Valley Vision Magazine & Annual Giving Report | Fall 2021

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EDUCATING THROUGH COVID Our 2020-21 school year was the most challenging in recent memory. Learn how our programs thrived despite facing adversity.


Hear from the Valley Christian Schools’ Ministry Team as they share their collective desire to bless the Warrior community.


Through the generosity of our faithful donors, Valley Christian Schools was able to support our world-class college-prep initiatives, grow our financial assistance program, and encourage our hard-working employees.



INSIDE VA L L E Y V I S I O N 2 02 1


President’s Message


Connecting Ministries


In Memoriam


Environmental Warriors


Social Innovators


Creativity Blossoms Amidst Crisis


A Grand Slam Legacy


Valley Round-Up


Annual Giving Report

20 Letter & Financial Summary 22 Youth With Promise & Alumni Corner 24 Shechem Oak Society & Events Recap 2020-21 26 Extend the Gift Donors 38 Extend the Gift Upcoming Events

VALLEY VISION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Editor-in-Chief Kimberly (Akavuti ‘96) Ellefsen Art Director and Graphic Designer Maegan Collett Principal Photographers Dachan Min Matt Ross (‘11) Drew Osumi (‘12)

Contributing Writers Megan Fletcher Ryan Eshoff (‘08) Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty Christi Stockhaus Mark DeLuca Davis Gunter (‘14) Steve Dang (‘02) Dr. Steven J. McGriff Copy Editor Karen Beach

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LET’S LOVE. Valley Christian Schools’ homecoming celebration and football game on Friday, October 2, 2021, marked the first schoolwide event involving thousands of parents, students, alumni, and friends since the forced COVID-19 campus closures on March 12, 2020. The conversations, laughter, cheerleaders, fans, bands, food trucks, football victory, and returning alumni administered an exhilarating remedy to social isolation and a welcome tonic of loving connectedness and restored community. Such joyful community building fits beautifully with Valley Christian Schools’ 2021-2022 theme, LET’S LOVE. Jesus’ commands, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39) provide the guiding light for our LET’S LOVE, Biblical Unity Initiative.

7. Celebrate, as image-bearers of God, our distinctive characteristics of ethnicity, national culture, gender, tribes, and languages with God’s love for one another in unity for His glory

Valley Christian’s Executive Team and Board have added three recent positions to lead and advance our LET’S LOVE Biblical Unity Principles. 1. Pastor Chase Wiggins, Chief Ministry Officer – Student and Family Ministries 2. Dr. Steven J. McGriff, Biblical Unity Director – Training teachers and staff to integrate the seven Biblical Unity Actions and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the Bible’s teachings into all instruction and activities as the only means of achieving biblical diversity, equity, and inclusion 3. Pastor Steve Dang (‘02), Alumni Ministries Director – Extending God’s love to our alumni community

VCS represents a culturally diverse community of students, families, faculty, staff, and Board members of many nations, Certainly, we are living in some of the most trying times of my ethnicities, cultures, and languages. Jesus said, “Everyone lifetime. God’s Word offers some wisdom as encouragement: will know that you are my disciples if you love one another “Don’t be surprised at the fiery trials…Instead, be very glad... (John 13:35).” you will have the wonderful joy of seeing His glory when it is revealed to all the world (1 Peter 4:12-13).” During my keynote address at the beginning of this school year, I described seven Biblical Unity Actions to extend God’s love at VCS. They are as follows: 1. Welcome all people of diverse origins 2. Include all of God’s children to reveal His beauty 3. As a community and individuals, model and teach, “If we confess our sins, He (Jesus) is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)

Homecoming 2021 was perhaps the most joyful event I’ve experienced at Valley Christian during my thirty-five years of leading the school. I realized I was “homesick” and welcomed the chance once again to love one another after such an enduring COVID isolation. Hmmm, What if?…We love each other like at homecoming… every day? LET’S LOVE!

4. Teach and model Biblical Unity to all students 5. Defeat partiality by loving as God loves 6. Set attitude and conduct standards for all based on Jesus’ teachings and the Bible

Clifford E. Daugherty, Ed.D. President

“Through love, we form the “perfect bond of unity…Let us love one another, for love is from God … God is Love (1 John 4:7,8b).”



M CO N N E C T I NG N I S T R I E S “We are facing some of the most difficult challenges and greatest opportunities we’ve seen since I began serving at VCS,” says Dr. Clifford Daugherty, President of Valley Christian Schools. Our 21st-century culture presents new but not unique challenges to gospel-centered schools. As we live in an increasingly postChristian context where the gospel message no longer enjoys “home field” advantage, VCS began to prayerfully consider how to further the work of the good news of Jesus in a way that holds on to biblical truth. The goal is to honor the voices within our diverse community and create space for dialogue with our students, families, and alumni around topics that have divided us. Following the example of the Acts 1 church, Christianity began and grew in the 1st-century, where it was viewed as irrelevant. But, early Christians relied on the work of the Holy Spirit to discover ways to “love the Lord” and “love their neighbor,” which opened doors to dialogue and influence. As VCS continued praying for wisdom to move our school into the future, God began working in concert to raise up three new senior leaders to help shape the conversations for our communities that would nurture and develop a diverse, informed, loving, and unified community. Pastor Chase Wiggins stepped into the role as the Chief Ministry Officer in November 2020 to shape the spiritual care of students in a culturally relevant and biblically grounded philosophy. Dr. Steven J. McGriff’s hiring in July 2021 as the Director of Biblical Unity is a unique opportunity to unite with Christians on the truth in the Bible regarding God’s creation of diverse people, including everyone in His Kingdom. Pastor Steve Dang, Director of Alumni Ministries, was hired simultaneously with Dr. McGriff. His goal is to find a way to build connections and minister to the worldwide alumni community throughout their lives. God brought these three individuals together in ways they would have never imagined. None of the three were looking for a career at VCS when they were called, but they saw the need and committed to the opportunity to seek unity, commonality, and belonging.

The purpose of this new ministry team is to serve the vast VCS community, cultivating belonging, purpose, and support. This goal is built on the good news of Jesus Christ that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. Their prayer and desire is to foster a robust, Christ-centered community of students, families, faculty, staff, and alumni to prepare our graduates to make a meaningful impact in their spheres of influence beyond Valley.


Pastor Chase Wiggins – Students Born and raised in Southern California, Pastor Chase Wiggins originally came to San Jose to attend SJSU and play football. While on campus at SJSU, Pastor Chase became enthusiastic about helping his teammates meet Jesus and began feeling called into ministry. For the past nine years, Pastor Chase served as the Young Adults Pastor at Family Community Church, where he oversaw the growth of the young adults’ program from just fifteen people attending to 2,000. In the Fall of 2020, Pastor Chase joined VCS as the Chief Ministry Officer and has enthusiastically provided leadership, direction, and spiritual care for our richly diverse and thriving global VCS community.

Pastor Steve Dang (‘02) - Alumni Pastor Steve Dang (’02) became a follower of Jesus during his junior year at Valley, which changed the trajectory of his life. For the past fifteen years, Steve has passionately served in various ministries around the Bay Area and beyond as an executive teacher and a community, family, and student pastor. His ministry is built on the conviction that the gospel is for everyone, the gospel can change everything, and the gospel is worth giving everything. Alongside his formal ministries, Steve is an innovator for the Fuller Youth Institute, chaplain for stomach cancer patients, and ministry mentor at Westmont College. He holds an M.Div from Fuller Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries from Azusa Pacific University. As VCS’ Director of Alumni Ministries, Pastor Steve hopes to engage and minister to the vast VCS alumni community.

Dr. Steven J. McGriff - Employees Dr. McGriff is VCS’ inaugural Director of Biblical Unity. “Dr. Steve,” as he is known around campus, has a heart to listen carefully, engage in winsome conversations, build bridges that inspire a Christian identity rooted in Jesus Christ, and enhance inclusion and belonging for all people in God’s kingdom. He is primarily responsible for providing biblically sound leadership, direction, and spiritual care to develop a richly diverse, thriving community that loves God and all His children of every race and nationality. A native Californian, Dr. McGriff grew up in the Evergreen/ East Side of San Jose. He joins the VCS community after a thirty-year career as a leader in educational technology, consulting with K-12 school districts, colleges, universities, nonprofits, and businesses around the globe.


​​WERNER VAVKEN By Clifford E. Daugherty, Ed.D.

I met Werner Vavken in 1993 when he began attending weekly Valley Christian prayer intercession meetings with his wife, Sheri. As we shared many years of fellowship, Werner started serving full-time at our school in August 2002, and he stayed for fifteen years. He became — and, in memory, remains — one of my dearest friends. Werner masterfully integrated science and faith with full regard for our Creator. In 2010, he launched the AMSE program at Valley Christian Schools. In addition to being an engineer, Werner was an ordained minister who believed that sharing his faith was the core of his life’s work. One evening, Werner announced during intercessory prayer that God had led him to build a cross between the football field and the Conservatory on the Skyway Campus. Placement of that cross was the first of many bold and often extraordinary God-inspired initiatives Werner achieved at Valley Christian.

Valley Christian Schools’ founding Director of the Applied Math, Science, and Engineering Institute (AMSE)


One of the common themes that emerged from my conversations with Werner’s former colleagues was his signature style of going BIG — if he were going to do something, he would go all out. Under Werner’s watch, and thanks in large part to the breadth of his vision, Valley Christian experienced a flourishing of many of its unique AMSE programs: an experiment launched by rocket to the International Space Station; the development of the Skyway Campus Observatory in cooperation with NASA; and the cultivation of the school’s first Robotics program, among many other accomplishments. Werner and Sheri were a fantastic team! As culinary artists, they often welcomed students, staff, and friends to their home for Christian hospitality, meetings, and workspace. Over time, though, their retirement became

Werner and Sheri Vavken were awarded the Crystal Bowl of Light Award during the 2017 Quest Ball to honor their many years of dedication to Valley Christian Schools. a dreaded thought. Who could replace Sheri as the founding Lead for the VCS Intercessory Prayer Team and Werner as the Founding Director of AMSE and the Quest Institute? When we discussed their plans three years before retirement, Werner and Sheri reassured me, “Don’t worry about us leaving,” they said. “God will call the successive AMSE Director and the next Lead Prayer Intercessor to take the programs to the next level when it’s His time.” I did my best to have faith, but I was not quickly convinced. Werner and Sheri were irreplaceable. Then one day in late spring 2017, Werner came by my office to announce, “I found my successor. I found our next AMSE Director.” Similarly, Sheri told me that God revealed to her our next Prayer Leader. In Danny Kim and Patty Favet, God blessed Valley Christian with two servants after the Vavkens’ own hearts. The seeds planted by Werner and Sheri continue to bear amazing fruit under the care of Danny in AMSE and Patty on the Prayer Intercessory Team.

Tragically, Werner suffered severe burns in an accident on February 1, 2020, and was called home to heaven on April 28 of that same spring. We at Valley Christian still grieve with Sheri and the rest of the Vavken family. I miss my friend, and our school misses Werner as we are grateful for his immense legacy. Still, our hope is in Christ, and we are confident that “to be absent from the body” is “to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8).” This cross, built by Werner and gifted to the Valley Christian Skyway Campus, has served as a remembrance and a beautiful centerpiece for VCS students since 2000.

The Vavkens were ready to see more of their own family: their son, (Joe ‘94), lives in Tennessee and their daughter, (Tammy ‘96), in Southern California. Werner and Sheri relocated to Temecula in 2017.



Today’s students are very environmentally conscious and focused on sustainability... they want to be part of the solution for a healthier Earth.

Having already piqued student interest with its initial Ocean Discovery programs, the leaders of Applied Math, Science, and Engineering (AMSE) realized they could go, well, deeper with their newest offerings.

In addition to the Marine Life program, AMSE is also piloting its newest XPRIZE team: XPRIZE Carbon. Team members will work together on a multi-year venture as part of a push to fight climate change and rebalance the Earth’s carbon cycle. Student efforts will focus on identifying carbon removal strategies using data collected from land, outer space, and — through AMSE’s partnership with MBARI — the ocean floor. “We really want to turn carbon into something useful,” explains junior Akhil Datla, a lead member of the XPRIZE Carbon team. “It’s a thrill to be a part of a team that’s creative, cooperative, and research-oriented.” Members of the team come from various backgrounds — Datla considers himself an engineer — but they have coalesced over a shared concern of the urgency of their cause. Datla’s junior year began in August as wildfires raged in California and hurricanes struck the Gulf Coast.

Team Ocean Quest is a history-making group of VCS students who conquered overwhelming odds to pursue ocean engineering breakthroughs.

“The Ocean Discovery Marine Life program was added this year at the high school in response to student interest, and to broaden the scope of our ocean-related offerings,” says Danny Kim, Vice President and Director of K-12 AMSE. “We wanted to include the biological and environmental aspects of ocean science.” Riding the wave of the successful experience of the first XPRIZE Ocean Quest team in 2017, AMSE continues to increase its offerings in the area of ocean education. The new Marine Life program is the latest addition to a lineup that includes Elementary Ocean Discovery and Junior High Ocean Discovery and the high school’s Ocean Discovery Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) program. Students will also benefit from an enhanced partnership with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) as AMSE prepares to launch an underwater education node at the bottom of Monterey Bay’s ocean floor. Datla further notes the students’ motivation as he adds, “We recognize that we’re dealing with real-world problems. Seeing the effects of climate change in our country inspires us to be more efficient.” As much as AMSE programs routinely complement students’ math and physics classes, they continue to blend traditional academic pursuits with students’ growing awareness of a transforming globe. “Today’s students are very environmentally conscious and focused on sustainability,” Kim says. “They are very interested in solving problems on a global scale, and they want to be part of the solution for a healthier Earth.”




Four years since launching BEI schoolwide, Hannah Kim is finally seeing her dreams become a reality. “We’ve always dreamed of this school as a place that could produce entrepreneurs who solve problems with a purpose,” says Kim, the Vice President of Valley Christian’s K-12 Business & Entrepreneurship Initiative (BEI). “Now, we have the classes and programs to help students achieve impact through that mission.” Social entrepreneurs seek to provide value to traditionally underserved populations via large-scale, transformational benefits. Such work isn’t mutually exclusive with generating profits, but according to Kim, it gives her students more meaningful areas of focus. “They’re going to be movers and shakers,” Kim says of the young entrepreneurs in her charge. “But they need to be grounded in good principles.” Cale McLellan’s entrepreneurial spirit was sparked in part by tragedy — when his mom witnessed a traffic accident involving emergency vehicles, the “(E)emergency” app was born. The app lets drivers know when first-responders are en route to the scene, using cutting-edge geo-fencing technology. “Entrepreneurship is all about filling critical social needs,” says McLellan, who graduated from VCHS in 2018 and is now wrapping up his time in the business school at the University of Colorado. “I realized that drivers could really benefit from being able to see in real-time where nearby emergency vehicles are.” (E)emergency remains on hold as the pandemic has made testing and implementation more challenging; McLellan has repurposed his technology, though, for a new startup, 9-Eighteen, that delivers food and beverage service to golfers in the middle of their rounds.


BEI Showcase, 2021

“We’ve always dreamed of this school as a place that could produce entrepreneurs who solve problems with a purpose.” McClellan’s initial startup tugged at his heart to solve a problem that technology had overlooked. Similarly, VC DECA’s “Project Aquila” members were stirred to launch a purpose-driven project. “We really wanted to emphasize building community,” says senior Isabella Levkovic. “We thought to ourselves: what brings people together more than food?” To that end, the team — comprised of Levkovic, as well as seniors Vaishali Nair and Kaitlyn Ould —partnered with the Coup De Thai restaurant in Los Gatos to offer Thai cooking classes over Zoom as part of a fundraising initiative for the Immigration Institute of the Bay Area (IIBA). The team has been working with IIBA to build a distance-learning infrastructure for the organization’s English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) citizenship classes.

Nair explains. “Immigration has become near and dear to all our hearts as we have grown up in Silicon Valley and have been exposed to the many backgrounds, cultures, and struggles of people close to us.” “We pray that we always remain servicecentered,” Ould adds, “and always put people and social progress over any personal success.” Clearly, these amazing movers and shakers are proving to be entrepreneurs with strong integrity.

“Both Isabella and I are first-generation and have seen the immigration process firsthand,”

BEI President’s Business Challenge, 2021



AMIDST In the Act I finale of Godspell — the rousing “Light of the World” - the company sings that “you’ve got to stay bright to be the light of the world...let your light so shine/so that they may know some kindness again.” 14

Amidst perhaps the darkest season of many of their lives, Valley Christian Conservatory students took the lyrics to heart. Despite the pandemic completely disrupting their schedules, routines, and performances, the school’s young artists pulled off a series of extraordinary pivots — recognizing along the way the radiant power of art to bring light and warmth to our gloomy times. “Art serves as an outlet for emotional expression, and it helps us connect with others,” says senior Mia Zhang, a Conservatory Fellow and member of the aptly-named Vivid Dance Team. Like other arts groups across the country, Vivid was forced to move its activities online last year. Still, the team pulled off a Virtual Dance Show, and won national awards for its recorded ensemble performances. Meanwhile, the Valley Christian Theatre Department went to revolutionary lengths to deliver the full-length musical Godspell, delivered to audiences as a film rather than an in-person stage show. “We picked that show in part because we could be pretty flexible with the cast and choreography,” says Chloe (Aknin ‘11) Diepenbrock, the Conservatory’s Associate Director of Operations. “But we also felt strongly that its message of hope was appropriate for the time.”

Godspell Musical, 2021

According to Diepenbrock, one of the defining takeaways of the pandemic has been a collective realization for how much the arts are needed — for “healing, safety, escape, and community.” In addition to the adaptation successes of Vivid and Godspell, the Conservatory found an innovative solution for its 2021 Festival of the Arts: Capitol Drive-in Movie Theater, just down the road from the Skyway Campus. The annual Christmas concert was a live-streamed video compilation of numerous recording sessions. “Amid all the confusion, heartbreak, and disappointment of the last twenty months, the resiliency of our young artists has been amazing,” says Troy Gunter, Vice President and Director of the K-12 Conservatory. “For some, this provided an opportunity to explore alternate means to communicate their artwork.”

Festival of the Arts Film, 2021

Junior Jeston Lu, a pianist and Conservatory Fellow, acknowledged that the accomplishments of the past year feel even more special than usual, as everyone involved had to think outside-thebox in efforts to showcase young artists. “It’s so important for people to produce and consume art during dark times,” Lu says. “It reflects our deepest experiences. It really has been the light for me throughout the pandemic.”

Valley Christian Theatre quickly shifted gears to present Godspell in the format of a feature-length film that families could stream right in their living rooms.

Festival of the Arts Film, 2021

The Vivid Dance Team won several WCE Virtual National Awards in the 2020-21 school year. These dancers were committed to performing their very best while sharing the love of God through their dance.



LEGACY John Diatte (‘84) is not in his office. Minutes before a scheduled interview, the Valley Christian baseball coach ditches his desk for a brisk walk around the warning track of the Warrior baseball stadium.

Brisk might be an understatement: he’s down the third-base line and back to the dugout in a flash. Entering his 33rd year in charge of VCHS baseball and his 37th year at the school overall, the man a former assistant describes as “full-throttle” shows little sign of easing up. And why should he? In June, the Warriors won their fourth consecutive CCS championship, becoming only the second program ever to accomplish that feat and the first to do so under a single head coach. “Certainly, we’re very proud of the recent success,” Diatte confirms. “But I’m just as happy about the process that got us there: the players buying in, their willingness to work hard and embrace our Warrior baseball culture.” The specifics of that culture are laid out in a sevenitem list that Diatte prints out and distributes; at the very top, number one is “A desire to serve God and others!” “I’m very blessed that Valley Christian allows me to preach Jesus while preaching baseball,” Diatte says. “In a lot of ways, we use the church as a model for building our program. These guys are part of something more important than themselves. They play different roles and are all key pieces of this body.” Under Diatte’s tutelage, Valley Christian Schools’ has sent six alumni to the Major League ranks. Thirteen former Warriors currently play collegiately. Eddie Park is one of those thirteen; he graduated from VCHS in 2020 and is now an outfielder at Stanford. “Coach always wants the best out of his players, and I think that’s what helps many guys prepare for college baseball, or for anything else beyond baseball,” Park explains. “He’s tough on us during practices especially so that the actual game could slow down. It’s his passion that really makes him special.”


That same passion allowed Diatte to weather the early struggles of a fledgling program. When he took over the Warriors in 1990, he didn’t have enough uniforms to outfit all of his players properly. Two years later, he won his first league title, earning fourteen more over the past years. Since 1998, Diatte’s teams have won ten CCS championships and have been ranked number one in the state on four different occasions. “The school has had to take a lot of my bad with my good,” Diatte chuckles. “I have made so many mistakes, but I had to be the person I was then to be the coach I am now.”

Eric Scharrenberg took over as Valley Christian’s Athletic Director in 1999, and he noticed right away that his baseball coach was a “lifelong learner.”

On Friday, August 6, 2021, Coach John Diatte was recognized for his 35 years serving at Valley Christian Schools.

“He has constantly sought out the very best minds and adapted his style to best practices in baseball and team building,” explains Scharrenberg, now the Vice President of K-12 Athletics and Physical Education. “Even so, while John has grown and adapted over the years, he has remained committed to his core principles.” The most decorated coach in CCS history doesn’t have an offseason; it’s August, but he’s heading right back to the field after the interview. John Diatte’s real office remains open.


This fall, VCHS held its annual club fair. There are so many ways for VCHS students to get involved in something that interests them and make life-long friends along the way!

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We’re so proud of all their accomplished as Warriors and wish them blessings as they step into bright futures!

Our Elementary Entrepreneurs made the beginning of the school year sweet on Lemonade Day. They not only learned about lemonade stand sales but had some yummy, and sometimes, sticky FUN, too!

This fall, our VCHS Seniors went to Coyote Ranch for their Senior Retreat. Our Seniors had a great time laughing, playing games, and hearing from God’s Word.

VCJH’s First Lego League Robotics team geared up for their transportation-focused Cargo Connect challenge.


VCHS students cheer on their class team in the annual Homecoming Powder-Puff Game! Every year students enjoy a week packed with activities leading up to the Homecoming football game.

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year! Our Warrior cheerleaders brightened the morning by greeting our students and wishing them a great year!

VALLEY Our VCS Theatre students brought their first live, in-person, and outdoor musical of the 2021-22 school year! FOUND: A New Musical Revue featured songs from shows like Be More Chill, Wicked, Next to Normal, Waitress, and Dear Evan Hansen.

ROUND-UP Miami Bound! Nine students and five mentors from Team Avatar Quest headed to Miami to attend the semi-finals of the $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition. VCS students continue their history-making tradition as the youngest of the 38 semi-finalist teams from 16 countries worldwide.




ear VCS Community,

As I write this letter, I’m unexpectedly home with my children awaiting the results of another COVID test, deeply aware of the challenges that every student and family has faced the last year. I have not yet experienced VCS in a “normal” time, but after a full year of seeing this community of students, parents, and educators persevere through countless challenges, I’m confident that VCS is well prepared for whatever may come. While the word of the year for many may be “pandemic,” the word that I am choosing to focus on is “FAITHFUL.” In a year full of challenges, fear, hardships, and uncertainty, VCS has been witness to a faithful God and a faithful community who ensured that every student could continue their personal Quest for Excellence. The 2020 school year began with everyone at home adapting to online learning and teaching; meanwhile, smoke filled the air, and fires blazed throughout our community. When a VCS family’s home was destroyed, this community jumped in to support them. When the pandemic kept our students home longer than we’d ever hoped, every single member of this community invested their time, talents, and treasure to give our students the very best education possible. Parents and families became part of every classroom, teachers adapted to online and hybrid learning, staff jumped into fill roles they never dreamed of, and our community of donors continued to generously meet each need. The generosity of our community allowed us to keep our students safe, provide the best online learning tools, and support programs to adapt and thrive. Our students did not have the year any of us hoped - but they learned, they were loved, and they had the opportunity to grow in every campus and every program. Your faithfulness and generosity to this mission of education, rooted in the love of God, truly gave students at VCS the best possible opportunities in such challenging circumstances. Thanks to faithful donors, giving to the WARRIOR FUND remained strong. With the stability of our annual fund combined with healthy enrollment, VCS was able to provide additional funds for our students and teachers, allocate resources to every campus and every program, and ensure that we met the increased need for financial assistance. Our WARRIOR FUND is an essential part of advancing VCS and ensuring that our students continue to have incredible teachers, opportunities, and support. The stability of this year’s WARRIOR FUND is a direct result of faithful donors, who continue to give each year and each month. Your faithfulness to VCS students was evident in countless other ways. A few highlights:


• Our Elementary Jog-A-Thon delighted students and set a record, raising $100,000 for the WARRIOR FUND. • Our virtual Quest Ball exceeded expectations, raising $515,000 for the WARRIOR FUND. • This year, we were able to increase financial assistance by over $400,000. • Your generosity to the Good Samaritan Fund met real and tangible needs of families impacted by fire, severe illness, and unexpected loss. • Parent giving to the “Love” gift allowed us to bless our employees with a Christmas bonus, encouraging those who cared for our kids in a challenging year. • Generous donors are supporting future generations of VCS students through planned giving in our Shechem Oak Society. Every gift makes an impact. Your faithful giving this year made a huge difference, and I know that together, with our time and financial support, we will continue to help our students. It’s an honor to be part of this generous and faithful community. I sincerely look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming year! Sincerely, Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement


2020-2021 REVENUES $67,754,253

1.72% 1.46%

Tuition Fundraising (Extend the Gift)

62,711,006 1,997,799



After/Summer School


Investment Income Other

2.95% 1.22%

1,168,860 60,747

Tuition Fundraising (Extend the Gift) Fees After/Summer School Investment Income Other




1.53% 53.87%

2020-2021 EXPENSES $65,165,570 Academics


Plant & Facilities




Debt Service Financial Assistance (Youth With Promise) Other

Academics Plant & Facilities Administration Debt Service Financial Assistance Other


995,699 3,319,184 198,420


Financial Summary 21

YOUTH WITH Valley Christian Schools’ financial assistance programs play a vital role in ensuring the economic diversity in the student body by allowing qualified candidates from all economic circumstances to enroll and attend our school. In the 2020-2021 school year, 310 students received $3,319,184, and our financial assistance needs increased by $412,540.17, a 14% increase from the previous year. With support of generous donors, we were able to meet those needs in financial assistance. One of the most critical components of raising this money is our Stand Up for Valley’s Kids program. Each year at the Quest Ball, attendees have an opportunity to make a direct donation to help students in need. Through Stand up for Valley’s Kids and Youth With Promise, we are partnering with you to change the lives of VCS Warriors.

ALUMNI Spotlight | Ashley Marquez, ‘16 “Valley inspired my spiritual growth in a way that was fun, refreshing, and not overbearing. To this day, I miss the chapels.”

When Ashley Marquez was looking for a high school to transfer into her junior year, she wanted to find a school that fit her spiritually while also offering elite academic and extracurricular programs. Valley Christian Schools ultimately became a place where she leaned on her teachers, classmates, and coaches during times of need. After experiencing a family tragedy during her senior year, Ashley experienced love and support she’d never felt at any other time in her educational past. “Every single day for months, my teachers and classmates held me up and directed me to Jesus. I do not think I would have the relationship with Jesus that I have right now if I had to do it alone. I cannot thank the Valley Christian community enough for their love, guidance, support, and understanding.” Ashley credits Valley Christian for its approach to worship.


Ashley thrived in both the classroom and in athletics. Playing on the varsity basketball team, she realized that her high school ambitions were to earn collegiate athletic and academic scholarships. Amazingly, she achieved both these goals. Ashley appreciated every moment of participating in Warrior athletics and noted the school feels like a big family. “I always felt a sense of support on and off the court, and it seemed like everyone on campus cared about me.” Valley Christian High School helped Ashley achieve her collegiate dreams as she gained acceptance into DePaul University, St. John’s University, Dominican University, Cal State Chico, and San Jose State University. Ultimately landing at San Jose State, where she is studying Business Administration Management, Ashley shares, “I would like to personally thank all the donors who help keep Valley Christian in order. No matter how large or small your gift to the school is, it is appreciated by current and former students like myself,” said Marquez. Your donations to the WARRIOR FUND and Youth With Promise make it possible for many other students to receive Valley Christian Schools’ quality education and nurturing environment that helped Ashley Marquez to thrive. The generosity of donors allows students to receive the true mission of Valley Christian Schools. Please contact Associate Director of Annual Giving Mark DeLuca at to find out how you can support more students like Ashley.


Calling all

Alumni No matter where in the world you are, we’re here to support all of our alums as you lead, serve, and impact communities across the globe.

Alumni Association & Upcoming Events Valley Christian Schools has recently launched our new Alumni Association, and we want to welcome you home! We’re so glad you are here, and we’re busy planning for special upcoming Christmas and Spring events that you won’t want to miss. Visit our Alumni website to find out further details.

Alumni Re-Connect & Update Help us keep in touch and up-to-date with your information! Please take a moment to fill out our Re-Connection Form.

Become an Alumni Ambassador Help us build a worldwide network of alumni to connect our graduates no matter where they are in the world as an Alumni Ambassador. To apply to our Ambassador Program, visit the following web address. If there is anything we can do to pray, support, or encourage you as we build our community, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me – For up-to-date information and fun content, follow us on our social media channels. Grace and Peace, Pastor Steve Dang (‘02) Director of Alumni Ministries Valley Christian Schools |

vchsalumni valleychristianalumni vchsalumni


SHECHEM Oak Society The large oak tree on the northeast side of our campus has great significance. We call it the Shechem Oak Sanctuary. It is a sacred place where we broke ground for the new Skyway Campus and prayed that God would always accomplish His purpose in and through every student. In Scripture, at Shechem, Abraham received assurance from God that He would keep His promise of giving the land to Abraham’s descendants. It was where Jacob dug a well and erected an altar; where Joseph’s family buried his bones; where Joshua gave his parting address to serve the Lord; and where Jesus disclosed Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (Genesis 12:6, 33:18, Joshua 24:26, John 4:12). Shechem was a reminder of God’s faithfulness for generation after generation. Like Shechem, it is our prayer that VCS will also be a reminder of God’s faithfulness and fulfill its mission in Silicon Valley and the world for generation after generation. Planned giving allows our community to make an incredible impact on future generations. The Shechem Oak Society includes as members, all who have given legacy gifts to Valley Christian Schools by including VCS in their planned giving, wills, or estate plans. “Joining the Shechem Oak Society gives us an opportunity to passionately support Valley Christian Schools and partner in strengthening it for years to come,” says Patty Favet, Shechem Oak Society Chair. If you’ve included Valley Christian Schools in your will, trust, or other planned gift, please let us know. To learn more about how you can make an impact by joining the Shechem Oak Society, contact Christi Stockhaus at or (408) 362-7649 or Patty Favet, our Shechem Oak Society Chair, at









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You can also find more resources on our website at



Extend the Gift


Hot Sauce Challenge at the Quest Ball, 2021

Recap 2020-21

Events have historically been a significant aspect of fundraising at VCS; however this year, they were either canceled or virtual. While we missed in-person activities, we realized that it is not the events themselves that raise the money, but rather the faithfulness of a generous community. We saw that faithfulness for our students so clearly this year. Our Elementary School PTPF, led by Nick and Nikki Roland, revamped the Jog-A-Thon into a virtual Dance-A-Thon. Though kids were home and on zoom, their smiles and giggles were just as bright. Our amazing PTPF parents, with the support of the community, not only raised record funds of $100,000, but also brought incredible joy to our youngest Warriors. This years’ Quest Ball exceeded expectations, raising $515,000 for our WARRIOR FUND and Youth With Promise. That success was the result of this faithful community willing to show up to an uncertain virtual event, and give - not for something in return, but for our students. While the Hot Sauce Challenge owes part of its $30,000 success to the sauce, the willing volunteers (parents Nabila Haq and Diana Matheou) deserve credit for creating an entirely new event, as well as our principals who demonstrated their love (and strong stomachs!) for our students. With leadership from Carolyn Cocanour, our parent community ensured the auction continued, donating great and creative items, passing out and delivering boxes, and enthusiastically supporting a very different Quest Ball. Generous sponsors filled our virtual

Elementary Dance-A-Thon, 2020

tables and ensured the event was fun even while virtual. Parents from every campus and community joined together to Stand Up for Valley’s Kids. Alumni parents, like Mike and Jen LaBarbera, continue to support VCS students even while their own children have graduated. While no virtual event can compare to the in-person experiences we’ve had before, we made an impact for our students. We connected as a community and celebrated with joy and laughter. That faithfulness - of current families, alumni families, and the educators who give so much for our students is what made the Quest Ball a great success this year. A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in all of these events!

7th Annual Quest Ball, 2021


Lifetime Giving

Annual Giving



Membership in the David and Edie Wallace Founders’ Council is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions to Valley Christian comprise $200,000 or more. Anonymous (3) Nils and Jean Akerman Sally Anderson Brian and Brandy Brager Michael and Elizabeth Byrd Kevin and Gayla Compton Clifford and Kris Daugherty Bruce Dunlevie Friends of Valley Christian Schools Joseph Gagliardi Promod and Dorcas Haque Gary and Kathie Heidenreich Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Michael and Jennifer LaBarbera

William and Kay Long New Technology Specialists Reyes Family Foundation Edward and Beverly Stirm The Davidson Family Foundation The Heidenreich Fund Myron and Cathy Ullman Robert and Carol Wallace Rick and Pam Watson David and Kirsten Williams

DR. CLIFFORD E. DAUGHERTY, QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE SOCIETY Membership in the Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty, Quest for Excellence Society is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions are $50,000-$199,999. Anonymous (9) Agape Christian Schools Ahrendts-Couch Family Foundation Michael and Karen Ainslie John Albanese David Berman Wendy Berman Tim and Juliana Billups Bruce Hellesoe William and Franell Burford John and Nia Castelly Randy and Jeanne Chamberlain Jack and Celia Chue Chad and Natalie Cochran Compton Family Trust Kris and Genevieve Coughran Charlie Davidson Brian and Lorilee Dexheimer John Diatte, Jr. Trent and Cassandra Dilfer John and Linda Dunning Gayn and Tricia Erickson Filice Insurance Agency Claude and Trish Fletcher Greg and Lise Fox Matthew and Lisa Garrett Richard and Daria Geraffo Rick and Trisha Gouveia Philip and Cindy Gregory Winston and Teresa Hendrickson Horne Charitable Remainder Trust Ken and Julie Houp J & J Sports Productions Incorporated John and Shebbie Jacques Rodney and Sena Jones Thomas and Nanette Kinkade Dave and Julie Klenske Douglas and Jeanne Korns


MarFam Computer Solutions Robert and Debbie Marinconz Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Stephen and Michelle McMinn Rita Minnis Bill Myers and Lisa Bodensteiner Brian and Sandy Nelson New Century Ranch, LLC. New Horizons Foundation, Inc. Russell and Janette Nolan Mimi Patterson Steven and Cynthia Perry Pete Morgan Foundation Eric and Suzanne Phelps Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo-Porter Gary and Janet Radonich Bruce and Michelle Roth Vera Shantz Christopher and Jennifer Smith Sunil and Caroline Stephen Ronald and Bonnie Swenson Mike and Jeanne Tate TD4HIM Foundation, Inc. Richard and Kimberly Trevino Mary Turner Robert and Susie Valiton Werner and Sheri Vavken Wells Fargo Foundation William G. Irwin Charity Foundation William and Mary Trust Curt and Gracie Willson Zerella Foundation

This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the particular fiscal year of $2,500 or more. Each donor who gives at a leadership level is invited to our annual Extend the Gift Leadership Donor Appreciation Dinner in the fall of the following year.

LEGACY MEMBERS Legacy Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $25,000 or more during the fiscal year. Anonymous David Berman Wendy Berman Tim and Juliana Billups Chad and Natalie Cochran Clifford and Kris Daugherty Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Dave Kuo and Janice Liu Michael and Jennifer LaBarbera Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo-Porter

DIAMOND MEMBERS Diamond Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $10,000-$24,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous Brandy Brager Dave and Ivy Chenn Patrick and Linda Gelsinger Rodney and Sena Jones Dave and Julie Klenske Gregory Kunert and Carol Ann Watson Stephen and Michelle McMinn Jerry Merza Eric and Suzanne Phelps Nicholas and Nikki Roland Luke and Brooke Roush Robert and Susie Valiton Sheri Vavken Eric Yeoh and Ying Lee

PLATINUM MEMBERS Platinum Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $5,000-$9,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous Thomas and Sabrina Bruckner Bi Chen and Jun Zhao Paul and Wingsze Chow Samuel and Liza Chuck John and Wendy Cooley Ronald and Shelli Denevi Geoffrey and Josie Fox Rich Griffiths and Rachelle Daniel Richard and Kristin Higgins Joan Keller-Rankin and Richard Rankin Alan and Esther Kent Guimei Lei Xiaofeng Liang Stanley and Sayang Lim Suzy Liu Wenping Lou and Jing Xu Justin and Deanna McAnear Gary and Karina McCann

David Munro and Kavitha Mariappan Bill Myers and Lisa Bodensteiner Torrie and Antonette Nute Daniel Osuna and Krystal Summers-Osuna Manish and Sanjana Sampat Matthew and Amy Sapp Kenneth and Maureen Shilling Ronald and Bonnie Swenson Daniel and Yan Wang Curt and Gracie Willson John and Stacey Winter Clinton Woodley Jin Zhang and Zhaohua Qin

GOLD MEMBERS Gold Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $2,500-$4,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous (2) Timothy and Wannetta Anderson Kevin and Kirsten Antonelli Steve and Kristi Argo John and Anna Basanese Jeanette Bui Edward and Wendy Chen Qiushi Chen and Yaojun Sung Tony Chen and Shen Ye Ingyu Chun and Wookyoung Jeon Chee and Soon Chung Mark and Grace Church William and Carin Conway Laura Crawford Dustin and Diane Cu Stephen and Sally Cumming Lixin Ding Twum Djin and Denise Twum Gang and Di Duan Danny Duong Hong and Lixia Fan Richard Fruin and Christine Santelli Chris and Lara Fulmer Victor Gill and Jodi Geniesse Rick and Trisha Gouveia Hongyan Gu Jerry and Mary Ham Adam and Nancy Hampson Thomas and Yu Mi Han Xian He Ken and Julie Houp Yi Chang Hsieh and Shin Chen Hongbin Huang and Xiujuan Li Ricky and Sarah Huang Daryll and Debra Hughes Stephen and Leanne Hughes-Bland Norris and Tiffany Ip Qiufeng and Jing Jin John Joseph and Hannah John Philip and Mary Joseph Phillip and Sheila Kamp Arup Kanjilal and Rini Kundu David and Xiaowei Ke Manoj and Darshana Khiani Kerry and Erika Kirchenbauer John and Stephanie Knauss Jung Ko and Peipei Hu Jeff and Cher Kooiman Nick and Melina Kucharewski Xiaozhou Li and Qianmin Yi Konghoei Lim and Dewi Windoro Mark and Natalie Lodewyk Ronald and Dixie Lopes Hengbin and Xiaoyan Luo Robert and Jean Mitchell Jaideep and Andrea Moses Sayandev and Chandreyee Mukherjee Jasmine Nguyen Yong Ni and Bin Ju Eric and Angela O’Brien Liya Odilavadze Trent and Jenny Parker

Quan Pham Thuan and Nicole Pham Rick and Stacie Pittenger Bryan and Jennifer Preeshl Christopher and Wanda Reichow William and Karin Roeschlein Eric and Simone Rosa Albert and Michele Ross Jianfei and Jin Shao Ning Shi and Dongmei Lan Ryan and Tiffany Silva Dhruva and Sonal Singh Mark and Kelly Smith Jialin Song and Hongliang Chang Yong Sun Christopher Tanner and Danlin Wei Chen Teng Cindy Thompson Ting Tong Dipti and Rajeev Vachani Jeremy and Michelle Vanderveen Gaoyuan Wang and Jian Zhang Tom Wang and Sharon Huang David and Jennifer White Stephen and Catherine Wilson Bo-Hung and Alice Wu Jiangfeng and Esther Wu Zhigang Xie and Jianyang Xu Arthur Xu and Peggy Hu Puquan and Ming Xu Yunqiang Yang and Lu Wang Dominic Yip and Annie Lam Jae Young Yoon Shuangming Yue and Hua Pan Jianlin Zeng and Huiwen Li Yingji Zhang and Beijuan Wu Yongzheng and Mia Zhang Jiahe Zhuang and Joyce Cheng Key: Deceased (italicized)


Annual Giving WARRIOR CLUB This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the particular fiscal year, up to $2,499.


Anonymous (4) Carlos and Elizabeth Abaya Richard and Gail Abreau Charles Adams Melinda Adkins Vern and Melanie Adkins Evan and Melissa Afentoulis Julius and Amy Agbonbhase Steven Agnew Nils and Jean Akerman Christopher and Tatum Alcantara Doug Alexander Marc and Jennifer Alexander Orpheus Allen and Nadia Lan Joshua and Josfa Allmen Assefa Amanuel and Nebiat Baarez Craig and Tammy Anders Ben and Deborah Andrews Charles and Elisa Andrews Oleg Andriyuk Michael and Kristin Annab Kurt and Lynette Apen Volodymyr and Svitlana Aptekar Michele Ardizzone Darrell and Eileen Arellano Chris Argo Doug Artman Kimberly Artman Meserak Assefa Kiro Austria Jim Avery Alicia Avila Takuya Azuma Russell and Sandra Baba Craig and Susan Bagley Yingjun Bai and Yingchao Liu Tosha Bailey David and Aimee Bainbridge Aaron Baird and Sabrina Koshiyama Abu Bakarr Jacklyn Bala Lorenzo Balanza Haidee Baluta Subbu and Mamatha Bangalore Nikolai and Nailya Bannov Steve and Kristal Barnes Ash Barreto Randy Bartholomew and Hea Jin Thomas-Bartholomew Christopher and Courtney Basanty Elena Basanty Robert and Susana Basanty Greg and Kristen Batch Kenneth Bateman Nada Batkovic Michael and Linh Bauer Steve and Karin Baugher Debbie Bauman Rosario Bautista Kenneth and Rhonda Beasley Steve and Kate Beier Matt and Julie Belluomini Aaron Bembry Jason and Jamie Berry Pete Berta Kimberly Bespaly Nancy Bevans Samip and Rupali Bhavsar Mark and Debbie Bieber Michael and Jene Biester Kenneth and Allison Birdsall Bradford and Amy Bissell Adrienne Biswas Raylene Blandino Mario and Kristina Blauman Pam Blauman-Schmitz Tamara Blue Brett and Julie Boncher Frank and Sandy Bonham Jeffrey and Erica Bonham Jean-Charles and Stacey Bossert Christopher and Nicole Bosso

Jack Boyer Angela Bradon Michael and Kris Brajevich Paul and Renee Brannon Robert and Cheryl Brashears James and Danielle Brassfield David Bravo Nicole Brooks Colleen Brown Carmen Buenrostro Marc and Patricia Buller Wayne and Claire Burk Joseph Burke Robert and Jennifer Burnett Trevor M. Burnett Carsten Buschmann Dennis and Teresa Butchart William Butchart Tania Cain Thomas and Emily Caine Ernst and Cynthia Calais Tim and Heather Calder Mark and Robyn Campagna Douglas and Windy Campen Cristina Campos Jovita Campos Manuel Canales Aaron and Carrie Cannistraci Lei Cao Xiande Cao Zhiruo and Yingshuai Cao Carlos and Leeann Carbajal Dianne Cardiel

Christopher and Antonia Carney Wanda Carter John and Nia Castelly Jordan Cayas Lincy Cecili and Santosh George Yeojin Chae Lin Chai Tejasvi and Shreya Chakravarthy Anson Chan and Mimi Fung Richard Chan Jimmy Chang and Bitna Seol Kingsley Chang Lauren Chaplin Donald and Thoa Charkowsky Matt Chavez Bin and Vivian Chen Haixian and Shuangyi Chen He Chen and Xiaoqian Li Kenan and Anita Chen Lawrence Chen and Emi Ichihara-Chen Lianchuan Chen Lu Chen and Chun Lu Qianshen Chen Yi Chen and Xiuya Li Yuhong Chen Yun Chen Zhiyu and Yulin Chen Da Cheng Hui Cheng and Jinhua Li Jin Cheng Newton and Seeling Cheung Todd and Stephanie Chipman Chris Cho

Edward and Christina Cho Joel and Kim Choe Sarah Choe Yoon Choi and Hee Lee Andy and Diana Chong Jay Chou and Yuan-Fen Chiang Tefu Chou and Jing Sun Benjamin and Freda Chow Lori Christensen Jebasingh Christopher Mike Chu Yen Chung Angela Cipperly Catherine Clark Brian and Diane Clemons Chester and Josie Co Lawrence and Emily Co Reggie and Sherri Coates Ron and Carolyn Cocanour Guillaume and Sandra Coffinier Jim Coleman Frank Coletta Maegan Collette Laurence and Barbara Conly Nigel and Yvonne Cook Jordan and Beth Cookman Danny Corral Jennifer Correia Douglas Cortina Stan and Geraldine Cosby Michael and Carla Cossy Ernesto Costales George Cover


Ray and Angela Crabb Kristin Crist Walma Crittenden Patrick and Ruth Cruise Hang Cui Xu Cui Jeremy and Kristen Cunningham Brian Daily David Dang Tim and Annie Dang Beth Daniel Helen Daniel Tenbit and Abebaye Daniel Phu Dao and Thuy Dang-Dao Judy Darretta Emanouel and Rachelle Daryoush Zane and Rebecca Daugherty Eric and Melynda Davenport Katrine Davie Gloria Davis Daniel and Savannah Day Daniel and Jennifer DeVos Sergiu and Anamaria Deac Brenda DeAngelo E.D. and Beverly Deaton Bill Decker Juli Delfino John and Anne Delke James and Laurantina Dempsey James and Melissa Denena Mary Denena Qingbiao and Yangjin Deng Mark Depold Stephen and Rachel Desantis Rajesh and Gayathri Dhandapani


Buffie Diaz Ben Dimmitt Nicholas Dinh and Lien Nguyen Thang Dinh Don and Sylvia Dixon Khang Doan Nancy Domich Dave and Laura Dominguez Xuezhang and Shufang Dong Amber Donnelly Aurora Donnelly Paul and Liz Dreyer Zhefeng and Yuanpeng Du Venkata and Vijaya Dudyala Kimberly Durham Thomas Edwards Michael and Trudy Ehlenberger Carmen Elliott Keith and Samantha Elliott Rob and Sheryl Ellis Herbert and Trudy Emmrich George and Natalie Engurasoff Elsa Erazo Dave and Kelli Erisman Ray and Susan Ernenwein Andreas and Yasmin Ersinger Doel and Rosalinda Estela Willie and Colette Evans Eric and Nancy Evenhuis Jacqueline Fahrner Dwain and Jean Fairweather Cisneros Family Chi-Wei Fan Rich and Carolyn Farrell Thomas Faucette and Mindi Kim-Faucette

Michael and Patty Favet Daniel Figueroa Melissa Filuk Melissa Findley Mathew and Ping Flenniken Justin and Annie Fletcher Christy Floyd Craig Forshee Cassie Foxhoven Eric and Eimy Frampton Angela Francisco Angela Franklin Michael Freeman William and Tina Freeman Jamar Freeze Brittany Friedberg David Fry Randy Fry William Fry So-Chung and Alex Fu Diann Fugate Donald and Jolene Fugate Judi Fuller Eiichi and Takako Funatsu Michael Gallo Qiu Gan Donna Garay Dominique Garcia Scott and Molly Gardner Matthew and Lisa Garrett Richard and Konstantina Gass Gunnar Gaubatz and Nastaran Baradaran Siegfried and Catherine Gengl Graham Gerade and Kimberly Powell Katherine Gerade

Betty Gernhardt Melinda Gernhardt Amanda Gil Brian and Carey Gil Adam and Kristin Gill Etsehiwet Girmachew Timothy and Tracey Givens Barbara Glazis Todd and Mary Glennon Trey Gomez Richard Gong Darlene Gonzales Joe Gonzales Grace Grady Lorraine Greenwood Mamie Gregory Ivor and Krystal Griffiths Denise Grigsby Brian Grove and Shana Ryan Jun Gu and Yan Yang Mia Guan Wu and Xu Hua Guan Stephen and Theresa Guarini Lei Gui Troy and Melissa Gunter Keyang Guo Xiaojiang Guo and Xin Shan Yanchuan and Hong Guo Zhendong and Juan Guo Zhi Guo and Rui Li Anurag Gupta and Archana Agrawal Brian and Danielle Gustafson William and Diane Gustafson Rosanna Gutierrez Brad Gyger and Nabila Haq Ayman Habib and Nancy Salama Rhonda Hadnot Amela Hadzic Jon Haight James Hale Stevie Hale Steve Hall Dirk and Danielle Hamady Shig and Christine Hamamatsu Crystal Hamel Milissa Hamel Kenji Hamilton Preston and Juliette Hamilton Roger Hamilton Minghui and Yijuan Han Ui and Jin Han Richard and Jane Hankins Michael and Ricarda Hanna Steve and Lisa Hanna Yolanda Hanna Michelle Hardy Sebastien and Cristina Hareng Kathi Harris Karen Harrison Lauren Harrison Maury and Rachelle Harwood Shunichi and Daxin Hashimoto Holly Hatlo Jim and Terri Hatlo Nancy Hatlo-Donnelly Frederick and Amy Hawkins Doug and Heather Hayden Jonathan and Tessa Hayes Dana and Sharon Hazlett Sharon Hazlett Gang He and Amy Xia Jing Chen and Yanmin He Xingping and Weiqing He Hilary Headlee Tom Healy Chip and Susan Heath Bryce and Laurie Hendry Leslie Henry Mason Henry Sunghyun Heo and Meesun Park Michael and Andrea Hering Norma Hering

Jacob and Deborah Hernandez John and Sara Herrera Bryan and Dominique Herrin Cynthia Hidalgo Mark and Sharon Hill Adrian and Venus Hilton Jakob Hipolito Joshua Hipolito Mikaela Hipolito Robert and Irene Hipolito Joseph Ho Renee Hodges Laurie Holmes Michelle Holmes A Ram Hong and Eugene Jung Bill Hong and Joyce Yu Sumin Hong Jesse Hooker Jeramy and Melinda Hopkins Ron and Rosie Hopkins Michael and Danielle Horsley Henry and Heather Hoshii Douglas and Gretchen Hostetter Al Howard Smith William and Linda Howlett Hanson Hsieh Tsunghsun and Ryoko Hsieh Bob Hu and Laura Xiangjun Luo YongGe and Xin Hu Zhiping Hu and Qiong Chen Andrew and Ann Huang Caroline Huang Esther Huang Guangsong Huang and Xia Liu Jie and Wei Huang Ke Huang Nanjie Huang Wenjin and Lufeng Huang Yujin Huang Gregor and Suzanne Huber Judy Huber Victor and Veronica Huesca Kathy Hughes Mark Hulse Phillip Hunt and Christine Manuel Jef Inman Howell and Chris Ivy Adrienn Jablonszki-Hahn Arul James Jason and Taryn Jane Yvonne Jasso Thanaraj and Jothi Jebaraj Giftson Jebasingh Miraclin Jebastian Jinhua Jiang and Xia Li Jock Jiang Sheng Jiang and Peng Yan Alfred and Renee Jones Carlin Jones Cate Jones Rebecca Juarez Bruce and Rose Kakimoto Chalam and Usha Kalahasti Vishnu and Vasudha Kandadai Gene and Diana Kang Jackie Kang and Ronald Fujitaki Kay Kang Johan Kartiwa and Noviyanti Praseyto Sanjeev Katariya and Kevi Belho Scott and Kathy Katric Ricardo Kausin Kevin and Kelly Kayser Paul and Xiaodong Keas Dan and Linda Kemble Carlos Ketron and Angelic Sherrell-Ketron Bomi Kim Danny and Hannah Kim Ho Young and Sojin Kim Jung Eun Kim Kyung Soo Kim and Minyoung Kwon Wonhee Kim Woochan and Sam Kim



Moses Kinnah Tony and Natalina Kinnis Michael and Lori Kinsella Beth Kiser Christina Klayko Patti Klayko Antonio and Josie Ko Hae Kyung Ko Dennis Kolb Matthew and Sara Kolb Haig and Zepure Kouyoumdjian Harold Kraver Keith and Jennifer Kraver Kevin and Amber Kraver Leslie Kuai Kristin Kulas Ashlie Kulpinski Nitin Kumar and Reetu Gupta Francis and Bini Kurupacheril Roman and Anna Kuzmenko Gizelea Kwan Jacob Kwan Myron Kwong Peter J. LaBarbera Dominic Lam Victor and Ilana Lam Cynthia Lamb Harpreet and Nirpinder Lamba Charlie and Claire Lao Rick and Cathy LaPore Mellina LaRocca Eric Lau and Jing Gao Horace Lau and Irene Hsin Dennis Law and Rachel Hwang Cindy Lawson Jessica Lawson Kola and Monilola Layokun Dat Le Julian Le Qin Le Randy Le Sandy Le Thi Le Trang Le Will Le Peter and Melia LeCompte Jason Ledgerwood Benjamin Lee and Ke Cao Hak-Tae and SoYoung Lee Jennifer Lee Jong Ki and Jin Hee Lee Kenn and Anne Lee Myunghun and Kyoungme Lee Sangjin Lee and Sungeun Choi Seung Hoon Lee and Yeha Kim Yang and Li Lei Charlene Leong Jennifer Lewis Bin Li and Ingrid Lu Dezhan Li and Yuquan Jiang Haobin and Luping Li Hengyi and Teresa Li Jian Li Lyon Li Peter and Xiaofeng Li Ping Li and Axel Streichardt Rachel Li Tao Li and Na Xing Zhenjiang and Min Li Weidong and Xiangmin Liang Wenqing and Michelle Liang Steven and Sang Lieu Sylvia Lim Bruce and Sophia Lin Charles and Chieko Lin James and Stephanie Lin Jim Lin and Ju Hsu Raymond and Anita Lin Sen and Yan Lin Tao and Hong Lin Tiyen and Sabrina Lin Vanessa Lin

Tim and Elizabeth Lindemulder Amy Lindsay Livia M. Litman Brezi Little Haijun Liu Lei Liu and Anita Li Naiping Liu and Juan Ma Ning and Jun Liu Vincent and Carrine Liu Winnie Liu Yan Liu and Yanfei Zheng Yichen and Wen Liu Zhifeng and Mingxia Liu Zhongri and Nan Liu Jennifer Livingstone Alice Lloyd Chiung-Cheng Lo Mark and Ginny Lockhart John Loofbourrow Wayne Loofbourrow Alejandro Lopez and Alejandra Jimenez Annmarie Louis Karen Low Hong Lu Jimmy Lu and Jennifer Lu-Wong Wade and Ann Luders Junwu and Rebecca Luo Danny and Lilian Luu Mike Ly Vivian Ly Glen and Annemarie Lynch Steven and Sheryl Lynch Don and Grace Ma Mark and Jane Ma Frederico MacIel and Yanfang Yu John Mackay Adtya and Puja Maheshwari Makoa and Mary Ann Malaluan Johanna Maldonado Amol and Hema Mandlekar Anna Maness Calvin Jr. and Marie Arlene Mangubat Christine Manuel Jamie Manuel Marcel and Judy Marc Michael and Elisa Marfise Tyler Mariucci Rick Martin and Lucia Langone-Martin Chico Martinez David Mason and Katharine Hardt-Mason Samantha Masseus John and Sandi Matarangas Christos and Diana Matheou Brett and Tami Mattos Ellen Mauldin Fred Mayer Craig and Elizabeth McCarley Jenny McClenahan Joan McCorkhill Jim McCulley Mary Ann McCulley Matthew and Marycarmel McEwen Paula McGee Chris and Allison McGugan Brian and Monteacia McMorrow John and Kristin McNulty Iris McPherson Isaiah McPherson Ephrime Mekuria and Ethiopia Abera Jennica Mendoza Rebecca Mengesha Michael and Lindsey Menne William and Molly Meyer Alisa Meyers Kristie Mezzavilla Daniel and Jessica Miller Jeff Miller and Danielle Jenkins Candice Mills Akta Mistry Robert Mitri and Lareine Muok-Mitri William Moher, Jr. Hannah Moon

Wook Moon Bonnie Moore Karras and Kym Moore Sonya Moore-Wells Marco and Caitlin Morais Oscar and Leonor Morales Adam and Kelly Morrella Michael and Amanda Moshier Dan Moyer Nick and Tara Muccilli Uma Mudumba Michael and Shari Muendelein Man and Yona Mui Carmen Munoz Daniel and Marie Murphy John and Debra Murphy Ronald Murphy Carol Murray Victoria Myers Nancy Nadler Lonnie Nafzgar Ram and Shanthi Nagaraj Nitin and Soumya Naik Alison Nair Daya Nair Gerald Nangoy and Grace Salim Arun Narasani and Neelima Mukiri Sambasivan and Kamakshi Narayan Srinivas and Aneeja Narayanam John Christian Nardo William Nauck and Christine Nemoda Elda Nefat Steven and Ellen Nelson Barbara Neu Kok and Huihsing Ng Candice Ngai Landon Kaylee Ngo Thanh Ngo and Pey Ng Cindy Nguyen Donovan Nguyen and Nicole Tom Hailey Nguyen

Hoang and Thanh-Thuy Nguyen Huey and Cac Nguyen Kennedy Nguyen Khue Nguyen and Jasmine Yip Nick and Jasmine Nguyen Tuan Nguyen Van Nguyen and Thai Quach Cathy Niemiller Mimi Niemiller Sachin Nikhil Guoqing and Ting Ning Xuejun Niu and Xun Zhi Bella Nunez Alexis Nunnally Richard and Joy Nyberg Lyndsi O’Brien Mina Odah Anthony and Amanda Oden Yongjoon Oh and Joonhe Lee Andrey and Elvira Okhlopkov Greg Olson Joanne Omo Rene Omo Dawn O’Neal Gisso Oreo Erica Ota Andreas and Lucy Ott Sarangan and Padmaja Padalkar Nathaniel Page Sreekanth Palivela Leo and Yiqiong Pang Patricia Papa Laura and Mark Pappakostas Emmanuel and Lydia Paquiz Golshan Paredes Dae Park and Kyung Kim Hyung Park and Mina Lee Kathy Parker Mary Parker Jeremy and Edugisle Pasternak Tarun and Trushita Patel

Robert Patience Chris and Denise Pattinson Jennifer Peneyra Shankar and Vhandana Pennathur Hope Perez Mayra Perez Annie Persampieri Laurie Pester Jen Petagno Philip and Julie Pham Thuan and Nicole Pham Barry Phan Christina and Dylan Phillips Ray and Kim Picard Nicholas Pierce Jayachandran Pillai and Chandana Kanakamma Victor Pioli Frank and Hoa Pisciuneri Dawn Polich Michael and Tamara Pond David and Nancy Porter Ruby Powell Ernest and Sandhya Prabhakar Ted and Jacqueline Price Hong and Elaine Pun Josaiah Pun Julie Pun Craig Purdy and Christine Marquez Maria Putty Honghua and Yilin Qin Pete and Beverly Quinby Phan Quynh Kelley Radcliffe Robert and Cynthia Ragsac Lisa Ramirez Richard and Eunise Ramirez Carlos and Charlene Ramos Jennifer Raney Mary Rank Stephen and Carrie Rank Erik and Angelica Rasmussen


Kaitlyn Rauschnot Theresa Raya Edward and Lisa Rebello Rich and Charleen Renati Dennis Reyes Melvin and Marge Reynolds Kevin and Christy Rhoades Asher Richard Douglas and Deborah Rigg Michael and Tamie Riley Javier and Emily Rios Amy Roberts Jackie Robles Larry Robles Richard Rock Klaus and Marilene Roder Isabella Rodillas Erica Rodriguez Ralph Rodriguez Paul and Anne Rogers Gene Roland Ruth Rosenblatt Richard and Dorea Roy Licha Ruano Gary and Pam Rudy Pam Rudy Kristen Ryan Ron Sakai and Maria Jumagdao-Sakai Gary and Lisa Samuelson Rachael San Filippo David Sanchez Janina and Juan Sanchez Linda Sanchez Mary Sanchez Melissa Sanchez Racquel Sanchez William Sanchez Lakhbir and Harpreet Sandhu Mark Sandori and Siobhan Fitzgerald Elliot and Penny Sands Amit and Aruna Sanghani Mark and Kari Santoro Antonio and Lizette Santos Jason and Salena Santos Rajesh and Kirti Saran Kumar Sarangee Antony Savarimuthu Eric and Christina Scharrenberg Robert and Dina Schiller Alexis Schneider Whitney Scripps Allen Selvaraj and Suganya Jebasingh Dave and Abby Setti John Shafer Myron and Diana Shak Gordon and Christine Shales Faith Shannon Vera Shantz Weidong Shao and Laura Gong Zhuyan and Shuqing Shao Prakul and Diksha Sharma Zemmer Sharma David and Paula Sharpe Ryan and Denise Shaw Melvin Shepherd Frances Sherrell Lin Shi and Ke Huang Yuan Shi Kathy Shih Theodore Shim Andrew and Trina Shinn Nikki Shoffner Beza Showarga Xiaozhou and Caiya Shu Aleh and Zhanna Shybaila Eric and Erica Sibley Kris Sibley Stacy Sibley Ramesh and Pushpa Siddabasappa


Jeff and Gina Siegle Melissa Siemer Jennifer Silva Griffin Gaganpreet and Gurpreet Singh Sean and Judith Sink Jon and Laura Sizelove Robert Skovmand Rosana Smart Barry and Claudia Smith Jesse and Ruth Smith Jessica Smith Lisa Smith Lori Kate Smith Nathaniel and Amy Smith Ryan and Thao Smith Andrew and Lynda Snelgrove Wendy Sollazzi Trey and Kristie Solomon Federico Solorzano and Cindy Wong Kai Song Sheri Soriano Jenn Sorto Rick and Robin Soukoulis George and Sharon Sousa Kerrie Sparks Stacey Spinetti Christopher and Keri Sponseller Mary Jo Sponseller Michael and Cindy Sprauve Lorie Sproul Michael and Teresa Stapleton Jolon and Nicole Staubli Sean and Deb Steele Renee Stenesen Sunil and Caroline Stephen Kat Stevens Andrew and Liz Stewart Karl and Jennifer Stewart Steven and Monica Stiles Barry and Monica Stipe Christi Stockhaus Stacey Stockhaus Leslie Stone Peter and Chrystal Stone Karyn Stonis Philip and Michelle Su Richard and Nicole Su Carlton Sue Krystal Summers Wayne and Patricia Summers Lois Summey Yan Sun and Yan Lu Yunhai and Zhao Hui Sun Steven Sundquist WanFang Sung Marilia Suzuki Gary Taan Adam and Jessica Tafralis Melissa Taganas Yu Ling Ryan Tam Haritha Tamvada and Ravichandra Ryali Boon and Sarah Tan Nuz Tan Tori Tanaka Edmund and Jinjing Tang Jinghua Tang Nelson and Ling Tang Patrick Tang Yin Fung and Oi Har Tang Zhongliang and Yan Tang Jun Tao and Min Wang Arden Taube Barbara Taube Moni Tautu Gary Taylor Alicia Tellez Samer Theoodssy and Luma Akkawi Clifford and Lisa Thompson Reginald Thompson and Erica Cosgrove

Matt Thomson Rich Thomson Armand and Starr Tiano Shelia Toliver Kuisong and Yujing Tong Joel and Michelle Torode Aaron Torrez Danny Tow and Valerie Vaccaro Rachel Tozer Lana Tran Tri Tran and Trang Nguyen Linda Trias Khoa Trinh Tien Trinh and Karen Wong Tina Truong Tony Truong Jason and Felicia Tsai Victoria Tsang Joseph and Tina Tseng Samuel Tseng Doris Tsui Sam Tu and Carina Tran Vana Tu Yiqing and Hua Tu Teresa Uhl Maythin Uthayopas and Nutcha Tapamnuay Dave Vaccaro Curtis and Heidi Vals Jan-Willem and Beatrice van de Waerdt Jan Riegers Van Groningen Scott and Rachel VanderVeen Joseph and Sheela Varghese Anthony and Melanie Volpicella Justin Vu Christian and Catherine Waago Linda Waago Kshitij Wadhwa and Pooja Nagpal J M. Wadsworth Barry and Lisa Wagner Scott and Michelle Wagner Ginny Walker Clifford Wang Daniel and Sherry Wang Gordon Wang Jacques and Michelle Wang Jasmine Wang Jipei Wang Kelly Wang Lance and Winnie Wang Li Wang Mingran Wang and Lijuan Chen Ning and Rui Wang Peter Wang Qian and Hui Wang Tao Wang and Luohan Pu Xiaodong and Weijia Wang Xinshuo and Meng Wang Yanni Wang John and Emily Wardell Jeff and Amy Watson Jim Watson Rick and Pam Watson Dennis Watts Kelly Way Gangqiang and Huizhen Wei Ying Wei Edmund and Elizabeth Wells Daniel and Karin Werder Lance Wheatley Russell and Christina White Jeffrey and Kathleen Whitmer Ronald and Heidi Whitmill Nicholas and Amanada Whitstone John and Pearl Wiedlin Bryan and Eileen Wiens Timothy and Maribeth Wiens Donald Wiggins Ravi and Gnanika Wijayaratne Gareth and Mya Williams Kimberly Williams Linda Williams Yolanda Williams

Paul Willis Jeff and Julie Wilson Mark and Judy Wilson Winfield D. Wilson Robert and Jazylette Windell Brett and Cathy Wingo Carol Wolfe Courtney Wollan Christabel Wong Cindy Wong Darryl and Eugenia Wong Florence Wong Kevin Wong Shirley Wong Tony and Rebecca Wong Waiman and Lingfong Wong Yuen and Van Wong Carl Woodall and Julie Ryono-Woodall Annette Wright Hong and Li Wu Mengjin Wu and Huaxin Gao Minhao and Lanlan Wu Zhizheng and Rina Wu Wanda Xiang Hui and Li Xie Na Xing Zhong Xu and Rong Huang Xu and Kun Yang Yuanchuan Yang Bangpeng Yao Dana Yao Shuren Yao and Peilly Cheng Yong and Lin Yao Yuan and Bo Yao Alberto Yap and Anne Yang Laura Yau Michael Yau Alexander and Alona Yavorski Allison Yee Eric Yee Dennis Yen and Cynthia Gu Hwan Seung and Jee Eun Yeo Choon-Hoe Yeoh and Leeann Lian Paul and Julie Yeomans Victor Yin Gina Yu Jixin Yu and Lequn Liu Justin Yu Lisa Yu Meowcess Yu Paochi and Lorraine Yu Weifeng and Zhiqin Yuan Xiao Yue and Lan Wang Allen and Michelle Yueh Koo and Mijeong Yun David and Jill Zapp Gerardo and Danielle Zaragoza Vi Zehr Terry Zeigler Lingqi and Run Zeng Yi and Wei Zeng Alex Zhang Hong and Yun Zhang Jingzhou and Fanxin Zhang Lei Zhang and Bing Lu Li and Lin Zhang Liming and Yan Zhang Lingyun Zhang and Wenhong Liu Wanping Zhang and Dunlin Deng Xue Zhang Yang Zhang Yuanlei Zhang Yun and Yi Zhang Martha Zhao Weiguo Zheng and Qunxing Yang Xiaoyue Zhong Peter Zhou Yang and Fang Zhou Zhiqiang Zhou and Yong Huang Lei Zhu Mo Zhu


Annual Giving


The following list acknowledges local businesses and corporate and foundation matching gifts during the fiscal year 2020-21. AbbVie Adobe Matching Gifts Program Apple Matching Gifts Program Applied Materials Corporation BAE Systems Broadcom Gift Matching Program Cadence Design Systems, Inc. CarterBaldwin, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Core Value Education LLC Dell Corporate Office eBay Echo Church Equinix, Inc. Experian Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts


Filice Insurance Agency Google Matching Gifts Program Hewlett Packard Enterprises Hyeonin Family IBM Corporation IBM Matching Grants Program Intel Charitable Match Trust Juniper Networks Matching Gifts Program KLA Tencor Foundation Lenovo LinkedIn Corporation McAfee McKesson Corporation Micron Technology Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Netflix Network For Good Norton Lifelock NVIDIA Corporation Oath, Inc. Oracle Corporation Palo Alto Networks, Inc. PayPal Phelps & Cohen Orthodontics Practice Roka Automation Samsung Electronics North America Teradata The Davidson Family Foundation The Law Offices of Michael A. Hurwitz Thrivent Financial

Tokyo Electron Topline Properties LLC Visa, Inc. VMware Foundation Workday Xilinx, Inc. Zoom Video Communications

GIFTS-IN-KIND In addition to monetary support many came alongside during the year with In-Kind gifts to support students and programs as well as benefit our annual Quest Ball and Golf Tournament. Amy Hernandez Andre Marais and Judy Porter Andrea Nyberg Photography Antonio and Lizette Santos Aperture Academy Barre3 Willow Glen Bear Creek Stables Breanna Cocanour Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo-Porter ButcherBox Byington Vineyard & Winery Cheryl Sizemore Christos and Diana Matheou Classic Kids Photography Cline Family Cellars

Clint and Kim Ramsey ClubSport Cupertino Supply DAOU Family Estates Deok Kim and Mari Suzuki DoorDash Enriquez Estate Wines Exclusive Track Days Far Niente Gabriel and Jill Guven Gordon Wang Hahn Family Wines Jacuzzi Family Vineyards Joe Escobar Diamonds John Diatte Joseph George Fine Wines Juniper Hotel Cupertino K1 Speed Inc. Linh Bauer, DDS Michael and Patty Favet Mind Body Lifestyle MixBook MOD Pizza Mount Hermon Adventures Niles Canyon Railway Perry Manole and Gia Vitarelli Phelps & Cohen Orthodontics Practice Raymond and Anita Lin Ryan and Denise Shaw Salena Santos Sheryl M. Photography SIRIUS Puppy & Dog Training Sixthreezero Steve and Liv Clode Studio Kicks, Inc. Sushi Confidential SusieCakes Teresa Halton Photography The Bright Look Tim Stockhaus Timothy and Roxanne Bowers Vintage Wine Merchants and Wine Bar YoPop Young Americas Foundation Young Art Lessons Zhiruo and Yingshuai Cao

*This list is intended to acknowledge all who volunteered in the 2020-21 school year. We regret any omissions due to print or department volunteer list deadlines. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and bring it to the attention of Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement,


Annual Gifts to the


Each family is asked to contribute annually in support of Valley Christian Schools. Annual gifts to the WARRIOR FUND are used to increase the general operating budget for the fiscal year and to ensure that each student at VCS has the opportunity to succeed. The executive leadership team is committed to being good stewards of your generous contributions by providing excellent opportunities for every student—from award-winning academic programs and extracurricular activities, to outstanding facilities and maintenance, and much more.


uest Ball presented by Extend the Gift

Golf Classic

8th Annual Quest Ball

27th Annual Golf Classic

April 23, 2022

May 16, 2022

We look forward to welcoming back the VCS community for a round of golf and a day of fellowship at the 27th annual Golf Classic

Volunteering is a great way to connect with the VCS community, so email to get involved!

Thank you for partnering with us in creating Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively impacting their community and the world. Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement | 408-362-7649



Mission Advancing Valley Christian Schools’ financial partnership with our families, friends, faculty, and staff to procure the resources to fund the Quest for Excellence™. The strength of our community’s partnership is critical to the success of VCS’ extraordinary A curriculum, programs, 3

and facilities, which work in concert to produce Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively impacting their communities and the world.

Christi Stockhaus Director of Advancement 408.362.7649 Mark DeLuca Associate Director of Annual Giving 408.362.7651 Davis Gunter (‘14) Alumni Relations Coordinator 408.362.7629 Chris Ivy Office and Event Coordinator 408.362.7643 Jaclyn Wong Advancement Associate 408.362.7644


100 Skyway Drive San Jose, CA 95111

MISSION STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment offering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world. VISION STATEMENT A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™.

FOUNDING STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence. valleychristian


To support VCS, please call the Extend the Gift Development Office at (408) 362-7644 or visit

Elementary (408) 559-4400 | JH (408) 513-2460 | HS (408) 513-2400 | (408) 513-2500 | 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111

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