VEFF magazine 1-16

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Positioning for the future

Protecting our heritage and corporate continuity

Investing in youth Digital transformation

Developing the workforce

Noomas certification






Positioning for the future 2



EDITORIAL Positioning for the future WHAT KIND OF EMPLOYEES DO WE NEED GOING FORWARD? 08 Chief HR Officer, DNV GL – Group, Cecilie B. Heuch comments 10 Jørn Lunde – Head of HR, BA Oil & Gas 12 Michael Hakes HR Director BA – Maritime

The tough market situation is still affecting companies serving the maritime, oil and gas industries, including DNV GL. The dramatic fall in oil prices and consequent loss of jobs, directly and indirectly, has led DNV GL into a situation that will, over time, require transformation from the so-called oil age to the technology age. We have to look ahead and ensure we keep the right resources for the future. NINA IVARSEN, CHAIRPERSON VEFF

NOOMAS Providing a wide set of third party services for the aquaculture industry READ ALSO: 07 Employee Election to Board of directors – results and reflections 14 Interview with Cecilie Heuch 22 Driving the digital transformation of BA Maritime 24 Young, green and digital 26 VEFF representantskapsmøte – Industry developments on VEFF agenda 28 Reflections from HVO 32 Interview with Linda Jacobsen, Stamina 34 Villa times – past and present 35 Digital Nomade 36 VEFF membership benefits

Nina Ivarsen, chairperson VEFF

We see today a rapid technological development of robot technology, digitalization, self-driving cars and welfare technology to name a few. The degree of automation of work processes is increasing faster than ever. It is predicted that the rapid technological development will reduce the need for human effort to an alarming degree. This will affect the world, including Norway, and not least company employment on a scale hardly seen before. At the same time, the technological developments are expected to create new opportunities for DNV GL.

DNV GL is facing up to reality and is positioning for the future. It’s not just about achieving results. It’s about having respect for our heritage and corporate continuity. Developing further and strengthening our family. Together we are DNV GL.

Editor: Nina Ivarsen



CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Going forward, it will be important, in addition to maintaining and improving market shares in our core business lines, to use our resources and expertise, and look for future-oriented business. Ideally, technological developments should be used both in maritime, energy and other relevant industries. Many employees in our business areas ‘Maritime’ and ‘Oil and Gas’ have received severance packages, now we have to offer restructuring packages and retrain employees. VEFF is of the opinion that we should avoid losing more resources, unless we drastically change our service offering. The services that do not generate income could possibly be ended and our resources used in new service lines. In this connection, it is very exciting and motivating to see the focus on digital solutions. DNV GL has recognised expertise in digitalization and is upping its capabilities across the industries it serves. Further, it is encouraging to see the cross-collaboration between the business areas in this fast developing field. As elected employee representatives, we recommend that DNV GL focuses on creating and facilitating a dynamic environment for Norway’s leading technologists, supporting and re-locating them to other business areas if required. A good, illustrative example of redeployment is when Norway’s health minister recently launched the concept ’pumps and pipes’ - how expertise from the oil sector can be reused in the health sector. Further, it is imperative that we manage to readjust much faster than we have done previously. DNV GL must be able to provide required services with the right quality and at an acceptable price in the market.


LEDER Positioning for the future (Posisjonerer for fremtiden)





LES OGSÅ: 30 Refleksjoner fra HVO 39 Medlemsfordeler

EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEW GROWTH Internal costs are currently excessive, and we need to help to get these down. At the same time, we realise that this cannot be done by cutting costs and downsizing alone. VEFF has contributed to substantial wage savings by signing a ‘zero settlement’ agreement. The Group granted funds for promotion and appointments, as well as VEFF negotiating an extra vacation day during Christmas. This equates to about one percent. With an expected consumer price index of 2.3 per cent, we have, in principle, accepted a reduced wage to allow for alignments, a sustainable economy and retain jobs. Also, VEFF has been involved in negotiations with employees who are particularly exposed to the adverse market conditions. We have negotiated on their behalf to accept 80 percent employment positions. We also agreed that DNV GL shall maintain 100 percent pension cover for those who are affected. This is meant to be a short term solution and, in the event the market does not change for the better, then there will be a need to discuss and agree on other solutions. On a positive note, parts of the business are doing well and contributing to DNV GL’s overall robust financial performance. Also, since ‘Software’ became a separate business area, it has been engaged in efforts to find solutions that will support DNV GL’s digital strategy. The strong focus on technology is exciting and we believe this will lead to the development of new products and services that will create new jobs in DNV GL.

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Redaktør: Nina Ivarsen



THE WAY FORWARD DNV GL is a solid company with a strong balance sheet and continues to take a leading position in the industries it serves. In spite of the challenging market conditions we are now experiencing, we at VEFF think it is important to sit tight, keep the right resources and invest in the future. To this end, it is vital that we take care of the resources that we currently have in DNV GL. Yes, these are tough times and they are likely to last for the foreseeable future but we need to keep up the good team spirit among our employees and also celebrate the parts of the organisation that are doing well.

Further, I would like to add that it is an immense responsibility to be the main negotiator in times when we need to cut costs and downsize considerably. I think we have reached a certain level now in terms of how much we can downsize and still be in a position to deliver excellent services. The ‘Global Shared Service’ centres and ‘GSS Future State’ project will contribute to reducing internal costs through various efficiency measures. Meanwhile, VEFF is keen to retain jobs in Norway, even though we, as a global business, must accept that simpler standardized services are being performed in low cost countries. When the Next Gen-

eration Finance (NGF) and ‘Partner 2’ projects are fully implemented, we will be able to achieve further cost savings going forward. So to briefly summarize, the tough times continue and DNV GL must take this opportunity to cut costs, drive technology across industries and find out how it can work smarter and develop new services to meet customer and market needs. To this end, everyone must be flexible, creative and better at spotting efficiency improvements and business opportunities. Together we will succeed and help position DNV GL for the future.

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POSITIONING FOR THE FUTURE (POSISJONERER FOR FREMTIDEN) Den tøffe markedssituasjonen påvirker fortsatt selskaper innenfor maritime, olje og gas industri, inkludert DNV GL. Det dramatiske fallet I oljeprisen og påfølgende bortfall av arbeidsplasser, direkte og indirekte, har ført DNV GL inn i en situasjon som krever hurtig omstilling fra oljealderen til teknologialderen. Vi må nå ha is i magen og beholde de riktige ressursene i fremtiden. NINA IVARSEN, LEDER AV VEFF

Vi ser i dag en rivende teknologisk utvikling med robot teknologi, digitalisering, selvkjørende biler og velferdsteknologi for å nevne noe. Graden av automatisering av arbeidsprosesser øker raskere enn noensinne. Det er spådd at den hurtige, teknologiske utviklingen vil redusere behovet for menneskelig innsats i urovekkende grad. Dette vil berøre verdens, Norges og ikke minst vårt egen bedrifts sysselsetting i en skala man knapt har sett maken til. Samtidig skaper dette også nye muligheter for DNV GL.

Utfordinger og muligheter Det som blir riktig i tiden fremover, i tillegg til å opprettholde og forbedre markedsandeler i våre kjernelinjer, er å bruke våre ressurser og vår kompetanse og se mot alle fremtidsrettede forretningsområder. Alt av teknologioutvikling må kunne brukes både i maritim industri og andre relevante energi områder. Mange ansatte i vårt forretningsområde, «Maritime» og «Olje og Gass», har mottatt sluttpakker, nå må vi fremover kunne tilby omstillingspakker og også omskolere ansatte. VEFF kan ikke se at vi kan sende flere ressurser ut av bedriften uten at vi drastisk endrer våre tjenester og servicetilbud. De tjenestene som i dag ikke genererer inntekt, kan muligens legges ned og ressursene kan brukes inn mot nye tjenester. I denne forbindelsen er det særdeles spennende og motiverende å følge satsningen på digitale løsninger. DNV GL har spisskompetanse innen avansert digitalisering og viderefører utviklingen av nettopp den type kompetanse vi vil trenge for å møte morgendagens teknologiske utfordringer. Her opplever vi at forretningsområdene i større grad satser sammen.

Som tillitsvalgte foreslår vi at DNV GL fokuser på å legge forholdene til rette for å skape et dynamisk miljø med landets fremste teknologer, satse på de ansatte vi har ved å gjenbruke dem i andre forretningsområder. Et godt og illustrende eksempel på gjenbruk er når helseministeren lanserer konseptet ‘pumps and pipes’ – hvordan kompetanse fra oljesektoren kan gjenbrukes i helsesektoren. Videre blir det viktig at vi klarer å omstille oss mye raskere enn det vi har gjort tidligere. Bedriften må kunne tilby tjenester med riktig kvalitet til en pris markedet aksepterer.

feriedag i romjulen. Dette utgjør omtrent én prosent. Med en forventet konsumprisindeks på 2,3 prosent har vi i prinsippet akseptert en redusert lønnsvekst, dette for å sikre en bærekraftig økonomi og beholde arbeidsplasser. VEFF har også vært med i forhandlinger om – og godtatt at – ansatte i forretningsområder som er spesielt markedsutsatt, har gått ned til en 80 prosents stillingsbrøk. Vi fikk også avtalt at DNV GL skal innberette 100 prosent pensjon for dem som er omfattet, slik at strakstiltaket ikke skal få varige

DNV GL vender opp til virkeligheten og posisjonerer for fremtiden. Det handler ikke bare om å oppnå et resultat. Det handler om å ha respekt for vår arv og bedriftens kontinuitet. Bygge bedriften videre, styrken i å skape en familie. Sammen er vi DNV GL Ansattes bidrag til ny vekst Internkostnadene er i overkant høye, og vi trenger å bidra til å få disse ned. Samtidig kan ikke det gjøres ensidig ved å kutte kostnader og nedbemanne. VEFF bidro i lønnsoppgjøret til en stor besparelse ved å signere på et «null»-oppgjør. Konsernet innvilget midler til opprykk og utnevnelser, i tillegg forhandlet vi oss frem til en ekstra

konsekvenser. Dette tiltaket er ment å være kortsiktig, men dersom markedet ikke endrer seg, må vi diskutere andre løsninger. Deler av bedriften går bedre, og siden «Software» ble et eget forretningsområde, er de inkludert i arbeidet med å finne gode løsninger og bidra inn i den digitale strategien. Teknologistrategi er spennende, og vi ønsker å se at disse områdene utvikler



produkter og services som vil skape nye arbeidsplasser i DNV GL.

Veien videre DNV GL er en solid bedrift med grunnleggende god økonomi. VEFF mener vi nå må ha is i magen og beholde de riktige ressursene og investere i fremtiden. Det blir viktig å ta vare på de ressursene som i dag er i bedriften. Selv om det er tøffe tider, må vi holde på den gode lagånden blant oss ansatte og glede oss over de deler av driften som går godt.

Det er et stort ansvar å være hovedforhandler i tider der vi kutter kostnader og nedbemanner kraftig. Jeg mener vi har nådd et skille i hvor mange vi kan nedbemanne og samtidig levere gode tjenester. «Global Shared Service»-sentrene og «GSS Future State»-prosjektet skal bidra til at interne kostnader går ned gjennom ulike effektiviseringstiltak. Samtidig er VEFF opptatt av å beholde norske arbeidsplasser i Norge, selv om vi som en global bedrift må akseptere at enklere standardiserte tjenester blir utført i lavkostland. Når «Next Genera-

tion Finance»-prosjektet (NGF) og «Partner 2»-prosjektet er ferdig implementert, skal vi kunne oppnå gode og viktige økonomiske innsparinger i tiden fremover. Så kort oppsummert. De tøffe tidene fortsetter og DNV GL må benytte anledningen til å kutte kostnader, drive teknologiutvikling på tvers av bransjer og finne ut hvordan vi kan jobbe smartere og utvikle nye næringer. Her må alle være fleksible, kreative og flinkere til å se de mulighetene som finnes. Sammen skal vi opp igjen!

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NINA IVARSEN – VEFF list – Veritas Funksjonærforbund Nina Ivarsen is a behavioral economist and holds a Master in business and economics from University of Stavanger with a specialization in international management in addition to a number of courses from other universities, including the University of Denver USA and PhD program in Phycology from the University of Oslo. She is the Head of Global Employee Forum (GEF) in DNV GL, representing all 14.400 employees worldwide. She is the chairperson of VEFF, representing the “Norwegian model” – the mandatory tripartite collaboration in DNV GL. Board Member of EWC (European Works Council in DNV GL) and a CR Board Member (Corporate Responsibility Board), and DNV Council Member since 2013.

LIV AUNE HAGEN – Young Passion for Future


CHALLENGES RELATED TO THE ELECTION As stated above the most challenging every year is to get the response rate as high as possible, to get the employees voting interested in the election, and to emphasise the important role the employee elected representatives have in the Board of Directors. In addition to this it is always challenging to follow up the nominated candidates and the way they run their campaigns and the tools/ channels they use to promote themselves. We are happy with the response rate this year that was higher than it has been over the last years. This year we also ended up with candidates from two lists being elected.



FACTS ABOUT THE ELECTION The employee election committee was this year lead by Lin Beate Karsten, in addition Camilla Wiik and Guttorm Andresen was members of the committee. The election period was from 11th of April until 21st of April. 1063 employees voted in the election, this gives a participation rate of 42,6%. This year’s election has been really exiting as we got more lists than ever for the Norwegian constituency. We received 4 lists in total. Last year we ran a survey on how to get higher engagement related to the election. The respondents stated that they wanted a more in depth presentation of the candidates. This resulted in the employee election committee encouraging the nominated candidates to make a video presentation and also to create an Yammer account.

Liv Aune Hagen works within Shipping Advisory at Høvik and has experience from Maritime Advisory Dubai. She works with performance management for the maritime sector, market and environmental studies and is currently developing the internet portal for small scale LNG, LNGi. She holds a master in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) with a focus on finance and economic management.

Congratulations to Nina and Liv!!




What kind of employees do we need going forward? With our industries and markets evolving, we in DNV GL also have to evolve. We can look to our strategy for direction in terms of where we want to develop. It outlines three overarching characteristics about the ways we work across DNV GL that must be strengthened moving forward: We must be digitalized, customer centric, and efficient and accountable for business performance. This applies to everyone in the company and requires all of us to develop.

CHIEF HR OFFICER, DNV GL – GROUP, CECILIE B. HEUCH COMMENTS By digitalized, we mean we will use digital solutions to offer new and better services and generate new revenue streams. It is also about having the right competence – which requires learning, testing and sharing for all of us. We must be willing and able to use data and analytics as a core part of our value proposition to customers. Customer centric means serving customers with a higher degree of proactiveness and responsiveness. This does not have to be complicated. It starts with replying in a timely manner to requests, following up to ensure customers receive answers, and staying in touch. Taking it a step further, customer centricity means we start with customer needs, wants and willingness to pay when developing solutions and services. Whether working externally or internally, every one of us should be aware of developments in our markets and our business performance.


We must also put more emphasis on ensuring that we operate efficiently. This means that we need to carry out our efficiency projects, including NGF and GSS Future State, and be open to adopting new ways of working as soon as possible. This does not mean we all have to run faster, but it means we all have to continue to change our behaviour and work processes to reduce costs. Increasing the use of communication tools to work together instead of travelling is just a small example. In addition, we will develop a new industry vertical called Life Sciences. This ambition means we will need new types of competence in the company as we grow new services for healthcare suppliers including medical devices, pharma and personal care. We will also need more competence in some areas such as agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries to make products safer and healthier with sustainable use of natural resources.

In general, the strategy emphasizes the importance of competence and being at the forefront in terms of technology – this is the core of DNV GL. We need a mix of young talents and experienced professionals to achieve our goals. Working across disciplines, borders and cultures requires respect for each other’s differences. As individuals, we have a responsibility to learn and to share – continuously. This is more urgent in a difficult market. It requires capacity for change and flexibility from each one of us – whether that is to learn new ways of working, a new subject matter, or to carry out tasks that are not in our current field. It could mean being flexible about unit, business area or location. Finally, we must be supportive of each other, especially as some colleagues are having to leave us, and grasp the new strategic opportunities together.



VEFF magazine editor, Nina Ivarsen, put this question to the HR heads of BA – Oil & Gas and BA – Maritime respectively. Here are their replies.

JØRN LUNDE – HEAD OF HR, BA OIL & GAS When I was challenged with the task to write some words to “answer” this question, I was struggling. How could I express views around this topic without repeating all the usual “buzzwords or bingo words” that you normally read; or maybe even worse, all the politically correct words from our (hopefully) well

known Strategy and Annual Plan documents, our governing documents in DMSx et cetra. Well, the main issue is not to be politically correct, although some of the statements are actually also good answers to the question posted. So yes, employees need to be customer- centric. Definitely. More now than ever – and

certainly in the challenging times going forward. And yes, employees need to follow our processes, governing documents, code of conduct and a lot of other “stuff.” NO SILVER BULLET What first comes to mind is what I read by Jim Collins’ and Jerry I. Porras’ lead-

Photo: Jørn Lunde



ership book, “Built To Last” about “the genius of the AND.” This book describes the challenge of living in dilemmas. We now need to both change for the future, and at the same time keep the good things from the past. And there is not one silver bullet to answer the question asked. We will need to be able to have more than one thought in our heads at the same time (supposed to be difficult for us men, at least according to some!). For me, one of the key cornerstones for future employees is related to competence. This fact has also been the case in the past. Competence is a very wide term and there are many different elements that need to be in place before we can claim that we are competent. Technical competence has been a key building block for such a description for a long time. I am a firm believer that this is key also in the future, regardless of which BA you work in, discipline of study you took at university, services you provide or customers you serve. But competence goes beyond tech­ nical competence. There are several personal characteristics and behaviors that also are of high importance. For the future, I feel a need to go a bit deeper, and a bit into us as individuals. An employee’s mindset, attitude and behavior come from within. And, there is definitely not one size which fits all. ENGAGEMENT IN GOOD AND CHALLENGING TIMES One of these behaviors is engagement. Any company needs engaged employees. They care for the company, when the company is growing but in difficult times too. An employee’s engagement drives several behaviors which are crucial for us now, and in time to come. In the HR area, we talk a lot about intrinsic reward. That is what comes from within and generates engagement ensuring staff makes the extra efforts often need-

ed, takes that extra call to a customer, ensures the report written is properly checked and verified, and has content valuable for the customers’ business. Engaged employees do not need to be told what they should do, they just do it. EMBRACE CHANGE AND STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME Yes, we want employees to challenge things at work. It matters for all of us, our customers, and society if you like. But on the other hand, we cannot have employees who never stop to challenge “things” happening in the company. When a decision has been made with a good process behind it, we also need to ensure we all follow that direction, otherwise we will create chaos. Another needed trait I do see is employees being curious. Embracing change is a value for DNV GL, and being curious about the new areas stated in our strategy. Questioning new ways of working and finding other ways of solving challenges that might even have been done by the company for a long time but now require renewal. This curiosity can easily be seen (or not seen) in the digital space these days. Inquisitive employees embrace it, although they might not understand fully what it is, daring to admit not having all the answers, but they are very interested in finding out what this can do for us and our customers. This lifelong curiosity is what keeps us ahead of the game. Without it, we will wither away. FOCUS ON SHARING COMPETENCE… I am not sure how often have heard young newly recruited employees express the value of more senior staff taking the time to help, coach, train and support them. That has always been important and will not change, regardless of systems, tools, access to information from digitalized sources. So, those of us with

some years of working time under our belt need to (continue to) give time to younger colleagues. But, this is not only the direction support is needed. In the future, we will see an opposite trend where the upcoming generation bringing new competences to more senior staff. Hence, the ability and desire for all of us to be open minded for sharing competence and receiving input and learning from others is even more important. With rapid changes and the need to act quickly, flexibility becomes of higher and higher importance. Flexibility, in terms of what we do, how we do it, the roles and jobs you have, but also where we do it. As such, it may include mobility, which is certainly a challenge in the private lives for some. But we do see an increasing need for employees being able to perform work outside of their home location for a period of time. Not necessarily as a full blown 2-3 years international assignment, though maybe equally often for shorter durations. …AND SPREADING POSITIVE VIBES Last, but by no means least, I will encourage a positive attitude to work life within DNV GL, where we all work hard to keep a generally good mood. Easier said than done, especially in difficult times, but let us focus on being more positive than negative every day. Being engaged and all the other things I have mentioned above, may give us reasons to “complain” a bit, express views about what should be different. But I hope we all recognize that a good working environment requires positive people. So, say good things to and about your colleagues, (yes even to your manager) as often as you can. We all like it when it is well deserved and there are plentiful of opportunities every day to spread some good vibes to those around you. Just try it – it works! Good luck to all of us.





Most of you might not know me as I’m xx still a “youngster” in our company with only 4,5 years seniority. Currently, I’m based in Hamburg as HR Director for BA Maritime. I’m 51 years old, married, have two sons, ages of 24 and 27, and XX have a dog. The people who know me a bit better know that I like to go running in my spare time. For thexxlast 28 years, I have worked in Human Resources. I have been employed in various companies (Japanese, American, French and Danish), covering different industry sectors (semiconductor, automotive and wind) which helped me a lot to see things from all kinds of different perspectives. I have always been working for global operating companies and spent several years in France, Denmark and the Netherlands. When I was asked “What kind of employees does your business area need going forward in challenging times,” I was tempted to give a quick answer looking to our short term needs, but then I decided to tackle it from a different angle. These days, everybody talks about “Industry 4.0” and how this might influence the business and each individual employee. What does “Industry 4.0” mean? In simple terms, we have had three industrial revolutions so far and the fourth has just arrived. The world is changing rapidly (faster than ever before) and that’s having a fundamental impact on the way we live, work and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. It’s probably not good enough to look at what Maritime or DNV GL needs during these challenging times, our perspective needs to be a bit wider. Across all industries, companies are seeing the introduction of new technologies that create entirely new ways of serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing industry value chains. By having access to global, digital platforms, agile and innovative start-ups


can eliminate well-established companies faster than ever by improving the quality, speed, or price at which value is delivered. NEW REVOLUTION The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, develop our skills and capabilities, meet people, and nurture relationships. Whether we like it or not, this revolution has become the “new normal” and we either face and adapt to it or our best times may be behind us. How to change or adapt to it? There is no formula or hidden secret. I believe one key element for success is the way we manage, lead, communicate and organize ourselves. SENSE OF URGENCY We need to be curious and open for new organizational setups, new tools and new ways to manage. Our attitude affects the relationships we have with

our co-workers and supervisors. Also, the sense of urgency is something we can’t neglect. It promotes an environment of continuous learning that demands excellence and that requires all of us to embrace an entrepreneurial attitude. It is good to have the courage to questions things, try something new and always look for opportunities to improve. It might be small steps or huge leaps, it doesn’t matter, but I promise you if we stick to what we know today and try to hold on to it no matter what, we are not going to be successful. PEOPLE AND VALUES In the end, it all comes down to people and values. We need to shape a future that works for all of us by putting people first and empowering them. We need to trust each other. If we are surrounded by people who believe in the same things that we believe in, and a certain level of trust has been established, then we are more willing to take risks, to experiment and to explore. Lastly, keep in mind that all of this comes with the conse­ quence that if we fail, if we fall down, the people who trust us, who are in our network, will pick us up.




Meet Cecilie Heuch LIN B. KARSTEN


ABOUT YOURSELF IN BRIEF I live in Jong, Sandvika, but am originally from Høvik. I am married and have two children, who are not really kids anymore: the youngest, Jørgen, is in the military in Kirkenes. He has not yet decided what he will do after military service. Nora, the oldest, is studying economics in London and has lived in England for the past four years. So, right now, I suffer a little from what I tend to call ”empty nest syndrome”, when your children have left home. It’s been a transition. I visited Nora in London recently, and it was a very pleasant experience. I have also studied and worked abroad for 11 years, before I joined DNV GL. WHAT KIND OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND WORK EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE? It started when I took my second year of high school in France and learned the language quite well. It came in handy when I later studied economics and political science in Paris for four years. After that, I took a master’s degree at


the London School of Economics, and then started working for Norsk Hydro, where I worked with economics, marketing and strategy. I worked in Norway for the first six years and then transferred to Italy, where I was responsible for business development in the Italian fertilizer market. During that time, I worked with development of new products and agronomic services, together with the research and production units. I became line manager for the first time as a 27 year old, and I have headed units and projects ever since. I started to work for DNV GL in 2004. My first job in DNV GL was as an internal consultant in the Learning unit. I worked with strategy development for several business areas, and with HR projects related to management training and competency mapping. It was through my work in Learning that I built a large international network, which I’ve benefited greatly from over the years. In May 2006, I was appointed the Chief HR Officer, the role I have in DNV GL today.

WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT WORK? I try to exercise a few times a week. Last year, I ran my first marathon, but I think from now on I’m going to settle for slightly shorter distances. I regularly sign up for different runs. The next one is Råskinnet which is a cross country race, both for highly trained runners and for people like me whose goal is to finish. It is a race that involves a lot of mud and cold water. I have also participated in the Fornebuløpet, which I ran together with several people from DNV GL. In addition, I meet colleagues in Sørkedalsløpet and Sentrumsløpet, and I have also participated in DNV GL teams in the Holmenkollstafetten relay race. I also like to travel, especially with my family. And, when time allows, I like to read, pretty much everything except crime, both nonfiction and fiction. I also try to read and maintain the languages I learned when I was in France and Italy. Attending concerts is also something I like to do – from opera to rock.


Photo: Private

YOUR ROLE IN DNV GL When I started in this role in 2006, there was a new Executive Committee. DNV GL had been enjoying a strong growth period, and then came a downturn in 2010. After that, we acquired KEMA, and soon afterwards came the merger with GL. This was an incredibly exciting period, and my job, and the role itself, constantly changed. During this period, there were new challenges which required very different types of expertise and working methods. There’s been a lot of learning, especially when it comes to acquisitions and integration. In addition, over the past 10 years a range of responsibilities have been assigned to my role, including HSE and management systems. DNV GL AND HOW IT IS TO WORK HERE I must say that I have thrived in DNV GL from day one. There are so many talented people, and there is an international environment with colleagues from many different countries and cultures. In addi-

tion, DNV GL’s Purpose, Vision and Values mean a lot to me. We are an organization that is forwardlooking and constantly changing. For example, digitalization is incredibly exciting, and I try to keep myself updated. What will we be able to see in the future through People Analytics? Being able to combine new data streams to find answers to new problems is interesting, and which digital services can we deliver that are going to be important in the future? How can we obtain and share information? I see many opportunities where we can position ourselves, and unlike many other companies, I hear little scepticism about digitalization in DNV GL. We are an engineering company with a passion for technology and innovative solutions, which makes it so much fun to work here. Also, I talk a lot with HR professionals in other large companies and I have learned that we are more focused on HR data and analysis than many others. We have done so much work and are far ahead in several areas, and that’s always motivating. IMPORTANT ISSUES YOU’RE PASSIONATE ABOUT Right now it is to strike the right balance between short term and long term thinking, between downsizing and cost cutting, maintaining our values in those processes, and making DNV GL fit for the future. It is important that we take care of each other in these downsizing processes, regarding both those who must go and those who remain. There are many challenging conversations to be conducted. I would like to stress that, if possible, we all need to be flexible, both in terms of tasks and where we work. Within the HR function, I would like us in HR to have an “outside-in” perspective. What I mean is that HR people should know the markets and business in which we operate, as well as being close to the employees with whom we work. The way I see it, HR is mainly performed by the line, and we in the HR function support with processes, systems and development initiatives. As mentioned, I think digitalization will be a game changer, and here HR has a job to do

to help ensure that all in DNV GL can further develop their competence in this area and secure new, relevant expertise. Finally, I have always been committed to diversity in terms of nationality, gender and age, as well as multidisciplinary skills and different experiences. It’s important to me that we continue to develop the diversity we have in DNV GL. YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNIONS? In my role, I meet mostly the European Works Council (EWC), GL SE Works Council, Asian Employee Forum, Americas Employee Forum and have good contact with the Global Employee Forum, through regular, annual meetings. I do not work so much with the local unions, but more with groups of employee representatives we have put together in connection with acquisitions, mergers and integration. Working in this interactive way has been a very good experience. In these groups, it has usually been one representative from VEFF, one from EWC and representatives from other major countries. Also, there have been small groups who have contributed greatly with ideas, and shared insights and experiences. In these challenging times, we appreciate that we have dedicated employee representatives and recognize their contribution to finding good solutions for the employees and for DNV GL. ANY FINAL WORDS? We are in a very challenging period for DNV GL. But we don’t see negative market developments in all sectors and all services. On the contrary. In some geographic areas we are recruiting and there’s a high demand for our services, such as Energy Advisory in North America. Therefore, it becomes a challenge to provide sufficient and adequate information to all and to balance the negative messages with positive ones about new opportunities.




Foto: Privat

Litt personlig om deg selv Jeg bor på Jong i Sandvika, men er opprinnelig fra Høvik. Jeg er gift og har 2 barn, som egentlig ikke er barn lenger: Yngstemann, Jørgen, er i militæret i Kirkenes. Han har ennå ikke bestemt seg for hva han skal gjøre etter det. Nora, som er eldst, studerer økonomi i London, og har bodd i England de siste 4 årene. Så akkurat nå lider jeg litt av det jeg pleier å kalle «empty nest syndrome», når barna har forlatt redet. Merker at dette har vært en overgang. Jeg besøkte Nora i London nylig, og det var veldig hyggelig. Jeg har selv studert og jobbet i utlandet, til sammen 11 år utenfor Norge, før jeg begynte i DNV GL.

Hva slags faglig kompetanse og arbeidserfaring har du? Jeg startet med å ta andre året på videregående i Frankrike og lærte meg språket gan-


ske godt. Det kom godt med da jeg etter videregående studerte samfunnsøkonomi og statsvitenskap i Paris i 4 år. Siden tok jeg en mastergrad på London School of Economics, før jeg begynte å jobbe i Norsk Hydro innenfor økonomi, markedsanalyse og strategi. Først arbeidet jeg i Norge i 6 år og så dro jeg til Italia for Hydro, som ansvarlig for forretningsutvikling for det italienske gjødselmarkedet. I den perioden jobbet jeg med utvikling av nye produkter og agronomiske tjenester sammen med forskningsenhetene og produksjon. Jeg ble linjeleder for første gang som 27 åring og har ledet enheter og prosjekter siden den gang. I 2004 startet jeg i DNV GL. I DNV GL jobbet jeg først i Learning som internkonsulent, blant annet med strategiutvikling for flere av forretningsområdene, og med HR prosjekter som lederutvikling og kompetansekartlegging. Gjennom jobben

i Learning fikk jeg et stort, internasjonalt nettverk som jeg setter veldig stor pris på og har hatt god nytte av senere. I mai 2006 fikk jeg den rollen jeg har i DNV GL i dag.

Hva gjør du når du ikke er på jobb? Jeg prøver å få til å trene noen ganger i uka. I fjor løp jeg min første maraton, men tror jeg heretter kommer til å nøye meg litt kortere distanser. Melder meg stadig på forskjellige løp. Det neste nå er «Råskinnet» som er et terrengløp både for topptrente og for sånne som meg som tar det som en utfordring og har som mål å gjennomføre. Det er et løp som innebærer mye gjørme og kaldt vann. Ellers har jeg løpt Fornebuløpet, og der løp jeg sammen med flere fra DNV GL. Møter stadig kollegaer både i Sørkedalsløpet og Sentrumsløpet, og jeg har også pleid å være med på Holmenkollstafetten for DNV GL. I tillegg til trening


liker jeg veldig godt å reise, særlig for å besøke barna, eller sammen med dem. Når jeg ellers har tid liker jeg å lese. Stort sett alt utenom krim, både faglitteratur og skjønnlitteratur. Bruker også lesingen til å opprettholde språkene jeg ble glad i de årene jeg bodde i Frankrike og Italia. Å gå på konserter er også noe jeg bruker tid på; fra opera til rock.

Din rolle i DNV GL Da jeg startet i denne rollen i 2006 var det et helt nytt EC. DNV GL var i konstant vekst, så kom det en nedtur i 2010. Etter det gjennomførte vi oppkjøpet av KEMA og ikke lenge etter det kom fusjonen med GL. På grunn av alt dette har det vært en utrolig spennende og variert jobb, samt at jobben og rollen i seg selv har vært i konstant endring. Det er hele tiden nye utfordringer som krever veldig forskjellige typer kompetanse og arbeidsformer. Det har vært mye læring spesielt når det gjelder oppkjøp og integrering. Gjennom disse 10 årene har jeg også hatt forskjellige ansvarsområder tillagt min rolle, for eksempel HMS og ledelsessystemer.

DNV GL og hvordan det er å jobbe her Jeg må si at jeg har stortrivdes i DNV GL fra dag 1. Mye av grunnen til det er at det er så mange flinke folk, samt at det er et internasjonalt miljø med kollegaer fra mange forskjellige land og kulturer. I tillegg til dette betyr «Purpose, vision and values» mye for meg. Vi er en organisasjon som er fremtidsrettet og stadig i endring. Digitalisering er utrolig spennende og jeg prøver å holde meg oppdatert. Hva vil vi kunne se på fremover av People Analytics? Det å klare å kombinere nye datastrømmer for å få ut svar på nye problemer er interessant, og hva vi kan levere av digitale tjenester kommer til å være viktig i fremtiden. Hvordan skaffer og deler vi informasjon? Jeg ser mange

muligheter hvor vi kan posisjonere oss, og i motsetning til mange andre bedrifter synes jeg at jeg hører lite skepsis til digitalisering her i DNV GL. Vi er en ordentlig ingeniørbedrift med sans for teknologi og fremtidsrettede løsninger, det er noe av det som gjør det så gøy å jobbe her. Jeg snakker mye med HR ansatte i andre store selskaper og jeg har innsett at vi er mer opptatt av HR data og analyse enn mange andre. Vi får til mye og er langt fremme på flere områder, og det er alltid motiverende.

Viktige saker du brenner for Akkurat nå er det nedbemanning og kostnadskutt opp mot det å ivareta våre verdier i prosessene og samtidig klare å være fremtidsrettet. Det er viktig at vi tar vare på hverandre i disse nedbemanningsprosessene, både de som må gå og de som blir igjen. Det er mange krevende samtaler som skal gjennomføres. Jeg er også opptatt av at vi alle må være fleksible, både i forhold til oppgaver og i hvilken enhet man jobber. Innenfor HR funksjonen er jeg opptatt av at vi har et «Outside-In» perspektiv, dvs. at HR kjenner markedene og forretningen der vi arbeider og er tett på de ansatte vi arbeider med. HR utføres i stor grad i linjeorganisasjonen og vi i HR funksjonen støtter med prosesser og systemer. Som nevnt synes jeg digitalisering er spennende, og her har vi som HR en stor jobb å gjøre med å bidra til at alle i DNV GL kan heve kompetansen sin på dette feltet og at vi får inn ny, relevant kompetanse. I tillegg til det har jeg alltid vært opptatt av mangfold i forhold til nasjonalitet, kjønn og alder, og det er viktig for meg at vi klarer å fortsette å ha det mangfoldet vi har her i DNV GL. Mangfold betyr også å inkludere tverrfaglig kompetanse og forskjellige erfaringer.

Forhold til fagforeningene? Jeg møter hovedsakelig European Works Council, GL SE Works Council, Asian Employee Forum, Americas Employee Forum, og har god kontakt med Global Employee Forum som jeg møter fast en gang i året. I min rolle jobber jeg ikke så mye med de lokale fagforeningene, men i forbindelse med oppkjøp, fusjon og integrering har vi satt sammen grupper av ansatte representanter. Det å jobbe på denne måten med samhandling har vært en veldig god erfaring. I disse gruppene har det gjerne vært en fra VEFF, en fra EWC og også representanter fra andre store land. Det har vært små grupper som har jobbet godt sammen med ideer, delt innsikt og erfaringer.

Noen avsluttende ord? Vi er midt i en svært krevende periode for DNV GL. Samtidig er det ikke like negativ markedsutvikling i alle bransjer og vedrørende alle tjenester. I noen geografiske områder rekrutterer vi og har høy etterspørsel av våre tjenester, som for eksempel i Energy Advisory i Nord Amerika. Derfor blir det en utfordring å gi nok og god nok informasjon til alle og å balansere de negative budskapene med de positive om nye muligheter.



Noomas: making aquaculture farms safe and sustainable



Noomas is one of the latest additions to the DNV GL family; acquired in September 2015 under our DNV GL – Business Assurance arm, and now providing a wider set of third party services for the aquaculture industry. LARS SØRUM The acquisition makes DNV GL Norway’s leading inspection and certification body within aquaculture and equipment used within the industry. The objective is to support aquaculture farms through certification to become safer and more sustainable. With head office in Bergen and employees along Norway’s long coastline, NOOMAS primarily delivers accredited certification services to help the industry meet regulations and requirements for floating fish farms and related equipment (NYTEK and NS 9415). Through this acquisition, DNV GL increases its capability and footprint in the aquaculture sector, in particular in the Norwegian market. Noomas’ technical services targeting the operations of fish farms complement very well our existing portfolio for the aquaculture value chain. We can now offer a more comprehensive portfolio of third-party certification services to this sector and work more broadly to secure safe and sustainable seafood.

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WHO IS NOOMAS DNV GL? Established in 2005 NOOMAS consists of 11 professionals with aquaculture and technical backgrounds, predominantly operating in Norway with auxiliary activities in China, UK, Shetland, The Baltic countries, Iceland and Denmark. We help prevent “fish escape” through accredited certification and since establishment of NYTEK regulations the increasing trend of Fish Escape has been reversed. Escaped farmed salmon have

negative consequences for wild strains of salmon, is “bad for business” and leads to loss of reputation. Helping building trust and reputation is the core business of DNV GL and NOOMAS fits the bill perfectly. Conceptually the modus operandi is to deliver accredited certification services. For many, the business model resembles that of Certification of Materials and Components (CMC), Assessment and Analysis and Inspection work. More specifically the company deliverers accredited services like Product Certification and Main Component Evidence (Net pen, float collar and feed barges); Mooring Analysis (Based on current and wave data collected at the site) and Fish Farm Reports (Analysis of the environment at the fish farm installations). MARKETS AND CUSTOMERS Being present with a dominant position in the aquaculture market already, Food & Beverage Norway we can reap synergies with existing business in Business Assurance. And there are synergies with Business Assurance already captured as we have managed to get more sales on Management System Certification by using our sales network and client relationships in NOOMAS and we have established a new and a solid Training activity pipeline as well. Norway’s position is a salmon superpower arises from the fact that Norway hosts a set of internationally leading salmon producers. Among these Marine



Harvest Group is leading holding the largest total salmon production worldwide and is represented among the top five producers in all main regions (Norway, UK, Chile, North America). Other internationally leading salmon producers are Lerøy Seafood, Salmar, Cemaq, Grieg Seafood – all Norway based companies. NOOMAS has more than 150 revenue generating customers in the aquaculture segment including the big players mentioned above in Marine Harvest, Salmar and Lerøy. Working with and following the future needs of the customers is probably the most effective means for building and expanding business. The NOOMAS customer platform provides the basis for both widening the service offering to the customers as well the opportunity to follow selected customers abroad in their existing and/or future geographical expansion. In addition to the traditional seafood clients and fish farmers a large client base are equipment suppliers to fisheries and aquaculture like Barge manufacturers and (ship) yards; Anchors, Chain and Rope manufacturers; Net Pen manufacturers and Float Collar manufacturers. Colleagues have rightfully noted that the customer portfolio is overlapping with other segments and that the service offerings sits between Certification (BA), CMC (Maritime) and Verification, Analysis and Assessments (O&G). We therefore very quickly realized that DNV GL has a large untapped synergy potential in establishing cooperating agreements with other units outside Business Assurance. Some of these collaborative efforts have already born fruits in Norway and the North Sea basin. We have for instance created large joint projects with exposed sea farms with Load and Response at Høvik, we have delivered joint projects for feed barges with Maritime Ålesund, Kalipeda and are working on new projects together with Gdynia and Tallin; we have delivered environmental monitoring projects and wave measurement projects with the Environmental Section in O&G Høvik; and we are looking at testing of mooring ropes with our lab in Bergen – and there are


many more projects and a very long list of opportunities that are being chased. And further still we see possibilities of expanding rapidly into new geographies and markets utilizing the DNV GL worldwide network of competence and locations in all business areas. The prime example is how we managed to utilize our resources and presence on Iceland after establishment of new regulations there; only a few months after the new regulations were published, we have now managed to get a substantial foothold on Iceland much thanks to our collaboration with the Maritime station I Reykjavik. This extraordinary advantage, having competent people with a collaborative mindset worldwide, is fantastic! The benefits are also shared as NOOMAS has a strategy to use inter-

nal local resources before considering other growth options. THE ACQUISITION SUPPORTS DNV GL GROUP AND DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE STRATEGY DNV GL has carved out its strategic aspirations and directions for the period 2016-2020. In evaluating options for taking positions in new industry sectors, “Life Sciences” domains – in particular Food & Beverage emerge as an attractive sector. The Life Sciences industries comprise a broad range of sectors grounded in the study of living organisms. During the strategy period, DNVGL shall position itself as an assurance provider in Life Sciences through continued focus and extraordinary growth in the Food & industry sector; this enabled by continu-


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ation and expansion of existing roles in these industries and enlarging the perimeter of these domains to adjacent, related and new sectors opening for wider roles and service offerings. Leveraging on DNV GL’s historical relation to the seas and the oceans, “Ocean Space” is identified as a denominator for areas in which DNV GL can leverage on its brand recognition to naturally enlarge the reach and the impact of the brand. “Ocean Space” is a common denominator for areas in which DNV GL can naturally extend the reach of the DNV GL brand. In connection with Life Sciences, Ocean Space relates to DNV GL’s present and future role(s) in supporting and securing effective, sustainable and responsible use of the Ocean Space for production of food,

pharmaceuticals and fresh water. In relation to NOOMAS, the connection is DNV GL’s present and future role(s) in supporting and securing effective, sustainable and responsible use of the “Ocean Space” for production of protein. Since 2007 DNV GL Business Assurance has focused “Food & Beverage” as an industry sector for extraordinary growth. DNV GL Business Assurance since enjoys an internationally recognized position in the Food & Beverage industry sector; this position having been built from deliberate choices to focus specific sub-sectors; brand owners and their supply chains. Already in 2007 wild catch fisheries as well as aquaculture were identified as important subsectors for growth in Food & Beverage.

Positions have been secured in both these sectors, most prominently in the wild catch sector typically through the MSC (Marine Stewardships Council) process assurance offerings supporting sustainability of wild catch fisheries – more recently moving into the aquaculture sector with ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) offerings. Before the acquisition, DNV GL Business Assurance did not have a product assurance offering the aquaculture sector. With NOOMAS, this has now changed.



Driving the digital transformation of BA Maritime Albrecht Grell, Maritime’s newly appointed Executive Vice President for “Digital Solutions and Innovation” envisions a future in which digitalization will play an increasingly important role. Here he shares his thoughts on the drivers behind this development and on the ambitions of BA Maritime to become data smart. ALBRECHT GRELL

When we wrote the group strategy 201620 “Leading towards a digital, agile and efficient future” and later the maritime strategy, we identified digitalization as the main driving force behind the massive, technology induced changes we are witnessing all around us. At the heart of this development we see the “datarisation” of processes, services and value creation. Data has become – and in some industries rapidly is becoming – the gold of the 21st century. The implications are substantial. With data in the center, services and value creation start to be based around data – different from historic models where solutions came first and then pulled in the data needed. As a result of this fundamental change, traditional industry boundaries defined by service scopes start to blur, becoming replaced by industry boundaries defined by accessible data pools. New industry definitions and competitors emerge. BA Maritime is acting decisively: Since January this year, I am responsible for driving the transformation process that puts data-smartness at the center of our strategic ambitions. It’s an exciting role in exciting times that offer great oppor-


tunities for us as the leading classification society. We know that to thrive in a data centric future, a holistic approach is required with four main building blocks: • Access to data: We already have access to tons of data. Our independence from commercial interest in specific systems or hardware makes us a natural partner for the industry to help manage the ever growing data streams. • Cyber security: Customers will only generate data and share it with us if they can rest 100% assured that their data remains secure. • Data stewardship: We need the ability to ingest, sort, store, quality assure and disseminate, if needed, the data we are being entrusted. • Value added: We need to build comprehensive eco systems of data- enabled services that improve safety and performance of customers – by ourselves as well as in collaboration with partners. This value added approach is the sole reason for customers to give us access to their data. But let’s not forget: Becoming data smart will allow us to become more efficient as well. We will be able to better

target services, can use analytics to better plan and execute surveys. Certain tasks can be automated or executed directly by our customers. Moving towards digital certificates and model-based approval solutions will allow us to better integrate processes with our customers towards more efficient end-to-end solutions – to just name a few examples. Our ability to add value- based on data and our ability to drive our own efficiency will hinge on our ability to work more model- based. Once we have the digital model of a system, we can use it for the whole lifetime of the asset. We can use it for approval and for any type of service that can be delivered or enhanced through model- based algorithms. The cost of delivery is dramatically reduced, the ability to extend the scope of what we deliver will increase. Silo boundaries will blur. The target state is complete digital twins – integrating different systems towards a complete asset view. I see it as a unique opportunity to help put DNV GL on the road towards this data centric future. BA Maritime has aligned behind a roadmap that outlines our way ahead. I believe it’s correct that


Photo: Albrecht Grell

Albrecht Grell, Executive Vice President for Digital Solutions and Innovation, DNV GL – Maritime

the roadmap focuses on the steps we now need to take – “learn to walk before you learn to run.” And we have substantial opportunities and need to sort out how we currently operate, before we tackle opportunities further out. To focus our activities, we have launched five programs (we call them Large Scale Initiatives, each with a number of projects within them) with the aim to achieve the goals defined in our strategy: • Newbuilding: To support the return to a 25% marketshare in newbuilding, we are launching projects like NEO (the new hull rule calculation tool), “Great Class Newbuilding” to optimize processes and customer interaction and “Great Class Architecture” to build our future IT platform for the newbuilding process. • Cyber Physical Systems and Software: We need to develop our ability to master cyber physical systems and software as these continue to gain importance. Three projects: 1) “Model based approval” 2) “Cyber security” and 3) “Advisory services” will help develop the required services and competencies.

• Future Survey Schemes: Increased efficiency is a crucial precondition for an improved price competitiveness in the Fleet in Service (FiS) market. Several projects within “FiS Quality & Efficiency”, “FiS Surveyor Empowerment” and “FiS End-2-End Processes” are aiming at this increased efficiency as well as at creating more value for our customers through the surveys we conduct. • MyDNVGL: With the ambition to build MyDNVGL into the leading digital platform for the maritime industry and a state of the art portal for our customer interaction, we have launched projects on “Concept” as well as “Content” for MyDNVGL. • Data- enabled services: We have ambitious revenue targets for new, data enabled services in this strategy period. Building on the continuing success of ECO Insight, we have launched projects “Continuing Development”, “New Modules” and “Fleet Service Center.”

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I believe that these are the right topics to build momentum for DNV GL Maritime to grow its industry leading position. We are pushing extremely

hard and are progressing better than I thought we would just a few months back. From many discussions, I know that many of us see the issues, opportunities and possible solutions as obvious. But as the saying goes “the devil is in the detail” - commercial considerations, specific customer requirements, implementation challenges, ... to just name a few. We need to become more willing to challenge conventional ways of working, willing to experiment and prepared to rely on data rather than gut feel. One of the things I found most encouraging in the last few weeks was the tremendous support we are getting within the organization. The Lunch&Learn events in Hamburg and Høvik were “sold out,” drawing more than 200 colleagues. Our DSI Yammer feed has an ever growing number of followers and I receive ideas, comments feedback every day from colleagues around the organization. We will build on that commitment and continuing support as the foundation of a data smart future of DNV GL. If we all pull together in the same direction, I am convinced we will succeed!



The Global Opportunity Report 2016 team at the launch.


Young, green and digital The market is changing, with innovations and business models going green and digital. As a Global Technical Trainee, I have been fortunate to work with strategic projects giving unique insight into what the future looks like, and how we need to position ourselves in order to reach DNV GL’s vision for a safe and sustainable future. Innovations and new business models are created on the path towards this vision, making for an exciting journey. ANNE AUNE In 2015 I started in Group Sustainability – led by Bjørn Kj. Haugland – just before the UN Sustainable Development Goals were launched, and I finished just before the Paris Agreement was signed. Many achievements were ticked off in


the world during these 6 months. These achievements are big wins towards DNV GL’s purpose, vision and values. Another important achievement in DNV GL was the release of the Global Opportunity Report 2016.

BUSINESS POTENTIAL IN MEETING OUR VISION The Global Opportunity Report was launched January 26th this year. This report is produced in collaboration with UN Global Compact, the world’s largest



corporate sustainability initiative comprising more than 8000 companies in more than 160 countries, and Monday Morning, Scandinavia’s largest independent think tank. The Global Opportunity Report is not just a report, it is an open innovation platform based on the mind-set of turning risks to opportunities. Each year the report explores 15 opportunities related to five global risks. In total, for 2015 and 2016, more than 240 specific solutions were discovered. And these are just some solutions; additional solutions have been established in creative workshops with students from different universities in Norway. What does a safe and sustainable future look like? The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals define very clearly how a safe and sustainable future shall look, and the Global Opportunity Report gives many examples on opportunities to achieve DNV GL’s vision. Therefore, in the 2016 report, the opportunities and solutions are mapped towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A key takeaway from the report is that there are countless business opportunities on the journey towards the UN SDGs, or to state it a bit differently – to achieve DNV GL’s vision. DNV GL has through history delivered services that deal with safety risks. Today we see an increasing market potential in delivering services that also applies to sustainability risks. DNV GL delivers many sustainability related services from all business areas, preventing environmental, economic, and social damage. The Global Opportunity Reports presents DNV GL with a large network of companies and a unique door opener to dialogue about our services. Therefore, in order for all employees to use and communicate the Global Opportunity Report to generate business opportunities, we have developed standard presentations and held webinars explaining the background and the main findings of the report. If employees globally use their expertise related to existing services and give these services context by linking them up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our vision, we have come a long way.

Presenting at the Norwegian School of Economics

Me and Kristina Dahlberg on Opportunity Day at NTNU

DIALOGUES WITH THE YOUNG AND ACADEMIA The UN Sustainability Goals have 2030 as a target, which would mean to achieve our vision when my generation is 40 years old. This is something millennials care about as it will directly impact how prosperous and safe we are half way through our lives. My experience is that DNV GL prioritizes dialogues with the young; what values we have and what we believe the future looks like. Many of us are digital greenies who are optimistic about the future. In fact, both of the Global Opportunity Reports produced to date point to those below 30 as the most optimistic about opportunities related to solving global risks. The first internal presentation of the Global

Opportunity Report was given to Young in DNV GL. One colleague asked an important question; how can we make sure we see the link between our every-day tasks and our vision? DNV GL collaborates closely with academia. After the launch, the Global Opportunity Report has been used in dialogues with students of the Norwegian School of Technology and Innovation and the Norwegian School of Economics. We have arranged creative workshops, so-called Opportunity Days, for students to find business solutions to solve global risks. The Universum’s ranking shows that we are one of the top rated companies among young engineers. An important takeaway from the young is that many look for meaningful jobs, rather than solely profitable jobs – and DNV GL’s quest to achieve a safe and sustainable future is attractive to millennials. DIGITALISATION DRIVING SUSTAINABILITY In March 2016, I started to work with Technology Outlook 2025. Technology Outlook 2025 gives us unique insight into dominant market drivers and which technologies we are likely to see towards 2025. Digitalization is one of the main drivers of innovation, and we will see many innovations and new business models arising in the years to come. One big YES is that many of the technologies that will dominate the future will help in meeting our vision. Digitalisation and sustainability can be mutually beneficial – each drives the other. Sharing and circular economies are business models that have been introduced to the market as a result of drivers such as climate change, resource constraints and digitalisation. Many of the solutions presented in the Global Opportunity Reports reflect this trend, such as ‘smart ocean’, ‘smart farming’, ‘smart cities’, ‘flexible mobility’ and ‘the digital labour market’. Business can deliver profitable services and products that can enhance the safety and sustainability of all. It’s more true than ever that safeguarding life, property and the environment is definitely good for business.



Industry developments on VEFF agenda Updates on DNV GL group level performance and developments and prospects in the maritime and oil & gas industries were among the topics discussed at a recent event organised by VEFF. The event, which was officiated by VEFF chairperson Nina Ivarsen, provided a platform for interaction, discussion and networking between VEFF members and guests, including senior management from DNV GL and Parat. “Presentations and discussions on the status of DNV GL business and the latest developments in the industries DNV GL serve, are of great interest and value

maritime and oil & gas sectors, which we all know are in the midst of a serious downturn,” says Heuch and adds, “One way DNV GL is responding to the downturn is by making headcount reductions across much of the organisation as it strives towards smarter, more efficient operations to better serve customer and market needs. This is a painful but necessary step that we need to take to

“DNV GL is responding to the downturn by making headcount reductions across much of the organisation as it strives towards smarter, more efficient operations to better serve customer and market needs” – Cecilie Heuch, DNV GL Chief HR Officer

to us,” says Nina Ivarsen, speaking on the side lines of the gathering, which followed the VEFF Board meeting (see separate article) RESPONDING TO THE DOWNTURN The evening event started off with DNV GL Chief HR Officer Cecilie Heuch, who gave a brief status on DNV GL’s financial performance and ongoing HR and leadership development initiatives. “These are challenging times. While our overall financial performance remains positive it is clearly weaker than last year. We are experiencing a reduction in revenue as a result of the depressed markets, particularly in the


safeguard DNV GL interests. In these processes, the objective is to make sure we retain the competence we need for the future.” The second presentation was made by Jon Rysst, Regional Manager of DNV GL

– Maritime Norway, who highlighted the challenges and prospects in newbuildings and ship segments. CALL TO FIGHT FOR BUSINESS “There is no way around it: we are going through a tough period and the outlook is bleak. The newbuilding order book is lower than it should be and the fight for new orders and transfer of class will intensify in the years to come. With this in mind, we have made changes, including cost-cutting and staff reduction measures, to get a better balance with potential business volumes in the market,” says Rysst. Looking ahead, Rysst emphasised the importance of moving forward with a more efficient organisation to capture more market share. “The market will not come back to what it was but there are still opportunities as our customers are looking for improved efficiencies and new business.. They are demanding us to be different, more efficient and more competitive. If we are to succeed, we simply need to be better than our competitors,” says Rysst, who also gave an impassioned talk about the need for employees

“The market is flat and is unlikely to come back to what it was. At the same time, there are opportunities out there with some players looking into new business segments. We must act quickly and fight to increase our market share” – Jon Rysst, Regional Manager, DNV GL – Maritime Norway


“We must remind ourselves to keep our focus on the employees that will remain in DNV GL as they will be the foundation for success in the future.”

“What happens in Russia has a big influence on the Northern region” – Hans-Wilhelm Steinfeld, former NRK Broadcasting correspondent and expert on Russia

to “think outside the box and fight to secure new business opportunities.” Commenting on the status and outlook for the oil & gas industry, Regional Manager Kjell Eriksson pointed out that the industry has for several years been challenged by high costs and the industry has been hit hard by the fall in the oil price. Large projects are being cancelled or delayed, which is affecting all service providers, including DNV GL.


– Nina Ivarsen, Chairperson VEFF

smarter, more efficient services will serve to further strengthen DNV GL’s standing here in the region. To this end, it is important that we keep our experts so that we can continue to provide valueadding services and solutions for our customers. If we do this, I am confident that we will capture more business going forward and maintain our position as a thought leader within our field.”

“We are trying to be innovative as regards what’s happening in the market and on adding value to our services. It’s a very challenging market but the business potential is here, as evidenced by the two large contracts we secured recently. We just have to work smarter to secure more business going forward”

NOT ALL DOOM AND GLOOM “DNV GL - Oil & Gas is also experiencing tough times. We have been forced to readjust and downsize our organisation and we’re now in survival mode until the market picks up,” says Eriksson and adds, “That said, it is not all doom and gloom as the market story goes. In the future, the need for energy will only grow and oil and gas will remain an important part of the equation. With this in mind, we are stepping up efforts to build a sustainable operation. Indeed, our strategy of producing sustainable revenue is already paying off this year with two large contracts secured recently.” He continues, “Our ability to provide


– Kjell Eriksson, Regional Manager DNV GL – Oil & Gas Norway.

STEINFELD ON RUSSIA The last presentation was given by HansWilhelm Steinfeld, former NRK Broadcasting correspondent and expert on Russia, a topic that is particularly pertinent to DNV GL in light of its work for Russian companies and interests in the far North. Steinfeld highlighted Russia’s interests in the Arctic and its relations with China and Norway. “What happens in Russia has a big influence on the Northern region. Norway is following the European Union on the current sanctions regime against Russia so Norway’s bilateral relations with Russia remains basically unchanged,” says Steinfeld. Attendees also benefitted from hear-

ing Steinfeld’s views on Russia’s “domestic, unsolved problems” pinpointing issues such as bureaucracy, criminality and corruption “as potential barriers to conducting business.” FIT FOR THE FUTURE VEFF hosted a dinner after the event. In her closing speech, Nina Ivarsen thanked the speakers for sharing their viewpoints and the audience for their participation. “The past year has been tough. It’s been extremely difficult to see so many colleagues who have been affected by the reorganisation. In difficult times such as these it is encouraging to see that DNV GL and VEFF have managed to keep a constructive dialogue and focus on our common goal; ensuring that DNV GL is fit for the future.” She continues, “To this end, we must remind ourselves to keep our focus on those that will remain employed. DNV GL is a knowledge company with very highly qualified employees and they will play an integral role in DNV GL’s journey to become digitally smart under CEO Remi Eriksen’s leadership.” Ivarsen concludes, “Indeed, DNV GL has set ambitious goals in tough times, so now more than ever, there’s a need for flexibility, responsiveness, collaboration and efficiency to be built into the organisational structures and systems that support the remaining, dedicated employees and the work they do towards customers – and DNV GL’s goals.”



Reflections from HVO Restructuring and downsizing, as well as construction of a new parking facility and V3 building in Hovik, are in focus for the main safety delegate (HVO). PIA FAGERNES, HEAD SAFETY DELETATE

TEKNA and NITO for their efforts before, during and after these demanding processes. Also, many thanks to all the local safety delegates who have made a valuable contribution in general, and especially in the downsizing and restructuring processes.

RESTRUCTURING AND DOWNSIZING – WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO REMAIN IN DNV GL? Many people have changed jobs internally or left DNV GL. Those who have been given a new position internally have a new work environment and new colleagues. Unfortunately, DNV GL could not find other suitable work for many and they have been part of downsizing process, and have been offered severance packages and follow up courses such as those offered by Right Management. But what about the employees who remain in DNV GL? Some of those remaining in DNV GL have been forced to accept 20% reduction in wages and working hours, with the additional loads and related strains regarding personal finances and challenges of getting the job done. Other may have lost a colleague, a partner or a good friend at work. It is the remaining employees who, together, will ensure progress, earnings and a steady course in an uncertain market. Therefore, it is vital that they must be focused on, motivated and given the feeling of unity. This will be important to keep the ship on a safe and steady course going forward.

Work Act § 6-2 (1) requires that the safety representative shall safeguard the interests in matters concerning the working environment, including the leaders. Management must in such processes make many difficult and burdensome decisions and some employees are offered severance packages and leave DNV GL, perhaps with no other workplace to go to. The resulting circumstances must not be forgotten. Projects related to the merger of DNV and GL are not yet completed. Some reorganization and downsizing as a consequence of this still remains, while other are partly due to a challenging and uncertain labour market. Uncertainty has become part of our everyday work, which we take home with us. It is not uncommon that this type of stress over time could result in both psychological and/or physical strain. In such circumstances, it is important to take advantage of services offered by the company health services (BHT)1 in Norway or contact your local safety delegates2 or your union representative or a good colleague – to have someone to share your thoughts and spar with in such a process. Experience shows that DNV GL loses much good and valuable expertise through voluntary or involuntary downsizing. The mapping of the competencies DNV GL no longer needs is an important but difficult process that has been developed in consultation with our 3 unions. I know that this work has at times been difficult and time consuming. My sincere thanks to the main elected in VEFF,

Links 1) Company Health Services (BHT)

2) List of Safety Delegates

3) Administration Norway

During 2015 and 2016, DNV GL Norway carried out several restructuring, readjustment and downsizing processes. All employees in DNV GL Norway, including management, have during this period been affected directly or indirectly by one or more of these processes.


CONSTRUCTION OF NEW PARKING FACILITY AND V3 BUILDING IN HØVIK In addition to restructuring and downsizing processes, the employees in Høvik are affected by two major ongoing construction projects; the new parking facility and the new Veritas 3 building. This means that there are now 4 ’transport categories’ which is impacting an ever smaller area, namely pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and heavy transport. This can sometimes be perceived as a bit chaotic. One day there are signs showing that cyclists and pedestrians should share the pavement, the next day, the bikers should use the car road. Excavating work by the guardhouse, parking garage 1 and 2 has further disrupted how we shall walk to and from the offices. During the construction period, it is especially important to maintain people safety. In addition, it is important to follow the escape routes and any temporary changes to same. All are encouraged to follow the information provided by Administration Norway3, as well as adhere to the signs and roadblocks that are set up outside and inside the buildings. This is to ensure everyone’s safety in the best possible way.


Photos: 07 Media



REFLEKSJONER FRA HVO Omstillinger og nedbemanninger, samt bygging av nytt P-hus og V3 på Høvik i fokus for Hovedverneombudet (HVO). PIA FAGERNES, HOVEDVERNEOMBUD

I løpet av 2015 og 2016 har DNV GL Norge gjennomført mange omstillings- og nedbemannings­prosesser (readjustment and downsizing processes). Alle ansatte i DNV GL Norway, inkludert ledelsen, har i løpet av denne perioden vært direkte eller indirekte berørt av en eller flere av disse prosessene.

Omstillinger og nedbemanning – Hva med de som er igjen? Mange har skiftet stilling internt eller sluttet i DNV GL. De som har fått ny stilling internt har fått ny kontorplass og nye kollegaer. Andre, som DNV GL ikke fant annet egnet arbeid til, ble omfattet av påfølgende nedbemanningsprosess og har fått tilbud om sluttpakke og «Right Management kurs». Men hva med alle de andre, de som er igjen? Noen av disse har til og med vært nødt til å akseptere 20 % reduksjon i lønn og arbeidstid, med de tilleggsbelastninger det kan innebære både med hensyn til privatøkonomi og eventuelle utfordringer med å få jobben gjort. Andre har kanskje mistet en kollega, en samarbeidspartner eller en god venn på jobb. Det er disse som sammen skal sørge for fremdrift, inntjening og en stødig kurs på et usikkert marked. Derfor må de satses på, motiveres samt gis følelsen av samhold. Dette vil være viktig for å få skuta til å gå fremover og holde en stødig kurs.

Links 1) Company Health Services (BHT) 2) List of Safety Delegates 3) Administration Norway


Arbeidsmiljøloven § 6-2 (1) stiller krav til at verneombudet skal ivareta arbeidstakernes interesser i saker som angår arbeidsmiljøet, også lederne. Ledelsen må i slike prosesser ta mange vanskelige og tunge avgjørelser med den konsekvens at noen må tilbys sluttpakke og forlate DNV GL, kanskje uten annet arbeid å gå til. Belastningen dette medfører over tid må ikke glemmes. Prosjekter knyttet til sammenslåingen av DNV og GL er enda ikke ferdigstilt. Enkelte omorganiserings- og nedbemanningsprosesser er et resultat av dette, andre skyldes et utfordrende og usikkert arbeidsmarked. Usikkerheten har blitt en del av arbeidshverdagen vår, som vi også tar med oss hjem. Det er ikke uvanlig at denne type påkjenninger/stress over lengre tid vil kunne resultere i både psykisk og/eller fysisk belastning. Da er det viktig å være informert om, samt benytte seg av de tilbud som bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT)1 gir eller kontakte ditt lokale verneombud2, din tillitsvalgte (dersom du er organisert) eller en god kollega – for å ha noen å dele tanker og sparre med i en slik prosess. Mye god og viktig kompetanse går tapt for DNV GL i slike prosesser både gjennom frivillig eller ufrivillig oppsigelse. Kartleggingen av hvilken kompetanse DNV GL ikke lenger har behov for er en viktig, men vanskelig prosess som er utarbeidet i samråd med våre 3 fagforeninger. Jeg vet at dette arbeidet til

tider har vært tungt og tidkrevende. En stor takk til de Hovedtillitsvalgte i VEFF, TEKNA og NITO for deres innsats før, under og etter disse prosessene. Også stor takk til alle de lokale verneombudene som har gjort en verdifull innsats generelt og spesielt i nedbemannings- og omstillingsprosesser.

Bygging av nytt P-hus og V3 på Høvik I tillegg til omstillings- og nedbemanningsprosessene er ansatte på Høvik også berørt av to store byggeprosjekter; nytt P-hus og nytt Veritas 3 (V3). Dette medfører at det nå er 4 «transport-kategorier» som skal ferdes på et stadig mindre areal, nemlig fotgjengere, syklister, bilister og tungtransport. Transportmønsteret kan til tider oppfattes som litt kaotisk. Den ene dagen er det skilt om at syklister og fotgjengere skal dele fortau, den andre dagen skal syklistene bruke bilveien. Gravearbeider ved vakta, P-hus 1 og 2 har ytterligere påvirket hvordan vi skal ferdes. Det er spesielt viktig å opprettholde sikkerheten til fremfor alt de myke trafikantene. I tillegg er det viktig å sørge for frie rømningsveier og gi kjennskap til midlertidig endring av disse. Alle oppfordres derfor til å følge med på informasjon som gis fra Administrasjon Norge3 i disse dager, samt overholde de skilt og sperringer som settes opp ute og inne. Dette for å ivareta alles sikkerhet på best mulig måte.


Photos: 07 Media



Meet Linda Jacobsen in Stamina Restructuring processes can be stressful, especially when there’s a high degree of uncertainty. The Company Health Services (Bedriftshelsetjenesten-BHT) is set up for employees who may wish to seek support from a neutral party in these challenging times. LIN B. KARSTEN

WHAT SERVICES DO YOU OFFER? We provide mostly individual followup services, but we are also involved in conflict situations. How we are used in such situations varies from case to case though we are certified to handle all types of conflict situations. For instance, we work not only with job-related challenges because we consider the individual in the context of his/her work situation, personal quality of life, sense of achievement and usefulness. In addition, we are focused on the relationship between manager, employee and colleagues. These are the four basic elements needed in order that one can experience a positive work environment. In today’s challenging times, there are many employees who feel that some of the key elements are missing. HOW IS THIS INFORMATION CAPTURED? Often they contact their manager who refers them to us. Sometimes they come directly to us because many people know about us or contact is made via the company doctor and/or safety delegate. Earlier, the information was also captured in the stress scans that we carried out as part of the surveys we sent out to the employees. But these are no longer carried out since employees now know about us. HOW IS THE COOPERATION WITH DNV GL? (HSE, SAFETY DELEGATES AND TRADE UNIONS) We work mainly with the company doctor and nurse as they are our main connection with HR. Also, we sometimes have direct dialogue with the unions. BHT is also represented in the AMU


and we get the relevant and necessary information from there. The annual reports convey what we have done and what we are thinking of in terms of cooperation. Further, we also have a direct line to HR when there is information that needs to be communicated. HAS THE SITUATION CHANGED FOR YOU OVER THE PAST YEAR IN TERMS OF WHAT PEOPLE NEED HELP WITH? Yes, there’s certainly been a change. However, it is not just at DNV GL because the labour market has been changing and organizations are now focusing on many more areas. The downsizing is clearly impacting the entire work environment. There are many individuals who fear losing their jobs, while the change mechanisms are being initiated. A lot of people are suffering and they’re understandably concerned with their own interests rather than seeing the bigger picture. It is a typical survival strategy. In such times, conflict situations can come about quicker and more frequently since there are, for example, more uncertainties concerning the allocation of tasks and such like. What is important to note is that BHT is neutral party. We are set up for all, including those who make decisions. CAN YOU SAY A LITTLE ABOUT WHAT EFFECT YOU THINK YOUR SERVICES HAVE WHEN IT COMES TO THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. I think our services have a positive effect. A lot of our work is based on prevention and the feedback we get is most positive. We sometimes also refer people to public healthcare when

needed. Many have benefited from our services, also in relation to better handling stress situations, which, in turn, reduces absenteeism. This is good for the individual and for DNV GL. Also, our therapy program is easily accessible for all. So yes, we think our services are valued, and especially in these challenging times when there’s a high degree of uncertainty.

Linda Jacobsen and Lill-Ann Wendel


MØT LINDA JACOBSEN I STAMINA Et av tilbudene til de ansatte i DNV GL når det er omstillinger, er Bedriftshelsetjenesten (BHT).


Hva slags tjenester tilbyr dere? Vi driver mest med individoppfølgning, men vi er også involvert i konflikthåndtering. Hvordan vi brukes her er litt forskjellig. Vi er sertifisert innenfor konflikthåndtering. Ellers jobber vi ikke bare med jobbrelaterte utfordringer, vi tenker hele individet og det i sammenheng med arbeidslivskvalitet, personlig livskvalitet, mestringsfølelse og nytteverdi. I tillegg er vi opptatt av relasjon

mellom leder/ansatt og kollegaer. De fire grunnleggende elementene som skal til for at man skal oppleve arbeidslivskvalitet. Nå i disse tider er det mange som mangler flere av elementene.

Hvordan fanges dette opp? De tar kontakt med leder og leder henviser videre. Ellers er det også fordi mange vet om oss og det opprettes kontakt via bedriftslegen og vernetjenesten. Tidligere ble det også fanget opp i stress skanningen som var en spørreundersøkelse vi sendte ut til de ansatte. Men den har vi ikke gjennomført i det siste, så nå er det mer at folk vet om oss.

Hvordan er samarbeidet med DNV GL (HMS, verneorganisasjonene, fagforeningene) Vi samarbeider hovedsakelig med bedriftslegen og sykepleier, det er de som oftest er bindeleddet med HR. Vi bruker også fagforeningene noe i direkte dialog. BHT er også representert i AMU og vi får den relevante informasjonen som er nødvending derfra. Årsrapportene formidler hva vi har gjort og hva vi tenker om samarbeidet videre. Ellers har vi direkte linje til HR når det er informasjon som må formidles videre.

Har situasjonen endret seg for dere det siste året i forhold til hva folk trenger hjelp til? Ja det har selvsagt endret seg. Det ligger ikke nødvendigvis på DNV GL, men arbeidslivet har vært i endring og i organisasjoner er det andre fokusområder enn før. Det at det er nedbemanninger, preger et helt arbeidsmiljø, de endringene merker vi godt. Det er mange individer som frykter for å miste jobben samtidig som det er alle de andre mekanismene som settes i gang. Det

blir plutselig mange flere om beinet. Man blir mye mer opptatt av individet og må fokusere mer på seg selv enn helheten. Det er en overlevelsesstrategi som er nødvendig. Dette medfører at det raskere oppstår konfliktsituasjoner, samt at det blir mer uklarheter rundt fordelingen av oppgaver etc. Det som er viktig er at vi er partsnøytrale og BHT for alle. Vi er her også for de som tar beslutninger. Åpen for alle.

Vi tenker hele individet og det i sammenheng med arbeidslivskvalitet, personlig livskvalitet, mestringsfølelse og nytteverdi Kan du si litt om hvilken effekt du tenker de tjenestene dere tilbyr har å si når det gjelder arbeidsmiljø? Jeg tenker at det virkelig har en positiv effekt. Vi jobber mye forebyggende. Det er en opplevelse av at det er til god hjelp. Det hender at vi henviser videre til offentlig helsevesen. Mange har god nytte av behandlingen og nesten alle er fornøyde. Vi opplever at vi bidrar til bedre stress mestring og det igjen forkorter sykefraværet. Vi mener det har en god effekt både for den enkelte og for DNV GL. Terapiprogrammet er et lavterskel tilbud med god tilgjengelig het og nærhet. Vi tenker absolutt at det har en god effekt og spesielt nå i disse tider med høy grad av utrygghet.



Villa times – past and present You know that a child has spent years at the kindergarten (Veritasbarnehaven) when they do not want toys for their birthday but a smoke detector for the play hut

© 07 Media

When DNV moved its headquarters from Oslo to Høvik in 1976, the agreement included new spacious offices, a vast park and two villas – one of which is now a kindergarten. ELLEN MARGRETHE PIHL KONSTAD

The new and modern office building was much welcomed by the management and staff. In addition, the area consisted of a large leisure park and the old factory buildings, which were later converted into office space, gymnasium & exercise centre and extra storage space. The VEFF office is currently located in “Støpulen” meaning bell tower. It used


to be the porter’s lodge, and the bell was used to signal the start of work to the workforce. For those of you that have visited our headquarters, the grand villa, known as “Villa Veritas” is situated next to the group administration entrance V2. It is one of the first things you see, and it serves as DNV GL’s main locale for highlevel gatherings. The second villa is not so visible and is located in the woods behind the parking house. It is the red wooden villa that houses our future – the kindergarten.

It used to be the home Arne Lien, who was the manager of Høvik Verk. It was built in 1929 and known by the name “Skogstad”. You can still see the beautiful original wooden parquet flooring, stucco ceiling and fireplaces on the ground level. It is considered by many as one of the grandest kindergartens around. In the 1970s, oil was discovered in the North Sea, industry in Norway was at an all-time high and, with this development, there was a growing need for manpower. Women started to work on a large scale and the need for a safe,


caring place for their children grew. The Kindergarten Act came into force in 1975 declaring the ground principles, but kindergartens where few and far between and a lot of families had to resort to the “dagmamma” option (day mothers – a black marked for childcare) or crèche (a 4 hour day care for outside play supervised by an adult, a challenge in a country where the winters typically are long and cold) IMPORTANT BENEFIT FOR EMPLOYEES When Egil Abrahamsen, former Chief Executive Officer of DNV, opened the kindergarten at Høvik in 1977 it was considered an important benefit and used to recruit new personnel. Thirty six (DNV) children were lucky enough that they could start in the newly renovated villa. Both local and national press covered the story.

The kindergarten quickly became very popular among the parents working at Høvik, and a system for admission was developed, based on seniority. At one time, you had to have close to 25 years of service in DNV in order to have a chance of getting your child in. (In 2012 it was down to 2 months seniority.) Over time the kindergarten was expanded, and it now consists of 4 departments and a total of 54 children. The staff is made up of a manager, a deputy manager, 4 department heads (all having a Bachelor / Master in childcare) and 8+1 assistants who all have higher education. Also, they have their own pensioner group with 3 members. The staffs tend to stay until retirement, which is not very common for kindergarten-personnel. Two of the current staff have received “Norges Vells medalje” a medal in recognition of 25 years long and faithful service.

The kindergarten administration encourages an international and multicultural grouping, which is reflected in the increasing number of nationalities taken in over the past 5 years. For instance, in the “Tyttebær” department there are currently 8 different nationalities represented. This has resulted in 3 different New Year celebrations and a variety of other national and religious celebrations. Those of you that have lunch at Høvik on special days may have witnessed such celebrations as the Lucia and Samba (carnival) processions through the canteens in V1 and V2. The kindergarten is set up as an independent organisation, though it does have a close cooperation with DNV GL. It is currently working with Country Chair and P- forum on a strategic plan for future collaboration between DNV GL and the kindergarten.

multiple people from different geographies and cultures. For a digital nomad, work stops being that physical space you go to in order to get your job done. Work is a state of mind; it is tied to what you can deliver to your customers. The work process is your own responsibility

and you need to empower yourself and gain ownership, responsibility and be accountable for the work you do. Remote workers are more flexible, agile and cost companies less in overhead cost.

Source:, SSB, DNVs Historic archive.

Digital Nomade ”We have the tools to implement a true digital working environment but we need a huge shift of thinking”, says Chairperson of VEFF, Nina Ivarsen. © iStock

The freedom and flexibility of choice to decide where your “workplace” should be is perhaps one of the most fascinating human digital revolutions we can embark on. Why do we all need to work at one location when we have work-life integration and the ability to work remotely with



VEFF membership benefits Parats kjernevirksomhet er å gi medlemmer og tillitsvalgte bistand i arbeids­ forholdet. I tillegg kan du som medlem nyte godt av en rekke andre tilbud. Bistand i arbeidsforholdet Parat bistår deg gjennom hele ditt yrkesaktive liv. Du kan være medlem selv om du bytter jobb eller om det skjer endringer på arbeidsgiversiden. Privatrettslig rådgivning Parat tilbyr begrenset privatrettslig rådgivning til sine medlemmer. Dette innebærer en times gratis konsultasjon med advokat pr år i saker som ikke berører arbeidsforholdet. Utdanningsstipend Parats utdanningsstipend er et økonomisk tilskudd til medlemmer som tar etter- og videreutdanning. Parat­butikken med profilerings­ og gaveartikler I Parat-butikken kan du bestille profileringsartikler og anerkjente merkevarer til fornuftige priser.

Medlemsblad Alle Parat-medlemmer får medlemsblad tilsendt i posten. Compendia ­ lovsamling og elektronisk oppslagsverk Raskeste og enkleste vei til de riktige svarene, privat og i arbeid. Lett forståelig språk Folkeuniversitetet 10 % avslag på kurs, begrenset oppad til 1 500 kroner.



VEFF membership benefits

Gjensidige forsikring • Innbo • Dødsfallsforsikring • Familieulykkesforsikring Gjensidige bank • Gode medlemspriser på boliglån • Det er enkelt å flytte lånet ditt • Refinansiering 10 % rabatt i YS medlemskort med MasterCard • Kredittgrense på inntil kr 75.000 • Gratis reise- og avbestillingsforsikring • Gebyrfri nettbank • Ingen årsavgift • Tilbud og rabatter Bensinkort • 50 øre pr liter i drivstoffrabatt hos Esso • 20 % rabatt på bilvask, • Ingen årsavgift eller gebyr ved kjøp • Valgfri PIN-kode SAS EuroBonus Classic American Express® Card • Kr 90,- i årsavgift • 1 000 EuroBonus Ekstrapoeng ved kontoopprettelse • 10 EuroBonus Ekstrapoeng per kr 100 brukt med kortet • Reiseforsikring

Strøm YS tilbyr medlemmene «grønn» strøm gjennom sin spotavtale med Gudbrandsdal Energi



VEFF membership benefits

DFDS Seaways • Gunstige priser på kurs og konferanser. • Rabatt på reiser Color Line 10 % rabatt på grunnprisen for en 3-stjerner innvendig lugar for avreise 2016. Rabatten gjelder på 2-døgns cruise alle dager hele året.

Leiebil 20 % rabatt på stasjonspris. Ring Avis reservasjonskontor på tlf. 815 33 044. Husk å oppgi YS sitt AWD nr. X199101 Overnatting 20 % weekendrabatt på Nordic Choice Hotels Norge. 10 % weekendrabatt i Sverige, Danmark og Baltikum. Overnatting Kr 150 i rabatt pr rom pr døgn på weekendpris hos Scandic. Ønsker du å bestille på telefon må kode D000035139 oppgis. Overnatting Weekendpris på kr 875 for dobbeltrom pr natt ved ledig kapasitet hos Thon Hotels. For å få denne rabatten må det bestilles på nett.




Membership benefits VEFF was established more than 37 years ago. We are an employee organisation only for employees in DNV GL, with almost 1,100 members in Norway. • VEFF offers membership to workers in all groups in DNV GL – also management.We work for a non-discriminatory workplace. • VEFF organises some 50% of the civil engineers and engineers in DNV GL in Norway. • VEFF members are ensured participation and influence in their own work. • VEFF is headquartered at Høvik, with representatives in all the 19 DNV GL offices in Norway. • VEFF is a knowledgeable and learning organisation that is adapted to future challenges in the workplace.

• VEFF sees all its members as knowledge workers, and aims to protect each member locally. • VEFF will in the coming period be a clear voice for members’ interests, enabling all members to experience a sense of belonging in a common culture. • The chairperson in VEFF is a member of EWC (European Works Council) and GEF (Global Employee Forum). • The chairperson in GEF is also a member of the CR (Corporate Responsibility) Board.

VEFF board reelected The VEFF Board, from top left: Nina Ivarsen, Lin Beate Karsten, Eirik Edland Pedersen, Pia Fagernes, Hilde Sofie Hustad, Camilla Wiik, Marit Cruickshanks.

MEDLEMSFORDELER VEFF ble etablert for over 37 år siden. Vi er en fagforening kun for arbeidstakere i DNV GL, og vi har nesten 1100 medlemmer i Norge. CAMILLA WIIK

VEFFs medlemsfordeler • VEFF organiserer alle profesjoner og fagområder i DNV GL Norge – også ledere. Vi arbeider for et ikkediskriminerende arbeidsmiljø. • VEFF organiserer nesten halvparten av sivilingeniørene i DNV GL i Norge. • VEFFs medlemmer er sikret med­ bestemmelse og påvirkning. • VEFFs kontor ligger sentralt på Høvik, med lokal representasjon på alle DNV GLs 19 kontorer i Norge. • VEFF er en kunnskaps- og lærings­ organisasjon som tilpasser seg endringer og utviklingen i fremtiden. • VEFF ser på alle medlemmer som kunnskapsmedarbeidere og har som mål å støtte dem lokalt.

• VEFF skal være talerør for de ansatte og beskytte deres interesser. • VEFFs leder er også medlem av EWC (European Works Concil) og leder i GEF (Global Employee Forum). • VEFFs leder er også medlem av CR (Corporate Responsibility) Board.

Gode forsikringsbetingelser Visste du at Gjensidige har fått bedre betingelser fra 1. januar i år? Som medlem i VEFF er det mye å spare på avtalen vi har med dem. Ring Gjensidige på tlf 03100, eller gå til K ­ ontakt VEFF-kontoret hvis du ønsker å få en brosjyre tilsendt.

Ny medlemsfordel: YS hytteinnbo Fra 1. januar 2016 kan du forsikre innbo på hytta for 450 kroner i året. YS Hytte-innbo dekker skader på innbo med inntil 500.000 kroner. Forsikringen gir erstatning for alle skader på innbo som skyldes brann, vann, tyveri. naturskade, mus og gnagere. I tillegg dekker den uhellskader, som f.eks. at noe velter og knuser. Egenandel er 200 kroner. Ta kontakt med Gjensidige på tlf 03100 for mer informasjon.


© Edith Berthelsen Vistung

© VEFF 06-2016. Front cover photo: iStock. Editor: Nina Ivarsen. Design and layout: 07 Media 1605-005



Hvordan bli medlem av VEFF

How to become a VEFF member

• Kontakt veff-kontoret: • Du finner også informasjon på

• Contact the VEFF office: • You will also find useful information on

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