V & P Community Magazine Special Edition - The Author's Finish Line Academy

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Special Edition October 2021

The Author 's Finish Line Academy

Mercy Myles-Jenkins ader e L y r a n The Visio Page 18


V &P Special Edition Editor-In-Chief Karen McConnell-Jones

Layout & Design Krystal Glenn

Mercy Myles-Jenkins Elder Ivy Caldwell Valarie Harris Dr. Myria Thompson Esther Belony Andrea Thompson Clarice May Cregger Connie Kirven Janet Lennox Kalia Thompson Karen Fitzgerald Shawn Quallo Kernelee Bowen-Campbell

The staff Louise Alexandra Gimena Rod Garay

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The Author 's Finish Line Academy

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V&P Special Edition

Elder Ivy Caldwell

V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Elder Ivy Caldwell (IC): I had started writing some children’s book back in 2013 but I put it aside and as time went on the pandemic struck. It was the perfect time to pick my notebook up again. I have written thirty children stories and one day I will get them published. While in prayer one morning the Holy Spirit said “You can’t skip over this.” I had to sit there and I asked “Skip over what Lord?” The Holy Spirit replied, “Your story.” I had to sit there and think about those words for a few minutes. I thought about my story and how I had no intentions of telling my story to anyone. That day I said yes to the Lord and I began writing my story. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book?

der a e L e v i t a v Inno zed i n a Org 4 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

IC: The name of my book is entitled “Expose It”. Exposing the truth about yourself can be a painful and liberating process all at the same time. In my book I share my past journey of hurts, fears, struggles, low self-esteem and anger of what had happened to me as a little girl. How allowing God in my life has helped me to heal. It’s not until you confront the pain that the healing process can begin.

VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s)? IC: Exposing your truth is essential to being healed and becoming whole gain. If you keep exposing and get to the root cause of your pain you will be glad that you did. While you are peeling back the layers of your pain; you are on your journey to healing. Allow God in your journey to help you along the way to claiming back your voice, authority and power. In my book you will learn how to get unstuck and move past your pain of abuse, how to get your voice and authority back and how forgiving those who have hurt you is a part of the healing process. The overall theme, it is important to expose your truth so you can be healed to walk in your purpose. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? IC: It is because of God that I am inspired to get to all those women and girls who are assigned to me who have not told their stories yet. VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? IC: I can’t name a favorite author. I read many books about God, inspiration, empowerment and self-development. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? IC: What have you learned about yourself through your journey of becoming an author, do you have any regrets about anything, and when you were younger what would you say to your younger self? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? IC: I can remember when I was a little girl, I wanted to become a nurse or teacher. After working in the commercial insurance industry for over twenty years, owning my own licensed childcare business for fourteen years and then back to the commercial insurance industry. I have come full circle due to a longer within me to teach and serve others. My book “Expose It” will be used to help others to heal and I will be teaching many through my coaching program. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? IC: If you are in my circle, you can call upon me to get assistance with whatever project you are working on. I enjoy creating things and mapping out plans. V&P Community Magazine Special Edition| 5

V&P Special Edition

Valarie Harris r e g a r u o c En r Inspire Equiper

V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Valerie Harris (VH): I became interested in writing books at a young age but never pursued that passion until later in life. I would always write different kinds of stories in my notebooks or on loose leaf paper about what I plan on doing in my life.

VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? VH: My first-time publishing with Author's Finish Line Academy has been a delightful journey. The title of my book is "Unleashed Prayer of Prayer Teens and Young Adults' Prayer Journal Workbook". The book has interactive activities that will help our youth learn why they need to have an intimate relationship with God. It gives an understanding of why prayer is essential in the life of a believer and how to pray. It will help them develop a daily habit of prayer. They will learn why prayer is the driving force they need to defeat the enemy while overcoming obstacles that might hinder their prayer life. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s)? VH: The key theme is developing a habit of spending time in the presence of the Lord through prayer, reading and studying God’s Word, and journaling. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? VH: I received my inspiration from God, my family, teachers, numerous instructors, and many intercessors in my life. 6 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Where do you see yourself in one (1) year and what impact do you intend to make with your book? VH: In one year, I can see myself impacting teens and young adults worldwide in their quest to seeking God through prayer, studying God’s Word, and journaling as another avenue to communicate with our living Savior. I also see myself speaking to different groups to convey my message on developing the habit of prayer and spending some talk with God, and journaling. VPCM: What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? VH: My experience in the Author's Finish Line Academy has been phenomenal. It has allowed me to refresh, refocus and recommit to the vision God has given. It has been an incredible experience to have a Scribal Midwife like Mercy Myles-Jenkins, who coaches with such passion as she helps others obtain their goals. She does not mind sharing and teaching others to rely on the creative minds that God has given each of us. We must step out of the box and follow the path God is leading us in. He is always speaking, and we must be obedient to His Word, His voice, and do whatever He has instructed us to accomplish. VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? VH: Providentially, I am a product of being raised in the projects but decided that it would not determine my destiny. I understood the importance of getting an education which allowed me to acquire my dreams, passions, and desires. My background is what shaped who I have become today. Still, I have always wanted to write books but never really given it much thought until later in my life.

We should never let our age dictate our desires. All my experiences brought back the urge to write my first book and now my second book entitled Unleashed Power of Prayer, a Teens and Young Adults Prayer Journal Workbook. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? VH: I taught school for 34 years, then became the Director of Ministries at my church where I have served for 30 years. Both assignments brought much joy because I could use my skills, gifts, and talents to give back to the community through missions at home and in other world regions. My life transformed more and more by traveling to other parts of the world to serve in Africa and do workshop training in India. I love serving others in the body of Christ through leadership training for those I lead. Serving and helping others is a passion that allows me to serve in various capacities. V&P Community Magazine Special Edition| 7

V&P Special Edition V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book?

Dr. Myria Thompson

Dr. Myria Thompson (MT): Writing a book has been a dream of mine for several years. I just did not know where to begin, and the publishing process was a complete mystery to me. I eventually became overwhelmed with the entire process and just did not pursue it any further until right before the pandemic. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? MT: My first book is my testimony on overcoming the trauma of church hurt and the transformation process that I went through for healing. I share how God was there during the entire ordeal and taught me lessons that changed my life forever. It is my prayer that others who has experienced church hurt read the book and become free from the deep wounds and trauma that accompany church hurt. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s)? MT: The key message of my book is overcoming offences and allowing God to heal your wounds and to also recognize the purpose in the pain. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration?

Jovial Adventurous Brave

MT: My inspiration comes from my paternal grandmother. She never completed school and began working at a young age. She was a hard, and dedicated worker and always taught me that whatever I do, do it in excellence. My grandmother instilled a love of reading books and would always take me to the local library or bookmobile. It is to her that I lovingly dedicated my book to. 8 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? MT: I really enjoy Jennifer Eivaz’s work because her way of conveying difficult kingdom concepts is easy to understand and you can apply those concepts to your life instantly. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? MT: What do you do when you are stuck and cannot move past the first three paragraphs, do you find that writing in another location helps when you are stuck, and if so where do you go, and how long does it typically take you to complete a book? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? MT: I am a fulltime educator with over 15 years of experience in the public school system, and have a background in developing and writing curriculum from elementary to the high school level. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? MT: I use my talents to develop curriculum for after school tutoring programs free of charge for students who would not otherwise have access to the extra instructional assistance needed.

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V&P Special Edition

V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book?

Esther Belony

Esther J. Belony (EJB): As a child, I loved to read and keep journals; always dreaming of a time when I would author my own books. Becoming an author was always a dream of mine that I presumed would be fulfilled in my later years of life. I was pleasantly delighted when God blew His wind upon me, to write. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? EJB: God pressed the idea of writing a book and the material derived from a 2017 Periscope series I taught on connecting with your teens. God then sent Pastor Mercy to nurture the scribe in me and pushed me to write and publish my first book.

VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s)? EJB: The key message of Strong Bond. Bright Future is that God has given us the tools we need to parent our teens in a healthy, loving and connective way. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? EJB: My first book was an inspiration from a Periscope series about raising and connecting with your teens I taught in 2017. My audiences loved the material and were touched by what I had to say. VPCM: Where do you see yourself in one (1) year and what impact do you intend to make with your book? 10 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

Fun Serious Spontaneous EJB: I see myself connecting with community leaders, churches and families, inspiring them, through my book and speaking, to pursue a healthy and strong relationship with their teenagers. VPCM: What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? EJB: My experience at the Author's Finish Line Academy has been nothing short of a blessing! Pastor Mercy has cracked the code on how to birth and nurture strong leaders and scribes! I have been encouraged and supported by my fellow scribal brothers and sisters. I also have made some lasting connections with some of my scribal family that sharpened me and impacted me for a lifetime. VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? EJB: I am a parent coach, who works specifically with parents of teens. I encourage them to have a stronger relationship with their teenagers. I have over 15 years of working in the mental health field, including working with children, teens and families. I have my Bachelor's degree in Psychology and also an ordained minister, who has worked in youth and children ministries in the churches that I served, for the last 20 years. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? EJB: I want to ignite and re-ignite the fire in our parents, to not give up in their parenting journey. The family unit God designed still wins and I want to remind and encourage our parents about this truth!!

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V&P Special Edition

Andrea Thompson V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Andrea Thompson (AT): I didn’t start out with an interest in writing a book but had received prophecies of doing so. I finally stepped out, afraid after feeling a sense of urgency to get it done. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? AT: My first book, The Sought-after Worshipper, Becoming the Worshipper God Desires was birthed out of my passion for worship but with a greater desire to worship God how He desires-it was in knowing that there was more than I had become used to and wanting to explore and encounter that unknown dimension and depth in worshiping God. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s) AT: The key theme and message is found in John‬ 4:23-24‬ KJV‬‬ where it states, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” It serves as a call to all believers to worship God accordingly as written herein. ‬ VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? AT: My inspiration comes from my faith in God and my love for Him. I have a deep desire to please God in all I do and wanting to see others fulfilling their purposes in God. 12 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? AT: My favorite author is Maya Angelou because she was introduced to me by an English teacher which sparked a love for writing in the form of poetry that has led to different forms of writing. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? AT: I would ask what is their motivation, what difficulties have they faced in writing, and what feeds their longevity in writing? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? AT: I have always loved reading and the English Arts, I always excelled in that area of study. I’ve always loved writing poetry, short stories, plays and songs.

Worshipper, Committed, Determined

VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? AT: I use my gift to serve my Pastors and ministry in whatever capacity needed. Since writing my book I have started group coaching, designed to help believers become the worshippers God desire while providing the opportunity for improved outlook, rediscovery and realignment of their God given identity. V&P Community Magazine Special Edition | 13

V&P Special Edition V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Clarice May Cregger (CMC): I have always been fascinated with books and learning from them. Growing up in 3rd world country books are so important and holds such a high value. I always wanted to make a difference in the world in a way that will pave for my family and for others. Books have a way to deliver information in a matter that is long lasting. So, God placed this passion in my heart to one day be a writer and write my own books and to publish many many books.

Clarice Cregger

Determined, Creative, Outgoing

VPCM: Tell us about your first published book?

CMC: My book is for anyone who has been hurt, rejected, broken, abandoned, and/or for anyone who has experienced depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and co-dependency. My book is for everyone overcoming past hurts and who find beauty in their brokenness. My book will show the true testament of how much God loves and cares for his children. It will provide you step-by-step information on someone can heal and live a purposeful life again -- despite past experiences. My book is a testament to how I refused to be consumed by my hardships, and it will also provide you tools and tips that can help you overcome your own pain and suffering. VPCM: What is the key theme and/or message in your book(s) CMC: The key theme of my book is about my testimony and how God saved me from my own destructive self, I talk about the four step that God taught me during the dark times of my life as to how to find beauty in my brokenness. 14 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? CMC: I get my inspiration from my mom and my sisters. They are my life, my everything. God told me I am to be the first of the first in my family, so I will make sure to achieve that and be an inspiration to them. VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? CMC: My Favorite author is Pastor Joyce Myers – she just reminds me so much of me, the way she writes is so direct yet moving, she writes so genuinely based on her life experiences and journey with God. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? CMC: How long did it take you to find the courage to write, where do you come up with the Idea for your book, and how do you manage the stress of writing and finding balancing life with it? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? CMC: I am from the Philippines; I was raised by a single mom, and I have 2 other siblings. I am the eldest in the family and I am currently residing in Albuquerque, NM with my husband. I love God and his people, I love to sing and worship, I love to serve, to teach, and to create. This is just a little bit about me. You will get to know me a little better when you read my book. You can call me Claire and most people will tell you I am a go getter – determined, creative, and very loving person. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? CMC: I founded a ministry and coaching business called Broken But Beautifully Made Which allows me to coach, serve, and help women of all ages internationally. I am also a professional photographer, I own a photography business called Claire May Photography & Designs LLC being a photographer it allows me to capture memories, showcase individual’s beauty, and minister to each client of mine. The gifts that God gave me are to create, coach, and execute in excellence and so I am able to give back to the community by serving them through my gifts, my ministry and my business.

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V&P Special Edition

Connie Kirven

Unstoppable, Unmovable and Unshakeable V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Connie M. Kirven (CMK): I felt the need to share my story after recognizing so many Christian couples had experienced this trauma and decided to share how I was able to recover and give hope to those that are still trying to recover from this kind of trauma by sharing my story in written form. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? CMK: My first published book is an invitation for the reader to go on a journey with me as I discovered infidelity in my marriage as a newly ordained leader in my church and how I dealt with the trauma. Eventually I turned my life around with the help of my Pastors, friends and family who encouraged me not to give up on building a new life for myself and my daughter. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s)? CMK: In life we will all be challenged with something unexpected and forced to deal with the circumstances, however it does not define who we are. Never give up on yourself because God never allows us to go through anything He doesn't give us a way out of. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? CMK: My inspiration comes from the Word of God and my mom who had similar challenges yet did her best to raise me and my sisters with love, compassion and boldness. My mom never let anything or anyone stop her from accomplishing what she set out to do. She used each of her difficult circumstances as fuel for her successes in life. VPCM: Where do you see yourself in one (1) year and what impact do you intend to make with your book? 16 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

CMK: I see my "Beauty Personified by Queen Connie" mobile spa business celebrating it's one year anniversary by coming out with my own brand of all natural body cream products. I am creating a "Post-Divorce Warfare" work-book to help as a guide to share some of the practical knowledge I have obtained in working through the emotional trauma of divorce. I have also created a Facebook group along with doing my own podcast which will feature experts in the areas of divorce, trauma, mental and physical health and well-being. VPCM: What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? CMK: My experience in Author's Finish Line Academy has been simply amazing. It is a community in which I have thrived as an author because of the leadership of Coach Mercy Myles-Jenkins who makes it her business to create a supportive and nurturing environment for her clients.

VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? CMK: Interestingly enough I am an Ordained Minister at Destiny Molder's Church of Boston, Mass who comes from the world of arts & entertainment as a singer/songwriter. I have also written an unpublished play and performed on many stages professionally since the age of 19 years old. I believe writing (although not intentional at first) came somewhat natural to me once I learned how to formulate my story. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? CMK: I am an active member of the Boston Mountain Top Group for social justice out of Boston, Mass where I serve as the Co-Chair for arts & entertainment during events. I am part of the Board of Directors of my church as a clerk and a Master Instructor for the Destiny Empowerment Center founded by my first Lady Pastor Gloria Olatunji. I teach Bible Study and help coordinate events for my church and manage the social media content etc., for Lam A Dieu Centre for Humanity which is Non-Profit Organization that helps residents of Haiti in and out of the US with literacy, food, clothing and shelter. I love to go out into the community and volunteer my services during annual events for Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Domestic Violence to name a few. V&P Community Magazine Special Edition | 17

V&P Special Edition

Mercy Myles-Jenkins

A Visionary Leader

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Mercy Myles-Jenkins is the CEO and Founder of the Author’s Finish Line Academy which is under the umbrella of Legacy Driven Consulting & Publishing Company. The Author’s Finish Line Academy conduct a 7-Day Book Cave Immersive experience, whereby they have a 9-Step process that is taught, to help aspiring Christian Authors to become published Authors. “It is exciting to watch how quickly our clients emerge into their true selves as the elevation of their book expands them to lead. Within one year we have coached and published thirty Authors. This is absolutely mindblowing, and we are excited to serve more Speakers, Coaches, Consultants, Ministry Leaders and Entrepreneurs”. “Now, today, we are expanding the brand to include a Media Division and a Network. It is our intention to create more opportunities for our Authors to get their stories and thought ideas heard by a wider community. So, we are currently working on expanding the vision, to also include trainings in our Elite Dreamers Mastermind group for Speaking & pitching to TV/Media, creating streams of income & Money Mindset Mastery”. Mercy shares with V&P her humble beginnings on becoming an author. She was honest enough to share that the idea to write a book didn’t come from an internal desire, instead she was given a prophetic word. On several occasions, she was told that she was a writer and that she would write many books. In fact, Mercy remembers a time when she was called out by a Prophet on a Facebook Live and he said that she had three books to write. This shocked her so! She began to pursue her gift of writing and performing poetry, and then writing a non-fiction book.

Mercy Myles-Jenkins is a Visionary Leader who ensures that your vision becomes a reality as she coaches and strategizes a clear plan of action that help gets you to the finish line. Mercy's proven coaching skills and strategic guideline has helped to empower and to encourage her clients to walk in their true purpose by embracing their true selves.

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V&P Special Edition The self-help book titled, God’s Mercy in the Wilderness: A Guide to Finding Your Calling & Purpose in the Midst of Church Hurt, ended up being the first book that Mercy published. It was supposed to be based on her testimony of being in a cult. But because of the shame she decided to pull away from sharing her personal accounts. Instead, she chose to write the book from the angle of reaching out to the de-churched who wanted to find their purpose and calling but needed support to overcome their issues of spiritual abuse that had an impact on their ability to seek God for their purpose. And thus, were struggling to put all the pieces together to feel empowered to fulfill it. “As of now, I have written 5 books on the subject matter of spiritual abuse. Most people are familiar with the term ‘church hurt’, but I no longer use this term. The proper term is spiritual abuse, whereby a person of power uses the Bible scriptures to control, dominate and intimidate another causing additional harm emotionally, psychologically, financially, and relationally. In my books I share my personal testimony in the book titled ‘Run for Your Life’, in the other books, I cover overcoming the betrayal and recovery from spiritual abuse.” “I can honestly say that my inspiration comes from the Holy Spirit. He inspires me to share my personal journey to support the de-churched and the wounded. To empower them to create their comeback! As a private person, I found it extremely challenging to share but the Lord kept on working with me and my reluctance to share later turned around.”

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To learn more or to get involved you can reach out via Facebook: www.facebook.com/mercy.jenkins.1 Instagram: www.instagram.com/mercyjenkins/

Mercy shared her truth and transparency on how the Author’s Finish Line Academy was birthed. In April 2020, right at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic her husband got laid off from work and she sought the Lord for help to replace his income. She heard the Holy Spirit say, “Teach people how to write books”. She immediately posted the Book Coaching classes which started in four days and to her surprise people responded quickly and just like that the program took off! This was a wonder to Mercy because it was never on her agenda to do so, but she decided to jump by faith and create the program as she went along. In order to not to procrastinate on her new found purpose that God had blessed her with. “I am grateful to God for being able to use my gift and talent to give back to the community and to be a servant to others. I am excited to use my gift to activate and empower women to unmute their voices to tell their stories to inspire women to walk in their purpose and destiny despite life’s challenges. I do this through many avenues but namely as the President of the Women with a Call International, New England branch. I am truly blessed to be in my purpose and to help be a blessing to so many others.” Mercy’s latest book Rebuild, Reset and Recover; 7 Steps to Spiritual Abuse Recovery, lays out the steps to heal, recover and rebuild a new happier life that is within you. In writing her story she encourages others to write their stories and life lessons in seven days or less. This led to her becoming an Award-Winning Book & Business Coach. She is dubbed “The Scribal Midwife” by her clients. She empowers women, to emerge and evolve powerfully in the world as their authentic self.

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Meet The Author's Finish Line Academy Staff Member

Louise Alexandra Gimena V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): What is your role with the Author's Finish Line Academy? Louise Alexandra D. Gimena (LADG): My role in Author's Finish Line Academy is the Project Assistant. I manage the incoming files from the clients and set dates for which files are ready to go to editing, formatting and publishing. Before that stage, as the Project Assistant, I laid out to the clients the standard operation procedure in regards to submitting of files. Mostly about the book, I am the firsthand receiver of their inquiries, handling small matters, and only forwarding important matters to the CEO when her involvement is needed. I am somehow like a medium between the clients and the CEO. VPCM: What have you learned?

LADG: I have been with the Author's Finish Line Academy for a while and my learning is still continuing. Every time I joined the class for taking notes or assisting Ms. Mercy throughout, I get to learn the essence of writing the book: What to write, the reason why behind it, how to execute it, and most importantly, how to have a topic that provides services to people's needs and problems and at the same time brings profit. As a follower of Jesus, I had a hard time talking about money and I always felt uncomfortable about it. I didn't understand everything at first but throughout every class, I am now understanding that money is actually not a bad thing because you are offering a service here and as an exchange for that, people pay you for the service or product just like how the normal business goes. You solve people's problem, which is in this case through your book, and people purchase it to solve their problem. What is bad is the love of money. 22 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Why have you chosen to work with Author's Finish Line Academy? LADG: I did not expect to work here permanently because I didn't know they will hire me for long term. I have worked with this company twice just for a project. I was hoping and praying to get projects like the previous first ones I had with them because I like working on things that focuses on working for the Kingdom's advancement. Then a job post came from them again and I sent my proposal. This job is actually a dream come true for me because of all the specific things I prayed for, this company matches all the boxes in my checklist. I didn’t give up knowing that there are other applicants who are more qualified for the position I was applying and so I still put my trust to God that if it’s for me, then God will give it to me, if not then it is also okay. I knew in my heart this is it, and then I got the job. I chose this company because I strongly believe this was divinely sent to me and I will always choose to take good care of what God has entrusted me because He is also taking good care of me and my family through the position God gave me in this company. I believe that I am also a good match for the Author's Finish Line Academy because God qualifies who He calls.

Meet The Author's Finish Line Academy Staff Member

Rod Garay

V&P LifeStyle Community (VPCM): What is your role with the Author's Finish Line Academy? Rod Garay (RG): I work as a Project Manager for the Author’s Finish Line Academy. My functions include, but are not limited to publishing and administrative tasks. I work closely with the CEO, Ms. Mercy MylesJenkins, and serve as a point of contact between the authors and other members of the team. Part of my job is to communicate with the clients, set appointments, conduct client meetings and other back office tasks. At Legacy Driven Consulting & Publishing, we always ensure the quality in every work that we do. Our goal is to produce excellent authors, and make sure they reach the finish line with their books excellently published from cover to cover. VPCM: What have you learned? RG: I have been a part of several projects already. I have worked in different fields and made a career both locally and overseas. But I must admit, I was not totally satisfied with those experiences. I felt like there was something missing. I could not figure it out until I started working with the Author’s Finish Line Academy family.

Here, I realized that working is not just about working-hard to earn. It should also be working in a healthy environment, with people who will lift you up with positivity both personally and spiritually. Now, I have learned that when you choose to be associated with people with the right mindset and work hard with them with dedication and commitment, you will surely find true happiness and reap all positivity that you sow. VPCM: Why have you chosen to work with Author's Finish Line Academy? RG: I was working in a different company before joining the Author’s Finish Line Academy. I was not really happy with the previous job that I had because of the toxic corporate environment. But for financial reasons, I got stuck in that company. At that point in time, I was really praying for another job to come my way that would give me happiness and satisfaction. Never did I expect that I was contacted for a new career opportunity at Legacy Driven Consulting & Publishing. At first, I was really hesitant because of the nature of work that I was not yet familiar with. But hey! I prayed for it, and it came to me! And with the encouragement of my mentor Ms. Mercy MylesJenkins, I decided to join the Author’s Finish Line Academy family. Guess what? I now have a satisfying career that I am happy with, and I am working with the right people. I thank God for giving me wisdom in choosing the right path that led me to a career that had me grow professionally and spiritually. V&P Community Magazine Special Edition | 23

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Janet Lennox

nd a , e n i m deter V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for s u o i c allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of tena authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Janet E. Lennox (JEL): I felt as if my story needed to be told and to give someone hope VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? JEL: My first published book is “Your Heart Matters” A Prayer Manual To Build A Healthy Spiritual Life. VPCM: What is the key theme and/or message in your book? JEL: The key message in my book is about Your Heart and the importance to forgive. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? JEL: I got my inspiration from my grandmother seeing how she prays and teaches me to pray. Also, seeing my mother who has gone through many trials as a single parent and was able to make it by trusting God. Last but not least, my children who keeps me on my knees before the Lord God Almighty. VPCM: Where do you see yourself in one year and what impact do you intend to make with your book? JEL: A year from now I hope to be able to work more in ministry and making an impact with my books in the lives of people from all various backgrounds.

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VPCM: What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? JEL: It has been a life changing journey for me. The reason for that is that I never thought I could have written a book in four days and then have it published and having people giving good reviews of the book. Also it has been Best sellers in the Christian Spiritual Growth, which is phenomenal to me. This tells me that I had an excellent coach, Mercy Myles-Jenkins. VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book? JEL: I was born and raised in Kingston Jamaica and as a teenager migrated to United State of America. I have three children and two grandchildren. I have obtained a BS in Business and MS in Theology. I work in ministries for over two decades and as a Prophetess and Elder at my local church, Christ Church International and I am the Intercessory Leader. I am a co-author of two books, “She is Strong: Chronicles of a Praying Woman” and National Prayer book and Author of “Your Heart Matters”, A Prayer Manual to Build a Healthy Spiritual Life”. The experiences that I have gone through and learned from as given me the opportunity to share my story to others so that it can help someone in some way or another. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? JEL: I Assistant Volunteer Counselor/Chaplain for over 10 years I have volunteered experience in providing support and counseling the bereaved, infirmed patients, homeless individuals, and families in my community; as Care Coordinator at my job, I continue to service those who are disadvantage, those who has chronic health issues and behavioral health problems and link them to programs that can better lives.

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Thompson V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book?

Resilient, Caring and Dedicated Kalia Thompson (KT): My book journey actually started out with me wanting to create a prayer journal and write a Christian blog. I never really planned on writing a book but was encouraged to take those blog topics and ideas and turn them in to a devotional, which is what I did. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? KT: In life, we all face challenges that often weigh us down and make us feel discouraged and defeated. My Soul Refreshed is a 40-day devotional that provides an all-new daily devotional for forty days that will give you hope to persevere and prevail in life’s varying challenges you may encounter. Each devotional includes scripture of focus and faithbuilding word to encourage and inspire you to embrace God’s love, seek Him when facing circumstances beyond your control. When the trials of life weigh us down, we can turn to God, who will fight for us. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s) KT: The key theme and/or message in this book is to have a relationship with God. Each devotional encourages the reader to seek God in times of difficulties and to trust Him wholeheartedly to guide us through the uncertainties of life. 26 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? KT: My inspiration comes from God, the people around me and the things I have experienced throughout my life. VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? KT: I don’t really have a favorite author right now. I love to read, and I have read so many books from different authors that I truly enjoyed based on their message and content. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? KT: What inspires you to write, what is your writing process like, and what advice can you give to someone who is interested in becoming a writer but does not know how or where to begin? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? KT: I have been a Christian for most of my life and throughout my life, I have encountered circumstances that challenged me and tested my faith. Throughout those difficult times in my life, God has been my comfort and strength. His word kept me and encouraged me. I have always enjoyed reading and I love reading devotionals. Writing this devotional gave me the opportunity to share God’s word and encourage and uplift others through these devotionals. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? KT: We all have something positive to contribute to the world. I love helping people which is why I chose a career in social services. Supporting, encouraging, and uplifting others is so rewarding. As someone who has worked with different people in various settings, I try to be of service however and whenever I can. It is important to me to show God’s love by sharing it with others whenever I can.

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V&P Special Edition V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Karen Fitzgerald (KG): God put it in my heart to share my story to help others. (VPCM): Tell us about your first published book? (KG): Beaten & Believing is based on my first marriage; it was very abusive I felt like I had married Satan himself. It was a walk through hell of a marriage; that I was the only one in love in fake as a $3 bill and Only God help me through it. (VPCM): What is the key theme and/or message in your book?

Karen Fitzgerald

(KG): It's not just you and one time is too many times Listen to Your Inner self be mindful of the way he or she talks to you or how they treat you in front of other's know when to hit the stop button And let it go no further.

(VPCM): Where do you get your inspiration? (KG): It comes from God in the women in my immediate family that also went through abuse and overcame it by surviving and living for Christ. which says we can do all things through Him. (VPCM): Where do you see yourself in one(1) year and what impact do you intend to make with your book? (KG): Putting out other books, speaking around the world, telling my story motivating people to get out of situations that are not healthy for them and their kids (if any), letting them realize their worth and to walk in their God-given freedom and helping them to get their story out to the world as well. 28 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

(VPCM): What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? (KG): I have an amazing writing coach, Mercy Myles-Jenkins, that keeps her clients built up in her encouraging words and prayer's. I thank God for such a powerful woman and teacher of God. I have met and connected with other wonderful writers, it is a great supportive environment. (VPCM): Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s) (KG): I felt unloved or not loved right growing up. I was put down and talked about badly and hurt by the ones I thought were supposed to love and protect me from people like that. They turned out to be the people that hit me where I already hurt or cut me and watch me bleed almost to death. Now, I'm a woman of God, I'm a wife a mother and one happy Grammy to many. I love me and I am loved by plenty. I have an awesome and amazing church family! (VPCM): How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and /or to be a servant to others? (KG): By telling my story and showing love to others to help keep them motivated, surviving and thriving to do better in life. I help in any way I can, physically and mentally, to get them out of a bad place in life that's toxic.

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Shawn Quallo

Strong, Loving, Overcomer V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Shawn R. Quallo (SAQ): I became interested in writing a book after the Lord spoke to me prophetically about writing and it was confirmed through a prophecy I received. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? SAQ: My first published book is “Uprooting the Curse and Walking in Destiny & Blessing.” This book was inspired by the Holy Spirit. I initially started to pen another book. Right before I started the writing cave, the Lord spoke and said "you must start with you. Your first book must be about you and how your eyes became opened to recognize generational curse and the process of Uprooting them from your mind and your life. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s) SAQ: The key theme in my book is we were created by God perfectly. We were perfection. In order to get back to that perfected being, we must change our thought patterns, our behaviors and it can only be done through Jesus Christ. Who is the source to Uprooting anything out of our live so we can begin to live a God ordained life and now transfer those healthy behaviors to our offspring, basically passing on blessings and not curses as an inheritance.

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VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? SAQ: My inspiration comes from two places, first the Lord; He inspires me with His love, forgiveness and patience. Patience as He provides instructions we don't always follow them at the time of receiving them. His sovereignty is amazing. Secondly, my children and grandchildren inspire me. Wanting to leave a legacy of blessings for them to carry on truly inspires me. VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? SAQ: I have to say I have two favorite authors, and that’s God, He inspired the Apostles in the Old testament to write what He told them to write, the Bible is a life manual that is alive and it guides us into the truth of who God is and who we are in Him. The second is Bill Hamond, his book Pigs in the Parlor changed my life. I struggled all my life to fit in with different groups of people and I just never did. His books cause my eyes to open and see who I was all alone; a prophet set apart by God. It became okay to not fit in where I didn't belong. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? SAQ: If I would ask successful author three questions, they might be; why did you keep writing (Meaning pulling several books out of yourself), did you become an author and publisher from writing your book or from a professional background of publishing, and lastly, what inspires you to keep writing? VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)?

SAQ: I am a preacher, I was chosen by the Lord to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In order to truly be the best you, the person Christ created me to be. I had to practice what I preach. I had to learn to forgive myself as easy as I forgave others and as Christ forgave me. Preach on forgiveness and struggling with forgiving myself of past mistakes was no longer an option. I had to fully embody Christ and so I had to deal with the inner demons and cast them out of my mind and life. I had to walk the journey of hurt, rejection, bad decisions failures in order to become healed in those areas so I could be prepared to write and guide others into their deliverance as well. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? SAQ: I use my gift of serving, I preach as I stated before, I preach truth and hope to those that listens. I teach bible study and I also have an women Empowerment group. I Motivated Outstanding Mother's (MOM). I honor and encourage women once a year through a PreMother's day Brunch. Some get to share their stories with other women if they are comfortable enough to do so. Many of the women are survivors, survivor of domestic violence, loss of a child or a child incarcerated. It’s to build them up by letting them know what they have been through is not their fault! MOM has expanded to the UK and I am looking forward to inspiring and help other women and men as God lead me. Servant is who I am and it is what I desire to keep doing through the lead of the Holy Spirit who continues to activate the gifts in me. I know they are many more gifts to come fourth for the world to gain from. I just want to serve, serve through writing, preaching and living a life that glorifies God.

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Kernelee Bowen-Campbell Teachable, Thoughtful, Patient

V&P Community Magazine (VPCM): First and foremost V&P Community Magazine would like to thank Mercy Myles-Jenkins for allowing us to do this Special Edition on such a fine group of authors. So, our first question will have to be how did you become interested in writing a book? Kernelee Bowen-Campbell (KBC): I became interested in writing a book based on the wonderful experiences I’ve had teaching children. VPCM: Tell us about your first published book? KBC: My first published book is entitled Lecia and the Mystery Box. It’s about a sweet and brilliant six-year old named Lecia who discovered a mysterious box in her backyard. She learns about using her imagination to go on a wonderful adventure. The book is filled with suspense, love, laughter, family and friendship. VPCM: What are the key theme and/or message in your book(s) KBC: The key message in Lecia and the Mystery Box is for young readers to explore their creativity through imagination and to love and believe in themselves. VPCM: Where do you get your inspiration? KBC: My inspiration comes from my own childhood experiences as a child and also from the wonderful children I’ve had the opportunity to teach throughout my years as a teacher. 32 | V&P Community Magazine Special Edition

VPCM: Who is your favorite author and why? KBC: My favorite author is Carolyn Keene. I loved the way she captures your imagination in her mystery stories. VPCM: If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, or writing process, what would they be? KBC: If I could ask one successful author 3 questions, I would ask when did you write your first book, how do you balance your time between family and writing, and what do you do if you have a brain fog while writing? VPCM: What has your experience been like in the Author's Finish Line Academy? KBC: My experience has been wonderful in the Author’s Finish Line Academy. Coach Mercy Myles-Jenkins and her team have worked tirelessly to ensure that my book surpasses my wildest dreams. In other words the book was beyond my own expectations and I’m truly blessed. It has been a dream comes true. VPCM: Tell us a little about your background and how does it relate to you writing a book(s)? KBC: I was born in the beautiful country of Jamaica. Growing up I’ve always loved to imagine who I would like to be when I grew up and the different places I would like to travel. I enjoyed role playing with my sister and cousins. I loved the thrill of suspense novels and would envision myself in the stories. As a teacher both in Sunday School and working with kindergarteners in a school setting, I’ve enjoyed reading stories to the children. I especially enjoy the intriguing looks on the children faces when I change my voice to depict the different characters within a story. I am amazed when I see the children depict the stories in their own role. All these experiences have shaped my mind into writing my first book. VPCM: How do you use your gift/talent to give back to the community and/or to be a servant to others? KBC: I use my gift by teaching and encouraging children to believe in themselves no matter what obstacles they face; to never give up on their dreams because they can do anything and be anything they desire to be. I’ve also donated books to teachers, volunteered to reading in schools and taught children the importance of writing.

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