V&P Community Magazine November/December 2022

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“It’s All In The Paper. Keeping It A Cut Above.”

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine wants to tell you, our readers, thank you for your continuous support in helping us to expand. As such, we are pleased to announce that because of you, we are growing while continuing to bring you quality reading at its best. We’re reaching NEW heights with the enhanced materials and appearance of the Vision & Purpose Community Magazine’s printed version. Let us know how much you enjoy the improved look and feel. You can email us at info@vandpmediaproductions.com or text to 202-904-1000.

Inspirational Moments Pg. 6 Beyond The Veil

Business & Entrepreneurship pg. 14 The V&P Holiday Season Report

Business & Entrepreneurship Young Professionals pg. 16 Young Professionals are Changing the Game


Health & Wellness pg. 20 Caring for the Caregiver During the Holidays

Education Is Key pg. 26 Mindset- How We Show Up

Community Outreach pg. 38 Monthly Commemoratives

Authors Speak pg. 40 An Author’s Voice in Written Format

All Things Fashion pg. 46 What's Your Holiday Fashion Self-Care, Acts of Kindness

Arts & Media pg. 52 Q&A with Jayden Ford

Cover Story pg. 30 "Community is EVERYWHERE!!" Youth Community Hero pg. 10 Community News Flash pg. 44 Birthday Shutouts pg. 56

Contributing Writers November/December 2022 Issue Marjorie Middleton Karen McConnell-Jones Jason Greene Kyonna F. Brown Michelle DeMarcia Davis Antonio “Tony T” Turner Martina Turner VPCM

Editor-In-Chief Marjorie Middleton Deputy Editors Seth Washington Karen McConnell-Jones Director of Graphics & Design Krystal Glenn Director of Sales Karen McConnell-Jones Photographer Rogers Polk Photography Layout & Design Michelle DeMarcia Davis Alexis Tabler

If you are interested in writing for Vision and Purpose Community Magazine, send a writing sample and which column you are interested in to info@vandpmediaproductions.com

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The V&P Team is here to be a positive voice for our community through the stories that we share in our magazine. In addition, we provide services for our community to continue to help build our community . . . One Vision and One Purpose at a time. For service and pricing please contact us at info@vandpmediaproductions.com

Karen McConnell-Jones Karen Clay Dominique Massaquoi Michael Atcherson Jason Greene Kyonna Fields Brown Marjorie Middleton Antonio Turner Martina Turner Seth Washington Belinda Stevenson Anthony Cooper Zannie McNeil III Michelle DeMarcia Davis Alexis Tabler

Inspirational Speaker & Business Development Consultant (Marketing & Branding Specialist) Website Designer Photographer Photographer Chef & Catering Service Inspirational Speaker & Social Media Specialist Writer & Editor Hair Stylist & Hair Care Products Hair Stylist & Hair Care Products Vocal Artist & Master of Ceremony Speaker & Co-host Audio Engineer IT Specialist Virtual Assistant/Graphic Design Graphic Design

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Inspirational Moments

Beyond The Veil By: Marjorie Middleton For times such as these, live life beyond the veil. The meaning of living beyond the veil is to be in this world, but not a part of it. You are in total submission to Christ. The veil of the temple illustrated the division between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. For informational purposes, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies refer to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God’s presence appeared. Hebrew tradition reports that the area had four pillars that held up the veil of the covering. Under the veil the Ark of the Covenant was held. The Ark holds the most sacred items of biblical times. The symbolism of living beyond the veil for us, is to be able to enter into a holy atmosphere and experience the presence of God. In his presence we are able to go beyond this world and beyond scripted religious practices. It is our time to worship and enjoy God on our own, in an intimate and close proximity. In his presence we are able to go beyond sin and problems and into the fullness of joy with the Lord. When we take time, living beyond the veil, to pursue the purity of God we are able to seek the purpose he has for our existence and peep the vision he has for our lives. What a beautiful opportunity! “while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18. I am so excited about the promises of God; the way he loves me, the way he leads me. This world is temporary! The world shows us the ordinary, even though we take for granted the beauty of it. God shows us why he created this world. God is eternal; live beyond the veil where you may not be able to physically see but God will give you visions and instructions. Living beyond the veil will remind you that there is a future after our time on earth. Let’s live to get there! Sometimes on this journey we lose focus. Not that the things we find ourselves captivated by are not important, we just cannot allow those things to come before God. I’m speaking to myself when I realize it’s time to draw even closer to my first love, Jesus. Daily in my prayer time, work time, leisure time, I must remember that the most important function of my fleshly temple is to be a consecrated spot, a sacred place. The sanctuary is my soul. Within my soul lay the keys for eternal life. So, each and every day I ask for forgiveness, even if I’m not sure why. Each and every day I lay my weaknesses, known and unknown, before him. Each and every day I approach the throne, the holy of holies, the holy place. I want to live beyond the veil.

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The times spent with Christ are precious. Seek God’s grace and approval during these times and you cannot go wrong. He knows where your heart is and understands and forgives your mistakes and will ALWAYS point you in the right direction. Hide in him. Trust him. “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (ESV).”Guard me as you would guard your own eyes. Hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (NLT). What a wonderful and mighty God! A few things to consider: We have hope of entering God’s presence for eternity, but must also remember that we are in his presence now. Life tries to pull us away from God each and every second of the day. Our anchor is his being with us. Every instance of his being here is to remind us of how much he loves us and wants us to be with him here on earth and thru eternity. Those reminders are of when he saved you from a car accident, when he blessed you with a child or filled you with his holy spirit. After three years of marriage I was pregnant. My former husband and I were very happy about the pregnancy and decided at that time it was time to stop going out to clubs and hanging out. We wanted a good life for our upcoming child. We started attending a Pentecostal church and four months before our son was born, I received the holy ghost/holy spirit. What a joyful and other-worldly (heavenly) experience. Living for God has since been a focal point of my life. This was my reminder of how much God loves me, how much he values communication with me and how he is committed to keeping his promises in my life. Thank you, Lord. Think of the times you have been beyond the veil. When you are singing about the goodness of Jesus or praising his name in song do you feel his presence? When you’re praying for a miracle, do you stop and consider the requests he’s answered? About 16 years ago my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The prognosis seemed bleak. But, God! My mom and dad, sisters and brother (4) and our children (12) got together to pray for my father. I led the prayer and it turned out to be a word from God. We would see miracles. He went thru surgery and was cancer free afterwards. Trust the promises of God. Go beyond the veil for your answers! Thank you, Lord.

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God is patient with humanity. We should rejoice in that. God waits patiently for humanity to come to him in repentance. Choose to live close to him, beyond the veil. I thank God every day for being patient with me, for being patient with this world. We are so easily influenced by our surroundings. Mankind and the enemy certainly do their part to distract each of us. Be prayerful, be on high alert at all times. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8 (KJV). A few verses from the song Beyond the Veil, a song by Daryl Coley: For every door now opened, Every pathway cleared. Lord I thank you For every one of my needs You’ve already supplied, I praise you Yet there is one thing my soul longs for Is to worship you face to face Your glory Seated on your throne in majesty and power I lay prostrate before you, Oh my king In this place of sweet communion This is my earnest prayer. Lord, this is my earnest plea Bid me, come ye beyond the veil …Now I’m standing in your presence, face to face Beyond the veil Take some time to get beyond the veil. Reach out to Christ, he is there for all of us. There is peace, there is purpose, there is joy!

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Youth Community Hero Youth Community Hero By Michelle DeMarcia Davis

Hero means a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Community means a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristics in common. Youth means the period between childhood and adult age. Being in a family full of wonderful children as well as a substitute teacher, I'm blessed to be surrounded by a lot of amazing youth community heroes. They fuel me and remind me of our universe's bright future. We must all remember to pass on our wisdom that we've been given and be patient as God is with us as we grow. My Youth Community Heroes for this issue are my nephew Jadon DeMarcia and twin sons Malik Davis and Mikal Davis. They inspired me to take a new direction to start Live Live Child Care for a summer. It was short lived but an enjoyable stepping stone to other purposes. When I see how smart, helpful, kind, creative, resourceful and respectful these boys growing in to men are I'm excited to see the positive difference they will continue to make in our communities. These young men are princes growing into their kingdom and most importantly they're on the right track; healthy, God led and loving. They show chivalry, compassion and integrity. I know that with those attributes, they're ready to make a difference in the world. Please be sure to remind your youth of their worth and value.

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Michelle DeMarcia Davis (MDD): What is your name and how old are you? Malik Davis (MD): My name is Malik Davis and I am 12 years old. MDD: Give just three words to describe yourself MD: Smart, Amazing and Creative. MDD: What grade are you in and what school do you attend? MD: I am in the 7th grade. I was at WWMS, now I'm at OCA. MDD: What is your favorite subject in school? MD: Gateway Technology. "It is a series of Pre-Engineering courses designed to introduce middle school students to multiple engineering disciplines. Medical Detectives (an introduction to biomedical engineering and careers), Design and Modeling (an introduction to the engineering design process) and Automation and Robotics (an introduction to mechanisms and computer programming)." MDD: Who is your role model and why? MD: Martin Luther King Jr and God because I want to make a positive change and difference in the world. MDD: What do you like about being a youth? MD: I don't have that many responsibilities yet. MDD: What is the hard part about being a youth? MD: Not being able to be independent.

MDD: What are your special talents/gifts? MD: My special talent is drawing, playing the viola and creating things. MDD: What community services do you do? MD: Making things for soldiers, senior citizens, cleaning up the community, donating and fundraising. MDD: What does community mean to you? MD: Community means people that come together to put together a bigger picture. MDD: What do you love about your family? MD: I love that they are always there for me. MDD: What is your favorite family time? MD: Watching movies and doing activities. MDD: What do you want to be when you grow up? MD: When I grow up I want to be an Actor and/or Chef. MDD: What else would you like to say? MD: This test was very difficult lol. 11 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Michelle DeMarcia Davis(MDD) What is your name and how old are you? Mikal Davis (MD): My name is Mikal Davis and I’m 12 years old. MDD: Give just three words to describe yourself. MD: Awesome, Amazing and Talented. MDD: What grade are you in and what school do you attend? MD: I’m in the 7th grade. I was at WWMS, now I'm at OCA. MDD: What is your favorite subject in school? MD: Math this year. MDD: Who is your role model and why? MD: Labron James, my mom and my dad because they help me figure out and do stuff. MDD: What do you like about being a youth? MD: Everything.

MDD: What is the hard part about being a youth? MD: Having to wait to be a YouTuber. MDD: What are your special talents/gifts? MD: Good at gaming and smart at Math. MDD: What community services do you do? MD: Making cards for soldiers, senior citizens, cleaning up the community, donating and fund raising. MDD: What does community mean to you? MD: One big area of people. MDD: What do you love about your family? MD: That they are nice kind and wonderful. MDD: What is your favorite family time? MD: All the time. MDD: What do you want to be when you grow up? MD: Gamer, Technician and YouTuber.

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MDD: What else would you like to say? MD: Everything is great.

Michelle DeMarcia Davis(MDD) What is your name and how old are you? Jadon DeMarcia (JD): My name is Jadon and I'm 13 years old. MDD: Give just three words to describe yourself. JD: Smart, Friendly and Amazing. MDD: What grade are you in and what school do you attend? JD: I'm in 8th grade and I'm from PCMS. MDD: What is your favorite subject in school? JD: Power Up Class because it helps me with my reading to get better for testing and the state test. MDD: Who is your role model and why? JD: My role model is my mom because she is amazing for all the things she does. MDD: What do you like about being a youth? JD: What I like being a youth is that I can have fun and don't have that much stress. MDD: What is the hard part about being a youth? JD: The hard part of being a youth is not have respect sometimes. MDD: What are your special talents/gifts? JD: My special talent is music, art and gaming.

MDD: What community services do you do? JD: Clean up the park, donate can goods, raise money and write cards to soldiers and senior citizens. MDD: What does community mean to you? JD: Community means people and people around where you live MDD: What do you love about your family? JD: What I love about my family is they help me when I have trouble and they always have my back MDD: What is your favorite family time? JD: My favorite is having fun and relaxing. MDD: What do you want to be when you grow up? JD: What I want to be when I grow up is being a YouTuber and a Chef. MDD: What else would you like to say? JD: What else I would like to say is I like playing video games. 13 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Business & Entrepreneurship The V&P Holiday Season Business Report By Karen McConnell-Jones As we are approaching the holiday season let’s take a look at our economy and see where we stand. We still find ourselves in a unique situation this season even though this will be our third holiday season since the COVID-19 Pandemic. The economy is showing signs of some slight improvement and yes, we are being hopeful that the economy is headed in the right direction. However, despite the economy slowly moving forward, we are still experiencing some businesses feeling the effect of financial hardship and now finding themselves in a position of starting to have to pay back the PPP loans. Reports show that the holiday travels will be back in full swing this season as we had experienced a decrease the last two seasons due to COVID. In fact, the traditional holiday celebrations that we are used to having with big family gatherings, office parties, private restaurant parties and/or any other large group gatherings are on the rise this year. More invites have been sent out, venues are being booked, and caterers are back to catering all the private holiday events. The estimation is that retail shopping, especially online shopping will still be at an all-time high again. Americans are getting a jump on early shopping to avoid last minute difficulties and last minute higher shipping fees. Of course Amazon is amongst the top leading online places to shop during this holiday season, followed by Walmart. It is also being reported that in-person shopping will pick back up this year, as stores are planning some unique deals for Black Friday to welcome back in-person shopping.

The needs for charitable organizations to receive donations are in demand for this holiday season. The struggle for area food banks and other outreach organizations to stay plentiful has been hard, as food and gas pricing are steadily rising. Families are in need of our support and the food drive giveaways. So, please let us make a conscious effort to support our local food and toy drive. V&P Media Productions will be having our annual food and toy drive. To make a donation or to be a volunteer, please email us at info@vandpmediaproductions.com or contact Karen McConnell-Jones at 202-904-1000. 14 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

V&P Five Gift Rule When shopping for your loved ones' perfect gifts what should we know before going shopping and what should we be doing to have fewer returns afterwards? We all know how dreadful it can be when it comes to returning grifts. Never guess on the person's size when buying clothes. Listen well as your loved ones will drop hints on what they want. Get them something they really need. Stop waiting until the last minute. The best one of all, make sure you get a gift receipt so the return process will be easier.

V&P Holiday Season Top Ten Trending Products Wireless Earbuds 3-in-1 Charger Stations (Cell phone, earbuds, and phone watches) The Latest Cell Phone (Androids or iPhone) Cell Phone Stand Cloud Slides Slippers Compact Air Fryer Mini Waffle Maker Lounge Chair Massager The Newest Fitbit Exercise Equipment

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Business & Entrepreneurship Young Professionals Young Professionals are Changing the Game By Karen McConnell-Jones

Today’s Young Professionals are changing the game in the workforce as we know it. Bringing us fresh new energy with more flair for the advancement of technology. With the need of today’s society to be more audiovisual as well as to employ more virtual media messaging, our Young Professional Alexis Tabler has truly mastered the art of this era that we are now in.

Alexis is the owner of AssistantTouch based here in Prince George’s County, Maryland. She is the daughter of John and Lisa Tabler, and loving sister to Jonathan and Joshua Tabler. Alexis has been a Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant for the past three years, and now she is proud to be a full-time business owner. Alexis helps businesses by performing all of the duties that they may not be fond of or find overwhelming. She provides businesses and/or individuals with the assistance they need to help reduce some of the workload. Therefore, they can continue to focus on the growth and expansion of the business.

This young professional truly enjoys putting a smile on her customers faces as she takes away the heavy lifting of the day-to-day operations. “I began my job as an executive assistant at my closest friend Natalie’s firm, "Stratejenk," where I worked for three years. I worked with and handled many customer accounts there. She urged me one day to start my own business, which terrified me since I was afraid that I would fail. I had all the skills and expertise, but I put it off for three years until Natalie handed me a laptop on the condition that I use it to work for my company. I began preparing and gathering all of my resources in preparation for the launch of AssistantTouch. And on January 19, 2022, I introduced AssistantTouch to the business world. I’ve been in business for eleven months now. I am really thrilled and appreciative of how far I’ve come since January. I can honestly say that I love serving an array of service providers. So far in my Social Media Virtual Assistant business, I have worked with hairstylists, a dance studio, doula, pop up shop, lash tech, a minister, and a couple of other service providers!" 16 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

“AssistantTouch is here to provide exceptional services to our customers, which includes calendar management, appointment scheduling, content production, and business development, just to name a few of our areas of expertise. We can promise that we adore carrying out any tasks that may not be the customer’s forte! We offer our customers a variety of packages and services in an effort to best satisfy their needs, while staying within their budget. We offer affordable services to our customers, so that they may live stress-free and to the fullest.” Alexis believes that we can bridge the gap between progressive young professionals and traditional experienced professionals by gaining perspective of what we can benefit from one another, and recognize that everyone has a range of professional abilities. Statistics state, there are over 28 million young professionals in the workforce between the ages of 18 to 34. Alexis shared some of the challenges that a young professional has to face in today’s workplace and what can be done to help alleviate some of the stress. She feels, yes, there will be stress in the workplace and yes, that’s something young professionals will have to encounter as there's no way around it.

Understanding that they have a lot on their plates, including finances, a desire for less work, desire for a social life, and many other things while attempting to balance their leisure time and mental health, young professionals want to earn the most money possible as they are willing to put in the work. Certainly, they have a lot of issues to contend with, as Alexis feels it's difficult to discuss just a few of the issues or even one in particular. However, being an entrepreneur, or even simply a young adult, surely one would have to adjust to it all. Alexis advises, we must take a day to ourselves to unwind and just to take care of us. Speaking from experience and of what works for her, “For the sake of your mental health, you can’t be a superhero, you can’t be everywhere at once, and it’s more than okay to take a day or even the weekend to unplug for the sake of keeping balance in your life and sustaining mental stability!”

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Having a strong support system is essential in keeping work-life balance. “Yes, my support system, as well as my two main role models and sources of inspiration are my mother, Lisa, and my best friend, Natalie. My mother has always been an entrepreneur when I was growing up. She always had a business, and regardless of whether it was successful or not, she always gave it her all. My best friend Natalie encouraged me to start my own business; without her support, AssistantTouch would not have been feasible. Natalie also owns two of her own companies, which is truly inspiring. Both of these people provide me with daily inspiration and motivation to keep going in the face of challenges. Natalie and mom, I am sincerely grateful for your love and encouragement.

Mommy's girl Also, I am truly thankful to be featured in the V&P Community Magazine and seeing firsthand the work that they do in the community, while providing a positive platform for our voice to be heard. This has allowed me to not be scared to speak out for what's right in our community. I will continue to respect the work of our elders, yet I will say to everyone that we must continue the hard work of our elders in order to begin to transform the world change. We must begin with ourselves, if we wish to see any change of any size. World change never begins large; it always begins small, so don't wait to act on that brilliant idea you have.”

As for AssistantTouch, Alexis continues to be thrilled when she sees the smiles on her customer’s faces, that’s what really makes her happy. She enjoys helping others take the draining tasks off of their plates so they can prosper. Alexis absolutely loves being a helping hand to customers, family, friends, and her community. This is what keeps her going.

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Health & Wellness Caring for the Caregiver During the Holidays Kyonna F. Brown

Caregivers are a very important part of the world and yet they are rarely recognized for the awesome contributions they make to the community. In my experience, it can be a very stressful roller coaster. Many caregivers deal with depression, stress and feeling overwhelmed. My question is, who cares for the caregiver? Most likely there’s no one. Well, let’s recognize all the caregivers across the globe. November is National Caregivers Month. Did you know that over half of caregivers are women. Some are even children. As a result, a lot of them neglect their own healthcare needs because of the responsibility of being a caregiver. Statistics show about 70 percent of caregivers do little to no self care. If this is the case, then that means another group of people is being developed who will need care. This means a vicious cycle is being created. Long story short, there will always be a need for caregivers. 20 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Since this is the case, for those of us who are not direct caregivers, let’s help support those who have this amazing task. Many have lost relationships because of the support they offer to others. Human connections are vital for social needs in our lives. Extend a call, a text, a hug or even just a smile. We are entering an exciting season. All throughout the world the holidays are a whimsical time for families. During this season there is decorating, preparation of meals, baking sweets and preparing gifts for the Christmas tree. All the while, caregivers are still cleaning up messes, feeding others, some are getting fussed at, and being on call all around the clock. Honestly, they may not even acknowledge the holidays because of the constant work they know they have ahead. Now, they also may have to deal with decorations and planning to have a family event or taking their loved one to an event.

This season let’s be helpful to the caregiver. We can be more conscious of their needs while they’re caring for our loved ones. Ask If They Need Help Offer Them Time Away Cooks Meals For Them Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Sacrifice Let Them Know You Care By Asking How They’re Doing Often, caregivers may need to become a part of a community of individuals who experience what they are enduring. Offering them a solution to relieve stress with others who truly understand what they are going through could be a vital part of their sanity. This holiday season let's not just think about the dinner and gifts, but think about all of those who may be stressed with life because they are juggling their lives while trying to care for a loved one. This year, become the present that gives peace of mind. If you know a caregiver or you are a caregiver, NationalToday.com has a toolkit for caregivers. “Download the Circle of Care Mental Health Toolkit. Sponsored by the National Alliance for Caregiving, the toolkit covers topics including taking care of yourself, getting an accurate diagnosis, communicating with healthcare professionals, finding community services, finding providers, and more. This month, the resources you need are just a click away.” (NationalToday.com) 21 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Health & Wellness

Nutritional Values in the Senior Community By Chef Jason R Greene

Nutritional values in the Senior Community is a very interesting topic. This community was hit the hardest by COVID-19 and is the most fragile, making their nutrition incredibly important. First and foremost, all seniors should move as much as possible, the benefits from daily exercise and activity can have amazing physical & mental benefits. Seniors that are more stationary, develop more health-related issues. Studies have shown that close to half of all seniors in the United States take five or more drugs every day. Seniors should have a full understanding of their medications, along with the benefits of certain foods and vitamins to help supplement the medications they are taking. As a rule of thumb, the more drugs they are taking the more likely a negative interaction can arise. Some common foods that can negatively interact with medications are leafy greens, grapefruits and related citrus, but there are many others. Some sodium-substitutes that seniors use in place of salt, can affect blood potassium levels, as can plain old black licorice. Tyramine, which is an amino acid that helps regulate blood pressure, is found in tons of foods such as hot dogs, draft beer and even sharp cheddar cheese. This helpful amino acid can become deadly when combined with medications for Parkinson’s and depression. Coffee, which is a popular drink amongst seniors, on one hand is a good thing because regular consumption within moderation is said to have a very positive effect on reducing age-related cognitive declines. An 8oz serving can provide key vitamins such as: B1, B2, B3, B5 and Folate or B9, as well as minerals such as manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. These nutritional contents help their bodies ward off major diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Parkinson’s. A drawback of coffee for seniors is that certain medications combined with coffee on a daily basis can form a harmful combination. It’s best to discuss specific consumption with their healthcare professional. Excessive consumption could turn those positive effects into negative effects. It’s recommended that decaffeinated coffee, which still has trace amounts of caffeine in it, should be the beverage of choice. 22 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Vitamin D is by far the most important supplement for seniors. Not naturally found in many foods, but the body produces it by converting direct sunlight into an active form of the nutrient. This vitamin has three major benefits: 1) helps bones by increasing bone mass density, 2) reduces fractures and bone pain while improving mobility, and 3) can function as supplemental energy when consumed properly. It also helps to regulate positive cell growth reducing the risk of infections, certain cancers and diabetes.

Being a chef and having parents that are seniors, I find that I have a responsibility of knowing and understanding that seniors should always remember to choose foods that are high in fiber and low in sodium or salt. A senior’s plate of food should represent colors of a rainbow because bright colored foods are always healthier. Their meals should include lean proteins such as lean meats, seafood and beans; fruits and vegetables that are bright in color such as red, orange, and green or purple; whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta. These items are more so found on the outer perimeter of supermarkets in the produce, meat and dairy sections. It’s a known fact that the children are our future, but without healthy and well-nourished seniors the necessary link to our history becomes lost.

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Education Is Key MINDSET How We Show Up By Michelle DeMarcia Davis "To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world" -Dr. Seuss.

Happy Holiday Season V&P friends and family. Hopefully you've enjoyed previous articles. I'm doing a review of what I've written with some reminder picture quotes my awesome sister has blessed me with as we focus on our mindset and "How we show up." A mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. Although there are many mindsets Deweck defines two below I like to hone in on, the growth mindset verses the fixed mindset. Fixed mindset: “In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort.” ( Dweck, 2015) Dweck, 2015) Growth mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” I love the holidays because just like summer break it's a great time to think of where we've been and where we're going just in time to prepare for a new year. Mindset education is a crucial part of knowing who we are and being mindful to consider how we affect ourselves and others. We are prepared to show up so God can show out through what we learn. We all learn different thing because we have a variety of gifts to contribute assisting each other on our journey through life. Writing is symbiotic, when I'm blessed to write for others it's always a blessing to me. I enjoy daily reminders of how we are all connected. When we use money and interact with each other we see E Pluribus Unam. Merriam-Webster's definition of e pluribus unum​​: out of many (states or colonies), one (nation) —used on the Great Seal of the U.S. and on several U.S. coins. I appreciate being raised going to church learning 1 Cor 12 : For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. It gave me a strong foundation of knowing it's not all about me and helps me to show up at times I may not want to be used for a greater purpose and allows me to appreciate others and all they do on their journey since we are blessed with free will (the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion). 26 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Alvin Toffler wrote “The illiterate of the future are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." As you evolve into who you are from learning it's important to keep an open mind and continue learning. After all the hard work of studying, quizzes, exams etc... this will be a great time to recharge and evaluate your S.M.A.R.T goals and think about your why. See if they are still the same or need to be adjusted with what you now believe from your experience and knowledge. The biggest part for me is being disciplined to apply and benefit from my growing mindset and what I learn to do That'swhy my affirmations are the fruitsof the spirit with a stong focus on self-control. Paster Michael Todd reminds us not to be bamboozled by the blessings during our "bamboo season". He shares we are an answer created as a masterpiece to fulfill God's vision and purpose.

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Some people assume positive people are not realist. Speaking for myself, I am aware of good verses evil consciously staying in a constant state of intentional revival. The dictionary states revival is to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again. The transitive verb. 1 : to restore to consciousness or life. 2 : to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back. 3 : to renew in the mind or memory. It is important to revive to stay ready for God to use us for a good will and purpose.

"Study to show thyself approved" is a Bible phrase from the second book of Timothy by Paul the Apostle. The Bible is one of the best books I’ve read. It is full of lessons of what to do and what not to do. I feel Jesus and the Apostles were Life Coaches before Life Coaching was even a title. I love it when wise people share "there is nothing new being done under the sun". We can use the Bible for different scenarios to educate ourselves on the many wonders of life to understand ourselves, others and our relationships. Another helpful word to know for peace of mind is projection. As a positive person know some people don't want or are not ready to receive your assistance. Some people are even participating in the same conversation when you're talking, the could be projecting based on their past experiences, stereotyping there own issues. If you can help them great, if not be sure not to hurt them and guard your heart too.

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Sometimes when we learn something, we have no clue when and how we will use the information. I had no clue my timed writing class as a freshman would be beneficial now as a writer and author. I used to say I didn’t like math until I realized how wonderful it is to calculate finances, manage and grow money, measure during cooking, share calculations with a group etc... When someone says they don’t like reading but they like math they must realize they need reading to enjoy math to the fullest. Math is full of word problems in which reading comprehension and vocabulary are needed to execute the resolution. Time management is one of the best skills I’ve come to master based on lessons I’ve learned in my life. With so many awesome opportunities we have to remember opportunity costs. There is a loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. I had such a “fomo (fear of missing out)” I used to say I would sleep when I’m dead just to justifiably do everything I wanted to do. That would cause me to get physically ill from not getting enough rest causing my body to shut down, forcing me to rest. Scheduling is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and priorities in the time you have available. When it's done effectively, it helps you: Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time. Make sure you have enough time for essential tasks.

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Cover Story

Doing Business In Excellence! By Karen McConnell-Jones

Doing business in excellence requires you to have a mindset of operating in an exceptional manner at all times. You are not just raising the bar in one area of your business but in all aspects of the business. Having the ability to foresee ahead and perfecting your craft/skill-set around it, is what will move you to the next level and beyond. Yes, it will be necessary for you to put in the hard work, long hours, and the dedication that is needed to reach your higher heights, yet the accomplishment and the joy you feel from all efforts made is priceless. When you have truly reached the level of “Doing Business In Excellence” you have now just walked into your purpose, your greatness that God has allowed you to achieve, as our Young Professional, Linnita Hosten is doing just that. 30 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Meet Young Professional Linnita Hosten Linnita Hosten is an award-winning educator, philanthropist, and student success strategist, who empowers students to stand on their own two-feet after graduation. Linnita’s work with students began at age eighteen, as a recreation summer camp counselor and expanded through numerous roles to include: Resident assistant, orientation team leader, high school cheerleading coach, private tutor, college access advisor, college professor, and 3X author. In 2020, Linnita founded Excellence Brainery, an education and career planning resource hub for parents, educators, and community leaders. She has had the privilege of providing hundreds of keynotes, workshops, and custom programs for universities, organizations, and community groups. She is passionate about preparing ambitious students to get clear on their plan and confident about pursuing their DREAM. Linnita has been honored with various awards including: Excellence in Education; Youth Speaker of the Year; 40 under 40 in Education; Education Book of the Year; Leading Woman of the Year; and Alumni of the Year. If Linnita is being honest here, entrepreneurship was not at the top of her list. “I never saw myself as an entrepreneur actually. What I saw was my mom working full-time for an employer and having a parttime business in cosmetology. I also saw my dad work long hours and never complain. Watching them, I learned that hard work has its reward. At twenty three, I worked full time, coached cheerleading parttime, and I began to build a part-time hobby that turned into an additional revenue stream. In 2018, I saw my hobby become a business when Uncle Sam issued an IRS audit for my earnings that I had not paid taxes on. The five-figure penalty was a lightbulb moment that encouraged me to take business more seriously. I began by investing in a bookkeeper, learning about taxes; and studying cash flow management, business development and marketing 31 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Linnita First Steps In Becoming An Entrepreneur The first step Linnita had to take was to believe that someone would pay her to do what she loves. It may sound silly, but Linnita spent years being afraid to ask for payment because subconsciously she did not think what she offered was valuable. Once Linnita put in the work and started to believe that’s when her business, Excellence Brainery was birthed. She legally formed her business in November of 2015, yet she did not produce a profit until 2019. The greatest lesson Linnita has learned is that there is no cheat code to the process of learning your sweet spot and cash cow. You literally have to work to discover your sweet spot. Linnita partnered with families and community groups to provide post-high school career coaching to tomorrow’s rising workforce. “We passionately empower students to turn on the light switch of their interests; unpack their passions; and create a plan to achieve their highest goals and desires.” “To the aspiring young professionals and young entrepreneurs my advice, is to embrace your period of being not as skilled as you would like. Instead of focusing on your limited skill, become obsessed with refining your skill. Take classes. Volunteer with a similar business. Watch YouTube videos. Follow people in your desired industry. Listen to related podcasts and YouTube videos. You have to be your biggest cheerleader and loudest inner coach. You will be compensated for your proficiency in skill and not just for your level of education attainment.”

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Linnita Shares Her Principles of “Doing Business In Excellence!” Doing Business in Excellence means that you put forth your best effort to understand the needs of your client and serve them in a way that fulfills that need in the most timely, integral, and cost efficient way. Excellence Brainery’s core principles are: Knowledge- We value the obtainment and distribution of knowledge for our staff and clients. We focus on providing education-based content with clear learning objectives in an entertaining and high-energy way. Relationship- We value the rapport built with our clients and community partners. Rapport building begins the moment we first talk with the client through the time we perform the contracted service. Community- We value contributing to the growth of the community. We are an active supporter of financially supporting the educational goals of students who live in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Impact- We value creating transformation within families and communities through quality programing and learning resources. This transformation is intentionally embedded in all of our curriculums and learning materials. 33 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Lastly, what is one thing you can do today to start the process of doing business in excellence? One thing that you can do is to take an inventory of all of your business processes (prospecting, onboarding, offboarding, fulfillment, etc.) Select one process and write out each step of that process. Then decide which process you would like to improve to display a higher quality experience for your client.

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The Give Back Excellence Brainery annually partners with a local nonprofit to provide scholarships for high school and college students who reside in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Linnitta’s most memorable moment as a young entrepreneur was organizing a grassroots fundraising effort for students in her backyard. She partnered with a good friend of hers and they have given over $30,000 in scholarships to DMV students. It was the hardest thing Linnita has done thus far, especially for someone such as herself who struggles with asking for help. The scholarship fundraiser really showed Linnita that there are people who want to help and will help if you simply invite them to be a part of your work. The students that they met during the selection process were exceptional human beings. So inspiring and hungry. Many of them were surprised to see young donors on the check writing side. “I want to be able to do this for someone else one day.” That was the common response from many of the scholarship recipients. Linnita goes on to share “My mom and dad both inspire me. They are exceptionally hard working and embody an incredible spirit of tenacity and endurance. They literally are the reason I was able to bootstrap my business and invest well over $60,000 in business coaching, training, and systems. When I hit financial hardship in 2015, my parents welcomed me back home. I was planning to push through and work part-time to figure things out, but my mom literally said “Why do that when you don’t have to.” I put aside my pride and returned home to my 200 square foot room. While I felt defeated and embarrassed, I was exceptionally privileged to have a “reset.” My parents' support is a huge reason I was able to pay off over $75,000 in debt, invest in my business, start a scholarship fund for my community, and soon purchase my own home. I hope to one day offer that same support to my children.”

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Behind The Scenes With Linnita The ambitious, generous, and friendly Linnita is really a bighearted internal kid. Seriously, she has such an inner child that comes out to play on every dance floor and at every taco and candy apple spot. When not on stage, you can find the pescetarian in the produce section at your local grocery store; diving in a good audio book, browsing online for things she will probably not buy, or enjoying the company of her favorite person in the whole wide world —her sister. We can truly say that this young professional is living her best life to the fullest and has a life filled with the goodness of God’s grace. Linnita is one of our prominent leaders of the business world and of our community. She is using her voice and her business to build future young professionals and young leaders for today’s progressive environment and world that we live in. May we keep passing the baton and growing our community with positive results that it deserves.

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The Future For Excellence Brainery To have Vision means to have a foresight for things to come. To see something before it happens. Purpose is an assigned lane of genius that God created just for you. In the future Linnita sees Excellence Brainery as the leading partner of providing personal and professional development for families (children & parents) to community groups and family-related government organizations. The ultimate goal in business is to build a profitable training and development consultancy and to position Excellence Brainery to be acquired and scaled to impact communities globally.

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Community Outreach Awareness

November V&P COMMEMORATIONS OF THE MONTH FOR NOVEMBER Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace — dead or alive — although it's largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices. It was originally called Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I. Yellow is the ribbon color. November Is National Family Caregivers Month “Across America, daughters and sons balance the work of caring for aging parents with the demands of their careers and raising their own children. ... National Family Caregivers Month is a time to reflect on the compassion and dedication that family caregivers embody every day. Purple is the ribbon color. November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country team up to bring attention to diabetes. This year's focus is on taking care of youth who have diabetes. Many causes and conditions have a colored ribbon to symbolize the cause. In the diabetes community, we have done something very different—a blue circle. The blue circle is the universal symbol for diabetes. November 2022 Days: 10th World Science Day for Peace and Development 11th Veterans’ Day (United States) 12th World Pneumonia Day 13th World Kindness Day 14th World Diabetes Day 15th World Philosophy Day 16th International Day for Tolerance 19th World Toilet Day 20th Universal Children’s Day 20th Africa Industrialization Day 21st World Pancreatic Cancer Day 21st World Television Day 24th Thanksgiving Day (United States) 25th International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women National Family Caregivers Month Epilepsy Awareness Month National Diabetes Adopt A Senior Pet Month November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and National Native American Heritage Month in the United States, along with the Great American Smoke Out Month. Other United States recognitions include Recycling Awareness Month and Lung Cancer Awareness Month. 38 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

December V&P COMMEMORATIONS OF THE MONTH FOR DECEMBER December is HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, and the VA wants to remind everyone about the importance of getting tested. Red is the ribbon color. December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Featuring the blue awareness ribbon as it means to show support for drunk driving awareness. The red awareness ribbon shows support for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). December 2022 Days: 1st World AIDS Day 1st Giving Tuesday 3rd International Day of People with Disabilities 5th International Volunteer Day 5th World Soil Day 7th International Civil Aviation Day 9th International Anti-Corruption Day 10th International Human Rights Day 11th International Mountain Day 18th International Migrants Day 20th International Human Solidarity Day National Car Donation Month * AIDS Awareness Month National Pear Month Bingo’s Birthday Month National Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month National Human Rights Month National Tie Month National Write A Business Plan Month Operation Santa Paws (1-24) Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month Safe Toys and Gifts Month Spiritual Literacy Month Universal Human Rights Month Worldwide Food Service Safety Month Advertisements In December Hanukkah falls on the 10th to 18th, the 25th is Christmas, and the 26th to January 1st is Kwanzaa. 39 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Authors Speak Being an author is one of the greatest accomplishments that a person can achieve. The discipline, focus, and determination that it takes to become an author is really a unique process. So, one will have to ask, what is the story that your book will tell? In fact, it is truly the author allowing their voice to be heard in written format, and for some, not only through written words but with support of photographs, and art, as well. As the old saying goes, let the book tell the story while painting the picture in the reader’s mind.

An Author’s Voice in Written Format

By Karen McConnell-Jones

Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine is thrilled to have Author Cortland Jones lend his voice in written format for such a wonderful interview for our Authors Speak column. As I began this interview with my dear friend Mr. Cortland Jones, who is a retired educator with over 30 years of experience in teaching art, graphic design, and writing I can only imagine where this interview will take us. Better yet, the knowledge that I know I will gain from this will leave an impactful impression on me. I do “Believe!” For 10 years Cortland served outside of the classroom as a Peer Mediation Coordinator for Prince George’s County Public Schools. He is a six-time published author and also owns his own business providing grant writing services and empowerment coaching for youth and adults. Cortland also serves as CEO of the nonprofit organization The Better Place, Inc. The final four years of Cortland’s career as an educator positioned him to teach creative writing. Also, this became a huge influence on Cortland in how he taught students to write and how he approached new ways of using these same tools to improve his own writing. It inspired Cortland to establish a community partnership with the Howard County Arts Council, to offer writing workshops for youth beginning in 2020. Seven of his clients have either published or are in the process of publishing their books, as Cortland incorporates lessons learned along with tools gained in supporting his clients. One of his current clients has experienced what he reinforces about the importance of making writing a lifestyle and the need to adjust life to include time and opportunities to write. Three of Cortland’s former clients have since published multiple books, so the tools taught are effective in helping aspiring writers accomplish their goals for writing and publishing. Cortland explains, it is extremely fulfilling and rewarding to see his clients thrive. 40 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Cortland shares what his growth experience has been like since book one and now, six books later. “Growth in confidence and my belief I can do it, along with my ability to make use of my voice in written format, to benefit and bless others would be my first thoughts. Being more intentional about creating and making time to write would be another thought that helped me see the goals of writing as a need for change in lifestyle. To ensure I am maximizing my full potential as a writer and evolving in learning writing techniques and strategies that help me enhance my overall writing ability. I value my quiet time and having a quiet place to write even more now, seeing how it directly impacts how and what I write. So, I would also say remaining committed to the discipline writing requires.’

“Writing has been a part of my life since childhood. In elementary school, in 5th grade, a poem I had written was published in the school newsletter. In high school and college, I began to write poetry more often and by the time I graduated from college, I knew I wanted to write and illustrate children’s books. The idea for writing my first published book Out of the Darkness: A Journey into the Marvelous Light grew out of my desire to help others grow in the understanding of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ while sharing how my faith aided me in triumphing over my childhood trauma. The process of writing the manuscript for Out of the Darkness was enjoyable and reaffirmed appreciation for my relationship with God as that was the focal point of my book. An important lesson learned associated with writing was the necessary paradigm shift that is required in the process of writing that helps to facilitate movement and momentum in helping you execute your goals in writing. Writing requires a change in lifestyle and a way of thinking to support the process and the journey.”

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Cortland’s latest book HERO: The Boy Whose Dreams Inspire Triumph, was inspired from Cortland’s experiences spent outside of the classroom between 2001-2010 as the Peer Mediation Coordinator for Prince George’s County Public Schools on the middle school and high school level. Training youth to help their peers resolve conflict was his primary responsibility. Cortland encountered a lot of circumstances associated with youth and conflict, including bullying behavior, that motivated him to want to lend his voice to this community concern. He believes that an informed child is an empowered child. He wanted to provide content to help youth and families feel empowered coping with the challenges associated with bullying. Cortland’s son was a victim of bullying and racism in elementary and high school, so Cortland has a personal and professional perspective that could be beneficial to the community on the subject of bullying. Cortland feels the best gift we can give our children is the ability to cope.

Considering that the decline in academic performance begins for African American youth in 4th grade, Cortland wanted to target 4th graders, children who are nine years of age. He believes 4th-7th grade children would enjoy the content of the book, particularly youth who could benefit from a boost in selfesteem and self-confidence. The main character, Martin, is inquisitive, intelligent, and has an active imagination. He struggles with math and is learning about self-esteem as his fourth-grade school year begins. Cortland wants Martin to be relatable to youth who have potential to be and do better. Cortland knew that they could benefit from growing by having a healthy sense of self and ways to contribute positively consistently to their own wellbeing. He wants youth to believe all things are possible with God, including overcoming adversity. In his imagination, Martin visualizes himself as a superhero and his imagination helped him work through his problems. Youth need to know they have the ability to cope with and work through difficult circumstances. They are powerful, smart, capable, resourceful, and the hero within themselves can help them achieve whatever they set their minds to do. 42 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Cortland’s excitement for writing is contagious. He can inspire you to bring out the best in yourself to create and tell the story. “The first thing I would tell you is don’t wait for the right time to get started. Make now the moment to begin. Waiting for the right time keeps us waiting. Secondly, be intentional to do what is required to engage in the process of writing. Writing is a lifestyle that requires urgency, energy, activity, intentionality in order to see the desired results and outcomes. Third, develop a process that helps to support and promote the momentum and enthusiasm to write. Confidence comes from seeing the desired results and progress of success in writing. Fourth, get feedback by being open to critique and constructive criticism. Growth comes from experiencing resistance.” “Finally, feed off of who and what inspires you. For me, Author James Patterson, because he writes for adults and youth and has experienced success with both audiences. Poet and Author Maya Angelou, for the manner in which she writes with great creativity, detail, and eloquence. Pastor and Author Max Lucado, because it was his depiction of the woman with the issue of blood that made me declare that when I began writing I wanted to write the way he illustrated her story, which I now regard as painting with words. I can honestly say, I haven’t stopped writing since that encounter in 2005. Nevertheless, getting to my first completed published book was a process and I had to trust that process. So, receiving the physical copy of my book Out of the Darkness in my hands for the very first time, the immediate thought was the truth of God working everything together for good, because I went through a lot in the process of writing that book, taking nine years to complete, but just as God’s word says He makes everything beautiful in its time.” Final Message from the Author: Two essential principles associated with having a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment of life. Vision inspires and facilitates movement. Purpose creates focus, urgency, and motivates initiative to live with intentionality. You are more likely to progress and succeed in life if you have vision and purpose than if you remain in a position of going with the flow of life’s current.

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Community News Flash Hurricane Season, Ian in Particular By: Marjorie M. Middleton

In any country, any region, weather is an element of nature that controls everyday life. A Hurricane season is one area of weather that can change a day very quickly. A hurricane is defined in Oxford dictionary as “a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone.” Wikipedia describes a hurricane as “a tropical cyclone is a rapidly rotating storm system characterized by a low pressure center, a closed low- level atmospheric circulation, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain and squalls.” Hurricanes are particularly dangerous because they come with three dangers – violent winds, torrential rains and high waves and storm surges that are abnormal. Imagine living through that! Hurricane Ian tied for fifth place as one of the strongest hurricanes making landfall in the U.S., barreling in after devastating Cuba. Unbelievable destruction and fear was caused by this horrific weather event. Homes were destroyed, businesses leveled. In the state of Florida, at least 119 people died. Many of those dead were at least 60 and a large number died by drowning. This storm is the deadliest for Florida since 1935!

Ian harshly hit Cuba and then slammed into Florida on its’ western coast. About a quarter of Florida’s power was knocked out and the category 4 storm let loose more than 20 inches of rain on central parts of Florida. Ian’s landfall in Florida was on September 28th at 150mph winds, tearing through anything in its path. Ian also hit South Carolina, North Carolina and some parts of Virginia with horrific storms. Landfall for this hurricane event was Category 3 near La Coloma, Cuba; Category 4 in Cayo Costa, Florida, and; Category 1 in Georgetown, South Carolina. As mentioned, many people lost their homes, loved ones and peace of mind. It is our responsibility to like-kind, mankind, to offer prayer and condolences, of course, but most especially to offer assistance in the best way we can. Many organizations are in need of volunteers, donations and help. Listed below are some you can reach out to and find out how to serve. Please do your research before making and informed decision about how to help. Samaritan’s Purse at www.samaritanspurse.org (volunteers helping homeowners hurt by the Storm). For ways to help call 1-800-REDCROSS Locally, Mercy Chefs, from Virginia, is attempting to keep affected Floridians fed. Email: info@mercychefs.com Take the time to be a blessing.

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Community News Flash Turning Holiday Blues In to Lighter Hues By Marjorie M. Middleton

Fall and winter bring shorter days, accompanied by less sunlight, long, dark mornings and darker, longer evenings. The days become increasingly cooler and holiday blues approach, as well. These days, which come every year, are, more often than not, the cause of the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder, appropriately dubbed by the acronym SAD. Many experience low moods, lack of interest and sometimes are overwhelmingly tired. Pressure can be added on top of being sad or overwhelmed, especially as this season of discontent is coupled with holidays, most notably Thanksgiving and Christmas. Joy, family, and giving are supposed to be paramount, but it is certainly difficult as one can dive into insecurities, overeating and overthinking. SAD is a type of depression that typically occurs during the fall and winter months. Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain that helps to regulate other hormones, may be linked to SAD. Changes in the season can disrupt the balance of melatonin. Mood and sleep are affected by the disruption, too. SAD is seasonal, so if you find that these periods of time are unmanageable or getting worse, please seek help. Be alert for signs of seasonal depression so that you can put a plan in gear to make sure you are safe. Here is a list of ideas about things you can do to combat SAD: Eat a well balanced diet, especially so that your body can capture some of the nutrients that capture mind positivity. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts are perfect examples of positive mind foods. Mood and energy are lit up by moderate exercise. Get enough sleep, it supports and improves cognitive function which in turn keeps the SAD away. Regularly get together with friends or family. Go to a church, or group of your choice, for fellowship. Do something for someone else. A confidence booster and a great reminder, “the grass is not always greener…” Be grateful for your life. Add some light to your life. Speak to your healthcare provider about light boxes or light therapy. Let’s turn those blues into lighter hues…paint a room bright yellow this winter and enjoy your inside sunshine. Work on different ways to turn those dreary days into sunnier, productive ones. If my simple suggestions are not enough, please turn to your mental healthcare provider for further assistance. Here is some good news - “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 3:18. Even when you feel at your lowest, God loves you and so do I! Be safe!

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All Things Fashion Clothing What’s Your Holiday Fashion? By Karen McConnell-Jones Tis the season to be fashionable fa-la-la-la-la-la-la!!! Yes, the holiday season is upon us and this is the best time of the year for fashion. You will see anywhere from the Glitz and the Glam to the Old Ugly Sweater. Just waiting to see who will wear the best of the best to the holiday parties and please don’t hold back on the fashion. You better wear it! So, what’s new, what’s HOT for this holiday season? What will be your holiday look and the colors of choice for this year? The top six colors for this season are, of course your red, white, orange, green, gold, and yes, for the women our safety color, black. Here are a few tips on how to go from simple to chic for your next holiday party look; wear a shimmy or glitter dress with some funky boots, take your casual outfit and wear some bright suede pumps, wearing a cold shoulder angel sleeves dress with some open toe boots, and don’t forget to rock that personality hat that says I have just stepped into the room.

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Let us not fail to mention, thanks to COVID, we are in our third holiday season of stepping up our holiday zoom wear. The last two seasons, COVID had us to have more holiday zoom parties than we could have ever imagined, but yet we were ready and everyone got into the fashion. And this year, zoom holiday parties will not be any different. You better bring it! Yes, this year’s holiday zoom colors to wear are, of course, our red, gold, white, green, blue, and silver. Ladies, this is the time we must stay away from the go to black outfit on zoom. The black tends to wash us out on camera unless you use your accessories well. You can wear a nice big bold colorful necklace with some colorful earrings to match, with the right touch to your makeup. Now, the last fashion tip for the season is the family pajamas sets. I don’t know about you but again COVID had made us step up the pajamas game. All family Christmas postcards were the entire family in matching pajamas sets last year. Well, guess what, we can expect the same for this year as well. This holiday season 2022, pajama sets still made the top ten gifts to buy.

V&P Top 10 Clothing Gifts & Accessories: Turtle necks Sweaters Knitted clothing Hoodies Hat and scarf set Boot cut leggings Gloves set Workout clothes Handbags Family matching pajamas set 47 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

All Things Fashion Self-Care, Acts of Kindness. This is for the givers. With Thanksgiving coming up, our minds think of giving to others, which is admirable. But for those who give their best to others all the time, it might be time to give some attention to taking good care of yourself. Caregivers sacrifice a good portion of their day tending to others' needs, overlooking their own health. Physically, mentally, and spiritually depleted, they continue to give, often feeling overwhelmed. The caregiver starts to look like the one in need. This is a reminder to those who give like that. It is time to do some edifying things for yourselves. Getting a nutritious meal, a spa day, just some good old fashion rest is in order. If you wear yourself out you will be no good for anyone else. When you are worn out it rides over into your attitude towards your acts of kindness. You might not be as gentle or patient when you are at your wits end. We all need time to refresh. A day, or even a few hours, is necessary to regroup. Some caregivers may feel like there is no one to help relieve themselves. This can be difficult, but look into C.A.R.E. This is an organization that is designed to help people in need of assistance who are caregivers.

I watched my mom give a big portion of her life to take care of my grandmother and uncle. My grandmother, who was the rock of my family, fell ill with Alzheimer’s disease. Before she became ill my grandmother was the caregiver of my uncle who was hit by a drunk driver at age five, was left with severe brain damage and was crippled by the accident. My mother took on the responsibility of caring for both. It was a 24-hour job. Making sure they made their doctor’s appointments, getting them nutritious meals, bathing, changing depends, stimulating their minds, just treating them like people you love.

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That on top of my mom being a lawyer and entrepreneur, it was grueling in my eyes. As much as I would try to encourage her to get help from a nursing home, she refused and soldiered on. I gave her a break from time to time but she took that on her back and went up the mountain. It was a labor of love, but it did take its toll. If you ask her, she wouldn't take a minute back. She put in the work oftentimes neglecting herself. One of the many reasons I am in awe of my mom. I don't know anyone as strong as her. She did that for 15 years. She was still working while doing all of this. Crazy right. Black women are amazing! It was all about them.

They have passed now but my mom cherishes every moment she spent with them and misses them dearly. During that time my wife and I began dating. I never knew my wife at that time who was my girlfriend was tending to her mom. What I learned was Black women are amazing! Giving the best part of themselves to the ones they love, oftentimes putting themselves on the back burner. So, today's word is for the givers! All Things Fashion focuses on you, amazing caregivers! It's time to love on you! Self-Care is the act of kindness you give yourself! You deserve it! Peace, Tony T! 49 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

All Things Fashion Self-Care, Acts of Kindness It's that time of the year, when friends and families gather together to celebrate the holidays. A time to show love and gratitude to the people they care about and appreciate. Sometimes life can get so hectic that you just don't have the time to spend with one another. This holiday you should take a moment to reflect on those who are important to you and show an act of kindness to them. It can be as simple as spending time with a grandparent, helping your father with a home project, treating your mother to a spa day or just listening to a friend that needs someone to talk to. An act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life and you may never realize just how much it meant to them. The holidays can sometimes be tough for some people but that's when it's good to check in and try to lift their spirits with positivity. The holidays are also a great time to shop for deals! Now, that can put a smile on a lot of faces. This is the time when you can try new hair care products, treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure or invest in some new styling tools. Now that the weather is colder your hair and scalp may start to become dry and itchy which can cause dandruff. The cold air can strip the hair from its natural moisture which can make the hair frizzy, dry or even brittle. This can lead to hair shedding and breakage.

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A good hydrating shampoo and conditioner is highly recommended. Keep your hair moisturized by deep conditioning your hair with a plastic cap under a heated, hooded hair dryer. Deep conditioning helps to restore moisture and shine to the hair strands and it should be done after every shampoo. A leave-in conditioner is good also and a lightweight hair oil. Make sure you keep your hair ends moisturized to prevent dryness and breakage. Trim your ends every 8 to 10 weeks. Invest in a good quality silk scarf, it helps to protect against moisture loss and hair loss. It's friction free, that helps to protect your hairline and nape area. Silk scarfs are recommended to wear under wool or any winter hats.

As a caregiver I enjoy taking care of my mother and making sure she is being cared for properly. I take the time to do her hair and sit and watch TV with her or just listen to some good old school music. Just the little things make a difference in life. So, this year focus more on the priceless memories you can share with your loved ones or friends, instead of just monetary gifts. Your good deeds open up blessings. especially when you do it with a pure and cheerful heart. Happy Holidays from V&P All Things Fashion!

Martina C. Turner 51 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Arts and Media

Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine/Arts & Media, had an opportunity to sit down with college student and Young Professional Jayden Ford, for a delightful Q&A Interview.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine (VPCM): Jayden, tell us a little about yourself? Who is Jayden Ford and what would you like our readers to know about you? Jayden Ford (JF): My name is Jayden Ford. I’m a college student at Prince George’s Community College. I’m 21 years old. I transferred from Coppin State University. I graduated from Suitland high school in 2019. I ran track all the way up to the national level. I currently work for the town of Capitol Heights as admin support, and I also help them live stream their council meetings. VPCM: What is your major at Prince George’s Community College? JF: My major is Mass Communications.

VPCM: What do you love about media the most? JF: I love being able to tell or write stories and have other people listen to what I have to say. Also, I like being able to hear what others have to say about the world around me. Media encompasses so many different mediums, you’re always connected to another person. There’s never a point where you are truly by yourself, so whenever you want to share a story or get information, because of media you are always able to do so. VPCM: What activities are you involved in at school? JF: At Prince George's Community College, I am currently a part of the school newspaper serving as editorin-chief.

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VPCM: What helps you to stay focused? VPCM: Upon graduation, what are the ideal plans/job you see for yourself? JF: The ideal job for me is something in broadcast journalism. I am not completely sure exactly what I want to do but I do know that I like to be in front of cameras and working with videos. I have made several videos for fun already and have a sports YouTube channel coming out soon. VPCM: What is the hardest part about becoming a young professional? JF: The hardest part is trying to remain focused on a task as there are many distractions around. There are many days where there’s other things I would like to be doing entertainment wise but I know that I must stay focused, if I want to achieve my future career paths. It’s also hard to try not to compare yourself to others. As a young professional there will be others who may be better off or have even more success. I had to learn to appreciate my own success and not fall into comparing my path to others.

JF: Being able to give myself time to focus. I sometimes have a hard time staying focused so I schedule dedicated times to be able to truly focus on something. I know that I can get off track really easily. I make sure to put things that I have to do in an allocated time and make sure that there’s no distractions during those times, so that I can get as much done as possible. Scheduling time to get work done allows me to schedule around certain times as well. I don’t over schedule myself because I know when I have to do work and when I don’t. I also stay focused when I have to do work for someone else. When someone is relying on me, I want to work harder at my responsibilities because I don’t want to be an inconvenience for them.

VPMC: Who is your role model and what inspires you? JF: My role model is my mom as she has helped me along the way and she has given me positive eyes that really help me see what I should do next for my future. She has continuously given me support for anything that I’ve ever wanted to do and helps me to achieve any of my dreams. What has inspired me is my teacher, Professor Lou holder. He was a former broadcaster on channel 4NBC, and now he teaches at Prince George’s Community College. All the people that he had the chance to meet and really talking to him and learning all he does has inspired me to become someone similar to him.

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VPCM: If you could write an article of your choice what would that be and why?

VPCM: How do you use your talent to give back to the community? JF: I want to use my talent to be able to give people a platform. As I said before, I feel like giving people a powerful platform is the most important thing you could do because it spreads their ideas and gives them the ability to feel seen or heard. While that plan is still coming together, I’m always out volunteering and helping people whether it’s giving out food or paying for people's food who need the help. I use what I have to help my community.

VPCM: If you can lend your voice to help start world JF: With the platform, I would change what would your like to have an article about voice say? people in this area. Everyone who knows me knows that I’ve JF: If I could lend my voice, always wanted to be able to it would be to help people. interview people in my You never know what neighborhood or surrounding somebody can do to impact communities. To be able to give somebody around you. I feel them a platform to share their like the only way that we can small businesses, ideas, improve as a society is to background or legacies. You think of not only ourselves always hear about these big and in actions, but to think important famous people, and about our neighbors as well, they get their story told all the and if my neighbors also time. So, for me, if I could write think about us, it all just a dream article that made it big comes full circle. As we must at least within my community, do the same in supporting it would be great to Spotlight each other’s businesses. If and highlight people within the we support each other’s ideas community who are doing big and help each other to things. In the same breath accomplish our dreams, then though, I am an avid basketball we as a society can improve, watcher so to be able to write and as we improve as a an article on the Wizards from society, we will solve many actual interviews from the issues that I feel like stem players would be great as well. from selfishness.

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VPCM: Any closing remarks that you would like to share with our readers? JF: Life is easier when we are able to work together. Being able to work with others creates a much more powerful dynamic than being by yourself. When you help others, they become more likely to help you and while that’s not the reason why you should be helping others, putting that energy out there that you’re going to help others can return that back to you. If that’s all being returned to everyone, they were all creating cohesion of all working together, and not seeing the world as such an individualistic place.

Tony Turner 11/09

Cecilia 11/1 Happy Ms. Class Act Diva. LOL! Enjoy your special day,

Happy Birthday Lil Brother! Big Sis sending her love all the way to Richmond VA! Be Blessed!

November Happy Letha 11/12 Birthday Happy birthday Shout Argyle Prevost 11/15 beautiful, respectful, Outs Happy Birthday responsible, trustworthy Godbrother! Love you

smart cousin Love Always, Your Family

Ms. Rita Henry 9/24

Recognize your loved one's birthday in the next issue of our magazine by clicking the submit your birthday shout-out button on our website: Donna Harris 12/ https://vandpmediaproductions.com X

54 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Muffin 12/3 Happy birthday beautiful, respectful, responsible, trustworthy smart cousin Love Always, Your Family

Mr. Lee Manley 12/15

December Happy Birthday Shout Outs

Happy Birthday Mr. Lee. So good to be back in the studio together. Many blessings!

Mr. Kenneth Williams 12/26 Happy Heavenly Birthday Mr. Williams. You are forever in our hearts!

Shanda & Tamia 10/4 Grandma Happy Cynthia Birthday 12/12 Tamia 10/04 birthday twins! Happyawesome Birthday in Heaven thank God for the time we were blessed with you! Always loved and remembered. Love Always, Your Family

Grandma Jean 12/16 Happy birthday awesome, beautiful mother-in-law and grandmother! Love Always, Your Family

Willis Guy 12/15 Happy Birthday Mr. Philly Fan. Can't believe you beat my Cowboys. Lol! Love you from lil sis

Chef Jason 12/28

Donna Harris 12/27 Happy Birthday Donna. We miss you on the team. Love you much!

Happy Birthday to "Dark Knight in the Kitchen" Hope you're having a day off from cooking!

Anytoyo 12/31 Happy 70th handsome, patriarch husband, dad, granddad, great grand dad etc! Love Always, Your Family

Recognize your loved one's birthday in the next issue of our magazine by clicking the submit your birthday shout-out button on our website: https://vandpmediaproductions.com

55 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

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