The LOG - Vol. 90 Issue 5: Commissioning

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Salty Sam Well I can hardly believe my eyes. It seems like only four years ago that class affectionately known as ‘13 entered the halls of Bancroft. Sure, Salty’s seen his fair share of classes, but this one had a whole host of characters unrivaled by any recent class. The legends will surely never die of the hermitted one in 7th wing, or the Bancroft book bandit – the not-so-mysterious force behind the vanishing textbooks. Surely, though, as the LOG looks back at this 2012-2013 year, we can thank ‘13 for another wonderful year here together. It started well enough with a trip across the pond. Surprisingly, even after a few Irish Coffees and Guinesses, nothing went catastrophically wrong. Come to think of it, the Brigade really went global this year. There was Gagnam style, @ Navy videos, Cynical Mids, and My Life is Mids. Gagnam style made the Today Show–that’s right– Al Roker was talking about us. And @ Navy Videos recently made the rounds on the Huffington Post, so we’re trending somewhere between political scandals and Sloth videos. Kudos Brigade, Kudos. You’ll have to forgive Salty, but in the midst of all those watches he had to stand this semester he’s sort of lost track of everything else. Somewhere in there was croquet (which we won?!?), but my memory is a bit fuzzy. Salty’s excited about this whole COSMO business, because this one goes out to all you unsung heroes of the Briagde – the female Mids. They put up with a lot this year, the least of which was foresaking those quaint bucket covers. Salty thinks you all deserve this as much as, say, a tea party at the Supe’s house. But don’t feel left out all you male mids. I’m sure the Supe just forgot to invite you, or didn’t think you’d enjoy a quick spot of tea.

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Maybe he’s waiting to invite you to a manly Mid party. Where you can smoke your pipes/ cigars, drink manly drinks in a room with fine wood panelling and walk around in smoking jackets while talking about the stock market. You know, manly man stuff.

“A manly Mid party.” And even if the Manly Mid Party doesn’t pan out, we can all look forward to summer training this year. What we thought was going to be a dismal year may just be the best yet. Sure, 200 Mids did the Summer Training shuffle when they found out their LSAP was canceled, but aren’t they the lucky ones? So all you Y.P. Warriors out there should be excited to see where you may sail. Could it be Charleston? New York perhaps?


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