January/February 2022 Issue

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"Inspiring Communities Everywhere!"

i g n e n B i n g w s! e N

pg 10 Community Heroes Community News Flash pg 39 Birthday Shout-outs! pg 55

Contents 6 14


Health & Wellness


Political Awareness


Education is Key

Inspirational Moments Business & Entrepreneurship

30 Cover Story

Here’s to New Beginnings!


Community Monthly Awareness


Community Outreach


Authors Speak


All Things Fashion


Arts & Media

Community is Everywhere! 10 Community Hero 12 Inside the Community 39 Community News Flash 55 Community Birthday Shoutouts


Contributing Writers Editor-In-Chief

Marjorie Middleton

January/Februay 2022 Issue Marjorie Middleton Karen McConnell-Jones Jason Greene Tory Livingston Belinda Stevenson Antonio “Tony T” Turner Martina Turner Seth Washington Michelle DeMarcia Davis Debra Nixon Jordan Donna Harris

Deputy Editors

Karen McConnell-Jones Seth Washington

Director of Graphics & Design Krystal Glenn

Director of Sales

Karen McConnell-Jones


Dominique Massaquoi Krystal Glenn

Layout & Design Krystal Glenn Karen Clay

If you are interested in writing for Vision and Purpose Community Magazine, send a writing sample and which column you are interested in to info@ vandpmediaproductions.com

The V&P Team is here to be a positive voice for our community through the stories that are shared in our magazine. In addition, we would like to provide services for our community to continue to help build our community one VISION and one PURPOSE at a time. For services and pricing please contact us at info@vandpmediaproductions.com

Karen McConnell-Jones Inspirational Speaker & Business Development Consultant (Marketing & Branding Specialist) Krystal Glenn Graphic & Design & Video Production Karen Clay Website Designer Dominique Massaquoi Photographer Jason Greene Chef & Catering Service Kyonna Fields Brown Inspirational Speaker & Social Media Specialist Marjorie Middleton Writer & Editor Antonio Turner Hair Stylist & Hair Care Products Martina Turner Hair Stylist & Hair Care Products Seth Washington Vocal Artist & Master of Ceremony Donna Harris Tax Accountant Tory Livingston Educator Belinda Stevenson Speaker/co-host Isiaha Proctor Audio Engineer Zannie McNeil III IT Specialist Michelle DeMarcia Davis Virtual Assistant

Inspirational Moments

JOY World To the

‘Tis the Season

by Marjorie M. Middleton


season is a division of the year based on changes in weather, ecology and the number of daylight hours in a given region.The earth’s spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. When the earth’s axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. Midway between these two times, in spring and fall, the spin axis of the earth points 90 degrees away from the sun. So very interesting are the miracles God creates on our behalf. People are prone to change due to seasonal ups and downs based on life events, good or bad, and even due to weather. Ever feel down when the weather goes from mild to bitter cold, or when the sun sets way earlier than you’re prepared for? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a “mood disorder subset in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year exhibit depressive symptoms at the same time each year.” (Article Talk, Wikipedia). It usually happens during the winter.

During these times of the continued Coronavirus pandemic, political corruption and repeated civil unrest due to racism and discrimination, it’s our duty to seek and strive for the best for ourselves and our communities. There are precious times in our lives when the circumstances seem so dismal we feel misplaced. Who can help but to suffer from seasonal disorders? I call those times precious, because during those times, if we allow Him, God proves Himself strong…amazingly stronger each time in any situation. During these times, I do know that God knows how I feel; He knows when I’m hurt, lonely or afraid. While problems don’t go away so quickly at times, He responds to my cry. His loving response to my prayers helps me face challenges with renewed strength.”So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10. A reminder that I’m not alone. When emptiness threatens to fall upon me, I look inward to the place where the Lord resides. Strength lies there with Him. Thank you, Lord.


Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

2022 is a New Year, an opportunity for fresh beginnings…but, it’s still winter. We have no control over the weather, accidents, nor how our minds react to certain things, but we do know the Peacespeaker. He is Jesus and He has absolute control. If we trust in the Lord we can appreciate the joy of a new year, a new beginning. The past few years have been tumultuous for everyone, but Joy is an action word. We made it! Let’s celebrate in 2022. Look to things that bring you joy and rejoice in your blessings. What brings you joy? Examine that and prioritize. Make sure to spend time with family and participate in the things you all enjoy. Look at your employment. Is it providing the stimulation you need? Are you growing there? Relationships and endeavors can be examined in the new year. Family brings me joy. I’m always amazed by my children. Grownup now and making great strides, but still fresh and new when I consider the blessings the Lord provides, daily. My mother is 92 and continues to be a beacon of light for our family. I think of her strength over the years and how much she did for my father, and still does for my siblings and me, and her grandchildren. I want her to have joy during these last years. As I was growing up, my mother used her hands to soothe her children, knead the hamburger meat for the Wednesday meatloaf and dig the earth to plant the flowers she so enjoys. Over the years her hands have become gnarled and painful due to overuse and the onset of arthritis. But still she cooks for family, sews when asked (none of us can) and holds her great granddaughters close.I thought of how I could bring my mom, who listens to my woes still and helps in any way possible, joy in this season of her life. I put a soothing ointment in the palm of my hands and I methodically massaged her beautiful hands while we talked. Joy…for her and for me. Joy. Do what you can. A few words from the Bible; “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.” “I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 12. Rejoice in this season. Do good works in 2022. Have joy, be joy! After all, we know the Peacespeaker by name. The world needs joy, our communities and our families need joy. Find it wherever you can. Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness brought on by something exceptionally good or satisfying. Hallelujiah!

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


My youngest granddaughter, Corinne, was born in the height of the Pandemic and as a result I was unable to be at the hospital with my son and his wife. Even though circumstances made things difficult, I was able to find joy in that season of new life and the immense happiness a new baby brings. My prayer for all of you in 2022, God bless and prosper each of you and provide you with the joy you need and the joy you give. Excerpts from the song “I Know the Peacespeaker”(Geron Davis):

Then suddenly without a warning A storm surrounded my life But even in the storm I can feel the calm And here’s the reason why

I know the Peacespeaker I know Him by name I know the Peacespeaker He controls the wind and waves When He says peace be still They have to obey I’m glad I know the Peacespeaker Yes, I know Him by name.

Bring it on 2022! Happy New Year and Joy to the World…after all, ‘tis the season!

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Vision & Purpose Community Magazine



Community HERO By Michelle DeMarcia Davis

Dr. Davine S. Ricks, LCSW, MAC, E-CADC

Servant Leader Blessed 10 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine



t is our distinct honor and privilege to feature the V&P Community Hero. Our heroes of the community are the ones that honestly understand the community needs and find the solutions to implement positive growth back into the community as it truly helps to enhance the quality of life of the individuals and their families. Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine congratulates our HERO as we proudly present our first community hero, Dr. Davine S. Ricks.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine (VPCM): Tell us about our Community Hero? Dr. Davine S. Ricks (DSR), LCSW, MAC, E-CADC is a dedicated leader with over 30 years of experience in developing and implementing behavioral healthcare systems in complex public and private sectors and faith-based organizations. She is the Owner/CEO of Sense of Equity: Program Development, Training & Accreditation Services, LLC, known for exceptional capabilities in engaging, educating, and empowering individuals and businesses. Adding value to the lives of others is her God-given ministry and purpose. VPCM: What is your greatest strength/asset? DSR: My greatest strength is my perseverance and faith in God. My favorite scriptures are Philippians 4:13 and Ephesians 3:20. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community? DSR: I use my gifts/talents to give back to the community through servant leadership. I seek to engage, educate, and empower individuals and organizations. My goal is to help individuals identify and develop their gifts and unique capabilities with an intentional outcome of maximizing their value and exceeding their expectations. VPCM: What does community mean to you? DSR: “Community” to me means brotherhood and sisterhood consciously and intentionally coming together to establish, maintain and sustain unity with respect for one another. VPCM: Who/What inspires you and why? DSR: I am inspired by my parents, Dr. David T. Shannon and Mrs. Averett P. Shannon. They instilled in me a heart for God, an impeccable work-ethic and respect for others. I take the “high road” because it is the right thing to do. VPCM: What does Vision and Purpose mean to you? DSR: The meaning of vision and purpose may be summed up in my favorite mantra: “There is no dichotomy between knowing and doing.” As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and servant leader, I am charged with more than learning “to know,” I must serve and do.” The vision is to illustrate, the purpose is to fulfill.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Inside the Community

“Community Is Priority Group”

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In Loving Memory of Louis Henderson, Siblings Together USA

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Business & Entrepreneurship

Does Your Fashion Say We-Notice-U? By Karen McConnell-Jones


ashion! Fashion! Fashion! We all have it. We all wear it. But what does your fashion say about you? Does it say “We Notice You” or does it keep you hidden? Do the clothes we wear really say a lot about who we are or is it a way for us to express ourselves? Well, some will say it is both. It could be seen as a form of art in which it also allows us an inside perspective into one’s personality. Our Young Professional, Shanta “Tae” Johnson, shares with us her viewpoint on how fashion can help you to see the real you as We Notice U for U. This has become Tae’s fashion brand. It’s a line of inspirational expression with street and urban SWANG as we see Tae doing the fashion THANG!

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Shanta “Tae” Johnson often shares her story on how she came from humble beginnings and her experience of once being a child of the foster care system. Despite her upbringing, she overcame all of the obstacles and became something in life. After completing high school, Tae went on to college, majored in physical therapy and graduated with an associates degree. She proved at a very young age to be very focused and a hard worker. While attending college and working a full-time job she took on raising her young nephew who is now 15 years of age. Tae was raised by her late mother Tracy Mae and her aunt Seteria Burriss. “If I had to share one thing, I would share that I know I am loyal, ambitious, and complex but I don’t regret anything that took place in my life. It made me who I am today.”

As we are witnessing Tae take over the fashion world some would say that they saw this in her at a very young age. “Yes, I got started in fashion once I was able to shop for myself. While growing up, I couldn’t buy the expensive brands. So, I had to learn to manage with what my family could provide. My Aunt used to sew my sister-cousin’s and my clothes. I enjoyed seeing her make it happen. I vowed that I would make my own money so she didn’t have to keep doing that. I later started working in the nightclubs as a party promoter and a host when I was 21 and I love dressing up. I would find myself always setting money aside for my casual clothes. People would always say “oh man you are fly, how much did your outfit cost?” I would express to them where I purchased my items and the cost. I wasn’t ashamed of anything. I always say I would rather see my money than to wear my money. I enjoy shopping at places like Walmart, Ross, Marshall, Burlington etc. I’m able to walk out of there with numerous items versus buying something from a top brand that cost an arm and a leg.” “I enjoy wearing bright colors and I’ve always been the type to market greatly for people with their own companies etc. I found myself receiving the short end of the stick, so I decided to start my own clothing brand. Coming up with the name was hard. I was sitting in a room, and I saw the name Notice, and I said I wanted my clients to be noticed. I then came up with the “We” part, which means We Notice U for U no matter your situation. I first started by making a product for myself or the people close to me and getting feedback before paying for productions. I want anyone who wears the product to feel like they will be the center of attention. My brand is about uplifting one’s self esteem.” Tae embodied all of her experiences and knew at this point she wanted her own store. It was definitely confirmed the moment she sold her first few items and that was the moment she told the world that she was open for business on Instagram. Tae has a habit of acting fast on a thought before thinking. Over the years she has learned to slow down and let things play out. The moment will come. She also has learned that sometimes you must take that risk. She found herself on the road doing a lot of pop-up shops and events. Tae then expressed to her village of supporters, that she was going to get her own store. Some were against it, and some were okay with it. They knew that Tae was going to do exactly what she said she was going to do. Once Tae’s mind is made up it is very hard to change it. Tae expresses that she was okay with taking a risk, even if she fails, because failure still has its own value and a lesson to be learned.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Just know if she could do it again, she wouldn’t fail doing the same steps again. There are lessons to everything, including losses.With that being said. Tae knew the first steps were having a plan and sticking to it. Staying on the right path keeps her focused. Nothing is easy, and she experienced a lot of hiccups along the way. COVID allowed her time to think of a great method of promoting herself. For example, social media was everyone’s go to. She was in influencers inboxes asking for a chance to promote her brand. People were always live and she was using her hashtag #wenoticeu. Tae was asking to send them items. The other step was having support from family and friends. Supporters who understand her plan and goals were there. Her friends and family were always asking for merchandise and supporting her even through the growing pains of sometimes hitting or missing with the items. They were helping her to grow and to have a steady flow of income. They knew the bigger goal was to get Tae noticed so that she could help them with their goals and dreams as well. “I grew up in the Virginia area and I wanted to bring my style to a diverse area. I wanted to give job opportunities to people. I remembered when Springfield mall didn’t have much in it. At first, I was looking at DC locations. For that purpose, the chances of having someone famous stopping in, I wanted the popular scene. I went to Springfield mall one day and saw how it had changed and I said to myself I wanted to bring my store there. With my store being in Virginia customers in the Prince George’s County area and DC area can still take advantage and love it. They have expressed how the mall needed this type of look.” “As of right now I carry streetwear. I am currently working on my casual line for professional people. I released a casual shirt over the summer for people who want to dress up, but with jeans. My fitness line has taken off, with the help of my old basketball coaches from Howard Community College. Both of my coaches allowed my brand to create a design for the women’s basketball team. I carry all sizes, but some items are special order. This is because I’d rather items sell vs just sitting and not selling.”

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Tae made it a point to let it be known that she has a big heart. She enjoys giving back to the community. She uses her hashtag #wenoticeu to let the situation know we are here. Black Lives Matter, Cancer patients etc. Anything you can think of, Tae and her team are there to help out. Tae loves to be involved and has no problem doing for her community. She also has a nonprofit organization for the youth, where she mentors children,. At one point, she was coaching boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. She especially loves childrens, so giving back to them is always a priority.

Next for the brand is another store in a different state. The choice of state is important to Tae and it looks like it may be Charlotte, a city in California, Atlanta or Houston. Tae plans to grow the brand by getting an A-list person to sponsor them. They will be launching their creative and more unique style of clothing to the public inside the current store that they are in now. “We also will be having classes teaching those who want to learn how to make clothing and sessions on building business credit. It will be a small college type of theme. Registration and a certificate given once courses are completed. I have a few opportunities open for growth and dealing with the brand, such as a fashion show, retail opportunities, collaborations with other clothing companies and so much more. Besides clothing, my next project will be a plant based restaurant. The restaurant will still have typical food, just more options for the plant based and vegan clientele.” Tae shares her final message.” If you have a vision, it should have a purpose to serve. Serve it well and succeed while people can see your vision come to light”.

Business & Entrepreneurship

It’s Financial Due Diligence Time! By Donna Harris


he ever-changing federal tax legislation can be daunting. One such change in the upcoming season is with the deduction for Charitable Contributions. Taxpayers, even if you do not itemize, will be able to take this deduction. It is $300 for filing single status; and $600 for married filing joint status. For seniors 70 ½ or older, the taxpayer can make direct distributions from their IRA to a qualified charitable organization up to $100,000. For cash donations there are exceptions. Make certain in either situation that you obtain a written acknowledgement for any contribution of $250 or more. And, let’s not forget those advanced Child Tax Credit payments. Make certain to claim the proper amount on your 2021 tax return. These are only a couple of the reasons why it would be prudent to exercise caution when selecting a qualified tax preparer. Here are a few pointers to consider that will ensure you have chosen or will choose a tax preparer who is knowledgeable and is on the up and up.

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Ask yourself these questions concerning your current Tax Preparer. When prior year returns were filed, were your questions answered? If you owed taxes, do you understand why you owed taxes, and were you instructed on how to prevent owing taxes in the future? Your Tax Preparer should always be available even after your return has been filed, to address your concerns. If you received a refund, were you offered electronic filing? This option is extremely important during these epic times, e-filing your tax return remains the quickest way to receive your refund. When e-filing, make certain you review ALL refund information (i.e., routing and bank account numbers). And remember, never sign a blank return! When you inquired about the fee that the prospective tax preparer would charge you and the fee is percentagebased, avoid using the tax preparer. If your current Preparer’s fee was percentage-based, find another Tax Preparer! Do not be hesitant concerning this vital inquiry, ask your Tax Preparer, how are you keeping my information secured? Are my hard copies kept under lock and key? Are you using security software and is it current? Lastly, but most importantly, whether you have a Tax Preparer or are actively looking for a preparer, verify the Tax Preparer’s credentials by using the IRS Directory of Federal Tax Return Preparers. Also, validate the Tax Preparer’s license status in the State where he or she resides. A paid Tax

Preparer must sign returns and include their Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). It is the law!

I want to note here that it is not practical to expect any professional to be ALL knowing. This is the reason why there are those professionals who specialize in a particular subject. Key take-away here is to ensure that your chosen “Tax Preparer” or other “Professional” is not stuck on their limited knowledge. But that he or she will go in the necessary direction(s) to obtain the needed information to provide you, the client, a positive outcome!

Things to Know

If you suspect an IRS telephone scam, contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to report a phone scam. Use their IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting webpage. You can also call 800-366-4484. Report phone scams to the Federal Trade Commission on FTC.gov. Add “IRS phone scam” in the notes. Report threatening or harassing telephone calls claiming to be from the IRS to phishing@irs.gov. Include “IRS phone scam” in the subject line.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Health & Wellness

A Heart Healthy Diet By Chef Jason Greene

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he human heart is the most vital and important part of our anatomy. Its main functions are to pump oxygenated blood and hormones throughout the body to supply nutrients to tissues in all organs, receive deoxygenated blood removing waste and pumping it to the lungs for oxygenation, as well as maintain our blood pressure. We as conscious individuals have to maintain a certain level of care for this organ and the first line of defense is maintaining a heart healthy diet. Maintaining a heart healthy diet is very simple, there are a few items that can be added to your diet to help or might just already be part of it unknowingly. There are four basic food groups that can help maintain a healthy heart: Berries, Seeds, Legumes and Fish.

Berries provide the body with soluble fiber and phytonutrients which are plant-based chemical compounds that help fight bacteria and viruses. Berries are also loaded with antioxidants which have the power to stop oxidation in the body, leading to tissue damage. I suggest trying blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries. These berries can be added to cereal or yogurt on a daily basis to help maintain a healthy heart diet. Seeds such as flaxseed contain omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens which are plant estrogens that can lower risk of cardiovascular disease as well as lower the risk of menopausal symptoms in woman such as hot flashes and osteoporosis. This seed in ground or milled form is best to reap the greatest benefit. Chia seeds contain omega-3, fiber and quercetin which is an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Chia seeds are best if they are eaten whole.

Legumes are dried beans and lentils such as kidney, pinto, garbanzo and black beans are full of fiber, minerals and B-vitamins; which help with neurological functions, DNA production and red blood cell development. Beautiful health benefits about Legumes are that they are all very low in fat, possess no cholesterol and they provide the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk. Chili is a great way to eat legumes especially during these cold winter months.

Fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and key vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin) which help the body convert food into energy and helps the body metabolize fats and protein. Fish is also rich in calcium and phosphorus and are a great source of minerals like iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium. Fatty fish such as Salmon contain the highest levels of omega-3 and are the most beneficial to maintaining a healthy heart diet. There are lots of additional particular foods loaded with necessary vitamins to help the heart such as dark chocolates, dark green vegetables and red wine. But the four key foods are berries, seeds, legumes and fish. You can actually create a daily diet utilizing those four food groups and be as healthy as can be. It’s true that maintaining a healthy diet is a lifestyle choice, so I suggest that the choice should always be made wisely.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Political Awareness

For The People Act - Our Civil Rights Requires Our Attention By Debra Nixon Jordan


he alarm sounding on the threats to our democracy and civil rights is imperative! On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, this author participated in a webinar, entitled For the People Act - Our Civil Rights Requires Our Attention, featuring Senator Raphael Warnock, hosted by NC100BW, The Links, Inc., and other women’s groups. Senator Raphael Warnock from Georgia started comments with a dire warning, “Democracy is in a 911 emergency! There is an all-out assault on our right to vote. They have seen the power of our votes, now there is a frontal assault on our democracy.” Mr. Warnock stressed passing: “FREEDOM TO VOTE ACT (S-2747) to put the fires out caused by the removal of preclearance reviews of state voting rights actions. Over 465 voter suppression laws are proposed in forty-nine states and thirty passed suppression bills that limit our access to the ballot and voting.” Mentioning the bill he co-sponsored, Warnock further stated “Pass also, (H.R.4) the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, for it is like having a fire department in place to protect against future fires. Put in place protections that prevent abuses of power and suppression of our votes. It will ensure preclearance review to prevent abuse.”

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H.R.4, when introduced by Rep. Terri Sewell from Alabama required a constitutional authority statement. Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following: 1) Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, granting Congress the authority to enact appropriate laws to protect the civil rights of all Americans; 2) Section 2 of the Fifteenth Amendment, granting Congress the authority to protect against racial discrimination in voting; and 3) Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution” (Stated in the Congressional Record Online through Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]) National Links President Kimberly Jeffries Leonard asked, “What do you consider the most important civil right?” Senator Warnock responded, “All of them are important as they are interlinked. Voting rights are preservative of all other rights. It is the way we decide about issues.”

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


The Constitutional authority for S.2347 denotes, Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to vote, which is “of the most fundamental significance under our constitutional structure”. Ill. Bd. of Election v. Socialist Workers Party, 440 U.S. 173, 184 (1979); see United States v. Classic, 313 U.S. 299 (1941) wherein it states “Obviously included within the right to choose, secured by the Constitution, is the right of qualified voters within a state to cast their ballots and have them counted . . .” As the Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed, the right to vote is “preservative of all rights”, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886). Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment also protects the right to vote, granting Congress additional authority to reduce a State’s representation in Congress when the right to vote is abridged or denied. “What can we do to be more impactful with legislation?” Warnock noted, “Find ways to build coalitions. Build across racial and ethnic lines. We must prepare as there are those who have targeted our democracy and it is in trouble, as there is a full assault, as you saw on January 6, Efforts exist to curb union voices, trying to make it hard for students to vote, blatantly trying to suppress our vote with gerrymandering.” “This is a fight for our democracy, that we must win!” Susan Taylor, former Essence Magazine Editor and Links, Inc. corporate partner. Congress has broad authority pursuant to section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to legislate to enforce the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, including its protections of the right to vote and the democratic process; authority to legislate to eliminate racial discrimination in voting and the democratic process pursuant to both section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants equal protection of the laws, and section 2 of the Fifteenth Amendment, which explicitly bars denial or abridgment of the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. You can contact your Congress person: “Send calls (202-224-3121) and letters (https://www. senate.gov/general/contacting.htm) to Senators.

Let Your Vote Be Your Voice 24 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Education is Key


Paradigm is a mental program that almost has exclusive control over our habitual behavior. A Shift is a change -to exchange for or replace by another as defined by Google . Given these definitions and observing the educational, economical, political, social and ethical condition of our people and country today, do you think that we need a Paradigm Shift? The above definition of paradigm captures the essence, as it pertains to mental programming of what seems to be plaguing the behavior of most of our populace today. A Paradigm Shift that overrides the negative mental programming that is producing counter-productive outcomes in our society is needed right now! A program, in computer terminology, is a set of instructions that tells the Central Processing Unit (CPU) what to do. The CPU is the brains of the computer, the operating system. GIGO is a phrase that is used by computer scientists, it stands for Garbage In Garbage Out. In other words, if you put bad information into the computer you are going to get bad results. Can we draw any correlation to what is happening in our society today?

Do We Need A Paradigm Shift? By Tory Livingston

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


The brain is the CPU of the body. From birth, we have received and are receiving input/information from so many sources: family, friends, teachers, and our environment. Millions and millions of informational elements, positive and negative, enter our subconscious brain. Disproportionally , negative information seems to be the order of the day. This information shapes our thinking, belief and perspective of the world. Our behavior is a by-product of how we perceive our world . Imagine if people learned to examine themselves and reprogram their negatives to positives. Never Change things by fighting the existing reality...to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller In contrast, we have an educational system designed to ensure individuals focus on external things instead of realizing that true power lies within them. An educational system that instead conditions our children to believe that they are the sum total of memorization and regurgitation of information. And that their self-worth is a reflection of a letter grade or the result of a standardized test score that measures how well they have mastered memorization and regurgitation of facts. An educational system that feeds the supply chain with people who seek a J.O.B (Just Over Broke) instead of using their creative intellectual abilities to solve problems and create jobs.

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Is a paradigm shift needed? Yes! In order to break the mental chains of slavery in the form of educational, economical, social, mental and health disparities – A paradigm shift is long over due. We need a Paradigm Shift in our educational system that teaches our students that they have the power within to change their circumstances, environment, and the world. One that teaches our children how to process incoming information and use it to productively solve problems. Shifting to an educational model that teaches Critical Thinking Skills will yield better results in our students. Education that also teaches students how to set , commit, and to achieve their goals. How do we achieve a Paradigm Shift? How do we flip the script? 1. By teaching and realizing the power that God has placed within each of us. 2. Committing this knowledge to our belief system and 3. Acting in the power within us. This is what I call the TBA cycles. The Think-Believe- Act cycle is needed to reverse the course of negative outcomes and progressively accomplish positive productive goals and objectives. TBA Paradigm Shift Challenge Instead of believing that we will someday overcome racism, believe that we have today. Stop giving power to the media and agitators. Think and Believe that God has made us more than overcomers, Victors instead of victims and start acting Victoriously.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine



National Hugging Day is an annual event dedicated to hugging. It was created by Kevin Zaborney and occurs annually on January 21st. No ribbon color given for this awareness. January 11th, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. In recognition of this important day, and throughout the month of January, Blue Campaign hosts several special events and educational activities. One of the events includes wearing blue and posting on social media your photo with the #WearBlueDay to raise awareness of this heinous crime. Blue is the ribbon color. January is also National Healthy Weight Awareness Month; Americans are encouraged to get moving during one of the most sedentary months of the year to improve health and to reduce their risk of cancer. No ribbon color given for this awareness.

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28 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Black History Month is celebrated in the month of February. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of blacks in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson. Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Red, black, and green are the colors for Black History Month. According to a book published by the UNIA, ‘Red is the colour of the blood which men must shed for their redemption and liberty; black is the colour of the noble and distinguished race to which we belong; green is the colour of the luxuriant vegetation of our Motherland. Valentine’s Day holiday is on February 14th, when lovers and loved ones express their affection with greetings and gifts. The holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. Red is the color for this day which is also called Lover’s Day.

February Days: African Heritage and Health Week (First week of Feb) Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (Feb. 3-9) 2nd World Wetlands Day 4th World Cancer Day 5th Safer Internet Day — #SID19 13th World Radio Day 14th Valentine’s Day 14th National Donor’s Day 16th World Whale Day 17th President’s Day (United States) 17th Random Acts of Kindness Day 20th World Day of Social Justice 21st International Mother Language Day 26th World Spay Day 27th International Polar Bear Day 28th Rare Disease Day 28th Digital Learning Day 29th Leap Year Day (2024) National Eating Awareness Disorder Week, starts the week of the 23rd Month Long: Black History Month Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month American Heart Month. AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine



Here’s to

ew Beginnings are all around us. It could be as simple as a change of a season. The change of a new year, like where we are now. But what does it really mean to have new beginnings? It could mean several things such as starting over, rebirth, refresh, do over, or just a new phase in one’s life. For the V&P Team, it means we are changing and moving in a new direction. Yes, we are the “new and improved” Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine and Media Productions and, yes, we are stronger than ever before. It is definitely true what they say, what doesn’t break you will truly make you STRONGER! This is the year and our season for ELEVATION! Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), “For I know the plans I have for you”, said the Lord. “They are plans for good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Where did it all start? V&P magazine’s humble beginnings started in my home. To be more exact, it was a gathering of 35 people in the basement of my home. It was the beginning of a magazine based on love, vision and purpose. By the end of the meeting 21 people would journey on to help birth the Vision & Purpose (V&P) Magazine.

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It was so fitting. The concept of mine along with my partner at the time, was to find writers, editors, a designer, and other members of the team that were in their purpose and who would lend their gifts and talents to the birth of such a wonderful magazine. I can remember us preparing for the meeting at my house and my partner saying, “There is “no” way that we will find people who are willing to be a part of a magazine and give their talent to us for free”. I clearly remember saying, “Oh yes, they will! If they believe in the vision and if we can find the right people that are in their purpose for each of the columns that we came up with, then they would love to have a chance to show off their hard work and have it in print.” All 21 “yeses” did just that.

New Beginnings! It is so ironic that my basement has been the starting point of great concepts that would later come to fruition. Actually, the name for the magazine came from the extension of my other company Class Act Productions, LLC. We started a Vision Conference in the basement of my home as a fundraiser to support and sponsor the Class Act Community Awards. We were honoring the youth and needed funding to help with some of the expenses. The Vision Conference went so well that we outgrew my basement and at year five, it was the beginning of taking what is now called “The Vision Experience” to a public venue. When I first came up with the name for the magazine, it was Vision Inspires Purpose (VIP) magazine but there were so many VIP names out there already that we decided to drop the “I” and be V&P (Vision & Purpose) Magazine. V&P Magazine’s first edition came out in March 2020, being intentional with our purpose and for the purpose of having the launch during Women’s History Month. We also wanted to acknowledge that the publication is owned by two women. Unbeknown to us, this would be the same day that five COVID cases were reported in Prince George’s County, Maryland. After our launch we had an emergency team meeting to discuss the future of this newly established magazine and the construction of what was supposed to be our new media headquarters. With all of the challenges on the team, they remained strong in their stance of continuing to produce the magazine even if we had to go digital for a moment and do away with the printed version for a while. Because of the team’s belief in continuing forward, we did just that. However, I had to make the hard decision to put the construction on hold for the new headquarters. We moved forward with the magazine and our next edition of the digital version was a hit. We decided to dedicate the front cover to the time that we were in, facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, but to show it in a positive light. So, we created this beautiful image to display on the front cover instead of having a featured guest. It went over so well with the community that they demanded that we go back to print even if it meant the magazine would cost more. This is when we knew for sure, it was all about “Inspiring Our Community” because as we say “community”, is what, “everywhere!” We listened and by September 2020, we fought our way back to print. We truly wanted to be that positive voice for our community. As the magazine celebrated it’s one-year anniversary, March 2021, we made a decision that it was now time to go ahead with the construction of the media headquarters. So, in May 2021 the construction had begun and the grand opening was set for July 2021. By this time, the magazine was known as Vision & Purpose (V&P) Lifestyle Magazine & Media. The two owners were planning to officially change the name once the doors opened. Everything was going so well until it wasn’t.

by Karen McConnell-Jones Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


In silence, my partner and I were starting to have discord between us. It would be heartbreaking, what came next. After only two months of being in our new headquarters, the partnership was falling apart and sad to say, as the old saying goes, in most cases it doesn’t end favorably for either party. The hardest part was not seeing this coming and more than that, I was left to tell the team the news all by myself, with a magazine due out in five days. Yet the kicker was we lost our name, now to my ex-partner. The team was dismayed and definitely disappointed about losing the Vision & Purpose (V&P) Lifestyle Magazine and Media name. I had to assure them that “we” did not lose the name. Instead, “God” allowed us to lose the name so we can truly affirm that if we say we are for the community and that it’s all about being a positive voice for the community, to go stand in that truth and be the “real” and “authentic” Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine and make it official. I can only think of one word to describe our team, “resilient” we are, and thus we shall be. As we know who is really in control, the one who orders our steps and directs our paths. I am truly grateful to God that He has kept us within an unforeseen time that we had to journey through. Now, here’s to “new beginnings’’ of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine. Bringing you more new looks and more community, community, community! There are three new columns added to the V&P Community Magazine. They are the V&P Community Heroes, Birthday Shout-Out’s and News Flash. The Performing Arts column is now called Arts & Media. These new columns were created to have community participation and interaction as V&P wants to be more up close and personal with the community at large. You will find V&P more in the community, bringing you more media productions, more documentaries, short films and media messaging. A few final words, from the owner, I honestly know that my sole proprietorship of the new Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, L.L.C. would not be, if it wasn’t for the support of my community, yet, even more importantly if it was not for the AWESOME TEAM that I have. To the V&P Team: You are the best and I owe this new beginning all to you. I could not have done this without the overwhelming love and support from my team. Not only did you accept and embrace our changes along with our new name, you also helped in creating and naming the new columns as well as renaming one of the old columns. I hope you all know that I take pride in every chance I get to tell the world that I have the BEST team ever! However, this time not only am I telling the world once again how GREAT you all are, I am dedicating this edition of our magazine to you. Now, my words of how much I love you and how grateful I am to have each and every one of you will forever be in print. It is my honor to have the team on the front cover as we start our “New Beginnings” together and as we continue to “Inspire Communities Everywhere!” So, without further adieu I give you Team V&P!

Branding the Vision while Living the Purpose

32 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Meet The V&P Community Magazine Team Kyonna F. Brown is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is a writer for the Health and Wellness column, and supports the media team. She takes great pride in producing content for the magazine that helps the community to grow spiritual, mentally, physically and emotionally. Kyonna is also the owner of Pooch Styles pet grooming, a film producer and editor, author, and speaker. She is a mother of one human child and two fur babies. A loving devoted wife and an advocate for forgiveness she is known as being the Forgiveness Expert. Kyonna F. Brown

Contributing Writer /Health & Wellness Short Film Producer

Belinda is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is a contributing writer and co-host of the B.A.A.D. A.S.S. US Podcast. She loves providing perspective on issues that help or hinder the black community. She is a native of Detroit, works at the Department of Defense and has one son, Joshua, who is her heartbeat. Belinda knows her purpose in life is to be of service to others. She feels this opportunity with V&P is God’s favor over her life. Contributing Writer Podcast Co-host

Belinda Stevenson

Michelle DeMarcia Davis is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who writes in the V&P Community Hero column, manages the V&P Community Birthday Shout-Out column, and website content contributor. Her vision and purpose are sharing how we assist each other as we L.I.V.E (Lead*Invest*Visualize*Evolve). Michelle is also a Substitute Teacher, Author, Host, Life Coach and Founder of Live Live Network, LLC. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, celebrating life and traveling. Michelle DeMarcia Davis

Contributing Writer / Community Hero Community Birthday Shout-Out Website Content Contributor

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Meet The V&P Community Magazine Team Marjorie Middleton is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is the Editor-In-Chief and writes the Inspirational Moments column. She also co-hosts one of the shows that is produced on Vision & Purpose Media Productions platform. God has given us all purpose: love Him and follow your dreams. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. Marjorie M. Middleton

Editor-In-Chief Contributing Writer / Inspirational Moments Co-host

Dominique Massaquoi is a team member of the Vision and Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is one of the leading photographers for the magazine. Dominique loves taking pictures and feels as though it’s a form of art and it allows her to tell a story that can be captured in seconds. Dominique also has her own business HawaDigital. She specializes in street photography. She just loves graffiti and murals. She is the youngest of five children and she is a Pennsylvania State University graduate. Photographer

Dominique Massaquoi

Isaiah Proctor is a team member of the Vision & Purpose (V&P) Media Productions, who is the engineer for the live stream talk shows on the V&P platform. He takes pride in making sure sound is produced efficiently for the platform. Isaiah is also a freelance audio engineer and music producer, as well as graphic artist and fashion enthusiast. He has aspirations to work in the entertainment industry as a legitimate career path.

Isaiah Proctor

Audio Engineer

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Meet The V&P Community Magazine Team Krystal aka “The Ambassador” is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Media Productions, who works on both sides of the company. She is responsible for the layout and design of the magazine. On the media side, she is the Lead Engineer and the Producer for many of the video projects. Krystal is passionate about sharing others stories and spreading a positive message. She loves music, media arts, community, food and her two children. She also loves giving out free smiles! Krystal is the Owner of Only Greatness Media Production, LLC where their slogan is “Making Visions Visible!” Krystal Glenn

Producer Director of Graphics and Design Lead Engineer

Karen Clay is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Media Productions, who designs, develops, and hosts the website for the company, along with assisting in magazine design/layout. She provides IT support and consultation relative to equipment, networking, and streaming technologies. Karen is the owner of Clay Consulting and Director of IT Governance for a local public charter school. She is active in her church, serving on several ministries, including Optimal Health, Spiritual Arts, and Multimedia. Website Developer Graphic Designer IT Consultant

Karen Clay

Zannie is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Media Productions, who is the Bishop of Technology and the IT Specialist for the V&P platform. He is best known for his ability to troubleshoot. There is no hesitation to come up with a solution to keep the show going. He is the son of a pastor Zannie and first lady Lisa with one brother Quintin and sister Zayna. 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Zannie L McNeil III

Bishop of Technology IT Specialist

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Meet The V&P Community Magazine Team Chef Jason R. Greene is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is the lead writer for the Health & Wellness Column. Jason’s writing style for this section is to inform and educate the reader on the nutritional values of maintaining a healthy diet by providing information on healthy food groups and healthy cooking styles. Jason is also a certified chef and the owner & operator of TJay’s Food Services. In his spare time, he enjoys history, sports, golf and serving the community. Family and cooking are his greatest Joy. Chef Jason R Greene

Contributing Writer / Health & Wellness

Donna Harris is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Community Magazine, who is a writer. Her articles can be found in the Business & Entrepreneurship column. Donna is a passionate and detail-oriented Tax Accountant, who has been meeting the needs of individuals and corporations for more than 20 years. Having received degrees in Management, Accounting and Business, Donna is adamant about disseminating accurate information to benefit our readers and her clients alike. Contributing Writer / Business & Entrepreneurship

Donna Harris

River Philbert is a team member of Vision & Purpose (V&P) Media Productions team, who assists with digital marketing initiatives. She helps with creating and implementing content on V&P’s various social media platforms. River is also a digital marketing strategist at a financial company and works on their social media efforts. In her free time, she loves to spend time with her friends and family. River Philbert

Digital Marketing Coordinator

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Meet The V&P Community Magazine Team Tony T is a team member of Vision & Purpose Community Magazine, who writes for the All Things Fashion (Hair) column. His writing style is built on his 32 years of experience as a professional cosmetologist, salon owner, and hair care product owner. Tony T’s writings are heartfelt and sometimes provocative. Spiritual overtones and satire fuel an edgy educational experience. Tony T. is co-owner of Tony Turner Unleashed Hair Care Products/Salon. He loves his wife and partner. Antonio “Tony T” Turner

Contributing Writer / All Things Fashion (Hair)

Martina Turner is a team member of Vision & Purpose Community Magazine, who writes in the All Things Fashion (Hair) column. She is a salon and hair care product co-owner. She has 28 years of experience in the cosmetology field. Martina enjoys sharing her expertise in her articles, hoping that it will help educate and encourage people to take better care of the health of their hair. Martina loves cooking and playing chess with her husband. Contributing Writer/ All Things Fashion (Hair)

Martina C. Turner

Seth Washington is a team member of Vision & Purpose Community Magazine, who writes in the Arts & Media column and is one of the Deputy Editors Seth Washington also hosts the “PAGE TO PAGE: A Written Interview” series on Facebook@Seth Washington Voice. His book of poems and photography is set for release in August of 2022. As an emcee, Washington blends poetry with modern eloquence, voicing excellent introductions of artists and speakers. Seth Washington

Contributing Writer / Arts & Media Deputy Editor

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Hands of Hope Caregivers Foundation 6611 Highgate Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 Patricia J. Morris, CEO Founder Supporting caregivers of today with hope for tomorrow

Karen McConnell Jones, Owner & CEO Vision and Purpose Community Magazine 1441 McCormick Drive Suite 1040 Largo, Maryland 20774 (202) 904-1000 RE: Special Thanks Letter To Mrs. McConnell Jones & staff, Your invitation to be a part of Vision and Purpose Community Magazine highlighting the annual National Caregivers Conference, as well as the Hands of Hope Caregivers Foundation was nothing short of remarkable. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful magazine. You and your team gave the Hands of Hope caregivers a chance to share their journey. Your patience, understanding and willingness to listen and learn about everyone will not be forgotten. You reminded the audience they are important members of our society. They are doing a wonderful deed by taking care of a loved one who needs it the most. You were able to shed light on these beautiful angels who put their lives on hold. You will always be special to Hands of Hope Caregivers Foundation.

Kindest Regards, Patricia J. Morris, CEO Founder Hands of Hope Caregivers Foundation

Hands of Hope Caregivers Foundation

38 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Community News Flash

by Marjorie M. Middleton


n Support of Communities Everywhere – We Pray

Devastations and disasters have been a part of life since the beginning of time. None are what we are looking forward to, but unavoidable. We cannot waste time going over things we cannot change. We must get to work to make a difference.

2021 was a year full of natural disasters, coupled with the Pandemic. There has been extreme heat, deadly cold, hurricanes and other unbelievable weather events. People are suffering. In December the deadliest tornado outbreak ever hit our country. Houses, businesses, transportation lost. Even more devastating, lives lost. Activity began in Arkansas, then reached Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee and Kentucky. 92 people killed, 78 from Kentucky. 55 people were injured. This disturbing disaster lasted 24 hours and 11 minutes. Just imagine how we feel when the lights go out because of a minor storm, or how it feels to lose food items because of power loss. But, imagine more…living, or not, through high winds and prolific storm surges. The National Weather Service says “a tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground.” They can destroy objects, uproot trees and homes and make missiles out of anything. We at V&P mourn with the families and as humans feel pain at the knowledge of their discomfort and losses. Our prayers abound.

American Celebrities We Loved Sidney Poitier (February 20, 1927-January 6, 2022)

Sidney Poitier was a noteworthy actor and director known for being the first Black/Bahamian actor to win an Academy Award in 1964. When he first came to the United States he was stunned at such blatant racism and took a stand with other performers to fight it. He also challenged the Black community, “racism is painful and we have to be clear eyed about it, not just victims of it.” From “Lilies of the Field” to the first “In the Heat of the Night”, we will miss you, rest on our King.

Betty White (January 17, 1922-December 31, 2021)

White was a comedic star and a public figure embraced because she stood up for her beliefs unapologetically. In 1954 White had a variety show where she interviewed a Black dancer. She received backlash after refusing to stop having him as a repeat guest on her show. CBS cancelled the show after 14 episodes. She stood for what she believed in. She went on to have a thriving career and was best known for her role on Golden Girls. We will miss you Betty White, a forever Golden Girl.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Community Outreach

Hugging Is A Spiritual Kiss, A Handshake From The Heart! By Belinda Stevenson

40 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


nce upon a time not long ago there was this spiritual-kiss, a handshake from the heart we called a hug. It was something we gave and received without a second thought. Yet, due to the unforeseen circumstances of COVID that have robbed us of this basic but powerful gesture, I must quote the wise and often reminded words that have never been truer from my grandmother, “time brings about a change”. Now fist and elbow bumps, head nods and a single wave are the new hugs, our new norm.

Some people think hugging is not a big deal while others live for hugs, but no matter what side of the coin you are on, it is essential. The lack of human connection and exchange of energy causes our brains to release more of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can make you very tense, nervous or angry. Imagine what this new norm has done and is doing to so many of us? We are dealing with the stress and constant uncertainty of this pandemic; the grief from the loss of loved ones and friends; the isolation; the disruption of our habitual routines; being forced into confinement and institutionalization of the mind; a complete shock to the entire body. The powerful language of touch boosts self-esteem. It makes us feel safe and loved; it connects us to things greater than us; it provides the intimacy that fuels relationships, makes you feel closer and gives you the feeling words sometimes cannot convey. Hugging reduces pain by releasing the “feel good” hormone called endorphins, which improves circulation. Without this, optimal health is impossible. Circulation ensures that blood and oxygen continuously flow throughout the body, allowing our organs to function properly. How do we function and maintain a healthy immune system, which inadvertently causes sickness when the body is dysfunctional? We do not! So, now our issues have compounded. However, not all is lost. Sometimes God forces us to sit still, relax, and reevaluate His promises to trust in Him and He will give us everything we “need” and that all things will work out for our good. The beauty of his promises are definite and infinite. Find a way to control the things we can, discover a new way to release and find peace in the things we cannot. He will test our faith or force us to understand that faith “with” action is all we need. His way can be uncomfortable but in that discomfort is where you find strength, understanding and an appreciation for things seen and unseen. God has given us the most useful, renewable, and eternal natural resources that are found everywhere on this planet. Nature and the sun; the place where you can truly see his majesty and hear his voice. Just step outside, listen to the noise behind the noise, take it in and find your connection. Everything in nature grows toward the sun, the light. The same path in which we are all trying to follow. Just remember, God is faithful! Now, go outside and give nature an air hug!

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Community Outreach Community Outreach

Cancer Connection Resource Center Striving to Make a Difference

By Karen McConnell-Jones


e all know that nonprofit organizations are the supporting branches of our community. Nonprofits are usually created out of the heart, passion, and gifted-skillset that the founding members have within them. They are striving to make a difference in their community while being intentional with their messaging. V&P Community Magazine can truly say that Cancer Connection Resource Center (CCRC) is one of those organizations and we are pleased to introduce this fine organization to our readers.

CCRC was birthed in 2017 by Glenda Cousar, who is the Founder & Executive Director. Glenda is a Registered Nurse with over 35 years of experience and has specialized in Oncology Nursing for the past 27 years. She has heard the cry of many families as well as assisting the families with locating and connecting to the many different resources in the community. Because of the need and her desire to help Glenda founded the organization. As the Founder, it was important to bring in like minded and highly qualified personnel that can work together as a team and help to provide assistance for those in need. Co-Founders, Angela Ballard (Clinical Researcher) and Barbara Grant-Proctor (Financial Educator) joined Glenda to help assist families in need of a comprehensive support solution so that they can navigate through everyday life logistics.

42 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

CCRC has built on its more than 27-year history of combined Oncology Nursing, Financial Management and Clinical Research, offering a high level of expertise to provide cancer patients with reliable resources to navigate through the terrain of a diagnosis of cancer. “Our main goal is to provide financial resources and support to persons with cancer going through active treatment.” CCRC targeted audience ranges from any adult individual, 18 years and over, with any form of cancer that has been diagnosed by a medical doctor and is in active treatment. The organization’s reach is based in the DC Metropolitan Area (DMV).

“We see the expansion of the organization growing into a one stop resource facility for individuals with a diagnosis of Cancer and their support system looking for services such as: patient navigation, financial assistance and referrals to everyday life logistics. The services resulting from this center will reinvigorate and enrich the quality of life of cancer patients and will also provide a sense of community, not only for the CCRC clients but for all of its stakeholders.” “We have witnessed the client’s biggest needs of needing help with co-pays, transportation and assistance with household expenses. Our desire for CCRC is to lessen the burden of a cancer diagnosis by providing financial, educational and emotional support. We just want people to understand how everyday products can affect their health and well-being on a larger scale. CCRC will not be an income-based organization, it will be an expensebased organization.” A large percentage of patients that are in active treatment are underinsured, uninsured, and of lower socioeconomic status. As a result of this, transportation has become one of the major barriers for patients to access healthcare. Washington Hospital Center Cancer Institute, in Washington DC has seen over 3000 patients annually in 2019 and 2020. Approx. 40-45% of these patients have required transportation to and from their treatments and/or doctor visits through their health care team. Almost one-half of cancer patients seen needed transportation.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Another big need is Health Care coverage. Health insurance coverage can be very costly with a diagnosis of Cancer. Even with health insurance coverage, a patient may still be responsible for a percentage of the bill. Between office visits, medication, diagnostic tests, outpatient procedures and radiation therapy and depending on insurance plan type, a patient diagnosed with cancer may be required to pay daily co-pays for these services. An example would be someone with a diagnosis of breast cancer. Patients will normally receive radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks with a possible co-pay of $50 each occurrence. This is a total of $1,500 for an out-of-pocket expense. If you add 2-4 doctor visits in those 6 weeks for a total of $20$50 per visit, oral chemotherapy medication which is $3,000, and a possible co-pay of 20%, you are now looking at $2,140.00 - $2,300.00. This is an unexpected monthly expense. This can cause a major hardship, especially if the cancer patient is already living paycheck to paycheck. CCRC went on to share how they would like to see the medical profession and our supported government agencies be more of an assistance to their organization by helping with funding, resources, and GRANTS that see and understand the need for their organization to be a part of this community. “Being able to provide this support, we are hoping this will lessen the burden of cancer patients and their support systems and alleviate those that are “suffering in silence’; this is what truly matters to us.” “Our greatest reward since starting the organization has been seeing the gratitude on the faces of the people we were able to help. As President Barack Obama has stated “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Glenda Cousar and the CCRC team has dreamed for many years of being part of the change by developing and seeking the implementation of this nonprofit organization. Cancer Connection Resource Center, INC. will continue to do outreach and serve cancer patients by maintaining its motto, “Helping you and Your Support System with a Personal Touch.”

44 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine

Authors Speak

An Author’s Walk To Purpose By Karen McConnell-Jones

This is a compelling story of an author’s distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic. She was stretched to walk straight into her purpose without hesitation or without reservation in order to save her family from devastation. Mercy Myles-Jenkins is an Author, Coach and Visionary Leader who ensures that your vision becomes a reality as she coaches and strategizes a clear plan of action that helps get you to the finish line.. Mercy’s proven coaching skills and strategic guideline have helped to empower and to encourage her clients to walk in their true purpose by embracing their true selves. Mercy Myles-Jenkins is the CEO and Founder of the Author’s Finish Line Academy which is under the umbrella of Legacy Driven Consulting & Publishing Company. The Author’s Finish Line Academy conducts a 7-Day Book Cave Immersive experience, whereby they have a 9-Step process that is taught, to help aspiring Christian Authors to become published Authors. “It is exciting to watch how quickly our clients emerge into their true selves as the elevation of their book expands them to lead. Within one year we have coached and published thirty Authors. This is absolutely mind-blowing, and we are excited to serve more Speakers, Coaches, Consultants, Ministry Leaders and Entrepreneurs”. “Now, today, we are expanding the brand to include a Media Division and a Network. It is our intention to create more opportunities for our Authors to get their stories, thoughts and ideas heard by a wider community. So, we are currently working on expanding the vision, to also include training in our Elite Dreamers Mastermind group for speaking & pitching to TV/Media, creating streams of income & Money Mindset Mastery”. Mercy shares with V&P her humble beginnings on becoming an author. She honestly shared that the idea to write a book didn’t come from an internal desire. Instead, she was given a prophetic word, and on several occasions, she was told that she was a writer and that she would write many books. In fact, Mercy remembers a time when she was called out by a Prophet on Facebook Live and he said that she had three books to write. This shocked her so! She began to pursue her gift of writing and performing poetry, and then writing a non-fiction book.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


The self-help book titled, God’s Mercy in the Wilderness: A Guide to Finding Your Calling & Purpose in the Midst of Church Hurt, ended up being the first book that Mercy published. It was supposed to be based on her testimony of being in a cult. But because of the shame she decided to pull away from sharing her personal accounts. Instead, she chose to write the book from the angle of reaching out to the de-churched who wanted to find their purpose and calling but needed support to overcome their issues of spiritual abuse that had an impact on their ability to seek God for their purpose. Thus, they struggled to put all the pieces together to feel empowered to fulfill it. “As of now, I have written 5 books on the subject matter of spiritual abuse. Most people are familiar with the term ‘church hurt’, but I no longer use this term. The proper term is spiritual abuse, whereby a person of power uses the Bible scriptures to control, dominate and intimidate another causing additional harm emotionally, psychologically, financially, and relationally. In my books I share my personal testimony in the book titled ‘Run for Your Life’, in the other books, I cover overcoming betrayal and recovery from spiritual abuse.”

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“I can honestly say that my inspiration comes from the Holy Spirit. He inspires me to share my personal journey to support the de-churched and the wounded, to empower them to create their comeback! As a private person, I found it extremely challenging to share but the Lord kept on working with me and my reluctance to share later turned around.”

Mercy shared her truth and transparency on how the Author’s Finish Line Academy was birthed. In April 2020, right at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic her husband got laid off from work and she sought the Lord for help to replace his income. She heard the Holy Spirit say, “Teach people how to write books”. She immediately posted the Book Coaching classes which started in four days and to her surprise people responded quickly and just like that the program took off! This was a wonder to Mercy because it was never on her agenda to do so, but she decided to jump by faith and create the program. She went along in not to procrastinate on her new found purpose that God had blessed her with. “I am grateful to God for being able to use my gift and talent to give back to the community and to be a servant to others. I am excited to use my gift to activate and empower women to unmute their voices to tell their stories to inspire women to walk in their purpose and destiny despite life’s challenges. I do this through many avenues but namely as the President of the Women with a Call International, New England branch. I am truly blessed to be in my purpose and to help be a blessing to so many others.” Mercy’s latest book Rebuild, Reset and Recover; 7 Steps to Spiritual Abuse Recovery, lays out the steps to heal, recover and rebuild a new happier life that is within you. In writing her story she encourages others to write their stories and life lessons in seven days or less. This led to her becoming an Award-Winning Book & Business Coach. She is dubbed “The Scribal Midwife” by her clients. She empowers women to emerge and evolve powerfully in the world as their authentic self.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


All Things Fashion

Armed & Dangerous By Tony Turner

48 Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


rmed & Dangerous! Ain’t too many can bang with us. This is the new year! It’s coming in hot! Are you ready? Anything can happen! We have seen a pandemic that changed the world! It affected everything we do. From the way we worship to the way we eat, drink, sleep and pay our bills. Everything was touched, mostly our hearts. How do we cope with so many changes and challenges? Well, we must get armed and that makes us dangerous. We must as the Word says “put on the full armor of The Lord!” In Ephesians 6:10-20 we are taught to be strong in The Lord and in his mighty power, to put on the full armor of The Lord, so that you can stand against the devil’s schemes. It says, we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms. It says to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on Praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make the mystery of the gospel known, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. These are powerful words written by a man in bondage. He was ready to finish his calling! He was ready for anything, even up to his death. In it the writer was praying to stay true to the mission. Ultimately his mission was accomplished. Proof is I’m gleaning from his words he wrote over 2,000 years ago. That’s a lifetime ago. Those words are still inspiring and encouraging to us today. I chose to add those verses to my article today because many of us may not study The Word. Many of us are unarmed and undisciplined. We have become tools of the evil one. We love being the victim. We won’t put on the full armor of the Lord. We don’t even know it exists. Because we are too distracted to pick up a book. The Beginning of becoming armed and dangerous is to know The Most High, where wisdom and knowledge are housed. So how does this tie into fashion? All Things Fashion knows knowledge and wisdom are the most beautiful thing you can have! In fact, wisdom is characterized as a sought-after woman. In the book of Proverbs, it tells how she is worth more than precious metal and stones (gold and diamonds). It tells of the peace one acquires when one obtains her. That is priceless. It teaches you how to master things of this universe. What could be more beautiful than that! She will arm you and make you dangerous. But there is a prerequisite. You must put the Lord first and then seek her, then she will bless you. You ever notice how a man will lose something and look everywhere and still can’t find it. Then he asks his wife. And just like that it just magically appears! That’s how wisdom works! She shows up! It’s a beautiful thing! That is why the bible says “when a man finds a wife, he has found a good thing!” The problem is we won’t read the Book! Study The Lord! Getting armed becomes dangerous to the forces of evil. That is the All Things Fashion (Hair) word of the day. God Bless You Real Good!

Peace! Tony T. Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


All Things Fashion

Armed & Dangerous By Martina Turner

It’s 2022! A new year filled with new goals, challenges and new beginnings. What are the changes you want to see for yourself this year? Often, we want to start the year off with a weight loss plan, which is great. Maybe this year we should focus more on making our weight loss plan a lifestyle goal. A healthy body and immune system should be on everyone’s top priority list. All the diseases, illnesses, even the COVID-19 virus have taken a toll on people’s overall health and even caused death. People are dealing with depression, obesity, hair loss and side effects of medications. All revolve around our daily lifestyle choices, which can be dangerous and also preventable. Medicine is a good way to treat your health problems, but let’s not forget that the body can heal itself with proper lifestyle habits. Exercise, a healthy meal plan, the proper amount of sleep, discipline and positive thinking are decisions you have to dedicate yourself to daily.

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Health is wealth, so let’s get armed with discipline, confidence and self-love. You are so worth it! We all are created uniquely. God has a special purpose for each and every one of us. You just have to walk into it. Your health is the beginning of self-love, then mastering the gifts and talents you were blessed with. Stay focused on who you are and not on others, because what is meant for you is for you. Put on your armor of confidence and make a healthy lifestyle your new year resolution. Become armed and dangerous, walk into your divine purpose. Let’s not forget about our hair care resolutions. Healthy hair is also a priority. This year let’s try using less heat on our hair. Heating tools used more than once a week will cause damage to the hair. Heat damage can change the texture of your natural curl pattern, also cause split, dry and brittle hair strands. This can turn a hair trim into a haircut. Then you’re wondering why your hair is not growing and keeps on breaking. Your daily hair maintenance regimen makes a difference. Use a heat protectant when using heating tools, also a lightweight hair oil helps add shine and moisture to the hair. Keep up with your trims and deep conditioning treatments. Small changes can result in healthier hair. Every goal requires consistency and dedication which can result in an overall lifestyle change. Walk into your Purpose.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Arts & Media


he creative arts have accompanied civilization for eons. Through its various languages of music, dance, film, books and more, art has offered social commentary, epic storytelling, historic insight along with timeless beauty. What a resource creativity is. Can we make greater usage of it and by being more intentional in our engagement of art, can we benefit more from it in the year 2022 and beyond? Some examples of how a few spaces within modern society are doing so, with success, may point the way.

Art: A New Year of Treasure and Purpose By Seth Washington

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Write The Vision Vision Boards use the art of pictures and graphics to enhance one’s ability to believe for what the heart desires. This methodology is often encouraged for the attainment of medium and long-range goals. To motivate the process, a gathering is convened known as a vision party wherein several friends or associates use this time to verbally proclaim their plans while displaying their vibrantly crafted boards. A collage of sorts, the boards contain images, graphics, affirmations, as well as words that specify the goal(s) to be achieved. In this way, vision boards fulfill the scripture Habbakuk 2:2 that says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it”. Indeed, the pictures and graphics enhance the ability to make it plain. In a similar way, well crafted and well placed images within the living space can be used to reinforce certain, everyday, standards. For example, a nicely framed painting of a clean kitchen speaks volumes ever so quietly. A vibrant photo of two adults who appear to be speaking quite passionately yet respectfully can reinforce the blessing of maintaining one’s cool. Art in the home that makes it plain can help to keep things simple.

Say Amen One of society’s most purposeful utilizations of music happens during church service. Beginning with praise and worship, the choir leads the congregation into a higher state of readiness to fellowship. At different points further into the service, music is used as an anointed uplift that precedes prayer, offering and the sermon. In these ways, the choir is helping to shape the collective energy, pointing it toward the direction of appropriate mental and spiritual awareness in the moment. Likewise, pro athletes have specific playlists that emanate from their headphones in pre-game moments. University and high school marching bands routinely perform what are known as ‘fight’ songs. They are played during the game and at pep rallies to inspire their team. How cool would it be for a family to have a theme song, it’s own line dance and a unified inspirational prayer? The family that sings, steps and prays together, imagine.

Vision & Purpose Community Magazine


Marketing Your Thoughts Advertisements incorporate the multiple disciplines of art for the purpose of, first, acquiring our attention then, over time, directing that focus toward a purchase or transaction of some kind. Meticulously structured word phrases, deftly styled images, a popular song all exquisitely composed and, suddenly, our undivided gaze they have attained. For thirty seconds to a minute we are willfully transfixed with a subsequent seed of possibility planted therein for the birthing of a future sale. Before suggesting old to the public, time and money partners to ensure that effective statement that idea is put forth. Can we take this example and,

an idea new or companies invest with creative the most about

as such, place more emphasis in planning the presentation of our next big idea that we offer to a relative, friend or colleague? As the advertisers have shown, the first step is about presenting in such a way that we fully ensnare the attention of our audience.

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How many times in the past either personally or professionally did we make a ‘good’ suggestion that was not met with acceptance? Perhaps the presentation could have been stronger. Maybe a powerpoint display featuring an original poem, set to music, along with location photos used to introduce a new idea for the family reunion destination isn’t over the top after all. It doesn’t guarantee a ‘yes’, however, it will at least boost the seriousness about their consideration of your plan.

Winning With Art Also, there’s no law indicating that you can’t hire an artist to assist in creating content for any or all of the ideas listed above and more. Collaborating with a trained artist can multiply the power of your idea and the expression of it. Doing so also adds vibrance to both the activity and economy of the local artists. There is a singer, music producer, a poet, a visual artist, art gallery, chef and fashion designer near you. As an added benefit, your active engagement of the creative arts sector is a powerful affirmation for our community as a whole. In 2022 and ongoing, these are but a few practical ways to intentionally utilize the great tools that art offers us. They add effectiveness to our ideas, provide strength to the mindset and grow a positive sense of unity. These are things art can do, on purpose, while still also providing creative service to us in the more traditional ways of recreation, relaxation, beautification and entertainment.


Maria H.

Happy birthday to my daughter in love, a true example of a loving woman of God. I love you!


Masiah B.

Happy 5th Birthday blessed handsome, trustworthy, respectful and responsible Masiah! Love Always, your family.


Nicole D.

Happy Birthday in Heaven smart, beautiful Nicole, thank God for time with you! Always loved and remembered by your family.


Stevie G.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life! Can't imagine life without you. Here's to many more years together!


Stevie G.

"Happy Birthday" Stevie!! I Hope This Is Your Best Year Yet! Wish You Many More!! Love Always, Khalila


Candice C.

Happy Birthday Enjoy your special day!


Lydia D.

Happy Birthday to my forever friend. Enjoy your day, Beautiful!



Happy 11th Birthday blessed beautiful, trustworthy, respectful and responsible Camiya! Love Always, your family.


Rashad M.

"Happy Birthday Son! We are so proud of the man that you have become. Your beautiful art is amazing!"


Bryan J.

Praying you have the best birthday! You deserve it.


Tomika G.

Happy Birthday Tomika! Thank you for creating Vision Made Plain for inspiration and intentional growth. Love Always, Raushanah & Michelle.


Alfreda G.

Happy birthday GG. Wishing you many more to come. We love you!


Alfreda G.

Happy Birthday Freda! To my big cousin who is like an auntie to me. I love you very much. Blessings!



Happy Birthday Roxann from your reason, season and lifetime friends! Love Always, Deanna & Michelle.


Lisa D.

Happy birthday to me!! This is your year Lisa! Enjoy who God has created you to be.


Marjorie M.

Happy Birthday, Momma/Marjie! We love and appreciate you. Have the best year ever. We appreciate you!!



Happy 24th Birthday blessed handsome, trustworthy, respectful and responsible DeVaughntay! Love Always, your family.

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