Modern Gymnast - October 1963

Page 26

Spec ial away from home or weekend exer cises fo r the ladies to KEEP FIT demonstrated by Margaret Ko rondi.


GYM By MARGARET KORONDI Olympic Gold Medal Winner

For yo u ladies who are away on week· end s and do not have time or space to do your regular exercises. You can and should do all the stretchin g and bending exe r· cises. The following are very good, es· peciall y for posture and th igh tonin g. 1. Startin g position as shown on picture -squat on ri ght ' Ieg, bend left kn ee, and by curvin g you r ba ck , try to lift it close to your nose. Hold it for 4 co unts, then strai ghten leg to the front. Hold it aga in for 4 co unts, then return to startin g posi· tion. Repeat it 10·15 times, then do th e same, with other leg. 2. Starting position - as shown - go down on your left knee and ex tend your ri ght .straight leg as fa r back a nd as hi gh as you can. Arch yo ur back at the sam e time. Hold it for 4 counts, then drop your ri ght leg and touch the fl oor with your toe. Repeat the movement 10· 15 tim es. Then d o th e sa me ...with yo ur other leg.

A FEW T IPS TO SPEED Y REDUC I NG Do not wash food down with liquid s. You will lose weight much fa ster if yo u do not ta ke any liquid (even water, black coffee, tea) wi th yo ur meal. Tak e liqui d after ea tin g for fast results ! Be ea rful with yo ur sa lt·shaker! I do not say cut _o ut salt from yo ur di et, but do use


sait' sparingly. Sail hold s eight times it s weight in the body. If you are overweigh t, to get back in th e shape you would like to be, yo u have to gil on a diet and at the sa me time you have to exercise. Send for the illustrated exercise cha rt th e "KEEP FIT LADIES DOZEN" and start your every day reg ul ar wo rk outright ri ght now. You will feel and look better soon! H O W ' S Y O UR FIGU RE. ?

you· need fast help, to r educe the size of selected areas of your fi gure ,



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exe rcise - Rilex-A-Sizor, the electrical pulsating device is the soluti on for your problem. Many actresses, models a nd athl et es are using it success full y . Send for ' your free illustra ted COpy of " Figure Improvement a nd F acial Ca r e". Rilex-A-Sizor : Rilex -A- Sizo r, Dept. 20 -6 04 980 N . L:a Cienega Blvd., L.A. 54, Cal.

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In our la st issue, we gave yo u some strengthening and simple exercises to pre· pare yourself to work on the uneven bars. Th ere are many simple, basic exercises yo u ha ve to master to be able to learn the more difficult and very difficult movements. We alrea dy said that an un· even ro utin e has to co nsist of a mount , and a lot of circles, kips, connecting swin g· in g movements dominate composi tion. The current trend is toward a compl etely mov· ing style with no stops an d hold positions. Th ere is no specifi ed time limit to the exercise, but it has to contain a minimum of 10 · 12 pa rts, 4 of difficulty and at least one of superior difficult parts. An id eal co mposition is to work from hi gh to low bar, and low bar to high ba r. For top diffi cult par ts onl y the regras pin g move· ments are considered. For beginners it is a good id ea not to try to put everything you know in one r out in e, as th e Jonger your exercise the mo re cha nce yo u have to make mi stakes! Do not include in yo ur ro utin e skills yo u have not mastered 100 pe rcent. Practice every pa rt se parately at fir st. W hen you can perform it wi th can· fidence conn ect 2 · 3 movement s and work on it for awhile. After thi s is mastered, then practice half of yo ur r outine the whole exercise. When ever you decide you are going to do yo ur whole r outine do it , no matter wha t ! - When you ca n perform yo ur whol e exercise without failurc 5 times out of 5 - you are ready to enter th e co mpetition. 1£ yo u can do a tri ck with confidence when you are doin g it se parately, but it is still not 100 percen t sure in your routin e - ri o not put this part in yu ur rou· tine if it is a serious com petiti on, but do it by all means at all other opportunities. SOME BAS IC U NEVEN BAR EXERCISES:

Most of th em can be practi ced on th e low horizon tal ba r also.

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