Manipulation techniques (1)

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Manipulation techniques Victoria A. Campos M.

Technique: Appear Brother Leon called David Caroni about an F that he “got”, Brother Leon authoritative knew that F would destroy Caroni’s average. “It was almost impossible to overcome an F no matter how many other A’s he managed to make.” (Cormier, 1974, pg. 104). With that, Brother Leon tells him that he could change his grade. Then, he mentions Jerry and Caroni understands that he wants him to convince Jerry to sell chocolates and he would change his grade. Caroni tells him all that he knows about that. He tells him that it's part of an assignment from the Vigils. Brother Lon tells him that he'll consider changing him grade. Manipulator: Brother Leon Victim: David Caroni

Technique: Get small The Vigils called the Goober to a meeting for an assignment. They told commitments

him that he would have to unscrew everything at Brother Eugene’s room, including the desks and the chairs. He did it and it took him a very long time to fully complete it. When it was done and everything fell apart in the room. Of course Archie was happy to see what he had caused, but Goober felt really bad, he was depressed. “Ever since room nineteen had collapsed, he had lived in a state of mild shock.” ( Cormier, 1974, pg. 78). Manipulator: The Vigils (Archie) Victim: The Goober

Technique: A reason why Brother Leon asked Archie to go to his office, but Archie didn't actually knew why he was there. Leon started explaining Archie about the situation of the school and about the chocolate sale because the headmaster was sick and he would replace him. He explained Archie that they needed the money to help the school and to prove the headmaster that he is good and he can trust him. He told Archie he needed “his” help meaning he needed The Vigils’ help. At the end Archie agreed and told Brother Leon that The Vigils would help in the sale. Manipulator: Brother Leon Victim: Archie

Technique: Emotions not thoughts In the TV show Riverdale. The Serpents convince Joaquin to pretend to fall in love with Kevin so he could be able to get information about the sheriff and about the investigation of the murder of Jason Blossom. He succeeds and they become a couple and the Serpents get the information they wanted. Although at the end he does fall in love with Kevin, at first it was just to manipulate him through his feelings. Manipulator: Joaquin Victim: Kevin

Technique: Establish similarities In the TV show Once upon a time. Emma and Regina try to steal the crystal from Mr. Gold, but at the end he discovers them and tells them that they should work together because they all have magic and at the end they all want the same. At first they didn't agreed because of the way Gold is but they end up working together to bring the others back. Manipulator: Mr. Gold Victims: Emma & Regina

Conclusion All manipulators are have a very similar personality and are very smart and are always one step ahead of everyone else. All victims are weak in some way or just think that what they are doing is the best by trusting the manipulator. I identify the most with manipulators because before, I used to intimidate people and although I'm not proud of it, I even bullied them a little.

APA Reference Cormier, R. (1974). The Chocolate War. New York: Pantheon Books.

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