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Voluntary Action ER

eBulletin October 2015


East Ren Collaborates: Third Sector Showcase


Are You Looking for a One Off Volunteering Opportunity?

Climate Change: Everyones Problem

Fairweather Drop In 10th Anniversary Celebration

Halifax Giving Extra Awards - Open for Nominations

Make a Draught Excluder

Pension Fraud: Concerns About Increase Risk to Pensioners

Seniors Together - Social Isolation

The Spirit of Christmas – Volunteering Opportunity

The Spirit of Christmas

Trustees Week 2015




Fair Work Guidance

Getting You Phone Smart

Find Us on





Resources Cntd.

New Website for Participatory Budgeting Launched

Tax Help for Older People


East Renfrewshire Funding Event

Historical Research Workshops

Special Constable Opportunity

Take Part in Scotlands Climate March

Tea Dance


Creative Pathways Plus

Multi Agency Transgender Awareness Training

Supplier Development Programme

Public Contracts & Funding

New Public Sector Procurement Guidance to Promote Fair Work

Public Contract Notice


East Ren Collaborates: Third Sector Showcase All across East Renfrewshire the third sector has been at the centre of a quiet explosion of community connecting, volunteering, social enterprise and participation. You are invited to get together with other organisations and community groups to let the decision makers know what’s happening and explore opportunities for you to make a greater impact. Rather than have a range of stands and stalls the event is taking a café style format. Nobody sells your organisation better than you! This is your opportunity to let decision makers know what you do. Don’t let it go to waste. We have a A3 template you can populate with information about your organisation, or alternatively, come along with leaflets, information materials etc and we can display them throughout the venue. Download the poster (28kb MS Word) Date: 6th November 2015 Time: 9.30am-1.30pm Venue: Barrhead Health & Care Centre Booking a place couldn’t be easier. Just click here

Are You Looking for a One Off Volunteering Opportunity? The Barrhead BID is an initiative undertaken by local businesses to help deliver agreed projects and services to improve the local economy. This involves developing a five year business plan specifically for the Barrhead Town Centre. The BID are hosting a christmas event on Saturday 28th November where a number of businesses are contributing their time to co-ordinate a series of fun family events to include: a christmas themed marketplace, live stage performances, a children’s treasure hunt and of course to welcome Santa in a parade ending with the lighting of the Barrhead Christmas Tree. The purpose of this event is to ensure familes and local people can come together in a fantastic day out, enjoy a range of entertainment and be able to purchase locally produced goods and gifts. Each role will only require a maximun of 4 / 5 hours. It it eligible for Saltire Awards for volunteers under 25. Roles include: • • • •

Entertainer Assistant Stage Assistant Treasure Map Assistant Infrastructure Volunteer

For more information please contact Lesley at VAER, E-mail: lesley@va-er.org.uk or Call: 0141 876 9555

CLIMATE CHANGE: Everyones Problem Keep Scotland Beautiful is running an online consultation survey to find out what the people of Scotland think about the issues on the table at United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. It is a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2c. The results from this consultation will be collated and submitted to the Scottish Government to inform the delegation of Ministers and civil servants attending the negotiations. You can take part in the consultation survey online at: www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/yourvoiceatparis

Fairweather Drop In 10th Anniversary Celebration Congratulations to Fairweather Drop In who celebrated their 10th anniversary this month. The event was well attended by members and invited guests. All enjoyed an overview of the group’s history and achievements over the last 10 years, before tucking into a delicious lunch.

The group was founded in 2005 with support from East Renfrewshire Council to set up a management committee of volunteers to run the group.

The group meet each Thursday 12- 3pm in Fairweather Hall, Newton Mearns. Yoga and exercise classes are on offer as well as a lunch club where member get a nourishing meal and a chat. The 70 strong membership also attend a number of educational outing each year. The group has a multi faith and multicultural concept, which has proven to be very popular.

Halifax Giving Extra Awards - Open for Nominations All over the UK there are people who go out of their way to give extra in their local communities, and this is your chance to nominate those people for a Halifax Giving Extra Award. Now in its third year, the awards are as big as ever with 66 local winners and 7 regional winners. Local winners will be awarded £300 in reward vouchers with regional winners receiving a grant of up to £5,000 to further benefit their communities. To get involved all you have to do is nominate someone who you think gives extra in their communities. Whether it’s someone who volunteers their time for a local charity or coaches a local sports team, we want to hear about your community heroes. Nominations close on Sunday 8th November 2015. Full details on website

Make a Draught Excluder Home Energy Scotland is currently promoting their Winter Warmth appeal with Doug the Caterpillar They are looking for volunteers to make draught excluders for people affected by cold weather, at risk of fuel poverty or living in unsustainable housing. Although the initial idea was to for volunteers to knit a Doug they didn’t want to limit this to people with knitting skills. As the priority is to keep people warm, this opportunity has been expanded to anybody who has an interested in design, sew, upcycling/recycling etc. to create effective and attractive excluders. They aren’t looking for works of art but ask volunteers to recognise these will be going into people’s homes. The final products would be donated to people in East Renfrewshire who need them most. For further information and details of how to volunteer to take part please contact Lesley Anderson at Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire on lesley@va-er.org.uk or 0141 876 9555

Pension Fraud: Concerns About Increase Risk to Pensioners In a report published 19th October 2015, the Commons’ Work and Pensions Committee predicts that the issue PENSION FRAUD could become the next mis-selling scandal, warning that the pension reforms “have increased the prospect of people being conned out of their life savings”. The report also says savers who have received access to their retirement funds have been “endangered” by a lack of protection against rip-offs and high fees. It predicts that “insufficient” guidance will mean that millions of savers will suffer unexpected financial losses or run out of money too quickly if they use new the bank account-style pensions to access their cash. The freedoms, introduced in April, were designed to prevent savers feeling forced into buying annuities when they retire, instead giving them the option to take their entire savings, if they wish, as cash. While the Government has already promised to address rip-off fees on withdrawals, the MPs said it was ignoring some of the biggest threats that the new freedoms pose to savers. Frank Field, the chairman of the committee, said: “These reforms have been in operation for six months now: it is evident that that has been long enough for the scammers to get going, working on defrauding people out of their life savings.” The report adds: “To not provide the basis for a well-informed choice could lead to the next major pensions mis-selling scandal.” Since April, a surge of older savers have cashed in their retirement money, with more than 200,000 people accessing their pension pots during the first three months of the scheme, more than double the number of the same period in 2013. But because around 70 per cent of those retiring cannot afford or are unwilling to pay for financial advice, the committee is concerned that many will make bad choices and end up losing out. It has asked the City watchdog to crack down on pension scams, which typically invite unsuspecting investors to buy assets such as fine wine or overseas property. Evidence suggests that even savvy savers have become more susceptible to con men and need protecting.

Excerpt taken from The Telegraph 19th October 2015.

Seniors Together – Social Isolation Social isolation affects older people throughout East Renfrewshire on a daily basis. Social isolation may result from a change in a person’s life circumstances such as the loss of family members and friends or declining health and mobility. Research has also suggested that loneliness and social isolation can affect an older persons’ wellbeing and quality of life and is associated with depression and higher rates of mortality. The Seniors Together Project aims to help older people who are affected by social isolation by offering group events, interest groups and 1:1 befrienders being provided to those who are unable to get out and about independently. The main role of a volunteer 1:1 befriender is to provide social company for an older person for one to two hours a week to chat about common interests or listen to what the older person has been doing that week. However a challenge many volunteer befrienders have found is when the older person they support experience an episode of low mood and how they, as a befriender, can best support the older person within their role. For example Pauline, a volunteer 1:1 befriender was recently matched with Margaret. Both ladies “hit it off” and enjoyed each other’s company. However Margaret had recently come home from hospital and was adjusting to the changes in her life. Pauline found that in the initial visits, Margaret would talk only about the problems in her life and would be very emotional. Project staff spoke with Pauline about how best to support Margaret as Pauline was concerned about Margaret’s low mood. It was suggested given Pauline’s own experiences and skills that the most beneficial support was to be there, listen and where possible, keep the conversation light hearted. Margaret has commented on what a wonderful influence Pauline is and how she thoroughly enjoys her visits. Project staff are aware of how challenging this can be for 1:1 befrienders and do offer further training around mental health awareness. This training provides and insight into spotting the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and how best to support an older person. As with Margaret and Pauline, it is evident that often the most beneficial thing a 1:1 befriender can do is to be there and provide a listening ear as often, the volunteer 1:1 befriender may be the only regular contact an older person has. If you could make a difference to an older persons life like Pauline or know of someone like Margaret please contact Voluntary Action on 0141 876 9555.

The Spirit of Christmas – Volunteering Opportunity Warehouse Assistant. Short Term Imagine waking up as a child on Christmas Day to no toys, gifts or a hot meal. Every child deserves gifts on Christmas Day no matter what their circumstances are� The Spirit of Christmas is a non-profit organisation staffed by volunteers and formed to aid children by providing Christmas gifts to those living in hardship and poverty. We want to make sure every child is included at Christmas and has a wonderful magical experience. The Christmas season provides a wonderful opportunity to teach children and young people about giving to others and getting them involved in an active way in the spirit of giving at a time of year when Christmas can be the hardest and loneliness time for many children and individuals. Every single gift donation we distributed last year and make this year will be made by referral through our partnerships with well-known and respected charities, foodbanks and organisations. This ensures that gifts donated will be placed directly into the hands of children who need them most. Join us on another exciting, uplifting, heart-warming and rewarding journey to volunteer for this organisation. Donations are collected at several designated points and taken to a large sorting warehouse. This role is to help sort the gifts into appropriate gender and age categories. For more information please contact Lesley at VAER, E-mail: lesley@va-er.org.uk or Call: 0141 876 9555

The Spirit of Christmas “Imagine waking up as a child on Christmas Day to no toys, gifts or a hot meal. Every child deserves gifts on Christmas Day no matter what their circumstances are” Now imagine that your generosity has turned that sad face into a bright happy excited child on Christmas morning. Giving is the true spirit of Christmas! Can you donate just one gift? The Spirit of Christmas aim’s to support children throughout our communities suffering from financial hardship or living in poverty by providing Shoebox Gifts or Christmas Gift Bags filled with presents and treats for children who would not otherwise receive any gifts or very much at all this Christmas. Help us include every child at Christmas and give them a wonderful magical experience and cherished memories to last a lifetime, even if for now…it’s to light up the life of one child for one special day! You and your family can become a secret Santa to a child in need this festive season. Join Glasgow’s Spirit of Christmas group on Facebook and find out more information including out Gift Drop Off Points across the region.

Trustees Week 2015 Trustees’ Week takes place in the first week of November (2-8th). It is an annual event that showcase the great work that trustees do and highlight available opportunities. Trustees are the people in charge of a charity with ultimate responsibility for setting the strategic directions. Also called directors, board members, governors or committee members, they play pivotal role in making the decisions that really matter about the organisation’s finances, activities and plans for the future. We hope all voluntary organisations will get involved by celebrating valuable work that trustees do and encouraging more people to consider volunteering at the boards. Do you look for trustees? Let us know and we will promote your opportunity throughout the Trustees Week in November. Contact us to advertise your opportunity

Call for Progress on Amending Scotland Bill The UK Government must reveal details of the Scotland Bill’s amendments in order to deliver the Smith package in full…read more

Community Renewables Meets Target Early A target which aims to get renewable energy into community or local ownership has been met five years early…read more

Consultation Non-Residential Social Care Charges Siobhan McMahon MSP has launched a consultation on the abolition of non-residential social care charges. At present, local authorities across Scotland are able to charge for a range of nonresidential social care services, which has a significant impact on the ability of many older and disabled people to enjoy their right to independent living and participate in the workplace and in their local communities…read more

Drop in Scotland’s Food Waste Welcomed Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment Richard Lochhead announced that avoidable food waste across Scotland has reduced by almost 8 per cent since 2009 – with households saving around £92 million a year by avoiding unnecessary purchases…read more

First Digital Skills Academy Opens its Doors Scotland’s first digital skills academy has welcomed its initial intake of 15 students, who are due to graduate in January 2016…read more

GP Services Go Digital Over £6 million will be invested over the next three years to increase the number of GP surgeries across Scotland offering digital services such as online appointment booking and online repeat prescription ordering…read more

Growing Up in Scotland 10 year study reveals inequalities gap is narrowing. Growing Up in Scotland is tracking the lives of two groups of children born six years apart (around 10,000 in total)…read more

Heroes Honoured for Bravery Forty-five extraordinary people have been commended for their bravery at a special celebration at Edinburgh Castle hosted by the First Minister. The Brave@Heart awards recognise and celebrate acts of bravery by staff of emergency services, voluntary sector rescue organisations and members of the public. The 2015 awards acknowledge selfless action and heroism in house fires and knife attacks. They also recognise help given to distressed individuals and to those injured during the George Square bin lorry tragedy…read more

Meeting Carers’ Needs Scottish Parliament must have power to define who is a carer. The needs of carers will be placed at the heart of the devolved carers’ allowance, The First Minister has pledged, as she called for the UK Government to change the Scotland Bill to allow the Scottish Parliament to define who is eligible…read more

National Improvement Framework Children and young people from around Scotland will be invited to help shape plans for the Scottish Government’s National Improvement Framework…read more

New Flexibilities over Business Rates Councils will get new powers to cut business rates later this month…read more

New Group to Tackle Hate Crime Summit announces Independent Advisory Group to be created The next steps in preventing and eradicating hate crime in Scotland have been discussed at a Scottish Government summit…read more

Priorities for BBC Charter Renewal Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop outlined the Scottish Government’s priorities for BBC Charter renewal in a meeting with the head of the corporation. At a meeting with BBC Director General Tony Hall, Ms Hyslop reiterated the Scottish Government’s calls for the corporation to operate under a new federal structure and create new TV and radio channels for Scotland…read more

Progress in Child Protection The Scottish Government has published a report updating on progress made in protecting vulnerable children in the past year…read more

Save a Life for Scotland A national campaign which aims to train half a million people to carry out life-saving CPR has been launched…read more

Speaking Up for Women in Work

The Women’s Employment Minister joined women trade union members meeting in Glasgow in speaking up for women’s rights at work…read more


Supporting Health and Well-being in the heart of the community *****Application Deadlines Update***** The Trustee board are pleased to announce that funding applications may be submitted at any time. The assessment process will now take place on a monthly basis. For further details please use the contact details below. Website: ersgt.co.uk Email: info@ersgt.org.uk Tel. No: 0141 876 9555 East Renfrewshire Small Grants Trust Registered Address: underCOVER, 56 Kelburn Street, Barrhead, G78 1LR Scottish Charity: SC044522

Fair Work Guidance This guidance is the first element of guidance to be published under section 29 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and applies to procurements which commence on or after 1 November 2015. The statutory guidance is on Addressing Fair Work Practices, including the Living Wage, in Procurement. This early publication is in line with a previous commitment by the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities to ‘fast-track’ this element of this statutory guidance which deals with the Living Wage as part of procurement processes.

Getting You Phone Smart No matter what type of mobile phone you use : Apple , Samsung , Microsoft mobile etc... there are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. . Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: FIRST: Emergency The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialled even if the keypad is locked. Try it out... SECOND: Did you lock your keys in the car? Does your car have remote key-less entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other ‘ remote ‘ for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk)... THIRD: Hidden Battery Power Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your mobile will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time. FOURTH: How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? To check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: *#06# A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.

New Website for Participatory Budgeting Launched A new website for participatory budgeting in Scotland has been launched: http://pbscotland.scot/ Participatory budgeting is recognised internationally as a way for local people to have a direct say in how, and where, public funds can be used to address local requirements. Different models exist, although they normally involve members of the community deciding through a voting process how to spend part of the budget of a public agency such as a local authority. This website promotes and shares learning of participatory budgeting in Scotland, provides updates on events, policy and resources, and profiles good examples of participatory budgeting across the country and beyond. Anyone interested in participatory budgeting can also subscribe to the websites newsletter for the latest updates. Here

Tax Help for Older People Do you know or work with older people who are confused by their tax? Tax Help for Older People is a charity service from Tax Volunteers that provides free, independent and expert advice and help for older people on lower incomes. (£20,000 gross per annum or less.) The objective of to provide accessible tax help and advice for older, more vulnerable and unrepresented people on low or modest incomes. Their volunteer tax advisers are spread right across the United Kingdom. Most of them currently practising or retired tax professionals, including retired HM Revenue and Customs staff. These volunteers give their time and expertise free of charge because they recognise how difficult the tax system can be for older people who can’t afford professional advice and they want to use their skills to benefit the community. The answer simple questions over the telephone. For other problems, they’ll arrange a face-to-face meeting with a volunteer adviser. For anyone unable to travel because of disability, they’lll arrange a home visit. The advice is free, independent and confidential. Advice can be give on any personal tax matter, large or small. If you are worried about tax, they are here to help. For information http://www.taxvol.org.uk/ or call: 0845 6013321 / 01308 488066.

East Renfrewshire Funding Event Clarkston Hall Wednesday 25th November 2015, 1-5pm Following the success of our Funder’s Fayre earlier this year; Voluntary Action and East Renfrewshire Council are delighted to invite East Renfrewshire’s community groups, charities, social enterprises and voluntary organisations to our funding event in Clarkston. The event is a wonderful opportunity for face-to-face communication with some of the sectors financial supporters. As ever, it provides the chance to network with old friends and develop new connections with groups and organisations across East Renfrewshire. The event will focus on funding opportunities; however, the challenges of sustainability will also be highlighted and discussed. Funders attending include: • First Port • The Big Lottery Fund • SportScotland • The Robertson Trust • Clyde Cash for Kids • ERC Community Grants

• East Renfrewshire Small Grants Trust • Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland • People’s Postcode Lottery

For further information please contact Alan Campbell at alan.campbell@va-er.org.uk or on 0141 876 9555.

Historical Research Workshops Monday 2 – Friday 6 November Free Workshops – all workshops are from 10 am to 4 pm Attend one or as many as you want. The outcome of these workshops is to have two exhibitions (Rouken Glen Archaeology Exhibition and Rouken Glen Photography Then and Now) and two booklets Rouken Glen Park History and Rouken Glen Archaeology Report. Whether you have had previous involvement in this project or are just interested in learning about the skills required in archiving material and putting together an exhibition – come along and try something new. To book places on these workshops, please contact: Liz, Activity Project Officer – Rouken Glen Park Tel - 0141- 577 3912 or Email: roukenglenpark@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk

Special Constable Opportunity Police Scotland and Skills Development Scotland are holding an information session on the advantages of volunteering as a Special Constable and what this would involve. The information session would be useful to a range of people, particularly those who might be interested in a career with the police or simply looking for an opportunity to further develop skills which could be helpful when applying for other careers. The session will be on Wednesday 4th November at 1.30 pm in the Barrhead Foundry. Referrals are welcome from Renfrewshire or East Renfrewshire, must be aged 17 and ½ upwards and it is open to school pupils, unemployed, students and those already in employment. Referrals should be made to; Shona Curran, Career Coach Tel: 0141 849 5792 Mobile: 07887 996 183, Skills Development Scotland 1st Floor, 27 Causeyside Street, Paisley, PA1 1UL

Take Part in Scotlands Climate March Keep Scotland Beautiful is a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, (SCCS), a broad coalition of about 60 member organisations including conservation and environmental charities, faith groups, development organisations, trade unions, community and youth groups. Ahead of the United Nations climate change negotiations in Paris this December, SCCS are organising a march in Edinburgh on November 28th 2015, which will tie into a global weekend of action. The party leaders from Scotland’s five parties will speak at the rally after the march and SCCS are hoping to have 5,000 people attend. Read more about the March at: www.stopclimatechaos.org/scottish-climate-march

Multi Agency Transgender Awareness Training Open to all organisation in operating in East Renfrewshire Please see below details of multi-agency transgender awareness training: Date: 9th December 2015 Time: 9.15-4.00pm Venue: To be confirmed Learning outcomes: • • • • • •

Introduction to the diversity of transgender identities Key equality legislation requirements Confidentiality Preventing harassment and discrimination Vulnerable transgender young people and their families Best practice guidance for staff supporting transgender young people

To book a place for this event please email your request to: publicprotectiontraining@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk

Supplier Development Programme The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) – Scotland’s free tender training service for SME’s – has launched a new programme of tender training events. This year will see changes in Procurement with the introduction of the Reform Act and the SDP is on hand to help businesses understand the up and coming changes within public sector tendering. The new Programme has been designed to ensure that SME’s can easily progress through the various different course levels with free events in or near their business location, plus many of the courses can be accessed online via webinar, reducing the time burden on small businesses being out of the office. The Programme includes a wealth of new courses, including “hot topics” such as Community Benefits and Sustainable Procurement, as well as core issues such as finding contracts and completing PQQs. So whether you are just starting out and wish to find out about how to work with the public sector or need to improve your tender skills, SDP will have a course for you. Please click on the following link to browse and book a course and get tender ready: https://www.sdpscotland.co.uk/events-training/

New Public Sector Procurement Guidance to Promote Fair Work The Scottish Government will formalise its commitment to making Scotland a fairer place to work with new statutory guidance for public sector procurement. The document represents the first time any administration has gone as far, and ensures that public sector procurements can take account of the fact that employers whose staff are treated fairly are likely to deliver higher quality services. Those bidding for public contracts will now be expected to adopt fair work practices, which may include – • • •

paying the Living Wage no unnecessary use of zero hours contracts giving workers an active voice in the workplace

Read More

Public Contracts Notice Ref: SEP221357 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Behaviour in Scottish Schools 2016 Published: 23/09/2015 Published by: Scottish Government Deadline: 02/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: SEP221465 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Supporting Individuals and Families Affected by Substance Misuse in South Lanarkshire Published: 24/09/2015 Published by: NHS Lanarkshire Deadline: 27/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: SEP221615 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Design Team Services: Facilitating Reorganisation of Professional Services Published: 25/09/2015 Published by: Heriot Watt University Deadline: 09/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: SEP221970 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: P16-0032 Expert Review Panels for High Growth Spinout Programme Published: 30/09/2015 Published by: Scottish Enterprise Deadline: 11/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT222046 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Provision of Business Partner To Provide Marketing Services - Framework Published: 01/10/2015 Published by: East Renfrewshire Council Deadline: 10/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT222211 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: P16-0029 Tax Advisory Services Published: 02/10/2015 Published by: Scottish Enterprise Deadline: 16/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT222399 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Tender for NHS GGC Community Cooking Activities Framework (lots 1-9) Published: 05/10/2015 Published by: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Deadline: 09/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT222409 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Supported Accommodation for Homeless Households Published: 06/10/2015 Published by: South Lanarkshire Council Deadline: 16/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT222631 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Advocacy & Support for Young People Impacted by Substance Misuse Published: 07/10/2015 Published by: NHS Lanarkshire Deadline: 20/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT222726 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: EC/0689/Graphic Design for Print and Related Media Published: 08/10/2015 Published by: University Of Edinburgh Deadline: 09/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT222902 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Provision of Non-Statutory Audit Services, Independent Examinations & Preparation of Accounts Published: 09/10/2015 Published by: East Ayrshire Council Deadline: 05/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT222944 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Export Advisory Service Framework Published: 09/10/2015 Published by: Scottish Enterprise Deadline: 20/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT223054 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: National Third Sector Fund - Competitive Grant Published: 12/10/2015 Published by: The Skills Development Scotland Co. Limited Deadline: 06/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Ref: OCT223145 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Testing and Validating Metrics of change produced by Population Viability Analysis (PVA) Published: 13/10/2015 Published by: Scottish Government Deadline: 10/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT223370 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Retail Publications Published: 15/10/2015 Published by: VisitScotland Deadline: 24/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT223455 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Provision of Digital Library Services for Scotland’s Health and Social Care Published: 15/10/2015 Published by: NHS Education for Scotland Deadline: 26/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT223514 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Treasury Management Advisory Service Published: 16/10/2015 Published by: North Lanarkshire Council Deadline: 13/11/2015 Full Text: Here Ref: OCT223641 Notice Type: Contract Notice Title: Social Media Research Published: 19/10/2015 Published by: Scottish Enterprise Deadline: 09/11/2015 Full Text: Here

Funding BBC Children in Need Main Grant Programme BBC Children in Need has announced that funding is available to organisations that work with young people who are: ◦Suffering from illness; • Distress; • Abuse or neglect; • Are disabled; • Have behavioural or psychological difficulties; • Are living in poverty or situations of deprivation. The Main grants programme is open to applications for grants of over £10,000. The deadline for its Main Grants Programme is Friday 15 January 2016. Full details on website Better Breaks Fund Better Breaks is part of the Short Breaks Fund, funded by Scottish Government and administered by Shared Care Scotland. The aim of Better Breaks is to improve the wellbeing of families with a disabled child through making more opportunities available to have a short break. Grants of up to £50,000 over 12 months are available for short breaks projects for disabled children and young people. They are looking for applications from third sector organisations and community groups. They are also keen to encourage partnership applications between third sector groups and local authorities. The deadline for applications is 12:00 o’clock on Friday 04 December 2015. A short break might be: • An adventure holiday for a group of disabled young adults; • Holiday or afterschool play-schemes for disabled children; • A weekly social evening for disabled teenagers to see a film or have a meal; • Family holidays in a group with others who have similar experiences; • Buddy and befriending schemes; • Weekly leisure or sports activities that involve disabled young people. Full details on website

CIVITAS Activity Fund The Fund supports the take-up of sustainable urban mobility measures in Europe to encourage the transfer of successful measures from ‘pioneer’ cities to ‘take-up’ cities. The budget for this Call is €80,000. It is expected that between two and three projects will co-funded (up to 50%) per take up level. The maximum amounts available per take up level and proposal are: Being inspired - €5,000 Structural dialogue - €5,000 Studies - €7,500 Systematic transfer - €10,000 Eligible costs include staff time, travel and subsistence costs, meeting costs (room rental and catering costs), and remuneration for trainers or experts. Applications are invited related to one of the 10 CIVITAS Thematic Categories, as well as a series of proven CIVITAS Tools. Cities with CIVITAS demonstration experience are invited to join the long term evaluation programme. The deadline for submissions is 20 November 2015. Full details on website Community Food & Health Scotland The Community Food and Heath Scotland capacity building fund is now open for applications from groups and organisations in Scotland. The aim of this new fund is to support groups and agencies running food and health activities to build the knowledge, skills and expertise they need to help them deliver their activities better. Groups can apply for funding for training or learning opportunities for staff, volunteers, management committees or Board members. Please note that there is no closing date for applications; the capacity building fund will close once all of the funding for this year has been awarded. Full details on website

Community Project Awards Are you a community group with a unique project idea for wild flowers? Grow Wild have community project awards of various levels from £1,000, £2,500 and £4,000. Projects have involved creative ideas from the arts, music and sited in unusual locations, Grow Wild are looking to involve a wide audience in wild flowers and growing and they are particularly interested in projects that involve young people - 12-25 year olds. The application guidance can be found here along with the application form here. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 01 December 2015. Full details on website Cycle Friendly and Sustainable Community Fund The purpose of the Cycle Friendly and Sustainable Communities Fund (CFSCF) is to support groups to encourage cycling in their community and to deliver a sustainable cycling project. Communities can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to deliver local cycling projects. This Transport Scotland funded grant scheme enables community groups to support and deliver projects with an overall aim to increase the number of local journeys by bike. Reducing single occupancy car use and increasing active travel options will result in reduced local transport related carbon emissions and increased health and wellbeing of the community. Key Criteria: • Encourage more journeys by bike in your community; • Increase opportunities for people to cycle in your community; • Meet the needs of the community. The deadline for applications is Friday 27 November 2015. Full details on website Help the Homeless Help The Homeless’s main funding remit is the regular allocation of grants (generally up to £5,000) for capital costs to small and medium-sized registered charities only (those with a turnover of under £1m per annum). All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance. The next application deadline is Tuesday 15 December 2015. Full details on website

HMRC Grant Funding Opens for UK HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has launched a £4.5 million grant programme which is available to voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in the UK. HMRC will provide £4.5 million over the next three years (that is, £1.5 million per year for three years) for VCSE organisations to provide advice and support to HMRC customers who need extra help understanding and complying with their tax obligations. Grants will range from £10,000 to £450,000 with a maximum threshold set at 50% of the organisation’s turnover (last audited accounts). Registered charities, voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises, mutual and co-operatives based in the UK with an income exceeding £40,000 a year can apply. Organisations must be able to help HMRC customers that are hard to reach and who cannot or will not interact directly with HMRC either due to culture, language, trust, or geography, and who display one or more of the following characteristics: • Experience difficulties accessing HMRC services, due to illness, disability or digital exclusion. • Lack confidence, and are overly worried about making mistakes or are new to HMRC services. • Lack the ability to deal with tasks, for example, due to learning difficulties, memory problems, lack of language skills to be able to understand the tax system, complex working situations or several income strands. • Have mental health issues or are suffering extreme distress through life events, such as bereavement or the breakdown of a relationship. Proposals will need to show how the applying organisation can support customers in these groups or any combination of these groups. The deadline for applications is 8 November 2015. Full details on website

See Me Community Innovation Fund The See Me Community Innovation Fund has grants of up to £20,000 available for larger pieces of work to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination. The funding will be open to Change Networks with more formed and longer term project ideas that are already established or will be established by the start of the project. Funding will support year-long pieces of work focused on behaviour change within communities that adhere to ‘See Me’ values and contribute to their national aims and objectives. The programme has identified four priority areas of focus that is considered to be important in relation to behaviour change and stigma and discrimination. These are: • • • •

Children and Young People; Employment and the Workplace; Health and Social Care; Movement for Change.

The deadline for applications is Tuesday 22 December 2015. Full details on website ScotRail’s Station Community Regeneration Fund ScotRail invites applications from community groups in Scotland for funding from the £1.5 million Station Community Regeneration Fund that aims to transform disused station rooms into facilities to benefit local people. Full details on website

The Petplan Charitable Trust Welfare grants are offered once a year to UK registered charities to promote the health and welfare of animals, such as dogs, cats, horses and rabbits, in the UK. Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding: One major welfare grant of up to £20,000 towards an innovative project to improve animal care and welfare. Up to £40,000 to be distributed for general grants of between £5,000 and £7,500. This can include items such as neutering, kennelling costs and veterinary fees. Up to £40,000 to be distributed for general grants of up to £5,000. This can include items such as neutering, kennelling costs and veterinary fees. Grants to assist with vehicle purchase. The deadline for applications is 4 December 2015. Full details on website

Ten Million Environmental Co-operation Action Fund The Environmental Co-operation Action Fund (ECAF) has been launched in order to promote the delivery of landscape-scale environmental projects by groups of farmers, foresters and other land managers in Scotland, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the country’s natural environment. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2016. Full details on website

Tesco Community Grants Tesco has announced that the money raised from the 5p bag charge in Tesco stores will be used to pay for a large number of local projects to improve greenspaces in communities across Scotland, England and Wales. The new grant programme is administered by Groundwork, working with Greenspace Scotland to support successful projects in Scotland. The first funding round of the programme opens for applications today and will close on 27 November 2015 at 12 noon. This will be your first chance to submit an application for a grant of between ÂŁ8,000 and ÂŁ12,000 to create better and happier places where you live, although there will be two funding rounds per year over the next three years. Full details on website

The Radcliffe Trust Through its grant making programme, the Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. Applicants must be a registered charity or an exempt charity. The closing date for applications is Sunday 31 January 2016. Full details on website

Next TSF Bulletin The next edition of TSF Bulletin will be out on Monday 30th November 2015. To submit any news items or community events, contact us no later than Friday 23rd November 2015 for submission into the next bulletin. For more information about any of the above or if you would like to include anything in the next TSF Bulletin email Lesley. To unsubscribe, click here.

Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire Registered Address: underCOVER, 56 Kelburn Street, Barrhead, G78 1LR Scottish Charity: SC028103 Company Registered in Scotland: 187421 Tel: 0141 876 9555 Email: reception@va-er.org.uk Web: www.va-er.org.uk

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