VEDERE International May/June 2020

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10. Use videos to communicate more extensively with your audience. They help us connect more effectively with the outside world. 11. Promote and share all the actions you are taking against the pandemic, such as donations made or conversion to make masks or other protective equipment. 12. If you have a press office, share what media says about you even on social media: it’s a way to increase your reputation. 13. Publish motivational quotes, inspiration stories and practical tools. 14. Use multiple social channels and different formats. The combination of both short and long formats will help brands maintain a close affinity with their audience during these unprecedented times. 15. Finally, for the editorial planning of the coming months, consider that the elements of this pandemic could remain.

Never to be done 1. You should refrain from using language that could cause fear or appear as if you were capitalizing on the chaos (e.g. “End of days for sale!” or “Limited time offer! Coronavirus!”). Fear-based marketing may be effective in the immediate term, but it is certainly harmful in the long run. 2. There are a lot of quotes and hilarious examples of “COVID-19 survival” on socials at the moment. Keep those jokes on personal feeds, not corporate feeds. It’s a very challenging time for everyone, so it’s critical to ensure that your strategy is thoughtful, empathetic and supportive at all times. 3 . Avoid messages that might make it appear that you are exploiting the crisis rather than providing value to the public. For example, if you offer financial services, it is not a good idea to advertise yourself, rather, you could provide useful and comforting advice about what is really happening in the markets.

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