Abril campos maldonado chapters 18 20

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Reading Comprehension Chapters 18-20 Criteria A: Analysing Instructions: Please respond carefully and thoroughly to the following questions using complete sentences. Be specific in your responses and remember that you always need to explain for Criteria A!!

Chapter 18: page 103 Jerry is experiencing a HUGE Man vs. Self conflict after continuing to reject the chocolates. Explain what you understand about Jerry’s thoughts in this chapter. Jerry’s thoughts are all messed up. He was waiting for his assignment to end, so he could accept the chocolates, but he hated the way Brother Leon treated other students so he continued to reject the chocolates just to oppose to him. At the same time, he was being tormented in his sleep by the memories of his mother and thoughts about death.

Chapter 19: page 107 How are other students treating Jerry in this chapter? Why is Goober so concerned? The other students treat him really good and even treated him like a hero. Like he was very brave and didn’t accept the chocolates. In the other hand, Goober is very worried about Jerry because he

knows What Brother Leon is capable of and fears that Jerry could suffer that. Jerry has a poster in his locker that says “Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?” For Jerry, he is disturbing the universe by standing up to Brother Leon and rejecting the chocolates. In your personal life, how are you disturbing the universe? (Or how can you in the future?) I think I disturb the universe in some occasions by not doing what everyone expects me to do. By doing the things differently.

Chapter 20: page 113 I recommend looking up these words on http://www.dictionary.com/ before reading chapter 20: Aghast Jig Bewildered Cue In chapter 20, the students in Brother Jacques’s room complete an assignment together. Explain what the assignment was. The assignment was that every time Brother Jacques said the word environment everyone would stand up and scream and jump and do crazy things. But at the end it turned out that the brother knew about it.

Read the bottom of page 113 and page 114 very carefully. Explain how Obie is feeling about Archie and the Vigils as described in these pages. Obie felt betrayed by Archie. He felt like he was used and started to hate Archie more.

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