UW 2024 Spring Commencement Program

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One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth

May 11, 2024

Spring Commencement

University of Wyoming

2024 Commencement Program

L 2024 Spring Commencement Schedule 2 University of Wyoming Board of Trustees ..........................................................3 Welcome from the President 3 Wyoming Territorial Seal, School Songs ............................................................4 Academic Regalia ............................................................................................5 Honor Cords 6 Tobin and Spitaleri Awards .............................................................................7
for graduation must complete all degree requirements prior to a degree being awarded. Stated degree honors for candidates for graduation may change based on grades earned in the final semester.
Commencement photos using the link below.
your graduate by selecting the ceremony time and searching their last name. L
http://thegradteam.com/uwyo Find
• 2 • L 8:30 a.m. Undergraduate Ceremony ....................... 9 Order of Ceremony ......................................................................... 10 Keynote Speaker 10 College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources 11 College of Business .......................................................................... 13 School of Energy Resources ............................................................... 14 Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources ......................... 15 College of Health Sciences ................................................................ 15 Honors College 17 12:15 p.m. Graduate Ceremony 19 Order of Ceremony 20 Keynote Speaker 20 College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources 21 College of Arts & Sciences .......................................................... 22 College of Business .................................................................... 24 College of Education ................................................................. 25 College of Engineering and Physical Sciences .................................. 27 Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources 29 College of Health Sciences 29 College of Law ........................................................................ 31 3:30 p.m. Undergraduate Ceremony ...................... 33 Order of Ceremony .................................................................. 34 Keynote Speaker ...................................................................... 34 College of Arts and Sciences 35 College of Education 38 College of Engineering and Physical Sciences ..................................... 39 Honors College ............................................................................... 42 Office of Academic Affairs ............................................................... 42 L Speakers and Honorary Marshals ................................................................. 43 Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.), Honoris Causa: Greg Hill..................... 46 Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.), Honoris Causa: Noah Hull................... 47

Board of Trustees


Officers of the Board

Kermit C. Brown, Laramie, Chair

Michelle M. Sullivan, Sheridan, Vice Chair

Laura Schmid-Pizzato, Rock Springs, Treasurer

Brad Bonner, Cody, Secretary

Members of the Board

Elizabeth Greenwood, Pinedale

David R. Fall, Gillette

Brad LaCroix, Newcastle

Carol Linton, Jackson

Jim Mathis, Wheatland

John C. McKinley, Cheyenne

Macey R. Moore, Douglas

Dave True, Casper

Ex-Officio Members of the Board

Mark Gordon

Governor of Wyoming

Megan Degenfelder

State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Ben Moritz

Executive Director of the Wyoming Community College Commission

Ed Seidel

President of the University of Wyoming

Kameron Murfitt

President of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming

University of Wyoming

Laramie, Wyoming

May 11, 2024

Dear UW Graduates, Faculty and Staff, Family, and Friends:

Welcome to the University of Wyoming’s 2024 Spring Commencement ceremony. Thank you for joining us to celebrate one of the most important and memorable moments in your student’s academic journey.

To our graduates: when you embarked on your academic career towards this momentous occasion none of you could have envisioned the challenges and opportunities you would experience along the way. You had highs and lows. You experienced the sweetness of success and the lessons of struggle. You forged new relationships and learned how to navigate those you formed before UW. You experienced both the thrill and rigor of academic discovery. I hope those experiences shaped you during your time at UW and I know they have prepared you for whatever is coming next.

Now, you are turning the page to a new chapter in a book only you can write. You will step into the future with your degree conferred upon you. Your education, knowledge, and experiences are exclusively yours, serving as both the culmination and catalyst for shaping your future and ours.

You are my eighth graduating class as President of the University of Wyoming, and I can say—with the utmost sincerity—that each commencement is special because the hopes, dreams, and accomplishments we are celebrating today are unique to each class and each graduate. It is my deepest honor to celebrate this day with you. I share your elation, your excitement and—yes, for some of you—your anxiety about tomorrow! I am so glad we can be here together to honor you—and share this time with family, friends, faculty, and staff.

To faculty, staff, family, and friends: Our graduates would not be here today without your support, advice, and encouragement. Know that you have played a crucial role in their success that cannot be understated. I know you will continue to support them, wherever their plans take them next!

Graduates, today you permanently join the ranks of a Cowboy or Cowgirl for life. You are part of a community that includes all who have studied, taught, researched, and worked at UW. This community is global, embracing, and is ready to partner with you in the days and years ahead. You make this community stronger and better by joining the alumni ranks of the Brown and Gold. You have my heartfelt congratulations, and my best wishes for a great future!

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Wyoming Territorial Seal

The University of Wyoming provides a transitional chapter in the history of the central Rocky Mountain frontier. In 1886, when the university was founded, the Wyoming Territory was nearly two decades old. The territorial seal is reproduced in beautiful stained glass above the west door of Old Main, the first campus building.

In the upper half of the seal, a railroad train is set against the mountains. In the lower left, a plow, a pick, a shovel, and a shepherd’s crook are depicted. An arm upholds a sword in the lower right. Above the Norman shield appears the inscription Cedant Arma Togae (let arms yield to the gown).

In 1890, when Wyoming became a state, the official state seal was adopted. Historically, the university seal bridges the territory and the state. It symbolizes educational excellence and complements the growth of the state it serves.

Alma Mater

Where the western lights’ long shadows Over boundless prairies fling And the mountain winds are vocal

With thy dear name, Wyoming. There it is the Brown and Yellow Floats in loving loyalty, And the College throws its portals Open wide to all men free.


And so our songs we bring. Our Alma Mater sing, To her our hearts shall cling, Shall cling forever more.

Yonder we can see it standing, Circled by the purple hills, While the flaming fire of sunset Every western window fills; ’Tis the College! Ah, we know it!

Shrine of many joys and tears, And the rays that light upon it Are prophetic of its years.


of English and Philosophy (1905) First woman in the United States to head an academic department (1915)

Ragtime Cowboy Joe

He always sings raggy music to the cattle as he swings Back and forward in the saddle on a horse (a pretty good horse!)

He’s got a syncopated gaiter And you ought to hear the meter to the roar of his repeater How they run (yes run!)

When they hear that he’s ‘a-comin’, Cause the western folks all know, He’s a high-falootin’, rootin, tootin’

Son of a gun from ol’ Wyoming Ragtime Cowboy, (talk about your cowboy), Ragtime Cowboy Joe.

Fight, Wyoming, Fight

Come on, Cowboys, gold and brown!

Show them how, boys, hold them down! Start right now, boys, don’t delay, Break away, win today. Take that ball, and one, two, three!

Carry on triumphantly—Come on and fight! Fight! Fight, you Cowboys, fight! Come on and fight to victory!

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Academic Regalia

LAcademic regalia originated in the oldest European universities. Many of these institutions continue to show great diversity in their academic dress. In contrast, American colleges and universities adopted a uniform dress code with the following descriptions:

Processional—Doctoral and master’s degree candidates precede bachelor’s candidates. Marching order of the faculty is according to academic rank and tenure.

Mace—Borne in UW processionals by the marshal, the mace is symbolic of the president’s leadership and authority. The short, club-like staff of gleaming metal originated in medieval England. High-ranking officials were accompanied by bodyguards who held the formidable weapon ready to protect the dignitary. The UW mace is crowned with a cap of flames, signifying knowledge and enlightenment.

Gowns—The gown for the bachelor’s degree is worn closed; it has pointed sleeves. The gown for the master’s degree may be worn open or closed; it has oblong sleeves with an arc cut away in front. Neither is trimmed. The gown for the doctoral degree is faced down the front with velvet, with three bars of the same fabric circling the sleeves. This gown may be trimmed in brown or gold.

Hoods—It is customary in most institutions to dispense with the hood for bachelor’s degrees. UW hoods the master’s and doctoral candidates as part of the ceremony. Candidates for the professional diploma wear their master’s hood. The hood is always brown. The master’s hood is three and one-half feet long. Hoods are lined with the official color(s) of the college or university conferring the degree. The doctoral hood is four feet long with side panels. Hoods are lined with the official color(s) of the college or university conferring the degree. The edge of the hood is velvet, and the color of the fabric indicates the degree subject.

Caps and Tassels—Commonly known as mortarboards, caps are brown, and tassels are gold. UW Brown and Gold have been the traditional colors of the University of Wyoming since 1895, selected from the Brown-Eyed Susan, a flower native of southeastern Wyoming. They remain one of the most identifiable components of the UW Brand. Generally, the tassel is worn on the right front side of the mortarboard before the degree is conferred and transferred to the left afterward.

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Honor Cords


Gold: Graduating with honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude)

Red, White, and Blue: Served or is currently serving in the United States Armed Forces; representing the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserves

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

Gold: Ag Ambassadors

Gold and Green: Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society for Agriculture

College of Arts and Sciences

Blue and Yellow: Alpha Phi Sigma, Honor Society for Criminal Justice

Gold: Sigma Iota Rho, Honor Society for International Affairs

Gold Stole: Latina/o cultural heritage, academic achievement, maturity in learning, and excellence in education

Light Blue and Red: Phi Alpha Theta, Honor Society for History

Platinum and Blue: Pi Chi, International Honor Society for Psychology

Red, Black, and White: Pi Sigma Alpha, National Honor Society for Political Science

Red and White: Lambda Pi Eta, National Honor Society for Communication Studies

Teal: Alpha Kappa Delta, International Honor Society for Sociology

Yellow and Blue: Pi Alpha Alpha, Global Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration, as well as graduate students in Public Administration, Public Policy, and Public Affairs

Yellow and Maroon: Tau Sigma, National Honor Society for transfer students

Yellow and Red: Sigma Delta Pi, National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society

College of Business

Red and Blue: Beta Gamma Sigma, Honor Society for Business

College of Education

Purple and Green: Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society for Education

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

White Stole: Tau Beta Pi, Honor Society for Engineering, or Upsilon Pi Epsilon, International Honor Society for Computer Science.

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

Green (bright): Graduating from the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

College of Health Sciences

Black and Gray: Graduating with honors in the School of Pharmacy

Blue: National Community Pharmacists Association

Blue and Orange: American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists

Blue and White: Academy of Student Pharmacists

Green: College of Health Sciences Aspire! scholar

Green and White: Clinical honors award from the Department of Communication Disorders

Green and Gold: Phi Lambda Sigma, Pharmacy Leadership Society

Maroon and Gold: Phi Delta Chi, National Pharmacy fraternity

Orchid and White: Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing

Purple: Graduating with honors in academic excellence from Communication Disorders, graduate student

Purple and White: Rho Chi Academic Honorary, recognizing excellence in the area of Pharmacy

Royal Blue: Graduating with honors in academic excellence from Communication Disorders, undergraduate student

Silver: NSSLHA Leadership Honors Award in the Department of Communication Disorders

Gold Stole: Epsilon Delta chapter of Phi Alpha, Honor Society for Social Work

School of Energy Resources

White Stole: Student Chapter of Energy Resources

Double Red Cords: Energy Resource Management and Develpoment

Red: Graduating from the School of Energy Resources

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Tobin and Spitaleri Awards

LEach year, a campus-wide committee selects the winner of the Tobin Memorial Award for an outstanding graduating male student, the Rosemarie Spitaleri Award for an outstanding female student, and the Tobin Excellence Award for an outstanding student. The awardees are recognized as the ideal role models of student scholarship and achievement based on their academic excellence, service to the University of Wyoming, leadership in co-curricular activities, and outstanding citizenship.

MADYSON WILLIS: Winner of the Rosemarie Martha Spitaleri Award. Originally from Casper, Wyoming, she is graduating with a B.S. in physiology and minors in neuroscience, chemistry, and honors. She was a Trustee's Scholarship recipient, and served on the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, and served as a senator in the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming. Madyson also worked with the Department of Athletics and ASUW to bring new awareness and resources to address food insecurity for athletes on campus through the writing of legislation and collecting food insecurity data that is specific to student-athletes.

GRIFFIN WILLARD: Winner of the 2024 Tobin Memorial Award. Originally from Palo Alto, California, Griffin completed his B.S. in environmental and natural resources, environmental system science, and geography in just three years and holds minors in criminal justice and international studies. He enjoys his work with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Wyoming assisting at-risk youth as well as his work with the Albany County Fire District #1 as a first responder where last year he responded to the most calls out of anyone in the department.

KATIE JOHNSON: Winner of the 2024 Tobin Excellence Award. Originally from Casper, Wyoming, she is graduating with degrees in both international studies and philosophy as well as minors in honors and Spanish. She served as a U.S. State Department Critical Language Scholar and has traveled extensively to places such as Jordan, Ecuador, Brazil, and Azerbaijan. She founded a club for UW students named Students for International Experiential Learning (SIEL) and became a Student Senator for UW Global Studies. She has also addressed educators across the country about the value of studying abroad at the U.S. State Department IDEAS conference.

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L8:30 a.m. Undergraduate Ceremony

Conferring Degrees in:

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

College of Business

School of Energy Resources

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

College of Health Sciences

Honors College

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8:30 a.m.

Undergraduate Ceremony

PROCESSIONAL ...........................................................

UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

PRESENTATION OF COLORS ........................................................... University of Wyoming Army ROTC

WELCOME ................................................................................


Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

Kevin R. Carman, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President

Steve Smutko, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

RECOGNITION OF LEADERSHIP .........................................

Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University


Doctor Humane Letters (L.H.D.), Honoris Casa Noah Hull, Ph.D.




PRESENTATION OF THE GRADUATING CLASS ....................... Robert Sprague, Ph.D., Chair, University of Wyoming Faculty Senate

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ............................................

Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

AUTHORIZATION OF DEGREES......................... Michelle Sullivan, Vice Chair of the University of Wyoming Board of Trustees

CONFERRAL OF DEGREES ....................................................

Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

RECESSIONAL ..............................................................

UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

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College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

LKelly Crane, Ph.D., Interim Dean

Christine Wade, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Eric Webster, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Bachelor of Science

Isabella R. Ackerman-Mero

Madison B. Adkins

* Briana Agenbroad

Leah Rae Allen

Laken C. Alles

** Kerissa Anderson

Lauren Anderson

Steven Phillip Antonio

Elizabeth Kelly Arnold

Bailee Wilson Babbitt

Raelyn Marie Baker

Ronald Alan Ballard

Kassidy Brooke Barr

Colton G. Befus

Britney Ann Bender

Kacie Eileen Benton

+ Isabel Victoria Bivona

Robert James Blachly

Carter Gene Boatright

*** McKenzie Raeann Boltz

Delaney J. Borneman

Preston Bowers

Hollie Michele Brockwell

Dylan Tyler Brog

> Ashley Kay Brown

Chad Donald Browning

+ Jillian Grace


Jaden Brutsman

Kelsie Burton

Kathryne Elizabeth Carrier

Hallie Carroll

Kailee Ann Chambers

* Kellyn Breyley Chandler

Katie Kathleen Chapman

Olivia Winslow Chase

Michael Joseph Chione

Sierra Grace Adell Clark

Jeffrey James Clough

Daniel Jon Coles

Cale Robert Collins

Rebecca Skylar Collins

+ JJ Ann Contois

Madison Grace Cook

** John D. Corson

** Casey Lee Craig

Chavely Cruz Cardenas

Sophia G. Culver

Karolyn Marie Curry

Kyndle Leatham Cutler

Autumn Jeanne Danzik

** Dallin H. Davidson

Shane F. Dawson

Olivia Mae Devine

* Duke J. Dickson

Sydney V. Distin

Devyn M. Donahue

Ashton L. DuPape

Emma Elizabeth Duvall

Ryan A. Ellerton

Luke Wyatt Floyd Ervin

Tess Karen Erwin

Roche' Armad Espadron

Katherine Loula Etchepare

Blake W. Fabrizius

~ Erica Ashley Farris

Kayla Rae Fazio

Elizabeth T. Fetzer

Chloe Flagler-Hess

Anna Maitri Foley

Alexis Fontaine

Britney Stanton Force

Maisy Fox

* Kali Monet Franckowiak

Teagan G. Frazier

Elsa Kathleen Freise

Janessa Lanae Gallegos

Jezteen M. Garwood

Joy Jazmine

Gavidia Francia

Ella Lee Gienapp

Sarah Elizabeth Gregg

Elena Lauren Groves

~ McKenna Kaitlyn Hackett

Brooke Elizabeth Halbasch

Meredith Kay Halweg

Rylee Hanson

Matthew John Hartay

Pake Eugene Haun

Abbigale Lee Havey

~ Natalie Hawki

John Daniel Heaton

Yves-Marie Hess

Gabriel V. Heuer

Trevor Christopher Hible

Hadlee E. Hollinger

* Micall Hoopes

Blake Nathaniel Howard

Elizabeth Jane Howard

Taylor O’Neal Howe

Athaliah Zuriah


Amy Sue Johnson

Emmy M. Johnson

Ethan Michael Johnson

Raegan Nicole Kautzman

Gracie Mae Keiter

* Rabiah Khan

Karissa Lynn Kiser

Henry Young Kline

Yi Wei Justin Koh

*** Jacob Scott Krul

Siobhan M. Lally

Riley Paul Lam

Brian H. Laurie

**~ Adison Grace Linder

Skylar Elizabeth Lite

Devin Christian Littlefield

*+ Rebecca Alise Lockhart

*** Rheagan Abaigeal Logan

Ryan Everett Loghry

Morgan M. Loveland

Aspen Lee Malkuch

Ashlyn Manuel

Erin R. McAleenan

Dalton J. McMicheal

Addison Jordan Meidinger

Kelli Marie Mellott

Lindsey Paige Mericsko

* Aidan Jay Miller

Corah Hadassah

Pitman Miller

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*** =
Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

+ Finley K. Miller

Lucas Matthew Mirassou

Nicholas Mitchell

*** Jordan Christopher Moore

Hayden S. Moreland

Madeline Love Morgan

Sage Marie Morton


Denea Muhlbauer

Chili J. Nemec

Joseph Adam

Patrick Novak

Anotidaishe Nyamadzavo

Kathrine Marie Odom

Sydnee D. Ordahl

Macy Lynn Palmer

Matthew Gary Palmer

* Jamison Lars Peacock

Kage Lane Pepper

Karolina Perkins

* Jonathan Pieper

Kailey Rae Pinney

Bachelor of Science, continued

Ryan Stuart Pitesky

Kobey Ray Preuit

*** Brooklyn Rose Prince

Olivia Jayne Quehl

** Dana Reneé Ramberg

Jace Thorne Rasmussen

Zachary B. Rausch

Elizabeth Summer Renkert

Kara Ann Reynolds

Christopher Anthony Reza

Challeni E. Riddle

**> Zoe Louise Robison

Tayte Rodriguez

Joseph F. Rogers

Dillon Michael Romero


Aleska Rudziewicz

Emily Michelle Rumsey

Samantha Sackett

Ashleen Margaret

Rose Sapuppo

*** Kathryn Rene Schabron

Cheyenne Lee Schisler

Isabella Renee Schultz

Ellie Lauren Schwab

** Kassandra K. Shoemaker

Shayna Skaar

Hunter R. Skalsky

Lilyana R. Smith

Andrew James Smolen

> Joel Sorensen

Austin Staples

Lilly Stelly

Joshua D. Stevens

Kayla Brooke Stibley

Cheyenne Rachelle Stoner

Emily G. Strawderman

Dominik A. Swank

Addysen M. Sweckard

Jack Syring

April Marie Szymanski

Jena Rose Thompson

Emilly Tinoco

Keith Titus

Adam G. Torkelson

Jenavieve Braye Tozzi

Jordan N. Troxel

Alyssa R. Trujillo

Joshua Trujillo

Jordan Sirena Vanetti

+ Abegail Vetter

Payton Keely Voloshin

Nicholas Rees Wade

Samuel Wade

Aspen Ellen Grace Waldron

Alexandra June Walters

Asti Emmanuelle Ward

Samuel Warneke

> Foss Ra-ul Williams

Michelle Anne Williams

***+ Madyson Irma Willis

*** Rebekah Lynn Wise

* Ashley Grace Wolf

Madison Lynn Wright

+ Kaylee Yeager

*** Nathan James Zastoupil

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

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Anna Laurel Augustin *** Julie A. Belton America Martinez Carrillo *** = Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

Ryann Bria Anderson

Jackson Nicholas Boswell

**+ Sabrina Jade Considine

*** Crispin Jacob

Thomas Dippel

College of Business L

Scott Beaulier, Ph.D., H.A. (Dave) True, Jr. Family Dean

Ronn Smith, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean

Bachelor of Science

Lillian Feist

Woods F. Ford

Bryan Hauke

Cruz N. Hernandez

Elizabeth Laura Johnston

Rosa Jovita Garcia Aguilar

Adrian E. Ancaya-Asencios

Tanley Rae Andersen

Seth Ayriss

Asher C. Baca

Ingrid Megan Bailey

Jacob L. Barrett

Jayson Riley Barry

Gavin Herring Bartlett

Dioselyn Batista

*** Claire Gazzoli Becker

Caden Blanke

Langston Bouma

Elizabeth Marie Braley

Cleaston James Brannon

Kaitlyn Isabella Bravo

Ridgely T. Briggs

Hayden C. Bronnenberg

+ Brentan Brown

Jordan C. Brown

Marian Grace Brown

Spencer Burleigh

Marcela Caballero

Theresa Camilleri

Warren James Carr

Zoë Faris Chilvers

* Alecxander

Anthony Christensen

Zachary A. Ketcham


Maeve Suzanne Knepper

Nathaniel Jacob Rieger

Anthony W. Schaff

Dakotah C. Snyder

Bachelor of Science in Business

Trevor T. Clark

*** Caleb Cockrum

Zayne Michael Cooper



Megan Lee Cornia

Sage E. Coventry

Keelan R. Cox

Kelsey J. Cox

Lacy Crane

Brook Cherith Deal

Dryden Thomas DeGan

Cole DeMarzo

Natalie J. Demple

*** Madeline Hazel Dillow

*** Crispin Jacob

Thomas Dippel

Anthony Joseph Distler

Sarah Mackenzie Drewry

Caleb Edward Driskill

+ Colton Thomas Drury

Rishelle Mae Dsouza

Carey Dyer

Wyatt Michael Ebben

Nicholas J. Edwards

Thomas Lee Edwards

Tyson Lee Edwards

Wyett D. Ekeler

Mason Sterling Ellingford

Julian Emery

Dillon A. Foley

> Sydnie Fornstrom

Tristan J. Gabel

Jael Lopez Garcia

Lucia Garcia

Christian Orion Garman

Karin Raye Garrison

Julia Christine Genovese

Cooper Glenn

William Joseph Gose

William Goudey

Lekili Ann Grebinger

Dalton Gregory

Colby Isaac Gull

Montgomery S. Haddix

Samuel A. Hageman

Dayton Hammel

Camille Alex Hawley

Sophie Elizabeth Hays

Quinn Charlotte Hennigar

Donovan P. Hoffman

Caleb J. Huelskamp

Joshua Michael Huey

Abigail M. Humble

Noah Humble

Holly Marie Hyatt

Peter Joseph Sodano

Timothy Daniel Stephens

Kylee S. Theiler

Nathan Timothy Trujillo

Rebecca Watanabe

* Ryan John Jacobs

Thomas D. Jennings

Warren William Johnson

Avery Delaney Joy

McKenna Berry Kail

Timothy Keely

Haley Jean Keith

Joseph Lee Keller

Tenley N. Keller

Christopher T. Kiser

Kaitlin Knapp

Joseph Collin Kostelecky

> Taydee Waya Landrum

Christopher Andrew Lawson

Katelan Elaine Locascio

Kevin Omar Lozoya

Jessica A. Lucadamo

Kaylee Arlene Lundgren


Santosh Madhyanam

Cassidy L. Madrid

Augustus William Mahieu

Lucia Malinak

+ Christian N. Martinez

Chase T. Master

Alessandro Mastrovito

• 13 •
*** =
** =
* = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa
Summa cum laude

Deuce Camden Matthews

Bode Jon Mattson

Luke C. McKee

Cooper J. McMullen

Angelis Betty Medina

*** Kalob Daniel Mikesell

Ben L. Miller

Brecken Gage Miller

Ryan M. Mitka

Annie Marie Mitzel

Lucas James Mizel

Aaron James Moya

Reagan S. Mullaney

Jadyn Lee Mullikin

Asher D. Neil

Haley Michelle Neisen

Ben Niederer

+ Joseph Adam Patrick Novak


Sarah Elizabeth Cole

Mario Camilo



Bachelor of Science in Business, continued

Jordan M. O’Hayre

Mariana O’Neill

Isacc Chinook-Nighthawk Palomo

Victoria Nichole Pearce

Michael Lee Pope

Dylan Austin Price

Angel Maldonado Ramos

Timothy L. Randolph

Andrew G. Reed

Justice Landon Rees

Amy Christine Reid

* Paige Hua Lan Ricketts

Dorde Ristic

Adam R. Roberts

Jordan Rene Roberts

Tatum J. Runner

Stefanie Ryland

McKenna Janai Sallee

Marisela Sol Sanchez

Rudy J. Sanford

Mitchell Santo Sapuppo

*** Brenden Matthew Schatz

Reid M. Schroeder

Ryan Scott Shellenberger

Nicholas Kooi Simpson

Andrew L. Spadafora

Isabella Marie Spicer

Sonte Stewart


David Charles Stotzer

Sarah S. Strube

Michael J. Swidecki

Thayne Dale Thatcher

Prestin Tillema

Blake F. Torres

Jordan N. Troxel

Justin Valdez

Brent J. VanderVeen

Bachelor of Science in Economics

* Zachary

Nicholas Hendricks

William P. Knight III

Jesse Allen McCormick

Aubrey Michelle Rockwell

Rodrigo G. Velazquez

Emily Gene Verosky

Serena Leigh Wakeford

Luke A. Walker

Nicholas Paul Walton

John David Cappiello Wargin

Trevor Warrington

Julian S. Web

Christopher Paul Weber

Brandon Tyler White

Isaac Bryan White

Haiden Wiggins

* Bailey G. Wilborn

Kendra Williams

Brian Craig Wilson

Quincy Robert Wofford

Sophie Julie Zehender

Robert Thomas Ziegler

Brett Raymond Swedlund

Bennett A. Walker

School of Energy Resources

Micah T. Brandt

Jacob A. Burns

Holly Krutka, Ph.D., Executive Director

Bachelor of Science

Russell L. Ferrell

Hallie Rose Jette

Drake Allin Richards

Tyler James Schlagel

Read Sunn

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of Business
*** = Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

LJohn Koprowski, Ph.D., Dean

Steve Smutko, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Bachelor of Science

Jacob Cole Avey

Ethan James Baldwin

Andrea M. Bauman

Sophia Rose Bove

Burgan Charles Campbell

Spencer LaMar Canen

Riley C. Cooper

Alyssa B. Dale

Zachary Fly

Brock L. Follett

Thomas Russell Furland

Madeline Giovanni

Demetrian Lee Grimes

Mackenzie Hairfield


Wickstrom Hemenway

Kenzie Nicole Hix

Keith Brian Johnson

Parker Drew Johnson

Emma Olivia Jones

Erin Krieger

Bryce Kubasta

Nathan F. Lane

Lindsey Renee Mitchell

Casimir James Norton

Kaleb Scott Palmer

Nolan Michael Rauhut

+ Samantha Lyn Rogaczewski

Anna Christine Savage

Chester E.J. Townsend


Elizabeth Vandenberg

Gabriel Asher Wiley

Ashley Irene Wilkins

*** Griffin Bruce Willard

~ Sidney Renae Wilson

College of Health Sciences

LMichelle Hilaire, Pharm.D., Interim Dean

Bachelor of Science

Madeline T. Bane

Mackenzie Rose Bannister

Carson T. Bates

Jenna Analeigh Beckley

Allie Bone

Ashlyn C. Brown

Jacob Duane Buehner

Nicholas Palmer Burke

Alan Carrillo-Hernandez

Kaitlin Taylor Castle

Kellen J. Chadderdon

+ Malea Christensen

Megan Rose Cleary


Gabrielle Ann Clutter

Amaya Lynn Cook

Christian Zachary Cook

Destiny L. Cook

+ Hanna Elizabeth Crockett

Jefferson Danso

Addie M. Davidson

Madalynn Kae Davis

Elijah Thomas Dick

+ Teylor Rose Dunn

Chase R. Erickson

Juliana T. Federici

Tanya Y. Ferman

Liberty A. Ferrell

Brittany Fertig

Maddie Lucille Fornstrom

Madison Marie Galles

Ryann A. George-Bevers

Reilly Gabriel Gilbert

Jenna Rose Glick

Amber Alise Grutzmacher

Noble DJ Gurney

Thomas I. Hafner

Kelsey Ann Harnsberger

Mary E. Harris

+ Peyton Leigh Hatcher

Daphne R. Hawley

Amber Hight

Kiyona Lee Howard

Lindsay Gabrielle Hubert

Lana Grace Jeter

Rebekah R. Johnson

+ Dakota L. Jones

Nicholas Augustus Kautzman

• 15 •
*** =
** = Magna cum
* = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa
Summa cum laude

Rachel Marie King

Kaylee Larsen

Kinsley P. Larson

Ann Marie Logan

Loren Mann

Ethan Michael Mathis

Ashlyn C. McGhee

Sadie McMullen

Sierra Faith McOmie

+ Makayla Marie McPherson

Adrienne Victoria Merrick

Kareem Hatem Mersal

Sye Bradley Meyer

Christopher Jordan Milby

Anne Carol Miller

College of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science, continued

Sarah A. Miller

Stephanie Miller

Jakobi L. Mirich

Danielle Mohr

Kyle Braden Moore

Maggie K. Moore

Alexxis M. Motisi

Drake A. Nash

Delaney J. Neves

Quinton J. Nicholls

Britt Nichols

Jaecynda Tyshae Nienhuser

Madelynn LeeAnn Oden

Peter Antonio Perfetti

Morgan Jeffry Piltz

Riley Marie Anderson

Juliet Elise Beattie

Madison Beavers

Sadi Jean Curtis

Hannah DeLaittre

WyLee Clay Esau

Quentyn Evenson

Maya Angwin

Ashley M. Barkley

Robert Paul Barnes

+ Ashley Lynn Bertsch

Sarah Autumn Bolze

Joelle Broderick Borden

Elizabeth Mae Bryson

Raymond Earl Burger

Dusty Britney Burton

Cody Chancellor

Marissa A. Chatfield

Lauren Nicole Collins

Julie R. Corson

+ Cara J. Courtright

Mathew Tyler Posas

Shaylynn Augusta

Kay Rawle

> Tiaunna Roberts

Taylen Mae Robertson

Christian J. Robinson

Alexandra Jade Russell

Matilda Emilie Schiewe

Evan G. Schliske

+ Morgan Schwindt

Natalie Rae Serrag

Leslie Dawn Sims

Laura Michelle Smith

Tristen Laine Smith

Jarrod Russell Snider

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

Nevada J. Gill


Abraham Hernandez

Traci Marie Kemph

Megan Rene Lanfear


Jaylee R. Lyon

Madison Marie Maier

Ashlyn Paige Marum

BreAnna Pearl Parra

Payton Danielle Pendergast

Audrey Lee Perry

Kayla Pieren

Afton D. Reichenbach

Alexa A. Russell

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Rebecca Jean Derner

Abigail Corrine Devine

Ysabel Bernardo Diaz

Gabrielle S. Dickson

Alyssa Danielle Durga

Derek Lee Eggerman

Austin Carl Ehler

Catherine Lane Elfland

Nathaniel Lee England

Amber Yvonne Fink

+ Raegan Marie Finkeldei

Cheryl Flores

Brooke L. Ford

Jordan A. Frank

Lindsay Day Freeman

Meghan R. Frey

Kathryn Nicole Frieze

Hannah Glennon

Alyssa Walker Goncalves

Jacquelyn Opal Gonzales

Sydney Grogan

Kaycee R. Gurkin

Kia J. Hafner

Madison S. Hall

Kaylen M. Hansen

Abby Elizabeth Harley

Taylor Marie Haskin

Emma Kathryn Herman

Sydney Marie Solem

Destinee R. Spurlin

Megan A. Stiffney

Trinity Lynn Veggeberg

Alexandra Vlahos

Bridger Talon

Rimewing Voss

Sarah Wallace

Tori A. Wheeler

Harley Assuntina Wick

Jaxon W. Wilkes

Lainee Marie Woodard

> Alec Wright

Brynn J. Zwetzig

Codi Rayann Southard Kelsi Tarver

Morgan Wald

Brooklyn Jane Walker

Miranda Jay Michaelynn Wright

Anddy Lopez Hernandez *** Ansley Grace Hessler

Adeline Elaine Hobbs

Patricia Lynn Holmes

Darbi Johnson

Megan Marie Johnson

Talora Lee Jolley

Emily Bryn Jones

Teddi M. Jones

Paige L. Kight

Chase K. Kiker

Bethany Abrielle Kinder

Danielle Kissinger

Reese Fischer Knapp

= Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

• 16 •

Threhaa Knutson

Apsara Koirala Thapaliya

Rachel Ann Kuntz

Adriann Lausen

Elizabeth Claire Lewis

Alexis Christine Littleford

Eamonn Patrick Logue

Kaylee Ann Long

Isabel Lyons

Sarah J. MacIlravie-Cañas

Ashley Marie Majusiak

Elizabeth Irene Marnell

Rachael M. McGhee

College of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, continued

+ Mark Anthony Merlino

Kylie Morgan

Sarina Justine Myers

Emily Diane Nebel

Alaina Josephine Nelson

Lindsay Laura Nevarez

Johanna James Nielsen

Mikayla Norman

Kelly Elise O’Connor

Tommi Justice Olson

Kathryn Oswald

Shaya Renee Paytoe *** Rachel Petersburg

Leah Albro

Amber Elizabeth Austin

Mary Theresa Baylie

Kathryn Ivie Burrows

Mariha-Ann M. Cothren

Dylan Marie Croft

Anita Jean Curtis

Amy Lee Eagle

Maria L. Flinn

Taylor Rae Phebus

Abigail Leanna Preston *** Marie Ramier

Heather Reed

Brittany Ritter

Charity Elise Rodolph

Mary E. Ryan

Lindzy San Javier

Kindall Seamands

Payge Marie Smith

Tori Lynn Starkebaum

Chancey R. Stebner

Neci E. Sundquist

Bachelor of Social Work

Sadie Forney

Amy Lee Hambrick

Kaitlan Marissa Hinton

Selah Selamawit Jordan

Faith Elise Joy

Myrtice Judd

Ellery D. Lane

Farrell B. Livingston

Charity Lobstein

Charro Madden

Tabbitha Nicole May

Tynnille M. McCall

Katie Jo McGlade

Jaycee N. Myrtle

Brandy Lee Ortega

Olivia Grace Reifon

Jon Joesph Rychecky

Abigail Schaible

Honors College L

Cody D. Tarr

Brooke Rory Thompson

Gretchen Van Valkenburg

Jenna Wain

James M. Wallen

Kaycee R. Warner

*** Megan Weidler

Melissa Marie Wells

Michele Marie Mattson White

+ Chenoa Kay Williams

Ronald Atsushi Yanaga

*** Kendall Ann Zuck

Sarah Elizabeth Sharpnack

+ Darrah Jackson Short

Jennifer Steffenhagen

Joshua David Strom

Sierra Cassandra Szabo

Lindsy J. Turgeon

Jorja Warembourg

*** Holli Wigginton

Graduates from the Honors College complete a rigorous interdisciplinary course of study, produce a significant independent research or creative capstone project, and receive a minor in Honors on their transcript. Extensive opportunities for experiential learning, financially supported internships, and study-abroad round out the Honors College experience. Throughout this program, the symbol “+” before a student’s name indicates Honors College and signifies graduates who have accomplished all the requirements for the Honors minor.

• 17 • ***
= Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude
= Cum laude + = Honors College
= Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa
• 18 •

L12:15 p.m. Graduate Ceremony

Conferring Degrees in:

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

College of Arts & Sciences

College of Business

College of Education

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

College of Health Sciences

College of Law

• 19 •

12:15 p.m.

Graduate Ceremony

PROCESSIONAL ........................................................... UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

PRESENTATION OF COLORS ........................................................... University of Wyoming Army ROTC

WELCOME ....................................................... James C. Ahern Ph.D., Vice Provost for Graduate Education


Kevin R. Carman, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President Greg Brown, Ph.D., Professor, Plant Systems, Department of Botany

RECOGNITION OF LEADERSHIP ................ James C. Ahern Ph.D., Vice Provost for Graduate Education

KEYNOTE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS .......................................................... Gaurdia Banister, Ph.D.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION..................................................................................................... Jack Tennant ’10

STUDENT SPEAKER .................................................................................................................. Clay Carper

PRESENTATION OF THE GRADUATING CLASS Ray Fertig, Ph.D., Chair-Elect, University of Wyoming Faculty Senate

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS James C. Ahern Ph.D., Vice Provost for Graduate Education

AUTHORIZATION OF DEGREES.............................................................. Jim Mathis, University of Wyoming Board of Trustees

RECESSIONAL .............................................................. UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

• 20 •

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources L

Kelly Crane, Ph.D., Interim Dean

Christine Wade, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Eric Webster, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Doctor of Philosophy

Muhammad Yasin Ahmed: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Ruben G. Aleman: Soil Science

Md Ashraful Islam Bhuiya: Animal and Veterinary Science

Shaonil Binti: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

William Henry Bowers: Hydrologic Science

Alessandra C. Ceretto: Ecology

Janette Lin Davidson: Ecology

Carl Litif: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Robby L. McMinn: Ecology

Ashleigh Marie Pilkerton: Ecology

Claudia Gail Richbourg: Ecology

Linnea Ann Rock: Ecology

Hannah Ruth Rodgers: Soil Science

Tathagato Roy: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Govind Prasad Sah: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Kaylan Nicole Schilling: Molecular Biology

Chandan Shilpakar: Plant Sciences

Rashmi Thapa: Neurosciences

Resham Bahadur Thapa: Soil Science

Uwemedimo Gladstone Udoh: Neurosciences

Tana Leigh Verzuh: Ecology

Yihan Wang: Neurosciences

Michael Louis Weltzer: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Megan E. Wilson: Ecology

Master of Arts

Muhammad Saqib: Molecular Biology

Master of Science

Solaiman Bin Ali: Family and Consumer Sciences

Walker Billings: Plant Sciences

Olivia Rose Bowers: Animal and Veterinary Science

Kathleen Mary Bracken: Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management; Environment and Natural Resources

Tyler Mitchell Bradshaw: Entomology

Olivia Chase: Animal and Veterinary Science

Sheila M. Cloud: Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management; Environment and Natural Resources

Jeffrey Carl Dolphin: Zoology and Physiology

Omer Faruq: Food Science and Human Nutrition

Robert O. Finley: Plant Sciences

Joseph Ward Flock: Zoology and Physiology

Jane McKinney Fugate: Zoology and Physiology; Environment and Natural Resources

Hashendra Pamuditha Herath Herath Mudiyanselage Nikagolle Gedara: Agricultural and Applied Economics

Sara Ghasem Pour: Food Science and Human Nutrition

Catherine Dansuah Grant: Agricultural and Applied Economics

Cole James Green-Smith: Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management

Robert Rhett Greenwald: Plant Sciences

Charles Tyler Hicks: Plant Sciences

Patrick Marron Hofstedt: Agricultural and Applied Economics

Aaron John Kersh: Animal and Veterinary Science

Armen Khachatryan: Agricultural and Applied Economics

Michelle A. Kilpatrick: Animal and Veterinary Science

Jaron T. Kolek: Zoology and Physiology

Michaela Kuzniar: Animal and Veterinary Science

Carolyn Ann Kyle: Zoology and Physiology

• 21 •

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources

Ayda M. Lewis: Botany

Master of Science, continued

Audrey Rose Lindsteadt: Zoology and Physiology

Brenna Kaelyn Litynski: Animal and Veterinary Science

Gunnar Alan Malmstrom: Animal and Veterinary Science

Lindsay Ann Martinez: Zoology and Physiology

William B. McDonald: Zoology and Physiology

McKenna McNeill: Animal and Veterinary Science

Casandra May Mittlieder: Family and Consumer Sciences

Zachariah Matthias Pieper: Animal and Veterinary Science

Gabrielle R. Reimann: Molecular Biology

Sarah Ashley Retherford: Animal and Veterinary Science

Joseph F. Rogers: Zoology and Physiology

Megha Singh: Soil Science

Dania-Belen Sinzu-Prieto: Animal and Veterinary Science

Kyle R. Webber: Plant Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

LJ. Scott Turpen, D.M.A., Dean

Karen Bartsch Estes, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Susan Aronstein, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Adrienne Freng, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Doctor of Philosophy

Tamara M. Abu-Ramadan: Psychology

Sarah Ann Allaun: Anthropology

Jeffrey Raymond Baldock: Ecology

Alexander Cumming Craib: Anthropology

Layla Elmi: Psychology

Abdalrahim Abuwarda: International Studies

Madison Elizabeth Aiman: English

Blessing Olumuyiwa Ajisafe: Political Science

Amali Dahara de Silva Balage Don: International Studies

Jeffrey Wolfe Bell: History

Nur Hanisah Binte Hassim: Communication

Jessica Bishop: English

Casey June Black: Anthropology

Riley Christopher Box: Communication

Matthew James Brown: History

Collyn James Gasperini Erion: Psychology

Lara Elizabeth Glenn: Psychology

Cole Milburne Messa: Geology

Kathryn Anne Richardson: Psychology

Master of Arts

Ezekiel Bucks: History

Joel Matthew Burdess: English

Kathryn Dawn Burdess: English

Jocelyn Letecia Campbell: Communication

Sean Patrick Carey: Anthropology

Alissa Casey: English

Cassia Summer Catterall: English

Mark Andrew Cervantes: Anthropology

Skylar Karl Chambers: International Studies

William Connor: History

• 22 •

College of Arts and Sciences

Master of Arts,

Meghann Michelle Conwell: English

Cecilia J. Curiel: English; Environment and Natural Resources

Benjamin Demoret: Political Science

Mackenzie Lynn DePlata Peterson: Anthropology

Allen Doty: Political Science

Mohamed Echkaou: American Studies

Aubrey Dawne Edwards: Anthropology; Environment and Natural Resources

Dalton James Erskin: History

Josie Brinkerhoff Feusner: Spanish

Katherine Rose Fitch: International Studies

Elly Davies Frierson: Communication

Stephanie Galeana Barreto: English

Brianna Elizabeth Garcia: Communication

Nino Gegidze: Political Science

Margaret Rose Gormley: History

Audrey Ruth Gunn: English

Sylvie Monet Elizabeth Hansen: English

Kimika Hinoshita: International Studies

David A. Kolkema II: Anthropology

Donald Hamilton Seagreaves III: English

Perla Marilí Jensen: Spanish

Georgianna Katherine Karahalis: History

Jennifer Lynn Lemminger: Anthropology

Tearney Dawn Lopez: Communication

Natasha Santana Loving: English

Thayne Michael Macy: Political Science

Collin Mike McArthur: Spanish

Gaven Mitchell Perzan Meyer: History

Kail Lane Moede: History

Mina Jade Moscatelli: Spanish

Camila Fernanda Moya Delgado: Spanish

Ayoub Nachat: International Studies

Kofi Kusi Owusu-Ansah: International Studies

Rachel Pak: English

Jerilyn Patterson: English

Samantha Raker: English

David Daniel Riedel: English

Clive Garret Rieke: History

Gregory August Ronco: English

Boone Schieffer: American Studies

Sydney Schmidt: English

Jovan Tripkovic: Political Science

Maya Linn Tsogo-onana: American Studies

Ryan James Tucker: Communication

Crystal C. Vogel: Communication

Sarah Michelle Wagoner: English

Katherine Heather Welniak: Communication

Neylan Breighann Wheat: English

Christie J. Wildcat: Anthropology

Olivia Womack: Spanish

Netta Yehezkel: Communication

María Dolores Zapata Poveda: Spanish

Master of Fine Arts

Janna Faith Gentry: Creative Writing

Nicholas Luc: Creative Writing

Graham Neely McGeachy Marema: Creative Writing; Environment and Natural Resources

Lena Marie Newlin: Creative Writing

Casey Gordon Reiland: Creative Writing

Monica Augustina Mendoza

Samuel Harlan Sharp: Creative Writing; Environment and Natural Resources

Andrew Gillies Siegel: Creative Writing

Margaret Capwell Smith: Creative Writing

Catherine Elizabeth Storch: Creative Writing

Master of Music

Christopher Douglas Robinson

Master of Music Education

Amanda Bispo Ferreira da Silva

• 23 •
Brittany Elizabeth Kubiak Qiushi Wang

Jennifer Lynn Appleby

Beau Marshall Brown

Joshua Robert Buhmann

Susmita Dey


Master of Public Administration

Kiley Elizabeth Dodson

Joan Elaine Franklin

Matthew J. Hall

Alia Sofia Myers Jackson

Jaylan Melek Aliev: Psychology

Barbara Stefania Dabrowski: Psychology

Olivia Nicole Grella: Psychology

Kayla Ann Loukas

Samuel Glenn Mellema

Tess Mittelstadt

Trevor Allen Parker

Master of Science

Matthew R. Helm: Psychology

Paige Elizabeth Grace

Kathleen Realing

Trilby Glynn Taylor

Riley Nicole Hoogerwerf: Psychology

Elizabeth Punke: Psychology

College of Business

LScott Beaulier, Ph.D., H.A. (Dave) True, Jr. Family Dean

Ronn Smith, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean

Doctor of Philosophy

Zuyairia Moslemeen Khan: Economics

Craig J. Achord

Randall Andrews

Logan Reid Arnold

Joseph Lee Bainbridge

Meagan Mercer Barnes

Mason Grey Baum

Latrell Maurice Bible

Tomine Bjerkelo

Briggin Bluemel

Stella Bohlender

Michael Stephen Bolton

Caden McCall Callaway

Skylar Marie Cell

Grant Skyler Leonhardt: Management and Marketing

Master of Business Administration

Blaine E. Christenson

Megan Rosemary Clark

Trystton P. Cole

Sarah Elizabeth Cooley

Nikayla R. Copenhaver

Michael L. Curry, Jr.

Andrew Breaux Curtis

James F. Dales

Molly Grace DeLau

Nikol Dobrilova

Christopher Dunn

Jared James Edeen

Kenneth Mathew Foster

Lexie Garcia

David Anthony Giralt

Jadan Gonzalez

Sara Elizabeth Hammond

Kimberly Alisah Harding

Jeremy Hollingsworth

Kari Hunter

Marshall Charles Walters IV

Maddi Johnson

Robert O. Sherard, Jr.

Charles Francis Stumpf, Jr.

Brett Daniel Kahler

Neil Joseph Kaiser

Amirah M. Khan

Morgan Kitchen

Dawson Cale Kluesner

Sage Ann - Marie Kohr

Phillip Andrew Kothe

Lauren Anna Elizabeth Lacey

Anna Elizabeth Larson

Parker J. Lougee

Logan Ian Maclean

Joseph Robert Madsen

Kathryn Nicole Marchesano

Ryan P. Marquez

Hutson T. McCann

• 24 •
Arts and Sciences

Samuel T. McFarland

Robert S. Mitchell

Rudy Michael Nesvik

Kyle Anthony Niehenke

Nickolas Gene Null

Kaleb Jon Peterson

Alyssa Brooke Piel

Master of Business Administration, continued College of Business

Mark C. Radich

Joseph Michael Redzich

Joseph Paul Reney

Madelynn Suzanne Ries

Brennen Arthur Rivera

Joshua Russell Rogers

Rashid Ahmed: Economics

Shelby Leigh Brewer: Economics

Peri Melissa Brimley: Economics

Hunter E. Brown: Economics

Cailin R. Grant: Accounting

Harkiran Kaur: Accounting

Timothy Henry Kelley: Economics

Joseph Longuevan: Economics

Hunter Maggs: Accounting

Dallas Abraham McWhorter: Economics

Donica Paige Sefried

Kurt Lewis Simmons

Maria Karime-Dominguez

Gomez Skidmore

Jessica Steward

Shelby L. Stith

Master of Science

James Mosley: Finance

Thomas Ryan Nolan: Accounting

Matthew O’Malley: Economics

Joshua Rodgers: Accounting

Jensen Sherwin: Accounting

Salvatore Frank Spada: Economics

Brady Tosh: Finance

William Charles Achi VI: Economics

Monica Benes Wilson: Accounting

Andrew James Wright: Economics

Chase Thomas Stoeger

Beecher J. Strube

Madison McKenzie Sullivan

Asefa J. Wetzel

Hang Yeh

Natalie Lynn Ziegenhorn

Troy L. Archuleta

Kenneth C. Brandt

Kaitlin Reann Burris

Charles Butler

College of Education

LJenna Shim, Ph.D., John P. “Jack” Ellbogen Dean

Peter Moran, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Alan Buss, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Doctor of Education

Christine Cleary

Linda Anne Crawford

Bridger Feuz

Ryan Michael Mackey

Christina Ann Millemon

Michael Thomas Moline

Kryssi Mae Soule

Sarah J. Torbert

Justin Michael Tucker

Michelle Marie Tudor

• 25 •

Helen Aleksani: Curriculum and Instruction

Allison Marie Baas: Curriculum and Instruction

College of Education

Doctor of Philosophy

Jennifer D. Bays: Counselor Education and Supervision

Patricia Gayle Bradford: Counselor Education and Supervision

Tanya Nicola Brown: Counselor Education and Supervision

Ariane M. Eicke: Curriculum and Instruction

Kimberly Kyle Emery: Counselor Education and Supervision

Celeste Anne Fiori: Counselor Education and Supervision

Lindsey R. Freeman: Curriculum and Instruction

Jason Harshberger: Counselor Education and Supervision

Andrea Rose Hayden: Curriculum and Instruction

Alexander Daniel Austad

Tina Renee Ballard

Rachel Anna Barkey

Anne Marie Benboe

Sarah Nicole Benefield

Christina Bradfield

Kasey Beck Bresso

Aubrey Michelle Broyles

Christopher Clifton

Jodi LeAnn Cole

Lara C. Cummings

Melissa Anne Dishman

Michael Ryan Dragseth

Jenna Graye Hepp: Counselor Education and Supervision

Megan M. Jones: Education

Avia Choisette Kelly: Curriculum and Instruction

Geoff Krall: Curriculum and Instruction

Jennifer Diane Lavanchy: Education

Kristy Marie Palmer: Curriculum and Instruction

Patrice Parkinson: Counselor Education and Supervision

Anastasia Pipp: Counselor Education and Supervision

Erin Elizabeth Silcox: Curriculum and Instruction

Joyce I. Stewart: Curriculum and Instruction

Tyler Seward Tedmon-Jones: Counselor Education and Supervision

Master of Arts

Valorie LeeLyman Garrett

Britnee E. Geringer

Margaret Ann Good

Anna Mae Groose

Mark C. Hale

LaSonya Grace Hancock

Deron A. Harrell

Marsha Kay Harris

Ashley Harshbarger

Vanessa Joy Hitchcock

Jordan M. Hoover

Kendall L. Horrocks

Joanna Lynn Hostetter

Amanda Lynn Hughes

Colby Austin Huynh

Morgan D. Koenig

Elizabeth Hannah Levy

Lindsay Taylor Maxey

Megan Cherie McHugh

Nathan Morgan

Christina K. Oswald

Hayley Kathleen Pedersen

Taylor Richard Pownall

Christopher Bergli Rasmussen

Alisha Hope Rone

Master of Science

Joseline Alatorre: Counseling

Carly Jill Allen: Counseling

Megan Allen: Natural Science

Kimberly M. Baldivia: Counseling

J. Michael Bernhisel: Counseling

Maggie Maria Bisaga: Counseling

Jennifer Lynn Blomberg: Counseling

Colleen Brookins Cullinane: Counseling

Alison Margaret Harkin: Counseling

Mikinzie Hoffman: Counseling

Jasmine Aloyce Holian: Counseling

Natalie Christine Johansen: Natural Science; Environment and Natural Resources

Jesse R. Johnston: Counseling

Jill Rossie Koslosky: Education

Celine A. Salas

Alyssa Sallee

David Reinhold Saltzman

Hannah Michele Seely

Svetlana Sergojan

Haley Brinelle Smart

Tricia Dawn Smith

Katie Johnson Snell

Taylee Lynn Solaas

Lauren Noelle Urquidez

Treyton Welch

Kelsy Marie Wooldridge

Brittanie Jordon Kuhn: Natural Science; Environment and Natural Resources

Jaryn Noel Lindenmuth: Counseling

Salma Valeria Macias Torres: Natural Science; Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Brianna Elise Mahoney: Counseling

Heather Jo Nottage: Counseling

Cortney Anna Osborn: Counseling

Kristin E. Pearson: Counseling

Sara M. Randall: Counseling

Kolbi Ring: Counseling

Marleigh Sanders: Counseling

Niloufar Shamloo: Counseling

• 26 •

Master of Science, continued College of Education

Halie Marie Shea: Natural Science; Environment and Natural Resources

Grace Madison Soske: Counseling

Leah St. Clair: Education

Gabriella Thomas: Natural Science

Ingrid Velez: Natural Science; Environment and Natural Resources

Meredith Leigh Weber: Counseling

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences L

Cameron H.G. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., Carrell Family Dean

David Bagley, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Dean

David Mukai, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Daniel Dale, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Doctor of Philosophy

Zeinab Akbarishahabi: Chemical Engineering

Mitchell P. Anderson: Mechanical Engineering

Nicky Ray Baumgartner: Mathematics

Sarah Marie Buckhold: Mechanical Engineering

Clay E. Carper: Computer Science

Amy Marie Cavanaugh: Physics

Zhe Chen: Chemical Engineering

Robert Eugene Ferdinand Cincotta: Chemical Engineering

Rafer S. Cooley: Computer Science

Donna Lynn Drogos: Civil Engineering

Mohammed Altahir Eliebid Elnaeem: Petroleum Engineering

Adeyemi Isaiah Fagbade: Mathematics

Andrew Kelly Goodenough: Chemistry

Md Ahsanul Haque: Mathematics

Md Tarik Hossain: Civil Engineering

Shelbi M. Hrkach: Chemical Engineering

Panav Hulsurkar: Petroleum Engineering

Matthew Hollis Jones: Mechanical Engineering

David Ian King: Physics

Pranay Reddy Kommera: Electrical Engineering

Nicholas J. Kuehl: Chemistry

Kyle Thomas Kuhn: Mechanical Engineering

Mallory Brooke Lai: Biomedical Sciences

Peng Li: Geophysics

Lingfu Liu: Chemical Engineering

Nafis Bin Masud: Civil Engineering

Jintao Miao: Chemistry

Banani Mondal: Chemistry

My Le Huynh Nguyen: Physics

Jeffrey Nivitanont: Atmospheric Science

Mehdi Nourelahi: Computer Science

Kristen Pozsonyi: Atmospheric Science

Damir Pulatov: Computer Science

Prayas Rath: Civil Engineering

Tanner Austin Remick: Chemistry

Christopher Ryan Rumple: Mechanical Engineering

Piumi Indrachapa Samarawickrama: Physics

Akash Mamon Sarkar: Chemistry

Mirmehdi Seyyedi: Civil Engineering

Aktham Ehab Shoukry: Petroleum Engineering

• 27 •

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy, continued

Magda Ibrahim Youssif Mohamed Soliman: Petroleum Engineering

Alan Thomas Stenquist: Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences

Sijie Tang: Mathematics

Ayat Alasadi: Petroleum Engineering

Joseph Matthias Barnes: Environmental Engineering

William John Baumchen: Mechanical Engineering

Sandra Jean Biller: Statistics

Joshua Allen Blaney: Electrical Engineering

Jarek Aiden Rhys Brown: Computer Science

Joseph Colton Crane: Statistics

Andrea Rose Daly: Physics

Ethan Dowalter: Computer Science

Joshua Alton Dustin: Geospatial Information Science

N. Sloan Dworian: Geology

Michael E. Elgin: Computer Science

Hossameldeen Mostafa Abdelmaksoud Elnaggar: Petroleum Engineering

Alexander Scott Fabricus: Civil Engineering

Daiven Francis: Statistics

Jocelyn Rose Gallais: Civil Engineering; Water Resources

Joshua Heflin: Geospatial Information Science

Daniel James Roger Hintz: Statistics

Isaac Scott Hughes: Electrical Engineering

Prayush Jonchhe: Civil Engineering

Priyanka Joshi: Civil Engineering

Sahul Kharel: Civil Engineering

Michelle Kim: Geology

Eden Irene Koval: Atmospheric Science

Danish Kumar: Civil Engineering

Brandon James Lopez: Atmospheric Science

Kiana Patricia Lotvedt: Mechanical Engineering

Crystal Luna: Geology

Yufeng Luo: Physics

Sydney E. McKim: Geology

Alexandra Nicole Midkiff: Statistics

August Madison Mikkelsen: Atmospheric Science

Julius Eyram Kweku Tetteh: Petroleum Engineering

Adam E. Trzinski: Geology

Zitao Wu: Civil Engineering

Master of Science

Kori Lynne Mooney: Civil Engineering

Marissa Louise Murr: Geology

Oisín Ó Gailín: Statistics

A. Stone Olguin: Computer Science

Joana Louise de Oliveira Olsen: Mechanical Engineering

Maria Oreshkina: Geospatial Information Science

Francis Osei Tutu Afrifa: Atmospheric Science

Suraj Prasad Pandey: Civil Engineering

Mollie Danielle Pope: Geology

Tori Marie Reams: Geospatial Information Science

Sarah Ann Repshire: Geospatial Information Science

Sivanee Santhalingam Sivakumar: Electrical Engineering

Anna Schlaak: Environmental Engineering

Lena Joette Schwebs: Geophysics

Shad Sellers: Chemical Engineering

Muskan Sharma Kuinkel: Civil Engineering

Pengfei Shen: Mechanical Engineering

Morgan Lynn Shimkus: Atmospheric Science

Chase Leland Smith: Physics

Matthew Springsteen: Electrical Engineering

Wayne Stewart: Chemical Engineering

Brett Thompson: Mechanical Engineering

Long Hoang Tran: Computer Science

Aric Von Buettner: Environmental Engineering

Fletcher Paul Wadsworth: Electrical Engineering

Shelby Danyelle Wakefield: Chemistry

Travis J. Wicks: Architectural Engineering

Benjamin Andrew Willis: Mechanical Engineering

Ahmad Akib Uz Zaman: Civil Engineering

Ablay Zhappassov: Mechanical Engineering

Michael David Ziemann: Architectural Engineering

Shaikh Muhammad Zunaid: Chemical Engineering

• 28 •

Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

LJohn Koprowski, Ph.D., Dean

Steve Smutko, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Kathleen L. Cook: Environment and Natural Resources

Kate Blythe Gamble: Environment and Natural Resources

Master of Arts

Kimber Leigh Logan: Environment and Natural Resources

Steven B. Millward: Environment and Natural Resources

Master of Science

Janna Danielle Black: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Emma Louise Carlson: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Grace Anne Carr: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Nicholas Chischilly: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Max C. Lewis: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Pallavi Pokharel: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Corrinne Irene Scieszka: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Nita Gay Tallent: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Lucas John Thorsness: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Alec J. Wallen: Environment, Natural Resources and Society

College of Health Sciences

LMichelle Hilaire, Pharm.D., Interim Dean

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Megan Mary Ayala

Jessica Caitlyn Carlson

Melissa Rowe Chehade

Kimberly Lyn Denningmann

McKenzie Frederick

Landon Neves George

Ashlee Jean Ledgess

Jennifer Ann Pfisterer

Tara Jane Ryan

Kirsten Joy Schlautmann

Amanda Renee Schulte Beyeler

Jessica R. Van Valkenburg

Misty Elizabeth Vicente

Andrew Curtis Weaver

Kai Corey Wentz

James Joseph Willox

• 29 •

Victoria Paige Allen

Thomas Beasley

+ Erin Elizabeth Bertsch

Reyna Kae Bocanegra

Chloe Elizabeth Bukvich

Cameron Campbell

JuliAnne Emily Allgood: Neurosciences

Ling Li: Biomedical Sciences

College of Health Sciences

Doctor of Pharmacy

Taylor Lynn Campbell

Micheal Chase Cochran

Madison Marie DuPree

Jalen Nikole Gonzales

Lindsey Villanueva Little

Michael Hunter McKown

Taylor Dane Noland

Brigid Maureen O’Flannigan

Mia O’Neal

Shelby Rehema Oroo

Caitlin Porter

Doctor of Philosophy

Suyasha Pradhanang

Riley S. Rafferty

Lucy Sanchez Dufresne

Haley Jo Timm

Samantha Raeann White

Samuel Williams

Benjamin David McNair: Biomedical Sciences

Kevin Miller: Biomedical Sciences

Master of Science

Jimmy Glenn Bautista: Kinesiology and Health

Brady K. Beers: Speech-Language Pathology

Madison Danielle Beidleman: Speech-Language Pathology

Alicia R. Burr: Health Services Administration

Callee Catlin: Speech-Language Pathology

Tana Lynn Dahlberg: Speech-Language Pathology

Holly Lynn Eastridge: Health Services Administration

Celina Marie Espinoza Lantis: Kinesiology and Health

Azure Flowers: Speech-Language Pathology

Kailee Fretland: Health Services Administration

Benjamin Neal Geske: Kinesiology and Health

Jalen Nikole Gonzales: Health Services Administration

Aimee L. Gray: Kinesiology and Health

Carly J. Green: Kinesiology and Health

Hannah Elizabeth Hagen: Kinesiology and Health

Heidi Hoffman: Health Services Administration

Brook Mae Holdredge: Speech-Language Pathology

Nathan Hunt: Kinesiology and Health

Erika Jones: Speech-Language Pathology

Rachel Jorgensen: Speech-Language Pathology

Katie Arlene Juarez: Kinesiology and Health

Alysia M. Kampbell: Health Services Administration

Tayler B. Kraut: Health Services Administration

Nicollette Lawson: Health Services Administration

Jackson Martin Linford: Speech-Language Pathology

Joshua Michael Little: Kinesiology and Health

Aleczandra Breanne McAulay: Health Services Administration

Cole Frederick Nelson: Kinesiology and Health

Shay Nelson: Kinesiology and Health

Bryan Allen Opitz: Health Services Administration

Melissa Perkins: Health Services Administration

Jessica Lynn Peterson: Health Services Administration

Aleksis Jana Powers: Kinesiology and Health

Scott Michael Robinson: Speech-Language Pathology

Stephanie Sandoval: Health Services Administration

Shiloh Renee Sather: Speech-Language Pathology

Samantha Katherine Shorthill: Kinesiology and Health

Ava M. Smith: Speech-Language Pathology

Bailee Rychel Smith: Kinesiology and Health

Michael Jace Smith: Kinesiology and Health

Jacob Thiesse: Health Services Administration

Charlee E. Townsend: Speech-Language Pathology

Kaden Mathew Van Valkenburg: Kinesiology and Health

Grace Ann Vigneri: Speech-Language Pathology

Brittany Lynn Weimer-Gale: Health Services Administration

Emily Ryun Williams: Speech-Language Pathology

Kassidy J. Williams: Speech-Language Pathology

Peyton R. Wilson: Speech-Language Pathology

+ = Honors College

• 30 •

Alexis Richelle Baca

Madison Michelle Davis

Sarah Grace Franczak

Sara Jeanne Glenn

Kaleb Hansen

Jaden O. LaBrake

College of Health Sciences

Master of Social Work

Allyson Dawn Lehr

Hana Jo Lerwick

Faith Christine McCrory

Kenneth Joseph Metcalf

Gabrielle M. Metzler

Kearstin H. Baros

Ronald A. Beardslee, Jr.

John D. Beaumaster

º James H. Bell

º Amari Yvonne Bertagnolli

º Christopher S. Binger

Margaret Clair Boggs

Mikala L. Bolkovatz

Andrew Francis Bowers

Christopher Boynton

º Heather Noelle Bradford

º Paige Brimhall

Joseph Byron Budd

Jesselyn Mae Burroughs

Braylon Cardenas

Hannah Grace Clancy

Darby Margaret Clark

Fallon Evelyn Clay

Jacob David Collinsworth

Kathleen L. Cook

º Andrew McPherson Davis

º = With Honor

Kate E. Norman

Hope Caroline Person

Rachael Anne Riter

Rickie Lee Ryan

Matthew G. Shlim

Madison Strohschein

Emma Grace Telgenhoff

Ciara Thompson

Juliet Bright Unfried

Heidi Lynn Weaver

College of Law


Klint Alexander, Ph.D., J.D., Dean

Sam Kalen, J.D., Associate Dean

Juris Doctor

Gabrielle Margaret Despain

Brandon Duckworth

Shay L. Durrant

º Colton Edwards

º Amber Renee

Bauschlicher Ferguson

º Scarlett Rose Forrest

Andrew Freeze

º Tristan D. Fross

Kate Blythe Gamble

º Jordan Marie Gless

º Matthew Joseph Gradecki

Amanda J. Green

Miles Eusebio Guzman

Madison Isabella

Isaac Haddad

º James Michael Harkin

º David Elliott Henrich

Bryce Roland Hester

º Benjamin Brownfield Hoyer

Leanne Joy Johnston

º Sarah Gloria Ann Kelley

Micah B. Kellogg

º Ferha Khan

º Tiffany Jo Killpack

º Katherine Diane Kleve

Damon G. Knechtel

Margaret Faye Laing

º Jared Lange

Kimber Leigh Logan

Kayla Ann Loukas

Gabriel Maldonado

Carly Mansker

Jackson Miles Marcotte

º John Andre Martin

Samuel Glenn Mellema

Steven B. Millward

º Matthew Ryan Misslin

Morgan Boone Muhlestein

Peter William Nagel

Kelsie Ann Nieusma

Soren Oberg

º Michael David Partrick

º Magdalena Grace Pellatz

Paige Elizabeth Grace

Kathleen Realing

Connor Desmond Rhyne

Russell J. Rohlfing

Alyssa Ashley Romero

Ethan W. Simler

º Kaylee Allison Sims

Konrad Sniezek

Alexander Richard Taylor

Michael Christopher Tench

Christine M. Tortorice

º Caitlyn Elizabeth Tucker

Amy Catherine Vangellow

º Cicali C. Vannoy

Benjamin Ray Wall

Alyson White Eagle

Blake R. Williams

Zoe Ashlyn Wilson

º Nathan Daniel Wise

• 31 •
• 32 •

L3:30 p.m. Undergraduate Ceremony

Conferring Degrees in:

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Education

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Honors College

Office of Academic Affairs

• 33 •

3:30 p.m.

Undergraduate Ceremony

PROCESSIONAL ...........................................................

UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

PRESENTATION OF COLORS ........................................................... University of Wyoming Army ROTC

WELCOME ................................................................................


Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

Kevin R. Carman, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President

Marcel Kornfeld, Ph.D., Professor, Archaeology

RECOGNITION OF LEADERSHIP .........................................

Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University


Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.), Honoris Causa Greg Hill

President, C.O.O, Hess Corporation

KEYNOTE COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS .......................................................... Gaurdia Banister, Ph.D.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION..................................................................................................... Jack Tennant ’10

STUDENT SPEAKER ............................................................................................................ Carson Almand

PRESENTATION OF THE GRADUATING CLASS ....................... Robert Sprague, Ph.D., Chair, University of Wyoming Faculty Senate

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ............................................

Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

AUTHORIZATION OF DEGREES ............................................................................. Laura Schmid-Pizzato

Treasurer of the University of Wyoming Board of Trustees



Ed Seidel, Ph.D., President of the University

UW Wind Symphony directed by Joe Carver, Ph.D.

• 34 • L

College of Arts and Sciences

LJ. Scott Turpen, D.M.A., Dean

Karen Bartsch Estes, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Susan Aronstein, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Adrienne Freng, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Bachelor of Arts

+ Jaimie D. Adams

Annie M. Addlesperger

* Cord Michael Anderson

Natalya Andre

Jake Andrus

Ruston J. Armstrong

Ashlyn Bailey

Stephanie E. Barella

Tija Mekira Beckett

Tanner Don Bell

William A. Billings

Ethan Hunter Blaylock

Kellie Ann Bodin

Sadie Rose Bosscher

Shawnee Elizabeth


+~ Baillie R. Brandt

Noesjka Brink

Aislyn Teresa Brown

Megan Lorri Brown

Alexis Justine Bryan

Savanna Marie Buckendorf

Samuel Burkett

Joseph Thomas Burton

Ashlynn Rose Butcher

Eric James Butler

Michael Dean Bylsma

Christian Cabral

Joshua L. Calhoun

Passion E. Campbell

Daniel Lopez Carrillo

*** Hailey I. Cassidy

James N. Cave

Autumn Skye Chavez

GraceAnn Choate

Jasmine K. Christenson

Sierra Grace Adell Clark

~ Sarah Elizabeth Cole

Luke Gibson Condie


* Camdyn S. Cook

Jasmyne Sierra Cooper

~ Katherine Elaine Cowel

Candee L. Coxbill

Ashley Marie Cranston

Cortney Criss

Brandon Ray Dearing

Damian C. Delaney

Daniel J. Deming

*~ Alea Denney

Madison Elayne Dereemer

Gabriela Barbara DeVoogd

* Grant Lloyd Dillivan

Sydni Dobbin

Laura Dotson

*+>~ Karter D. Dunham

~ Kassandra Faye Dutro

* Joseph E. Edwards

* Patrick Turner Enderle

Faith Erramouspe

> Alex Lee Faber

+ Kirby M. Federocko

Kennyth J. Fenton

Avery Anne Fister

Lily Lauren Gabriel

Damien R. Garcia

Aline Garcia-Lopez

*** Melah D. Garwood

Taylor Gay

Brianna C. Geertson

Joshua A. Gifford

*+ Gisele Ines Girones

Rayne Goins

Pedro Gonzalez

Matthew Jordan Green

Madison Alexis Greenberg

+ Allison Marie Grimm


Evangeline Gundling

Ashton J. Hacke

Guy Kazuichi Hamasaki

* Elizabeth Lorenne Hansen

Hailey N. Hardeman

Hannah Jane Harper


Daniel Harris

Katherine DeMaye Harris

Sabastian J. Harsh

Isaac Lawrence Heady

Jake Michael Healey

Logan Ray Heard

Caitlin Rose Heddins

Erika Marie Helgeson

*+ Gerald Henderson

Peri K. Hennigar

***~ Virginia May


Olivia E. Hess

Chase Leland Hilton

+ Reata D. Hindman

Kelsey Hogan

Kari Diana Holte

***+ Hazel Avivah Homer-Wambeam

Dana R. Hoover

Shay L. Hough

Zachary Lee Houghtaling

Sarah Renae Huggins

Aaron Judd Swaney II

Morgan Reid Jesse

***+>~Kathryn MacKenzie Johnson

Ellie Taylor Jones

*** Ronan K. Jones

Evan George Kallas

Nicholas E. Kassel

Dariia Kasymova

Tyler Jess Kay

Hannah M. Keener

Kaitlynn Keller

+ Joshua Jacob Kentof

~ Saad Khan

Craig Andrew Kisbert

*** Maeve Suzanne Knepper

Louise Deeyn

Pankonin Larrew

Jenna Ciel Nicole Hunter

Emalie Ana Lasko

* Journey Nii' eihii

Hisei LeBeau

Kira Kanani Leland

Lincoln Brasee Loftus

Benjamin Thomas Logue

Gabriel J. Lowham

Garrett Davidson Lynde

+ Karryn Noel MacDonald

America Martinez Carrillo

Dylan P. Mason

• 35 •
*** =
** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

Katherine I. Matter

David Samuel Mayberry

Jade Tempyst McCartor

Shelby Elizabeth McFadden

Dawaiian J. McNeely

+ Kenzie McPhie

Edgar Mendoza Perez

Joshua Merager

Gavin Michael Meyer

Brock Charles Michaud

Matison Marie Mikesell

Nickolas Miles

Brittany E. Miller

Mary Ann Miller


Alexandra Miller

Sean Michael Miller

Julaire Miranda-Doak

Isidro J. Molina

* Caroline Ausley Monroe

Jessica Delores Montgomery

Bryan Lee Monzon-Mendoza

Cameron D. Moore

Alex Moreno

* Emma Mercedes Morris

Sydney Lara Mosher

Karie Moulton

Bradley Thomas Murdock

* Matthew Adams

Carson Lee Almand

Jocelyn Mirella Alvarado

Blue Ayotte

Lewis W. Balanoff

College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts, continued

+ Madison Skye Nagy


Katherine Norman

Francesca Nyren

Brenden Robert O’Haire

Sarah Catherine O’Malley

Jensen A. Palm

Fletcher Daniel Parrish

> Joshua Mall Patterson

Genevieve M. Perea

+ Anastasiia Pereverten

*** Jocelyn Elizabeth Petersen

Aidan Petitt

Grace Ann Pike

Weston Pope

Edward Powers


Casey Grace Prior

Julie Ann Amandy Punzal


Haley Purifoy

Claire D. Quade

Sierra Dawn Quinn

Victoria Patterson Ransom

Adrienne M. Revelli

Chloe Jean Richards

Ethan L. Rickett

Jenna M. Robertson

Clara Sophia Robinson

Noah Andrew Roedel

Kaylyn Renee Rollefson

Mindy Anne Roney

Israel Manuel Rosales

Erika Selina Sanchez

Noemi J. Sanchez

Joséphyne Shasta Saults

Anna Christine Savage

Marta Savić

Santiago Giovanni Vivas Scalise

Kacey Lucia Scheiderer

Aubrey Ryann Kanode

~ Madison Elizabeth Schick

Hannah Nichole Scott

Connor Shay

Kaden William Shelledy


Malin Shellenberger

Casey Shields

Ashley Shimic

Olivia Shoemaker

Cyrus Alden Skidmore

Sara Patricia-Memorie Sleep

Paul Lowe Sloan

Joseph Smiley

Laney May Sorensen

+~ Baylee Jade Stafford

Andrea Lea Stigers

Painter Cayne Stone

Georgia Jennice Strimenos

Ashleigh Elizabeth Subers

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Brianna A. Bonefield

Alexander Thomas Brown

Sariah Mackenzie Durrant

Jackson R. Ellison

Duncan Benidict Emmons

Lillian Feist

Justen John-Andru Glover

Keeley G. Hagen

* Anna Michelle Johnston

Kayla Lolio

Paola Terrazas Olmedo

Madison Marie Thomas

***~ Samantha Jane Thomas

Tammy Denise Thomas

Sarah Beth Thomson

Taylor B. Tobin

~ Rachelle Trujillo

Jack Nathanael Urdiales

Sharice Veronica Urdiales

Ethan Valentine

Vincent Micheal VanVugt

Gabrielle Vinkemeier

+ John De Witt Walsh

Charlotte Anne Walston

+ Molly Marie Walters

Jade Leonn Ware

Keegan E. Watts

Brynlee Lynae Weber

Keaton Joseph Westhoff

+ Scott Dennison Wheeler

Jade Ina Rose Whiting

Anastasia Whittle

Kyla Elizabeth Wilde


Alexander Williamson

Juwan Joseph Willow

Alexei Steven Wood

Violet E. Wright

Elizabeth A. Youngman

Eric Joseph Zappa

* Avendah Rae Lowe

Rebeccah Sigrid Possinger

Emma Ruth Sorensen

Seneva Sullivan

Cody Heath Wilcox

• 36 •
*** = Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

Tyra Brynn Araas

Julian Alyouise Bustos

Isabellé Renee Carson

College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Music

Brenton E. Church

Diana Angeline Fittje

Rachelle R. Aleman

* Haylee Nicole Arneson

Hallie Caylin Baker

Jordan Bila

Tait Elizabeth Bjornsen

Hannah Rose Bolthouse

Willa J. Bonds

Brianna I. Boykin

Kasidee L. Brewer

Elora Mae Capps

Aiden A. Carnahan

Felicia G. Chambers

Taylor Nicole Clousing

Whisper M. Cloward

Julia Rose Colvin

Trysten L. Condelario

* Sage E. Coventry

Dylan Scott Cranwell

Olivia Michelle Crook

Sarah M. Crook-Roybal

David Andrew Cummiskey

Megan Davidson

*** Chelsea Davis-Hearn

Meghan Arlea Dean

Julian Joseph Delgadillo-Lovato

Phoebe Doell

Joshua James Dollar

* Josie Elder

Charlie J. Enos

Abigail Irene Farmer

*** Paige Elizibeth Fort

Britteny Racheal Foster

Jessica Dawn Fowler

Hayden N. Franek

*** Riley Lane Frankel

Kayla Frausto

Bryce Eric Schlachter

*** Abigail Tharp + David Van Slyke Maclin Benton Wiley

Bachelor of Science

+ Zoey Gale Fulton

+ Jaime Gagnon

Ryan Joseph Galanski

Alessandria A. Gaona

Jayda Jane Gatley

Stefani Paige Gimm

Fatima Valdivia Gomez

Grant Stone Gramespacher

Skylar Paige Gray

Emma Elizabeth Green

Cal Elias Hanly

Keegan R. Hansen

Bennett McDonnell

Kai Adam Haukaas

+~ Andrew He

Nicole Sue Heatherington

Ashtyn M. Heny

Alyssa Kae Hodge

Collin Chad Hopkins

Cassandra Howard

Patrick Eric Iannelli

Hayden I. Johnson

+ Ellie Taylor Jones

* Gwenevieve Winona

Ledesma Jones

Emmaleigh Kaler-Matlock

Perlene-Lynn Keller


Christine Krumwiede

Madilyn Lange

Katelyn Lathrop

+ Hannah Marie Linford

Chantel Alicia Lock

Rebecca Alise Lockhart

Aubree Marie Long

Savannah Starr Long

Michelle Love-Mansfield

Amerikus Marie Lucas

Katherine I. Matter

Avery Maxner

+ Christina Micaela Mendez

* Audrey Lynn Merwin

Laurissa Dawn Miech

Sahla Rae Miller

Esbeidy Berenice Montano

Christine Susanne Montler

Kelcey A. Moon

Issac M. Morales

Miranda Marquez Muzquiz

Larissa Janeal Myles

Caitlin Shandra Nagle

Logan Olivia Nugent

Lauryn Otto

Amanda Lynne Owens

Reagan Elise Quinn Pachel

Kaleigh D. Padgett


Evangeline Pasquinelli

Kristin Mae Paxton

Mariah Sue Percy

Easton Phillippi

Tairyn Michelle Piasecki

Camryn May Pierantoni

Savannah Kaye Plaisted

Kaitlyn Sierra Polley

Kyrrah R. Rabago

Jaelyn B. Ramirez

Kathryn Redd

Destiny Margret Jean Reed

Jordyn Reed

Logan Francis Reed

Owen O. Reese

Kierstyn Revelli

Gabriela Y. Reyes

*** Alexa L. Rigsby

Allison Nicole Roberts

*** Raelin Danielle Robertson

Tayte Rodriguez

+ Torin Oliver Rueter

Kailey Ruppert

Charlie Rushin

Carly Rae Sanchez

McKenzie Lynn Schrag

Ashley Shimic

Saber Michael Smith

+ Ashlee Jensen Stalcup

Faith Elizabeth Steinberg

Kayleigh Arline Stevens

Jacine Stokes

Athena Jo Suridis

Shelby L. Sutton

Allyse K. Taylor

+ Kassidy Kathryn Thomas

Teagan Grace Thompson

Destiny K. Todd

Heather M. Tyler

Emma Tystad


Katarzyna Ustowska

Ellianna M. VanderJagt

Ellie Jo Vaughn

Brianna Kathleen Warner

McKenzie J. Weber

Maci Welch

Eleccia Carmelita Wharton

*+ Sheldon Parker Williams

Jordyn A. Wright

Diana Veronica Yanez

Sophie Julie Zehender

• 37 •
*** =
** =
* =
+ =
> = Two
~ = Phi
Summa cum laude
Magna cum laude
Cum laude
Honors College
Beta Kappa

College of Education

LJenna Shim, Ph.D., John P. “Jack” Ellbogen Dean

Peter Moran, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Alan Buss, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Bachelor of Applied Science

Drew C. Gibson

Bachelor of Arts

Lavina Alina Alderette

Belle Allen

+ Krisanna Marie Andrews

Emmie Rae Baker

Macey Ann Bishop

Patrick F. Boyce

Damen C. Brewer

*** Justin G. Brown

BreeAnn Brumfield

Alexzander James Buckman

Grace Elise Buhler

Brooklynn Raye Calkin

Corin D. Carruth

Alexis M. Chekan

Kodi A. Christensen

Lindsay K. Christensen

Rebecca Grace Cochran

Meghan G. Cramer

Justin Hopkin Dausman

Madelynn Mae Deeds

Maya Priscilla DeLauro

Cody Ryan Dugas

Lindsay J. Eldred

Caunner L. Fields

Emmitt V. Finn

Dillon M. Forbis

*** Paige Elizibeth Fort

Ian P. Fromme

Nicholynne P. Garbutt


Miracle Paige Gardner

Anna Joy George

Emily Hope Giles

Jaclyn C. Haire

*** Paige Josephine Hansen

Janaye Hershey

Marshall Kenyon Holte

Annicka Hoover

+ Madison Paige Hurdsman

Kyle Thomas Irvin

Lily Jenkins Erickson

*** Brittany Copelan Jensen

Jonathan Roger Jensen

Braiden Johnson

Madison L. Johnson

Carolyn E. Jones

Chandler Logan Jones

Jaclyn Irene Jurewicz

Marissa Kampa

Carly A. Kettering

Lucy Marie Kirkley

*** Alexis J. Krall

Charles Lallatin

Annie Joy Leberknight

Nora Fisher Legerski

***+ Liam Leslie

Logan Grayce Lienemann

+ Autumn Luckey

Isabel M. Mancuso

Abigail L. Martin

Michael Vincent


Emily K. Miller

Travis Moon

Josephine M. Mores

Cherylann R. Moritz

Coy J. Morris

Sara Nicole Morris

Trevor Z. Neil

Abbegail Elizabeth Nelson

Emma-Jean I. Nelson


Christian David

Benjamin Pellatz

Elizabeth Rose Peterson

Paige Lynn Petrock

Gabrielle D. Pitt

*** Holly Qualm

Aimee N. Raya

Jade B. Reinhardt

Emily Charlize Reyes


Patrick Richter

Nicole Joy Sagner

Julia Salabaj

Paula Salazar Palacios

Cayley Schreckengost

Kaylee S. Shook

***+ Katelyn Dale Smith

Zoee A. Smith

Alexander C. Stanley

Brandt R. Steiner

Payton Kelly Steinmetz

Carson Benjamin Stinson

Madison Paige Sutton

Jacob J. Toler

Angela Fernanda Trabert

***+ Lucy Urbanski

Rylee Walker

Alexis D. Wheeler

Ethen J. Wolf

Tatum Lowin Zickefoose

*** = Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

• 38 •

College of Education

Bachelor of Science

Morgan M. Loepp Leif Ryk Norskog



Engineering and Physical Sciences


Cameron H.G. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., Carrell Family Dean

David Bagley, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Dean

David Mukai, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Daniel Dale, Ph.D., Associate Dean

Bachelor of Arts

Andrew Lee Wright

Bachelor of Science

Hailey J. Allison

Ryan S. Beale

Devon Michelle Borthwick

~ Adriauna Michele Butler

Jace Jerry Thomas Canaday

Randall T. Carey

Riley Alexander Clark

John-Michael C. Davis

Henry Andrew Duke

Caleb Eastlund

Calvin Walker Farrow

Paul Eugene Fichter

**+ Rae Ellen Gerking

+ Gabrielle Brennan Graham

Willem James Growden

Rigg Roger Harrison

Sean B. Hartigan

Gannett W. Jacobsen

Jerome Ryan Jurczak

Aaron M. Kanode

Taylor Hope Kelsey

Nathan C. King


Jordan James Klaassen

Darian W. Lewis

* Samuel Henry Lis

Nicholas A. Martin

* Conor James McDaniel

***~ Dillon McLean

Nolan V. T. Nachbar

Cierra Janese Nourse

Jarad J. O’Brien

Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Odogwu

Wesley C. Owens

Agnesh Pandey

Allison P. Puuri

Brian J. Raichert

Jonathan Ramirez Jacobo

Marree Ann Reed

* Quillan Finlay Reed

Megan Elizabeth Reiner

Eli Brian Riesterer

Kirsten Luise Rorke

***+ Lauren Elizabeth Sauley

Garett A. Schamber

Joshua Alexander Schilling

Samuel Henry Schneider

Tyler J. Schroyer

Jordan B. Scott

Zackary Marshal Scott

Brian M. Smith

McKella Shae Stigers

Joshua Michael Stowe

Kimberlee Sukle

* Tera Swaby

Zachary David Tenney

Harold J. Tjaden

Tyler Trentacosti

Colby Ryan van Baal

Jacob A. Velasquez

= Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

• 39 •
Kylie Jean Carson

James T. Vislosky

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Bachelor of Science, continued

Caden P. Welling

Maxwell Xavier Waite

Holly Wilhelm

Kevin B. Anderson

* Katrina Bauman

* Macie Rene Carlson

Cameron Lyle Draney

+ Adrianna Fedderke

Hussain J. Al-Sultan

Olivia Boley

+ Julia Carolyn Burrows

Audrey Ann Byrd

Benjamin Andrew Cornia

***+ Eoin Crane

H. Tate Daly

Pete D. Arndt

Isabel Claire Bergemann

Chase J. Brachtenbach

Zachary W. Bradley

Cooper William Brown

John A. Chase

Andrew C. Cicere

* Megan Lee Cornia

Noah Daniel Cummings

Sebastian Wade Colwell

*** Jaymison Christopher John Cox

Shane Christopher Woods

Jack Ryan Yarnell

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Brenna Rae Jones

Cosette Koerperich

Jonathan Kostelecky

** Nicholas Isaac Kulow

Grant P. Loseke

Kyler William Harrison Meyers

Joshua Thomas Nelson

Samantha J. Olsen

*** Kendall L. Redinger

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Eric A. Fowler

* Riley Jordan Geldean

Connor Andrew Gililland

Demitria Faith Green

+ Cody James Harder

Jason Daniel Harvey

William Tyler Hoese

Megan Lindsay Hogg

Nathan J. Hudelson

Aaron L. Jacobsen

Ryan Andrew Jardee

Christine Elizabeth Keech

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Cole D. Farynaz

** Molly Jean Fehringer

Garrett Ryan Gaurmer

Anton Hastings

Lucas Ivanoff

Logan P. Janki

Nathan Christopher Janson

Jonathon Charles Scott, Jr.

Gavin Michael Koelsch

Olivia McPherson

** Ian M. Meyer

+ Sarah Ann Mulcahey

Kiara Jane Necessary

Logan Carl Potter

Cody S. Renner

Elijah James Robinson

Caleb Sells

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Sedona Dionne

Trevor S. Evenson

Brenden Seth Frentheway

Curtis Alexander Jock

Francis K. Korsah

*** Raymond Cooper Krauth

Bradley Troy Yarwood

Archer Dean Young

Damon Wayne Roth

Elia Benjamin Shober

Keelie Iris Wortmann

Jomana Zaatreh

Cade John-Martin Zupan

Megan B. McFate

* Bryan Glen Pluid

+ Jaden E. Reece

***+ Anna Lucille Steele

*** Kaj Hans Taylor

Spencer David Theis

Alexandra Elizabeth Simmons

Zaw Than Soe

Sherry Ann Taylor

Keith Gordon Tuttle

Christian Craig Velder

John P. Warne

Broderick A. Waters

Michael Wilson

*+ Chase Jackson Livingston

Josiah Lane Richards

• 40 •
*** =
** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

Matthew Bare

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Beckham Jonathon Carver

Zachary Curtis Crimmel

Collin Dixon

Finn Ryan Egan

Lucas John Eifert

*+ Nikita Anastasio

Kharsika Gallegos

Derik Joseph Garcia

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Vihan Garg

Edward Joseph Gilbert

Tamara Thalia Linse

Kyle Leon Lofthus

Zakkary Ryan Loveall

Kellen Charles Mentock

Ian J. Moon

Charles David Myers

Charles Scott Neu

Alisha Bryce Corbin

Jared Douglas

Jacob L. Hepler

+ Jack William Nyman

Tyler Dake O’Dowd

Austin Richard Plunkert

Matthew John Pru

Kain Randall

Samuel T. Riggs

+ Chet Dylan Russell

Selma Samet

Cody Sloan

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Mark T. Hollmann


Hannah Elizabeth Hood

Brock T. LaBonde

Bryce Arthur Reher

Derek James Reimers

Megan Steeves

Michael Ryan Stoll

*** Alicia Kate Thoney

Finnian David Tomasula Martin

Tyler Trentacosti

Calvin Thomas VanWormer

Jacob Walton

Kordel Donovan Rogers

Mathieu James Yates

Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering

Heather May Budge + Liam H. Jones + Sarah E. Pope

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Tasfia Sharmin

Maria Katherine Allen

*+ Kasen C. Arriola

Brian Patrick Baker

+ Austin Michael Bernard

Alec Reid Bledsoe

Dayne M. Bradley

Jacob Wilson Branson

Daemon M. Carroll

+ Alice Wood Cox

Hoang Dang

Ashley Lauren Borden

Jokubas Greblikas

+ Ryan Andrew Jardee

Nina Marie Dodd

+ Lucas J. Edwards

* Joshua David Gardner

Bryce Matthew Hannam

John Hoyland

Jamey M. Hunter

Micheal R. Kozlowski

** Jacob N. Kravetsky

Keenan R. Kresl-Hotz

*+ Ivan Antonio Leon


John Manderfeld

Nathan Cole Mead

Eduardo Mendoza

David Elias Miller

*** J. Tyler Miller

Aubrey Dean Morrison

**+ Quinn B. Newmark

** Vincent Rex Petrey

+ Michael Alan Richardson

Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Brian Kyle Kelly

Pierson Robert Lauterbach

Seunggyu Lee

Tatiana Lubashkina

Grant Derek Serbousek

Mackenzie O. Simpson

David Mason Sponaugle

Cody Daniel Thompson

Austin Timothy Van Denend

Michael J. Walock

Dillon T. Weiss

Jasper W. Welch

***+ George Edward Yost

Sloan J. Monks

Jace Wayne Pitkanen

= Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude * = Cum laude + = Honors College > = Two Degrees ~ = Phi Beta Kappa

• 41 • ***

Honors College

LPeter Parolin, Ph.D., Dean

Graduates from the Honors College complete a rigorous interdisciplinary course of study, produce a significant independent research or creative capstone project, and receive a minor in Honors on their transcript. Extensive opportunities for experiential learning, financially supported internships, and study-abroad round out the Honors College experience. Throughout this program, the symbol “+” before a student’s name indicates Honors College and signifies graduates who have accomplished all the requirements for the Honors minor.

Office of Academic Affairs

LKevin R. Carman, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President of the University of Wyoming

Michael Nicole Bohlinger

Zachary V. Brown

Ellyce Bernadine Brownell

GraceAnn Choate

Jessica Dewey

Jacob Riley Duchsherer

Braden R. Fagenbush

Micah D. Frank

Bachelor of Applied Science

Allison Louise Hawkes

Liam Matthew Hykel

Bailey Jones

Star Nichole Jones

William Harry Hoffman, Jr.

Zelena Leon *+ Oscar Jay Lilley

Josephine M. Bell

Kyle L. Childers

Audrea Marie Cooper

Bodhi Gibson

Halie Nicole Harding

Tamika C. Martinez

Collette Nichole Miller

Elena Marie Monteleone

Sarah Elizabeth Norton

Darren John Osvold

Joshua Edward Otrembiak

David Daniel Payne

Willa Lee Powless

Bachelor of General Studies

Joelon Marcel Jackson

Akuel Kot

Lara Grace Kremer

Julia Brownell Lougee

Katrina Martinez

Amanda J. Miller

Tonya Marie Nielson

Sheri Jean Paulson

Roman Isiah Sanchez-Zuniga

Steven Charles Rich

Rebecca K. Schmidt

Jace L. Short

Mohamed Aziz Sylla-Djim

Heather Tafoya

Rhonda Thacker

McKinzie Anne Wilkerson

Kyle Austin Wise

Tatum Michelle Schwindt

Laurel C. Strang

Betsy A. Symonds

Mark Eugene Tomlinson

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= Summa cum laude ** = Magna cum laude
= Cum laude + = Honors College
= Two Degrees
= Phi Beta Kappa laude

Speakers and Honorary Marshals


Gaurdia Banister, Keynote Speaker

All ceremonies

Jack Tennant ’10, Alumni Speaker

All ceremonies

Gaurdia Banister, Ph.D., R.N., NEA-BC, FAAN, is the executive director of the Institute for Patient Care at Massachusetts General Hospital. Banister has academic appointments at the Mass General Institute for Health Professions, the William F. Connell School of Nursing at Boston College, and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Prior to her work at Mass General, Banister served as senior vice president for Patient Care Services and Chief Nurse at Providence Hospital, a metropolitan community hospital in Washington, D.C.

Banister received the American Nurses Association Mary Eliza Mahoney Award and the Prism Award by the American Organization of the Nurse Executives for her outstanding achievements and leadership in promoting the integration, retention, and advancement of minorities in nursing. She is also a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, a former Johnson & Johnson Wharton nurse fellow, and an alumna of the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellows Program.

Banister earned her B.S.N. from the University of Wyoming, where she received distinguished alumna awards from both the university and the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing. She earned her M.S.N. and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was also chosen as a distinguished alumna.

Jack Tennant, an alumnus of the University of Wyoming, is the executive director of the UW Alumni Association (UWAA). Tennant came to UW as a student-athlete (football and wrestling) in 2006. Since he graduated in 2010, his professional career has grown within the university as he has worked for the Department of Athletics and the UW Foundation. He and his wife Jenna, also a UW alumna, have two sons (Todd and Vince) and have been in Laramie for 18 years. Tennant and his UWAA team are committed to driving the association’s mission to “build pride, loyalty, and future sustainment among the UW community through communication, involvement, engagement, and celebration.”

Steve Smutko, Honorary Marshal

8:30 a.m. Ceremony

Steve Smutko is a University Excellence Professor and associate dean of the Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming, maintains a joint appointment with the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, and holds the Spicer Chair in Collaborative Practice. Smutko’s research is focused in three areas: application and efficacy of participatory decision making in natural resources management and policy, decision analysis in coupled human and natural systems, and environmental leadership.

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Speakers and Honorary Marshals

LSmutko maintains an active collaborative practice program through the Ruckelshaus Institute at UW where he facilitates decision makers in local, state, and federal government, private industry, and nonprofit organizations in negotiated problem solving on complex environmental and natural resource policy issues.

Since 1995, Smutko has guided environmental professionals in formal leadership development programs to strengthen their collaborative, entrepreneurial, and political skills and to inspire shared learning, deliberation, and motivated joint problem-solving across sectoral boundaries.

Smutko teaches courses in negotiation, negotiation analysis, decision analysis, and natural resources problem solving at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Smutko received a Ph.D. in economics from Auburn University and a master’s degree in community and regional planning from North Dakota State University.

David Stotzer, Student Speaker

8:30 a.m. Ceremony

David Stotzer credits UW for providing him with invaluable opportunities for personal and academic growth, for which he is profoundly grateful. His experiences at UW have enabled him to cultivate skills in scholarship, leadership, and personal development. Stotzer entered his freshman year undeclared and took a smattering of courses in hopes of figuring out what he would be studying for the next four years. Today, Stotzer graduates with degrees in business economics and marketing. Stotzer leaves UW feeling as though he has learned more than he could have ever imagined and prepared for life in ways he could have only dreamed.

Clay Carper, Student Speaker

12:15 p.m. Ceremony

Clay Carper hails from Riverton, Wyoming. A firstgeneration student, his academic studies began with the pursuit of an associates of applied science degree from Casper College. In May 2015, Clay transferred to the University of Wyoming, where he obtained a bachelor of science, and a master of science degree in mathematics. Afterward, Clay transitioned to computer science as a doctoral student within the Cyber Education and Research Center (CEDAR). Clay has fostered an education-focused community, providing support for UW students to pursue research and experiences in cybersecurity. He aspires to be a postsecondary educator, preparing students for the next generation of challenges facing our world.

Gregory K. Brown, Honorary Marshal

12:15 p.m. Ceremony

Greg Brown earned his Ph.D. in Botany at Arizona State University and joined UW after serving on the faculty at Texas A&M University and Washington State University. His research is focused on species diversity, morphology, and anatomy of the Bromeliaceae, commonly called the pineapple family. In his teaching, is goal is to get students truly interested and appreciative of flowering plants, converting them into “plantgeeks” for the rest of their lives, irrespective of major or career. After Brown became a full professor, he

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Speakers and Honorary Marshals

Lserved in a variety of administrative/leadership roles at UW. These include Department of Botany head (11 years), associate dean, College of Arts & Sciences (11 years), director, Berry Biodiversity Center (2 years), and director, UW Science Initiative (7 years), after serving on the Wyoming Governor’s (Matt Mead) UW Top-Tier Science Programs and Facilities Task Force.

Marcel Kornfeld, Honorary Marshal

3:30 p.m. ceremony

Marcel Kornfeld, a professor in the anthropology department at the University of Wyoming, was educated at the universities of New Mexico, Wyoming, and Massachusetts at Amherst. His research focus is on Rocky Mountain Paleoindians, site structure, rockshelters, and the earliest Americans. Kornfeld has over 300 publications with numerous students and colleagues, including the book Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the High Plains and Rockies detailing the ancient Native American cultures of Wyoming and the region. His other publications address use and creation of stone tools, Native use and analysis of animal remains, Euroamerican rural communities, and Paleoindian subsistence.

Kornfeld currently serves on the Suyanggae International Symposium Executive Committee

(SISEC). He is also a distinguished researcher of the Institute of Korean Prehistory (IKP) and on the editorial board of several on-line journals. Previously he was the editor of several major journals. In 2013 he was honored by Foreward Indies with the Bronze award for his book The First Rocky Mountaineers, University of Utah Press. In 2023, he completed his last season in a 30-year field work stretch at southeastern Wyoming’s Hell Gap National Historic Landmark and is about to complete a co-edited monograph on the stratified northeast Wyoming Paleoindian Carter/Kerr-McGee site. Kornfeld is retiring after 28 years on the University of Wyoming faculty and 44 years with the University of Wyoming in other positions. His recently deceased spouse, Professor Emerita Mary Lou Larson, daughter of Wyoming Historian and later state legislator (1976–1984) T.A. Larson, taught at UW until 2020.

Carson Almand, Student Speaker

3:30 p.m. Ceremony

Carson Almand began his journey at UW in fall of 2020, majoring in musical theatre. He made the most of freshman year despite the pandemic, getting involved and attending many UW events. He joined the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and added a double major in communication. He excelled in coursework making the Dean’s List multiple times and could often be found at Swing Dancing Club, rehearsals for shows, or at Greek Life events. He loves learning and embracing new experiences, something that led to studying abroad in Panama and London. He is a proud Poke and forever a Wyoming Cowboy.

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Photo by Ted Brummond UW Photo Services

Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) Honoris Causa

LGreg Hill

Greg Hill is the current president and chief operating officer of Hess Corporation, a global independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. Prior to his 16 years at Hess, he spent 25 years at Shell in a variety of engineering, technical and business leadership roles in Asia Pacific, Europe, and the United States. In all, Hill has been associated with oil and gas activities in 52 countries internationally.

Hill is currently a board member of Hess Midstream LP, Midocean LLC, and Breakwater LLC. Past board appointments include Harbour Energy LLC, Go Green Investments, and Hess Corporation.

He is past chairman and member of the Upstream Committee of the American Petroleum Institute, is on the boards of the American Exploration and Production Council, the Greater Houston Partnership, the Houston Energy Transition Initiative, and the Accenture Global Energy Initiative. He is also a member of the Council on Competitiveness and a national commissioner on the Council’s National Commission on Innovation & Competitiveness Frontiers.

Hill is a trustee for the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (Hall of Fame), is a board member and past chairman of the UW Foundation, and is a board member of the WYldlife Fund. He also served as cochair of the Wyoming Governor’s ENDOW initiative and the Wyoming Governor’s Energy, Engineering and STEM integration task force, and served on the Wyoming Business Council. He also served as vicechair for the 2018 Houston Superbowl Committee, the 2020 World Petroleum Congress, and the 2022 Citizen of the West Committee.

Hill was named Houston’s International Citizen of the Year in 2022 by the World Affairs Council, was named a UW distinguished alumni in 2015 and is a lecturer on Leadership at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He holds a 1983 bachelor’s degree with honors in mechanical engineering from UW.

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Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.)

Honoris Causa


Noah Hull

Noah Hull, Ph.D., is a distinguished scientist and public health expert renowned for his expertise in infectious disease epidemiology, molecular diagnostics, and bioinformatics. He obtained his Ph.D. in infectious disease epidemiology and molecular diagnostics from the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Wyoming in 2017 under the guidance of Brant Schumaker. His doctoral research focused on developing novel

diagnostics using next-generation sequencing and applying a One Health approach to brucellosis diagnostics. Hull completed his master of public health in epidemiology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2013 and his bachelor of science in molecular biology from the University of Wyoming in 2012, where he studied under Mark Gomelsky and Dale Isaak.

Hull currently serves as the Laboratory Technical Manager for Global Health at the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), where he oversees projects related to next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, genomic epidemiology, and wastewater-based epidemiology. His leadership at APHL has been instrumental in supporting over 70 countries to enhance their capabilities and capacity in detecting and responding to infectious disease threats. Prior to his role at APHL, Hull was the microbiology program manager at the Wyoming Department of Health’s Wyoming Public Health Laboratory, where he managed the laboratory’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of a 24/7 schedule, the recruitment of over 120 additional surge staff, and the processing of up to 3,500 patient samples daily.

Hull’s research interests include next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and infectious disease diagnostics. He has numerous publications in these areas and has been involved in various professional presentations. Hull is also an active member of several professional societies and has received many awards and honors for his contributions to public health.

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• 48 • Graphic design by Mariko Design LLC/Elizabeth Ono Rahel

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