Gymnast Magazine - May 1975

Page 61






Exercise 5: Step to th e left and lift ar m s to the side; th en be nd forward dropping the arm s down and cross in g them in front of legs -Count 1 - Swing arms to the side and stand u p in strad dl e stand (c hest sli g htlY in front of hips) Co unt 2 - Drops arms and chest aga in as in cou nt 1 - Co unt 3 - Lift up to st radd le stand aga in - Cou nt 4 - Drop arms down to yo ursi de and th e n li ft forward to a ve rti ca l position Co unt 5 - Bend at wa ist and touch hand s to the floo r (k eep sho ul der ang le at 180째) - Co unt 6Sta nd up st raig ht and th en to uc h hand s to floor again - Cou nt 7 - Close left leg and lower arms to yo ur side - Count 8 Repeat 1-8 stepp ing to th e right. H ere, fro m 5 to 5.1 , th e swee ping motion o f th e ar m s is to be fluid . Stiff arm s w ill preven t flowing forward bendin g, and wi ll make th e movements awkward. Note the so m ew hat stiff position 5.2, for if the head and ar m s do no t sto p fi rm ly, but go o n to an arch, th e movements become over soft and effemin ate. Pa y particular att e nti o n to keep ing the straight shou lde r ang le in 5.6 and 5.7.



Exe rcise 6: Arch in th e chest and swi ng arm s bac kward and up in a circular m o ti o n ; th e n sw ing arms forward and down w hil e squa ttin g Countl - Swing arm s forward to h o ri zo ntal and straighten legs - Co unt 2 - Swing arm s down , back and up in a circul ar m ot io n again archin g in th e back an d chest as the arm s swi n g upward - Count 3 - Lowe r arm s forward and down to. yo ur sid e - Co unt 4 - Swing both arm s to th e ri ght (hori zo ntal) and step to th e left ; th e n rotate uppe r body to the le ft - Counts 5, 6 Cont i nu e ro tating b ody and stop when hand s reach th e right leg; arms at si de - Co unt 7 Close left - Cou nt 8 Repea t 1-8 stepping to th e ri g ht and closing to th e r ight. First i n teaching we co un t ami ex tra count, ca lling "bodywave - 1-2 etc." to get the group to start th e backward circ le at the same tim e. We show it as count O. Again in this motion, disciplined motion wi th firm arm s is essen ti al. And noti ce the co unte r-m ove m ent s of th e arms o n 6.4 - this pla ces th e a rm s in position for a very wide swee p aro und . Finally not ice that in 6.7 th e hips ha ve turn ed to right - th e toe tou ch is largelY a fo rward bend and not a side be nd.

NHSGCA All-American Gymnast Award The Na li onal Hi gh Sc hool Gymnastic Coaches Assoc iati on wou ld lik e to honor All -American Gymnasts for the 1974-1975 school year. A. The Qualify in g Standards are: Lon g Hors e 8.80 Floor Exe rcise 8.60 Pomm el Horse 8.45 Hor izonta l Bar 8.45 Parall el Bars 8.40 Stil l Rings 8.45 Trampoline 8.60 All-Around 47 .00 or a 7.80 average for alilhe eve nl s ""lI ested in th e All- Around. B. M et hod o} Qualify in g: To qualify, a gym nast for thi s award, a coach must submit an average sco re, based on th e five (5) best scores for an optional rout in e. 1. Th e coach mu st be a current member of the NHSGCA. 2. At leas t two of th e sco res must be from a tourn am ent of at least live or more tea m s.








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NOTE: Th is is pa r t one of t he exe rcises, part two w ill be conti n ued next m o n th.




3. An ave rage scorp mu st be used. (A t leas t two judges). 4 . Sco re sheets, or photosta ts of th e sco re sheets with the signature of a jud ge and athlet i. dir ec lor must be submitted with the ave rage sco re. 5. Na tional Federa ti o n Ru les and Interpretati ons w ill be the ba sis for rou tin e sco res. Incl ude with th e Nomin at ion: 1. A picture of the Gymnast-Action shot if possib le. 2. Age of Gymn ast. 3. Grade of Gymnast. 4. Events worked by th e gymn ast. 5. Winn ing routine(s) of the Gymnast. 6. Future goa ls of th e Gym na st. Dead line for nomindt\on s for 1975 is Jun e 1. 1975. Se nd to: Ron Jackson Au rora Centra l High School 1050 Newa rd Street Aurora, Colorado, 80011

WANTED: STATE HIG H SC H OO L C H AMP I ONS HI PS RESU LTS, Men's and Women's for o u r an nual GYM N AST High School Report Don' t Delay, il yo u have th e result s, don 't depend on so m eo n e e lse, we wou ld rath er have tV\IO reports than non e. II Yo u have acce ss to yo ur men 's and l o r wo rn e ll 's Hi g h Sch oo l State m ee ts, se nd us your repo rt by June 1, 1975,. Be sure to get your State Meet re p o rted in this years H igh Sch ool Edition. Mail Repo rts to : G YMNAST H .S. Box 110 Santa Mon ica, Ca. 90406 61

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