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From the Editor

Dear reader,

This first part of 2022 has brought with it dramatic changes on the world stage, most notably those related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February of this year. Conflicts such as these have only made the necessity of international engagement by an informed community even more pressing. Against the backdrop of this increasingly complex global geopolitical environment, I hope the latest edition of the Virginia Journal provides readers with some critical insights into a variety of world issues. This issue contains six papers spanning diverse geographic regions and subject areas. Our articles this semester highlight issues such as air travel restrictions on Covid-19 spread, Okinawan resistance to U.S. military bases, media trust and polarization in the U.S. and Germany, the longevity of Article 9 in Japan’s Constitution, great power competition, and the profitability of fait accompli conquest. By showcasing the passion and talent of undergraduate students at the University of Virginia, the Virginia Journal aims to educate and spark dialogue on a range of topics in foreign affairs. Throughout my years with this organization, I have repeatedly found myself learning about interesting and unexpected issue areas, and I hope to share some of that experience with readers old and new.


This semester marks my eighth and final semester with the Virginia Journal and having served in a few different roles on the staff, I can truly say that each edition is a reflection of the hard work and collaboration of many individuals in our academic community.. I would first like to recognize and thank the International Relations Organization for their truly invaluable financial and logistical support for the Virginia Journal. Great thanks are also due to the authors for submitting their thought-provoking research as well as UVA faculty members for their support of our undergraduate scholars. Moreover, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the Virginia Journal’s Executive Board and editorial staff for their work. You all have worked tirelessly this semester to make this edition possible. As I conclude my term as Editor-in-Chief, I want to convey how much I appreciate all of your efforts. It has been a great privilege and pleasure to know and work with all of you over the past few years.

Finally, last but certainly not least, thank you to all of those reading. I hope in these pages you find something that interests, informs, or inspires you to continue learning about the field of foreign affairs. We are honored to have you join us.

Without further ado, it is with great pride that I present the Spring 2022 edition of the Virginia Journal of International Affairs.


Emily L. Ma Editor-in-Chief