Abril campos maldonado elements of fiction

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The chocolate war Victoria A. Campos M.

Plot Storyline or the events that happen in a story. Exposition: The characters and the setting are presented. Rising action: Problems start to form and lead to the main problem. Tension begins to grow. Climax: The point in the story where the tension is at the highest point. Is where the story is the most interesting. Falling action: The main conflict starts to resolve. Resolution: The conflict is finally solved and it can end with a happy or tragic ending.

Setting The place and time where the story develops. Trinity high school ● All boys ● Catholic ● Private ● In risk of closing I think the the author chose an all boys school because maybe if there were girls involved Jerry would be different. He chose that setting to show that even in that type of place, there are conflicts and the people there still do things that they know are wrong, like brother Leon.

Character The people that make the actions in the story. Archie


Bastard: Obie calls him that throughout an entire chapter.

Sympathetic: He felt bad when brother Leon was bothering Bailey.

Manipulating: Forcing Obie to be late for work to make a name list.

Strong: Although they tackled him many times, he still got up.

Moody: One moment he is nice and sweet and the next he changes completely.

Reserved: He often talks to himself.

Conflict A struggle between two forces in a story. Man vs self Brother Leon asking the help of the vigils although he knows it’s wrong. I think that in some point in the novel, Brother Leon is going to realize that what he did wasn't right. Although he realized that he is not going to do anything, and he is going to try to hide it from the headmaster of the school, but he’ll eventually find out about it and brother Leon will be fired.

Theme Message that the story gives you.

When Jerry’s mother died, his family fell apart. He and his father became like two strangers that only live together. His father focused only on his job and Jerry started to question about his life. They don't talk to each other anymore and his father limits to respond “fine�.

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