Warsaw Insider September 2016 #241

Page 31

Previous spread: the Roman-style Temple of Diana exemplifies the obsession with ancient architecture. Despite outward appearances, the structure is made of wood. Facing page, clockwise from top: inspired by the ruins of Herculaneum, the open air amphitheater is the scintillating venue for many live concerts; the concept for a Chinese Garden was originally coined by King Poniatowski. The garden you see now was completed in 2014 and based upon Prince Kung’s Mansion in Beijing; unveiled in 1788 on the 105th anniversary of King III Sobieski’s victory over Ottoman forces in the Battle of Vienna, this sculpture depicts the monarch astride a steed and trampling over cowering Turks; gondolas ferry sightseers around Łazienki’s waterways and canals. This page: a Bacchanalian scene viewed from the Palace on the Water.



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