Annual Giving Report | 2019-2020

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“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ,” (Galatians 6:2).


Dear Donors and Friends,


















As we all know too well, saying the past year has been “challenging” would be quite an understatement. Racial tension, political infighting, fires, unemployment, school closures, shutdowns, global pandemic…some days, I am left to wonder when the locusts and frogs will be entering the story. It was not, and is not, a great time to be in the fundraising business. However, Warriors overcome trying times, and the generosity of our Valley Christian community once again took center stage in 2019-2020. Despite the challenges, our Extend the Gift Development Department was able to raise almost $3,500,000. This is yet another Valley Christian Schools’ WARRIOR FUND record, our 8th in a row since the department’s formal creation. This accomplishment was truly an amazing answer to prayer! Throughout the pages of this Annual Giving Report, you will see the names of people that contributed to our banner year. They were all instrumental in ensuring that the Quest for Excellence was alive and well in the 2019-2020 school year by providing the WARRIOR FUND with the means to supplement our A3 Programs and Curriculum, Teacher/ Staff bonuses, and Youth with Promise financial assistance to the high level now expected by our community. All our donors were hugely impactful, but I would like to highlight a few special factors that greatly contributed to our success. • In addition to the global conditions, last year our Extend the Gift Development Department was experiencing some internal difficulties of its own. Short-staffed and lacking a Director for large portions of the year, Jackie Clessuras, Mark DeLuca, and Barbara Kovach worked long overtime hours to revamp our Junior High

Jog-A-Thon, assisted by parents Mark Bieber, Debbie Bieber, and Genevieve Coughran as well as several PTPF volunteers. Our Elementary PTPF, led by Nick and Nikki Roland, created an incredible new format for the elementary Jog-A-Thon. This team made the 2019 Jog-A-Thons the most streamlined and successful events in school history. Their dedication was seen through the professional event operations and resulted in over $160,000 raised for the WARRIOR FUND. • Our most significant, recent, donor family had it on their hearts to supplement our teachers and financially challenged students. In November, they contributed an additional $1,000,000 above their standard annual giving. $800,000 went directly to Christmas bonuses for teachers and staff, and $200,000 went to Quest Ball’s Stand Up for Valley’s Kids supporting Youth with Promise financial aid. The blessings this provided these two important groups in our community are incalculable. Given what we would experience in early 2020, their bonus gift proved even more transformational than when it was initially received, and that is saying a lot considering how grateful we were upon its receipt. • One of our biggest disappointments was the last-minute cancellation of the 2020 Quest Ball. In March, not knowing what was shortly to befall us, this cancellation was a tough decision. Our team had worked extremely hard for months, and

the Quest Ball was primed to set records in both attendance and fundraising. Despite modifying to a virtual event, the Quest Ball was able to raise over $650,000. Less than usual, but shockingly successful given the circumstances. Co-Chairpersons, Jen LaBarbera and Cheryl Brashears, along with their team of Kim Hernandez, Asha Zarht, Rikki Hanna, Nabila Haq, Diana Matheou, Jane Murchison, Marci Laidlaw, Chris Ivy, Brian Rhea, Frank Sunseri, and countless other committee members and scheduled volunteers deserve a ton of credit for their efforts. In addition to fundraising, once the COVID pandemic hit, I decided the Extend the Gift department should temporarily change focus from fundraising to standing with our struggling community in prayer. We began a daily prayer “Call-A-Thon” led by Mark DeLuca and Davis Gunter of the ETG office, along with additional help from faithful Valley staff members. Although we have yet to make it through the entire list of our community, the call staff was instrumental in providing some hope and encouragement through troubled times. Besides providing general support, specific lifelines such as providing food for a family going hungry and collecting PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for front line hospital workers came out of this initiative. We hope those contacted found our calls to be a small blessing. As we approach our 60th Anniversary here at Valley Christian Schools, it is hard not only to reflect upon the generosity of the last year but also that seen throughout our history.

Thumbing through these pages, you will come across names, both past and present, that have made, and are making, VCS’ Quest for Excellence in Christian education a reality. For our current donors, we thank you for your faithfulness in the 2019-2020 school year. Your funding has made a huge, positive impact on our students, faculty, and staff in challenging times. For those past, lifetime donors, we thank you for paving the way for Valley Christian to become the top-level institution we experience today and for all the benefits and blessings provided to our current students. To our donors of this upcoming year and beyond, you will Extend the Gift of Valley Christian not only to this current class of students but also to those well into the future. We pray your generosity will match that of the past and that our Quest for Excellence will be going strong 60 years from now. Thank you in advance. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God,” (2 Corinthians 9:12). Blessings! MIKE LABARBERA Extend the Gift Development Chair (2012 - 2020)

Letter from the President “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace,” (1 Peter 4:10). The 2019-2020 school year began with a strong economy and lots of seeming enthusiasm. God led us to the theme; Let’s Pray. The prayer focus led our entire faculty, staff, administrators, and many parents to prayer groups that met regularly for our students and God’s goodness. Thankfully, when we began to hear about COVID-19 in January of 2020, our prayer initiative became our pathway forward, and we began praying for God’s protection of our school, community, and loved ones. When we moved all students to online learning on March 13, 2020, we sadly canceled two of our main


fundraising events, the Quest Ball and our annual golf tournament, to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. I expected a loss of well over $1 million in donations as a result. But chairwomen Jen LaBarbera and Cheryl Brashears, with the support of Mike LaBarbera, Extend the Gift Chair (2012-2020), along with a dedicated Quest Ball committee of volunteers, refused defeat! They contacted more than 500 registered guests and made appeals to our VCS community in creative ways. The silent auction was an online success, and nearly every confirmed

in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year to benefit employees and students. These include Plexiglas barriers, medical-grade HVAC filters, and DTEN classroom enhanced learning environments to improve the Zoom experience for students and faculty dramatically. Of course, the most essential quality VCS can offer is Christ-centered quality educators, staff, administrators, and coaches who love our Lord Jesus and His children. The combination of a safe environment, the best educational tools available, and a team of loving Christian educators and staff brought our total enrollment to 99.06 percent of our goal as of August 30, 2020. Congratulations TEAM! God is working through you mightily to provide quality education for our students! We have all worked incredibly hard to get to this point. With encouraging news and your financial support, we recognized our teachers, staff, and administrators with a much-deserved reinstated compensation increase retroactive to the beginning of this school year. In addition to the salary increase, our executive team was thrilled also to provide a one-time, net, after-tax bonus of $1000 to all current employees and prorated bonuses to part-time employees. We are thanking God for His bountiful provision, and we want to thank every individual, family, and business named in this giving report for supporting the mission, students, and teachers of Valley Christian Schools. Your generous gifts help ensure A3 quality Christian education, including Academic Achievement, Artistic Beauty, and Athletic Distinction during these uncertain times. We are looking forward to the return of our students to our classrooms. In the meantime, we remain confident that “God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NKJV) guest refused seating refunds. Most gave substantial gifts despite the cancellation of the Quest Ball. With the support of 1,850 donors, VCS provided severely needed financial assistance to many students as parents faced unemployment or whose family businesses began to suffer. Most importantly, your generous donations helped sustain the Quest for Excellence and quality education in ways we could not have anticipated. As you might imagine, the certainty of our enrollment and corresponding revenue was in question as we began this school year amid the economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the guidance from our CFO, Ken Shilling, our executive team and Board, we put several contingency plans in place, including suspended compensation increases, to maintain financial stability. Our commitment to the Quest for Excellence affirms our belief that the best way to retain our enrollment and attract new students is to provide an outstanding Christian education environment. With the support of our financial partners, VCS made significant investments

This year, we extended our Let’s Pray theme into “Let’s Pray for our Families, Communities, and the World” with a focus on “Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8. Before concluding, I want to take this opportunity to introduce Christi Stockhaus, VCS’ new Director of Advancement. Christi comes to Valley with tremendous energy, talent, experience, and lots of love of the Lord and His children. In the following pages, you will learn more about Christi and her journey to VCS. Please welcome Christi when you have the opportunity to greet her once we can continue VCS in-person events. In His Service,



Financial Summary 1.83%

2019-2020 REVENUES $67,986,952




Fundraising (Extend the Gift)








After/Summer School Investment Income




Tuition Fundraising (Extend the Gift) Fees After/Summer School Investment Income Other


7.60% 2.11%


2019-2020 EXPENSES $61,902,692 Academics


Plant & Facilities




Debt Service



Financial Assistance (Youth With Promise) 4,706,376

Academics Plant & Facilities Administration Debt Service Financial Assistance (Youth With Promise)


Youth with Promise Valley Christian Schools’ financial assistance programs play a vital role in ensuring economic diversity in the student body by allowing qualified candidates from all economic circumstances to enroll and attend our school. In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, VCS awarded $4,667,514 in financial assistance. One of the most critical components of raising this money is our Stand up for Valley’s Kids program. Each year at the Quest Ball, attendees have an opportunity to stand up and make a direct donation to help students in need. Through Stand up for Valley’s Kids and Youth with Promise, we are partnering with you to change the lives of VCS Warriors.



1 to 25%

26 to 50%

51 to 75%

76 to 100%








WELCOME CHRISTI STOCKHAUS Director of Advancement Valley Christian Schools (VCS) is pleased to introduce Christi Stockhaus, who joined the VCS community in August as our Director of Advancement. Christi will lead the development office, manage the WARRIOR FUND, build parent and alumni communities, and support efforts that advance the mission of VCS and the Quest for Excellence. Christi brings 20 years’ experience supporting people and organizations to use their talents, gifts, and resources for the greatest potential. Her background includes roles in education, business, and ministry. Much of her work has focused on higher education where she was faculty and served in ministries at Southern Methodist University (SMU) and UC Santa Barbara (UCSB). Most recently, she has been with a Los Altos based technology startup. Christi and her husband, Jaimeson (a pastor, and VCS teacher in ‘01), moved to San Jose to plant a new church in partnership with Redeemer City to City. The church was preparing to launch when Jaimeson was diagnosed with colon cancer, which took his life a year later. Despite this heartbreaking loss, Christi remained in San Jose with her four young children, confident in God’s love and committed to seeing the Kingdom of God advance in Silicon Valley and beyond. Stockhaus shared Jeremiah 17:7-8, a verse that she has looked to in her own trials, as a verse to remind our VCS community to not fear the uncertainty of this coming year. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” “I am genuinely full of hope and excitement, 100% confident that, with our trust in God’s love and mercy, the VCS students, community, and the Quest for Excellence will strengthen and advance through these challenges. I am thrilled to join VCS this year, not only as the Director of Advancement, but as a parent as well.” Her oldest sons, Carter and Jackson, are in fourth and second grades this year. Her twins, Savannah and James, who just turned four, look forward to being Warriors soon!

EXTEND THE GIFT Development Office



“Mike and Jen LaBarbera are a passionate combination of service, generosity, and vision. VCS benefited from their teamwork within our Advancement Office over the past seven years.” Dear VCS Community, Mike and Jen LaBarbera are a passionate combination of service, generosity, and vision. VCS benefited from their teamwork within our Advancement Office over the past seven years. Now that their children PJ (Class of 2016) and Teagan (Class of 2019), have graduated, Mike and Jen have decided to close this chapter of extraordinary service. As I’ve reflected on their great friendship and service to our Lord through VCS, memories flash through my mind as special touchpoints of their hearts of generosity. We first met in about 2010 in my office, and Mike had one main question, “How do I give to this school?” Mike explained he wanted to donate their income for one month of every year to support Youth with Promise. That was the beginning. Mike led a hugely successful capital campaign when we needed to re-turf the baseball and football fields. With his “game on” attitude and determined approach, we all won! Through his leadership, we exceeded our goal for the football field. It’s hard to believe that was about eight years ago. The Quest Balls are our most successful fundraising events – ever. Jen and her team of extraordinary volunteers know how to transform hotel ballrooms into themed dreamlands. What an incredible legacy! Without a doubt, our VCS Advancement Office would not exist as it is today without their extraordinary efforts. Words can never adequately express appreciation for all God accomplished through the LaBarberas! Mike and Jen, we love you and will remain friends for life! My heart warms when I consider all that God has blessed through your efforts! With sincere appreciation and affection,


“We are forever grateful for your partnership with and contribution

to Valley Christian Schools. I am so grateful for your passion for Youth with Promise as it impacted so many deserving students and their families. I praise God for the salt and light that spread because of generous donors like yourselves who caught the vision and brought it to a level for which we all give God glory. Thank you for the endless hours and the heart and soul you put into everything. May God continue to bless you and your family in the coming season. You will never be forgotten.

Philippians 1:3 – “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to God.” BRIAN CLEMONS Junior High Principal

“As Valley leaders, you have served VCS with great generosity of spirit, time, and resources. We are grateful to you both. ” STEVE NELSON Chancellor and Chief Relationship Officer

With Mike stepping down as the Extend the Gift Chair, some of our leadership team shared their thoughts and reflections on the LaBarbera’s service to VCS.


is what comes to mind when I think of Mike and Jen LaBarbera.

L eaders A dmired and Appreciated for All They Have Done B lessing to Others A ccomplished R ight On (Mike – Most of the Time; Jen – All of the Time) B enefactors E nthusiastic R elational A dvocates for VCS Seriously, the bottom line is this: You two have had an incredible impact on Valley Christian Schools. Your profound contributions will be long-lasting. Working with you has been both a privilege and a blessing.

“Words cannot express the appreciation and gratitude I have

for you and your leadership at VCS these past many years. Valley changed for the better because of your incredible hearts and passion for impacting the lives of our students. Saying you will be missed is a gross understatement. Thank you for everything.

TROY GUNTER Vice President & Director K-12, Conservatory of Arts

“Thank you for the time, talent, and treasure you poured into the

people that make up the VCS community. Your legacy will live on. Quest Ball is firmly established as part of our school culture (except maybe not during a global pandemic). We’ll continue to carry the torch for raising faculty and staff salaries and increasing our Youth with Promise fund – two initiatives that meant a lot to you. Thank you again, Mike and Jen, you will be missed.

DR. GABE GUVEN Elementary Principal

PAM WATSON Events and Special Projects Office of the President 7

WARRIORS Giving Back Men’s Basketball Team Provides Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Local Healthcare Workers Often in the game of basketball, the difference in winning and losing is a unified effort during times of adversity. In this fight against COVID-19, our local community following the lead of the Valley Christian boys’ basketball program dished out some serious assists over the summer to nurses, doctors and healthcare workers. The inspiration launched this spring when the Development team began making COVID prayer calls to our school community, and one call in particular asked not only for prayers, but also to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for local nurses. Valley Christian’s Head Men’s Basketball Coach Mark DeLuca and his players quickly challenged area high school and AAU players, coaches, parents, and referees to donate PPE for frontline healthcare workers. When our Senior Leadership team heard about the need, our Extend the Gift Chair, Mike LaBarbera, and his Development team volunteered to lead a schoolwide effort to acquire and donate supplies for the medical professionals at Kaiser-San Jose and surrounding area hospitals. Many different VCS student groups, staff departments, families of students, South Bay churches, and local businesses all contributed to the campaign.

Ultimately the PPE drive raised over 75,000 masks, 40,000 face shields, and 100,000 gloves which were distributed to four different hospitals. Those families that couldn’t donate PPE contributed financially which was then used to feed three different shifts of nurses and doctors working the COVID floors. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo publicly praised the boys’ basketball team and Valley Christian Schools for their efforts in times of crisis. “Our ultimate goal in the boys’ basketball program is to teach our players to be Christ-like by showing compassion, grace and humility to anyone suffering,” said Coach DeLuca. “Charitable works like these make me proud to be a Warrior.” Sophomore basketball player Kenny Harper, whose mother Jessica is a Kaiser-San Jose nurse, summed up the donation challenge best, “During the PPE drive I learned how every donation helps even if someone’s donation was small. The amount of people we had that donated everything was more than I could believe. This showed me that in times of need it’s better when everyone contributes because the outcome will be larger than one person’s efforts.” “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,” (Matthew 25:40).

MARK DELUCA Associate Director of Annual Giving Head Men’s Basketball Coach




Since Monica Bodd graduated from Valley Christian Schools (VCS) in 2014, she has made her way across the country as an undergraduate at Rice University in Houston; she majored in Anthropology and minored in Global Health. Monica went on to Duke University in North Carolina as a graduate medical student, where she also plans to pursue a Master’s of Theology at Duke Divinity School. During her time at VCS, Monica juggled multiple interests. She served as senior class treasurer, was an active member of the Valley Christian High School’s ASB, was on the girl’s varsity basketball team, and also was a member of the AMSE (Applied Math, Science, & Engineering) program. Monica cherishes the relationships she formed with her classmates, coaches, and teachers. As part of AMSE, Monica participated extensively on the Scientific Research team, which proved instrumental in her love of learning that she has experienced to this day. “I would spend all afternoon in the lab running tests and feel such a sense of excitement,” Monica says. “It also helps that we had some of the most amazing research facilities of any high school in the world.” One teacher, Jennifer Gerlach, made an extra-special impact on her. It was under Mrs. Gerlach’s mentorship, Monica discovered and cultivated her love of science, which she says she “couldn’t get enough of!” Through AMSE’s monthly seminar series, Monica learned more about career opportunities in science and engineering and forged connections with the guest speakers — one of which ended up resulting in an internship with NASA. “My time at Valley shaped who I am,” Monica says. “I learned what my passions were and how to follow them.” While at Rice, Monica was introduced to Camp Kesem, a national organization that helps children whose parents are fighting cancer. During her junior year at Rice, she decided she wanted to go to medical school — it didn’t hurt that Duke was both a prestigious institution and boasted an elite basketball program, of which Monica was already a huge fan. Ultimately, Monica hopes to blend her medical and theological interests in impactful ways; currently, she plans to become a head & neck surgeon, focusing on palliative care.

“I always wanted to help people,” Monica says. “I’ve always wanted to use my research to lead the way in making a difference in patients’ lives.”

DAVIS GUNTER (‘14) Alumni and Parent Relations Coordinator



Brian Brager Scholarship

This past November 2019, the Valley Christian community lost a great friend and supporter with the tragic passing of Brian Brager (VC ‘89). Brian is survived by his lovely wife Brandy, and their two wonderful sons, Chris and Nick, who both attend Valley Christian Elementary. Brian was a huge champion of Valley Christian Schools (VCS). Through his company, New Technology Specialists, Inc. (NTS), Brian saved VCS countless dollars while providing unmatched service in the maintenance of our beautiful campuses. His business acumen and willingness to lend a hand were always on display as he labored to counsel VCS’ leaders on new, innovative, and cost-saving methods to address many needs throughout the organization. Brian was also one of our most generous philanthropists, consistently showing his passion for our Youth with Promise program by providing direct funding to support the educational needs of the less fortunate students in our community. A VCS graduate himself, Brian understood the value of the Christ-based education he received, and he often spoke of the life changing impact VCS had on his future. A recipient himself of Youth with Promise Funding during his time at Valley, one of Brian’s favorite stories described the gratitude he felt towards a person whose identity he never knew. This anonymous donor’s faithful generosity made Brian’s time at VCS possible. Although he never had the opportunity to directly thank this individual, Brian thought of his benefactor often, and he always strived to Extend the Gift forward by ensuring that he took care of the needs of as many students as he could, just as that past donor had done for him. In honor of Brian’s love for and contributions to the mission of VCS, Valley Christian Schools is proud to announce the creation of the Honorary Brian Brager Scholarship. Each year our Youth with Promise committee will select a worthy student who exemplifies the drive and potential of a young Brian Brager. In memory of Brian, this student will receive funding to cover the cost of 100% of his/her education at VCS.


Rest In Peace with the Lord, Brian. You are sadly missed by all of our Valley Christian community.

Lifetime Giving DAVID AND EDIE WALLACE FOUNDERS COUNCIL Membership in the David and Edie Wallace Founders’ Council is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions to Valley Christian comprise $200,000 or more. Anonymous (3) Nils and Jean Akerman Sally Anderson Brian (‘89) and Brandy Brager Michael and Elizabeth Byrd Kevin and Gayla Compton Clifford and Kris Daugherty Bruce Dunlevie Friends of Valley Christian Schools Joseph Gagliardi Promod and Dorcas Haque Gary and Kathie Heidenreich Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Michael and Jennifer LaBarbera William and Kay Long Reyes Family Foundation Edward and Beverly Stirm The Heidenreich Fund Myron and Cathy Ullman Robert and Carol Wallace Rick and Pam Watson David and Kirsten Williams

DR. CLIFFORD E. DAUGHERTY, QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE SOCIETY Membership in the Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty, Quest for Excellence Society is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions are $50,000-$199,999. Anonymous (9) Agape Christian Schools Ahrendts-Couch Family Foundation Michael and Karen Ainslie John Albanese Battaglia Marital Trust David and Wendy Berman Tim and Juliana Billups Bruce Hellesoe, Successor Trustee William and Franell Burford John and Nia Castelly Randy and Jeanne Chamberlain Jack and Celia Chue Compton Family Trust Kris and Genevieve Coughran Charlie Davidson Brian and Lorilee Dexheimer John Diatte, Jr. Trent and Cassandra Dilfer John and Linda Dunning Gayn and Tricia Erickson Claude and Trish Fletcher Greg and Lise Fox Matthew and Lisa Garrett Richard and Daria Geraffo Rick and Trisha Gouveia Philip and Cindy Gregory William G. Irwin Charity Foundation Winston and Teresa Hendrickson Horne Charitable Remainder Trust Ken and Julie Houp John and Shebbie Jacques Thomas and Nanette Kinkade Dave and Julie Klenske Douglas and Jeanne Korns Robert and Debbie Marinconz Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Stephen and Michelle McMinn Rita Minnis

Bill Myers and Lisa Bodensteiner Brian and Sandy Nelson New Century Ranch, LLC. New Horizons Foundation, Inc. Russell and Janette Nolan Mimi Patterson Steven and Cynthia Perry Pete Morgan Foundation Eric and Suzanne Phelps Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo-Porter Gary and Janet Radonich Bruce and Michelle Roth Vera Shantz Christopher and Jennifer Smith Sunil and Caroline Stephen Mike and Jeanne Tate TD4HIM Foundation, Inc. The Davidson Family Foundation Richard and Kimberly Trevino Mary Turner Robert and Susie Valiton Werner and Sheri Vavken William and Mary Trust Curt and Gracie Willson Zerella Foundation

Annual Giving EXTEND THE GIFT LEADERSHIP CIRCLE This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the particular fiscal year of $2,500 or more. Each donor who gives at a leadership level is invited to our annual Extend the Gift Leadership Donor Appreciation Dinner in the fall of the following year.

LEGACY MEMBERS Legacy Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $25,000 or more during the fiscal year. Nils and Jean Akerman David and Wendy Berman Natalie Cochran Dwight Damon Clifford and Kris Daugherty Greg and Lise Fox Gary and Kathie Heidenreich Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo-Porter

DIAMOND MEMBERS Diamond Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $10,000$24,999 during the fiscal year. Sally Anderson Tim and Juliana Billups Brian and Brandy Brager William and Franell Burford Rick and Trisha Gouveia Rodney and Sena Jones John and Stephanie Knauss Gregory Kunert and Carol Ann Watson Michael and Jennifer LaBarbera Xiaofeng Liang Jerry Merza Eric and Suzanne Phelps Tiffany Silva Christopher and Jennifer Smith Sunil and Caroline Stephen John and Stacey Winter Kevin and Silvia Wong

PLATINUM MEMBERS Platinum Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $5,000-$9,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous Tim and Tammy Benham Brett and Julie Boncher David and Penny Brinton Lance Condray Tim and Annie Dang Brian and Lorilee Dexheimer William and Michaelle Eatherton Geoffrey Fox Graham Gerade and Kimberly Powell Rich Griffiths and Rachelle Daniel Shenghao Guo Ken and Julie Houp Philip and Mary Joseph Alan and Esther Kent Dave and Julie Klenske Kevin and Amber Kraver Justin and Deanna McAnear Gary and Karina McCann Stephen and Michelle McMinn David Munro and Kavitha Mariappan Russell and Janette Nolan Daniel Osuna and Krystal Summers-Osuna James and Debra Parkin Daren and Julie Passolt Clint and Kim Ramsey Fred and Connie Rey Luke and Brooke Roush Manish Sampat Matthew and Amy Sapp Kenneth and Maureen Shilling Mark and Kelly Smith Ronald and Bonnie Swenson Richard and Onna Villanueva Rick and Pam Watson Curt and Gracie Willson Esther Wu Jin Zhang and Zhaohua Qin Hongyu Zhang and Yuanshu Xie

GOLD MEMBERS Gold Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $2,500-$4,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous (4) Robert Baird Aravindh Baktha and Anitha Gundupalli Won Bang and Helen Her Jaymes and Kecia Barnes Gregory and Sheila Benson Steven and Lisa Berry Michael and Kris Brajevich James and Danielle Brassfield Matthew and Nisha Brown Richard Carter John and Nia Castelly Jialin and Hongliang Chang Bi Chen and Jun Zhao Kenan and Anita Chen Qiushi Chen and Yaojun Sung Tony Chen and Shen Ye Paul and Wingsze Chow Samuel and Liza Chuck Jason Coney and Holly Parker-Coney Stephen and Larissa Davis Theodore and Lauri Deffenbaugh David and Anne DeLong Lixin Ding Martin Dunn and Claire Darling Deepak Dutta and Namarata Mohan Carmen Elliott Hong and Lixia Fan Gordon Finwall and Connie Young Finwall Richard Fruin and Christine Santelli

So-Chung and Alex Fu Adam and Kristin Gill Victor Gill and Jodi Geniesse Liang Guo and Xiaojing Zheng Jerry and Mary Ham Sebastien and Cristina Hareng Louis and Julia Harris David and Pamela Hemker Richard and Kristin Higgins Adrian and Venus Hilton Sherry Hitchcock Chih Chiang and Chinping Hsieh Ricky and Sarah Huang Qiufeng and Jing Jin Bruce and Rose Kakimoto Phillip and Sheila Kamp Sanjeev Katariya and Kevi Belho Yu Kou and Ye Liu Nick Kucharewski Kola and Monilola Layokun Kathy Lee Edward Li and Wanda Xiang Konghoei Lim and Dewi Windoro Stan and Sayang Lim Tao and Hong Lin Wenping Lou and Jing Xu Timothy and Lea Lundy Steve and Tamara Malik Dan and Christine Maloney Andre Marais and Judy Porter Christos and Diana Matheou Greg and Christina Mayer Kelly McKinley Qi Miao Bob and Erika Millard Mark and Zaida Morgan Sayandev and Chandreyee Mukherjee Bill and Lisa Myers Luz and Francisco Nares Eugene Nesterenko and Inna Yermakova Thanh Ngo and Pey Ng Adam and Laurel Nomura Miles Proctor and Lauren Denevi-Proctor Mark and Kim Puorro Phillip and Stella Ralph Michael and Michele Reen Christopher and Wanda Reichow Greg and Barbara Richmond William and Karin Roeschlein Nicholas and Nikki Roland Eric and Simone Rosa Ali and Suzanne Salehpour Joseph and Hope-Sutton Salvador Kenneth and Lori Seymour Jianfei and Jin Shao Sean and Judith Sink Aleah Smith Robert and Micaela Stites Yuqian Sun and Xuan Zhang Jianshe Tang and Jing Li Jun Tao and Min Wang Ed and Lori Tharp Cindy Thompson Rik and Jolanda Thorbecke Ting Tong Frank Tran Dipti Vachani Daniel and Yan Wang Jacques and Michelle Wang Ronald and Heidi Whitmill Stephen and Catherine Wilson Bo-hung and Alice Wu Jae Young Yoon Matthew and Janet Yost Shuangming Yue and Hua Pan Jianlin Zeng and Huiwen Li Wei and Ning Zhang Yingji Zhang Xinyu Zhu and Keyang Guo


Annual Giving WARRIOR CLUB This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the particular fiscal year, up to $1,999.


Carlos and Elizabeth Abaya Laurence Abcede Ethiopia Abera Mrs. Abrahamsohn Aaron Ackerman Olaolu and Yetunde Adekunle Kathy Adranly Evan and Melissa Afentoulis Julius and Amy Agbonbhase Pawan and Nilima Agrawal Angela Aiello Arthi Aiyappan Ron and Kathy Akavuti Bhaskara and Radha Akella Theadra Akinsete John Alden and Allison Miller Alden Orpheus Allen and Nadia Lan Cheryl Allmen Pete and Lynn Altmaier James Alvarez and Sandra Soto Paul Sagayaraj Amaldoss Henry and Maria Nirmal Rajakum Putty Assefa Amanuel and Nebiat Baarez Diana Anderl Craig and Tammy Anders Aaron and Beth Anderson Rhonda Andrew Charles and Elisa Andrews Oleg and Alicia Andriyuk Michael and Kristin Annab Anonymous (3) Butch Anton and Silvia Rusnac Tony and Hridya Antony Kurt and Lynette Apen Johanna Applebaum Carmine and Eleanor Arabia Richard Aramburo Karen Ardizzone Michael Ardizzone Michele Ardizzone Darrell and Eileen Arellano Steve and Kristi Argo Ravichandran and Sharada Aringunram Susan Ashby Chi Au and Cecilia Mok Julie Au Lori Au Brett and Stacy Aumack Robert and Natasha Austin Anna Avery Dennis and Sonia Avilucea Jeffery and Jocelyn Awender Ronke Awojoodu Takuya Azuma Russell and Sandra Baba Anna Baca-Cymrot Yong and Mi Bae Stuart Baeriswyl Arin Bagheri Craig and Susan Bagley Yang and Xiufeng Bai Yingjun Bai and Yingchao Liu Linda Bailey Lisa Bailey Ronal Bailey David and Aimee Bainbridge Darrin Baja and Marisela Flores Brian and Janet Bakhtiari Coimbatore and Srividya Balaji Sandra Baldry Robert and Carol Balog Nikolai and Nailya Bannov Alex Banuelos Erika Banuelos Kip Barnard Riche Barnes Russel and Deborah Barnes Steve Barnes Eric and Jodi Barnum Marcella Barriere Adrian and Jane Barry

Robert and Kristen Barthelman John and Anna Basanese Blair Bassett Andrew and Duhong Bateman Keith and Theresa Bateman Kenneth Bateman Michael and Linh Bauer Steve and Karin Baugher Rosario Bautista Patti Beach Kenneth and Rhonda Beasley Dorisene Beasley-Smith Dave Beauharnois Jared and Rachael Beaulieu William and Charika Becker Jokay and Kirk Bednar Michelle Behr Steve and Kate Beier Kurt and Brenda Beiter Charles and Elizabeth Belaire David and Heather Benner Danielle Bennett Jason and Jamie Berry Randy Berry Jasmeet Bhatia and Amrita Rekhi Mark and Debbie Bieber Dorothy Birnie Bradford and Amy Bissell Bidisha Biswas Melanie Biton John and Martha Blaha Raylene Blandino Brian and Megan Blitzer Valerie Bolaris Jeffrey and Erica Bonham Victor Boone Tim and Alvina Boothe Ursula Borck David Bordewyk Jean-Charles and Stacey Bossert Christopher and Nicole Bosso Allen and Christine Botelho Dave and Judy Botelho David Bour Rosa Boutonnet Jack Boyer Danny Bozzuto Kim Brady Paul Brady Paul and Renee Brannon Melvin and Vicki Brashears Robert and Cheryl Brashears Roman and Tatiana Braverman Kristin Breining Brandt and Jody Brereton Joshua and Aiza Brien Michael and Ashley Brock Tom and Michelle Brock Ken and Linda Brogden Chip and Kersti Bronk John Brooks and Elizabeth Baker-Brooks Carl Brown Matthew Brown and Rebecca Lovin Lacosta Browning Tracy Brunetti Danielle Buck Hanna Bui Marc and Patricia Buller Wayne and Claire Burk Joseph Burke Mark and Susan Burlini Robert and Jennifer Burnett Brent and Susan Burns Ruth Burns Debbie Buron Dennis and Lisa Burton Carsten Buschmann Susan Bushell Dennis and Teresa Butchart Tim and Sue Butzow Lina Cai Yinghua Cai

Tania Cain Thomas and Emily Caine Tim and Heather Calder Chooby Camacho Charles Cameron Rita Cameron Mark and Robyn Campagna Patrice Campbell Manuel Canales Bryan Canepa Susan Canevaro Aaron and Carrie Cannistraci David and Kathy Cannistraci Lei Cao Xiande Cao Matthew Carbonara and Ann Blue Caleb and Jill Carlson Jim and Sarala Carlson Christopher and Antonia Carney Kim Carney Frank and Jennifer Carrubba Jason and Jennifer Castillo Richard Castillo Miguel and Joleen Castro Linda Catalano Lincy Cecili and Santosh George Glenn and Lorre Chadbourne Alan and Kenny Chan Anson Chan and Mimi Fung Henry and Amy Chan Irene Chan Sai Chandraganti and Dharani Sankabathula David and Elizabeth Chang Jimmy Chang and Bitna Seol Lynn K. Chang and Pamela Chang Lauren Chaplin Bryan and Melissa Charap Mercedes Chatmon Matt Chavez Matthew and Megan Chavez Bin and Vivian Chen Edward and Wendy Chen Haixian and Shuangyi Chen He Chen and Xiaoqian Li Jie Chen John and Grace Chen Ken Chen Lawrence Chen and Emi Ichihara-Chen Lianchuan Chen Li-Ling Chen Lu Chen and Chun Lu Lung San Chen and Pei Shan Nina Chen Qianshen Chen Shawn and Di Chen Shin Chen and Yi Chang Hsieh Ying Chen Zhong Chen and Zhiyan Ding Hui Cheng and Jinhua Li Jin Cheng Sedgewick and Evelyn Cheng Ming Cheung Newton and Seeling Cheung Julie Chi Benjamin and Shannon Chia Wadzanai Chiota-Madziva Todd and Stephanie Chipman Edward and Christina Cho Soyoun Cho Joel and Kim Choe Chris and Eunmi Choi Yoon Choi and Hee Lee Andy and Diana Chong Phillip Chong Yung Chong Hoonmin and Eunsun Choo Tefu Chou and Jing Sun Eric and Lori Christensen Albert Chua and Mary Diza Ingyu Chun and Wookyoung Jeon Chee and Soon Chung James and Caryn Chung

Kirby and Karen Chung Yen Chung Mark and Grace Church Linda Cicco Jordan and Catherine Ciprian Jessica Cisneros Catherine Clark Gena Clark Brian and Diane Clemons Arthur and Jackie Clessuras Barbara and Wendy Close Lawrence and Emily Co Reggie and Sherri Coates Chris Cobb Ron and Carolyn Cocanour Kasey Cody Robert Coffee Guillaume and Sandra Coffinier Andrea and Dan Coleman Maegan Collett Charla Combs Karen Conway William and Carin Conway Jordan and Beth Cookman John and Wendy Cooley Bertin Cordova-diba and Roberta Cordova Nickolas and Julie Corini Jennifer Correia Mila Costales Connie Costanza Kris and Genevieve Coughran Pamela Covington Ray and Angela Crabb Laura Crawford Garfield Cross IV Dustin and Diane Cu Jeremy and Kristen Cunningham Jonathan Curtis and Alison Highlander Punam Dahiya Ting Dai Wenhua Dai and Liying Jiang Mark and Martha Damey Tenbit and Abebaye Daniel Jaime Darretta Stephen and Cristina Darrow Emanouel and Rachelle Daryoush Sanjeev Datla and Radhika Vegesna Kristin Daugherty Zane and Rebecca Daugherty Eric and Melynda Davenport Stephen and Deanna Dawson Leandra De Paula Daniel and Jennifer De Vos Sergiu and Anamaria Deac Scott and Ilynn Defreitas Juli Delfino Reid Delgado Bernie and Janis Delke John and Anne Delke Rodney and Michelle Delos Angeles Michael and Shelly Demko James and Melissa Denena Shelli Denevi Qingbiao and Yangjin Deng Michelle Denny John and Sherri Dershimer Mandeep and Vijaya Dhami Rohit Dharne Rahul Dhillon Marie Diab John Diatte, Jr. Jose and Consuelo Diaz Chris Dickie and Gina Vella Richard and Jennifer Diehl Linh Diep Long Diep Trung and Cindy Diep Alex and Dianna Dininno Don and Sylvia Dixon Natalie Dixon Twum Djin and Denise Twum Chinh Do


Richard and Tinny Dohn Angela Dominguez Dave and Laura Dominguez Yu and Christine Dong Paul and Liz Dreyer Amy Drohan Zhefeng and Yuanpeng Du Yan Duan and Sheguang Yin Venkata Amarender and Vijaya Dudyala Patrick Duffy and Lena FuentesChavaz Shari Duncan Dane Durand Deric and Bernadette Durand Derek Eisler Patrick and Edie Ekstrand Keith and Samantha Elliott Rob and Sheryl Ellis Jared and Jennifer Elson David and Tammy Emerson Herbert and Trudy Emmrich George and Natalie Engurasoff Dave and Kelli Erisman Andreas and Yasmin Ersinger Tosan Eruwayo Naomi Escano Martin and Jo Espinosa Senay Estifanos and Lily Asmellash Eva Estrada Patricia Euerle Brian Evans Troy Evans Dwain and Jean Fairweather


Sharonda Faison Chi-Wei Fan Hongdu Fang and Fang Ma Saroya Farouk Rich and Carolyn Farrell Ryan and Priscilla Farsai Thomas Faucette and Mindi Kim-Faucette Michael and Patty Favet Celia Feinstein and Randall Jackson Louie Felizardo Celia Feret Dave and Linda Fernandez Mrs. Fernandez Marcus and Rosa Marcia Ferrandini Thaddeus Ferrer Zachary Ferris Kathleen Fisher Justin and Annie Fletcher Jon and Kirsten Florez Michael and Kyra Foley Melba Folsom Leigh Folsom Boyd Eric Foreman and Nadine Kurita Kenneth and Alisa Foreman Eileen Frampton Eric and Eimy Frampton Angela Francisco Angela Franklin JoAnn Franklin Randy and Nancy Franklin Shone and Josie Freeman Matthew Fricke and Becky Elliott Brittany Friedberg Matthias and Margaux Froeschl Raymond Frost

Stacy Froumis William Fry Neil and Gina Fulton Eiichi and Takako Funatsu Dusty and Lauren Furtado Richard Furtado Tessa Furtado Edgar and Flora Gabriel Emily Gaine Michael Gallo John and Shari Gambello Sylvia Gamez Ashok and Radha Ganesan Jinqiang and Yali Gao Greg and Lisa Gardner Matthew and Lisa Garrett Gunnar Gaubatz and Nastaran Baradaran Tiffany Geisler Siegfried and Catherine Gengl Koshy and Sheeba George Jennifer Gerlach Alex and Anna Gervacio Sharon Gibson Amanda Gil Todd and Mary Glennon Sarah Goll Darlene Gonzales Nathan and Edwina Graham Heidi Granado Rick and Heidi Granado Isamar Grande-Castellano Treva Granillo Bob Graves Shellie Graves Jennifer Griffin

Ryan Griffin Ivor and Krystal Griffiths Maria Griner Dan Grobeck Brian Grove and Shana Ryan Diane Grueninger Jun Gu and Yan Yang Wu and Xu Hua Guan Carl and Leslee Guardino Stephen and Theresa Guarini Troy and Melissa Gunter Xiaojiang Guo and Xin Shan Jambunathan and Shalini Guruswami Brian and Danielle Gustafson Gabriel and Jill Guven Brad Gyger and Nabila Haq Ayman Habib and Nancy Salama Misha Hacke Ryan and Anita Hagan Scott Hagel Sean and Janelle Haggett Edwin and Pauline Haghnazari Daniel Hahn Jeffrey and Katie Hahn Danielle Haight James Hale Larry Hale and Yanmin Tao Marjorie Hall Steve Hall Ben Hamady Shig and Christine Hamamatsu Milissa Hamel Preston and Juliette Hamilton Keon Kook and Eunsuk Han Minghui and Yijuan Han Richard and Jane Hankins Michael and Ricarda Hanna Patty Hannegan Jim Hansell and Linda Dashiell Nathaniel and Sarah Hansen Saira Haq Karen Harrison Rick Harrison Kenneth and Angela Hart Bruce and Deborah Haskins Balta and Holly Hatlo Jim and Terri Hatlo Nancy Hatlo-Donnelly Ty Hawk Frederick and Amy Hawkins Dana and Sharon Hazlett Xingping and Weiqing He Dwayne and Joie Healy Martin and Arpa Helliwell Michael Hemmert Bryce and Laurie Hendry Yoni Henok Sunghyun Heo and Meesun Park Cam Hering Michael and Andrea Hering Norma Hering Missy Heringer Gregorio and Bernice Hernandez John and Kim Hernandez John and Sara Herrera Robert Herrick and Kay Gallagher Bryan and Dominique Herrin Holly Herrin Gary and Beverly Hiatt Cindy Hidalgo Dianne Hidalgo Mark and Sharon Hill Jakob Hipolito Mikaela Hipolito Robert and Irene Hipolito Dinakar Hituvalli and Mayuri Khanna Jeff and Heather Hnatek Harry Ho and Quynh Mac Jennifer Ho Richard and Patricia Hockett Brandon Hoffman Paul and Lara Hollinger

Laurie Holmes Andrew Homrich Daniel Homrich Jared and Lorraine Homrich A Ram Hong and Eugene Jung Bill Hong and Joyce Yu Jiang Hong and Mei Huang Lizhen Hong and Shanzhi Wang Sumin Hong Michelle Hoover James Hori Rensheng Horng and Yahui Tu Brenda Horsley Laura Horsley Michael and Danielle Horsley Henry and Heather Hoshii Douglas and Gretchen Hostetter Michael and Vanvy Housholder Hsing and Lili Hsieh Tsunghsun and Ryoko Hsieh Vivian Hsieh Jacquelene Hu YongGe and Xin Hu Zhiping Hu and Qiong Chen Danny and Vanessa Huang Grace Huang Guangsong Huang and Xia Liu Haobin and Luping Huang Hongbin Huang and Xiujuan Li Ke Huang Gregor and Suzanne Huber Judy Huber Mariah Huckaby Sue Huckaby Nathan and Kimberly Hudson Joseph and Jacqueline Huebner Victor and Veronica Huesca Daryll and Debra Hughes Mark Hulse Phillip Hunt and Christine Manuel Justine Hunter Michael and Beverly Hurwitz Christopher and Christine Hutchins Richard Huynh and Tuongvy Tran Jiyoung Hwang Gayl Hynek Enzo and Tiffany Iacomini Danny Im Sunshine Ince Sharon Inman Maha Jaber-Muhawi Jason and Taryn Jane Scott and Christine Janssen Giftson Jebasingh David Jenks Mike and Betsy Jensen Lesha Jett Guangyun Jiang and Chanjuan Li Han Jiang Sheng Jiang and Peng Yan Fahong Jin and Jing Sun Moses Jocelyn Joseph and Hannah John JJ Johnson Krista Johnson Leota Johnson Carlin Jones Cate Jones Jeannette Jones Juria Jones Michael and Elizabeth Jones Young and Ji Joo R & W Jordan Alexander and Terresa Jorgensen Billy and Veronica Jowers Richard Jr. Chosee Jung Mayank and Jyoti Jyoti Rao and Lakshmi Kakarlamudi Edgar and Linda Kalns Gene and Diana Kang Peiquan Kang and Dan Xu



Arup Kanjilal and Rini Kundu Johan Kartiwa and Noviyanti Praseyto Kumara Das Karunakaran and Daya Nair Scott and Kathy Katric Curtis and Marilyn Kautzer David and May Ke David and Tania Keck Claudia Keelan Cindy Keh Robert Kelleher Dan and Linda Kemble Kevin and Patricia Kennedy Barbara Kerr Carlos Ketron and Angelic Sherrell-Ketron Roxanna Keyani Gaurav and Anuradha Khanna Rahul and Shweta Khare Paresh and Monika Kharya Justine Kheang Claude and Lara Khoury Saeho and Chungha Ki Taryn Kiefer Chris and Jenny Kiesman Charles and Su Kim Chung and Youn Kim Danny and Hannah Kim Karen Kim Kyungho Kim and Sonah Hwang Sungho and Jeewon Kim Yeha Kim Young Seok Kim Youngmin Kim Sally King Kerry Kirchenbauer Beth Kiser Karl and Wendy Kissa Peter Kistler Victor and Stacie Klee Jennifer Klenske Roger and Sarah Klenske Antonio and Josie Ko Jung Ko and Peipei Hu Tim and Traci Kohler Malina Kokologiannakis Nick and Christina Kokologiannakis Sara and Matthew Kolb Raymond and Wendy Kong Jeff and Cher Kooiman Haig and Zepure Kouyoumdjian David Kramer Harold Kraver Veeraraghavan and Aparna Krishnan Swaroop Kulkarni and Sheetal Shah Ashlie Kulpinski Nitin Kumar and Reetu Gupta Sunitha Kumar Gifty Kwakye Denise Kwan Jacob Kwan Shine Kwon Myron Kwong Fay Lin Lai Patrick Lai and Stella Lee Anthony Lam and Ada Yue Dominic Lam Victor and Ilana Lam Jason and Lisa Lammers Larry Langdon Changan and Claire Lao Rick and Cathy LaPore Eric Lau and Jing Gao Natalia Lau Samuel Lau and Kathy Shih Ned and Jennifer Laugharn Dennis Law and Rachel Hwang Cindy Lawson Khoa and Jaime Le Qin Le Elizabeth Leaman Gregory Leaman Peter and Melia LeCompte Bansuk Lee and Sungeun Cho

Benjamin Lee and Ke Cao Donald and Claudia Lee Donghwi and Hyejin Lee Hak-Tae and So Young Lee Janomi Lee Jennifer Lee Jong Ki and Jin Hee Lee Jongho and Haekyung Lee Min Jung Lee Mr. Lee Quong and Oi Lee Sangjin Lee and Sungeun Choi Seung Hoon Lee and Yeha Kim Vince and Julianne Lee William Leggett and Leann Cicco John and Geraldine Leggio John and Jill Leipelt Gina Leitch Donald and Laurie Lema Charlene Leong Matthew and Jenifer Lepow Adrienne LeTourneau Isaac and Araceli Lewis Jennifer Lewis Dezhan Li and Yuquan Jiang Hengyi and Teresa Li Leo Li Lyon Li Mandy Li Meizi Li Ningning and Weibiao Li Peter and Xiaofeng Li Ping Li and Axel Streichardt Tao Li Venus Li Wei Li and Xiaomei He Wei Li and Yan Ma Xiaozhou Li and Qianmin Yi Weidong and Xiangmin Liang Wenqing and Yun Liang Steve Liao John Licalsi and Pooiyin Chang Leong Tat Lim and Ee Ber Ng Maddie Lim Steven and Andrea Lim Sylvia Lim Barbara Lin Bruce and Sophia Lin Eric Lin Jerjen Lin Jim Lin and Ju Hsu Raymond and Anita Lin Sen and Yan Lin Tiyen and Sabrina Lin Vanessa Lin Tim and Elizabeth Lindemulder Donald Lipsey Michael Lipsey Huibo Liu and Lu Shi Jinjun Liu and Zhimei Liu Larry and Xiaofen Liu Lei Liu and Anita Li Naiping Liu and Juan Ma Shih Hsin and Annie Liu Suzy Liu Winnie Liu Yan Liu and Yanfei Zheng Yichen and Wen Liu Yizhen and Hualin Liu Yun Liu and Lichun Dong Zhongri and Nan Liu Alice Lloyd John Loofbourrow Tod Loofbourrow Wayne Loofbourrow Brad and Kimberly Loos Kim Loos Dixie Lopes Alejandro Lopez and Alejandra Jimenez Matt and Kathy Lord Jimmy Lu and Jennifer Lu-wong Kristine Lu

Wade and Ann Luders Junwu and Rebecca Luo Steve Luo and Katelyn Zhang Xiangjun Luo and Bob Hu Ying Luo Kieu Ly Glen and Annemarie Lynch Michael Lynch Don and Grace Ma Hongmei Ma Kevin and Lan Ma Hung and Dai Mac Joe and Michelle MacChiarella Alexandra Mach John Mackay Salvador and Brigida Madrigal Adtya and Puja Maheshwari Bruce and Mandi Mallett Calvin Jr. and Marie Arlene Mangubat Somnath Mani and Shweta Jain Logan and Lisa Manley Lauren Manning Jamie Manuel Lou Manuel Victor and Christine Manuel

XiuJuan Mao Robert and Peggy Mapes Marcel and Judy Marc Vincent Marino and Tiffani Hirahara-Marino Nguyet Marquez Christian and Joanne Marsh Gregory Marshall Mary Beth Marshall Rick Martin and Lucia Langone-Martin Robert Martin and Renita Kilgore Jimothy Martinez Marcus Martinez Jasiah Martinez-Nisperos Lori Martino Dayna Martorell Marie Mata John and Sandi Matarangas Michael and Renae Matson Yasuhiro and Miyuki Matsui Andrea Matsumoto Paul Matsumoto Brett and Tami Mattos Lynn Mattson Craig and Elizabeth McCarley Thomas McCarthy and Behilma Magday

Matthew and Marycarmel McEwen William Jason McGinley and Carmela Cerrelli Andrew and Meridee McNelly Hardwin and Tamara Mead Nicole Medina Jayanth and Ambili Mekkoth Mark Mendoza Rebecca Mengesha Azra Metovic William and Molly Meyer Alisa Meyers Jianning and Xiaoping Mia Sue Micone Joyce Miguel Jeff Miller and Danielle Jenkins Linnea Miller Nick Minarik Akta Mistry Craig and Edilyn Mitchell Robert and Jean Mitchell Robert Mitri and Lareine Muok-Mitri Soumendra and Rima Mohanty William Moher, Jr. Hannah Moon Wook Moon



Karras and Kym Moore Kenneth Moore Linda Moore Sonya Moore-Wells Rebecca Mora Steven Mora and Carmen Bonilla Marco and Caitlin Morais Leonor Morales Armando Moreno Juan and Juliana Moreno Geoffrey and Jeanne Morgan Steve and Megan Mork Lisa Mortelliti Amanda Moshier Neelima Mukiri Ravi Mulam and Ratnapriya Saripalli Roderick and Jane Murchison John Murphy Ronald Murphy Carol Murray Matt Musselmann Gary Myers Victoria Myers Lonnie Nafzgar Mikito and Mizuho Nagata Gerald Nangoy and Grace Salim Jyoti Narang Elizabeth Narciso William Nauck and Christine Nemoda Bella Nazzal Natasha Nazzal Nick and Suzi Nazzal Mark and Connie Nelson Paul Nemoda Barbara Neu Jason and Barbara Neu Kok and Huihsing Ng Candice Ngai Winnie Ngan Jenny Nguy An Nguyen and Mui Tieu Dinah Nguyen Donovan Nguyen and Nicole Tom Jasmine Nguyen Minh and Christine Nguyen Nhatalie Nguyen Van Nguyen and Thai Quach Yong Ni and Bin Ju Rob Nielsen Tiziana Nilsen Guoqing and Ting Ning Michelle Niven Traci Nobrega Sukwon Noh and Mijung Park Cornel and Kirstin Nolte Manny Nungaray Torrie and Antonette Nute Richard Nyberg Eric and Angela O’Brien Patrick O’Brien and Jennifer Feerick James OConnell James and Linda O’Connell Andrew and Suzanne Oehler Olayemi Ogunraiyewa Olufemi Ogunraiyewa Olusanya Ogunraiyewa Oluwatobi Ogunraiyewa Yongjoon Oh and Joon Lee Julie Oliveri Miles and Diana Olsen Greg Olson Sterling and Carolynn Oltmann Joanne Omo Jim and Stacy O’Neil Abena Opoku-Acquah Vincent Oretega and Leticia Oretega Rebecca Orozco and Delano Garrett Alexander and Jennifer Ortiz Mark Osgood Jake O’Sullivan Xiang Ou Michael and Kendra Pacheco

Matthew and Deann Page Joanna Papaioannou Emmanuel and Lydia Paquiz Giovanni and Maria Paquiz Hyung Park and Mina Lee Kyle Park and Eon Choi Meesun Park Yongtae Park and Rosa Lee Melonie Parker Steve and Susan Parmenter Jeremy and Edugisle Pasternak Rina Patel Tarun and Trushita Patel Robert Patience Chris and Denise Pattinson Gregg Pawlowski Christopher and Michelle Pederson Jian Pei and Qi Han Jennifer Peneyra Shankar and Shankar Pennathur Francisco A. Perez Steven Perre Annie Persampieri Yoyo Pester Brandon and Karen Fangfang Peterson George Pettis Kathy Pettis Connor Pham Huynh and Thuan Pham Quan Pham Thuan and Nicole Pham Andrew and Hailey Phan Tam Phan and Giao Tran Jacob Philip Christina and Dylan Phillips Richard and Carolyn Picone Richard and Christina Picone Jayachandran Pillai and Chandana Kanakamma Patty Pimental Hongsheng Ping and Qing Xia Victor Pioli Heath and Annette Piper Ashurbel and Bianca Pirayou Asia Plahar Dawn Polich Michael and Tamara Pond Jebastian Ponsekar Eve Porro David and Nancy Porter Ivy Posada Julio and Karla Posadas Vargas Shannon Power Ernest and Sandhya Prabhakar Bryan and Jennifer Preeshl Edward Price Ted and Jacqueline Price David and Keira Pride Jennifer Primmer Skip Pruitt Mark Pucine Bharadwaj and Priyadarsini Pudipeddi Hong and Elaine Pun Craig Purdy and Christine Marquez Jean Pyper Rose Pyper Cheng Qian and Hao Wang Thai Quach and Van Nguyen Fernando and Fermina Quinones Robert and Cindy Ragsac Nancy Raia Lisa Ramirez and Jan Riegers Van Groningen Richard and Eunise Ramirez Carlos and Charlene Ramos Brad Rampelberg Yogesh and Nimeesha Rane Kanika Raney Rhonda Raney Stephen and Carrie Rank William and Mary Rank Elitsa Rao Bill Rasmussen

Erik and Angelica Rasmussen Perv and Payal Rastogi Alessandra Rataul Ann Reid Luke and Jennie Reimer Rich and Charleen Renati Melvin and Marge Reynolds Diajai Rhines Ken Richardson Naomi Richmond Douglas and Deborah Rigg Michael and Tamie Riley Lauren Rios Tom Roberts Suezette Yasmin Robotham Julian Rodriguez Marisa Rodriguez Raymond and June Rogers Cristena Rojas Gene Roland Gudrun Roller Ethel Rollins Cross Gang Rong and Liping Cheng Mike and Pamela Root Sanna Root Shaun Root Casandra Rosingana John Ross Matthew and Holly Ross Ryan and Vanda Roth Sergei and Julia Rousakov Bob Rowatt Richard and Dorea Roy Karyn Roznos Licha Ruano Robert and Veronica Rubino Gary and Pam Rudy Bill Ruffner Tony and Lori Ruiz Kristen Ryan Janis Ryerson Marianne Ryerson Serena Sabella Neil and Munisha Sadaranganey Tamoghna and Moumita Sadhu Ron Sakai and Maria Jumagdao-Sakai Mark and Kristine Sakamoto Roy and Rachel Sakelson Daniel and Fran Saldana Gary and Lisa Samuelson Daniel Sanchez Janina and Juan Sanchez William Sanchez Mark Sandori and Siobhan Fitzgerald Amit and Aruna Sanghani Aleksey Sanin and Vera Sanina David and Chiyieko Sankus Fredrick Sankus Luis Santizo Mark and Kari Santoro Jason and Salena Santos Lizette Santos Samuel Sanzeri Juna Savella Eric and Christina Scharrenberg Joni Schelin James Schiller LaToya Schiller Robert and Dina Schiller Richard Schmidley and Cindy Campbell Anita Schmidt Eric and Kelli Schmidt Jennifer Schmidt Terry Schmidt Alexis Schneider Garret Seevers and Lisa Baumert Aelah Segovia Allen Selvaraj and Suganya Jebasingh Jarom and Lynh Severson Erich and Rosie Shaffer Ankur and Leena Shah Mayank and Purvi Shah

Myron and Diana Shak Hosein Shamloo and Niloofar Moradhaseli Ben Shamlou Kyle and Mandy Shanahan Hari Shankar and Sonal Singh Vera Shantz Leo Shao Weidong Shao and Laura Gong Zhuyan and Shuqing Shao Susie Shek Yolanda Shelton-Peterson Lan Shen Guangji and Jing Shi Karen and Yuan Shi Ning Shi and Dongmei Lan Wei Shi and Chunxin Chu Theodore Shim Andrew and Trina Shinn Marc and Lori Shiraki Mr. Shoffner Suraphel and Beza Showarga Kristina Shrader Xiaozhou and Caiya Shu Winifred Shum Aleh and Zhanna Shybaila Lyndon and Jennifer Siao Bob Sibley Eric and Erica Sibley Todd and Sofia Sienicki Rick Silva Ryan and Tiffany Silva Heather Sim Janan Simaan Mike Simms Dhruva and Sonal Singh Dorian Singh Phil Singh James and Dico Singleton Robert Skovmand Terrance and Marcella Slocum Adam and Keira Smallcombe David and Rosana Smart Erin Smith Gabriel Smith Gayle Smith Jessica Smith Jonathan and Lori Smith Liz Smith Lori Kate Smith Nathaniel and Amy Smith Ryan and Thao Smith Scott Smith Tschudy Smith Helmut Solares Wendy Sollazzi Trey and Kristie Solomon Federico and Cindy Solorzano Sue Song Sheri Soriano Rick and Robin Soukoulis Robin Soukoulis George Sousa Linda Spencer Kaitlyn Spinetti Christopher and Keri Sponseller Brian Stahl and Patricia Melia Christina Stange Michael and Teresa Stapleton Angelo and Kristie Starink David and Kim Staskus Jolon and Nicole Staubli Tony and Caroline Stavjanik Charles and Frederica Stearns The Stenesens Andrew and Liz Stewart Karl and Jennifer Stewart Eric and Diana Stieg Steven and Monica Stiles Barry and Monica Stipe Peter and Chrystal Stone John and Letitia Stratton Richard Su and Nicole Lim


Jay and Bindu Sudhakar Timothy and Mary Suh Larry and Krystelle Summers Patricia Summers Lois and Chris Summey Li Sun Yan Sun and Yan Lu Yong Sun Yunhai and Zhao Hui Sun Erica Surace Marilia Suzuki Ryan and Eliza Suzuki Chloe Sweeney Hanan Sweeney Paul and Diane Swing Joe Tafoya Adam and Jessica Tafralis Edward Talbot Boon and Sarah Tan Edmund and Jinjing Tang Yin Fung and Oi Har Tang Zhongliang and Yan Tang Mitch and Amy Tankersley 20 Moni Tautu

Edward and Valecita Taylor Gary Taylor Marvin Taylor Lunardi Teguh and Inna Wu Ted and Lisa Tencati Chan Thai Mon Thai Thiha and Marmar Than Jebaraj Thanaraj and Jothi Jebaraj Samer Theoodssy and Luma Akkawi Hea Jin Thomas-Bartholomew Michael and Lisa Thome Rob and Nancy Thome Clifford and Lisa Thompson Reginald Thompson and Erica Cosgrove Erika Thorne James Thorne Jr and Joan Thorne Armand and Starr Tiano Vishwajit and Deepa Tigadi Jeff Tillerson Michael Ting Carolyn Tom Chris Tom

Chuck Tong and Jacquelene Hu Kuisong and Yujing Tong Joel and Michelle Torode Maria Torrens Aaron Torrez Maxine Totoe Danny Tow and Valerie Vaccaro Paul and Iva Tracey Ailan Tran Mike and Cindy Tran Nam Tran and Mylinh Nguyen Timothy and Kimberly Treat Tien Trinh and Karen Wong Vu and Baotram Truong Jason and Felicia Tsai Sheng Chou and Hiu Fan Tsai Garry Tsang and Lei Gui Kevin and Pauline Tu Sam Tu and Carina Tran Sharon Turner Teri Uhl Alejandro and Samantha Valenzuela Robert and Susie Valiton Curtis and Heidi Vals

Jan Riegers Van Groningen and Lisa Ramirez John Van Tassel Jacco and Maureen Vanderkooij Gordon VanderVeen Scott VanderVeen Joseph and Sheela Varghese Linda Vartanian Minire Vartanian Denise Vasquez Jorge and Rosa Vasquez LaSalle and Nikole Vaughn Heather Velazquez Ajay and Esha Verghese Marlene Vick Marlon Viduya and Irene Sagayaga Nelson Viduya Audy and Jan Viernes Joanne Vo Bart and Kim Vostermans Anhvu Vu and Dam Huynh De and Diane Vu Van Vu George and Lori Vukcevich Barry and Lisa Wagner Gary and Barbara Wagner Joan Wagner Clifford Wang Gaoyuan Wang and Jian Zhang Gordon Wang Hsienming Wang Jian Wang Jin Wang Jing and Hua Wang Mingran Wang and Lijuan Chen Peter and Nancy Wang Qian and Hui Wang Tao Wang and Luohan Pu Tom Wang and Sharon Huang Wei Wang and Yuming Tang Xinshuo and Meng Wang Yan Wang Ying Wang Ying Wang Yunyu and Ping Wang John and Emily Wardell Carolyn Warth Sean and Cathleen Washington Jeff and Amy Watson Roberta Watson Ray and Martha Watts Robert Watts Gangqiang and Huizhen Wei Ying Wei Ed and Elizabeth Wells Peggy Wendt Daniel and Karin Werder Donny Weyhrauch Jenn Wheeler Albert White Douglas White and Suzanne Williams Jerry and Ruth White Robert White Robert White Robin White Robert and Rosa White Jr John and Pearl Wiedlin Timothy and Maribeth Wiens Bobby Williams David and Kirsten Williams David Williams Donald Williams Elmo Williams Gareth and Mya Williams Kenny Williams Ruby Williams Yolanda Williams Jeff and Julie Wilson Lisa Wilson Mark and Judy Wilson Robert and Jazylette Windell Brett and Cathy Wingo Larry and Robin Winterlin

Marcus and Carol Wolfe Diane Wolsk Cindy Wong David and Bei Wong Niki and Dexter Wong Tony and Rebecca Wong Tracy Wong Waiman and Lingfong Wong Andy and Stacie Wood Carl Woodall and Julie Ryono-Woodall Keith and Shelly Woollvin Annette Wright Adrian Wu and Youjin Hwang Jane Wu Jiang Wu Yiqian and Danjian Wu Li Xia Tong and Rebecca Xie Arthur Xu and Peggy Hu Puquan and Ming Xu Zhong Xu and Rong Huang Weizhong Xue and Lihua Liu Zhijia and Xiaohong Xue Sheryl Yang Xu and Kun Yang Yunqiang Yang and Lu Wang Dana Yao Lianhui and Yiqiong Yao Shuren Yao and Peilly Cheng Alberto Yap and Anne Yang Caitlyn Yates Henrick and Alice Yau Jean Yi Nathan Yohannes Jixin Yu and Lequn Liu Lisa Yu and Wei Yang Ryan and Lorraine Yu Thomas Yu and Nelly Chong Po Yuan and Yu Zeng Mona Lisa Yuchengco Xiao Yue and Lan Wang Allen and Michelle Yueh Alfred Yuen and Adele Wong Koo and Mijeong Yun Justin and Asha Zahrt Julia Zambataro Rafael Zambrano Dave and Terri Zelmer Chang Zhang Dengzhi Zhang and Danjian Wang Feng and Xiaohong Zhang Frank and Hongyan Zhang Haitao and Xiaohong Zhang Hanxu Zhang Lei Zhang and Bing Lu Mingjin and Yu Zhang Shaomei Zhang Wanping Zhang and Dunlin Deng Wanshao Zhang Yan and Xiaolin Zhang Yongzheng Zhang Yuchao Zhang Yun and Yi Zhang Zehong Zhang Zhizhao Zhang Chen Zhao Dejin and Weiwei Zhao Martha Zhao Yan and Ming Zhao Weiguo Zheng and Qunxing Yang Qi Zhou Zhiqiang Zhou and Yong Huang Lei Zhu Xiangfei Zhu Jiahe Zhuang and Yingjie Cheng June Zibnack Qiling and Shuwen Zou Yi Zuo


Annual Giving


The following list acknowledges local businesses and corporate and foundation matching gifts during the fiscal year 2019-20.


AbbVie Adobe Matching Gift Program Agape Christian Schools Ahrendts-Couch Family Foundation Apple Matching Gifts Program Applied Materials Corporation Bandit Excavation, Inc. Broadcom Gift Matching Program Bruce Hellesoe, Successor Trustee Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Ciena Cisco Systems, Inc. Collision Kings DBA ACM North Dell Corporate Office Equinix, Inc. Experian Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts Filice Insurance First Discoveries Christian Preschool Gathering By the Bay Gibson and Associates Google Matching Gifts Program Granzella’s INC Hewlett Packard Enterprises Horne Charitable Remainder Trust IBM Matching Grants Program Intel Charitable Match Trust J & J Sports Productions Incorporated Juniper Networks Matching Gift Program Kingdom Conditioning Ministries KLA Tencor Foundation LinkedIn Corporation MarFam Computer Solutions Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Master Precision Machining, Inc. McAfee McKesson Corporation Micron Technology National Christian Foundation Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc. Netflix Network For Good New Century Ranch, LLC. New Horizons Foundation, Inc. New Technology Specialists NVIDIA Corporation Oath, Inc Oracle Corporation Paypal Pete Morgan Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation Reyes Family Foundation Samsung Electronics North America Silicon Valley Bank Symantec Corporation Matching Gift TAO Aspire Foundation TD4HIM Foundation, Inc. Teradata The C and A Johnson Family Foundation The Davidson Family Foundation The Law Offices of Michael A. Hurwitz The Stone Family Foundation The Waffle Roost Vartanian Family Foundation Veeva Venture Christian Church Visa, Inc.

VMware Foundation Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program Xilinx, Inc. Xinxin Gem Technology Group LLC

Annual Giving GIFTS-IN-KIND In addition to monetary support many came alongside during the year with In-Kind gifts to support students and programs as well as benefit our annual Quest Ball and Golf Tournament. Adventure Sports Unlimited Airbrushing By Amy Alexander’s Steakhouse Allegretto Vineyard Resort Alpha Omega Winery Angie Robbiano Antipasto’s Deli Antonio Santos Aperture Academy Apple Farm Inn Aqui Aresenal Football Club Atlanta Hawks Backslope Brewing Bandit Excavation, Inc. Barry’s Bootcamp Bay Area Bear Creek Stables Bella Capelli Salon Bella Winery & Wine Caves Benefit Cosmetics BenefitEdge Insurance Services, Inc. Black Ridge Vineyards Bloomster’s Floral Design Brad Selbst Brent Burns Brian Porter Byington Vineyard & Winery California’s Great America Cambrian Ventures, Inc Canyon Creek Pet Hospital Carmel Bach Festival Chateau Margene Estate Vineyard & Winery Chicago Blackhawks Childrens Discovery Museum Choice Lunch Chris Marchese CineLux Theaters Classic Kids Photography Clean Juice Clos LaChance Winery Club Ed Surf School and Camps ClubSport Concannon Vineyard Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards Costco CraftBox Cucina Bambini Cupertino Facial Esthetics Dante Robere Vineyards Daou Vineyards Dave Zelmer David Berman De Young / Legion of Honor Derek Kay Dolce Hayes Mansion Dr. Phil DRNK Winery Elyse Restaurant Enriquez Estate Wines Fairmont Hotel Gabriel Guven Galileo Camps Gia Vitarelli Gilroy Gardens Girard Winery Google

Gordon Denouden Green Gardens Hahn Family Wines Happy Hollow Horn Blower Cruises & Events Hotel Los Gatos In-N-Out Burger J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines Jacuzzi Family Vineyards James Denena JB Mobile Detailing Jeremy Pasternak Joe Escobar Diamonds John Alden John Herrera John Willard Investments Joseph George Fine Wines Jostens JSN PAK INC K1 Speed Inc. Kendra Scott Jewelry Kris Coughran Kristi Bowers Kroenke Sports and Entertainment Kyoto Palace La Fondue Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar Lisa T Fine Jewelry Lisa’s Tea Treasures Loos Family Winery, LLC Luke Roush Luna Mexican Kitchen Mark and Debbie Bieber Master Precision Machining, Inc. Mexico Lindo

Michael Favet Moore Aesthetics Mount Hermon Redwood Canopy Tours Niles Canyon Railway Nuvoux Salon Oakland A’s Pet Food Express Phelps & Cohen Orthodontics Practice PIER 39 Pink’s Hot Dogs Planet Granite Platypus Tours Ltd. Plumed Horse Pump It Up Ravine Waterpark Regale Winery & Vineyards Rick Pittenger Robert Patience San Francisco Giants San Jose Brew Bike San Jose Earthquakes San Jose Giants San Jose Sharks Sans Liege Wines

Santa Clara Paintball Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History Santa Cruz Whale Watching Schaffer’s Mill Sergei Rousakov Sextant Wines SF 49ers Shadowbrook & Crow’s Nest Restaurants Silver Creek Valley Country Club SIRIUS Puppy & Dog Training Sixthreezero Solar4America Ice Sonoma Raceway Sports Basement Sprig Electric Stacey Bell @ Parlour 308 Stage 29 Productions - The Doctors Steve Steele Sunnyvale Golfland USA SusieCakes Tahoe Donner Teresa Halton Photography The Cellar Door Catering Corp The Cheesecake Factory

The Madison Square Garden Company The Painted Lady Salon The Waffle Roost Tim Billups Todd Glennon Total Wine & More Valencia Howard Photography Villacana Winery Willow Street Pizza Wushu Central Martial Arts Academy Young Art Lessons

*This list is intended to acknowledge all who served in the 2019-20 school year. We regret any omissions due to print or department volunteer list deadlines. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and bring it to the attention of Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement,


Annual Gifts to the


Each family is asked to contribute annually in support of Valley Christian Schools. Annual gifts to the WARRIOR FUND are used to increase the general operating budget for the fiscal year and to ensure that each student at VCS has the opportunity to succeed. The executive leadership team is committed to being good stewards of your generous contributions by providing excellent opportunities for every student—from award-winning academic programs and extracurricular activities, to outstanding facilities and maintenance, and much more.

uest Ball presented by Extend the Gift

Virtual AuctionQuest & Celebration 3rd Annual Ball Mark your calendars now for March 13, 2021! Christian Schools’ Get ready for a memorable evening forValley our entire community with a Virtual Auction and Celebration 3rd Annual Quest Ball Dinner and Auction in lieu of our annual Quest Ball. Saturday, March 25th We may not be able to gather in person, can join together to Stand for Valley’s Kids at but Villawe Ragusa and Extend the Gift of Christian education! TheCalifornia Quest Ball has been our biggest fundraiser Campbell, because of our incredible community. Let’s connect to celebrate our amazing VCS students while supporting our WARRIOR Youthofwith Promise Scholarships! Come FUND for anand evening delicious food and drinks, great company, and one-of-a-kind auction items all to benefit Valley Christian Schools. Don’t miss out on one of VCS’ most memorable evenings of the year and your Thank you for partnering with us in creating Warriors: opportunity to extend the gift of Christian Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while education to others. and the world. positively impacting their community Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement | 408-362-7649 24


Mission Advancing Valley Christian Schools financial partnership with our families, friends, faculty, and staff to procure the resources to fund the Quest for Excellence™. The strength of our community’s partnership is critical to the success of VCS’ extraordinary A curriculum, programs, 3

and facilities, which work in concert to produce Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively impacting their communities and the world.

Christi Stockhaus Director of Advancement 408.362.7649 Barbara Kovach Development Associate 408.362.7644 Mark DeLuca Associate Director of Annual Giving 408.362.7651 Chris Ivy Office and Event Coordinator 408.362.7643 Davis Gunter Alumni and Parent Relations Coordinator 408.362.7629


100 Skyway Drive San Jose, CA 95111

MISSION STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment offering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world. VISION STATEMENT A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™.

FOUNDING STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence. Valley Christian Schools


To support VCS, please call the Extend the Gift Development Office at (408) 362-7644.

Elementary (408) 559-4400 | JH (408) 513-2460 | HS (408) 513-2400 | (408) 513-2500 | 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111

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