Modern Gymnast - January 1970

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a n Dic k Swetma n to captain seaso ne d Lions Tom C lark , Casey Sanders, Tommy Dunn , Le n Bunes a nd Jimmy Co rri ga n wi ll provide th e one-two punch. Never wit hou t so me rabbit s in hi s ha t. Wettstone will pull out s pa rkling sophs Marshal Avener, Bob Koenig, G le n Williams a nd Bill Mitchell to make a ll contenders cringe. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Coach Paul Romeo Stout-hearted Coac h Rom eo has bee n pl agued by the uni ve rsit y di sease called" Athletic Dee mph asis ." Though he is still wo rking hard to keep the leve l of gy mn ast ics at hi gh ca libre, Sy racu se will suffer at th e ha nd s of bureaucratic policymakers. George Statler (R) and T ony DeS tefa nn o (S H ) are the tea m's best indi vidua ls, but it is go ing to be a storm y seaso n for the Orangemen. TE:MPL E UNIVERSITY Coach Bill Coco Coac h Bill Coco has rapidly es tab li shed himself as one of gy mn as ti cs' foremost me nto rs since ta king th e head pos ition for T e mple after the untime ly demi se of former Coach Patterson. The Owls we re a powerhou se of ta lent last seaso n, turning in a nin e-and-one record. No doubt , the tea m will feel the losses of Turoff, Geist and Weiner (red shirting thi s seaso n), but with the exemplary talents of Pete Difurio, Ronni e C lemmer, J an Kit ze n (R) and host of ne w faces , Temple will be a serious contend er for the Eastern C rown. ':T ea ms li sted in alph abeti ca l order.

RegiOn Three

Region 3 - AUloama, Wash . D. C, Flo rida, Georgia. Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ten路 nessee, South Carolina.

REGION THREE C OMPILED BY LYN BRYSON WRITTEN BY JERRY WRIGHT (Teams listed alphabetically) AUBURN UNIVERSITY GYMNASTI CS C LUB Gymnastics is flounderin g thi s year at Auburn. With th e res ignat ion of Coac h Ed Bengston the responsibilit y of running the club has fallen on team captain Warren Bacon. The sc hool has not yet sec ured a new coach for the group . The team members have ex pressed a strong desire to continu e competition even under this handicap. We need support from coaches across the South and the nation who will take the time to write the head of the Ph ys ical Education Dept. at Auburn , Alabama, urging the depa rtment to get a qu alified coac h soun. A reductiun in the budget a lso eliminated financial support for th e club. T ea m members are Warre n Baco n, AA : Tom Barrington , SR ; C harles Stuart , SH ; Larry Smith , FX , PB , LH ; Bruce Ha rri so n, FX , PB. S R, HB ; Tom Martin, Dick C he noweth a nd C ha rles Thompso n. DAVID LIPS COMB CO LL EGE 1968 sixth-pl ace N A I A all-around ma n Dave Fennessey should be a threat for first place on

parallel bars thi s year a nd will be competing to reta in hi s 1968 a ll-America n ranking in th e side ho rse eve nt. Jac k Willard. another all-around ma n, should score very well thi s yea r. H is strong eve nt s are high bar, PB , S H a nd S R. FX: J ack Leonard , Bohringer, Fennessey, Willa rd SH: Willa rd . Ron Ya ncey, Fennessey , Leonard S R: Will a rd , Fennessey , Jerry Guiffre, Jay Mike LH: Fen nessey, Leonard , Will ard , Mike PB: Fennessey , Will ard , Guiffre , Leonard HB: Fennessey , Bohringer, Will ard , Leonard OLD DOMINION COL L EGE (NOIfolk , Va.) Mark Grammer should do well in the all -aro und in th e S IG L meet. Pat Dave nport has the experience a nd now th e style to become the best SH man in the So uth. And Ray Shackelford should do very well on the H B thi s year. AA: Mark Grammer, Kurt Ebersole , Shackelford , Allen Black mon , Ralph Evans FX: AA plu s Jim Reynolds , Ricky Eddl e man , Jim Ambrose S H : AA plus Gene McNiff, John Jones, Don Rees S R: AA plu s Pat Davenport , McNiff, Ha nk Foiles , Ri c ha rd Joy , Bob Ty lor, Ambrose LH: AA plu s Rey nold s PB: AA plus Dave nport , Foiles , Mike Dea n, Craig Landa HB: AA plus Foiles , Tylor, Dea n,Jones, Landa FLORID A STATE UNIVERSITY (T allah assee) " We look for a good ye ar from our best allaround competitor, Don Hervig. Don wo n the SIGL long horse eve nt last year, and we expect him to be quit e strong in that event as we ll as in FX and PB ." U nfortunat ely, other than a few good indi vidu a ls the tea m lacks depth . AA : Don Hervig, Terry Morris , Ed Jonas , Karl Bishop , Bob Whit e, Steve T arver, Doug Lemond , Paul Goren Other team me mbers are Steve Mu sielak , LH , SR , FX: Hri an Metalits , SH , LH ; Steve Kaufman , FX ; Lee Beal, FX , a nd Bill Pete rse n, SH. GEORGETOWN CO LL EGE New coach Frank Powell reports the team is mo st ly beginne rs, but that the y are looking fo rward to building into a respectable team. With a young tea m, of course , a ny line up will be ve ry tentative a nd dependent upon who work s ha路rdes t. Ca ndidates a re : AA: Shannon C hasteen , Bob Kohl F X: AA plu s Benny Blustein , John Co hn , Mike Patterso n, J eff Kaufman S H: AA plus John Co hn , Patterso n S R: AA plu s Steve Collins, Kaufm an, C urti s Wilhoite , Cu rl Morgan LH : AA plus Patt erso n, Tom Stephens PB : AA plus Patte rso n, D ale Gunn H B: AA plu s ~??~ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Coach Lee Cu nningha m appears to have a fairl y good tea m shaping up for him. Lee re ports on the follo wing: Holliday: H B: hec ht vault , eagles , hecht with full di smount , etc. Wi se hart: H B: inverted s, hecht vault , double fl y-away. Murphree: SH & FX: Potential SIGL champion both eve nt s - exce ll ent tumbl er. J ano ws ki: SR: C lo se to a straight arm outine with a good line of sk ills. AA : Holliday, Presley , El sner, Murphree FX: AA plus Wi seha rt , C unningha m, Dimling. Hayes , Wa lker SH: AA plus Bradle y, Hayes, McEver SR: AA plus Pete rs, Janowsk i, Boyer LH: AA plus Prosser, Cu nningham PB: AA plus Pete rs , Wisehart, Hayes, Walker H B: AA plus Peters, Wi seha rt LO U IS IANA STATE UNIVERSITY IN NEW ORLEAN S

Coach Lo yd Huva l indicates that thi s squad has some stro ng individual performers especially: Rol and Lopez: Exceptional FX a nd double saltos in vaul ting ; 100.00 pote nti al in AA. Scott Rodosta: National caliber on rings with good swing a nd strength. AA: Lopez, Bob Johns , Jay Biggs, John Barras FX: AA plus Rado sta, Frank Ma ier S H : AA plus Glenn Morri s, Ron Lind , Jim Mano, Ed Pavur SR: AA plus Jerry Ad rain , Radosta , Joe Emmel LH: AA plus Adrain, Lind , Maier PB: AA plus Adrain , Radosta , Lind , Emmel HB: AA plus Adrain , Lind , Emmel UN IVERSITY OF LOUI SV ILLE Big problem here is the lac k of a seasoned second AA performer a nd a ge neral lac k of team depth . Tea m score of 11 5 is anticipated. AA: Ted Morrison , C hris Miller, Ke vin Taylor, J. Kessler FX: AA plus Stan Bracata , Ken Kle ier SH: AA plus Dick Haynes , D an Miller, Kleier SR: AA plus Hay ne s, Kleier , Marc Riggs LH: AA pl us Riggs PB : AA plus Hay ne s, Dan Miller HB: AA plus Riggs MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Coac h Lyn Bryson report s the entire tea m is greatl y improved with good indi vidual performer s and team depth. Watch for Robert Mayers - excellent on SH - could go fa r. AA: Jeff Miller,Jim Clemons FX: AA plu s Gu y Freeman , Dav id Buel , Dick Geisinger, Don Rutherford , T erry Vaezey S H: AA plu s Dic k Ol szewsk i, Mayers S R: AA plus Geisinger, C huc k Duncan , Jerry Kni ght LH: AA plus Geisinger, Olszewski , Rutherford , Vaezey PB : AA plu s Buel , Geisinger, Mayers H B: AA plus Maye rs, Duncan, Jack Cribbs NORTH CA ROLIN A UNIVERSITY Coach Fred Sanders' report indica tes th at the c rew fro m C ha pel Hill could be tou gh thi s year with the following exa mple s: Fra nk J effreys: Smooth HB with excellent exten sion C ra ig Miller: Poss ible doubl e back in FX Bob J acobso n: Freshman from N.Y. in FX Steve Alexander: A real comer on PB - Stutz, kehre to hanqstand , etc. Fred feels th a t the e limin ati o n of the tra mpoline eve nt was a big mi sta ke. T ea m potentia l is aro und 130- 13 5 points. AA: John Bentl y, J ohn He sse r, C harle s Lantz, C rai g Mill er, Bill Reid , Bob Rosenstein FX: AA plu s Bob J acobson, Ken Ras berry SH: AA plus Bill Calhoon , Joe Grier SR: AA plus Davi d Gerber LH: AA plus Ste ve Alexander, Harry Snyder, Jacobson PB: AA plu s A lexander, Rasbe rry H B: AA plus J ames Fis her , J effreys NORTHEASTERN LO U ISI ANAST ATE (Monroe) Coac h Wayne Bo yles ton feels tha t N.E. will be fairly strong this yea r with so me good indi vidu a l performers. He is looking for meets also. AA : Ray Ca rna han, Albert LeCoff, C huck Minica, Bill Schmidt , Dav id Taggart , Glenn Venator, Ruben Villalobos, Manuel Hinojos Other team members in c lud e Jim Fonte not , FX , SR ; Steve Lund, HB ; Blake Vidrine, SR , SH , and Ronnie Martin , LH. NORTHWESTERN LOUISIANA STATE (Natchitoches) Coach Armando Vega has probab ly one of the stronges t co ll egiate tea ms in the country led


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