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Vanessa Lane

Professor Padgett

ENGL 11OI 11125113

Writing: The Trials and Tribulations of a Stgdent

To me, and to most othbrs I suppose, reading aud writing go hand in hand. I've gone through my own trials and tribulalions with the two over the years and quite frankly I wish I could just avoid them all together. I'm sure many people would like to avoid reading and as well but unfortunately we pannot.


Writin& as well as reading, is sometbing that we all need

throughout our lives, no matter how painful it can be. So, throughout this essay I will

ry to

explain the things I've learned about writing, explain what good and bad writing is to me, as well as

try to analyze my very own writingr

Comment [,qPll: Cm you be more specific now so that the reader has a clearer sense of the direction this will be taking?

Let's start by talking about how impofiant writing, and reading, is in my life. Well when I was very young


used to lave to read and

writing wasn't too bad either. I would read all the time

and actually enjoy it, I evea won an award or two for reading back in the day; iit:s qhockirâ‚Ź



Thqrl qqnlglhing happened and eyerylt{ng weq!.sou!h; ryading1qrygd inlq qfrcadaghq and

Qommsnt IAPII: why would thir be shocking?

writing was like pulling teeth. While this is still true today, they are both still very important in my life. They let me communicate with others and express myself through spsaking, on paper, and on the internet. They are so important because ultimately

I can't live without them.

Lane2 When it comes to rariting, it can be either good or bad. What makes something good

writing and what makes something bad writing all depends on the person. Everyone has their own individual opinion on what qualifies as good and bad writing. These ideas can derive from many differerrt places or people. I think I got my idea of good and bad writing from all of my

English teachers over the years by seeing what they like papers to look like and how they judge

work. For fne personally good writing is something that

has good grammar and spelling"



piece of writing has a lot of grammar and spelling issues then it gets hard to understand and makes the piece

virtually unreadabli. Another thlqg thal makes something gogd



comment [AP3I:


whether it flows or not. What'I mean by tlow is that it has good transitions from paragraph to paragraph and is easy to follow all throughout the entire pieces ofwriting. Ifwhat you're reading

doesn't flow well, or at all, then it will be hard to read and hard to gra$p what the author is try to get across. The next main thing that really sets good writing apart from the bad is whether the

whole piece is on topic. If the author goes offtopic from what the work is supposed to be written on then it just gets conlusing and hard to understand. So overall, for me, good writing is lsomething that is clear, coherent and understandable; you shouldn'I be confused while reading

somethin!. O4 lhe other hand, bad wr!t]4g is basicallythe exact opposite. If yol get confuqed by what your reading and don't know what's happening in it at all then it is for the most part bad

writing. So,

I've never been too good at analyzing my own writing. I think it's hard for anyone,

professional author or student, to really analyze their own work. When you are the writer it's hard to really pick apart what you've done. You could either be very critical about what you've

written and think it's all terrible or you could be too confident and think it's amazing. That's why

it's best to get other people to edit your work because they will give you the honest truth on

Comment [AP4I: At what point is this the write/s responsibility and at what point is this the reade/s responsibility?

Lane 3 whether it's terrible or magnificent. So for me personally, I've always been my own worst critic, especially when it comes to writing. I've never thought I was any good at it whatsoever. So when

it comes to writing there me rules that I usually follow such as: grammar rules, always have a clear thesis in the introduction, always have an intro and conclusion, stay on topic, use the correct language for your audience, etc. While I try to follow all these rules it doesn't always

work out. For instance, "While Oceania is very unique and different there are a lot of similarities that the real life dictators did as wel1."(Orwell's Oceania -Lane), this sentence from one of my past essays doesnot make much sense at all

with some grammar issues. As well

"It would the community grow together

one."(Poverfy Solution Proposal -Lane), just like the



this sentence,

previous one I mentioned, it doesn't make sense. Both ofthese sentences prove that I should

proof read better whenwer I write a papert 1 qan see that my llT iting has groryq oyq !!me, I can see

Comment [APsl: lf you had the chan.e to redo it,. what would you ds, specifically?

growth in it from just ayear ago to now. Here is a sample of something fiom about a year


uMany people think it is wrong to use ths cells ftom an ombryo to help s&ve someone's

life. They find it wong and immoral. A lot of people think it is killing so{neone and as end one person's



life to save another. But in all reality it isjustthe opposite.r (Ethical

Issues and Stem Cell Research -Lane)

This is a small excerpt from a paper I wrote my senior year ofhigh school on stem cell research. To me this paper just seems so young and narve rlike


middle schooler wrote it. It also seems like

I wrote it really quick in five minutes. which I honestly might have. Now, here is a more recent

Coftment [AP6]: what, speciflcally, you this impression?

example of something I've written:


Lane 4

*Along with oppo*unities and hard worh Gladwell gives us his thoughts on intelligence as

well. He talks a lot about IQ's and being intelligent, he also tells us about some

intelligent people who were very successful and some who weren't so successful. Gladwell ultimately says that intelligence isn't everything. Just because someone is incredibly smar! doesn't mean they'll tre a huge success or if they're not so smart then they won't be successful. rGnk+pe*ivelgLglplgliyg Essay -Lane)

To me, this excerpt lrom this semester is a lot better than the first excerpt. I think it sounds more mature like I actually put some thought into it. Compared to the bil from thg senior year essay,

this one is written befter and I am more proud of it. With my writing I always


to make


[AP[: How, specifically, did you infer {or imply since you are the writer) maturity, as you say? Comment

coherent and on topic. With that said you would think that I would qualifu my own writing as good u,riting, but that's the exact opposite, I never have mrd probable never will see my writing as good no matter

how many people like it and tell me it's good. I've always been somewhat

insecure about my writing. This is because it's has never really been my strong poiat or ever came easy to me. So when Stephen

out of a bad writer."(King


King says, "...it is impossible to make

a competent


a2), ]maybe he's not totally wron$. But in thq gnd, I always slick wiltr

my rules and take the corrections I'm given in order to make my wdting as good as I can make

it. So in conclusion,

writing, reading


well, is a big part of my life. It's never been my

sffong suit or my favorite thing to do but it's is still a pretty big deal. I can't live without it and I

can't avoid it as much as I would really like to avoid it all together. Also, good and bad writing are both based on personal opinions where as good

writing to me is coherent and on topic while

it could be something totally different to someone else. Additionally, although analyzing one's own work is quite difficult, I was abls to do so as well as compare my past work to my more

Comment [AP8l: what do you think? And

why do you think this? I feel like you're leaving the reader hanging here a little.

Lane 5

recent work. Doing so has helped me to really ctitique myself without being too harsh. This analysis will definitely make me grow as awriter and make my work stronger. Maybe one day in the future



paper won't be all that difficult for me.


You have an interesting paper here, and I reallv like the personal narrative vou include here' The

narrative reallv allows the reader the insight into who you are as a writer. I am a little lost with respect to what your central thesis is. The paper seems to be drifting betureen vaguelv similar topics with no particular direction or unified meaning or sense of purpose. You should be savlng something here. ldo think vou make terrific use ol textual evidence to have a conversation about vour views on writins and how vour personal writing has evolved. Like I said. vour abilitv to connect with your reader thoush vour narrative voice is a great asset, but I need that sense of purpose, a stronq unifvinq thesis.

Lane 6



King, Stephen. Anfirttittg-Nax Yorlc $oribn*r,2000. Frint


Lane, Vrressa..&'r&fo4l Istte,s onStemCell Research


Lane, Vanessa lrterpretive Essay


L,ane, Vanessa


Larrc, Vmessa Powrry Solatton Proposal

Orwell's Oceania

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