Southern Miss Physical Plant Annual Report - FY 12-13

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Physical Plant 2012-13 Annual Report E n h a n c i n g

B u i l d i n g

S e r v i n g

Mission StatemenT

The mission of the Physical Plant department is to construct, enhance and maintain the physical environment of The University of Southern Mississippi in a manner that is conducive to the education, research, service and safety of our community.

Core Values Service

We are dedicated to satisfying our customers by providing quality service. Motivated by the desire to deliver excellence, we will continue to meet the needs of faculty, staff and students, while maintaining and improving university facilities.

Responsibility We are accountable for our actions. We recognize the immense responsibility we have as individual employees and as a department to be consistent and exemplary in our performance and to hold each other accountable when expectations are not met.

Respect We listen carefully and act with courtesy and kindness. We respect ourselves and show respect to others, regardless of background, status or walk of life.

Integrity We act with honesty and integrity, not compromising the truth. We believe in earning the respect and trust of others by providing professional and reliable service.

Teamwork We believe that teamwork provides greater results. We believe in working together, with our campus customers and with fellow employees to support the mission of The University of Southern Mississippi and goals of the Physical Plant.

Stewardship We are caretakers of the physical environment of the university. The duties we perform and service we provide will reflect our acceptance of the trust bestowed upon us as stewards of the facilities and grounds of the university.

Physical Plant 118 College Drive #5058 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 Work Control Center Phone: 601.266.4414 Fax: 601.266.4444 Email: Like us on Facebook @ USM Physical Plant Follow us on Twitter @USMPhysPlant

Table of Contents Forward


Organizational Chart


By the Numbers


Accomplishments and Highlights Facilities Planning and Construction


Custodial Services


Building Trades


Mechanical and Plumbing Services


Electrical Services


Grounds Division


Athletic Grounds


Infrastructure and Transportation Services






Office of Sustainability


Energy Management Report


Tornado Recovery


In the News


Customer Satisfaction Survey Results


Recognizing the Team


Opportunities/Challenges and Goals


FORWARD The information included in this report is designed to provide an overview of the progress and accomplishments of the university Physical Plant during the 2012-13 fiscal year. The Physical Plant endeavors to serve our campus community through the four tenets of the university’s mission, which are as follows: • Providing a Climate for Academic Success • Providing Connections with Community • Providing Image Development • Providing for Healthy, Minds and Bodies We recognize that all who traverse our campus are our customers, and we pride ourselves on serving their needs through responsive, caring and quality workmanship. It is important to us that we provide a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, energy-efficient campus for all to live, work and learn. On February 10, 2013, of this fiscal year, an EF-4 tornado struck the Southern Miss campus. While we did not experience injury or loss of life, the damage was extensive. As a result of this storm, the Physical Plant took on a campus restoration and recovery process during a time when we were managing more construction projects than at any point in the university’s history. While this responsibility has been and continues to be daunting, I am proud of the progress we have made. I am grateful for the generosity and support of so many friends of the university who have provided some sort of assistance to this institution during its most challenging time. As you peruse this report, my hope is that the information that follows will provide an example of the breadth of our work and the impact of our efforts to improve the living–learning environment of our campus. Managing more than four million square feet of building space and 315 acres of university grounds can be a challenging task. However, I am confident that the information within this report will confirm our commitment to making Southern Miss a better place for all of us. Southern Miss…to the Top!

Chris Crenshaw, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management and Planning



Asst. Vice President for Facilities Mgt. & Planning Dr. Chris Crenshaw

associate director campus projects & development



associate director for business operations

assistant director for planning & space utilization

Joel Lucero

David Bounds

Michelle Shinall

Andrea Phillips

Rita Hailey-Burks

Energy Management

Grounds Division

Work Control Center



Construction Projects

Transportation Services

Human Resources

Environmental Services


assistant director of sustainability

Haley McMinn



Custodial Services Fire/Safety Division

Building Trades

Mechanical/ Plumbing Services

Electrical Services


BY THE NUMBERS Fiscal Year 2010-11



Total Work Requests




Accepted Work Requests




Rejected Work Requests




Preventative Maintenance Assignments




Total Non-PM Work Orders




315-Acre CampuS • 60 Student and Community Support Facilities 42 Academic and Administrative Buildings • 13 Athletics Department Facilities 17 Physical Plant Facilities


Accomplishments and Highlights Facilities Planning, Projects and Construction Completed Projects • College Hall renovations • M.M. Roberts Stadium lower concourse bathroom renovations • M.M. Roberts Stadium press box HVAC upgrade and renovation • M.M. Roberts Stadium video scoreboard and ribbon board replacement • M.M. Roberts Stadium turf installation and drainage upgrade • Forrest County Hall foundation repairs • “Lofty Return” foundation and sculpture installation • Campus Security lighting upgrade – Phase II • Liberal Arts Building, Theatre and Dance Building and Marsh Hall outside fascia cleaned with specialized lowpressure cleaning system • Armstrong-Branch Plaza/N. 31st Avenue pedestrian corridor • Roof renovations of McCain Library, Polymer Science Building and Wilbur Hall • Johnson Science Tower multiple lab renovations • Demolition of various outlying houses • Lake Thoreau building and infrastructure

Projects in Progress • Century Park South • Scianna Hall • College of Nursing • East porch of Forrest County Hall • Fine Arts Complex tornado repairs and renovations – Marsh Hall, Mannoni Performing Arts Center, George Hurst Building • M.C. Johnson Natatorium fire restoration • Lucas Administration Building exterior repairs and renovations • Lucas Administration Building fountain and plaza reconstruction • Theatre and Dance HVAC upgrade • Cedarbrook Apartments ADA upgrades • Walker Science Building north end restroom renovations • Lake Thoreau aviary and greenhouse addition • Track and Field Complex surface and drainage upgrade • Energy reduction retrofits project


Accomplishments and Highlights Custodial Services As the largest division of the Physical Plant, Custodial Services maintains the overall cleanliness of all academic facilities. Classrooms, offices, hallways, entrances, stairs, restrooms and public areas are all addressed daily by the team of 80 custodians, who also service Athletics facilities before and after every sporting event. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Responded to all emergency cleanup requests, i.e. storms and flooding • Pressure-washed exterior of buildings and sidewalks • Cleaned graffiti from campus walls and sidewalks • Cleaned Athletics facilities after every sporting event, including football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer and tennis • Cleaned and prepped Bennett Auditorium and other buildings for Founders' Day • Cleaned up after Student Diabetic Association held event on Pride Field • Cleaned Reed Green Coliseum before and after Petal Percussion Camp Competition • Cleaned campus grounds and several buildings after Feb. 10 tornado • Cleaned Reed Green Coliseum after Harlem Globe Trotters basketball game • Cleaned campus streets and grounds after Mardi Gras parade • Cleaned The District after Alumni Association luncheon for 350 school-aged children • Cleaned Pride Field after Third Annual Rockin’ for Ronald benefit • Cleaned Touchdown Club before and after Hattiesburg Leaders and Scholars recognition event • Cleaned DuBard School for Language Disorders for 50th anniversary festivities • Cleaned Bennett Auditorium for Fall Convocation • Cleaned more than 10 facilities after May flood and rainstorm • Had 100% participation in donations to Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention through United Way • Had nearly 100% participation in Campaign for Southern Miss • Participated in Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Building Trades Responsible for the structural maintenance and repair, the Building Trades division is comprised of a dedicated team of carpenters, painters, locksmiths, sheet metal and roofing technicians. Often supporting the remodeling and renovation projects of other departments, some of this year’s Building Trades accomplishments include the following: • Remodeled Educational Leadership and Research area in Owings-McQuagge Hall • Remodeled Educational Leadership and School Counseling areas in Owings-McQuagge Hall • Renovated Owings-McQuagge Hall 201 and 100 with new carpet and paint • Remodeled Owings-McQuagge Hall 129 to create a new conference room • Remodeled McLemore Hall to be occupied by Air Force ROTC • Remodeled the first floor of Southern Hall to be occupied by Army ROTC • Remodeled Southern Hall basement • Remodeled 304 N. 31st Avenue • Remodeled 3601 Morningside Drive • Remodeled stadium restrooms • Remodeled stadium press box • Replaced trim, fascia and painted exterior of 304 N. 37th Avenue (NFSMI) • Created four new office spaces in Cook Library • Resealed all windows on north side glass stairwell of the International Building • Remodeled Cook Library offices 120 and 109 • Built stage props for Sweeney Todd production • Repaired and rebuilt stage props destroyed during the tornado for Sweeney Todd production • Renovated four labs in Bobbie Chain Technology Building • Remodeled office 111 in Kennard-Washington Hall • Remodeled Payne Center conference room • Installed wood ceiling above basketball and racquetball courts in the Payne Center


Mechanical and Plumbing Services Mechanical and Plumbing Services Division is responsible for maintenance and repairs of all university plumbing and HVAC systems. The HVAC technicians maintain and repair the heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment in all university facilities. The plumbers are responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of all university plumbing systems, from leaking faucets and clogged drains and toilets, to broken pipes and sewer lines. Six HVAC technicians, three plumbers, one plumbing foreman, one welder and one superintendent were responsible for filling more than 5,000 work requests during this fiscal year. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Replaced more than 26 electric motors across campus • Replaced more than 50 thermostats in various classrooms and offices • Replaced the 25HP electric motor on the number one cooling tower at the Cook Library chiller plant • Replaced the bearing, belts and sheaves on cooling tower fan at the Cook Library chiller plant • Removed the refrigerant from chiller number one at the Panhellenic chiller plant and repaired numerous Freon leaks; restarted and tested the chiller to ensure normal function • Worked in support of numerous planned electrical outages throughout the year • Supported the campus-wide energy shut downs during Thanksgiving, holiday and spring breaks • Supported the completion and startup of the new College Hall renovation project • Participated in the development of the College of Business project and assisted in the mechanical tie-ins of the chilled water lines, hot water lines, boilers, chillers, cooling towers, gas lines and domestic water lines • Performed annual preventative maintenance on various chillers across campus • Performed annual preventative maintenance on select cooling towers across campus • Performed annual inspection of boilers and pressure vessels to meet Mississippi state requirements • Attended training classes to stay current with today’s technological challenges • Participated in the design portion of the College of Nursing building • Completed phase one and started phase two of the energy reduction retrofit project


Electrical Services The Electrical Services Division is responsible for maintaining and repairing all internal and external electrical systems. Lights, wall outlets, switches, generators, fume hoods and other miscellaneous electrical equipment are all the responsibility of this department, as well as assuring that electrical requirements are met on all building projects and providing support during special events. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Replaced the tornado-damaged 250W metal halide fixtures on the front of campus, with 96W LED fixtures • Installed 70W LED wallpacks on the east wall of the J.B. George Building • Replaced the 175W wallpacks on the northwest chiller plant to 50W LED’s • Replaced the medium voltage cable between circuits 13 and nine • Rewired the press box in M.M. Roberts Stadium • Rewired portions of McLemore Hall for ROTC Air Force • Rewired portions of Southern Hall for Army ROTC • Replaced the failed terminations in the medium voltage switch inside the Physical Plant compound • Prepared M.M. Roberts Stadium for each home football game • Electrically prepared Reed Green Coliseum for basketball season • Replaced 8,898 fluorescent lamps • Replaced 661 fluorescent ballasts • Replaced and relocated the primary transformers for R.C. Cook Union and The Hub • Replaced the medium voltage switch feeding the transformers at Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall and George Hurst Building • Replaced the medium voltage switch feeding the transformer at R.C. Cook Union and The Hub • Replaced the primary transformers inside the McLemore Hall transformer vault • Replaced 18,000+ feet of primary cabling between the following locations: • Forrest County Hall and the Lucas Administration Building • M ississippi Hall to Hickman Hall • Hickman Hall to Hattiesburg Hall • C ollege Hall to Cook Library • C ook Library to the Power House Restaurant • C ollege Hall to Mannoni Performing Arts Center • Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall to McCain Library • J oseph Greene Hall to Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall • Speech and Hearing Building to DuBard School for Language Disorders • Demolished circuit six and replaced it with circuit 12 • Reviewed submittals on Century Park South • Reviewed submittals on the College of Business • Finalized College Hall • Installed electrical power to the trailers in “Twister Town” • Replaced both the bucket truck and the line truck


Grounds Division The Grounds Division is responsible for all lawn care, landscaping and grounds maintenance necessary to provide a beautiful, safe and enjoyable environment for all who attend, work at or visit the Southern Miss campus. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Overseeded entire front of campus using dwarf hybrid ryegrass for the winter • Renovated College Hall landscape using low-growing and low-maintenance shrubs • Supervised and provided design input for tornado remediation • Transplanted five mature live oak trees for the front of campus • Brought Centennial Green turf health to a level that will sustain heavy demands put on it • Renovated Payne Center's entire front landscape and installed rock garden and daylily display bed • Pruned more than 40 live oaks for clearance, light and safety • Harvested 60 cubic yards of pine straw from campus and old golf course to be used on campus • Planted 525 new roses throughout campus, which were donated after the tornado • Implemented a centralized, computer-based irrigation system that is state-of-the-art • Grew all the summer annuals in our own greenhouse at a savings of $5,400

Athletics Grounds The Athletics Grounds Division is responsible for the care and maintenance of all Athletics fields and grounds near and around Athletics facilities. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Applied cultural practices, chemical applications, fertilization and irrigation practices to all Athletics fields and facilities • Baseball field infield upgrade and drainage renovation • Softball field upgrade and drainage renovation • Prepared all Athletics fields for practice and games according to NCAA specs


Infrastructure and Transportation Services The Transportation Services Division, commonly referred to as Motor Pool, is responsible for decaling and numbering vehicles, oil changes, flat tire repair, fueling and all other necessary repairs to approximately 235 university cars, trucks and vans, and nearly 245 non-vehicles, including golf carts, mules, tractors, electric trucks, lawn mowers and other heavy equipment. Infrastructure Services is responsible for parking lot repairs, new sidewalk construction and excavation, storm drain repairs, and making sure various parts of the campus are handicap-accessible. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Cleanup after the February 10 tornado • Prepared Hillcrest parking lot for 17 “Twister Town” trailers • Added parking lot spaces to N. 35th Avenue • Reworked the playground at the Center for Child Development • Added handicap ramp at Cedarbrook Apartments and added sidewalk to connect Cedarbrook Apartments and Pinehaven Apartments • Replaced and reworked parking lot at International Center • Rebuilt drain and curb on N. 31st Avenue • Replaced tornado-damaged sidewalk on Hardy Street • Repaired and replaced Post Office entrance

Fire/Safety Division The primary function of the Safety Division is to ensure the safety of faculty, staff and students in all residence and academic buildings through installation, inspection and maintenance of safety equipment. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Inspected and maintained approximately 2,500 fire extinguishers • Inspected, maintained and conducted monthly, semi-annual and annual tests on all 14 fire and 80 fire sprinkler systems located on campus • Inspected, maintained and conducted semi-annual and annual tests of all 100 fire alarm systems on campus • Inspected and maintained approximately 40 security and duress systems on campus • Conducted fire/safety inspections in the following: • Residence halls, common areas – monthly • Room-to-room inspections during fall semester • Science buildings semi- annually • All other buildings annually • Conducted fire drills on campus for the following: • Center for Child Development once per month • Residence Halls each semester • Beedie Smith Clinic quarterly • Investigated all safety and ADA issues and concerns on campus • Ensured compliance with state and federal ADA regulations for all facilities • Ensured that all fire and life safety codes and regulations are followed and adhered to on campus • Supervised the installation of all fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems to ensure that they are installed according to state and federal regulations


• Monitored air quality, mold and other hazardous material on campus • Worked with the state fire marshall’s office to ensure that all buildings comply with state regulations • Conducted a variety of classes throughout the year, including the following: • Fire/safety classes for Residence Life hall directors and resident assistants • Fire/safety classes for fraternity houses • CPR and defensive driving classes • A variety of fire and safety classes for students and staff on campus

Stores Stores is responsible for ordering supplies and also serves as a warehouse to support the needs of the Physical Plant and various departments across campus. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Continued to build and improve Stores inventory to meet the needs of each trade • Continuously worked to provide the best price for all customers • Effectively met each customer’s need in a timely manner for all requested material • Finished FY13 with the best ending balance in several years

Office of Sustainability The Office of Sustainability strives to educate and encourage all faculty, staff and students to participate in sustainable practices that will reduce the carbon footprint of the Southern Miss campus. Some of this year’s accomplishments include the following: • Expanded the EcoEagle Bike Program to 58 bikes in fall 2012 • Provided special move-in recycling for freshman and upperclassman move-in days. This included areas of focus at Century Park North and the Quad. • Reported to the ACUPCC a required progress report on the Southern Miss Climate Action Plan • During our second year of game day recycling, the Office of Sustainability partnered with the Student Government Association to provide additional recycling outreach. At each game, the SGA students volunteered to implement halftime recycling sweeps. The Office of Sustainability coordinated the logistics of each games sweep that paired SGA students and sent them into the stands. • Expanded and remapped Office of Sustainability website • Assisted in the learning outcomes of students working on sustainability projects in four ENG 102 Honors and UNV 101 courses • Worked in collaboration with Recreational Sports and the Center for Community and Civic Engagement for Hunger and Homelessness Week • To raise funds for the Hunger and Homelessness initiative a 5k race was hosted called Miles for Meals. • During the RecycleMania 2013 national competition, Southern Miss recycled 108,180 pounds of materials in eight weeks. This is the equivalent of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 163 metric tons of CO2 equivalent, or taking 32 vehicles off the road. • Implemented a successful Earth Week celebration. Events included the following: Monday 4/22/13 • Meatless Monday Photo Challenge


• Mock Oil Spill • Southern Miss Farmers’ Market Tuesday 4/23/13 • Trashless Tuesday Photo Challenge • EcoEagle Lecture: Campus Recycling Wednesday 4/24/13 • Water Wednesday Photo Challenge • Bottled vs. Tap Water Tasting Station Thursday 4/25/13 • Transit Thursday Photo Challenge Friday 4/26/13 • Okatoma Clean Water Project • Conscious Living Information Station • Teens Turning Green Town Hall Meeting • Assisted the CCCE on the third annual Project Serve trip to Guelph, Ontario, where students learn and engage in the sustainability practices that are ongoing on campus and in the surrounding communities • Assisted and/or spoke at 14 programs for on-campus residents • Selected as one of several institutions to screen the documentary “TerraBlight” • Partnered with the SGA Big Event and led a campus cleanup. In addition, approximately 1,000 students were sent to Hattiesburg area homes to educate others on the city’s curbside recycling program. • The Sustainability Advocates at Southern Miss participated in several events, including the national Teens Turning Green competition. In addition, due to the work of this student organization, Southern Miss was selected to be one of the 17 institutions Project Green Challenge Road Tour. • Hosted a “State Employees Day at the Southern Miss Farmers’ Market” in partnership with WebMD and the Mississippi Department of Health • In partnership with University Libraries, a three-phase behavior modification study was conducted for Cook Library. This research included a pre- and post-survey comparison of historical and current energy usage data. This research has laid the groundwork to creating a Green Office Certification Program. • In collaboration with the behavior modification study, negotiated with iTech the powering down of all Cook Library public computing after closing hours each day • Accepted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) to present “Engaging Campus Constituents: Using Partnerships to Increase Behavior Modification Awareness and Action” at the 2013 national conference


Southern miss Energy Report FY12

Energy Management Report

The University of Southern Mississippi, under the leadership of President Rodney D. Bennett, continues to be committed to both the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) signed in 2008 to reduce campus greenhouse gases, and Senate Bill 2821 that was mandated by the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) to reduce energy usage 30% by the end of fiscal year 2015. To meet these challenges, the university established a new Energy Management Team (EMT) in 2010, which consists of the superintendent of HVAC, an energy management control specialist, an electrical engineer and an energy consultant. The EMT developed an Energy Management Program (EMP) that analyzes, reviews and recommends ways to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases. This team monitors energy usage daily and meets monthly to review energy issues. Also, a quarterly brainstorming session is held to review new technologies. The EMP focuses on utility services (electric, gas and water) for the campus community. On a daily basis, the energy management control specialist reviews chiller and heating plant readings for any alarm status or potential problems. Each morning, HVAC technicians, under the guidance of the superintendent of HVAC, tour all power plants for proper operation status and then log their findings. Monthly consumption readings are taken and compared against historical data for month-to-month and year-to-year continuous improvement. When problems are found, the EMT analyzes them for the quickest and best-case scenario solution. To keep the campus community informed, Dr. Christopher Crenshaw, assistant vice president for facilities management and planning, holds bi-annual meetings with building liaisons to review issues and discuss energy management progress.

Campus Energy Management Program Success The Southern Miss EMP has had great success the past four years in reducing both energy consumption and energy costs. Since fiscal year 2009, E&G gas has been reduced by 38.6%, electric reduced by 22.52%, and campuswide MMBTUs reduced by 29%, while campus square footage increased by 4.85%. These consumption reductions reduced E&G utility costs in fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2013 by $8,484,744, of which $6,024,168 was from consumption reductions, and $2,460,576 in price reductions, of which approximately 50% was realized from negotiating new gas rates. Below is a partial list of operational actions taken and projects implemented to achieve these savings, as well as year-to-year continuous improvement results:

Operational 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Adjusted downward the temperature of domestic hot water units and heat units at 78 campus locations Upgraded and reprogrammed the EMCS systems in 10 buildings Installed time clocks on air handlers in 18 buildings for night and weekend setbacks Installed programmable thermostats in 12 buildings Repaired water leaks in 10 cooling towers and 17 water meters Reprogrammed boilers and lowered hot water temperature in Polymer Science Building, resulting in a 53.1% drop in MCF usage Evaluated the needs of Reed Green Coliseum, reprogramming seven ceiling air-handling units “off,� resulting in a 38.4% drop in electrical KWH usage

Projects 1. 2.


Verve units installed in Cook Library addition, resulting in a 29.3% drop in KWH usage Installed VFD drives and replaced steam boilers with clear fire condensate boilers in Bobby Chain Technology Center, resulting in a 74.8% reduction in gas and 19.4% in electric


4. 5.

Upgrades of power plant and installation of building automated controls (BAC). Items included in upgrade are valves, VFDs, heat plate exchanger and set points for both hot and cold water. Last quarter of fiscal year 2013 showed reduction in both gas and electric. College Hall renovation completed and 100% LED lights installed in fiscal year 2013 Security lighting upgrade: replaced 250-watt bulbs with 99-watt LED bulbs

Continuous Improvement Year-to-Year 1. FY09 to FY10: gas reduced 14.4%, electric reduced 8.2%, water increased 31.1% 2. FY10 to FY11: gas reduced 13.4%, electric reduced 2.9%, water reduced 33.8% 3. FY11 to FY12: gas reduced 15.1%, electric reduced 10.3%, water reduced 38.7% 4. FY12 to FY13: gas reduced 2.5%, electric reduced 2.8%, water reduced 18.29% Note: Spring of fiscal year 2013 was colder than normal and resulted in higher gas usage.

Campus Energy Management Program Challenges Fully implementing and controlling the new BACs and adjustments to daily operations of the upgraded power plants This process will take a few months to learn the new technology and train HVAC personnel accordingly. (1) Operations and consumption control at McCarty Chiller Plant with addition of Scianna Hall/College of Business building under construction - We will be able to address this issue once the upgrades are completed and new chiller and condensate boilers are placed in service and BAC software fine-tuned. (2) Continuous year-to-year improvement with changes in HVAC technicians and new construction projects on campus (Scianna Hall/College of Business, Century Park South and a new power plant at Bond Hall) Energy Savings Account (ESA) As evidenced above, the Southern Miss EMP has been very successful in reducing E&G utilities over the past four years. The Physical Plant department’s ESA account was credited $60,000 for savings in fiscal year 2013 and currently has a balance of more than $400,000 for use in fiscal year 2014.


Tornado Recovery and Restoration On Sunday, Feb. 10, Physical Plant director, Dr. Chris Crenshaw, received a call from the contractor tasked with pressure washing the exterior of Marsh Hall, stating the wind had become too strong to safely continue working. Within an hour, the crane used to hoist the pressure washing equipment, as well as the newly cleaned building, would both take a direct hit from an EF-4 tornado that would forever change the front porch of the Hattiesburg campus. Shortly after impact, several key Physical Plant team members were on campus conducting preliminary assessment of every building. After meeting with the University Police Department, the campus was divided into zones. Moving from east to west, every inch of campus was inspected and secured, and major streets were cleared of debris so that emergency vehicles could enter. The path the tornado took was easily detectible as major damage could be seen along Hardy Street at Elam Arms, Shafer Crisis Center, Leech House, the Jazz Station, Marsh Hall and Mannoni Performing Arts Center. It then damaged the Centennial Gateway and all of the landscape between East Memorial Drive and the Ogletree Alumni House, the last facility impacted as the tornado left the campus and continued to wreak havoc on other Hattiesburg neighborhoods. With winds of more than 170 miles per hour, buildings and facilities across campus received varying degrees of damage. Prior to the tornado, the Physical Plant was already above capacity on the number of projects ever managed at one time. Within a matter of minutes, the following buildings were also damaged and added to that list of projects currently in progress: • Arthell Kelley Hall • Center for Community and Civic Engagement • College Hall • Community Health Sciences • Elam Arms • Fence and Landscape Project • George Hurst Building • Honor House • Human Performance and Recreation Building • Information Center • Jazz Station • Joseph Greene Hall • Kennard-Washington Hall

• Leech House • M.M. Roberts Stadium/Carlisle-Faulkner Field • M.M. Roberts Stadium Scoreboard • Mannoni Performing Arts Center • Marsh Hall • McCain Library • McLemore Hall • Ogletree Alumni House • Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention • Softball Facility • Southern Hall • Trent Lott National Center • Yelverton House

The campus landscape was also greatly impacted. With more than 75 trees lost and damage to the All-American Rose Garden, branches and debris covered almost every inch of the campus. The tornado struck on Sunday, Feb. 10; however, the university re-opened to all faculty, staff and students on Thursday, Feb. 14, thanks to the non-stop efforts of Physical Plant carpenters, electricians, plumbers, custodians, grounds crewman and other staff. This effort was also made possible by the assistance received from the Mississippi State landscape team, contractors already on campus who stopped working to help with debris removal, and the scores of student-led volunteers that picked up nearly 1,450 bags of debris.


With campus open, the restoration process began with the priority of repairing areas that impacted student instruction time. Seventeen trailers were brought in to replace the classrooms and office spaces lost by the damage to Marsh Hall and the Mannoni Performing Arts Center, and thus “Twister Town� was born. Although the damage to the auditoriums was extensive, temporary repairs to the fine arts buildings were complete in a little over a month, and the buildings were re-opened to faculty, staff and students. Teams were set up to assess each building impacted by the tornado. Newly appointed president, Rodney D. Bennett, assembled a university insurance team and charged them with the task of negotiating a settlement for the millions of dollars in damage received during the tornado. With negotiations nearly complete, work began on impacted buildings. Thanks to the generosity of outstanding alumni, faculty, staff and students, implementation of the landscape restoration and enhancement plan began immediately after the tornado. Although many of the mature trees cannot be replaced, five 25-year-old live oaks, each with a canopy spread of 40 feet, were planted along the south edge of campus. The restoration plan, created and reviewed by the Southern Miss Tree Management Task Force, was posted online for public review and feedback. Upon approval by the Design Review Committee and the Campus Facilities Master Planning Committee, the five-stage plan is now well underway with the gateway and rose garden phases substantially complete. If the current pace of progress continues as is, the majority of the repairs and restoration to facilities and the landscape will be complete 18 to 24 months from the date of the tornado.


in the news

In the News

Southern Miss Holds Official Groundbreaking for New Residence Halls BY VAN ARNOLD

The University of Southern Mississippi officially broke ground on September 17 on a monumental student housing project that will transform the venerable Hattiesburg campus. Century Park South will bring state-of-the art residence halls to Southern Miss, providing 954 beds for freshmen and other scholarship students. The $55.6 million project will feature three buildings, with five floors in each structure. “The groundbreaking for Century Park South on the Southern Miss campus further illustrates this university’s commitment to providing the best living/learning environment possible for our students,” said President Rodney D. Bennett.“ This magnificent residential complex will serve as a symbol of the progress and excellence that defines Southern Miss. We are grateful to all of the stakeholders who made this dream a reality.” Buildings B and C of the project have an estimated completion date of July 2014 with 511 beds available for the fall semester. Building B will be designated as Luckyday Citizenship Hall, pending approval by the IHL Board. It will house Luckyday Scholarship students and Luckyday offices. The Luckyday Foundation made a $4 million gift commitment toward construction of the Century Park South complex in November 2011. Building A, which will also include the new Moffitt Health Center, is scheduled for completion in January 2015. The remaining beds would be move-in ready for the spring semester of that year. “One of my goals at Southern Miss is to create an educational experience for students that will support their progression toward graduation,” said Bennett. “A state-of-the-art student housing complex like Century Park South will certainly enhance those efforts.” The new construction follows the grand opening of Century Park in August 2010. Located just across W. Fourth Street on the northern side of campus, Century Park includes four buildings with four floors and 864 beds. To make room for Century Park South, two aging residence halls – Vann Hall and Scott Hall – were demolished. The east end of Bond Hall, which housed staff offices primarily, was also included in the demolition plan. The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. of Tupelo, Miss., is serving as the lead architect on the project with assistance from Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, Architectural Planning Company of Norfolk, Va. Harrell Contracting Group, LLC, of Jackson, Miss., has been chosen as the contractor, pending approval by the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning.


Some modern conveniences available to students as part of Century Park South include the following: 1. Double occupancy with private baths in the majority of rooms 2. Larger social areas, lounges and meeting spaces for a home-like ambience 3. Mini-kitchens with ovens and microwaves provided in some lounge areas 4. Personal temperature control with thermostat in each residential room 5. Study/quiet room separate from lounges 6. Full laundromats in multiple locations 7. Energy management systems with sensors that monitor temperature and humidity in different zones 8. Oxygen level monitors to ensure fresh air circulation “The addition of Century Park South will be transformational for our Hattiesburg campus. Not only will we now have a critical mass of contemporary, luxury housing for students, but also the north central part of campus will become a beautiful showcase area,” said Dr. Joe Paul, vice president for Student Affairs. "This will complete the second phase of our master plan for campus housing and will serve us well as we grow for many years to come.”

Southern Miss Plants Five Mature Oak Trees on Hattiesburg Campus BY VAN ARNOLD

Three months after an EF-4 tornado tore through the front part of campus The University of Southern Mississippi has taken a huge step in restoring the damaged landscape. On Tuesday, May 7, five mature oak trees were planted to kick off the first phase of a Campus Beautification Plan. The live oaks, measuring 40-feet high by 40-feet wide, were supplied by Florida-based grower, The Magnolia Company. These trees are root-pruned and grown specifically for transplantation. Each one is between 25-30 years old. The tornado that struck the Hattiesburg area on Feb. 10 destroyed approximately 75 trees on the Southern Miss campus. Among the trees destroyed were four legacy oaks estimated to be at least 90 years old. “After we realized how much damage had been done to the landscape, we immediately began formulating a plan to restore the beauty that everybody associated with this campus,” said Loren Erickson, superintendent of landscape at Southern Miss. “Replacing the giant oaks that were lost with these new trees is a great start to what we believe will be an even better ‘front porch’ for students, faculty, staff and visitors.” Last month, the University launched a $3 million Campus Beautification Plan aimed at restoring the campus’ “front porch.” Thus far the campaign has raised $170,000, which includes a $100,000 contribution from the Southern Miss Alumni Association. Additionally, May 8 has been set aside as a "Day of Giving" for those who wish to make contributions toward restoration of the campus landscape. Workers with The Magnolia Company prepare a live oak tree for planting on the Southern Miss campus. (Photo by Kelly Dunn)


Six Months Later, Southern Miss Marks Progress in Recovery from Tornado BY DAVID TISDALE

University of Southern Mississippi officials are pleased with the progress of restoration efforts on the Hattiesburg campus following damage from a tornado that struck the campus Feb. 10. The storm roared through the Pine Belt Feb. 10 and struck the south side and main entrance of the university. Approximately 75 trees were destroyed, and the front of the historic Ogletree House was severely damaged, along with some of the university’s fine arts facilities. But with help from generous alumni and supporters of the university, tangible signs of recovery are already in place. Donations have supported the planting of new trees, new landscaping is in place, and repairs to buildings and facilities that incurred damage are ongoing.


“Thanks in large part to the hard work of faculty, staff and students, as well as the overwhelming support of the Southern Miss family and elected officials, we are making significant progress in our recovery,” said Southern Miss President Rodney Bennett. “I am reminded once again of how grateful I am that no lives were lost and no injuries were incurred on campus. We have an outstanding landscaping plan in place, which we are watching unfold, and we are also on track to make the repairs necessary to those structures and facilities that incurred damage.” Highlights of the recovery effort include the following: • More than $1.74 million has been raised through the USM Foundation for campus beautification and general tornado relief. • Work on restoring the historic Ogletree House, home of the Alumni Association, will also begin soon. A contractor has been selected, and we anticipate repairs will take approximately a year once the contractor receives notice to proceed. • The artificial playing surface at M.M. Roberts Stadium has been replaced, and the work on the scoreboard is expected to be complete for the football season-opener on Aug. 31. • Tornado repairs at George Hurst Building, Marsh Hall and Mannoni Performing Arts Center (PAC) are nearly complete, and additional enhancements involving all three will be bid this fall. • Repairs and renovations to Marsh Hall will include transformation of what was the Art Museum into a student performance area. Other improvements will include an opera/choral rehearsal hall, a jazz rehearsal space, symphony office spaces, self-contained practice rooms and a state-of-the-art distance-learning lab. • Once all repairs are complete, all of the Department of Art and Design, including a student gallery, will be housed in the George Hurst Building. Renovations to George Hurst will allow the department to replace graphic design studios, and add a senior graphic design workroom and faculty office spaces. Marsh Hall and PAC will be dedicated to the School of Music. • The Rose Garden Phase of the Landscape Restoration Plan is underway with the installation of hardscape items, including sidewalks and a brick-seating wall. We also look forward to the dedication of the magnificent bronze eagle sculpture donated by alumnus Chuck Scianna in the fall. An evaluation of Lake Byron has taken place, and other steps are being taken to prepare for expansion, which will increase storm water retention. • Southern Miss Alumni Association offices were temporarily relocated from the Ogletree House to The Accelerator in Southern Miss’ innovation and commercialization park, known as The Garden. • Much of the original brick that collapsed in the damage to the Ogletree House will be used in the restoration, said Jerry DeFatta, executive director of the Alumni Association. • One of the five original structures on campus, the building was the president’s home when the school opened as Mississippi Normal College in 1912. The university’s alumni offices moved into the facility in the mid1970s after a new residence was built off campus for the president. • “The Ogletree House is the on-campus home for more than 100,000 alumni,” DeFatta said. “We’re anxious for it to be rehabilitated, not just for the staff of the Association but for the members of the Southern Miss family who frequent the building when returning to campus.”


Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

Each year the Physical Plant strives to improve the level of service and quality of work provided to the campus community. The results of our bi-annual customer satisfaction survey are analyzed and used to make changes that positively impact our customers.

Spring 2013 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results How often do you use the Physical Plant work order system? At least once a week Once a month Once a semester Once a year N/A

Response Percent 22.7% 20.5% 26.1% 4.5% 26.1%

Response Count 20 18 23 4 23

Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the procedures for obtaining services from the Physical Plant: Ease of use of online work order system Effectiveness of communication Courtesty and professionalism of work control staff

Very Satisfied 25.5% (12)

Satisfied 27.7% (13)

Neutral 19.1% (9)

Dissatisfied 0.0% (0)

Very Dissatisfied 2.1% (1)

N/A 25.5% (12)

8.5% (4) 52.1% (37)

44.7% (21) 16.9% (12)

19.1% (9) 11.3% (8)

10.6% (5) 9.9% (7)

4.3% (5) 0.0%(0)

12.8% (6) 9.9% (7)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with communication of outages, projects and construction happening on campus: Very Satisfied 33.7% (28)

Satisfied 39.8% (33)

Neutral Dissatisfied 14.5% (12) 4.8% (4)

Very Dissatisfied 3.6% (3)

N/A 3.6% (3)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with Custodial Services as it relates to YOUR building: Cleanliness of restrooms Cleanliness of classrooms, offices and hallways

Very Satisfied 35.6% (31) 28.4% (25)

Satisfied 29.9% (26) 31.8% (28)

Dissatisfied Neutral 10.3% (9) 13.8% (12) 12.5% (11) 14.8% (13)

Very Dissatisfied 4.6% (4) 5.7% (5)

N/A 5.7% (5) 6.8% (6)

Very Dissatisfied 8.9% (5) 3.6% (2)

N/A 1.8% (1) 7.1% (4)

Very Dissatisfied 1.1% (1) 1.1% (1)

N/A 4.5% (4) 17.2% (15)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with HVAC services as it relates to YOUR building: Temperature control in your building Responsiveness to work requests

Very Satisfied 12.5% (7) 41.1% (23)

Satisfied 37.5% (21) 37.5% (21)

Neutral 16.1% (9) 5.4% (3)

Dissatisfied 23.2% (13) 5.4% (3)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with Electrical Services as it relates to YOUR building: Sufficient lighting and electrical outlets Responsiveness to work requests


Very Satisfied 39.8% (35) 43.7% (38)

Satisfied 37.5% (33) 26.4% (23)

Dissatisfied Neutral 10.2% (9) 6.8% (6) 11.5% (10) 0.0% (0)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with Building Maintenance as it relates to YOUR building: Very Satisfied Repairs to doors, hardware and furnishings; 47.1% (41) renovations/alterations 49.4% (43) Responsiveness to work requests

Satisfied 24.1% (21)

Neutral 10.3% (9)

Dissatisfied 5.7% (5)

Very Dissatisfied 0.0% (0)

N/A 12.6 (11)

23.0% (20)

10.3% (9)

0.0% (0)

1.1% (1)

16.1% (14)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with Environmental/Moving Services: Moving office equipment/furniture and event setup Trash pick up from outside containers Responsiveness to work requests

Very Satisfied 38.6% (34)

Satisfied 26.1% (23)

Neutral 8.0% (7)

Dissatisfied 1.1% (1)

Very Dissatisfied 0.0% (0)

N/A 26.1% (23)

28.4% (25) 40.2% (35)

43.2% (38) 27.6% (24)

9.1% (8) 8.0% (7)

6.8% (6) 2.3% (2)

1.1% (1) 0.0% (0)

11.4% (10) 21.8% (19)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the Landscape/Grounds Services: Landscape and grounds around YOUR building Landscape and grounds of the Hattiesburg campus Responsiveness to work requests

Very Satisfied 34.8% (31)

Satisfied 27.0% (24)

Neutral 9.0% (8)

Dissatisfied 10.1% (9)

Very Dissatisfied 15.7% (14)

N/A 3.4% (3)

39.8% (35)

38.6% (34)

5.7% (5)

10.2% (9)

4.5% (4)

1.1% (1)

29.1% (25)

16.3% (14)

11.6% (10) 3.5% (3)

2.3% (2)

37.2% (32)

Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with the following services: Transportation Services/Motor Pool (vehicle maintenance, repair, fuel) Paint Shop (walls in offices, classrooms and public spaces) Locksmith (non-residential key services) Recycling/Sustainability (pick up of recycled material)

Very Satisfied 19.3% (17)

Satisfied 23.9% (21)

Neutral 6.8% (6)

Dissatisfied 2.3% (2)

Very Dissatisfied 0.0% (0)

N/A 47.7% (42)

25.0% (22)

30.7% (27)

6.8% (6)

4.5% (4)

1.1% (1)

31.8% (28)

34.5% (30) 29.4% (25)

27.6% (24) 41.2% (35)

6.9% (6) 0.0% (0) 16.5% (14) 4.7% (4)

1.1% (1) 0.0% (0)

29.9% (26) 8.2% (7)

Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the overall quality of work performed by Physical Plant: Very Satisfied 41.4% (36)

Satisfied 41.4 %(36)

Neutral 6.9% (6)

Dissatisfied 6.9% (6)

Very Dissatisfied 1.1% (1)

N/A 2.3% (2)

Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the courtesy and professionalism of Physical Plant staff: Very Satisfied 54.5% (48)

Satisfied 26.1% (23)

Neutral 5.7% (5)

Dissatisfied 5.7% (5)

Very Dissatisfied 0.0% (0)

N/A 8.0% (7)

Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the response time for Physical Plant work requests: Very Satisfied 41.4% (36)

Satisfied 36.8% (32)

Neutral Dissatisfied 11.5% (10) 3.4% (3)

Very Dissatisfied 1.1% (1)

N/A 5.7% (5)

23 23

Recognizing the Team

With more than 180 team members, each doing their best to positively impact our customers, it is often difficult to recognize the extraordinary service provided each day. In January 2013 the Physical Plant launched two programs with the intent of honoring and rewarding some of our team members for a job well done.

Employees of the Month January 2013 – Mike Byrd, HVAC February 2013 – Jerry Wren, Environmental Services March 2013 – Birdie Holloway, Custodial Services

April 2013 – Kim Brown, Accounts Payable May 2013– Jeanette Craig, Custodial Services June 2013 – Tetyana Suprun, Custodial Services

Year-End Awards The Year-End Awards are based on the Physical Plant core values and will be awarded at the end of each fiscal year.

FY 2012-13 Award Winners Service Award Kim McBride, Refuse Crewman Responsibility Award Ratonia Shaw, Manager of Work Control Respect Award Sarah Nowell, Work Control Specialist Integrity Award John Jones, Carpenter TeamWork Award Jimmy Draughn, Concrete Finisher Foreman Geary Burton, Refuse Crewman

24 24

Stewardship Award Loren Erickson, Superintendent of Campus Landscape Random Act of Kindness Award Patricia McFarland, Custodial Foreman Mary Griffin, Custodial Supervisor Student Employee of the YeaR Brandon Hardin, Office of Sustainability Employee of the Year Kim Brown, Accounts Payable Clerk Campus Star Award Roddy Cooley, Electrician

Opportunities/Challenges and Goals Challenges and Hurdles

While our Physical Plant accomplishments are varied and far-reaching, we continue to have many challenges as we work toward our goals for the coming years, some of which include the following: • Lack of financial resources • Lack of human capital – Down more than 60 employees compared to peer institutions • Lack of legislative funding • Spending an average of $92 per acre on landscape compared to $250 per acre by peer institutions and $500 per acre nationally • Aging building inventory – 69% of buildings are 25 years or older • Escalating deferred maintenance costs • Lack of Physical Plant office space • Increase in litter and trash and decrease in personal responsibility • Staying up to date with changing technology and equipment • Impacting parking and building access during multiple construction projects

Goals and Opportunities In spite of the challenges, we will continue to serve with excellence and strive to meet the needs of all faculty, staff and students. We look forward to achieving the following goals as we abide by our mission of constructing, enhancing and maintaining the physical environment of The University of Southern Mississippi. • Educating faculty, staff and students on litter control and sustainability efforts • Updating of the university master plan • Implementation of a bike and pedestrian plan • Construction of a new College of Nursing building • Renovation of Southern Hall • Completion of Scianna Hall/College of Business • Completion of Century Park South • Completion of Fine Arts Complex repairs and renovations • Completion of all tornado-related repairs and renovations • Enhancement of campus landscape to compete for the top 10 most beautiful campuses • Continued improvement of energy savings and sustainability efforts • Continued effort and improvement on customer response and quality workmanship • Improve operations with the understanding that what we do impacts student recruitment and retention

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The Physical Plant would like to thank our campus community for their continued support, patience and understanding as we continue to enhance the experience each of you has on our campus, build facilities that will support future research, and serve the needs of all

who call Southern Miss home.


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