Ute Körner Literary Agent • Frankfurt Book Fair 2011 • Our Highlights

Page 42

Non fiction | Nutrition | Current Affairs

Do we know what we eat? Powerful international agricultural and chemical firms are changing food production worldwide. Everywhere, genetic manipulation of seeds is being pushed, as is industrial farming using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This is accompanied by a media campaign that uses what appears to be a winning argument: »Organic food is a luxury for the rich! But to feed 9 billion people we need massive production increases using industrial farming«. Felix Löwenstein, the feisty leader of Germany’s organic farmers, exposes this argument. »This argument is false. We’ll either feed ourselves organically or not at all. Industrial agriculture doesn’t fight hunger, it causes it. Corporations bear much of the responsibility for the destruction of nature and the livelihoods of millions of farmers worldwide. And they make sure that what’s being put on our plates keeps getting worse!«

Dr. Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein received his doctorate in 1982 and then spent three years doing volunteer work in Haiti. When he returned home, he took over the property that his family has owned for 500 years and converted the farm to organic principles. He is the head of several organizations that promote organic farming.

Felix Löwenstein Food Crash Pattloch · München, 2011 256 pages

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