Jørgen Gulnes took over as GSS IT Director in Global Shared Services. In his introduction article, Jørgen said: “I am passionate about cross border cooperation and innovation. I want GSS IT to be at the forefront when it comes to adopting new ways of working, so that we can be a showcase for the rest of DNV GL.” I like this attitude, being free and confident to tell everybody that we will be best at what we do.
A future-workforce
12 Meet Geir Dugstad – Senior Vice President, Maritime 16 Meet the new members of the ELT in Digital Solutions 18 Digital Day 20 Thomas Vogth-Eriksen – CEO finance
Traditional champions that always deliver
25 Making virtual teams work
Soon we are approaching a new year, and we will spend time to reflect on the champions that have dedicated their professional life to serve the Maritime business. Even this year, with an extremely challenging market, our colleagues and management in Maritime are delivering positive results, far beyond any other business in DNV GL. We should reflect and adjust our expectations when it comes to margins and earnings, and give full support when times are challenging. The focus shall be on celebrating all employees worldwide, who contribute at their maximum, and who are the backbone of our business.
26 In the rearview mirror 30 Connect 34 DNV GL Summer students 38 Helene B. Holm – DNV GL Internal Ombudsman 41 New head safety delegate 44 GSS Interviews – Thormod Fjell – Chris Jones – Guido Gronau – Lars Kjønø
We should celebrate the efforts from employees that works from smaller offices and does not have the large network and support that we have at main offices such as Høvik and Hamburg. Virtual teams are becoming more popular, but it is important that we also meet and work together.
52 The “Diver” who knows all about underwater inspections in Oil and Gas
Petabyte in savings makes millions in return
55 Member of the Board of Directors in DNV GL – Nina Ivarsen
One of the largest challenges we as a company have is the need to address our internal cost model. We all need to contribute and plan
© iStock
for adjustment to get the cost down. This is not only a management responsibility, but a responsibility for all of us. Digitalization will contribute to significant cost savings, but not without the willingness to invest. We must accept a cost both in funding and in time. We invest for the future, and our willingness to change and adapt will secure work for us all. The GSS Future State project will contribute to large savings in the future. We got a new “baby” this year, a fresh business idea called Digital Solution. Now we are going to make money on millions of microscopic cashback transactions.
Finally, we would like you all to look at your own positions and celebrate your contributions to the company this year. Take some time and tell yourself, your colleagues, your family and your friends about your achievement, and what a fantastic difference you make for DNV GL. Be proud of your colleagues and of the work you do as part of a team. To Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen and his troops, thank you for being faithful believe in that the Maritime industry always will be there to carry goods on the oceans, in a safer and smarter and greener way.
Radical ideas create pockets to try out new things The value chain for DNV GL will change. The interaction between people and how we organize the operation will be challenged. We should interact more across the business areas and use each other’s resources more intelligently. Digital reporting initiate networking and faster sharing of information and knowledge. Maybe we will look at pools of people and shop knowledge through a common dashboard solution in the future. New and smarter user interfaces will provide us with access not only to people intelligence, but also to artificial intelligence. Digital knowledge and machine learning algorithms can be trained with 300,000 incoming emails, 1,000,000 design drawings, Affinitas data and 15 years of survey findings. We will see ships with sensor and digital certificates approaching digital Ports with cyber inspection, and electronic certificates across entire fleets. We will see healthcare revolutions with digital memories. We will see food being traced with apps in the environment where it originated, and waste will be totally reused.
Will this generate more jobs, or will digitalization make us excessive? I strongly believe digitalization will create more jobs. Unfortunately, we will see failure and accidents happen in the future, and we will need people to safeguard life, property and the environment. I know DNV GL will need the resources we have today, but we also need new knowledge. New knowledge does not mean we need new people, it means we all need the willingness to learn new things. We embrace change and deliver results.
Remi, you have close to 13,000 people looking at the year to end, and close to 13,000 people who are highly motivated to start the new year that will be the best, with the smallest margins maybe, but we will make it great together.
#METOO – A STATUTORY RESPONSI BILITY FOR THE EMPLOYER How to prevent harassment – which rules apply, and how do we deal with this in DNV GL? TEXTS: NINA IVARSEN
All employers have a statutory responsibility to prevent sexual harassment. All employees also have a duty to report if they see it occur. Following the extensive media attention, many companies are now conducting a survey focusing on internal control and routines in this area. Our CEO Remi Eriksen has, on his own initiative, used Yammer to address a global initiative (#MeToo) that also applies to all employees of DNV GL. “I gather his most important message is that DNV GL takes the topic of utmost seriousness,
NETWORKING A recommendation from a co-worker or your previous boss can be worth a lot whether you apply for internal or external positions TEXTS: NINA IVARSEN and he uses the opportunity to show the channels we have for reporting harassment – and it’s important to report it,” says DNV GL’s Ombudsman Helene Berge Holm to VEFF. “Our Code of Conduct (DMSG-02) is very clear regarding the company’s policy on a safe working environment and zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment/bullying. We also have DMSG-17-5 on Reporting Misconduct, describing employees’ rights and opportunities in case of perceived or experienced misconduct,” says DNV GL’s country chair of Norway, Karin Stensmyren Monsen. Furthermore, we have a strong and visible compliance organization with Gesa Heinacher-Lindemann in the lead, continuously training employees and making various training tools such as nano learning and web courses. DNV GL has routines at global level (Norway included) that are being followed, but there is always the possibility of harassment in our company too. “Therefore, Remi encourages reporting, and VEFF strongly supports this,” says VEFF Chair Nina Ivarsen.
In a world where things are moving faster and efficiency is great, is it essential having good relationships with people who are influenced by your preferred industry or subject area. It may allow you to gain access to unique job opportunities or to give you more input to organisations or influential people. A large part of a job search process is about trusting the person you hire. Having anyone “recommend and vouch” for you will automatically place you higher in the stack of candidates. Building networks requires continuous effort. Maintaining and caring for the contacts you already have is as important as creating new ones. Regard everyone you meet as a potential relationship. Be interested, curious and caring when meeting new people. It is equally important to create a good network internally in your company as establishing an external network. When your network grows, it’s important to remember that your peripheral network is a supplement to your close relationships. Keep nurturing them close to you, but at the same time, balance it by continuing to meet new acquaintances. The most important prerequisite for getting to know new people is that you are open for it, and let them know you in an open and honest way.
Meet the new CEO in Oil & Gas Liv Astri Hovem TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN
Our new CEO Liv Hovem, taking the helm of the Oil & Gas business area in January, gets her energy from working with talented people and from our vision of having a global impact in the oil and gas industry on the most important issues; people, the environment and safety.
Liv believes we have an important role to play in guiding our customers towards success. The Energy Transition Outlook confirms what most analysts see; fossil fuels are a long-term energy source and will increasingly play a role together with renewables. DNV GL is uniquely placed to be ahead of the curve on the two most important trends impacting our industry; decarbonization and digitalization. We can also help our customers succeed in staying profitable with continued cost optimisation. In this interview, Liv shares both her outlook for the industry and our role, as well as her life story, much of it in DNV GL. HOW DO YOU SEE YOUR NEW ROLE AS THE LEADER OF OIL & GAS? I think it’s very exciting. Otherwise, I would not have taken the job. It is exciting what happens in the market and with our services. Our own Energy Transition Outlook confirms that there is nodoubt oil and gas will be an important part of the energy mix in the foreseeable future. Moreover, we have an important purpose, namely to safeguard life, property and the environment with our services. There are two trends affecting the industry; decarbonization and digitalization; in addition, our customers are concerned with cost levels, so we must
constantly adapt both in terms of costs and the solutions we offer. Luckily we are ahead of these trends and in a positon where we can innovate and develop new services, for example by helping clients assess how green gases affect existing infrastructure, using available technology to do remote witnessing or automate parts of our services. We have highly skilled people who use their knowledge and expertise to meet customer needs, and with the introduction of Veracity we can take completely new positions in the market by helping clients optimize their performance. All of this is very exciting, and in this time of energy transition it is also very exciting
two. Large amounts of oil and gas will be transported either by pipelines or ships and it will be increasingly difficult to place customers in one specific market or business area, so it will be crucial to collaborate with the Digital Solutions, Energy and Maritime business areas as. We need to work hard together to differentiate in the market keeping in mind that collaboration can be demanding but most definitely worth it. WHAT ARE THE BURNING ISSUES FOR YOU? DNV GL builds on a strong purpose and has developed a strong brand.
We need to work hard together to differentiate in the market keeping in mind that collaboration can be demanding but most definitely worth it. to see how our different customers orient themselves in the energy landscape. Some of them are moving away from fossil fuels towards renewables, some are specializing in traditional oil and gas business, while others are combining the
I think having a purpose that drives and motivates you is particularly important in a knowledge-based company. Also DNV GL’s values are important to me and I see we live our values through our teamwork, innovation and by embracing
Concert with Coldplay in San Fransisco with my Family. Enjoying the nice beaches of California.
Enjoying cross country skiing in the mountains. Skiing with my family on Christmas Eve.
change; of which there has been a lot the last few years. However, it is important to note that similar changes are happening across the industry and with our competitors too. It is therefore important that each of us also invest in ourselves to be relevant for a more digital future. This is difficult and demanding, but essential. I must constantly remind myself of it and push myself forward.
Ultimately, we are a ‘people company’ with a significant amount of untapped potential. I personally want to contribute to unleashing some of this potential, so I am very much looking forward to entering my new role in January.
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF I am originally from Trondheim and I spent my early childhood there and in Italy. I have studied at both NTH (now NTNU) and UC Berkeley. At NTH I also met my husband and we have three adult children, two boys and a girl, the youngest will soon be 19 years old. We live at Stabekk which is a few kilometres
from head office, closer to Oslo. In the years with small and active children, we lived in a housing collective with my husband’s sister, her husband and their children. We bought a house together that we rebuilt into two apartments. We lived together, two families with six children in all for more than 16 years and this worked very well. We had kindergarten in our common garden where the kids went. With grandparents far away and both of us working, this helped us to be able to have a good family life and we felt lucky to have someone to share our daily life with. A fun story related to this is that I had some colleagues who calculated the risk of this lifestyle; they concluded that there was a 90% probability of failure with only a 10% chance that our marriage would survive, but it did! I learned a lot about myself and relationships from living so closely with another family and think I have become pragmatic and solution-oriented as a result.
that I needed to know more about waves and ships to take advantage of all the opportunities in DNV. After applying to the DNV Education Fund, I was granted a scholarship and went to study hydrodynamics and structural reliability at UC Berkeley. Structural reliability opened my eyes to understanding the uncertainties linked to structures and putting all the technical aspects into context. I returned to DNV with a second Masters in naval architecture and offshore engineering. This was a very important period for me. From there, I moved on to Maritime Advisory and started working with the hydrodynamic analysis of ships. Work-
understanding of international safety regimes and the role of Class. During those years, we worked on enhancing the strength of bulk carriers. I was also DNV’s representative in the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) working group dedicated to wave data and sea loads, as well as other IACS teams. Another highlight was developing Formal Safety Assessment methodology and goal-based standards, and figuring out how to bring these risk-based principles into maritime rule development. When DNV, ABS and Lloyds Register decided to fast track a common rule set for oil tankers, I was asked to lead the work on design principles and sea loads. During the launch, I was DNV’s project manager and presented the draft rule set for yards in South Korea, Japan and China. The industry was very critical of our work; they were concerned about heavier and more expensive ships, and it was extremely interesting to be part of the discussion about how safe is safe enough. After the joint rules for oil tankers were issued, I wanted to contribute as a manager to ensure continued development of core competencies. I led the Hydrodynamics and Structures section in Maritime Advisory and eventually became head of department. In Maritime Advisory, energy efficiency and ship optimization entered the scene in a major way. We had to invest in new competence and tools to prepare for an emerging market. Focussing on design situations beyond safety to include reductions in operational costs, we developed one of DNV’s first concept vessels; the Momentum. We did this to communicate and demonstrate (internally and externally) the opportunities for energy-efficient operations. Heading Maritime Advisory made it clear to me that we need deep technical experts and t-shaped generalists with
I learned a lot about myself and relationships from living so closely with another family and think I have become pragmatic and solution-oriented as a result.
WHAT KIND OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE? I joined DNV immediately after earning my Masters in structural engineering at NTNU in Trondheim in 1987. At that time, I didn’t know much about DNV, but decided to attend a recruitment presentation. I was eager to practice the skills I had learned at university, I wanted to be useful, and I was curious to see if I had chosen a profession that I would truly enjoy. I started in the Jacket section in February 1988, working with the verification of structural designs. One of my first tasks was to verify a software tool for stochastic fatigue analyses, a complicated task where I benefited greatly from having expert colleagues – many of whom still work here today. A few years into my career, I realized that I wanted to go back to school. I felt
ing internationally has always been an interest of mine, especially learning how international companies think and operate. The projects in Maritime Advisory were smaller than in Oil & Gas, which meant I had to work more independently and more often face to face with customers. This was very inspiring and I learned that the customer interface was where my development curve was steepest. I was also part of several interesting Joint Industry Projects (JIPs). For one JIP, we equipped ships with sensors and performed model testing to ensure that we had good representation of physics in our model calculations moving forward. These projects involved participants from yards, owners and research institutions worldwide. I eventually moved into rule development, where combining load and response with safety and design philosophies were important discussion points. I learned a lot about taking a holistic view, and gained a thorough
consulting skills working side-by-side to make an impact. Moving on as head of Marine Structures in Oil & Gas, and eventually becoming regional manager for Technical Advisory Ship and Offshore in Norway, I gained valuable insight into the differences and similarities between the maritime and oil and gas industries. Experiencing both industries has been valuable, because it has given me the opportunity to take good practices and ways of working from one industry to the other.
Since we became DNV GL, I have had the great pleasure of heading up Division Europe and Africa for our Oil & Gas business and most recently being the Regional Manager of Continental Europe, Eurasia, Middle East, India and Africa. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU’RE OFF WORK? Like many Norwegians, we have a cabin in the mountains. I like skiing and have attended “Birken”, a long-distance ski
race, ten times. I have attended a nice ski race in the Dolomites several times, and I have participated at Hafjell ski marathon. My ambition is to join two or three ski races a year so that I have to keep fit. It’s a great way to discipline myself. On a Sunday when it’s raining and I’m a little tired and passive, I know it will hurt if I don’t work out before attending a race. In addition to skiing, I like running. Sports are a big part of my family and social life. When I’m with friends I like to be active and fortunately they share my interest. I highly appreci-
ate being with friends and my husband when I work out. My husband and I also like to go to concerts. This year we saw Coldplay in San Francisco and U2 in London. In addition, we have a small garden that I like to look after. What’s nice is that there’s nothing that must be done there, so I can just enjoy gardening when the weather is nice.
SOME FINAL WORDS I’m often asked about career planning, and I have some advice about things I try to live up to in my job. The first is to ensure that I do my absolute best in my current job, and that I involve and ask for help from people around me when I need it. In addition, I am curious and
It’s more than three decades since British Rock idol Hugh Cornwell predicted the “Rise of the Robots”. Now that artificial intelligence is taking its place in the job market, it appears that those once-fabled robots are having their special day. Work which requires human input continues to be the norm. The trick for employers is to stream key employees into work that’s not achievable via technology-based human substitutes. Anti-discrimination measures are now an imperative for employers everywhere. To achieve a more diverse workplace and to eliminate any semblance of discrimination early in the hiring process, “blind hiring” is becoming increasingly popular. By removing any information from resumes submitted which might identify the applicant by demographic markers like age, sex, ethnic origin or economic status, employers are creating conditions whereby merit is paramount.
supportive to others and try help colleagues when I can. It is also important to remember that there is room for more than work in life, but it is important to set priorities to achieve the work-life balance one wants. I also constantly remind myself that everything doesn’t have to happen at the same time.
Over the past 20 years, the number of remote workers has increased four-fold, now standing at just under 40 percent of the American workforce. Employers may now cast a net which encompasses the world, with a pool of applicants that has grown because of the ability to telecommute. Along with this shift have come myriad new ways of communicating with remote workers, including online conferencing applications. Today, many of us work with people we’ve never seen in person – and may never see in the course of their tenure with our common employer. This trend will continue to grow and evolve in 2018. With the new transparency offered by social media, potential employees can be found everywhere. Under a hashtag on Twitter, or in a common interest group on LinkedIn, passive job candidates gather to be seen by their colleagues. While the right fit may or may not be found by employing social media networking, it’s clear that online communities have made it easier for employers to clearly define their “new hire wish list”. With a veritable sea of potential employees online, the advantages are clear.
References: President HR, November 2, 2017
Skiing in the Dolomites February 2017.
Meet Geir Dugstad – Senior Vice President, Maritime I met Geir Dugstad an early winter day in December, and wanted to know more about his background and motivation for being the leader and Senior Vice President, Director of Ship Classification & Technical Director. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN
TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF I am 53 years old, originally from Voss. I have been married to my wife since 1991. We have three children, a girl of 22, a boy of 24 and a girl of 26. They have all moved away from home. We live at Jar in Bærum. We moved to Bærum when I started in DNV, the first two years we rented an apartment from
DNV in Arne Ulstrupsvei. After that, we bought half of the house we live in now, and when the other half was for sale, we bought that as well. So now that all the children have moved out, we have plenty of space. I would say that I live in Norway, but I am commuting to Hamburg where I have had an apartment since April 2014. I guess I spend around 25 percent of my time in Norway.
WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE? After graduation, I started at the officer candidate school. I was in the coastal artillery at Oscarsborg, and then I spent a year in the Northern part of Norway. After that I attended the Engineering College (“Ingeniør Høgskolen”) in Bergen and studied there for three years, before I started at NTH where I studied
Maritime Convention 2016. ©DNV GL/Christian Schmid
I like to keep up with practical things like carpentry, painting etc., to the extent that I have time. It’s very relaxing to me. I have just finished redecorating a bedroom. marine and obtained a Master of Science in Naval Architecture. In 1990, I started in DNV as a trainee. First I spent one and a half years at Høvik in different units in DSO (Division Ship and Offshore). After that period, I was six months in Malta and worked as a surveyor. This suited the family well, having one child at that time. After the trainee period I got a job in what is now called Maritime Advisory, I was there for almost two years. Then
Per Lersbryggen came and asked if I wanted to start working with newbuildings. I then worked with hull approval for a few years. AFTER THAT, WE MOVED TO KOREA IN 1996. At that time, all the children were born, and the youngest was six months old. It was very family friendly. I worked as a newbuilding surveyor at Daewoo for seven months. Just then, lots of con-
tainer ships were built, and GL was big on this ship type. The consequence was that we had to restructure in Korea, so I was asked to travel to Pusan. It is one of the most interesting periods of my career. I had extensive customer contact, dealing with very knowledgeable customers and being constantly challenged. In addition, it was a great environment, and we liked Korea very much. All in all, a very nice experience.
WE RETURNED TO NORWAY AFTER TWO YEARS, IN 1998. Then I worked with hull approval in DTP (Division Technology and Products) for Matthew Seides. In 1999, I became Head of Hull/SiO. That role I had for a long time, until 2007. Then there was a vacant position as Head of Department for Newbuildings, managing 6–7 sections. This was during the peak period, and it was completely wild. I remember looking all over Europe for expertise because we had so much to do. Then just a year later, Maritime reorganized and established the Approval Centre Norway; I took that leadership role and reported to Jon Rysst. Not long after that, GGD (Global Governance Development) was established, and I was asked to lead technical support. This period lasted until 2013. I do not have any hobbies that I spend a lot of time on. I work quite a lot, so being with the family means a lot to me. Otherwise we have a cabin in Kragerø. It is located on the island of Tåtøy, so we use a boat to get there. This is a typical summer resort that we do not use in the winter. I’m also very fond of skiing, both slalom and cross-country, although it has become a lot more cross-country skiing than slalom in recent years. I like cold days, as it is often in January and February. I’m not so fond of Easter snow conditions. We often visit my mother at Voss, where there are good conditions for skiing. I remember when I was very young, then the world cup was arranged at Voss, that was great. In between, I read books, but very much off and on. In today’s society, there are so many “disturbances”. I heard researchers estimate that we check our phones several thousand times a day as an example of this. I also like to keep up with practical things like carpentry,
painting etc., to the extent that I have time. It’s very relaxing to me. I have just finished refurbishing a bedroom. In Germany, I have bought a cabriolet which is a sort of hobby I have when I’m there. Last summer we took the car to Italy, that was a very nice trip. HOW DO YOU SEE YOUR ROLE AS THE LEADER OF SHIP CLASSIFICATION? Ship Classification plays a key role to the success of Maritime. Most of us are involved in customer delivery, where approval of drawings and technical support activities are our major deliveries. Despite the difficult times we have been through as an organization we have in fact managed to improve our responsiveness towards customers. Our response time for approval and DATE is better than ever before. In my view this is quite an achievement and we are living up to our ambition of being a trusted partner for our customers. We are also responsible for developing our class services, the first years after the merger we had to use all our resources enabling us to operate as one class society. Begging last year, we have been able to shift focus so that we can improve our processes and not least become more efficient in how we carry out our daily work globally. In this work, we have started to apply new and digital technologies. The way we now work with digital certificates, smart survey booking and machine learning are great examples of this. This is definitely making us more competitive and contributes to our ambition of winning the the productivity game. If we are to succeed also in the future, we must work more efficiently and differently. If we do not develop, we are quickly out of the game. I find my job incredibly interesting and meaningful, otherwise I would not
have stayed for so long. You cannot work so much if you do not want it and enjoy it. For me, it starts with working with safety at sea, and our values and vision. That’s probably the reason why I’ve stayed here since 1991. There are always many exciting tasks with new challenges, which I like. FINALY, TELL US ABOUT SOME IMPORTANT ISSUES YOU ARE BURNING FOR? I am passionate about making us successful as a class society. Providing excellent service and having a solution oriented attitude towards customers is key for our success. Secondly we need to continuously improve our processes and tools to become more efficient and competitive in the market. If we continue to work on this, we will be able to, also in the future, to differentiate from our competitors. Our key success factor today and tomorrow is and will be all the fantastic competence we have in our organization. Working in such an organization is driving force for me, whatever technical issue you need help with we have top notch expertise available. It’s great fun to expose and show this knowledge to our customers. Regarding the tough times, we have been through, the worst part has been the downsizing. It has been a tough process for me and all colleagues working in Ship Classification. Of course most difficult for all the good colleagues that have had to leave us but also for the first line managers who have handled the difficult process in a very professional manner. Nevertheless, I am so proud of all we have achieved over the last years. Working in a unit with so much competence, I am convinced that Ship Classification is among the leading ship technical competence hubs in the world.
Meet the new members of the ELT in Digital Solutions We asked, what inspired you to contribute to Digital Solutions by taking on this responsibility?
In the closing of the 2017 summer letter to my GSS IT colleagues, I stated that: The next 6 months will be crucial to how the future for DNV GL will unfold. How Veracity will be organized and executed are key elements for our future. I didn’t know at the time that I would be part of our new digital organization, but I see it as a great privilege to be able to draw on my leader and IT experience in creating ecosystems for the industries we are part of together with enthusiastic colleagues. This will be done in the ‘DNV GL way’ ensuring that our vision and values are always in focus when developing and sharing on our digital commitment.
I truly believe in the power of combining DNV GL’s domain expertise, our digital capabilities, our data and market position acquired over 150 years to create long-lasting value for our customers and for DNV GL. Digital Solutions is a critical part of making this happen, and I am truly happy to be a part of the “Digital Solution Team”. My ambition is to create a world-leading team of digital experts, working together with our colleagues in the other BAs and our customers to make a global impact through DNV GL’s digital solutions and services.
I truly believe in the Group’s intention in setting up Digital Solutions to support our strategy which emphasises on “Digital, Agility and Efficiency”. In Asia, we have set up strong working relations within DNV GL and with our customers to strategically place our new services, together with our existing offerings, into the market place. With Digital Solutions, we are in a stronger position to deliver value propositions to our customers and to capture values for DNV GL. I want to be the pioneer in this new Business Area to set the momentum for the future. So, I am very honoured to have this opportunity to lead our team in Asia.
A few years back I started to realize how distributed generation and digitalization will completely change the Energy Ecosystem – and hence the industry DNV GL Energy provides services to. In 2015 I wrote the article “Utility was yesterday – tomorrow is Internet of Electricity” on LinkedIn, and since then I have been invited to many conferences and panels to discuss this matter with other industry experts. It is eminent that digitalization will shake up every industry and business case going forward – and is already starting to do so. To remain relevant to our customers and to become relevant to the disruptors, DNV GL needs to embrace digital for the benefit of all business areas. I want to be part of this challenging journey, and I hope we can help all other business areas in their transformation. DNV GL will only be successful if all of us work very closely together on this – combining our leading subject matter expertise with being at the forefront in digital.
I see it as a tremendous privilege to have been given the responsibility to look after the Americas in the new BA. Digital Solutions is an exciting new BA, but at the same time brings a wealth of experience already from Veracity, DNV GL Software and GSS. I very much look forward to using my role to build a customer-centric organization with strong links to the other BAs.
I am excited to be part of Digital Solutions, and look forward to work closely with the existing BA’s to deliver high value to our customers. My ambition is to contribute to move our industries and DNV GL to utilize digitalization in being more competitive.
Digital Solutions is established to further enrich and enhance DNV GL’s offerings to our customers, and create a larger impact and competitive advantage for our company. – Elisabeth Tørstad, New CEO, Digital Solutions
With new information technologies, DNV GL can now analyze unprecedented volumes of unstructured data — the data created by humans, such as the text contained in company documents, email, instant messaging, and social media.
At the digital days, we got a short presentation of some of the tools and digital journeys we are looking at for the future. For Classification, we have today My DNV GL, DATE, Digital certificates, remote inspections, smart survey booking and drone surveys. We are piloting Machine learnings, Veracity data platform, Safety Insight. We are developing sensor-based class systems, simulations and automated approvals. Inspired by a broader view, software is exploring Digital Assets Eco systems.
Digital Sushi talked about how to manage the environmental footprint and that seafood sustainability begins at the farm (GLOBALG.A.P. IFA – Aquaculture). The GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate, also known as the Integrated Farm Assurance Standard (IFA), covers Good Agricultural Practices for agriculture, aquaculture, livestock and horticulture production. It also covers additional aspects of the food production and supply chain such as Chain of Custody and Compound Feed Manufacturing.
With DAIM we can use data smart asset integrity management to see the full picture in 3D view. We also meet with people that works with MyQRA, unlocking value from QRA reports. While quantitative risk assessment (QRA) reports are static, offering certain information at fixed point in time, they generate additional information that will be of significant value. MyQRA is an online service that harnesses this.
Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right to do. – Potter Stewart, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Collecting these data was originally driven by the obligation to produce evidence for litigation, to preserve business records, and to respond to regulators’ demands for information, but it has now dawned on corporations that all data can open up new vistas of management capabilities, such as visualizing employee interactions, mapping domain expertise, replaying past events, tracking employee sentiment, and providing insights into all human activity across the organization. These capabilities are creating much excitement, angst, and debate. While
the benefits are clearly far-reaching and potentially game changing, there are ethical questions to consider. When companies collect all the data their employ-
ees generate, there’s always the risk that employee privacy will be sacrificed for profit (Harvard Business Review, Kon Leong).
Thomas Vogth-Eriksen – CEO Group Finance and Legal TEXT: NINA IVARSEN
Operational economist instead of financial acrobat
I took over as Chief Financial Officer in early 2012, then we had just bought Kema. After 4-5 months, we started the negotiation process with Mayfair to merge with Germanischer Lloyd. When I think back, it was an extremely busy period, but it was never boring. By the end of 2012, the Board of DNV approved the merger with GL, and to form a new company – DNV GL. This required a transfer and merger of DNV’s and GL’s existing system and infrastructure, which counted more than 35 different financial systems. At the same time, the two environments had to be harmonized, and unnecessary infrastructure and unnecessary applications had to be removed. During migration, it has been crucial to maintain stable operations not to affect normal business activity more than necessary. Nevertheless, migration should be carried out as quickly as possible, to save time and thus the cost of operating many environments. Implementing Oracle ERP is the largest IT and finance project in DNV GL, in terms of size and complexity. We had previous experience of handling similar processes, but at a much smaller scale. In parallel we chose to establish GSS as a shared service organisation, i.e. the “Future State” program. As Chief Financial Officer, I have been responsible for
the formal program and project management, which has been demanding processes. This was done in very close and precise coordination with GSS IT and the business areas. Together we defined and agreed on what should be changed or removed, how it should be done, and when it should happen. This open and close cooperation between the various parties has been very important, and is a key to the success of the implementation. GSS, the Business Areas and the project should also help balance the conflicting requirements for simplification and harmonization of IT and finance systems by maintaining stable operations. There has of course been some setbacks and bumps in the road, but thanks to the spirits both in the project and in the business units, the momentum is picking up. The Future State project was carried out with minimal operating interruptions and limited unplanned downtime for the affected systems. The project resulted in cost reductions that were followed up by the head of GSS and the CFO, with clear KPI reporting. Although cost reduction was a key priority, the process also led to other benefits, such as a simpler system landscape with increased transparency for the applications, and a harmonized user experience with the same user interface
and processes, regardless of whether the systems originally came from DNV or GL. Change and restructuring projects fascinate me. I like the balance between systems, processes and organisation of work, all of which must interphase to achieve the defined benefits. I also welcome the digital revolution as an opportunity to make us relevant also in the future, as we have been in the maritime market for more than 150 years and for Oil & Gas for more than 50 years. With the high attention to renewable energy and sustainable sourcing of products and services, that will give many opportunities for DNV GL also in the future. Several years ago I worked in the division for ship and offshore, and I met many of the technical “lighthouses” we have in our organisation. For me as a divisional controller it was important to understand Classification systematics and what the business was all about. All financial numbers are a result of actions, activities and services delivered to our customers, and the value creation must be understood. I am absolutely convinced that we will be equally relevant in the future, being classification, certification or verification projects, if we can renew ourselves. In that context I appreciate a lot to be involved in the strategy development to reflect on the
longer perspectives. As the CFO in DNV GL, with the main responsibility for financial management and control in the Group but the function is quite broad and includes Legal, Tax, Treasury, Security and Compliance in addition to accounting and controllership at group level. In addition the GSS director is reporting to me. In my job description, it says that I shall support but also challenge the management in finance and budgeting, so being the CFO is not necessarily the most popular position. But I believe I have found my style, and as long as I do it with respect for the individuals, we get good discussions and good conclusions. Before I became CFO, I was the CEO of DNV Business Assurance since 2010. It was inspiring to be the Chief
was a very interesting period learning a lot about new cultures and new colleagues in Asia. The function held line manager responsibility for the DNV Industry (Business Assurance) Country Managers in China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and Singapore. Before that again, I worked as Director of Finance DNV Certification, Director of Finance Europe, and Finance Manager Ship & Offshore, just to mention some of my jobs. Most of my jobs have been in finance, but I am also pleased that I have had operational line responsibility and regional responsibility, as I had when I worked in Business Assurance. Back then, I was the first economist to be appointed as Regional Manager in DNV.
I like others to be interested, curious and critical. There is seldom only one solution; there are many, and it is important to find the best alternative. Executive Officer for the global certification business, based in Milan, Italy. We developed and implemented new growth strategy for the business area (“triple growth”), with higher attention to a standardized customer approach, uniform service delivery, implementation of TIC industry (Testing, Inspection and Certification) benchmarks, and quarterly performance reviews. To drive the sales performance, a sales-incentive scheme was implemented. Before that, I was Director of Operations Asia & Pacific in Business Assurance, based in Shanghai, China. That
I am a local boy, born at Røa, but grew up here at Høvik from the age of six. I have never made it big in sports, tried a lot, but I like outdoor activities on a hobby basis. I have a wife from Sørlandet, and we have two sons. In March, I will become a grandfather for the first time, and that will be awesome.
I like matters to be orderly, and I’m probably a bit of a thorough type. I remember when the kids were young, then I tried to teach them that they had to earn before they could spend. I work pretty much, but I also appreciate maintaining good friendships and getting new ones. In recent years, I have reflected on what sustainable means on my own account. My wife is part of that trip, and now we have replaced fossil transport with Tesla and solar panels on the roof. We’ve been asked if it’s profitable, but that’s not the main thing. I think it’s exciting with everything new. When I joined DNV, I thought I would stay here for 3–5 years. Shortly after I started, I got a job as controller in the United States, and the family joined me. This was, and is an inspiring and educational journey, which has made us live and work in many countries with very different cultures. I have held ten different positions in the company. I’ve been fascinated by the wonderful colleagues I’ve worked with, from big departments to tiny offices around the world. I’m probably not a digital pioneer, but I am curious and see many opportunities also internally. I am engaged in the development of society, and I like to read about recent history, what has happened and why. It is a lot to learn from the history. I remember also when I worked in Asia, running several “We in DNV” courses. New employees would challenge us when we claimed that “this is the way we’re doing things in DNV”. Several times, they asked the question: “Why?” I like that, I like others to be interested, curious and critical. There is seldom only one solution; there are many, and it is important to find the best alternative. In addition to finance and economics,
I remember when the kids were young, then I tried to teach them that they had to earn before they could spend.
it has been important for me to work closely with other disciplines, such as HR. I have worked very well with Cecilie B. Heuch for many years, and some years ago also with Marit Torset, to mention a few. Recruitment and training are very important aspects of developing our organisation, and one of the things that makes me particularly proud is when I
have succeeded to hire someone who is good and successful in or company. We are all here for only a certain time, and we must be aware that a company with our purpose will be here longer than us. I think that if I’ve contributed with something that has made a small difference, I’ve succeeded.
In conclusion, it is difficult not to feel a bit of the “stormy weather”, that several of our customers have been through in recent years. It is important that we all try to stay motivated in what we do. If we stick together, we’ll get out of it, and personally I think we will be even stronger.
The Financial Reporting
Consolidation Principles
Our financial accounting information system collects, stores and processes financial and accounting data used by our decision makers in accordance with the Norwegian Accounting Act. We use the simplified International Financial Reporting Standards, usually called the IFRS Standards, issued by the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to provide a common global language for business affairs, so that company accounts like ours are understandable and comparable across international boundaries. They are a consequence of growing international shareholding and trade, and are particularly important for companies with business in several countries. They are progressively replacing the many different national accounting standards. They are the rules to be followed by accountants to maintain books of accounts which are comparable, understandable, reliable and relevant as per the users, internal or external. Our sustainability reporting is according to the GRI Standards. The GRI Standards are the first global standards for sustainability reporting. They feature a modular, interrelated structure, and represent the global best practice for reporting on a range of economic, environmental and social impacts. The financial reporting is audited and the sustainability reporting is assured by an independent third party.
The consolidated statements include our parent company DNV GL Group AS and all companies in which the parent company directly or indirectly has controlling interest.
Financial statements are a structured representation of the financial positions and financial performance of an entity. The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.
Much work is needed to consolidate databases for creating management information to the board and the corporate management. The entire financial environment prepares and creates financial information for line management and projects. It is challenging to put together accounts from many units. Our entire legal structure is complex.
FINANCIAL DEFINITIONS: EBITA: Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and impairment EBITA margin: EBITA x 100/ Operating revenue Net profit margin: Profit (loss) for the year x 100/ Operating revenue Equity ratio: Equity x 100/ Total assets
Making virtual teams work TEXT: NINA IVARSEN
We see that virtual teams can be very complex, crossing not only geographies but also languages, working styles and diverse cultures.
In today’s globalised working environment, virtual teams are a common organisational structure – and we see that this will be a part of our new organisation charts. Gone are the days when all team members were physically located in the same office and spent their time at work together. Characteristics of effective virtual teams have been identified in an article published by the Harvard Business Review. Good virtual teams provide a platform for employees to work more flexibly; organisations can cut down on costs for everything from travel to time spent on tasks. MAKING VIRTUAL TEAMS WORK, YOU NEED THE RIGHT TEAM Good virtual teams are often limited in size to a manageable level. You need people with good communication skills, emotional intelligence, self-starters who work well independently and have good cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity. Small teams of less than ten people are ideal. This maximises the possibility of
effective and inclusive communication within the team. Good virtual teams also define clear roles within the team. RIGHT LEADERSHIP AND THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY Good virtual team leaders recognise the importance of trust as a key characteristic for the team’s success. Trust is fostered by an attitude of respect and empathy. Relationship building is generally more difficult when team members are rarely if ever face-to-face. Trust and relationship building are the foundations for giving team members permission to speak openly and frankly. Good virtual teams ensure that members speak up, also during times when difficult topics must be addressed. Clarifying goals and expectations goes a long way to reducing uncertainty and increasing trust. Virtual teams benefit from improved productivity. Good virtual teams understand the effective use of technology. Team productivity is enhanced by conference
calls, video conferencing and other tools providing the team with a platform for open communication. It’s also important to remember that simple communication tools can be very effective. For example, simply picking up the telephone when two team members have a quick question can be much more effective than setting up a complicated conference call or webinar. No matter how good a virtual team works in a remote environment, there are times when team members should come together in the same physical location or, when this is not possible, absent members join through video conferencing or other interactive media. Celebrating milestones and other achievements is also important for the virtual team to share their success. Remember that making a virtual teamwork is hard work. It is not meant to be easy. Building a good virtual team takes dedication, effort and the right ingredients, but the benefits can be enormous for companies getting it right.
In the rearview mirror After 11 years in the role as CHRO for DNV GL, as I am about to start a new chapter in my career, I’ve been asked to look back and share some reflections. TEXT: CECILIE BLYDT HEUCH
Looking back, what I mainly see are the faces of people. Through my travels I have been fortunate to meet highly competent people with high integrity in all they do, all over the world. From Ålesund to Oakland, Sao Paulo and Shanghai. And there are all the people I have worked closely with over the years. Personal relations are vital in DNV GL, particularly during demanding change processes. In 2010 Arno Tuinebreijer from legacy KEMA and I went to see the main offices in the US together, both legacy KEMA and legacy DNV, just after the acquisition. We had roundtables with employees: asking them “Why do you work here, and how can we make it better together?” The many different, but insightful answers to these questions of course provided vital guidance. The trip also helped the two of us working together, because by listening to each other and learning about the other person’s perspectives, your choices will be twice as good, and you can build common ground. I saw the same during the GL merger; it’s all about the people. I appreciated working with Michael Hakes from the start, and I think it had a positive impact on the HR area as such, reflecting our mutual respect. THE FIRST YEAR From my first year, there are perhaps fewer faces that stand out than today, in 2017. Partly because legacy DNV only had 5759 employees in 2006, but maybe also because it was an intense and different year, and Henrik O. Madsen certainly had a big role in it. Henrik had decided to make a big change in his team in 2006, and he had faith in me despite my short tenure in DNV GL and lack of in-depth HR experience. He knew my background from another international
company and knew me from some projects I had done for BA Certification. One of the stranger things Henrik asked me in my interview was where I was placed in the order of siblings in my family. When I told him I was in the middle, with a brother just two years older and a sister 12 months younger, he remarked: “Excellent! Then you’ve not had too much attention, you’ve lost battles and have had to get up and keep moving. I need that in my team.” One of the first things on the agenda for the new Executive Committee (EC) was a possible acquisition of GL. It was a daunting task for me as a new EC member and possibly a good thing that it didn’t materialize, as we were not as prepared then, in 2006, as when GL and DNV merged in 2013. The second item was to create a new Vision and review our Values. I remember the EC worked as a team on some pretty SMART (specific, measurable, etc...) vision statements, and had them enthusiastically rejected in all of the employee workshops we held around the world. Based on all that feedback from the employees, we quickly scrapped our first drafts and eventually settled on the present Vision, which truly came from the employees around the world, and is so much better for it. Henrik had three principles for his direct reports, and I’ve tried to pass them on: • Don’t blame others when a mistake happens in your area of responsibility • Come with the bad news straight away; the good news will arrive automatically • Ask me for help when you need it, and come with solutions
DIVERSITY IN A BROAD SENSE One of the priorities in my work has been diversity in terms of age, nationality and gender, as well as in terms of experiences, skills and attitudes. Now we have a more balanced EC when it comes to the gender dimension, but there is still a way to go regarding other dimensions. Remi Eriksen and I were the young ones (believe it or not) in the new EC in 2006. Developing more senior leaders from continents other than Europe remains a priority. The very first time I travelled outside of Norway as an EC member, to present the new strategy in 2006, a senior manager in London greeted me the following way, without even saying his name: “- And who is looking after your children?” I’d like to think we have moved on a bit since then, but there is still a way to go before we recognize our own biases and take them into account in our daily work. The number of female employees in DNV GL has been rather stable over the years at around 30%. But while 13.4% of all managers were female when I started in the role, we are now at 23%. Following Elisabeth Harstad as the first female member of the EC
and the Senior Management Council (SMC), Annie Combelles and I were numbers two and three. I can personally vouch for the many virtuous circles and the great work environment that diversity helps create. In Group HR and HSE, I’ve tried to have a good gender balance (not a female-only unit!), and we are now 10 nationalities among the 23 employees, aged 29 to 61 years old. MATCHING INDIVIDUAL AND COMPANY AMBITIONS When you match individuals’ ambitions with those of the company, you get a powerful combination. This is why good competence development programmes can have such business impact. We therefore have rigorous processes to select a diverse group of participants. We have done this with the TopTech programme, our leadership development programme, and the regional mentoring programmes. The Journey was once criticized for being less of a journey and more of a bus stop. But it is now a portfolio of different learning activities in different formats. The emphasis on continuous learning and applying
One of the priorities in my work has been diversity in terms of age, nationality and gender, as well as in terms of experiences, skills and attitudes. it in daily work has also strengthened our approach to competence development in the technical field. We can see how seeds sown and nurtured in these programmes are now making global impact. Veracity can trace some of its roots to Top Tech and UC Berkeley. Looking back at it now it looks obvious, but designing a career model that promotes a career as technical expert to the highest grades is another very HR-specific action that aligns the motivation, competence and ambitions of individuals with the company’s, and it also allows us to systematically reward broader groups of people than those who traditionally go into management roles. Not to mention that DNV GL would not exist without its technical experts. While I can vividly recall some unhappy faces and grumpy emails when we changed the rules for international assignments, I am proud of how we made it easier to move around in DNV GL through creating a global and consistent framework. There was a time when those with the most powerful line managers got the best compensation and benefit packages, but now we have a much more equal and transparent playing field. We also made a common framework for careers and compensation across the business areas. While each BA may not necessarily have the perfect solution for them, we now have a system that supports DNV GL as a group. Over the years, there have also been sad moments, and being among the first to get the phone calls about serious injuries and deaths, as well as examples of misconduct and ethical concerns, are constant reminders of the importance of our daily work to do what we can to safeguard also our own people and our company. It has also been sad to see great colleagues having to leave the company because of tough times in our markets, and it has been a priority for me to design a framework for downsizing
processes that emphasizes our respect for colleagues that are leaving. I have now only scratched the surface of my most immediate memories, and it is more and more clear to me why I haven’t really felt I’ve had the same job over these past 11 years. At the outset, there was strong growth, and the challenge was to attract and retain a sufficient number of employees. Then there was a smaller downturn in 2010 before the KEMA acquisition and then the merger. Now we are in a downturn again, but at the same time we are opening up some mind-blowing new possibilities with digitalization. Digitalization is so much more than technology. The combination of culture and competence is really what determines whether a digital transformation succeeds or not. Knowing Remi and his combination of passion and persistence, I am convinced this will be the start of a new era for DNV GL. I look back at my 13 years in DNV GL with great pleasure and gratitude, and I will thank many of you in person. Here I would like to thank VEFF and VEFF’s Chairperson, employee representatives all over the world and at different levels, from the Board to the local works councils, for their collaboration, particularly during major restructurings like the merger between GL and DNV. I got a very good handover and support from Paul Campbell when he left the CHRO role, and I have tried to pass on experience, knowledge and tasks to my successor Gro Gotteberg without taking last minute decisions that she needs to live with and would have liked to influence. I wish her all the best in the job, and I suppose that for both of us a quote from Søren Kierkegaard is valid: “To dare is to lose your foothold for a while, not to dare is to lose yourself.”
CONNECT CONNECT is DNV GL’s platform where “young” professionals from all parts of the organization can come together to connect, share ideas, exchange knowledge and build friendships. But what does this really mean? TEXT: AGNETE STEINGRIMSEN AND MARIE WÆHLER
It all started when “Young KEMA” kicked off in 2005, and today we have reached 2,500 members across 18 locations. We were also known as “Young in DNV GL”, but in 2016 we had a name change and “CONNECT” was set in stone. We believe this name change has been an important signal in showing that all employees in DNV GL are welcome to join! No age limit, all new and established employees who are eager to widen their horizon will fit right in. Our objectives are to develop a social and professional network with colleagues and other work-related companies, but also to exchange knowledge, ideas and experience and to learn in an informal way. All this, while having fun at the same time! In order to reach CONNECT’s objec tives, dedicated management groups have been elected at the different locations. The six of us at Høvik have become a close team, working together to make sure that various events, both social and professional, are being carefully planned and carried out during the year. To help us arrange successful events, we rely on enthusiastic colleagues who find the events rewarding and innovative. We are convinced that CONNECT is an important platform for our employees, and that our volunteer work benefits the entire organization. As DNV GL must keep up with the pace of a constantly changing environment, CONNECT Høvik works to engage employees through a variety of professional events. The aim of these events is to discuss and learn about meaningful topics covering industry-re-
lated and other contemporary subjects. The events are often an arena for informal brainstorming – creating new ideas together. Through the events we in DNV GL have the opportunity to learn from each other across the different BAs, get fresh input from external stakeholders, and connect with people in the company through a common professional interest. So far this year, the committee has arranged three events, with more to come. At the beginning of the year, we arranged the event “Living with Climate Change”. Apart from being a topic which affects us all, Dr Asun St. Clair, Senior Principal Scientist, showed how we can contribute professionally to minimize the impact of climate change. She presented the main discussions emerging on climate risk and opportunities for the business community, and their links to science and remaining gaps. Further, a series of topics were outlined where DNV GL can contribute to enhance the role of business in climate resilience. A mapathon was arranged in collaboration with Engineers Without Borders. The goal was to show how we can use our professional competence in the company to contribute to international relief work. The event was an introduction to the Missing Maps initiative, which aims to map areas where humanitarian organizations are trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people. The event showed how we can make a great impact with a small contribution from us at DNV GL, and became an arena for inspiring discussions. Since DNV GL has a role to play in providing foresight on the energy
CONNECT Oslo Management
future, CONNECT also hosted an event in October that focused on the Energy Transition Outlook (ETO). This highly profiled report builds on DNV GL’s own energy model to provide an independent forecast of the energy future until 2050, aiming to answer the questions of how this affects our customers and how we should proceed. Caroline Brun Ellefsen, an Engineer from the ETO team, held a presentation of the key findings of the report, while Bjørn Haugland, Chief Sustainability Officer, moderated a debate. Representatives from Maritime, Oil & Gas, Energy, and SR & I discussed what this means for our customers and for us as a company. The debate brought forward a lot of interesting reflections on the topic, driven by challenging questions from a dedicated audience. To continue the focus on discussing contemporary subjects, we aim to set up one more event highlighting Veracity before year-end, and we hope to see you there! FROM TIME TO TIME, WE LIKE TO COMBINE PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL EVENTS One such example is when CONNECT cooperates with YoungShip. Over the past four years, we have co-arranged the Youngship Environmental Seminar (YES) at Høvik. Highlighting present environmental and sustainability issues in the maritime industry, the seminar has attracted a range of high-profile speakers, such as Remi Eriksen. YES offers the opportunity to get to know and network with other professionals working at various and diverse companies in the maritime industry. The topics of the past two events were “Dis-
CONNECT Leader Steingrimsen, Agnete Business Analyst
Deputy Leader Aarsnes, Lars Holterud Engineer
Professional Event Manager Lie, Arne Øvrebø Consultant
Social Event Manager Skinnemoen, Magnus Magnussen Consultant
Communications Manager Wæhler, Marie Sales Coordinator
Treasurer Tattoni, Alberto Business Controller
CONNECT ruptive innovation for a green shift in shipping” and “Accelerating the green shift in shipping”. After some interesting hours with the global maritime industry as an overall topic, we often end the evening with food and drinks so people can network. CONNECT will also help arrange YES2018 at the beginning of next year. SOMETIMES IT IS EASIER TO NETWORK OUTSIDE THE OFFICE IN A MORE INFORMAL SETTING Networking is after all one of CONNECT’s objectives, and we like to do it while having fun. This past year, we arranged several social events, both annual events and smaller one-off events. Most likely, we have contributed to at least one of the social events that you have attended over the past year! The weekend ski trip, our summer party, or the yearly back-to-work event? Does any of these ring a bell? If not, you should definitely sign up to our mailing list, to receive information about upcoming events. We have already invited our members to this year’s Christmas Party which will take place on December 1st. We have also taken networking to another level this year, as we have teamed up with the soccer team and will meet up with them after the dinner. If you are up for more cultural events, we sometimes invite members to the Norwegian Opera and Ballet (as one of its main sponsors is Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas). Did you miss last year’s ski trip? Don’t worry – you still have the possibility to join us in Geilo in February. We have booked cabins for approximately 50 people, and we look forward to a traditional
Norwegian weekend in the mountains. Enjoying skiing, nice meals, laughs and games, we believe colleagues will build closer relationships, hopefully strengthening the social platform within DNV GL. When it comes to social events, it is not only about the big annual ones, even though these are by far the most wellknown. We also strive to invite fellow colleagues to an easygoing night out after work. Who doesn’t like to get to know new people while trying out shuffleboard, bowling or other fun activities? In August, this is called the Back-to-Work gathering and is the first social event many new employees in DNV GL will attend – and we do our best to welcome them to CONNECT and DNV GL. We all know the importance of having a social platform when joining a new company, and it can be easier for new employees to feel included when always finding a familiar “CONNECT face”. “CONNECT has been a valuable platform for me since my very first day as an employee, allowing me to get to know colleagues from all parts of DNV GL and to attend interesting presentations. It has given me the possibility to build friendships across the entire organization, and at the same time establish contacts that are beneficial in my professional life. This has without doubt contributed to my well-being at work. CONNECT gives employees a broader view of the organization and its possibilities, and the opportunity to expand the social and professional network. By having a solid network, I am sure colleagues become more confident and motivated for their job.” – Synnøve Bolstad Eri, Engineer Fire Safety & Life-Saving
In late June or early July, we will start preparing for the summer by inviting all members to our yearly summer barbeque. We play music, provide a barbeque and some food, and we enjoy the afternoon at the seaside. This has often been the party where we welcome trainees and summer students. This is usually their first meeting with DNV GL’s social events, and is thus an important event as a “first view” into the social life at DNV GL. Hopefully they will feel as part of the group and expand their support system in the company. Lately, we are not only networking within the borders of DNV GL – we also strive to expand the social events across companies. For example, this September, we joined forces with Aker Solutions’ and Kværner’s groups for young employees for a joint back-to-work gathering. Even though we work for different companies or within different industries, we all share the wish to network, and build relationships and friendships with new people. As you hopefully now understand – through a variety of professional and social events, CONNECT aims to be DNV GL’s platform where “young” professionals from all parts of the organization can come together to connect, share ideas, exchange knowledge and build friendships!
Summer students Students design autonomous containers to disrupt today’s transportation of aquaculture products. TEXT: LIV AUNE HAGEN
Project team at the pier
SUMMER PROJECT 2017 The number of people inhabiting the Earth is currently 7,5 billion, and the United Nations (UN) predicts that the world population will reach an astonishing 9,7 billion by 2050. This growth translates directly into the need for a tremendous increase in food production. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) predicts that food production must increase by 70% to
feed the world population in 2050. At the same time, urbanization and inhabiting areas closer to the sea are strong trends within population growth. A sustainable increase in food production, especially proteins, is a necessity to maintain a global development in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To feed new generations, a more sustainable approach is needed. Land-based production of proteins is
already pushing the limits of sustainability, whereas the oceans represent a great deal of unused potential. Seafood is considered one of the most important sources of protein. Due to biological constraints and the sustainability of wild catch, the growth within wild captures will be minimal in the years to come. This implies that growth in the seafood sector must originate from the aquaculture industry.
Earlier this year, the Norwegian government launched its Norwegian Ocean Strategy, aimed at creating jobs and sustainable growth in the blue economy – most notably in the aquaculture industry. At the same time, technological development gives new opportunities as within autonomy, the internet of things, and robotics. With that in mind, DNV GL invited nine graduates to investigate the topic “Sustainable growth for aquaculture – focusing on transportation of seafood, exploring technical and digital opportunities”. TENTH SUMMER PROJECT RUN BY DNV GL This was the tenth time DNV GL initiated a summer project. The first project in 2008 was the concept of “Green cruise ships 2030” led by Silje Brathagen With, now Senior Researcher in GTR Maritime programme. During the past decade, many employees have contributed to summer projects as project managers and experts, and in total 122 students have been employed.
toward the labour market, has been highly involved in the summer projects over the years. She thinks these projects are positive for both the company and the students. Participants get close follow-up of employees in different departments. “We have experts in all areas of the company, so it has been easy for the students to get expert help when they have encountered challenges in the project,” says Dahlberg. She believes the students’ fresh knowledge and ability to think outside the box is valuable to the company. “They are not yet settled in their ways, as you may be when you have worked in the same business for a long time. The students are more creative.”
Dahlberg adds that the employees followed what the students were doing this summer. In addition to mutual learning between students and employees, Dahlberg hopes that the project shows DNV GL to be an attractive workplace for young engineers. SEATRUE This year, the students had varied competence – Maritime, Computational science, Marine biology, Machine engineering, Sustainable energy technology, and Finance. Through six weeks of brainstorming, discussions, literature study, analysis and design, they developed SEAtrue, an autonomous supply
Senior consultant Kristina Dahlberg, working in the branding department
Self-propelled smart container (SPSC)
chain of seafood using smart “robotic containers” that can sail to ports without human interaction. The consumer application TraceEat sends information about consumer preferences to the digital platform Veracity, which enables the best possible utilisation of resources. The autonomous “robotic containers” employ sophisticated cooling techniques to extend shelf life. SEAtrue is a cutting-edge supply chain that allows for optimal distribution and lower energy usage. It also adjusts production to meet the demand, thereby enhancing a sustainable aquaculture industry. After the self-propelled containers are released from the processing vessel, they either position themselves for pick-up by a designated container ship, or they sail directly to a nearby port – making transportation by sea more effective and efficient. Veracity, DNV GL’s proprietary open digital platform, uses data from an autonomous fleet of container ships to determine the optimal routing to reach the consumer. Information about how aquaculture products are produced – including environmental impact, price, transport distance and feed composition – is becoming increasingly important for consumers, and is communicated through TraceEat. In turn, such growing expectations for information drive the demand for efficiency, competitiveness and quality throughout the value chain. With fresh views, the students explored how technological advances can offer unprecedented opportunities for efficient seafood production and dis-
tribution. Enhanced cooling systems for extended shelf life, autonomous vessels and big data can reduce costs, ensure higher product quality, and make consumers better informed. With the DNV GL solution, additional onshore infrastructure is not a necessity, because distribution to the market is handled by processing vessels and autonomous self-propelled containers. It entails that the solution is easily scalable from one place to another, without special demands for enormous infrastructure investments. Thus, the solution is particularly suited for areas with poorly developed infrastructure. During the summer, the students got to know many colleagues in different business areas, and they met experts on several topics. They highly appreciated getting help on sustainability, aquaculture, autonomy, logistics, offshore structures, stability, energy efficiency, big data, customer needs, presentation and communication skills, UX design and more. It was a high motivational factor for the students to work on a challenge that is on the national agenda. If the solution was to be implemented, it will represent a significant opportunity and progress for Norwegian business and trade. The students hope that the project will be scaled globally to improve access to nutritious protein supplements, an access that is not a certainty in all places. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS In 2015, the UN presented 17 global goals set to be achieved by 2030; the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ambition is to change the world by ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity. Each goal has a specific target which is set to be achieved by 2030, covering all three aspects of sustainable development: Economic, social and environmental. To arrive at each target set by the SDGs, businesses and governments must work together to create the building blocks for a greater and more innovative society. The goals overlap and are highly interconnected, and an advancement in one will most likely contribute to advancement in several others. With the SDGs on the international agenda, and DNV GL delivering the Global Opportunity Report and Future of Spaceship Earth, it was important to include the SDGs in the summer project. The students found it motivating to develop a concept to support the SDGs, and four of the Goals apply directly to the aquaculture industry and the concept SEAtrue. Goal 2 “Zero hunger” is relevant, as proteins produced from aquaculture is the most efficient way to produce animal proteins, thus saving the amount of feed needed for production of fish compared to other animals. Goal 6 “Clean water and sanitation” is relevant, as the major global aquaculture production is land-based, and the use of freshwater is extensive. With the growing population, there is an increasing demand for freshwater and aquatic food, indicating that further growth in aquaculture cannot be based on more
Discussions and brainst orming
Presentation day
freshwater. Goal 13 “Climate action” is related with a more efficient logistics chain powered by renewable energy. With number 14 “Life below water” the aquaculture production can relieve some of the pressure on the fishing industry and its environmental concerns. However, aquaculture production that interferes with the environment (e.g. net pens, floating ropes etc.) must keep a practice that does not cause additional damage to the surrounding environment. PROVIDING VALUABLE INSIGHT INTO THE INDUSTRY To give the students a better understanding of the challenges facing the industry, the students have met various clients of DNV GL. The clients provided them with useful information and broadened their horizon. Thus, developing a solution for the summer project has become valuable for others working within the industry.
Says Vice President Maritime Advisory in DNV GL, Ketil Aamnes: “Being part of the aquaculture industry, we find this topic extremely important and take it seriously. Inviting the next generation to bring new perspectives and ideas to the table is tremendously rewarding. I have also seen them challenge our way of working, which I find refreshing. Hence, I hope that the project inspires our employees and the whole industry to identify new possibilities and take a more sustainable approach to doing business. Together we have the resources needed, and we must join forces to take advantage of them.” He followed the project closely over the summer and is clearly impressed by the team’s courage and determination. “The students are vigorous, self-confident, and dare to play up bold ideas. This is truly inspiring,” he adds. ENGAGING STUDENTS When organizing the summer project, we want students to experience a work-
ing environment, develop their skills, and get a positive experience with DNV GL. Successful teamwork and social activities are therefore important parts of the project. The days would often start with a swim at the pier and a morning meeting. Throughout the project, the students often had a stroll around the park to get a refreshing break, maybe have an ice cream, or come up with new ideas. Each week, two students were appointed socially responsible, organizing events such as mini golf, board games and barbeques, and publishing in social media such as Gobi (an app for sharing pictures and videos) and Facebook. The summer project has created new and innovative ideas that contribute to fulfil the government’s blue growth strategy, the increasing global shortage on proteins, and DNV GL’s vision “global impact for a safe and sustainable future”. This made it such a fun and valuable project. Thank you for a great summer. I am impressed by the students’ industry insight and the solution they have come up with in such a short time. We hope they have got a taste of working in DNV GL, and that they would consider joining our company at some point.
Helene Berge Holm – DNV GL Internal Ombudsman
All inquiries to the Internal Ombudsman are taken seriously and treated confidentially. Anybody who makes contact can request to be anonymous. TEXT: HELENE BERGE HOLM
I started in DNV GL as a mercantile trainee. In your first job, you seldom plan to stay ‘forever’, but now I have been with the company for 29 years, and I still learn and enjoy myself! Fairly quickly I changed focus from finance to HR, and have had the opportunity to work in all the BAs and Group. Assignments and projects have brought me to around 30 offices in the global organization for shorter and longer stays. DNV GL has a truly global operation, and we are all fortunate to have colleagues in all parts of the world. I now spend half my time as HR Manager in Offshore Classification, and the remaining time in two Group HR projects – in addition to the role of Internal Ombudsman. My formal background is MBA (Siviløkonom) from BI (Norwegian Business School). After BI I spent one year in Paris at Science Po (Institute d’Études Politiques) to study political science and learn more about political thinking in Europe, French language – and of course to enjoy Paris . During my career, I have learned many good lessons on implementation processes, from when we travelled around and installed local stand-alone versions of Compact (predecessor to Agresso) and OAS (predecessor to Team) in regional offices, to global applications as Partner with one central database. We tend to talk about and focus on the applications, but the main
part of the implementation is about work processes, people and culture. WHEN NOT AT WORK As most Norwegians, I’m very happy when I can be outdoors – climbing mountains, preferably with skis on, or just enjoying a quiet moment in nature. We are a family of 4, and our two daughters both moved out to pursue studies this fall. Fortunately, our two moose dogs are still at home, making sure somebody gets home in time for dinner . Every autumn the whole family goes moose hunting, and I assume my husband is one of not so many having an all female hunting team to organize. When we are out, he is the first one to get up in the morning to make breakfast including egg and bacon, as he has found it is the only way to get everyone started early at dusk. Since the age of 15, I have been interested in politics and local democracy. I joined a political party which I have supported since then, both as an elected member of a municipal board and a county council, in addition to various voluntary tasks and chairmanships. ROLE AS DNV GL INTERNAL OMBUDSMAN September 2016, I was appointed Internal Ombudsman, after Sven Mollekleiv. This is a global role (not a position) which covers the whole organization. In
short, employees can contact the Internal Ombudsman as an ethical guide to discuss a matter, or as a whistle blower hotline to report misconduct. It is in a way a neutral safety valve for employees, and the Internal Ombudsman’s channel can be used when the normal and expected routes of line management and HR, have been exhausted. The Internal Ombudsman is part of the DNV GL Compliance organization, which consists of the Compliance Officer, External Ombudsman and Data Protection Officer. All inquiries to the Internal Ombudsman are taken seriously and treated confidentially. Anybody who makes contact can request to be anonymous. The Internal Ombudsman does not take any action without the consent of and dialogue with the person making contact. The cases brought to the attention of the Internal Ombudsman mainly concern ethical dilemmas and work related issues. Potential breaches of Code of Conduct are a large topic, and I receive mails and calls from all BAs and locations. Some inquiries concern clarification of DNV GL policies, while others need to be investigated by a BA. The Internal Ombudsman keeps the contact with the person raising the issue, and will report back after the investigation made by the BA, whether there has been a breach of Code of Conduct. IMPORTANT ISSUES Despite different service lines, products and customers – I have experienced we have a common company culture, sharing the same purpose, vision and values across boarders in all our offices. As DNV GL employees, we have this built-in respect for other cultures and people, as this is a part of our daily business. You
We tend to talk about and focus on the applications, but the main part of the implementation is about work processes, people and culture.
often see project groups, each of them working like a mini-UN. We are fortunate to have a large global ‘colleague pool’ to tap into for various difficult questions. I want to contribute to keeping alive this respect-and-share culture. I also truly believe such a company culture is necessary to utilize competence and skills across borders. To keep building this culture is our important competitive advantage and it will serve our customers in the best way.
FINAL WORDS In a way, I hope the Internal Ombudsman will not receive too many inquiries each year; this could indicate less favorable working conditions. On the other hand, I hope employees seeking ethical advice or wanting to report misconduct will know where to go – and will make use of the Ombudsman’s channel. It exists for a reason.
New head safety delegate The tradition in DNV GL is that the unions appoint the head safety delegate (HVO). On 1 October, I was appointed DNV GL’s HVO by VEFF with the backing of NITO and Tekna, and took over the role after Pia Fagernes. TEXT: ELLEN MARGRETHE PIHL KONSTAD
Photo: Siw Herbrandsen Pessar
Enjoying skiing with Elisabeth and Ragnhild, at Krokskogen just 20 km from out office of Høvik.
Although I have never been a safety delegate, I have a background from VEFF and was deputy chair for eight years, in addition to taking part in tariff and salary negotiations. One thing that has been important for me working in DNV GL for 19 years, is our purpose: “To safeguard life, property and the environment”. By accepting the role as HVO, I have the possibility to contribute directly to this, working towards making DNV GL an even better place to work. CV I am currently working as Records Manager in Certificates & Records Management, so I am back in the Maritime Archive where I started 19 years ago. In
between, I have been in various units in Maritime and a short period in IT@ DNV. The nice thing with working in a big company like DNV GL is that you may change your job without having to change your colleagues. I have my formal background from the University of Oslo where I graduated as an archivist, with history and pedagogics as supporting subjects. I am currently responsible for the DNV historic archive. Who could know that the course in “palaeography” would still be relevant? PRIVATE I am married to an engineer and have twin girls aged ten. (This has taught me that there are always two or more sides
to a case!) We live at Ullevål in Oslo, enjoying the many possibilities offered by living close to both a forest and a big city. You may enjoy a jazz concert one evening, and go hiking in the woods the day after, both within walking distance. I also enjoy volunteering as a scout leader. This summer I spent a week in Bodø together with 9,000 other scouts at “Nord 17”, making the camp Norway’s 60th largest town. It was complete with all the necessary accessories a town needs; a hotel, a kindergarten, and most important, a bakery with good coffee. It is amazing what you can achieve with a good idea and inspiring leaders.
SAFETY DELEGATE ORGANISATION The safety delegate organisation is warranted in “Arbeidsmiljøloven”, AML (Employment Protection Act) §6. It states that all companies with more than ten employees must have a safety delegate. If the company is organised in several locations, there must be a local safety delegate at each location. For DNV GL in Norway, this means that we have a safety delegate organisation with 44 safety delegates in 13 locations. Due to organisational changes, the number of safety delegates may vary. The AML also states that if there are more than one safety delegate, a head safety delegate (HVO) must be appointed. The HVO’s responsibility is mainly to coordinate and support the local safety delegates, who are the primary contact points in matters related to the working environment. The HVO is also a permanent member of “Arbeidsmiljøutvalget”, AMU (working environment committee). The safety delegate organisation’s main responsibility is to ensure that the working environment is as optimal as possible. This goes both for the physical and psychosocial environment. It is not the safety delegate organisation’s task to initiate changes; that is the management’s responsibility. Our task is to address issues and act as a link between the employees and the management. However, if we discover unsafe working conditions, we have the authority to stop the work. The safety delegate organisation covers all employees in Norway, except country chair Karin Stensmyren Monsen. THE SAFETY DELEGATE ORGANISATION VERSUS THE UNIONS The safety delegate organisation has a very good cooperation with the unions, and it is not always easy to know which of them to contact if you need assistance. The table below gives an overview.
But if you have an issue, and you contact either your union representative or the safety delegate, they will be able to assist you or refer you to the other part. HISTORIC BACKGROUND The safety delegate as a role dates back to the industrial revolution. In the 1880s, working conditions at the factories were terrible. Workers had started organising themselves in unions, but society at large saw a need for regulating the work environment. In 1884, King Oscar of Sweden and Norway initiated a Royal Commission to debate an accident and pension scheme for the workers. Such a Commission for Norway was appointed in 1885 by the Parliament. The mandate was to debate
an act on “fabrikktilsyn” (factory supervision). After several proposals, the “Arbeidervernloven” (Workers’ Protection Act) came into force in 1892, though only covering the workers and not administrative personnel or leaders. This Act was the predecessor of the current “Arbeidsmiljøloven” (Working Environment Act). The role as safety delegate was introduced in the 1956 version of the Act. The safety delegates’ green armbands also date back to the 1800s. In order to identify different roles, armbands were introduced, and green became the safety delegates’ armband colour.
Meet Thormod Fjell – Head of GSS We have had the great opportunity to meet the managers in GSS. They will all let us know more about their background, what they do when they are not at work and also important issues they focus on in their different roles. Thormod Fjell is the head of GSS and gives us insight about his role and also let us get to know him better on a personal level.
TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF I live in Tønsberg by the sea, that’s something I highly appreciate. Originally I am from Østfold, but I have lived in Oslo for many years and we have also lived abroad for a long period. I returned to Norway from Dubai in 2002. I have two grown-up daughters. The oldest one is 24 years old, and she is now a
journalist. Our youngest is 20 years old and has just started on her bachelors’ degree in social work. WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE? Professionally, I have a Masters’ degree in Corporate Finance from BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. After
spending 5 years in the capital city, studying in a multicultural environment, I graduated in 1990. You might remember that the early nineties were challenging in Norway. We had a bank crisis and the job market for graduates was tough. So, I was so happy and proud when getting my first job – as a DNV management trainee. First stop on my trainee rotation was the United States, in New Jersey – where I learned accounting in practice,
ship newbuilding and other maritime activities. reasons. Next stop was Gothenburg, Sweden, working as Finance and Administration Manager for Region West Baltic (also Maritime). The region covered Sweden, Poland and the Baltics. What I remember well was the start-up in Latvia, which was very exciting. It’s a charming story: The newly appointed station manager, Håkon Mundal, and I travelled to Latvia. During the first week, we bought a car and a printer and hired a secretary, and then the office was up and running!
and ran the entire accounts for the US “branch”. At that time, Thomas VoghtEriksen was my line manager. The rest of my trainee period I spent here at Høvik, in Classification staff and in DSO (Division Ship and Offshore). Upon completion of my trainee period, I applied and got the role as Finance Manager in Region Korea. I moved to Seoul in the summer of 1993 and had a great time in that Region, learning a lot about
My family and I stayed for two years in Gothenburg before moving on to Dubai in 1996. This was an opportunity that we could not let go. At that time Dubai was completely different from what it is today. For us, it was an incredibly exciting and exotic place to be. Our daughters went to the British school, something that gave them a global mindset. Our six years in Dubai were great and gave me and my family a unique experience. I remember well how we and 20 other families with four-wheelers went on picnic in the desert. It was a great time. Also professionally the 6 years in the Middle East was very interesting. My Finance and Administration Manager role covered all support functions, i.e. Finance, HR; IT, Procurement and office leases. Back in Norway again in 2002 I took over the role as Head of Group Audits. Then followed other positions such as corporate controller, Finance Director in Business Assurance and back to Group again as the Group Controller. Then, when Joaqim Segatz, previous Global Shared Services Officer moved on, Henrik Madsen, our CEO at that time, asked if I could take on the job as GSSO and I’ve been with GSS since. So, in summary, I “grew up” in Maritime, worked across all Business Areas in the Middle East region, followed by many years in Business Assurance and Group. I am very happy that DNV GL has given me the opportunity to work
across many disciplines, with several Business Areas – and indeed in many different countries. I feel this experience is a good background for the global role I hold now, with overall responsibility for Finance, HR, IT and Real Estate Management & Procurement WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR OFF WORK? I’m an outdoor person. What I like the most is kayaking. Since I live close to the sea, I have my own kayak on a trolley, so I can just roll it down to the water. I use kayaking both for exercising as well as for overnight trips. It is an ocean-going kayak, so there is room for a tent, a sleeping bag and a primus. Otherwise, I like playing squash, and I’m also an old cross-country skier. On top of the training I enjoy reading and love books addressing the big questions in life, such as those of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. HOW DO YOU SEE YOUR ROLE AS HEAD OF GSS? GSS was part of the plan when we merged DNV and GL. Related to support, two major decisions were taken. One was to gather all GSS services on support, and the other was to implement a common financial system. This was already in the merger plans. DNV and GL were set up very differently, so there was a tangle of organizational structures and reporting lines. A new, consolidated support set-up was needed. At the time prior to the merger (2013) I was responsible for obtaining approvals from various competition authorities in, for instance, the EU, the US, Korea and China (as the most complex ones). It was an exciting time – and I remember very well that day when the last and final approval came through from the Chinese authorities. The merger process was coinciding with the Nobel Peace Prize that year, which was a little controversial. It was given to Liu Xiaobo who was a
freelance critic, causing some tensions in the relationship between China and Norway. Nevertheless, we got the necessary go-ahead from the Chinese Competition Authorities and the merger process could then move forward. Starting January 2015, we launched the GSS Future State Project. I experienced an organization that worked well and functioned operationally. However, it was not set up as a typical shared services organization. It was more multi-local than truly global and very fragmented. At that point, we got support from Deloitte - bringing with them ideas and thoughts around modernizing and improving our cost picture. We decided to focus on three main objectives – cost, quality and people motivation. Through the Future State Project, we will deliver a cost reduction for DNV GL of NOK 180 million per year, with full effect from 2018. We have gone from 106 to 20 locations and a completely new delivery model. GSS IT has been operational in a global model a bit longer, and now all the 4 GSS streams are well aligned and set to collaborate in our service deliveries for the BAs. Future State has been a huge change project. Take the Middle East is an example: GSS had employees in all countries,
one or two people. Now, everyone is centrally located in Dubai under a professional management. There is better internal control, better management and better governance. So, the Future State Project is about quality, compliance and governance, and not only about cost cutting. IMPORTANT ISSUES YOU ARE BURNING FOR? What matters to me looking forward is to pull GSS together into a strong and intergated shared services organization; what we refer to as “One GSS” – and succeed in serving the Business Areas with good quality services. I also want GSS to be an active Oracle ambassador, and in our Annual Plan for 2018 we talk about “Embrace Oracle” as one of our top priorities. This covers Oracle Finance as well as Oracle HCM (Partner). Having made such a big investment, we must embrace Oracle and ensure we get the benefits from this investment.
It’s also very important that GSS is a place where people can develop professionally, and that it is a good place to work. I want all our employees to be proud of working in GSS – and that they are motivated to serve their colleagues in the Business Areas with good quality services and positive experiences. We also have a dual role when it comes to governance and customers. Creating good value for the Business Areas and Group is something we must achieve and make visible. Being customer centric and creating customer value are important to us – and I can assure you that we will never stop aiming for this. SOME FINAL WORDS? I wish to send a greeting to all the GSS employees, across all streams and regions, who work so hard every day and have contributed amazingly to all the big changes we have undertaken the last few years. A sincere thank you to everyone!
Interview with Chris Jones Meet the Director of GSS Finance operations and learn more about his, background, career and familiy life. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN Tell us a little bit about yourself Well I am married, and we have three children together – two girls, ten and nine years old, and a boy that is seven. I am originally from Wales; where our home is in Cardiff, but I grew up in a much smaller place in the western part of Wales. I have now been in Norway, living at Jar in Bærum for 2,5 years & this is where we consider home now. This has been a fantastic experience and it has been a great benefit for me personally coming to Norway. It has given us the opportunity to be together as a family. I will never forget when I left the house to go to work the first day and came home around four o’clock. The kids were playing in the garden, and they said “Daddy, what are you doing? Why are you home from work now? When you go to work, you don’t come home until Friday!” They had been used to me travelling a lot and coming home late from work travels. This continues to be a fantastic opportunity for the family. I am still very challenged at work but now in addition I have a much more balanced life. Although it was also tough to move to Norway. This was never part of anyone’s life plan so in a way, you pack up a life and you don’t know what to expect…..sometimes you need to just do it. One positive thing was that my wife had already fallen in love with winter sports and can now indulge in that every week once the snow comes. The kids go to the international school at Bekkestua, they have friends from all over the world, Indian, Korean, Spanish etc. It all happens so naturally for them. I think this multicultural experience is very valuable.
What kind of professional competence and work experience do you have? Professionally I am a chartered accountant from the UK, and I was thinking about my history before we met given I have a very varied background. I completed my professional training with Deloitte, & then I was working for Revlon, a cosmetics company – so it was quite strange going from cosmetics to container vessels. In Revlon I worked a lot with the manufacturing in South Wales and later with the more commercial sales and marketing teams in London. After that I went back to Wales, and started working for a software start-up. The company was going to the stock exchange within weeks of me joining, and in connection with that I was responsible to build up the finance function relevant for a publicly listed company. Two years later the company was sold to US multinational telecommunications company called Avaya. I must say it was an exciting experience! I carried on working in Avaya as their European chief accountant until my boss at that time joined GL and he took me with him in 2011. In that period, I was commuting from Cardiff into Hamburg where my role was group finance director. I was responsible for all statutory compliance & executive management reporting. Again, I got the opportunity to have a wide and varied role. Six months after this the merger process started so I naturally spent a lot of time on that working on balance sheet & cashflow analysis. After the merger, I took up the project management role to bring GSS together in the finance stream. In February 2015, I took on the leadership role for GSS finance, and that summer I moved to Norway with my family.
What do you do when you are off work? Right now, we only see and think about the snow. The whole family loves to ski. We are all big fans of downhill skiing! We go to Tryvann regularly and Trysil from time to time. We also enjoy travelling to Italy to go skiing in the Dolomites with long time friends from Cardiff. This year we are going to France for the first time so it will be an interesting change. I first learnt to ski when I went to Austria to go skiing when I went to school. I also love to go skiing in the evenings, Friday nights with friends & some colleagues from DNV GL is the perfect way to end the week. That is sort of the big thing but in addition to skiing we like to go out for a walk. Living in Jar we can follow the river down to Lysaker and spend time around the fjord. It is so good to get outside and enjoy the beautiful nature. When it comes to reading I also enjoy that a lot. I am a very curious person and love to keep learning new ideas or threads. I like to read the Harvard business review, INSEAD alumni material, and any kind of recommended business literature. I also enjoy a lot to read novels by Dan Brown as an example, or good intense thrillers. How do you see your role? My role is equally exciting in DNV GL as it has been in my previous roles but it is for more demanding giving the global organization and the volume of change projects. As a company have a strong cocktail of good products and stand for some strong deliverables. The DNV GL purpose, vision, and values are something that I truly believe in. Some things that I learned early, that is vital, is to help the BAs and to help colleagues. Help
Guido Gronau and Chris Jones.
with process change, system change etc. Inside GSS we have gone through a massive reorganization with the future state project and therefore these 2,5 years have been the most challenging. I am also eternally grateful to DNV GL for investing in my personal development & stretching my academic experience. I have been so lucky, joining global leadership programs and attending academic institutions like Insead. I am still in contact with the people I met on the leadership programme and this is a network that I can ask for advice, or we can exchange experience. I was also very lucky to get the opportunity to go to the first Berkeley one-week training program on digital business models – it was the best week of my life and opened my eyes to a whole new world of business strategy and leadership behaviors. I find it very interesting to be able to understand more about the digital environment related to service delivery. Also
by looking at other companies, you can see they are brave and they are bold in their digital transformation strategy. Important issues you are burning for? The perspective of culture vs strategy gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, that they are connected and influence each other on a day to day basis. I will also never forget being in the Hamburg office when the merger went live. To quote Hendrik Madsen that day “For people having a healthy curiosity and flexibility, I believe everything is possible in DNV GL”. We are in the business of trust and have strong market presence as a trusted source. This is engaging to be part of outside of work as well as part of society in general. I feel that it has become more and more relevant over the past few years. We have had the downsizing,
a challenging market situation, and mergers. We now have operational strategies that shall at times push against our culture of the past 150 years, and they must push for us to be relevant for the next 50 years. One needs to be able to commit to strategy, and I believe that it will put us in the best position. Some final words? It’s been a tough 2 years across all DNV GL and inside GSS we have completely reconfigured the organization globally. In doing so I have been impressed as we always reflected on the human factor and how that fits with how we say goodbye and build something new at the same time. Respect and care in that context is something I feel very passionate about. We all need to respect and care about those being downsized and strive to motivate those who are still here with responsibility to build the future.
Interview Guido Gronau In this article you will meet the Director for GSS HR Operation on a more personal level. He will also give us an insight to how GSS HR can support the business. TEXT: LIN B. KARSTEN Tell us a little bit about yourself.
What is your role in DNV GL?
My name is Guido Gronau and I’m 49 years old. I currently live in Norway, but grew up in Germany and have worked in many places across Europe throughout my career. I have three children, two sons who are 19 and 20 and a daughter who is 14. My sons just left home to find their way in the world, while the life of a teenage girl still colours the home in a splendid way.
As the Director of GSS HR, DNV GL’s global HR operation, my task over the last few years has been to establish a global platform that is ready to serve DNV GL into the next decade. This includes a global service delivery model, a refined organizational setup, and rework of many of the operational HR processes supporting DNV GL. My entire team delivers towards our target of being an efficient and high quality service provider using our established GSS platform to support DNV GL in its day-to-day operations. More than that, we play a vital role in ensuring we have compliant HR operations in all the countries where we operate.
What kind of professional competence and work experience do you have? I have always enjoyed working in changing environments and have collaborated with interdisciplinary, diverse teams since the very beginning of my professional career. Before I joined legacy GL in 2011, I spent 10 years as a management consultant working with customers in many different industries like automotive, insurance, banking, and transport. This was followed by 6 years of working with BASF, a global player in the chemical industry. I became interested in HR around 15 years ago. Since then projects and leadership positions I’ve held have been about increasing the value of HR as a trusted and reliable partner of the business. Looking back over the past 15 years, every year was packed with business environments exposed to change and broad transformation activities driven by customer and market demands. I have a Master’s degree in Economics and that foundation has served me well as heading a secondary function within a company is very similar as running any other business.
What do you do when you’re not at work? I enjoy the nature in Norway – the Oslomarka, the mountains, and of course the fjords where I spent my summer holiday last year. When it comes to Norwegian traditions like skiing, I had a lot of fun trying it, but to be honest, I’d rather leave it to the Norwegians. I have a passion for music both listening and making music myself. I’m a singer and was part of a big band for more than a decade. I am open to all kinds of genres, but swing and jazz are probably my favorites. More than that I enjoy reading a lot. From business topics to all kind of novels reading works perfectly for me to get different perspectives and fresh ideas into my mind. Important issues you are burning for?
market. While global economy undergoes fundamental transformations, there is a parallel trend where country governments are putting a stronger focus on company’s labor environments, expecting companies to quickly adopt new laws and regulations. Supporting DNV GL in this is one of our key value proposition. The critical elements for me are quality, simplicity for the customer, and compliant services delivered through an efficient and scalable platform. I appreciate the leadership and collaborative working culture within DNV GL. Our company culture is a key driver helping us to be successful in our business. We went through rough times over the last two years with redundancies and especially through these tough times the positive attitude of colleagues around the world gives me great confidence in DNV GL being a great place to work. With the successful go-live of our new Partner system this year, we moved onto a new global HR IT platform which supports our employees and line managers through self-services and other digital services like our electronic personnel file. I’m looking forward to leveraging the system’s capabilities further to make HR easier to access and execute. Some final words Our digitalization journey brings a lot of opportunities but at the same time requires us to challenge established ways of working to be able to adopt quickly to customer demands. HR is already a vital part in that journey, both for supporting the business and for constantly improving our own Service Delivery Model so it’s ready for future requirements.
It is not only our business that is exposed to significant changes in the
Interview with Lars Kjønø Meet Lars Kjønø, he is managing GSS Procurement and Real Estate mangagement. His focus is to make his organiasation an attractive place to work and motivate for development.
Tell us a little bit about yourself I am married and have three children – one boy of 34, a girl of 25, and our youngest daughter is 20; we adopted her when we lived in Hong Kong. We now live at Nesøya in Asker. I am born in Kristiansund, but moved to Østlandet after high school. After that I went to the military officer candidate school. Then I started at BI, which was located at Frysja at that time. During completion
of my master’s degree, I got a job in DNV, invoicing projects for oil and gas. After I had finished my studies, I applied for a controller job at Group and got it. What kind of professional competence and work experience do you have? I have a master’s degree in business from BI. I have been working here since 1979, it will soon be 38 years. I think
we work in a fantastic company. When I summarize, I have had 14 different jobs here, all very exciting. I have primarily worked within finance. I spent ten years in Asia (Hong Kong and Singapore) in the nineties, with different roles in finance. I helped build the infrastructure in Asia; among other things, we set up 13 offices in China. We needed licenses and permits, and we had to negotiate with the local Chinese governments. This was an interesting time.
here, and our eldest daughter, Camilla, has also worked here. We are a “DNV GL family”. I have occasionally been contacted by external companies, but I have always concluded that the grass is not greener on the other side. I have in the last few years been involved in building a professional organization for real estate and procurement. We have 300 offices globally that requires a lot of management. Negotiating rent and space is part of this. We are also merging and reducing offices to be more cost effective. Right now, we have too much office space globally and a lot of our time is spent on space reduction initiatives. At Høvik we are running a big project called “Campus Veritas” aiming at subleasing Veritas 2. We are also working hard to digitalize our procurement processes. We need to make it more transparent and cost effective. Four years ago, we launched a project aiming to reduce our supplier costs by 20 percent. As part of that program we are negotiating cost and rates with all suppliers and we have achieved major savings and at the same time achieved better services. What do you do when you’re off work?
When in Hong Kong, I worked both within HR, Finance and quality. The functions back then were wider than they are today. In Asia, there was a lot of business build-up. We had about 100 employees when I arrived and around 700 when I left. My family lived there too and they all enjoyed the stay in Asia. Mette, my wife, is also working here in DNV GL, and our youngest daughter Lisa attended the DNV kindergarten. In addition, my son has had summer job
I like to exercise and spend much time doing that. In the summer I like to ride my bike, and in the winter I’m fond of skiing. In addition, I also do jogging.and use the gym here at work; we are lucky to have such good facilities. We have a cabin in Saltnes in Råde (Østfold) where we enjoy spending time. I am fond of music and download new songs regularly. I also enjoy reading; right now I read a books written by Edvard Hoem. He writes about his family history. He is from Romsdalen and has written several family novels. As my family is from Nordmøre, it is exciting and recognizable. Hoem writes about rough conditions in the old days, and you get an insight into how things were back then Otherwise, I read a lot of newspapers and magazins.
How do you see your role as the leader of GSS Procurement and Real estate management? We are part of a GSS organization that largely works for and contributes to creating value and reduced costs, that is our main goal. We manage challenging projects, like setting up our new London office, and consolidate all our global travel purchases into two global providers. We are currently working on consolidating company car suppliers and insurance suppliers with the aim of getting improved services and reduced cost. We are constantly aiming to get better commercial conditions with our suppliers. This will in turn give lower costs and more efficient services to the BAs. We have nine regions that are running with big and small office and procurement projects. If you do not count the subcontractors, we have a yearly procurement volume of some 4 billion kroner. This means that there are always potential for cost improvements. Important issues you are burning for? I want GSS real estate and procurement to be a good and attractive place to work. I am passionately interested in working with motivated and skilled staff. An important part of my role is to continuously coach and develop managers and staff. This will be a driver for getting things done and reaching our goals. Some final words? If you have fun at work and can learn new things and help create value, it is rewarding. It is rewarding to work with so many competent people in DNV GL. And there is always something exciting going on!
The “Diver” who knows all about underwater inspections in Oil and Gas TEXT: ARNFINN HANSEN
DNV GL Diver mounting the Corroscan scanner on a riser bendsection at Ekofisk.
We worked with robotics since 1982, using underwater drones. Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. As divers with technical background, we did contribute in gathering mega data and took care of the significant data. As a Naval Architect, I’m currently working as a principal engineer with plan approval of offshore equipment, moorings and diving. I started my second employment in DNV in 2006, as an approval engineer of diving systems and occasionally I do survey of diving systems in operations. I have worked in the maritime and oil & gas industries since 1979.
Diving was something I took up when serving in the Norwegian Navy. Later, it became an important hobby as well as part of my job in DNV. I started working for DNV in 1979, in the Section for Underwater Inspection. The main task was to carry out inspection and NDT of jacket structures in the North Sea, and also in the Mexican Gulf and the Arabian Gulf.
I began working with digital solutions in the early 1980s Due to problems with internal corrosion, especially in the riser bends on the sea bed, DNV won a contract to develop an ultrasonic scanner to map the wall thickness of riser bends on the Ekofisk field. Ekofisk is an oil field in block 2/4 of the Norwegian sector of the North
Arnfinn Hansen Bio I’m 61 years old, and I’m still married to the woman I met on a bus in 1972. We have two sons. One is working with non-destructive testing (NDT) and is a certified access technician, and the youngest works with people as a beer sommelier and is the father of my two granddaughters. I have been an active cyclist since my early teens. Beside my work and my family, I have completed the 540 km bicycle race Trondheim–Oslo several times, and a lot of cross-country long-distance races. Further, I have been sailing with a colleague for more than 20 years, and I still play handball in a local Old Boys team, together with my youngest son.
Sea, about 320 km (200 miles) southwest of Stavanger. Discovered in 1969 by Phillips Petroleum Company, it remains one of the most important oil fields in the North Sea. This was the first discovery of oil after drilling more than 200 exploration wells in the North Sea, “triggered” by the Groningen gas field discovery. The scanner was placed by divers, and it automatically mapped the thickness in a grid consisting of 2 x 2 mm measurement cells. For each bend, some 100,000 measurements were stored. The digital data was the basis for making colour-coded maps of the wall thickness and statistics that was used to monitor the corrosion development over several
years. The system was also used to monitor internal corrosion of some pipelines in the Arabian Gulf. My last saturation dives were carried out at the Statfjord A platform. Statoil wanted to convert a water injection riser into a gas injection riser. To allow this, the Petroleum Directorate required the condition of the riser to be documented. A special diving system was built on the deck of the platform, together with a rail system that guided the bell inside the water-filled leg. The Corroscan system was used to document the remaining thickness of the riser; it was later converted into a scanning system named Weldscan, which was used to document the condition of the buttwelds. The inspection was carried out down to 60 metres, where the riser penetrated the leg. The inspection continued outside the leg from a diving support vessel, all the way down to the seabed at 150 metres. As a curiosity, the system was also used once to map the thickness of the hull plating of an oil tanker. A 250 mm wide area was covered amidships all around from deck to deck. In the mid-1980s, the Italian company Technomare had developed a system that was intended to screen a jacket structure to disclose broken bracings. It consisted of a huge hydraulic cylinder that had to be jacked by divers, and accelerometers were placed around on the same structure. The signals recorded by the accelerometers was handled by a purpose-made software for detecting if any bracing was broken. The system had been tested on a small tripod we had installed outside the quay here at Høvik. Sadly, Technomare experienced a major breakdown of the hydraulic system during the first full-scale test, taking place on a jacket off Crotone in South Italy. Monitoring Services was a company established by DNV and Technomare in the late 1980s. We developed systems consisting of accelerometers, inclinometers and inductive strain gauges that were connected to a data logger. Everything was installed on a jacket structure, and the digital data were trans-
ferred to a topside computer using a hydroacoustic transmission. When a Russian submarine collided with the jacket, the data from this system were utilised to quantify the impact of the collision. In 1991, I left DNV to work in a small company named Robit. It was established by previous colleagues from DNV; as the name indicates, we were working with robotics The big buzzword in DNV GL this year is digitalization and all the technology that follows in clouds. I had the opportunity to work with science and technology when DNV won a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop a monitoring system for the European laboratory section of the international space station. As most of the people behind the project proposal were my new colleagues in Robit, the work was carried out as a joint project between DNV and Robit. The system developed was based on detecting hits from meteorites and trash using acoustic emission. The system gave the astronauts information of the position and magnitude of the impact, and a scanning system based on eddy current was used locally to map the remaining thickness. In Robit, we continued to develop systems for structural monitoring. On the Ekofisk field, it was established that a large area around the Ekofisk centre had experienced subsidence. During the winter season, the cellar decks of some of the jackets were washed over by waves, so there was a need to increase the height. By installing structural monitoring equipment – similar to that developed by Monitoring Systems – on several jackets, including wave height and water current measurements placed on the seabed, data were collected and used as documentation that the original design was very conservative. To compensate for the subsidence, the decks were lifted six metres, and new six-metre sections of the legs were installed on top of the existing jacket structure.
© iStock
The Columbus laboratory section is ESA’s largest single contribution to the International Space Station.
Arnfinn Hansen Bio 2 I’m Over the past seven years, I have also been one of two representatives in the Steering Committee of the Pension scheme. The Pension scheme is probably one of the most ignored, but at the same time the most important, tool we have with respect to how well off we will be as pensioners. Most of us only realize this at around 50 years of age, when we will have limited impact on our future pensions. As a member of the Steering Committee, I follow up that DNV GL utilizes the Pension scheme in the best way for their most important resource, namely the employees.
In 1999, I joined a project called FfresheX We development a digital detector of X-rays to be used in a rapid-scanning system for weld inspection in combination with ultrasonics. The project was funded by the European Union, and partners were OIS Engineering (UK), INSA (University in Lyon, France), Thales (France) and CorrOcean (Norway) incorporating Robit. The Ffreshex project was initiated with this rationale: First, there was an industrial need to replace the radiographic film, because it is too slow (typically ten minutes for a circumferential weld) and requires chemicals which is sometimes a problem for offshore applications.
Ultrasonic techniques were faster, but did not allow for easy classification of defects (and could lead to false rejects). Before this, no film-less system could meet the requirements of European and American standards at acceptable inspection speed. The idea of the Ffreshex project was first to design a new X-ray detector based on time delay integration, that is, several lines of the same part of the object are integrated to increase the signal to noise ratio. This allowed for the use of sensitive elements of small size (54 mm), ensuring good spatial resolution. The detector lines integrate the X-ray signal because the object is moving continuously during acquisition in synchronism with the detector line readout clock.
The second idea of the Ffreshex system was to improve the reliability of weld inspection using both X-rays and ultrasound. These techniques were complementary, and were already often used in combination to confirm the presence of defects. The aim was thus to combine both techniques automatically. I also worked as a technical specialist, responsible for inspection of long-distance and high-speed trains in Norway called Flytoget (the airport express train). We inspected the wheels and axles after an accident in the year 2000. The accident was caused by corrosion-induced fatigue that was initiated by some small rocks/stones hitting the axle, leaving a small cut in the surface. The combination of humidity and a large number of fast cycles developed into failure of the axle. We also developed ROV-operated scanning systems such as Corroscan. The system was initially used to map internal corrosion. Then a scanner was developed to measure the wall thickness together with the ovality of a pipeline section. This was needed in connection with hot tapping of existing pipelines to connect pipelines from new fields. In 2006, I got the opportunity to return to DNV With my background in diving, I started working in the diving system group, doing plan approval and in-service inspections of diving systems. Lately I have also become responsible for the DNV GL Rules for diving systems. In connection with that, we are at present working to base the in-service inspection on the actual utilization of the fatigue life of the chambers and bells. Over the past years, many of the diving systems have been equipped with digital pressure gauges. At present, pressure testing or NDT is required to be carried out every five years, which is most probably far too frequent. The digital data will enable us to convert the various part cycles of the chambers and bells into full cycles, only requiring inspection when 20 per cent of the fatigue life has been used. This will most probably postpone the first inspection by 10 to 15 years.
MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN DNV GL – NINA IVARSEN Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent all employees on the Board of Directors in DNV GL. You have trusted me to represent you, and I have done and will do my utmost to support our business in challenging times. As board members, we must comply with certain instructions. They are established with reference to the Norwegian Private Limited Liability Companies Act (the “NPLCA”) section 6-23. The objective of these instructions is to provide an overview of the Board’s functions, duties and responsibilities, the rules relating to notice of meeting and other procedures in relation to board meetings, and the Chief Executive Officer’s responsibilities and duties towards the Board, within the framework of the NPLCA, the Norwegian Accounting Acts and the Statutes. Complying with the Instructions is mandatory for the members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer, and this also applies to deputy members when attending meetings. The overall duties of the Board are set out in the NPLCA sections 6-12 and 6-13: 1. The management of the company pertains to the board of directors. The board of directors shall ensure a
proper organization of the business of the company. 2. The board of directors shall approve plans and budgets for the company’s business. The board of directors may also lay down guidelines for the business. 3. The board of directors shall keep itself informed of the company’s financial position and is obliged to ensure that its activities, accounts and capital management are subject to adequate control. 4. The board of directors shall effectuate any inspections it considers necessary in order to perform its tasks. The board of directors shall effectuate such inspections if so demanded by one or more members of the board of directors. 5. If it has been agreed that the company shall not have a corporate assembly, the board of directors shall adopt resolutions in matters that concern: −− investments that are substantial compared with the company’s resources and −− such efficiency measures or alteration of the operations as will entail a major change or reallocation of the labour force.
Andreas Falck is my deputy that I am very pleased with. Nina Ivarsen I am a behavioural economist and hold a Master in business and economics from University of Stavanger with a specialization in international management, in addition to a number of courses from other universities including the University of Denver, USA, and a PhD program in psychology from the University of Oslo. I am elected Head of Global Employee Forum (GEF) in DNV GL, Chairperson of VEFF (Veritas Employee Association), and has been a DNV Council member from 2013 until 2016.
Supervisory responsibility: (1) The board of directors shall supervise the day-to-day management and the company’s business in general. (2) The board of directors may issue instructions for the CEO. The Board shall direct and oversee the activities of DNV GL. The Board shall determine the objectives and strategies for DNV GL in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer and the executive management team. The Board shall approve DNV GL’s business plan, financial plan and budgets, and, if necessary, establish further guidelines for DNV GL’s operations.
Board of Directors in DNV Foundation 2017.
You can find more information in this document on Instructions for the board of directors of DNV GL GROUP AS (“DNV GL”)
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